Code Name of the Module SC School Management Sy stems EL Empl oyee Legacy Dat a Module EM Empl oyee Inf ormation Sy stems AL Att end ance and Leave Module LG Login and Archit ect ure Module FM Fi nance Module PM Payroll Module ST St udent Module Code Role 2 Admin 3 Director 5 District 7 Branc h 11 Block 13 School 17 Employee 19 Operator 23 Cluster Code Par ameter NU Nume ric DC Decimal EM Email DT Date PH Phone AO Al phabet s only AN Al phabet s and Numer ic AD Address OT Others Code DB Dat a Ty pe bit bit str text str varchar str char i16 tinyint i32 smallint i32 int Module Description Role Description Input Type for Validations Data Conversion

Table Structure

Embed Size (px)

Citation preview

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Code Name of the Module

SC School Management Systems

EL Employee Legacy Data Module

EM Employee Information Systems

AL Attendance and Leave Module

LG Login and Architecture Module

FM Finance Module

PM Payroll Module

ST Student Module

Code Role

2 Admin3 Director

5 District

7 Branch

11 Block

13 School

17 Employee

19 Operator

23 Cluster

Code Parameter

NU Numeric

DC Decimal

EM Email

DT Date

PH Phone

AO Alphabets only

AN Alphabets and Numeric

AD Address

OT Others

Code DB Data Type

bit bit

str text

str varchar

str char

i16 tinyint

i32 smallint

i32 int

Module Description

Role Description

Input Type for Validations

Data Conversion

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i64 bigint

dec float

dec decimal

dec numeric

dtm smalldatetime

dtm datetime

byt imagei64 timestamp









Column Name

Row ID

Transaction Done By

Transaction Date

MAC Address

IP Address


Row Version

Default Column Details

Constraint Description

According to our assumption of prthe group of columns. Hence nami

any table have more unique key, t

unique key.

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It includes School Opening, Closing, Merging, Bifurcation, Gender

Conversion, Upgradation and Downgradation of Schools.

Legacy Data Entry, Fresh Appointment, Posting, Fresh Joinging

Transfer, Relieving, Joinging Due to Transfer, Promotion, Joinging onPromoted Post. Retirement/Resignation/Suspension/Termination

Includes Leave Crediting, Attendance Entry and Drill Down Report of


Loging, Security Handling based on Role.


Special Characters

No special characters

only dot(.)

only "-"

only ";","-",space

alphabets only, space

alphabets, numeric, space

alphabets , numeric, space, comma, hyphen

all characters except some charaters causes cross scripting

App Data Type








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Primary Key, Null not Allowed

Foreign Key, Null Not Allowed

Foreign Key, Null Allowed

Unique Key, Null Not Allowed

Unique Key, Null Allowed

No Constraint, Null Not Allowed

No Constraint, Null Allowed

Data Type








ject, primary key and foreign key have one to one relation with the columing convention for it is different. For the first unique key, either in one colu

en from the second unique key, it starts from 1.U. Here 1 is used just for

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For Size, Use convention L.R where L is

used for length of left from decimal and R is

used for lenth of right from decimal. Ex.


Fixed Size : 10

Used for Name

Size and Description




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Column Code

Table Name + “DF1”

Table Name + “DF2”

Table Name + “DF3”

Table Name + “DF4”

Table Name + “DF5”

Table Name + “DF6”

Table Name + “DF7”

, but unique key will be implemented onn or more column, it starts with U. But if

counting and it get incremented for next

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Assignment Details Opt RoleSchool Management Systems

Add Office/Existing Schools

Edit Form for Office/Existing Schools

Opening of School

School Opening OrderClosing of SchoolSchool Closing Order

School Merging

School Bifurcation

School Bifurcation Order

School Search Page for POPUP

Entry of Post Sancion Order No

Employee Legacy Data Module

Entry of Biodata, Pay, Appointment and ACP


ED Office

Editing of Entered Biodata, Pay, Appointment

and ACP Details.

UD Office

Entry of Qualification ED Office

Entry of Family Detail ED Office

Entry of Verified Service Detials ED Office

Increment Track Details ED Office

Transfer Track Details ED Office

Promotion Track Details ED Office

Leave Credit/Debit Form ED Office

Approval Form for Legacy Data M Branch

Legacy Data Report

Employee Information System

Employee Registration Entry Form

Employee Registration Edit Form

Employee Allotment to District

Appointment Order R Directorate, Districts

Posting of newly Appointed Employee E Directorate, Districts

Posting Order R Directorate, Districts

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Fresh Joining to Office after Posting E Office

Initial Joining Order R School, Employee

Employee Profile Report R Employee

Employee Complete Track Report R Employee

Employee Searching Page for POPUP R All

Interface for doing Transfer of the employee E

Edit Page for Old Issued Transfer For



Transfer Order R

Transfer Order R

Search Page for Relieving Based on



Search Page for Relieving Based on School ID E

Reliving Order R Branch/School

Joining Employee Based on Transfer E

Joining Order (Transfer) R

Promotion of the Employee E

Edit Page for Old Issued Promotion For



Promotion Order R

Joining Employee Based on Promotion EJoining Order based on Promotion R





Attendance and Leave Module

Leave Credit to Employee Account E School

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Attendance Entry E School

Interface for Viewing the Drilldown

Attendance Re ort

E Public

Districtwise Attendance Report for All type of Attendance

R Public

Blockwise Attendance Report for All type of 


R Public

Clusterwise Attendance Report for All type of 


R Public

School Attendance Report for All type of 


R Public

Employee Wise Attendance Report R Public

Finance Module

Adding Budget Head

Adding Budget Based of Demand BookFund Allocation To Offices

Bill Entry

Sanction Withdrawl

Disbursal Entry

Finance Bill Cancellation

Payroll Module

Group Generation

Employee Salary Setup

Loan SetupGenerate Salary Bill

Draft salary bill report.

Approval of salary bill

Approved Salary bill report

Salary Summary

Salary Slip

Deduction Schedule

Student Module

Open Registration

Direct Admission

Edit Student Detail

Student Family Detail

Edit Student's Family Detail

Search Student

Search Family

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SLC Issue

SLC Cancellation

Name Stuck

Name Stuck Cancellation

Re Admission

Marks Entry for All classes

Suject Entry Based on Exam and Class.

Marks Edit/Add/Delete Option

Generating Broad Sheet

Generating Marks Sheet

Login Module

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Here all the point of Employee Attribute is taken. Having

Provision of Deletion Till the A roval.Till the Approval of the Data.

Deletion not allowed after approval

Deletion not allowed after approval

Deletion not allowed after approval

Deletion not allowed after approval

Deletion not allowed after approval

Deletion not allowed after approval

Deletion not allowed after approval

After Approval, No data Should be Edited. Regacy Data report is

generated here. Here a text nox is provided to for entering

Employee ID given on the Draft Copy of the Report. Go button is

clicked for viewing the report and in the end of the reprot, a

check box will come for confirmation of approval and submit is

It is geneerated at the time of Approval. Just view here.

Only those employee will come here which appoining Authority

is not the Director. If Appointing Authority is director then these

employees will come for appointment at Head Quarter Level.

Here two modes will be available, Individual and Bulk. By the

Bulk methods, Employees will be distributed to the districtsbased on ITA. By the individual method, Employees are assigned

It is provided by the office, either districts or directorate. For

Generation of A ointment order

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Here provision for Entering the remaining data of the employee.

After Entering the mandatory data Joining Order Comes. Here

Joining date after posting, Working Joining date and Salary

Joinin date will be u dated.

Includes the track of transfer, Promotion, Leave Credit Account,Leave Debit Account. It is Runtime Report. Hence No Reportid is

Gennerated. It is Actually the Service book of the employee.

Based on Search Criteria, List of Employee comes with the

attributes Name, Father Name, DOB, Place of Posting, Post. The

Search Criteria is Name, Post, Office, Gender, Districts.

Here Data Required for Tranfer Order and A link will come for

adding Employee for Tranfer Through the Search Page. Each

Employee Added Here Have option for Removing it or can

Assigned School ID. Hence in this page, One link should be

availbale for finding the school id. On clicking the Save Button,

In this page, By passing Transfer ID, All the details will come.

Transferred employee list will come into the Gridview with delete

option. In this page, there will be a check box for confirming the

final order generation. After that edit not possible.

Here transfer id is provided for taking the print of transfer order.

If the order is approved before it then approved copy of the

order comes through the string else draft copy will be


Here first selecte the Tranfer ID. Only thosed transfer id will

comes which has atleast on employee for Relieving.

This page takes two input, Transfer ID and Emloyee ID. Data

Will be Filled Here and Do relieve the Employee

Like Transfer Order page. Here two type of Promotion,

Promotion for Hi her Post and Promotion For Same Post.It is used till not approved. Once approved, no further editing


This form is mainly used for maintaing the current status of the

employee. Here no order is created.

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At the time of submission of button, Message Regarding Leave

Availability will come. There should be a link for viewing the

Leave Credit and Debit Summary of the Employee.

Report will come for Specific Date.

Here List of Districts Come

Here List of Block come of the Provide Districts

Here List of Cluster Come Base on provided Block

Here List of Schools come Based on Provided Cluster

List of All employee Come based on Provided School

Scheme assignment. In a group, one and only one scheme is assigned

but the same scheme may have in multiple group.

Here Sanction Order No. and Group No. is Assigned to the employee. It

can be done at joining time but not mandatory there. Apart from this,

Allownace, Deduction,

Based on the selection of group.

Entry in the Bill Master for taking santion

Fifteen field profoma with five school option

Student ID Creation. List of Student will come who had opted that school

during registration. (Name-father/mother name-dob,Section, Whether alldocumets submitted, Fee Amount Submitted, Sibling Sudent ID, Admit-

check box). This page having search option for chosing family detail only

for that school based on name.

Based on Student ID, Student Data will be entered/modified.

Entry will be done for those student who have no sibling.

Edit based on family id.

Based on name, class, school, nearest school, Stream

Based on student name, father name, mother name

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Provision for Withing or Out of department. In case of within deparment,

option for entering the school id entry for which he/she had taken slc.

Based on student id. Reason for cancellation is entered.

Reason; No of days of contined absent.

Based on student id. Reason for cancellation is entered.

Provision for Entering SLC ID.Exam Type, Class, Section, Subject, Full Marks. Based on these list of

all student will come with box for taking obtained marks.

Based on student ID, Marks will come in grid view for deletion and edit

and provision for adding marks for another subject with maximum and

obtained marks.

Without Result

Without Result

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T138 Finance T

T139 Finance M

T140 Finance M

T141 Finance T

T142 Finance T

T143 Finance T

T151 Student TT152 Student T

T153 Student T

T154 Student T

T155 Student T

T156 Student T

T157 Student M

T158 Student M

T159 Student T

T160 Student M

T161 Payroll M

T162 Payroll M

T163 Payroll T

T164 Payroll T

T165 Payroll T

T166 Payroll M

T167 Payroll M

T168 Payroll M

T169 Payroll T

T170 Payroll T

T171 Payroll T

T172 Payroll TT173 ACR

T174 ACR

T175 ACR

T178 Common M

T179 Common M

T180 Common M

T181 Common M

T182 Common M

T183 Common M

T184 Employee T

T185 Employee T

T186 Payroll MT187 Payroll M

T188 Employee M

T189 Payroll

T190 Payroll T

T191 Payroll T

T192 Payroll T

T193 Payroll T

T195 T

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T194 Common T

T196 Monitoring



TA01 M

TA02 MT204 Finance M

T205 Finance M

T206 Finance M

T207 Finance M

T208 Finance M

T209 Finance M

T210 Finance T

T211 Finance T

T212 Finance EIS

T213 Finance EIS

T214 Finance MT215





T220 EIS

T221 EIS

T222 Common

T223 common

TC01 Charge



TC02 Charge



TC05 Charge



TC06 Charge



TC07 Charge



TC08 Charge



T224 Payroll

T225 Payroll

T226 Payroll

T227 Payroll

T228 Payroll

T229 Payroll

T230 Payroll



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T231 Payroll

T232 Payroll

T233 Payroll

T234 Payroll

T235 Payroll

T236 Payroll

T237 Payroll

T238 Payroll

T239 Payroll

T240 Payroll

T241 PayrollT242 Payroll

T243 OPD

T244 OPD

T245 OPD

T246 OPD

T247 OPD

T248 OPD

T249 OPD

T250 OPD

T251 OPD

T252 OPD

T253 Payroll

T254 Payroll

T255 Payroll

T256 Payroll

T257 Payroll

T258 Payroll

T259 Payroll

T260 Payroll






T266T267 Court

T268 Court

T269 Court

T270 Court

T271 Court




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Name DescriptionMaintain Links

LogIn details

Save Errors

State MasterDistrict Master

Block Master

Cluster Master

Office Master Includes Schools, Branch

District, Headquarters

School Infrastructure

Employee Details

Post Master

Payscale Master

PostPayScale Mapping Master

Leave Type Master

Leave Credit Records DetailAttendance Records Details

Transfer Order Main

Transfer Order Details with Reliving Order and Joining Order Details.

Promotion Order Main

Promotion Order Details with Joining Order Details it inclues the basic pay

Post Sanction Master

Post Sanction Details

Post Sanction Allotment Details

Employee Qualification Details

Copy To Master

Report Type Master

Course Master

Employee Increment TrackEmployee Service Verification Track

Family Detail

Language Master

Current Status Master

Block Year Master

Relieving Details

Joining Details

Fresh Joining Extention Track Used for Extention of the Upto

Joining date in office.

Report TrackBudget Head Master It includes Major Head, Minor

Head, Sub-Head, Scheme with

their parent head.

Budget Master It contains budget amount

against all budget heads financial

year wise.

Fund Allottment Order It contains Scheme wise fund

allocation to the office.

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Fund Allottment Detail

Bill Type Master

Bill Master

Sanction Detail

Disbursal Detail.

Finance Cancellation Order

Student Registration DetailAdmission Detail

Student Details

Student Family Details

SLC Details

Name Stuck Of Details

Student Subject Master It is based on class and Exam


Student Subject Master It is based on class and Exam


Subject Wise Marks Details

Exam Master

Bill Group Detail For Office wise group no basedon scheme.

ED Code Master

Bill Sanction Order Detail Used for showing the Remaks on

salary bill.

Employee Salary Data

Employee Salary Detail

Rate Master

Fixed Amount Specific DetailLoan Type Master

Employee Loan Sanction Detail

Employee Loan EMI Detail

Employee Salary Setup - 2

Employee Salary Setup - 1


all 6-digits ids

Post Group Master


Grade Pay Master


Employee CurrentInfo

Employee Bank Detail

Employee Pay FlagsQuarter Allotter Master

Locallity Master

License Fee and Water Charge Detail

Variable Transaction

Bill sanction Post Detail

Attendance (Absent Days)

No of Absent Days


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Report Index(Monitoring Report)

Tables/Pages Details Stores the info of columns,

Labels of the page and Event of

the page.

Tables/Pages MasterDemand_Master


Major Head Master


Creation of Head


Scheme wise budget allocation to the dept.(Master)

Budget allocation deatil

New Joining Detail

Request for Transfer

Budget DetailNearest School Info

Tender info




Employee office allotment

Employee office allotments with Reliving Order and Joining Order Details.

Admin Report

circular table

Operation Master For OperationID and Type

Process Master For Process Details

Charge Master For ChargeID and name

Charge Process Detail For Charge Process Details and


Charge Allocation For allocation of Charge

Access Category Master For Access Category and name



Offer Letter Details

Reminder Track

Appointment Letter Details

Pay Arrear

Pay Arrrear Detail

Pay Arrear Due Drawn Amount

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Employee List for DA Arrear

Feedback Details

DGS Card Benifitiory Master

Item Master

Item Request Details

Transfer cancellation Order

LPC Master

Salary Detail of LPC

Remarks for Advances for LPC

DA Arrear Detail in LPC

Details of Other Bill for LPCRecovery of Over Payment in LPC

Department Master of Offices

Department Offices Mapping Details

Unit Master of Department

Unit Rostering

Unit Rooms Details

Doctor Allocation Details to room of Unit

Unit Doctor Replacement Details

Patient Master

Patient Visit Details

Card Detail

Dependent details of Banificiary

Payment detail Banificiary card holder

Room Maker

CPS old recovery Details

Previlage category Master

Bill Entry

Encloser Master

Short term Advance Bills

Maintinence work detail

Cancellation Appointment

Monthly Status

Patient Attendence

Diagnostic test

Staff PositionCourt master

Case Category Master

Subject Category Master

Case Master

Case Transaction

Data Item Master for Monthly Status

Speciality Master

Bed Type Master

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Speicality wise bed information

Daily Census

LPC Rate detail

Relationship Master

Doctors / Radiologist Detail

Equipment Detail Entry

Clinic / Center Detail MasterPatient Registration Detail (PNDT)

Indications Master for Ultrasonography of Pregnant Woman

Supplier Master

Supply Details

Supply Item Detail

Ward/Sub-Store Master:

Store Register

Issu Register

Issuing Detail

Return Register(Returning of Items from Ward/Sub-Store)

Return Detail

Exchange Register(Return/Exchange of items from Store to the Supplier)Retrurn/Exchange Detail

Clinical Department Master

Patient Visit Detail for PNDT



Health Center Master

Employee Entry

Asha Entry

ASHA Area Detail

Student Registration

Class Master

Blood Group Master

Bill EntryDiagnostics Detail

Other Particulars Details

Particulars Master

Particulars Rate Master

Diagnostic Center Master

Package Category Master

Monthly Sex Ratio :

Applicant Master

Visit details

Follow Up Details

Daily OPD Attendance

Household MasterHousehold Survey

Family Member Detail

Children Vaccines Detail

Suffering from cataract visual impairment

Details of Disabled Person

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Add more one column as a type and rest is same

to respect of table no.,

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Hospital ID bigint

Password varchar

Hospital Name varchar

Hospital Address varchar

Total Bed int

Free Bed Critical int

Free Bed Non-Critical int

Hospital Contact No varchar

Contact Person Name varchar

Contact Person Mob No varchar

Contact Person Phone No varchar

Speciality varchar


Patient ID varchar

Hospital ID bigint

Patient Name varchar Patient Age in Year int

Patient Age in Month int

Patient Age in Days int

Gender char

Diagnosis Details varchar

Refferal Details varchar

Admitted Under Department varchar

Admitted Under Doctor varchar

Admitted On smalldatetime

Discharge On smalldatetime

Attendent Name varchar

Attend Mobile No varchar

Attendent Phone No varchar

Attendent Relation varchar

IsCritical tinyint

Hospital Daily Report

Hospital ID bigint

Report Date smalldatetime

Admitted Patient no int

New Admitted Patient no int

Dischrage Patient no int

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uspFinance Finance BC T138,T137,T140

uspFinanceReport Finance


001 ,T138001 ,138005

,T138006 ,T141001


,T135009 ,T141005

,T138003 ,T138004uspFinanceReport Finance S1 T137,T138,T105

uspFinanceReport Finance S2 T137,T138

uspFinanceReport Finance S3



uspFinanceReport Finance S3



uspFinanceReport Finance S3



uspFinanceReport Finance S3



uspFinanceReport Finance S4 T141

uspFinanceReport Finance S5



uspFinanceReport Finance S6 T142

uspFinanceReport Finance S7

T135, t140, t141,


uspFinanceReport Finance S8 T135,t137, t138

uspFinanceReport Finance S9


38, t140, t141

uspFinanceReport Finance S10 T135,t137, t138

uspFinanceReport Finance S11 T137,t138

uspFinanceReport Finance S12



uspFinanceReport Finance S13



uspFinanceReport Finance S14



uspFinanceReport Finance S15

T102,T103,T104,T141, t142, T137,

t138, t135

uspGetMenu uType,ChargedID,EmpID

uspGetMenu S Log1,TC06,TC02

uspGetMenu S1



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uspMailInbox Mail proc


1 ,TAM1001 ,

E57TAM2003 ,TAM2004


uspMailInbox Mail S tam1,tam2

uspMailInbox Mail S1 TAM1uspMailInbox Mail R tam2

uspMailInbox Mail SM TAM1

uspMailInbox Mail SD tam1,tam2

uspMailInbox Mail D tam2

uspMailInbox Mail D1 tam1,tam2

uspMailStatus Mail proc uType ,UserID ,MailID

uspMailStatus Mail S1 TAM1

uspMailStatus Mail S2 tam1,tam2

uspMailStatus Mail S3 TAM1

uspOffice School



uspOffice School SE T105

uspOffice School LD T105

uspPayCalculateSalary Payroll proc

EmpList OfficeID.

MonthYear. BillNo.

BillGroup. loginid.

loginOffice. todate







uspPayroll Payroll proc

EmpID ,EmpList1 ,



uspPayroll Payroll DD

uspPayroll Payroll PG

uspPayroll Payroll IS






A, fn_TChA,





uspPayroll Payroll EI



T108, T109,


uspPayRollReport Payroll proc




uspPayRollReport Payroll S1 T140,T165,T162

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uspPayRollReport Payroll S2


T107, T105

uspPayRollReport Payroll S3


T107, T105,T135

uspPayRollReport Payroll S4

T165,T162, T107,

T105, T108

uspPromotion EIS, Legacy Proc


, T117003

uspPromotion Legacy SA T107,fnV_T108

uspPromotion Legacy SR T117,T116

uspPromotion EIS PR T107,T117,T108

uspPromotion EIS PD T117

uspPromotion EIS, Legacy PP T116

uspPromotion EIS DL T117

uspQualification SA

uspSalaryBill Payroll


T163, fnV_T108,


uspStudent Student proc


,Section ,Status

uspStudent Student SA T153

uspTablePage Page Tool procuType,TablePageID,TablePagetype

uspTablePage Page Tool SA

uspTablePage Page Tool SB

usptChargeMaster Charge Master proc






,TC03DF4, TC03DF5,

TC03DF6, TC03DF7

usptChargeMaster Charge Master S1 TC03

usptChargeMaster Charge Master S2

uspTransfer EIS, Legacy

uType , EmpStatus

,Office, TransferID ,

TransferDetID, Empid

uspTransfer Legacy SA T107,fnV_T108

uspTransfer Legacy SR



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uspTransfer EIS PT T107

uspTransfer EIS PT T108

uspTransfer EIS TD T115

uspTransfer TR T107,T115,T108

uspTransfer EIS DL T115

uspTransfer Legacy DO



fn_GetPostRemarks function T107,T108


DateAndNo function T107PostRemarks function

SplitIn2Column function

SplitIn2ColumnRow function

SplitIn3Column function

SplitInRow function

fn_CheckBillID Finance function T141

fn_CheckBillNo Finance function T140


ForSanction function T107,T109,T118

fn_MailIdStatus Mail function TAM2

fn_Pay_CCA Payroll function

fn_Pay_CGEISIF Payroll function

fn_Pay_CGEISSF Payroll function

fn_Pay_CPF Payroll function

fn_Pay_DA Payroll function

fn_Pay_DP Payroll function

fn_Pay_GPF Payroll function

fn_Pay_HRA Payroll function

fn_Pay_MA Payroll function

fn_Pay_StagnationPay Payroll function

fn_TA Payroll function

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fn_TChA Payroll function

fn_WA Payroll function


Default Input parameter

,DF2 ,DF4 , ,DF5




Not in use

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Method Remarks

Give Employee id and name onthe basis of current post



Give the list of employee that are

pending for allotment of office



Give the list of employee that are

pending for appointment



Give the list of employee that are

pending for posting



Give the list of employee that are

pending for joining

Pending for










account will be shown for the

planning Branch as

credit,debit,balance for use


Show Account for withdrawal


BillAmount Show Account for Bill AmountSanctionedAm


Show Account for Sanctioned




Show Account for Disbursal




Give the details of the scheme

depending upon the financial year,

selected scheme and scheme


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OfficeID For Office Binding

OrderNo For Orders of a particular office


OrderInfo For Allocation Report


alOrderInfo For Withdrawal Report



e For Withdrawal Report


OrderScheme For fund allotment reportto get sanctionid for Sanction

Order print report

SanctionOrder for Sanction Order print report


r for Disbursal Order print report


District to get scheme for planning report

for Scheme t135



for Scheme t135 for


Allocation for Orderid t135 for multiallocation



For printing the multi allocation





For printing the multi withdrawal




For printing the multi transfer

order, assigning dynamic value


Bind Menu Item and Charge on

the basis of login id

Bind Menu Item in Menu control

Binding Charge id in Drop Down


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try Select latest five office entries


alary Calculate salary



it will initialize the salary data

mainly basics,

deduction,allowance,Loan etc.



initialize the post ,payscale,

stagnation date and No.

,increment date of the employee


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For Printing the Deduction



ry For Printing the Bill Summary

ForPaySlip Givedetails for generating pay slip



give employee id,name and post

of employees



Give the promotion details such

as promted and old post,pomoted

and old payscale etc of the






give the promtion detail on the

basis of promotion idGive promotion id and promotion

order number


onDetail Delete the row from T117

SallaryBill Generate Bill

Give the students on the basis of

class and section





Give the transfer details of the


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give the list of employees pending

for relieving (EmpStatus=1005)



give the list of employees pending

for joining after



Give the transfer details on thebasis of transfer ID and transfer






sferUpdate Delete the row from T115






calculate CCA


calculate CGEISIF



calculate CGEISSF



calculate CPF



calculate DA



calculate DP



calculate GPF


calculate HRA



calculate MA



calculate stagnation pay



calculate TA

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calculate Tcha



calculate WA

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Code Module Page Name

P010 AL frmTAttendance.aspx

P011 EM frmTTransfer.aspx

P012 EM frmTPromotion.aspx

P021 EM frmTEmployeeRegistration

P022 EM frmTAppointmentEntry

P023 AL frmPLeaveSummary.aspx

P024 EM frmPEmployeeSearch.aspx

P027 EM frmTAllotmentForAppointment.aspx

P028 EM frmTFreshPosting.aspx

P029 EM frmTRelievingFromOffice.aspx

P087 EM frmTJoiningToOfficeTR.aspx

P030 EM frmTJoiningToOffice.aspx

P065 EM frmEmpACRA.aspx

P066 EM frmEmpACRB.aspx

P067 EM frmEmpACRC.aspxP068 EM frmEmpACRD.aspx

P055 EM frmREISReports.aspx

P056 EM frmEISReportSearch.aspx

P073 EM frmMPostmaster.aspx

P074 EM frmMPayScaleMaster.aspx

P075 EM frmMPostPayScaleMappingMaster.as

P076 EM frmMLeaveTypeMaster.aspx

P077 EM frmMCourseMaster.aspx

P078 EM frmMLangMaster.aspx

P079 EM frmMStatusMaster.aspx

P080 EM frmMBlockYearMaster.aspx

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Page Title Description



Employee Attendance Entry

This page is used for entry of the attendance of allemployee at one time. In this page, Employee ID,

Name, Desination, Option Control for Usual

Attendance Type, Other Leave Type and a Link

Button come In Gridview. Gridview is bounded by the

ClsAttendance.EmployeeForAttendance(Office ID)

Transfer Order Generation Normal Tansfer

Promotion Order Generation Promotion

Employee Registration Entry Form

Appointment Order Generation

After submission of data, Appoinment Order

generated by this page.

Leave Summary Report

Here All type Aggregated Leave Credit and Debit

Details come for Specific Employee in the Grid withthe Header Leave Type, Earned Leaved, Used

Leave, Balance.

Employee Search Page Used for Searching Employee as a PopUp

Allotment of the employee to the

corresponding Office for Appointment

Posting Employee to the Office

Used for Relieving From Office

Used for Joining after Transfer

Used for Fresh Joining

EIS Reports Page for printing EIS reports

search EIS report id Page for printing EIS reports

Post Master

Payscale Master

x Post Payscale Mapping Master

Leave type Master

Course Entry Course master

Language Entry language master

Status Entry current status master

Block Year Master block year master

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Status Remarks if Any

























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PageCode Labels

Control Name




k Fileds

P079 Status ddlStatus yes i32T129001

P079 View Report lnkReport

P079 Status Title txtTitle strT129002

P079 Status Type ddlType i16T129003

P079 Description txtDesc strT129004

P079 Submit btnSubmit

P079 Report gdvStatus

P080 Block Year ddlBlock yes 16T130001

P080 View Report lnkReport

P080 Block Year Duration txtBlockYear strT130002

P080 Submit btnSubmit

P080 Report gdvBlock

P073 Post ID: ddlPostId yes i64T108001

P073 Post Name : txtPostName strT108002

P073 Post Group : ddlPostGroup strT108003

P073 Tech/Non Tech : rblTechNonTech strT108005

P073 Whether Gazeted : rblWGazetted bitT108007

P073 Post Type : rblPostType strT108009

P073 Category : ddlCategory strT108004

P073 Effective Date : txtEffectDate dtmT108006

P073 Dealing Office ID : txtDealOfficeId _i64T108008

P073 ViewReport lbtnReport yes

P073 Save btnSave yesP073 gdvSave yes

P074 Pay Scale ID : ddlPayscaleID Yes _i64T109001

P074 Pay Scale : txtPayScale strT109002

P074 Pay Scale Band : ddlPayScaleBand _strT109004

P074 Pay Scale Department ID : ddlPScaleDID _i32T109006

P074 Pay Scale Effective Date From : txtPaySEffDateFrom _dtmT109008

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P074 Pay Scale Type : ddlPayScaleType _strT109003

P074 Grade Amount : txtGradeAmount _i32T109005

P074 Pay Commission : ddlPayCommission _i16T109007

P074 Pay Scale Effective Date To : txtPaySEffDateTO _dtmT109009

P074 ViewReport lbtnReport yes

P074 Save btnSave yesP074 gdvSave yes

P075 PostPayId ddlPostPayID _i64T110004

P075 Post ID : ddlPostID _i64T110001

P075 Pay Scale ID : ddlPayScaleID _i64T110002

P075 In Situ Promotion Order : txtInSituProID _strT110003

P075 ViewReport lbtnReport yes

P075 Save btnSave yes

P075 gdvSave yes

P076 Leave ID : ddlLeaveID yes _i64T111001

P076 Leave Title : txtLeaveTitle _strT111002

P076 Leave Description : txtLeaveDes _strT111003P076 Active From : txtActFrom _dtmT111004

P076 Active To : txtActTo _dtmT111005

P076 Employee Type : txtEmpType _strT111006

P076 Leave Type : ddlLeaveType _i16T111007

P076 ViewReport lbtnReport yes

P076 Save btnSave

P076 gdvSave gdvSave

P081 Bill Type Code txtBillTypeCode strT139002

P081 Bill Type Name txtBillTypeName strT139003

P081 Bill Type Description txtBillTypeDescription strT139004

P081 Submit btnSubmit

P081 Report gdvBillMasterReportP082 Operations ddlOperations

P082 ED Code Type ddlEDCodeType yes

P082 ED Code ddlEDCode _i64T166001

P082 Rate txtRate decT166002

P082 From Date txtFromDate dtmT166003

P082 To Date txtToDate dtmT166004

P082 Submit btnSubmit

P083 Loan Name txtLoanName strT168002

P083 Interest Free or Interrest Bearing strT168003P083 ED Code i64T168004

P083 Submit btnSubmit

P083 report gdvLoanReport

P084 ViewReport lbtnViewDetail

P084 Exam Type ddlExamType

P084 Exam Name txtExamType strT160002

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P084 Date From txtDateFrom dtmT160004

P084 Date To txtDateTo dtmT160005

P084 Class lbxClass strT160003

P084 Save btnSaveP084 Report gdvExamDetail







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Values and Remarks if any


TblLookUpEIS.Status("", _objSession, _errMsg)

Show all data from the table t129 in a report by calling method :

ClsEmployeeReports. StatusReport(_objSession, _errMsg)

On selection of 'New' in the ddlStatus the new record is being saved to

tha table T129 and on selction of any other value the assign variable to

control is being called to update the existing dataBind by : clsEmploye.StatusMaster(_objSession, _errMsg),having

delete button and show latest 10 modified records per page

TblLookUpEIS.Block("", _objSession, _errMsg)

Show all data from the table t130 in a report by calling method :

ClsEmployeeReports.BlockYearReport(_objSession, _errMsg)

On selection of 'New' in the ddlBlock the new record is being saved to

tha table T130 and on selction of any other value the assign variable to

control is being called to update the existing data

Bind by : clsEmploye.BlockYearMaster (_objSession, _errMsg),having

delete button and show latest 10 modified records per page

TblLookUpEIS.PostID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PostGroup("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.TechNTech("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.YesNo("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.Category("", _objSession, _errMsg)

ClsEmployeeReports.PostMasterReport(_objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.gdvPostMaster("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PayscaleID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.Category("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PaySDeptID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

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TblLookUpEIS.Category("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PayCommission("", _objSession, _errMsg),

ClsEmployeeReports.PayScaleMasterReport(_objSession, _errMsg))

clsEmployee.gdvPayScaleMaster("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PostPayID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PostID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.PayscaleID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

ClsEmployeeReports.PostPScaleMappReport(_objSession, _errMsg)

clsEmployee.gdvPPScaleMapMaser("" ,_objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.LeaveID("", _objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpEIS.LeaveType("", _objSession, _errMsg)

ClsEmployeeReports.LeaveTypeReport(_objSession, _errMsg))

clsEmployee.gdvLeaveType("", _objSession, _errMsg)




LookUpFinance.BillMasterReport("", _objSession, _errMsg)LookUpPayRoll.OperationType("", _objSession, _errMsg

clsPayRoll.EDCodeType("", _objSession, _errMsg)


on, _errMsg)



If Operations="Add" then new record will be added, if operation is

"Update" the exixting record is being updated by calling Update(str)


Bind Gridview on seleced index changed

Bind By : LookUpPayRoll.DetailForLoanMaster

(ddlEDCode.SelectedValue ,"", _objSession, _errMsg),haning delete


 _objStudent.ExamTypeReport(_objSession, _errMsg)

TblLookUpStudent.ExamTypeMaster("", _objSession, _errMsg)

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If "New" is selected in Exam type,New record will be added by calling

clstT160.fn_addRecord(_errmsg), othervise the selected record will be

updated by calling clstT160.fn_updateRecord(_errMsg) _objclsStudent.ExamTypeDetail( _objSession, _errMsg)

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Tool Tip Design

Click to View the entire data

Enter the Name of Status

1. Employee,2 student,3. school

Enter the Description for the


Click to View the All Block Year

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Enter Date From

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Class Name Member Type Return Details DB Description

clsAttendance EmployeeAttendance( Office ID) M Datatable: EmployeeID,

Employee Name, Post,

Attendance Type

uspAttendance("AR", OfficeID)

clsAttendance EmployeeForAttendance( Office ID) M Datatable: EmployeeID,

Employee Name, Post

uspAttendance("SA", OfficeID)

clsAttendance LeaveSummary( EmployeeID) M Datatble: Leave Type, Earned

Leave, Used Leave, Balance


uspAttendance("LS", Employee

clsAttendance SaveAttendance(OfficeID,Attendance

Date and Time, String of Employee ID-

Attendance T e

M Void uspAttendance("IB", OfficeID,

AttDate, EmpAttString)

clsEmployee DoLegacyDataApproval(String Empid) Bigint: ReportID

clsEm lo ee Em ListForA ointment Office ID M

clsEmployee EmpListForEditLegacyData(Office ID) M Datatable: Empid, Name(ID)-



clsEmployee EmployeeDetailLG(Empid) Datatable:

clsEmployee EmpPopSearch(Empid, Name, Office,

Post, Pay Scale, Gender)

Datatable: Employee ID, Name,

Office Name with ID, Post, Pay

Scale, Gender, Residential

Address Email Phone


clsEm lo ee Famil DetailLG Em id Datatable:

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clsEmployee IncrementDetail() Datatable:

clsEmployee LeaveDetailLG(Empid) Datatable:

clsEmployee PromotionDetailLG(Empid) Datatable: uspPromotion(uType=SR,@T1

03=Em IdclsEm lo ee ualificationTrackLG Em id Datatable:

clsEmployee TransferDetailLG(Empid) Datatable: uspTransfer(uType=SR,@T11

3=Em IdclsEm lo ee VerifiedServiceDetail Datatable:

ClsOffice OfficePopSeach(OfficeID, Name,

Districts, Type)

Datatable: Office ID, Name,

District, Addesss, Type

clsPromotion DoPromotion(T116,Gridview) Bigint: Promotion ID

clsPromotion DeleteEmployee(Promotion Detail ID)

clsPromotion DeletePromotion(Promotion ID)

clsPromotion DoPromotionLG(T116,T117) Bigint: Promotion ID

clsPromotion DeletePromotionLG(Promotion ID,

Promotion Detail ID)

Bigint: Promotion ID

ClsReport LegacyDataApproved(Empid) String

ClsReport LegacyDataDraft(Empid) String

ClsReport LegacyDataReport(ReportID) String

ClsStudent DoAdmission(clstT152)

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ClsStudent DoNameStuck(clstT156)

ClsStudent DoRegistration(clstT151)

ClsStudent IssueSLC(clstT155)

ClsStudent MarkSheetDetailEntry()

ClsStudent SubjectEntry(clstT157)

ClsStudent SubjectMarksEntry(clstT158)

ClsStudent UpdateFamilyDetails(clstT154)

ClsStudent UpdateStudentDetails(clstT153)

clsTransfer DoTransfer(T114, GridView) M Bigint: Transfer ID

clsTransfer DeleteEmployee(TransferDetailID) M void

clsTransfer DeleteTransferOrder(TransferID) M void

clsTransfer DoTransferLG(T114,T115,T131,T132) M Bigint: Transfer Detail ID

clsTransfer DeleteTransferLG(TransferID, Transfer

Detail ID, Relieving ID, Joining ID)

M Void

clsEmployee PendingForAllotment() DataTable uspEmployee(@uType=PA


clsEmployee PendingForPosting() DataTable uspEmployee(@uType=PAatus=1012

clsEm lo ee Pendin ForRelievin Office ID

clsEmployee PendingForJoining() It is used for Fresh and

Transferred Joinin Both.


atus=1008clsTransfer ClsTransfer.DoJoining(clstT132) Here Entry

in T131 table and updation in t107 table for

changing status.

clsTransfer ClsTransfer.DoRelieve(clstT131) Here Entry

in T131 table and updation in t107 table for

changing office and status.

clsTransfer ClsTransfer.PendingForRelieving(Office ID).

This grid view have a Option Button for


DataTable uspTransfer(uType=PT,Em


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clsTransfer ClsTransfer.PendingForTransJoining(Office

ID). This grid view have a Option Button for


DataTable uspTransfer(uType=PT,EmpSt


clsEmployee Course Detail() DataTable

clsEmployee ListLegacyApproval() DataTable Query

clsEmployee PendingForAppointment() DataTable uspEmployee(@uType=PA,Em

atus=1011clsEmployee PendingForacceptingPromotion(OfficeI


DataTable uspEmployee(@uType=PF,Em

atus=1009 OfficeclsPromotion LegacyPromotion(officeid) DataTable uspPromotion(uType=SA,Offic

=OfficeIDclsPromotion EmpListForPromotion

clsPromotion AddRowToTable

clsTransfer stringGridVuewData(GridView



clsTransfer EmpListForTransfer(clstT115,_strGdvD

ata ClsError _errMs


clsTransfer TransferDetail(TransferID) DataTable uspTransfer(uType=TD,Transf

DclsTransfer TransferDetailReport(TransferID) DataTable uspTransfer(uType=TR,Transfe

DclsTransfer AddRowToTable DataTable

clsTransfer AddRowToTable static

clsTransfer PendingTransferOrder DataTable Query

clsTransfer AddRowToTable voidClsOffice LatestOfficeEntry DataTable uspOffice(uType=LD)

clsSchool AddPostSanction(clstT118,GridView) string

clsPayRoll AddRowToTable( _querry,val txt,_str) DataTable Query

clsPayRoll AddRowToTable( _dt, val, txt, _str) void Query

clsPayRoll AddRowToTable(DataTable _dt, string

val strin txt

void Query

clsPayRoll AllowanceSetup( _EmpID) datatable Query

clsPa Roll DeductionSetu _Em ID datatable uer

clsPa Roll LoanSetu _Em ID DataTable uer

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clsPayRoll PostSanctionOrderNumber(_OfficeID) DataTable Query

clsPayRoll InitializeSalarySetup(EmpId) void uspPayRoll(uType=IN,Employe

clsPayRoll RecalculateSalary(EmpId) void uspPayRoll(uType=RC,Employ

clsPayRoll LoanType() datatable Query

clsPa Roll Loan Em ID datatable uer

clsPa Roll LoanDetail Em ID datatable uer

clsPayRoll GroupNumber(str) datatable Query

clsPayRoll EDCodeType(str) datatable Query

clsPayRoll EDCode( EDCodeType) datatable Query

clsPayRoll Initialize(clstT172) void

clsPayRoll EmployeeForSalarySetup()

clsMailInbox selectMail() dataTable uspMailInbox(uType=S1,TAM2

1clsMailInbox _selectSent() dataTable uspMailInbox(uType=S1,TAM2

1 TAM2002clsMailInbox _returnMailInbox() dataTable uspMailInbox(uType=S1,TAM2

2clsMailInbox _returnMailSentbox() dataTable uspMailInbox(uType=SM,TAM2

2clsMailInbox readMail() dataTable uspMailInbox(uType=R,TAM20


clsMailInbox _deleteMail() dataTable uspMailInbox(uType=D,TAM20

TAM2002 TAM2DF4clsMailInbox deleteMail1() dataTable spMailInbox(uType=D1,TAM20

TAM2002 TAM2DF4clsMailStatus _getStatusMail dataTable uspMailStatus(uType=s1,maili

seridclsMailStatus _checkMailID dataTable uspMailStatus(uType=s1,maili




erationID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID


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Rt e BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID





onID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID





,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID






Off, Rtype, BackGroundimage,RID)





onID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID


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tionID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID





ionID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID





ID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID





tionID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID





nID,OrderNo,RefEmpOff, Rtype,

BackGroundima e RID






Rt e BackGroundima e RID




TransferOrder(LeftHeader1, S

LeftHeader2 O erationID Rt e




ReleaveJoiningOrder( LeftHeader1, S

LeftHeader2 O erationID Rt e




PromotionReport() string



FundAllocationReport() string



FundWthdrawReport string



SanctionReport() string



DisbursalReport() string



LeavingReport() string



LeavingPromotionReport() string

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CentralReport() string



generalReport() string



PaySlip() string



BillBody() string



AppointmentPostingReport() string



GetReportID( ReportType) string



TransferReport( TransferID) string



RelieveJoiningReport(JoiningID) string




ReportFromDatabase(ReportID) string




AddRowToTable(querry,val,txt, str) DataTable QueryAddRowToTable( _dt, val, txt, _str) void query

AddRowToTable _dt val txt void uer

AddRowToTable( _dt, string[] arg) void

clsTablePage PageLabels(TablePageID) DataTable uspTablePage(uType=SA,Table

eIDclsTablePage PageTables(Type) DataTable uspTablePage(uType=SB,Table


TblLookup AddRowToTable

(string _querry, string val, string txt,

string _str) DataTable

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TblLookup AddRowToTable

(DataTable _dt, string val, string txt,

string _str) void

TblLookup AddRowToTable (DataTable _dt, string val, string txt) void

TblLookup States string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Employee string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Employee String _officeid, string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Post string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup PayScale

Int16 _PayCommision, string _str,ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup PayCommision string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Office string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Course string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Leave string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Language string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup PostSanction

(Int64 _officeid, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup Status string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Status (string type, string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup TablePageRecord

(string _Type, string _str, ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup Religion

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup Category

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup Gender

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup MaritalStatus

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession

, ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

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TblLookup BloodGroup

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup YesNo string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup CreditDebit string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup ppointmentType

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup RecruitmentMode

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup SelectionFrom

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup PhysicalDisability

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable




(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup JoinTime

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup Cadre

(string val, string txt, string _str,

ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup OfficeType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Nomenclature string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Medium string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Shifts string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup District string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup LeaveType

(string Type, string _str, ClsSession


ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup ReportType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Cluster string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTableTblLookup StudSection string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

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TblLookup StudSession string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Class string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup StudyMedium string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup AdmissionType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup StudGender string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup ResidenceAreaType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup SLCType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTableTblLookup SLCTPeriod string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup ResultType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup Nationality string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup TransferType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable



Type string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable



Demotion string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup VerificationStatus string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup GroupNo string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup PostGroup string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup IsVerified string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup PostSanctionHead

(string val, string txt, string _str,ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup GetCopyTo (string reportType) string

TblLookup DraftApproved string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup StudClass string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup SubjectStream string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup ExamType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup MandatoryOptional string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup StudGrade string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup StudHealth string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup StudStatus string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup BudgetHeadType string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup BudgetHeadType

(string BgtHdval, string _str,ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) DataTable

TblLookup FinSector string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

TblLookup FinSubSector string _str,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg DataTable

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Remarks Status

sed for Viewing the employee

whose attendance is marked. The

mployee which attendance is

ot marked due to any reason,

lso be here under the

ubheading of not marked


sed for day wise bulk

ttendance in the office. Here

nly those employee will come

who are eligible for attendance. If 

he attendance of the office is

marked then, no employee will

ome for attendance.


t is used for viewing the leave

ummary of the employee.


t is used for saving the

ttendance of all the employee.


Get the New Report ID and Latest

ata and Then Do Updation with

nitialization of Standards fields.


Only those employee will come

ere which legacy data is not






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ere Type Parameter is

chool/Others. In the Return,

e is Office T e.


irst Insert into T116 and get the

romotion id and Insert each Row

f the grid with the Promotion id,

nsert into T117


irst Delete from

irst Insert into T116 get

romotion id and Then insert into

117 with this promotion id.


irst Delete from T117 with the

elp of Promotion Detail id and

hen T116 with the help of 

romotion ID.ere Report is Generated for

pproved Legacy Data and Saved

to the Report Table. After Save,

tring is also returned.

or binding Literal of Draft copy

f Legacy Data Report. Here

Report is Generatedt is just returning string from the

xisting string of the table.C

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irst Insert into T114 and get the

ransfer id and then by the loop

nsert T115.


Delete from T115

irst Delete from T115 and Then

114.irst Insert in T114, Get

ransferid, Inset in T115. By this

Get Transer Detail ID and Insert

n T131 and Then T132.


Delete In Order T132 to T114.







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101 C

107 C

107 C

108 C

109 C

109 C

105 C

124 C

111 C

128 C

118 C

129 C

129 C

A02 C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

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tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

102 C

111 C

123 C

104 C

tatic values C

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tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values Ctatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

108 C

tatic values C

tatic values C

122 C

tatic values C

tatic values Ctatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

129 C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

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tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

tatic values C

135 C

139 C

tatic values C

tatic values C

135 C

tatic values C

105 C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

C01 C

tatic Values Ctatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

tatic Values C

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Class Name Member Typ

eclsSchool AddPostSanction

TblLookupSChool Medium(string _str, ClsSession _objSessio

TblLookupSChool YesNo

TblLookupSChool OfficeType

TblLookupSChool NomenclatureTblLookupSChool Shifts

TblLookupSChool Cluster

TblLookupSChool StudyMedium

TblLookupSChool StudGender

TblLookupSChool PostGroup

TblLookupSChool PostSanctionHead

TblLookupSChool BuildingStatus

TblLookupSChool Gender

TblLookupSChool WaterSupply

TblLookupSChool WaterSource

TblLookupSChool ConstructionType

TblLookupSChool StateMaster

TblLookupSChool DistrictMasterTblLookupSChool BlockMaster

TblLookupSChool ClusterMaster

TblLookupStudent Class

TblLookupStudent StudSection

TblLookupStudent Gender

TblLookupStudent Subject

TblLookupStudent Chapter

TblLookupStudent FileExtention

TblLookupStudent StudClass

TblLookupStudent ReligionTblLookupStudent Nationality

TblLookupStudent Language

TblLookupStudent Medium

TblLookupStudent Category

TblLookupStudent PhysicalDisabilityPercentage

TblLookupStudent PhysicalDisability

TblLookupStudent AdmissionType(

TblLookupStudent ResidenceAreaType

TblLookupStudent YesNoTblLookupStudent MandatoryOptional

TblLookupStudent SubjectStream

TblLookupStudent StudStatus

TblLookupStudent StudyMedium

TblLookupStudent ExamType

TblLookupStudent StudGrade

TblLookupStudent StudHealth

TblLookupStudent SLCType

TblLookupStudent SLCTPeriod

TblLookupStudent ResultType

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TblLookupStudent StudSession

TblLookupStudent Chapter

TblLookupStudent StudentReportType

TblLookupStudent SubjectID

TblLookupStudent Operation

TblLookupStudent ExamTypeMaster

TblLookupStudent Operations

TblLookupStudent ExamTypeMaster


clsStudent DoRegistration

clsStudent DoAdmission

clsStudent UpdateStudentDetails

clsStudent FamilyDetails

clsStudent UpdateFamilyDetails

clsStudent IssueSLC

clsStudent DoNameStuck

clsStudent Student

clsStudent Student

clsStudent GridSujecttitle

clsStudent SubjectclsStudent AddMarks

clsStudent DoAdmission

clsStudent DoAdmissionSLC

clsStudent FamilyPopSearch

clsStudent ReportIDPopSearch

clsStudent PendingStudentForAdmission

clsStudent PendingStudentForSLCAdmission

clsStudent GetStudSession

clsStudent MarksEntry

clsStudent StudentPopSearchclsStudent ClassSearch

clsStudent ClassSearch

clsStudent column

clsStudent MarksSheet

clsStudent MarksEntryReport

clsStudent IsValidData

clsStudent RegistrationReport

clsStudent AdmissionReport

clsStudent StudentDetailReport

clsStudent FamilyReport

clsStudent SLCReport

clsStudent MarksheetPreparationReport

clsStudent ForAdmissionReport

clsStudent StudentReport

clsStudent DateNotmorethanCurrent

clsStudent StudentDateOfBirth

clsStudent Updatemarks

clsStudent NameStackReport

clsStudent SubjectDetailsReport

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clsStudent StudentPopSearchForMarkSheet

clsStudent StateDetail

clsStudent DistrictDetail

clsStudent BlockDetail

clsStudent ClusterDetail

clsStudent ExamTypeDetail

clsStudent ExamTypeReport

clsStudent StateMasterReport

clsStudent DistrictMasterReport

clsStudent BlockMasterReport

clsStudent ClusterMasterReport

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Input ParamentersReturn

DetailsclstT118 _objclstT118, GridView _objGrid, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

n, ClsError _errMsg)

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTablestring _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string StateID,string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTablestring DistrictID, string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string BlockID, string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

(string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg) Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg) Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg) Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg Datatablestring _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg) Datatable

string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string val, string txt, string _str, ClsSession _objSession,

ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatablestring _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

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string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string Class,string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

string _str, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg Datatable

clstT151 _objclstT151,ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

clstT152 _objclstT152,ClsSession _objSession,ClsError _errMsg void

clstT153 _objclstT153, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

clstT154 _objclstT154, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

clstT154 _objclstT154, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

clstT155 _objclstT155,ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

clstT156 _objclstT156,ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

String School, String Class, String Section, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String School, String Class, String Section, String ExamType, String SubjectID,

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String Class, String Examtype, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String Class, String ExamType, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTableString MarksDetails, clstT158 _objclstT158, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

String RegistrationID, clstT152 _objclstT152, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

String SLCID, clstT152 _objclstT152, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

String FamilyID, String FamilyHead, String FathersName, String MothersName,

String PAdd, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String ReportID, String ReportType, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String SchoolID, String Class, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String SchoolID, String Class, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

DateTime datetime, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string StudentID, string Session, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String Name, String School, String Gender, String Class, String Section, String NearestSchool,

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTablestring _text,ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string Class, string Subject, string Chapter, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

string Tablename, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String LeftHeader1, String LeftHeader2, String OperationID,String sessions, String Rtype,

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string studentID,string sessions, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

TextBox Ch1, TextBox Ch2, TextBox Ch3, TextBox Ch4, TextBox Ch5,

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg static bool

string OperationID,string Rtype ,ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string OperationID,string Rtype , ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string OperationID,string Rtype , ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string OperationID,string Rtype , ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string OperationID,string Rtype , ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string OperationID,string Rtype , ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

String StudentID, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

DropDownList ddlReportType, String StudentID, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

TextBox _objControl,ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg static bool

TextBox _objControl, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg static bool

String SubjectID,string studentid, String Obtthry, String Resultthry, String ObtPract,

String ResultPract, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg void

string OperationID,string Rtype , ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

string Class, string ExamType, string RType, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

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String Name, String School, String Gender, String Class, String Section, String NearestSchool,

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String StateID, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String DistrictID, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

String BlockID, ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg DataTable

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

ClsSession _objSession, ClsError _errMsg String

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DB Description Remarks Status


static values C

static values C

static values Cstatic values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values

static valuesstatic values

static values

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values Cstatic values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values Cstatic values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

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static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values C

static values

static values

static values

clstT151 C

clstT152 C

clstT153 C

clstT154 C

clstT154 C

clstT155 C

clstT156 C

uspStudent (uType(SA)) C



CclstT158 C

clstT152 C

clstT152 C







CusptTA09(uType(SR)) C

usptTA09(uType(SM)) C

uspStudent(usptTA06(SC) C

















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T153,t134 C




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type of case

Encloser id string

Payable in favour of

5 Encloser Master

Table ID


use for Module

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T261001 bigint ,

T261002 Varchar ( 500 ),

T261003 Varchar ( 50 ),

T261004 Decimal ( 18,2 ),

T261005 Varchar ( 25 ),

T261006 bigint ,

T261007 Varchar ( 10 ),

T261008 Varchar ( 150 ),

T261009 Varchar ( 150 ),

T261010 smalldatetime ,

T261DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T261DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T261DF3 smalldatetime ,

T261DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T261DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T261DF6 timestamp ,

T261DF7 tinyint not null ,

T261DF8 bigint

T263001 Bigint ,

T263002 Bigint ,

T263003 varchar ( 15 ),

T263004 smalldatetime ,

T263005 bit ,

T263006 smalldatetime ,

T263DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T263DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T263DF3 smalldatetime ,

T263DF4 varchar ( 50 ),T263DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T263DF6 timestamp ,

T263DF7 tinyint not null ,

T263DF8 bigint

T264001 Bigint p0

T264002 Bigint ref T263(T263001)

T264003 Bigint

T264004 int

T264005 int

T264006 int

T264DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T264DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T264DF3 smalldatetime ,

T264DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T264DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T264DF6 timestamp ,

T264DF7 tinyint not null ,

T264DF8 bigint

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T266001 Bigint p0

T266002 Bigint ref T263(T263001)

T266003 Bigint ,

T266004 Bigint ,

T266005 Bigint ,

T266006 varchar 50 ),

T266DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T266DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T266DF3 smalldatetime ,

T266DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T266DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T266DF6 timestamp ,

T266DF7 tinyint not null ,

T266DF8 bigint

T270001 Bigint Po

T270002 varchar ( 100 ),

T270003 smalldatetime ,

T270004 Bigint , ref T267(T267001)

T270005 varchar ( 150 ),T270006 varchar ( 300 ),

T270007 Bigint ref T268(T268001)

T270008 Bigint ref T269(T269001)

T270009 varchar ( max ),

T270010 varchar ( 100 ),

T270011 varchar ( 150 ),

T270012 varchar ( max ),

T270013 varchar ( 100 ),

T270014 varchar ( 150 ),

T270015 varchar ( 150 ),

T270016 bit ,

T270017 smalldatetime ,T270DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T270DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T270DF3 smalldatetime ,

T270DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T270DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T270DF6 timestamp ,

T270DF7 tinyint not null ,

T270DF8 bigint

T275001 Bigint P0

T275002 Bigint

T275003 Bigint ref T273(T273001)

T275004 Bigint

T275005 varchar 50

T275006 Number 5,2

T275007 bit

T275008 smalldatetime

T275DF1 bigint identity(1,1)

T275DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

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T275DF3 smalldatetime ,

T275DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T275DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T275DF6 timestamp ,

T275DF7 tinyint not null ,

T275DF8 bigint

T276001 Bigint P0

T276002 Bigint

T276003 smalldatetime

T276004 Bigint ref T273(T273001)

T276005 Bigint

T276006 Number 5,2

T276007 Number 5,2

T276008 bit

T276009 smalldatetime

T276DF1 bigint identity(1,1)

T276DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T276DF3 smalldatetime ,

T276DF4 varchar ( 50 ),T276DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T276DF6 timestamp ,

T276DF7 tinyint not null ,

T276DF8 bigint

T253001 bigint Primary key,

T253002 bigint ref T233(T233001)

T253003 varchar 150

T253004 smalldatetime

T253005 varchar 20

T253006 varchar 150

T253007 bitT253008 smalldatetime

T253009 bigint

T253DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T253DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T253DF3 smalldatetime ,

T253DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T253DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T253DF6 timestamp ,

T253DF7 tinyint Not Null ,

T253DF8 bigint

T254001 bigint P0

T254002 bigint ref T233(T233001)

T254003 bigint

T254004 smalldatetime

T254005 numeric 9,2

T254006 bit

T254007 smalldatetime

T254008 bigint

T254DF1 bigint idendity(1,1) ,

T254DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T254DF3 smalldatetime ,

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T254DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T254DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T254DF6 timestamp ,

T254DF7 tinyint not null ,

T254DF8 bigint

T281001 bigint ,

T281002 varchar ( 40 ),

T281003 varchar ( 20 ),

T281004 tinyint ,

T281005 varchar ( 400 ),

T281006 varchar ( 10 ),

T281007 varchar ( 25 ),

T281008 varchar ( 25 ),

T281009 smalldatetime ,

T281010 smalldatetime ,

T281011 smalldatetime ,

T281012 smalldatetime ,

T281013 smalldatetime ,

T281014 smalldatetime ,

T281015 smalldatetime ,T281016 smalldatetime ,

T281017 smalldatetime ,

T281018 smalldatetime ,

T281019 varchar ( 100 ),

T281020 smalldatetime ,

T281021 smalldatetime ,

T281022 varchar ( 10 ),

T281023 varchar ( 100 ),

T281024 varchar ( 100 ),

T281025 varchar ( 100 ),

T281026 smallint ,

T281027 varchar ( 25 ),T281028 smalldatetime ,

T281029 varchar ( 25 ),

T281030 smalldatetime ,

T281031 bit ,

T281032 smalldatetime ,

T281033 bigint ,

T281DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T281DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T281DF3 smalldatetime ,

T281DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T281DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T281DF6 timestamp ,

T281DF7 tinyint not null ,

T281DF8 bigint

T282001 bigint Po

T282002 varchar ( 100 ),

T282003 bigint FK0 Ref T281001

T282004 tinyint ,

T282005 tinyint ,

T282006 varchar ( 100 ),

T282007 varchar ( 100 ),

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T282008 varchar ( 400 ),

T282009 varchar ( 15 ),

T282010 varchar ( 400 ),

T282011 varchar ( 500 ),

T282012 varchar ( 100 ),

T282013 varchar ( 400 ),

T282014 bit ,

T282015 smalldatetime ,

T282016 tinyint ,

T282017 bit ,

T282018 varchar ( 500 ),

T282019 varchar ( 40 ),

T282020 varchar ( 50 ),

T282021 varchar ( 200 ),

T282022 bit ,

T282023 varchar ( 30 ),

T282024 varchar ( 50 ),

T282025 varchar ( 50 ),

T282026 bignint ,

T282027 varchar ( 150 ),

T282028 varchar ( 75 ),T282029 varchar ( 50 ),

T282030 varchar ( 100 ),

T282031 varchar ( 1000 ),

T282032 varchar ( 100 ),

T282033 varchar ( 25 ),

T282034 varchar ( 1000 ),

T282035 varchar ( 40 ),

T282036 varchar ( 1000 ),

T282037 varchar ( 100 ),

T282038 smalldatetime ,

T282039 varchar ( 100 ),

T282040 smalldatetime ,T282041 bit ,

T282042 bit ,

T282043 smalldatetime ,

T282044 smalldatetime ,

T282045 bigint ,

T282046 varchar ( 150 ),

T282047 bit ,

T282048 smalldatetime ,

T282049 bigint ,

T282DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T282DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T282DF3 smalldatetime ,

T282DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T282DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T282DF6 timestamp ,

T282DF7 tinyint not null ,

T282DF8 bigint

T295001 smallint Primary Key ,

T295002 Varchar ( 50 ),

T295DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T295DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

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T295DF3 smalldatetime ,

T295DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T295DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T295DF6 timestamp ,

T295DF7 tinyint not null ,

T295DF8 bigint

T297001 bigint Primary Key ,

T297002 bigint ,

T297003 bigint ,

T297004 Numeric ( 9,2 ),

T297005 varchar 30 ),

T297006 Numeric ( 9,2 ),

T297007 Numeric ( 9,2 ),

T297008 varchar ( 30 ),

T297009 Numeric ( 9,2 ),

T297010 Numeric ( 4,2 ),

T297011 smalldatetime ,

T297012 smalldatetime ,

T297013 smallint ,

T297DF1 bigint identity(1,1),T297DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T297DF3 smalldatetime ,

T297DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T297DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T297DF6 timestamp ,

T297DF7 tinyint not null ,

T297DF8 bigint

T298001 bigint Primary Key ,

T298002 bigint ,

T298003 varchar ( 15 ),

T298004 varchar ( 10 ),

T298005 varchar ( 10 ),

T298006 varchar ( 250 ),

T298007 varchar ( 400 ),

T298008 tinyint ,

T298009 varchar ( 50 ),

T298010 bit ,

T298011 smalldatetime ,

T298012 bigint ,

T298DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T298DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T298DF3 smalldatetime ,

T298DF4 varchar ( 50 ),T298DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T298DF6 timestamp ,

T298DF7 tinyint not null ,

T298DF8 bigint

T301001 bigint Primary Key ,

T301002 varchar ( 300 ),

T301003 tinyint ,

T301004 bigint ,

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T301005 bigint ,

T301006 varchar ( 300 ),

T301007 varchar ( 300 ),

T301008 tinyint ,

T301009 tinyint ,

T301010 smalldatetime ,

T301011 Varchar ( 10 ),

T301012 Varchar ( 50 ),

T301013 Varchar ( 50 ),

T301014 smalldatetime ,

T301015 Varchar ( 10 ),

T301016 char ( 2 ),

T301017 Varchar ( 15 ),

T301018 varchar ( 5 ),

T301019 varchar ( 5 ),

T301020 varchar ( 5 ),

T301021 smalldatetime ,

T301022 varchar ( 500 ),

T301023 varchar ( 15 ),

T301024 varchar ( 15 ),

T301025 varchar ( 10 ),T301026 varchar ( 15 ),

T301027 bit ,

T301028 smalldatetime ,

T301029 bigint ,

T301DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T301DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T301DF3 smalldatetime ,

T301DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T301DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T301DF6 timestamp ,

T301DF7 tinyint not null ,

T301DF8 bigint

T304001 tinyint Primary Key ,

T304002 Varchar ( 10 ),

T304DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T304DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T304DF3 smalldatetime ,

T304DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T304DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T304DF6 timestamp ,

T304DF7 tinyint not null ,

T304DF8 bigint

T305001 tinyint Primary Key ,

T305002 Varchar ( 3 ),

T305DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T305DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T305DF3 smalldatetime ,

T305DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T305DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T305DF6 timestamp ,

T305DF7 tinyint not null ,

T305DF8 bigint

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T306001 bigint Primary Key

T306002 bigint ,

T306003 bigint ,

T306004 bigint ,

T306005 Varchar ( 5 ),

T306006 Varchar ( 10 ),

T306007 Varchar ( 10 ),

T306008 tinyint ,

T306009 smalldatetime ,

T306010 smalldatetime ,

T306011 Varchar ( 100 ),

T306012 Varchar ( 10 ),

T306013 smalldatetime ,

T306014 Varchar ( 100 ),

T306015 Varchar ( 200 ),

T306016 tinyint ,

T306017 Varchar ( 50 ),

T306018 numric 9,2 ),

T306019 numric ( 9,2 ),

T306020 numric ( 9,2 ),T306021 numric ( 9,2 ),

T306022 datetime ,

T306023 bit ,

T306024 smalldatetime ,

T306025 bigint ,

T306DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T306DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T306DF3 smalldatetime ,

T306DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T306DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T306DF6 timestamp ,

T306DF7 tinyint not null ,T306DF8 bigint

T314001 bigint ,

T314002 varchar ( 100 ),

T314003 varchar ( 400 ),

T314004 varchar ( 50 ),

T314005 smallint ,

T314DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T314DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T314DF3 smalldatetime ,

T314DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T314DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T314DF6 timestamp ,

T314DF7 tinyint not null ,

T314DF8 bigint

T315001 bigint Primary Key,

T315002 bigint ,

T315003 tinyint ,

T315004 smalldatetime ,

T315005 decimal ( 5,2 ),

T315006 decimal ( 5,2 ),

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T315007 varchar ( 5 ),

T315008 bit ,

T315009 tinyint ,

T315010 bit ,

T315011 bit ,

T315012 bit ,

T315013 tinyint ,

T315014 bit ,T315015 bit ,

T315016 bit ,

T315017 bit ,

T315018 bit ,

T315019 bit ,

T315020 bit ,

T315021 bit ,

T315022 tinyint ,

T315023 tinyint ,

T315024 bit ,

T315025 bit ,

T315026 tinyint ,T315027 tinyint ,

T315028 bit ,

T315029 bit ,

T315030 bit ,

T315031 bit ,

T315032 bit ,

T315033 bit ,

T315034 bit ,

T315035 bit ,

T315036 bit ,

T315037 tintyint ,T315038 bit ,

T315039 bit ,

T315040 bit ,

T315041 bit ,

T315042 bit ,

T315043 bit ,

T315044 bit ,

T315045 bit ,

T315046 tinyint ,

T315047 bit ,

T315048 varchar ( 100 ),T315049 varcher ( 100 ),

T315050 varcher ( 100 ),

T315051 varcher ( 100 ),

T315052 bit ,

T315053 bit ,

T315054 bit ,

T315055 smalldatetime ,

T315056 bit ,

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T315057 smalldatetime ,

T315058 bit ,

T315059 Varchar ( 100 ),

T315060 Varchar ( 100 ),

T315061 Varchar ( 100 ),

T315062 tinyint ,

T315063 tinyint ,

T315064 bit ,

T315065 smalldatetime ,

T315066 bigint ,

T315DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T315DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T315DF3 smalldatetime ,

T315DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T315DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T315DF6 timestamp ,

T315DF7 tinyint not null ,

T315DF8 bigint

T322001 bigint Primary Key ,

T322002 bigint ,

T322003 smalldatetime Foreign key references T321(T321003) ,

T322004 bigint Foreign key references T321(T321004) ,

T322005 tinyint ,

T322006 bit ,

T322DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T322DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T322DF3 smalldatetime ,

T322DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T322DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T322DF6 timestamp ,

T322DF7 tinyint not null ,

T322DF8 bigint

T323001 bigint Primary Key ,

T323002 bigint ,

T323003 smalldatetime ,

T323004 bigint Foreign Key references T320(T320001) ,

T323005 tinyint ,

T323006 tniynt ,

T323DF1 bigint identity(1,1),T323DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T323DF3 smalldatetime ,

T323DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T323DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T323DF6 timestamp ,

T323DF7 tinyint not null ,

T323DF8 bigint

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T324001 bigint Primary key ,

T324002 bigint ,

T324003 smalldatetime ,

T324004 bigint Foreign key references T320(T320001) ,

T324005 tinyint ,

T324006 tinyint ,

T324007 bigint ,

T324DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T324DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T324DF3 smalldatetime ,

T324DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T324DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T324DF6 timestamp ,

T324DF7 tinyint not null ,

T324DF8 bigint

T325001 bigint Primary key ,

T325002 bigint ,

T325003 smalldatetime ,

T325004 bigint ,

T325005 tinyint ,

T325006 bigint ,

T325007 tinyint ,

T325008 tinyint ,

T325009 tinyint ,

T325010 tinyint ,

T325DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T325DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T325DF3 smalldatetime ,

T325DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T325DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T325DF6 timestamp ,

T325DF7 tinyint not null ,

T325DF8 bigint

T326001 bigint Primary Key ,

T326002 bigint ,

T326003 smalldatetime ,

T326004 bigint Foreign Key references T320(T320001) ,

T326005 tinyint ,

T326006 varchar ( 200 ),

T326DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T326DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T326DF3 smalldatetime ,

T326DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T326DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T326DF6 timestamp ,

T326DF7 tinyint not null ,

T326DF8 bigint

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T329001 bigint Primary Key ,

T329002 varchar ( 100 ),

T329003 bigint ,

T329004 bigint ,

T329005 bigint ,

T329006 varchar ( 10 ),

T329007 bigint ,

T329008 varchar ( 100 ),

T329009 varchar ( 100 ),

T329010 varchar ( 200 ),

T329011 smalldatetime ,

T329012 bigint ,

T329013 smalldatetime ,

T329014 bigint ,

T329015 varchar ( 100 ),

T329016 tynint ,

T329017 tynint ,

T329018 varchar ( 100 ),T329019 tynint ,

T329020 int ,

T329021 varchar ( 75 ),

T329022 varchar ( 13 ),

T329023 varchar ( 100 ),

T329024 varchar ( 10 ),

T329025 varchar ( 100 ),

T329026 tynint ,

T329027 smalldatetime ,

T329028 smalldatetime ,

T329029 bit ,

T329030 varchar ( 25 ),

T329031 bit ,

T329032 varchar ( 25 ),

T329033 bit ,

T329034 varchar ( 25 ),

T329035 varchar ( 50 ),

T329036 varchar ( 200 ),

T329037 varchar ( 100 ),

T329038 varchar ( 2 ),

T329039 bit ,

T329040 varchar ( 2 ),T329041 bit ,

T329042 bit ,

T329043 bit ,

T329044 smalldatetime ,

T329045 bigint ,

T329046 smalldatetime ,

T329047 bigint ,

T329048 tynint ,

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T329049 tynint ,

T329050 tynint ,

T329051 tynint ,

T329052 tynint ,

T329053 bit ,

T329054 tynint ,

T329055 tynint ,

T329056 varchar ( 100 ),

T329057 tynint ,

T329058 tynint ,

T329059 tynint ,

T329060 tynint ,

T329061 bit ,

T329062 tynint ,

T329063 tynint ,

T329064 varchar ( 100 ),

T329065 smalldatetime ,

T329066 bigint ,

T329067 smalldatetime ,

T329068 bigint ,

T329069 tynint ,

T329070 tynint ,

T329071 smalldatetime ,

T329072 tynint ,

T329073 tynint ,

T329074 tynint ,

T329075 tynint ,

T329076 tynint ,

T329077 tynint ,

T329078 varchar ( 25 ),T329079 varchar ( 100 ),

T329080 varchar ( 25 ),

T329081 varchar ( 100 ),

T329082 varchar ( 100 ),

T329083 smalldatetime ,

T329084 bigint ,

T329085 smalldatetime ,

T329086 bigint ,

T329DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T329DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T329DF3 smalldatetime ,

T329DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T329DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T329DF6 timestamp ,

T329DF7 tinyint not null ,

T329DF8 bigint

T339001 bigint Primary key ,

T339002 bigint Foreign key ReferencesT329(T329001) ,

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T339003 smalldatetime ,

T339004 varchar ( 5 ),

T339005 decimal ( 3,2 ),

T339006 char ( 1 ),

T339007 tinyint ,

T339008 tinyint ,

T339009 tinyint ,

T339010 tinyint ,

T339011 tinyint ,

T339012 tinyint ,

T339013 tinyint ,

T339014 varchar ( 50 ),

T339015 tinyint ,

T339016 varchar ( 100 ),

T339017 bit ,

T339018 tinyint ,

T339019 tinyint ,

T339020 bigint ,

T339021 varchar ( 100 ),

T339022 smalldatetime ,

T339023 bigint ,

T339024 smalldatetime ,

T339025 bigint ,

T339DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T339DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T339DF3 smalldatetime ,

T339DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T339DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T339DF6 timestamp ,

T339DF7 tinyint not null ,T339DF8 bigint

T343001 bigint Primary key ,

T343002 tinyint ,

T343003 varchar ( 100 ),

T343004 tinyint ,

T343005 bigint ,

T343DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T343DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T343DF3 smalldatetime ,

T343DF4 varchar ( 50 ),T343DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T343DF6 timestamp ,

T343DF7 tinyint not null ,

T343DF8 bigint

T341001 bigint Primary Key ,

T341002 tinyint ,

T341003 char ( 2 ),

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T341004 tinyint ,

T341005 char ( 2 ),

T341006 bigint ,

T341007 varchar ( 6 ),

T341008 tinyint ,

T341DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T341DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T341DF3 smalldatetime ,

T341DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T341DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T341DF6 timestamp ,

T341DF7 tinyint not null ,

T341DF8 bigint

T349001 bigint Primary Key ,

T349002 bigint ,

T349003 Varchar ( 100 ),

T349004 tinyint ,

T349005 smalldatetime ,

T349006 tinyint ,

T349007 Varchar ( 200 ),

T349008 bit ,

T349009 smalldatetime ,

T349010 bigint ,

T349DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T349DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T349DF3 smalldatetime ,

T349DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T349DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T349DF6 timestamp ,T349DF7 tinyint not null ,

T349DF8 bigint

T353001 bigint Primary key ,

T353002 Smalldatetime ,

T353003 bigint ,

T353004 Bit ,

T353005 Smalldatetime ,

T353006 bigint ,

T353007 Bit ,

T353008 Smalldatetime ,T353009 bigint ,

T353DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T353DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T353DF3 smalldatetime ,

T353DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T353DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T353DF6 timestamp ,

T353DF7 tinyint not null ,

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T353DF8 bigint

T354001 bigint Primary Key ,

T354002 bigint ,

T354003 bigint ,

T354004 Varchar ( 100 ),

T354005 Varchar ( 500 ),

T354006 Varchar ( 500 ),

T354007 Varchar ( 500 ),

T354DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T354DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T354DF3 smalldatetime ,

T354DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T354DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T354DF6 timestamp ,

T354DF7 tinyint not null ,

T354DF8 bigint

T358001 bigint Primary Key,

T358002 bigint ,

T358003 smallint ,

T358DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T358DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T358DF3 smalldatetime ,

T358DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T358DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T358DF6 timestamp ,

T358DF7 tinyint not null ,

T358DF8 bigint

T361001 bigint Primary Key ,

T361002 varchar ( 100 ),

T361003 varchar ( 500 ),

T361004 varchar ( max ),

T361005 varchar ( max ),

T361006 bit ,

T361007 Datetime ,

T361008 bit 0 : drafted , 1: sent ,

T361009 Datetime ,

T361010 bigint ,

T361DF1 bigint identity(1,1),T361DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T361DF3 smalldatetime ,

T361DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T361DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T361DF6 timestamp ,

T361DF7 tinyint not null ,

T361DF8 bigint

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T364001 tinyint Primary Key,

T364002 varchar ( 500 ),

T364DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T364DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T364DF3 smalldatetime ,

T364DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T364DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T364DF6 timestamp ,

T364DF7 tinyint not null ,

T364DF8 bigint

T367001 bigint Primary Key ,

T367002 bigint Foreign key references T359(T359001),

T367003 varchar ( 200 ),

T367004 varchar ( 200 ),

T367005 smalldatetime ,

T367006 bit ,

T367007 smalldatetime ,

T367008 bigint ,

T367DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T367DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T367DF3 smalldatetime ,

T367DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T367DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T367DF6 timestamp ,

T367DF7 tinyint not null ,

T367DF8 bigint

T369001 bigint Primary Key ,

T369002 varchar ( 100 ),T369003 char ( 1 ),

T369004 varchar ( 100 ),

T369005 smalldatetime ,

T369006 tynint ,

T369007 bigint ,

T369008 smalldatetime ,

T369009 smalldatetime ,

T369010 varchar ( 400 ),

T369011 varchar ( 500 ),

T369012 varchar ( 50 ),

T369013 varchar ( 50 ),T369014 tinyint ,

T369015 smalldatetime ,

T369016 bigint ,

T369017 varchar ( 100 ),

T369018 bit ,

T369019 smalldatetime ,

T369020 bigint ,

T369021 bit ,

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T369022 smalldatetime ,

T369023 bigint ,

T369024 bit ,

T369025 smalldatetime ,

T369026 bigint ,

T369DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T369DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T369DF3 smalldatetime ,

T369DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T369DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T369DF6 timestamp ,

T369DF7 tinyint not null ,

T369DF8 bigint

T374001 smallint Primary Key ,

T374002 varchar ( 100 ),

T374DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T374DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T374DF3 smalldatetime ,

T374DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T374DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T374DF6 timestamp ,

T374DF7 tinyint not null ,

T374DF8 bigint

T376001 bigint Primary Key ,

T376002 bigint Foreign Key References T329(T329001) ,

T376003 bigint ,

T376004 varchar ( 100 ),

T376005 varchar ( 200 ),T376006 tynint ,

T376007 tynint ,

T376008 tynint ,

T376009 tynint ,

T376010 tynint ,

T376011 bit ,

T376012 tynint ,

T376013 tynint ,

T376014 varchar ( 100 ),

T376015 tynint ,

T376016 tynint ,T376017 tynint ,

T376018 tynint ,

T376019 bit ,

T376020 tynint ,

T376021 tynint ,

T376022 varchar ( 100 ),

T376023 smalldatetime ,

T376024 bigint ,

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T376025 smalldatetime ,

T376026 bigint ,

T376DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T376DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T376DF3 smalldatetime ,

T376DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T376DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T376DF6 timestamp ,

T376DF7 tinyint not null ,

T376DF8 bigint

T379001 bigint Primary Key ,

T379002 bigint ,

T379003 smalldatetime ,

T379004 bigint Foreign key references T320(T320001) ,

T379005 tinyint  ,

T379006 varchar ( 200 ),

T379007 tinyint ,

T379008 varchar ( 100 ),

T379009 varchar ( 400 ),

T379010 smalldatetime ,

T379011 smalldatetime ,

T379DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T379DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T379DF3 smalldatetime ,

T379DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T379DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T379DF6 timestamp ,

T379DF7 tinyint not null ,

T379DF8 bigint

T382001 bigint Primary Key ,

T382002 bigint ,

T382003 bit ,

T382004 smalldatetime ,

T382005 decimal ( 7,2 ),

T382006 tinyint ,

T382007 decimal ( 7,2 ),

T382008 tinyint ,

T382DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T382DF2 varchar ( 25 ),T382DF3 smalldatetime ,

T382DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T382DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T382DF6 timestamp ,

T382DF7 tinyint not null ,

T382DF8 bigint

T385001 bigint Primary Key ,

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T385002 bigint ,

T385003 smallint ,

T385004 smalldatetime ,

T385005 varchar ( 200 ),

T385DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T385DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T385DF3 smalldatetime ,

T385DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T385DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T385DF6 timestamp ,

T385DF7 tinyint not null ,

T385DF8 bigint

T388001 bigint Primary Key ,

T388002 bigint Foreign Key References T329(T329001) ,

T388003 smalldatetime ,

T388004 varchar ,

T388005 bit ,

T388006 bit ,

T388007 decimal ( 7,2 ),

T388008 decimal ( 3,2 ),

T388009 char ( 1 ),

T388010 bit ,

T388011 bit ,

T388012 bit ,

T388013 bit ,

T388014 bit ,

T388015 tyinint ,

T388016 tyinint ,

T388017 bit ,T388018 tyinint ,

T388019 bit ,

T388020 bit ,

T388021 bit ,

T388DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T388DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T388DF3 smalldatetime ,

T388DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T388DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T388DF6 timestamp ,

T388DF7 tinyint not null ,T388DF8 bigint

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T260001 bigint Po,

T260002 bigint ,

T260003 bigint not null ,

T260004 bigint not null ,

T260005 varchar ( 150 ), not null ,

T260006 bigint not null ,

T260007 varchar ( 150 ), not null ,

T260008 varchar ( 150 ),

T260009 varchar ( 50 ),

T260010 varchar ( 50 ),

T260011 numeric ( 12,2 ),

T260012 numeric ( 12,2 ),

T260013 varchar ( 50 ),

T260014 varchar ( 50 ),

T260015 smalldatetime ,

T260016 smalldatetime ,

T260017 varchar ( 200 ),

T260018 varchar ( 500 ),T260019 varchar ( 200 ),

T260020 varchar ( 150 ),

T260021 varchar ( 150 ),

T260022 varchar ( 30 ),

T260023 varchar ( 15 ),

T260024 numeric ( 12,2 ),

T260025 varchar ( 100 ),

T260026 smalldatetime ,

T260027 bigint ,

T260028 bit ,

T260DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T260DF2 varchar ( 25 ),T260DF3 smalldatetime ,

T260DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T260DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T260DF6 timestamp ,

T260DF7 tinyint not null ,

T260DF8 bigint

T265001 Bigint p0

T265002 Bigint ref T263(T263001)

T265003 Bigint

T265004 Bigint

T265DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T265DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T265DF3 smalldatetime ,

T265DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T265DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T265DF6 timestamp ,

T265DF7 tinyint not null ,

T265DF8 bigint

T269001 Bigint p0

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T269002 varchar 150

T269DF1 bigint identity(1,1) ,

T269DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T269DF3 smalldatetime ,

T269DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T269DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T269DF6 timestamp ,

T269DF7 tinyint not null ,

T269DF8 bigint

T271001 Bigint P0

T271002 Bigint ref T270(T270001)

T271003 smalldatetime

T271004 varchar m ax

T271005 varchar m axT271006 smalldatetime

T271007 varchar 500

T271008 varchar 500

T271009 bit

T271010 varchar 500

T271011 smalldatetime

T271012 bit

T271013 smalldatetime

T271DF1 bigint identity(1,1)

T271DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T271DF3 smalldatetime ,

T271DF4 varchar ( 50 ),T271DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T271DF6 timestamp ,

T271DF7 tinyint not null ,

T271DF8 bigint

T272001 Bigint P0

T272002 varchar ( 70 ),

T272003 varchar ( 20 ),

T272DF1 bigint identity(1,1)

T272DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T272DF3 smalldatetime ,

T272DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T272DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T272DF6 timestamp ,

T272DF7 tinyint not null ,

T272DF8 bigint

T274001 Bigint P0

T274002 varchar 50

T274DF1 bigint identity(1,1)

T274DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

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T274DF3 smalldatetime ,

T274DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T274DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T274DF6 timestamp ,

T274DF7 tinyint not null ,

T274DF8 bigint

T284001 bigint P0 T217001

T284002 varchar ( 100 ), T217002

T284003 varchar ( 500 ), T217003

T284004 varchar ( 50 ), T217004

T284005 varchar ( 20 ), T217005

T284006 varchar ( 50 ), T217006

T284007 smalldatetime , T217DF1

T284DF1 bigint identity(1,1) T217DF2

T284DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T217DF3

T284DF3 smalldatetime , T217DF4

T284DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T217DF5

T284DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T217DF6

T284DF6 timestamp , T217DF7

T284DF7 tinyint not null , T217DF8

T284DF8 bigint

T285001 bigint Primary Key

T285002 bigint ref :T284(T284001 ),

T285003 varchar ( 10 ),

T285004 bigint ( 50 ),

T285005 varchar ( 50 ),

T285006 smalldatetime ,

T285007 bigint ,

T285008 smalldatetime ,

T285009 bit , T233001

T285010 smalldatetime , T233002

T285011 bigint , T233003T285DF1 bigint identity(1,1) T233004

T285DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T233005

T285DF3 smalldatetime , T233006

T285DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T233007

T285DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T233008

T285DF6 timestamp , T233009

T285DF7 tinyint not null , T233010

T285DF8 bigint T233011






T278001 Bigint P0 T233017

T278002 varchar ( 100 ), T233018

T278DF1 bigint identity(1,1) T233019

T278DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T233020

T278DF3 smalldatetime , T233021

T278DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T233022

T278DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T233023

T278DF6 timestamp , T233024

T278DF7 tinyint not null , T233025

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T278DF8 bigint T233026


T279001 bigint , T233028

T279002 bigint , T233029

T279003 varchar ( 40 ), T233030

T279004 varchar ( 20 ), T233031

T279005 varchar ( 20 ), T233032

T279006 varchar ( 25 ), T233033

T279007 varchar ( 20 ), T233034

T279008 varchar ( 10 ), T233035

T279DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T233036

T279DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T233037

T279DF3 smalldatetime , T233038

T279DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T233039

T279DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T233040

T279DF6 timestamp , T233DF1

T279DF7 tinyint not null , T233DF2

T279DF8 bigint T233DF3


T280001 bigint , T233DF5

T280002 bigint , T233DF6T280003 varchar ( 40 ), T233DF7

T280004 varchar ( 40 ), T233DF8

T280005 varchar ( 40 ),

T280006 smalldatetime , T286001

T280007 smalldatetime , T286002

T280008 varchar 10 ), T286003

T280009 varchar 100 ), T286004

T280DF1 bigint identity(1,1) T286005

T280DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T286006

T280DF3 smalldatetime , T286007

T280DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T286008

T280DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T286DF1T280DF6 timestamp , T286DF2

T280DF7 tinyint not null , T286DF3

T280DF8 bigint T286DF4


T283001 tinyint T286DF6

T283002 varchar ( 200 ), T286DF7

T283003 varchar ( 10 ), T286DF8

T283004 varchar ( 15 ),

T283DF1 bigint identity(1,1) T287001

T283DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T287002

T283DF3 smalldatetime , T287003

T283DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T287004

T283DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T287DF1

T283DF6 timestamp , T287DF2

T283DF7 tinyint not null , T287DF3

T283DF8 bigint T287DF4



T288001 bigint Primary Key T287DF7

T288002 bigint , T287DF8

T288003 bigint ref:T285001

T288004 bigint ref:T286001 T289001

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T288005 bigint ref:T234001 T289002

T288006 varchar ( 15 ), T289003

T288007 smalldatetime , T289004

T288008 smalldatetime , T289005

T288009 numeric ( 6 ), T289006

T288010 numeric ( 6 ), T289007

T288011 varchar ( 100 ), T289008

T288012 smalldatetime , T289009

T288013 bit , T289DF1

T288014 smalldatetime , T289DF2

T288015 bigint , T289DF3

T288DF1 bigint identity(1,1) T289DF4

T288DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T289DF5

T288DF3 smalldatetime , T289DF6

T288DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T289DF7

T288DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T289DF8

T288DF6 timestamp ,

T288DF7 tinyint not null , T290001

T288DF8 bigint T290002


T291001 bigint Primar Key T29004T291002 varchar ( 50 ), T290005

T291003 smalldatetime , T290006

T291004 bigint , T290DF1

T291005 bigint , T290DF2

T291006 smalldatetime , T290DF3

T291007 bit , T290DF4

T291008 smalldatetime , T290DF5

T291009 bigint , T290DF6

T291DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T290DF7

T291DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T290DF8

T291DF3 smalldatetime , T293001

T291DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T293002T291DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T293003

T291DF6 timestamp , T293004

T291DF7 tinyint not null , T293005

T291DF8 bigint T293006


T292001 bigint Primary Key T293008

T292002 bigint , T293009

T292003 bigint , T293DF1

T292004 numric ( 6 ), T293DF2

T292005 varchar ( 100 ), T293DF3

T292006 smalldatetime , T293DF4

T292DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T293DF5

T292DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T293DF6

T292DF3 smalldatetime , T293DF7

T292DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T293DF8

T292DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T292DF6 timestamp , T294001

T292DF7 tinyint not null , T294002

T292DF8 bigint T294003


T296001 bigint Primary Key T294005

T296002 bigint Ref:T282(T282001), T294006

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T296003 varchar ( 100 ), T294DF1

T296004 bigint Ref:T281(T281001), T294DF2

T296005 tinyint , T294DF3

T296006 tinyint , T294DF4

T296007 varchar ( 100 ), T294DF5

T296008 varchar ( 100 ), T294DF6

T296009 varchar ( 400 ), T294DF7

T296010 varchar ( 15 ), T294DF8

T296011 varchar ( 400 ),

T296012 varchar ( 500 ), T299001

T296013 varchar ( 100 ), T299002

T296014 varchar ( 400 ), T299003

T296015 bit , T299004

T296016 smalldatetime , T299005

T296017 tinyint 5 , T299006

T296018 bit , T299DF1

T296019 varchar ( 500 ), T299DF2

T296020 varchar ( 40 ), T299DF3

T296021 varchar ( 50 ), T296DF4

T296022 varchar ( 200 ), T299DF5

T296023 bit , T299DF6T296024 varchar ( 30 ), T299DF7

T296025 varchar ( 50 ), T299DF8

T296026 varchar ( 50 ),

T296027 bignint , T300001

T296028 varchar ( 150 ), T300002

T296029 varchar ( 75 ), T300003

T296030 varchar ( 50 ), T300004

T296031 varchar ( 100 ), T300005

T296032 varchar ( 1000 ), T300006

T296033 varchar ( 100 ), T300DF1

T296034 varchar ( 25 ), T300DF2

T296035 varchar ( 1000 ), T300DF3

T296036 varchar ( 40 ), T300DF4

T296037 varchar ( 1000 ), T300DF5

T296038 varchar ( 100 ), T300DF6

T296039 smalldatetime , T300DF7

T296040 varchar ( 100 ), T300DF8

T296041 smalldatetime ,

T296042 bit 5 , T302001

T296043 bit 5 , T302002

T296044 smalldatetime , T302003

T296045 smalldatetime , T302004

T296046 bigint , T302005T296047 varchar ( 150 ), T302006

T296048 bit , T302007

T296049 smalldatetime , T302008

T296050 bigint T302009

T296DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T302010

T296DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T302011

T296DF3 smalldatetime , T302012

T296DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T302013

T296DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T302DF1

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T296DF6 timestamp , T302DF2

T296DF7 tinyint not null , T302DF3

T296DF8 bigint T302DF4

T303001 Bigint Primary Key , T302DF5

T303002 bigint Unique Key , T302DF6

T303003 varchar ( 100 ), T302DF7

T303004 bigint , T302DF8

T303005 tinyint ,

T303006 smalldatetime , T307001

T303007 varchar ( 5 ), T307002

T303008 varchar ( 8 ), T307003

T303009 varchar ( 10 ), T307004

T303010 varchar ( 10 ), T307005

T303011 varchar ( 100 ), T307006

T303012 varchar ( 100 ), T307007

T303013 varchar ( 15 ), T307008

T303014 varchar ( 400 ), T307009

T303015 varchar ( 100 ), T307010

T303016 varchar ( 100 ), T307DF1

T303017 varchar ( 100 ), T307DF2

T303018 varchar ( 100 ), T307DF3T303019 varchar ( 10 ), T307DF4

T303020 varchar ( 50 ), T307DF5

T303021 varchar ( 50 ), T307DF6

T303022 varchar ( 100 ), T307DF7

T303023 Numeric ( 9,2 ), T307DF8

T303024 tinyint ,

T303025 tinyint , T308001

T303026 varchar ( 5 ), T308002

T303027 varchar ( 5 ), T308003

T303028 varchar ( 5 ), T308004

T303029 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF1

T303030 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF2T303031 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF3

T303032 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF4

T303033 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF5

T303034 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF6

T303035 varchar ( 50 ), T308DF7

T303036 varchar ( 5 ), T308DF8

T303037 tinyint ,

T303038 smalldatetime , T309001

T303039 varchar ( 5 ), T309002

T303040 tinyint , T309003

T303041 smalldatetime , T309004

T303042 varchar ( 5 ), T309005

T303043 tinyint , T309DF1

T303044 smalldatetime , T309DF2

T303045 varchar ( 5 ), T309DF3

T303046 tinyint , T309DF4

T303047 smalldatetime , T309DF5

T303048 varchar ( 5 ), T309DF6

T303049 tinyint , T309DF7

T303050 smalldatetime , T309DF8

T303051 varchar ( 5 ), T310001

T303052 tinyint , T310002

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T303053 smalldatetime , T310003

T303054 varchar ( 5 ), T310004

T303055 tinyint , T310DF1

T303056 smalldatetime , T310DF2

T303057 varchar ( 5 ), T310DF3

T303058 tinyint , T310DF4

T303059 smalldatetime , T310DF5

T303060 varchar ( 5 ), T310DF6

T303061 varchar ( 5 ), T310DF7

T303062 varchar ( 5 ), T310DF8

T303063 varchar ( 5 ),

T303064 varchar ( 5 ), T311001

T303065 varchar ( 5 ), T311002

T303066 varchar ( 5 ), T311003

T303067 varchar ( 5 ), T311004

T303068 varchar ( 50 ), T311005

T303069 bit , T311006

T303070 smalldatetime , T311007

T303071 bigint , T311DF1

T303DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T311DF2

T303DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T311DF3T303DF3 smalldatetime , T311DF4

T303DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T311DF5

T303DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T311DF6

T303DF6 timestamp , T311DF7

T303DF7 tinyint not null , T311DF8

T303DF8 bigint


T312001 bigint Primary Key, T313002

T312002 Varchar ( 100 ), T313003

T312DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T313004

T312DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T313005

T312DF3 smalldatetime , T313006T312DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T313007

T312DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T313008

T312DF6 timestamp , T313009

T312DF7 tinyint not null , T313DF1

T312DF8 bigint T313DF2


T316001 bigint Primary Key , T313DF4

T316002 bigint , T313DF5

T316003 bigint , T313DF6

T316004 tinyint , T313DF7

T316005 Varchar ( 200 ), T313DF8

T316006 bit ,

T316007 smalldatetime , T317001

T316008 bigint , T317002

T316DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T317003

T316DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T317004

T316DF3 smalldatetime , T317005

T316DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T317DF1

T316DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T317DF2

T316DF6 timestamp , T317DF3

T316DF7 tinyint not null , T317DF4

T316DF8 bigint T317DF5

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T281001 bigint Primary Key , T317DF7

T281002 varchar ( 40 ), T317DF8

T281003 varchar ( 20 ),

T281004 bigint , T318001T281005 tinyint , T318DF1

T281006 varchar ( 400 ), T318DF2

T281007 smallint , T318DF3T281008 varchar ( 50 ), T318DF4

T281009 varchar ( 25 ), T318DF5

T281010 varchar ( 25 ), T318DF6

T281011 varchar ( 15 ), T318DF7

T281012 smalldatetime , T318DF8

T281013 smalldatetime ,

T281014 smalldatetime , T319001

T281015 smalldatetime , T319002

T281016 smalldatetime , T319003

T281017 smalldatetime , T319004

T281018 smalldatetime , T319005

T281019 smalldatetime , T319006T281020 smalldatetime , T319007

T281021 smalldatetime , T319008

T281022 varchar ( 20 ), T319009

T281023 varchar ( 100 ), T319010

T281024 bit , T319011

T281025 varchar ( 10 ), T319012

T281026 tinyint , T319013

T281027 varchar ( 100 ), T319014

T281028 tinyint , T319015

T281029 varchar ( 100 ), T319016

T281030 varchar ( 100 ), T319017T281031 smalldatetime , T319018

T281032 smalldatetime , T319019

T281033 varchar ( 25 ), T319020

T281034 smalldatetime , T319021

T281035 varchar ( 25 ), T319022

T281036 smalldatetime , T319023

T281037 bit , T319024

T281038 smalldatetime , T319025

T281039 bigint , T319026

T281040 bit , T319027

T281041 bigint , T319028T281042 varchar ( 100 ), T319029

T281043 tinyint , T319030

T281044 varchar , T319031

T281045 varchar , T319032

T281046 varchar , T319033

T281047 bit , T319034

T281048 bigint , T319035

T281049 varchar ( 100 ), T319036

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T281050 tinyint , T319037

T281051 varchar , T319038

T281052 varchar ( 25 ), T319039

T281053 smalldatetime , T319040

T281054 varchar ( 25 ), T319041

T281055 smalldatetime , T319042

T281056 bit , T319043

T281057 smalldatetime , T319044

T281058 bigint , T319045

T281DF1 bigint identity(1,1) , T319046

T281DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T319047

T281DF3 smalldatetime , T319048

T281DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T319049

T281DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T319050

T281DF6 timestamp , T319051

T281DF7 tinyint not null , T319052

T281DF8 bigint T319053


T320001 bigint Primary Key , T319055

T320002 varchar ( 100 ), T319056

T320003 bigint Foreign key references T318( T318001) , T319057

T320004 smalldatetime , T319058

T320005 smalldatetime , T319059

T320006 tynint , T319060

T320007 tynint , T319061

T320008 char ( 1 ), T319062

T320DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T319063

T320DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T319064

T320DF3 smalldatetime , T319065

T320DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T319066T320DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T319067

T320DF6 timestamp , T319068

T320DF7 tinyint not null , T319069

T320DF8 bigint T319070


T321001 bigint Primary Key , T319072

T321002 bigint , T319073

T321003 smalldatetime , T319074

T321004 bigint Foreign key references T320(T320001) , T319075

T321005 tynint , T319076

T321006 bit , T319077T321007 smalldatetime , T319078

T321008 bit , T319079

T321009 smalldatetime , T319080

T321010 bit , T319081

T321011 smalldatetime , T319082

T321012 bit , T319083

T321013 smalldatetime , T319084

T321014 bit , T319085

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T321015 smalldatetime , T319086

T321016 bit , T319087

T321017 smalldatetime , T319088

T321018 bit , T319089

T321019 smalldatetime , T319090

T321020 bit , T319091

T321021 smalldatetime , T319092

T321022 bit , T319093

T321023 smalldatetime , T319094

T321024 bit , T319DF1

T321025 smalldatetime , T319DF2

T321026 bit , T319DF3

T321027 smalldatetime , T319DF4

T321028 bit , T319DF5

T321029 smalldatetime , T319DF6

T321030 bit , T319DF7

T321031 smalldatetime , T319DF8

T321032 bit ,

T321033 smalldatetime , T333001

T321DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T333002

T321DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T333003

T321DF3 smalldatetime , T333004

T321DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T333005

T321DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T333006

T321DF6 timestamp , T333007

T321DF7 tinyint not null , T333008

T321DF8 bigint T333009


T327001 bigint Primary Key , T333DF1

T327002 bigint , T333DF2

T327003 smalldatetime , T333DF3

T327004 bigint Foreign Key References T320(T320001) , T333DF4

T327005 tinyint , T333DF5

T327006 varchar ( 15 ) , T333DF6

T327DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T333DF7

T327DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T333DF8

T327DF3 smalldatetime ,

T327DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T334001

T327DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T334002

T327DF6 timestamp , T334003

T327DF7 tinyint not null , T334004T327DF8 bigint T334005


T328001 smallint Primary Key , T334007

T328002 varchar Max , T334008

T328DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T334DF1T328DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T334DF2

T328DF3 smalldatetime , T334DF3

T328DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T334DF4

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T328DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T334DF5

T328DF6 timestamp , T334DF6

T328DF7 tinyint not null , T334DF7

T328DF8 bigint T334DF8

T330001 bigint Primary Key , T335001

T330002 bigint Foreign Key ref , T335002

T330003 smallint , T335003T330004 tynint , T335004

T330005 bit , T335005

T330006 tynint , T335006

T330007 tynint , T335007

T330008 tynint , T335008

T330009 tynint , T335009

T330010 bit , T335010

T330011 varchar ( 200 ), T335011

T330012 bit , T335012

T330013 varchar ( 200 ), T335013

T330014 char ( 1 ), T335014T330015 decimal ( 7,2 ), T335015

T330016 bit , T335016

T330017 tynint , T335017

T330018 tynint , T335DF1

T330019 tynint , T335DF2

T330020 smalldatetime , T335DF3

T330021 bigint , T335DF4

T330022 smalldatetime , T335DF5

T330023 bigint , T335DF6

T330DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T335DF7

T330DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T335DF8T330DF3 smalldatetime ,

T330DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T336001

T330DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T336002

T330DF6 timestamp , T336003

T330DF7 tinyint not null , T336004

T330DF8 bigint T336005


T331001 bigint Primary key , T336007

T331002 bigint , T336008

T331003 smalldatetime , T336009

T331004 tynint , T336010T331005 bit , T336011

T331006 bit , T336012

T331007 tynint , T336013

T331008 bit , T336014

T331009 bit , T336DF1

T331010 bit , T336DF2

T331011 varchar ( 200 ), T336DF3

T331012 bigint , T336DF4

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T331013 varchar ( 100 ), T336DF5

T331014 smalldatetime , T336DF6

T331015 bigint , T336DF7

T331016 smalldatetime , T336DF8

T331017 bigint ,

T331DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T337001

T331DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T337002

T331DF3 smalldatetime , T337003

T331DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T337004

T331DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T337005

T331DF6 timestamp , T337006

T331DF7 tinyint not null , T337007

T331DF8 bigint T337008


T332001 bigint Primary key , T337010

T332002 bigint Foreign key References T329(T329001) T337011

T332003 smalldatetime , T337DF1

T332004 tinyint , T337DF2

T332005 tinyint , T337DF3

T332006 varchar ( 100 ), T337DF4

T332007 varchar ( 100 ), T337DF5

T332008 tinyint , T337DF6

T332009 tinyint , T337DF7

T332010 decimal ( 5,2 ), T337DF8

T332011 tinyint ,

T332012 tinyint , T383001

T332013 tinyint , T383002

T332014 tinyint , T383003

T332015 tinyint , T383004

T332016 tinyint , T383005T332017 tinyint , T383DF1

T332018 varchar ( 40 ), T383DF2

T332019 smalldatetime , T383DF3

T332020 varchar ( 100 ), T383DF4

T332021 varchar ( 15 ), T383DF5

T332022 varchar ( 100 ), T383DF6

T332023 smalldatetime , T383DF7

T332024 tinyint , T383DF8

T332025 varchar ( 100 ),

T332026 bigint , T384001

T332027 varchar ( 100 ), T384002T332028 smalldatetime , T384DF1

T332029 bigint , T384DF2

T332030 smalldatetime , T384DF3

T332031 bigint T384DF4

T332DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T384DF5

T332DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T384DF6

T332DF3 smalldatetime , T384DF7

T332DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T384DF8

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T332DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T332DF6 timestamp ,

T332DF7 tinyint not null ,

T332DF8 bigint

T340001 bigint Primary key ,

T340002 bigint Foreign key ReferencesT329(T329001) ,

T340003 smalldatetime ,

T340004 bit ,

T340005 bit ,

T340006 bit ,

T340007 tinyint , T338DF7

T340008 decimal ( 3,2 ), T338DF8

T340009 char ( 1 ),

T340010 tinyint , T342001

T340011 bit , T342002

T340012 tinyint , T342003

T340013 tinyint , T342004

T340014 tinyint , T342005

T340015 bit , T342006

T340016 smalldatetime , T342007

T340017 bigint , T342008

T340018 smalldatetime , T342009

T340019 bigint , T342DF1

T340DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T342DF2

T340DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T342DF3

T340DF3 smalldatetime , T342DF4

T340DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T342DF5

T340DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T342DF6

T340DF6 timestamp , T342DF7T340DF7 tinyint not null , T342DF8

T340DF8 bigint


T344001 bigint Primary Key , T345002

T344002 bigint Foreign Key references (T260001) T345003

T344003 varchar ( 100 ), T345004

T344004 decimal ( 9,2 ), T345DF1

T344DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T345DF2

T344DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T345DF3

T344DF3 smalldatetime , T345DF4

T344DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T345DF5T344DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T345DF6

T344DF6 timestamp , T345DF7

T344DF7 tinyint not null , T345DF8

T344DF8 bigint


T346001 Bigint Primary Key , T347002

T346002 Varchar ( 100 ), T347003

T346003 Tinyint , T347004

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T346DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T347005

T346DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T347006

T346DF3 smalldatetime , T347007

T346DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T347008

T346DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T347009

T346DF6 timestamp , T347010

T346DF7 tinyint not null , T347011

T346DF8 bigint T347012


T348001 bigint Primary Key , T347014

T348002 Varchar ( 100 ), T347015

T348DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T347016

T348DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T347DF1

T348DF3 smalldatetime , T347DF2

T348DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T347DF3

T348DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T347DF4

T348DF6 timestamp , T347DF5

T348DF7 tinyint not null , T347DF6

T348DF8 bigint T347DF7


T350001 bigint Primary Key ,

T350002 bigint , T351001

T350003 tinyint , T351002

T350004 bigint , T351003

T350005 bigint , T351DF1

T350006 bigint , T351DF2

T350007 tinyint , T351DF3

T350008 bit , T351DF4

T350009 bigint , T351DF5

T350010 smalldatetime , T351DF6T350011 tinyint , T351DF7

T350012 tinyint , T351DF8

T350013 smalldatetime ,

T350014 bigint , T352001

T350015 bit , T352002

T350016 bigint , T352DF1

T350017 smalldatetime , T352DF2

T350DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T352DF3

T350DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T352DF4

T350DF3 smalldatetime , T352DF5

T350DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T352DF6T350DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T352DF7

T350DF6 timestamp , T352DF8

T350DF7 tinyint not null ,

T350DF8 bigint T356001


T355001 bigint Primary key , T356003

T355002 bigint Foreign Key references T354(T354001) , T356004

T355003 bigint , T356005

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T355004 Varchar ( 500 ), T356006

T355005 Varchar ( 500 ), T356007

T355DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T356008

T355DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T356009

T355DF3 smalldatetime , T356010

T355DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T356011

T355DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T356012

T355DF6 timestamp , T356DF1

T355DF7 tinyint not null , T356DF2

T355DF8 bigint T356DF3


T357001 Bigint Primary Key , T356DF5

T357002 Bigint , T356DF6

T357003 Bigint , T356DF7

T357DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T356DF8

T357DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T357DF3 smalldatetime , T360001

T357DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T360002

T357DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T360003

T357DF6 timestamp , T360004

T357DF7 tinyint not null , T360005

T357DF8 bigint T360006


T359001 bigint Primar Key , T360008

T359002 varchar ( 200 ), T360009

T359003 varchar ( 9 ), T360010

T359DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T360DF1

T359DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T360DF2

T359DF3 smalldatetime , T360DF3

T359DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T360DF4T359DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T360DF5

T359DF6 timestamp , T360DF6

T359DF7 tinyint not null , T360DF7

T359DF8 bigint T360DF8

T362001 bigint Primary Key , T363001

T362002 bigint Foreign Key References T361(T361001) , T363002

T362003 bigint , T363003

T362004 bigint , T363004

T362005 tynint , T363005

T362006 datetime , T363DF1T362007 tynint , T363DF2

T362008 datetime , T363DF3

T362009 bit , T363DF4

T362010 datetime , T363DF5

T362011 bit , T363DF6

T362012 datetime , T363DF7

T362DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T363DF8

T362DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

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T362DF3 smalldatetime , T365001

T362DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T365002

T362DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T365003

T362DF6 timestamp , T365004

T362DF7 tinyint not null , T365005

T362DF8 bigint T365006


T366001 bigint Primary Key , T365008

T366002 bigint Foreign key references T365(T365001) T365009

T366003 bigint T365DF1

T366004 varchar ( 10 ), T365DF2

T366005 varchar ( 250 ), T365DF3

T366006 varchar ( 350 ), T365DF4

T366007 varchar ( 100 ), T365DF5

T366008 tinyint , T365DF6

T366009 smalldatetime , T365DF7

T366010 tinyint , T365DF8

T366DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T366DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T368001

T366DF3 smalldatetime , T368002

T366DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T368003

T366DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T368004

T366DF6 timestamp , T368005

T366DF7 tinyint not null , T368006

T366DF8 bigint T368007


T371001 Smallint Primary Key , T368DF1

T371002 varchar ( 100 ), T368DF2

T371003 Smalldatetime , T368DF3

T371004 varchar ( 9 ), T368DF4T371005 Decimal ( 9,2 ), T368DF5

T371DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T368DF6

T371DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T368DF7

T371DF3 smalldatetime , T368DF8

T371DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T371DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T370001

T371DF6 timestamp , T370002

T371DF7 tinyint not null , T370003

T371DF8 bigint T370004


T372001 Smallint ref: T371001 T370006T372002 bigint T370007

T372003 bigint T370DF1

T372004 varchar ( 200 ), T370DF2

T372005 bigint T370DF3

T372006 varchar ( 250 ), T370DF4

T372007 varchar ( 300 ), T370DF5

T372008 int , T370DF6

T372009 smallint , T370DF7

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T372010 tinyint , T370DF8

T372011 Decimal ( 9,2 ),

T372012 varchar Foreign Key references T140(T140022) T373001

T372013 bigint T373002

T372DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T373003

T372DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T373004

T372DF3 smalldatetime , T373005

T372DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T373006

T372DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T373007

T372DF6 timestamp , T373008

T372DF7 tinyint not null , T373009

T372DF8 bigint T373010


T375001 bigint Primary Key , T373012

T375002 tinyint , T373013

T375003 varchar ( 50 ), T373014

T375DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T373015

T375DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T373016

T375DF3 smalldatetime , T373017

T375DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T373018

T375DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T373DF1

T375DF6 timestamp , T373DF2

T375DF7 tinyint not null , T373DF3

T375DF8 bigint T373DF4


T377001 bigint Primary Key , T373DF6

T377002 bigint Foreign Key References T329(T329001) , T373DF7

T377003 smalldatetime , T373DF8

T377004 decimal ( 4,2 ),

T377005 smalldatetime , T378001T377006 tinyint , T378002

T377007 smalldatetime , T378003

T377008 varchar ( 50 ), T378004

T377009 smalldatetime , T378005

T377010 decimal ( 5,2 ), T378006

T377011 smalldatetime , T378007

T377012 bigint , T378008

T377013 varchar ( 100 ), T378009

T377014 varchar ( 200 ), T378010

T377DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T378011

T377DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T378012T377DF3 smalldatetime , T378013

T377DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T378014

T377DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T378015

T377DF6 timestamp , T378016

T377DF7 tinyint not null , T378DF1

T377DF8 bigint T378DF2


T338001 bigint Primary key , T378DF4

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T338002 bigint Foreign Key References T329(T329001) , T378DF5

T338003 tinyint , T378DF6

T338004 bigint , T378DF7

T338005 varchar ( 100 ), T378DF8

T338006 varchar ( 400 ),

T338007 smalldatetime , T380001

T338008 varchar ( 5 ), T380002

T338009 smalldatetime , T380003

T338010 varchar ( 5 ), T380004

T338011 tinyint , T380005

T338012 tinyint , T380006

T338013 varchar ( 25 ), T380007

T338014 varchar ( 100 ), T380008

T338015 tinyint , T380009

T338016 smalldatetime , T380010

T338017 varchar ( 5 ), T380011

T338018 varchar ( 200 ), T380DF1

T338019 bit , T380DF2

T338020 tinyint , T380DF3

T338021 varchar ( 200 ), T380DF4

T338022 bit , T380DF5

T338023 bit , T380DF6

T338024 bit , T380DF7

T338025 bit , T380DF8

T338026 bit ,

T338027 tinyint , T381001

T338028 tinyint , T381002

T338029 varchar ( 200 ), T381003

T338030 bit , T381004

T338031 varchar ( 400 ), T381005T338032 tinyint , T381006

T338033 smalldatetime , T381007

T338034 bigint , T381008

T338035 smalldatetime , T381DF1

T338036 bigint , T381DF2

T338DF1 bigint identity(1,1), T381DF3

T338DF2 varchar ( 25 ), T381DF4

T338DF3 smalldatetime , T381DF5

T338DF4 varchar ( 50 ), T381DF6

T338DF5 varchar ( 50 ), T381DF7

T338DF6 timestamp , T381DF8T338DF7 tinyint not null ,

T338DF8 bigint

T386001 bigint Primary Key ,

T386002 smallint ,

T386003 tinyint ,

T386004 tinyint ,

T386005 bigint ,

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T386DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T386DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T386DF3 smalldatetime ,

T386DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T386DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T386DF6 timestamp ,

T386DF7 tinyint not null ,

T386DF8 bigint

T387001 bigint Primary Key ,

T387002 bigint Foreign Key References T329(T329001) ,

T387003 smalldatetime ,

T387004 tyinint ,

T387005 tyinint ,

T387006 bit ,

T387007 tyinint ,

T387008 tinyint ,

T387009 tyinint ,

T387010 decimal ( 3,2 ),

T387011 char ( 1 ),

T387012 bit ,

T387013 bit ,

T387014 bit ,

T387015 bit ,

T387016 bit ,

T387017 smalldatetime ,

T387018 bigint ,

T387019 smalldatetime ,

T387020 bigint ,

T387021 bigint ,

T387022 varchar ( 100 ),

T387023 varchar ( 200 ),

T387DF1 bigint identity(1,1),

T387DF2 varchar ( 25 ),

T387DF3 smalldatetime ,

T387DF4 varchar ( 50 ),

T387DF5 varchar ( 50 ),

T387DF6 timestamp ,

T387DF7 tinyint not null ,

T387DF8 bigint

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smallint p0

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 400 ),

varchar ( 25 ),

varchar ( 100 ),

bigint identity(1,1)

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Po

Int unique key

varchar ( 100 ),varchar ( 20 ),


varchar ( 10 ),


varchar ( 6 ),

varchar ( 15 ),




varchar ( 30 ),

Numeric 9,2

Numeric 9,2

varchar ( 400 ),


varchar ( 15 ),

varchar ( 15 ),

varchar ( 20 ),


tinyint Value 1=Lofe long, 2=Date upto


varchar ( 15 ),

bigint ,

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varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 150 ),

bit ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bit ,

bigint ,

bigint ,

Varchar ( 150 ),

int ,

Varchar ( 50 ),

smalldatetime ,

Bigint ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1) ,

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ref:T285(T285001),

bigint ref:T234(T234001),

varchar ( 15 ),

smalldatetime ,

smalldatetime ,

numeric ( 6 ),

smalldatetime ,

bigint identity(1,1)varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key

varchar ( 25 ),

varchar 100 ),

smalldatetime ,

bigint identity(1,1)

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key

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varchar ( 50 ),

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint ref:T287(T287001)

smalldatetime ,

bit ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key

bigint ref:T289(T289001),

bigint ref:T288(T288001),

int ,numric ( 6 ),

smalldatetime ,

bigint identity(1,1), ),

varchar ( 25 ,

smalldatetime ),

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ,

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key

varchar ( 50 ),smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bit ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key

bigint ,

bigint ,

numric ( 6 ),

varchar ( 100 ),

smalldatetime ,

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bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

varchar ( 150 ),

varchar ( 6 ),

Varchar ( 15 ),

tinyint ,

Varchar ( 15 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

varchar ( 100 ),

varchar ( 15 ),

varchar ( 100 ),

bigint ,

tinyint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key,

Varcher 5 Unique ,

Varcher ( 50 ),

varcher ( 50 ),

tinyint ,bigint ,

bigint ,

smallint ,

int ,

bigint ,

Bit ,

Smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

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varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

bigint ,

Varchar ( 100 ),

bigint ,

Varchar ( 25 ),

Varchar ( 25 ),

Varchar ( 25 ),

numeric ( 9,2 ),

numeric ( 9,2 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

Varchar ( 100 ),

numeric ( 9,2 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

Varchar 100 ),

bigint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


Bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

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timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key,

smalldatetime ,

bigint Foreign Key references T318( T318001),

bigint ,

bigint ,

bigint ,varchar ( 400 ),

int ,

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 400 ),

varchar ( 100 ),

char ( 1 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,bit ,

bit ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

decimal ( 9,2 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,bit ,

varchar ( 15 ),

varchar ( 15 ),

varchar ( 10 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,

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bit ,

tinyint ,

bit ,

varchar ( 15 ),

bit ,

bit ,

bit ,

varchar ( 100 ),

bit ,

varchar ( 15 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,

varchar ( 15 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ( 5 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,

tinyint ,

bit ,tinyint ,

char ( 1 ),

bit ,

varchar ( 100 ),

bit ,

varchar ( 100 ),

tinyint ,

varchar ( 100 ),

bit ,

varchar ( 25 ),

bit ,tinyint ,

varchar ( 100 ),

varchar ( 15 ),

tinyint ,

bit ,

bit ,

varchar ( 10 ),

tinyint ,

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bit ,

tinyint ,

varchar ( 200 ),

bit ,

bit ,

bigint ,

varchar ( 15 ),

varchar ( 15 ),

decimal ( 9,2 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint Foreign Key ReferencesT329(T329001)

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint Foreign Ley References T329(T329001) ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

smalldatetime ),

bigint ),

bigint identity(1,1),varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

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varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary key ,

bigint Foreign key ReferencesT329(T329001)

smalldatetimedecimal ( 4,2 )

smalldatetime ,

tinyint ,

varchar ( 50 ),

decimal ( 5,2 ),

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary key ,

bigint Foreign key ReferencesT329(T329001)







varchar 100

varchar 100smalldatetime




bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

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varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary key ,

bigint Foreign key ReferencesT329(T329001)


varchar ( 100 ),

smalldatetime ,

tinyint ,

varchar ( 100 ),

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


Bigint Primary key ,

Bigint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,

bigint ,bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

varchar ( 100 ),bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


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tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

tinyint ,

char ( 2 ),


char ( 2 ),

bigint ,

varchar ( 6 ),

tinyint ,

varchar ( 2 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,bigint

bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

bigint ,

bit ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

Varchar ( 15 ),

bigint ,

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tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,

Varchar ( 100 ),

Varchar ( 500 ),

bigint ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,

tinyint ,

Varchar ( 500 ),

bigint ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

varchar ( 200 ),

varchar ( 500 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary key ,

varchar ( 100 ),

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

bigint ,

tinyint ,

tinyint ,

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bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

varchar ( 200 ),

bigint ,

Decimal ( 12,2 ),

tinyint ,

varchar ( 25 ),

bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint Foreign Key references :T367(T367001),

bigint ,

bigint ,

bigint ,

int ,

int ,

tinyint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

varchar ( 100 ),

bigint Foreign Key references T369(T369001) ,

char ( 1 ),

smalldatetime ,

tinyint ,tinyint ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,

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varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint Foreign Key references T320(T320001) ,

tinyint  ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,

tinyint ,

smalldatetime ,

smalldatetime ,

bit ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


bigint Primary Key ,

bigint ,

smalldatetime ,

bigint Foreign Key references T320(T320001) ,

tinyint  ,tinyint ,

tinyint ,

bit ,

bigint identity(1,1),

varchar ( 25 ),

smalldatetime ,

varchar ( 50 ),

varchar ( 50 ),

timestamp ,

tinyint not null ,


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Sr. No Data Item Name Category

1 NEW OPD Attendence Attendence

2 OLD OPD Attendence Attendence

3 IPD Attendance Attendence

4 NEW Dental Patient Attendence

5 old Dental Patient Attendence

6 LAB. TESTS Diagnostic

7 Blood Diagnostic

8 Urine Diagnostic9 Stool Diagnostic

10 Sputum Diagnostic

11 Histopathology Diagnostic

12 All Lab. Tests Diagnostic

13 RADIOLOGY Diagnostic

14 X-ray (General) Diagnostic

15 X-ray (Dental) Diagnostic

16 Ultrasound Diagnostic

17 Special Investigations Diagnostic

18 RVG Diagnostic

19 ECG TEST Diagnostic

20 SURGERIES Diagnostic

21 Minor Diagnostic22 Major Diagnostic

23 Family Welfare Diagnostic

24 Deliveries (Total) Diagnostic

25 LSCS Diagnostic

26 Sterillisation (Male) Diagnostic

27 Sterillisation (Female) Diagnostic

28 MTP Diagnostic

29 IUD Insertion Diagnostic

30 Ante-Natal Check-up Diagnostic


32 BCG Diagnostic

33 DPT Diagnostic

34 OPV Diagnostic

35 Measles Diagnostic36 HBV Tetanus Diagnostic

37 Anti-rabies Vaccines Diagnostic

38 MMR Diagnostic

39 Doctors Staff Position

40 Nursing Staff Staff Position

41 Pharmacists Staff Position

42 Other Paramedicals/ Technicians etc Staff Position

43 Ministerial Staff Including Officers Staff Position

44 Class IV Staff Staff Position

45 Bed Compliment Staff Position

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