swet_Sannyasa Upanishad

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  • 8/14/2019 swet_Sannyasa Upanishad


    Sannyasa Upanishad

    Om ! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitality

    And all the senses grow in strength.

  • 8/14/2019 swet_Sannyasa Upanishad


  • 8/14/2019 swet_Sannyasa Upanishad


    /nterpreting0 fortnights as months, he may reside /in a fixed abode0 for twomonths. f he is #nable to end#re /heat or cold0 he may accept as gift a tatteredgarment or bar2 dress. +e shall not accept any other. &or penance is to s#ffer pain/with e6#animity0. $hat then is the sacred thread, the t#ft and the ceremonialsipping of water to one who th#s reno#nces in the prescribed manner and who th#sviews it /in the correct perspective0 1 )o him /the 6#estioner0 is this reply. )his is his

    sacred thread /namely0 that he meditates on the Atman% the /practice of0 Brahma7vidya is the t#ft% that he 6#enches his thirst with the vessel of his bellyaccomplishes /the ceremonial0 d#ty with water that is present everywhere. +isresidence is at the ban2 of /a reservoir of0 water. $hen the s#n has set, how can he/ceremonio#sly0 sip water 1 As /he to#ches water0 d#ring day, so at night% /for0 hehas neither night nor day. /)he enlightened ascetic is above the restrictions oftime0. )his has been said by the 3edic sage /in a mantra0" 4)o him there is /only0one /time0, the day.5 +e who 2nows th#s reali8es the Atman thro#gh this/ren#nciation0.

    (9:O* A*+AA

    -. )hat person alone is entitled to ren#nciation who has #ndergone the fortyp#rificatory rites /sams2aras0, has detachment from all /worldly0 things, hasac6#ired p#rity of mind, has b#rnt o#t desires, envy, intolerance and egotism, andis e6#ipped with the fo#r disciplines of spirit#al life /sadhanas0.

    ;. +aving resolved on ren#nciation he who does not embrace it shall perform thepenance /Pra these three /classes of people0 are to be 2nown asfallen.

    ?. ow these /persons, tho#gh possessing dispassion, are not entitled toren#nciation > a e#n#ch, a fallen man, a maimed person, women, a deaf person, achild, a d#mb person, a heretic, an informer, a st#dent /who has not completed hisst#dy0, a 3ai2hanasa anchorite /belonging to a 3aishnava sect0, an ardent (aivite/+aradvithese are never entitled to reno#nce.

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    . One sho#ld never allow ren#nciation to those who have

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    -. 'eciting the mantra 4o# are the receptacle of water which s#stains the world%never say nay to me, yo# who are always agreeable to all5, he sho#ld receive thewater vessel% and invested with the yogic garment /as aid to meditation0 he shall goabo#t in an agreeable frame of mind.

    -C. Eive #p /concepts of0 righteo#sness and #nrighteo#sness /dharma andadharma0, give #p both tr#th and #ntr#th% having given #p both tr#th and #ntr#thdiscard that by which yo# abandon /all these0 /i.e. d#ality0.

    -D. Ascetic d#e to dispassion, ascetic d#e to spirit#al wisdom, ascetic d#e towisdom and dispassion and ascetic d#e to ren#nciation of action% these are the fo#r2inds /of ascetics0 obtained.

    -F. )his is how it is. +e is the ascetic d#e to dispassion who has become indifferentto sensory ob

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    ;. )he Bah#da2a ascetic wears t#ft, etc., patched garment and three /hori8ontal0lines of holy ash on his forehead and is similar in all respects to the I#ticha2aascetic /except0 that he s#bsists on eight mo#thf#ls of food gathered /as alms fromeight ho#ses0, as a bee /does honey0.

    ;. )he +amsa ascetic wears matter hair, p#ts on the forehead the mar2 of eitherthe hori8ontal lines of holy ash or the perpendic#lar one of sandal, s#bsists on foodgathered as alms witho#t restriction and wears a piece of loin7cloth.

    ;C. )he Paramahamsa ascetic is devoid of t#ft and sacred thread, receives alms inthe vessel of his hands, wears a single loin7cloth, has a single /patched0 garment,one bamboo staff, either wears a single garment or is smeared with holy ashes andhas discarded all /possessions and attachments0.

    ;D. )he )#riyatita ascetic s#bsists of fr#its receiving them in his mo#th li2e a cow% ifhe eats coo2ed rice /he receives them as alms0 from three ho#ses. +e has his bodyalone left to him /witho#t any possessions and attachment0, is #nclad /dressed bythe points of the compass0 and treats his body as if it were a corpse.

    ;F. )he Avadh#ta ascetic has no fixed r#les. +e eats food li2e a python as and whenhe gets it, from persons of all castes except those who are fallen or acc#rsed and isever intent on meditation on the nat#re of the (elf.

    =G. am not s#rely of this world consisting of trees, grass and mo#ntains. +ow can, the s#preme Being, be this external /phenomenon0 which is intensely inert 1 amnot the body which is non7sentient and perishable in a short time.

    =-. am not the so#nd which is non7sentient, coming from void and of the form ofvoid and which remains for a short period grasped by the inert cavity of the ear.

    =;. am not the to#ch which is non7sentient b#t which has life granted to it by thefavo#r of conscio#sness and which can be experienced by s2in of momentaryexistence and in no other way.

    ==. am not the taste which is non7sentient, dependent on matter and of shortd#ration, insignificant and bro#ght into existence by the fic2le tong#e aided by thefic2le mind.

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    =?. am not the form /r#pa0 which is non7sentient, non7existent in the sole $itness/Brahman0, perishable and which rests on sight and the ob

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    ?. )he same conscio#sness, slightly encompassed by imp#rities of desires andnon7desires, is #nable to rise high li2e a female bird bo#nd by a string.

    ?. People /overcome0 by the del#sion /ca#sed by0 the pairs /of opposites0, which isborn of desire and hatred, become similar to worms which are s#n2 in the cavitiesof the earth.

    ?C. (al#tation to the Atman, to yo#, who are non7different from conscio#sness. amnow sei8ed /of the tr#th0, am awa2ened, have risen /above del#sion0.

    ?D. am lifted #p from do#bts% am what am% sal#tation to yo#, to yo#r and to me,the eternal% to yo# and to me consisting of conscio#sness.

    ?F. (al#tation to yo#, the s#preme Eod and sal#tation to me, the (hiva. )ho#ghseated /the Atman0 is not seated, tho#gh going he does not go. )ho#gh 6#iescenthe is engaged in activities, tho#gh performing action he is not tainted.

    G. +e is eminently accessible, he is easily 2nown li2e a close 2insman% he is thebee in the interior of the lot#s of the body of all.

    -. have no desire for the state of en

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    C. remain in my conscio#sness which is p#re and witho#t hopes, freed fromdesires and non7desires and devoid of both the #ndesirable and the desirables.

    D. $hen shall get the inward

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    ascetic0 shall give #p all, as one wo#ld /discard0 the foam on castor oil. )here is noreceiving of the offerings made to a deity. +e shall not worship gods externally.

    C. *iscarding everything apart from the (elf, s#bsisting on food sec#red as almsfrom a n#mber of ho#ses /as a bee gathers honey0, being lean and avoiding

    increase of fat /in his body0 he shall move abo#t. +e sho#ld spend the time, /eatingfood0 sec#red as alms from a n#mber of ho#ses #sing his hand or mo#th as avessel.

    CC. )he sage established in the (elf sho#ld ta2e food which is cond#cive to /thereali8ation of0 the (elf. )wo 6#arters /of the belly shall be filled0 with food and one6#arter with water% the fo#rth 6#arter shall be left for the movement of air.

    CD. +e shall always live on alms% he shall never eat food sec#red as alms from oneho#se alone% he sho#ld go partic#larly to those ho#ses where the people are seento be easy in mind /i.e. those who dine only after giving alms0.

    CF. +e may expect alms from fo#r or seven ho#ses /where the ho#se7holder0perform religio#s rites% he may expect /alms0 #p to the period of mil2ing cows /inthe afternoon0% when he has come o#t /of a ho#se witho#t alms0 he shall not go inagain.

    DG. &asting is preferable to /getting food from0 devotees% #nsolicited food is betterthan fasting% begging alms is preferable to #nsolicited food% hence he shall s#bsiston alms.

    D-. +e shall never enter a ho#se by a side entrance at the time of begging alms% heshall not o#t of del#sion go across a ho#se where no harm is seen in so doing.

    D;. +e shall not beg alms from a 3edic scholar if it is /given0 witho#t faith anddevotion% he may beg alms from the ho#se of a twice7born who has lost caste whenoffered with faith and devotion.

    D=. Alms from a n#mber of ho#ses witho#t planning, that which is planned, the one#nbegged, the timely one and the one offered /at the monastery0 are declared tobe the five 2inds of alms.

    D?. /)he first 2ind0, alms from a n#mber of ho#ses, is declared to be that which isobtained from there, five or seven ho#ses witho#t pre7meditation as in the case of ahoneybee /from flowers0.

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    D. /)he second 2ind0, alms previo#sly arranged, is that which is accepted afterrepeated re6#ests made by devotees in that morning and the previo#s day% nonethe less he may s#bsist on that.

    D. /)he third 2ind0, alms #nbegged is that which is received when invited to dineby some one or other as he is ready to go abegging% this sho#ld be eaten byascetics /desiring salvation0.

    DC. /)he fo#rth 2ind0 timely alms is 2nown as that /meal0 which is offered by aBrahmana when he has approached /a ho#se0 for alms% this /food0 sho#ld be eatenby ascetics.

    DD. (ages desiring liberation say that the /fifth 2ind of0 alms, the food offered /tothe ascetic at the monastery0 is the ready meal which is bro#ght by a Brahmana tothe monastery.

    DF. )he ascetic shall s#bsist on alms by begging from door to door even tho#gh itmay be from the ho#ses of o#tcastes. +e shall not dine in one ho#se even if /thehost0 is e6#al to the preceptor of the gods /in learning0. +e shall s#bsist on alms,solicited or #nsolicited.

    FG. Air is not spoiled by to#ching /any ob

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    F. $hen the ascetic see2s food with his mo#th /alone0 li2e a cow, he becomese6#animo#s to all% /hence0 he becomes fit for immortality.

    FC. /)he ascetic0 shall discard clarified b#tter li2e blood, ta2ing food in one ho#se

    li2e flesh, #sing cosmetics li2e smearing himself with #nclean things, salt andmolasses li2e an o#tcaste, garment li2e dirty dishes, oil bath li2e co#rting women,pleasant company of friends li2e #rine, desire li2e beef, familiar places li2e the h#tof an o#tcaste, women li2e sna2es, gold li2e deadly poison, an assembly hall li2e acemetery, the capital /city0 li2e hell and food in one ho#se li2e the balls of rice at af#neral. )here is no worship of gods /by him0. *iscarding the way of the world heshall become one 4liberated while living5.

    FD. (tay /contin#o#sly in one place0, ac6#isition of /begging0 bowl, collecting /ofstaff, etc.,0, gathering disciples, sleep by day time /divasvapnah0 and #seless tal2 >these are the six sins of ascetics.

    FF7-G=. 'emaining /contin#o#sly in one place0 except d#ring the rains is said to bea stay /asana0. Ac6#isition of even a single vessel li2e the afore7said vessel ofgo#rd, etc., for daily #se by an ascetic is said to be 4ac6#iring vessels5 /patralopa0.:ollecting /samchaya0 is declared to be the acceptance of a second staff, etc., forf#t#re #se by one who has one already. )he acceptance of disciples for personalservice, profit, dignity or fame and not o#t of compassion /to help them0 is said tobe gathering disciples /sishyasamgraha0. /3edantic0 learning is /called0 day as it isill#minating% ignorance /avidya0 is said to be night. egligence in learning is said tobe 4sleep d#ring day5 divasvapnah0. 9xcepting tal2 pertaining to the (elf and at thetime of receiving alms, /bestowal of0 blessings and in6#iries /concerning the (elf0,any other tal2 is said to be #seless tal2 /vritha

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    -GD. &amily, etc., branch of the 3eda /of his early days0, all families of the fatherand mother, and wealth > all these are prohibited to the ascetic. f he resorts tothem he falls /from the state of ren#nciation0.

    -GF. A wise man, tho#gh very old, shall not tr#st in women tho#gh very old. 9ven invery old patched garments old cloth will stic2 /when stitched0.

    --G. mmovable property, mobile things /servants0, seed /for c#ltivation0, gold,g#m7myrrh and weapon these six an ascetic shall not ta2e #p as /tho#gh they were0#rine and faeces.

    ---. An ascetic shall not ta2e with him even a little provision for a

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    -;G. Advancement in the spirit#al path is twofold > that of the she7cat and the she7mon2ey. )hose who practise spirit#al wisdom /Hnana0 are /li2e0 she7cats% thesecondary way of /Apara7Brahman0 is /li2e that of0 a she7mon2ey.

    -;-. )he ascetic shall not spea2 to any one #nless he is spo2en to% nor to one whoas2s improperly. An intelligent man tho#gh 2nowing, sho#ld behave in the world asif he were d#ll7witted.

    -;;. $hen confronted with a mass of sins /i.e. when the flesh becomes wea2, over7r#ling the dictates of wisdom0 he shall practise the /meaningf#l0 repetition of the

    )ara2a /Om0 twelve tho#sand times /a day0% for it c#ts /sins0.

    -;=. )he s#preme Brahman shines to him in twelve months who gently repeats thePranava twelve tho#sand times every day. )h#s /ends0 the Upanishad.

    Om ! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitality

    And all the senses grow in strength.

    All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.

    ay never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.

    Let there be no denial at all"

    Let there be no denial at least from me.

    ay the virt#es that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me,

    $ho am devoted to the Atman% may they reside in me.

    Om ! Let there be Peace in me !

    Let there be Peace in my environment !

    Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

    +ere ends the (annyasopanishad, incl#ded in the (ama73eda.