T ILGHMAN B ELL PADUCAH TILGHMAN HIGH SCHOOL 2400 WASHINGTON STREET PADUCAH, KENTUCKY FRI. MAY. 18, 2018 VOL. 94 NO. 10 T HE Congratulations to the Class of 2018! Nineteen Tilghman students received merit scholarships at the 12th annual McCracken County Career Endowment Scholarship Program and Reception on Sunday April 22. These scholarships were given to students based upon grade- point average, achievements, financial status, and future goals. Students who received the scholarship are Tyeese Anderson, Bryson Brooks, Ke’Onna Buckingham, Lastasia Chamberlin, Akish Daniels, Tamia Gaines, Sydney Greer, Shutina Hill, Audrianna Hughes, Jazmyn Kelley, Nakyia Kelly, Yelaesha Moss, Olivia Patterson, and Khristan White. The second annual B.A. Hamilton Memorial Scholarship was given to Jah- keem Coleman and Alexia Tyler, and Yelaesha Moss received the Charles V. Hicks Memorial Scholarship. The PaxtonScholars Program Scholarships were awarded to Promyse Davis, Sa’myra Guerin, Martaj Marks, and Khristian White. by Shelby Durham Photo by Wayne Walden Paducah Tilghman High School has been honored by the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) Foundation with the Best Communities for Music Education designation for outstanding commitment in music education. This designation is awarded to districts over the nation that show outstanding achievement in providing music access and education to every student. Paducah Tilghman qualified for the designation after being asked questions about funding, graduation require- ments, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program, and community making music programs. The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas reviewed these responses. Organizations award scholarships by Hannah Waller District receives National Music title by Hannah Waller On April 26, Seniors Sarah Katz, Peyton Patel, Emery Wainscott, Kristen Wat- kins, Taylor Willis, and Jenny Young received merit scholarships from the Down- town Kiwanis Club of Paducah. This merit scholarship was given to these seniors because of their academic merit, achievements, work ethic in the community, and future goals. Six Tilghman seniors are chosen from their application for this scholar- ship each year along with students from other schools. Kiwanis Club is an international club that empowers people to improve the world for children everywhere through work in communities. Large-scale challenges like fighting disease and poverty are put on by this international organization. For over a century, Kiwanis has created opportunities for children in their community. Mem- bers stage nearly 150,000 service projects and raise millions every year for com- munities, families and projects. Photo by Wayne Walden The Class of 2018 received a collective total value of $8,565,849 in scholarship money (not including federal or state grants). As of now, members of the Class of 2018 plan to pursue a post-secondary education at 23 institutions in 12 different states. 5 students in the Class of 2018 have enlisted in the armed forces, and 111 students are college and/or career ready. At the annual Tilghman Honors and Awards Night, Mr. Durr congratulated the Class of 2018 for their acheivements, stating, “As you have heard, the Paducah Til- ghman High School Class of 2018 has been recognized by numerous organizations and institutinos as deserving of scholarships. This class has some truly exceptional students who are destined for great things.” The Class of 2018 will graduate on Friday, May 25 at 8 pm. Photo by Wayne Walden Class of 2018 earns $8,565,849 in scholarships by Shelby Durham

T ILGHMAN BELL - Paducah Public Schools Bell... · 2018. 5. 22. · Ke’Onna Buckingham, Lastasia Chamberlin, Akish Daniels, Tamia Gaines, Sydney Greer, Shutina Hill, Audrianna Hughes,

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    Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

    Nineteen Tilghman students received merit scholarships at the 12th annual McCracken County Career Endowment Scholarship Program and Reception on Sunday April 22. These scholarships were given to students based upon grade-point average, achievements, financial status, and future goals.

    Students who received the scholarship are Tyeese Anderson, Bryson Brooks, Ke’Onna Buckingham, Lastasia Chamberlin, Akish Daniels, Tamia Gaines, Sydney Greer, Shutina Hill, Audrianna Hughes, Jazmyn Kelley, Nakyia Kelly, Yelaesha Moss, Olivia Patterson, and Khristan White.

    The second annual B.A. Hamilton Memorial Scholarship was given to Jah-keem Coleman and Alexia Tyler, and Yelaesha Moss received the Charles V. Hicks Memorial Scholarship. The PaxtonScholars Program Scholarships were awarded to Promyse Davis, Sa’myra Guerin, Martaj Marks, and Khristian White.

    by Shelby Durham

    Photo by Wayne Walden

    Paducah Tilghman High School has been honored by the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) Foundation with the Best Communities for Music Education designation for outstanding commitment in music education. This designation is awarded to districts over the nation that show outstanding achievement in providing music access and education to every student. Paducah Tilghman qualified for the designation after being asked questions about funding, graduation require-ments, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program, and community making music programs. The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas reviewed these responses.

    Organizations award scholarships

    by Hannah Waller

    District receives National Music title

    by Hannah Waller

    On April 26, Seniors Sarah Katz, Peyton Patel, Emery Wainscott, Kristen Wat-kins, Taylor Willis, and Jenny Young received merit scholarships from the Down-town Kiwanis Club of Paducah. This merit scholarship was given to these seniors because of their academic merit, achievements, work ethic in the community, and future goals. Six Tilghman seniors are chosen from their application for this scholar-ship each year along with students from other schools.

    Kiwanis Club is an international club that empowers people to improve the world for children everywhere through work in communities. Large-scale challenges like fighting disease and poverty are put on by this international organization. For over a century, Kiwanis has created opportunities for children in their community. Mem-bers stage nearly 150,000 service projects and raise millions every year for com-munities, families and projects.

    Photo by Wayne Walden

    The Class of 2018 received a collective total value of $8,565,849 in scholarship money (not including federal or state grants). As of now, members of the Class of 2018 plan to pursue a post-secondary education at 23 institutions in 12 different states. 5 students in the Class of 2018 have enlisted in the armed forces, and 111 students are college and/or career ready.

    At the annual Tilghman Honors and Awards Night, Mr. Durr congratulated the Class of 2018 for their acheivements, stating, “As you have heard, the Paducah Til-ghman High School Class of 2018 has been recognized by numerous organizations and institutinos as deserving of scholarships. This class has some truly exceptional students who are destined for great things.” The Class of 2018 will graduate on Friday, May 25 at 8 pm.

    Photo by Wayne Walden

    Class of 2018 earns $8,565,849 in scholarshipsby Shelby Durham

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    The Tilghman Bell

    The Tilghman Bell, a PRODUCT OF The JOURnal-iSm ClaSS, iS an OPen FORUm FOR STUDenT eXPReSSiOn anD iS DiSTRiBUTeD mOnThlY TO The STUDenTS OF Pa-DUCah Tilghman high SChOOl FRee OF ChaRge.

    eDiTOR-in-ChieF: ShelBY DURhamCOmmenTaRY eDiTOR: maKenDYn lamBeRTneWS eDiTOR: gRaCe DenTOnFeaTURe eDiTORS: JUlianna mOORe, SYDneY ROBeRT-SOnaRTS & enTeRTainmenT eDiTORS: hannah WalleR, CaROline gRUBeRSPORTS eDiTOR: lOgen WilliamSBUSineSS manageR: gRaCe DenTOnSTaFF WRiTeRS: gRaCe DenTOn, ShelBY DURham, CaR-Oline gRUBeR, maKenDYn lamBeRT, JUlianna mOORe, SYDneY ROBeRTSOn, hannah WalleR, lOgen WilliamSPhOTOgRaPheR: maKenDYn lamBeRT, lOgen WilliamSaDViSOR: SUSan hanCOCK

    What will you miss most about Tilghman when you

    graduate?by Hannah Waller & Sydney Robertson

    Darian Garnett (12)

    Morgan Brian (12)

    Aaron Reed (12)

    Olivia Patterson (12)

    “The sports and the diversity of the school.”

    “Everyone getting scared over the roaches”


    “The Teachers”

    Photos by:Shelby Durham

    A Wag of the Finger to retirement. We understand that retirement is a necessary part of life, but when those retiring are your favorite and the most iconic teachers, it is sad for us as students who must sit through another year, but without our icons.

    A Wag of the Finger to natural disasters. The lava that has been erupting in the Pulama Pali moun-tain range has been a bit of an inconvenience lately for Hawaiians. If an earthquake hit the New Ma-drid fault line, life could end for little Kentuckians as we know it. If nothing else, they are a constant reminder of how our lives can end at any moment.

    A Wag of the Finger to all the end of the year exams. When May comes around, all the curriculum you’ve worked on throughout the year suddenly comes back to haunt you. Students are expected to take EOCs, AP exams, and seven finals. School is the very last thing we want to think about going into June.

    A Tip of the Hat...A Tip of the Hat to summer. A two-month summer break should be a component of every human

    being’s life. Unfortunately, if that happened, our economy would probably crash. However, we teenag-ers get a fun-filled and rejuvenating summer break. It is a time for ice cream, fireworks, lake days, and most importantly, a break from all the stress. It is always something to look forward to on the hard days.

    A Tip of the Hat to cinnamon rolls. It is incredibly hard to make cinnamon rolls taste bad. There is nothing better than a fresh pan of cinnamon rolls, and we think they need some extra appreciation some-times for being so amazing.

    A Tip of the Hat to good vibes. What would life be without good vibes? Good vibes are the feelings you get when you see sunsets and when you listen to an amazing new song. Honestly, good vibes de-serve more than just A Tip of the Hat, but this will do for now.

    ...A Wag of the Finger

    by Shelby Durham & Hannah Waller

    “Wag of the Finger” and “Tip of the Hat” are trademarks of Ste-phen Colbert and his TV show, The Colbert Report.

    Neither Paducah Tilghman nor The Bell Staff claim any owner-ship of these trademarks.

    What is a short film? A short film is any motion picture not long enough to be considered a fea-ture film, but don’t be fooled. Making these short films is not an easy thing to do. Just because a short film is shorter than a feature film, this does not mean that it is easier to make. Since there is not a lot of time to build the plot and characters, filmmakers have to find other ways to gain their view-ers’ attention. Director George Miller, known for his work with the movie Mad Max: Fury Road, says, “Short films make up a unique medium, one that lends itself neatly to subtler scenes and visual experimentation. They also, not-so-coincidentally, carve out a space for voices often quelled in the world of big-budget blockbusters.” Film makers often use seven rules to make their films captivat-ing which overall state to keep the film short and sweet while still telling a story and making the film visually appealing

    Short films are often screened at local, national, or international film festivals and are made by independent filmmakers. They are usually made with a low budget or no budget at all and are of-ten used by filmmakers to gain experience or to expose their work to gain funding for their future films. Short films usually rely on government arts grants or donations from film lovers, but funding for these films might change if more people would support these films. These short films rely on festivals and new internet startups such as Largo Films for exposure. If these films can get more exposure, they can gain support and popularity. To start with, the industry can take action to get short films back into movie theatres. Perhaps the most obvious format would be to show three or four short films back to back or to show a short prior to a feature film, but until steps are taken to make these ideas happen, the most we can all do is support these films in ways that are available to us. How? By supporting these films locally! Every year, Maiden Alley Cinema hosts the River’s Edge International Film Festival. This film festival brings independent film to our creative town of Paducah, Kentucky. It is a four-day event built on showing quality independent film from around the world. REIFF will be celebrating its 14th consecutive year in fall of 2018, making it the longest run-ning film fest in the state of KY. While this film festival does show some feature films, it also shows a multitude of short films ranging from a couple of minutes to forty minutes in length. It includes four categories of film: animation, documentary, experimental, and narrative. This fall, when REIFF comes back for its 14th appearance, take some time out of your day to go see some of the films being screened. Not only will it provide for you a new outlook on film and a deeper understanding of what goes into the making of a short film, but you will be supporting the art of underappreciated creatives at the same time.

    Short films are important,tooby Julianna Moore

    A lot of people complain about what to do or where to go while staying in Paducah for summer break. But believe it or not, there are many places to go in Paducah, places to have fun with friends, family, and just to relax. The Bell staff has suggestions for fun in Paducah!

    Kentucky Lake is a good place to go on a hot summer's day. You and your friends can go tubing and lay out on the beaches to get a nice tan. You can also drive your boat to Buzzard Rock to grab a bite to eat and just relax.

    The McCracken County Fair is a family friendly place to go. There are giant funnel cakes which will feed a family of three; there are games for kids to win stuffed animals, and, of course for the young adults, there are rides to give you a rush of excitement. The dates are June 17th-24th.

    Venture River is a waterpark in Eddyville just about 30 minutes away. This exciting waterpark is for every age. There is a kiddie pool for the babies, fast water slides for the teenagers, and lounge chairs for the adults.

    Garden of the Gods is a beautiful place to go hiking. It has many places to take breathtaking pic-tures and to sit down and rest from too much walking.

    So insteaed of complaining about Paducah, go have some fun!

    by Sydney Robertson

    Here’s some things to do for funin Paducah this summer

  • T H E T I L G H M A N B E L L


    When it comes to wings, Paducah has two prime locations; Wing Stop and (the superior location), Buffalo Wild Wings. Not only is Buffalo Wild Wings a much better place to hang out, but their wings and various sides hit our marks at 10/10. The people stand with Buffalo Wild Wings!

    Buffalo Wild Wings has a great atmosphere. Buffalo Wild Wings has vari-ous seating options and lots of space for you, your family, and your friends to enjoy. They have many TVs for the games you want to see, and an excited crowd to join you. Wing Stop is incredibly small.

    At Wing Stop, you are basically sitting in a green hallway. Buffalo Wild Wings also has a great staff and cool crowns to wear. At Buffalo Wild Wings, service is essential; unlike the nonsense at the Wing Stop establishment.

    Don’t even get us started on those saucy wings. BWW offers many great sauces for everyone’s preference. If you aren’t big on wings or chicken, they have plenty of other options, unlike Wing Stop. If you aren’t in the mood for wings and that’s the only food they’ve suggested, Buffalo Wild Wings is the answer. They have great appetizers, sides, and desserts; the only side Wing Stop offers is overly-salted fries and carrots. Buffalo Wild Wings is versatile and delicious.

    Which wing place is the best?

    by Shelby Durham and Hannah Waller

    “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly, until he knows that every day is Doomsday.”

    - Ralph Waldo Emerson YOLO has become the joke of our generation. Made famous by Drake’s song “The

    Motto,” YOLO has transformed from a philosophy into a meme. We are here to tell you that YOLO is important. YOLO is not just a joke. You truly only live once; you have one shot at a happy life, and before you know it, it’s all over. YOLO is not a goofy acronym; it is a lifestyle. YOLO is the modern Carpe Diem, and it is the key to a regretless, euphoric life.

    The universe has (debatably) been around for billions of years. According to World Bank, the average American lifespan hits at 78.74 years. This seems like a huge bulk of time, but in the grand scheme of things, your life is equivalent to seconds. Not only is your overall time on Earth limited, your stress-free youth goes by even faster. There-fore, YOLO is extremely important.

    What makes you happy? Is it driving with the windows down? Is it looking at the stars on a midsummer night? Is it going to PetSmart to see the cute animals? Is it learning about Literature or Philosophy or Calculus? When is the last time you did something that made you happy?

    Do you want to look back on your life and only remember stress and sadness? Do you want to look back on your life and wish you would have done more? Don’t let oth-ers influence your decisions. Try out for the soccer team. Go tubing with your friends. Make great memories that will last a lifetime. Create stories you can tell your family one day. You only live one time. You only get one chance at a happy lifestyle. Don’t let comfort zones or other people hold you back. Every second that passes is a second that you will never, ever get back- ever. Time is precious, your life is precious, and you are important. We will only be teenagers for so long.

    Don’t get us wrong, it is important to shoot for success, but money is not every-thing. If succeeding and shooting for a $100,000 salary is what makes you truly happy, go for it. However, there is nothing more valuable than time. You can’t buy time. It’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey. We know this sounds cheesy, but it’s true, and we cannot stress this enough. You could die in an instant.

    Soon, you and your friends will part ways, and you will move on with your life. Graduation is among us all, even if you’re only a freshman. With YOLO on your mind, the memories will be here to last, and you can look back on your life with satisfaction. Don’t dwell on the bad times and look forward to the future. Life is short, but beautiful. You only live once, so make it count.


    Zesty, flavorful, and savory are just a few words to describe the wings for Wingstop. These wings are the perfect food to satisfy your hunger, as well as your wing standards. Wingstop's wings are the perfect food for many occa-sions. They are great for a post-game meal, when you’re on a budget, or when you're sad and you just want to eat. Wingstop provides a plethora of flavors for any sort of craving you may have. Are you feeling like you want to take a tropical vacation? Try the Hawaiian wings. Are you feeling a little confused about the mood you're in? Try the mango habanero wings. Are you feeling "experimental"? Try the atomic wings. To go with these many flavors of wings are Wingstop's signature seasoned fries. A basket of these fries serves as the perfect "wingman" to complete any meal. The food is also quick and fresh. If you go into Wingstop, you can order your food and it will be ready to go in a matter of minutes. In comparison, Buffalo Wild Wings makes you wait a while for your food, meaning it isn't always hot and fresh when you receive it. In fact, you could probably eat four baskets of Wingstop wings before you would even receive your food at Buffalo Wild Wings. Wingstop's wings "sauce" on Buffalo Wild Wings' wings any day of the week.

    The food at Wingstop is great, but so is the venue. Wingstop is a small and intimate space, meaning it is quieter and less overwhelming than Buffalo Wild Wings. Wingstop's venue allows for easy conversation. This is nice considering at Buffalo Wild Wings, there is loud music and multiple sports commentaries blasting in your ears the whole time, meaning you have to literally scream at your friends/family who are three feet away from you. I don't know about you, but we prefer to still have our voices when we leave lunch/dinner. Food critics give Wingstop a 10 out of 10. Well, not really, but we do, and what better incen-tive to choose Wingstop over BWW is there than that?

    Wing Stopby Grace Denton and Julianna Moore

    Why you should practice YOLO

    by Shelby Durham and MaKendyn Lambert

    Poll provided by MaKendyn Lambert

    Out of the 300 students who voted in their 7th hour class, 70% of you all voted Wing Stop the best place to eat chicken wings.

    With the remaining 30% voting for Buffulo Wild Wings, The Bell Staff recommends Wing Stop!

    Being tired of your room is a normal thing for any teen. It’s almost sum-mer and this thought is likely to be something to come to mind for anyone who wants to try something new. Considering most people have a budget, there are many possible ways to get around that without breaking the bank.

    Having the right mindset and knowing your budget are both very impor-tant when redecorating for a fresh and new room. To keep these things in mind when shopping will help tremendously when shopping for exactly what you have been looking for in a new room while staying within your budget.

    Try to find more for less when shopping for new décor. This is essential when trying to find everything you want and need in a new room. When you are out shopping, you must remember that it is always better to get more things for less money than to buy less for more. Depending on your budget, you may be able to buy more things or have a wider budget, but this idea is key.

    A great way to save money when redecorating is to try DIYs. Most of the time, if you make something yourself, it will end up being a lot cheaper and will allow you to use the money towards something different. These projects are trendy and customizable to anything you like, DIYs may not be for every-one, but it’s worth it to attempt. There are so many videos on the internet to watch that show how to make exactly what you are looking for in your new room step by step.

    Finding the right stores to shop at will help to get what you want when shopping for new décor. Find stores that aren’t very pricey and that carry items for your taste. By -shopping in less expensive stores, it will guarantee you more for your money. Then again, it will save money for something else.

    Staying in the right mindset with your budget, shopping to find more for less, trying DIYs, and finding the right stores to shop at are great ways to redecorate on a budget. With these tips, you will find exactly what you’ve been looking for in decorating your room on a budget.

    For a summer project,redecorate your bedroom

    by Hannah Waller

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    4 NEWS

    Junior Grace Raber has been named a QuestBridge College Prep Scholar in the national college matching program. Grace was one of 11,000 applicants and 3,986 finalists selected based on their academic, financial, and extracurricular credentials.

    The QuestBridge College Prep Scholars Program gives outstanding high school juniors an early advantage in college admissions. QuestBridge partners with over 40 of the nation’s highly selective colleges and universities where the organization’s College Prep Scholars are identified as potential candidates for admission. This year’s College Prep Scholars have an average GPA of 3.9 and an ACT composite of 27-32. 89% of Scholars rank in the top 10% of their class. Raber comments, "I'm really happy about being selected. QuestBridge is a great program. It will make things easier when I'm applying for colleges." Raber also encourages more students from Tilghman to apply for the scholarship saying, "It's a program for low-income students. I think it could help a lot of students here at Tilghman and the application isn't very difficult!"

    Raber is a member of the Varsity Academic Team, the Speech Team, the Future Problem Solvers Team, the Kentucky / National History Day Team, and the National Honor Society. She is an AP Scholar, is a recent graduate of the Paducah Youth LEAD program, and was recently named a Kentucky Governor’s Scholar. She is one of 12 students from across the state to serve on Kentucky Department of Education’s Student Council, and she participates on the Prichard Committee’s Student Voice Team.

    Paducah Tilghman High School’s Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (PTHS NJROTC) unit has again been award-ed the NJROTC program Unit Achievement Award for the 2017-2018 school year.

    Earning the Unit Achieve Award is the program’s eleventh consecutive national award and the twelfth in its 14 years of eligibility for the Distinguished Unit or the Unit Achievement Awards. The Paducah Tilghman NJROTC unit was eligible to start competing for the honor in 2004, after being established in 2001.

    “Winning the Unit Achievement Award is a great payback for our cadets who have worked hard all year,” said retired Navy Lieutenant Commander Donald Taylor, Se-nior Naval Science Instructor. “We recently shifted regions to NJROTC Area Three, and the competition for these national awards is significantly more stringent. PTHS is one of only three schools in Kentucky to receive these national awards. Many schools with units that have been around much longer that Paducah Tilghman’s unit have never won a Distinguished Unit award or Unit Achieve-ment. That says a lot about our students, our program, and our school,” he said.

    “The Unit Achievement Award marks the Paducah Tilghman program as one of the top NJROTC units in the country,” ac-cording to Senior Chief Petty Officer Don Myers, the unit’s Naval Science Instructor. “We’re the only school in far Western Ken-tucky with a Navy Junior ROTC program,” he said. Myers is in his tenth year of teach-ing in the NJROTC program. He went on to describe this award as being comparable to winning state championships in academic

    or sporting events.

    Raber selected as Questbridge Scholarby Julianna Moore

    Paducah Tilghman High School Navy Junior ROTC cadets recently toured the battleship USS New Jersey on their Phila-delphia area Naval Orientation Trip. Cadets pictured are, (left to right) TraShaun Mays, Brennan Rouse, Seth Smith, Arman-do Lopez, James Littlemyer, Alexzander English, Jovan Lo-pez, Nikolay Roof, Michael Staskiewicz, Sebastian Hammers, Christopher Crouch, Carrie Houser, Melissa Alvarado, Noah Hollar, Kevin Hobbs, and Ethen Hinson.

    Paducah Tilghman High School Navy Junior ROTC cadets recently toured the battleship USS New Jersey on their Philadelphia area Naval Orientation Trip. Ca-dets pictured are, (left to right) Sebastian Hammers, Jo-van Lopez, TraShaun Mays, Alexzander English, Niko-lay Roof, Melissa Alvarado, Ethen Hinson, Seth Smith, Kevin Hobbs, Brennan Rouse, Noah Hollar, Armando Lopez, James Littlemyer, Michael Staskiewicz, Carrie Houser, and Christopher Crouch.

    Sixteen cadets from the Paducah Tilghman High School Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) unit traveled to the Philadelphia, PA area recently for their annual naval orientation trip. Each year the unit conducts a trip to experience firsthand the military and visit historical sites in various locations around the country.While the trip was designed to familiarize the students as to how the U.S. Navy operates, the cadets also visited other sites of interest in the Philadelphia area.

    Traveling on a charter bus, the cadets arrived at the Joint Base McGuire/Dix/Lakehurst in New Jersey on the afternoon of April 18. The next day the group began their busy schedule of events. The NJROTC cadets traveled to downtown Philadelphia where they toured Independence Hall, site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The group also toured the Liberty Bell Pavilion, where they saw the nation’s Liberty Bell. They then visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Revolutionary War.

    That afternoon, the PTHS cadets toured the historic USS Olympia, a museum battleship that saw service in the Spanish-American War in the late 1800’s. Afterwards, the cadets and their chaperones toured the World War II submarine, USS Becuna before traveling to Seaside Heights, New Jersey where they enjoyed a few hours on the boardwalk and beach of the popular resort community on the Atlantic Ocean.

    On Friday, April 20, the Paducah Tilghman NJROTC cadets toured the famous “Hanger One” building and the crash site of the zeppelin, Hindenburg, which was destroyed during its arrival, at the Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, NJ. The disaster was broadcast live on the radio, making it one of the most famous events in broadcast history.The cadets then enjoyed the afternoon and evening at Six Flags Great Adventure and Wildlife Park, in Jackson, NJ.

    The NJROTC students toured the World War II / Korean War / Vietnam Conflict / and Middle East conflict era battleship, USS New Jersey, now a museum ship berthed at Camden, NJ. The nearly 900 feet long ship is one of the most decorated ships in our nation’s naval history. Following the ship tour, the group enjoyed several hours at Adventure Aquarium, also in Camden, NJ. The NJROTC cadets saw exotic marine life, including many varieties of sharks. That evening they completed their trip with a visit to Cherry Hill Mall, a shopping center that houses over 130 retail stores.

    Paducah Tilghman’s NJROTC unit is in its seventeenth year and has previously taken naval orientation trips to Charles-ton, SC, San Diego, CA, Seattle, WA, Jacksonville and Pensacola, FL, Washington, DC, Baltimore, Annapolis and Patuxent River, MD, New York City, Boston, MA, New London, CT, Pascagoula, MS, Jacksonville, FL, and Mobile, AL.

    PT NJROTC ends year successfully NJROTC wins Unit Achievement Award

    NJROTC takes annual naval orientation trip

    Information and photos provided by Commander Taylor

    Paducah Tilghman students, Emma Johnson and Emery Wainscott, were chosen to be this month’s Rotary Scholars. These students were chosen based on their leadership and ser-vice within the community as well as their ability to maintain their academics and be involved in extracurricular. Both stu-dents will represent Tilghman at the weekly Rotary meetings this month where they will learn more about things going on in the community.

    Emma Johnson has been heavily involved in the Paducah Til-ghman Choral department. She has been a part of the choir, Con-cordia and been in the school musicals such as Bye Bye Birdie, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Shrek and Cinderella. Outside of school she has been volunteering and participating in Market

    House Theater programs. Emma is also involved in National Honor Society, Beta club and the Paducah Tilghman Bell staff. She plans to attend Ole Miss in the fall and major in Acting for stage and screen.

    Emery Wainscott has also been involved in Tilghman’s Cho-ral and Band department. She has been an active member of the Concert Choir for four years and a member of Concordia for one. Also involved in the band, Emery is first chair for the flute section. She has been academically successful along with her success in the arts. She was a commended student for National Merit and selected for GSA for creative writing. Emery plans to attend University of Kentucky in the fall with a major in Environmental Science.

    Johnson and Wainscott named Rotary Scholarsby Grace Denton

    NHS Officers 2018-2019President- Eileen Sember

    Vice President- Lance ButlerSecretary- Mary-Kate Via

    Treasurer- Kate Rogers

    Band Captains 2018-2019Drum Major- Jervon Orr

    Woodwind Captain- Liberty Guyette & Mackenzie Johnson

    Brass Captain- Imani Phillips & Joseph Price

    Color Guard Captain-DeLasia Reed &Addison Johnson

    Pep Club Officers 2018-2019President- Xavier ChappellVice President-Chloe Bilak

    Secertary- Kate RogersTresurer- Brooklyn Ross

    Student Council Officers 2018-2019

    President- Logen WilliamsVice President- Jayden Freeman

    Secertary- Anna WestTresurer- Raven Butler

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    This month’s horoscope is about how the signs feel about Graduation. Aries (March 21-April 20)- Aries are excited to try new things and get out of their hometown.

    They have been looking forward to graduating for as long as they can remember. They are confident in their emotions.

    Taurus (April 21-May 21)- Taurii are feeling very sentimental and want to have a very memo-rable Graduation.

    Gemini (May 22-June 21)- Geminis are very nervous to leave the security of their friends and family. They are scared to leave their childhood behind.

    Cancer (June 22-July 22)- Cancers will be very emotional in the days leading up to Graduation and will not be afraid to openly express their feelings. They will be sensitive and they might snap at you if you ask about their feelings, but they don’t mean any harm.

    Leo (July 23- August 22)- Leos will leave graduation with an open mind, even though they might not have everything planned out. They are open to everything, and they might consider taking a gap-year or travelling abroad before going into the workforce.

    Virgo (August 23-September 23)- Virgos want both Graduation and their future to be perfect. They might over-analyze their options for the future because they are natural perfectionists.

    Libra (September 24-October 24)- Libras want to put thoughts about the future aside. They want to live in the moment and have fun with their friends while they still can.

    Scorpio (October 24-November 22)- Scorpios are determined to enjoy their time they have left with their friends but to also make new ones once they go into college. They are also determined to keep their grades on track while in college with no exceptions.

    Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)- Sagittarii are very optimistic, and they are feeling hopeful about what the future will bring. Emotions about leaving their hometown will not bring Sagittarii down.

    Capricorn (December 22-January 20)- Capricorns are sad to leave some of their friends but are excited to begin living in a new setting and starting new classes to learn about things that interest them.

    Aquarius (January 21-February 18)- Aquarii are looking to going out of their comfort zone once they graduate. They want to try new things and meet new people, while keeping in touch with their friends that they already have.

    Pisces (February 19-March 20)- Pisces will try to show positive emotions for Graduation even though they are upset about it. Because of their selflessness, they focus on the happiness of others on this day and don’t let their real feelings get the best of them.

    by Shelby Durham & Hannah Waller

    If you go to Paducah Tilghman, then I am sure you know who Mrs. Rogers is. Whether she is giving you candy on your birthday, help-ing you plan your schedule, or being a friendly face as you walk down the halls, Mrs. Rogers is a Tilgh-man favorite.

    Starting her edu-cational career at Murray State Uni-versity, Mrs. Rogers chose education be-cause it runs in her family. Even after trying to stray away from education, something kept drawing her back to it. She has an Elementary degree and a Special Education degree. She originally started her ca-reer in Middle School but later moved to High School and eventually received her Master’s in counseling. Mrs. Rogers has now been a High School Counselor for 6 years.

    Teaching at Old Kentucky Home Middle School, Nelson County High School, Graves County High School, Warren Central High School and now Paducah Tilghman High

    School, Mrs. Rogers says her favorite thing about Tilghman is the students. She also enjoys working in the same school as two of her children, Kate and Addie, because it allows her to be more involved and keep tabs on what they are doing. Working is a year round thing for Mrs. Rogers. Even in the sum-mer, she stays busy doing scheduling and transcript audits.

    When she is not on the job, Mrs. Rogers enjoys running, reading, and shopping. In the summer, she likes to take time to travel with her family. She would even like to visit Austra-lia one day because of the amazing pictures she saw from her family who recently visited there.


    A day in the lifeInfinity WarLook-A-Likes

    by Shelby Durham & MaKendyn Lambert

    Mitchell Crouch (11)

    Loki Gavin Holshouser (12)

    Scarlet Witch Zeta Fulcher (11)

    by Grace Denton

    Thank you lettersby The Bell Staff

    The Bell Staff Student Advisor, Mrs. Hancock, will soon retire and begin a new chapter in her life. The Bell Staff couldn’t let her go without attempting to thank her for all her contributions not only to The Bell, but to Tilghman as a whole. Tilghman definitely won’t be the same, but we are confident she has left Tilghman in good hands; her legacy will live on forever through those she’s affected and through the tradition of excellence she has enforced.

    Thank you for proofreading. Mrs. Hancock has given us more grammar lessons than we can count, and we have learned from every single one of them. Frankly, The Bell Staff would pay good money to know just how many papers she’s proofread over the years. We aren’t perfect when it comes to grammar, but luckily, Mrs. Hancock is.

    Thank you for pushing us to our limits. Whether it’s producing an edition of The Bell in a very short amount of time or conquering a decade’s project, Mrs. Hancock has pushed us to our extremes. However, we would not be the people we are today without her assignments and confidence in us, and college is looking considerably easier.

    Thank you for inspiring. So many students have come through Tilghman and have had the privilege of learning from Mrs. Hancock, and so many students have left as completely different people. Whether it’s showing us the beauty of imagery or spark-ing a journalism flair in our hearts, Mrs. Hancock has shown us into her perspective and has inspired us to be better.

    Thank you for sticking with us. The Bell Staff is a small family, and we learn to-gether. Sometimes that growth requires some (or maybe a little bit more than some) reinforcement. Eventually we picked up on things and began to understand the inner workings of a newspaper and the importance of the individual contribution for the best version of the whole.


    Shuri Valesha Watson (11)

    Letters from the EditorsMrs. Hancock didn’t better my time at Tilghman, she defined it. I always

    thought of her as a role model, someone whose high standards of excellence I wanted to meet. Working on The Bell was a joyous experience, during which I learned from her how to lead, how to collaborate, and how to expect the best of others and myself. She nurtured in me a love of writing that thrives today, and for that I am immensely grateful. - Elizabeth Katz, 2015

    Mrs. Hancock both challenged and encouraged me to reach the potential within me that I did not know existed. She has made a lasting impact on my life through the desire to teach and to nurture classroom relationships--both of which she demonstrated daily! Thank you, Mrs. Hancock, for investing in my personal and educational growth!

    -Abigail Hawkins, 2016One of the best things about Mrs. Hancock’s attitude, both towards The Bell and

    towards everything she did at Tilghman, was that she gave people freedom in their work while still holding them to a high standard. When people pitched ideas for ar-ticles that were a little off-the-wall, her response was never ‘Maybe find something simpler or easier,’ it was always ‘Prove to me that you can make this idea work.’ That was a challenge, but it was the best kind of challenge - one where students could create things for themselves, but only if it was up to the high standards she set. That was such a positive experience and shaped the standards I set for myself. I honestly believe I wouldn’t have the skills I do without her guidance and mentor-ship, and I couldn’t imagine my time at Tilghman without her.

    - Will Hancock, 2014

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    6 FEATURESHow much Tilghman Pride do you have? Have you ever?ReadThe Bell TastedMr.Davis’spopcorn Chanted“whowebe!” BeenpattedonthebackbyMr.Nantz SeenMrs.HancockrunfromamouseAskedaboutthe3rdstorypool Encounteredadeadorlivingcockroach SetfootinthecourtyardHadafiestainSpanishclass GonetoProm/Homecoming Runoutofpasses Participatedinthestudentsection Receivedalunchdetentionforbeinglate Beendresscoded TalkedtoEvanatagameDressedupforMayfieldweekHad“your”parkingspottaken Clappedwhensomeoneknockshis/herchairoveratlunch LostyourvoiceataMcCrackengameWatchedachoirconcert Beeninorwatchedaschoolmusical StudiedatEtcetera CriedbeforeanAdkinstest CheckedabookoutfromthelibraryArguedthatTilghmanisthebestschoolever!!!AddupyourpointstoseehowmuchTilghmanprideyoureallyhave?0-5 Doyouevengohere?You’vecelebratedlittletonoTilghmanTraditionsandshouldtrytoparticipateinmorenextyear!6-15YouseemtohaveasenseofmosttraditionsbutstilllackinginsomeTilghmanPride.16-25Youbleedblue,Tilghmantraditionsareyourtraditionstoo!

    by MaKendyn Lambert

    WhereistheClassof2018headed?by Sydney Robertson

    Murray State CoyMerryDarianGarnettAhmedHussainJustinJohnsonKolbieBairdJamieBlackMorganBrewing-tonMorganBrianLaStasiaCham-berlainGeorgeDonelsonTamiaGainesCourtneyGluntAaniyahHamiltonJacobHobbaAudriannaHughes



    ShycuriaHarrisDakotaHinsonGavinHolshouserMatthewJonesStephenJonesTanaishaJordanAlexKettlerMichaelKilpatrickBriannaLefflerHannahMcDonaldNoahPierceMatthewPittHoldenPratherSirVonReddAshleyRichJaymeRichNiaRuseParkerRowtonAmariScottAnnaSheltonJakeiaSouthwardJamiciaSpringfieldRayMichaelStaskie-wiczAleyahStrongXavier TeagueDavionTiggensGillianTriplettAtiraTwigAmberlynnTynesKhristanWhiteTylerWigginsMarkqsWilliamsOlivaWoods

    JHariEllingtonJalenHarrisZachery HogeUniversity of Lou-isvillePromyseDavisPeytonFordBonnieGeorgeAnnaHendersonJazmynKelleyMartajMarksAlexiaTylerArianaWatsonBarber SchoolMaxOverlinBrescia UniversityHopeMasonCentre CollegeJamesMcgeePeytonPatelClark Atlanta UniversitySamyraGuerinGeorgetown Col-legeBrysonBrooksMalloryMyersHarding Univer-sityAlexandraWisnerIndiana UniversityMauriceCooperOliviaEllisonJohnson & Wales AlissaHutchins

    Lincoln TechTylerMathisNorthern Kentucky Univ.MakiyaWoodsNew York UniversitySarahKatzPrinceton UniversityAnnaMcGeeShawnee Commu-nity CollegeJiannaMillerTransylvania Univ.AlexandraMartinConnorTrimbleTaylorWillisTrinity Univ.JoseRicardodosRemediosTennessee State UniversityTyeeseAndersonAdrionaClarkSydneyGreerBrantariusMilikenKenyaraThomasUniversity of MississippiEmmaJohnson

    University of KentuckyEllaBaileyHannaFischerKennedy HodgeQingchengLiMichaelMcvickerChristopherMcVickerJacksonOlsenLauraShannonEmeryWainscottJenniferYoungWestern Kentucky Univ.KeOnnaBuckinghamAnnalynHillTayJaun KellyYelaeshaMossPreciousThomasU.S. Air ForceArikLarranceKayltnWimbleyU.S. ArmySethSmithSamuelMundyU.S. National GuardAlecLandrethU.S. NavyChristopherCrouchKevinHobbsJovanLopezAaronReed


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    J. Cole’s KODby Hannah Waller

    J. Cole released his fifth album on April 20 called KOD. This album was a surprise release and was announced by J. Cole through twitter on April 16. J. Cole who wanted to have a hit album like Kendrick Lamar said, “Kendrick’s show gave me chills because I got to see what it was like to have a hit album performed, and it set off a desire. It was a recognition — like Oh, I’ll take that again. Like looking at a menu, I’ll have that again.” Five of J. Cole’s songs are already included in the nation’s top 50 songs on Spotify’s charts. Spotify announced that the album had over 36.5 million streams. The album was streamed 64.5 million times in the first 24 hours after re-leased over Apple Music, setting an Apple Music record and outshooting Drake’s “Views” by about 1 million streams.

    “KOD” is the most popular song from the album currently. This song branches away from the older J. Cole songs with its style. “Kevin’s Heart” is the next song and it is at a slower pace in the beginning, but it picks up the beat right after the intro. The song maintains the same slow pace throughout the rest of the song. “ATM” is the next song, begins at a slower pace then quickly shifts. “Motiv8” is a more upbeat song in this album. It brings a good balance into the playlist’s mix of songs. “Photograph” is the last out of the most popular in this album. This song, once again, begins at a slow pace but surprisingly doesn’t have a major beat shift during the song.

    This album that J. Cole released seems to be loved widely around the nation. With as many streams as it currently has, this album surely meets J. Cole’s expectations for making extremely popular music.

    Post Malone’s New Album Releaseby Logen Williams

    Austin Richard Post, commonly known as Post Malone, has finally released his project titled “beerbongs & bentleys.” On December 29,2016, Post changed his Twit-ter username to beerbongs & bentleys. Fans from all over the world began to wonder if this was intended to preview a song or album and they were correct. During a Bud Light Dive Bar, Post announced his 2nd album’s release date would be April 27, 2018. The album was number 1 on the Billboard 200 and probably will be for a while.

    The album opens to the song “Paranoid.” This song describes his anxiety about people only using him for his fame. He describes in the chorus that he is “Wonderin’ when they’ll come for me” implying that they will come one day, and he implies that he needs to begin taking precaution. The second song in the album is “Spoil my Night” featuring Rae Sremmurd’s, Swae Lee. This track is about going out and having a good time, until women and getting caught in your feelings ruins your night. Up next the album shows the song “Rich & Sad.” This Track basically follows the good ole money doesn’t buy happiness tone. Th”e song is about how when Post Malone had money and fame, it still didn’t account for his loneliness. “Zack and Coedine,”the next song on the album, is a reference to Disney Channel’s “Zach & Cody.”Post talks of his crazy outrageous hotel parties, while still being so young, hence Disney Channel’s “Zach & Cody.”

    Another notable song from the album “Psycho,”featuring Ty Dolla $ign. This song is about how a girl won’t give Post her heart and it’s driving him towards focusing on his money instead. This song was released before the album as a single. Another great song on the album is “Better Now”. This is my personal favorite on the entire album. This track is a competition between a couple to see who could do better after a breakup. Post must show his ex-girlfriend how he is doing better than she is do-ing.

    “Rockstar,” is another single released almost 6 months before the album drop. This track is about how Malone would consider his behavior to those who would be considered a Rockstar. Another notable track to consider would be “Ball for Me” featuring Nicki Minaj. This song is about a couple having nothing in common except for their lavish lifestyle. Basically, stating since you can’t do anything for me, just ball for me. “Otherside” is a song about a lover that has betrayed you. Post goes in depth during the track about how deep his feelings were, and that nothing could replace this girl, but now she’s on the other side. “Stay” is a track Post Malone wrote about a struggle to maintain a relationship with someone. People say he wrote this song when he split up with is ex-girlfriend Ashlen.

    This was another successful album for the successful Post Malone. This album’s main goal is to get you to focus on yourself. Post uses many songs to describe how he is over all the drama, and it’s better to focus on yourself.


    T H E T I L G H M A N B E L L

    On April 6, Colombian-American artist, Kali Uchis, released her debut album, Isolation. The dreamy-vibed album begins with the tropical, jazzy intro song, "Body Language." The album then flows into the song "Miami," which features BIA. Daily Nexus describes the sound of this song as "evocative of her appreciation for Quentin Tarintino's Western induced sounds," and that she "meshes it with synth-speckled synth." The songs "Flight 22" and "Tomorrow" both emphasize Kali's silky alto voice and accentuate what Kali does so well—telling stories with her music. In "Tomorrow," Kali sings about living in the moment, and in "Flight 22," she discusses the feelings of "love at first sight." Kali is known for the distinct romantic vibe of her music, but she often finds ways to incorporate her vibe into many other styles of music. Many of her songs in this album reflect the sound of groovy Motown classics or funk. "Just A Stranger," which features artist, Steve Lacy, "Gotta Get Up- Interlude," and "Feel Like A Fool" all reflect this mixture of romance and groove. While Uchis incorporates other styles of music into her own, she also includes influence from popular music from previous decades. "Dead To Me" and "In My Dreams" both have a sound similar to 80s music and make you want to get up and dance. "Nuestro Planeta (ft. Reykon)" and "Tyrant (ft. Jorja Smith)" are two songs from the album which reflect Uchis's Colombian roots. Towards the end of the album is the song "After The Storm," which features Tyler, The Creator and Bootsy Collins. The neo-soul song has gained its popularity from its spunky beat and Tyler's unique spin on the bridge.

    Uchis explains that she named the album Isolation because she likes solidarity. She says that isolation allows her to get closer to herself, which helps her especially on days when she's feeling down. She firmly believes that you have to be your biggest supporter in life, and she expresses this idea repeatedly throughout her album, as well as her daily life. Kali Uchis's album is sure to gain more and more popularity as time progresses. Her style of music and voice are unique, but they are also captivating to listeners of all genres. This might be the first time you have ever heard of her, but it won't be too long before everyone knows her name.

    Uchis Excites Fans With Isolation

    Every month The Tilghman Bell staff se-lects an art student who shows exceptional talent. It is a good way to promote the ar-tistic background that Paducah Tilghman High School has to of-fer. This selection is based on the creativity and hard work brought by the student. This month`s artist al-ley goes to Joseph Giltituk. Joseph is a current sopho-more at Paducah Tilghman. His art-work is a painting of Dead Pool. The art assignment was to paint a character in today`s pop culture. The assignment is also called Eyes Without a Face .The art work itself is a painting on canvas. Joseph is

    member of the soccer team and is an honor student. Gilituk has been drawing for a long time; his mom used to be art teacher.

    He plans to attend college af-ter high school. It is Joseph`s second year participat-ing in the Ti l ghman Art pro-gram, and he does a good job at it. Art Tip: Draw fre-

    quently and draw what you want.

    Photo provided by Caroline Gruber

    by Julianna Moore

    by Caroline Gruber

    Artist Alley

    Infinity War has caused a stir of controversy within the Marvel fanbase and on social media platforms worldwide. The nearly two-and-a-half-hour-long movie tells the story of Thanos's quest to gain all six the Infinity Stones. Each of the six of Infinity Stones contains a crucial element of the universe (Power, Time, Space, Mind, Reality, and Soul). Thanos plans to "save the universe" by wiping out half of the population, and it's up to the Avengers to save the fate of the universe. (Spoiler alert!)

    Infinity War falls low on my list of Marvel movies, which is something I did not expect going into the theater. The movie had beautiful cinematogra-phy moments and created a great set-up for the sequel, but many moments of the film were redundant and agonizing. When Thanos set out on another quest to acquire another Infinity Stone, it felt as though you'd already watched that scene 20 minutes earlier. The usual glorious group moment Marvel always delivers was absent, and unfortunately those group moments are usually my favorite part. Infinity War left fans devastated at the loss of many complex and unique characters. However, Infinity War set up the promise of a great sequel, and we are ready for the return of Thanos.

    Infinity War fails to meet expectations

    by Shelby Durham

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    SPORTS 9Sports Spotlight

    by Logen Williams

    Photos by Logen Williams

    Keiler Belt-You should probably just walk this one. Keiler

    Belt is a sophomore who plays softball. Belt has been playing softball for 13 years now. Keiler mainly will play 3rd Base, but she can play just about any-where so don’t be surprised when you see her snag-ging homeruns too. Belt has been helping the team get more wins as she continues to get on base and send people over the plate. Ever since she started playing for the Tilghman program, belt has been a major component to the roster. Keiler tells The Bell, "Softball is my way to shape a person's characters; it shows your ability to work with others and it shows you who will step up in difficult positions and who will back down from the challenge."

    Jayden Freeman- Everyone should be convinced by now that this kid

    has super speed. Freeman is the youngest to do it all, literally. Freeman started running track for the Tilgh-man program in 7th grade. Jayden was also the young-est ever to win a ring in the state of Kentucky. Free-man competed in the Junior Olympics, and he placed 2nd in the 100m and 4th in the 200m. Jayden Freeman is arguably the most accomplished athlete ever to go through Tilghman. When asked aboput his progres-sion as an athlete, Freeman tells The Bell "This year I have come and run all my PR's. I have progressed from 10th in school history to 8th in the 200m. I love Tilghman, and I will continue to work hard for my school and my goals."

    Hanna Fischer- A total package with a tennis racquet, Hanna

    Fischer has played varsity for the Paducah Tilghman Tennis Team for four years. Hanna was a Regional Semifinalist for Doubles her last three years. Fisch-er was named Tilghman's Most Valuable Player her Sophomore and Junior season. When asked about her time here at Tilghman, and the next chapter to come Hanna tells The Bell, "The team has had an amazing season so far. The boys are undefeated and the girls have only lost once. our team has gotten very con-nected this year, which has contributed. The end of high school tennis is bittersweet for me, but PT Ten-nis has many successful years ahead of them." Thank you, Hanna, for your time at PT.

    It's allhappeningright here.

    With Murray State's Paducah campus,

    you can live locally while studying to be a teacher.

    270-809-5471 murraystate.edu/coehs


    Contact us today to start planning

    your future!

    Equal education and employment opportunities M/F/D, AA employer. Murray State University supports a clean and healthy campus. Please refrain from personal tobacco use.

    Congratulates the Class of 2018

    On April 29 Paducah Tilghman track competed in Midwest challenge. Over 16 teams competed. Paducah Tilghman managed to put up a good fight. Jayden Freeman placed first 100 meter and 200 meter dash. The boys placed second in the 4x100 meter relay. The boys over all placed 5th. For the girls Valseha Watson, placed first in 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Bran Milikan placed second the 300 meter hurdles. The girls placed second in 4x200 relay. The girls overall placed 7th.Regionals were on May 8th. The Tilghman Tornadoes came in strong that day.

    This is the first time the boys won Regionals in sixteen years. Junior, Malachi Kirby was runner up in 110 meter and 300 meter hurdles. Jayden Freeman won the 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Zea Tharpe won the 400 meter dash. The boys placed first on the 4x100 meter relay, the 4x200 relay and 4x400 meter relay. In the shot put Tayjun Kelly placed first. Trevor Harmon was runner-up in the discus throw.

    The girls` track team placed first with a score of 187. Valasha Watson won both the 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Kate Rogers was runner up in the 800 meter dash. Massie Harris was runner- up too in 400 meter dash. Kate Rogers won the 1600 meter dash. Addie Rogers placed first in the 3200 meter dash. Bran Milikan won the 100 and 300 meter hurdles. Jaalyiah Biggers won the long and triple jump. Megan Summers placed first in the pole vault and Sarah Hobbs was runner-up. Kiya Coleman was runner-up in shot put. Jonce Caldwell was runner-up in the discussion. Tilghman will be participating at State finals on May 18th.

    PT makes way to the finish lineby Caroline Gruber

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    Senior Jerome "JJ" Reed will be reclassifying into the class of 2019 next year. He will be attending Beckley Prep in the fall of 2018. Beck Prep is a preparation academy that gives players another year of preparation academically and athleti-cally. Reed plans to go to Beckley for one year and continue to explore the next chapter of his life. During his time at Paducah Tilghman High School, Reed is the leading scorer of all time. JJ has been playing basketball since he could walk. He started playing Varsity for Tilghman when he was in the 8th grade. He has helped Paducah Tilghman win many games and a couple of titles. His ability to score the basketball has been a big impact for the Big Blue. Reed tells The Bell, "I am choosing to attend Beckley Prep because I believe that it will provide me with the best athletic and academic opportunities going forward in my life. I am excited to continue my journey and find myself more opportunities for my basketball career. I love Paducah Tilghman High School. I want to thank everyone for everything. With this I end my chapter at Paducah Tilghman."

    by Logen Williams

    This has been a remarkable year for the Paducah Tilghman Blue Tornado. We started out this amazing journey with the Football Team. The Football Team ended the season on a 5-7 season record. Some notable seniors would be Jordan Harmon and Bryson Brooks. Next, there is Girls’ and Boys’ Soc-cer. The Boys’ Soccer Team ended their season on a 9-12-2 record. Some notable player are Nick Hatton and Noah Pierce. The Girls Soccer Team ended their season on a 2-14-0 record. Mallory Myers and Nautica Beasley are some notable players for the season. Up next is the Volleyball team. They ended the season with a 13-14 record. Sakura Smith and Megan Davis are some notable players. Near November Basketball season had begun. The Boys Bas-ketball team ended the season on a 19-10 record. Some notable players are Rodriguez Thomas, JJ Reed, and Trey Workman. The Girls Basketball Team ended the season on a 14-16 record. Some notable players are Bran Milliken and Destiny Thomas. Baseball is still active, but they currently hold a 23-9 record. Some notable players so far would be Eric Riffe, Colbe Crim, and Jackson Fristoe. Softball is still active as well, they currently hold a 15-16 record. Some notable players would be Keiler Belt and Mallory Myers. The Paducah Tilghman Tennis team had an amazing undefeated season. They took place of Region Champions. This is the first time they have been Region Champions since 2002.

    Tilghman Sports 2017-2018by Logen Williams

    This month, the Blue Tornado baseball team has gone 9-0 winning sev-eral crucial regional games. On May 3 the team faced Murray High School. We won the game by a mercy rule as the score was 23-2 after 5 innings of play. This season, the determining factor in many games for the team has been whether they hit the ball well. Recently, the team has been hitting extremely well, which has led to their great record.

    Eric Riffe and Jackson Fristoe were recently named co-players of the week by the Paducah Sun. This was largely due to their efforts at the plate. Also, the pitching staff has been performing at a very high level. It seems that the team is putting together all parts of the game at the right time in the season.This streak of wins has allowed the team to gain some serious momentum as the postseason is approaching.

    The team is hoping to continue this good play into the district and regional tournaments. The team’s major opponent is McCracken County High School. They have faced the mustangs twice this year, losing both teams. However, continuing the recent hitting success would be crucial in the games against McCracken in the district and regional tournaments.

    The Paducah Tilghman Softball team has been competing. On April 30th, the girls played Carlisle County and lost 8-5. The girls played St. Mary and won 19-9. The Lady Tornadoes played a rough game against McCracken’s on Thursday, May 3rd and lost 10-0. After the rough McCracken game, the Tornadoes lost again to Caldwell County 7-0. On May 10th, they went against Calloway County and won 7-1.

    by Logen Williams

    The Bats are Swingin’

    On Saturday the 12th the Paducah Tilghman Tennis Team played at the Lone Oak Tennis courts during the Region 1 Tournament. The Boys were go-ing into the battle ranked number one, and still undefeated. Matthew Jones, a Tilghman senior, placed first placed in the Regional Singles Tournament. He went in being the number one seed and came out the num-ber one seed. For the Doubles Tournament, brothers Parker and Davis Row-ton surged their way to a first-place victory. Tilghman ends up winning the Region One Tournament for the boys.

    The Girls team also participated in the Region One Tournament. The play-ers consist of Lara Shannon, Hanna Fischer, Natalie Lansden, and Anna West. All Girls who participated got runner-up and qualified for state.

    PT Tennis Team wins Region One Tourney

    Reed to Beckley Prepby Logen Williams

    by Logen Williams

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    SPORTS 9Sports Spotlight

    by Logen Williams

    Photos by Logen Williams

    Keiler Belt-You should probably just walk this one. Keiler

    Belt is a sophomore who plays softball. Belt has been playing softball for 13 years now. Keiler mainly will play 3rd Base, but she can play just about any-where so don’t be surprised when you see her snag-ging homeruns too. Belt has been helping the team get more wins as she continues to get on base and send people over the plate. Ever since she started playing for the Tilghman program, belt has been a major component to the roster. Keiler tells The Bell, "Softball is my way to shape a person's characters; it shows your ability to work with others and it shows you who will step up in difficult positions and who will back down from the challenge."

    Jayden Freeman- Everyone should be convinced by now that this kid

    has super speed. Freeman is the youngest to do it all, literally. Freeman started running track for the Tilgh-man program in 7th grade. Jayden was also the young-est ever to win a ring in the state of Kentucky. Free-man competed in the Junior Olympics, and he placed 2nd in the 100m and 4th in the 200m. Jayden Freeman is arguably the most accomplished athlete ever to go through Tilghman. When asked aboput his progres-sion as an athlete, Freeman tells The Bell "This year I have come and run all my PR's. I have progressed from 10th in school history to 8th in the 200m. I love Tilghman, and I will continue to work hard for my school and my goals."

    Hanna Fischer- A total package with a tennis racquet, Hanna

    Fischer has played varsity for the Paducah Tilghman Tennis Team for four years. Hanna was a Regional Semifinalist for Doubles her last three years. Fisch-er was named Tilghman's Most Valuable Player her Sophomore and Junior season. When asked about her time here at Tilghman, and the next chapter to come Hanna tells The Bell, "The team has had an amazing season so far. The boys are undefeated and the girls have only lost once. our team has gotten very con-nected this year, which has contributed. The end of high school tennis is bittersweet for me, but PT Ten-nis has many successful years ahead of them." Thank you, Hanna, for your time at PT.

    It's allhappeningright here.

    With Murray State's Paducah campus,

    you can live locally while studying to be a teacher.

    270-809-5471 murraystate.edu/coehs


    Contact us today to start planning

    your future!

    Equal education and employment opportunities M/F/D, AA employer. Murray State University supports a clean and healthy campus. Please refrain from personal tobacco use.

    Congratulates the Class of 2018

    On April 29 Paducah Tilghman track competed in Midwest challenge. Over 16 teams competed. Paducah Tilghman managed to put up a good fight. Jayden Freeman placed first 100 meter and 200 meter dash. The boys placed second in the 4x100 meter relay. The boys over all placed 5th. For the girls Valseha Watson, placed first in 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Bran Milikan placed second the 300 meter hurdles. The girls placed second in 4x200 relay. The girls overall placed 7th.Regionals were on May 8th. The Tilghman Tornadoes came in strong that day.

    This is the first time the boys won Regionals in sixteen years. Junior, Malachi Kirby was runner up in 110 meter and 300 meter hurdles. Jayden Freeman won the 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Zea Tharpe won the 400 meter dash. The boys placed first on the 4x100 meter relay, the 4x200 relay and 4x400 meter relay. In the shot put Tayjun Kelly placed first. Trevor Harmon was runner-up in the discus throw.

    The girls` track team placed first with a score of 187. Valasha Watson won both the 100 meter and 200 meter dash. Kate Rogers was runner up in the 800 meter dash. Massie Harris was runner- up too in 400 meter dash. Kate Rogers won the 1600 meter dash. Addie Rogers placed first in the 3200 meter dash. Bran Milikan won the 100 and 300 meter hurdles. Jaalyiah Biggers won the long and triple jump. Megan Summers placed first in the pole vault and Sarah Hobbs was runner-up. Kiya Coleman was runner-up in shot put. Jonce Caldwell was runner-up in the discussion. Tilghman will be participating at State finals on May 18th.

    PT makes way to the finish lineby Caroline Gruber

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