SUBJECT TITLE : System Analysis & Design SYSTEM NAME : Computerised Stock Control Management System MEMBERS : Praveena Sarathchandra(CB003403) Ayodya Piyaruwan(CB003476) Chathura Wickramasinghe(CB003455) INTAKE CODE : DF0931ICT

System Analysis and Design [Group Assignment]

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Page 1: System Analysis and Design [Group Assignment]

SUBJECT TITLE : System Analysis & Design

SYSTEM NAME : Computerised Stock Control Management


MEMBERS : Praveena Sarathchandra(CB003403)

Ayodya Piyaruwan(CB003476)

Chathura Wickramasinghe(CB003455)


SUBMITTED TO : Mr. Eranjan Padumadasa

DATE : 09/03/2009

[ This document is created according to the project carried out for the Royal Fernwood

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Porcelain Ltd to built a stock management control system for the company.

According to the stages in the life cycle of the project the introduction provides the basic idea

of the initiation of the project.

The company overview is provided in this documentation was to describe the history and the

background to the organization.

The documentation discus the problems with the existing manual driven system in this

particular company as well as the new system is discussed in detail.

Feasibility study is carried out to recognized how reliable and efficient the system.

The investigation and requirement specification was in this documentation the ways and

means how the interviews and observations have been done.

Logical process diagrams are included which is the guidance to the way how the system

relates to the data inputs and how it connect with each entity. ]

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Praveena sarathchandra, Ayodya Piyaruwan,Chathura Wickramasinghe the members of

the project team would like to thank Mr. Eranjan Padumadasa for his continuous support

and guidance throughout the project ,for his invaluable supervision to make this effort a


We are really grateful The General Manager of Royal Fernwood Porcelain,

Mr.Sarathchandra for his immense help providing the details of the company and the

system, guiding us throughout the project to make this event a success. And also we

thank the management as well as all the employees.

Last but not least we are indeed grateful to all our friends stood by us helping in various

ways. Our gratitude goes to the authors of books where we referred and the sources we

gathered information.

Finally, we are responsible for any errors that remain in this documentation.

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Company Overview

Royal Fernwood porcelain Limited, Sri Lanka

“An Expression of Quality that speaks for itself”

Royal Fernwood Porcelain Limited (RFPL) brings supreme quality standards in their

magnificent creation in tableware. The company range of products reflects superb

craftsmanship, while unique designs give new meaning to elegance and good taste.

500,000 pieces are manufactured monthly and exported to over 20 international

destinations. A modern plant suited 45km from Colombo blends the very latest

technology from Europe and Japan, with traditional skills in craftsmanship. The products

are of such exceptional quality, that the sheer whiteness of the porcelain has far exceeded

the expected standards of the porcelain industry.

The company also has the added advantage of operating a subsidiary company which

produces high quality ceramic transfers (decals) which reflect the latest trends and

designs of the modern world, utilising state of the art technology far superior to any other

competitor in Asia. RFPL is fully capable of developing individual designs to suit

customer preferences within a very short period.

The company has created confidence amongst many reputed international department

stores as a reliable, high quality supplier. Furthermore, many reputed manufacturers in

Europe utilise RFPL to produce some of their requirements, since the quality could

match any stringent standards. The high productivity rate of the company and the ready

availability of adequate raw materials in Sri Lanka make RFPL extremely competitive in

the global market.

Royal Fernwood Porcelain Limited is an ISO 9001 system certified company and all

products manufactured pass the food and drug administration (FDA) standards of U.S.A

and also European Union Standards.

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ContentsSection 1.......................................................................................................................................8


The existing or the current system..............................................................................................10

Problems exist in the current system..........................................................................................11

About the new system................................................................................................................12

Scope of the new System............................................................................................................12

Section 2.....................................................................................................................................14

Feasibility Study..........................................................................................................................14

2.1Feasibility of the current system............................................................................................15

2.2 Feasibility of the proposed system........................................................................................15

2.3 Feasibility reports for the proposed new system..................................................................15

2.3.1 Schedule Feasibility Report................................................................................................16

2.3.2Technical Feasibility Report.................................................................................................20

2.3.3Economical Feasibility Report.............................................................................................21 analysis........................................................................................................21

2.3.4Operational Feasibility Report.............................................................................................26

Section 3.....................................................................................................................................28

Investigation and Requirement...................................................................................................28


3.1 Investigation..........................................................................................................................29

3.1.1 Interview............................................................................................................................29

3.2Requirement Specification.....................................................................................................31

3.2.1User Requirements..............................................................................................................31

3.2.2System Requirements.........................................................................................................31 Requirements.................................................................................................31 Specification..................................................................................................32 Specification......................................................................................................32

Section 4.....................................................................................................................................33

Logical Process Model For Proposed System..............................................................................33

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4.1Context Diagram....................................................................................................................34

4.3 Level 1 of Process 1.0............................................................................................................36

4.3 Level 1 of Process 3.0............................................................................................................38

4.3 Level 1 of Process 4.0............................................................................................................39

Section 5.....................................................................................................................................40

Data Dictionaries For The Proposed System...............................................................................40

Section 6.....................................................................................................................................41

The Proposed System..................................................................................................................41

6.1 Login Screen..........................................................................................................................42

6.2 Manager................................................................................................................................43

6.3 Planning Department............................................................................................................44

6.4 Raw Material Stores..............................................................................................................44

6.5 General Stores.......................................................................................................................45

6.6 Finished Goods Stores...........................................................................................................46

6.7 General Features...................................................................................................................46

6.7.1 Top menu...........................................................................................................................46

Section 7.....................................................................................................................................47

Future Enhancements.................................................................................................................47

7.1Planning or the factory can directly contact with the customers...........................................48


Section 8.....................................................................................................................................49


Section 10...................................................................................................................................52


10.1 User Manual........................................................................................................................53

10.2 Group Meetings...................................................................................................................54

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Section 1


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The project is based on introducing an efficient and effective computerised stock

management control system for the Royal Fernwood Porcelain manufacturing company

in Kosgama.

The scope of the project is to produce a computerised system according to the

requirements that has been highlighted by the customer within the time scale of the

project which is 31/03/2009 to 20/05/2009.After the requirement has been identified, the

project team with the management of the company agreed with a system which can be

developed within the time span and the budget.

In the process of analysing information were obtained by mainly discussing with the

general manager as well as the executives and system administrators in general stores,

white wear stores, production department, and decoration department and also with the

packaging department.

Proposed system was mainly focused on general stores department as well as planning,

where all the departments are interconnected and dependent by the data input by general

stores and decisions taken by planning department.

The main purpose of the system is to provide network within the organization, with the

customers as well as suppliers oversees.

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The existing or the current system

Although the company has wide range of business in oversees as well as in Sri Lanka

the current system is not yet been fully computerized not at all in a network. Currently

all departments keep records manually and at the end of the day they file it.

General Stores

In this department there are series of records which they enter into a computerised


This system is invented by Softlogic and it is defined in MS DOS version which is

outdated and not been specifically design to this company. They have been using this

system since 1998.

Main functions in this department are to maintain Raw material stock and all kind of

spare parts for machines as well. Each and every record regarding purchasing of raw

material, spare parts has been recorded and entered into the system when they received

the relevant invoices and other specific document such as GRN, PRN, and PO by

purchasing department.

Planning Department

The planning department takes records from the general stores whenever they receive an

order for the planning purpose of that particular order such as how much raw material

needed, how much in stock whether the production can be carried out and to determine

the time span.

Although the general stores keep records the system is not a network so the planning

has to manually take all the records from general stores.

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Problems exist in the current system


The main issue with the management is that there is no network to retrieve data from the

factory as the head office is situated in Colombo. Once a week all managers has to come

down all the way for general meetings which is time consuming and costly.

At the same time the decisions cannot be taken fast from Colombo office.

Customers & Suppliers

The second point which was highlighted was that the customers and the suppliers from

oversees cannot access the system from abroad where most of the customers are from

U.S.A,Italy,China while main supply is from New Zealand.

The Factory in Kosgama

General Stores

The current system in general store is outdated and it was not a system which has been

specifically design to this organisation. The current system is a general data storage

where it keeps data and only retrieved from that specific machine. And can only be

entered and run by the specific person in charge.

Planning department

Planning department cannot take immediate decision regarding an order they have to

depend on stores to get the necessary required information. Which reduces efficiency in

decision making and cause the order been get delayed or over cost to make the order on


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About the new system

The current system was bought off-the shelf from Softlogic and it is used by General

Stores to keep records such as raw material stock, spare parts stock as and when it is

ordered and delivered. The system keeps records nearly two to three years and

automatically getting deleted. Other than that there is no specific system which is been

designed for the company itself.

The proposed system is specifically built for the requirements which were gathered by

the project team discussing with the management and investigating their current system.

As the management of the company with the project team agreed to built a network

which anybody at any given time anywhere in the world would be able to access the

system to

Get relevant information depending on the authority to access the system.

Scope of the new System

New system is designed to be used by different segments in business. It is more likely to

be used for updating records of raw material in Raw Material Stores, spare parts in

General Stores and the records for planning and decision making by the management.

This new system is design and implemented uniquely for the Royal Fernwood Porcelain

Ltd so it will identify most requirement which is been highlighted by the client.

As this is in a network it is very useful for decision making by the management. From

anywhere in the world authorised people can access the system where there are clients

as well as suppliers in overseas.

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1.3.2Objectives of the New System

The main objective of this system is to avoid use of paperwork when maintaining

records in the departments of Royal Fernwood Porcelain Ltd, including General Stores,

Raw Material Stores, Finished Goods Stores and Planning department. The system is an

online web based application. Thus it also enables Top level management to monitor the

status of production plans, take decisions and inquire relevant departments even when

they are travelling overseas.

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Section 2

Feasibility Study

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2.1Feasibility of the current system

The current methodology of keeping records in planning department, raw material

department and finished goods stores is completely based on paperwork. The person in-

charge is tasked with doing calculation of remaining stocks or making future plans by

himself. Thus calculation errors are a common issue they face occasionally.

Although the General Store Department uses a computer when managing stocks, the

store keeper needs to manipulate the system using codes assigned to items. These codes

must be remembered by any other substitute person in order to operate it.

2.2 Feasibility of the proposed system

The proposed system is a web based application built using PHP which a high level is

scripting language supported by MySql server with HTML code. It’s a fully automated

system. The activities in the current system could be done very much easier using the

proposed system while it is in a network and can access from any part of the world. The

program is capable of giving more information to variety of segments in the business

internal staff as well as other stakeholders depending on their authority to access the


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2.3 Feasibility reports for the proposed new system

2.3.1 Schedule Feasibility Report

The main objective of the schedule feasibility report is to achieve the better delivery of

the properly functioning information system later than to deliver an error prone. The

work breakdown structure and the work load matrix were decided according to the time

scale the project is scheduled.

On acceptance of the software design the prototype solution could be implemented to

the benefit of the company.

The software could be upgraded and adjusted to suit the company requirement.

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Work Breakdown Structure

Major Activities (Level 1)

1. Project plan

2. Analysing on current system

3. Technology Research

4.New Design

5. Documentation

1.0 Project Plan

Identify tasks and activities

Gantt chart

1.2.1 Tasks

1.2.2 Estimated time scale

1.2.3 Work Load Matrix

2.0 Analysis on Present System

2.1 Study the current system in General Stores, Planning, and Department

2.2 Interviewing in charge

2.3Identify limitations

3.0 Technology Research

3.1Researching on software and hardware

3.2Researching on modern methods

3.3Feasibility Report

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4.0 New Design

4.1Understanding Requirements

4.2Designing the system


4.4Testing and Debugging

5.0 Documentation

5.1Preparing the soft copy

5.2Checking the Documentation

5.3Finalysing the Documentation

5.4Printing the Hard Copy

5.4Binding the Documentation

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Work Load Matrix

Task Praveena Ayodya Chathura

1.Project Plan

1.1 Identifying Tasks and Activities * * *

1.2 Estimating Time-scale * * *

1.3 Workload matrix * * *

2.Analyzing the Current System

2.1 Studying the current system *

2.2 Interviewing In charge * *

2.3 Identifying limitations * *

3.Technology Research

3.1 Researching on software, hardware * * *

3.2 Researching on Modern Methods * *

3.3 Feasibility Report *

4.New Design

4.1 Understanding requirements * * *

4.2 Designing the system * *

4.3 Coding *

4.4 Testing and debugging * * *


5.1 Preparing the soft-copy * * *

5.2 Checking the documentation * * *

5.3 Finalizing the documentation * *

5.4 Printing the hard-copy * *

5.5 Binding the documentation * *

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2.3.2Technical Feasibility Report

Under the technical feasibility we had to focus more on the present system because it

was not yet been computerised. Considering the factors associated with the whole

manufacturing and the ordering processes in the Production department and the General

Stores it should be computerised and employees should be recruited as someone to carry

out work with the new process.

Recommended requirements are as follows:


Pentium 4 or higher processor

256MB of RAM or higher

Windows XP SP2

Other hardware

ADSL router

5 HP bubblejet printers

Network cables

We can have each computer at departments connected by an ADSL router. ADSL broadband internet connection is recommended in terms of high speed of access and affordability.

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2.3.3Economical Feasibility Report

Economical feasibility of the current system should be assessed analysing the current

system. This is very important in any of the projects. The bottom line of every project is

to assess whether the budget is set and it is feasible to carry on further. It is very

important to breakdown work according to the set budget giving the best possible

outcome which is expected.

In this particular situation we used cost-benefit analysis to assess economical feasibility

of the project where we weigh the cost and benefits of each alternative. analysis

According to the above analysis we tried to check whether the project can be justified,

can it be done within the agreed budget, what are the minimal cost to get the system

done completely as well as the alternative methods of developing the system.

When we consider software and hardware we selected software language as PHP which

is appropriate when developing a web based application.

Convincing the management was quite straight forward because this was the essential

requirements which they have been looking forward to carry out their operations.

The machines have to be purchased and replaced as they have been using old machines

for a long time period which was agreed by the management.

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Costs Associated with the New System

Development and Purchasing Cost

Value/unit Total price

1. Hardware

5 HP bubblejet printers

4 Pentium Dual Core computers

10 Black & White cartridges

ADSL router









2. Software

Operating system(Windows XP sp2)


9,000 9,000


3. network connectivity

5m network cable

Installing chargers







4. development costs 80,000

5. Domain registration 1000 1000

TOTAL 285,500

Maintenance costs

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implementations value/unit total


Service and upgrading of hardware

Servicing and upgrading software

Maintaining networks

Web host














4 Store Keepers







TOTAL Monthly 172,000

Pay Back Analysis

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Costs USD Cumulative Cost


Benefits USD Cumulative

Benefits USD

2,483.25 2,483.25 1,739.58 1,739.58

1,496.04 3,979.29 1,739.58 3,479.17

1,496.04 5,475.33 1,739.58 5,218.75

1,496.04 6,971.37 3,479.17 8,697.92

1,496.04 8,467.41 3,479.17 12,177.09

1USD = 114.97 LKR (http://www.xe.com/ucc/convert.cgi)

Pay back = 2 + (5475.33-3479.17) / (5218.75-3479.17)

1 yrs 8 months

In this we took the dollar value on 25/05/2009.As dollar value is subject to change. The

figures will slightly change. We assume the value won’t undergo a drastic change.

Determine Cash Flow

Net Present Value















Cash inflow 1,739.58 1,739.58 1,739.58 3,479.17 3,479.17

COC 10% 1 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621

(2483.25) 1,581.28 1,436.89 1,306.42 2,376.27 2,160.56

NPV 6,378.17

As Net Present Value is a positive figure it is worth carrying out with the project.

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Return On Investment

ROI= Total Benefits-Total Costs / Total Costs

USD (12177.09 – 8467.41) /8467.41


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2.3.4Operational Feasibility Report

Operational Feasibility is used by this project to define the agency of the problem and

the acceptability of solution. In this, we asses the usability of the proposed system after

its development. Mainly we focus on the social issues, people oriented issues regarding

the system.

Internal issues such as employees to operate the system, employee objections, how well

it can be used to resist the change, as well as conflicts. In here we consider whether

current working practices and procedures support a new system and how the working

patterns were affected because of the system.

In this particular project we assess operational feasibility according to the PIECES



Previous manual driven system all the records information was gathered through

mailing or telephone conversation. With the proposed new system anybody who is

authorised would be able to retrieve the information about the factory situation from any

where in the world. As this company gets orders form overseas decision making

becomes straightforward.

Earlier twice a week management used to come down all the way to kosgama to track

the process and make decisions with the new system most of the management time is

going to be saved.


The current system provides managers and the administration timely updated

information which is very useful in quick decision making. System generates status

message automatically when the reorder-level of material stock or spare parts and other

required equipment is reached so that it will not at any given time run out of stock.

Management would be able to rely on the system as it provides accurate up to date

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information for the end users. Existing system is there only been used by the General

stores which is not in a network so management at the moment won’t be able to use it

for decision making. Compared to the existing system the current system plays a major

role in providing information to satisfy management requirements.


Existing system has a serious issue with the cost which is so high in terms of holding

meetings once in two weeks and all managers has to travel from Colombo. The cost

associated with delaying of making decisions and cost associated with holding meetings

had been a critical issue earlier. The cost associated with time consumed is so high for

all the executives keeping records manually.

With the current system above costs can be completely eliminated which in tern

benefited a lot to use the management time for other useful tasks such as focusing on

marketing, tracking new leads as well as forecasting faster.


User name and password

User name and password has been given according to the authorised levels in the

organization and according to their designation. As an example from manager’s site

nobody else can retrieve or manipulate information.

Input data is adequately edited to the system and stored data is consistently stored.

Processing and decision making errors are minimum.


In this new system people, machine and computers don’t waste time. Wastage is

minimum. It is easy to access data because of the MySQL data base. Effort and material

required for tasks is minimum.

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Current system provides a reliable service for all users who has access to the system.

Management can rely on the current system because it up dates the information then and

there and work flexibly within the network.

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Section 3

Investigation and Requirement


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3.1 Investigation

Interviews and questionnaires were the major fact finding techniques which is been used

by discussing with all the members of the team. The interview was held in the factory

premises and the project team was able to observe the operations at the same time which

became helpful in investigating about the current system and coming out with the

required outcome of the new system.

3.1.1 Interview

The interview was conducted by the group members. Interview is basically done with

the General manager Mr.Sarathchandra in the factory of kosgama.

1. Could you kindly let us know the background of business for past few years?

1.1 How do you face the credit crunch?

1.2 How is the organisation has affected?

2. According to the company Vision and Mission how does it effects the new

implementation of the system?

3. Regarding the stock management control system, how do production, raw

material finish goods departments operates?

4. What are the current major issues associated with the manual driven system?

4.1 How does it affect the management decision?

4.2 How does it affect the employees and share holders?

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5. As you are using a Ms Dos system in general stores what are the main function

been done through that?

6. Is there any idea that has been formed already by the management?

7. Is there any suggestions from the management about the equipments which

should be used?

8. As you are forecasing on a JIT system do you think the new system will add

value to it?

9. If so in which ways in your perspective?

10. After developing the system what are the outcome you are expecting?

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3.2Requirement Specification

Under the requirement specification we focused whether the requirements are exactly

right, whether they are complete, compatible, achievable, reasonable as well as testable.

3.2.1User Requirements

In our new system we focused more on the end user requirements. We design our

system as a web based application form and different segments and functions in the

organization can get information according to their authorised level.

They needed a system which can be accessed from anywhere in the world which should

be accessed separately by different function levels in the organization.

Among the requirements they needed high security with their business information and

with the strategies.

3.2.2System Requirements Requirements

In the organisation we identified how the new website is supposed to do by defining

functions and with high level logic. Specification

We develop the system using PHP as the language and as this is a web based

application. MySql is used for database management.

Page 32: System Analysis and Design [Group Assignment] Specification

In our design look and feel of the interface was according to the requirements of the

client as well as adhearing to the rules for the display of global and particular elements.

Data flow diagrams and the data dictionaries were used to make the design look and feel

meaning to the end user.

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Section 4

Logical Process Model


Proposed System

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4.1Context Diagram

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4.2Level 0 Diagram

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4.3 Level 1 of Process 1.0

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4.3 Level 1 of Process 2.0

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4.3 Level 1 of Process 3.0

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4.3 Level 1 of Process 4.0

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Section 5

Data Dictionaries


The Proposed System

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5.1 Data Dictionary for Context Diagram.


Name General StoresDescription Keeps and maintain items stocks like spare

parts.Input data flow Reorder level Notification, Manager Feed

back.Output Data Flow Purchase item details, Issue request.

Name Finished Goods Stores.Description Keeps finished goodsInput data flow Manager feed back, Item reserve,

Available item details.Output Data Flow Finished product list.

Name Manager.Description Manages work.Input data flow Monthly summary, Production plan, Plan

status.Output Data Flow Create user request, New feed back.

Name Planning Department.Description Creates monthly production plan.Input data flow Plan status, Monthly summary, Manage

feed back.Output Data Flow New production Plan.

Name Raw material stores.Description Manage raw material.Input data flow Manager feed back, Reordering level

notification.Output Data Flow Purchased material details, Issue requests.

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Data Flow.

Name Purchased Item DetailsDescription Full information and records of purchased

items.Origin/ Source General StoresDestination/Sink Computerized stock control system.Data Structure Item Code and Name + Item Quantity +


Name Finished Product Details.Description Gives the user the details of available

finished items.Origin/ Source Finished stores.Destination/Sink Computerized stock control system.Data Structure Item Code and Name + Item Quantity +


Name Purchased material details.Description Provides user with the details of

purchased raw material.Origin/ Source Raw material stores.Destination/Sink Computerized stock control systemData Structure Item Code and Name + Item Quantity +


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5.2 Data Dictionaries for Level 0 Diagram.


Name Planning DepartmentDescription Creates monthly production planInput data flow Plan status.Output Data Flow Requested item details.

Name Finished Goods StoreDescription Keeps the finished items.Input data flow Item reserve requestOutput Data Flow -

Name ManagerDescription Manages work properlyInput data flow Plan statusOutput Data Flow New user details, New message.

Name General storesDescription Manages the items such as spare partsInput data flow Message, Reorder level, Output Data Flow Purchased items receipt, Items issue


Name Raw material stores.Description Stores raw material.Input data flow Message, Reorder level notification.Output Data Flow Purchased material receipt, Item issue


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Name 1.0 Process Production PlanDescription Creates monthly product plan by checking

available finished items.Input data flow Requested item detailOutput data flow Plan status, Process Description Begin

Read Search Finished itemsDisplay Available items detailsCount Needed itemsCreate Product PlanEnd

Name 2.0 Handle Messages.Description Create necessary messages to pass

information.Input data flow New user details, New messages.Output data flow Messages.Process Description Begin

Read Section, Message, PrioritySend messageEnd

Name 3.0 Manage StocksDescription Checks the raw material and maintain

stocks Input data flow Purchased item receipt, Items issue

request, Purchased material receipt, Material quantity.

Output data flow Item details, Item quantity.Process Description Begin

Read Item details, Item quantityInsert Item details, Item quantity.into databaseEnd

Name 4.0 Create usersDescription Creates the new profiles of new users.Input data flow New user details.

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Output data flow User details.Process Description Begin

Read Username, Password, Full_name, Address, Email, Address, TypeInsert Read Username, Password, Full_name, Address, Email, Address, TypeInto databaseEnd

Data Stores.

Name Finished ItemsDescription Keeps records of finished itemsInput data flow Item codeOutput data flow Item quantityData Structure Item Code and Name + Item Quantity +

Remarks + Updated by + updated date

Name User RecordsDescription Keeps the details of system’s users.Input data flow User detailsOutput data flow -Data Structure User ID + Username + Password + Email

+ Full name + Address + TP + Mobile + User Type

Name General Item’s recordsDescription Keeps and provide the user with the details

of general items.Input data flow Item detailsOutput data flow Item quantityData Structure Item Code and Name + Quantity +


Name Raw material recordsDescription Keeps and provides user with the raw

material detailsInput data flow Material details

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Output data flow Material quantityData Structure Material Code and Name + Material

Quantity + Remarks

Data Flow .

Name Requested Item detailsDescription Required item details for monthly planningOrigin/ Source Planning DepartmentDestination/Sink 1.0 Process production plan.Data Structure Item Code and Name + Item Quantity +


Name New user detailsDescription Gets the details of anew userOrigin/ Source ManagerDestination/Sink 4.0 Create Users processData Structure User ID + Username + Password + Email

+ Full name + Address + TP + Mobile + User Type

Name Item DetailsDescription Gets the item details from general stores.Origin/ Source 3.0 Manage stocks ProcessDestination/Sink General Item’s recordData Structure Item Code and Name + Item Quantity +


Name Material DetailsDescription Gets the raw material records to measure

needed material stocksOrigin/ Source 3.0 Manage stocks ProcessDestination/Sink Raw material records.Data Structure Material Code and Name + Material

Quantity + Remarks

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Section 6

The Proposed System

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6.1 Login Screen

The first view the user gets after entering the site is the login screen. User is given a

form to enter the username and password to login to the system.

After a successful login, the user is redirected to the particular section depending on the

user type.

Types of sections and available;

1. Manager

2. Planning Department

3. Raw Material Stores

4. General Stores

5. Finished Goods Stores

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6.2 Manager

Here, a menu specific for the managers is shown at the top. By clicking on menu items

managers can perform functions like Viewing status of productions, view total monthly

pieces, create new user accounts, and send messages to departments

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6.3 Planning Department

A user at planning department can perform functions such as Viewing plans, Create

New Plans, View monthly pieces. At the main page messages sent by managers are


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6.4 Raw Material Stores

This is the main page for users at raw material stores. Functions available include

Issuing materials, Adding stocks, monitor material levels, and add new materials to the


Raw materials which have reached their re-order levels are shown in list format.

6.5 General Stores

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This is the main page for users at general stores.

Functions available include Issuing items, Adding stocks, monitor item levels, and add

new items to the database

Items which have reached their re-order levels are shown in this main page.

6.6 Finished Goods Stores

Functions available include Issuing items, Adding stocks, monitor item levels, and add

new items to the database in the finished goods section.

6.7 General Features

6.7.1 Top menu

Home – homepage

My Account – Edit user account details such as passwords, personal information.

Logout – logout current user

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Section 7

Future Enhancements

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Future Enhancement

In the newly implemented system we have used PHP which is a high level programming

language using MySQL server. So it was done using higher software applications to

allow the user for future changes as well.

In this prototype we don’t see lack of advanced techniques which has not been used.

In our home page we have allowed each authorised person to login to relevant page

according to their functional requirements. Each function was given different passwords

and we have allowed creating their own applications based on priority levels.

7.1Planning or the factory can directly contact with the


We would like to point out some of the functions which they can implemented to make

this system a complete and more user friendly application.

This is not yet been design for the customers to get information directly through the


E.g.: Customers won’t be able to check the stocks available and can’t make decision

according to that. Only system provides them to send the required order to the head


Head office had to contact planning and through planning only they are allowed to take


This can be develop that planning need not to contact head office when it is come to a

new order but directly customers would be able to contact planning.

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The system can be further developing for forecasting as well. So it will reduce most of

the management time and money. The client’s main concern goes for forecasting in the

next stage they are looking forward to enhance the system for forecasting.

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Section 8


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To conclude the objective of the project is to build a web based stock management

control system for the Royal Fernwood Porcelain Company in Kosgama. This objective

was carried out with a scope of making a network within the company as well as with

clients and the supplies.

We plan our work using work break down structure, work load matrix and according to

that we made the Gantt Chart where we were able to get a clear picture of what work

needs to be done at which time and which should be given priority.

In this newly design system the requirements were identified doing an investigation as

well as fact finding using interview with the higher management, providing questioners

for the administration staff. In the requirement specification we were able to identify the

week points in the current Ms Dos version they are using in General Stores. Other

departments don’t use a computerised system at all. In our first half of the process was

to introduce a system mainly for general stores where most stock handling is done by

them. And we were able to identify how we should link the other function through the


Feasibility of the project was done to identify how worth carrying out the project. In this

analysis we identified that the benefits are more than the cost involved with the project.

Shedule feasibility was done in terms of making work easier. So we identified it is

highly technically and economically feasible. Operational feasibility was carried out

using PIECES framework where we identified it is worth while carrying out the project


According to our plan we were able to design our system using different techniques like

Data Flow Diagrams and the Data Dictionaries where we identified how data should be

transformed through the system to the end user.

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In this case entities and process combined with data flows should be identified in detail

to make the design a user friendly as well as according to the standards.

The proposed design was reliable, cost effective, efficient and secure system which the

organization is in need of for their burning management problems like decision making.

And the system was uniquely design for the Royal Fernwood Porcelain Ltd where all the

requirements were met in the implementation pace.

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Section 10


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10.1 User Manual

1) Edit the config.php file to suit your mysql database settings.

Insert 'rfpl' as the database name. (this name must match with name of the database

you are going to create)

2) Upload all the files and folders to the server

3) Open WampServer

4) Go to phpMyAdmin -> Create a new database called 'rfpl'

Import the SQL file "SQL.sql"

5) The system is ready to use. Go to the directory in which you have installed the files

via a web browser.

Sample User accounts you can use to login to the system

Username Password User type

manager 123 Manager

pd 123 User at planning


fg 123 User at Finished Goods


rm 123 User at raw material stores

gs 123 User at general stores

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10.2 Group Meetings

Report 1

Date : 16/03/2009

Time : 11.00 A.M -12.30 P.M

Venue : Syndicate Room 5

Meeting called by : Praveena Sarathchandra

Attendees : Praveena Sarathchandra

Ayodya Piyaruwan

Chathura Wickramasinghe

The meeting was called by to get the basic idea of what we are planning to do. As we all

have discussed in this meeting each one in the team had an idea about a system that was

a stock control system for hardware shop, Public Library as well as the stock control

system for the porcelain manufacturing company.

Finally we agree on developing a stock control system for the Royal Fernwood Ltd. As

we all realized the scope and the work comes handy in this particular system. So we

decided to on this and discuss the handout to get a broad idea about the deliverables of

the project.

We discuss the work break down structure and create work load matrix.

In this meeting we agreed on reading books to get an idea about the system development

as well as documentation.

And at the same time we decided to make the Gantt chart according to our work load


The meeting was adjoined and decided to have our next meeting on 27/03/2009.

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Report 2

Date : 27/03/2009

Time : 3.00 P.M -4.00 P.M

Venue : Lab 4

Meeting called by : Praveena Sarathchandra

Attendees : Praveena Sarathchandra

Ayodya Piyaruwan

Chathura Wickramasinghe

This particular meeting was held in the lab 4 to make the Gantt chart as we discussed in

the previous meeting.

Each member in the team presented what they have learnt out of the research regarding

the documentation and the required techniques to go through with the life cycle of the

project. Discussed about SDLC and cleared our doubts.

Members were given a basic idea about the PHP and MySQL which is used in designing

the system and each member agreed to go through the pdfs which contains basic idea

about PHP.

We decided to discussed and arrange the date to go and investigate the current system in

the next meeting.

The meeting was adjoined and decided held our next meeting on 02/04/2009.

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Report 3

Date : 02/04/2009

Time : 11.00 A.M -12.30P.M

Venue : Syndicate Room5

Meeting called by : Praveena Sarathchandra

Attendees : Praveena Sarathchandra

Ayodya Piyaruwan

Chathura Wickramasinghe

The meeting was held mainly to discuss the method which should be used to gather

requirements of the client.

As fact finding methods we decided to have the interview with Mr.Sarathchandra

General Manager of the factory.

We agreed to prepare a questioner to be given to the administration in the organization.

We all discussed and agreed that we should observe the manufacturing process and their

system as a result of that we decided to arrange a day to visit the factory. On the same

day we agreed to have the interview as well.

The date was set as 04/04/2009.

Meeting was adjoined and our next meting will be on the 22/04/2009.We decided to

start analyzing the facts we have gathered.

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Report 4

Date : 22/04/2009

Time : 10.00 A.M -12.00 P.M

Venue : Syndicate Room5

Meeting called by : Praveena Sarathchandra

Attendees : Praveena Sarathchandra

Ayodya Piyaruwan

Chathura Wickramasinghe

This was one of the most important meetings in which we discussed the requirements

we gathered from our visit to the organisation. There were quite a lot we observed and

we need to be discussed in detail.

We basically arranged this meeting to discuss our system further in detail. The factory is

highly automated in terms of machines and process but they are not in a network and

don’t have a system to keep track of up to date information from head office.

Our system going to be very useful for the General Stores, Planning Department as well

as the head office as well.

As the management of the factory highlighted we define our scope which can be

overcome by the time span of the project.

We decided to start documentation as we have gathered requirements.

The meeting was adjoined and decided to have it on 06/05/2009 and we will be

discussing the progress of the project.

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Report 5

Date : 06/05/2009

Time : 10.00 A.M - 12.00 P.M

Venue : Syndicate Room5

Meeting called by : Praveena Sarathchandra

Attendees : Praveena Sarathchandra

Ayodya Piyaruwan

Chathura Wickramasinghe

We have discussed the outlay of the system which should be in the general stores as it

was quite important for the factory.

And we have completed upto introduction in the documentation. All of us carried a copy

of the documentation which should be rechecked.

And we discussed about the data flow diagrams and the data dictionaries as we all have

to get a clear understanding what need to be done according to our system.

We adjoned our meeting and decided to have our next meeting on 18/05/2009

after we have completed data flow diagrams and the data dictionaries.

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Report 6

Date : 18/05/2009

Time : 4.00-7.00 P.M

Venue : Syndicate Room5

Meeting called by : Praveena Sarathchandra

Attendees : Praveena Sarathchandra

Ayodya Piyaruwan

Chathura Wickramasinghe

We call this meeting to finalise the system and the design and development. We were

almost at the part of the documentation.

Finalise the documentation.