와와와와와와와 와와와와와와와 OMEGA Youth Ministry 2015-2016 와와와 와와와 Parent Information Guide

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와싱톤한인교회 청소년교회학교

OMEGA Youth Ministry


학부모 안내서Parent Information Guide

Table of Contents

1. Vision, Mission & Goals Statement.................................................................................................32. Parent Expectations & Guidelines...................................................................................................43. Student Rights & Responsibilities....................................................................................................74. OMEGA Youth Ministry 2015-2016 Plan .........................................................................................95. Sunday Schedules: Worship & Small Group .................................................................................156. Youth Ministry Event Calendar (Sep – Dec 2015)..........................................................................167. Class Rosters..................................................................................................................................208. Classroom Map..............................................................................................................................25

“OMEGA Youth Ministry”2

I am the Alpha and the OMEGA," says the Lord God, Revelation 22:13But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first – Matthew 19:30

Vision Statement: OMEGA Youth Ministry is a Christ-centered community of youth students striving to grow intimate with God and to share the message of Christ with the world와싱톤한인교회 청소년교회학교 (OMEGA Youth Ministry) 사역은 그리스도를 중심으로 모여 하나님과 가까워지기에 힘쓰며, 세상에 주님의 복음을 전하고자 모이는 학생들의 공동체입니다.

O - outreach & mission 봉사와 선교를 통해서 그리스도의 복음을 전하고M - meaningful worship 의미있는 예배를 통해서 하나님과 더 가까워지며 E - enjoyment of fellowship 친교를 통해서 하나님의 사랑과 은혜를 나누고G - growth in relationship with God 하나님과의 관계 속에서 성장하며A - alignment with the Word of God 하나님 말씀에 중심을 두고 있습니다

Mission Statement: The OMEGA Youth Ministry will continue to concentrate its efforts to "BUILD" the body of Christ –a faith community where all members of the youth ministry -- youth students, volunteers and parents – will experience the joy of fellowship and to live out their faith as disciples of Jesus Christ for God's Kingdom.

To achieve this mission, we have set three main goals: Excellence in Worship -- Thoughtfully prepare worship service involving students and teachers to celebrate and proclaim the resurrection of our Lord Jesus ChristEmpowering Small Group -- Organize small groups and improve small group lesson plans to ensure sound biblical teachingMaking Disciples -- Empower student leadership through Leadership & Discipleship training and outreach programs, equip teachers through consistent training, and involve parents to play a greater role in their children's spiritual growth.




Private PublicGod

중고등부 부모님께서 지켜주셔야 할 준수사항 및 안내

1. 예배에 늦지 않도록 준비해 주세요. 예배와 소그룹 모임은 정시에 시작합니다.

2. 학생(들)을 예배 중이나 소그룹 모임 중에 데려가지 마시기 바랍니다. 그리고 또한, 예배나 소그룹 모임에 방해가 되지 않도록 새로 지정된 “Youth Parent Lounge”에서 기다리시길 바랍니다. 부모님들께서 이부분들을 도와주시면 중고등부 학생들의 신앙교육에 많이 도움이 됩니다. 왜냐하면, 예배와 공동체의 중요성을 가르칠 수 있고, 또 중고등부 때 형성되는 가치관에 중요한 역활을 하기 때문입니다.

3. 교회에 올 때에 학생들이 준비된 마음과 모습으로 올 수 있도록 도와 주세요. 아침식사하기. 학생들이 아침식사를 하지 않으면 배고픔으로 인해 예배에 집중하지

못하는 경우가 있습니다. 주일 아침 11:00 – 11:35 분 까지 교회에 오면 Youth Lounge에서 간단한 아침을 나누며 다른 학생들과 친교를 나눌 수 있습니다.

성경책 및 헌금 준비 교회에 오래 있을 경우, 점심식사비를 꼭 주시기 바랍니다.

4. 단정한 옷차림. 학생들의 옷차림으로 인해서 예배에 방해가 되는 경우가 많습니다. 패션의 자유가 있지만, 단정한 옷차림을 통해서 우리의 마음을 준비 할 수 있다는 것을 자녀들에게 가르쳐 주시기 바랍니다. 특별히 여학생들은 짧은 치마나 반바지, 그리고 노출이 많은 옷들을 삼가해주시기 바랍니다. 남학생들 경우, 좋지 않은 단어들이나 그림들이 있는 옷들을 삼가해주시기 바랍니다.

5. 여러가지 필요한 서류들을 꼭 작성해주시고, 중고등부 행사에 등록하실 때에는 제 시간안에 등록해주시기 바랍니다.

6. 학생들의 건강을 위해서: 자녀가 24 시간 동안 다음과 같은 증상이 나타나면 집에서 쉴 수 있도록 해주시기 바랍니다. (100 도 또는 그 이상의 발열 증상, 설사, 구토, 감기/독감, 잦은 기침, 콧물, 중이염, 눈병이 있는 경우, 습지, 전염성이 있는 모든 질병)

7. 궁금하신 점이나 건의 사항이 있으시면 선생님, 평신도 리더, 또는 목회자에게 언제든지 연락하시기 바랍니다. 또, 선생님이나 교회학교의 이메일 서신에 꼭 답장해 주실것을 당부 합니다. 짧막한 말로서 받았다는 답변이라도 충분합니다. (예, 잘 알겠습니다. 감사합니다)

8. 청소년부 행사가 예정되어 있는 날 안좋은 날씨나 위급한 상황을 접하게 될 경우 먼저 교회 웹사이트를 정검해 주시길 부탁드립니다. 행사가 취소될 경우, 청소년 사역자들이


전화나, 이메일, 텍스트메세지, 페이스북등등을 통해 부모님과 학생들에게 연락을 드리겠습니다.

9. 저희 중고등부를 기도와 봉사로 도와주시고 후원해주시기 바랍니다. 특별히, 학부모회에서 요청이 있거나 행사가 있을 때에 부모님들의 시간과 달란트를 통해서 도와주시기 바랍니다.

OMEGA Youth Ministry Parent Expectations & Guidelines

1. Please DO NOT BE LATE. Worship services and small groups will begin on time. Encourage and help your student to be on time.

2. Please DO NOT PICK UP your student(s) during the worship service or small group unless there is an emergency. Also, please do not disturb while a small group or worship is still in session. Please stay in the ”Youth Parent Lounge” area across from the Youth Lounge. If you need to pick up your child early, please inform the teacher or the pastors in advance. Youth students learn by example. Please show your child that you believe worship and Bible

study classes are important by taking care to not disturbing them while he/she is engaged in these activities. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

3. Please help your student to COME TO CHURCH PREPARED, so that he/she can truly worship God in the Spirit and in truth and be ready to learn and grow spiritually. Eat Breakfast. There will be light breakfast in the Youth Lounge area during the “Youth

Fellowship Time” from 11:00 – 11:35 AM on Sundays. Bring Bible and Prepare Offering Bring Lunch money, if the student plans to stay at the church for a while

4. DRESS CODE: All youth students and the ministry staff are expected to dress modestly and appropriately for a Christian environment that reflects respect for God and others. No cut-off T-shirts, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, tank tops or tube-tops No sagging shorts, pants, jeans or ripped up clothes Shorts, shirts and dresses must extend down as far as your fingertips when your arms are extended straight down No clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff, or undergarments, too tight or that is otherwise sexually provocative No clothing with inappropriate words or pictures If at any time, a pastor, a team leader or the principal of the Children or Youth ministries deem a student's clothing to be inappropriate for the Church worship or activity, the student's parents will be contacted and he/she will be sent home or other acceptable solutions will be made.



6. “WELL CHILD ROOM” POLICY: We welcome your child if he/she has been free of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours: Fever 100 degrees or above, diarrhea, vomiting, cold/flu, frequent coughing, runny nose,

throat or ear infection, red watery eyes, body rash, any contagious diseases.

7. Please COMMUNICATE any concerns, questions or words of encouragement with the small group leaders, lay leaders, and pastors. Also, please confirm the receipt of emails when requested. Even a short reply like “I got it” or “thank you” will help us greatly.

8. In case of inclement weather on a day a church activity has been scheduled, please check the church website for the updated information. If and when the activity is cancelled due to weather related or any other situation, youth leaders or pastors will contact you or your student via email, facebook, phone call or text.

9. Please help and support us by praying, volunteering, and participating in the PTA events.


2015-16 OMEGA Youth Ministry Student Rights & Responsibilities

OMEGA Youth Ministry is a Christ-centered community of youth students striving to grow intimate with God and to share the message of Christ with the world. Our goal is to maintain a ministry that honors Christ in all we do and provide a safe and loving faith community for all youth students, parents and volunteers. To achieve this goal, we ask you to carefully read and follow below student rights, responsibilities and guidance.


You have the right to

Worship God with your whole heart in the “Spirit and in Truth” (John 4:23) Be treated respectfully at all times Be recognized as a priceless child of God whom His only Son, Jesus gave His life for Share your faith and thoughts without being judged by other members of the community Be nurtured and cared for in sound biblical principles and teachings so you may develop

Christ-like character Participate in Christian service and fellowship opportunities A clean and safe facility to have worship and fellowship A fair and consistent plan for discipline


You have the responsibilities to

Participate in worship in a manner that honors and respects God and others around you Treat others with respect, recognizing them as priceless children of God for whom Jesus

gave up his life Obey those people in authority, such as pastors, teachers, counselors and adult leaders Learn and participate in biblical teaching, service, and fellowship so you may grow as a

faithful disciple of Christ Take care of the church property and follow rules that are instituted to provide safe

environment for all community members Foster caring and welcoming environment and refrain from disruptive or disrespectful

behavior that breaks the trust of our community


DRESS CODE: All youth students and the ministry staff are to dress modestly and appropriately for a Christian environment that reflects respect for God and others.

No cut-off T-shirts, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, tank-tops or tube-tops No sagging shorts, pants, jeans or ripped up clothes Shorts, shirts and dresses must extend down as far as your fingertips when your arms

are extended straight down No clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff, or undergarments, too

tight or that is otherwise sexually provocative. No clothing with inappropriate words or pictures If at any time, a pastor, a team leader or a principal of the Children or Youth

ministries deem a student's clothing to be inappropriate for the Church worship or activity, the student's parents will be contacted and he/she will be sent home or other acceptable solutions will be made.

Use of Electronic Device: ALL participants of the youth ministry worship, small group meetings and other

activities are asked to refrain from using any electronic device except to use it as an eBible to read scripture or otherwise use it for the ministry purpose. If at any time, a member of the youth ministry leadership believes the device is not being properly used or is disruptive to the current activity, it will be confiscated until the end of the activity. If someone repeatedly violates this rule, the parents will be contacted and he/she will no longer be allowed to use the device in the youth ministry activity.

If you must use your cell phone during an activity, please step outside to use it.

COMMUNICATION: We recognize that the parents are the primary provider of the youth students’

spiritual, physical, emotional and mental development and health. We will seek to communicate and partner with the parents to help them in this important role. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate and relay all youth ministry activities and events with their parents through open discussion.

OMEGA Youth Ministry facebook page will be used to provide announcements and other youth ministry related communications. All users must use caution as their posts will have impact on many people. Any inappropriate content will be taken down without notice.

Any type of bullying, use of profanities, and gossiping are disruptive and destroy the trust among the members and will not be tolerated. Please report such incidents to members of the youth staff and leaders.

In case of emergency, please check our church website, our facebook page, or text messages for announcements and further instructions.

We pray that all members of the OMEGA Youth Ministry will be challenged to follow these rights, responsibilities and guidelines to build a health faith community together.


2015-16 오메가 청소년교회학교 계획안

I. 소그룹 계획 안

1. 교재 : 중고등부 학생들의 공통적인 경험을 위해서 금년에는 중고등부 모두 같은 교제를 사용하게 됩니다. 하지만 연령에 적합한 신앙경험을 제공하기 위해서중등부 소그룹 교제에 필요한 자료를 추가해서 사용할 계획입니다.

2. 교사들 간의 친교와 훈련은 매월 첫주일 오전 10 시부터 11 시 15 분까지 다목적실에서 가지며, 교사는 그달의 수업에 대해 검토하고, 각 학급에서의 교수방법과 학급운영에 대한 경험과 생각을 나누도록 할 것입니다.

II. 학생회 계획안

1. 공동체의 일원으로서의책임감을 갖고 예수님의 제자로 적극적으로 살아가는 학생들로 훈련하기 위해 학생 지도자 및 제자반을 중-고등부 전도사님들이 매 주일 아침 10 부터 11까지 운영합니다. 제자로서의 자세와 삶을 배우고, 또한 때때로 청소년부 행사를 계획하고 준비하는 시간입니다. 부모님들께서 협조해 주시고 권면하셔서 자녀들이 많이 참석 할 수 있도록 도와 주십시요.

2. 청소년부 학생들간의 친교를 돕기위해 매 주일 아침 11:00 – 11:35 분 까지 Youth Lounge 에서 간단한 아침을 제공하며 친교의 시간을 가집니다. 자녀들을조금 일찍교회에 보내 주셔서 친교를 통해 청소년부에 소속감을 가질 수 있도록 도와주십시요.

3. 더 깊은 사귐의 시간을 가지기 위해 가을과 봄 학기 4 주간에 걸쳐 금요일 저녁에 지역별 모임을 가집니다. 같은 지역에 사는 학생들을 전도사님들이소그릅 단위로방문하여 모임을 가질때 장소를 제공해 주실분을 구합니다. 가능하신 분은 교장선생님께 알려주십시요.

4. 더 많은 학생들이 예배의식에 적극적으로 참여할 수 있는 기회를 만들 것입니다. 새로 오는 학생들을 환영하거나, 성찬 준비를 돕고, 성경 봉독이나 대표기도 등에참여하게 될 것입니다.

5. 학생들이 가진 여러 달란트를 다음 청소년교회학교 사역에서 나누고 섬길 수 있습니다. 예배팀- 주일예배와 찬양의 밤을 준비하고 인도하는 팀입니다. 음악, 멀티미디어등 본인의 달란트로 예배와 찬양의 밤을 섬길 수 있는 기회 입니다. 매달있는 모임에 참석해야 합니다.a. 찬양연습은 매주 토요일에 있고, 매 주일 오전 10:30-11:30 기도회와 사운드 체크에 참여해야 합니다.

친교팀 – ‘Friday, Fun, Fellowship,’ ‘새교우 친교모임,’ ‘Turkey Bowl,’ ‘Welcoming Team’등등 친교에 관련된 행사/프로그램을 계획하고 인도하는 팀입니다. 매달있는 모임에 참석해야 합니다.

봉사/선교팀 – 봉사활동 및 선교 프로그램을 계획하고 인도하는 팀입니다. 매달/두 달에 한 번 있는 모임에 참석해야 합니다.


III. 청소년 교회학교 금요저녁 프로그램 – Friday, Fun & Fellowship

1. 청소년 교회학교 금요저녁 프로그램은 청소년 학생들이 주일 예배 및 소그룹 모임 외에 지속적으로 교제를 할 수 있는 환경을 제공하기 위한 것입니다.

2. 금요저녁 프로그램의 목적은 청소년 학생들이 그리스도에 대한 사랑이 더 깊어질 수 있도록 하는 것이며, 또한 학생들이 서로 더 친밀해지고 즐길수 있는 그리스도 중심적 활동이 되는 것 입니다.

3.매달 첫 번째 금요일은 중등부 (6-8 학년)을 위한 프로그램으로 진행 됩니다. 그리고 매달 세 번째 금요일은 중고등부 (6-12 학년) 학생들 모두 참여할 수 있습니다. 금요저녁 프로그램은 저녁 8 시 부터 10 시까지 진행 될 계획입니다. (경우에 따라 시간변경 됩니다).

4. 청소년 교회학교 금요저녁 프로그램은 청소년 교회학교 리더들과 교회 여러 사역을 담당하고 있는 리더분들과 함께 동역을 하게 됩니다. 이를 통해서 청소년교회하교 사역만이 아니라 교회 전체의 도움이 되는 사역이 되고자 합니다.

5. 금요저녁 프로그램은 선교/봉사 프로개름, 찬양의 밤/1박 2 일 수양회, 게임/영화의 밤으로 구성되어 있습니다. 그리고 몇몇 프로그램은 학기 중에 계획하게 됩니다.

6. 청소년 교회학교 첫 금요저녁 프로그램은 9월 19 일 금요일에 있을 ‘새학년 시작’ 행사 입니다. 영화 보고, 아이스크림을 먹으며 교제할 수 있는 프로그램 입니다.

IV. 선교 / 봉사 계획안

1. 청소년부 선교/봉사의 목적은 학생들로 하여금 “봉사하는 일” 자체만에 중점을 두는것이 아닙니다. 그보다 먼저 우리가 봉사의 대상자에 대한 깊은 이해와 성서적인 교훈, 그리고 예수님의 제자들로서 우리의 책임을 먼저 배우고, 이해하고, 마음으로 결단하여 매일 우리의 삶에서 행동으로 옮기는 과정을 훈련하는데 있습니다.

2.따라서, 선교/봉사 단원을 정할때 청소년부 목회자들과 평신도리더들이 함께 단원을 평가하여 선발 합니다. 이때 저희가 가장 중요하게 생각하는 자격 조건은 학생의 정기적인 주일예배 참석도 및 소그룹 활동 참여도입니다.

3. 교회 내의 다른 사역부들과 함께 일함으로써 청소년부가 교회 전반에 걸친 행사에 참여할 수 있는 방법을 찾아 가도록 할 것입니다.

4. 학생들이 지역사회를 위해 봉사하는 선교단체와 함께 일할 기회를 마련하도록 할 것입니다.5. 학교에서 요구하는 봉사활동 확인서는 팀장만이서명할 수 있습니다.6. 더 많은 기금을 마련하여 학생들이 선교활동에 참가할 때 장학금을 주거나, 비용을 줄여줌으로써부모에게 지니친 부담을 주지 않게 함으로써 더 많은 학생등이 선교활동에 참가할 수 있도록 하게 할 것 입니다.

V. 학부모 공동참여 계획안


1. 청소년 프로그램에 부모님의 도움과 참여를 높이고 부모들과의 의사 소통을 증진시키기 위해, 매 주일 3 부 예배 후, 아이들의 수업이 마치는 시간까지 학부모들이 학부모를 위한 공간(Youth Lounge 앞)에서 만나 함께 식사하고 친교를 가지시길 부탁드립니다.

2. 저희는 부모님과의 교류를 통해 필요한 정보를 드리기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다. 이를 위해, 각 중요한 행사마다 행사 전후에 부모님들께 필요한 정보를 제공하는 모임을 가지도록 하겠습니다.

3. 이메일이나 주보삽지등을 통해 청소년부 행사소식을 제 때에 알리도록 할 것입니다.

4. 청소년부는 부모님께서 교회 행사를 위해 자녀를 시간에 맞추어 교회로 데려다 주는 것이 쉽지 않다는 것을 충분히 알고 있으며, 이를 위해 교회 행사 시간을 더욱 잘 지키도록 최선을 다 할 것입니다.

2015-16 OMEGA Youth Ministry Plans

I. Small Group Plans

1. Curriculum: To provide youths more common learning experience, we will use the same curriculum for the Junior & Senior High students. Yet to give more age appropriate experience, we will supplement and/or revise the curriculum for the junior high small groups.

2. Two Teachers per Small Group. We assigned one small group per grade this year. From the experience and feedback from last year, having one small group per grade helped students to bond and strengthened the small groups. Those small groups with more than 10 student members, we have assigned two teachers per small group (1 female/ 1 male). This co-teacher model is new to us and will take some adjustments. Please keep a clear communication between your co-teacher, team leader and pastors to come up with a workable schedule and role that is tailored to the needs of your small group and each other.

3. Teacher Fellowship & Training will be every first Sunday of the month from 10 to 11:15 am in the Multi-purpose room. The teachers will go over that month’s lessons and exchange teaching and classroom management ideas with other teachers.

II. Stu dent Development & Fellowship Plans

1. To train the students to become responsible and active members of the community, we will offer Student Leadership & Discipleship classes for both Jr. & Sr. High students led by the respective youth pastors. The classes will be offered from 10:00 – 11:00 AM. From time to time, the students in this leadership classes will help design and plan for the upcoming youth events.

2. There will be more student involvement in the worship service. They will serve as ushers, Communion servers, scripture readers and to pray.

3. The following ministries are open to youth students: Worship Team – worship team is open to youth students who are interested in planning,

preparing, and leading Sunday Worship Services and Praise Nights with musical talents and/or multimedia. There will be a monthly team meeting.


a. Praise practices are on Saturdays and praise team members meet also on Sundays from 10:30AM to 11:30AM for devotion and sound check.

Fellowship Team – fellowship team is open to youth students who are interested in planning, preparing, and leading fellowship events like ‘Friday, Fun, Fellowship,’ ‘New Comers Luncheon/Picnic,’ ‘Turkey Bowl Team,’ Welcoming Team.’ There will be a monthly team meeting. Welcoming members will meet at 11:15AM in Soonwon Fellowship Hall each Sunday.

Outreach/Mission Team – outreach/mission team is open to youth students who are interested in planning, preparing, and leading monthly/quarterly outreach programs and workshops about missions. There will be a monthly/bi-monthly meeting.

III. Friday Evening Youth Program – Friday, Fun & Fellowship (FFF) 1. The Friday Evening Youth Program was created to provide an environment where all youth (grades 6-

12) can come together and enjoy fellowship with one another outside of regular Sunday worship and Bible study.

2. The objective is to help deepen their love for Christ, their heart for each other and for those outside their circle through fun, Christ-oriented activities.

3. The 1st Friday of each month is designated specifically for Junior High (grades 6-8), and the 3 rd the Friday of each month will be open to all youth (grades 6-12), meeting from 8:00-10:00 pm. This is open to change.

4. When planning events for FFF throughout the year, OMEGA leaders work closely and together with other ministries within our church, to build up not only the unity among OMEGA youth, but the church as a whole.

5. Participating in special mission projects, praise night/lock-in, fun & games night and movie night are some of the events planned throughout the course of the year

IV. Outreach/Service/Mission Plans 1. The objective of our youth outreach event is not only to “do” the act of serving, but more

importantly, to first learn about the deeper causes of the problems, what the Bible teaches us about them and our responsibilities to alleviate the suffering of those affected.

2. When choosing certain mission event memberships, the youth pastors and the lay leaders will use various factors to decide the eligibility. The single most important factor considered will be regular Sunday worship AND small group attendance as well as active participation in the outreach events throughout the year.

3. Work closely with other ministries within our church to seek ways to have our youth become more involved with church-wide events.

4. Allow our students to be involved with other mission/outreach organizations to serve the community and the world.

5. Only the team leaders and the principal will be allowed to sign the school service hour certification.

6. We will seek to raise youth mission funds so we can provide more scholarships or reduce the cost of mission projects for all youth so more students may attend such projects without causing too much financial burden on their parents.


V. P arent Partnership Plans 1. Every Sunday after the KUMC 3rd service, the youth parents are encouraged to meet and eat lunch

together in the “Youth Parent Lounge” across from the current Youth Lounge as they wait for their children to finish up their service or small group.

2. We will strive to improve communication and information to parents by holding a parent information session at the beginning and a debriefing session after the conclusion of each major youth outreach/mission event.

3. We will make every effort to give timely information to parents via email, church bulletin inserts & announcements.We will try our best to be more conscientious of the logistic difficulties the parents face to bring our youth to the church events and be punctual in time management.

OMEGA Youth Ministry Sunday Schedule

Student Leadership & Discipleship Class 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Senior High (9-12th Grades) @ Room B204

Junior High (6-8th Grades) @ Multi-Purpose Room

All Youth Fellowship 11:00 – 11:35 AM @ Youth Lounge

Youth Sunday Service 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM

Junior & Senior High Joint Worship Service @ Soonwon Fellowship Hall

1st Sundays of each month – Communion Sunday

Small Group Meetings 12:50 – 1:30 PM @ Assigned Classrooms


OMEGA Youth Ministry 2015-16 Calendar(September – December)

*All events are subject to change

September 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8/31MCPS, LCPS Begins

1 2 3 4Youth Retreat


6Youth Retreat (Cont’)

7Labor Day

8FCPS Begins

9 10 11 12

13Promotion Sunday & Volunteers Dedication Service

14MCPS Day Off

15 16 17 18 19Keon Huh - District Conference

Joint Praise Nights (w/ VoPC & Centreville) @ Centreville Campus


20Back-to-Church School Sunday

Orientation for Parents / SG 1

Parent-Teacher Meeting

21 22 23MCPS Day Off

24 25 26

27SG 2

28 29 30

VoPC = Vision of Peace (KUMC of GW English Ministry)FCPS = Fairfax County Public SchoolsMCPS = Montgomery County Public SchoolsLCPS = Loudoun County Public Schools

October 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2MCPS Early Release

Jr. High Friday, Fun, Fellowship


4Communion Sunday

Teachers Training & Fellowship

SG 3

5 6 7 8 9FCPS Day Off


1164th Year Church Anniversary


12Columbus Day

Keon Huh – Out of Town: UM Mandatory Church Leadership Training

13 14 15 16MCPS Day Off

Friday, Fun, Fellowship



18Fire Drill


19 20Charge Conference

21 22 23 24


262016 Planning Clergy Retreat

27 28 29 30FCPS 2hrs. Early Release

Fall Festival(joint w/ SEED Children’s Ministry)


November 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1Communion Sunday

Teachers Training & Fellowship


2MCPS Day Off

FCPS, LCPS Student Holidays

3 4 5 6Jr. High Friday, Fun, Fellowship



9 10 11Veteran’s Day

12 13 14



16 17 18 19 20Friday, Fun, Fellowship


22Thanksgiving Sunday


23 24 25FCPS, MCPS Early Release

LCPS Thanksgiving Break

26Thanksgiving Day

FCPS, MCPS Thanksgiving Break

27 28Turkey Bowl Tournament

29 Advent 1No SG


December 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3Youth Revival

4 5

6 Advent 2

Communion Sunday

Teachers Training & Fellowship

7 8 9 10 11 12


13 Advent 3 14 15 16 17 18FCPS 2hrs. Early Release

Friday, Fun, Fellowship


20 Advent 4 21

FCPS, LCPS Winter Break

22 23 24Christmas Eve

Carol Night Service

MCPS Winter Break


Christmas Services (@9AM & 11AM)


27No SG

FCPS, LCPS, MCPS Winter Break (Cont’d)

28Winter Joint Retreat

29 30 31New Year Eve Service


2015-16 OMEGA Youth Ministry Volunteer List(As of 9/9/2015)

Small Group Role Name Email Phone#

1 6th Grade Small Group Leader Daniel Whang [email protected] (703) 371-20542 TA James Min [email protected] (571) 244-27773 7th Grade Youth Pastor/SG Leader Keon Huh [email protected] (703) 342-67784 8th Grade Small Group Leader Jung Byun [email protected] (917) 301-35345 Youth Pastor/SG Leader Paul Cho [email protected] (914) 330-24226 9th Grade Small Group Leader Ilryong Moon [email protected] (703) 764-05817 10th Grade Small Group Leader Hee Sun Chung [email protected] (734) 262-61048 11th Grade Small Group Leader Dae Kim [email protected] (571) 405-44809 12th Grade Youth Pastor/SG Leader Roren Choi [email protected] (585) 727-4467

10 Administrative Team Leader Youngeun Na [email protected] (703) 850-363811 Worship Team Leader Christina Kim [email protected] (703) 216-597912 Fellowship Team Leader Teresa Lee [email protected] (703) 434-2881

13 Next Generation Superintendent Kwang Suk Yoon [email protected] (301) 461-4454


2015-16 OMEGA YOUTH SMALL GROUP (as of 9/9/2015)

6th Grade Teacher: Mr. Daniel Whang TA: Mr. James Min

6th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 조수진 Allisa Cho2 현윤아 Yuna Hyun3 김예원 Ellie Kim4 김유미 Grace Kim5 김이솔 Lauren Kim6 구은교 Eun Kyo Koo7 이유림 June Lee8 이예나 Yena Lee9 송 미 Grace Song

Room: B209

6th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 김선우 Daniel Kim

2 김도현 Eric Kim3 김 준 Jun Kim4 김시우 Tony Kim5 이현욱 Hyun Wook Lee6 이용진 Yong Jin Lee


7th Grade Teacher: Pastor Keon Huh

7th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 안효원 Hyo Won Ahn

2 조유진 Eugene Cho

3 하지현 Jennifer Ha

4 김예원 Alyssa Kim

5 이소정 Annette Lee

6 이유영 Zoe Yoo-Young Lee

7 박서연 Chelsea Park

8 여은진 Amanda Yo

Room: B107

7th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 최유진 Eugene Choi

2 기경민 Kyle Ki

3 김진영 Daniel Kim

4 노진혁 Joshua Roh

8th Grade Teachers: Ms. Jung Byun Pastor Paul Cho

8th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 정다영 Joy Chung2 이경서 K Lee3 상수정 Erica Kang4 김현아 Christy Kim5 김현주 Emily Kim6 심유라 Isabel Kim7 이재인 Jane Lee8 - Ulia Ahn9 박민채 Min Chae Park

10 박선우 Sunwoo Park11 여수진 Hannah Yo12 - Sylvia Park

Room: B109

8th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 조지홍 William Cho2 추이진 Anthony Choo3 이주영 Joo Young Lee4 김 빈 Bin Kim5 박승호 Jason Park


9th Grade Teacher: Mr. Ilryong Moon

9th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 김하영 Flora Kim

2 김민정 Hannah Kim

3 박지윤 Esther Park

4 진홍경 Emily Shin

5 이진화 Sydney Yi

6 구세빈 Sebin Koo

7 정민화 Mina Jeong

Room: B108

9th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 김찬효 Matthew Kim

2 이상욱 George Sang Wook Lee

3 박진균 Alex Pak

4 손재용 Ethan Sohn

5 정준현 Jun Hyun Chong

10th Grade Teacher: Ms. Hee Sun Chung

10th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 안아진 Clarise Ahn

2 최유미 Yume Choi

3 박지순 Kacie Park

4 박윤지 Michelle Park

5 구세연 Seyon Koo

6 이사라 Sarah Lee

Room: B113

10th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 김민재 Peter Kim

2 이 준 Benjamin Jun Lee

3 채건희 Kenny Chae

4 - Kevin Park

11th Grade Teacher: Mr. Dae Kim

11th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 최하은 Chanel Choi

2 정하윤 Hayun Chong

3 김현애 Caroline Kim

4 김새린 Elia Kim

5 김채원 Kathleen Kim

6 이주향 Joanne Lee

7 박지혜 Anna Park

8 박민주 MinJoo Park

9 신홍지 Violet Shin


10 유한나 Hannah Yu

Room: B105

11th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 강창석 Ellison Kang

2 김건 Brandon Kim

3 김동길 Daniel Kim

4 김시윤 Eric Kim

5 김진 Ethan Kim

6 이훈 Bryan Lee

7 박태순 Kody Park

8 신현동 Daniel Shin

12th Grade Teacher: Pastor Roren Choi

12th Grade GirlsNumber Korean Name English Name

1 안아연 Kaylee Ahn

2 상민주 Deborah Kang

3 김현경 Annabel Kim

4 김수림 Lauren Kim

5 임성애 Esther Lim

6 임유진 Hannah Lim

7 문아름 Nicole Mun

8 박지희 Jennifer Pak

Room: Library

12th Grade BoysNumber Korean Name English Name

1 안효준 Henry Ahn

2 조청랑 Kyle Cho

3 황준선 Jason Hwang

4 기현민 Matthew Ki

5 김지환 Joseph Kim

6 이한신 Han Shin Lee

7 이호영 Samuel Lee

8 이승재 Seung Jae Lee

9 김민성 Mark Kim