DIVISION OF EMPLOYMENT AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 1 Cattaraugus-Allegany LOCAL PLAN JULY 1, 2014 - JUNE 30, 2015

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 1

Cattaraugus-Allegany LOCAL PLAN

JULY 1, 2014 - JUNE 30, 2015

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 2

Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 2 Labor Market Overview ........................................................................................................................... 3 Performance ........................................................................................................................................... 3

ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKERS ........................................................................................................... 4 YOUTH .................................................................................................................................................. 6 STAFF INFORMATION............................................................................................................................. 14

Procurement ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Waivers ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Contracts, MOUs, and Appendices......................................................................................................... 17 Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 17 ATTACHMENT A: UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ................................................................................ 20 ATTACHMENT B: FISCAL AGENT/GRANT SUBRECIPIENT ........................................................................ 21 The following attachments are provided separately: Attachment C: Signature of Local Board Chair Attachment D: Signature of Chief Elected Official Attachment E: Signature of WIB Director Attachment F: Federal and State Certifications Attachment G: Career Center Operator Information Attachment H: List of Career Center Centers Attachment I: Budget Attachment J: Service Providers

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Labor Market Overview WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (1) an identification of—

(A) the workforce investment needs of businesses, jobseekers, and workers in the local area; (B) the current and projected employment opportunities in the local area; and (C) the job skills necessary to obtain such employment opportunities; LWIB and Regional Demand Lists are now maintained online at: http://www.labor.ny.gov/workforcenypartners/lwia/lmi-for-workforce-planning.shtm. Any changes to these lists should be sent to [email protected].

1. I attest that the priority ranked list of local area’s demand occupations was last updated on June 20, 2014. a. How was this information shared with the Board? An electronic copy was shared with all Board members and a dicussion was held during a Board meeting. On what date? June 20, 2014.

2. What factors were used in determining your demand list?

Factors used in determing our demand list are Job orders received, input from local employers, and types of training requested. The Operations Oversight committee regularly reviews the list to ensure it reflects jobs in demand both locally and regionally.

3. For PY 13, which industry recognized credentials and degrees, available from providers on the

Eligible Training Provider List, have been achieved by utilizing WIA Funds? CDL; Medical Office Assistant; LPN; RN: Machinist; CNA; Dental Assistant; Health Information Specialist; Heavy Equipment; Welding; Phlebotomy; Security Guard; Medical Transcript; Human Services and Radiologic Technician.

4. Identify any skills gaps in your local/regional area?

Skills gaps in the local area range from lack of computer skills to advanced manufacturing/STEM skills. As always, employers cite the lack of soft skills in the workforce as well.

a. Does the ETPL have sufficient providers to meet those needs? If no, explain:

The ETPL does have sufficient providers to meet these needs however it is funding that hinders our ability to take full advantage of their offerings.

Performance WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (3) a description of the local levels of performance negotiated with the Governor and chief elected official pursuant to section 136(c), to be used to measure the performance of the local area and to be used by the local board for measuring the performance of the local fiscal agent (where appropriate), eligible providers, and the one-stop delivery system, in the local area; Note: Information and documentation produced through the yearly Performance Indicator Negotiation Process will become part of this plan. No additional information is required.

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Planned Services and Expenditures

ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKERS WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (2) a description of the one-stop delivery system to be established or designated in the local area, including—

(A) a description of how the local board will ensure the continuous improvement of eligible providers of services through the system and ensure that such providers meet the employment needs of local employers and participants;

WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (4) a description and assessment of the type and availability of adult and dislocated worker employment and training activities in the local area; Please complete the charts entitled “PY 2013 Training” and “PY 2014 Training Projections” located in the Budget spreadsheet (Attachment I). In addition, if you procure service providers to provide Adult and Dislocated Worker or Business services, complete the Adult/Dislocated Worker and Business Services worksheets in the Service Provider spreadsheet (Attachment J).

5. Briefly describe the type and availability of Adult and Dislocated Worker services in your area.

Core, Intensive and Training services are available at all times in both One Stop Centers in the area. Core services include outreach, intake and eligiblity, initial assessment of skills/aptitudes and barriers to employment, local labor market information including job vacancies, skills needed and training/education required, information on and referral to supportive services such as childcare and transportation, training provider information and cost including financial aid, local performance information, career counseling and guidance.

Intensive services available at both Centers include comprehensive assessment of skills and abilities including TABE testing to determine math and reading levels, development of an Individual Employment Plan detailing career goals and services needed to attain goals/objectives, short-term pre-vocational skills such as resume preparation, interviewing skills, basic computer, punctuality, and communication, group and individual career counseling, case management for those entering formal training, and follow-up services for participants who enter unsubsidized employment to ensure retention and success.

Training services in the local area include Individual Training Accounts to assist participants with the cost of obtaining formalized training, On-the-Job Training to assist a business with hiring and training participants and to promote retention.

Supportive Services such as transportation assistance (mileage) for attending training, clothing allowance, and other items necessary for employment such as tools and other items. Other supportive services can be accessed from Partner organizations such as childcare and transportation assistance (bus passes/tokens).

6. Describe the steps the Workforce Investment Board takes to ensure the continuous improvement of

Adult and Dislocated Worker services through the system. Describe the information that is

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reviewed to determine that providers are meeting the employment needs of local businesses and jobseekers.

To ensure the continuous improvement of eligible providers of services, the WIB utilizes one-stop system performance information provided by NYSDOL as well as reviewing data related to the success of participants entering employment once receiving services. If this information reveals deficiencies in provider service/performance, the WIB will confer with the provider to offer technical assistance and determine what processes or policies may need to be changed/implemented to improve service. In addition, the WIB will provide access to and promote available capacity-building opportunites to service provider staff. The WIB will review customer feedback surveys from individual jobseekers to determine if services are appropriate and successful. The common measures of Entered Employment and Retention are also reviewed as indicators of meeting business needs. Feedback from both jobseekers and businesses who participate in the on-the-job training program is used to also determine if local needs are being met.

7. How do you determine that Adult and Dislocated Worker jobseeker customers are satisfied with

local Career Center services? Customer satisfaction is determined through the use of a short survey that is available to all job seekers in the One Stop after each visit. For workshops, evaluations are handed out for each workshop and the information from the evaluations are transmitted to the DOL senior counselor. During a training program, all participants are contacted regarding status and satisfaction via telephone and in person, and are offered further services and job information. A mailed customer satisfaction survey is sent to WIA trainees on a quarterly basis after training is completed. Potential exiters of the One Stop system are contacted by telephone to determine satisfaction and are offered further services. To date, we have not had a significant number of dissatisfied customers.

8. How do you determine that your business customers are satisfied with local Career Center services?

One Stop and partner staff are working with local businesses on a regular basis, offering On the Job Training and tax incentives and helping them with job orders. Through live contact, telephone interaction and written communication, businesses are given the opportunity to provide input and comment regarding One Stop satisfaction. When customized recruitments are done, the employer is asked about their experience and asked to give feedback on the customers. Also, our Board members also provide feedback from the community and employers.

9. Briefly describe one positive practice in your local area which has improved services to customers.

Our One Stops work diligently, hand in hand, with our partners such as Chambers of Commerce, Jamestown Community College and Departments of Social Services leveraging the availabilty of training services available. Working hand in hand with JCC, we have recently been able to offer no cost machinist training through CFA grants, providing machinist training to approximately 20 people over the past several years. These partners have offered OJT and ITA training that otherwise would have been difficult for the One Stop to afford to offer. In addition, resumes are created, revised and kept on file at the One Stop. Customers are provided with a flash drive to store this information and this practice has worked very well this past year. Resume paper is also provided and the customer can make as many copies as they need.

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YOUTH WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (6) a description and assessment of the type and availability of youth activities in the local area, including an identification of successful providers of such activities; Please complete the Youth worksheet in the Service Provider spreadsheet (Attachment J). §664.405(4)(b) The local plan must describe the design framework for youth program design in the local area, and how the ten program elements required in §664.410 are provided within that framework.

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10. Describe how the Workforce Investment Board and/or Youth Council monitor Youth Program providers.

a. Program Monitoring:

The quarterly reports provide information on how the youth programs are operating and whether there are any issues with services. If a report indicates that the provider is not meeting their quarterly goals, the WIB consults with the provider to determine the underlying issue and provide technical assistance. These reports are reviewed by the WIB office and the Youth Council and the Fiscal & Program Monitor provides a report to the Board.

In addition, the Fiscal & Program Monitor conducts individual record reveiws to ensure that eligibility is met and information is documented in OSOS. Data is pulled from OSOS to review literacy/numeracy performance and to make sure that youth are tested at the appropriate time.

Other OSOS data is used to review the placement in employment and education and attainment of degree or certificate measures. The Fiscal & Program Monitor will also review the list of individuals enrolled in those measures to determine if there are any data entry errors.

b. Fiscal Monitoring:

Youth program providers are monitored yearly on-site as well as desk reviews every month. Once a year, the Fiscal & Program Monitor will visit each program provider and audit their financial records pertaining to funds paid for youth program services. This includes reviewing payroll/time sheets, policies, and cost allocation among other items. Each month, the Fiscal & Progarm Monitor receives the program providers' invoices and compares them to the budget to ensure that they are not exceeding the established limits. If they have exceeded an invidual line, that overage amount is not paid and a Contract Voucher Status is returned to the provider with an explanation. The provider then works with the Fiscal & Program Monitor to perform a Budget Modification.

11. Provide the name of your LWIA’s Youth Council Chair and Co-Chair. Please provide their

professional contact information (title, address, phone, email). Jeff Capitani - Chair Transitions Services/Youth & Family Services Coordinator Directions in Independent Living 512 W State St., Olean, NY 14760 (716) 373-4602 [email protected]

Our Youth Council does not have a Co-Chair.

12. Do your Youth Program Providers have direct access to the One Stop Operating System (OSOS)?

Yes No

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a. If not, what process is in place to ensure youth activities are entered into OSOS in a timely manner?

13. Describe what youth data is shared and how it is shared and reviewed with the Workforce

Investment Board and the Youth Council. Please address each group specifically. The WIB monitors youth data monthly through the preparation of a One Stop Activity Report. Data is pulled from OSOS for total active participants, new enrollments, exits, number entering education/employment, number earning degree/certificate, and literacy/numeracy. All this data is also tracked year to date as well. Data is first reviewed by the Fiscal & Program Monitor and then shared with the WIB Director. It is then presented to the WIB Operations Oversight Committee and the One Stop Management in the context of the Monthly Activity Reports. In addition, the WIB reviews the monthly Customer Service Indicators and Quarterly Performance Reports. The Customer Service Indicators pertaining to youth, quarterly Youth Program reports, and Quarterly Common Measures reports are all shared with Youth Council at their meetings.

14. Do your WIA youth program providers have access to the Youth Management Reports?

Yes No a. If not, how do you share youth program data with your providers and how frequently do you share this?

All youth program providers serve on our local youth council and data is shared monthly during meetings.

15. Which entit(ies) provide the WIA youth program design framework (including Intake and Eligibility,

an Objective Assessment, and the Individual Service Strategy)? Cattaraugus County One Stop Center

Allegany County Employment & Training Center

16. Describe how the WIA 10 Program Elements required in §664.410 are provided within your youth program design framework. In particular, discuss how each youth’s service strategy specifically identifies which program elements will be used to help the youth reach his/her goals.

It is the One Stop Centers’ responsibility to ensure that linkages are in place to provide a coordinated case management system to refer youth to all the ten elements below whether or not they are WIA-funded. The WIA legislation stipulates that these ten elements must be procured on a competitive basis, with the exception of elements #3, #4, #7, and #9. Per 20 CFR §664.610, the WIA legislation allows for the grant recipients of these funds to provide element #3, Summer Youth Employment. As the county governments who operate the Centers are the grant recipients in our local area, they also provide this component as well as Framework. In addition, a waiver from the United States Department of Labor allows local areas to include element #4, “Work Experience”, element #7, “Supportive Services”, and element # 9 “Follow Up” as part of the framework services.

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The One Stops ensure that the non-funded WIA elements are available within the system to youth through referrals to other agencies that provide these services without WIA funding. It is the intent of WIA to avoid duplication where other funding can provide the service.

In order to determine which elements the youth will need to reach his or her goal, each youth is assessed during the intake process to determine what barriers prevent him/her from reaching their goals, whether educational or employment. Once assessment is complete, an Individual Service Strategy is developed detailing which elements the youth needs to access in order to complete their goal.

Below is an outline of how each element is provided.

1. Tutoring, Study Skills and Dropout Prevention - Several of our partners, including BOCES and schools, provide this component. Each school developed its program based on the need that it sees within the district. Referrals of youth who have dropped out or are at risk of dropping out are made to partners by school district counselors. All BOCES technical courses not only have a strong academic component, but also a drop out prevention piece that emphasizes personal skills. To assist youth working towards a high school diploma, Olean Community Schools has staff that works with them on a weekly basis and serves as a liason to parents, teachers and employers. The Salamanca School District recognized that youth above the compulsory age were dropping out of school and therefore developed an alternative education program. Two HSED programs that it operates have dropout prevention component. A counselor works with the youth on soft skills , such as communicating with teachers and employers. These programs have been so successful that seven other school districts have enrolled students there. The tutoring, study skills and dropout prevention services provided to each youth are individualized and based on the subject area in which he/she is experiencing difficulty. To avoid duplication, a crosscheck of program rosters will occur at the provider meetings.

2. Alternative Secondary Education - The following three programs are certified by the NYSED and meet the Department’s requirement for advancement. Each student has individualized plan. Progress is monitored in compliance with State Education requirements.

a. BOCES - Its 12-hour per week Alternative High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) is the newest methodology that can provide alternative education youth with the academic skills needed to pass the HSED exam. In addition, if the student’s home school agrees, a career tech program can be pursued. BOCES has strong relationships with trade unions, so when the unions offer more extensive occupational training, they contact BOCES for referrals. BOCES also offers a 15 hour per week alternative high school equivalency preparation that readies 16-19 year olds for a high school equivalency program.

b.Olean Community Schools - offer HSED classes for out-of-school youth at the One-Stop six hours per week. In addition, classes will be offered in job search, soft skills, computers and seeking,

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obtaining and retaining employment.

c. Elm Street Academy- Youth Counselors can refer youth to this alternative school setting in Cuba. Both their alternative Regents Diploma and HSED curriculum are accredited by the New York State Department of Education.

3. Summer Youth Employment Opportunities: The DSS Summer Youth Program which is funded with TANF monies is offered to all youth that are WIA eligible. Once enrolled in the program, they will learn how to search for a job, receive guidance on appropriate dress and proper interviewing techniques. They will be evaluated on good work place habits, appearance, positive attitudes, interpersonal relationships, quality and quantity of work. During the work experience, if they aren’t attending school, they will be assigned to a HSED class and /or basic skill tutoring. Throughout the process, the Youth Counselor mentors each WIA youth to avert on the job crises and help with resumes and portfolios. Once the youth is employed and has a credential, they may be termed and followed up with for 12 months.

4.Paid/Unpaid Work Experience - Youth will be offered both paid and unpaid work experiences. The One Stops and partners have established a strong working relationships with businesses throughout the local area in order to place youth in paid internships. The progress of the youth is monitored by the Youth Counselor who will also assist the participants in problem solving, communicating with employers and co-workers, soft skills and overcoming barriers. A youth will be placed in a position that is compatible with his/her skills and interests such as retailing , food service, auto repair, childcare and technology. Based on past history, it is assumed that some of these internships will lead to unsubsidized employment. Youth are also provided with opportunities for unpaid work experience through an internship program with a number of area employers. Following an initial meeting, if the youth expresses a desire, at the discretion of the employer and their counselor, he/she can be placed.

5.Occupational Skill Training - BOCES will provide occupational skills training to in and out-of-school youth. Its instructors are highly trained and have vast experience in the technical trades,as well as strong interpersonal skills. The BOCES Career Foundations Program is available to all districts that are affiliated with the Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES system. Youth from 17 to 21 who have difficulty connecting to traditional academic instruction can, with the consent of their home district, attend this program. It is structured around the NYS Learning Standards for Career Development and Occupational Studies and integrates English, math, science and technology learning activities.This program gives the student the opportunity to explore the various career curriculums offered by BOCES. Students in Career Foundations have the option of staying in the program, returning to their home school full time or transitioning to a career and technical program at BOCES. BOCES offers several career and technical programs; including graphic arts, culinary arts, computer technology and auto technology. Youth are referred to these programs by their respective schools districts. These programs are approved by the New York State Department of Education and consequently students attending must meet the skill attainment standards that have been approved by the State for successful completion of the program. Progress is recorded

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via the semester report cards. In addition, the One Stops provide funding for out of school youth for ITA’s, providing occupational skills training such as certified nursing, heavy equipment operation and security guard, to out of school youth who otherwise would not have access to BOCES training. The Youth Counselors take advantage of the contacts with county wide businesses to set up out-of-school skill training. In the past program year, students have acquired these skills by taking classes in certified nursing, heavy equipment operation and security guard.

6. Leadership Development - To give youth experience in leading others, 3 primary projects are used. As previously mentioned, students are screened for possible participation in National Work Readiness Credential. This is done directly by One Stop staff. In addition, certain program enrollees work with local day cares to give them a sampling of what it is like to be looked up to by young children, whether it be by taking them on walks or supervising recreational activities at the centers. Finally, Cattaraugus Community Action encourages program youth to participate in their Food for Thought concept. CCA has been a long time provider of nutrition to needy county residents. When participating, youth assist with food preparation, which includes the opportunity to dress like a chef. This gives youth a feeling of pride and allows them to work with people of all ages.

7. Supportive Services - The One Stops will have primary responsibility for assisting both in and out of school youth with obtaining post-secondary education and employment preparation. The Youth Counselors will work closely with all partners to assure that the youth have the tools necessary to be successful. Whenever possible, other funds are leveraged to provide supportive services. For example, if older youth needs assistance with child care, he/she may be referred to DSS for its child care subsidy program. Others referred to DSS for assistance with transportation. When no other resources are available, the Youth Counselors will authorize payment of supportive services through the youth program. The supportive services that might be accessed include clothing or tools for work, books, stipends for internships, driver’s education tuition, counseling and educational/vocational services. Supportive services are directly related to the youth’s ISS and are authorized after consulting with the provider or employer involved. For example, if the youth should need clothing or tools for work, the Youth Counselor would speak with the employer to determine exactly what is needed and then assist the youth in the purchase.

8.Adult Mentoring - The Youth Counselors work with other providers and school districts to provide adult mentoring to all WIA youth whose ISS indicates a need. The Youth Counselor willl coordinate these services to avoid duplication. The Youth Counselors provide mentoring centered around employment and the skills necessary to obtain and retain employment. Olean Community Schools will offer the services of its counseling staff to WIA youth,as well as those of the Youth Mentor. Through home visits, family members will participate in the formulation of a plan that is likely to enhance the youth’s chance of success in education and employment. Olean Community Schools works with the One Stops in a collaborative manner in providing this service.

9. Follow-up Services for 12 months - The One Stop provides each WIA Youth with a number of different methods to increase their chances of success once they exit the program. Youth are encouraged to utilize all of the resources of the One Stop Center even though they have been

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exited from the formal program. The services can help the youth supplement job skills or explore other career options. Employment Specialists contact the former participants on at least a quarterly basis to determine how they are progressing. If the youth is experiencing any difficulties or setbacks, the specialist offers guidance and assistance. The youth’s ISS can be modified if its deemed necessary. Regular contact with employers is maintained to address any work related issues that arise. The specialist also is available to assist with obtaining a better paying job or furthering education. All of the specialist’ contacts are entered in the case file. One Stop staff follow up with letters to youth on a quarterly basis after exiting the program. These letters also include information on the WIA Adult program. Paying for clothing occurs when needed for employment purposes during the follow up period.

10. Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling - The One Stop has access to partners who will provide guidance and counseling. The Cattaraugus Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse will offer prevention, intervention and referral services for in and out-of-school youth referred by the One Stop or alternative education providers. Each WIA youth who is referred will receive three one-to-one educational and/or intervention sessions, as deemed appropriate by the Council. If warranted, group educational sessions can be provided to a given population. Among the numerous programs that the Council can provide in this setting is the American Cancer Society’s Smoking Cessation Program. The Council’s prevention program is evidence based. Directions in Independent Living provide youth with assistance in transitioning from middle school to high school. The assist youth with entering the workforce and begin their employment career through training and training and workshops. They also link families with transitional coordinators in schools. Their Accept, Include and Empower program addresses students with behavioral and emotional boundaries, two barriers that often prevent youth from getting the proper education. Olean Community Schools provides comprehensive guidance and counseling that helps a youth develop short term goals leading to the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency. The counselors teach the youth how to overcome barriers that are hindering their employment. Through the Even Start program, the school offers counseling in the areas of parenting and life skills in a group setting and during home visits. This is critical for the youthful single parent. Catholic Charities provides their Intervention Service program, as well as youth counseling a youth parenting program, and intensive case management services. For youth who are experiencing severe emotional problems or suffer from mental illness, the services of the Cattaraugus County Department of Community Services are available. The Department is a licensed Mental Health Clinic and provides both long and short term treatment. If a youth and his/her family would have difficulty in paying for such services, staff from the One-Stop would assist them in applying for medical assistance, either through Medicaid or Family Health Plus. Given the numerous sources for counseling, the monthly provider meetings are extremely important to prevent duplication of services and in assuring that the youth receives the appropriate counseling. These meetings serve this purpose for all components and also facilitate case planning and referrals.

17. Attach the following policies and indicate when each was last reviewed by the LWIB.

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a. Youth Needing Additional Assistance Last Reviewed September 5, 2014

b. Serious Barriers to Youth Employment Last Reviewed September 5, 2014

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STAFF INFORMATION Consulting with your Wagner-Peyser partners, please complete the charts entitled “PY 2013 FTE Staffing” and “Projected PY 2014 FTE Staffing” located in the attached Budget spreadsheet (Attachment I). 18. Please explain the reasons for any changes between PY2013 and PY2014.

There is loss of staff due to due to the resignation of the LVER and the shared work program which eliminated one FTE.

Procurement WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (9) a description of the competitive process to be used to award the grants and contracts in the local area for activities carried out under this subtitle; 19. Please describe the competitive bidding process that is used to award grants and contracts in your local area (including how vendors are made aware of opportunities to compete for these funding opportunities and how the process is being documented). Describe the process used for Adults/DW services, administrative services, and Youth services.

Currently, there is not a process in place to procure Adult/DW and administrative services. The only competitive bidding process the WIB conducts is for Youth services. An Ad Hoc Committee of the Youth Council is commissioned consisting of Youth Council members from organizations that are not going to submit proposals along with two WIB staff. The RFP is developed by the Ad Hoc committee, reviewed by NYSDOL, and finally reviewed and approved by the WIB for release. When the Youth RFP is to be released, a formal notice is printed in two newspapers - the Olean Times Herald and the Wellsville Daily Reporter - that cover the two county area. In addition, an email is distributed to all Board members, local organizations/partner agencies, and a Bidder's List that is maintained by the WIB. The newspapers provide us with a copy of the ad placed along with the invoice for billing detailing the dates published. Once proposals are received by the WIB, staff reviews them to ensure completeness. Any proposal that is not received by the deadline or that is not complete is not eligible to be reviewed. In the case of a proposal being deemed “non-responsive”, the WIB Director notifies the organization via email/letter.

Proposals that pass the initial review are then evaluated and ranked based on the quality of the activities and services being proposed. The Review Team consists of the Ad Hoc committee members as well as any additional WIB member who would like to participate. The Team members review proposals individually and rate each one separately according to the rating scale. A maximum of 115 points will be awarded for the proposal if applying to provide all elements to be procured otherwise a maximum of 100 can be awarded. No proposal that scores less than 80 points will receive funding. The maximum points to be awarded are as follows:

1. Experience: Up to 5 points.

2. Core Service Integration: Up to 5 points.

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3. Case Management: Up to 10 points.

4. Linkages with Other Services Providers: Up to 5 points.

5. Linkages with Area Employers: Up to 15 points.

6. Literacy/Numeracy Gains: Up to 15 points.

7. Target Populations: Up to 5 points.

8. Program Elements: Up to 30 points.

9. Outcomes: Up to 10 points.

10. Continuous Improvement: Up to 5 points.

11. Budgets: Up to 10 points.

After all parties have had an opportunity to complete this initial rating, a meeting of raters will be held. At this meeting, each rating criterion will be discussed and the scores of each rater tabulated for a total score by category. After all scores are recorded, the subset totals will be combined to produce an overall score. Overall scores will be compared and ranked. The Provider(s) who accumulates the highest score may be recommended for funding, as may others that are not the highest scoring, as recommendations for funding are at the sole discretion of the Review Team. All rating sheets are then kept on file with each proposal received.

The recommendations of the Review Team are submitted to the WIB for review and approval. If approved by the Board, the WIB Director notifies each party of their contract award and begins negotiation of contract terms and performance measures including number of youth to be served, elements to be provided, and projected outcomes.

Waivers The general statutory and regulatory waiver authority granted to the Secretary of Labor is a continuing authority granted by the Workforce Investment Act at section 189(i)(4), Public Law 105-220, and provides increased flexibility to states and local areas in implementing reforms to the workforce development system in exchange for state and local accountability for results, including improved programmatic outcomes. A list of the current waivers that are in effect for New York can be found in Workforce Development System Technical Advisory #10.19.1. Changes to available waivers have been noted below. A new Technical Advisory for the available waivers with the will be issued at a later date. 20. Please indicate which waivers you requested for Program Year (PY) 2013 and which waivers you are requesting for PY 2014 by checking the appropriate boxes below.

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 16

• Waiver of the requirement for a 50 percent employer match for Customized Training, to permit a graduated scale match to increase employer connection with the One-Stop System.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting this waiver for PY 2014 – PY 2016? Yes No

• Waiver to increase the employer reimbursement for On-the-Job Training for small- and medium-

sized businesses.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting this waiver for PY 2014 – PY 2016? Yes No

• Waiver to permit local areas to request the use of up to 10 percent of the local area’s formula

allocation funds for Adult and Dislocated Workers to support incumbent worker training programs as part of layoff aversion. Adult funds must be restricted to serving low income adults.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting this waiver for PY 2014 – PY 2016? Yes No

• Waiver to permit the Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) the ability to transfer up to 50

percent of a program year allocation for adult employment and training activities, and up to 50 percent of a program year allocation for dislocated worker employment and training activities between the two programs, with the approval of the governor. This is a new waiver beginning with PY 2014.

o Are you requesting this waiver for PY 2014 – PY 2016? Yes No

• Waiver for the inclusion of Youth follow-up services and work experience as a Youth Program Framework Service. For PY 2014, this waiver has been expanded to include supportive services in addition to follow-up services and work experience.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting the expanded waiver for PY 2014 – PY 2016? Yes No

• Waiver to allow use of work readiness as the sole performance indicator for Youth aged 14-21

that are co-enrolled under TANF and WIA for Summer Employment Activities.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting this waiver for May 14, 2014 – Sept. 30, 2017? Yes No

• Waiver to apply program design flexibility for Youth aged 14-21 that are co-enrolled under TANF

and WIA for Summer Employment Activities.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting this waiver for May 14, 2014 – Sept. 30, 2017? Yes No

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 17

• Waiver of the Prohibition at 20CFR 664.520 on the Use of Individual Training Accounts (ITA) for Older and Out-of-School Youth.

o Did you request this waiver for PY 2013? Yes No o Are you requesting this waiver for PY 2014 – PY 2016? Yes No

a. How many Youth ITAs did the LWIA procure in PY13? b. What specific certificates/degrees resulted from these ITAs in PY13?

21. Please suggest future WIA waivers that may be useful to your local area and which you would like NYS to consider requesting (optional).

Contracts, MOUs, and Appendices WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (2) a description of the one-stop delivery system to be established or designated in the local area, including—a copy of each memorandum of understanding described in section 121(c) (between the local board and each of the one-stop partners) concerning the operation of the one-stop delivery system in the local area;

22. Is each Memorandum of Understanding for the local area up-to-date? Yes No

If not, when will they be updated? MOUs are not yet updated as the WIB anticipated receiving guidance from NYSDOL as to any requirements that must be included. However, certain Partner agencies have requested an updated MOU for their grant funding purposes so the WIB is proceeding with those ones first.

Policy 23. Does the LWIA have written policies on each of the following topics? If yes, indicate when each was last updated by the Board (or a board subcommittee).

Policy Yes No Date of Last Update

A. On the Job Training (OJT) 9/5/14 B. Individual Training Account (ITA) 11/4/11 C. Competitive Procurement Policy 6/20/14 D. Customized Training 4/1/11 E. Supportive Services 8/6/10 F. Budget Modifications 6/20/14 G. Sub Recipient Monitoring Policy and Plan 9/7/12

H. Unsatisfactory Youth Providers 11/1/13 (pertains to all providers)

a. Describe how staff are made aware of these policies? Staff are made aware of policies through One Stop Management. Policies are developed during Board committee meetings that include

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 18

the participation of One Stop Management. During Board meetings , policies are officially approved/adopted and One Stop Management is in attendance as well. Once approved/finalized, policies are then emailed to the One Stops and also posted on the www.cawfny.com website. Attachments: WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (8) an identification of the entity responsible for the disbursal of grant funds described in section 117(d)(3)(B)(i)(III), as determined by the chief elected official or the Governor under section 117(d)(3)(B)(i); WIA §118 (b) The local plan shall include - (10) such other information as the Governor may require. Please complete all of the required attachments and include copies of policies listed in the Youth section. Hard copies of signature pages must be delivered to NYSDOL per the instructions at the beginning of these guidelines.

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 19

If any of the following documents have changed in whole or in part since the submittal of your PY 2013 Local Plan, please email any updated documents with your Local Plan: Changed? Attached? Chief Elected Official Agreement Yes No Yes No Local Board By-Laws Yes No Yes No Career Center Operator Agreement(s) Yes No Yes No Memorandum(s) of Understanding Yes No Yes No

Please provide a copy of your WIB-approved budget for PY2014. This budget should include any carry-in funds as well as PY2014 funds. Note that the WIB-approved budget should total to the PY2014 Planned Budget included in Attachment I. Indicate the date of the meeting when the WIB budget was approved: June 20, 2014

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 20


Please list the unit or units (multiple counties or jurisdictional areas) of local government included in the local area. If the CEO Grant Recipient has designated a local grant subrecipient to administer WIA pursuant to WIA § 117(d)(3)(B)(I – ii), please indicate the unit of local government that is the grant subrecipient. However, if instead, the CEO Grant Recipient has designated a fiscal agent, please indicate this on Attachment B.

Unit of Local Government

Grant Subrecipient Yes No

Cattaraugus County

Allegany County

§667.705(c) - When a local workforce area is composed of more than one unit of general local government, the liability of the individual jurisdictions must be specified in a written agreement between the chief-elected officials. If your local workforce area is composed of more than one unit of general local government, is there a written agreement between local officials that details the liability of the individual jurisdictions? Yes No

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 21


WIA §117(d)(3)(B)(i)(II) indicates that the chief elected official Grant Recipient may designate a local fiscal agent as an alternative to a local grant subrecipient. Such designation to a grant subrecipient or fiscal agent shall not relieve the chief elected official or the Governor of the liability for any misuse of grant funds. If the CEO has identified a fiscal agent to assist in the administration of grant funds, please provide the name of the agent.

Fiscal Agent

Cattaraugus-Allegany Workforce Investment Board, Inc.

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 1

ATTACHMENT G: CAREER CENTER OPERATOR INFORMATION Complete the following information for each locally certified Career Center Operator in your Workforce Investment Area. Use as many pages of ATTACHMENT G as necessary.

OPERATOR: Cattaraugus County Department of Social Services

Method of Selection Type of Operator

Consortium Competitive Bid

System Center(s)

Address 1: 175 N. Union St.

Address 2:

City: Olean

State: NY Zip Code: 14760

Operator Phone: 716-373-1880 ext. 290 E-Mail: [email protected]

OPERATOR CERTIFICATION STATUS Indicate status of Local Level Operator Recertification:

Granted Application Submitted/Pending LWIB Review Application Not Yet Due Other (explain)

If the Career Center Operator is a consortium, identify the consortium partners:

Cattaraugus County Department of Social Services

NYS Department of Labor

Jamestown Community College

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 3


Complete the following information for each locally certified Career Center Operator in your Workforce Investment Area. Use as many pages of ATTACHMENT G as necessary.

OPERATOR: Allegany County Employment & Training

Method of Selection Type of Operator

Consortium Competitive Bid

System Center(s)

Address 1: 7 Wells Lane

Address 2:

City: Belmont

State: NY Zip Code: 14813

Operator Phone: 585-268-9240 E-Mail: [email protected]

OPERATOR CERTIFICATION STATUS Indicate status of Local Level Operator Recertification:

Granted Application Submitted/Pending LWIB Review Application Not Yet Due Other (explain)

If the Career Center Operator is a consortium, identify the consortium partners:

Allegany County Employment & Training Center

NYS Department of Labor

Allegany County Department of Social Services

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 1

ATTACHMENT H: LIST OF CAREER CENTERS Complete the following information for each Career Center in your Workforce Investment Area. Use as many pages of ATTACHMENT H as necessary.

Career Center Name:

Cattaraugus One Stop Center

Address 1: 175 N. Union St. Address 2: City: Olean State: NY Zip Code: 14760 Phone: 716-373-1880 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: 716-373-2895 Website: www.cattco.org/one_stop/index.asp Site Type: Full Service Certified Affiliate Lease Expiration: 8/15/18 Lease Holder: Cattaraugus-Allegany Workforce Investment Board, Inc.

WIA Contact: Bret Marvin Phone: 716-373-1880

ext. 290 E-Mail: [email protected]

NYSDOL Contact: Jill Whitfield Phone: 716-373-1880

ext. 242 E-Mail: [email protected]

Opening Time Closing Time Monday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Thursday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Saturday Sunday

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Program Year 2014 Local Planning Guidelines 2

ATTACHMENT H: LIST OF CAREER CENTERS Complete the following information for each Career Center in your Workforce Investment Area. Use as many pages of ATTACHMENT H as necessary.

Career Center Name:

Allegany County Employment & Training Center

Address 1: 7 Wells Lane Address 2: City: Belmont State: NY Zip Code: 14813 Phone: 585-268-9240 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: 585-268-5176 Website: www.alleganyco.com Site Type: Full Service Certified Affiliate Lease Expiration: N/A (county owned building) Lease Holder: Allegany County

WIA Contact: Reita Lynch Phone: 585-268-9441 E-Mail: [email protected] NYSDOL Contact: Jill Whitfield Phone: 716-373-1880

ext. 242 E-Mail: [email protected]

Opening Time Closing Time Monday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Saturday Sunday

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Attachment IEnter Data into these cells. 1PY'14Totals Adult DW Youth Admin

Staff Salaries 475,600.00$ 42,100.00$ 46,125.00$ 65,750.00$ 9,775.00$ 311,850.00$ Fringe Benefits 256,922.00$ 22,748.00$ 24,920.00$ 35,518.00$ 5,312.00$ 168,424.00$ Travel 4,400.00$ 560.00$ 560.00$ 560.00$ 320.00$ 2,400.00$ Other Related Staff Costs 1,400.00$ 280.00$ 280.00$ 280.00$ 160.00$ 400.00$ Supportive Services 10,400.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ -$ 4,400.00$ Youth Wages 77,518.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 77,518.00$ Other Related Program costs 11,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 11,000.00$ Rent 6,033.00$ 459.00$ 468.00$ 510.00$ 102.00$ 4,494.00$ Utilities 3,061.00$ 297.00$ 302.00$ 330.00$ 66.00$ 2,066.00$ Supplies 8,000.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 200.00$ 6,750.00$ Cleaning Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Internet and IT Services Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Leased Equipment -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Other Related Operational Costs 17,466.00$ 2,504.00$ 2,540.00$ 2,720.00$ 752.00$ 8,950.00$ Totals 871,800.00$ 71,298.00$ 77,545.00$ 108,018.00$ 16,687.00$ 598,252.00$

2PY'14Totals Adult DW Youth Admin

Staff Salaries 259,514.70$ 69,102.00$ 77,256.00$ 74,968.00$ 10,314.00$ 27,874.70$ Fringe Benefits 141,296.75$ 42,873.00$ 35,469.00$ 42,300.00$ 5,802.00$ 14,852.75$ Travel 4,650.00$ 300.00$ 500.00$ 2,350.00$ 1,000.00$ 500.00$ Other Related Staff Costs -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Supportive Services 2,300.00$ -$ -$ 2,300.00$ -$ -$ Youth Wages 42,045.00$ -$ -$ 42,045.00$ -$ -$ Other Related Program costs 9,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 5,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ Rent -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Utilities 14,935.00$ 1,607.00$ 5,177.00$ 1,774.00$ 377.00$ 6,000.00$ Supplies 2,900.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,900.00$ Cleaning Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Internet and IT Services Expenses 12,270.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12,270.00$ Leased Equipment 4,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,000.00$

Other Related Operational Costs 3,450.00$ 500.00$ 500.00$ 1,500.00$ 950.00$ -$ Totals 496,361.45$ 118,382.00$ 123,902.00$ 167,237.00$ 18,443.00$ 68,397.45$

WIAOther Funding

Career Center: Allegany County Employment & Training Center

Career Center: Cattaraugus One StopWIA

Other Funding

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Attachment ITOTALS

PY'14Totals Adult DW Youth Admin

Staff Salaries 735,114.70$ 111,202.00$ 123,381.00$ 140,718.00$ 20,089.00$ 339,724.70$ Fringe Benefits 398,218.75$ 65,621.00$ 60,389.00$ 77,818.00$ 11,114.00$ 183,276.75$ Travel 9,050.00$ 860.00$ 1,060.00$ 2,910.00$ 1,320.00$ 2,900.00$ Other Related Staff Costs 1,400.00$ 280.00$ 280.00$ 280.00$ 160.00$ 400.00$ Supportive Services 12,700.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 4,300.00$ -$ 4,400.00$ Youth Wages 119,563.00$ -$ -$ 42,045.00$ -$ 77,518.00$ Other Related Program costs 20,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 5,000.00$ -$ -$ 11,000.00$ Rent 6,033.00$ 459.00$ 468.00$ 510.00$ 102.00$ 4,494.00$ Utilities 17,996.00$ 1,904.00$ 5,479.00$ 2,104.00$ 443.00$ 8,066.00$ Supplies 10,900.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 200.00$ 9,650.00$ Cleaning Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$

Internet and IT Services Expenses 12,270.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12,270.00$ Leased Equipment 4,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,000.00$

Other Related Operational Costs 20,916.00$ 3,004.00$ 3,040.00$ 4,220.00$ 1,702.00$ 8,950.00$ Totals 1,368,161.45$ 189,680.00$ 201,447.00$ 275,255.00$ 35,130.00$ 666,649.45$

Career Center: TOTALSWIA

Other Funding

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Enter data into these cells.

PY'14Totals Adult DW Youth Admin

Staff Salaries 116,544.00$ 18,808.00$ 23,510.00$ 24,854.00$ 49,372.00$ -$ Fringe Benefits 41,390.00$ 6,661.00$ 8,327.00$ 8,802.00$ 17,600.00$ -$ Travel 5,000.00$ 1,050.00$ 1,312.00$ 1,388.00$ 1,250.00$ -$ Other Related Staff Costs 26,561.00$ -$ -$ 26,561.00$ -$ -$ Supportive Services 475.00$ -$ -$ 475.00$ -$ -$ Youth Wages 24,525.00$ -$ -$ 24,525.00$ -$ -$ Other Related Program costs 4,706.00$ -$ -$ 4,706.00$ -$ -$ Rent 45,200.00$ 9,492.00$ 11,865.00$ 12,543.00$ 11,300.00$ -$ Utilities -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Supplies 875.00$ 183.00$ 230.00$ 243.00$ 219.00$ -$ Cleaning Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Internet and IT Services Expenses 3,920.00$ 823.00$ 1,029.00$ 1,088.00$ 980.00$ -$ Leased Equipment 1,632.00$ 343.00$ 428.00$ 453.00$ 408.00$ -$

Other Related Operational Costs 16,501.00$ 1,439.00$ 1,798.00$ 1,901.00$ 11,363.00$ -$ Totals 287,329.00$ 38,799.00$ 48,499.00$ 107,539.00$ 92,492.00$ -$

WIAOther Funding

WIB Office: WIB Office

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Attachment I


PY13 PY13 PY13

Training Type Total Expenditures Carry In New Formula Funds Carry In New Formula Funds Carry In NewFormula


ITA 31,920.00$ 4 85 -$ 28,535.00$ -$ 2 5 -$ 550.00$ -$ 1 2 -$ 2,835.00$ -$ OJT 11,495.67$ 0 5 -$ 5,994.62$ -$ 1 3 -$ 5,501.05$ -$ Customized -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Contracted -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Total 43,415.67$ 4 90 -$ 34,529.62$ -$ 3 8 -$ 6,051.05$ -$ 1 2 -$ 2,835.00$ -$


Training Type Total Expenditures Carry In New Carry In New Carry In NewITA 55,900.00$ 0 85 -$ 33,000.00$ -$ 0 20 -$ 19,000.00$ -$ 0 4 -$ 3,900.00$ -$ OJT 14,000.00$ 0 7 -$ 8,000.00$ -$ 0 5 -$ 6,000.00$ -$ Customized -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Contracted -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Total 69,900.00$ 0 92 -$ 41,000.00$ -$ 0 25 -$ 25,000.00$ -$ 0 4 -$ 3,900.00$ -$

WIB Office: Cattaraugus-Allegany

PY13 Carry InPY14 Formula

FundsNon-WIA Funding

County Name:Allegany

County Name:Allegany

PY13 Carry InPY14 Formula

FundsNon-WIA Funding PY13 Carry In

PY14 Formula Funds

Non-WIA Funding

PY 2014 Training ProjectionAdult Dislocated Worker Youth

# Participants in TrainingExpenditures # Participants in

TrainingExpenditures # Participants in


PY12 Carry In Formula funds

Non-WIA Funding

PY12 Carry In Formula funds

Non-WIA Funding

PY12 Carry In Formula

fundsNon-WIA Funding

Total PY 2013 Training reportedAdult Dislocated Worker Youth

# Participants in TrainingExpenditures # Participants in

TrainingExpenditures # Participants in


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PY13 PY13 PY13

Training Type Total Expenditures Carry In New Formula Funds Carry In New Formula Funds Carry In NewFormula


ITA 56,487.00$ 6 72 -$ 35,520.00$ -$ 4 10 -$ 15,477.00$ -$ 1 6 -$ 5,490.00$ -$ OJT -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 1 -$ -$ -$ Customized -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Contracted -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Total 56,487.00$ 6 72 -$ 35,520.00$ -$ 4 11 -$ 15,477.00$ -$ 1 6 -$ 5,490.00$ -$


Training Type Total Expenditures Carry In New Carry In New Carry In NewITA 108,077.00$ 33 75 -$ 58,282.00$ -$ 1 30 -$ 34,895.00$ -$ 0 12 -$ 14,900.00$ -$ OJT -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Customized -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Contracted -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Total 108,077.00$ 33 75 -$ 58,282.00$ -$ 1 30 -$ 34,895.00$ -$ 0 12 -$ 14,900.00$ -$

PY14 Formula Funds

Non-WIA Funding PY13 Carry In

PY14 Formula Funds

Non-WIA Funding

# Participants in TrainingExpenditures # Participants in

TrainingExpenditures # Participants in


PY13 Carry InPY14 Formula

FundsNon-WIA Funding PY13 Carry In

PY12 Carry In Formula

fundsNon-WIA Funding

County Name: PY 2014 Training ProjectionCattaraugus Adult Dislocated Worker Youth

# Participants in TrainingExpenditures # Participants in

TrainingExpenditures # Participants in


PY12 Carry In Formula funds

Non-WIA Funding

PY12 Carry In Formula funds

Non-WIA Funding

County Name: Total PY 2013 Training reportedCattaraugus Adult Dislocated Worker Youth

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TOTALS Note: This sheet will total automatically.TOTA PY13 PY13 PY13

L Training Type Total Expenditures Carry In New Formula Funds Carry In New Formula Funds Carry In NewFormula

FundsS ITA 88,407.00$ 10 157 -$ 64,055.00$ -$ 6 15 -$ 16,027.00$ -$ 2 8 -$ 8,325.00$ -$

OJT 11,495.67$ 0 5 -$ 5,994.62$ -$ 1 4 -$ 5,501.05$ -$ Customized -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Contracted -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Total 99,902.67$ 10 162 -$ 70,049.62$ -$ 7 19 -$ 21,528.05$ -$ 2 8 -$ 8,325.00$ -$


L Training Type Total Expenditures Carry In New Carry In New Carry In NewS ITA 163,977.00$ 33 160 -$ 91,282.00$ -$ 1 50 -$ 53,895.00$ -$ 0 16 -$ 18,800.00$ -$

OJT 14,000.00$ 0 7 -$ 8,000.00$ -$ 0 5 -$ 6,000.00$ -$ Customized -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Contracted -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ 0 0 -$ -$ -$ Total 177,977.00$ 33 167 -$ 99,282.00$ -$ 1 55 -$ 59,895.00$ -$ 0 16 -$ 18,800.00$ -$

PY14 Formula Funds

Non-WIA Funding PY13 Carry In

PY14 Formula Funds

Non-WIA Funding

# Participants in TrainingExpenditures # Participants in

TrainingExpenditures # Participants in


PY13 Carry InPY14 Formula

FundsNon-WIA Funding PY13 Carry In

PY 2014 Training ProjectionTotals for LWIA Adult Dislocated Worker Youth

PY12 Carry In Formula funds

Non-WIA Funding

PY12 Carry In Formula funds

Non-WIA Funding

PY12 Carry In Formula

fundsNon-WIA Funding

Totals for LWIA Adult Dislocated Worker Youth

# Participants in TrainingExpenditures # Participants in

TrainingExpenditures # Participants in


Total PY 2013 Training reported

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Attachment I

Function/ Type of Service WIA Adult WIA DW WIA Youth

WIA Admin

Wagner-Peyser REA DVOP LVER

Other Funding Total

WIB 0.5 0.59 0.56 1.35 0 0 0 0 3TAA 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Core/Intensive 2.31 1.94 1.57 0 3.1 2 1 0 11.92Business Services 0 0 0 0.27 0 0 0 0 0.27Rapid Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Youth Services 0 0 1.45 0 0 0 0 0 1.45Admin/Fiscal/ Supervision 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 2.81 3.53 3.58 1.62 3.1 2 1 0 17.64

Function/Type of Service WIA Adult WIA DW WIA Youth

WIA Admin

Wagner-Peyser REA DVOP LVER

Other Funding Total

WIB 0.5 0.59 0.56 1.35 0 0 0 0 3TAA 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Core/Intensive 2.56 2.05 0 0 3 2 0 0 9.61Business Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Rapid Response 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Youth Services 0 0 2.59 0 0 0 0 0 2.59Admin/Fiscal/ Supervision 0 0 0 0.38 0 0 0.2 0 0.58Total 3.06 3.64 3.15 1.73 3 2 0.2 0 16.78

Note: The total FTE's here should match the total staff that are funded in the LWIA.

PY 2013 FTE Staffing -

Projected PY 2014 FTE Staffing

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WIA/Other Funds Budget Attachment IBlue Cells must be filled in.

Totals Adult DW Youth AdminRevenue

WIA PY 13 Carryover at 6/30/14 148,296.00$ 51,724.00$ 65,318.00$ 9,884.00$ 21,370.00$ -$ WIA PY 14 NOA 1,778,371.45$ 292,859.00$ 306,473.00$ 401,218.00$ 111,172.00$ 666,649.45$

Total Revenue 1,926,667.45$ 344,583.00$ 371,791.00$ 411,102.00$ 132,542.00$ 666,649.45$

Expenditures- One StopStaff Costs

Staff Salaries 735,114.70$ 111,202.00$ 123,381.00$ 140,718.00$ 20,089.00$ 339,724.70$ Fringe Benefits 398,218.75$ 65,621.00$ 60,389.00$ 77,818.00$ 11,114.00$ 183,276.75$ Travel 9,050.00$ 860.00$ 1,060.00$ 2,910.00$ 1,320.00$ 2,900.00$ Other Related Staff Costs 1,400.00$ 280.00$ 280.00$ 280.00$ 160.00$ 400.00$

Total Costs 1,143,783.45$ 177,963.00$ 185,110.00$ 221,726.00$ 32,683.00$ 526,301.45$

Operational CostsWIB Costs 287,329.00$ 38,799.00$ 48,499.00$ 107,539.00$ 92,492.00$ -$ One-Stop Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0Rent 6,033.00$ 459.00$ 468.00$ 510.00$ 102.00$ 4,494.00$ Utilities 17,996.00$ 1,904.00$ 5,479.00$ 2,104.00$ 443.00$ 8,066.00$ Supplies 10,900.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 350.00$ 200.00$ 9,650.00$ Cleaning Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Internet and IT Services Expenses 12,270.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 12,270.00$ Leased Equipment 4,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,000.00$ Other Related Operational Costs 20,916.00$ 3,004.00$ 3,040.00$ 4,220.00$ 1,702.00$ 8,950.00$

Total Operational Costs 359,444.00$ 44,516.00$ 57,836.00$ 114,723.00$ 94,939.00$ 47,430.00$

Other Program CostsSupport Services 12,700.00$ 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ 4,300.00$ -$ 4,400.00$ Youth Wages 119,563.00$ -$ -$ 42,045.00$ -$ 77,518.00$

Other Related Program costs 20,000.00$ 4,000.00$ 5,000.00$ -$ -$ 11,000.00$ Total Program Costs 152,263.00$ 6,000.00$ 7,000.00$ 46,345.00$ -$ 92,918.00$

Training CostsTotal Training Costs 177,977.00$ 99,282.00$ 59,895.00$ 18,800.00$ -$

Total Expenditures 1,833,467.45$ 327,761.00$ 309,841.00$ 401,594.00$ 127,622.00$ 666,649.45$

Carry-over Funds to PY15 93,200.00$ 16,822.00$ 61,950.00$ 9,508.00$ 4,920.00$ -$

WIAOther Funding

LWIA NAME: Cattaraugus-Al legany

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Attachment I

Totals Adult DW Youth AdminTotal Revenue PY'14 1,926,667.45$ 344,583.00$ 371,791.00$ 411,102.00$ 132,542.00$ 666,649.45$

Total Staff Costs 1,143,783.45$ 177,963.00$ 185,110.00$ 221,726.00$ 32,683.00$ 526,301.45$ Total Operational Costs 359,444.00$ 44,516.00$ 57,836.00$ 114,723.00$ 94,939.00$ 47,430.00$ Total Participant Costs 152,263.00$ 6,000.00$ 7,000.00$ 46,345.00$ -$ 92,918.00$ Total Training Costs 177,977.00$ 99,282.00$ 59,895.00$ 18,800.00$ -$ -$

Total Expenditures 1,833,467.45$ 327,761.00$ 309,841.00$ 401,594.00$ 127,622.00$ 666,649.45$

Carry-over Funds to PY15 93,200.00$ 16,822.00$ 61,950.00$ 9,508.00$ 4,920.00$ -$

2013 2014WIB Costs 287,329.00$ 3 3Rent 6,033.00$ 1 1Utilities 17,996.00$ 11.92 9.61Supplies 10,900.00$ 0.27 0Cleaning Expenses -$ 0 0Internet and IT Services Expenses 12,270.00$ 1.45 2.59Leased Equipment 4,000.00$ 0 0.58Other Related Operational Costs 20,916.00$ 17.64 16.78

Total Operational Costs 359,444.00$

PY'13 PY'14ITA 88,407.00$ 163,977.00$ OJT 11,495.67$ 14,000.00$ Customized -$ -$ Contracted -$ -$ Totals 99,902.67$ 177,977.00$

Admin/Fiscal/ Supervision


Youth Services

Training Totals

Operational Cost BreakdownWIBTAACore/IntensiveBusiness ServicesRapid Response

Budget Summary for: Cattaraugus-AlleganyWIA

Other Funding

Staffing Totals

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Attachment J

Youth Activity Provider Name

Address City State Zip CodePhone Number

Contact Name Contact Title Contact Email

Type of Arrangement (e.g. Agreement, MOU, collaboration, contractual)

Start Date (if applicable)

End Date (if applicable)

Planned Expenditures for PY14

Counties ServedPlanned Enrollments PY14 In-School

Planned Enrollments PY14 Out-of-School

Using the definition of successful in Question 8 of the Local Plan, has this provider been successful? (Yes or No)

Cattaraugus County DSS 175 N. Union St. Olean NY 14760 716-373-1880 Bret Marvin Manager [email protected] Contract 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 $31,415 Cattaraugus 19 22 Yes

Allegany County E & T 7 Wells Lane Belmont NY 14813 585-268-9240 Reita Lynch [email protected] Contract 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 $8,402 Allegany 0 6 Yes

Literacy West NY 5445 State Route 19N Belmont NY 14813 585-268-5213 Lisa Lee CEO [email protected] Contract 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 $6,000 Allegany 0 6 YesSouthern Tier Traveling Teacher PO Box 31 Wellsville NY 14895 585-593-5921 John House Director

[email protected] Contract 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 $4,250 Allegany 0 5 Yes

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Attachment J

Youth Program Design Framework Provider Names Intake and Registration

Objective Assessment Cattaraugus One Stop; Allegany Employment & Training CenterIndividual Service Strategy Cattaraugus One Stop; Allegany Employment & Training Center

Youth Program Element Provider NamesTutoring/Study Skills Training/Instruction leading to completion of secondary school Elm Street Academy; Literacy West; Americorps; Liberty Partnership; Probation; Cattaraugus County DSS; Local public schoolsAlternative Secondary School Services Olean Community Schools; Literacy West; Southern Tier Traveling Teacher; Elm Street AcademySummer employment opportunities Cattaraugus County DSDS (TANF); Allegany County E & T (TANF);Seneca Nation; NYS Divison for YouthPaid and unpaid work experience Community Action; Cattaraugus County DSS (TANF); Allegany E & T (TANF); Seneca NationOccupational skills training Cattaraugus County One Stop; Allegany County Employment & Training Center; Community Action; Seneca Nation; ACCES-VR; Cattaraugus County DSS; Allegany County DSS; Job Corps; Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES, Jamestown Community College, Alfred State College, Olean Business InstituteLeadership development opportunities Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts; Youth Court; 4-H clubs; YMCA; Job CorpsSupportive Services Cattaraugus County One Stop; Allegany County Employment & Training Center; Directions in Independent Living; ACCES-VR; Housing Options; Everywoman Opportunity Center; Seneca NationAdult Mentoring Cattaraugus County One Stop; Allegany County Employment & Training Center; Directions in Independent Living; Mental Health Association; Probation; Youth Bureaus; Bona Buddies; Partners for Prevention in Allegany CountyFollow Up Services Cattaraugus County One Stop; Allegany County Employment & Training CenterComprehensive Guidance and Counseling Cattaraugus County One Stop; Allegany County Employment & Training Center; ACCES-VR; CARES; Directions in Independent Living; Seneca Nation; Probation; Partners for Prevention in Allegany County; Cattaraugus County Community Services; Cattaraugus County Mental Health Association; Allegany Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse

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Adult Services Provider Name

Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Contact Name Contact Title Contact EmailGroup to be Served (Adult or DW)

Estimated Number to be Served (Adult or DW)

Activities to be Provided (OJT, IEP development, etc.)

Type of Contract (Cost Reimbursement, Fixed Price, Performance Based, Hybrid, etc.)

Contract Start Date

Contract End Date

Counties to be Served

Cattaraugus County DSS 175 N. Union St. Olean NY 14760 716-373-1880 Bret Marvin Manager [email protected]; DW 600 Assessment, IEP, OJT, ITA, Supportive Services, Career CounselingCost Reimbursement 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 CattaraugusAllegany County Employment & Training Center7 Wells Lane Belmont NY 14813 585-568-9240 Reita Lynch Director [email protected]; DW 350 Assessment, IEP, OJT, ITA, Supportive Services, Career CounselingCost Reimbursement 7/1/2014 6/30/2015 Allegany

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Business Services Provider Name

Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Contact Name Contact Title Contact Email Activities to be ProvidedType of Contract (Cost Reimbursement, Fixed Price, Performance Based, Hybrid, etc.)

Contract Start Date

Contract End Date

Counties to be Served