Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY WHO WE ARE? HOW TO JOIN? INDEX Help us build a strong legal market — We need you!

Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

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Page 1: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

Swiss LegalTech AssociationMembership

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I N D E XHelp us build astrong legal market— We need you!

Page 2: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY
Page 3: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

"We are at the beginning of a

period of fundamental

transformation in law: A time in

which we will see greater change

than we have seen in the past

two centuries."

P r o f . R i c h a r d S u s s k i n d ,

" T o m o r r o w ' s L a w y e r s "

The legal services industry iscurrently entering a phase ofdeep transformation. Increasingly, tasks are being automated and key services commoditized. Clients are empowered and professionals musttherefore focus on creating,and sustaining, value-added services. This evolution has yielded anew ecosystem for theindustry, composed of lawyers,entrepreneurs, investors,academics and professionals.

LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTIONChristoph Kueng, co-founder & president

The Swiss LegalTech Association(SLTA) is a neutral, nonprofitassociation which offers aframework for those groups tocreate value together. We support the legal industryby providing a betterunderstanding of the legaltechnology market. We foster the development ofSwitzerland as a hub for legaltechnology. We are publicly recognized asthe industry representative andhave a consultative voice onrelevant legislation. Join the association and reapthe advantages of collectiveintelligence! Christoph Kueng

Page 4: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

In 2012 Prof. Richard Susskind—in his publication “Tomorrow’sLawyers”—predicted that legaladvisers would face three mainchallenges: 1) More for less: Legal servicesproviders will be asked by theirclients— themselves underpressure—to deliver betterservices for lower prices. Thequestion is how to achievethis? 2) Liberalization of the legalmarket: New actors haveemerged and they are currentlyproviding legal services online.How should lawyers positionthemselves? 3) Information technology:Clients are growingaccustomed to receiving tailor-made services that widely relyon information technology.There are also opportunities tosignificantly improve businesspractices and management.

WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE INTERESTThe legal market is shifting. We provide insightand guidance to help you adapt smoothly.

The SLTA is the leadingorganization in Switzerlandaddressing these challenges. We raise awareness on theevolution of legal services andact as a think tank to examineand illuminate changes in thelegal field arising from the useof technology. We investigatethese changes and formulatesolutions and publish them inwhite papers. We provide support to startupswishing to enter the LegalTechmarket. We analyze and verifybusiness concepts with regardsto their future prospects andsustainability as well as theirmarket attractiveness. We also organize round-tableconferences to discuss—andconstantly improve upon—current LegalTech experiences. "Technology is having a

profound effect on the world

around us. Lawyers who fail to

acknowledge this fact and adapt

accordingly will undoubtedly

pay the price."

N i c o l e B l a c k ,

L a w T e c h n o l o g y T o d a y

Connections to Global LegalTech Organizations

Page 5: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

"Change is the law of life. And

those who look only to the past

or present are certain to miss the

future. "

J o h n F . K e n n e d y

Community building Organisation of industryevents with an educationalpurposeMapping of all relevantLegalTech actors inSwitzerland (startups,lawyers, investors, academia,professionals, lawmakers)Mapping of LegalTechsolution providers worldwideBuilding expertise on legaltechnology matters Acting as a sparring partnerfor Swiss lawmakers


Entrepreneurs: A community tosupport the development ofindividual entrepreneurs and theircompanies. Lawyers: Access to the core of theLegalTech ecosystem; gain anoverview of the different playersand their relevance for your lawfirm. Investors: Overview of thedifferent LegalTech startupscurrently active in Switzerland,filtered access to the leadingcompanies and talent. Professionals: A place to findopportunities and gain newinsights by connecting with otherstakeholders. Academia: Access to thecommunity for research purposes.Knowledge sharing with keyactors of the LegalTech scene. Lawmakers: A neutral partybalancing the establishedindustry interests and those ofnewcomers.

What we offer Everybody wins!

Page 6: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

WHO WE ARE Our boards consist of individuals representing thevarious stakeholder groups of the Swiss LegalTechecosystem.

Christoph Kueng Michael BurkartRolf W. GuenterMarc Bloch SommerNils HarbekeNicolas TorrentAdrien TharinDavid LüscherEleonor GyrChristian WyssStegano PerucchiRoman ElsenerLukas Abegg-VaterlausLuis SoaresCaroline DannerIoannis MartinisDominique GottretEma BolomeyMoritz Stucker

"The people who are succeeding

at deploying AI in the legal field,

by and large, are not the

engineers, they are the lawyers."

P r o f . J o h u a M i t t s ,

" D e c o d i n g t h e D a t a

R e v o l u t i o n "

Executive Board

Prof. Thomas FischerUlrich SauterDr. Robert G. BrinerDr. Pascal SieberPhilippe NantermodProf. Dr. Raoul StockerDominik SkrobalaMichel JaccardProf. Dr. Rolf H. WeberDr. Marc MorantDorothee SchneiderGerard NeiditschDr. Luka MüllerAndre WolkeDr. Günter DobrauzLouis BurrusAntoine VerdonMaurus SchreyvogelJordan UrstadtLars Schlichting

Advisory Board

IndividualMembersCHF 100 / year

CorporateMembersDepending on company sizefrom CHF 1 000 / year

To join us, simply complete the form:SwissLegalTech.ch/membership

HOW TO JOIN?Become an official member of the Swiss LegalTechAssociation and enjoy all the benefits of membership

Unlock all membership benefits, including

access to the community directory,discounts for SLTA and SLTA members' eventsmentoringpartner offers!

Page 7: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY

"Those who view technology as

an opportunity—rather than a

threat—will prosper, and more

easily reap the rewards from

their efforts. Those who don’t 

will fall behind the competition."

FOLLOW US !Follow us on social networks and meetups to stayup-to-date with our activity


Social networks

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTERhttps://www.swisslegaltech.ch/Enter your email and click "Subscribe"

ZurichMeetup.com/Zurich-Legal-Tech-Meetup/ GenevaMeetup.com/Geneva-Legal-Tech-Meetup/ BernMeetup.com/Berne-Legal-Tech-Meetup/ BaselMeetup.com/Basel-Legal-Tech-Meetup/ LuganoMeetup.com/Swiss-FinTech-LegalTech-Meetup-Lugano/ LausanneMeetup.com/Swiss-FinTech-LegalTech-Meetup-Lausanne/ Central SwitzerlandMeetup.com/SLTA-Central-Switzerland-Legal-Tech-Meetup/ Eastern SwitzerlandMeetup.com/Eastern-Switzerland-Legal-Tech-Meetup/


Page 8: Swiss LegalTech Association · 2019-10-19 · Swiss LegalTech Association Membership SINCE 2015 LEGAL MARKET EVOLUTION WHY YOU SHOUD TAKE INTEREST WHAT WE OFFER: PLATFORM & ACTIVITY