The Primary Update Swimming Gala Special November, 29th 2012 The primary swim galas at JBS were a huge success. We use a slightly different format to last year, so the students had more time to show off their swimming skills. The Galas ran over 3 days, with KGs having individual class galas, the grade 1 having an inter grade gala, and grade 2, 3/4/5 having inter house galas. All the students had a great time, and for the KGs it was a great way to finish off their first swimming block. The PE department would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who helped and those who came and supported the students. Kind Regards, The PE Department


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The Primary Update Swimming Gala Special

November, 29th 2012

The primary swim galas at JBS were a huge success. We use a slightly different format to last year, so the students had more time to show off their swimming skills. The Galas ran over 3 days, with KGs having individual class galas, the grade 1 having an inter grade gala, and grade 2, 3/4/5 having inter house galas. All the students had a great time, and for the KGs it was a great way to finish off their first swimming block. The PE department would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who helped and those who came and supported the students.

Kind Regards,

The PE Department

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Some of the winners!

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By: Victoria Thorne 26/11/12

My Swim Gala

At first I had butterflies in my tummy but when I jumped in the pool it went away and at the same time I was excited. On the day of the swimming gala I did front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly; it was fun! I came 2nd in front crawl but I was still happy because it’s not about winning it’s about fun, I came 3rd in breaststroke because I didn’t finish my whole stroke and I came 2nd in butterfly I was so happy I got 2nd in butterfly because that is the hardest stroke of all. I loved that day so much.

My mum Jennifer swam in the pool with my friend’s mother as well. My friend’s names are Hannah and Alexandra. They all swam great but this tall guy came first then my mum.

My mum is a fantastic swimmer!!

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Our JBS swimming gala was amazing and full of fun! The green team was first on the lead, then red was on the lead. There are four teams; red team, the blue team, the yellow and the green. This has been my second school gala. First, I was very nervous but once I got in the pool I wasn’t any more because there were so many parents by the pool cheering us on. My success was because of the swimming squad that helped me improve my swimming. Thank you swimming squad.

By Arthur.

The JBS Swimming Gala.

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My day at the Swimming Gala 26.11.12

The day of the Swimming Gala I was really nervous. I got up and went to school. I was excited, we went to the pool and I saw my classmates. They were excited too! Till the time my name was called I started shivering. They put me on a seat and I was coming to the front of the line! There I was standing ready to do my race. I did my dive and finally came in the water. I did my best front crawl ever, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I also swam in the relay race and came first! I got a gold medal! My day at the Swimming Gala thought it went great, so I want to thank you, Miss Davidson and all the other staff that helped organized this great Swimming Gala.

By: Julia Bongers