Syllable stress in words- Introduction Listen: English Stressed syllables are louder, longer, and stronger than other syllables. LaurenSpeak.weebly.com

Syllable stress in words- Introduction Listen: Eng lish Stressed syllables are loud er, long er, and strong er than other syllables. LaurenSpeak.weebly.com

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  • Slide 1
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  • Syllable stress in words- Introduction Listen: Eng lish Stressed syllables are loud er, long er, and strong er than other syllables. LaurenSpeak.weebly.com
  • Slide 3
  • Syllable stress in words- Practice test Choose the most natural answer. a) to day b) to day LaurenSpeak.weebly.com
  • Slide 4
  • Syllable stress in words- Practice test answer The best answer is: a) to day LaurenSpeak.weebly.com
  • Slide 5
  • Syllable stress in words- Test Choose the correct stress for each word. 1.pronounce 2. terrific 3.understand 4. internet LaurenSpeak.weebly.com
  • Slide 6
  • Syllable stress in words- Test answers The best answers are: 1. b pro nounce 2. b te rri fic 3. cunder stand 4. a in ternet LaurenSpeak.weebly.com
  • Slide 7
  • Syllable stress in words- More practice Listen: te rri fic tra ffic (3 syllables)(2 syllables) LaurenSpeak.weebly.com
  • Slide 8
  • Thank you for learning about syllable stress in words! For more pronunciation learning, visit: LaurenSpeak.weebly.com LaurenSpeak.weebly.com