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High Efficiency Motors

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WhaL ls PLMs? Sponsor: European Union, Grant : 1,970,469 EU Program duration: 2014 - 2017 Program lead: Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. Partners: European Chamber of Commerce of the PhilippinesAsia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation, Inc Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific Association Action for Sustainable Development International Copper Association Southeast Asia Associates: Philippine Sugar Millers Association, Inc Bank of the Philippine Islands Department of Energy Huge Energy Saving Potential Source: Scoplng SLudy on CpporLunlues for Plgh Lmclency MoLors ln hlllpplne lndusLrles, 2010, llC ShorL ayback Source: Scoplng SLudy on CpporLunlues for Plgh Lmclency MoLors ln hlllpplne lndusLrles, 2010, llC !"#$"%& ( ) #*+ Puge llnanclal Savlngs Source: Scoplng SLudy on CpporLunlues for Plgh Lmclency MoLors ln hlllpplne lndusLrles, 2010, llC Puge Lnergy Savlng oLenual Source: Scoplng SLudy on CpporLunlues for Plgh Lmclency MoLors ln hlllpplne lndusLrles, 2010, llC rogram Cb[ecuves lncrease Lhe deploymenL of more emclenL moLors and drlve sysLems ln Lhe hlllpplne lndusLrles (sugar mllls as plloL) ueslgn of model lnvesLmenL and nanclng schemes lmplemenLauon of repllcable plloL pro[ecLs Moblllzauon of key sLakeholders8arrlers ln PLMs Adopuon Lack of awareness of Lnd-users Lack of avallable nanclng mechanlsm for Lnd-usersLack of awareness of llnanclng lnsuLuuons on Lhe poLenual nanclng mechanlsm on PLMS Lack of Lechnlcal capaclLy of LSCCs & LqulpmenL and Servlce rovlders Lack of speclc pollcy mechanlsm Lo supporL PLMS Absence of an lndusLry alllance Work ackages lloL ro[ecL lmplemenLauon lormulauon of llnanclng rograms CapaclLy 8ulldlng for llnanclal lnsuLuuons CapaclLy 8ulldlng for Servlce rovlders lormulauon of ollcy neLworklng, ulssemlnauon, and 8uslness MaLchlng W1 W2 W3 W4 W3 W6 Loglcal lramework The technical and financial feasibility and benefits of adopting HEMs are demonstrated through Pilot Projects,-. Industries and ESCOs have access to financing for the implementation of HEMs projects ,-) The capacity of commercial banks to evaluate HEMs investment, especially regarding technology risk, is built ,-/ The capacity of ESCOs and service providers to investigate and implement HEMs projects, is built ,-0 2014201320162017 A supportive policy framework for HEMs investments is put in place 1!2 Project developers, SMEs and financier have increased ability and capacity to get information, discussing and negotiating business opportunities related to HEMs 1!3 updaLes lloL ro[ecL 4 mllls paruclpaung ln Lhe plloL pro[ecL Lopez Sugar Corporauon (LSC) CenLral Azucarera de 1arlac (CA1) CenLral Azucarera de uon edro (CAu) CenLral Azucarera de la CarloLa (CACl) lloL ro[ecL Acuvlues PROCUREMENT PROCUREMENT SUPPORT PRE-INSTALLATION AUDIT INSTALLATION POST-INSTALLATION AUDIT OPERATION ENGINEERING DESIGN SUPPORT ENERGY AUDIT 4,56 789:;9< = 7 - - > , - 6 8esulLs of Lhe MoLor AudlL llndlngs of Lhe deLalled audlL ?:@*"8AII . CpporLunlLy 6"JK 9B ,II . llndlngs of Lhe deLalled audlL ?:@*"8AII ) CpporLunlLy 6"JK 9B ,II ) 1he besL way Lo predlcL Lhe fuLure ls Lo creaLe lL" 8uckmlnlsLer luller 1hank ?ou! Marvln 8yan C. 8aLhan mrgbaLhan[gmall.com "#$%&'#()*+ ,-#$ ./%0()12 -'$ 3))1 4*)4'*). 5#2- 2-) 61'1%#'& '$$#$2'1%) /7 2-) 80*/4)'1 91#/1: ,-) %/12)12$ /7 2-#$ ./%0()12 '*) 2-) $/&) *)$4/1$#3# /7 2-) '02-/*$ '1. %'1 #1 1/ 5'; 3) 2'#)5$ /7 2-) 80*/4)'1 91#/1: