SYLLABUS FOR ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE IN ......Prof. Peter Hawkins Prof. Erik de Haan Jon Williams Prof. Ilona Boniwell Rob Willson Carolyn Freyer-Jones Yannick Jacob 09 10 11 12 13

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Page 1: SYLLABUS FOR ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE IN ......Prof. Peter Hawkins Prof. Erik de Haan Jon Williams Prof. Ilona Boniwell Rob Willson Carolyn Freyer-Jones Yannick Jacob 09 10 11 12 13


Study with the best

Page 2: SYLLABUS FOR ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE IN ......Prof. Peter Hawkins Prof. Erik de Haan Jon Williams Prof. Ilona Boniwell Rob Willson Carolyn Freyer-Jones Yannick Jacob 09 10 11 12 13

Yannick Jacob Catherine Bell

Dr. D Ivan Young Prof. Jonathan Passmore

Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott Linda Aspey

Devon White Prof. David Clutterbuck

01 02

03 04

05 06

07 08

An Introduction to Coaching Psychological Foundations

The Coaching Relationship Toward an Integrated Approach to Coaching

Preparing to Coach Listening

Communication Goals

table of contents


School of Positive Transformation


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Prof. Peter Hawkins Prof. Erik de Haan

Jon Williams Prof. Ilona Boniwell

Rob Willson

Carolyn Freyer-Jones Yannick Jacob

09 10

11 12


14 15

Structure & Process Relational Coaching

Coaching for Performance Positive Psychology Coaching

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching

Kickstart Your Coaching Practice Bringing it all together


School of Positive Transformation


Page 4: SYLLABUS FOR ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE IN ......Prof. Peter Hawkins Prof. Erik de Haan Jon Williams Prof. Ilona Boniwell Rob Willson Carolyn Freyer-Jones Yannick Jacob 09 10 11 12 13

An Introduction to Coaching

Y annick Jacob is an Existential Coach (MA), Positive Psychologist (MSc), Coach Trainer & Supervisor, Mediator (conflict resolution), and the former

(2015-2018) Programme Leader of the MSc in Coaching Psychology at the University of East London. He supports coaches, leaders, and anybody who considers themselves in a “position of responsibility” to gain clarity, make choices, build resilience, increase wellbeing, and generally navigate their life and/or business. Yannick believes that sustainable happiness requires a re-positioning toward what happiness means to us, paired with an embracing

of the full spectrum of human experience (including its darker sides). Since 2008 Yannick has studied, taught, and helped his clients achieve all things relevant to wellbeing (MSc Applied Positive Psychology) as well as understand the depths and complexities of the human condition and how these are manifested in people (MA Existential Coaching). He is a much sought-after guest lecturer and speaker, teaches faculty at The School of Life, and is the Program Director of the ACIC. Yannick presents at international conferences and his book, An Introduction to Existential Coaching, was released by Routledge, one




School of Positive Transformation


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of the world’s leading academic publishing houses. In his free time you may spot him riding sideways down mountains at speed or DJing at some of Europe’s largest music festivals. Learn more about Yannick and his work at www.existential.coach and www.RocketSupervision.com.

An Introduction to Coaching Coaching isn’t just one thing! There’s a rich landscape of different approaches and a broad range of practices that may fall under the umbrella term “coaching”. In this module, Yannick will introduce you to the world of coaching and help you might make sense of what it is (and isn’t). We’ll describe the exciting possibilities that coaching creates for you and set the foundations for the practitioner you’ll become as part of this journey. We’ll introduce you to the key competencies we believe every coach needs in their repertoire and which we’ll help you hone over the course of this program. Plus, we’ll talk about why good ethics are important; not as a set of rules or laws you’ll need to follow as a coach, but rather a framework and a set of questions you can ask yourself to make sure you and your clients are safe and that you provide them with best practice. We’ll talk about where “the line” might be drawn between coaching, mentoring, consulting, and therapy and how to make difficult decisions as part of your coaching practice.

Session 1: What is CoachingYou may have heard the term “coaching” in a variety of contexts from sports to business and education. You may have experienced coaching that was very directive with clear instructions and advice on how to move forward, or you may have gotten to know coaching as a psychological journey that’s deeply transformational. In this session, we draw the landscape of coaching and explain how it’s similar and different to other helping-by talking practices such as mentoring, teaching, consulting, or counselling and psychotherapy so that you can understand its reach and possibilities.

Session 2: Coaching CompetenciesThere are certain skills, characteristics, and competencies that make for an effective coach. Professional coaching bodies such as the Association for Coaching (AC), the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) have created excellent competency frameworks that set out guidelines to help developing coaches orientate themselves as they learn to work with their clients. They’re all quite similar, so in this session we’ll introduce you to the AC’s framework, which will help you to understand what’s required to become a great coach while setting you up for your accreditation further down the line (if you choose to go down that route).

Session 3: EthicsOne of the most important aspects of being a coach is to develop sound ethics. Ethics, in our view, isn’t a set of rules or laws you have to follow as a coach, but rather a set of questions every coach asks themselves on a continuous basis in order to make good decisions on how best to work with their clients. We’ll explain why this is important and how to make difficult decisions when faced with tricky situations as you begin working with your clients. We’ll also introduce you to the “Global Code of Ethics For Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors”.


School of Positive Transformation


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Psychological Foundations

Catherine is the Director of the Bell Training Group in Ocean Grove, Australia. Since 2010, she has worked with organizations around the globe to

bring best people practice to life, creating environments of excellence where everyone can shine. A Professional Coach, Consultant, Facilitator, and Speaker, Catherine brings her unique blend of science and heart to every interaction - and has a lot of fun facilitating positive change that sticks!

Catherine’s work centres on the relationship between leaders and their teams, harnessing the power of

emotional intelligence and strengths for positive change. She assists teams facing challenging times to find the courage to face their problems, repair relationships, and together create a powerful forward momentum.

Catherine’s Coaching is grounded in Positive Psychology while drawing on broader influences including Transformational Coaching, NLP, and Existential Coaching. As a Coach educator, she has trained and mentored thousands of Coaches and served as a volunteer with the ICF Australasia (Southern States) Leadership Team on the Coaching Excellence portfolio from 2018-2020.




School of Positive Transformation


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She passionately believes that great leaders in business can change the world. Through her partnership with Buy1Give1, Catherine contributes directly to projects supporting the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Psychological FoundationsNo two clients are the same. However, it’s probably safe to say all people come to coaching for the same reason: to make change! But what underpins a client’s ability to make change? What is needed to be successful? To achieve goals? To be transformed?

In this module, we explore the psychological factors that underpin a coach’s ability to facilitate change in their client’s lives. We begin by exploring the reasons why people seek coaching; we then discuss the importance of helping clients become clear about their ideals of success and how that success is connected to their overall well-being. Fundamental to coaching is being open to possibility and providing a non-judgemental space. However, this can be challenged when faced with a seemingly unrealistic client goal. We therefore discuss a ‘middle way’ approach that allows clients to experience success, even when faced with unachievable goals. We also explore techniques that enable clients to immediately begin walking along the path to success. The module ends by considering motivation and the deeper purpose and higher meaning of goals and our personal Ikigai.

Session 1: Why Clients Come to Coaching - Theories of Happiness & SuccessPeople walk into the coaching room for a variety of reasons. Some have clear goals and ideas of success: a better job or title, more money or power, a new vacation home. Some have a feeling of being ‘stuck’ and ‘just can’t take putting up’ with the low level of discomfort or displeasure in their lives. In this session, we discuss the fine line coaches walk in helping clients to become clear about what they really want, their motivations behind their goals, and how success might look throughout the course of their life. We discuss the ecology of success, the link between success and wellbeing, and introduce several models and theories (e.g., PERMA, 6-factor, Thrive & Survive) outlining the conditions for robust mental health.

Session 2: What We Can and Can’t Do - Theories of ChangeIs the sky the limit? Can we really achieve whatever we set our minds to? What is realistic and what’s not? In this session, we discuss ways to overcome things that make the attainment of goals unlikely by exploring more deeply the essence of what it means to achieve our goals and the role of intentional activities. We then delve deeply into the pitfalls of ‘faking it until you make it,’ the power behind ‘acting as if’, and Prochaska & DiClemente’s theoretical model, commonly referred to as the Stages of Change. Finally, Catherine shares powerful questions that strengthen a client’s belief in their ability to change.

Session 3: Why and How We Do What We Do - Theories of MotivationWhat is it that motivates us to make a change? What are the conditions needed to foster motivation? And how do we sustain it? In this session, we discuss theories on self-determination and the conditions needed to foster intrinsic motivation. Catherine discusses the important contributions of humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers and his theory on self-actualization, peak states, and how we cultivate the ability to recognize congruence. Finally, we focus on how to sustain motivation by tapping into the higher meaning behind a client’s goals. Using language tools and logical levels (i.e., Chunk up, down, and across), we discuss practical tips to help clients dig deeper in order to become unstuck. To end the session, Catherine offers insights into how to navigate a world filled with ups and downs by connecting with our personal reason for being, our Ikigai.


School of Positive Transformation


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The Coaching Relationship

For over a decade, Dr. D. Ivan Young has dedicated himself to helping people create a positive, lasting change in their lives. He is a TEDx speaker with over 2.5 million views, an ICF Master Certified Coach and Master Neuro-Linguistic Programmer, a WellCoaches Certified Health and Wellness Coach, a Certified Diversity Coach through

the Coach Diversity Institute, a credentialed Master MBTI Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Holistic Life Coaching, a Fellow at the renowned Institute of Coaching McLean, and a Harvard Medical School affiliate. The ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential represents the highest level of achievement in coaching and identifies Dr. D Ivan Young as an expert coach.




School of Positive Transformation


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The Coaching Relationship The single-most important contributor to the success of any coaching is the relationship between the coach and the client. When we create a strong bond with our clients that is characterized by mutual trust, confidentiality and a commitment to growth and learning, a big part of our work is already done. That said, relationships are complex and can be challenging to establish and maintain. Factors such as diversity, individual differences, people’s past experiences and relationship skills may be obstacles to connecting powerfully. In this module Dr. D Ivan Young, will teach you the ins and outs of effective coaching relationships, how to create rapport with your clients and why it’s important to embrace diversity when we coach.

Session 1: Why Diversity matters in CoachingDiversity goes beyond race and colour to include culture, values and personality. In the context of coaching it’s crucial to appreciate how we always meet “the other” in the coaching room. In this session you’ll learn about how to use our differences as opportunities and get an insight into generational diversity as a starting point to understand diversity.

Session 2: Creating the Coaching RelationshipWe’ll start with introducing the coaching relationship and why it’s the foundation for our work. You’ll learn how coach and client relate to each other in a professional context, why it is important to recognize the different roles we may hold as a coach and how to talk openly with our clients about the way we connect and experience each other as part of this relationship.

Session 3: Creating RapportGiven how important it is to establish a strong relationship, in this session you will learn how to create rapport with your clients. Creating trust, respect and confidentiality through empathy, curiosity, showing up authentic, bracketing your biases and giving your client your full attention and presence.


School of Positive Transformation


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Toward an Integrated Approach to Coaching

Jonathan is a chartered psychologist, accredited coach, and Professor Catedrático for Leadership and Coaching at the University of Evora. He holds five degrees, including a doctorate in psychology, and has published over 100 articles in scientific journals and a number of popular books including Excellence in Coaching, Top Business

Psychology Models, and Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management. He is also the editor of the Organizational Psychology series for Wiley Blackwell and the Association for Coaching Best Practice series of six titles, which includes Leadership Coaching, Psychometrics in Coaching, and Mastery in Coaching.

Jonathan has worked as a coach and consultant for global firms including PWC, IBM, and niche providers such as OPM




School of Positive Transformation


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who specialize in leadership development. He has coached government ministers, politicians, and celebrities, as well as leaders and managers across the public and private sectors. Outside of work Jonathan likes to swim and run, and keeps bees.

Towards an Integrated Approach to Coaching The greatest coaches stand on the shoulders of giants and effective coaching practice is inspired by a broad range of other practices and schools of thought. In this module Jonathan Passmore will teach you how your relationship with yourself lies at the center of your coaching practice, he’ll help you grow your coaching toolbox and introduce you to the 7 streams of his integrated coaching model. You will get an insight into how to develop and maintain the coaching relationship, the role that cognitive and behavioural practices play in coaching, you’ll learn about unconscious cognitions and how they show up in the coaching room, you’ll get an insight into working with the body and why it’s important to take into account the wider system within which the client operates.

Session 1: Understanding yourself“Who you are is how you coach” - a saying you’ll hear from us often throughout this programme. Understanding yourself is one of the most important foundations for coaching practice. It will inform the way you work and provide valuable insights into your preferred coaching style and your interactions with your clients. In this session Jonathan introduces a number of ways in which this can be done.

Sessions 2: Creating Your Coaching ToolkitIn this session Jonathan introduces you to a wide range of practical tools and techniques to use with your coaching clients such as the empty chair exercise, Kurt Lewine’s Force Field Analysis, Peter Hawkin’s The 13th Fairy, Agenda Mapping as well as a number of simple problem-solving and idea-generating exercises.

Sessions 3: Developing an Integrated Approach to CoachingIn this session Jonathan introduces his integrated approach to coaching and takes you through the 7 streams that feed into this model. Trialled and tested in many of the world’s largest organisations and applied with global leaders, you’ll get an insight into how this coaching approach is constructed with practical tips and pointers as to how you could develop your own integrative approach to coaching as you journey through this program


School of Positive Transformation


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Preparing to Coach

D r. Chérie Carter-Scott is known as “The Mother of Coaching”. She started coaching and training coaches in San Francisco in 1974. She is a

behavioral scientist, a #1 NY Times & Amazon Bestselling author, a Master Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF), and has a Ph.D. in Organizational Development. Dr. Chérie is the author of 19 books and her signature title, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, was translated into 40 languages and has sold over 5 million copies worldwide.

Dr. Chérie is the executive producer (as well as a featured

on-camera coach) of the LEAP documentary on coaching and a frequent guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show. She is also the writer, composer, and lyricist of the musical The Workshop, A Dress Rehearsal for Life

Over the past 4 decades Dr. Chérie has trained thousands of executive and life coaches, along with corporate executives in Fortune 500 companies, and has been the global CEO of the MMS Worldwide Institute, which trains coaches across the world.

Dr. Chérie is also an Instrument-rated private pilot, a PADI




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certified scuba diver, a wife, mother, and grandmother, a long-term business partner, and a purpose-driven, passionate inspiration to millions. Her books and other resources are available at www.DrCherie.com.

Preparing to Coach Preparing to meet your first coaching client and having your first meeting is a balance of practicalities, parameters, and process. On the one hand, coaching involves thinking about practical details and setting parameters for success; creating an uncluttered physical space for creativity, imagination, and focus; giving clients our full undivided attention; clarifying goals, objectives, roles, and responsibility; and defining boundaries, managing expectations, and setting outcomes. On the other hand, it is a living process of preparing ourselves: discovering and connecting to our authentic self, clearing our minds and bodies, asking for and accepting help when needed, and living the process of coaching day-in-day-out. In this module, Chérie provides guidance, insight, tools, and tips to cover the range of practicalities, parameters, and processes involved in being a coach.

Session 1: Setting up the Coaching Space and How to Prepare for Your First ClientCoaches offer clients an escape from the chaotic busy world in which they live. When clients enter the coaching space, we must be ready, willing, and able to give them our undivided attention and focus. But what is the coaching space? And how do we prepare it? In this session, Chérie reminds us that as coaches we are an important element of the coaching space. Starting with our relationship with ourselves, we discuss how our presence creates a powerful beginning and opens doors for transformation. Chérie offers guidance on how to clear our minds, ground our bodies, and prepare our physical and virtual coaching spaces. To end the session, Chérie shares a powerful personal ‘coaching prayer’ to help you prepare for your coaching client.

Session 2: Contracting and the Chemistry SessionBorn out of the desire for something beyond the now, coaching is a relationship designed to bridge the gap between here and there. The effectiveness with which a coach helps a client move from what-is to what-is-possible depends on many factors. In this session, we discuss the purpose and key elements of a Chemistry session, which includes clarifying what coaching is and is not, how to assess a client’s readiness for coaching using the MMS 4 criteria (desire, willingness, belief, commitment), managing expectations, setting outcomes and, as the name suggests, whether there is chemistry between client and coach. Chérie discusses how contracting outlines the foundations of your relationship and deepens commitment and offers insight into the differences between written and verbal contracts.

Session 3: The Coaching Mindset and How to Get Clients From “I Want” to “I Have”Is coaching something we do or something we live? Or both? In this session, we delve deeper into how a coach’s way of being is fundamental to building the bridge to a client’s wants, desires, and objectives. We discuss the anatomy of the “I want” moment, how to help clients become open to imagination and possibility, and how setting clear objectives creates and instils value for the client and the coaching process. Coaching is both what we do and who we are: an embodiment of ideals, thinking, and process for moving forward with life. Chérie offers 12 profound steps toward living the process of being a coach.


School of Positive Transformation


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L inda is an executive and team coach, facilitator, speaker, supervisor, psychotherapist, and member of the Time to Think global faculty. As part of the

latter, she teaches, supervises, and qualifies others to work with the transformative phenomena known as the Thinking Environment®. For most of her career, Linda’s work has focused on listening and creating the best possible conditions for good thinking and positive results in 1:1, group, team, and organizational contexts. She’s worked with over 300 organizations, small and large, local and international, and with hundreds of teams and individuals.

Linda is also deeply committed to working supportively with leaders, teams and organizations in their quest to explore and take meaningful, restorative action on the climate and ecological crisis facing the world. She is a BACP accredited counsellor (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy), an awarded BACP Fellow, and the founding chair of BACP Coaching, the member’s division for coach-therapists. She is an external assessor for the University of East London (UEL) masters course in Integrative Counselling and Coaching, and a founding member of the Climate Coaching Alliance.




School of Positive Transformation


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Linda has a master’s degree in Strategic Human Resource Management, diplomas in Counselling, Supervision, Stress and Trauma Management, and is qualified as a Time to Think Coach, Facilitator, Thinking Partnership Teacher, and Time to Think Consultant. She speaks and writes widely about the Thinking Environment, leadership, coaching, and the environment.

Learn more about Linda at www.aspey.com

Listening ▶ “The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of our thinking.”

▶ “The quality of our attention determines the quality of other people’s thinking.”

▶ “To know that you will not be interrupted allows you to truly think for yourself.”

▶ “The mind that contains the problem usually contains the solution.”

These are just some of the observations that the world-renowned creator of the Thinking Environment (TE), Nancy Kline, has blessed us with. And at the core of this philosophy lies a crucial skill: Listening! In this module, Time to Think Global Faculty Member Linda Aspey will teach you how to listen powerfully to create the kind of environment that allows your clients’ solutions to emerge. Linda will introduce different levels of listening and teach you a range of advanced skills.

Session 1: Creating a Thinking EnvironmentIn this first session, we’ll introduce you to the provenance and principles of the TE, illuminate different worlds of thinking, and highlight the importance of independent thinking. In the process we’ll uncover 8 important observations and 10 components that build the foundation for a powerful coaching space.

Session 2: Levels of Listening Why is listening so important? How well do people listen? What different kinds of listening are there and how do we apply them in a coaching setting? In this session, Linda will introduce several theoretical models of listening (Covey, Whitworth, Sharmer) as well as Rogers’s “sufficient and necessary conditions” as the cornerstone for an effective listening environment. You’ll learn what it means to “actively” listen and the kind of skills and mindset you’ll need to listen deeply to your clients.

Session 3: Advanced ListeningListening is an advanced art and this session will give you some insights into advanced models of listening. We’ll cover ego states in coaching as they relate to listening and delve deeper into topics such as attention, ease, equality, diversity, encouragement, and feelings. You’ll learn about Sharmer’s Levels of Listening and hear from the founder of the Thinking Environment, Nancy Kline.


School of Positive Transformation


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Devon is the Co-founder and CEO of Field, a brain driven wellness company that exists to make meeting and training your brain accessible in the

easiest and most practical ways possible. Field’s platform pairs gamified neurofeedback and other biometric-based training with coaching and life design to support customers in leading their best lives.

Most of Devon’s professional career has been spent as a coach and consultant studying communication, human behavior, optimal performance, and eliciting the deepest states of flow and well-being from his clients. During

that time, he developed an architecture for life-wide optimization called the Human Operating System. This guides much of Field’s approach.

Since having a life you love is so intrinsic to Field’s mission, a lot of Devon’s time is spent ensuring he’s walking his talk, making his kids smile as often as possible, and falling more deeply in love with his amazing wife & co-creator, Julie.

Outside of Field, Devon is a Co-founder of the Global Brain Data Foundation, a charitable and educational US-based,




School of Positive Transformation


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international non-profit organization focused on ensuring data empowerment and a successful human future. It is currently spearheading the development of a global neurodata repository and functions as a standards entity for the collection, accumulation, licensing, and use of neurodata.

Learn more about Devon at https://www.experiencethefield.com/team

Communication Communication is the backbone of coaching. While we often rely on language to express our thoughts, feelings, and fears, it is estimated that only 5% of our communication is verbal. To be the best coach you can is dependent on recognizing and using all forms of communication, or the other 95%! In this module, Devon White takes us on a journey to broaden and deepen our understanding of the rich palette of communication. We discuss why it’s necessary to be clean, clear, present, and transparent. We consider how to use language to focus your client’s attention on what’s possible, how to open your eyes to the changes occurring within your client, and how to deepen the state of possibility using questions to trigger transformation.

Session 1: Clean LanguageWhen we think of language, we might immediately think of the spoken word. In the coaching space, however, communication goes well beyond what is said. Communication is a multi-sensory experience and is the conduit for creating possibility, allowing for transformation in our clients. In this session, we dissect the dynamics of communications between coach and client. Fundamental to this is the coach’s ability to be transparent, fully present, and to recognize and use the full range of communications. We discuss the definition of clean language, how we create our sense of reality, sensory representational systems, fundamental and generative states of being, and how to use words, tonality, parrot-phrasing, and body language to deepen a client’s experience.

Session 2: Irresistible CommunicationIn this session, we dig deeper into the three fundamentals levels of communication, building from the ground level (or presence) level to the physical level (Devon doesn’t give this level a specific name like others), where we discuss reading and the use of body language, to the linguistics level, where we learn to speak with congruency, integrity, and well-formedness. You will learn ways to adjust your message using a range of communication tools that feel irresistible to your client. It could be argued hypnosis does not exist. Some say everything is hypnosis. We discuss how to use this profound linguistics tool to focus attention and effectively drive the transformation your client is seeking. Bringing it all together, we delve deeper into the use of tonality, rhythms, and cadence and the primal, sensual nature of experience.

Session 3: Questions to Trigger TransformationEver wonder what happens when you ask your client a question? Probably not. Go behind the words to understand how questions are experienced and why they are powerful catalysts for change. In this session, we discuss what happens in the mind and body when a question is asked, how to notice the subtle changes of state in your client, and how to utilize this information to drive transformation. Learn how to artfully ask powerful questions, pair questions with storytelling, and slow down the process to deepen your client’s experience.


School of Positive Transformation


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David Clutterbuck is one of the original pioneers of coaching and mentoring. A visiting professor in the coaching and mentoring faculties of four

universities, he is one of the two original founders of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, the oldest professional body in the field, and is now its special ambassador, tasked with spreading good practice internationally. David is author or co-author of more than 70 books and hundreds of articles. He is a distinguished fellow of The Conference Board and Practice Lead for Coaching and Mentoring International, a global network of coaching and mentoring educators.

He maintains a continuous program of research into mentoring, coaching, and leader development. He is an accomplished and controversial public speaker in high demand around the world. The broad scope of his work can be found on his websites www.DavidClutterbuckPartnership.com and www.CoachingAndMentoringInternational.org. He likes to practice what he preaches, setting himself the goal of achieving at least one major learning challenge each year – these range from skydiving to becoming a stand-up comic!




School of Positive Transformation


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Goals Working toward (and achieving) goals is one of the first things people tend to think about when hearing the word “coaching”. And while it is true that most coaches, in some way or another, help people move toward a future outcome, the topic of goals is multi-dimensional and more complex than simply defining a SMART goal and finding ways to achieve it. In this module, Professor Clutterbuck will introduce you to the concept of goals, makes important distinctions between different kinds of goals, explains how as coaches we can work with our clients to identify goals, and helps you to create your own personal development plan as an emerging coach. He will illuminate some of the pitfalls of “goal obsession” and you’ll get to see David in action as part of a coaching demonstration he kindly recorded exclusively for the School of Positive Transformation.

Session 1: Why Do We Need Goals?What makes a goal achievable? Why is it important to understand how goals relate to success? In this session, David takes a step back to look at the purpose of coaching, the fundamental differences between coaching and mentoring, and their different approaches to achieving goals. He discusses where goals come from, what it means to achieve them, and the importance of linking goals to purpose. David also discusses the characteristics and categories of goals and provides tools and techniques to help clients not only set achievable goals but also to avoid the pitfalls when doing so.

Session 2: The Downsides of Goal ObsessionWorking with clients to achieve goals is an important part of coaching. But can we become overly preoccupied with achieving goals? In this session, David discusses two ways to approach working with goals (inward vs outward), when is it beneficial to use each, and factors to consider with both. David discusses the importance of assessing intrinsic motivation and having a contextual awareness so that goals are not created in a vacuum. David emphasizes the importance of not getting fixated on achieving goals to the detriment of everything else. Instead, he encourages coaches to help their clients take a flexible, wider approach by shifting the focus to finding solutions.

Session 3: Using Goals in Your Development as a CoachHave you ever experienced the awe of a powerful coaching session and then wondered how they did it? In this last session, David encourages coaches to set goals for their own coaching development and delves deeply into the concept of coaching maturity. This session is filled with information to help you become a great coach (e.g., stages of growth, levels of coaching, compassion, how to ‘free yourself from the tyranny of the question’). David shares what it means to go from ‘coaching to clients’ to truly ‘being a coach,’ fully integrating what you do with who you are as a person.


School of Positive Transformation


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Structure & Process

Professor Peter Hawkins is a leading author, consultant, and researcher in Leadership, Strategy, Culture Change, and Organizational learning. He

is a global thought leader, author and trainer in Systemic Team Coaching, runs training around the world, and is co-founder of the Global Team Coaching Institute with David Clutterbuck and wbecs.com. He has served as consultant to leading global businesses in over 50 countries.

Peter is Emeritus Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School and the Chairman of Renewal Associates. He has written numerous global best-selling books on

leadership, leadership teams, systemic coaching, and supervision. Currently, his major concern is how coaching, consultancy, and leadership development can make a more beneficial contribution to the great ecological and human challenges of our times.

Peter is a visiting professor at the universities of Bath and Oxford Brookes and is enjoyably kept busy by his wife, three children and their partners, five grandchildren, and numerous hens, goats, steers, and guinea fowl in the large gardens and woodlands where he lives on the edge of Bath in the UK.




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Learn more about Peter at www.renewalassociates.co.uk

Structure & Process So how does coaching work from the point at which we start working with a client to when we finish? How might you structure a coaching session or a series of sessions? What’s the process coaches apply in the background when they work with their clients? In this module, Peter Hawkins will explain the stages of a coaching relationship, introduce the CLEAR process of coaching, and discuss the 4 levels of engagement. He’ll also talk you through a case study and demonstrate how the CLEAR process can be applied with a client in a real-life Zoom setting. Moving through a series of coaching sessions is a journey. However, becoming a coach is also a journey, one that begins during training and continues throughout our existence as a professional coach. Peter discusses several journeys in this module: the journey from meeting a client and guiding them through a coaching process toward finding their own answers; the journey toward developing as a coach; and the journey of placing coaches, clients, and the coaching profession as a whole within the wider context of the systems in which we live.

Session 1: Coaching in the Context of Our TimesPeter begins the journey with a brief history of how the modern coaching profession emerged from management and leadership training with the awareness that the most important tool was the leaders themselves: their ability to be self-aware. Peter discusses the ‘unholy trinity’ of challenges facing organizations today and the impact this has on clients. He challenges coaches to question ‘who we serve,’ by asking them not to view client issues as individual problems to be solved but as opportunities to make positive changes within the world in which we live.

Session 2: The Stages of Coaching - The CLEAR ProcessCoaching is always forward-focused. But what does this mean? In this session, Peter maps out the key stages of a coaching session (using the CLEAR model) and introduces an approach he developed that enables clients to consider their future impact in the wider frame of life, or what he calls ‘future back, outside in.’ Peter discusses how systemic listening, continual contracting, and metaphorically inviting others into the coaching room (e.g., outside-in) enables clients to embody their new reality while remaining within the safety of the coaching space.

Session 3: The 4 Levels of Engagement - A Case StudyWorking with a recently promoted female executive seeking to increase the efficiency of under-performing staff she now leads; Peter presents a case study that employs a depth and process model. In this session, Peter introduces the Four Levels of Engagement Model (depth model), which aims to explore in-depth the underlying emotional triggers that create certain patterns of behavior. By going down (and back up) the levels, coaches can identify the patterns of behavior that form the basis of the stories we tell ourselves. After discovering the source of the client’s emotional trigger, Peter demonstrates how to move through the session using the CLEAR model by replacing, rehearsing, and reviewing the new pattern.


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Relational Coaching

W ith over twenty-five years of experience in organizational and personal development, Erik de Haan is the Director of Ashridge’s

Centre for Coaching at Hult International Business School and Professor of Organization Development at the VU University Amsterdam. He aims to support individuals in their search for what is right and just for both themselves and others in their organizations. His expertise encompasses process consulting for organizational change, serving as consultant to boards and teams, leading strategic conferences, and executive and team coaching.

Erik has an MSc in Theoretical Physics and gained his PhD with research into learning and decision-making processes in perception. He is a British Psychoanalytic Council registered psychodynamic psychotherapist with an MA in psychotherapy from the Tavistock Clinic; has (co-)authored more than 200 articles and 14 books; and sits on the editorial board of three journals including the Consulting Psychology Journal.

Erik has worked with universities, hospitals, and multinational companies. He is an Ashridge and ICF accredited coach and supervisor and is qualified to deliver




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a range of psychometric instruments. Equally, he loves drawing from fine arts such as tragedy, Dutch painting, and opera. He is fluent in Dutch, English, Italian, German, and Spanish.

Relational Coaching What do all coaching approaches have in common? They all share one important feature: a meeting or coming together between coach and client. This is the heart of relational coaching: to deeply explore this ‘moment of meeting’. Relational coaching calls our attention to what is happening in the coaching room in real time, or what is often referred to as the ‘here and now.’ It challenges us to bring ourselves fully and authentically into the coaching space and to look beyond our client’s story to the subtle changes occurring within them in front of us. In this module, Erik provides a theoretical foundation for relational coaching, explains how to discover our authentic coaching style, and shows how working with the ‘here and now’ can be a vehicle for transformation.

Session 1: Drawing the Landscape of Coaching PracticeDo you naturally seek solutions to problems? Or do you believe it’s more important to gain insight into a situation before looking for solutions? Do you find yourself offering support to others? Or is it challenging to push through? Do you see the cup half empty or full? In this session, Erik discusses the historical differences and similarities between the different approaches to helping conversations. Through the use of a metaphor to explore your natural ways of being, Erik shares a technique to help you identify the coaching approach best suited to you.

Session 2: The Basic Tenets of Relational Coaching & How to Find Your Coaching StyleHow do authenticity, trust, and belief in yourself play a role in how effective you are as a coach? In this session, Erik encourages coaches to discover their authentic coaching style to increase their effectiveness as a coach. Fundamental to all coaching approaches is relational coaching. That is, our relationship with ourselves, our clients, and how we ‘meet’ in the coaching room. Erik discusses the tenets of relational coaching and how to work with the ‘here and now’ of what’s happening in coaching.

Session 3: A Case Study in Relational CoachingWorking with an international female senior executive seeking to improve her relationship with her boss, Erik presents a case study in relational coaching. In this session, Erik discusses the challenges he faced in working with his client and how her emotionally volatile interactions with others in her work and personal life led to a life-changing discovery. Erik also discusses working with leadership shadows, the ‘here and now,’ and the use of metaphors.


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Coaching for Performance

Jon Williams is a Senior Consultant and Lead Trainer for Performance Consultants. He has 18 years’ experience working for a blue-chip financial services

company in the field of personal and organizational development. In particular, he was heavily involved in coaching leaders within the organization to successfully navigate the transitions between various levels of leadership – from first line management through to Department Director level.

Jon is a positive and pragmatic people developer with a unique blend of leadership, management, and sales training experience. He is passionate about enabling other people to reach their full potential and has a strong track record of performance development. Jon has a high level of experience in supporting individuals and teams to raise their game. He specializes in performance, leadership and transitional one-to-one coaching; management and leadership development; and performance feedback.




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Coaching for Performance When Sir John Whitmore’s Coaching for Performance was first published in 1992 (now a best-seller and in its 5th edition), it arguably heralded the beginning of a new era in the industry as it gave coaches all over the world access to a new philosophy in boosting performance and introduced them to the most widely popularized process in coaching: The GROW model. Based on the Inner Game concept of his friend and mentor Timothy Gallwey (who had revolutionized psychological coaching in the sports world in the 1970s) and together with co-creator of the model and co-founder of their company Performance Consultants International, Graham Alexander, they developed the GROW throughout the 1980s for their client McKinsey. Their company continues to have a global impact to this day. In this module, PCI Senior Trainer Jon Williams will introduce you to the GROW model and its underlying principles and show you how to use it with your clients in and outside of organizations.

Session 1: Foundations and Psychological PrinciplesThe GROW model is much more than a 4-step process coaches use to boost performance. In this first session, Jon will introduce the psychological principles that underlie both the model and practice.

Session 2: Process and PracticePCI’s website states: “GROW is more than a coaching model loved by the coaching community. It is also a top leadership tool that works across all disciplines and cultures. With its four deceptively simple steps, GROW has proved successful all over the world. It forms the backbone of coaching in many organizations and universities globally, due to the outstanding results. It helps people to achieve success personally or as part of a team.” In this module, you’ll learn how the model works in practice and how to apply it with your clients.

Session 3: A Case Study in Coaching for Performance In this last session, Jon will introduce you to a case study to illuminate how he’s applied the model in practice with one of his clients. He’ll talk you through the practical issues of using the GROW model and share lots of practical tips and advice on coaching for performance as well as offering you a series of questions to coach yourself.


School of Positive Transformation


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Positive Psychology Coaching

P rofessor Ilona Boniwell is one of the European leaders in Positive Psychology, having founded and headed the first master’s degree in Applied

Positive Psychology (MAPP) in Europe at the University of East London. She now heads the International MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (I-MAPP) at Anglia Ruskin University (which includes a dedicated positive psychology coaching pathway), teaches Positive Management at l’Ecole Centrale Paris and HEC, and consults around the world as a director of Positran.

Ilona founded and was the first Chair of the European

Network of Positive Psychology (ENPP); she organized the first European Congress of Positive Psychology in June 2002, was the first Vice-Chair of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) and is now the Vice-President for the Francophone Association of Positive Psychology. She serves on the Board of Directors of the International Positive Education Network (IPEN) and is a co-editor of the Applied Positive Psychology Journal.

Ilona is the author of numerous books on positive psychology, acted as the main consultant for and appeared in the BBC2 series The Happiness Formula




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(2006), and has been featured in articles, interviews, and columns in the Guardian, Times, Top Sante, Cosmopolitan, and Psychologies.

Ilona is passionate about the practical application of Positive Psychology to coaching, business, and education. Her clients include a range of global companies. Nowadays, as a director of Positran, a boutique consultancy specializing in the application of evidence-based methodologies to achieve lasting positive transformation, Ilona delivers advanced professional training in Positive Psychology. She has developed her own approach to positive psychology coaching and training which she has implemented with thousands of professionals around the world. She further worked for the Government of Bhutan to develop a framework for happiness-based public policy at the request of the UN. Currently, she consults with the Prime Minister’s Office of Dubai around the development of a toolkit for workplace positivity and the assessment of organizational well-being.

Positive Psychology Coaching Positive Psychology arguably sits at the heart of people’s reasons for coming to coaching: happiness, optimal human functioning, and psychological wellbeing. In this module, Ilona introduces this inspiring branch of science and how it may be applied to your work with coaching clients. This includes how to build happiness, be more resilient, and how to use our strengths and time more effectively. Ilona introduces a range of coaching related topics in positive psychology, provides a wealth of information on how to integrate positive psychology interventions and activities into the coaching space, and shares a complex case using strengths coaching both individually and across a team. You’ll also be happy to hear that Ilona has recorded a coaching demonstration for us using one of the signature pen & paper tools she’s developed based on years of research.

Session 1: Foundations and Psychological PrinciplesWhat makes us happy? Is happiness something we possess or something we find? In this session, llona introduces the science of positive psychology, or what is defined as the science of optimizing human function. Highlighting topics of particular interest to coaching clients, she discusses the similarities and differences between positive psychology and coaching and shares research on how positive emotions can facilitate change in the coaching space. She also introduces research on the characteristics of happiness and ways to build it and covers topics such as FLOW, mindset, motivation, strengths, resilience, and time.

Session 2: Process and PracticePositive Psychology is an evidence-based science that often involves conducting surveys and assessments with large groups of people. In this session, however, Ilona demonstrates how practical positive psychology interventions (PPI) can be easily integrated into the coaching space and adjusted for individual clients. Demonstrating the use of the Happiness Map (or Life Map), she explains that many people find they are happier than they think when their whole life is brought into focus. Ilona discusses the benefits and offers tips and questions for two popular areas: Coaching for Happiness and Coaching for Strengths.

Session 3: A Case Study in Positive Psychology CoachingHaving worked with individuals to provide strengths coaching for over 15 years, it became apparent that a more systemic approach is needed to optimize the strengths and functions across the team. In this session, Ilona presents a complex case involving both individual and group strength coaching. We’ll discuss the structure of the two levels of coaching, the use of peer-coaching, and reactions, challenges, and feedback from the team. Ilona demonstrates and discusses how novel assessments and activities are conducted, such as the use of a strengths inventory app, strengths stories, collective job crafting, and a strengths marketplace.


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Cognitive Behavioral Coaching

Rob Willson, PhD, is a cognitive behavior therapist based in North London with a special interest in OCD, BDD, Health Anxiety, and Integrating

Coaching and Therapy. He currently divides most of his working time between seeing patients, conducting research, writing, and teaching. He is the chair of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation (BDD), the world’s first charity exclusively devoted to BDD.

Before building his own practice, Rob spent 12 years working at the Priory Hospital North London where he was

a therapist and therapy services manager. He also trained and supervised numerous cognitive behavior therapists over a 7-year period while working at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Rob has co-authored several books, including the bestselling Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dummies and Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. His main clinical interests are anxiety and obsessional problems, and the dissemination of the principles of cognitive behavior therapy through self-help and coaching. He is




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also extremely interested in the potential for coaching and therapy integration. Rob has featured in numerous newspaper and magazine articles and has made several television and radio appearances.

Cognitive Behavioural CoachingCognitive and behavioural sciences have arguably had the biggest impact on coaching practice and, to date, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the most widely researched approach to helping people overcome psychological problems. In this module Rob will introduce you to the foundational principles underlying CBT and how we can apply them with coaching clients. We’ll discuss the difference between coaching and therapy, how to identify some of the “red flags” of psychological conditions that coaches better stay clear of, and you’ll learn a range of practical tools and techniques that will help you work with your clients’ thoughts, emotions and behaviour in a structured way. Offering practical advice on how to work with a range of common problems as well as showcasing his coaching skills with a client as part of a real-life demo will round off the experience and give you detailed pointers as to how cognitive behavioural psychology can be applied to coaching.

Session 1: Foundations and Psychological PrinciplesThis session will focus on the principles of the cognitive-behavioural perspective. We’ll cover key assumptions of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) theory, very briefly cover the history of the approach, note some key differences between CBC and CBT (therapy), and introduce common areas of application such as stress, performance anxiety, and procrastination.

Session 2: Process and PracticeIn session 2 Rob will teach you about the process of how a CBC session may look like in practice, from drawing up a list of problems to applying CBC’s most commonly applied strategies such as the ABCDE model and how to work with behavioural experiments.

Session 3: Case Studies in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching In our last session Rob will offer practical tips and advice on working with a number of common problem areas such as perfectionism, procrastination, low confidence, performance anxiety, interpersonal disputes and being overly concerned with what other people think of us. Suggestions will be made on how to refer clients for further help and guidance if we encounter and signs indicating that the challenges a client brings to you may be too severe for CBC and may be better placed with a therapist or other mental health professional.


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Kickstart Your Coaching Practice

Carolyn Freyer-Jones, M.A., has been coaching women and men since 2001, assisting them in their growth as leaders. Her clients include

corporate executives, business owners, authors, lawyers, television hosts, and salespeople.

Carolyn has supported clients in launching new businesses, strengthening relationships, transforming careers, and experiencing greater success, fulfillment, peace, and joy. She loves supporting service professionals in developing their ability to become powerful and effective enrollers—many of whom have experienced the

results of doubling or even trebling their income. Carolyn is a long-time champion of women who has developed and co‐facilitated a series of dynamic women’s coaching groups. Carolyn developed the University of Santa Monica’s Soul‐Centered Professional Coaching Program with Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, Steve Chandler, Michelle Bauman, and Stephen McGhee, and was one of the lead faculty members for the Program. She graduated with a master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology in 1998 from the University of Santa Monica and considers the principles and practices of spiritual psychology to be the foundation and springboard for her work in the world as well as her




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personal life. She also is the founder and co-lead faculty member of the CFJ Coaching Success School in Los Angeles, CA where she supports coaches in learning the art of client acquisition through service.

Carolyn and her husband, John Jones, have been married for over 20 years and have a daughter, Lucinda, who brings them great joy and an abundance of opportunities to use their University of Santa Monica education.

Kickstart Your Coaching PracticeAlmost every successful coach is also a successful entrepreneur. One of the biggest shortcomings of coach training programs is that they don’t adequately prepare their students for the journey ahead in establishing and growing a coaching business. The question that pops up most often in alumni coaching groups and communities is “how do I get (more) clients?”. In this module, Carolyn Freyer-Jones, one of the earliest trainers of the legendary Steve Chandler (founder of the Coaching Prosperity school, teacher and mentor to world-renowned super-coach Rich Litvin and co-author of the coaching business bible The Prosperous Coach), will introduce everything you need to know to kickstart your coaching business, including how to get your first client and how to take prospects from a simple conversation to a paid coaching agreement.

Session 1: Getting Started & How to Get Your First Paying ClientGetting started with your coaching business doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to wait until you’ve got the perfect infrastructure in place. All you need is a phone, a computer, yourself, and a coach. We’ll talk about websites, fees, taxes, packages, and the internal resources you’ll need to succeed. You’ll also learn about the practical steps you need to take to sign up your first paying client, regardless of what kind of person you are or who you already have in your network.

Session 2: From Creating Conversations to Creating ClientsThe most important element in getting your coaching business to succeed is to create conversations. This can start simply by talking to people in your local or online community. In this session, Carolyn will teach you how to move from a simple chat with someone you know or meet to inviting them into a coaching relationship. We’ll talk about how to overcome resistance to “selling” by developing a genuine intent to serve our clients; you’ll also be presented with very practical examples and scripts you can use to sign up clients on a regular basis.

Session 3: The Ins and Outs of an Enrollment Conversation & The Art of the ProposalEnrolling clients consistently is not magic! Once you understand the basic principles underlying what inspires a client to commit to the coaching process, you’ll find it can be easy and fun to have these conversations. After all, you’re inviting them to make changes that could transform the rest of their lives in ways they had never imagined. In this session, you’ll be given practical advice on how to structure such a conversation and how to end in a proposal that your clients will feel compelled to say yes to.


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Bringing it all together

Y annick Jacob is an Existential Coach (MA), Positive Psychologist (MSc), Coach Trainer & Supervisor, Mediator (conflict resolution), and the former

(2015-2018) Programme Leader of the MSc Coaching Psychology at the University of East London. He supports coaches, leaders, and anybody who considers themselves in a “position of responsibility” to gain clarity, make choices, build resilience, increase wellbeing, and generally navigate their life and/or business. Yannick believes that sustainable happiness requires a re-positioning toward what happiness means to us, paired with an embracing of

the full spectrum of the human experience (including its darker sides). Since 2008 Yannick has studied, taught and helped his clients achieve all things relevant to wellbeing (MSc Applied Positive Psychology) as well as the depths and complexities of the human condition and how these are manifested in people (MA Existential Coaching). He is a much sought-after guest lecturer and speaker, teaches faculty at The School of Life, and is the Program Director of the ACIC. Yannick presents at international conferences and his book, An Introduction to Existential Coaching, was released by Routledge, one of the world’s leading




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academic publishing houses. In his free time you may spot him riding sideways down mountains at speed or DJing at some of Europe’s largest music festivals. Learn more about Yannick and his work at www.existential.coach and www.RocketSupervision.com.

Bringing it all together Coaching is an integrative practice. Now that you’ve developed a good understanding of the range of different coaching approaches and styles, it’s time to bring it all together. In this module, Program Director Yannick Jacob will guide you through the process of integrating what you’ve learned to find your unique coaching style. We’ll introduce the route to becoming an accredited coach with the Association for Coaching (AC) and impart some invaluable “advice for the road” for you from our faculty. And of course we’ll be celebrating this upcoming milestone in your journey toward becoming a coach.

Session 1: Finding Your Unique Coaching Style - Toward Truly Integrative Practice“Who you are is how you coach” is something you will have heard us say often during this program. As coaches, we naturally integrate what we learn with who we are as people. In this session, Yannick will introduce different ways of integrating what you have learned to form your own unique coaching style.

Session 2: From Trainee to Professional CoachNow that you are coming to the end of your training, we’ll discuss the value and purpose of becoming accredited as a coach, lay out the route to professional accreditation with the Association for Coaching, and talk about the various ways in which different professional coaching bodies support our industry.

Session 3: Advice for the roadArriving at the very end of our program, we’ll take some time to celebrate your journey, acknowledge the milestone you’re about to reach, and you’ll receive some very special advice for the journey ahead from our faculty.


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