INTERNATIONAL FERTILIZER DEVELOPMENT CENTER PO BOX 2040 | MUSCLE SHOALS, AL 35662 | USA Sustainable Soil Management Component (SSMC) of OCP Foundation’s Agricultural Development Project in Bangladesh Stage 1 MONTHLY REPORT | MAY 2018 This report by IFDC was made possible through funding support from the OCP Foundation.

Sustainable Soil Management Component (SSMC) of OCP ... · Effect of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2018 ... farmers’ incomes under resilient production

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Page 1: Sustainable Soil Management Component (SSMC) of OCP ... · Effect of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2018 ... farmers’ incomes under resilient production


Sustainable Soil Management Component (SSMC) of OCP Foundation’s Agricultural Development Project in Bangladesh – Stage 1


This report by IFDC was made possible through funding support from the OCP Foundation.

Page 2: Sustainable Soil Management Component (SSMC) of OCP ... · Effect of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2018 ... farmers’ incomes under resilient production

SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 i

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1

Technical Program Activities ......................................................................................................... 1

Field Trials .................................................................................................................................. 2

Farmer Training .......................................................................................................................... 2

Field Demonstrations .................................................................................................................. 3

Crop Harvest ........................................................................................................................... 3

Field Days ............................................................................................................................... 3

Results ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Results of Wheat Demonstration ................................................................................................ 4

Influence of OCP Compound Fertilizers on Yield and Fertilizer Cost ....................................... 5

Gross Margin from Demonstrations in the Non-Calcareous Zone ............................................. 8

Gross Margin from Demonstrations in Calcareous Zone ......................................................... 11

Activity Achievement Against Target .......................................................................................... 12

Third Steering Committee Meeting of SSMC Project .............................................................. 13

Media Report ............................................................................................................................ 14

Photographs of SSMC Activities .................................................................................................. 16

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 ii


Table 1. Farmer Training Programs Organized in May 2018 under SSMC ................................ 2

Table 2. Field Days Organized in May 2018 under SSMC ......................................................... 3

Table 3. Yield Results of Nine Wheat Demonstration Plots Established under SSMC in

Non-Calcareous and Calcareous Zones in 2018 ............................................................ 4

Table 4. Nutrients Used under Various Treatments in Wheat Demonstration Plots in Calcareous

and Non-Calcareous Zones in 2018 ............................................................................... 5

Table 5. Effect of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2018

SSMC Demonstration Plots in the Non-Calcareous Zone ............................................. 6

Table 6. Yield Performance of OCP Compound Fertilizer and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’

Practice ........................................................................................................................... 6

Table 7. Gross Margin for Wheat 2017-18 in the Non-Calcareous Zone .................................... 8

Table 8. Influence of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2017-18

SSMC Demonstration Plots in the Calcareous Zone ..................................................... 9

Table 9. Yield Performance of OCP Compound Fertilizer and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’

Practice ........................................................................................................................... 9

Table 10. Gross Margin for Wheat 2017-18 in the Calcareous Zone .......................................... 11

Table 11. Activity Achievement through May 2018 Against Year 1 and 2 Workplan................ 12

Table 12. Newspaper and Television Reports, News, and Publicity in May 2018 ...................... 14


Figure 1. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer

TSPZn and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice Plots in 2018 ............................. 7

Figure 2. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSB

and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice Plots in 2018 ......................................... 7

Figure 3. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer

NPSZn and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice in 2018 ................................... 10

Figure 4. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSB

and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice in 2018 ................................................ 10

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 iii

Acronyms and Abbreviations

AVPI Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement

BARC Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

BARI Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute

BRRI Bangladesh Rice Research Institute

DAE Department of Agricultural Extension

GAP Good Agricultural Practice

GOB Government of Bangladesh

ha hectare

ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

IFDC International Fertilizer Development Center

IPM Integrated Pest Management

kg kilogram

m meter

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

mt metric ton

NPSB Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Boron

NPSZn Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Zinc

OFRD On-Farm Research Division

PSO Principal Scientific Officer

SAAO Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer

SRDI Soil Resource Development Institute

SSMC Sustainable Soil Management Component

Tk Bangladeshi Taka

TSPZn Triple Superphosphate with Zinc

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 1

Sustainable Soil Management Component

(SSMC) of OCP Foundation’s Agricultural

Development Project in Bangladesh – Stage 1

Monthly Report | May 2018


The OCP Foundation signed an agreement with the International Fertilizer Development Center

(IFDC) for implementation of the Sustainable Soil Management Component (SSMC) of OCP

Foundation’s Agricultural Development Project in Bangladesh – Stage 1 for a period of three

years, from January 2017 to December 2019. SSMC is addressing many of the increasing, serious

soil fertility concerns of the northern districts of Bangladesh while also helping farmers enhance

crop productivity and profitability through the implementation of improved soil management

methods in the overall context of market-sensitive good agricultural practices (GAPs).

OCP Foundation’s comprehensive project also includes input from OCP Foundation and the

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). The overall objective

of this agricultural development project is “sustainable management of soil to enhance yields and

farmers’ incomes under resilient production systems in Bangladesh, resulting in food and nutrition

security, improved health and livelihoods.” The project includes the SSMC in addition to

monitoring and capacity-building inputs by OCP Foundation and works related to the promotion

of GAPs, entrepreneurship, and farmer organizations by ICARDA. The project targets rice, maize,

potato, pulses, and, to a lesser extent, wheat.

SSMC is being implemented with Government of Bangladesh (GOB) counterparts – Bangladesh

Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Department

of Agricultural Extension (DAE), and Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI). Additionally,

agro-input retailers are also involved to promote balanced plant nutrient and GAP solutions for

improving crop productivity, crop profitability, and soil fertility. The primary approach of the

project for IFDC is to conduct trials with BRRI and BARI and field extension activities with DAE.

This monthly report shows the progress achieved in May 2018.

Technical Program Activities

As per the annual work plan, major technical activities conducted during the reporting month

include the following, which are linked to cropping seasons and deliverables and aimed at

achieving the project goal.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 2

Field Trials

During the reporting month, BARI completed harvest of the maize crop from three trial plots.

BRRI also completed harvest of the Boro rice crop from four trial plots. BARI and BRRI are in

the process of preparing reports for the five (potato, maize, wheat, lentil, and Boro) harvested


Farmer Training

In May, nine batches of farmer training programs were conducted with 270 progressive farmers.

Details by district are presented in Table 1. Of the 270 trained farmers, 195 were men and 36 (13%)

were female progressive maize and Boro rice farmers.1 Nine demonstration farmers also attended

the training program. In addition, 39 agro-input retailers were present. The training module during

the training program included a PowerPoint, an oral presentation, group discussions using the

participatory approach, and practical demonstrations on identification techniques of adulterated

micronutrient fertilizers. Senior staff and the field coordinator of SSMC and deputy

directors/district training officers, DAE, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, and Kurigram, attended the

programs as resource persons. Concerned upazila agriculture officers and sub-assistant agriculture

officers (SAAOs) also attended the programs. A total of 60 farmer training programs have been

completed as of May 2018.

Table 1. Farmer Training Programs Organized in May 2018 under SSMC

Sl. # District Upazila Batches

Farmers Total Farmers

Fertilizer Retailer

Total Participants Male Female

1. Bogra Shahjahanpur 1 21 5 26 4 30

2. Chapai


Nachole 1 21 4 25 5 30

3. Dinajpur Dinajpur Sadar 1 21 5 26 4 30

4. Dinajpur Dinajpur Sadar 1 21 4 25 5 30

5. Dinajpur Chirirbandar 1 21 5 26 4 30

6. Kurigram Nageswari 1 21 4 25 5 30

7. Kurigram Nageswari 1 21 4 25 5 30

8. Nilphamari Saidpur 1 21 5 26 4 30

9. Nilphamari Nilphamari

Sadar 1 27 0 27 3 30

Total 9 195 36 231 39 270

1 Progressive farmers are those who are willing to use the good farm practices (GAPs – such as using good quality

seed and balanced doses of fertilizers, maintaining proper spacing from line to line and plant to plant, practicing

integrated pest management [IPM] with improved technologies, etc.), establish their own demo plots, share their

knowledge, and encourage their neighboring farmers to use GAPs along with improved technologies.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 3

Field Demonstrations

Crop Harvest

Eight maize and 10 Boro demonstration plot crop cuts were completed by SSMC, IFDC, and DAE

between April 27 and May 31, 2018. In all the demonstration sites, crop cuts were done following

the guidelines from one or two sample sites in each demonstration sub-plot. The area of the maize

demonstration was 20 square meters (m2 [5 m x 4 m]) and Boro was 10 m2 (5 m x 2 m). In most

demonstration sites, the lowest yield was observed in the farmers’ practice plot and the highest in

OCP compound fertilizer with straight fertilizer treatment plots. As of this reporting month, 59

crop cuts have been completed at different sites. The maize and Boro crop cut information is in

the process of analysis. Analysis of the wheat crop has been completed and reported in this report.

Field Days

Nine field days were organized during the harvest of maize and Boro at Chapai Noawabganj,

Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Kurigram, and Bogra districts during May 12-30, 2018. At the various

locations, 869 participants attended the programs. Of the 869 participants, 241 were women (28%).

All of the participants expressed their satisfaction with the yield performance of OCP compound

fertilizers as well as the GAP production system. Details on the number of participants are

presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Field Days Organized in May 2018 under SSMC

Sl. # District Upazila


Farmers Total Farmers

Fertilizer Retailer

Total Participants Crop Male Female

1. Bogra Shajahanpur Boro 1 79 13 92 4 96

2. Chapai


Nachol Boro 1 83 9 92 5 97

3. Dinajpur Dinajpur Sadar Boro 1 74 19 93 4 97

4. Dinajpur Dinajpur Sadar Maize 1 60 33 93 5 98

5. Dinajpur Chirirbondar Maize 1 62 29 91 4 95

6. Kurigram Nageswari Boro 1 53 42 95 5 100

7. Kurigram Nageswari Maize 1 78 17 95 2 97

8. Nilphamari Saidpur Boro 1 54 37 91 4 95

9. Nilphamari Nilphamari

Sadar Maize 1 49 42 91 3 94

Total 9 592 241 833 36 869

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 4


Results of Wheat Demonstration

SSMC has harvested nine wheat demonstration plots of the 10 demonstrations established. One

demonstration in the non-calcareous zone was damaged due to a natural disaster. Details on the

complete results of the nine demonstrations are provided in Table 3. The total nutrient content used

in the wheat demonstrations is presented in Table 4.

All of the 10 demonstrations used OCP compound fertilizer – three demonstrations in the

calcareous zone and seven in the non-calcareous zone. These demonstrations were established and

harvested to determine the influence of OCP compound fertilizer and good agricultural practices

on wheat yield and the cost of balanced fertilization.

Table 3. Yield Results of Nine Wheat Demonstration Plots Established under SSMC in Non-Calcareous and Calcareous Zones in 2018

Non-Calcareous Zone

Sl. No. District Variety

T1 Farmers

’ Practice

T2 Recommended Dose without


T3 Recommended Dose with Lime


OCP Compound Fertilizer + Straight Fertilizer with Lime








Gom 28 4.00 4.13 4.25 4.50





Gom 28 4.35 4.65 4.75 5.40





Gom 28 3.16 3.75 4.18 4.90





Gom 26 4.50 5.60 5.68 5.65






Gom 28 4.18 5.12 4.78 5.33






Gom 26 3.95 4.40 4.35 5.00

Average Yield 4.02 4.61 4.66 4.93 5.33

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 5

Calcareous Zone

Sl. No. Location Variety

T1 Farmers’ Practice

T2 Recommended Fertilizer Dose without Lime

T3 T4

OCP Compound + Straight Fertilizer with Lime



1 Lalpur, Natore BARI Gom 28 2.48 2.45 2.50 2.70

2 Natore Sadar, Natore BARI Gom 28 2.38 3.23 3.63 3.88

3 Natore Sadar, Natore BARI Gom 28 3.16 3.86 4.17 3.64

Average Yield 2.67 3.18 3.43 3.41

Table 4. Nutrients Used under Various Treatments in Wheat Demonstration Plots in Calcareous and Non-Calcareous Zones in 2018


T1 Farmers’ Practice

T2 Recommended Fertilizer Dose without Lime

T3 Recommended Fertilizer Dose

with Lime

T4* OCP Fertilizers



N 117.1 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.2 (18+101.2) 125 (33.7+91.3)

P2O5 161.4 67.5 67.5 67.5 (67.5) 67.5 (67.5) 67.5 (67.5)

K 79.2 75 75 75 75 75

S 9 15 15 15.0 17.6 (7.5+10.1) 15.6 (10.6+5)

Zn 2 2.5 2.5 2.4 (1.5+0.9) 2.4 (1.5+0.9) 2.0

B 1.3 1 1 1 1 2.8 (1.8+1)

Mg 4.8 3.1 - - - -

Dolomite - 1,000 1,000 1,000

Note: The first figure in parentheses is the quantity of OCP mixed fertilizer and the second figure is the additional

quantity of straight fertilizer added as per the Fertilizer Recommendation Guide – 2012 of the Bangladesh Agricultural

Research Council (BARC).

* In the calcareous zone, OCP compound fertilizers with TSPZn and NPSZn were used in T3 and NPSB in T4.

Influence of OCP Compound Fertilizers on Yield and Fertilizer Cost

Non-Calcareous Zone

Using the data calculated from six demonstration plots in the non-calcareous zone, Table 5

compares the grain yield increase with TSPZn compound fertilizer (1.10 mt/ha) and with NPSB

compound fertilizer (1.12 mt/ha) over farmers’ practice; the results are statistically significant.

However, from an economic point of view, OCP compound fertilizers with balanced doses of

nutrients incurred a higher cost than the farmers’ practice plots. Wheat farmers in this zone do not

use lime and micronutrients to address soil acidity.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 6

Table 5. Effect of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2018 SSMC Demonstration Plots in the Non-Calcareous Zone


Average Cost of Fertilizer (Tk/ha)

Average Yield (mt/ha)

NPSB (N=3)

T1-Farmers’ Practice 17,705 b 4.21 b

T2-Recommended Dose without Lime 16,338 b 5.04 a

T3-Recommended Dose with Lime 19,913 a 4.94 a

T4-OCP Compound Fertilizer + Straight Fertilizer with Lime 21,028 a 5.33 a

Mean 18,746 4.88

CV 5.49 4.34

LSD (0.05) 2,057 0.42

Difference (T4-T1) 3,323 1.12

Difference (T3-T1) 2,208 0.73

Difference (T2-T1) (1,367) 0.83

TSPZn (N=3)

T1-Farmers’ Practice 15,423 b 3.84 c

T2-Recommended Dose without Lime 17,352 ab 4.18 cb

T3-Recommended Dose with Lime 20,023 a 4.39 b

T4-OCP Compound Fertilizer + Straight Fertilizer with Lime 20,003 a 4.93 a

Mean 18,200 4.33

CV 11.11 6.15

LSD (0.05) 4,040 0.53

Difference (T4-T1) 4,580 1.10

Difference (T3-T1) 4,600 0.56

Difference (T2-T1) 1,929 0.34

Source: SSMC Wheat Demonstration Plots, Winter 2017-18.

Note: Within a column, mean values followed by the same letters are not significantly different.

SSMC further estimated the yield difference of the two types of OCP compound fertilizer and

straight fertilizers separately over farmers’ practice in the non-calcareous zone, which is presented

in Table 6 and Figure 1 and 2. Yield increased with the two types of OCP fertilizers. The highest

incremental yield increase (i.e., 1.12 mt/ha) over farmers’ practice was obtained from the NPSB

treatment, followed by TSPZn (1.10 mt/ha) compound and straight fertilizer plots.

Table 6. Yield Performance of OCP Compound Fertilizer and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice

OCP Fertilizer

Average Yield (mt/ha) Incremental Yield (mt/ha)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4

TSPZn 3.84 4.18 4.39 4.93 3.84 0.34 0.56 1.10

NPSB 4.21 5.04 4.94 5.33 4.21 0.83 0.73 1.12

Note: T1 = Farmers’ Practice Plot without Lime; T2 = Recommended Fertilizer Dose without Lime; T3 =

Recommended Fertilizer Dose with Lime; and T4 = OCP Compound Fertilizer + Straight Fertilizer.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 7

Figure 1. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer TSPZn and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice Plots in 2018

Figure 2. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSB and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice Plots in 2018








T1 Farmer practiced plot

without lime

T4 OCP compound

fertilizer + straight fertilizer

Incremental yield


ld m


Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Demo 2018 in

OCP Compound Fetilizer TSPZn and Straight Fertilizer over

Farmers' Practice








T1 Farmer practiced plot

without lime

T4 OCP compound

fertilizer + straight fertilizer

Incremental yield


ld m


Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Demo 2018 in

OCP Compound Fetilizer NPSB and Straight Fertilizer over

Farmers' Practice

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 8

Gross Margin from Demonstrations in the Non-Calcareous Zone

Gross margins were calculated from data collected from demonstration plots following the wheat

harvest. The results of wheat 2017-18 are presented in Table 7. All calculations are based on

information provided by farmers on input prices, quantity used in the demonstration plots, and

output sales and price during crop cut and complete harvest.

Table 7. Gross Margin for Wheat 2017-18 in the Non-Calcareous Zone


NPSZn and NPSB (3)

Farmer Practice OCP Compound + Straight Fertilizer

Total Revenue 57,851 73,884

Total Cost 56,665 53,314

Gross Margin 1,186 20,570

Gross Margin (U.S. $/ha) 15 257

Gross Margin (%) 2% 39%

Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.02 1.39 Source: Three SSMC demonstration plots, Wheat 2017-18.

Notes: (a) U.S. $1 = Tk 80; (b) gross margin is the difference between total return and total

cost; (c) benefit-cost ratio is total return divided by total cost.

The realized gross margin per hectare is estimated at U.S. $257 from OCP compound fertilizer

NPSZn and NPSB against that of farmers’ practice at only U.S. $15/ha. This result shows the

substantial financial benefit obtained from OCP fertilizer in wheat crop. The gross margin is

calculated using all purchased inputs, such as seed, fertilizer, labor, and irrigation. Non-cash inputs

were not included in the calculation.

Calcareous Zone

Table 8 presents average incremental yields and cost of OCP compound fertilizers over farmers’

practice and other treatments. Yield and cost differences are statistically significant. However,

OCP fertilizer plots had higher yields compared to farmers’ practice – incremental yield for NPSZn

was 0.76 mt/ha and 0.73 mt/ha for NPSB. Across the demonstrations, OCP compound fertilizers

produced higher yield over farmers’ practice and other treatments. In a fertilizer cost analysis,

farmers paid the lower cost, since they do not use micronutrients and balanced fertilizer. To

maintain soil fertility at a sustainable level, balanced fertilizer application is essential in the

calcareous zone. The overall yield of wheat was low in the calcareous zone due to (i) late sowing,

(ii) cold injury just after seeding, and (iii) rat infestation at the maturity stage.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 9

Table 8. Influence of OCP Compound Fertilizer on Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Cost in 2017-18 SSMC Demonstration Plots in the Calcareous Zone


Average Cost of Fertilizer (Tk/ha)

Average Yield


NPSZn and NPSB (N=3)

NPSZn and NPSB (N=3)

T1-Farmers’ Practice 22,673 a 2.67 b

T2-Recommended Dose 16,755 b 3.18 ab

T3-OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSZn+Straight Fertilizer 17,367 b 3.43 a

T4-OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSB+Straight Fertilizer 19,322 ab 3.41 a

Mean 19,029 3.17

CV 11.83 11.2

LSD (0.05) 4,497 0.71

Difference (T4-T1) (3,351) 0.73

Difference (T3-T1) (5,306) 0.76

Source: SSMC Wheat Demonstration Plots, Winter 2017-18.

Note: Within a column, mean values followed by the same letters are not significantly different.

SSMC further estimated the yield difference of two types of OCP compound fertilizer and straight

fertilizer separately over farmers’ practice in the calcareous zone, which is presented in Table 9

and Figure 3 and 4. Yield increased with the two types of OCP fertilizers, as mentioned above.

In all of the demonstration plots, yield increased in OCP compound fertilizer treatments over

farmers’ practice and even the recommended fertilizer dose treatments. Reasons for the increasing

yield in OCP compound fertilizer over farmers’ practice and others could be enhanced nutrient

uptake by the plants, good quality micronutrients, uniform distribution of micronutrients over the

entire plots, and good interaction among the nutrients in soils.

Table 9. Yield Performance of OCP Compound Fertilizer and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice

OCP Fertilizer

Average Yield (mt/ha)

Incremental Yield (mt/ha)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 T4

NPSZn 2.67 3.18 3.43 3.41 2.67 0.51 0.76 0.73

NPSB 2.67 3.18 3.43 3.41 2.67 0.51 0.76 0.73

Note: T1= Farmers’ Practice Plot without Lime; T2= Recommended Fertilizer Dose; T3 = OCP Compound

Fertilizer NPSZn + Straight Fertilizer; and T4 = OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSB + Straight Fertilizer.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 10

Figure 3. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSZn and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice in 2018

Figure 4. Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Using OCP Compound Fertilizer NPSB and Straight Fertilizer over Farmers’ Practice in 2018









T1 Farmer practiced plot

without lime

T4-OCP Compound

Fertilizer NPSB+Straight


Incremental yield


ld m


Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Demo 2018 in

OCP Compound Fetilizer NPSB and Straight Fertilizer over

Farmers' Practice









T1 Farmer practiced plot

without lime

T3-OCP Compound

Fertilizer NPSZn+Straight


Incremental yield


ld m


Average Incremental Yield Increase in Wheat Demo 2018 in

OCP Compound Fetilizer NPSZn and Straight Fertilizer over

Farmers' Practice

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 11

Gross Margin from Demonstrations in the Calcareous Zone

Gross margins were calculated from data collected from the demonstration plots following the

wheat harvest. The results of wheat 2017-18 are presented in Table 10. All calculations are based

on information provided by farmers on input prices, quantity used in the demonstration plots, and

output sales and price during crop cut and complete harvest.

Table 10. Gross Margin for Wheat 2017-18 in the Calcareous Zone


TSPZn (3) NPSB (3)

Farmers’ Practice

OCP Compound + Straight Fertilizer Farmers’ Practice

OCP Compound + Straight Fertilizer



75,521 96,958 85,956 108,823

Total Cost 62,340 68,378 71,957 74,863



13,181 28,580 13,999 33,960



(U.S. $/ha)

165 357 175 425




21% 42% 19% 45%


Cost Ratio


1.21 1.42 1.19 1.45

Source: Six SSMC demonstration plots, Wheat 2017-18.

Notes: (a) U.S. $1 = Tk 80; (b) gross margin is the difference between total return and total cost; (c) benefit-cost ratio

is total return divided by total cost.

The realized gross margin per hectare is estimated at U.S. $357 from OCP compound fertilizer

TSPZn and U.S. $425 from OCP compound fertilizer NPSB. This result shows the substantial

financial benefit obtained from OCP fertilizer. The gross margin was calculated using all

purchased inputs, such as seed, fertilizer, labor, irrigation, pesticides etc. Non-cash inputs were not

included in the calculation.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 12

Activity Achievement Against Target

Details of activities completed through May 2018 against the target of the Year 1 and 2 Workplan

are presented in Table 11.

Table 11. Activity Achievement through May 2018 Against Year 1 and 2 Workplan

Deliverables Unit Target


% of Target In May 2018

Through May 2018

Orientation training for establishing demonstrations

No. 1 1 100%

Farmer training with DAE

No. 60 60 100%

Establishment of Field


Rice (Aman) No. 10 10 100%

Rice (Boro) No. 10 10 100%

Potato No. 10 10 100%

Maize No. 10 10 100%

Lentil No. 10 10 100%

Wheat* No. 10 10 100%

Total demonstrations No. 60 60 100%

Establishment of On-

Station and On-Farm

Demonstration and


On-station and on-farm demonstration (rice)

No. 4 4 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (potato)

No. 3 3 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (wheat)

No. 3 3 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (lentil)

No. 2 2 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (maize)

No. 3 3 100%

Total trials No. 15 15 100%

Crop Cut

Field Demonstration

Rice (Aman) No. 10 10 100%

Rice (Boro) No. 10 10 10 100%

Potato No. 10 10 100%

Maize No. 10 8 10 100%

Lentil No. 10 10 100%

Wheat* No. 9 9 100%

Total demonstrations No. 59 18 59 100%

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 13

Deliverables Unit Target


% of Target In May 2018

Through May 2018

On-Station and On-

Farm Demonstration

and Trials

On-station and on-farm demonstration (rice)

No. 4 4 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (potato)

No. 3 3 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (wheat)

No. 3 3 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (lentil)

No. 2 2 100%

On-farm and on-station trial with BARI (maize)

No. 3 3 100%

Total trials No. 15 15 100%

* One demonstration plot was damaged by a natural disaster.

Third Steering Committee Meeting of SSMC Project

The Third Steering Committee meeting was held at the Hotel Westin in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on

May 9, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in two sessions. The morning

session was held from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the afternoon session was held from 2:00 p.m.

to 6:00 p.m. Attendees included Mr. Abu Bakr Siddique, Joint Secretary, Agriculture Inputs,

Ministry of Agriculture; IFDC Regional Director of Asia, Ishrat Jahan; Rouini Imadeddine, Project

Manager, OCP Foundation; Mr. Tarik Boudiar, Senior Sales Manager, India and Middle East,

Executive Commercial, OCP Group; Dr. A.S.M. Mahbubur Rahman, Chief Scientific Officer, On-

Farm Research Division (OFRD), BARI; Dr. Aminul Islam, Principal Scientific Officer (PSO),

BRRI; Dr. Md. Gazi Zainul Abedin, PSO, SRDI; Kazi Md. Saiful Islam, Additional Director,

DAE; Mr. Tuhinuzzaman (Movement), Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation;

Dr. Apurba Kanti Chowdhury, PSO, OFRD, BARI; Dr. Sharukh Ahmed, Senior Agriculture

Specialist, SSMC, IFDC; Mr. Mainul Ahsan, Senior Soil Scientist, SSMC, IFDC; and Mr. Afzal

Mahmood Hossain, Project Manager of the Accelerating Vegetable Productivity Improvement

(AVPI) project and Senior Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist. In accordance with the

agenda, the IFDC Regional Director of Asia made a PowerPoint presentation on the approved

work plan and progress achieved through April 2018 under SSMC. In addition, results of three

crops that were completely harvested by April 2018 were presented. After a detailed review of the

presentations, members of both OCP Group and OCP Foundation commented. IFDC agreed to

make all the changes in the PowerPoint presentation as per decision; those changes were made and

sent to the OCP Foundation. All of the members participated in the discussion and appreciated the

outcome of the activities achieved so far. The minutes were prepared and sent to the OCP

Foundation for finalization.

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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 14

Media Report

The media campaign for SSMC activities during May 2018 is shown in Table 12, covering daily

local print media. In the media campaign, OCP Foundation, as the donor, is always emphasized

along with SSMC activities.

Table 12. Newspaper and Television Reports, News, and Publicity in May 2018

Sl. No. News Heading Media Date Remark

1 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Shahjahanpur, Bogra

The Daily Chandi


May 14,


Hard copy of news


2 Organize farmers training at Nachole,

Chapai Noawabganj

The Daily Chapai


May 15,


Hard copy of news


3 Organize farmers training at Nachole,

Chapai Noawabganj

The Daily Gour


May 15,


Hard copy of news


4 Organize farmers training at Nachole,

Chapai Noawabganj

The Daily Sonar


May 15,


Hard copy of news


3 Organize farmers training at Dinajpur

Sadar, Dinajpur

The Daily


May 22,


Hard copy of news


4 Organize farmers training at Dinajpur

Sadar, Dinajpur

The Daily Pattralap May 22,


Hard copy of news


5 Organize farmers training at Dinajpur

Sadar, Dinajpur

The Daily


May 22,


Hard copy of news


6 Organize farmers training at Dinajpur

Sadar, Dinajpur

The Daily Protidin May 22,


Hard copy of news


7 Organize farmers training at Kurigram

Sadar, Kurigram

The Daily Zago


May 22,


Hard copy of news


8 Organize farmers training at Kurigram

Sadar, Kurigram

The Daily Bayannor


May 22,


Hard copy of news


9 Organize farmers training at

Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Saif May 22,


Hard copy of news


10 Organize farmers training at

Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Provati


May 22,


Hard copy of news


11 Organize farmers training at

Chirirbondar, Dinajpur

The Daily Vorer


May 24,


Hard copy of news


12 Organize farmers training at Sadar,


The Daily Ajker

Desh Barta

May 25,


Hard copy of news


13 Organize farmers training at Sadar,


The Daily Protidin May 25,


Hard copy of news


14 Organize farmers training at Sadar,


The Daily Uttar


May 25,


Hard copy of news


15 Organize farmers training at

Nageswari, Kurigram

The Weekly Jono


May 27,


Hard copy of news


16 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Vorer


May 29,


Hard copy of news


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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 15

Sl. No. News Heading Media Date Remark

17 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Prothom


May 29,


Hard copy of news


18 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily


May 29,


Hard copy of news


19 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Juger Alo May 29,


Hard copy of news


20 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Bhorer


May 29,


Hard copy of news


21 Organize farmers training cum field

day programs at Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Dabanol May 29,


Hard copy of news


22 Organize farmers training at

Nageswari, Kurigram

The Daily Khola


May 30,


Hard copy of news


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SSMC Monthly Report | May 2018 16

Photographs of SSMC Activities

Participants in the Third Steering Committee Meeting on May 9, 2018

Farmer Training Program at Sadar, Dinajpur on May 12, 2018

Wheat Crop Cut from a Demonstration Plot at Sadar, Nilphamari

Maize Crop Cut from a Demonstration Plot at Sadar, Nilphamari, on May 30, 2018

Crop Harvest from a Boro Demonstration Plot at Sadar, Kurigram, in May 2018

Crop Threshing from a Boro Demonstration Plot at Sadar, Kurigram, in May 2018