THE TBESDALB MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 5 , 1917 The Urban Tribunal Halts, ittmiMS ACAIMT MILITARY METHODS. WHAT REALLY DID TAKE PLACE A rcc-eMcg of the mmbera of iho Barnard CaBtle Urbaa Distrlet Tribunal, heid on Tbur»d«y eight, a* the Police Cour*, to consider iwelro crses, ioclndirg feus' mlliosv revlev;?, canir tn an connected cad in its initial strges- lit 0. B Mertla, J.P.. presided, and thera wer?) also present Mcisn If. J. Dixon, J P.. R BummerBon, f . Wain?, sr.d Mr J. I . Dawson, eferk.- J. W. H«?*>ey. J.?, was tovrv-y representative, Mr W. Woodbearl. cl?>*V f.h«! military, and Mr Yateottae Hodgson, BitaH of Agriculture. On tbe B»n»bf m trkir?" their testa en the bar oh, t\9 C*.tU ci • reso ad Said be bad rather a eovel p :. tl >n to ttka sa tba mouth• plena of 11M loe&l Tribunal I - saaou; .i^g that ihey were not soli;. 1 oa with the eases. The member*; thought tbej lied been ignored by the actios of the edlitary authorities. Their sppotntmeet tbey H • b 'to hr? legal, bathed found that a -nic of the r-rsi osao.i vaieh h*d come before ilea; fc*d bse wad t'"e Tribunal k) ongb* I appeal* d against, was nifc?p«»i! to go Latest Millinery Dainty Blonses! Newest Costumes ! Raincoats, Skirts, Corsets, &c, T ORD, Barnard Castle The Mew Military Service Set. a-examin?tian for Rejected Men, Attested 0! on. One asse they had referred to their Clsrk. with P rtqn- i t tea" re woulc* snad on the full faets to she proper aut£ >tl les. Bat the messing weald be adji urned oa other grounds. He fojp one though*, br br-d been v- r *etjf.g time, and bis brother members w»re nnaoWioufely cf fhe S«»<M* opinion. They did not propose to go into aty ess p i! • right, but; *t ores to communicat'. with the recognised authorities their eoavtetlor thnt they wave in thie business useless mam hers Mr H«iley : Be? re you adjourn I Bfcoajd like to h o w ;.•» <wh- m rear remarks apply ?*D > r.boy apply to the military se represented at the iast Tribunal, or di tbey allude to myself? The Chairman said they had reference to those who fctd cs?u«ro:d the responsibility cf action in the appeals and ia particular the worst ct-ss, whleh wa« m-sl crn*! in its results The are* iu which the Tribunal adjudicated eras a asisll one, and tee membera had *<^foi upon their fail, c 'e*o\ ;«nd scearate Iceai kasnrledge of the eireamstsac 3 ^ of »aeh ces*^ aad, in the mattes of this eGmpisiaj!, the Tribaoal did i> ; 6 1 M feeling to s j one tn--.a, but •ookemeepiii on acconnt t-f t»»e backs, ard xttik woleo the Tribaaiil tiid act agree. Mr Hartley: I ^onld Hko s as "Ma sleets my positioi.-, to sar- a few words, this attltode of the Tribaaal i Agricu 'turiet8 P ovisionsHy Excepted. The tew Military Service Act proTides that I JB J^L, I E O 3Sf ..E^,.' IE J ANITARY STEAM 1_J_£±J X7 J., PROPRIETOR A, A LE. U1BBY a reject man ahaii no loigeV b^ tempted if I Is the Only Steam Laundry in Basilar & Oastle be rc-Geir^-a a wrlttea noiico requiring him to present himself fc? madiosl txtmiratioj?, so lot'g na bo has not attained the age '-f 41 years District apposed dato. Voluntarily to the act.'- a of th« milit -r? >ppeals mid-'; behind their 'liasfi I so? Sorry tbat- i f :o5i cjabiog rry vexy nnpies'Jsuc duty any battef • I ^oy more oler.sar c. 1 can cssare : oa tbat the obligation is no pleasote t" «:..-•. I t ia qal>f ten reVerse,. But it Is my da to pet s«i many man ai pysai'olfc f c the army, ted as Inag as I told tl pcsitlon Irol am eertaialy I b v-3 s' Fays x : o »rry treated le >at l these dutl .jf- Tribunal with eoarteaf,aad Lahiok ao eae eao find fanlt with oa that pole* with fatrrets. There is one natter, J>?;wevw s *. I ih^ald like to Before the attested ra*n who were rejected are not treated RP, diecbar^d from the Army, but are to be Called up for further eximicaticn. Appeal fof Exemption. Tfee aaea exiled up for r*-examinat!on have fba rigbti to appeal to local Trihnnala for exempSna, but this right must be exercised within 30 days from the| notice to ho re- px :'mi5.et BaSieg beer. aent. A^y such ittested CQRU m^y appeal on say of tae. grcn-ids cow opea to at^.o&^cd men, incsadirg iI5-ht»»lth or irflrmity. Tribunals «r« directed to deal with Bttah epplieatioaa 6e> the asrae pricoiples as prevloas aoptieatSons, toarirg la mi^d, bow- eyer, thmi the aee« of the At my fop aU men of military *go at the earliest possible date is pressing; io\part»cular that for men in Classes L o? BrVttpdei 31 leara Of sge, exemp- tion on tbs groped of empV>yojent is not i jnriflad lanless^ahe men are ptttstde the i exc-HptJots mestigpf d in B, 114), at-d tha*i the ! f;dard of hardship is fcu.w much stricter than in the easlier days of jthe war. Mer in *gricu?tti,o. The Aci makes AM exoeptton for »rr man wbo is for tbo time beirg aogaged ia ogricul- iu"^, sed-whose pergptml work Is certifi d by the Boai'tl of .*grU*oH-u»fe as be lug of/national importneoe. Apparently this exemption cr.-* only be granted on &u appeal to the local TribnoEl. name l a co^'.!.c:; from yi>u? dsi'i: made tbat the aa' stated at tbf tlm no noee «.'.ty for tl e atato try c?ar- In w acd, more eSpecisM ejeside" yen: serd what groandH j« u Tberelor*- 1 Peaer a to app--&?. I doo' ever seen a c-py c Utb,whieheo!tt: \t i Act, eta; which I no Mr Sure-. •••« i ; •*a with the eight tppealel is, Oomnlaini seems to he "t,a la the cases v?.to f.<;t> Let us say that tiere is mtiitaryj reprsoi atatiye so f'.it;!i he icteBts to *pp«".tl, i'.y v viher. yon r- t »re fry let, toeauto I doa't k )ow r>a n f.rviro *i your .-i -sls'o^. ; ia which osse I sm goiEf; . k::.jw whether you have f the HrjlVtir " fo? April a review of the Sxcmptioea r U^r.d tp j oa The i&ailraetiona a^-at cat Dr. ieishman's It. John's Ambulance Glass Results. All the atadeata of Dr. L&isbmaa^ St John's Arr<balar,ce firsVaid eiasaji who salt for the examination, hara passed. Tie followiag is a list:—Firs*.&id eertlfleateaj—Dcra Mary P«isse, Rliie Hodgsoc, Ladra Praet, Ph^eooa Hardy, Mary Qollghtly, Mary Bru#klH, Jea&ie Smith, by the Loerl QoverOmeet Board ere iaaust 1 . by the military Rtitkorities are* at variance a-% mqch bbat *«•• i «i itnpossible to reeoaeile th*ra. Oar instrRcttcns STC very difl«rc-.' ' •:• r.bf;»» ' Jci., j:;u |;<t Mr Hnr^iey: In i-j-.is hm. Js c,?e Maggie Todd, Katherine 0>-ftingrr, Marjory S f!e, Mathllde Prset, ffifaa^e T-ylcr, Alice Swi-h. Jrys-.i E*!? acrl Maggie Robsoa; voaetora—Katfaerine Whap, Dorothy Layericb, iiice Hodgkiaaoo, Heloo &roeae Tears*, and Teresa Eogg*:ts mfldalliocs -Jane Do wane, ae CL 'atiotte Bobson, K*te Place and Hilda M. Pearsoe. tied, M: Sannv\ Mr Bammeracii: l i appe»rje to m • auom^'oua where fcoe Chai:m-'.n ft tbo Appeal C c.ft at Doraam aac exea ais efflce, & ti< gl gener i BerylC', * already la the s Hi- afir H^tii' ? : I c Mr enmis- rat n : are yery onfalr. Mr Martlg: itad tbea take! here,aj.d Compare it ait.t 'h.< itOK granted *o a o-rtk map of S5. sad passed f d with two qa-.Hifi-.fi o Ootherstone Wesleyan Anniversary Services. i aaotco But it fok ahoi IB M i.ei Be of M sore i if the 0 art, v hi ilrr of ly 35, e. «; f C u , . Appeal Cfc atahad, got ox- npticn f ai&r ?*, acd qr-id^ii tot R^uft-si sore Ms? H s r t : e : : I ... afraid wa cc With ti :t Sir Dtx---!: I ab c H like to lay that w.? »ro all s c r . - i n 'bis «-^.ffrer. caa« of el - Wifann I feeadale Ass I Paren »•-): Tbc^ I tske it -,bct app caan Botaflsotodit all f« .B«r--.3« ' f rt.j o ••<',-; . The Olerk: N« not at all The ancivera°iry servisea of thoWealejan Sacday Bohool, Cotheretene,aeee he'd OR Good Friday aod Baster Soadey. A f<..© tea w*.s gives to tbe aebolarfi on Good Friday »{tnrnooD, wben about forty partook of the nice things p.oviaed, sod kisdly presided or«s by Mrs I T Elplir>g t Mrs W. Bsiabridge and Miss Qlark- i BOB, after which they were each preaeated | with oraogss, t^e kk-d gift of the Misfies Heming. A pablie meeting was held ia the ebapei io the ever ^t»g, whea the chair was t D ^' j t.ken bj Mr T, Eipif.rrg, who gave r.a eeeoarsg* ling address. The Secretary's report showed the achrol to have 6 me rime t^od wcrk. Able •! m»,n: led as r deal the . of the i ?h'a s -tlii ran o*a tiit finally. T h e pSruco* d i o ^ jri appet '& are dealt wlta t?rminatf ; • v.-' practical addresses were d«!leered by Mr ! T. Parklnsoa and the Rev- R^binsoD Lsng, J Barnard Oastle, to a ,*OJ d eompaEy. On Bas »»r ! Baaday earnest and appropriate Betmona were J prssehed In the raoraing by the. Rzv. G. Glandfield. 3t!iddi?h-a, end ie. tb- eveniog by t h e R?-v U . L s r g . In the aftersooa a sorvice of praise held, whea a choice selection of hymus, recitations, and action aocga were welt rendered -by the choir >nd scholars, assisted by Mfsa Rossf-ii and Mr W. Hall with violins, auder the most ah:e traiaicg of Ms Ridley, >JJ. I<?. «7SH well attend "d. Good oollecticcs were realised. Taesiiaie fcdik *tio!> rub-rommiJise. Barnard r -n, J ? , mstmcg, bardsoo, H..-J Mrs ' t e<^j weve Bsreatd iddletoc, The t-'.cuv. j ip.; ;icg was he'd oaWc 'aader Jte presi: aoy oi tfr M. J. Di >,na t t e r e a pressot Mesara A -LP., G. R. Sent) C j Btaltb. R. T Rij H. Ii. Fife; J P . J -T 's -ria-, Dawson and -J IBS Sixia, .\. C: Ml ;e'erk).-- fhe .r freschool i •. ^> ;ubrr.i::' * by Lee, follow; Oastie, 86-2 ; Staii . • i p, 86 7; and *• 86*4.—The C . 1 .'> L j a b^ye r -r:.- >'ema.k«bi/ well i i doU-g tJfjwe me 's work.— MAH N«Xiw said wasi ryk n la us'-. , t.i--g cha) s«o;« woiw ahteh oaold ba deae by hoys aheald »•;. Cone a*. h!a momact - H 3<ai : l a .ho No.rtu R'tjin^ fbey bsro ma: e the 5-ale f u r leaving aehool :3 acd I «• n't myself B^I wh> it Sb ua b 14 ip Dorh, m.-- Mlfl N!x6n: It is a qosatii a A ..•<} food of tb>-- o u a a t r y s,hat Ilouk a*.- l i w v groi'd to let the qusfcrb a of bty tsboar ?' . «.ver f. r :$ m snth.—There wereiSapplicai.ic a far thai positioe of ears* 5akoi- of the Ccuocil Behou! a* Bati J .' Ca«»i;ie, *be oetou..." . ii iii<; . 4 r.r >-.i r;-t ; f fvb,»at. 12,'. a weak, <r.- M - v% aJkcriWaff.a; teenrcd - he appointme c LADItSI £HAU£ft.£ REMtOY Is gosrantruii under . e ram of cJOO to cnr> when oth-rs fail Far superior •.. 1'iiir, PtUete, or aa/Contineatel treatment. VIA ' . .t iira«uiar. f i<however obatiaate, C r !*i. !'.r ..H'J)Y U supiouto. Price 'Jt., St., Bp»cial • i. MRB.n> far Particttian i-nd (Uii dttked -U ye:;r«. MR AX!/ . S W . WOOIX astle and Startforth Cursing Association, QM.1 B I in The moathiy n: Oomm^Hae was be Apri? 7 th. S4is ',5 ] there were also p-pzeti Manby, Miss Barbee, MTB s of the Execatira » rospecsary en M-s Ha?me? t Mrs Barn, Mrs Cooper, 20, LOUR-STREET, LEEDS. Mrs Baiobridgb, ai«ss Harris, Mrs Wioeman, UrsTork, Mrs Wells, Misa B>sarre cud Viiss 'Valtoii (bonorarv seoretaries), and Mr Dent (honorary tresaarer) —Tbe N-r-ao reported 294 visits p:*id daring March to 28 patients. The tieorne tot the m-j .u w*a £25 6s. 6d. Karse Dlekia Is now Uvicg at Fiatta View, opposite the Aactioa Mhrr, and any a.oaseges to her should ba left there. Staindrop Congregational Church- Tbe aaniversar} of the above ehu*ch was b«'-d on Exeter wet k-er;d. On Good Friday afternoon, in the 8es?th Meoalorisl Half, miscellao^oua articles *ere so«d. Daring the oveniog a gcand coaeert was given by Mrs T*r>i aiid party, cf Woodland, whose efforts elicited ranch applanse from r- large and ap-'recif tlve aadiecoe. Mr A, Oopelaed ably preaided. Refresh men ts were served during the afte-i'Pf'oo and evening on tbe oaf a system, - Oa Stater Sunj-<y special sormoes were preiche.d in the moralog and evening by the mi rioter (the Rev. H. W. Yeuug). The aoh>i«t | V-JI ;< uifsi Kale Wal' ar, and the organist, Misa * 3oolaby. Good eon. regatlbns gathered at both ' services, ineludln ; many youog people. 1 Aliogetbefl the a aiversary was a neat t &uu3t<aa. High-elass Work in all its Branches. Special Attention given to Household Work, Vans Collect, and Deliver in Home District. Steam Laundry Works: NSWGATB, BARNARD 0 filSI I M IS OLARKSON JBARKBR'B SPACE. CLEANING NOW HERE! TIME We can cater thoroughly for your requirements, as the following lists will show, CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT TURPENTINE LINSEED OIL AMMONIA. CARPET 80AP3 VARNISH STAINS VARNI3HES DISTEMPER, ia Rich Shades PAINTS, ia all Colour CR9CERY DEPARTME NT: BRUSHES: Wbitenipg firrubblog I.auodry Sweep^g Brooms B<aok Lead Pa:c3 SOAP - Soft, Hard and Dry You can depend upon us for Sound Quality at Reasonable Prices. G. CLARKSON HARKER, M.P.S. Successor to Joshua Burn & Son, 24, Korse Market, Barnard Castle. Memorial Service at Bowes. The Rev. J . H. Jowett, M A . , D.Q. These are tbe times which *tj men's seals, and it is ioterce'Jng to turu be, tha yottthfol daja Of Mr Jjv?ett when b» pro-obed in tbe local Cangjegrtiinal Church, acd *loo in tbe A crowded memorial service was held in Si. Giles' Church on Sunday aftemoor, toaobtag tbe death ir .t France of lfeby Pratt;, roadman, who, prior to enlistment,llveld with his my?ber lathevUlage, and was v ry much esteemed j j i ^ ; ohapeiaVd^therstaae, acd 'to reoall fcta by everyone tie jt ined ;V-> Royal Esgiaeeff ; [asisteoea upon personal relfglcn. Hfs for scad work in Piranoe, a»d died of aroncaitfe I aiseoors *s ia parabole shewed w< ndt ^>'nl V -vJar.tee* Tratettg .j thought, originaney, acd . research. The ted, P sdtbtsorganist ^^rst 5s a o>i?-ioal ranmer-.ii le the earner «f great preacher. Dr. J:;wett recently d a special msetir.ar of the Ressb'n cf Fifth ia that; country. The Cnrps was largely rerresonted, aad ;bt- organist ) pEeaent 'is aJjTltioal wsa C-.roorai Soper, V.T.C., of Catterick, of the } K v e x 6 p r e a 0 i,e! R>js>l P.srks, v,ho played Cbopit's " Funei March " with great skill. •SB Cod's j^cre. To the Editor cf the Teesdala |lerearvl" SIR, Wo Barnard Castlo people are proud of one aeqVr.teved old tows, thoagh the fljlag man wi:o blighted tie other week could cot fia;l u'! w. h'm mcp. Proud of its eld time history, Its eastle inlnc, i.'s eld Market Hall, its vtoudi-rfnl Museum, ITS rapidly flowing river, and the glades aad becks adjoining, its not diataiit hills, and the breezy rAoorlar-r?, yet', aod G':d's &Qt(\ whore our rtmo forefathers sleep that is tbo pese Rur ?ourdir.g our vener- able Parish Cbuvcb. It I must oandld I cover did! eare muob, OS as tnaob, for the hew Song strip of Isrd we call the cemetery, with it.3 CQKHCfol divieio^c. AS top ae impoa'ag aotraooe and a good-sized chapel; entrance to the other portions, no ea^smee at all. . Divid- ing the top allotment—sxcaSS the word —a wall, Soother allotment with a tiny cc&pel, another wall, a public path, an iron pAllissdf, sad tbs third allotment-, where a am«:l aod battered beard say*, " Dissenters' baryieg Rrouad"—fet leaois it .von can Biiii re?2 tr, *;•>* It is aome *ime since I tried to decipher it. Not m t o y o t u?s ean sa,v Nvhere parif |anlruStMg- piaee will be, but ibis to ma is the bomiiee't Of the acres, where wblsSliog boys aod laagbang flappers pass, end oof. far is a homely atneet and gonad of labour. To ma it brs ejrer remained a puzzle s.» to wboroj tbia piaee belonged. One kiad K^jtlemaa |- coald .see, not % tall man, pleastiot and friendly.' v;b>r oared for It, with, I fear, moat smallencouralge- mens, I may cat tell 5.1s came, tolrthat might v«x hiD3. Ha is bniyl: t of a trad* which J;MS fin apvon, I rememb 2g oeee e< quiricg who managed this piece, f ji , as a diligent reader of your p*per, I *»ever av v report of any meeting held, aod some one asy a 41 it has a eommittee pf oiae," but, a*turally,'I t-sok this for humor.jui. But, the entrance, ah! the eetraiiee, along which the ctbsr w?< k I passed is placglag snow. To tnyself I suM is B C. civilised, or is It B.C. as contrasted with A.T>. the sge I !»vo la ? " I am finished, *oar Editor. - I am. for the subjeoti is, indeed, a gravo one, yours truly, B.D. P.S.—Another time 1 will r.sk yoa to say who are the D'wn ntevs. I know of nor,e, and except tbe memory of this aatiquated b'^ard I have not hes::i tee word for many yesrs. Zemoliae Skia Oiataseat ia the Ointrnjeot with a lOyeara'-nos-failure repnta'aon. per jar, from llaaon's Braf; Stores, the Zemolioe Dopot, Barnard Castle. ILANGHARD'S PRl? kxti arxiTallcdfo- all JtrcagnlciritiM, etc. They npecdily atlord reliaf, anO rifver tnjl t ) alleviate &11 raSeriilff- They supersede Pennyroyal, Pi! Cochia, .'Sitter Apple, etc. rJLANOHARD'f? are the br Bt of a.U Pi lie for Women Scid in "boxes- X*. 1**.. by BOOTS' B.-auch«a, TAYLOH'S Bruar 0- mpa'uy £raKcbes p «'*! a'i Obo'ciats, cr post frse, nr.uis pi *ice, from LSSLiE MARTY!, iimites'. ^herniate, SI, iti'aJBXQS 1.AS1J, LONDON. V?cs wnsie au4 TS>°.:>.1>1O 1«. jjvleo n-.bt f r « , I d itaear. 0* Aver.na PreKbyfteriaa Ci'nrch, Hew York, aad dnring P. qonfarenee that laated usttii nearly midelght bo t -id that the e?.l! ("no Westmiaster Cb;-pb? bad t'ume at a momeateas time in bin counirj's history, and great ctsssure was bei»p brought to bear upon hire ?t"?rn England. The session • flared to increase tha salary of Dr. Jowett—it ia new £2,400 a Tear—bu& this he refused to accept. The sr&sion afso offered hira six months' vacation (Instead of four rcoitbs; each year uuttl the war end?, so that be oould visit Roalaad ar.d da tba work be is oal'od to do »t this co-lfcica; timr. A Committee ^as appointed to ask men of bf^h pcibitinn in eivio and relipi na life to sncd rekgrsras acd letters to D-. Jvwett begai'g him to remain ie New York. The "New York Herald" states that Dr. Jowoti h-s roeeived an tr.tlmattec from King George tbat ha wishes him to retu.*a to Loadon, as »ell as a letter from Mr Lloyd George aappcrtiog the invitation r,c Feetmioeter. I .-ilsn states that President Wilson has been isked to icfluence Dr. Jowett to stay in America. D?. Jowett dined with the Ettg on Mavch 3«d, 1911, just bt.fr!?:> leavl :st for Americz, end ho aeM teas the King's ia^S words to him were : " I v}%nt t :i tell y .'U that <phen yoa go away, ycu go with ihe good-wisl of your Kirg tnc Qasen." Wh*t the " Geniiowcman " Says :— Dr. J?wet4 ia hei.^g fought Cor by New York and alpo br T7r»s;:cuir.fcfcer Chapel. At t,iy mordent we ma* hear what bis deeisba is. Of late his ac:'g*eg*r!,-«,« havo bcr-n larger than ever, asd It Is stated tbat at least firs hundred people t:av9 been tamer 5 aw?v as every serviaa frca tLto donrs. A sugge«tica has bcea autde tba» he shoalc &!tercate his miotetry betwesu L'jnd-jss aad Nerr Yvirk. WeH, it it a ve-y romarka'vi.e ?hi? g tfcat any preaeher, borvever famous, sheu 3 b« so eagerly c<»vetod. C^rtaialy it is c^z* proof that people do ralne very hlgbfj Hie teaeblog and preaching of a master b«nd. Peraonally 1 do not think for a muEient the.?! »mblti'>n gaides Dr. Jowett's plans. I r m Oonviooed that be is ruled by fcis eocvietioB of duty. Asia I am qaite ear* that. Amerloa will atraia overy aarva to ret»fn h|m.—[We h**e» of coars«j already stated &bat Mr Jowett has decided to return to England.—ED. T.y.] BOWES l A i B OF HUM. A large company assembled in the Wo8i B - Surdu^ Behom, Bowes, on Saturday D ^ M«?.rcb BlsttWhae s'.otber m c e f iog of thu ^ l of Hopt w?e belH. A good programiBeT 1 ' been prepared,aed «ra«! roaeb appreciated, f I*. Maedeeeld', Bawe* Gate, presiderl, and i|' 'Fits;;!', Stent >ke'd. had charge of the tn^I} arrRogemfcts Toe followlne were the 171?" rend3rsd :-R'cit»t?ors, by William ewai i, Nancy Guy, Arfcbor D maid and' tmt rtas; ffi-.-g, by cix children;; duett k! Ba^V?, Plover H*'l, and Mr ThojJ Anrji-, Mary W«its>n, Harriet c haw, K, AU30 Barw Miss Addfso",Broatta Farm; dialogaes,byalxebu st d by e'x boys; solns, by B^^tr!ce Beinbriaw Miss WioaH Rlchardsjn, acd Miea Bnck.i! collect?^" v-.e trken at tbe close io aid ol tiu func^s—N w tba', tbe busy season has (w mmced it wiil be impossible to hold tw| mrct ; ngs much Sanger, and 'he !»st asasmblj (!! i^eiressoa wasaocordl gly held In theWesle^. sihool-room nn 8a *uT ^*y, April 14th, whenk Peverley. of B 'l.-irps, pr« eido-d. The program^! wrs ctieflf c utlc^I. Thete *?»?rc three pi^ a by four violl.-iiats, namely. Miaaea u aad AHIscc, ?no Mrsters W. Meyoell »oa|i Walker with Mies Walker acnompsnying. g„i vrf-r'? ale> readeredl by Mi»aes Oons 4 %jJ Altiacn, Back, Id by ^J'ea ?>T---h Rock and Master W. lasfS arc a rri'i bv Misaps Hutchlre^a and Lee ( ^ Master W MeyaeflL Tbe weather wsa w uofsvourable, but •>. fairly repreaenti^ eoeipany w.'S r^csenl- The mcLi-agsheldh... been much erj^ye^, and very auocesaial. 'ron and Lee: Barnard Castle Kural Council Finance At the monthly mee^irg, cn Wednesday t% >T? R. tVrsiEtrccg, J.P., presided, and ti, Surveyor iald snuw-cuttlng had baea proee^ log f t o : x' H.n wspka.— The requieitloo ol wi rkajf»'i for iocr^aacd wages was consider^ an.^ ft w;is decided to »Uow the roadmen Si,, week r-x'.ia, and to allow R stilling a day mos f »i te&m !ab;>ar.—With r6ferrnce!otberrqae| of Miea Todd, Hade scope Gate, to eocbae i portion of the roidslde waste and use i t * £:.rdEt6, tta Council decided not to glr e| deeiaicn in tbe mitter, the Clerk ob6e»b tbat tbes could tako attion when tbe enclwo, brgar.- 1- was reported that the pajtCi •to u i d to £786, and that there waa 5 £B00 In tba b'.rk with vrblch to pay. month these m a i d be about £1,000 to be S Sad cp feing t o pay i t with —The Ir.ipictoi huvicgenr- lied as a National S n rvioeVolnot«e. bad reeeived notice to tr.anbfer him as aCas io a Surveyor's office at B^stor. but the C!«t ba-1 appealed within the three -'ays, asdti Oouuell cocfir^ed bia acti c. -The qnesthaoi allotments as Ingletoe wis referred ta tk Parish Council.— The Xcdlca! Offiiar's anna report showed tbat tbo births cumbered 2Hi derrsase of 47 on 1915 and the deaths Uli deerease of 34 and 42 people had died bstwte toe xxea of 70 ar.d 00 —Preoepts for a g«am dUtriot rate cf "53. in the pouud were tat iit, ar>d lo:- special expenses nn Cackfisli £270; Bgglestoee, £34; Gainf.»rd,£3o; bjM £5; Middlctoo, £35; Btataditap, £80; 1 Whorltoo, £5. Mr Clarkson Harker and Temperaiiit Oc Maic! 2 3 d th<» CotherstctBS Bits i Hope feed a very intur.--aM-.g iectnie cireilf Mr Olarkaon Herker ^o! B2in:>vcl Castle,xtk tubjcc'i of alooho!: iin Qica and abutei. la Rov. H. H(>raley, in his nsuai humeroai.7M prrsided. Tbo lecture v.^s iicte'^eds'iti ioteneo i^iotes^, actt questions asked oa *t a ready answer. The !ec are was glm»ia tbe iittteotioB of tee chlldsaai writlngtBS 1 petition essay.oa the aubjeot. wbici w c;\-i.5£d »rjt(- four C1«SM-K Tor. c rape:j T;: « faven'-ed v i "b a K .'tg b? Mi«r? Gill, acd s?i'i s In by M r V.'m H»H. Mis? Ridley .o-—:• ^ en tbe pianr. A vote Mmaka v>i.s a«c^ to Mr Harker and the Chairman, ard!» sir -fj'.tp if tbe National Anthem brongh! 6* eh>se a sew lerereoitog and pr. Stable o«'^t Oa March 30"h r h e awards were madslcris b^e- essays. S^ma prizes were given bj" 1 Hrrk^.r (wb^ ? flared the cocsofatloo p«* oae b>- Mr Horaley, atd tbe rcmairder bj* cos?nr.it?r. The r.wards, which were present by MissWataoo, were made as fcllowai-O* Tyremsr., Gf>o. Ronald Kcdgaon, Nancy Tilt and U«rj>ri.-! Winafcrd, and coneolatioo P' 13 to Tain Walton, Alfred Reytolda and ft** Gar ; »id;s after which addrees-a were gi*« 1 ^r WE. PIgg acd Mr Tern Sayer. The OBI* rf att*-nd,r org et i he meetings waa giwa J Miss Carbwt;. A du«tt by Rhoda Gibe^tm Gurry Kolgbt conceded the Baad rf He? meetings forfch«»seasor. Shakespeare and the Germans. The "kuUure" oi the Gsrmars did not deceive cur forefather?, and there are many instances of K-'eat soldiers r^forricg to them BS little better ahao beasts. Their " QT?B " be»o. Sh&kespesre, ^hich is Btadied more in Oermat.y than in Engisnd, glvaa them tba urskirde&t eui of all. In "Tho Merchant of V°nice" the heiress, Portia, is wooed by a Saxon Prince, acd Ut Nei'isss's quwy, '* Bow do you like t^e young German, the Duke ef Saxony's nephaw?" Portia replies, Ve-y vilely in the morning, wbfm he is scbe/Sf; and mrsi: vilely in thoafrer- ouoo, when be is drur.k; wheu he is b> E * be is a little worso than a tcan ; and when be is worst be is llttto Sietfter than a beast; and the wo»a* fr a ij t'a^sh over fe 1 ', I hone I shall make «*h>i6 to ; pro w i t h o u t him.*' Oai woedersif this passage \ is retsuted in tne Germau version cf the ia- ; comparable William ShakeBpeare. Social Evening at the Local Primitif Methodist Church. Tbs ecacol-rotrm of Newg*te Piio" 1 * Methodist Church was wall flUed on TinrW evnlng s r n , r>cd t h e audience tborotig-'j Tjjycd the rr.';c?tftirt»eut provided W humorous sketch, depioti"g tbe gossip c">urcb eewicg mcotinc, Jc which "he foH°, j* married !adi6« took nlace:—Mea^ames W fn j i . Ooates, Crof i. N-Ison, Welfo d, Ander^ Gow?an<?. J. Wftttoo, Bayles and Hillary ^ t %e parts were w-ji! snstafned, sni all asjjj Wish spirit as'd. apnTeciation in^o 'hevriw^ Ci '-sracter portcoyed ?:i the dialogue. fteLtf wev* ca?rie'j rcaad, ani M »^S eoatcieatad glci-s, cor.ducled by Mr W E Mia? Whvte placing tb«* see' ficanimet'"^ Ohsi> man ((be R^v. C H. Lightfoot-) said » 5 ail his li«'o bean load ot mnsio, bn instrument) being a coaeeztiaa. oa eS• c " (t , five years of age he c u!d play "God OJ^si Q.i.:f.n." He next tried the flute, and tn<* cC piano. Masio bad it all agea toW^if. urimporiant part cf worship, and no P|> * of the praaeut aivina service hafaO*" ^ iDspired him mor« than tbe psslnjoo. p anthem. They owed a great debt ^ ^ church c'icir aad itsnbleleader.—Thenoa^ result In aid of the ladies' sewing fu: 3 amonated to £2 10s. Marwood Wesleyan Church Eastert^ Services. On Good Friday ihe Rev. F. G. deliv red bia interesting lecture, • B «i. "Uobaraesaed horses," io a very able ~., lt ct which wss great ly ec j yed by the large ao» ^rererr. Appropriate radastfr— w ' r t ^ •^ndered by Misses Stoddart. Iff ^J^d Sal!. M r i . H Walker, of Glimonbv. P r ^ t v Hal ova;.- t n e gatbe. log. on n.aj;^r """_j 0 e«e; aitemooo and evening corviceav-ei 6 ^. ^ i by Mtears J. A>ders>n and T. k ***$0& Bowes,who spjke well ard T ® P great csefuiaesa in the circuit. ?-) ard Published by JoHS Bo^'it) Pr the "Teesdala Mereary" * reg5 a te?rd Offie c of the (.oaspw Market Pi^ce, Beraacd Cattle. Wedaeaday, April 25tb,

T ORD, Barnard Castleteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1917/April-25/April-25-1917-08.pdf · Glandfield. 3t!iddi?h-a, end ie. tb- eveniog by the R?-v U. Lsrg. In the aftersooa a sorvice

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Page 1: T ORD, Barnard Castleteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1917/April-25/April-25-1917-08.pdf · Glandfield. 3t!iddi?h-a, end ie. tb- eveniog by the R?-v U. Lsrg. In the aftersooa a sorvice

T H E T B E S D A L B M E R C U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 5 , 1917

The Urban Tribunal Halts,


WHAT REALLY DID TAKE PLACE A rcc-eMcg of the m m b e r a of iho Barnard

CaBtle Urbaa Dis t r l e t Tr ibuna l , heid on Tbur»d«y eight , a* the Police Cour*, to consider i w e l r o crses, i o c l n d i r g feus' m l l i o s v revlev;?, canir tn an c o n n e c t e d cad i n i t s i n i t i a l strges- lit 0 . B M e r t l a , J.P.. presided, and thera wer?) also present M c i s n I f . J. Dixon, J P.. R BummerBon, f . Wain?, sr.d M r J . I . Dawson, eferk.- M» J . W. H«?*>ey. J . ? , was t o v r v - y representative, M r W. Woodbearl. cl?>*V f.h«! mi l i t a ry , and M r Yateottae Hodgson, BitaH of Agr icu l tu re .

On tbe B»n»bf m t r k i r ? " their testa en the bar oh, t\9 C*.tU ci • reso • ad Said be bad rather a eovel p :. t l >n to t t k a sa tba mouth• plena of 11M loe&l Tr ibunal I - saaou; . i ^ g tha t ihey were not so l i ; . 1 oa w i t h the eases. The member*; thought tbe j lied been ignored by the actios of the ed l i t a ry authori t ies . The i r sppotntmeet tbey H • b ' t o hr? legal, b a t h e d found that a -nic of the —r-rsi osao.i v a i e h h*d come before i l e a ; fc*d bse wad t'"e Tr ibuna l k) ongb* I

appeal* d aga ins t , was nifc?p«»i! to go

Latest Mill inery Dainty Blonses!

Newest Costumes ! Raincoats, Skirts, Corsets, &c,

T ORD, Barnard Castle The Mew Military Service Set.

a-examin?tian for Rejected Men, Attested 0!

on. One asse they had referred to t h e i r Clsrk. w i t h P r t q n - i t tea" r e woulc* snad on the fu l l faets to she proper aut£ >tl les. Bat the messing weald be adji urned oa other grounds. He fojp one though*, br br-d been v- r*etjf.g t ime, and bis brother members w»re nnaoWioufely c f fhe S«»<M* opinion. They d id not propose to go in to a t y ess p i ! • r i g h t , but; * t ores to communicat'. w i t h the recognised authorit ies the i r eoavtetlor thnt they wave in thie business useless mam hers

M r H « i l e y : Be? re you adjourn I Bfcoajd l i ke to h o w ;.•» <wh- m rea r remarks apply ?*D > r.boy apply to the mi l i t a ry se represented at the iast Tr ibunal , or d i tbey allude to myself?

The Chairman said they had reference to those who fctd cs?u«ro:d the responsibi l i ty cf act ion in the appeals and ia part icular the wors t ct-ss, whleh wa« m - s l crn*! in i t s results The are* i u which the Tr ibunal adjudicated eras a as is l l one, and tee membera had *<^foi upon the i r f a i l , c 'e*o\ ;«nd scearate Iceai kasnrledge of the eireamstsac 3^ of »aeh ces*^ aad, i n the mattes of „ this eGmpisiaj!, the Tr ibaoa l d id i>; 6 1 M feeling to s j one tn--.a, but •ookemeepiii on acconnt t-f t»»e backs, a r d xttik woleo the Tr ibaa i i l t i i d ac t agree.

M r H a r t l e y : I ^ o n l d Hko s as "Ma s leets my positioi.-, to sar- a few words, this a t t l tode of the Tr ibaaal i

Agricu ' turiet8 P ovisionsHy Excepted. The t e w M i l i t a r y Service Ac t proTides that I

J B J^L, I E O 3Sf ..E ,̂.' I E J



J. , P R O P R I E T O R A,


L E .

U1BBY a reject man ahaii no loigeV b^ t e m p t e d i f I Is the Only Steam Laundry in Basilar & Oastle be rc-Geir^-a a w r l t t e a noi ico requ i r ing him to present himself fc? madiosl tx tmi ra t io j? , so lot 'g na bo has not attained the age ' - f 41 years


a p p o s e d dato. Vo lun ta r i ly

to the act.'- a of th« mi l i t -r? >ppeals mid-'; behind the i r

' l i a s f i I so? Sorry tbat-

i f:o5i cjabiog rry vexy nnpies'Jsuc duty any bat tef • I ^oy more oler.sar c. 1 can cssare : oa tbat the obligation is no pleasote t " «:..-•. I t ia qal>f ten reVerse,. But i t Is my da to pet s«i many man a i pysai'olfc f c the army, ted as Inag as I told t l pcsi t lon I r o l am eertaialy

I b v-3 s' Fays x : o»rry treated

le >at l these dutl.jf-

Tribunal w i t h eoarteaf,aad Lahiok ao eae eao find fanlt w i t h oa that pole* wi th fa t r re ts . There is one na t te r , J>?;wevws*. I i h^a ld l ike to

Before the attested ra*n who were rejected are not t reated RP, d i e c b a r ^ d from the Army, but are to be Called up for further ex imica t i cn .

Appeal fof Exemption. Tfee aaea exiled up for r*-examinat!on have

fba r igbti to appeal to local Trihnnala for exempSna, but this r i g h t must be exercised w i t h i n 30 days from the| notice to ho re-px : 'mi5.et BaSieg beer. aent. A^y such i t t e s t ed CQRU m^y appeal on say of tae. grcn-ids cow opea to at^.o&^cd men, incsadirg iI5-ht»»lth or i r f l r m i t y . Tribunals «r« directed to deal w i t h Bttah epplieatioaa 6e> the asrae pricoiples as prevloas aoptieatSons, toarirg la mi^d , bow-eye r , thmi the aee« of the At my fop aU men of mi l i t a ry *go at the earliest possible date is press ing; io\part»cular t h a t f o r men i n Classes L o? BrVttpdei 31 leara Of sge, exemp­tion on tbs groped of empV>yojent is not

i j n r i f l a d lanless^ahe men are ptttstde the i exc-HptJots mestigpf d in B, 114), at-d tha*i the ! f;dard of hardship is fcu.w much s t r ic te r

than in the easlier days of jthe war.

Mer in *gricu?tti ,o. The A c i makes AM exoeptton for » r r man

wbo is for tbo t ime be i rg aogaged ia ogr icul-iu"^, sed-whose pergptml work Is cer t i f i d by the Boai'tl of .*grU*oH-u»fe as be lug of /nat ional importneoe. Apparent ly th is exemption cr.-* only be granted on &u appeal to the local TribnoEl.

name la co '̂.!.c:; from yi>u? dsi'i: made tbat the aa' stated at t b f tlm no noee «.'.ty for t l e atato try c?ar- In w acd, more eSpecisM ejeside" yen: serd what groandH j« u Tberelor*-1 Peaer a to app--&?. I doo' ever seen a c-py c Utb,whieheo!t t : \t i Act , eta; which I no

M r Sure-. •••« i ;

•*a w i t h the e ight tppea le l is, Oomnlaini seems to he

• "t,a la the cases v?.to f.<;t> Let u s say tha t t i e r e is

mtiitaryj reprsoi a ta t iye so f ' . i t ; ! i he ic teBts to *pp«".tl, i'.y v viher. y o n r- t»re fry let, toeauto I doa't k )ow r>a n f .rviro * i your .-i-sls'o^.

; ia which osse I sm goiEf; . k:: . jw whether you have f the H r j l V t i r " fo? April a review of the Sxcmptioea r U^r.d tp j oa The i&ailraetiona a^-at cat

Dr. ieishman's I t . John's Ambulance Glass Results.

A l l the atadeata of Dr. L&isbmaa^ St John's Arr<balar,ce firsVaid eiasaji who salt for the examination, hara passed. T i e fol lowiag is a l i s t :—Firs* .&id eertlfleateaj—Dcra Mary P«isse, Rl i ie Hodgsoc, Ladra Praet, Ph^eooa Hardy, Mary Qollght ly , Mary B r u # k l H , Jea&ie Smith,

by the Loer l QoverOmeet Board ere iaaust1. by the mi l i t a ry Rtitkorities are* at variance a-% mqch bbat *«•• i«i itnpossible to reeoaeile th*ra. Oar ins trRcttcns S T C very difl«rc-.' ' •:• r.bf;»» ' Jci., j : ; u | ;<t

M r H n r ^ i e y : I n i-j-.is hm. Js c,?e

M a g g i e Todd, Katherine 0>-ftingrr, Marjory S f!e, Mathl lde Prset, ffifaa^e T - y l c r , Alice Swi-h. Jrys-.i E*!? acrl Maggie Robsoa; voaetora—Katfaerine Whap, Dorothy Layericb, i i i c e Hodgkiaaoo, Heloo &roeae Tears*, and Teresa Eogg*:ts mfldalliocs -Jane Do wane,

ae CL ' a t io t te Bobson, K*te Place and Hilda M . Pearsoe.

t i ed , M : Sannv\ M r Bammeracii: l i appe»rje to m • auom^'oua

where fcoe Chai:m-'.n f t tbo Appeal C c.ft at Doraam aac exea ais efflce, & ti< gl gener i B e r y l C ' , * already la the s Hi-

afir H ^ t i i ' ? : I c M r enmis- rat n :

are yery onfalr. M r M a r t l g : itad tbea take!

here,aj.d Compare i t a i t . t 'h.<

itOK granted *o a o - r tk • map of S5. sad passed f

d w i t h two qa-.Hifi-.fi m« o

Ootherstone Wesleyan Anniversary Services.

i a a o t c o But i t

f o k ahoi


i.ei Be of M sore i if the 0

art, v hi

i l r r of

ly 35,


«; f C u , . Appeal Cfc atahad, got ox- np t icn f ai&r ?*, acd qr-id^ii tot R^uft-si sore

Ms? H s r t : e : : I ... afraid wa cc W i t h t i :t

Sir Dtx---!: I ab c H l ike to lay that w.? »ro all s c r . - i n 'bis «-^.ffrer.

caa« of el - Wifann I feeadale Ass I Paren »•-) : Tbc^ I tske i t -,bct app caan B o t a f l s o t o d i t a l l f« .B«r--.3« ' f r t . j o ••<',-; .

The O le rk : N« not a t a l l

The ancivera°iry servisea of thoWeale jan Sacday Bohool, Cotheretene,aeee he'd OR Good Friday aod Baster Soadey. A f<..© tea w*.s gives to tbe aebolarfi on Good Friday »{tnrnooD, wben about f o r t y partook of the nice things p.oviaed, sod k isdly presided or«s by Mrs

I T Elp l i r>g t Mrs W. Bsiabridge and Miss Qlark-i BOB, after which they were each preaeated | w i th oraogss, t^e kk-d g i f t of the Misfies

Heming. A pablie meeting was held i a the ebapei io the ever ^t»g, whea the chair was

t D ^ ' j t . k e n b j M r T, Eipif.rrg, who gave r.a eeeoarsg* l i n g address. The Secretary's report showed

the achrol to have 6 me r i m e t^od wcrk . Able

•! m»,n: led as r


the . of the i


s - t l i i ran o*a t i i t finally.

The pSruco* dio^

jri appet '& are dealt wl t a


; • v.-' pract ical addresses were d«!leered by M r ! T. Parklnsoa and the Rev- R^binsoD Lsng, J Barnard Oastle, to a ,*OJ d eompaEy. On Bas»»r ! Baaday earnest and appropriate Betmona were J prssehed In the raoraing by the. Rzv. G.

Glandfield. 3t!iddi?h-a, end ie. t b - eveniog by the R?-v U . L s r g . I n the aftersooa a sorvice of praise t « held, whea a choice selection of hymus, recitations, and action aocga were welt rendered -by the choir >nd scholars, assisted by Mfsa Rossf-ii and M r W. Hal l w i t h violins, auder the most ah:e t r a i a i cg of Ms Ridley, >JJ.I<?. «7SH wel l attend "d. Good oollecticcs were realised.

Taesiiaie fcdik *tio!> rub-rommiJise. Barnard

r -n, J ? , mstmcg, bardsoo, H..-J Mrs

'te<^j weve Bsreatd


The t-'.cuv. j ip.; ; icg was he 'd oaWc 'aader J t e presi: aoy oi tfr M . J . Di >,na t t e r e a pressot Mesara A -LP., G. R. Sent) C j Btaltb. R. T Ri j

H . I i . Fife; J P . J - T ' s - r i a - , Dawson and -J IBS S i x i a , .\. C: Ml ;e'erk).-- fhe . r freschool i •. >̂ ;ubrr.i:: ' * by Lee, fo l low; Oastie, 86-2 ; Staii . • i p, 86 7; and *• 86*4.—The C . 1 .'> L j a b^ye r -r:.->'ema.k«bi/ we l l i i doU-g tJfjwe me 's work.— M A H N«Xiw said was i r y k n l a us'-. ,t.i--g cha ) s«o;« w o i w ahteh oaold ba deae by hoys aheald »•;. Cone a*. • h!a momact - H • 3<ai : l a .ho No.rtu R ' t j i n^ fbey bsro ma: e the 5-ale fu r leaving aehool :3 acd I «• n't myself B ^ I wh> i t Sb ua b 14 ip Dorh, m.-- M l f l N!x6n : I t is a qosatii a A ..•<} food of tb>-- ouaatry s,hat

Ilouk a*.- l i w v groi 'd to let the qusfcrb a of b t y tsboar ?' . «.ver f. r :$ m snth.—There wereiSapplicai . ic a far thai positioe of ears* 5akoi- of the Ccuocil Behou! a* Bati J .' Ca«»i;ie, *be oetou..." . ii iii<; . 4 r.r>-.i r;-t • ; f fvb,»at. 12,'. a weak, <r.- M - v% aJkcriWaff.a; teenrcd - he appointme c

LADItSI £HAU£ft.£ REMtOY Is gosrantruii under . e ram of cJOO to cnr> when oth-rs fail Far superior •.. 1'iiir, PtUete, or aa/Contineatel treatment. VIA ' . . t iira«uiar. fi<however obatiaate, C r ! * i . ! ' .r . .H'J)Y U supiouto. Price 'Jt., St., Bp»cial • i. M R B . n > far Particttian i-nd

(Uii dttked -U ye:;r«.

M R A X ! / . S W . W O O I X

astle and Startforth Cursing Association,

Q M . 1 B

I in

The moathiy n: Oomm^Hae was be Apri? 7 th . S4is',5 ] there were also p -pze t i Manby, Miss Barbee, M T B

s of the Execat i ra » rospecsary e n

M-s Ha?me?t Mrs Barn, Mrs Cooper,


Mrs Baiobridgb, ai«ss Harris, M r s Wioeman, U r s T o r k , Mrs Wells, Misa B>sarre cud Viiss 'Valtoii (bonorarv seoretaries), and M r Dent (honorary tresaarer) —Tbe N-r-ao reported 294 vis i t s p:*id dar ing March to 28 patients. The tieorne tot the m-j .u w*a £25 6s. 6d. Karse Dlekia Is now Uvicg at Fiatta View, opposite the Aactioa Mhrr , and any a.oaseges to her should ba left there.

Staindrop Congregational Church-Tbe aaniversar} of the above ehu*ch was

b«'-d on Exeter wet k-er;d. On Good Friday afternoon, i n the 8es?th Meoalorisl Half, miscellao^oua art icles *ere so«d. Dar ing the oveniog a gcand coaeert was g iven by Mrs T*r>i aiid party, cf Woodland, whose efforts e l ic i ted ranch applanse from r- large and ap-'recif t lve aadiecoe. M r A, Oopelaed ably preaided. Refresh men ts were served dur ing the afte-i'Pf'oo and evening on tbe oaf a system, - Oa Stater Sunj-<y special sormoes were preiche.d i n the moralog and evening by the mi rioter (the Rev. H . W. Yeuug). The aoh>i«t

| V-JI ;< u i f s i Kale Wal' ar, and the organist, Misa * 3oolaby. Good eon. regatlbns gathered at both ' services, ineludln ; many youog people. 1 Aliogetbefl the a aiversary was a n e a t t &uu3t<aa.

High-elass Work in all its Branches. Special Attention given to Household Work,

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TIME W e can cater thoroughly for your requirements, as the following lists

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Y o u c a n depend upon us for Sound Qual i ty at Reasonable Pr ices .

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24, Korse Market, Barnard Castle.

Memorial Service at Bowes. The Rev. J . H. Jowett, MA. , D.Q.

These are tbe times which *tj men's seals, and i t is ioterce'Jng to t u r u be, tha yott thfol da ja Of M r Jjv?ett when b» pro-obed i n tbe local Cang jeg r t i i na l Church, acd *loo i n tbe

A crowded memorial service was held in S i . Giles' Church on Sunday af temoor, toaobtag tbe death ir.t France of lfeby Pratt;, roadman, who, p r ior to enlistment, l lveld w i t h his my?ber l a t h e v U l a g e , and was v r y much esteemed j j i ^ ; ohapeiaVd^therstaae, acd'to reoal l fcta by everyone tie j t ined ;V-> Royal Esgiaeeff ; [asisteoea upon personal re l fglcn. Hfs for scad work i n Piranoe, a»d died of aroncaitfe I aiseoors*s i a parabole shewed w< ndt^>'nl

V -vJar . tee* T r a t e t t g .j t h o u g h t , originaney, acd . research. The t e d , P s d t b t s o r g a n i s t ^ ^ r s t 5s a o>i?-ioal ranmer-.ii le the earner «f

great preacher. Dr. J:;wett r e c e n t l y d a special msetir.ar of the R e s s b ' n cf F i f th

ia that; coun t ry . The Cnrps was la rge ly rerresonted, aad ;bt- organist) pEeaent ' i s aJjTltioal wsa C-.roorai Soper, V.T.C., of Catterick, of the } K v e x 6 p r e a 0 i , e ! R>js>l P.srks, v,ho played Cbopit 's " Funei March " with great s k i l l .


Cod's j^cre.

To the Ed i to r cf the Teesdala | l e r e a r v l " SIR,—Wo Barnard Castlo people are proud of

one aeqVr.teved old tows, thoagh the fljlag man wi:o bl ighted t i e other week could cot fia;l u'! w. h'm mcp. Proud of i t s e ld t ime history, I t s eastle in lnc , i.'s eld M a r k e t Ha l l , i ts vtoudi-rfnl Museum, ITS rapidly flowing r ive r , and the glades aad becks adjoining, i t s not d ia ta i i t h i l l s , and the breezy rAoorlar-r?, yet', aod G':d's &Qt(\ whore our r tmo forefathers sleep—that is tbo pese Rur ?ourdir.g o u r vener­able Parish Cbuvcb. It I must oandld I cover did! eare muob, OS as tnaob, for the hew Song s t r i p of I s r d we call the cemetery, w i t h it.3 CQKHCfol divieio^c. AS top ae impoa'ag aotraooe and a good-sized chape l ; entrance to the other portions, no ea^smee at a l l . . D i v i d ­ing the top allotment—sxcaSS the word —a wal l , Soother al lotment w i t h a t i n y cc&pel, another wa l l , a public path, an i ron pAllissdf, sad tbs t h i r d allotment-, where a am«:l aod battered beard say*, " Dissenters' bary ieg Rrouad"—fet leaois it .von can B i i i i re?2 tr, *;•>* I t is aome *ime since I t r i e d to decipher i t . Not m t o y o t u?s ean sa,v Nvhere pa r i f | an lruStMg-piaee w i l l be, bu t ibis to ma is the bomiiee't Of the acres, where wblsSliog boys aod laagbang flappers pass, end oof. far is a homely atneet and gonad of labour. To ma i t brs ejrer remained a puzzle s.» to wboroj tbia piaee belonged. One k i a d K^j t lemaa | - coald .see, not % t a l l man, pleastiot and friendly.' v;b>r oared for I t , w i th , I fear, moat smallencouralge-mens, I may cat tell 5.1s came, to l r tha t might v«x hiD3. Ha is bniyl : t of a t rad* which J ; M S fin apvon, I rememb2g oeee e< qu i r i cg who managed th is piece, f ji , as a d i l igen t reader of your p*per, I *»ever a v v report of any meeting held, aod some one asy a 4 1 i t has a eommittee pf oiae," but, a * t u r a l l y , ' I t-sok this for humor.jui. But, the entrance, a h ! the eetraiiee, along which the c tbsr w?< k I passed is placglag snow. To tnyself I suM is B C. civi l ised, or is I t B.C. as contrasted w i t h A.T>. the sge I !»vo la ? " I am finished, *oar Editor . - I am. for the subjeoti is, indeed, a gravo one, yours t r u ly ,

B.D. P.S.—Another t ime 1 w i l l r.sk yoa to say who

are the D'wn ntevs. I know of nor,e, and except tbe memory of th is aat iquated b'^ard I have not hes::i t ee word for many yesrs.

Zemoliae Skia Oiataseat ia the Ointrnjeot w i t h a lOyeara'-nos-failure repnta'aon. per jar , from l laaon 's Braf ; Stores, the Zemolioe Dopot, Barnard Castle.

ILANGHARD'S PRl? kxti arxiTallcdfo- al l JtrcagnlciritiM, etc. They npecdily atlord

reliaf, anO rifver tnjl t ) alleviate &11 raSeriilff-They supersede Pennyroyal, Pi! Cochia, .'Sitter Apple, etc. r J L A N O H A R D ' f ? are the br Bt of a.U Pi l ie for Women Scid in "boxes- X * . 1**.. by BOOTS' B.-auch«a, T A Y L O H ' S Bruar 0- mpa'uy £raKcbesp « ' * ! a'i Obo'ciats, cr post frse,

nr.uis pi *ice, from LSSLiE M A R T Y ! , i imi tes ' . ^herniate,

SI, iti'aJBXQS 1.AS1J, L O N D O N . V?cs w n s i e au4 TS>°.:>.1>1O 1«. j jv leo n-.bt f r « , Id itaear.

0* Aver.na PreKbyfteriaa Ci 'nrch, Hew York , aad dnr ing P. qonfarenee that laated u s t t i i nearly midelght bo t - i d that the e?.l! ( " n o Westmiaster Cb;-pb? bad t'ume at a momeateas t ime in bin couni r j ' s history, and great ctsssure was bei»p brought to bear upon hire ?t"?rn England. The session • flared to increase tha salary of Dr. Jowet t—it ia new £2,400 a Tear—bu& th i s he refused to accept. The sr&sion afso offered hira six months' vacation (Instead of four rcoitbs; each year u u t t l the war end?, so tha t be oould v i s i t Roalaad ar.d da tba work be is oal'od to do »t this co-lfcica; t i m r . A Committee ^as appointed to ask men of bf^h pcibitinn in eivio and re l ip i na l i fe to sncd rekgrsras acd let ters to D- . Jvwet t b e g a i ' g him to remain ie New York . The " N e w York Herald" states that Dr. Jowot i h-s roeeived an tr.tlmattec from K i n g George tbat ha wishes him to retu.*a to Loadon, as »e l l as a le t te r from M r L l o y d George aappcrtiog the inv i t a t ion r,c Feetmioeter. I .-ilsn states that President Wilson has been isked to icfluence Dr. Jowett to stay in America. D?. Jowett dined w i t h the E t t g on Mavch 3«d, 1911, jus t bt.fr!?:> leavl :st for Americz, end ho aeM teas the King's ia^S words to him were : " I v}%nt t:i t e l l y .'U tha t <phen yoa go away, ycu go w i t h ihe good-wisl of your K i r g t n c Qasen."

Wh*t the " Geniiowcman " Says : — Dr. J?wet4 ia hei.^g fought Cor by New Y o r k

and alpo b r T7r»s;:cuir.fcfcer Chapel. A t t,iy mordent we ma* hear what bis deeisba is. Of late his ac:'g*eg*r!,-«,« havo bcr-n larger than ever, asd I t Is stated tbat at least firs hundred people t:av9 been tamer 5 aw?v as every serviaa f r c a tLto donrs. A sugge«tica has bcea autde tba» he shoalc &!tercate his miotetry betwesu L'jnd-jss aad Nerr Yvirk. WeH, i t i t a ve-y romarka'vi.e ?hi? g tfcat any preaeher, borvever famous, sheu 3 b« so eagerly c<»vetod. C^rtaialy i t is c^z* proof tha t people do ra lne very h lgbf j Hie teaeblog and preaching of a master b«nd. Peraonally 1 do not t h ink for a muEient the.?! »mblti'>n gaides Dr. Jowett 's plans. I r m Oonviooed that be is ruled by fcis eocvietioB of duty. Asia I am qai te ear* that. Amerloa w i l l atraia overy aarva to ret»fn h|m.—[We h**e» of coars«j already stated &bat M r Jowet t has decided to re turn to England.—ED. T . y . ]

BOWES l A i B OF HUM. A large company assembled i n the Wo8iB-

Surdu^ Behom, Bowes, on Saturday D ^ M«?.rcb BlsttWhae s'.otber m c e f iog of thu ^ l

of Hopt w?e belH. A good programiBeT1' been prepared,aed «ra«! roaeb appreciated, f I * . Maedeeeld', Bawe* Gate, presiderl, and i | ' 'Fi ts; ;! ' , Stent >ke'd. had charge of the tn^I} a r r R o g e m f c t s Toe fo l lowlne were the 171?" r e n d 3 r s d : - R ' c i t » t ? o r s , by Wi l l i am e w a i

i , Nancy Guy, Arfcbor D maid and' tmt rtas; ffi-.-g, by cix children;; duett k!

Ba^V?, Plover H * ' l , and Mr ThojJ

A n r j i - , Mary W«its>n, Harr ie t c haw, K,

AU30 Barw Miss Addfso",Broatta F a r m ; dialogaes,byalxebu st d by e'x boys ; solns, by B^^tr!ce Beinbriaw Miss W i o a H Rlchards jn , acd Miea Bnck.i! collect?^" v-.e t r k e n at tbe close io aid ol tiu func^s—N w tba', tbe busy season has (w mmced i t w i i l be impossible to hold t w | mrc t ; ngs much Sanger, and 'he !»st asasmblj (!! i^eiressoa wasaocordl g ly held In theWesle^. sihool-room nn 8a*uT^*y, A p r i l 14th, whenk Peverley. of B ' l . - i rps , pr« eido-d. The program^! wrs c t i e f l f c u t l c ^ I . Thete *?»?rc three p i ^ • a by four violl.-iiats, namely. Miaaea u

aad AHIscc, ?no Mrs te r s W. Meyoel l »oa|i Walker w i t h Mies Walker acnompsnying. g„i vrf-r'? ale> readeredl by Mi»aes Oons4%jJ Altiacn, Back, I d by ^J'ea ?>T---h Rock and Master W. l a s f S a r c a r r i ' i bv Misaps Hutchl re^a and Lee (^ Master W MeyaeflL Tbe weather wsa w uofsvourable, but •>. f a i r l y repreaenti^ eoeipany w.'S r^csenl- The mcLi-agsheldh... been much er j^ye^, and very auocesaial.

' ron and Lee:

Barnard Castle Kural Council Finance A t the monthly mee^irg, cn Wednesday t%

>T? R. tVrsiEtrccg, J.P., presided, and ti, Surveyor i a l d snuw-cutt lng had baea proee^ log f t o : x ' H.n wspka.— The requieitloo ol w i rkajf»'i for iocr^aacd wages was consider^ an.^ ft w;is decided to »Uow the roadmen Si,, week r-x' . ia, and to al low R s t i l l i n g a day mos f »i te&m !ab;>ar.—With r6ferrnce!otberrqae | of Miea Todd, Hade scope Gate, to eocbae i port ion of the ro ids lde waste and use i t * £: .rdEt6 , t t a Council decided not to g l r e |

deeiaicn in tbe m i t t e r , the Clerk ob6e»b tbat tbes could tako a t t i on when tbe enclwo, b rga r . - 1- was reported tha t the pajtCi •to u i d to £786, and tha t there waa 5 £B00 In t b a b ' . r k w i t h vrblch to pay. month these m a i d be about £1,000 to be S Sad cp feing t o pay i t w i t h —The Ir.ipictoi huvicgenr- l ied as a National SnrvioeVolnot«e. bad reeeived notice to tr.anbfer him as aCas io a Surveyor's office at B^stor. but the C!«t ba-1 appealed w i t h i n the three -'ays, asdti Oouuell cocf i r^ed bia ac t i c. - T h e qnesthaoi allotments as Ingle toe w i s referred ta tk Parish Council.— The Xcd lca ! Offiiar's anna report showed tbat tbo b i r ths cumbered 2Hi derrsase of 47 on 1915 and the deaths Uli deerease of 34 and 42 people had died bstwte toe xxea of 70 ar.d 00 —Preoepts for a g«am d U t r i o t rate cf "53. i n the pouud were tat • i i t , ar>d lo:- special expenses nn Cackfisli £270; Bgglestoee, £34; Gainf.»rd,£3o; bjM £ 5 ; Middlc too , £35 ; Btataditap, £80; 1 Whorltoo, £5.

Mr Clarkson Harker and Temperaiiit Oc Maic ! 2 3 d th<» CotherstctBS Bits i

Hope feed a very intur.--aM-.g iectnie cireilf M r Olarkaon Herker^o! B2in:>vcl Castle,xtk tubjcc'i of a l o o h o ! : iin Qica and abutei. la Rov. H . H(>raley, in his nsuai humeroai.7M prrs ided. Tbo lecture v.^s iicte'^eds'iti ioteneo i^iotes^, actt questions asked oa*t a ready answer. The !ec are was glm»ia tbe iittteotioB of tee chlldsaai w r i t l n g t B S 1

pet i t ion essay.oa the aubjeot. wbici w c;\-i.5£d »rjt(- four C1«SM-K Tor. c rape:jT;:« faven'-ed v i "b a K . ' t g b? Mi«r? G i l l , acd s?i'i s In by M r V.'m H»H. Mis? Ridley .o-—:• ^ en tbe pianr. A vote Mmaka v>i.s a « c ^ to M r Harker and the Chairman, ard!» sir-f j ' . tp i f tbe National Anthem brongh! 6* eh>se a s e w lerereoitog and pr. Stable o«'^t — Oa March 30"h r h e awards were madslcris b^e- essays. S^ma prizes were given bj"1

Hrrk^.r (wb^ ? flared the cocsofatloo p«* oae b>- M r Horaley, a t d tbe rcmairder b j * cos?nr.it?r. The r.wards, w h i c h were present by MissWataoo, were made as fcllowai-O* Tyremsr., Gf>o. Ronald Kcdgaon, Nancy T i l t and U«rj>ri.-! Winafcrd, and coneolatioo P' 1 3

to T a i n Walton, Alfred Reytolda and ft** Gar;»id;s after which addrees-a were gi*« 1 ^ r W E . PIgg acd M r Tern Sayer. The OBI* r f att*-nd,r org et i he meetings waa giwa J Miss C a r b w t ; . A du«tt by Rhoda Gibe^tm Gurry Kolgb t conceded the Baad rf He? m e e t i n g s for fch«» seasor.

Shakespeare and the Germans.

The " k u U u r e " oi the Gsrmars did not deceive cur forefather?, and there are many instances of K-'eat soldiers r ^ fo r r i cg to them BS l i t t l e bet ter ahao beasts. Their " QT?B " be»o. Sh&kespesre, ^ h i c h is Btadied more in Oermat.y than in Engisnd, glvaa them tba urskirde&t eu i of a l l . I n " T h o Merchant of V ° n i c e " the heiress, Portia, is wooed by a Saxon Prince, acd Ut Nei'isss's q u w y , '* Bow do you l ike t^e young German, the Duke ef Saxony's nephaw?" Portia replies, Ve-y v i l e ly i n the morning, wbfm he is scbe/Sf; and mrsi: vi le ly i n thoafrer-ouoo, when be is d rur .k ; wheu he is b> E * be is a l i t t l e worso than a tcan ; and when be is worst be is l l t t t o Sietfter than a beast; and the wo»a* fraij t'a^sh over fe 1 ' , I hone I shall make «*h>i6 to ; pro wi thout him.*' O a i woedersif this passage \ is retsuted in tne Germau version cf the i a - ; comparable Wi l l i am ShakeBpeare.

Social Evening at the Local Primitif Methodist Church.

Tbs ecacol-rotrm of Newg*te Piio"1* Methodist Church was wal l flUed on TinrW e v n l n g s r n , r>cd the audience tborotig-'j T j j y c d the rr.';c?tftirt»eut provided W humorous sketch, dep io t i "g tbe gossip c">urcb eewicg mcotinc, Jc which "he foH°, j * married !adi6« took nlace:—Mea^ames W fn j i . Ooates, Crofi. N-Ison, Welfo d, Ander^ Gow?an<?. J . Wftttoo, Bayles and Hillary ^ t%e parts were w - j i ! snstafned, s n i all asjjj Wish sp i r i t as'd. apnTeciation in^o 'hevr iw^ Ci ' -sracter portcoyed ?:i the dialogue. fteLtf wev* ca?rie'j rcaad, a n i M»^S eoatcieatad glci-s, cor.ducled by Mr W E Mia? Whvte placing tb«* see' f i can imet ' "^ Ohsi> man ((be R^v. C H . Lightfoot-) said » 5 a i l his li«'o bean load ot mnsio, bn instrument) being a coaeeztiaa. oa eS•c"(t, five years of age he c u!d play "God OJ^si Q.i.:f.n." He next t r i ed the flute, and tn<* c C

piano. Masio bad i t a l l agea toW^if. ur impor ian t part cf worship, and no P|> * of the praaeut a ivina service hafaO*" ^ i D s p i r e d him mor« than tbe psslnjoo. p anthem. They owed a great debt ^ ^ church c ' ic i r aad itsnbleleader.—Thenoa^ result In aid of the ladies' sewing fu: 3 amonated to £2 10s.

Marwood Wesleyan Church Eastert^ Services.

On Good Friday ihe Rev. F. G. del iv red bia interest ing lecture, • B«i. "Uobaraesaed horses," io a very able ~.,ltct which wss great ly ec j yed by the large ao» ^rererr . Appropriate radastfr— w ' r

t ^ •^ndered by Misses Stoddart. I f f ^ J ^ d Sal!. M r i . H Walker, of Glimonbv. Pr^ tv Hal ova;.- tne gatbe. log . o n n.aj;^r """_j0e«e; aitemooo and evening co rv iceav-e i 6 ^ . ^ i by Mtears J. A>ders>n and T. k***$0& Bowes,who spjke we l l a rd g» T ® P great csefuiaesa in the c i rcu i t .

?-) a rd Published by JoHS B o ^ ' i t ) Pr the "Teesdala Mereary" * reg5 ate?rd Offie c of the (.oaspw Market Pi^ce, Beraacd Cattle.

Wedaeaday, A p r i l 25tb,