SYNTAX THE SIMPLE SENTENCE KINDS OF THE SIMPLE SENTENCE 1. Define the kinds of sentences according to the purpose of the utterance. A. Presently, looking along the road, she [Kezia] saw two little dots. Now she could see that they were, the Kelveys... “Hello,” she said to the passing Kelveys. “You can come and see our doll’s house if you want to” . . .But at that Lil turned red and shook her head quickly. “Why not?” asked Kezia. Lil gasped, then she said, “Your ma told our ma you wasn’t to speak to us.”— “Oh, well,” said Kezia. She didn’t know what to reply. “It doesn’t matter… Come on. Nobody’s looking. ... Don’t you want to?” asked Kezia... Kezia led the way. Like two little stray cats they followed across the courtyard to where the doll’s house stood “I’ll open it for you,” said Kezia kindly. She undid the hook and they looked inside. “There’s the drawing-room and the dining-room and that’s the —Kezia!” Oh, what a start they gave! It was Aunt Beryl’s voice. “Run away, children, run away at once.” (Mansfield). B. Laura was terribly nervous. Tossing the velvet ribbon over her shoulder, she said to a woman standing by “Is this Mrs. Scott’s house?” and the woman smiling queerly, said “It is my lass”. “Oh, to be away from this!” She actually said “Help me God!” as she walked up the tiny path and knocked. To be away from these staring eyes, or to be covered in anything, one of those women’s shawls even! I’ll just have the basket and go, she decided. I shan't even wait for it to be emptied. Then the door opened. A little woman in black showed in the gloom. Laura said, "Are you Mrs. Scott?" But to her horror the woman answered, “Walk in, please, miss," and she was shut in the passage. "No," said Laura, "I don't want to come in. I only want to leave this basket." The little woman in the gloomy passage seemed not to hear her. "Step this way, please, miss," she said in an oily voice, and Laura followed her. 2. Point out one-member and two-member sentences. Say a) if they are extended or unextended, b) if the two-member sentences are complete or incomplete. A. 1. Ben closed his eyes to think clearly for a moment. 2. “Two cups of coffee, please,... young Flynn timidly ordered. “What else do you want?” — “Jam turnover”. (Coppard). 3. “Why did you leave her [baby] in that mill?” — “Out of the rain.” — “In her pram?” — “Naturally. She’s asleep.” ...The mystery was awful and complete. Abandoned perambulator! Total disappearance of a baby! Horror! Martyrdom! Death! (Bennett). 4. Scene I — A room in Harley Street furnished as the Superintendent’s Office in a Nursing Home. (Berkeley). B. 1. He stared amazed at the calmness of her answer. 2. We must go to meet the bus. Wouldn't do to miss it. 3. Obedient little trees, fulfilling their duty. 4. Lucretius knew very little about was going on in the world. Lived like a mole in a burrow. Lived on his own fat like a bear in winter. 5. He

SYNTAX Exercises

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1. Define the kinds of sentences according to the purpose of the utterance.

A. Presently, looking along the road, she [Kezia] saw two little dots. Now she could see that they were, the Kelveys... “Hello,” she said to the passing Kelveys. “You can come and see our doll’s house if you want to” . . .But at that Lil turned red and shook her head quickly. “Why not?” asked Kezia. Lil gasped, then she said, “Your ma told our ma you wasn’t to speak to us.”— “Oh, well,” said Kezia. She didn’t know what to reply. “It doesn’t matter… Come on. Nobody’s looking. ... Don’t you want to?” asked Kezia... Kezia led the way. Like two little stray cats they followed across the courtyard to where the doll’s house stood “I’ll open it for you,” said Kezia kindly. She undid the hook and they looked inside. “There’s the drawing-room and the dining-room and that’s the —Kezia!” Oh, what a start they gave! It was Aunt Beryl’s voice. “Run away, children, run away at once.” (Mansfield).

B. Laura was terribly nervous. Tossing the velvet ribbon over her shoulder, she said to a woman standing by “Is this Mrs. Scott’s house?” and the woman smiling queerly, said “It is my lass”. “Oh, to be away from this!” She actually said “Help me God!” as she walked up the tiny path and knocked. To be away from these staring eyes, or to be covered in anything, one of those women’s shawls even! I’ll just have the basket and go, she decided. I shan't even wait for it to be emptied. Then the door opened. A little woman in black showed in the gloom. Laura said, "Are you Mrs. Scott?" But to her horror the woman answered, “Walk in, please, miss," and she was shut in the passage. "No," said Laura, "I don't want to come in. I only want to leave this basket." The little woman in the gloomy passage seemed not to hear her. "Step this way, please, miss," she said in an oily voice, and Laura followed her.

2. Point out one-member and two-member sentences. Say a) if they are extended or unextended, b) if the two-member sentences are complete or incomplete.

A. 1. Ben closed his eyes to think clearly for a moment. 2. “Two cups of coffee, please,... young Flynn timidly ordered. “What else do you want?” — “Jam turnover”. (Coppard). 3. “Why did you leave her [baby] in that mill?” — “Out of the rain.” — “In her pram?” — “Naturally. She’s asleep.” ...The mystery was awful and complete. Abandoned perambulator! Total disappearance of a baby! Horror! Martyrdom! Death! (Bennett). 4. Scene I — A room in Harley Street furnished as the Superintendent’s Office in a Nursing Home. (Berkeley).

B. 1. He stared amazed at the calmness of her answer. 2. We must go to meet the bus. Wouldn't do to miss it. 3. Obedient little trees, fulfilling their duty. 4. Lucretius knew very little about was going on in the world. Lived like a mole in a burrow. Lived on his own fat like a bear in winter. 5. He wants to write a play for me. One act. One man. Decides to commit suicide. 6. A beautiful day, quite warm. 7. “What do you want?” “Bandages, stuff for wounded”. 8. “How did he look?” “Grey but otherwise much the same” “And the daughter?” “Pretty”. 9. And the silence and the beauty of this camp at night. The stars. The mystic shadow water. The wonder and glory of all this. 10. “I’ll see nobody for half an hour, Macey,” said the boss. “Understand. Nobody at all.” 11. “Mother, a man’s been killed.” “Not in the garden?” interrupted her mother. Garden at the manor house. A flight of grey stone steps leads up to the house. The garden, an old fashioned one, full of roses. Time of year, July. Basket, chairs, and a table covered with books, are set under a large yew tree.

C. Find in an English text 4 examples of a two-member sentence:

a) complete, b) incomplete, c) extended, d) unextended:

2 examples of a one-member sentence:

a) extended, b) unextended.


3. Define the type of question.

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1. Lady Bracknell: Where did the charitable gentleman . . . find you?

2. Gwendolen: How long do you remain in town?

3. Jack: What on earth are you so amused at?

4. Algernon: Do you really keep a diary?

5. Gwendolen: I may call you Cecily, may I not? — Cecily: With pleasure! — Gwendolen: And you will always call me Gwendolen, won’t you?—Cecily: If you wish. — Gwendolen: Then that is quite settled, is it not? (Wilde).

6. “Won’t you sit down?” said Josephine. (Mansfield).

7. “There’s no point in my seeing your people, is there?” (Berkeley).

8. Is the poem “The Cloud” written by Shelley or by Byron?

4. Make up sentences of different types (declarative, imperative, exclamatory, all kinds of interrogative sentences) using the given words.

1. of, have, the, map, a, at, look, England.

2. be seen, England’s, the, may, cliffs, mainland, white, from.

3. sea, far, London, from, is, the?

4. close, aren’t, the, Wales, are, they, mountains, sea, to, in, the, quite.

5. weather, how, the, beautiful, is, calm, in, sea!

6. ancient, this, lose, of, post-card, don’t, picture, castle, an.

7. is, a, landscape, this, picturesque, what!

8. centuries, invaded, the, what, in, tribes, Britain, V—VI?

9. the, did, the or, Anglo-Saxons, win, the,’ of, battle, Hastings, Normans?

10. survives, the, in, Celt, language, of, some, Scotland, parts, and, Ireland.

5. Ask questions to which the parts of the sentences or the whole of the sentences given in bold type are the answers.

1. The first settlers in Britain belonged to the Celtic tribes. 2. The actual conquest of Britain by Rome did not take place before the 1st century of our era. (general, disjunctive). 3. We do not know the details of the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. (general, disjunctive). 4. Numerous patients come to Bath to keep up health. 5. For those who seek a boisterous holiday Devonshire provides everything that could be wished for: golf, bathing, excursions, and trips. 6. Windsor Castle has been the home of English kings for nine hundred years. 7. The Castle stands upon a hill commanding the River Thames. 8. It is impossible to live anywhere in Britain far from the sea. (general, disjunctive). 9. In the month of August numerous yachting regattas may be seen near the Isle of White. 10. We shall see the highest tide if we come to the shore in full moon. 11. There are numerous kinds of strange seaweeds in the sea. (general, disjunctive). 12. Man has fished from earliest times. (general, disjunctive). 13. Although rather close to London, Epping Forest is the home of such wild creatures as foxes and deer. 14. The journey from London to the sea-shore does not take more than an hour. (general, disjunctive). 15. Hastings has a high reputation in the world of music by reason of its annual Festival.

6. Change the following declarative sentences into disjunctive questions.

Model: He is not ill. He is not ill, is he?

1. She is a talented singer. 2. You’ll tell us about it. 3. He can swim. 4. They’ve come. 5. You saw him last night. 6. There is some time left. 7. It snowed hard yesterday. 8. You’ll have to write to him at once. 9. He must have a good

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rest. 10. She was greatly astonished. 11. He doesn’t speak French. 12. They haven’t come yet. 13. He didn’t ring you up yesterday. 14. They weren’t at home. 15. She wasn’t long. 16. They are not here. 17. She isn’t clever. 18. There isn’t much time left. 19. I’m not good at algebra. 20. We shan’t go to the concert. 21. She bought a new hat. 22. They live at the corner of our street. 23. We hadn’t been interested in it. 24. They didn’t listen in last night.25. This photo was taken long ago. 26. She couldn’t recollect your address.



7. Point out the subject. State what it is expressed by. Translate the sentences into Romanian.

1. Mary brought in the fruit on a tray ... (Mansfield). 2. “Thinking won’t help”. (Mansfield). 3. From five to six is my real working time. (Shaw). 4. Captain Shotover: You frequent picture palaces. Mangan: Perhaps I do. Who told you? (Shaw). 5. Nobody’s well in this world.” (Coppard). 6. The wind blew down from the headland ... (Du Maurier). 7. “Finding you has not made any difference, has it?” (D Maurier). 8. “The boat has been there, all these months. No one has moved anything.” (Du Maurier). 9. “...Someone must have been talking ... You can’t stop these people (Du Maurier). 10. Two is company, three is none. 11. The rhododendrons were upon us ... Already they looked a little over-blown, a little laded.(Du Maurier). 12. “One of the second-class passengers has a room in the house...” (Maugham). 13. Those are your clerk’s initials, aren’t they? (Berke ley). 14. Unfortunately the innocent are always involved in any conflict. (Greene). 15. One never knows another human being. (Greene). 16. All is well, said that sleeping lace ... But all the same you had to cry . .. (Mansfield). 17. The three reached the Museum Hotel after one o’clock. (Cronin). 19. The sick do not ask if the hand that smooths their pillow is pure.

8. State with what meaning the pronouns one, we, you, they are used in the function of the subject. Translate the sentences.

1. One must spare other people’s feelings.

2. You cannot do different kind of work at a time.

3. We often see other people’s faults without seeing our own.

4. They say the weather will change soon.

5. We rather say “It’s me”, not “It’s I”

6. One should be careful when swimming in an unknown river.

9. State the nature of it. Translate the sentences.

1. It was a rare tonic to see Con again ... (Cronin). 2. It was possible to see the hen-house from the window of her bedroom ... (Bates). 3. I looked at my watch. It had gone eleven. (Greene). 4. “You heard the news?” — “Yes”. — “It’s a terrible thing,” he said, “terrible”. (Greene). 5. It was dark in the hall. (Mansfield). 6. It was she who had stopped the car ... (Galsworthy). 7. “Mr. D’Arcy,” she said, “what is the name of that song you were singing?” — “It’s called The Lass of Aughrim,” said Mr. D’Arcy ... (Joyce). 8. It cast a gloom over the boat, there being no mustard. (Jerome). 9. The telephone rang. I went to answer. It was Joe Bjornson. (Scheurweghs). 10. How far is it from your house to the river? 11. “Who is there?” — “It’s only me and my friends.” (Scheurweghs). 12 ... it was the steppe that seemed unreal. (Lessing). 13. It was the dignity that checked my tongue. (Lessing). 14. “This was the Old Chief’s country,” he said. “It stretched from those mountains over there way back to the river (Lessing).

10. Insert it or there. Comment on their use. Translate the sentences.

1. In the evening of that day __________ rained heavily. I went to the post office, and as I stood on the steps, umbrellaless ... a little, hesitating voice seemed to come from under my elbow. I looked down___________ was the First of the Barons with the black bag and an umbrella. He was asking me to share the latter. Now, __________is something peculiarly intimate in sharing an umbrella.— is apt to put one on the same footing as brushing a man’s coat for him. When we arrived at the pension ____________was very nearly an open riot …___________ was very

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friendly of the Herr Oberlehrer to have sent me a bouquet that evening. 2. “____________ ‘s such a mistake”, sighed Airs. Spears. “To be weak with children when they are little “ “… ____________ is nothing like handing them over to their father”. “Then you don’t whip them yourself?’ “Never, I don’t think ___________‘s the mother’s place to whip the children, __________‘s the duty of the father”. 3. ___________had been a bad day at the office. He was hot, dusty, tired out. In the corner of the drawing room _________was a picture, and on the top shelf stood a brown bear with a painted tongue. __________ seemed in the shadow to be grinning at Dicky’s father… ___________ was nearly dark in the garden. (Mansfield). 4. “The weather seemed to break this afternoon. ___________‘s the last of the heat waves for this summer”. __________was hot in London”, I said. The stars raced across the sky. _________were threads of cloud too ... _________ were woods about me, ___________was no Happy Valley. _________were nettles in the garden ... 5. ____________ is the middle of July. _________ is hot. ___________ is 30 degrees above zero. _________ is no wind. ___________ are no waves on the sea. ___________ is so pleasant to bask in the sun. ____________ are many people on the beach. __________ is on such hot days that I like to bathe most of all. 6. Look! _________ is a nest over your window! I know ___________is a swallow’s nest. __________ came in spring and built a nest here. Now ________ are some little swallows in it. ___________ is interesting to watch them. _____________ is the swallow that I like most of all the birds. 7. ___________ is late. ____________is 12 o’clock at night. ____________ is very bad to go to bed so late. I can never go to bed in time: ____________is so much work to do.


11. State the kind of the predicate.

1. “Are you a Devonshire girl?” (Galsworthy). 2. That night he slept like a top ... (Galsworthy). 3. The little boy was silent. (Galsworthy). 4. “1 can skin rabbits.” (Galsworthy). 5. “... I went on holding his cold hands.” (Du Maurier). 6. The mast began to shiver, began to crack. (Du Maurier). 7. “It seems so odd to us (Du Maurier). 8. “... I couldn’t help walking with my shoulders bent.” (Greene). 9. The two guards looked at me ... (Greene). 10. 1 had a drink of brandy. (Greene). 11. His father might be dead. 12. On the first of October he was able to tell her to refurnish the house. (Cronin). 13. You weren’t allowed to retreat. (Aldington). 14. The signal officer made a face. (Aldington). 15. We don’t have the same trouble.. 16. Gerald: I don’t understand you now. (Wilde).

B. Find in an English text sentences containing different kinds of the predicate.

12. Point out the simple and the compound predicate.

1. “We shall be very pleased.” (Galsworthy). 2. They would never have found her there. (Du Maurier). 3. Within ten minutes he had been awakened by his servant. (Aldington). 4. “I’ve gone lame.” (Galsworthy). 5. She was moaning and crying. (Maugharn). 6. The doctor was feeling wan and nervous. (Maugham). 7. “By this time to-morrow she’ll be gone.” (Maugham). 8. The gramophone which had been silent for so long was playing ... (Maugham). 9. “It wouldn’t have been very nice for the Davidsons to have to mix with all that rough lot in the smoking-room.” (Maugham). 10. My memory comes to the surface again ... at Malta, where I am being rushed by an Orient liner ... (Shaw). 11. “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all afternoon” ... (Cronin). 12. Everything seemed new and clear ... 13. He had been polite enough to the Macphails during the journey. (Maugham). 14. The sick man had been brought ashore ... (Maugham

13. Point out the link-verb of the compound nominal predicate. Translate the sentences.

1. He looked pale and tired. ( Mauriec). 2. “He smokes one hundred and fifty pipes every day.” —“That sounds a lot”. (Greene). 3. “What is Diolaction?” I said. “It sounds like condensed milk.” (Greene). 4. He looked puzzled and suspicious. (Greene). 5. Please, keep quiet. 6. Arguments proved useless — the old man was impla cab ... (Cronin). 7. It was growing twilight. (Bates). 8. Davidson looked scared, and his yellow drawn face went paler. (Aldington). 9. That peaceful sky hung arched over a desperate death- struggle of the nations. 10. This excess of caution seemed positively lunatic to troops coming straight from the front line ... Aldington). 11. Her mind was really getting muddled. (O’Casey). 12 Her lips quivered as she sat silent. (O’Casey). 13. He felt very conscious now ... 14. With this effort from his neck he passed out again, and this time into the furious black pain that seemed to last too long, although he remained half aware of it. 15. The blanched skin was slowly turning pink.

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14. Insert the appropriate link-verbs (to look, to feel to be, to go, to stand, to break, to get, to seem, to grow to become)

1. I ___________ very lonely myself sometimes. 2. He landed perfectly and while the hound ___________ baffled flung him self at his hind-quarters... 3. The he was frightened: she __________ so pale. 4. Her short, red-brown hair had — wildly loose. 5. Something horrible might happen ... and the money be snatched from her very lingers. Oh, she would _________ mad then! 6. He _________ very short. 7. Looking round the restaurant she _____________ sure that no other woman there ... had as much as thirty pounds in her handbag. 8. Returning home in the afternoon she __________ conscious of her own betraying radiance. 9. Repton shrugged his shoulders, but he _________ happier. 10. She ___________ limp with her suppressed fear. 11. I _________ ten”, replied the flustered boy.

15. Point out the predicative and state what it is expressed by.

1. “... Now the only thing to do is to admit the error.” 2. My hand was hot, damp. (Du Maurier). 3. He’s a sticky sort of chap. (Pu Maurier). 4. The air was full of thunder. (Pu Manner). 5. I hope Dominguez is well?” (Greene). 6. “1 was asleep at first, and then I didn’t want to be disturbed. But I am disturbed, so come in,” (Greene). 7. Phuong had probably only shown the letter as a kind of boast — it wasn’t a sign of mistrust. (Greene). 8. “She’s no child. She’s tougher than you’ll ever be”. (Greene). 9. “Don’t be an old stay-at-home (Cronin). 10. All morning he was in a mood of high satisfaction. 11. They were wider apart than before. (Cronin). 12. “That’s all,” he said. (Pu Manlier) 13. It was all gone; and he was forty-three. 14. He felt for a bunch of keys in his pocket. (Bates). 15. 1 felt physically sick. It was a long time since I had received a letter from my wife. I ... could feel her pain in every line. (Greene).

16. Comment on the use and the meaning of the given verb in the sentences of every group. Translate the sentences.

to turn 1. M Macphail bent down ... and turned the body over. 2. The metallic blonde at the next table turned to her companion with a smile of amusement. 3. She wants to turn over a new leaf. 4. Andrew turned giddy.

to give 1. ‘Why didn’t you give it [the telegram] to me?” 2. The girl gave a little gasp.

to cease 1. The dog has ceased barking. 2. The minis ceased.

will 1. We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so. 2. “She was so experienced in a boat”.— “Yes, Frith ... But accidents will happen 3. Will you pass me the bread, please? 4. “... The jury will believe that at the inquest too. Phillips will tell them so.”

shall 1. I shall be of age next year. 2. Shall I write? Shall he help you? 3. Do have a short rest! You shall fall ill if you go on working like that.

to fall 1. At last they the dogs fell on each other with terrible fury... 2. Dr. Macphail did not answer, and presently he fell asleep. 3. But soon he fell into a walk, then ran, and then walked again. 4. Ben fell back clumsily on to the two- inch coral edge of the water-line.

to keep 1. I hid the paper under the cushion of the chair ... But I could not keep the morning editions from him. 2. He kept very still, and when he breathed out he kept the valve well into the coral behind him so that the air bubbles ... did not frighten them [sharks] off. 3. The perpetual harassing fire had kept him on the alert day and night.

B) Find in an English text:

1) examples with the verb to be used a) as a notional verb in the function of a simple predicate, b) as an auxiliary verb, c) as a link-verb, d) with a modal meaning;

2) four examples with the verb to have used a) as a notional verb in the function of a simple predicate, b) as part of a phraseological unit, c) as an auxiliary verb, d) with a modal meaning;

3) four examples with the verb to do used a) as a notional verb, b) as an auxiliary verb, c) to emphasize the meaning of the notional verb; d) as a verb-substitute;

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4) examples with the verbs to come, to turn, to get, to feel, to keep, to grow, to look, to sound. a) as notional verbs, b) as link-verbs.

17. Comment on the kind of the predicate as in the given model.

Model: Ben ... took a quick look to see that Davy was not ill ... and went to sleep.

“took a quick look” — a simple predicate expressed by a phraseological unit; “was ... ill” — a compound nominal predicate ex pressed by the link-verb “was” and its predicative, the adjective “ill”; “went to sleep” — a compound verbal predicate of aspect containing the finite verb “to go”, which expresses the beginning of the action, and an infinitive.

1. When he came on deck next morning they were close to land. (Maugham). 2. In fancy he ... saw himself and her stealing forth at night ... till London swallowed them up, and the dreams of love came true. (Galsworthy). 3. “Hello, Davison! You look hot. Have a cup of tea?” (Aldington). 4. “You’ve been a little brick, Chris, the whole way through our bad times.” (Cronin). 5. Father Brown made no answer. (Chesterton). 6. He had no impulse to explore the countryside. (Warner). 7. He was afraid of arriving home alone ... He began to loiter on purpose to be noticed ... (Greene). 8. He seemed scared about something. (Greene). 9. A table had been set up under a tree ... (Lawrence).


18. Use the appropriate form of the verb. Translate.

1. There (was, were) many people in the hall.

2. My school-mate and my new fellow-student (has, have) met at my place lately.

3. a) Our old teacher and friend (is, are) dangerously ill.

b) Our old teacher and our young friend (is, are) dangerously ill.

4. When (is, are) your grandson and your granddaughter coming to see you?

5. a) The family (was, were) sitting round the table.

b) The family (was, were) numerous.

6. The newly married couple (was, were) warmly congratulated by all their friends.

7. A number of people (was, were) standing on the river bank.

8. The number of books in my library (has, have) increased.

9. “The two Gentlemen of Verona” (is, are) a comedy by Shakespeare.

10. Two young men (was, were) smoking in the corridor.

11. The red and green plaid (is, are) on the sofa.

12. The grey and the black puppy (was, were) sleeping on the rug.

13. A lecture and a report on this subject (is, are) to be delivered on Friday.

14. The cattle (was, were) grazing in the field.

15. Twenty dollars (is, are) not much for this nice coat.

16. All the things (is, are) packed up.

17. Everything (is, are) packed up.

18. If one (works, work) hard, one (makes, make) progress.

19. Gymnastics (strengthens, strengthen) one’s health.

20. The wounded (was, were) transported to the hospital.

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21. The works (consists of, consist of) different shops.

22. Another three metres (was, were) bought for the girl’s dress.

23. No news (is, are) good news.

19. Comment on the use of the predicate-verb in the singular or in the plural.

1.... His people in Oughterard were written to. (Joyce). 2. After all it was his own fifty pounds ... 3. Yes, the newspapers were right: snow was general all over Ireland. (Joyce). 4. There stand three young men ... (Shaw). 5. The fleet drops behind ... (Shaw). 6. We found that the band had arrived, and were standing about in the hall rather pink in the face. ... The band were to be our guests for the night, and after we had welcomed them ..., the band were borne off to their quarters ... (Du Maurier). 7. Mr. Murdstone and I were soon off. (Dickens). 8. Before Brodie could speak he added: How are all the family?” (Cronin). 9. “The Mungo Clothing Company have taken the, shop next door to your husband (Cronin). 10: “Oh, you [the unemployed] weren’t to have been paid. The North East [Company] never pay their crowds.” (Mansfield).



20. Comment on the kind of the object and say what it is expressed by.

1. You can leave your homework in the meantime. (Cronin). 2. She’s capable of deciding. (Greene). 3. Mr. Heng sent a polite verbal reply. (Greene). 4. She was leaning on the banisters, listening to something. (Joyce). 5. One must leave some goal for succeeding generations. (Berkeley). 6. And I shall go on lighting for the trust reposed in me by the dead. (Berkeley). 7. What would she think of him doing that, when everything ... depended on his not checking the foreman? (Galsworthy). 8. But the one revelation that always hurt her was his conception of his father as someone ... who knew wonderful things but didn’t like to talk. (Wilson)

21. Oral exercise on the position of the indirect object.

Place the direct object before the indirect object to make the latter more prominent. Use the preposition to or for.

Model: Give me the book. —Give the book to me.

1. Show the children this wonderful picture book. 2. Tell somebody else this funny story. 3. Send her people a telegram. 4. Write his patents a letter of congratulation. 5. Can’t you lend him a small sum of money? 6. Don’t forget to buy your grandmother a new pair of spectacles in a leather case. 7. Bring us your family photos. 8. Don’t give me back the money; it isn’t mine. 9. Pass him the butter. 9. You needn’t return him the book: it belongs to his sister. 11. Show her the snapshots, I’ve seen them already. 12. Buy him a bicycle, his sister has got one.

22. A. Point out the object; define the kind of the object.

I. Read it! Read it to everybody! She used to read to rue while I was working. 2. Write this word! Write a few words to them! Write to him, he will be so glad to hear from you. 3. Sing a song! She sang some old Irish songs to the grateful listeners. Won’t you sing to us?

B. Insert the preposition to where necessary.

1. Explain ____ me how to do it. 2. My sister related ____ me all that had happened. 3. 1 often lend my dictionary ____ my friend. 4. He can prove this ____ everybody any moment. 5. He did not suggest ____ them that they should do it. 8. Describe ____ us all the details of the accident. 7. The author dedicated ____ the memory of his parents all the poems collected in the book. 8. These poems are ascribed ____ the pen of a young and gifted poet. 9. He introduced ____ his aunt all his young friends. 10. Can you lend ____ me your raincoat, please? 11. Has the doctor

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prescribed ____ you any new medicine? 12. We sent ____ her a basket of beautiful flowers. 13. Don’t send the money ____ me, send it ____ your grandmother. 14. Give it ____ me.

23. A. Make up sentences with the verbs which may have two direct objects (to ask, to answer, to envy, to forgive, to strike, to excuse, to teach).

B. Complete the following sentences (add a cognate object, using it with the attribute given in brackets).

1. The young man died ... (of a hero)

2. The old man sighed ... (deep).

3. He has lived ... (long and interesting).

4. After the excursion we all slept ... (sound).

5. Listening to the funny story he laughed ... (hearty).

6. Looking at the baby the mother smiled ... (happy).

7. He struck his enemy ... (deadly).

8. The troops won ... (glorious).

24. A. Make up sentences using the following words.

1. you, his, he, to, owes, success.

2. these, show, us, post-cards, to.

3. to, write, people, a, his, letter.

4. boy, explain, difficult, to, sum, the, this.

5. dictionary, her, give, my.

6. secretary, the, your, to, application, hand in.

7. your, buy, this, for, teddy bear, girl, little, wonderful.

8. it, do not, him, about, tell.

9. children, the, read, to.

10. girl, parents, introduce, this, to, young, your, charming.

11. work, suggest, them, method, to, the, of, right.

12. valuable, whom, this, does, to, belong, thing?

B. Find in an English text

some sentences with a) a direct object, b) two direct objects, c) a direct and an indirect object, d) an indirect object (without a direct object).

25. Ask a question on the prepositional object and its attribute, if any, as in the model.

Model: I am greatly interested in this problem.

What are you interested in? What problem are you interested in?

1. A symphony usually consists of four parts.

2. This collection of stamps belongs to my friend.

3. My decision depends on the state of my health.

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4. My parents objected to my buying a motorcycle.

5. The reporter referred to our professor’s works.

6. Everybody spoke of the talented pianist.

7. The newspapers commented upon the proceedings of the conference of physicists.

8. They agreed upon the terms of the contract.

9. The students listened with great interest to the lecture on the international situation.

10. We were waiting for the 5.30 train.

11. The dean sent for the monitor of our group.

12. I looked for my green bag everywhere.

26. Point out the complex object. State what components the complex object consists of. Translate the sentences.

1. Sun didn’t mind people not noticing him — much.. (Mansfield). 2. And then, as by a miracle, the pigmy chest, which his hands enclosed, gave a short convulsive heave ... it almost made him faint. (Cronin). 3. We’ve dreamed of him succeeding old Palmerston as the Head of the Government—brought to the highest position in the country by us. (Berkeley). 4. She heard him absolutely roaring. “And do you expect me to pay for this gimcrack excursion of yours?” 5. “Buried. You two girls had me buried” She heard his stick thumping. 6 He did not want anybody to know, 7. …You know that she took offence at the poor dear boy’s ever being born. (Dickens). 8. “I will not sit here and hear such comparisons made.” With that she stalked out, and made the door bang after her. (Dickens). 9. I shan’t even wait for it to be emptied. (Mansfield). 10. “I only say”, he resumed, ... “that I disapprove of your preferring such company as Mistress Peggotty”. (Dickens).

27. A. Insert a verb suitable to be followed by a complex object (to insist, to make, to keep, find, to wait, to hear, to want, to expect, to see, to let, to get).

1. Nothing will ________ me believe it was true. 2. I ________ him laughing loudly. 3. The father ________ his son to be an educated man. 4. I shall never be able to ______ my packing done by myself. 5. I am not going _______ you go home alone so late at night. 6. We _______ them cross the bridge. 7. We ______ him to come soon. 8. The public were ________ for the curtain to rise 9. He ________ them walking along a shady alley. 10. I didn’t intend to ______ you waiting. 11. They _______ on my writing another letter.

B. Complete the sentences giving the second element of the complex object.

1. 1 must have my hair … 2. Nobody expected you ... 3. We shall get your luggage... 4. He waited for us ... 5. You can’t rely on his … 6. She watched the swallows ... 7. I suppose it ... 8. She considered herself ... 9. We were surprised at your…


30. Point out the attribute and say what it is expressed by.

1. “Perhaps one day you will have a reason for writing about it”. (Greene). 2. Horn made him a sign to come on to the veranda. 3. “We used to have a very good horse and trap at home,” said Aunt Julia sadly “The never- to- be -forgotten Johnny” said Mary Jane, laughing (Joyce) 4. They were strangers; they couldn’t be expected to understand that father was the very last person for such a thing to happen to. (Mansfield). 5. On another occasion ... the same dear baby ... was the innocent occasion of Miss Murdstone’s going into a passion. (Dickens). 6. ... he realised suddenly ... that it wasn’t fear of being caught that worried Davy but fear of being left alone. 7. That night in the surgery there were three patients, two of whom paid him the three and six penny fee... He had, in his first day’s practice, earned the sum of ten and six, (Cronin). 8. She looked at me ... with the slightest possible content — a “fancy-not-recognising-that-at-the-first glance” expression. (Mansfield). 9. And Bertha smiled with that little air of

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proprietorship that she always assumed while her women friends were new and mysterious. (Mansfield). 10. I think I come across the same idea in a little French review quite unknown in England. 11. She was a well made woman of about fifty ... She had the look of a woman well-fed, well-taken-care-of ... (Cronin). 14. Geoffrey Chaucer, the first great English humorist tells tales out of an artist’s sheer love of story telling. (Delmer). 15. Bennett was the first to realize that the grey-skied region, known as the Potteries, contained excellent “copy” for a series of novels. (Delmer). 16. They must have a roof to cover them, a house to shelter them ... (Cronin).

31. Place the attributes in the proper order in relation to the noun they modify.

Model: a hut, wooden, small — a small wooden hut

1. A man — handsome, grey-haired; 2. a building — ancient, dilapidated; 3. a woman — sick, old; 4. an alley — shady, broad; 5. a girl — little, thin, with big eyes; 6. a plant — tropical, fragrant; 7. a cliff — lonely, about 20 feet high; 8. baby — two-year- old, charming, this; 9. cousins — his, both; 10. a leaf — faded, oak; 11. a plaid — checked, Scotch, woollen; 12. music — sweet, exquisite, but quite unfamiliar to the listeners; 13. the pianist — talented, admired by the public; 14. a report — made by our professor, interesting, on modern English writers; 15. photo — taken about 10 years ago, my schoolfellow’s; 16. a lady—German, middle- aged, stout; 17. cap— favourite, my, old; 18. spectacles—old, my, in an old leather case; 19. a doctor— very experienced, well- known; 20. a story — told by a friend of mine, interesting.

32. Ask questions on the attributes in bold type. (The interrogative words for use: what, which, whose, what kind of, what sort of, how much, how many).

1. He is a conscientious student. 2. Bus number 2 will take you as far as the Opera House. 3. This is a book on architecture. 4. Cold winds blow from the North. 5. This is my brother’s tennis racket. To play tennis we must have four balls. 6. He drinks very much milk. 7. Give me the book on the left. 8. He lives in that house at the corner of the street. 9. They live in a new house of modern construction. 10. There are ten students in our group. 11. The meeting will take place in room 32. 12. You mustn’t lift heavy things. 13. I like salt biscuits. 14. I’ll go by the 3.30 train. 15. My friend spent two years in the North. 16. He delivered an interesting lecture. 17. Your brother is a most amusing companion. 18. She had a tiny brown spaniel puppy in her arms. 19. An old orchard of apple-trees stretched down to a stream.

33. A. Point out the attribute. State what it is expressed by. Translate the sentences.

1. There was nothing to say. 2. She was the first to help me. 3. I have a lot of things to see to. 4. There is nothing more to be done. 5. I have no intention to follow them. 6. Scientists from different countries will be present at the conference shortly to open in our city. 7. I hope to attend all the lectures to be delivered on this subject. 8. There is not a second to be lost.

B. Find in an English text

sentences including an attribute expressed by 1) an adjective, 2) a pronoun, 3) a numeral (cardinal or ordinal), 4) a noun a) in the common case, b) in the genitive case, 5) a prepositional phrase, 6) an adverb, 7) Participle I or II or a participial phrase, 8) a prepositional gerundial phrase or a prepositional construction, 9) an infinitive, an infinitive phrase or an infinitive construction, 10) a quotation group.

34. A. Make up sentences with detached attributes using the given words.

Model: — dismal cave, dark and cold.

We found ourselves in a dismal cave, dark and cold.

1. — big man, broad-shouldered and heavy.

2. — nice young girl, very graceful and elegantly dressed.

3. — unknown lane, long and narrow.

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4. — modern building, built of glass and concrete.

5. — nice room, light and clean.

6. — small kitchen, cosy and tidy.

B. Make up sentences, using the following words and phrases as detached attributes.

rather high-flown; terrified by the accident; sick and tired; greatly surprised, quite depressed; fresh and jolly usually so considerate (of) ...; engaged in his work.

35. A. Point out the close and the loose apposition.

1. Maidenhead, a river resort, is on one of the River Thames... 2. The town of Windsor is a typically English town. (“Britain”) 2. William Langland, the humanitarian poet of the 14th century, deeply felt the social evils he saw around him. 3. Side by side with Langland lived another great English reformer, John Wycliff, one of the intellectual forces of the 14th century. 3. The poet Pope was Shakespeare’s second editor. 4. Jerome K. Jerome set England laughing ... with a farcial but exceedingly well- written story “Three Men in a Boat”. 5. The well known personage Sam Weller was Mr. Pickwick’s witty, light-hearted, shrewd and faithful servant, a kind of Cockney Sancho Panza. 6. That is his father, Sir Robert, a perfectly honest old cavalier. (Chesterton).


36. State the kind of the adverbial modifier. Say what the adverbial modifier is expressed by.

1. “I heard him knocking, so I ran upstairs to let him in.” (Greene).

2. All at once the sheep-dog leapt to its feet. (Bates).

3. Ben was too busy to hear him now ...

4. Gabriel tried to cover his agitation by taking part in the dance with great energy. (Joyce).

5. I’m here; I’m working, morning, noon and night. (Berkeley).

6. Sophie pulled out the dress without saying anything. (Huxley).

7. There was a road to Cairo which went west across the desert.

8. They went down the stairs side by side. (Maugham).

9. Sometimes it is a joy in the very heart of hell to tell the truth. (Chesterton).

10. I believe that I began to know that there was something about my aunt, notwithstanding her many eccentricities and odd humours, to be honoured and trusted in. (Dickens).

11. “Your hands are like snowdrops, Mary ... They are cool like snow itself.

12. She hung her head a little, conscious of her own deficiencies and the oddity of her up-bringing ... (Cronin).

13. Lord Darlington: ... Go—go out of this house, with head erect, with a smile upon your lips, with courage in your eyes. (Wilde). 14. Here Nessie burst into the room like a young foal ... (Cronin).

15. Then in a moment she looked up, as though seeing him for the first time. (Cronin).

16. “She sat down on the edge of the table, swinging her legs, watching me (Du Maurier).

17. She paused, her eyes never leaving my face.

18. Everybody coming in time, we shall begin the discussion at 3 o’clock.

37. Point out the adverbial modifiers and state their kinds:1. A long, soft ripple of wind flowed over the corn... 2. Yesterday I passed by an elm avenue...

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3. ...the gardeners were busily potting out spring flowers. 4. The lines of the mountains were sharply defined against the profound blue. 5. Winter set in early and unexpectedly with a heavy fall of snow. 6. I quite understand you.7. I was stiff with long sitting, and bewildered with the noise and motion of the coach... 8. The rest of the conversation is not important enough to be here related.9. In case of your absence I shall leave you a note.10. Even Miriam laughed in spite of herself.11. Before switching on the electric light he pulled down the blind and drew the heavy curtain across the window.12. She could run like an Amazon. 13. The gale had freshened since noon... and now blew with the strength of a hurricane... 14. She told me we must part, and told me why ... 15. I was completely happy. 16. “You’ve been working too hard lately.”17. He stood still a long while, surveying the hillside.18. Martin talked for fifteen minutes with him...19. By this time it was getting dark and snowing pretty heavily.20. The stars were very bright. 21. “I think it’s pretty easy, Nick.”22. I entirely agree with you. 23. Notwithstanding the cold weather, Henry Bosman’s face glowed like the heater in his chambers... 24. They were walking eastward. 25. The door was not fastened within... 26. “We shall be friends in spite of separation...” 27. Outside it was getting dark.28. Dessie stopped for a moment to ease her back.29. He moved down the stream a few steps... 30. I flushed simply from being spoken to ... 31. Around them, in the alder clumps, the primroses grew in great profusion. 32. She strained her ears to catch the words. 33. Mrs. Pratt had driven to Winster to see her mother... 34. She walked briskly.35. The sky had partly cleared, but was very gloomy ... 36. Mauki no longer weighs one hundred and ten pounds. 37. He therefore gave his horsemen orders to advance.38. He was now a hundred yards from the water... 39. The unexpected offer of shelter was too unexpected to be resisted. 40. Once more he passed my table without stopping.41. It was very interesting to me to see them together not only on account of their mutual affection, but because of the strong personal resemblance between them ... 42. Ben was too busy to hear him now... 43. She started the car, and, ... drove at full speed.44. Being asked to sit down he laid his hat and stick on the table...45. I thought I should sleep well being tired; but I didn’t.46. He stood on the porch sunning himself.47. When dressed, I sat a long time by the window.48. I did as requested.49. Nobody spoke unless spoken to...50. He is extremely well read though very young.51. If necessary, I shall come tomorrow.52. Little bare-legged children ran about him, playing on the grass.

38. Insert the adverbial modifier in the appropriate place. (Give more than one variants if possible).

1. It will be raining hard (soon). 2. The climate has been damp (always, in these parts). 3. It rains in autumn (usually). 4. There is no deep river, except the Tamar (on the southern coast of England). 5. The tourist put all the

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equipment which may be necessary during the tour (into his bag). 6. The ascent of the mountain peak will begin (early in the morning). 7. Ring me up (before leaving the town). 8. One strengthens one’s health (by mountaineering). 9. I shall sleep much and take long walks (instead of taking medicine). 10. One must have a good rest (after training). 11. We sat down to table and had a hearty meal (on returning home). 12. He jumped at the offer (being invited to spend his vacation in a mountain-camp). 13. We shall go on an excursion (weather permitting). 14. We returned to the camp (the sun setting behind the mountains).

39. Insert the adverbial modifiers in their proper place.

To his orderly he was cold and ... indifferent (at first). ... the change came (then, gradually). He might have changed his man (easily). He looked direct at his orderly (now, very rarely). ... As the young soldier moved, the elder watched him (unthinking, about the apartment). And an undiscovered feeling had held between the two men (from that time). The orderly was afraid of really meeting his master (henceforward). So he stared past his master (always)... He had served the Captain, and knew his duty (for more than a year). This he performed (easily) ... This irritated the officer (more and more). I flew into a rage with the young soldier (sometimes), and bullied him. The words pierced to his intelligence (never). He had a scar on his left thumb. The officer had suffered from it (long). The Captain grew irritable (madly). He flung a heavy military glove into the young soldier’s face (once). The youth tried to keep him self intact (instinctively) ... The youth was frightened (deeply). (Lawrence)

40. Ask questions on the adverbial modifiers in bold type.

1. All the preparations happily completed, we left for the South. 2. I see them twice a week. 3. One must handle this apparatus with great care. 4. After a good rest I can go miles. 5. The tourists were tired having covered over 30 miles that day. 6. She opened the window to air the room. 7. We have been living here since 1930. 8. The sailor ran to the front of the boat. 9. Rumours of his doings reached his relations from time to time. 10. In the fable the ant spends the summer gathering its winter store. 11. He opened the door for me to pass.

41. Make up sentences of your own using the following word combinations as adverbial modifiers.

1) of time or frequency: from time immemorial, since then, when a boy, when questioned, on returning home, from time to time, from that day on, in a day or two, not until, it was done, on that unforgettable day, with the flush of dawn;

2) of place or direction: behind the house, in front of the house, in the distance, at a distance, across the street, at the corner of the street, at the top of the page, at the bottom of, downstairs;

3) of manner or attending circumstances: on purpose, by chance, without a glance, with his fists clenched, with tears streaming down her cheeks, in a whisper, full of indignation, side by side, as if to stop him, never to come back;

4) of degree or measure: rather (well, badly, etc.), greatly (surprised, astonished, disappointed, etc.), to perfection, particularly, deeply, fairly well, over head and ears;

5) of cause: quite worn out, because of one’s carelessness, not being able to, there being no time left, it being late;

6) of condition: weather permitting, but for (one’s help, advice, kindness, etc.), if possible (necessary, obligatory), if (unless) discovered (asked, required, etc.);

7) of comparison: as if asleep (in doubt, etc.), like (all elderly people, all his relatives; a child, etc.);

8) of concession: difficult as it was, in spite of (the difficulties, the nasty weather, etc.), although quite tired (much weaker, etc.), notwithstanding his success (promise, etc.);

9) of purpose: for you to (have it, see it, etc.), in order to soothe the baby (to make it clear, etc.), lest he should forget it.


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42. Point out and define the detached parts of the sentence. Translate the sentences.

1. He was so earnest in his manner that, despite her apathy, Mary found herself thanking him ... (Cronin). 2. In spite of himself, he watched him, gave him sharp orders (Lawrence). 3. Then the orderly shut himself off ... and waited, with sullen, flushed face, for the end of the noise. (Lawrence). 4. Dandy and Winter showed, so far, no signs of the bankruptcy prophesied for them by Soames ... (Galsworthy). 5. Presently he came to a standstill, with his hands deep plunged into his pockets and his shoulders hunched. (Galsworthy). 6. Between Michael and his senior partner a gulf was fixed, not less deep than that between two epochs ... (Galsworthy). 7. There he was, in his shabby overcoat, with his pale narrow face, and his disproportionately large eyes, and his sloping shoulders. (Galsworthy). 8. “Jose!” she said, horrified, “however are we going to stop everything?” (Mansfield). 9 He, however, was a gentleman, with long, fine hands and cultivated movements. 10. Michael moved his nostrils ... — but he could catch no scent, except incense. (Galsworthy)

Find in an English text sentences with the following detached members:

a) a detached adverbial modifier. b) a detached attribute, c) a detached object.

43. Point out homogeneous parts, define them and state what they are expressed by.

1. She was wearing a black pleated skirt and a bright red blouse of very fine poplin. (Braine). 2. It was a low, pleasant laugh. (Braine). 3. “Vaults closing!” Samuel would say and yawn. (Bennett). 4. Was he unaware that his wife was the proudest and the most obstinate woman on earth ...? (Bennett). 5. She turns round and looks at her husband. (Wilde). 6. Algernon: Ah! that must be Aunt Augusta. Only relatives or creditors ever ring in that Wagnerian manner. (Wilde). 7. They could not have moved or spoken since he went. (Maugham). 8. He raised her to her feet and partly dragging her, partly carrying her, got her downstairs. (Maugham). 9. He has asked his questions querulously but sternly ... (Aldridge). 10. Regret for the past and the future is the same. 11. But again Ashurst smiled and shook his head. (Galsworthy). 12. She was walking on before him so lightly and so erect ...(Joyce). 13. Once he was caught in a knot of children running away from some thing or somebody .. (Greene). 14. Sophia got the kettle and washed it up. (Bennett). 15. There was starlight, but no moonlight. (Greene). 16. The third [girl] was perhaps seventeen, tall and fair- haired too. (Galsworthy). 17. In the silence Gabriel could hear the falling of the molten wax into the tray and the thumping of his own heart against his ribs. (Joyce). 18. Then, suddenly raising herself on tiptoe and resting her hands lightly on his shoulders, she kissed him. (Joyce). 19. He was both curious and eager to have more precise information of his friends of the previous evening. (Cronin). 20. Digging went on through Tuesday and Wednesday. (Warner). 21. I watched him read his letters, saw him frown at one, smile at another ... (Du Maurier).

44. Point out homogeneous parts and state how they are connected.

1. “Both he who chooses heads and he who chooses tails are equally at fault ...” (Greene). 2. Nobody ever saw Chirac or the old sail. (Bennett) 3. The room was plainly visible as commodious, comfortably, though not agreeably furnished. (Cronin). 4. She was sitting in a chair idly, neither reading nor sewing ... (Maugham). 5. She accused Robert of either taking the ornament or breaking it and concealing the breakage. (Du Maurier). 6. That night Ashurst hardly slept at all. He was thinking, tossing and turning. Next morning he got his cheque cashed, but avoided the shop of the dove-grey dress ..., and, instead, bought himself some necessaries. (Galsworthy). 7. But I was more afraid of the pain than of the partisans ... (Greene). S. A moment later she pulled back the bolt of the bedroom door and then turned the key and opened the door and stood on the landing outside (Bates).

Find in an English text some sentences containing homogeneous parts.


45. Analyse the following sentences according to the form given.

Model: Clarice was waiting for me in my bedroom. It is a simple extended sentence.

“Clarice” is the subject expressed by a proper noun

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“was waiting” is a simple predicate expressed by the verb “to wait’ in the Past continuous tense, singular.

“for me” is a prepositional object expressed by a personal pronoun, first person, singular, in the objective case, preceded by the pre position “for”.

“in my bedroom” is an adverbial modifier of place expressed by a prepositional phrase.

1. Mary shook off her mantle with a shrug of her shoulders. (Cronin). 2. Passengers getting out of the open doors were bowled along the platform. 3. Trasker had been watching her with an inexplicable flush on his face ... (Wilson). 4. Dinner at the Traskers had become by this time almost a family routine for the Gorins. (Wilson). 5. Several shutters were put up in the windows of the shop to indicate a death. (Bennett). 6. The customer sent up by Constance had occupied the surface of her life for ten minutes, trying on hats. (Bennett). 7. She saw him put a piece of folded white paper on the top edge of the screening box and flick it down to her. (Bennett). 8. This was a disagreeable way of putting the business. (Dickens). 9. The two women stood side by side looking at the slender, flowering tree. (Mansfield). 10. She had to talk because of her desire to laugh. (Mansfield). 11. One winter afternoon she had been buying something in a little antique shop in Curzon Street. (Mansfield). 12. I opened the knife, and cut a: length of twine, and came back into the room again. 13 This time he allowed me to touch him and pull hold of his collar. (Du Maurier). 14. Most of the western rivers flow down a steep slope near the sea and are short and rapid. (Wide World Reader). 15. The southern rivers also rise near the coast and have short and rapid courses. (Wide World Reader). 16. The valley of the Tweed is remarkable for its magnificent trees. 17. The ebb flows to and from the great shallow of the North Sea produces an alternating tidal race, running with a speed of from six to ten knots an hour. 18. The contrast between the south-east and the north-west of Brit ain depends on a fundamental distinction in rock structure. 19. The well known cyclone on the 28 of December in 1879 was a real storm, the wind amounting in some places to a severe gale. 20. From the Pennine Chain good building stone, marble, and lime are obtained in large quantities. 21. Birmingham, England’s “Second City”, has the reputation of being able to make anything from an ancient relic to the automobile. 22. Stratford is an irresistibly attractive country town.


46. Point out the independent elements, define them and say what they are expressed by.

1. “Have one each, my dears,” said cook in her comfortable voice. (Mansfield).

2. That was, so to speak, another gift from Warley. (Braine).

3. “Hello, Eva”, I said. “Hello, Alice:..” (Braine).

4. “Well, Miss Spencer,” she greeted the former Baroness Zerlinski. (Bennett).

5. To do that lady justice, Miss Spencer bore the surprising ordeal very well. (Bennett).

6. But, on the whole, England has a gently sloping surface.

7. “Oh, father!” cried Nella, “what a lot of mustard you have taken!” (Bennett).

8. At length the reply from Mr. Murdstone came ... (Dickens).

47. Point out the parenthesis and state what it is expressed by.

1. He is my husband, and, of course, I do what he tells me. (Bennett).

2. As it was, Nella departed with surprising docility. (Bennett).

3. He looked at her in sullen amazement, but refused, none the less, to be diverted from the issue.

4. She glanced, sideways, at the old couple. Perhaps they would go soon. (Mansfield).

5. Gerald: They [women] are awfully interested, certainly, in things we don’t care much about.

6. Needless to say, the total was more and not less than a thousand francs. (Bennett).

7. “... But there’s no chance here, Mrs Bicket. Besides, he couldn’t make two ends meet on this job, he told me. (Galsworthy).

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8. According to your theory, we’re in a mighty soulful era. (Galsworthy).

9. To tell you the truth, I don’t like to get up early.

48. A. Insert an appropriate word (word combination) as a parenthesis evidently, in fact, by the way, judging by ..., to cut a long story short, may be, besides, luckily, in my opinion, to tell the truth).

1. __________he is quite ill. 2. __________they got married. 3. __________ I don’t like it. 4.____________ N. is the best violinist I’ve ever heard. 5. __________I found out much later that I had been wrong. 6. Don’t worry, __________she will come soon. 7. I have much work to do for to-morrow, __________my mother is unwell, so I must leave at once. 8. ____________ the driver managed to avoid knocking down the old man. 9. You have ____________been working very hard, you look so tired. 10. ____________Henry, how old is your sister?

B. Make up or find sentences using the following words and word combinations as a parenthesis:

a) modal words (such as: perhaps, maybe, certainly, etc.);

b) adverbs (such as: besides, still, anyway, moreover, firstly, etc.);

c) prepositional phrases (such as: in truth, at least, etc.);

d) infinitive and participial phrases (such as: to be frank, to be quite plain, etc., generally speaking, judging by your words, etc.).


49. Point out sentences with a) syndetic and b) asyndetic coordination. Comment on the types of coordination and on the conjunctions used in a).

1. I would not listen to her, I thought her hard and cruel. (Du Manner). 2. She put her hands up to her cheeks, but her eyes seemed to look right into his. (Galsworthy). 3. He went up to his bedroom to get a book, and his heart began to beat violently, for she was in there making the bed. (Galsworthy). 4. The cuckoos and a thousand birds were singing; the little streams were very bright. (Galsworthy). 5. Spreading four square in the midst of the British Kingdom is the inland Irish Sea; while for six hundred miles off the north western shores is the border of the ocean. (Mackinder). 6. In Britain even the leeward slopes receive abundant moisture; yet the rain-shadows to eastward and north-eastward of the hills are distinctly indicated upon the map. (Mackinder).

50. Point out the coordinating conjunctions connecting a) the clauses of the compound sentences and b) those connecting the homogeneous members of the simple sentences.

1. Miss Sharp only folded her own hands with a very frigid smile and bow, and quite declined to accept the proffered honour. (Thackeray). 2. A seed-cake and a bottle of wine were produced in the drawing-room and these refreshments being partaken of, Miss Sedley was at liberty to depart. (Thackeray). 3. He must go, or they would overtake him. (Lawrence). 4. If you meant to be a guest, you or your courier gave your card to Miss Spencer. 5. Racksole tried to catch the waiter’s eye, but could not. (Bennett). 6. “She wanted to come and see you before, but she and Maxim have been so busy.” (Du Maurier). 7. Neither she nor I could pick up any information on the subject. (Dickens). 8. Mrs. Septimus Small let fall no word; neither did she question June about it. (Galsworthy).

51. Comment on the meaning of the coordinating conjunction and (addition, succession or simultaneity; causative-consecutive or adversative meaning).

1. Rebecca’s mother had had some education somewhere, and her daughter spoke French with purity and a Parisian accent. (Thackeray). 2. She had already taken leave of him once ...; and now she had nothing to say, nothing whatever. (Bennett). 3. On the instant she straightened up, and her eyes filled with a great pain. (Dreiser). 4. They were all tremendously great men, and the so-called experts were all tremendously sure they were right. (Berkeley). 5. A padding of unshod hoofs came up the lane, and three dim, dark shapes passed — ponies on an evening march. (Galsworthy). 6. The catastrophe came, and she was brought to the Mall as to her home. (Thackeray). 7. Susan was a

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princess and I was the equivalent of a swine-herd. 8. There was a pane missing in the kiosk and a cold wind blew in. 9. That poor boy asked me to help him to get a chance to propose — and I sent them out for a walk. (Berkeley). 10. Constance, in addition to the sciatica, had caught a sneezing cold, and the act of sneezing caused her the most acute pain. (Bennett). 11. He laughed, and so did she. (Dreiser). 12. Then the bazooka shell burst on the tower and I was on my face again. (Greene). 13. “... they’ve been married nearly ten years and they haven’t had any children.” (Braine)

52. Make up one compound sentence by joining two simple ones with the help of the conjunction.

Model: You don’t like to have a tooth pulled out. I don’t like to have a tooth pulled out. —You don’t like to have a tooth pulled out, and I don’t like it either.

1. You have not been to London. I have not been there.

2. She does not like jazz-band. My people do not like jazz-band.

3. I never take medicine. She does not take medicine.

4. She is not fond of such kind of poetry. I am not fond of it.

5. My aunt never goes to football matches. My grandmother never goes to football matches.

6. You never make spelling mistakes. My friend never makes spelling mistakes.

7. I do not go to-the South in July. My sister does not go to the South in July.

53. Join the following sentences into one using the conjunction so or neither. (Mind the order of words in the second clause of the compound sentence).

Model: I am going to hear this concert. My sister is going to hear it too.— I am going to hear this concert, so is my sister.

Bananas don’t grow in the North. Pine-apples don’t grow in the North either. — Bananas don’t grow in the North, neither do pine-apples.

1. He would have liked to be present at that lecture. I should have liked to be present at the lecture too. 2. I have never been to Scandinavian countries. My children have never been to Scandinavian countries either. 3. You are not responsible for this accident. Your husband is not responsible for it either. 4. But for the meeting I should have been at the concert yesterday. My fellow-students would have been there too. 5. I am greatly interested in this subject. My friend is also interested.

54. Using suitable coordinating conjunctions, convert the following simple sentences into compound ones.

1. It being stuffy in the room, I opened the window.

2. Thanks to the driver’s skill, the old man was not knocked down.

3. Our work being completed, we may have a good rest.

4. For all his experience in this branch of science, he is sometimes compelled to consult the professor.

5. In spite of the snowstorm in the mountains, the geologists managed to carry out their work.

6. She spoke to me in low voice to avoid disturbing the patient.

7. He blamed nobody except his younger brother.

8. Except the pianist himself all the people found the concert to be a success.

9. That day the sea was too stormy for people to bathe.

10. During the holidays I went to Moscow to see an old friend of mine.

11. It being a nice little place, the host and the hostess were rather proud of it.

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12. But for the umbrella he would have come home drenched and would have caught cold.

55. Complete the following so that compound sentences should be formed.

1. Take the lid off the pan, or else (the soup, to boil over).

2. Some people like hot weather, whereas (others, can’t stand...).

3. Either you will buy the tickets, or (I, to ask ...).

4. You are inexperienced, hence (you, can’t judge ...).

5. She is small and thin, while (her children, to be ...).

6. Both the friends were fond of music, so (they, to talk...).

7. I asked them to stay some days more, still (they, to make up one’s mind ...).

8. The train started at 5 a. m., therefore (we, to get up ...).

9. He was quite a young boy, nevertheless (everybody, to respect ...).

10. Neither a telegram was sent, nor (a letter, to be written).

11. I met him somewhere, but ( not to remember ...).

13. She is a delicate child, while (her brother, to be ...).

14. He was not much afraid, yet (he, to ask ...).



56. Point out subject clauses and the connectives they are introduced by.

1. Whatever he thought of her would not go beyond him. (Galsworthy). 2. ... “How that woman ever got into it [the world] with that name, is unaccountable to me.” (Dickens). 3. What you ask is impossible. (Wilde). 4. “What we want is rest,” said Harris. (Jerome). 5. One night my father’s big red land was trampled down by small sharp hooves, and it was discovered that the culprits were goats. 6. What awakened him was the engine coughing. (Aldridge), 7. Is it to be hinted to me that I want in affection for my precious treasure ... (Dickens). 8. “It’s very strange,” said Mr. Dick ..., “that I never can get that quite right (Dickens). 9. Which side wins does not concern us here. (Shaw). 10. It’s a good thing she went away with you. (Greene). 11. Whether I was her rival in sport or in studies seemed equally bad in her eyes.

A. Find in an English text some complex sentences containing a subject clause introduced by a) the conjunctions that, whether; b) the conjunctive pronouns who, which, what and by the conjunctive adverbs where, when, how, why.

57. Point out predicative clauses; state by what connectives they are introduced.

1. I had said the name ... It was as though I had taken a purge and rid myself of an intolerable pain. (Du Maurier). 2. To blow the bridge at a stated hour based on the time set for the attack is how it should be done. (Hemingway). 3. The provoking thing was that ... Bertha couldn’t make her out. (Mansfield). 4. This was not how the object itself would look: this was the image in a mirror, reversed. (Greene). 6. And this is what he remembered. (Gals worthy). 7. Dr. Macphail’s first thought was that something had happened to Miss Thompson. (Maugham). 8. “The trouble was ... he got mixed up.” (Greene). 9. “We are just as we were,” said Adrian, “friends.” (Galsworthy).

58. Define the kind of the subordinate clauses; isolate that which appears to be the principal clause.

1. What has happened to me is exactly what I willed to happen. 2. What annoyed me the most about him was that he stood four inches above me and was broader across the shoulders. (Braine). 3. What she simply couldn’t make out

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— what was miraculous was how she should have guessed Miss Fulton’s mood so exactly and so instantly. (Mansfield). 4. “What we’ve got to decide now, however, is whether we really do trust Kate or not.” (Mansfield). 5. What I mean is people don’t suddenly for no reason have violent headaches. (Du Maurier). 6. What I mean is that you can’t go cutting everybody. (Shaw).

59. State whether the object clauses are introduced asyndetically or syndetically; in the latter case pick out the connectives. Translate the sentences.

1. You must do whatever your conscience tells you to be right, Dr. Gumming. (Berkeley). 2. What Miss Fulton did, Bertha didn’t know. (Mansfield). 3. What is to guarantee that my orders are not changed? (Hemingway). 4. She found that I listened to what she said. 5. I do not blame the dog because I take it that it is his nature. (Jerome). 6. “I only want you to re - member what you have seen,” he said ... (Greene). 7. I couldn’t tell who the speakers were. (Greene). 8. One can allways tell from a woman’s bonnet whether she has got a memory or - not. (Wilde). 9. I hope I shall remember that. (Wilde). 10. I think there must have been thunder in the air (Wilde). 11. Nella inquired where the Baroness meant to take lunch. (Bennett). 12. I don’t see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap of things that he doesn’t mean. (Wilde). 13. I see how it is. 14. I was horribly afraid lest some one might walk up Salisbury Lane ... (Bennett). 15. I wondered if the bishop’s wife saw the flush on my face ... (Du Maurier). 16. Andrew, I am exceedingly sorry I allowed you to call on us. (Shaw). 17. Dinny felt suddenly that she was on very thin ice. (Galsworthy). 18. I’m terribly glad I’ve met you at last.” (Galsworthy).

Find in an English text some complex sentences containing an object clause.

60. A. Join the following simple sentences into one complex sentence containing a subject, an object, or a predicative clause.

1. What kind of books are you fond of? I should like to know it. 2. He told us many things about his journey. We are greatly interested in it. 3. His children should be decent and educated people. He dreams about it. 4. What was going on in the street? I wondered at it. 5. Travelling by land is more interesting than travelling by sea. I don’t think so. 6. He will keep his word. You may rely on it.

B. Complete the following sentences supplying subject, object, or predicative clauses.

1. He has made up his mind ... 2. 1 didn’t hear ... 3. A little bit of pluck is… 4 The trainer’s instructions to the sportsman were… 5. It was of vital importance… 6. The trainer explained to them ... 7. I’ll do just… 8. His aim was ... 9. I take it ... 10. It is a pity ... 11. Do you understand...? 12. He felt ... 13. See to it… 14. ... I really cannot imagine.


61. Define the kinds of attributive clauses; translate the sentences.

1. It was the hour of rest in the immense courtyard which lay open to the sky. (Greene). 2. The procession of cars was well ahead of us by the time we started. (Greene). 3. Then Harris, who was sitting next the window, drew aside the curtain and looked out upon the street. (J. K. Jerome). 4. There is no doubt that my wife was bitterly jealous. (Conan Doyle). 5. There are times when all of us are afraid of him. (Conan Doyle). 6 I have no distinct remembrance whether it pleased or frightened me. (Dickens). 7. I had a strong impression that my company was not wanted. (Greene). 8. We were expected to work all the time, which appears reasonable enough. 9. She was very much afraid of her husband, who treated her with a harshness for which I frequently reproached him. (Conan Doyle). 10. In the distance lay the park, where the trees were weighted with snow. (Joyce). 11. A similar revolver she concealed… in Miss Dunbar’s wardrobe after discharging one barrel, which she could easily do in the woods without attracting attention. (Conan Doyle).

62. Pick out the attributive clauses; point out the words the clauses refer to; say whether the clauses are introduced a) asyndetically, b) syndetically define the connectives.

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1. Perhaps he was just killed by someone who wanted his money. (Greene). 2 Gabriel went away to a remote corner of the room where Freddy’s mother was sitting. (Joyce). 3. She has an opportunity which is offered to very few of us. (Maugham). 4. Ben ... was having trouble with the valve that supplied the right amount of air. (Aldridge). 5. That was the knife he had had no time to use. 6. Those were the days when there was something like singing to be heard in Dublin. (Joyce). 7. He wanted to explain all he had felt and thought. 8. She belonged to a world about which he knew nothing at all. (Greene). 9. They had agreed that during the first evening they would avoid asking questions about how and why Emil had left Vienna. (Warner). 10. The only person in the household with whom he seemed to feel at ease was Hannah. (Warner). 11. I felt the same walking down Piccadilly after the war as I did as a youngster back from India. (Galsworthy).

63. A. Insert: who, whose, whom, which, that.

1. When he reached Andrew, _________ he had seen from halfway down the street, he gave a theatrical start of recognition, (Cronin) 2. The most- markedly transverse river in Wales is the Wye, __________ general direction is south – eastward. (Mackinder). 3.This marriage __________ for obvious reasons must inevitably take place ... will not give me a name ___________ will be really, rightly mine to bear. (Wilde). 4.Cam bridge is one of the great architectural glories of England. Those ____________ claim that it is more beautiful than Oxford were educated locally. (“Britain”).

B. Translate:

1. He is not such a timid person as you think him to be. 2. In the picture gallery there -were such pictures as we had never seen before. 3. Your son is fond of such books as I liked in my childhood.

64. A. Omit the relative pronouns or adverbs where possible.

1. Tell me the title of the book that you have just mentioned. 2. I did not notice the person who has left the purse - here. 3. The person whose purse we have found will be informed about it. 4. You will like the place where we are going to. 5. A dog that barks never bites. 6. I am still under the impression of the concert which took place yesterday.

B. Find in an English text:

1. some sentences containing attributive relative restrictive clauses; 2. some sentences containing attributive relative non-restrictive clauses; 3. some sentences containing attributive non-restrictive continuative clauses which refer to the whole of the principal clause; 4. some sentences containing appositive clauses.

65. Join the following simple sentences into a complex one, using suitable connectives or asyndetically.

1. The long struggle in England between the dynasties of Lancaster and York lasted for 30 years. This struggle is known as the Wars of the Roses.

2. The only Roman theatre in Britain is on the outskirts of the town of St. Albans. There in the 1st century of our era stood the Roman town of Verulamium.

3. The City Walls have encircled the city of York since the 14th century. Along the top of the City Walls there runs a footpath.

4. King Harold was killed in the battle. His Anglo-Saxon troops were defeated by the Normans in the battle at Hastings in 1066.

5. The Norman kings ruled with the help of Norman nobles. They formed a governing body.

66. A. Complete the following sentences supplying attributive clauses.

1. He bought a collection of stamps in the shop ... 2. 1 shall never forget the day… 3. I do not know the stamp ... 4. A person ... must know geography well. 5. The stamp ... has been sent to me by a friend of mine. 6. The boy ... will gladly show his collection to you.

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B. Insert appositive clauses using the conjunctions that, whether or the adverbs how, why.

1. Their proposal ... cannot be realized.

2. I don’t like the idea...

3. I’ve got rid of the horrible fear…

4. The news ... cheered us greatly.

5. His illness was the reason ...

6. The question ... seemed very important.

7. He expressed his doubt…


67. A. Define the kinds of adverbial clauses.

I. They stood waiting where they were. (Maugham). 2. When they knocked at her door Mrs. Davidson came out. 3 I did as she asked ... (Conan Doyle). 4. I cannot be at ease ... if someone else is in pain ... (Greene). 5. Eulalia was so moved that she could only weep again. (Coppard). 6. Lunch passed off better than I had dared to hope. (Du Maurier). 7. Though she had only twice seen Ferse, she recognised him at once. 8. He was furious with Mrs. Davidson and his wife because they made no effort to help. 9. I turned away, so that Frith should not see my face. (Du Manner). 10. They liked to criticise my looks ..., they liked to watch how Maxim and I behaved to each other ..., so that they could go back afterwards and discuss us ... (Du Maurier).

B. Find in an English text some complex sentences containing all kinds of adverbial clauses.

68. Point out the adverbial clauses of time and place; isolate the connectives by which they are introduced.

1. He woke even before the bugle sounded. (Lawrence). 2. It was raining when we left London. (Du Maurier). 3. “But why shouldn’t they live here until things are settled?” said Lady Cherrell. (Galsworthy). 4. Adrian left as soon as he had drunk his coffee. (Galsworthy). 5. I was back where I had been before. (Du Manner). 6. She turned to where a few yards along the pavement a long bald man impatiently awaited her. (Cronin). 7. Now that Brodie had commenced to eat it was permissible for the others to begin ... (Cronin). 8. I was now free to live and work wherever I liked. (Moore). 9. I can cut his hair while I’m talking to him. (Galsworthy). 10. A sergeant was changing the sentries he came down the trench. (Aldington). 11. Come and put up with me till we get things straightened out. (Galsworthy). 12. The room was spacious ... The moment he entered it he felt that his premonition was correct. (Cronin). 13. It has not occurred to me to mention Peggotty since I ran away. (Dickens). 14. 1 shall always think so, as long as I live. (Dickens). 15. Hardly had she brought one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office ... then the wheezy hall-door bell clanged again. (Joyce). 16. “I’ll come anywhere you like,” said Ann.

69. Point out the adverbial clauses of manner, comparison, degree and result; isolate the conjunctions by which they are introduced.

1. Once I shivered as Pyle had done. (Greene). 2 The weather was wet and cold for quite a week, as it often can be in the vest country in early summer ... (Du Maurier). 3.“... I love her more than I have ever told you, far more.” (Wilde). 4. The doctor put the case as reasonably as he could ... (Maugham). 5. The change was so sudden that I was shocked and a little scared. 6. He always treated boys as if they were his equals. (Moore). 7. He went into the house by the back door ... as though he had something to hide. (Maugham). 8. Lily seldom made a mistake in the orders, so that she got on well with her three mistresses. (Joyce). 9. The little fellow ... gave such a lusty shout, that the sound of it made him bashful, and he buried his face in her skirts.

70. Point out the adverbial clauses of condition and concession; isolate the connectives by which they are introduced.

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1. You gave her the wounds she died of. There is the truth for your comfort, however you like it. 2. I am devoted to Maxim .., though we always bicker like cat and dog when we meet. 3. Although she said nothing I felt guilty. 4. Unless I receive this requisition in full within an hour, I shall inform the Government that I cannot continue to hold my post if you remain in yours. 5. Whatever we do we must think of him as well as of ourselves”. (Galsworthy). 6. I liked his loyalty to Harding - whoever Harding was. 7. Really, it is as simple to buy a hotel or a railroad as it is to buy a watch, provided one is equal to the transaction. 8. Old as they were, her aunts also did their share. (Joyce).

71. Point out the adverbial clauses of cause and purpose; isolate the connectives by which they are introduced.

1. I called him Frank because Maxim did. (Du Maurier). 2. She asked me to leave the answer on the sundial in the garden as she desired no one to be in our confidence. (Conan Doyle). 3. I informed myself of the hour at which she left of an evening, in order that our visit might be timed accordingly. (Dickens). 4. Instinctively he turned his back more to the light lest she might see the shame that burned upon his forehead. 5. Since he seemed nervous even at the dress rehearsal, Isabel agreed not to go. (Bates). 6. Then I told her to hush, and not stir, for fear she should make him angry. (F. Bronte). 7. I’ll change the ticket so that you may be able to go with the evening train.

B. Make a list of the connectives used to introduce subordinate clauses of a) time, b) place, c) manner, d) comparison, e) degree, f) result, g) condition, h) concession, i) cause, j) purpose in the sentences given above.

72. Insert the appropriate conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses of time.

I. We have never seen him ................. he left for the Crimea. 2. Send me a telegram ………... you come. 3. ……….. he said it he felt it was wrong. 4. I made his acquaintance …………….. he had graduated from the University. 5. It had happened …………….. the experiment was completed. 6. Make hay ……………... the sun is shining. 7. I’ll be glad to see you ……………….... you come. 8. She was standing on the shore ........................ the ship was lost sight of. 9. ... ………… had I knocked at the door ... …………….it swung open. 10. Stay here ………….... you can. 11. ………….. the sky began to clear up, the air grew cooler. 12. ……….... had I opened the gate ………….. the dogs began to bark.

73. A. Define the kinds of clauses introduced by where and when.

1. I like the country place where we lived last year. 2. Let us meet where we used to walk in summer. 3. It is of importance where they will spend their vacation. 4. I wondered where they intended to go. 5. The question is where they will spend their summer vacation. 6. Do you know the time when he will come? 7. Everybody was glad when he came at last. 8. I have no idea when he will come. 9. It’s very important when we must start. 10. The difficulty is when we shall be able to do it.

Find in an English text some sentences with where and when introducing:

a) a subject clause, b) a predicative clause, c) an object clause, d) an attributive relative clause, e) an adverbial clause of place.

74. Complete the following sentences.

1. We are very fond of the little cottage where ... 2. Don’t you know where ... 3. Where ... is of no importance. 4. It happened where… 5. The problem to settle is where ... 6. She doesn’t tell me where … 7. They are quite happy where ... 8. For the last time she had a look at the house where ... 9. Where ... isn’t known to a single person. 10. That is where ... 11. I should like to find such a place where … 12. No plant can grow where ... 13. The day when ... was one of the happiest in my life. 14. I can’t work when ... 15. Nobody knows when ... 16. When ... is not settled yet. 17. The thing to decide is when ... 18. I felt tired when ... 19. I am interested to know when … 20. When ... interests me greatly. 21. The hour when… has not been changed. 22. The most important thing for us is when ... 23. Don’t you remember when ... 24. I shall never forget the moment when…

75. State what kind of clauses are introduced by as.

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1. As she was descending the dark kitchen steps she heard Amy’ voice ... (Bennett). 2. As Gabriel never ate sweets, the celery had been left for him. (Joyce). 3. I’ll do as I like. 4. It is not so hot today as it was yesterday. 5. Women should think in moderation, as they should do all things in moderation. (Wilde). 6. Try as he might to reconstruct his changing ideas, Denny seemed fated to demolish them. (Cronin). 7. As she said those words she suddenly let fall her brush. (Mansfield). 8. She was at the station after all, standing just as he had imagined, apart from the others ... (Mansfield). 9. Gerald, come near to me. Quite close to me, as you used to do when you were a little boy ... (Wilde). 10. I went through the long drawing- room, as he had directed ... (Du Maurier). 11. But this writing- table, beautiful as it was, was no pretty toy ... (Du Maurier).

76. A. Complete the sentences supplying the principal clause in each of them.

1. Young as she is ...

2. As they were going along the road …

3. As a lot of people have a liking for this health resort …

4. As the wind was wrong and the waves were rather high …

5. As you usually do…

6. Early as it was …

B. Supply adverbial clauses of time, manner, cause, comparison, concession, or an attributive clause introduced by as.

1. ... the passengers began to wave their hands greeting their friends.

2. He held the oars …

3. ... the sailing-boat was moving rather slowly.

4. He likes swimming almost as much …

5. ... he could not move the boat against the current.

6. To steer a canoe you must-have such an oar …

77. Complete the following sentences so that they should contain a subordinate clause introduced by that (so that)

a) Subject clause

It is necessary that . . .;

It is of great importance that…:

b) Object clause

I’ve read that . . .;

Everybody knows that…

c) Attributive relative clause:

Where is the puppy that . . .;

Of all the pictures I like the one that

d) Appositive attributive clause:

He expressed his hope that…

I don’t quite like the idea that …

e) Adverbial clause of purpose:

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She did it that . . .;

Let them know about it that

f) Adverbial clause of degree

It was oppressively hot that …

78. Comment on the use of so that and so... that. Define the kind of clauses. Translate.

1. “Was I breathing so loudly that you could hear me?” (Bennett). 2. It may be that I am too bound to him already who, robbing me, yet left me richer, so that in the mire of my life I found the pearl of price. 3. At first I was so rattled and taken aback that I was ready to think she has been led away in some extraordinary fashion. 4. A long inscription in bad Latin ... followed the course of this staircase, so that the climber read it word by word as he mounted step by step ... (Moore). 5. That bloody concrete barrack I live in now — it’s so clean and streamlined that I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it took to flight. 6. ... and boats are drawing near and passing away, so that the sunny river ... is dotted and decked with yellow, and blue, and orange ... (Jerome). 7. I wondered if it would be possible to hide ..., so that Frith ... would say “Madam must have gone out”. (Du Maurier) 8. At last it [the argument] grew so heated that the cook ... was called from the kitchen to be interpreter. (Lessing).

79. Complete the following sentences.

1. The more you ask him about it, the less …

2. The longer you wait, the slower …

3. The more rain falls, the better …

4. The more he thought, the more …

5. The harder one works, the better …

6. The fewer questions you ask, the better …

7. The longer one lives, the more …

8. The taller the basket-ball player is, the easier …

9. The tougher the meat is, the longer …

10. The brighter the sun shines, the better …

11. The nearer you come to the sea, the fresher …

12. The talk will be the more unpleasant, the longer …

80. Complete the following sentences supplying adverbial clauses of:

a) place 1. Their cottage stands where ... 2. Fetch it from where ... 3. I’d like to speak with you wherever …

b) time 1. We have not met since ... 2. I’ll do it while ... 3. Write to me as soon as ... 4. Don’t linger after ... 5. He will let you know when … 6. You can have a rest as long as ... 7. They went on talking until ... 8. The moment ... they rushed downstairs.

c) cause 1. I can’t give my consent because ... 2. Since ... I’ll not speak about it. 3. As ... it is difficult to find him at home. 4. He is very suspicious for fear that … 5. Seeing that ... he left their house.

d) purpose 1. We occupied the seat in the first row in order that ... 2. Put on your warm coat lest ... 3. We climbed up the hill so that

e) condition 1. If ... we shall see him to-morrow. 2. They will certainly be there in time provided ... 3. Should you ... tell him about his sister’s illness. 4. What will you write to him supposing ... 5. You won’t have the book unless ... 6. I promise you to do it on condition …

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f) concession 1. Tired as ... he went on working. 2. Though ... the patient felt better. 3. Whoever ... you must see him again.

h) comparison 1. He felt better than .... 2. He looked tired as if ... 3. It was not so hot as ... 4. The young girl looked as beautiful as ... 5. She remembered every corner in the garden as though

81. Convert the following simple sentences in complex ones by introducing adverbial clauses (of time, manner, cause, condition, purpose, concession).

1. In the 8th century the Anglo-Saxons suffered much because of the frequent raids of the Danish tribes. 2. In spite of the strong resistance, the Danes seized the North Western part of the country. 3 . During the reign of the Wessex king Alfred the fight of the Anglo-Saxons against the Danes was the hardest. 4. Alfred gathered his troops of free yeomen and knights to fight with the Danes. 5. Alfred stopped the advance of the Danes by paying them tribute. 6. He also built a fleet of 100 ships in order to be able to fight with the enemy on the sea.


82. Analyse the following sentences.

1. Rather more than hall-way across from Denmark to England is a broad shoal known as the Dogger Bank, whose north-western margin has the appearance of a submerged escarpment sinking to deeper waters than those which lie south of the bank. 2. The southern end of the range in Derbyshire consists of a number of hills and dales so thinly covered with grass and small wild plants, that the bare limestone rock may often be seen. (Wide World Reader). 3 In consideration of the day and hour of my birth, it was declared by the nurse, and by some sage women in the neighbourhood who had taken a lively interest in me several months before there was any possibility of our becoming personally acquainted, first, that I was destined to be unlucky in life; and secondly, that I was privileged to see ghosts and spirits; both these gifts inevitably attaching, as they believed, to all unlucky infants of either gender, born towards the small hours on a Friday night. (Dickens). 4 I have come to the conclusion that the real reason for the author who exceeds the common span of man is that intelligent people after the age of thirty read nothing at all. (Maugham).


83. Analyse the following sentences.

1. The place where the Roman wall ended, near the north bank of the Tyne, is called Walls-end, and from that spot much of the best coal which is sold in London takes its name. (Wide World Read ).

2. The slope of the sea-bed, which is the true, though submerged, edge of the Continent, follows the coast of Norway seaward from the North Cape, then, crossing the mouth of the North Sea, it passes outside the Shetland Islands and the Hebrides to a point some distance westward of Ireland, where it makes an inward bend. (Mackinder).

3. At Stoneleigh the Avon enters a wide and beautiful park and is joined by the River Sowe coming past Coventry only three miles to the north, but there is not a sign in this lovely wooded estate that a great industrial city lies so close.

4. A few miles farther downstream one can see Guy’s Cliff on which a house stands high above the gently flowing Avon, its foundations being hewn out of the solid rock, and there are innumerable excavations around the courtyard which undoubtedly served as out-houses in days gone by.

5. The Avon at Warwick is a broad and placid stream, but it would not be so if it were not for weirs which at regular intervals frequently broaden the stream out into a much wider river than it would otherwise be.

6. The weirs were built so that they should produce a head of water to operate the many mills, but the Avon was also navigable to points above Stratford, until the building of the Great Western Railway put it out of business as a means of communication.

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7. It is a fact that Warwick Castle has never been a ruin, like so many of old castles, but has continually been a place of residence, therefore it is just here that one can visualize something of what England in the Middle Ages must have been like.

8. The oldest part of the castle is Caesar’s Tower, which was built a few years after the Norman Conquest, while other parts have been added at various times, but always in exactly the right style, so that the castle has always retained its original character. (Geographical Magazine).


84. Comment on the use of tenses in the subordinate clauses.

1. Mary wired back that she would arrive on the following day. (Cronin). 2. All that day she did as she had told Parker she would. (Bates). 3. “I wanted to know,” I said, trembling, “if you would buy a jacket.” (Dickens). 4. Maxim rang up the next morning to say he would be back about seven. (Du Maurier). 5. “Don’t forget the old lady is nearly blind,” said Beatrice, “...I telephoned to the nurse that we were coming so everything will be right.” (Du Maurier). 6. He did not know what he was talking about. (Du Maurier). 7. And I added that I hoped she understood that it had nothing to do with me; she said that she was sure of that, but that she would speak to Tom about it when he came back (Jerome). 8. “At last, Sophie. I thought you were never coming.” (Huxley). 9. He could see nothing below surface at all; and ... he wondered what would happen if his father didn’t come up again. 10. I rose and said to Alice that I was going. (Braine). 11. “I knew it would happen one day,” said Maxim. (Du Maurier)

85. Turn the verbs in italics into the Past making all the other necessary changes.

1. She can’t remember what I told her. 2. Tom believes that you are right. 3. You have said that she knows you. 4. The children hope that Santa Claus will bring them many toys. 5. Jane regrets that she can’t give us more details about this accident. 6. I wonder what she is going to tell us this time. 7. Fred thinks that all his friends ‘viii come to his birthday party. 8. I don’t recall what they have said. 9. We can’t anticipate what he will do now. 10. I remember that I saw him somewhere.

86. Select the correct form of the verbs given in brackets:

1. Harris thought he (would buy; will buy) a new house soon. 2. Our friends’ asked us why the train (has not arrived; had not arrived) yet. 3. Fred admits that he still (has; had) little experience in this field now. 4.She had to promise him that she (will help; would help) them. 5. The engineer claimed that he (agrees; agreed) with the others. 6. John didn’t remember what he (told; had told) me the day before. 7. I didn’t know that she (must; had to) leave at 5 o’clock. 8. We guess father (hasn’t heard; hadn’t heard) this news yet. 9. Did Jane tell you that she (is going; was going) to move to a new house? l0. We were sure that they (will come ; would come) by the evening train. 11. The pupils already knew that the teacher (has corrected; had corrected) their papers. 12. I promised her that I (will lend; would lend) her the book after I (finished; had finished) it. 13. I am sure that Thomas (will come; would come) here when he (feels; will feel) better. 14. I wish I (know; knew) what the boys (are doing; were doing) there at the moment. 15. When I (leave; will leave) school next year, I (will learn; will have learnt) here for seven years. 16. When (did you see; have you seen) him last? 17. This time yesterday you (told were telling) me how busy you (are; were) and what your plans for the future (are; were). 18. I explained that she (will be playing; would be playing) the piano at that time.

87. Use the appropriate form of the verb.

1. He told me that in all his years he never ___ so much blossom (saw, had seen). (Moore). 2. I replied that I — very well, and that I — she — the same (am, was; hope, hoped; is, was). (Dickens). 3. In the morning Miss Murdstone ... told me I — going to school (am, was). (Dickens). 4. Miss Murdstone was good enough to say on the way that she — I —, before I — to a bad end (hopes, hoped; will repent, would repent; come, came). (Dickens). 5. I wondered what I — with my day (shall do, should do). (Du Maurier). 6. “I wrote and said I —,“ replied Mary (am coming, was coming). (Cronin). 7. “Joe told me you — to the Legation. I thought it ____easier to talk here” (have been, had been; will be, would be). (Greene). 8. I answered that I — he — never again (think, thought; will smile, would

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smile). (Jerome). 9. I thought I — you (know, knew). (Jerome). 10. It unnerved him to think that she — at the supper- table, looking up at him while he — with her critical eyes (will be, would be; speaks, spoke). (Joyce).

88. Supply the correct tense (Present; Past Tense; Present Perfect; Past Perfect; Future)

A. 1. Arnold (to be) _________________ born in a village and he (to spend) ______________ his childhood there. He (to move) ______________ to Leeds when he (to be)____________ fifteen years old and he (to live) ___________there since his sister (to get) ___________ married. 2. At present, he (to work) ___________in an office but he (to use) _____________ to work at a bank before. 3. Next year he (to go) ____________ to London to study at the University, but only after he (to finish) ______________ writing the novel he (to work) _________________ at now. 4. I (to write) _____________ to him a long letter several days ago and (to ask) ________________ him how many chapters he already (to write)____________. 5. Arnold’s daughter hopes that her father (to finish) _______________ his book by the end of August. 6. I (to see) ____________her yesterday while she (to cross) _____________ the street. 7. When I (to talk) __________ to her, she (to tell) ________________ me that she (to be) ______________ very tired because she (to type) _____________ all the morning.

B. 1. As soon as she (to see) ______________us, he (to stop) ____________singing. 2. The tailor (to promise) ____________ me then that my suit (to be) _____________ ready in a week’s time, 3. Why didn’t you explain to them when you (to be) ______________ able to give them the money back? 4. I wondered where he (to study) _______________ and how many years before he (to take) ______________ his degree. 5. Before paper (to be) _______________ invented, people (to write) ______________ their thoughts upon various other materials. 6. History (to be) ____________ engraved on stone monuments and our knowledge of what ancient people (to do) ______________, (to be) ________________ chiefly taken from the stone tables and buildings which they (to erect) _______________.

90. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb in the correct tease:

1. The Chinese are said to be so clever that they ... gunpowder long before it ... known in Europe. 2. Galileo Galilei was persecuted because he ... that the earth ... around the sun, 3. As soon as she ... the letter, the will read it to us, too. 4. I asked the old man who ... on the bench if he ... hungry. 5. When Christopher Columbus ... America, he thought that the country which ... discovered India, and he accordingly ... it the name of the West Indies. 6. 1 will not go to bed until father ... home from the factory. 7. Last year you played tennis much better than your brother ... now. 8. It’s high time you … these questions. 9. I don’t know precisely whether I ... on this trip next week. 10. Tom was promised that everything ... ready in due time. 11. When I ... young, I ... fishing every Sunday. 12. I’ll let them know that we ... a new car soon. 13. Did you know that Mary ... two sons? 14. Your sister spoke English as if she ... in England for several years. 15. This is the dress which Mary ... last week and which she ... still now. 16. I wish my brother ... here now to help me. 17. I promised the little child that I … a new toy the next day. 18. When I ... to the bookshop two days ago, I ... a book which my sister .., now. 19. I would rather you ... them my secret. 20, When I ... the window, I saw that my daughter ... with the doll, while my son ... after a cat. 21. I am sure our friend ... this text after she ... the new words. 22. That morning Jane ... to school only after she ... a big glass of milk. 23. 1 no sooner ... his face than I ... his name, too. 24. We ... anything about her since she ... to London. 25. Only then she ... that I … right! 26. This time tomorrow, we … TV while you ... for your exam. 27. Last week I ... three ice creams, but this week I ... only one. 28. When Bob ... little, he ... with his toys for hours. 29. You already ... all the exercises? 30. Nothing annoyed me so much as the discovery that my best friend ... to me.



91. Convert into indirect speech.

1. “Nobody will ever know, on this line,” we said, “what you are, or where you’re going ... “Well, I don’t know, gents,” replied the noble fellow, “but I suppose some train’s got to go to Kingston. (Jerome). 2. “The map may be all right enough,” said one of the party, “if you know whereabouts in it we are now.” (Jerome). 3. “We met your niece

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on the road,” said Ashurst... (Galsworthy). 4. “... I don’t hunt,” I confessed, “I learned to ride, as a child, but I don’t remember much about it.” (Du Maurier). 5. “You know Mr. Davidson very little if you think the fear of personal danger can stop him in the performance of his duty,” said his wife. (Maugham). 6. I said, “I’ve ordered dinner for all of you.” (Greene). 7. “When I met you first you had a certain expression on your face,” he said slowly, “and you have it still (Du Maurier). 8. “Mrs. de Winter says we shan’t know her,” said Frank. (Du Maurier).

92. Report the following statements that you heard at 7 a.m. this morning. Do you need to change the tense?1. Women live longer than men."

I heard that...2. "I'm hungry."

Claire said that...3. "Our galaxy contains several thousand million stars."

An astronomer announced that...4. "The 2012 Olympics will be organised in Africa."

A sports expert said that...5. "This coffee is too hot."

Jonathan complained that ...

93. Insert the verbs to say or to tell in the appropriate form.

1. Harris — them they could follow him if they liked ... They — it was very kind of him ... (Jerome). 2. When Megan brought his tea he — “What’s the gipsy bogle, Megan?” (Galsworthy). 3. Gretta thinks it very funny because she — the word reminds her of Christy Minstrels.” (Joyce). 4. “— me what she’s trying to—,” he — ... “Cyril only wanted to — you, father dear, that his father is still very fond of meringues.” (Mansfield). 5. “I ... I’d rather hear what you were going— first,” said Constantia. (Mansfield). 6. Johnny — her of the grand tea they had had. And while he was also — her about the quarrel Mr. Sulky came tripping down the stairs. (Coppard). 7. “Go and — him, you go and — him.” (Bates). 8. Of course, I — myself, he might have been detained for some reason at the American Legation ... (Greene). 9. “You know all I can — you about Pyle (Greene). 10. Vigot—wearily, ... “He’ll have a terrible lot — to me.” (Greene). 11. He—, “But that’s just what I— him, but he always pretends not to understand French.” (Greene). 12. “As a friend,” Vigot —‘ “is there nothing you could — me in confidence?” (Greene).

94. Complete the following sentences.

1. I hoped (that) …

2. He reminded me (that) the programme …

3. They declared (that) she …

4. They informed us (that) the time-table …

5. She replied (that) …

6. They supposed (that) …

7. He imagined (that) …

8. Everybody thought (that) …


95. Convert into indirect speech.

1. He ... said: “Can you tell us if there’s a farm near here where we could stay the night? I’ve got lame.” (Galsworthy); 2. Ashurst said idly: “Where were you standing when you saw the gipsy bogle, Jim?” (Galsworthy). 3. “Good morning,” she called. “Is Mr. David son better this morning?” (Maugham). 4. “Don’t you think we ought

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to make Mr. Horn turn her out of here?” asked Mrs. Davidson. (Maugham). 5. “Does anybody ever come here?” Davy asked. him. Aldridge). 6. “Did you find something to drink?” he asked Davy. 7. “Tell me, Lily,” he said in a friendly tone, “do you still go to school?” (Joyce). 8. “Why have you a piece of pencil in your ear?” he asked. (Lawrence). 9. I said to Vigot, “What hours are you interested in?” (Greene). 10. “How old is your father?” Miss Hei asked with gluttony. (Greene). 11. “What is Giles going to wear to-night?” I asked, “or is it a dead secret?” (Du Maurier). 12. “How long will it take me to paint my face?” asked Giles. (Du Maurier). 13. “What’s the time?” I said carelessly ... (Du Maurier). 14. “What are you standing there for?” he said, his voice harsh and queer. “Didn’t you hear what I said? (Du Maurier).

96. Complete the following sentences.

1. She asked if …

2. She was interested to know how …

3. She wondered when …

4. She wanted to know where …

5. She asked in wonder what …

6. She wanted to find out by whom …

7. They asked me why …

8. She inquired what kind of …

9. She would like to know on what condition …

97. Convert the following into indirect speech; use different introductory verbs.

Model: Do you ever work in the garden?

She asked me if I ever worked in the garden.

1. What sort of flowers do you like?

2. Why have these flowers opened so soon?

3. Where will you plant those lovely poppies?

4. Have you ever seen a cherry orchard in blossom?

5. Do you water the flowers in the morning or in the evening?

6. Are tulips shade-loving flowers?

7. Who has broken the boughs of the lime-tree?

8. When do you usually sow peas?

9. Must these black currant bushes be transplanted this year?

98. Complete the following sentences supplying object clauses by arranging the given words in the proper order.

1. She, asked, dinner, I, me, if, had, my, had.

2. …. I, had, where, had, lunch.

3. … got up, o’clock, I, at, usually, what.

4. … fish, I, eat, why, not, did.

5. … exhibition, we, to go, intended, when, to, the.

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6. … was, what, such kind of, price, shirt, the, of.

7. … on, night, people, had been, previous, party, the, present, how many, the, at.

8. … I that, it, how long, him, to reach, would, country place, take.

9. … health-resort, them, that, ever, to, whether, had been, they, to.

10. … my, bought, I, where, had, dictionary.


99. Convert into indirect speech.

I. “Ask Miss Thompson when it would be convenient for me to see her,” he said. (Maugham). 2. “Sit up,” he told Davy, “if you want to see how to approach.” Aldridge). 3. “Bring me the two green, bags from the floor,” he said, “and keep your head covered against the sun...” 4. “And don’t throw any stones in the water,” his father said ... “It frightens everything in sight. Even the sharks (Aldridge 5. “And don’t worry about me,” he ordered the boy. (Aldridge). 6. “Come along, Pyle,” I said. “Leave them to changer.” 7. “I’ll come down when I am ready,” I called. “Go on down ... Don’t wait for me. Tell Maxim he can’t come in.” (Du Mau rier). 8. “Go and change,” he said, “it does not matter what you put on. Find an ordinary evening frock, anything will do. Go now before anybody comes.” (Du Maurier). 9. “Don’t let the others see you like that,” I said. “Go to your bedroom and do something to your face.” 10. ... “Sit down for a few minutes and you’ll be all right,” she said, “wait, I’ll give you a glass of water.” (Du Maurier).


100. Convert into direct speech.

1. He said he was very fond of travelling. 2. He said he was looking forward to visiting the place where the great Scottish poet Robert Burns had spent his early life. 3. He declared he would never forget the lovely and romantic scenes of Scotland he had seen during his visit to Britain. 4. He assured me he had been dreaming to visit all these spots of interest since he read Walter Scott’s novels for the first time. He informed me that it was possible for everyone to get acquaint with all the loveliest spots of those parts. 16. He warned me against my coming, as he would be developing his films at that time. 7. She declared that mountaineering was her favourite kind of sport. 8. He tried to persuade me that long walks would do me a world of good. 9. He said he was surprised I had not been training since morning. 10. She asked me what kind of sport I went in for. 11. She was interested to know if we should take part in the running race. 12. They wondered which of the teams had a better chance of success. 13. 1 asked the t to tell me if he thought I could take part in the match. 15. I inquired of him if a stroke in cricket required great strength of the player. 16. The boy was eager to know if I had ever seen a parachutist jump from an aeroplane. 17. He asked me to tell him who was playing tennis on the court. 18. My brother wanted to find out who had lost his tennis balls.19. He asked me when I had last been to a football match. 20. He wondered whether the goal had been scored before the final whistle was given. 21. I asked her if she liked the new opera she had heard the day before.22. I wondered when she had been at the concert last. 23. Everybody wondered if the young man would agree to act the leading part in the play. 24. The young actor inquired eagerly whether we liked his acting. 25. My sister always asks me not to economize by taking cheap tickets in the last row. 26. She begged me not to be late for the concert. 27. My friend advised me to read “King Lear” in the original before going to see the performance of the tragedy. 28. At the theatre I was obliged to tell my neighbours not to talk during the performance. 29. I persuaded thy friend to let her daughter go to the concert as she was very fond of music. 30. A friend of mine suggested that we should take season tickets to the State Opera House. 31. The father forbade his son to go to the cinema because lie had not prepared his lessons for the next day. 32. The young man asked his parents not to worry about him saying that he might return home rather late as he had been invited to a house-warming party that night. 33. He asked me to speak more distinctly. 34. All the listeners urged the actor to recite another poem saying that they had never heard poetry recited so well.

A. Convert into indirect speech.

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On entering the old lady’s room he said, I hope I haven’t interrupted your work!”

— “Of course not. Sit down, please. Have a cup of tea?”

— “Thanks, I’ve had my tea.”

She said, “I haven’t seen you for ages. How is your wife?”

— “She is all right now!” he answered. “Don’t you want to come and see our baby? My wife says she is a darling.”

— “Don’t you think so?”

— “Of course, I do. But I think I’ll love her more when she grows up,” he added.— The old lady smiled, “That’s a tender father!”

B. Find in an English text

four sentences with an object clause expressing 1) indirect statements; 2) in direct questions introduced by a) the conjunction if or whether, b) a conjunctive pronoun or adverb; 3) Indirect commands or requests a) in the affirmative form, b) in the negative form.

101. Match the sentences with appropriate reporting verbs from the list. Then write the reported sentences.admit, boast, forbid, inquire, invite, order, suggest, threaten1. We'll close credit lines if you don't reduce carbon dioxide emission.2. OK, you're right, some poisonous chemicals did escape into the atmosphere.3. Why don't you drop in tonight?4. Stand up immediately!5. I'm the best student in this school!6. You can't use your dictionaries during the test. 7 Shall we have a cup of tea?8. Is the bus service running according to the timetable today?

102. Use the following verbs to report the two dialogues.a) admit, advise, promise, warn

Tom: I don't think you should play the game today, John.John: You're right. I'm still a little bit ill, but I promise I won't overdo it.Tom: Be careful, if you run around too much in this weather you may get another attack of flu.b) accuse, beg, complain, deny, explain, refuse Daughter: Mum, please, will you buy me this CD? I've always wanted it.Mother: Sarah, you know I can't afford it. Why do you always ask me to buy you expensive things?Daughter: That's not true. You just never buy me things that I want only those that you like!