KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association Hartwig Anzt, Terry Cojean, Thomas Grűtzmacher, Pratik Nayak, Mike Tsai Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) www.kit.edu Sustainable Software Development in an Academic Setting 4th International Symposium on Research and Education of Computational Science (RECS) University of Tokyo, October 1 st , 2019 These slides are available under: https://hartwiganzt.github.io/slides/SustainableSoftwareDevelopment.pdf

Sustainable Software Development in an Academic Setting€¦ · 2 Hartwig Anzt: Sustainable Software Development in an Academic Setting 10/01/2019 What we cover today • Versioning

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KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association

Hartwig Anzt, Terry Cojean, Thomas Grűtzmacher, Pratik Nayak, Mike TsaiSteinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)


SustainableSoftwareDevelopmentinanAcademicSetting4thInternationalSymposium onResearchandEducationofComputational Science(RECS)University ofTokyo,October1st,2019


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What we cover today

• Versioningsystems

• Git workflow

• Git hostingsites

• Continuous Integration(CI)

• GitLab runners

• AutomatedTesting

• UnitTestingwithGoogletest

• SoftwareDocumentationwithDoxygen

Tointeractivelyparticipate inthiscourse,youneedaGitLab account.

• Pleasecreateanaccount(chooseyournamecarefully!)• Pleaselogin• https://gitlab.com/

PratikNayakTerryCojean ThomasGrützmacher




apt-get install git cmake g++ gcovr


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What is a version control system?


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What is a version control system?

• Distributedversioncontrol

• Coordinatesworkbetweenmultipledevelopers

• Whomadewhatchangesandwhen

• Revertbackatanytime

• Localandremoterepos


ü Keepstrackofcodehistory

ü Takes“snapshots”ofyourfiles

ü Youdecidewhentotakeasnapshot bymakinga”commit”

ü Youcanvisitanysnapshotatanytime

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Git Versioning System

Ø git init //Initializelocalgit repository

Ø git add*files //Addfile(s)tosnapshot

Ø git status //Checkchangesnotyetinthesnapshot

Ø git commit*files //Takesnapshot (commitchanges)Ø git commit–m‘putacommentonthiscommit’*files

Git CheatSheet:https://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet/

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Git Versioning System

Ø git init //Initializelocalgit repository

Ø git add*files //Addfile(s)tosnapshot

Ø git status //Checkchangesnotyetinthesnapshot

Ø git commit*files //Takesnapshot (commitchanges)Ø git commit–m‘putacommentonthiscommit’*files


Git CheatSheet:https://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet/

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Git Versioning System

Ø git init //Initializelocalgit repository

Ø git add*files //Addfile(s)tosnapshot

Ø git status //Checkchangesnotyetinthesnapshot

Ø git commit*files //Takesnapshot (commitchanges)Ø git commit–m‘putacommentonthiscommit’*files

Ø git push //Pushlocalsnapshotstoremoterepo

Ø git pull //Getlatestsnapshot fromremoterepo

Ø git clone*path/to/repo //CloneanexistingremoterepositoryRemoteRepository


Git CheatSheet:https://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet/

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Git Hosting Sites

• GitHub

• GitLab

• Bitbucket

• … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_source-code-hosting_facilities

WemayjustchooseGitLab forthiscourse• Pleasecreateanaccount(chooseyournamecarefully!)• Pleaselogin• https://gitlab.com/


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Git Hands-On

1. WecreateanAccountatGitLab andlogin.

2. IcreateaprojectonGitLab (\[email protected]:hanzt/recs)

3. Iaddafirstsourcefileandmakeitapublicrepository

4. Youallcloneortheproject:

git clone [email protected]:hanzt/recs

5. Youaddyournametothelocalversionofcontributors.txt

6. Youcheckyourchanges:

git diff

7. Youcommityour localchanges:

git commit –m ‘add my name’ contributors.txt

8. Youpushyourlocalchangestotheremoterepository:

git push origin master

9. Youfix”mergeconflicts”….

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Continuous Integration (CI)


• Howdoyoufindoutthecodeisbroken?• Howdowefindoutwhowhichcode

integration introducedthebug?• Howcanwemakesureeverythingworks



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Continuous Integration (CI)




• Howdoyoufindoutthecodeisbroken?• Howdowefindoutwhowhichcode

integration introducedthebug?• Howcanwemakesureeverythingworks



• Setsupapre-definedenvironment;

• Clonestheremoterepositoryonaserver;

• Triestocompileandrunallpre-definedtests;

• Reportstheoutcome;

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Continuous Integration on GitLab

• GitLab supportsGitLab runnersasCIfeature.

• Theycanbeconfiguredviaaddingthefile.gitlab-ci.yml


• GitLab runneraresetupviawebinterface.




Installpackagesneeded:git cmake g++gcovr



Buildlibrarygcov checksunittestcoverage

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Software TestingAutomatedtesting:Thepracticeofwritingcodetotestthecode,andthenrunthosetestsinanautomatedfashion.

ProductionCode TestCode

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• Givemoreconfidenceincomplexapplication.• Testsunits/classesaswhole.


• Testcompleteworkflowandapplicationinteraction.• Veryslowandbrittle.

Software TestingAutomatedtesting:Thepracticeofwritingcodetotestthecode,andthenrunthosetestsinanautomatedfashion.

ProductionCode TestCode

Unittests:Checkthefunctionalityandvalidityofeachbuildingblockwithout itsexternaldependencies.

• Trackdownbugs


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• Givemoreconfidenceincomplexapplication.• Testsunits/classesaswhole.


• Testcompleteworkflowandapplicationinteraction.• Veryslowandbrittle.

Software TestingAutomatedtesting:Thepracticeofwritingcodetotestthecode,andthenrunthosetestsinanautomatedfashion.

ProductionCode TestCode

Unittests:Checkthefunctionalityandvalidityofeachbuildingblockwithout itsexternaldependencies.

• Trackdownbugs



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• Givemoreconfidenceincomplexapplication.• Testsunits/classesaswhole.


• Testcompleteworkflowandapplicationinteraction.• Veryslowandbrittle.

Software TestingAutomatedtesting:Thepracticeofwritingcodetotestthecode,andthenrunthosetestsinanautomatedfashion.

ProductionCode TestCode

Unittests:Checkthefunctionalityandvalidityofeachbuildingblockwithout itsexternaldependencies.

• Trackdownbugs




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Unit tests with Googletest

• Frameworktofacilitateunittesting.

• https://github.com/google/googletest


Muchofthismaterialistakenfrom NikolaosPothitoshttp://cgi.di.uoa.gr/~pothitos/https://github.com/pothitos/gtest-demo-gitlab

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Software Documentation

• Automatedcodedocumentationtool.

• Convertscommentsinsourcecodeintodocumentation.

• HTML-oriented.

• http://www.doxygen.nl/

• https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen.git

Doxygen is the de facto standard tool for generatingdocumentation from annotated C++ sources, but it alsosupports other popular programming languages such as C,Objective-C, C#, PHP, Java, Python, IDL (Corba, Microsoft, andUNO/OpenOffice flavors), Fortran, VHDL, Tcl, and to someextent D.


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References & Further Reading


• https://www.git-tower.com/blog/git-cheat-sheet/• https://github.com/google/googletest• https://github.com/pothitos/gtest-demo-gitlab• https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/• http://www.doxygen.nl/
