Give S a big welcome (0.5 min.) T: Hello, I'm Teacher ... Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun today! Let's go! (Turn to the next page.) 1

T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

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Page 1: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Give S a big welcome (0.5 min.)T: Hello, I'm Teacher ... Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun today! Let's go! (Turn to the next page.)


Page 2: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Help S warm up (1.5 min.) 1. Review the song. 2. Praise and give S feedback.T: Stand up, please. Let's sing.


Page 3: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Introduce the topic of this lesson (0.5 min.)1. T: (Circle the title.) Today we are going to learn about "Three Frogs." 2. T: Let's go! (Turn to the next page.)



SUnit 9

Lesson 3

Page 4: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Present the key word (1 min.) Play the video.(Play the video through the ACP, then drag your window onto the material.)

T: Let's watch the video. (*While the video is playing, you can say the word.)


Page 5: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Drill the key word (0.5 min.)1. Present the word slowly and clearly. Circle the picture then read the word twice.

2. Drill the word in two ways. Read the word while clapping your hands or using different voices, and have S repeat after you three times. 3. Praise and give S feedback.


Page 6: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun


Do a meaning check (1 min.)1. Introduce the activity with gestures. T: Which picture shows "leaf"? Please circle it.

(Authorize the painting tool.) 4. Praise and give S feedback.

2. Read the word.3. Circle the choices and ask the question.


Page 7: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Have S listen and draw (1 min.)1. Introduce the activity with gestures. 3. Praise and give S feedback.2. Have S draw.T: Please draw a leaf. (Authorize the painting tool.)


Page 8: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Student StudentStudent


Have S say the key word (0.5 min.)1. Introduce the activity

4. Praise and give S feedback.

3. Put S's video window in one of the frames randomly and guide S to say the word in the corresponding voice.T: Let's say the word in different voices.

2. Put your video window in each frame from left to right and say the word in a low voice, loud voice, and very loud voice respectively.


Page 9: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Present the key word (1 min.) 1. Play the video. (Play the video through the ACP, then drag your window onto the material.)

T: Let's watch the video. (*While the video is playing, you can say the word.)9

Page 10: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Drill the key word (0.5 min.)1. Present the word slowly and clearly. Circle the picture then read the word twice.

3. Praise and give S feedback.

2. Drill the word in two ways. Read the word while clapping your hands or using different voices, and have S repeat after you three times. 10

Page 11: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun


Do a meaning check (1 min.)1. Introduce the activity with gestures. 3. Circle the choices and ask the question.

T: Which picture shows "three"? Please circle it. (Authorize the painting tool.)

2. Read the word.

4. Praise and give S feedback.


Page 12: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Have S listen and trace (1 min.)1. Introduce the activity with gestures. 3. Praise and give S feedback.2. Have S trace.T: Please trace "three." (Authorize the painting tool.)


Page 13: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Student StudentStudent


Have S say the key word (0.5 min.)1. Introduce the activity

4. Praise and give S feedback.

3. Put S's video window in one of the frames randomly and guide S to say the word in the corresponding voice.T: Let's say the word in different voices.

2. Put your video window in each frame from left to right and say the word in a low voice, loud voice, and very loud voice respectively.


Page 14: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Have S say the key words (1 min.)1. Introduce the activity with gestures. 2. Demo for S first using the flowers.3. Have S match the leaves with the number.

4. Have S say the words.5. Praise and give S feedback. 14

Page 15: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Present a key sentence of the song (1 min.)1. Introduce the activity with gestures.2. Have S match the three frogs with their shadows.

3. Have S say the sentence.T: Let's say it together, "Three little frogs jump onto the leaf." 4. Praise and give S feedback.


Page 16: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Present the song (1 min.)Play the video. (Play the video through the ACP, then drag your window onto the material.) T: Let's watch the video.


Page 17: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Learn and practice the song (1 min.)1. Sing and dance with S. Guide S to follow the gestures and the rhythm of the song.

T: Ready? Go! (Sing using gestures.)2. Sing and dance.T: Let's sing and dance. T: Listen to me to sing the song and make some gestures.

Stand up, please. 17

Page 18: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Learn and practice the song (1 min.)1. Sing and dance with S. Guide S to follow the gestures and the rhythm of the song.T: Listen to me to sing the song and make some gestures. Stand up, please.

T: Ready? Go! (Sing using gestures.)2. Sing and dance.T: Let's sing and dance. 18

Page 19: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Sing and dance (1 min.)1. Sing and dance.T: It's time to sing and dance together. Daddy/Mommy, please join us. 2. Praise and give S feedback.


Page 20: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Review the words and the song (0.5 min.)1. Have S say the words and sing the song. 2. Praise and give S feedback.


Page 21: T: Hello, I'm Teacher Welcome to 51Talk. We'll have fun

Say goodbye to S (0.5 min.)1. Sing the song. 2. Praise and give S feedback.