Svp u 10 11-2010

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3. Only 4 reasons why LAUNCHING A NEW REP is DIFFICULT for a person1.LAZINESS/not willing to sacrifice time for others2.SELFISH/not willing to serve anyone but themselves3.Didnt follow the system/process 4.Dont have the knowledge of how to launch a new rep properly
4. How do I ADD and then MULTIPLY new reps into my business?
6. The Law of Addition
Leaders add value by serving others.I believe the bottom line in leadership isnt how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others.That is achieved by serving others and adding value to their lives
John C. Maxwell
7. The Law of Addition
The interaction between every leader and follower is a relationship, and all relationships either add to or subtract from a persons life.There is one critical question:Are you making things better for the people who follow you?If you cant answer with an unhesitant yes, and give some evidence that backs it up, then you very well may be a subtractor.
John C. Maxwell
8. The Law of Addition
Often subtractors dont realize they are subtracting from others.I would say that 90% of all people who subtract from others do so unintentionally.They dont recognize their negative impact on others.And when a leader is a subtractor and doesnt change his ways, its only a matter of time before his impact on others goes from subtraction to division.John C. Maxwell
9. The Law of Addition
In contrast, 90 percent of all people who add value to others do so intentionally.Why do I say that?Because human beings are naturally selfish.Im selfish.Being an adder requires me to get out of my comfort zone every day and think about adding value to others.But thats what it takes to be a leader whom others want to follow.Do that long enough, and you not only add value to others----you begin to multiply it!John C. Maxwell
10. The Law of Addition
When you add value to people, you lift them up, help them advance, make them a part of something bigger than themselves, and assist them in becoming who they were made to be.
John C. Maxwell
11. 1.Find out their reason WHY!
12. In a reps first 24 hours You can get them to do anything you want them to do and make it their idea,if you focus on what they want!
13. Key to a successful launch?Focus on what they want.Do it within 24 hours!!!
14. The Law of Addition
We add value when we know and relate to what others value.As leaders, how do we know and relate to what our people value?WE LISTEN!
John C. Maxwell
15. How can we dig into their reason why?Find out their short term and long term goals!Short term--ETT, ETL, TC...Long term goals are residual income, financial independence, and a quality of life! Build a vision...
16. 2. Get people excited about short term and long term goals!Short term--ETT, ETL (what they can earn at those levels...Long term goals are residual income, financial independence, and a quality of life! Build a vision...Make a game-plan for them on how to accomplish this!!!
17. 5 Pts
+ 14 Pts
10 15 people in front of the business
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
$500 ETT Bonus
7 customers3 reps
2 Reps 2 Reps 2 Reps
$1,000 ETT
$1,500 ETL
4 Reps 4 Reps 4 Reps
$1500 Bonus
$4,500 ETL
8 Reps 8 Reps 8 Reps
18. 5 Pts
+ 14 Pts
10 15 people in front of the business
$500 ETT Bonus
7 customers3 reps
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
2 Reps 2 Reps 2 Reps
$1,000 ETT
$1,500 ETL
4 Reps 4 Reps 4 Reps
$4,500 ETL
8 Reps 8 Reps 8 Reps
19. Believe in your people!!!!