Table of Contents - MageWorx.com · 1. Installation Instructions Uploading the extension Upload via Composer 1. Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user who has permissions

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Page 1: Table of Contents - MageWorx.com · 1. Installation Instructions Uploading the extension Upload via Composer 1. Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user who has permissions
Page 2: Table of Contents - MageWorx.com · 1. Installation Instructions Uploading the extension Upload via Composer 1. Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user who has permissions

Table of Contents  1. Installation Instructions  2. Accessing the Extension General Settings   3. Crawling and Indexation: Meta Robots Settings  4. Canonical URL settings   5. Alternate (hreflang) URLs  6. SEO Settings for a Category Pager and LN Pages 7. SEO Breadcrumbs  8. Optimizing URLs for Category Pager and LN Pages  9. Optimizing Rich Snippets  10. SEO Cross Links  11. 301 & 302 Redirects for Deleted Products   12. SEO Meta Templates: General Settings  13. SEO Meta Templates for Product Pages 14. SEO Meta Templates for Category Pages 15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters  16. Individual Product and Category SEO Settings 17. HTML Sitemap  18. Extended XML Sitemap  19. License Agreement and Extra Info   

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1. Installation Instructions

Uploading the extension 

Upload via Composer 

1.   Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user who has permissions to write to the Magento file system.  2.   Create a folder anywhere on your server (preferably not in the Magento install dir). When done, upload all extension zip packages in there. 3.   To use the folder created above as a packaging repository, add the run composer command:

composer config repositories.mageworx artifact {/YOUR/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/EXTENSIONS/DIRECTORY}

For example:

composer config repositories.mageworx artifact /Users/mageworxuser/magento_extensions/mageworx/zip

This command add to your composer.json file this lines:

   "mageworx": {       "type": "artifact",       "url": "/Users/mageworxuser/magento_extensions/mageworx/zip"   }4.   Install the extension with Composer:

composer require mageworx/module-seosuiteultimate

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Upload by copying code

1.   Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user, who has permissions to write to the Magento file system. 2.   Download the "Ready to paste" package from your customer's area, unzip it and upload the 'app' folder to your Magento install dir.

Enable the module

Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user, who has permissions to write to the Magento file system. Go to your Magento install dir:

cd <your Magento install dir>

php bin/magento module:enable MageWorx_SeoAll MageWorx_SeoBase MageWorx_SeoXTemplates \ MageWorx_SeoCrossLinks MageWorx_XmlSitemap MageWorx_HtmlSitemap MageWorx_SeoRedirects \ MageWorx_SeoMarkup MageWorx_SeoExtended MageWorx_SeoBreadcrumbs MageWorx_SeoUrls

3.  Update the Database:

php bin/magento setup:upgradephp bin/magento cache:flushphp bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

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2. Accessing the Extension Main Settings

To configure all the extension main settings, go to Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO

From here, you can manage all the main extension settings.

Just select the module you want to configure, and tweak its features as you need. 

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3. Crawling and Indexation. Meta Robots Settings

To tweak search engine indexation settings, go to Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO - SEO Base - Meta Robots Settings

The robots meta tag enables you to utilize a granular, page-specific approach to search engine indexation. Our extension places the robots meta tag in the <head> section of a given page, which tells search engines how this page should be treated.

You can instruct the search  engines to follow/ignore, the links on this page, show/hide this page in its web search results, etc. 

On top of this, you can set Robots Meta Header for HTTPs pages, pages without content, and any extra pages. 

Also, this is the place, where you can set Meta Robots for attributes or attribute combinations used on your layered navigation pages.

Note, that here you can use any kind of Robots Meta Header (even INDEX, FOLLOW) and set NOINDEX, FOLLOW meta robots for LN filters with multiple selection. 

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4. Canonical URL Settings

Enable Canonical URL Meta Header, disable it for pages with NOINDEX Meta Headers, and specify the pages, the canonical URL won’t be added for. 

In case you have different domains within your Magento installation that have quite similar content, it’s generally recommended to define the main website using a Cross-Domain Canonical Tag.  You can either select it from the drop-down or add a custom Cross Domain Canonical URL. 

Separately specify the canonical tag for the associated products (configurable, grouped and bundle products). Thus, you may choose how the canonical tag should work for them. It can either point to the associated products (by default) or to their parent products. 

The setting can be useful if the visibility of your associated products is set to Visible, and you want to avoid duplicates with your main products.  

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4. Canonical URL Settings

You can opt to add a trailing slash to the canonical URL of the homepage or to URLs of any other site pages. By enabling this feature, you will avoid duplicate content issues with Google. For example, if Google indexes www.example.com/category/ and www.example.com/category as two separate pages, adding a trailing slash to the canonical URL will solve the problem.

Also, you can enable Pager for Category Canonical URLs and set Canonical URLs for pages filtered by layered navigation (by certain category attribute filters or by their combinations): 

• disable the canonical tag on the layered navigation pages • set the canonical tag to point to the filtered page • set the canonical tag to point to the category itself 

E.g. if the Filtered Page option is enabled, the canonical tag will point to /apparel/l/color:black/shoe-type:dress.htm, when store visitors filter products by color and product type. 

If the Current Category option is selected, the canonical tag will point either to /apparel.html (if ‘All Products Per Page’ option is disabled in the Magento settings) OR to /apparel.html?limit=all (if ‘All Products Per Page’ is enabled). The latter is recommended in the Google guidelines. 

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5. Alternate (hreflang) URLs

Hreflang tag helps search engines understand which version of your website should be shown in which country. Thus, Google won’t treat these localized pages as duplicates.

You can read more on the topic here.

First, specify the Hreflang URLs Scope (Website or Global), then enable Hreflang URLs and specify the pages hreflang urls will be enabled for: category, product or CMS pages.

Localized CMS pages have different IDs and most likely — different URL keys. That may trigger the following issue: the system won’t be able to define the localized versions of the same page, and won’t add the alternate URLs.

To solve that, you need to connect pages of these type by means of ID, URL key or an hreflang attribute.

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5. Alternate (hreflang) URLs

If you need to use a language that is different from the one currently set for the Store View, disable the Use Language Code from Default Locale setting and select the language for the alternate URLs manually.

In case you have one page for English speakers in Canada and an additional localized version for your audience in the United States, it’s necessary to add a country code.

Disable the ‘Use Language Code from Default Locale’ feature and manually choose the country you need.

Set the X-default hreflang attribute for pages you haven’t created localized content for.

This way you will inform the search engines that non-localized pages don’t target any specific country/language and can be displayed to site visitors when no other page corresponds to their queries.

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6. SEO Settings for a Category Pager and LN Pages

Use the rel=next/prev tag to point Google, where exactly the 1st and the last pages are, and what page is the next or the previous one. Click here for more detail on this. 

Add and specify the pager number place in Meta Title and Meta Description.

Also, you are able to remove any part of the Default Meta Title using the ‘Remove Default Title Prefix/Suffix’ option.

You can enable or disable Meta Title and Meta Description on category layered navigation pages.

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7. SEO Breadcrumbs

Enable SEO Breadcrumbs in order to overwrite the default Magento Breadcrumbs.

Enable the Use Category Priority option to use the prioritized categories for breadcrumbs.

Specify the breadcrumbs type:

• default to use the default Magento breadcrumbs; • shortest to activate the shorten version of the advanced breadcrumbs; • longest to activate the full version of the advanced breadcrumbs.

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7. SEO Breadcrumbs

You can configure the categories priority to use for breadcrumbs in Marketing - Manage Breadcrumbs Priority for Category 

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8. Optimizing URLs for Category Pager and LN Pages

Under SEO URLs, you can enable optimizing URLs of any pager filtered by layered navigation and any category page. 

Also, it’s possible to set up redirects from LN URLs to the default ones.

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9. Optimizing Rich Snippets

Add markup tags to help the search engines and users better understand what your site pages are about. Using your site markup, the search engine create Rich Snippets and make each of your page stand out from the crowd and improve CTR.

With the extension you can optimize Rich Snippets for Google Search, use markup tags for Open Graph (Facebook) and Twitter Cards (Twitter).

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9. Optimizing Rich Snippets

From the Product section you can mark up your product pages, optimize their Open Graph and Twitter Cards view.

This influences on how your store Product Pages will appear in search results and social media.

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9. Optimizing Rich Snippets

From the Category section, you can enable data markup on your categories.

This influences how categories appear in search results and social media.

From the Page settings, you can mark up your CMS pages with the tags for Open Graph and Twitter Cards. 

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9. Optimizing Rich Snippets

From the Website section, you can optimize markup data for your general website info. 

Also, you can optimize how your website is displayed in Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Cards.

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9. Optimizing Rich Snippets

Under the Merchant (Seller) section you can specify the general information about your business.

Here, you can add your store description, specify your business type and add social links. Further more, you can enter detailed contact information.

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10. SEO Cross Links

To manage the general Cross Link settings, go to

Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO - Cross Links 

From here, you can enable the Cross Link functionality, set the max replacement count for all product, category, CMS pages and define the default link target and reference.

Below, you can specify where keywords should be replaced with links on product pages. That can be done either in the short product description field or in the standard product description text.

Note, that you can tweak the cross link settings for each product individually. To do that, go to: 

Products - Catalog - Product - Search Engine Optimization

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10. SEO Cross Links

To create a new Cross Link, go to

Marketing - MageWorx SEO Cross Links - Manage Cross Links

Here, you can enter the list of keywords that will get replaced with internal/external links. You should enter only ONE keyword/ keyword phrase per line.

For more advanced ways to add keywords for cross links, follow this link.

Next, you need to specify the Link Title, select how your crosslinks will be opened (in the same window, or in a new one) and choose the Store Views this cross link rule will be applied to.

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10. SEO Cross Links

In the Reference drop-down, you can specify the pages your internal store links will point to. That can be done by specifying the Category  ID or the Product Product SKU.   

Also, here you can opt to add a custom URL (can be the URL of your website or any other external source). Just note that Link without’ http[s]://' as  customer/account/ will be converted to http[s]://(store_URL_here) /customer/account/; while a link with 'http[s]://' will be added as it is.

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10. SEO Cross Links

When done, switch to the Destination tab.   This is the place, where you can specify which pages your cross links should appear on.

The extension lets you add this type of links on product pages, category and CMS pages. 

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10. SEO Cross Links

Under Marketing - MageWorx SEO Cross Links - Magento Cross Links, 

you can conveniently manage all your cross links:  • add new ones,  • mass-enable/ disable the selected cross links • delete unneeded cross links and more 

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10. SEO Cross Links

Optimized internal linking structure is a must-have to make an SEO-friendly eCommerce store. The extension lets you automatically link any keyword/ keyword phrase to any product and category pages.  By linking your pages this way, you will be able to drive more traffic to the promoted pages, improve store navigation and user experience.   

On top of that, a well-organized store structure will help you better index your store pages and more effectively distribute link authority among important pages. 

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11. 301 & 302 Redirects for Deleted Products

To configure the general SEO Redirects settings for deleted products, go to

Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO - SEO Redirects–For Deleted Products

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11. 301 & 302 Redirects for Deleted Products

To configure the general SEO Redirects settings for deleted products, go to

Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO - SEO Redirects–For Deleted Products

Use the 'Actions' menu to apply group actions to selected redirects.

Additionally, you can manage each existing redirect personally. You can modify Priority Category ID and Product Category ID in order to redirect customers correctly.

For example:

1. If a product was assigned to a single category A - subcategory BC and the setting is set to redirect to a product category, the redirect will be created for the subcategory BC despite the set priorities;

2. If a product was assigned to category A (subcategory BC) AND to category B (subcategory B1), and the setting is set to redirect to a product category, the redirects will be created to the subcategory BC AND to the subcategory B1:

• the URL like site.com/categoryA/subcategoryBC/product.html will be redirected to site.com/categoryA/subcategoryBC. 

• the URL like site.com/categoryB/subcategoryB1/product.html will be redirected to site.com/categoryB/subcategoryB1. In this case if the setting is set to redirect to the priority category, the redirects will be set to subcategory BC.

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12. SEO Meta Templates: General Settings

To modify SEO Meta Templates general settings, go to

Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO - SEO Extended Templates

With SEO Suite Ultimate you can create up to 15 different template types that savvily apply store attributes and make your product/ category pages search engine friendly.  Thus, you can easily generate a big amount of unique SEO data for an unlimited # of pages. 

The templates can help you optimize product/ category meta title, meta description, meta keywords and other important SEO elements (e.g. product name, product images, alt values, etc). 

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13. SEO Meta Templates for Product Pages

To create a new Product Page SEO Template, go to:

Marketing - MageWorx SEO Templates - Product Templates - Add New Template

At the first step, you need to select the template type. You can create a template to automatically optimize Product SEO Name (aka H1 tag), URL key, product short description (will appear in the front-end), product meta title, description and keywords.

Also, from here you can choose Store Views this template will be applied to.  

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13. SEO Meta Templates for Product Pages

You can apply a new template to all products at once, products grouped by specific attributes, or individual product items.

Specify the template rule. That will transform your current product page titles into a SEO-friendly pattern like that: iPhone 7 for € 617.50 in Smart Phones - Electronics 

Also, you can choose the values to apply for and schedule the template auto-applies (using Magento Cron).

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13. SEO Meta Templates for Product Pages

Switch to the Products tab. 

From there, you will be able to manually select the products the template will be applied to. 

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13. SEO Meta Templates for Product Pages

All done! Now you can Test-Apply your Product Page SEO Template before applying it, and make extra changes (if needed). 

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14. SEO Meta Templates for Category Pages

To generate a new Category SEO template, go to

Marketing - MageWorx SEO Templates - Add New Template

With this template you can optimize category SEO name (H1 tag), front-end description, meta title, meta description and meta keywords.

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14. SEO Meta Templates for Category Pages

From here, you can apply a new template to all categories at once, or to some specific categories only.

Specify the template rule. E.g. to optimize category page meta titles, you may create this rule:  [category],[brand_name]

That will transform your current category page title into an SEO-friendly pattern like that: Women's Sportswear - Nike shoes 

Also, you can choose the template values to apply to and schedule its auto-applies (using Magento Cron).

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14. SEO Meta Templates for Category Pages

At the next step, you need to select the categories, this particular template will be applied to. 

To do that, just start typing in the Categories field and then select one of the suggested options. 

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All done! Now you can Test-Apply your Category Page SEO Template before applying it and make extra changes (if needed).

14. SEO Meta Templates for Category Pages

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15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters

To generate a new Category SEO template, go to

Marketing - MageWorx SEO Templates - Category Filter Templates

 With SEO Suite Ultimate, you can turn pages filtered by Layered Navigation into regular store pages with SEO value. That can be beneficial in various ways:

• if there are no sub-categories in your store, pages filtered by layered navigation can successfully perform their role, • these pages can be fully optimized for long-tail or any specific search queries; thus, shoppers who are searching for

“men’s red Lacoste shirt” will land on a page with highly relevant results, • optimized pages of this type can extend and strengthen your site architecture.

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With this template you can optimize such SEO values, as a category meta title, description, keywords and long description for any page, filtered by a certain layered navigation attribute.

Under these settings, you can:  • pick up a filtering attribute  • choose a Store View(-s) to apply this template to.

15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters

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15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters

You can specify whether to apply this template to all categories at once, or to some categories of your choice.

Also, you can specify a template name, set the rule (e.g. to optimize pages filtered by the‘material’ attribute, enter [filter_material] and [categories] variables).

On top of this, you can choose the template values and schedule its auto-applies (using Magento Cron).

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15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters

Jump to the Categories tab to select a category for this template.

Please note! There is only one ‘Template Type – Store View – Category — Attribute’ combination available for the chosen Category. Categories assigned to different templates with the same conditions will be shown as Disabled in the Category Tree.

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15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters


Please note that it’s generally advised to create 1 type of SEO meta template (e.g. a template for Category Meta Title) for 1 LN attribute filter AT A TIME! 

If you have a page with multiple filter attributes, e.g. /l/color/size/shape.html, you should create a certain type of an SEO meta template only for the main attribute.

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15. SEO Meta Templates for Category Filters

You can however, specify the priority for different LN attributes for the same template type. Thus, if the same template type gets associated with a number of different attributes, the extension will pick up the one, that has the biggest priority.

To set attribute priority, first, disable the enabled by default ‘Use SEO-ed data for a single filter’ option in the‘SEO Extended’ settings.

Next, go to ‘Stores - Attributes - Products - Attribute Info - Storefront Properties’.

NOTE! The bigger the position, the lower its priority. 

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16. Individual Product and Category SEO Settings

Additionally, you can define SEO name/H1 tag (along with some other important SEO settings) for each product or category individually. 

The meta robots tags can be defined here as well. Here one can find settings to include into or delete from HTML and XML sitemaps.

All these configurations allow fine-tuning the individual products and categories SEO visibility.

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17. HTML Sitemap

To generate an HTML sitemap, go to Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO  - HTML Sitemap 

To include Store Views links into the main HTML sitemap, enable the the Show Stores setting. To display store categories and products, enable the Show Categories/ Products settings.

If your store has too many categories, limit the # of the displayed ones by setting the ‘Maximum category depth level’.

The Product URLs setting lets you use the product URL to target the category one (if possible). 

Also, you can specify category/product sorting order and enable CMS page display.

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18. XML Sitemap

To edit the XML sitemap settings, go to Stores - Configuration - MageWorx - SEO  - XML Sitemap 

You can extend the functionality of the XML sitemap by: 

- optimizing the URL of a homepage (you can crop the identifier (e.g /home/ from the homepage URL and sent its priority to 1.0)

- adding any number of additional links . - Possibility to exclude the Out of Stock products

from the sitemap

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18. XML Sitemap

To manage the XML sitemap or add several sitemaps depending on the store view, go toMarketing - SEO & Search - Sitemap by MageWorx 

The grid here provides the list of all the sitemaps that are generated for the website. It provides the link to the sitemap file, the entity stats and the store view selected. Once the sitemap is added, the client can Generate it by selecting this option in the dropdown menu in the last column of the row

The extension provides the functionality to mass generate the sitemaps by selecting the checkboxes and clicking the Generate tab on the Actions dropdown above the grid

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18. XML Sitemap

Once you click the Add Sitemap button on the XML grid, you can specify the desired settings for this file

Here, the store owner can provide the filename for the sitemap and the exact path, where this file should be placed.

The possibility to specify the Store View provides the ability to create separate sitemaps for separate store views.

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19. License Agreement and Extra Info

MageWorx reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to all its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing an order and should verify that this information is complete and up-to-date. All products are sold subject to MageWorx terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.

MageWorx warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with the company’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent MageWorx deems necessary to support this warranty. MageWorx assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using MageWorx components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.

MageWorx does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any MageWorx patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other MageWorx intellectual property rights relating to any combination, machine, or process in which MageWorx products or services are used. 

Information published by MageWorx regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from MageWorx to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from MageWorx under the patents or other intellectual property of MageWorx.

Resale of MageWorx products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by MageWorx for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated MageWorx product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. MageWorx is not responsible or liable for any such statements. All company and brand products and service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Page 49: Table of Contents - MageWorx.com · 1. Installation Instructions Uploading the extension Upload via Composer 1. Log into the Magento server (or switch to) as a user who has permissions


Take a look at other MageWorx SEO extensions for the Magento platform here.


MageWorx  offers  FREE  lifetime  support  and  updates  for  any  extension  developed  for Magento. Need help with the extensions? Feel free submit a ticket from http://www.mageworx.com/support/


If  you  would  like  to  save  time  on  configuring  our  SEO  extensions,  you  may  ask  our  SEO professionals to take care of this. Click here to learn more about our Magento SEO Configuration service.


MageWorx  offers  outstanding  services  developing  custom  tailored  solutions  for  Magento platform to attain your eCommerce objectives. Our  professional  impassioned  team  provides  profound  and  custom  oriented  development  of  your   project   in   a   short   timeframe.  Click here to contact us.


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19. License Agreement and Extra Info