synesthesia presentation

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a presentation i gave based on my research of synesthesia and type.

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synesthesia: a condition characterized by sensory overlap in which one sensory input, such as a sound, stimulates a second sensory pathway, such as color visualization.

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some sense letters and numbers as:

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some sense letters and numbers as: colors

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some sense letters and numbers as: colorspersonalities

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some sense letters and numbers as: colorspersonalitiestextures

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some sense letters and numbers as: colorspersonalitiestexturesquadrant locations

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some sense letters and numbers as: colorspersonalitiestexturesquadrant locationstastes

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some sense letters and numbers as: colorspersonalitiestexturesquadrant locationstastesfeelings

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some sense letters and numbers as: colorspersonalitiestexturesquadrant locationstastesfeelingscombination

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A: Bright red. The sort of red that would fit Snow White’s apple. Extremely vivid; it overrides all other letters in words, ex-cept for E.

B: A beige-ish orange. You know those pale orange pumpkins? Somewhere between that and the color of lightly tanned, caucasian skin.

C: A light, dirty yellow. The color of an adobe building in warm sunshine, if you know the kind I mean.

D: Brown. A less potent/enduring brown than U. Damp sand or cinnamon sugar, but without dots.

E: Green. Very, very green. The sort of green that grass dreams of during dry summers. It is the only letter with as po-tent a color as A.

F: Very faint green. Depending on its neighboring letters, it could fade to yel-low almost immediately. Washed out.


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jesse jaren

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quadrants + colors + shapes

pamela mckenna

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1 is pure, white, and means well but is often icy.

2 is bland and soaks up colors like a sponge.

3 is green, lush, and friendly.

4 is red and likes to party.

5 is a color that cannot be named. It is mysterious and quiet.

6 is a green or blue smile. The first smile you see when you first meet someone.

7 is golden yellow and cheerful but is usually a little too much to handle.

8 is orange. Fat, burnt orange. Selfish and laughter.

9 is upset stomach pepto bismol cherry preservatives pink. I hate that bitch.

0 is a newborn baby with a giggle.sarah lloyd

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+“It’s just impossible to imagine life without my synesthesia. I scan books for words by looking only at word color. I categorize songs by color. I write chapters such that the color scheme is overall nicely flowing and smoothly transitioned, matching the tone. I can’t say what I like or dislike about it--I would never give it up. Not for anything. (I mean, maybe to save someone’s life, but the thought of life without color is unbearable.)”


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“As a kid it was great when I was bored in grade school because I could make up little stories about the numbers and letters and their adventures. Stories based on their existing personalities...”

mike jones

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“I absolutely love it. I love color in general and it has become a central part of my life and my way of thinking.”

sarah lloyd

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“Sometimes I am more inclined to pick an answer over another on a test be-cause the color is more apealing. Most of the time, I am wrong anyways.”

sarah lloyd

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-“Constant struggle between bad and good words. In my head, a whole drama will be going on. Like my right hand fighting my left hand. Or how the numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 would be fighting out like a teenage school drama.

I also did not like how illogical everything was, so I forced myself to stop when I was about 12 years old.“

geri nariko

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other discoveries:

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other discoveries: looking at colored type

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other discoveries: looking at colored typeuppercase vs. lowercase

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other discoveries: looking at colored typeuppercase vs. lowercasecurves having to do with gender

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other discoveries: looking at colored typeuppercase vs. lowercasecurves having to do with genderword colors

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other discoveries: looking at colored typeuppercase vs. lowercasecurves having to do with genderword colorsmixing up letters - 7 & Y

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other discoveries: looking at colored typeuppercase vs. lowercasecurves having to do with genderword colorsmixing up letters - 7 & Ywriting

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other discoveries: looking at colored typeuppercase vs. lowercasecurves having to do with genderword colorsmixing up letters - 7 & Ywritingforeign alphabets

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