T. B L E 0 0 TE T - Central Florida Genealogical Society · I C ntmt Flonda Gc-uealogt Soelety_ L11 , P. 0 . Box ~ 11 tando_ Florida J 280 2-0 117 Jun~ I Qi.l Summ~li uas amved nt~d

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T. BLE 0 0 TE T

Cap·r m Soloml.in liEl'E (1 70~ - 17SS

Ben D .. ..-\. Letter-· Waterloo. 186

ohn B RE of Angusta County, Vmrg!nia

., Climb Your Farruly Tree


C ompmer Comer

·amil Fiodct

ReceJ•1 IJQIU ttions - OJ131ldo Public Labrary

Geog:mpbical lnd


Bmbara M- Appleby ne Hammond ConneJI Ric bard A. Connell

Robtm L_ Dean

Barbara K. Henritze Willfarn E. McC~en

James McMullen Marla Nev i1s

Mary Loulse B, Todd

. , II

., -29




' ... 1



Buried Treasures. ' -' - Vol. XXV1 No 2 Central FIQtida Genealo.gicnJ Soniery, be.


C ntmt Flonda Gc-uealogt Soelety_ L11 , P. 0 . Box ~ 11

tando_ Florida J 280 2-0 117

Jun~ I Qi.l

Summ~li uas amved nt~d Llltm)' of I.IS have already left ~ntta1 Flnnda fot the ell kno n hamus of n ur -ancestors As smn prepare fiu du: ~;..-.:..:it mtnl of c:.o urtnOtJ.se and ceme~eJ)' vis.irs. others suoh as myself ~iin spend tilm 5ummt:r on I he ucutchlng­up'' pi'O ss. :\.;.; WJlh all gea~og)sts, w o t.ond to "put nside • certain tasks in our own res.ean:b such as placing and ans\\~ering qu ries, sent.lll1~ for \1taJ records.

nd ' nun to fMn~Y m~e bur tbr tanc:t!. J lhi.nk iliat it 1 ; merimes ll~lpful ro ~it bat}; and rake goo(l 1 g\ al the- untain of paperwork. in ur fil s then SJ:K:nd a fu \ day~ to ''gala grip·• oo our re~cll proglless! lf~'Oil ~e e; rk hop or s mirnar being ufftrc:d m yo If ~ don•t heSJtole lo talrt: adWIItige 0 it - e\'etl if II IS a B guutc(s Workshop Often, ., is the •-avicw o basi_c mat nuls lbm ' ~wed< Ui up"

and leads ll! down thm: goJdoo patb t the ;mswe: , e have been seeking for •me. llme.

Speakin; of pttilis- FC i nol foUowmg gold.m path th\s S~tem~. ut rath\tt a il r one- our 2StA ~llnivl!l'sary C~brQtio . T len it seems imposs1ble thai , years have passed s mce our ronnatio~ but 1t has certainly been a productiVe .and growt1J.,related quaM£r c tuJ)'~ I rnenuooed l.n m ,, Bun d Treasures message, CFC~S will officially celebrate their 25th 411~· at our September mi!l 'ling. Wt! lo forwatd tn not only great speaker nod mtwh rerninist~ng but visits from old mends as weU. Since thls will be my nnal President's mes.sa l

I ·h Tn hank an 0 my o~iety m"'mber3 an os.t impol1andy, the officer I

directors and chairper: ns thnl ha,'V givc:n ~ mu b of 'themse:l e during my letm , I co dd ,m have done it wrthout JJ of you- n i~ not only th love ot" geliloology h t a willin@lless to mare dJat mak.e!i US truJ. lhe W8 we ~e • dlank }'OUJ for aH thar r Oll

had to ~


Aun Mohr O!lise.k President

Btmed Treasu.n:s - ii- Vo1. X V1 1 No. l Central Florida GcnaalogicaJ oc[ety~ Inc.

CAPTAIN SOLOMON KEYES ( 170 I - 1155) 311d his son Oanlorth Keyes ( 1740 - 1826)

by Rlcbard A. Ct>tU1ell

Solomon()) KEYES. third uf the num• tn Mas.,chusett<. w., born May II , 1701, in Chelmsford, sun of S<>lomnn Jnd M•ry I KEYES H• wo; of the. fourth gon.,.rloq of KEYES In ttl!! f"otnnh!!S, Solomon must havt been a phytilcaJ st111Vialt1 a brave fron.ti~rSman and a reaJ pioneer for he llort amu alle\l!i1twioe in defense of his: home.l.a.od. lhe last U$t' at 1~r. co~ of hts life

In 1'725, 1\e was amoll!l ~ n11m m:ruued b) Captain Jolin LOVE\Vl;LL to JlUI down a Peq~wlcd Indian roidiqg pill\y of~ 85 ... _ who ho.d been molesting the (ronli"' villas"' 11ie two iorees mel near rryebet¥- Mame Paugus lhe lodi;m ohk-f, was killed, 1J1d LOVE­WELL "'"' also lolled along with 1 ~ of his men, Only 1• swvived, 11110 nine 01 these were wounded Alter a heated fight, the lndian! finally lffrealed and the ffondersme.n won ~ banle.. Solonoon KEYES wa5 ' monaJiy" wounded (say• lhe $101)')1 he su!tiined ll1ree wouncb bur ITW1-

agtd en get 4\WY by n)lfin,g intn a CQnveniem canoe and drif\.ing across the pond 1 ~ i.s said tha.t Solomon took the gold wampum be11 1\'om Pausus [11ilslikely 1s true. In 1988, Robert BUCK, • lwdwaro mercbant in Womm, Mll.Haohuseos. ••d alr.o a des121l<W>t q( Solomon KEYES, told me t~at his mother bad that 'Vl1Jl11l'U'1 belt in tbe bMk vault in Warren.. I did Ml see it)

Soon iller (be LOVEW&LJ- banle. Solomon momed Sorah. tho daughter of Jon>than(2) DANFORTH. ofBni<tica. Mmaeh...-ttslqvl, and they moved lo the wmem plltl ofBrooldidd where they were among tho launder• of w..,.,... Masw:husetu - in Worc .. ter County - which becarne an ""abli!lbed town In t 142. The name of the town wos later changed to "Warren" in 1 83~ It II., on the north side of the Old Boston Po$1 Road There ia a KO)'es Aveoue and the bom.,tead that Solomon buill there still stands, although it bas been considerably added "'· over 1ho years ln !he front yard swwb an eoonnou.s old dm me on the spot where a pred-oor huge etm "ood in the d•ys of the Revolutionary War It i! said that General Oeorse WASIIINGTON df1llk from the KEY~:$' well under that elm, Wben he p .. sed by on his way to B<><to.l, ""d <ll>ppod itO!'< 10 ste his old fnend. Colonel Oonfurth• KEYt:S, who <OilUIWlded the BJOOidlelcb !'..fili!LI Regiment of Mb>utemen The ho- wos buill In 1740. ·Blld Dunfortb \"as the fir" clilld of Solomon and Satlb (DAJ'010Rm) KEYES to be born in this howe. !Ruben BUCK showed ""' • l11gc glass tumbler; CJI0ed a •todd)"' which i1 said to have been used by Gco'!!e WASHINGTON. He also sbow<d me "" old pborogrepb of the homearead which I oopiocl and have in my file.]

Between 1727 1Uid 1742, Solomon lllld Sinh had eight cblldron. ~pparently all hom in Western, MHsachweus Six of these wtre married and ho.d numertl1llt ctiildren. Solqmon/4) KEYES WliS wi\h hi• father el the Banle at lake Gcol~e, New York, in Seplember 17SS, AS were lllso nls br1>thcr• DAnforth and David. Solnmon(4J Wll!l m<>naily wounded in the b•nle and he died on Oclobet I 11 n•arny Fcm Edward Solacnun(3) !heir (ath«, wu lct1led ouui!lhi in tl1e early morning of S<pltmber 8, in the openl"!!•k111nl1h of the battle. Both were probably bWled ln New YOlk, ntar the pl•ce where they died.

Buried Treasures -27 - Vol XXVI. No. l Ceo!T'81 Florida Genealogical Society. l:nc.

r.: P1' , I · 'OLOMO KE\ ES- ~Qnslnutii

Dwliarth ES. ~rr ;!~ lti l 1-"Wne mhrn\J~.h rh1tl Bnt~ At take- Cieo'~~e un thedl He t:Qf1tmuedl to ser;'e 1n rhe WIIJ ~ilflst the Fl1!f1c~ a:nd hldilms wa.~ in the ast1ndr em PQfrl. Ticiof d~rosn n 1758. and .,., .. 5 .,·hh Ge era1 IWRERSTs troQr;tS lP the defeat of Montreat ms r~g~men fe lllmed Bt::rosf ennoru In tbe winter. to C:barlestoWTJI mos~ of thlil mt:n ""ere bacefoot by then ne OWft elf Hardwjck. Ca.idoPiil Couol)'. V emtoi:lf wu sr~n~~ 10 Dantorrh K.FV);.S 1111!.1 ht!t '~mrpa.nu}n , 11nd some ol hl ~on~ tetded mhere atler tbll" Fl..e\lah . .!ll.onarv W@f lbi:\• ~so \Wr 1n 111C rBml>ridge l.e\ifoll~ ((Hll11)', Yen·nanl rca DllhfPntl ~ RUini!Oll Sarmh c;lJTL~R, dn.o •bl~ of Tr.tnna!i ~~aDd Siiflili I ll'TSKE) CUTLER, l1f Warr~.m, on Dcaumb~r fi, I 7 , and Lbey hmi eight chlldreo.

At The begimrln.,r af hoS1ilities. be(me lhe lexmgton Al~mn. colonial militia •fl'l\.irulrem:uu fofre§ were: formed in :111'11idparlan of il oor:rtll1g ~~w'ar wilh Britam. Th~ mm with prior Ste'Mi:!~ m Lht: ft\~!luu <Uld lndisn War v.~re-s~ 1a lead l1'liJ milllia. url Danforth l{EVE5 ~~ tl~cd u It LieU!h:niUll ole ~ of ilie Worr;m~:r Councy nnlltiB reghmmr ThaJ 'l'l!brlmefl. \~ a.~semb ~ B.S

SOCIU as il lfli'H!, F\IJ~1fied ofdw BattJ~ ~f~nglGn ann c 'nct.'Jfd d.l1d i' nwtht:d. lrwncd: l!.ti:ty to tltc s.tene of the llCtlon CoiD~I K.KfES senred with th Mll55.1lchusetl3 ~ of ('olcnd Eben,ezcr Lfi: B.NEJl at Rm.bul)' and at Bunk~r'~ tiU Later. on May 8 1177. he wa.s l!'~mmis.siom:d II 1C:olnnel ut 1 •c.··~1ment In lhe deren..11e c>f Boston He !lef'Ved 1u Rh4Xfe b1 ~mel d tb!i:fl dkroughDUl th ~m1l urHu: \Wf,

.Uer the war, Co1ol!le'l nanmttb U ES 3Dtl ms, Mfe Sanh lived In Warreo tbtr llte rest cf thetr ~\•es. H~ dioo m liZL &t lbe age Q<f 16~ she died in UiJ I . also at age~~ They Me buried 1n

"Iii~ Gfl."'ve C- ffi1!) 1 111 Wmen, along 'dr oF hi& moth~. Sarah (DA FORTH), HYES. tmd tus 'Sf'"tll:1" Mal'} On MW)"'S. JRVi:'. there 15 larie rtd QlWlCT'lal ttlmbston~: lhtt ld~ Df mhe Ut'atb of r .father and her broilier from the' Battle al Lake: GeoE'R~ m T 755. andl of Marrs- death in r756

CJeMulogy .. Robcm KEYES Mtd Solomon \!Yf.S I 1 ·~ ns~ I HI I Z Tie E~ti~ns of'Capl. Jdbn LO~ ~W!lt _ • DJ Frederlek tr:IDDJ:R_ ~ 6~

3 The til~ry of\\'aburq, MA • b SIDnU~~ SEWELL. 1.!61. pp 1'14-208 ~ 'B co Vldley !lettlemq~b 1l4ld FamiUe:!, b} G T RIDLON. r S9J, p.p 1S-J I ~ ~ NEHGR. v.7.#1 (h.n li.SJ). pp 61--69 ljl Deann.wn& !iektlvt lo the •C'D!orua.l ffistory af lhe State oi N~ Yo~ 'V ~. pp 993-1007 . 7 ~ ffinory orChelnufut~ Mi\ by Rev. Wdian WATERS. IQ17, pp ts4 & L83, R, VTta.l. Recurds of Chdlmford and llm:ll\, MA. 9 n:;oum ot the Battle of lake George, by Commfsslnn Dn Hli!!toritj ~ DOCl'!Titrn lmd

Lake GRrge Memorio.J Commiuee. N'!', I S97 ~ 0 plcf,orinJ Rislt'lu'Y of the U. ~ -A ., lly R... THOMAS, 184:8, 'PP 300-1, J L 1 II M11$Sach ~~--..s, Soldi~ and SitU~~ ID the War tJ,f J.h!;l lit'!.lr~huion. 1'2.1 IR.t-1J \llar M1~iwy R~ or ol Dd.orth gEV:tS~ Naliot1ttl Areh' es.

Bl!ried Tr.easures -18- Vo1. XXVl~ No, j! Ceotml Flonda Genealogical Society. fuc .


Blf'TI_ nun ~ 'ood D~ Blltl Dean' ~rl!atgrand L1 "r. '-\'i!.S Uruoo u ryml!n an the- 1~11 nr Fr1How,n Is CCJr'JY of iesttr lo'l nUI!n by Ben Dean ftorn be b11ulr Jie1d Lu hJS d'l SMcpw. ~1 ring I he IMt \I CIT of Lbru war IIi leu~ w v.·riua~ wtth duU f1rncil rtn ch~r rnbl t ~per lost of 11-tt \\>ritin rtU.J!!'r h.nve: b~ .1U rril!!l~t ~ililll li~~otht ITtlm 4 atmptio: H"151 pear 'PeJJing wad ~nunmar tndl~ lbs limtr~'d tdu.cetron The 1letler was '41~ difficult ~(1 r d and rr.he fu llvlr'lin~ 1s m eifon 10 r~1 uduat~ t .I) JLct.;Lirntr!ly po!tjjbl~.

w Ul f L® T sf '01._. 1S'f5S


I re~ d JDUJS ~md p,.~ (&' '-" y Jnnes tf51erO.Ii't w gliid l.fl ur mm ltGiTie no )'Oli

rr \'leJI ~ .al .11 ~fiei sny new out we n Mfl y b(lu1 tudf lna1 Wl' e ~ - Sot on po11nd or

Cl' (!, u G'tf'1llllrl:l }' pd d rarfy ~n~ a pnund c:t1e11se 7~ se(l;& i pound alid IP td So n ror

Se • Cut ts h ,ia fl] lf!l!r but g If rmor fo .,,, 11"1 n dld MunE:~)' ca l I~ Ia !QI Wlll'l .5Uth Pnar:~:;

I g 1t yo1:1r lett-el'r! reg a r naw bt , we hav ol:ti s1 ope!(J m un pi co tcmg r n\f' ti) g t , lcMt r oo ly In Botao Gl'e,etl nd In N~ltl r sent nn &ul w tHM~ brn whalr I o n'l:!lt'ler w :1 lt:ti:!!r r1e~er 'MIIi en nor b rt1 Gf nor neverWfll b not lep U1au o ht.tntlte~ tt1111 rmrn B ma~l Fll" I lt ar fIt n I u Old~ Ill WI eon l e- hl l.v he1a1 yDI.J never ~ee mud hslr com~l o .,., 1h t1 ar. I h!ve nm n 1.0 see Jo T11)1"4or )'a I 11 ve h~sn:j I ~ I! l~e runenL h~s moved 1101U you 11o r\Qt na h tr

I ·m gJID Ul jll'LI flalle SDip uld Charley rou DO wary Wt!1 d"ld \'OIJI H I U1e h m lh [ ] I

th4n na4 P!JI 11 ~ht •t:nny 'r· I n vou shodld (r W~J OOd I:.Ef r of IJ:ie ma1r Ql -~Um .grain tor hlr lh~ 6pll"lill ~ ~1111 lttiU w1 " r.lt li cdmlng ~1]' Dd c.u t I bett Uhen 11 e~~n it w.a [ 1 tha m dJ~t~ Of I~ momn 'lh. I s d'GWn ttlilf to It Ap I or s,~ ~ r 1 1 do ~teh 1r1onth I I I lhlnk IS n aT ou, mo ifh of ay [ 1 hom ~e ~DU mlm look QIJ1 Tar that 1'\o\N many ORis dfd you Q , da¥m h tha Fra CUi 111 tD no whill I lliWB a Q,OOQ h or nQI

I L1rawd e QDod RODe I LoiJ '11'1 II ~ ll ur ~lilir o~ oa h~ Wll!l larue nfc.e hDr.iS Buf

wa toea voung o f'?J on 5Ueh am march bUt 1 11~11 gat him llCJW' But l,e mcst c~ lt\e wers lor~ o0r f1oms died liln U• JICad aod m nfl w u!d

Buried T reasiure5 - _9-

dt If I htr:l nor SIO'III •

enital Eloridn Gou ruogtcal .. reci.: ~ -. Jnc

n The

Vol. XXVt l o_ 2

,JO I RE ot ugu.sm Connt) Virguua

b)• l.mnse S _ Tbdd

John Ba..r I b. :Aug<tlGta Co., Va* c J791 ~ d. ne11r Gr e.nYl.ll!e, Ya. 9 Apr .. 18 1 • of Udney- tJl: er::t.ton • I .., ~ h young-eat of .J cob

nCI Barba_ry Bar • c: Uc: c:l':llldr~n. When Jacc.b nd ·the four c ld r ons movea on to ~outh.rn Ind sna &to~o '819, John remaLn~d

ifl .&.uqu.st:~ Count:"/ (l1t'~a rn bly t.n cb rge cf th fut ly ill. and h~rs farm nea~ Greenvil o an th sou~h River in the snafiandoah Y· l @V ~

Wh n Ja~ob Bare die~ 1n 1611 h~ 1 1t fig wil sc h s prop~rty .tn Vlrq:inJ.a. · nd Indi. n W lY1ded ae·ts;ween th \If:! _orts all~ th~ chtldrer. of his dec ~ d ughte~ Pol~y Ua en. [By th~t tlme 86 Dary B~~e had dlm~ s sh Wd no~ mentioned in the set t le!:len 1 • .:robn !are k. pt hls sn r of the Au gas ta co~nt,· lana .. md !iold hi~ 1 nd ian a 511 r • ~u. 1m ill pt"csper:erl ami he: 'Wa bl tc add to ni s holdin~ f~om tim to time unt;l he o~n a

bo c. 20DU acres Ln the Wl.!dc. col!lm1m1ty n Stuart•s o~af

Jono Sari!! ma:rried on 6 Oc . 111325 R ckah scot.t who WitS born in V.irg.in.1.a!. ca 1 aCQ. They ll d .ftht clllld.c fi. One d~t.H;Jhte~. Co~ella, ~~•d n lSS1, Reheckah died~ ye r 1 t ron 24 F~b. 1852 a h q cf 5~. Ac~ord1n9 ~0 ne~ abltU ry ~~ had been ~n del~ea e h alth fc~ a faw ye~r~ nd he shoe~ af her danqhter's death ~as too much foe he~. Sha w~a bUrl d 1~ the Bethel Praaoyt r JL.&n cnu.:r:ch c:~m@t ry. 'l'tle farru.l_r IU!fe.rl!d J!!

t.hixd tra~e.dy with Lh de U1 ct a.nothel' d Ugk·~ r in 1651.

A11 tnree on• w ra 1 ~olv d n the CiviL W ~. The youn9 t boy Art.edcre, wa.s cor=tnq r 01n~ on eave in Mcu:ch of ~ 1363. W'hAn he reacn a the south R~ver n_ar W~YnG bQrQ tn ~ t r w~a Y r~ nigh~ ln his hurry tO g@t home ne tried tc C~DS h flood d t: :v r on nor11f!lh e 11d wa swept own stream o n • d th. a. was bu iP-Cl 111 tn 'I'in.kl.tng spr1ng Preabyte:rla" Ckut'ch l:'e1tl texy.

Cie re a r anlisted at Lhe out6et o ~he w r in Lee' ~ifle.s T latel:' co. D cf the 25th Vi:r:q1nia. Inf ,ntry J. H wa wounded 1n tih ll!houlder in c.h.a fi~hting :nEt t Gordonsville in May c! 1 Bii4 nd died 1n.. t..he ho pita! a few a ya ~.a tat.

Wh n John HaL~ died an 9 Ap~~l 1B70 ~of kidney affection~ n 5 cbitu ~Y ~n ~he lceal nawspa~ers spe k o- adie~onal p't'oblem--.tu• dctafmt s--wh.1c:l\ he endl.l.CE!!li J.tn Chri~it.i.1n fortitude. ltoq~~her it: wou.ld. m t.ht~t. he. h d lot t.o be r in lil.1.!11

1 l.f ti

B 1~ t no ~111 and his e t wa divid d bet an h13 two ~urv!v~nq ehildren , • M. Bur~ ll and Jacob M. a ~ . J eob M. sara• por~cn ~c u ad the mil 5i e and water ri9~ta. H~~ lste ~eceived ~l!q~~lr ~ore l nd in aereaq • th peraonnl

pro tty was puichased by the t~o he~r~.

Buncd Trensm e j(J - Vol. XXVl., o l Central Florida Gcm:aJoBJcal Sncie _ • fuc.

rne V~rgl"la ~ n~mar~s Camml9 l oa nas recor ~a th& J. B re nou s sn early 19tn cen~ury rec ~ngula on~ ~tory

IH lB nq ""1.th a ba.y and ::.: ga.hl ~oo_ _ Stt"'Yct.u.res denttf~ed -pi; 1C1r;J hou e, amok~i1au~ s., lone m·11 ~d gri$1:. lllills a.rf!

1~~ ted o~ tne prop rty ~ich le alonq rou · e 6~- northeast of a.

Rebecc , f of JQhn Bar , was rece1v d n lhe Bethel P.r byt_r.l n C'hu.rct'1 011 1 Al.lg. 18l'l; Jotln BrJt: W!l I .r~C:el.Ved wo~~ ldtac Oh hE ZSth of Auqubt.

Ch ld.r 1'1:.

a . Ell M y Bare {o . va. 2 oct, l8Z6; bap~ 20 ~b. ~R36, Sha ~rried T7 ~~v. 1 51 Tbo*Ss Burwell.

b. Martha J~ne Ann Ba~a fb . va. l Apr~ 18lS; bap. ~0 Feb. 1836; d • ..,,. June 1B5J'

She "1 r1~d 11i t:Jec 1 ~4~ J'a a • Crawford; "-'ho !a:te..r rn rrl d z,a ill a~ 1 ~L 7 c.u-oll.i ne Y • Mes rsllli lh •.

c:. ,JI.Ic·ob edJ.t.h Bar ~b. 1/a. 18 Jan~ 1 1:1l2; bap. 20 IF'el:l.18:31il Th 1850 e nsu~ li~t~ him 1n h faLher'~ household as a .a. er ana ~n school. ~e ar~.ed 15 Apr. IB5B Mary • 8a ~b. Va. ea 1S3JJ. H@ d eQ 11 Mar 190S at A~-sr Va., ~h: Rebecca C. ~b . S!9': John R. lb . c 18fi1 •1 Cor1-l3

Lee ,D. c a 1866)~ ~~san lb. ~pr. 1B70J; ~nn B.; Alca~ d. Coc.&.l.la. Floyd Bare (b. Va. 6 J 1.1r'l.e I CJJ i bap. 20 f'@b. 1 Bl6.i

d. l Mac. 1a51) Unmarred . clceta Bare fb. v • 6 June lal5; bap. ~0 Fah.1Bl6~~ B eh.lJ.sce-d a.t he outra t Clf t.h.a iii~ between th St.atet:J

s ~ vo untee~ ~Q La w 1fle ~o~~nded by Ca~t~ D. Litl ~ Th.i was later Company D. cf the ;25th VirgirH.a l.n -an H& ~ wounded 1n be shoul r ~nd ~eo ~~x day~ la er 1n the hc~p•t~l at Gordonsville in _y of 1ti6t, aged 29 .

f. Artedore Bare ~b. Va. C'~ '5:3 Sl; d. 1\,uguata co ., v~- I

by .l Mar. 11363~- t1: 19:J"o\irnea tryin.c;r to cross tt; SQuth R1vt!r OD no~sebac~ near ayn sbQro on hi~ way home on 1eav from t.he wa..~:. He wa.& a mel!lber of a ~avelry company. He flrrla bur led ott T inkl ng Sp.r:lng Pra:abyt r .. i1 Church .::emetery •

.fte~, f 1 e.noe:s l IJ~esea.rch in Augu t Co.. by h Rev. Albert El~wiak ot St~untoQj

RC!q.!ste,r of Oeatha 1 ~ t: A111g-us 't:& cour hou e. 'T"he Vindicator of 2t,l P!li!iy 187Q f St ~:~.ntoo Spectator and. Cene.ral Ad'V·e:rti.aer of 25 M•y 1 870 -n the ne.wapa.per fil at t:n st.aunt-ooPubl.1c L~b~&rY~ Su1id1n9s and Historic S1t:es re~orded gntl iled ~ t:he Vicqinia Hist.eric: ndmark Cc•nm.l.&!U.on I pp 2.7B,. .t 66, 1J ,. 93'J at Staunton Publie ~~brary. B thel ~hurcb Reg~ster. Sta.u.Dt::cn S:eect:.ato.r ana G ner 1 Aclvertt.s.ar of 0 Mar 1852. Bef'fial Ch!Jrc.h e un.ton Roll [pp l5r OJ, Bethel Cbur~h::. Rl!!'gi ter o.c Bi,ct,hs, & ISaptirsiD51 ~by R1ev. c-Farlllnd) IJJ- 79J. C n~u~ cf lSSQ, ~ug~sta Co., Va: Di~. 2 1/l lp. 14Ji CensU$ o 1 816 0: Dts. [ p . 5B 2 J: census elf 1 8 7Q,. !!h verheads TIIIP, , Ftsh rv1ll ~.o. staunton Spectate~ of 3 Mar. 1B63: 2~ May 18G4. Staant.on Vlndiear.or of o Mar,. 1863.

Buned Treasures - ·:q • VoLXXVI, No_ ... Ce11traJ Flonda Gc.me:aloglcpt oci.etY~ lne.

DUBI!.O TOSUIGUI ·~rn ll'ffAKlLiliR€£, I (,'!/lEft CftiEIUID W'lt.-. T Ctl UJ 8 fai»'D Ofl aoW M TiWl& W..U.TQ SO:.

EACH 01,1[ l£n 1' "'PU Tfl.llll. f ALL Qf DA la flND" ~ <iJHlR~ P~lt:s. ll&lf.S, aoo.l<6;THU ¥iDWrT JU!M lUND.

WOB • O~fi P IIUJU.DIN It Lif'l.. C~' Ull!. iflDR ,PitlD:ft. \'"ou HAVE 1D IOUOW itwl \'GU fi (. Kfii!I..D/ER I~L'( 'SEfJUD TO HID£.

TO TltAt t ltltf:.M T.ElROUGBITitE 'iUKS 'Art 1!11! A WDM.DQoUS l ap. A &APf A~ IIJillli[ -lt.IIV' 0 A !iAU.iO, lllN 1P.

THI:l'lMt:..MJ\5 COM£. TO fll.T ~ iTAIQ" fOM .IIUOUaCHU.DRU'.&d!illl£-1'tiEt' M!J..IOID'ilt T6ia FUllY. ND B!Uii T~SJiljP.S TOT fC£.

OOUTS (10 SEE.OUIIW..ATWES Al.Q, fU1'f r.K1 vi Tl'B.D' SAY'· ti:i:M WECU lf.A Df.Jium I D PAff.l TODAVl

by BarbaE M, Ap~l ~y

Buried Tre ures - .12 - Vol. XXV1, No. 1 Central Florida ~ealogicUJ Sottiety, llw.


mtl\to o ::iA ~ ~~ I 1 ~-rn! La =d9r: "Jn:-:cf'E

M..:~~nn h f'QALDS PriM' -:: lDfllRS Mcrr r WI1J.m c;-.,gr.~ COBBS :mj ;xrm:h

HUGHES ::::li _ anEli ::1 ~e::il :rr.d ~ -rn n lr :mJ ~ .:hr., lr m.y Jed ~l1 till~

- Ill I I - ' US' lonn. Sr 's vn.Jit? ·~\"1 n VA w n; I he-y tr.:~m? .. How :S .e

:a:Jnn<Bt':t to th..;: eU·:l.•..,.., l mF=f'll~ EAnES f'::lrru yOL C'hct~wn. MA? ~t!l "' ~'Jld.ng InfO

ROD INSO 1 Mt,RID.ll J MUNDY I MUNDEN I GEIGER N -~- b1...-qr .J .. n b l r (C 1-l "'I~ laD 0) ROBINSON ~Md El:t (~. '32? bet. l ~85) MUNDAY I M'lJRCT (ntt MUffDEM m ?'DJ.i IGH. rttarrL i . 8'i~, ·ro 011·~. = e..: n. u~ Co. ft; p men.ts o: Mo:rd;o - na; HOJIMSOH GEIGER. .:hr.srtna. Fbra Ann .Hcrr~:-.o. Com- . Jo in and lburnc:a • ~mth.a m.. An!a:m GEIGER w l\ctit: ;pn ~ !ll~h M'tnt'Daf Bah MUH'DA end MUNl>Dd found .n VA.,5C, GA t!JrO:'n:h ls T ron o:X :Ja:vd BOBmso ct -ttll~ 4an _84(1 ~7 WUJ ~na:nge ..n&i.

- Ann.e IDMNOKD C:OlUIELL, 1830 WU\l.Sr Pa:r.t.. fl.. .~'7!:!~15;!5:

--------- ------

1¥-1. ( Et.e -'td ~. COifHBLL. l~ V 1 ~ WITI.f r ~ .. lc ~ .! ... 1 ___ 525

CAMPBEU. I W I 1'0 a~h.!:mgE

1 en tn h.!!n: ~lrr ~ MeMULI.Df MeGEE, C Bat. CliJHE't ICL'UI'(I'fEY' ,nd roam m , ,~rruo.q .:: NY. . B5G 19".?J

Burled reas:ures w ]3 - Vol. XXVI, No J Ceatrnl F1orida GeneslogicaJ Soe1ecy lnc ..


q,;3 - An.de BAMMOz.-D COBl'EU lBJO V•'!J ocr Wln~r PciE. fL '32115<;.!525


:9o~ }' HE:rflUTZE. 025 Ww _ Dnve ~olilrler CO 3;)1 2729

NEVm.S J CABROU fcmlly cry at my :-:Jan 11.: .scm Odunda l :wo !:3 Jie II:! ~Q.nlm.1 1

mJt!:_ ~ (1_[ 'Jth.Aj P ~ no li.:""~ ::::ny mbm::;;m'.Jn ::r1:::x:ruJ. my ~..g~:m h:nhar W LmV'EilS ~ h.E J:muly_ ¥.>=-mmned: :Elrm.betb CARBOU. d '1CI•

=h.iliirsc _ ~ =:!1 rd ltEYE!IlS; ~ ali


Cl evEILS, u W fu ~r!>.ds Str€€-l . .,{;Jitnuc. AZ. w~

- =~!:!:::~:=:--=o===::.;=

Qll'EBI£5 'fh.= rna1onty tt. ou::. J'Dl:!i~ _ nan Flcrldinrl::l noove1.-er the C&alnd

F!Dil.dl:t Genaalogt~ Socmtr "a.J"!~ -::onoa:n r'l u I.'Ye:!'ftT~t\lc:o.l

!"2g}Ql'IS 0~ fmm Mfl-n:r-.;mben~ ~re r- . aJt~h CFGS tV• prionty .a

..dll n.g ~'J'S,. Th 1'\0

1 ~ on. the number' nf 3 ~I'Tt1~ Of' lh ~ ~'3-r/· n . rt f~ c ng~ eo cdA qLC'iru51bt' ~E' ~ !Q~

i:~eo~ m vour :;u~ffil:E': MOW ~~ mdudoo m thi! ;Jtm. ts:ruc:: ot ludwl TniCIRI1M...

Burled T fe.lils\ar-es - 34 - Vol XXVT o. 2 Centtru Florida al og;~w Society. lnc.

l•k~ ~ llllllty uf u~ ouc thew- I h~d he!lrd O' ~~ bul j1J h4dn't ~ thr Lim~ r (;;1-~ - tt tlLn bmu Pn~ munch. o I d~c1ded to Tllke ·the- phmir: I am ure •lud I d dl

t Iii t 1 Wai ikl!pll al bc:c~u I am 01 long ll me member 1:)f IBIDLber pop~l.u- Q., Lml! ·ell' lind n~\tf rnJJ I lutrJ 11ny !&~cd ll' u1u. fa:.tnt iL or awse. l m '~"~ •t\J Geneallil~ area AkP. RJme oftba BBS 5U'ti~tS t1ffl trY iliffint.lttll flitVl •ale nd Aod 'Mnut wa}' around "'Jot :SO 1,111th ~t

To •tt ~aned. vou mu~1 pte up mcm~ership kir In thi!i. t as e\'ef)1hm m1e need!! to g •n.:d n a. whole new world or ad'-'enrure• hodiv em offer t:omplme :t1J!C! of kf'Vices~ bur

for: ~his ~on. 1 wwU be retemns matnlv to 1h~:c Geru:alo ~i The lr.it com With "et'Y d 1 l.:d m~tn.~ctloM on oow to Install rhc soltware orno your hmt dri\ ltnmlMh Hnrd Drive s Dt'll requtn:d

r\ r ll hardwQR 1i concerm:d \' 1.1 '¥111 uc:e<l IBM PC XT, T PS .. ar full. ~:omJmti"h corupurer J\t 1~ M~ 1C uflll\.1\, nd oat [e ~ om: 5·11·~· driv ·or one l· Hl" ddv~. Li'.lr '!. Hmtl Or ~ 1th ill 1 5I 700 of' m~~ry il¥al1~ I and a s~ ~I .. or 3 .. 1(2'' disk driVEL Snfiwa:rt:l reqa.ured lc~ :'4S-DO ur Pc-oo··. Version! 0 en hmghcr

far . m niulr (). }'04J wm gat n •fine p1~tu~ WJth VGA.. ... ~CGA. EG CG fli!lr(:uJ or c:omp.Uible gn1pbics .ada.plc:r Although, if vou b ve "3 CG.t\ _phits J)'tet with wl.or m rut or. It will disp~ the ~c.e in. blao\ nd whire F'm_all • ~nu mu t ave Hayes Qr t:omp tible. l "00, ~ 00 or 9600 bp& to.iem In 'fOiilf S}'Slf:III tone or pulse phone .servtce warlui 'line

After th~ .llcm iiUtnllcd, hjs so simple rq et o In GcneaitJSY Jeation aJld lind what vou •urn JUJt t.ti.,·~.tt: Lh Prod~n ptognun. type 1 r1 } our penorud 1D number and p~mword t lhr

uperung jl1'0mp'T and prt.~~ Changol Up peps ~he open1ng screen. Frnm there you Just cllck on •he J.ump'' 'button and cype m "Genenlo • Thi, t es ou diecdy ~o Grnealogjc.M Depmm..nt amJ giives ~ two clwioelii EJtber ~~~~ 1cn Myn V uderp - J orndey's 11rticl~ or on GeneaJa· BB s r rnrghl add ~ dt.li 51DCe' the Orludn CfltineJ ~opped CIUT'Yit~JI. Mvra's. column SOln~ lin\c oso. Thia ~ves ane the Dpportwlity LU ~ h wti~l cverv ~ I~ •h n ~t1\' ~ d i5 verv CD u:~ print. JUS\ c~ick Of1 me ·C'opy" non.

klto Llk Gcncalogy BBS .ua, ~·ou will find a \irtulil universe of topic:1 to ~hOQSC f11voritr: sectioa ts the "SUJlll!JDeJ" ~on Vou will lind queriH .IW'!1mle5 th:ld

people lui ubr:nlned ..nd ~ ll.S to ~ Tbc ~a~ it i.J - Up malt ir ro liD queri~ th llnttrcsl you and t!'il.!V lo rMpond hl 1ro0rneonu else'

3 c.- ~ V~ol. XXVl. No. 2 Ceo.trru Flonda Genealogical s~ie _ • liu~.

I h•d •lnl-.. h a usmg h - n~o~n 985 lflr upl nf.,. !i, h n I di'K.ovend sameone'~ qud\' ~:~bo~.u .,.., ~ ~-. gni.ndfl!tn r I lm .. wrcnr righr throu lnr rnnni1or ~nil That

as hfi'J ... I rh ~.... ~0 mce. thtJC lim . I now no~ ·~· thi per$00 h t.rurd t:oust.D of ml~ Wt!! ha' ~ .fpO tr1 on r llc rd phon and ba~c ~him,~~ h)rMT!1afmn dtrougb tb rn:nl1 ttd. CDOI IllU&: •o ~;:han~e mforrmnion LRrt;~Ugh d'le' E· lail r~ Lift ()nl PrrilligJ Sound$ 4Jfe.!l:~ dot:.m'• it.., Bcctru of tlua i:OF1111tl J ha·'~"e had ~ major brt tmousn n two of m direa m~ i1111tl

pushed n Jltirt,cular li'l1~ ba.:k. fro 1 n 18 I J Ul rl e dy 11!)00's In the proc.es 1 fut(h ¢'1iedl ~he 11 :tlfld ._,r nt in r igr· trL nli: tMUr for ttun lin and here he "' from •n Eosl~lild

I ()LJid go Dll nd Cll'l IIDoUI IIU5 trer'l'ic:a.. btJt r gm•s.s 'QU .ijflllhrl point The. Prvdigy 'Sef\'l,:e CI)$T!!i

1 e tml)• 'S I J 9~ per month and up to ~li mrmb r: CM. be on m m~strip In 1 e same t u!f.ehnld You ~~ tflmy free mc:s • KCS p r month on bul~: munb~hip e.r th111, n wiit CO'<it vclu l:ti par ~th additiOnal E-nWI me g.e Of ·au.r th ather ~ces an: fl.an too

h'".!P hk 31\oppil:ijl, on li:ne. ~emn ruJ. rh~ ll.tl:L;il l'le~ I ttpo!U, g.ames.. reference Ubr-~try, tnvesun n1 irem.s. bu)ing tti.rlme lid:..i:L5 n tltu:, n dLld o Dtd I rtm1tiou the fi mo rh'!l m m, rshtp •s. free'~ Oh. I ii.lmon forgo tht::f't.4 is ao a_ w to th~ lrrtem_et Thill's \tlholt' 1op1 • fur ~sc:us on in ~15etf fl:rru's .rill for no So:- ~~Du " :t lfJillt'

Soun:.:~ uThc Handb~ D\1 PrrJJiNJ Jenllt:e.. fopm PH ~ Scniec! C mpmv AU Right R~":ieiV«< Prudiu is re10ster ed servi -_ rk and tt&i.emark ud Jwnp is a. sen~ n ar of PMdi s -c: Comp ny mM, T net PS/2 wre lTI5demar MJd XT i ll ~ of m . t C'o' por t~tlon It es il !l rcgisterec,\ ttadanark o H.~ ~crocom_pwer Pr ducu. Tnc

IS-OOS nd ct'U!IO m F>egiitered ttrulemarh And Wl.nrlows - lradc::rrwk nf fhrrn Corparadnn


A~ar lQDCitC ~re:n JOBJ'ffBO RL!Qm B . [

Bo;~.~ MD Copyngb1 IIJ

1-~:i P ~ I sn ou,

Eatah :rotry lodllda 1..br. fi1I1 m ~ cJn:r:nCrl, lllld. ttt•l:tm I doo!, • ::::mK of ~ ~s and dt.JJdrm liWIII$. lind ll:rr p;1p:[ m IWhidl f.flt: oi:81l1W'!' (Qil.Dli. ~ ahc. r;IlQ'lli 'l1iio mmtiQD dir IWQ15 nf mem th~ =-rtt:t81cd l'iirully of lhc. dl:cz:asEd. gmo or gr_y Df ongm ofllh&: oo ~u~ \liildm ITollll ~ len tlldodallll.lld &IHI .also lodulk!:ml ll:lt'my lllllQ: m!lit!l: lll:m.D5a.~ ,lnP c:n1:rUs..

Buned T reasores • 36- Vol. XXVI. No, l Centml f.londa Gtmulogical Society~ lnc.



Gillespie NC. VA. TN #6-t8 Hayden MA #~6-t Gilligan NY, NY. fRL #500 Hayden NY. fRL #500 Giroux CND. FRN #500 Hayes PA #558 Glasscock VA.KY #3-t9 Hays PA #558 Goddard VA. KY. OH. IN. fL #3-t9 Hayworth NC.IN #573 Godin Rl. CND #635 Heatherington CND. IL #190 Gosney NC. VA. TN #6-t8 Heberling NY #538 Granger MA.OH 1464 Hemphill MI.OH #300 Grant MA #-t64 Hemphill lL. NC. SC #590 Grant GA. SC #497 Henderson VA #190 Graves AL. VA #335 Henderson SCT #197 Graves MA #464 Henderson VA #497 Green AL #335 Hendricks NY #349 Green MA #464 Hendricks IN #457 Green FL. GA. SC #579 Henton VA #573 Green NC.VA.TN #648 Hermann MO #589 Greene MA #464 Hichcock CT #548 Greig fRL #197 Hickman GA #143 Grieve SCT #465 Hicks VA #497 Grieve NH. SCT #635 Hicks lL #559 Griffin FL. BHS #561 Hills MA #464 Griffith JL. PA. OH #221 Hinson FL. GA, SC #579 Griffith MD #333 Hizey VA #300 Grigg VA.NC #717 Hoagland NY. NJ, HLD #465 Griswold CT.MA #464 Hoaglin NY, NJ. HLD #465 Groover GA #109 Hobart MA #464 Grounds ENG.fL.KY #395 Hodson IN. NC. VA #497 Gulick NY #465 Hoff NY #464 Gullette AL. GA. SC #463 Hoffman IL #540

Hoffman SWT #590 Hadlock MA #464 Hollingshead IN #548 Haley VA #548 Hollis VA, SC, GA, AL, LA #220 Haley NC #717 Hollis MA #464 Hall FL, GA, SC, NC #579 Holloway NJ. ENG #497 Hall NC. VA, TN #648 Holmes IN.KY #497 Hallam CT #457 Holmes NC, VA, TN #648 Hammond ENG #463 Holt TN #566 Handy IL #221 Hooker MA #464 Hanner NC, VA, TN #648 Hoover NC, PA. GER #497 Hanson MN, NRY # 66 Horning PA, VA. SC, NC. KY #256 Harden VA #717 Horton NY #500 Harding NC, VA, TN #648 Horton MO.KY #566 Harding NC,VA #717 Howze NC, VA, TN #648 Hardwicke TN #548 Hubbard PA #464 Harfine VA #464 Huff NY #464 Harrell NC #71 7 Huggins IN #457 Harris MA #464 Hughes FL, OH #190 Harter KY #558 Hughes Il, OH #292 Hartzell PA.OH #714 Hughson NY #465 Haskett NC #717 Hunt MA #464 Hayden SC. MD, KY #220 Hunter SCT #590

Buried Treasures - 37- Vol. XXVI, No.2 Central Florida Genealogical Society, Inc.

ltwrkr I t •rrlla I turd I lurk:) Hu!W.:m H•• lOo

Jack!loo lattl'qlll:ll

~ ~tr

ten~~ I h:n folm J~ J JoiH lobm.on Jnbns.o.J:r Jch.nson J tmslon Jchnsum JoDlS


Jones Jnrdaa Jordan Jurrla:o JI;JidQo Jounlnn JDnii:J" JmJd, .lnd.mc



~"C 'A. LN NY, CT_ 1'\.IA .ll.J97 VL!il'_ HH =~!V_

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TN 3! VI\ •?I? CaA.. ~ NC ~711

FL, GA cr ~ ~ ,~~~

~ ~]~

NY.PLD •100 OR,HUN 1115 K1r -5! AL •ts7 'C., OA, LA #llfl A ~

MA,OH"T SC. 'IV, LA till? r\1 ~In

OH s.l~7 VA.. SC. Nr::, KY ·A1!S6

Boned Trea:.-.rres



~· IU.oyt5 ~1:5 tUdd Kid.lkr Kttr I!Uomil Kln ~DpiJI.Lrj

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L a. C. C. A ~97 ~OA 1-H~ ~Ci. Ml 1\l'f "''LA , OH. VI' ~ PA lr_ !\liD, SC'T J!NO !!NO rwtA N MA NY 1+4M D.. 1\.'Y NL! I P. 0~ RL ~I

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CT 14~7 MA I , J f1447 C1' _,7 U\L, I :!!OfJ RUS W~tJI

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- J8- Vot XXVI No. 2 Centr.:J:I florida Genealogical Society lnc.



Ur I U rtrdl Ln1!m1Dn! l...ollm

IL. 01 L t\ Y. '!,' •\ D..,. 0 ~ ~\'. \.' .\ CT. 1.\


M. "' 1nco~ ~bdnon ftb11m M.lino M.my \~

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~d.Jm! W~ Ml MA ~lil:er 1\t\", fN Mc:AU u:r P'IIC, VA. TN M.cea.m r fii all GA M I«U) JIA rir:Cleen [l, PA..IA ~ceo .y ~ MO. VI\. C, ~Ul fcCreay NC VA. N ~rcCuUCMijlh PA. au ~ CH. P.'.. ~cr lcbcrM.IJ NC, "\ '• PA ·Farliu SC

fcGca: N"t McGiillh NY M.QG.ew PA. M~ NC

Buned T~easures

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Vol. XXV[. o , Cenn-dl Floridu Genenlogical Sceiety, lnc-.


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lin td Pmc~ Pmden Pu1:ing Pu:Jl 1!111 Pbllut Pun:r5

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- 40- VoL XXVI No. 2 Central Florida Genealogical Society~ Inc.

~~ 6fi • 109 ~14

ut7: #I 1


~:210 #2~1

:! () 112~c


N19S MS 1451 ~-16]


1465 #497 ~soo 1ro


EJleen Broothari Wdli~ T .. om11 D Undrunm 'orrnine Block H.nnson J m (' St pies. • t.lr Hi~kmsn 'h1t~

tzu 1\. IU:dd RUJ !\!II H~c~ghes

r h1l Hush- Hclll trenTIIU)IIl

R.n.lyn E Westenhofer Ct.tlon 0 DutY M ~l dl0115 Brinsfield !l!all Barker Duty

lliiy \.: I}'Ui Homil'ls N lllncy J Pennyp ckCJ" B arbsm 1ehmlln Lytle Elil:.\beth H~pi!W.J W

ih. W_ Otlson f&r}' L Todd

Berth~ MoolrllQ Kldd S~~;~e,r T1.r1 C \'lilk'T' Omr'gr W ftn-..fl5 Ka.Uterinll Ronan Cooptf' Gnu:e _ uneapbet" MnrtW. r e!Jen Leona M ParfDns nn~ HtlfMionu CoMc~u

lllc]u,.rd Can II Rhcd Vl Ro~lin Nl,rri, l~ R noldl 1\my ' 1Jil'OU'X f:,m l J. K.ardoa JamefJ M ~ tMutleo Robert L_ Dn.n WilllnmWI~ Olenn v Gib P

Helen F Cf n B~.L CDbum

bnltine Obiding Ann Mohr Osi George Lhtt D Willi E McCr ck • rt.hur A 7Jl Jr. A1Jful HonoJ\ Holt

Bwicrl l'rnsures


1sgq #5g()

#6t3 #63 ~2

4i1 H717 if7 l4

73 1 74K


r) 1


Loren T Flebrandt L..:on fl JordJII R y L Shtwfdl r 1 ~ 1 r Mnwrii

ly7.abeth H Ht'!mph II M Tgic Cox u 11 ,iQ rntree Boy in

Mal}'ilnn \ndnuirlc- Forsrer JCM Fuquay

ceve Hurdins L_rtno J•Gques Knorr 11.Kiy L. Rogers James Trulock Sftery1 utve,-Dr l..a\\noce .Kem Donna~Ln:a

[f' yeu a.re wlrt.n:sreod m exchangu1~ U ME infonnation from tl\e

FA ILY Fico ,DE:R \vilh on D OUT

memh~ please wnte to

CFCS~ illc. AU nlloo· (

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OTE. The two-Jetter bbrevtano an: fram Lbc • P tal ~ni ~ the lhtee-lener abbreviations are from the G I -·cak Bd


-4 1 - VoL XXVL o. -Central Florida G.:nealogtca.l ocic~, lnc:.


8•Dit' ~~~ \ olmrn: II

I - I 5

Wot I. Vol

Buried T rea~weg - 2- Vol. XXV1~ No l CernraJ florida GcneaLogu:al ~c:K!itty, l.K.


11 8(1

~. H ; Ol:ary. The, t ill~ .. I HU

tiOll '• ' olloc:Uon

d1.l II I I lfle U. _ J!21J - 19' 1

:a1 \"c:a&. i~! UIUi'-' J7 qDL Jclfmon ~'-"-· ~ d Oeo , ~


Buned Treasures -43- Va . XXVI. No.2 Cc:blra.l florida OcncldObrical Sod ~ t)•.lric


LUmot K.mr! Ci:K:mh' E.arl} Famili I l • I ~ hotlmtc: cou'o . lfrtnois.. E:u ~ I 11 - I ~- VGll.mle _ MumaJ (or tadmm~ GalcdoptUi ~ I J Ocmusar~ Uart lndi Tl!ln .llc1nuR: DJa Ski~ Adm:Jnm 10 ~ • p. Th t\ U CoLtru~ 11 ~ 1.M 7 Ua ~ Boai!. ~ llrul\ Karues r. mU & P2 N ~ 1 nn t 1 ~ kpT 1 ·ri'Qi til'( I.Nb A.IJccMurs ~c.te a lmli:msi rn A.Qx:rt~;~t. Tbc" 14'J~ - l•m. lilll3ns lQ ~m:a 4 Vclurlm l J Bl' ~ D~tt~Oilli:A' or CIIJ'adtJin J~wry. 1 ~ , j'.l t Frorn A the ft,fcmarA • f PeliJh k k1\5 m Amcnaa.. ~ ~O"l l - I ~i't1 -~ lb a~~fl~~~ Atlas Df 8an1JI:.. Kml,ao t1lld Dmpbr!,U .CDUIIU E:mrza ICmt\ll!k', IWtmlCH H.tsmr;y Dfi.....'J:I.Ocl Cow:lll ~ A Kau:udr.y~ ~ .fmu:k H i'L'Q RDI~ of lbe BJidi . m 1M ':HI~tnN

frorn Piom::a: D!tys lD I.LT ~ l'ltelll~'' li~CID RqJun aJib: M]1llimt 0:n:m1 ar ~if# 1 Report u.c AdJ,u&aa~ &.:.=m~ ar l.brl Stu:. Qf ~

'li(Jlim1am). VoJnmc 1 1 Scfi:ctcd ilt::IJIIlS l'imn die. Momdlml Ecbc Nc" _:cwllii:I'DII!f .

.... gnan~~ tn 1'bcr. L - 9'7-l DalglnciDi a:tl u

.R cr of AJJ.Iilt C~mpt;:r_ NSDAR. Vo~ L . oaal CO ramal at lht. Sc•.-·caJCallh Cm:nay loc ~ .Eioc*, 18 -I tb oflhc A.mcnJ:i\0 Rl:Yolu11an ~~ Dtn:cl • l99l

rem furul.la oi.Lummna _t.nln.clct Abmx.u ofPtrdJscol Rmmis. Ill - 111.3 +AJiep Cotill R ~ ol S · Mary'1 CoiiJUy l6l• - L .aad) ~·J.olnd a~SU 1 • ali.MI Mar,· Dela Allltt Oouz:~ ~ 01' L C MJ!IIIEblllllm:i:. l.oclodJnA L,itrl&dtt Sauwrs; SVt1IIIIJI

1!111 '"aNrll ~ora. 1 i2-1 s +T'nTa.. l A _ ·llf 5Qtii&W -&rly Ad:riim

Hl!buy li tbc Albion Plt.bbr: Sdtrnrs Nm:;mgliD (t:tlll::ttr) Altu Dalh: ll9--~l991 { • l C'L'nl W111 Vaa ar - Ccmu

fm) U So* V'olmDI:" U tnfil8ll) r 'f'lK Aw.!n-~ ~ M h Bn Flonda

BuriecFfreasurcs 'Vol. XXVl No _ Central Florida Genealo,gicaJ Sooi~-r Iu.



Colmrual Ra:DRis Qf Spo.Js 3J1d Sca1JaJr Pl!r'":oLlll5

L ~ Bllg Tbc .'ulll113.1o -~~"·· Rcl!'ltl I rlf li,!lrds.lllpmc!L , 0.\ I Cl~ !gJ:dtftSo ar 1hc. GtCIIl W.n.r. J Vr~t~~m£J A.mcnQln AlllboG' ~~ F C5l!JT\IIt 111 i\floaJrnj Roots. o(l(c:rl!.d.i 0 Am.cor:;;m O:tlunt51! w lll1C11t:ll bd'Dftl r I •

a rtl h lll A.Imm 1JL I -' II - 19 I -\. CllrmmJ

- .Amcri.ot'll Plfll ~IIOIT~ Ow de to Hlslo -lhslor} Qi1MOtt t

N"cw York Gme:tl , Mt:mbi:D, 11J2.!

, 111d Woml:n o'f Ptymow.h Cot.a,~

De'li~C®dan~ ( {91 J

Dc!cm•-ma ~' 1 ) T.., ilJ1l lbc ~ of

New York Genalo - ery. Ofticm.. Com:.rnl'111:X:s B. ~"!, Mr~ I!Jll

c::Jumdogiml. T.abb af • 91 ·I 0 c~. \lith c..!I'O.Iim.. .llccd. AbmiKn. •"' 49 - 1766 . ... .....,,_ ••

11-1-9 -1'795 free Arnc.:aii Alm:rumrs oJ ~dh l:'n.mfi:M and Vlf'!ID!!I G liVllle DI.:!UlCl o!.NC!ltb. Ctiohn:J.. 17U ~ 1'761. Vohonc

tb Notias t.n7m ~gh. ~ofth ~ ~:qwpo:ll, I '7 - lilt! ib LD ltWet:~b ~ IUIIIil blortll C~1i:aa ~ 011 a:uc-

- 45 - Vol. XXVI, No. 1 Cen.t.nll Florida Genealogica1 ocicry. 1n~ .

Orq,ron flautJJgtt l tsiS

Buried Treasures

\ o um~ I

L or~J:T.t ·

\.&I'WWIIL N;anal~n>a and Df~ ~fii'Dnl RA~rth. VoiJBDe$ XI-

Soao · waJ SI'Dd)

-46- Vo1• • No l

Cont:mJ Ftoridn 'Genealogical Society. Inc.


WPA W llln l'brL D ~-


t!'l ~·"! OU211:t • nn C. rol•lt.IL JDDill<ll ~I ~ Cci!Il of II.' U Book.. I I - 1~ 111

~d'f iP:Jrult. • 11h liJ'OIIJQ nul~ I lh V l51n _ t 1M! - I Rl~ 5t..'Mcb- ln:sb :rnd Tht:~r Mru SctiJ~CIIC Of! t 1: r t [ Rl' cor md OWcr e~gbJtKmng ~nets 1n S.JUJL (. robn.J. ~

::ioulb tiUDIIM S~1 'Hlst~cy·, l5lU 1',411 h In Ammca. The l5ll -I 14

.1\mt!n.:.m M1Lita~ Dead cfS DI.Eb Amc:11cm r Pllllipfioc ~£10... l.W:IH AI ~~~_, fC1151~oflhc- lliM'Oic llo 1 • .o -169) -Let U1t: Dmm.!i R.o!J L fCDS(ni:l W YII!L5 or WU:1~1 rnw:. -t!J_nluo. ~ trlill\l 1 ~. VOIIlt'm: l

WI ~~

11. V..t I , J~}. 121'6:1 ~

. OTE: .E:ro.~J (DI' .wm am tu~td till f ) •hi h • ~ mllwL~J.frolfl JaJrJ~~ . Frbroaf) . lan:h and April 199J, 1M ~mmnmJ! at:qJ~• ~~~~ /i..(IL·d abo '.1! tiN

(ram 1\/.tn•, Jun , /~1, 11~rt~!t.1. • • plt!mber i1lld f Mbtrr, I 93,.


In t ' artld~ Am: m~ fBunied Tr sur~. Vo~. • , n "'· pp 71-74) by Rh Wn t lWLLIN ~ding hu matern:ll grea~-gnmdmotber, JuiTet~r EATO ,, Ike la.11t p ~ph ~hould d u follo~

Thr~~ vea.n o [ Bullv m 'tO trol1:! ili HI ' to _ ' , to illiam .~oi.gned or tb~ . &yt1 om:r Corppa.n With this infon:nulon in m bmld, L l.!'IIAl.ed tc run to m'M fllh~ and hoot, 11l -OO Dad I Your fo''" didD11 come ~t.ne~ on boat foj rlHr11' m.11, lhey e LlVft;} on the wne lhtp Qrudma's did My Father died in l9J s. my srnndmother m I C"l40,

K.nO\o\'1h PlY grudmcthcr . I did, 1 11111 51JI"e ~ foond uui rne particul~ 11.5 soon I8 !he am.,.~ m li~ v~ Md '~lad lire-ad)' m mrkcr ·u~ght.

[Editor Th fd5, itt p&ranthescs and itali ere 1l'Uld crl~ly ornined ('IH 1he on_gtnal ory I Bnried Tn:~ - 41 - Vo~ XXVI •. No, 2

C~ntral Florida GenealogicaJ i r:y, InCl.

.AN"DA. MIOIUI'ell , ..,


OllGlA 1'\ It IDSf.l - ':: Co •mb~ O) -31

Buried T R:asliJ't!S



N YORK FortT~ ­Gem!i.atCo - Jl l.ak.e ~ ~ - 27 ll WvomiQJCo- ~1

osm Uruaa Co -

011TB C_\ ROU A ~ ,.l l .l.

Ounl PJI - \.1. Cm'llcn Co_,

~ hnm-"4

HJ'IlNI£S llolircm Valley-~ N m'lllll# 1~ sunn111 r , 1-1

'\'TK{; lNlA- l] An l&Q •1l J\Jt,- Co - 111 • .l l A 11- J1 Ftsllmvtlh! - l I Omdtomvtlk - ltl l. GR:m\rillt- lt.J Sbcn&Bdoah Valley - V Slwlrt'!" [)mn, - .lo

UIWII.ao • l 1'lnk:1loJ 5pn fll, -1n. 11 Wtifwlplo Ca -wu - 1tt

- 48- Vol XXVT, o, l Central florida Geqealog,caJ. Sooiety~ Jnc:.

Cl151 -

Amhcrrt- ~~ ppleh; - J:

b re- 3CJ.. :U Bartles· l Bladtll.ill1 - ~01 Slac mol'! • 14 B lakemm N Bt~d- "Z.1 BurweU-

anar•beU- 3;; CarruU • J4 Clun _ ~ rturw y - l robb•- 1 Conn~u - 11, ]'3, .!

CnWford • :J J G'utlu. - JS

Dmfurrh • l7. "'8 Dean~ lq DT"r'di:Jl- l4 Dunn- J

li- J)

f - ]] fi1 e-21 f Olilifs - J .J


Oonn ~- -l

H.:~.u n. 0 H.wpc- ll lhrnrilze: - J Hubbard • J 3 Hugh - JJ

Jentins - l:l JohPson · l

K~~r~ - ,;n • .2.R, Kidd~:r- ~

King- ]..j

Konncl - _.,_.,

Learned - ~8 Lm::'Jdn un - 11J LOI(e'"9r ell • 1

McCri!tkeo J:S McGee-lJ ~en-Jl MePhersou - 34

lessersmitb - 31 MUDda -33 Munden,-lJ Mundf -ll Mij~cl'lq -l4

NcYcils - 34

Pnnben n-


R11Jian ~ 1 fit ,in'l()n - _.,.

Sc ct - 'W utt,,w ~ ~

St!iWtU ~ 2

TB~tm· - 2q Thumas -28 Tobi11-Todd l l

W:~. hirwgton • ~7 W le~-1 Willis- J:l

- 4,9 - Vol. XXVI1, o, 2 Ceunl Florida Genealogi~ SoClfr: , ~nc ~

~· - n.tlJt. l•!Jil!:!ly Cili t~ a~t:£'C\&111 .. f.A 111\1-.o'· Wli.thin ~JU•,ry •t.•t.• grb•n n , il:lil.l3r3.1Jti d ;pcill.ibl•. b&mpl• r Ro,bart l'crydi MM'PI:IIU:I •

t~illlm?) ~r ~ --?--~.

~=d•r =t appearan~• •~ ~h• ~~~cLng ~f ~ j .U kl:nND 1 acdl n~n:~.u. •• e:omp l•t:.• l' I.l unJ;UJ:'II o f A. .._.. r u•• I. ~·t..i~n HrlL

Dl:ft.l: - If U1\WI'• or • at.~ refw to an llf..a't.OZ"ic-.&1 -..~ 1 or " J'HZ"+ u.ae wori eire:" a. wt.l ic-n •n• • ~ ~ I Qal;•• ':: ili.~I:'Het. - 5/ ; I &4 ~ COIIOT•c:t. - 7 't ,..,,. OIC' 5 .1~1Y leu LGCI.2'1UI - LaC'at.ii:lnl lhcii!itd. lb. •~~lld •• ccmpl•to• a• FO••ihl'•· ~ ..... let Ci:'l_&1L40 , o~•~~;• co.~ rL It ~~~•ar• af a • C"i:t.y~ IIHII'It::l.on .:c:~un~ya or • II:CII'Im~T~ ... nt1-an n.au 4n·

1:'1:11.1171:. Z'Y I ri.C%11/Ifi:DJ. ~ !t:&~• ta.e~:-11 and ycur n..t• ~ hgpl•1 11-dclit:Jlollal !nfc, . ... c:n .... g• .inta.; ¥OU.lCI U.b to ccntac:e dell:t!htlu~• r wo ~• p.a.rw:~.u; e'to. ____ / ____ , ____ , _____ ..


IIJ!IIPI- il I -----~~- I ---- I .....----

!. ~ ~9, llmr~• yog u. t'• U'~ ud twu-ll,.U:r ~in.iolli [ V .... frl'c•t41 l_..li;a Andl a.n.alc:~v:a..·c•l 11Pk' J an/PH 1119) locat:.t.DD d c:n to 1M acl.d4d to the DIIIL~ PDIDB.~ one.~ ptb:Ll•bad, II'IIAIW.r• _.. u~ ta reltpifq4 ta lUI& :soe.._.~~ • •ddai:JI &aCtJ U. ~~:GET•q~DmMioc-e will ;MJ If~ to u• p,EO"J:Ie!E' 1 M'r' 'ri.li rmtr ~bl"P 1'1\Dbar.

I I " Ci.t.y -~_....;;;;;;~~----- l'tl&~ ...... ~---

PleUII Wt!IU.t ycn:~Jr rpadc•• mulfgll:' him-. far ~b.ll r..Uy r~ ~o ~ c.&~I'&J. Plo~r-ida o.a-~,lef.&l u.di llht:.adc&J, loc.IUT t' .lac, 1 P • D. lllcx: l 'n 1 C~l&AdO r l'lod.U J 2.1D2.

our ancestral nauons, to further ow objectives thru education and FWbhc.auon

l..E£TIN GS - Regular monthly meeEID@S

~e held on ~ ~nd Thursday. Septem~t lM.l !\fay, 1 30 P M at lhe Marb Street Senior Cm1ar Auditorium, 99 E Mark Street. Orlaru:lo. flonda f.:'!:C'cpttons to tbe date and plact' for meetings are designated b Lhe President All meetmss are open {0 the., pubLi~

• \.1Snors are weletlme and meinbcrs arc enCOUJ ~ed to brlng ~e:o;ts


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