Business model. Product posi2oning. Compe22ve review. Silvija Seres

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Business  model.  Product  posi2oning.  Compe22ve  review.  Silvija  Seres  

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A  few  words  about  me  

IT  studies:  BSc  and  MSc  in  Informa8cs,  University  of  Oslo  

Academic  research:  PhD  in  Maths,  Oxford  University,  Fellow  Magdalen  College  

Teaching:  Prof  in  Saudi  Arabia,  Advisor  in  China  

SoFware  Development:  DEC  SRC  in  Silicon  Valley,  Alta  Vista  

Business  studies:  MBA  at  INSEAD  

Management:  Fast  Search  6  Transfer,  MicrosoF  

Business  Development:  Boards  and  investments  GeoKnowledge,  Camo,  Sonitor  

Board  Work:  StatkraF,  Norsk  Tipping,  Aschehoug,  Making  Waves,  Norman      

[email protected]  


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Business  plan  

Is  just  an  aRrac8ve  presenta8on  of  a  business  idea.    

General  advice:  

Be  clear  

Be  focused  

Be  short  

Be  convincing  


Make  the  few  points  that  count  


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Business  plan  

Eleven  should-­‐have    slides:  

1.   Cover  –  Business  posi8oning  statement  

2.   Market  –  The  need  and  what  customers  have  it  

3.   Solu8on  –  Product,  core  benefit,  protectable  technology(ies)  4.   Compe88ve  Posi8on  –  Who  they  are  and  your  defenses  

5.   Marke8ng  /  Sales  /  Support  –  Channels  and  skills  needed  

6.   Business  Strategy  –  How  you  plan  to  grow  beyond  launch  7.   Financial  Projec8ons    The  usual  spreadsheets  

8.   Funding  Sought  –  Amount  ,  comparables,  use  of  funds  

9.   Management  –  relevant  experience  

10.  Milestones  –  e.g.:  product  launch,  next  funding,  breakeven  

11.  Exit  Strategy  –  IPO  /  acquisi8on  (who?)  

Tech  Coast  Angel’s  Guidelines    

Don’t  read  the  slides,  verba.m…  instead,  speak  to  the  key  facts  

and  conclusions  you  want    them  to  take  from  each  slide.  

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The  first  slide  should  posi2on  the  company  so  Jury  members  have  a  framework  for  listening…    1.  Company  name  (and  graphics,  if  appropriate)  2.  One-­‐sentence  “what  we  do”  statement  (posi.oning  or  elevator  pitch)  3.  Presenter’s  names  

1  –  Business  posi8oning  statement  

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Describe  the  need  and  the  size  of  the  market  •  List  the  drivers  for  the  demand  for  your  

solu2on  (the  benefit  customers  pay  for)  •  Define  the  characteris2cs  of  the  companies  

or  consumers  that  need  a  solu2on  •  Quan2fy  the  opportunity…  number  of  

prospects  that  have  the  need  •  Explain  how  the  market  is  growing  and  why    Iden2fy  the  most  important  2  –  3  segments  of  the  market,  and  for  each…  •  Es2mated  market  size  (customers  &  

poten2al  sales)  •  What  dis2nguishes  the  key  segments  from  

the  broad  market  and  each  other  •  How  urgently  customers  need  or  want  the  

solu2on  –  the  value-­‐proposi2on  

2  –  Market…  The  Need  And  The  Customers  

Common  Ques2ons…  •  What  specific  problem  or  need  do  customers  have?    

•  Why  is  the  problem  important?    For  whom?    That  is,  who,  specifically  is  the  customer?    

•  How  do  we  know  the  market  exists?      

•  What  independent  evidence  can  you  cite,  such  as  independent  market  research?    

•  How  large  is  the  specific  (narrowly  defined)  market  for  your  product?      

•  What  growth  is  expected  in  this  market?  

•  Are  the  market  size  es2mates  realis2c?  

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1.  Clearly  explain  your  product(s)…  what  it  is  that  customers  will  be  buying.  

2.  Explain  where  your  product  fits  within  the  whole  solu2on  to  the  customer’s  need,  as  customers  see  it.  For  example:  Services,  technologies  or  pla^orms  (“enablers”)  required  to  make  your  product  effec2ve.  System,  behavior  or  procedure  conversions  required  to  realize  the  key  benefits  

3.  Iden2fy  your  product’s  value-­‐added  (what  por2on  of  the  whole  solu2on  you  provide)…  and  whether  customers  will  see  your  product  as  being  the  main  component  of  the  solu2on  

4.  Describe  the  benefits  delivered,  jus2fying  the  cost  of  the  whole  solu2on  vs.  the  expected  benefits.    

3  –  Solu8on…Your  Product  or  Service  Common  Ques2ons…  •  How  else  can  the  customer  solve  the  problem  your  products  solve?    

•  What  are  the  alterna2ves?      

•  How  does  your  product  compare  to  each?      

•  Why  is  it  beder?      •  In  what  ways  is  it  worse?      •  Who  are  the  vendors  of  these  other  solu2ons?      

•  How  do  they  compete  with  each  other?      

•  Where  will  you  fit  into  the  industry?      •  Why  will  you  be  able  to  compete  effec2vely  against  them  for  the  next  ten  years?      

•  Why  are  you  confident  that  no  new  entrant  will  come  along  with  a  beder  solu2on  and  blow  you  away?      

•  Why  do  you  think  you  can  dominate  your  market  niche?    

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Address  three  barriers  to  adop2on:  1.  Big  Dogs  –  What  are  huge,  well-­‐known  

companies  that  have  exis2ng  products  and  well-­‐established  rela2onships  with  your  target  customers  doing?  How  will  they  react  to  your  ini2a2ves?  

2.  Iner2a  –  What  will  it  take  to  get  customers  to  change  what  they  are  using  /  doing  today?  

3.  Innovators  –  What  companies  might  leapfrog  your  solu2on  with  equal  or  beder  solu2ons?  

 Explain  how  you  propose  to  win  against  the  best  of  these.  In  par2cular,  describe  your  strongest  barriers  to  compe22on…  i.e.:  if  you  are  successful,  how  you  plan  to  block  beder-­‐known  or  beder-­‐funded  compe2tors  from  moving  in  and  taking  over  

4  –  Comp  Posi8on…  Compe8tors  &  Barriers  

Common  Ques2ons…  

•  How  else  can  the  customer  solve  the  problem  your  products  solve?    

•   What  are  the  alterna2ves?      

•  How  does  your  product  compare  to  each?      

•  Why  is  it  beder?      

•  In  what  ways  is  it  worse?      

•  Who  are  the  vendors  of  these  other  solu2ons?      

•  How  do  they  compete  with  each  other?      

•  Where  will  you  fit  into  the  industry?      

•  Why  will  you  be  able  to  compete  effec2vely  against  them  for  the  next  ten  years?      

•  Why  are  you  confident  that  no  new  entrant  will  come  along  with  a  beder  solu2on  and  blow  you  away?      

•  Why  do  you  think  you  can  dominate  your  market  niche?    

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Briefly  explain  the  expected  selling  cycle    Describe  how  you  propose  to  reach  your  targeted  customers  –  focusing  on  the  ini2al  segments  •  Marke2ng  –  To  raise  customers’  awareness  of  

your  product  and  s2mulate  their  interest  in  buying  

•  Sales  –  To  give  buyers  (buying  decision-­‐makers)  a  convenient  way  to  find  out  the  details  and  place  an  order  

•  Support  –  To  help  customers  understand  your  product  before  buying,  during  installa2on  and  in  use  

 If  you  rely  on  indirect  channels,  explain:  •  Your  approach  to  reaching  them  •  Whose  responsibility  it  is  to  raise  awareness  and  

generate  demand  among  end-­‐customers  •  Who  provides  pre-­‐  and  post-­‐sales  support  Describe  special  sales  incen2ve  programs  (if  any)  

5  –  Marke8ng  /  Sales  /  Support  

Common  Ques2ons…  

•  What  channels  of  distribu2on  will  you  use  to  deliver  your  products  to  your  customers?      

•  How  will  these  channels  be  established?    By  whom?    When?  

•  What  exper2se  does  your  company  have  to  execute  the  marke2ng  /  sales  program?  

•  How  are  you  going  to  stand  out  among  all  the  established  compe2tors?  

•  How  can  you  boil  down  the  advantages  of  your  sophis2cated  technology  so  prospects  will  understand  it,  quickly  and  easily?  

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Describe  the  3-­‐5  year  goal  of  the  business  Iden2fy  the  several  most  important  steps  you  reaching  that  goal  •  Specifically  say  what  you  need  to  do  to  achieve  posi2ve  cash  flow  and  how  long  it  will  take  to  get  there  

•  Iden2fy  specific  steps  to  IPO  or  acquisi2on  readiness  

•  Place  the  key  steps  and  milestones  on  a  Gand  chart  

 Explain  the  development  status…  how  much  work  remains  before  it  achieves  full  func2onality?  •  Show  your  intended  schedule  for  major  product  development  on  a  2me-­‐line  (Gand  chart)  covering  the  next  18  –  24  months  

•  Iden2fy  major  development  risks  or  challenges  •  Provide  es2mated  levels  of  effort  &/or  costs  for  each  product  

•  Summarize  future  products’  fit  with  market  need  

6  –  Business  Strategy…  Growth  Past  Launch  

Common  Ques2ons…  

•  What  is  the  business  model?    (i.e.  what  will  produce  the  company’s  revenue?      

•  Do  you  have  (or  plan)  any  corporate  partnerships  in  place?      

•  What  are  the  significant  risks  your  business  faces?  

•  What  needs  to  be  done  to  finish  your  first  product(s)?  What’s  your  next  act?  

•  Do  you  rely  on  outside  contractors?  How  much  do  you  license  from  others?  

•  What  exper2se  do  you  have  at  developing  this  kind  of  product?  

•  What  development  challenges  are  most  important  or  difficult  to  overcome?  How  do  you  intend  to  do  so?  

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Provide  a  P&L  similar  to  this:                  Be  prepared  to  explain  “drama2c”  numbers,  such  as:  •  “Instant”  market  penetra2on  &  dispersion  •  “Hockey  s2ck”  growth  •  Unprecedented  margins  •  Long  periods  of  nega2ve  cashflow  

(“goodness”  is  posi2ve  cashflow  in  6  –  12  months)    

7  –  Financial  Projec8ons  

Common  Ques2ons…  

• What  kind  of  revenues  can  the  business  produce,  on  an  annual  basis,  over  the  next  five  years?      

• Profits?      

• What  investment  is  required  to  carry  the  company  to  the  next  major  level  of  valua2on?      

• When  do  you  expect  the  next  rounds  to  take  place?  

• What  specific  tasks  need  to  be  accomplished  to  do  that?      

• How  long  will  it  take?  (Try  to  iden2fy  a  “next  level”  that  can  be  achieved  in  less  than  18  months.)      

• What  investment  will  be  required  beyond  that?      

• To  the  extent  possible,  explain  key  assump2ons  behind  your  forecast.    And  make  sure  the  forecast  relates  in  a  logical  way  to  the  market  forecasts  you  described  previously.      

Last 12 Mo. This Year Mo. 13-24 Mo. 25-36 Mo. 37-48New CustomersUnits Shipped

RevenuesGross ProfitGross Margin %SG&AEBITDACashflowCum. Cashflow

Financial Projections ($000s)

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8  –  Funding…  Amount  ,  Valua8ons,  Use  

Provide  a  capitaliza2on  table  similar  to  this:                Iden2fy  the  major  uses  of  funds  for  each  round    prior  to  IPO  or  acquisi2on…  this  round,  prior  rounds  and  next  round(s)  Describe  the  size  and  composi2on  of  your  current  “burn-­‐rate”  The  “sweet  spot”  for  inves2ng?  E.g.  a  pre-­‐money  valua2on  of  $1.5M  -­‐  $3.0M.  Expect  tough  ques2oning  in  propor2on  to  any  valua2on  higher  than  this  range  

Pre-Money Post-Money Round 1 Round 2 Round 3Valuation Raise Valuation Total Founders Investors Investors Investors IPO

Round 1 1,191,892$ 700,000$ 1,891,892$ 100% 63% 37%1,191,892$ 700,000$

Round 2 4,000,000$ 2,500,000$ 6,500,000$ 100% 39% 23% 38%2,520,000$ 1,480,000$ 2,500,000$

Round 3 12,000,000$ 7,000,000$ 19,000,000$ 100% 24% 14% 24% 37%4,652,308$ 2,732,308$ 4,615,385$ 7,000,000$

IPO 45,000,000$ 15,000,000$ 60,000,000$ 100% 18% 11% 18% 28% 25%11,018,623$ 6,471,255$ 10,931,174$ 16,578,947$ 15,000,000$

Common  Ques2ons…  

• How  much  hard-­‐money  (cash)  have  the  founders  put  in?  

• How  much  cash  have  Directors  and  Advisory  Board  members  invested?  

• What  equity  is  available  to  recruit  key  execu2ves?  

• How  did  you  arrive  at  your  pre-­‐money  valua2on  for  this  round?  

• What  comparables  are  you  using  for  your  proposed  IPO/exit  round?  

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Focus  on  the  management  team,  in  par2cular:  •  CEO  –  Prior  entrepreneurial  experience  in  

similar  businesses  •  CTO  –  Proven  know-­‐how  in  your  core  

technologies  •  CMO  –  Proven  knowledge  of  the  target  

markets;  strong  rela2onships  with  channel  partners  &/or  key  industrial  customers  

•  CFO  –  Prior  IPO  or  acquisi2on  experience    Iden2fy  who  is  full-­‐2me  and  who  is  part-­‐2me  or  on  the  sidelines  awai2ng  funding…    Iden2fy  BOD  and  BOA  members,  highligh2ng  any  strategic  members’  value-­‐added  

9  –  Management  Qualifica8ons…  

Common  Ques2ons…  

• What  is  your  background  and  previous  experience?  

•   Where  did  the  idea  for  the  company  come  from?      

• Who  is  presently  involved  in  managing  the  company?      

• What  are  their  creden2als?      

• Why  will  they  be  able  to  build  a  successful  company?      

• If  not  all  management  spots  are  filled,  what  is  the  plan  for  filling  them?      

• What  kind  of  people  are  we  seeking?    To  fill  what  roles?      

• If  you  do  not  expect  to  be  the  CEO  that  builds  the  business  to  $10  or  20  million,  what  kind  of  person  would  you  bring  in?    When?      

• Who  is  on  your  board  of  directors?      

• How  does  the  board  func2on?  

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Speak  to  a  milestone  chart  similar  to  this:  

10  –  Milestones…  Business  And  Financial  

Common  Ques2ons…  

• What  is  your  track  record  at  hisng  schedules  on  similar  efforts?  

• Are  you  fully-­‐staffed  for  the  work  indicated  in  the  schedule?  

• How  are  you  going  to  get  your  partners  to  meet  your  schedule?  

• What  makes  you  think  you  can  achieve  this  schedule  when  “X”  failed?  

• What  con2ngencies  have  you  built  into  the  schedule?  The  budget?  

1.  Company  formed  

2.  $250K  seed  round  

3.  Product  prototype  

4.  Field  tests  

5.  $2M  angel  round  

6.  1st  produc2on  ship  

7.  Posi2ve  cashflow  

8.  $7M  VC  round  

9.  $75M  annualized  revenue  

10. IPO/Acquisi2on  

2002 2003 2004 2005

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If  shoo2ng  for  an  IPO…  •  Cite  recent  examples  of  successful  

comparable  offerings,  their  offering  valua2on  and  their  current  market  cap  

•  Explain  why  you  believe  the  opportunity  will  remain  when  your  company  is  “ready”  

If  you  an2cipate  being  acquired…  •  Iden2fy  the  two  or  three  most  likely  buyers  •  Explain  why  they  would  be  interested  •  If  possible,  describe  recent  acquisi2ons  of  

comparable  companies  and  the  deal  value  Describe  any  rela2onships  you  already  have  with  poten2al  acquirers,  investment  banks  or  VCs  that  might  facilitate  your  liquidity  plans  

11  –  Exit  Strategy…  Liquidity,  When  &  How  

Common  Ques2ons…  

• Why  won’t  one  of  your  established  compe2tors  step  in  and  leapfrog  you?  

• How  long  do  you  think  you  can  maintain  your  lead,  thus  preserving  your  company’s  value?  

• Why  would  this  be  an  exci2ng  business  opportunity  for  an  acquirer?      

• Why  would  it  an  exci2ng  IPO  opportunity?      

• What  are  the  three  most  serious  risks  the  company  faces?  

• NOTE:  If  you  aren’t  sure  how  to  value  the  company  in  the  future,  use  1  x  annual  sales  in  Year-­‐2  and  15  or  20  x  net  profits  in  Year-­‐3  as  reasonable  es2mates.    

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Purpose  Vision  Values  

Tools:  VISION  


.  1.  "What  do  we  do?"  2.  "For  whom  do  we  do  it?"  3.  "How  do  we  excel?  

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Tools:  SWOT  

Strengths   Weaknesses  

Opportuni2es   Threats  

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Tools:  BCG  Matrix  

Market  growth    

Rela2ve  market  share  

Ques2on  marks  

Dogs   Cash  cows  


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Tools:  Red  ocean,  blue  ocean  

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Tools:  Technology  adop8on  and  the  chasm  

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Roles:  1.  The  plant  2.  Resource  inves2gator  3.  Co-­‐ordinator  4.  Shaper  5.  Monitor  6.  Team  worker  7.  Implementor  8.  Completer  9.  Specialist  

Tools:  Team  Which  are  you?  

 Ac2on  oriented  

Communica2on  oriented  Knowledge  oriented  

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3  loops:  1.  Draz  plan  2.  Refine  plan  3.  Op2mize  plan  

In  each  loop:  1.  Gather  ideas  2.  Consolidate  into  a  concept  3.  Implement  

Tools:  Op8miza8on  

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Tools:  More  thoughts  

Culture  eats  strategy  for  breakfast  

Speed  is  no  replacement  for  direc2on.  

PASSION  eats  strategy  for  breakfast!  

Do  what  you  know  and  care  about!  

Do  not  compromise  on  people.  

Acknowledge  and  appreciate  risk  takers.  

Prima  donnas  are  OK.  Nega2ves  are  not.  

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Tools:  Business  Model  Genera8on  

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Tools:  Compe88ve  Differen8a8on  

Being  different  from  compe8tors  isn’t  enough.  Make  sure  that  your  key  differen2ators  actually  maEer  to  customers.  

Pick  any  differen2a2on  you  want  –  pricing,  features,  

target  market,  market  gap,  performance,  etc.  –  unless  

customers  really,  really,  really  care  about  the  difference,  it  

does  not  mader!  

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Tools:  Compe88ve  Differen8a8on  

The  compe22on  i  any  alterna2ve  that  meets  the  same  need.  Percep2on  is  fact.  Know  the  “primary  value  proposi2on”  in  your  value  chain.  

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Tools:  Porters  five  forces  

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Tools:  Value  chain  analysis  

1.   Ac8vity  Analysis,  where  you  iden2fy  the  ac2vi2es  that  contribute  to  the  delivery  of  your  product  or  service.  

2.   Value  Analysis,  where  you  iden2fy  the  things  that  your  customers  value  in  the  way  you  conduct  each  ac2vity,  and  then  work  out  the  changes  that  are  needed.  

3.   Evalua8on  and  Planning,  where  you  decide  what  changes  to  make  and  plan  how  you  will  make  them.    

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Relevance:  Firstly,  the  competence  must  give  your  customer  something  that  strongly  influences  him  or  her  to  choose  your  product  or  service.  If  it  does  not,  then  it  has  no  effect  on  your  compe22ve  posi2on  and  is  not  a  core  competence.    Difficulty  of  Imita8on:  Secondly,  the  core  competence  should  be  difficult  to  imitate.  This  allows  you  to  provide  products  that  are  beder  than  those  of  your  compe22on.  And  because  you're  con2nually  working  to  improve  these  skills,  means  that  you  can  sustain  its  compe22ve  posi2on.    Breadth  of  Applica8on:  Thirdly,  it  should  be  something  that  opens  up  a  good  number  of  poten2al  markets.  If  it  only  opens  up  a  few  small,  niche  markets,  then  success  in  these  markets  will  not  be  enough  to  sustain  significant  growth.      

Tools:  Core  Competence  Analysis  

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Divide  the  tasks  Agree  on  the  leadership  Agree  on  the  overall  vision  

[email protected]  

5  minute  working  session  for  your  table: