„„£// DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, pWERSEY, SA.TUBDAY,'AUGUST 14,1880. o Xvauv I BENJ. H. VOGT. EDITOfl AJrli PBQlttETOH. Offloo on Morris Street near BlaokweU. TUUAI8 OF DUIISCUIPTIUN IsV*BI»bI.T IN ALViNOB. Ono Your, - . - _ - _ _ $2.00 Hix Months, - - - - - - - 1.0U Tareo mouths, - - - - - - - fi(j ADVERTISING RATES. SFAOK. I 1WK. | 'i WIH.I 3 WES. J 1 1 Inob _ 7S|» 1 &'>[» 1 I ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, PORT ORAM. N. J. B. A. BKNNKTT, HI. D, n " » " B " 1 Column. 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 Inch. 2 " a " 4 " fi " i Column. i " J " 1 " 1 2C 1 76 3 ?f •i ?r> 3 50 4 r>o H50 10 00 a uou. $ 3 GO 600 6 50 8 0)) 10 00 12 KO IB 01) 18 BO 3200 •2 r,a 3 M) i Ml i 4 H>!§ (! 00 6 It) 10 00 4 50 5 fill o no PHYSICIAN &SUKOEON, Cor, Blackwell & Warren Sts,, lOiinnwIoDovnr Dank,) DOTEIl, K. J., DiatftHOB of IVmmm ami Cliil.lrcn, and of tin: Ejti-.nilEnr Hpuciiilticii. Office nViiiri.: 7 (o !t A, BI., 1 to a Him7 m! ESTABLISHED (N 1851. TJUUB DHUaS anil MEDKINEH, PAINTH, X Oils. Oi»n», BruntinH. 'crfnnlrrv, A • old br JAMES A. OUOUAD2, tln> I'imii DraKRlit, ot Dover. 8ti.ru »jtii on 9UNUA for tlia Kilo of Moiliciims oiif; from it id II) M., anil from t lo 5 I'. SI, 41-ly (J oim p. STICKLE:, CouEsellorat Law AND MABTEU IN CH/NCBIIY, HOCKAWiY, N. J. lirANSKlK IIOUSK. Oornor of lilackirof] aniljusflcl fits. DOVER, :N J. I. B. JOLLEY, Poprietor. Horse, and Csrrlsii-,toLai. L. C. BIERWIRTI-C 1H11V1ICAI, CHEMIjST, I1OVEII. N. i ANALYSES o/rf/DESCRIPTIONS Of ORES AND MKJiUALti. VTrr i\ LHPOKT, Counselloiat Law, AND MASTER IN CtANCERY, OfliiM iu tlio National Um'aiilaiilf DniUhit 3LAor*.,CT,ST., )0VEH, N. J. REUBEN HOWE, vii.K Kmca thu tt, tas aufnrtruj JILl of tlio p tkn f.ir oiitrl tho r l ly wli Muait-al iu.tri ;- Al U " d "° f a " u ' 8ilv » tin.. J{m(). A lurt-o aBsnrtmt ud-htaii.l Rciviuff Macliiu^g A ntricb fir mtminnl Inetrun! to. Dover. Simux rU.N. J. ROOMS TO LBT! A PPLY TO M. & I, SEARING. H. P. SANDERSON, *ct. AUkindi .•agon OON ana (JAUUIAOE WOOD HO11K, TQtilTK LOVEK DEI WnEELB, an low«H $ r . « ) ]>or 'f FINE 00L0I1H for ,,,rri»B inllng. Al.o OILS and VAl!NJsil,"Eb oroitjii nndDoiiiL'Hlic. Tuni'BNIiNE, Wur »-•», oto. Paint, Colori..G aild Varnli nuhes mill H(n,,i,,e r»cuoil«, n full .look All of tl,,, ,!,„»„ fiow]a (ro , n ,[,„ |,, st ma ",,, 1 ! 1 ,"™" '' y :»'" l '- 1 '»- ' flHHT-OLABB AHKfAGE im.1 SLKIGII OltNAlIEN'iS » l i f l B bud » ... fro uriul k 1 ano»lcii||aolls THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, DlackwullKtm-l, Unvrr, Hot Air Furnaces, >! lira lal.-t ami must impi-T.- il «lv|,.,, Ml iii™iiiiK,.,il,Ji,,,,,J,,rii»i,. taiMi,w,.'ji )i r(t , ....Win,™! ol HimvH,i'l,u.i,,urt,i«li. OOOK, PAliLOIi. HE.VTINO STOVES, RANGES, io. Altto a variety uf JOIIN.DRUMIKK'S SHAVING AND HABCUTTING SUSSEX S"REET, (tjBiwcoutLuMAHSIONmJdE^ndDeiiMt,). DOVEH, N J. ThU'iiUcutias liceu cutlielTciitti'dln *uonl arnnnnM-. T.ADIKH 1 BIK! nilLDltEN'H UAllt UUTTINQ A BI'BCIA.LTV. & SMITH, & couttiELLona AT LAW, Cor. ItlacUuell Hni DOVER, N- J. 1. B. HniailllOCK. A. ('. KEItOSENEOIL, IiANT illUi'XANIA WABE, Afu) aanurlmeul of TIN & JAP A.N WARE, FRUIT CANS, Ac, IIN noOFINO, EAVEH, Tiiouairs, Liu.l, i> fu t jii". s l.ui.1f<.r ; line, -1.1 In TO THE FRONT. RODERER & HEAGAN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR SHOE DEALERS have EXPOSED FOB SALE INTHEIR COMMODIOUS STORE-ROOM AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF Oo ts & Sliocs, TIES and SLIPPERS FOR LADIES and GENTLEMEN, CONSISTING OF EVERYTHING NEW AND NOVEL THAT HAS BEEN brought OUT FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, COMBINING ELEGANCE, DURABILITY AND CHEAPNESS, with the advantage of having more goods to select from than any two establishments in Morris County. It 'Would be impossible to attempt a description of them, but we respect- fully urge our custojners andthe : public to call, examine and be con- vinced. You will incur no obligation, to purchase unless you are satisfied that we can give you better goods for less money than any establishment in this section can offer. Don't forget our stand, Cor. Warren and Dickerson Sts., Opposite Depot, DOVER, N- J. NEW YARD NEW CLOTHING STORE .-ON DICKERSON STREET, (OPPOSITE THE BEPOT.: DOVER, 1ST. 3. Rensfrom & Nelson, MEECHANT TAILOES, W Ml WOULDLIU. I'dMna'tttlohaiaitol ' " »U«4 oaoda nuDr ilop.;« ,po. Fliirail TtnuUJaa 4alt my U a h , I >DSU, To iiatafat porch wfli VISM o*«rl»niK, Witb bei of ptnuant vooabiM gnat, Iuitrjballta And rona n ^ U t t i u d trlndotr i p n i d i clump! K.U., «hlls and r.d. And lot i aybuM oilpa aad tna, , I kind oW>k I Ihoula dollro : To hear roan^ tiie lawn » cbolr Of nod bfrifl Ringing lireei j V iToabrook it aodread mj nook.^ : There Inhat borne of quiet Jojra, Par fro&tl)iBctty'a crowd and nolao; ( '• Tlierc w<lfll'rear(?iflg|rla«n((6oj* > (Ihroabmatmiorlhree), And if kit bea.nn •bonld Ueia m; ittm Will Hi.or-an,oraeTramort, Howlappklwonldbel ' ' j TH£ SHAKE CONVtMTIggj *S> OLD tXTTLtH BeatonIj5 nCroat m « o , t<j»nl» in lie sUtt | > | n M M «Sfe*;'"" i An arii ibot' no yoitaJist! will t :ooijt nij lflkta j Dr.Tujnir al»ay« atops nt > liolol mliolodon tbu Eunpean plan. Tliko'arc alrandr itdlcatioss of lull 'eat! Dr.' The' milliners are returning -om Europe. '[ H K»nie pf.v.Copenliagen? fa rwfng •viv i in Wmtiin TeimonL Tboj call i ' ; Til consal tt MonipWs (liowa the feoW tU yoilo* ferer. In 1870 Ho 'lm tion wo| 40,220; now it in about 000 OBH. , Qo arneas: .V;How daw jou« (Tom. I aboil teji ;onr mammB I" ^om- Oh, I don't -icaxa vbat momma tjgal laaaHay of boarding bouio. ,'oiing homo'to dinner, Mr. Browo ?" .aajty bmirder 1 '. "Well, pVapa. If I iiiiafeelkurigjy 7" Tbe engineeri who anocesafully plaua fortiUpatioae and other defences or _tv is none the less olear-sightoil be- •usp he boa mat a moat in bi» eye. No/ Oleojifltta's needle was not i ru- nted for aiy tjf ttie sewing eobbbls ol f\i Turk. It w,aa simply sent with an i-to holding j||e tlirod of a story, lie cbftppagne men. are again P°p> >U% at eaeti other, Each ono claims thai liia brand it (Lo best aad attempt* •e It by a teafc-rt ot flzzlonl force. *We Qtnnot always oblige," says Vol- •but wefcanalways BD&lt oblig- ,-]y," Ex'aatl/. tod'iat. pi^miae to a3 a man 8lO'iojnoi-rnw, when yon LWyou will be out of towu all day. Bjmonntranee by an Italian minstrel loanl the excursion boat to passen- tho (Iodines to pnt imythjng into lot. "Wlitt for you beat-a with rjano-a, when we play-a, eh ?" inaus riL9 is sometimes severe. The vtraatiuu litw^tiirned upon Mme. X. i lad hum very hoautiful. "She him irj'liing ot a Bdildtwij." suid a faithful livr, ••YeV'^id DUDJUJ, "uuliqui- "SIJ, who is UilaDr. Tauner ?" aaked a l'lilailolpbiu trarni). "At nMrly ««ry bi t .if* 1 . ,. U they was one, ityog ^ _, mothfi was partioklar that I .ahontdn 1 . gitiqttielialjito' doia', that wr thiDg w « lyiil'.j Them toaQlim'fl o'my mother, e'eoursej kep'jnu from fnilio' inter the unlurt'nii habit, but I'm ontne to tlii oonclBsion tlint a. good many fellen tbi I know didn't have slob tetthio' aa .114 when they woa to home.' • • 1 Twt>or three ol the boya had been m>U.rtimnng theOld Settler with a tew yarns ;ahont makes. His opinion as to 'their'jferadifcy wiu delivered 1& theahoyb deHcfifo manner. 'Titfimoato'tfapje yer snaka stories that jon. bear jl go)l awizeted lies, and 'hndtLyiaatolhu'iQOud wbtn it'll go lain hard with them as gits 'em tip, un- 'Jess they'i aRood deal ^-.virtue in some •' th*catop moetin'a that's goia' to be held 'bent these ports this summer, and re git a re^'Iar ole loshlonad districted Meetin' that'll gether the Binnen it) lik^ |» scooi net gbhblos Buokers, Thej's eaoDgh'in'tbe irtVi 1 *! blutory o 1 snakt* to (jit yams from, withont bustln* nor< a commandment, neither, ittiat could raiao the liaJr on a bed o* mortar, and don't yon loi»it it. ' Snakes knows a big eight snake picked.ap his tailwitli. his teeth iad went across that oppn ipnoo fords ho figlitin' snakes iifce a. flub, o' heat ligUtoiu', IfthemHnakaBtiida'tBcotter. J-ou kin tkin me I TUoy »u dowa fiat oa the ground as it they'd been iwajier- id by an earthquRke. Tho hoop snake iruok a ohBfl'mrteJipUn 1 on^ t'other ^ide 11 tho cotivenHoi. > " " lers s - 1 g credit light tnbre'n fur., It.bbs you don't b'lleve that Hnakiw hn* their meeEin's, oud their little djso^si Bid-as, and thefr quarrels, and tbat ftiey' kin'tolk to one another, and do iota p' things (lift nobody would 'speot' em of. r'loaded i llttlrt fionfuh b* snakes oncet, in Bigjnjin Holler, Pike' county, that WsS bettei'n onyDlmmycratip pounty oonvontlon I ever see. They was all kinds o'.aarplnta, tropt Oialittla garter BnakQ, that didn't bare much to aay, to thooassedbigblito neer, that whutcd to rijn th&hull dura business. They was a bigpprinklin'o' rattletu, .a few milk snakos,) and. one dam pizen hoop Bnake, that didn't say uothin', only 'oncet.n'awliilo; bntwhen he did git up to make a p'int, I wont youtomicter- stand that lie msde'his p'int, and no mistake, far tv hoop auoko nllna means business; and don't allow foolin' with th'fl interests o' hit constituent!) 'rom' ady other sarplnt' that'wiggles. Thej' waa,two or throe blowlu; addora fn tho •gatberin 1 but' they seemed to bo dotogatoa that wa'iit o' much nooouot, though they feep't a putBo' thoixaelU ap and lcttin! off a gopd deal p* steam every little, spelL .- Tbe^Uoto was repre- sented by half a dozen chunky cqpper- heada that knotted what tbeir rightB was, and was present td see that the; wa'st tampered witb, Altogether tbey mutt a bs'a a haadred snakes. Tiiey wna collected in a flat place in the hol- ler, 'bout'forty foot square. It was \mi aa warm weather begun, and tho 'ca- tion o' tho convention, I take it, was to settle tlio de.cstrictB the diflbrcot ktad o' ake triboa was to skirmish in fur tbe KCBSOD. Tliny ilo that, ^ou know, ev'i year, so tlier won't bo no OTeret«cki i' ilecstricts with sorpiotsihat might, fa uncongenial to tuo reg'iar snakes igiu' out tlitro, I must & comi al(>Q« jest us this convoiition nan opuncJ 1 lievrd tbo conmrndest rattliu" I was uj foot. NO. 36 be hadn't BDota long .lore one o' tno raillera waa on bis feet, an*, tbe 1 Jieit tniante.hiin.«i4:ttje noer wns haTte'it toott and .nail. They bnoklsd right inter ono another,.and bit and aqneezefl .better'n asy two dluukan ootntryaeB levoraeeflghtin'at a boaa raoe. *Tbe •noor was tinder ijlttln' the b o t o 1 tbe raltier, »hon the o*«r rattlera pitubed in, and uora bine rooara took a bund, till I thought the n>eeUa' «m gala' to end in a gineral xasesaoro o' ensket. HH,Uopp enake In tboiobalr aounjed to layrlgU'baokan'epjoy the. linll iLow, 1U1 a couple o 1 (wnptirlleaas got no. to pt a piece o' tua fun by taokiin' racer thatlookedaa if he wanted to I rat and go borne. Then tha- hoop k ik One bright May morning, many yeaw' ago,I entered tho village at Forl Howard, aiirJiigiu,. It was A season of troable In tbe west Tho famtmB crusade ngaiimt tie gumhien and horse-thieves of (he Mitisisiippi Valley; was then inthe fall tide, and tht excitement had extended aa tax north Veat as Green Bay. . As I entered ths vmogo, wbioh Vies 'strigkliBg along Fox EiTer, for the dis- tanoe of about a bow-ahot aonthwfist of tho military post from whioh it takes its name, I noticed a crowd of about a hun to the chair, ! Tho delegates all •eemea to bo takin' a tost. Pooty BODD T loohed oyer to tbij Obtw'nut eaplio 1 . I ain't easy flustered, bat I'll eat y/jjackif that aaplfn' woan't |two nobea "bigger srouna Uian it Was/ and ' waa etill a Bwelliu', Then I knowed y tbo tioop Bnnko oomo by liia iuflu- l l h t fionvention. Ho bnd' atuoli ia (but aaplfu', and tlio mzm Q 1 its work in ttircudy. I'd dmd mm—some iahaotiag book*, some in their shirt Bleeven—standing in front of & rough log building, upon tho neamt gable of wliioh was inscribed in a enri- onsmixtnreof roand text and Bonut capitals, (he words " Layfayeite Hotel. Tlio mm iu hunting shirts weru hearily >d with rifles, jiistolg, jwd bowie p "their leggings, - uutiug ten tinea as pizen as any icr snake that liyed. IE the chairmttu o temporary of thatooovention had a any one o' hia feller delegates, tha ilegate would aswelled upand basted loss than no time, aud been eoatterod out that Bgrigultooral aeestriek .as srmiucnoaa aa candidates in auuly Jest afore 'lection. I can't tell you how the snabes fixed ilr territory that year, for I happened break up ibis oonvontloD. I made step to get a better position on the He hill, and loosened a big etone.' It ant a tearln 1 rioiht down inter'the leetin 1 , and tor five initiates I OQI datzt hear as many saakes M iff been drinkin' Fort Jorvia ram, Jotlrncd mtgb,ty quick, and I urn sorry,'fur I was Jest gitUu'i ited in thu proceedin's,' Bo;*,'added iho Old Settler, ^aase; ^ study %o n^'ral l^,,, things yon see, 'spoci^liy snakes, and >'u1f never vAot to. sttetph a p'bt to ;oftj'arri sonnd good.' iff 1*4 They sliead o' me, aud et<ip[>cd. tlw ridgo *l)uut twenty-fin nn.ni.-il pkuK', iiiid willi ENTIRELY NEW GOODS, L. W. THURBER, nt' rm.ui HCSIUUI done, but intutng lit dooo at bom ID tbekitcben nrpplace ii a uat iui-. ic imlilir In ^iv.'Mil in it cull cf inspection. Our •ill ii..' jj;.\]>iMi STVIJKS rolt MTMMEII WEAK, iu nmail flotliH, ..ml nil ,,(!„,• pnuls us, ,1 in ut.s. Ilnviii^ hail iv lutin mid piai'tii'iil OXJJU- t.l r.itill'li-fi il'Ti' II lr|Ul(!l(illll /.T i.< nuil... nn nil oriliTs in tile must II p alone, lit pbynl a slow tune far MOKES BIiAXCMIlD, x *• AMIIUSKV; •DUIBTEJIISCIIANCUV. POVKI:, N. J. DftJue o»#r A. fflBlil-.i.'.iii."- »«'l I dDM,a>4Musli<ia «W. a ttj thai most • bn tits baaa alofv wool! la *llh BOta, Thai « • >»• aid MOT uti alls ud mcr Mtw anra{ was smoking * abort black J'ijw, witn strung effort to apjwar indiSoreaL The ipot Ami QpoB tbe icono of tti A QUESTION. mj crime of My Uud btvlag btN eon- U b pan la law nulan, aaJ Ihs «aj Ux; d Agaist. for FilrtuiV 5t£to s:dTcr TrtUlE5r' VOORHEESBHOTHERS, uul aiumpt lo awiaa aabor* with oa« baad, i. • . sdaa irith tha Ml U»J and p baaJMIMi lawa, tv ntas aad I n t . i I aadanqraawaadtliaaiUM law Mi*! l (HUataaaoUvaadtkalaswla aaakla Tht'toniy fail, jo. M ANSWER. OajutadoalaUltat aost o< lala«. lfos eu'l im* tsw•• Oal mj," pal asa la tstad t>-a aMt I aatr all* la atawUa'Uaa»apal~(ta. Paapaak. Ttrs akatr o' istUsn laal lac In BE AGOOD PENMAN. UNDERSTAND ARITHMETIC. ^BE QUICK AND CORRECT. jSPELL WELL, WRITE A GOOD LETTER. UNDERSTAND ACCOUNTS, Tl» EajUsk au«M«ala nwVtiM (or sylw at Minjaalnl, «!•• lift ra»4 MMm twk, u4 ttm loai- ls«tokfek wl br tU itMnturiM •> tu «Mi v fen HE ItOXIIUIlV IIOTKL! .T AU.IKH IIOTO.) CCASUNNA, N. •'• **&HtiUvMlif IMWI» •»! ham*. mOU a .liisttHw yartj. .* AM», a**, w awrt Ut »**>*«» FEED. MAST, - • - Pw>prl«tor. Ibtasito Ua MM llllaiM • » p i ml as. aVr^AUiaaMtat, a nl)« alH s p Wl... Ik. aiain as4 bsotl k> sMt. IWaalJ«a« Instill I aaai. stU. ja< <l«s.dB». aaj llw •llasaaMVi J «a aliUfl sat at/ •>•»•! aid Mil to «<l» to i. .• **»« aaj a4 ai-«}M> IwHsUST soMst. McKinncn Bros, z WHERE CAN UK \XMi\ Tills: Axes and ROCKAWAY. N. J. STRATTON Business College, CORCrS BUILDING. NEWARK. N.J. BAoxorr'B VARIETY THEATRE Miiwtsm wo*-* «•»• * g id Venice, Tho city of TenicD stands in th'e water though porpetaallj butliiog'its 'feet. tore is no rumbling ' of oatta and ^ , onfj the aoft splasli of (to oan tha gondolier as ho propels bU i»rk »ndola. Koone hns any flre in" tt,« mho—tbat is, nothing tliat we shop id call a fire. Tbey make a fire iu a sort ofpipkiu, winch' tliey cad n sealdfot,! and watm.UidrlooiQt that it thoy aro' chilly. Bill Ibo cVimale is mild, am], llii'y know nothius C I winter, The | and oiled ; in Qoors nre ol r marble, Komo places PUIH DC ni^a i.r« fi- abuut. A Btiit of iLiiariiimuta an hired hr about tiro dollars a mo and a imall jwlueo for »bi<ii( lli dollars. A ainu ncrvant works for tliren doiluM a wiiutli, and ut tbat il< gcucral boilBUWurk. Straugo to nay, ash; a iiittte muni tli«u g gving my haree to a boy, I elL)owo4 oy way to tbo door of the tavern, and tooo Jearosd tbo otnteo of the gathering, The Greou Bay aud Fox Birer settJen, as. well as their sontb- exn neigbbow, had foe years been an- nually victimized by black-legs, coiners, UnHkom robber*, who nt certain sen- eons spread themselres over tlio whole west in search of plunder. Moving sometimes in AoDuidegable bodies— not- ing upon an (organized system—nlwajs well mounted and armed, and uerer bes- jtatiog' at,-murder to gratify tbeir ro- venge or ueopie their safety. At tbe time I Bpeak of there was not even a cor- poral's guard of soldier* at the fort, and tbe marauders set tho civil authorities (if thero wore any in tbat wild region) at lefianoe. At length this state of things could be endured.no longer,, and on Ihe afternoon previous to my arrival, forty determined men marched, rifle iu band, to extermin- ate the nest of vipers. The stfcucfc, as I learned had been made by moonlight, and tbe flgbt was fieroe and bloody. Of thirteen men in the colony, tin wore killed, two so desperate!; wounded tbat they died on tha fw»y to Fort Howard, and were left unboned on the prairie for the wolves to feast on, and one was taken prisoner. Two woman and a child were nnfoitupately slain in tbe melog. Tlw Jose of tbe ossailanta was ono man kiiledij ••-., '• , • Tb« tktpnmi$B ended, the rioters wgged ^'tMoluiiery. from its bluing ber with several bushels of i IQvarious stages of mun- ufootoi«|:lantl piling a mountuiu of logs aud.tifis>iarodDil it, net tbo wboto fiio, , wboto o 'Whe* the tlamea werew«ll unde ii^ tbe shriek of Ibe We stood agZuut* with horror. Soon the miserable man began to exhibit signf of life; ha ntt opriftt— his eyes fixed, the pupils distended as in oatdlepsy. He tossed his aimH wildly u if cuileav- oriog to ward off somo besettiug horror. Then my tall Wolverine friend 'raised hi» Ma to his sbouJdar ood put a ball throatrh tbe middle of tha wntoh'a tore- bead. He dropped dead.- . •» >•» A Negro Fsnenl. •Tost before sundown wo were called to the fuueral of a young mau who bod fallen from a mango-tree a f«w daya i, the tojoriea lust&ined proving fatal. As miy be imagined among a people witb BO limited an amount of knowledge, a great deal of superstition is exhibited on uneh occasjona. Though loubtteas onr preience obeekBd to somo ixtont tho full demonBtratiou of thoir lootings, yet trhat we witnessed flllod m with pity for tbeir ignoranoe, and led us iwardly to pray, "Lord sand forth Thy light, and TiiytruUt' 1 '. Oa reachiag the it we found tbo body la an nnoovorod cofflo, laid oa two chains outside. And IB curpentor stood with tbe lid in hia hand, ready to aarew it down, the relations were saying "good-bye" to tha dead. One byoae they came npandfihook ' ' witb tbe lifeless body begging it to speak a word to "Haasa Jesus" for them,' The mother was tbe last to do so. Taking tbe oold hand in hers sbo begau, "Joseph mi deah boayt you goan ? Well I BigMaura call yoa. fife bin try to bo a kind mnddor to yon. Mo ax pardon for all me do to you, and beg yon fo 'peak to Mtissa Jeans fo 1 me —pou* sinner—-ax Him hub mercy 'poa ay soul." Tlien ah» broke uut into doleful wails and sobs, refusing to bo oomfortud ia har saddea berosreioont. When tho lid was screwed down we read a portion of Scripture, and reminded them that tha body before us was only the tabernnclt) of clny- tliat tbe soul bad for—• ndy gouo t< As tho man IIU'B, SOmust be be, All fhrotigh tbo daya ol ctornitj. Wlieu ho prayed aud wbilo eingi Etcraitr I time soon -will end. Its Hooting momenta poaa away, we moved in procession to tho gravn. bout 100 yards from the remains of otbor tho coffeo walk, tlio dwelling. H members of the family wero already laid. Great respect, as a rule, in paid to tbo graves of departed friends, tombs aro generally built over them of stone,which aro whitewashed every year, a custom analogous to that In England of deoora- tiiig thu graven wiLli flow^ra. way.iaepit^of tbe shriek of Ibe k-, males, tbey threw into them tlio deutl | ,._.„,. 7l bodies of tha counterfeiters ; tbou sternly bidding tbnwoman ovacunte tLo settlo- mout in threo days, on puiu of their \BhaXilieB being hamiid over lljcir Leads, the .mck-wut^U-innn bound tlinir pris- xix fo oner, imd throwing lain across tl tt hia owa horse, liko a s itiifU'd tor homo. i wns »ubstinitial 1; tht a I.WolToriire, one i concluding liis 'lmo|> hMhi iir,'nml <.U comiv •Mtliat Iu; wn« l ynll,"r.f.t Hi llu'fon<at,*'JIUJ luul , sarpants with lilso»n Tlie-prisoner, who bare ck of BODIIU m TL'ri EAII.—It ia wall known to all moiHcal practitioners that it in a difficult mutter nt times to ro- •o foreign lKKlies from tbe ear. Hnv- •omo ncross a cherry Btono mpactwl IQ that organ, I fiiiteil to tuiaovi* it with tho ordiDar^ lDotrti" ni onla, nml mloptoJ tho following ruGt nod ^viih com plot o Bu^co^fl» jiAviD^ maJo an iti.iUiHon sucker, such ns boyT"—^ DUR for lifting htoncs by attnotiiDg a suia!! iih'cc ot leatlier toa nlroug thread, I donned, the prcBonling part of tho cborry-fltolio.iiiiil llicn applied tlio sucker previously uiiHsluucd with Btrougcement. By msaiis of a tumU wire, I prosaod it firmly spiiust tuo stone, aud ally wed lialf mi lii'iir to ttt.|j.w 1'rfuru uttumpUug to withdraw it. Uu duiug eo I found oonsitl<>rah,4J pull noco-sury (un tlio Btono luul l«on in fur forty-oiuht hourx) ; but tin- .-i'du'iif lm<! nddi'mi m firmly time un ditlU'tilty in rxtriatling the •Tlritnlt Mttdical Journal. DjIoWXtKO.—A CCJlTW i lo mcttalctaitormrj as "In tbe many instructions tu- ned nlxiut this Mtaaon, aa to tlit) of tlio eppitrenlly drownol, readiog any advico D•# fo how a Mwitttmet •hoflld «/>- Tptostlib or bring aahoro % drowning par- Jaon, A penoa «bo can swifflt and who jlta* not tuul special lutroettOM aa to , [ UM m-jde of meqtQg drowning penou

SUSSEX SREET, Rensfro &, 1ST Nelson. · DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, pWERSEY, SA.TUBDAY,'AUGUST 14,1880. o Xvauv I BENJ. H. VOGT. EDITOfl AJrli PBQlttETOH. Offloo on Morris Street near BlaokweU

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o Xvauv I


Offloo on Morris Street near BlaokweU.TUUAI8 O F DUIISCUIPTIUN

IsV*BI»bI.T IN ALViNOB.O n o Y o u r , - . - _ - _ _ $ 2 . 0 0

H i x M o n t h s , - - - - - - - 1 . 0 UT a r e o m o u t h s , - - - - - - - fi(j

A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E S .

SFAOK. I 1 WK. | 'i WIH.I 3 WES. J 1

1 Inob i» _ 7S|» 1 &'>[» 1 I


B . A . B K N N K T T , HI. D ,

n "» "

B "1 Column.

1 "1 "1 "

1 Inch.2 "a "4 "fi "

i Column.i "J "1 "

1 2C1 763 ?f•i ?r>3 504 r>oH 50

10 00a uou.

$ 3 GO6 006 508 0))

10 0012 KOIB 01)18 BO32 00

•2 r,a3 M)i Ml

i 4 H>!§ (! 006 It) 10 00

4 505 fillo no

PHYSICIAN &SUKOEON,Cor, Blackwell & Warren Sts,,

lOiinnwIoDovnr Dank,)DOTEIl, K. J.,

DiatftHOB of IVmmm ami Cliil.lrcn, and of tin:Ejti-.nilEnr Hpuciiilticii.

Office nViiiri.: 7 (o !t A, BI., 1 to a Him 7 m!

ESTABLISHED (N 1851.T J U U B DHUaS anil MEDKINEH, PAINTH,X Oils. Oi»n», BruntinH. 'crfnnlrrv, A• old br JAMES A. OUOUAD2, tln> I'imiiDraKRlit, ot Dover. 8ti.ru »jtii on 9UNUAfor tlia Kilo of Moiliciims oiif; from it id II)M., anil from t lo 5 I'. SI, 41-ly

(J oim p. STICKLE:,

CouEsellorat LawAND


HOCKAWiY, N. J.l i r A N S K l K IIOUSK.

Oornor of lilackirof] aniljusflcl fits.

DOVER, :N J.I. B. JOLLEY, Poprietor.

Horse, and Csrrlsii-, to Lai.




Counselloiat Law,AND MASTER IN CtANCERY,

OfliiM iu tlio National Um'aiilaiilf DniUhit

3LAor*. ,CT,ST. , )0VEH, N. J .

REUBEN HOWE,vii.K Kmca thutt, tas aufnrtruj

J I L l

of tlio ptkn f.ir

oiitrltho r


ly wli

Muait-al iu.tri;- A l U"d" °f a " u ' 8 i l v»tin.. J{m(). A lurt-o aBsnrtmtud-htaii.l Rciviuff Macliiu^gA ntricb fir mtminnl Inetrun!

to. Dover. Simux rU.N. J .




*ct. AUkindi.•agon


WnEELB, an low «H $r .« ) ]>or'f FINE 00L0I1H for ,,,rri»B

inllng. Al.o OILS and VAl!NJsil,"Eboroitjii nnd DoiiiL'Hlic. Tuni'BNIiNE, Wur»-•», oto. Paint, Colori..G aild Varnlinuhes mill H(n,,i,,e r»cuoil«, n full .lookAll of tl,,, ,!,„»„ fiow]a ( r o , n ,[,„ | , , s t ma

" , , , 1 ! 1 , "™" ' 'y :»'"l'-1'»- ' flHHT-OLABBAHKfAGE im.1 SLKIGII OltNAlIEN'iS

» l i f lB bud » ...fro

uriulk1 ano»lcii||aolls


UNION HALL BUILDING,DlackwullKtm-l, Unvrr,

Hot Air Furnaces,>! lira lal.-t ami must impi-T.- il «lv|,.,, Mliii™iiiiK,.,il,Ji,,,,,J,,rii»i,. taiMi,w,.'ji ) i r ( t ,

....Win,™! ol HimvH,i'l,u.i,,urt,i«li.OOOK, PAliLOIi. HE.VTINO

STOVES, RANGES,i o . Altto a variety uf



SUSSEX S"REET,(tjBiwcoutLuMAHSIONmJdE^ndDeiiMt,).

DOVEH, N J.ThU'iiUcutias liceu cutlielTciitti'dln * uonl



& couttiELLona ATLAW,

Cor. ItlacUuell HniDOVER, N- J.

1. B. HniailllOCK. A. ('.



A fu) aanurlmeul of


IIN noOFINO,EAVEH, Tiiouairs,

Liu.l,i> fu

t jii". s l.ui.1 f<.r

; line,

-1.1 In



OF ]£Oots & Sliocs,TIES and SLIPPERS FOR LADIESand GENTLEMEN, CONSISTINGOF EVERYTHING NEW ANDNOVEL THAT HAS BEEN broughtOUT FOR SPRING AND SUMMERWEAR, COMBINING ELEGANCE,DURABILITY AND CHEAPNESS,with the advantage of having moregoods to select from than any twoestablishments in Morris County.

It 'Would be impossible to attempta description of them, but we respect-fully urge our custojners and the :public to call, examine and be con-vinced. You will incur no obligation,to purchase unless you are satisfiedthat we can give you better goods forless money than any establishmentin this section can offer.Don't forget our stand, Cor. Warren

and Dickerson Sts., Opposite Depot,DOVER, N- J.




DOVER, 1ST. 3.

Rensfrom & Nelson,MEECHANT TAILOES,

W M l WOULD L I U .I'dMna'tttlohaiaitol ' "»U«4 oaoda nuDr ilop.;« ,po.

F l i i r a i l

TtnuUJaa 4alt my Uah, I > D S U ,To iiatafat porch wfli VISM o*«rl»niK,Witb bei of ptnuant vooabiM gnat,

IuitrjballtaAnd rona n ^ U t t i u d trlndotr i p n i di clump! K.U., «hlls and r .d.

And lot i aybuM oilpa aad tna, ,I kind oW>k I Ihoula dollro :To hear roan^ tiie lawn » cbolr

Of nod bfrifl Ringing lireei jV iToabrook

it aod read mj nook.^:

There Inhat borne of quiet Jojra,Par fro&tl)iBctty'a crowd and nolao; ( ' •Tlierc w<lfll'rear(?iflg|rla«n((6oj* >

(Ihroabmatmiorlhree),And if kit bea.nn •bonld Ueia m; i t t mWill Hi.or-an,oraeTramort,

Howlappklwonldbel ' ' j



BeatonIj5 n Croat m«o, t<j»nl» in l i esUtt |> |nMM «Sfe*;'"" iAn arii ibot' no yoitaJist! will t:ooijt nij l f l k t ajDr.Tujnir al»ay« atops nt > liololmliolodon tbu Eunpean plan.Tliko'arc alrandr itdlcatioss of lull

'eat! Dr.' The' milliners are returning-om Europe.'[H K»nie pf.v.Copenliagen? fa rwfng•viv i in Wmtiin TeimonL Tboj call

i ' ;Til consal tt MonipWs (liowa thefeoW tU yoilo* ferer. In 1870 Ho'lm tion wo| 40,220; now it in about000 OBH. • ,

Qo arneas: .V;How daw jou« (Tom.I aboil teji ;onr mammB I" ^om-

Oh, I don't -icaxa vbat momma

tjgal laaaHay of boarding bouio.,'oiing homo'to dinner, Mr. Browo ?"

.aajty bmirder1'. "Well, pVapa. If Iiiiiafeelkurigjy 7"

Tbe engineeri who anocesafully plauafortiUpatioae and other defences or

_tv is none the less olear-sightoil be-•usp he boa mat a moat in bi» eye.No/ Oleojifltta's needle was not i ru-nted for aiy tjf ttie sewing eobbbls olf\i Turk. I t w,aa simply sent with ani-to holding j | |e tlirod of a story,lie cbftppagne men. are again P°p>

>U% at eaeti other, Each ono claimsthai liia brand it (Lo best aad attempt*

•e It by a teafc-rt ot flzzlonl force.*We Qtnnot always oblige," says Vol-

•but we fcan always BD&lt oblig-,-]y," Ex'aatl/. t o d ' i a t . pi^miae toa3 a man 8lO'iojnoi-rnw, when yonLW you will be ou t of towu all day.

Bjmonntranee by an Italian minstrelloanl the excursion boat to passen-tho (Iodines to pnt imythjng intolot. "Wli t t for you beat-a withrjano-a, when we play-a, eh ?"inaus riL9 is sometimes severe. Thevtraatiuu litw^tiirned upon Mme. X.i lad hum very hoautiful. "She himirj'liing ot a Bdildtwij." suid a faithfullivr, ••YeV'^id DUDJUJ, "uuliqui-

" S I J , who is UilaDr. Tauner ?" aakeda l'lilailolpbiu trarni). "At nMrly «« ry

bi t

. if*1 . ,.U they was one, ityog ^ _ ,

mothfi was partioklar that I .ahontdn1.gitiqttielialjito' doia', that wr thiDgw « lyiil'.j Them toaQlim'fl o'my mother,e'eoursej kep'jnu from fnilio' inter theunlurt'nii habit, but I'm ontne to tliioonclBsion tlint a. good many fellen tbiI know didn't have slob tetthio' aa.114 when they woa to home.' • •1 Twt>or three ol the boya had beenm>U.rtimnng the Old Settler with a tewyarns ;ahont makes. His opinion as to

'their'jferadifcy wiu delivered 1& theahoybdeHcfifo manner.

'Titfimoato'tfapje yer snaka storiesthat jon. bear jl go)l awizeted lies, and'hndtLyiaatolhu'iQOud wbtn it'll golain hard with them as gits 'em tip, un-

'Jess they'i a Rood deal ^-.virtue in some•' th*catop moetin'a that's goia' to be

held 'bent these ports this summer, andre git a re^'Iar ole loshlonad districtedMeetin' that'll gether the Binnen it) lik^

|» scooi net gbhblos Buokers, Thej'seaoDgh'in'tbe irtVi1*! blutory o1 snakt*to (jit yams from, withont bustln* nor<a commandment, neither, ittiat couldraiao the liaJr on a bed o* mortar, anddon't yon loi»it it.

' Snakes knows a big eight

snake picked.ap his tailwitli. his teethiad went across that oppn ipnoo f o r d sho figlitin' snakes iifce a. flub, o' heatligUtoiu', IfthemHnakaBtiida'tBcotter.J-ou kin tkin me I TUoy » u dowa fiatoa the ground as it they'd been iwajier-id by an earthquRke. Tho hoop snakeiruok a ohBfl'mrteJipUn1 on^ t'other ^ide11 tho cotivenHoi. > " "lers s -1


light tnbre'nfur., It.bbs

you don't b'lleve that Hnakiw hn* theirmeeEin's, oud their little djso^si

Bid-as, and thefr quarrels, and tbat ftiey'kin'tolk to one another, and do iota p'things (lift nobody would 'speot' em of.r'loaded i llttlrt fionfuh b* snakes oncet,in Bigjnjin Holler, Pike' county, thatWsS bettei'n ony Dlmmycratip pountyoonvontlon I ever see. They was allkinds o'.aarplnta, tropt Oia littla garterBnakQ, that didn't bare much to aay, tothooassedbigblito neer, that whutcdto rijn th&hull dura business. Theywas a big pprinklin'o' rattletu, .a fewmilk snakos,) and. one dam pizen hoopBnake, that didn't say uothin', only'oncet.n'awliilo; bntwhen he did gitup to make a p'int, I wont youtomicter-stand that lie msde'his p'int, and nomistake, far tv hoop auoko nllna meansbusiness; and don't allow n» foolin'with th'fl interests o' hit constituent!)'rom' ady other sarplnt' that'wiggles.Thej' waa,two or throe blowlu; addora fntho •gatberin1 b u t ' they seemed to bodotogatoa that wa'iit o' much nooouot,though they feep't a putBo' thoixaelU apand lcttin! off a gopd deal p* steamevery little, spelL .- Tbe^Uoto was repre-sented by half a dozen chunky cqpper-heada that knotted what tbeir rightBwas, and was present td see that the ;wa'st tampered witb, Altogether tbeymutt a bs'a a haadred snakes. Tiieywna collected in a flat place in the hol-ler, 'bout'forty foot square. I t was\mi aa warm weather begun, and tho 'ca-tion o' tho convention, I take it, was tosettle tlio de.cstrictB the diflbrcot ktad o'

ake triboa was to skirmish in fur tbeKCBSOD. Tliny ilo that, ^ou know, ev'iyear, so tlier won't bo no OTeret«ckii' ilecstricts with sorpiotsihat might, fa

uncongenial to tuo reg'iar snakes

igiu' out tlitro, I must & comial(>Q« jest us this convoiition nan opuncJ1 lievrd tbo conmrndest rattliu"

I was uj• foot.

NO. 36be hadn't BDota long .lore one o ' tnoraillera waa on bis feet, an*, tbe1 Jieittniante.hiin.«i4:ttje noer wns haTte'ittoott and .nail. They bnoklsd rightinter ono another,.and bit and aqneezefl.better'n asy two dluukan ootntryaeBlevoraeeflghtin'at a boaa raoe. *Tbe•noor was tinder ijlttln' the b o t o1 tberaltier, »hon the o*«r rattlera pitubedin, and uora bine rooara took a bund,till I thought the n>eeUa' «m gala' toend in a gineral xasesaoro o' ensket.

HH,Uopp enake In tboiobalr aounjed tolayrlgU'baokan'epjoy the. linll iLow,1U1 a couple o1 (wnptirlleaas got no. topt a piece o' tua fun by taokiin'racer thatlookedaa if he wanted to Irat and go borne. Then tha- hoop

k ik

One bright May morning, many yeaw'ago,I entered tho village at Forl Howard,aiirJiigiu,.

It was A season of troable In tbe westTho famtmB crusade ngaiimt tie gumhienand horse-thieves of (he MitisisiippiValley; was then in the fall tide, and thtexcitement had extended aa tax northVeat as Green Bay.. As I entered ths vmogo, wbioh Vies

'strigkliBg along Fox EiTer, for the dis-tanoe of about a bow-ahot aonthwfist oftho military post from whioh it takes itsname, I noticed a crowd of about a hun

to the chair, !Tho delegates all•eemea to bo takin' a tost. Pooty BODDT loohed oyer to tbij Obtw'nut eaplio1.

I ain't easy flustered, bat I'll eaty / j j a c k i f that aaplfn' woan't |two

nobea "bigger srouna Uian it Was/ and' waa etill a Bwelliu', Then I knowed

y tbo tioop Bnnko oomo by liia iuflu-l l h t fionvention. Ho bnd' atuoli

ia (but aaplfu', and tlio mzmQ1 its work in ttircudy. I'd

dmd mm—some iahaotiag book*, somein their shirt Bleeven—standing in frontof & rough log building, upon tho neamtgable of wliioh was inscribed in a enri-onsmixtnreof roand text and Bonutcapitals, (he words " Layfayeite Hotel.Tlio mm iu hunting shirts weru hearily

>d with rifles, jiistolg, jwd bowiep"their leggings, - uutiug

ten tinea as pizen as anyicr snake that liyed. IE the chairmttu

o temporary of thatooovention had aany one o' hia feller delegates, tha

ilegate would a swelled up and bastedloss than no time, aud been eoatterodout that Bgrigultooral aeestriek .assrmiucnoaa aa candidates inauuly Jest afore 'lection.

I can't tell you how the snabes fixedilr territory that year, for I happenedbreak up ibis oonvontloD. I made

step to get a better position on theHe hill, and loosened a big etone.' Itant a tearln1 rioiht down inter'theleetin1, and tor five initiates I OQI

datzt hear as many saakes M i f fbeen drinkin' Fort Jorvia ram,

Jotlrncd mtgb,ty quick, and Iurn sorry,'fur I was Jest gitUu'iited in thu proceedin's,'

Bo;*,'added iho Old Settler,^aase; ^ study %o n^'ral l ^ , , ,things yon see, 'spoci^liy snakes, and>'u1f never vAot to. sttetph a p'bt to

;o ft j'arri sonnd good.'

iff 1*4They

sliead o' me, aud et<ip[>cd.tlw ridgo *l)uut twenty-fin

nn.ni.-il pkuK', iiiid willi

ENTIRELY NEW GOODS,L. W. T H U R B E R ,nt' rm.ui HCSIUUI done, but intutng lit dooo at bom

ID tbekitcben nrpplace ii a uat iui-.ic imlilir In ^iv.'Mil in it cull cf inspection. Our•ill ii..' jj;.\]>iMi STVIJKS rolt MTMMEII WEAK, iu

nmail flotliH, ..ml nil ,,(!„,• pnuls us, ,1 inut.s. Ilnviii^ hail iv lutin mid piai'tii'iil OXJJU-

t.l r.itill'li-fi il'Ti' II lr|Ul(!l(illll /.Ti.< nuil... nn nil oriliTs in tile must II p alone, l i t pbynl a slow tune far



• • D U I B T E J I I S C I I A N C U V .

POVKI:, N. J.DftJue o»#r A. fflBlil-.i.'.iii."- »«'l I

dDM,a>4Musli<ia «W. a ttjthai most • bn tits baaa alofv wool!

la *llh • BOta, Thai « • >»•aid MOT uti alls ud mcr Mtw anra{

was smoking * abort black J'ijw, witnstrung effort to apjwar indiSoreaL

The ipot Ami QpoB a» tbe icono of ttiA QUESTION. mj crime of My Uud btvlag b t N eon-U b

pan la law nulan, aaJ Ihs «aj Ux;dAgaist. for FilrtuiV 5t£to s:dTcr



uul aiumpt lo awiaa aabor* with oa«baad, i. • . sdaa irith tha Ml U»J and

pbaaJMIMi lawa, tv ntas aad Int .

i IaadanqraawaadtliaaiUM law Mi*!

l(HUataaaoUvaadtkalaswla aaaklaTht'toniy fail, jo. M

ANSWER. OajutadoalaUltat aost o< lala«.lfos eu'l im* tsw • • Oal mj,"

pal asa la tstad t>-a aMt I aatr all* laatawUa'Uaa»apal~(ta. Paapaak.

Ttrs akatr o' istUsn laal lac I n




Tl» EajUsk au«M«a la nwVtiM (orsylw at Minjaalnl, « ! • • lift ra»4 M Mm twk, u 4 ttm loai-

ls«tokfek w l br tUi tMnturiM •> tu «Mi v fenHE ItOXIIUIlV IIOTKL!


CCASUNNA, N. •'• **& H t i U v M l i f IMWI» • » ! ham*.

mOU a .liisttHw yartj.

.* AM», a**, w awrt Ut »**>*«»

FEED. MAST, - • - Pw>prl«tor.

Ibtasito Ua MM llllaiM • » p iml as. aVr^AUiaaMtat, a

nl)« alH s pWl... Ik. aiain as4 bsotl k> sMt.I W a a l J « a « Instill I aaai. stU.

ja< <l«s.dB». aaj llw •llasaaM V iJ «a aliUfl sat at/ •>•»•! aid

M i l to «<l» • toi . . • **»« aaj a4

ai-«}M> IwHsUST soMst.

McKinncn Bros, zWHERE CAN UK \XMi\ T i l l s :

Axes andROCKAWAY. N. J.

STRATTONBusiness College,



Miiwtsm wo*-* «•»• *

g id Venice,

Tho city of TenicD stands in th'e waterthough porpetaallj butliiog'its 'feet.

tore is no rumbling ' of oatta and^ , onfj the aoft splasli of (to oantha gondolier as ho propels bU i»rk

»ndola. Ko one hns any flre in" tt,«mho—tbat is, nothing tliat we shop id

call a fire. Tbey make a fire iu a sortofpipkiu, winch' tliey cad n sealdfot,!and watm.UidrlooiQt that it thoy aro'chilly. Bill Ibo cVimale is mild, am],llii'y know nothius CI winter, The |

and oiled ; inQoors nre ol r marble,Komo places PUIH DC ni^a i.r« fi-abuut. A Btiit of iLiiariiimuta a nhired hr about tiro dollars a moand a imall jwlueo for »bi<ii( llidollars. A ainu ncrvant works fortliren doiluM a wiiutli, and ut tbat il<gcucral boilBUWurk. Straugo to nay,

ash; a iiittte muni tli«u

g gving my haree to aboy, I elL)owo4 oy way to tbo door ofthe tavern, and tooo Jearosd tbo otnteoof the gathering, The Greou Bay audFox Birer settJen, as. well as their sontb-exn neigbbow, had foe years been an-nually victimized by black-legs, coiners,

UnHkom robber*, who nt certain sen-eons spread themselres over tlio wholewest in search of plunder. Movingsometimes in AoDuidegable bodies— not-ing upon an (organized system—nlwajswell mounted and armed, and uerer bes-jtatiog' at,-murder to gratify tbeir ro-venge or ueopie their safety. At tbetime I Bpeak of there was not even a cor-poral's guard of soldier* at the fort, andtbe marauders set tho civil authorities(if thero wore any in tbat wild region) atlefianoe.

At length this state of things could beendured.no longer,, and on Ihe afternoonprevious to my arrival, forty determinedmen marched, rifle iu band, to extermin-ate the nest of vipers. The stfcucfc, as Ilearned had been made by moonlight,and tbe flgbt was fieroe and bloody. Ofthirteen men in the colony, t in worekilled, two so desperate!; wounded tbatthey died on tha fw»y to Fort Howard,and were left unboned on the prairie forthe wolves to feast on, and one wastaken prisoner. Two woman and a childwere nnfoitupately slain in tbe melog.Tlw Jose of tbe ossailanta was ono mankiiledij ••-., '• , •

Tb« • tktpnmi$B ended, the rioterswgged ^'tMoluiiery. from its bluing

ber with several bushels ofi IQ various stages of mun-

ufootoi«|:lantl piling a mountuiu of logsaud.tifis>iarodDil it, net tbo wbotofiio,

, wboto o'Whe* the tlamea werew«ll unde

i i ^ tbe shriek of Ibe

We stood agZuut* with horror. Soonthe miserable man began to exhibit signfof life; ha ntt opriftt— his eyes fixed,the pupils distended as in oatdlepsy.He tossed his aimH wildly u if cuileav-oriog to ward off somo besettiug horror.Then my tall Wolverine friend 'raisedhi» Ma to his sbouJdar ood put a ballthroatrh tbe middle of tha wntoh'a tore-bead. He dropped dead.-

. •» >•»

A Negro Fsnenl .•Tost before sundown wo were called

to the fuueral of a young mau who bodfallen from a mango-tree a f«w daya

i, the tojoriea lust&ined provingfatal. As miy be imagined among apeople witb BO limited an amount ofknowledge, a great deal of superstitionis exhibited on uneh occasjona. Thoughloubtteas onr preience obeekBd to somoixtont tho full demonBtratiou of thoir

lootings, yet trhat we witnessed flllod mwith pity for tbeir ignoranoe, and led us

iwardly to pray, "Lord sand forth Thylight, and TiiytruUt'1 ' . Oa reachiag the

it we found tbo body la an nnoovorodcofflo, laid oa two chains outside. And

IB curpentor stood with tbe lid inhia hand, ready to aarew it down, therelations were saying "good-bye" to thadead. One byoae they came npandfihook' ' witb tbe lifeless body beggingit to speak a word to "Haasa Jesus" forthem,' The mother was tbe last to doso. Taking tbe oold hand in hers sbobegau, "Joseph mi deah boayt yougoan ? Well I Big Maura call yoa. fifebin try to bo a kind mnddor to yon.Mo ax pardon for all me do to you, andbeg yon fo 'peak to Mtissa Jeans fo1 me—pou* sinner—-ax Him hub mercy 'poaay soul." Tlien ah» broke uut into

doleful wails and sobs, refusing to booomfortud ia har saddea berosreioont.When tho lid was screwed down we reada portion of Scripture, and remindedthem that tha body before us was onlythe tabernnclt) of clny- tliat tbe soul bad

for—•ndy gouo t<

As tho man IIU'B, SO must be be,All fhrotigh tbo daya ol ctornitj.

Wlieu ho prayed aud wbilo eingi

Etcraitr I time soon -will end.Its Hooting momenta poaa away,

we moved in procession to tho gravn.bout 100 yards from

the remains of otbortho coffeo walk,tlio dwelling. Hmembers of the family wero already laid.Great respect, as a rule, in paid to tbograves of departed friends, tombs arogenerally built over them of stone,whicharo whitewashed every year, a customanalogous to that In England of deoora-tiiig thu graven wiLli flow^ra.

way.iaepit^of tbe shriek of Ibe k-,males, tbey threw into them tlio deutl | ,._.„,. 7 lbodies of tha counterfeiters ; tbou sternlybidding tbn woman ovacunte tLo settlo-mout in threo days, on puiu of their

\BhaXilieB being hamiid over lljcir Leads,the .mck-wut^U-innn bound tlinir pris-

xix fo

oner, imd throwing lain across tltt hia owa horse, liko a sitiifU'd tor homo.i wns »ubstinitial 1; tht a

I.WolToriire, onei concluding liis

'lmo|> hM hiiir,'nml <.U comiv

•Mtliat Iu; wn« •lynll,"r.f.t Hillu'fon<at,*'JIUJ luul ,sarpants with lilso»n

Tlie-prisoner, who

bareck of

BODIIU m TL'ri E A I I . — I t iawall known to all moiHcal practi t ionersthat it in a difficult mutter nt t imes to ro-

•o foreign lKKlies from tbe ear . Hnv-•omo ncross a cherry Btono

mpactwl IQ that organ, I fiiiteilto tuiaovi* it with tho ordiDar^ lDotrti"ni onla, nml mloptoJ tho followingruGt nod ^viih com plot o Bu^co fl» jiAviD^maJo an iti.iUiHon sucker, such ns b o y T " — ^DUR for lifting htoncs b y attnotiiDg asuia!! iih'cc ot leatlier to a nlroug thread,I donned, the prcBonling part of thocborry-fltolio.iiiiil llicn applied tlio suckerpreviously uiiHsluucd with Btrougcement.By msaiis of a tumU wire, I prosaod i tfirmly sp i ius t tuo stone, aud ally wedlialf mi lii'iir to ttt.|j.w 1'rfuru uttumpUugto withdraw it. Uu duiug eo I foundoonsitl<>rah,4J pull noco-sury (un tlio Btonoluul l«on in fur forty-oiuht hourx) ; b u ttin- .-i'du'iif lm<! nddi 'mi m firmly time

un ditlU'tilty in rxt r ia t l ing the•Tlritnlt Mttdical Journal.

DjIoWXtKO.—A CCJlTWi lo m cttalctaitormrj as

"In tbe many instructions tu-ned nlxiut this Mtaaon, aa to tlit)

of tlio eppitrenlly drownol,readiog any advico

D •# fo how a Mwitttmet •hoflld «/>-Tptostlib or bring aahoro % drowning par-Jaon, A penoa «bo can swifflt and whojlta* not tuul special lutroettOM aa to

, [ UM m-jde of meqtQg • drowning penou


°" ™ V, AngriTtii, 1880.POLITICAL POINTS'

! is«ir I/tiiH'ilo.v, nl'Ki-w W'lauit, ;

PMtieal illnuilimtiotts on the note* ot old

On Wetltic(hi.»y next the RcpiiUiiMius w!nnraiuato a tn ml Wit to for Governor.

The (irembHckero of "Wurrou county p»pose putting a full ticket in tbe field.

Mr. M. A. Myers will mpreseut tho Bootton Republicans it tlie State CoareaUon,

Tho GraenbaukorB are preparing to ranCongreaittiin in tho SIIHBUI and Wam c Dis-trict.

A Garficul aud Arthur Club will be r .fond IIIIH zoning by tlio Republicans of

Tba MaatrUle Republicans have olsctedAbram Leach tbeir delegate to tbe Btataconvention.

Benlly is ndverlisluR bfnmelf anil bin fac-tory (?) aa in favor of Hancock. The laU tu lie commiserated.

You ncvot bunw hnw near 1!JB country isto tan ireigo of ruin nntil it Women E«CM-mi-y to elect i% Pmidcut.

DoWittO, Qnimbj wilt tonightthe Fumfe Towuihip Deruoorutio Club

Wo niMforatond the Keuuuliearw ot this

agcraeuU to put out aplace are inakingOurfiald dud Arthur bani

Col Ezrn Mjiler, of Bergen. seems to begttluiuR Htrtngtli for tho Dointiorutic Con-gretwionnl iiniiinwlJon iu (hi* District.

John J. Piitrey, of Chester, erectedhickory frate o~n his toriu during Otto. Jftok-BQD'U first campaign lor the Presidency.

A Greenback meeting wiu held tn PortOram l*nt Saturday evening, which was ad-dvemd by John 8. D«Hnrt, of Jersey City.

CiindfilnlPH nofttl have no few Hint (herowilt Im nny luck nf dfrfiursroK iwenU fopolitical fsimls, Tuey can be found in anjpart of this vidnity.

Laon AMiett, John P. Stoeklon, Joel P*rkcr, Andrew Albright and John T, Birdlire pranunenlly named for the Democraticgtiheemiomi BOMI! nation,

•• Tbe JarHejraan insists that thi Oome-orutin lenders fit the eonnly sett purposerunning Johu Hone, Jr,( of tltat place, foiBtitB Senator, Och, Hone 1

Why nhould Qen. Weaver, who iu a "Mt"money upoetli, be passing tlie bat aroundfor dollar aubfloriptioBJ for •leotioa etpeki-•a. Why don't they make thidolUrH?

A (Hrdeld and Arthur'eamp&ign club wanorganized ia Itoonton on Thursday evening.Funds have BIBO btsa j£ised fur a banner,Tvuioh will be raieedatfn public misting,

Tlie Greenbaakers have call«l a StateConvention to hu held in New Brunswick,Aug. sr.th for the purpose of nominatingGovernor and nin«rrwidenti»l'electoiB.

Rrother Garrison, of. tho Bulletin, hbeen wnkijig political- epsechV (to he er.rs)inSoutli.Jbiwy. Our EepublJEin Wendsshould utilise all of Bro^O'i tuleit at home.

It u said tbnt Frederick: A, Polls,1 Rantonlon, ia likely to ha the Beptfatt

awdLdate for Governor. Then shall, weIMBT the Dlmoio err, " Potta and Victqry 1"

The Dprnocmtto Gongrascionikl Oonven-tiou of t h^ppa r DinUlct bae t*cn eallea tomeet ntBelvidew Sept. 8th.-r The-contestB8RIUS ttiibe betweaii Harris md Silveitaorn,

A HitidjMwk ana EngliBh blckorj pole,*!foot high", voa ereoUd tn front of tie resi-dence of IiUther Child kt Chester lant Botoidav, to which vas atteohad t, fist Sag madehg Un. Cfcil

- — Tbo critioiBtnH of tb« party piwi upon theleltenof acceptanfifi of ths opposing Pnsi<dentinl candidnt'es are simply ridlooloCB.AB if either could writna letter that .wouldHutt thanppnA Hnnoock and EngHgn Lsgtnn t i n been oi

gaoizedat Nev YernoQ with Dftclftl lloeh-more, Captain; Leo. Hendrleknon litLlouUnant; Tj. Koloher, Jr., M Ueuten-ant; Peter Irvfng. Orderly SargeaijL

i t tlis Rudolph Repuulkma prUnu^.-IVsd^-Jaj ffveciug Dti 0, Boub, Mm. H.Lemlwrt And A. C. Smith ware elected de«g»te*to tlia Btate Convention. ThaalUiua tu iro Win. T. Leport, J. J- Backoff andInoae Vf. Staring. L *

Kitpttriek, in a l#tt«'rfw_-, ....._,wT» Its "hat been workja^harftb dlwerft]whether be r ^ """ -

nw«M*rj for dnn'raof," nut Ibis tranbteii that" Kll" wnrlw li«rdir<wlU(' bU nionltbta with hf« l'niiu. \%-;. -

Tbe ftoriibtfrnn foi)T«Dljj| W>. Uilt Cob-gn-Mietwl Ditiri. t *i»ADR 2ml. II-in, John Hill fill arrlr* boain time tn tAr * hand, and it inthat th* wntiiuMlam lit* Utwwo bJa 4odWn.V»li*r1

11. W flint, 8ilM V. HOM« and WilliamMrL-HW. of WMblagton towuulp, an4 Jotn

nltb, Jobs U. HlaaUand I U W J «olf«, ofML Otlr* lo-n*tlp. * m among t h VIMPrMUtnte DT a L-nP DMaoentie raliflcilenjMttlst Is MaclMtMowa TMtdajr CTtolBR.

A Hawwefc Ml KoRtUb mUflcMtwimMl-tag wW t » WM In ibM'i ( I n n ,an TfasMday •lUtn.** ant , wbta ailifwiwaw «pMi**d fvoa H*>. Joaa T. BW, Iloa.

A tMcUta^l ptiMMlw wUl bk* ptaM ia

|«|a.rfi(ll»Mi Urto, Tto ««t«*• i iaV u * - - — ^r-

SUMMER FUTTINGS-About 300 oity yeople are Summering in

Many NevoAerB ara Wafting Bookawaj,tide Suuimsr.

LOWIB van at ManhattanBeach lost wunk. ;

I I HimpHon, Esq.,has k e n vfeitlngjtiobfl«M Springs. t

Fierce EogerB, of Mine Hill, is pn-joying iiis vacation.

The travel to cftiup meeting this weak lias'Mm MTJUHiiJiUy lurift}*The pleeaunt little village o r Bparta has

[GO Hummer boardftre.Mine Laura a White is ipending uvera leekB at OoefUl Grove.Misses Lizzie and MuttJe Tavtor Tiattal

Manhattan lteaob laat week.Mr. S. J . Palmer anil family ba re goae to

their cottaga it Island Height*).Mr. II. C, Jeokinn and fnmiljr, of Boon-

la, are at Block Ifiland, Moss.Major Hopper, or Jersey Oity, i s among

tbe prominent guests at Budd's Lake.Mini Carrie Dodge and brother, of Brook-

lyn, are vinlliag atDr. 6. B. Johmtoa'g.Postmaster Hinohman has been Hpendinewaok n t the Dover Camp, Green I'ond.H,,v Dr . Itankin and wife, of ilatikiog-

riilga, stftrt on a Western tour next week.Bemtor Thto . F , Handolpk returned•om White Sulphur Springs oa Friday.TheSUnbope M. E. Bunclay School i«

mteuplat iag a pio-sle to Lake Ilopnteong-landay School onia-

makiug an •xaursion to OoeanQrove.

v. A, Erdninn, of Murristown, hasto New HnmpBhlro for his Bummer va-

cation.n Miller, of Morrintown, baa flitted

airay From Iii« muiiidpal dotifci for eoveral

Thu venerable Peter Cooper bus b « uviniting Oreetiwood Lake, and w u thirot.V-m v«ry ill-

Tickut Agent JOB. B. Wbiio ifftrtH OD MOII-day for n two weeks' vtelt to ChioftBo andOther points M>H1.

Mr. S. H. Rorry and family hava bfflnspending tbeir vauatlun with friends in thaState or New York.

The family nf Copt. D. fl Allan linve RODS(o Owftii Grove, where they expect ta r e -

ain several veelu.there ira thin year an nunsnally large

number ot eueimpuisuto on ths Sussex tildeof Lake Ilopatcong.

Th9 Morristown Past »o to tha O. A. B .encnmpmtnt * Bordantowa ani Uoadaj1

wit i new uniform*,A Newark party of four made * eatoh of

two hundred mid three black bass In Qreeti-

fteligiaut Ntws .Aa UKii&i. {treat crowda of people vleite$

Uouiit Tftbor itutSabbatli.Tu-woirow will be the anniversary of tbe

death of TBWn>p Odeuhelmer.Mr, £d^ *W. Doty will leadtlieY. M. 0 . A.

prayer o p t i n g to-morrow afturuoon.Ker.Jffni.^VeUiewiiy will preauti iu >he

SsoanlJC K- Obutvl tomorrow morning.RflV. Mr. iJunghurt will Uuld '-WviuLV iu

Uie IJerkflbire school bouse e?ory Sundayivouing. ' . , :

Kev, Mr. AverlU, cf Flaahing, JJWM Is-land, will occupy the pulpit of the Praby-torian Ohoroh

The Baptist wnigrogation of :81tKHBJog-dala Eubaorlhod flOC ladt Sunday for thepurohue of a church ben.

Tbe Mt Olive finptlut Oburabtuu tnvlladHev. Kelsey ^Vivlliujf to preach io-moi

i a candidate for tbe pastorate,Prm-tdtng Elder Cdt will preach In the

8aocaBanrmM. E. Chuch to-morrow morn-ing, and in the Port Own M- E. Ohurcli In

rood Xiiks in one day.Mrs. Tbomu Slaaghtet, of iladiso , with

PREEHOLOERI' MEETING «'The moothl? meetiog of tlie fojwd1 <K

Frflflliolden ww held on VedaaKlaj, withoil tlie members present exogpt ^1*. L^ek,ol M^tdluun. Tba mianfw of laat meetingwere read aSl approved.

Fnsecntorof the pjaaa £<my|t]t brongbtthe attentioa tt tho BOKTA ta ins UnomVp.Yauut! fc

Ilev. J. I. Morrow has bought one of tliehandsomest lota at Mt. Tsuor, adjoining thepar* on (ne hi«, and will probably erect

tttoge on tbe same.Bev, Jas. M, Kooi, whe resigned ths po«-

tornteof tbe German Tnlley PresbyteriaaObnrcb in 18tjl, preaohed to his old con-gregfltios last gubuatb after an abseo-je 0/nearly thirty yearn.

_.w. Arthur Mitchell, loiwnlj paatoroftbe Houtn Btrect Preabjtsriuk Cliuron CfMorriatown, and mow rwently of the Sac-gnd Church ot Chicago, baerweivedato tlie First Cburob, of Cleveland.

Tha Ecv. Mr. Potter, wn-ic-tawof AlbertK. Kiggii, Esq., ofDrakeville,whobaBbeendaiBR millenary work in Persia, flnJi hislabors brought to an unpleasant termination.The Shah has iiutifled him that lie uiuutpreach to HuwulmariH, and that if he con-iimeittodo BO bo will bo arrest eel. As antrroHt under tbe orderfl of tlie Bliah meansiL'liiiwliDg, Mr. Potter will have to leave, orebo keep quiet.

A camp meeting will be iieM at Green-wood Lake, onwiucnciug oa tbo -IJAujiust md continuing ten days. Itvr. AI.:. Llllbou, Presiding: Cider Df tlie Jersey

City ifbttiot, Dr. Hnrtiue and ll«v. T. Hallwill hftVs tlia 'mnnageunBt. Bishop Hurst,Ilev. '?.'< Pope, and soveral other popularpretohers aio I'Zpected to attend. "&sion tntlnu will rou daily OH tbe OreeiiwoodXAka liailroad from New York, Newark andPat«ra»B.

g ,son and daaghtew, are at White SulpnnSprings, We«| Virginia..

Lntge excBtsiocs are being constantly,made from Newark to Greenwood Lake andoil the hotels there are tilled. > '

A Newark g^nUenWoaugat a black, bast


; thrfa pounda. *nd a (

; l»f*<<njora people}* ayw^ii?t»ftat Mbunt Taboron Thursday *bfco/«WBu&aaf. »'• S .,

A pnrty nntaberinffl^ife. hundred camedown on the Chester UjSrcad ,0^, n tureduymnrning on tti«tt-wa#,J$Moi(pt Tabor.

Mr. E. Sharp lias ov«ra>4niiflO, ty board-

compaUBd to refute tiriqa^ taany &>•>"•The light of UiewstoBane face of ex-con,

duolor M. Allan hw ku*n on many-oldfrieada slong the Una of the po d ihls.week,

Itev. W. I. Gill is miktbB aieih«.virft ofa fortnight to hi* cottage, at Ocean Grprf,when Sin. QU1 h»» been spendioj the' Jetr-•on.

Meider, Joo. Bndd and Gordon Case, of Ohester,•bade a fishing excursion to Green Fond latt

St. Cba*. T. 1well, and Mines Anna a

od family, of CM-id Jennie Bsrry, of

thia-pUot, are speinllS; a »eason ut OceanOravt.' •• -.; , . ^;

.The excursion over the Cantral and op ttieHadfton, from Vort Own la Alpine Drove,fur the bene&t of Oqaduotat U^der,,, go»•on Friday of next week.

Quito a number of Dovcrltu have cangtit'the Wt Tabot fern- this y«r, and we shouldnot wonder if sf vml new Mttlget at t{utplabe ahoald reimU iffal it before they oon-

, Criminal

There ara now nlneteea ptlieiir* Ii tbeeaunty jail.

A, number ot roots wetf* stolen from car-riages at Mt Tabor lost fiund»T night.

Pet«r Zoett, of Utntyille, has beea.Mn-tensed to the county' jail for two months forbigamy. ' , . " . ' .

Joseph N. and Oeo. 8. Wolverton,Stanhope, have bean, sent to Newton jail,on complaint of their father, for di&orderJjlonduct.

Throe bmglars who attempted ta get intotbo house of Donaldson, the photographer,on Blnokwell street, last Uonday night .werefrightened awny,

ConBlable Button on Thursday nrtestedGeorge Be tire for an. aBsault OD John Dabbi,He was required by Judge Wood to furnishsecurity to answer at Court,

Win. Young, of Hanover township, hgiven boll to answer at court the chargeItaving broken tha collar boos ot bis auah,David Young, in tlie course of a familydifficulty.'

Mrs. Ann Counell, of Mine Hill, t u [onreinesday arrestod by Ron stable Buttontmptalat of Mrs. McE31 Learn, for assault.

Juitice Wood required her to furnish secur-ity to keep the peace.

Fannie Lee, a colored woman, was Arrestedin Newark on Koijdty on t charge of steal-ing a silk drees from Dr. Fuller,' ot Modlaon,vrhlla employed ns ft servant. She wubrought to Morriltown Jill.

A colored individndl by the name of GealarriB, who Btol« a mule on tha tight of th

12th of July from a canal stable In Boxburytownship, bus bem cougbt lnB«ffjen countyaod tnaatened to our connty jiil to afatal.

William Crater, of Oheiter, a trader, WMarre«t«d in rlewark on Monday by an offloerof tho Booltty for ihe Prevention of Oruelty(o Animal*, for driving a terribly ton oldhorw before hli cart He wu fined fl'dollars and cosU and forced to •couro m-olhar hone,

81* Port Oram boys—Patrick Cronin, Joli

i . dclegatiaq of Tctenni from GermanTalfcywiU go with tbe lUckrttaionn Portin tha ONL, B. occatnpmBut ctzt Manojty.TU f»re f repi HUnbopo to Bordsotowa amintan i i »2 ,« ,

Mm. 7ahn Bodttwand ftmllr, Mr- P. 0 .Ueagtn, Mn. 0. A. link. UUMM Janio andKatie Bltry, Mamit HMfltn aud othtra, vl»-lied Uud-r.Uit an llondaj and »p*ot >

Tht retnttl*a of » • » « . W- V. B. Baftiing.)!. 11, DttkuaMt, John A. Lyon, Ju&«a A.Ooodal*. Joa, OIU*. John Andt, anJ J. 0.M w n and llr* U A. Whlu, hate UtnMtjoyfug t U mnUm M Alt l U * r ttte,weak.

Umr*. Fr»d. Oaafttld and Jaa. B. UwUt|MCt ta rajov UH Mil -awliiif of lb«

IMUIHI* o( UiidM "

y ,, Vm. Dabtw, John Donev, We

Priik and John OulUn-were arrated onWvdaekUy by Constable Button for disturb-ing thi Burden of Mue Xing. Justice Gagereiuirtd all of them to fumUh baUappear at Court.

Jack Saddler, tbt remaining memberthe stag that ontMRed Un. Bbnmlt I)|

h«r hiwband'fl ouul boat, wu oaptand byCtnuUble hyoa in a twimp near Doontontut Ratnrdiy, where fa* had oo*er«! mil hi.ptnon «xc«pt kla face *Uh muck. Hrs.QUareU ••at lo Boonton tad idctttiBed him.I


Flftnwi'1 EUetloflt.


All Id* a>B|«U. of IU Flit Omitinto*.ll»I.I

of offleMt m MouUj rrnliig.

a a Bm*a

y gHnok asd U&kr

ttecto.1 It* fOoUud; Art Tomou,Clerk, Pnd U, B^b; Tmsm, J.IlarJ, Btowari, W»- W. i »rrUa, Prtd. 11. DlckMM; n » » n f — Mtm. BL KiUcen, T. A. OlHmwa. Wbkl U ^ h UmiDytiH Oenwtttee, Vw.

Olb A, &.


Urn I+»I HI m* m—* M u l t2TS


im eieoutiau lias been taken on hi* houseand lo t , 'va laed 'a t j l l ,^ upon «iioh {hereis an Inounbranoe of *jo6,n He JoaiKfi Htnov if the Board would aathorirf hfm todirect the Sheriff to sell ihe proparty. AnonBlderable part of the ooeta to be collectedrevert to tno county.'

Mr Johnson moved that the ProaBontorgo oa end collect. '

Mr Wol(e thought ft would be well tolook Into the matter and see if ih iy weragoing to get abything back, an! knoved »s

anioudnent that me Director appoint acommittee to tnmine aad report. Carried

The Director appointed aa trach Committee UesBri. Wolfs, Smith and VanDuyne,

The' County Collector's quarterly reportwaa read by ti»t gentleman and on motionaccepted tud orftred phmd on file. Itshows reoeipts to the amount of $111,174.70,anddiabnrseinentsamouuting to f<Jl8GS.7O,leaving jbalaoce on hand of *&,a22.

The following bills were ordered paid;UridgDs-A. U. V/llsm, 9VMT>0', 3o% F.

I J, Andrew Casterline, S28.B0;Bllaa D. Rowland, SB7; John F. Pont,•D8JS; John P. Pont, l-.11.fl9f Johnfihippey, $41; Chas. E. Clark, ageat, »»5.-80; Patrick Daren, t o ; Jonathan Little,4*0; L. B. Sobo^nheit, SS.64 ( Jolin Gost-ner, $16; Maitia Corbltt, <-27O.?0, ,;

l'teelioldew', Bervioas—tterney DaBow,$501 James Anthony, *22; Chas. H.trdin,

J2'; Jj. B. rwd, $'JS; Dft 3, VTt Jaoksod,I*.' ' , ' . ' " ' " 'Mieoella&eotis—Hnrvey Kit oh el, services

in Youw Bridge caiw,ldf0r H. k . Buer-ninti, Coustnblo, 48.80i Dr X. * I', J.VJMI Wafleuer, poet mortem 111 u*na"of childof Mary Murray, tno ; Motrto Co. Uooli& Iron Co., work for jail, $129,37; J. A.Drake, insurance, $l!l.f>ft c Cliati E. Count-berioio, matorial* for Cork's office,. «48.2S;E, M. Skellenfior, County Collector, 1200John S. Oibnun, Clerk, $37.60 j J. t ?Fnnchtr, conulublB, »n,27] Geo. M^Graokon, repairing damage to, carriage of; Thos.Oraw, JB2.8B. [

A bill of Jas, Jordlne, for $-'Q, doiiiage In-flicted on bis horso by falling tlirouuh a de-feetive bridge near Port pram, was referredto (be Cotnmltloe on ncoi(feut»,'and nport at next meeting.'

Mr. Ilardln said tha Poor Ho• ware embarrosied tat w»nt •( funds, as

tke Collector bad refuatd to pay tb« trdsrsof tha TrwsUei Mthont the ootten of t ieBoard.

Mr, Bah&on. Counsel of the Board,' saidthat by the law of ilant winter It 1B providedthat no bill shall be paid except ordered- ata rogular meeting. Ha Ite^d that tha PoorHQUBS Oommitteo wore but the agent* of (heHoard, and while the; could contract debts,could not order the payment of tlie Humeunder the law. All tha bills contracted attlio Poor House' must be brought here forpayment ia order to conform ta tbo strictUtter of tbe law.

Mr. H&rdin said the Trustees bad anoverdrawn bank account through thisplication, which would have to bo fixed insomeway. ' : '

The Treasurer of tbe Poor HoUse present-ed an order from tho Trustees for ^ $1,000,to meet the Treaanrer's expenses. Thocounsel said he thought this might, ba or-dei-edl provided the itemized accounts VereBbown. , TfbiB, however,- did not leaien thedifficulty, at^he hooka of account were notpresent. '- _, '_ ( • ,

The Committee on,, tha Jerome, Yonnp;nrntter reported thit'they hod EAlieflod them-S*1VB8 that it was beat to proceed Vltli theRoatter, and recommended that the Sheriffhi anlhoriud to Ml tha house and lotacroine Ba Fonng,

It was moved and carried that the coun-u l praemd ta collect the oo^ts ii

The Dlreotot of tbo Board called attentionto that ^urt of the Collector's statementwhich refers to townships that are deliti-qnontin thspaymeut of tbeir county tax.These totrnahips, and the amounu ero:Washington, 4273.B4; Chatham, ftGiK);Jeffenon, $Hi>di.fjti \ Mcnilhani, $4D-i.>27«Eoxbcry. frits. 14.

On motion of Mr. Ilardin llio CountyCollector van nuth«rixed to proeeod to thicollection of thme delinquent taiiiH.

Mr. Smith offered tbo following, whichas adopted :

'liK&BkH, Through m!i<ipprehflaw, tbe TreaiiuKr of tbe County PoorIfouse Coinmifteo h*» iu pursonnce offormer custom dmwu checks in paymentof billn prcaonlGd to said Couiiaittee,therefor*,RIWOLVPD, That an order of tbc said

Committee, drawn upon thu County Col loo-tnr. far tho *um t.t one HJOUBBOJ dojlanr, ba•rdfrcd |»ld, and that tlia Commlittio turcountlothe BonMlat ita next niaotiug t<r•07 portim ot llio amouui no drawn nut al-ready paid out.

The T ra t e t i cttendml an In'iUtion tothe Hoard to tneot at tha County l'wjrHonae onThnrwday, AoB. 10th,

Board idjouraed.[Toe time of tha m**tlnR of thi Hoard at

t U I W HOOM ba* -riw* Uea cUngod toAag, l«th.J

ring TilUupSlu tbhnut olb

^ a wBiatrafuotnre

Near the t\O^ budge low ibe Galednoton mill then am relics \>t of nna nf Lhoae

£ i " " T b

As I proulW | i my hut e*inja«&l««tloDIwDliiowprM««dt*gir«sont««l tA* ns-" " whj i( U » i w » r j tc fc^I* apwaMiTtationt, u k a ratafee aiWMbta, MHO).M t caadliUtw aal M en, sod why Uwt•r» xuA, sad In fitet oanwt b* «a farad,

] • rqpnl to tevi, let B « flnt nfff to tba

i W q w i Iml vbtto II MprMilytialMaMalMlls-QU«tfciii a ij


. mmymimmU vvlw a* wxk audt4*y ite law. t U i W k W W M N a

WM anemwrd^nvartedinto A «ri«t miand ia / tout «£an old h «o near by w

k> naVa beentWd in \L loiU for man;years Hdw «iily pdpenras raauiifaoture*boii i8 not poeiUvely kuirn, but it is saidto bora been **nufflOtnfl as eitriy M tbebeginning of tae prewl century, if nearlier Tho nr*t impftr till wns probab);built uynr wpaie the On (Ionian mill no*stands, by a DUB munei HuRbes, It waiafterward owned and rebl t ky his son-ilaw, Joseph1 Bleytiling. was ia thU mthat one of the: first papsi nacbiusu on tniBoiitinant Vtt* pnt up anda ba)f century ago, previ ii ta which timepaper waa made altogetir l*y baud. Iu1643 Megsro. Gaunt &' : irriokson hongbtthe property and partly r mil' tho mill. Ii

' ie'panml (JiWnn beuaiii9 towner, and again rebulll t in 1853 and 'C4,and pat in all now to*whi sry,

Where the Eden pnuei works now slantpaper has been manufa nred nearly tbiMm* length of time, , rabidity tbe fitmill built on this sits* v i bnined tn 1833It was rebuilt «gAin im ladinUly, Abouthe yeat XSl^gtcsirs^Guit &. Paibought it, and In 18£3 Wilt the presootEJeti p«per wotkH, which ptoV'd a fooliahEpdBDlatidb, as thora 4iw nit' * t e r enoughto dciverbqjth. ullla aod .«n« hod to go diThe pld mill n e r « top aaah.iflertbe

ras built and Hffyjin, Q.Miii k Derric!•on failed a bbort tinie alter. (

About tbe year l'stf Itr. CogiUn jb«itho owner of this property nlo, a'ndsooiafter tatd down tha'ow mtll (be Piiojaiaod built a maonirre shop fotjoiag tbo repairs of hta other milta apon.» part offonadatiou. ...Tiiiu -firouerty ianow ownedaad the mifl, U)o EJUB, run bjhia son, MiA..B. Cogblaa.

The site* upon wlilck' It slanii in DO doulamong the bust in the Htale. fhe capacof Ike firilf whtB tha wi»(er in pasty* ia itboiline tons ol pftpw'per week r'auoai o

and a hut taut pniit},This mill bsa afee tba hn<, snpply

spring water of onymaanfftototyi* tha SlaThe sprirjgB are Bi^tutsd en the bank of tlWhippimy river ftljQqt half a uila ftbimills; near wbar» Opea stood a i^onl} ootUfuolory, and is brought to iba mill tbroipipes which tha 'present owner laid BOOaflerhe took possession of it.

Tlie water from this spring has been useiat tbe mjj] howeverfor aealya balf centalPrevious to the iro,n pi lias being laid jtwbrought through bpiod jogs laid inthebolloin of tho rivor, bail lo^a after ba took possession of tbo mill he foiind thorn so rotteand lsaVy by o«a ihut bit o Bmiill anpplythe water reached"tbe'tnlll, Eetberefotluid tho naw Iran' pipi , eiiiae|when hiireceiving leserroir at the millUfta beenflowing over. '.A Bhort nistanca *bove thspring is another,will ulto, whbh bolonalfjg, to the Coghlfui| estate,, A japer mwas bnilt upon it* j am after tho fieglaniof 'the preBant*'ceWnry and tho late Mr.Coghlan bocjima ita owner in 185C He bodassociated with' him in buuinm it this timeand nntil bin death, whioh courted in 1855,Mr. John C. Kay, a Bootehrain and atborongh paper maker, It wtu lie who fiwiintroduced into market <l,trk ,1>ufl papi

licb nft*iwiinl heuauiM HO extnutivvjy umIho mnuufikctnre of mmljpei. Thci

velnpss wero cheap ond HtiJurgoly UBO'1 bj [infltdemi mu:It wfts bo [\\m who firgt tucMeltil in culoi

Icring pnjipr in tlio web, thus ronderipg)OH«it)lc forona or two htiads to do the>f ten cr Iwclvu.

This mill waadeHtrovcd by Iteon (i>f March, ]B(!1, and bits rutnu|ned in thlondition oiur «inco, Mr. C. lutf ninny o|

portuuities to sell thin uito siuio then bu'ofuKdl. After tho dettmotiou

tliin mill thin paper wan mauafutiurnd at t]Jrtludoninu mill and Tor flfleon ymra itio thing eke until pmtal cnrdti vera lotrolaced which totally duHtroyud tU bnsi

as very little of it was tised after. S. 1'. W

Tha Firtt District Censui.Gupcrvimr Doramus ol thu Fir

District o( New Jersey htw conftlctcj hi'ork and sent liia returns to WuhliiRtor

The entire population *t theI«DS the rountiea of KMCI, Mi>rris, Ilerftrn, 8nmoi aod Wnrrcn, In 4(>

IS In 16?i>, BhowfuRsri iBy far tho largest port

tho incrcano I* i'n B * » «ountj, withl'usmieouuty, which inrlmW 1'ittcraon, sccouMorris counly In third in growth a u d l U ^taarth. Sunwi roanty, ahich coats* tieIn tbo lint, baq Incrcontd only 71T in Iyean, wliilo Warren IIM nearly atooj iti

trios inCRoaM but SIT. An etcban•ays i

" Th* growth sf So«M and Alorrii eonUes has donbtlMi bean vary tanoh r»UrJby the proatraled couUUen ot tho inn tradid«rin|t tba part Ua y*an, and (ioialti

iuffer* lediraclly from fh* MImof. Bttl th« aalaral hurt— ta P*rrwn

been gntit* thsn*»• IgttMshow,andiihthanfof* «*id«

Mtafawwboart twntud bndthiP»«*»wh«"to-*Uin.irfortona«."

Tbe fast la, UM gmm*l prmtnlim ,MIMM U l w w IR;S W l | i B n u ^ .

h q p nml-tr of M O «<8*t» net odjtbm Irot) work, bttl la variau other kink ef

*«i*fe*t*-«iftr M M M I W k m

^mUtmUim^m* mhm Mr ISM.MMllf^flMl.aN. |«

A Fact or Two In Natural History.M». EtoiTQJ) - I t is woll known by some

of your r**den that I tun In tbe Ubil atttpandine my vacations at tlie former r«ti-denca of BfiijMDlc Crane, dei>«uied, who

e i g R0 w ' ^ y *nd ponnhuly knowntluoaghoot old Morris, made tbe particulartQoatlon qfiiis moon lovej Iwme a fetniliar-ty To say sotblng of Xudian battle asee

arrow-beads, etc., it is not nufrcqueot tlietI meet with a bona fide curiosity whilepassing over tha farm. Now 1 do net knowbow intttested tfae people ot Dover, aod tbemany readers, of the IJBA mav be in the Bludyof Natural History, ye t lha \e no donbtthevwill compare favorably with the general ranof people in that respect; realizing tbis It.fca< tho liborty to pws*nt a fact or two

i h mnv be of ititorcst Most people haveseen * turtle ; yea. noL ouly.oue of (hoselittle toy-turtles that iugelioity has made sosucaesBfully, but a real Uve turtle. Bo's a*ery lanay telhw 'tis trao; he tlmiys pro-

ffl ft aniU when glaaoed at but that isabout aU. SO humble la hji atatloH and POinferior and ungainly htg genoral appearancethat genuine reapsot far him is out of thequestion with too many who comtiHoi blinas only a "turtle,", aad care not, know not"whence he Cometh nor whither he goeth,"it cetera. Lik» other spesieB of reptile theturtle is not limited to one particular kind

yf tharebMBgaavima. 0 / t h e differentkinda if is quite generally known that tbeland turtle, at it in commonly called, oom>Maude as muoh interest among netnraustsas any, owing to ita comparatively long lifeas supposed by many.

A few daya ago while in a meadow adjoin-ing a pteos of wood, I come suddenly upontwo turtles of this kind and availing myselfof tbe opportunity I picked them up and

aioed them to see if soy one had in .scribed, a-nama on either shall. I did notlook la vain, for on one, whioh waa a emailone, a name had been oat bat no date ( onthe other whose very look showed that hewur a patrl&rob, was out in plain letters thoinitials TJ. S., 1831. I oould hardly believemy eyes yet there it wae oonvinofng enoughHaving, carried those marks BO faithfully fotfiG years, I felt like tipping my but to him.I wouHared at first who L. S. could bnvebeen, bat a seoond thought satisfied me thatthey sot only were, but are tha initials ofan old gentleman that is now soveral yearupu t SQ, has had Ms second sight uud ia nowtotally blind. Ha has lived all bis iito intbe same place and owns land noar wLortthe turtlo was found. Tho old genllomuu,wham I am always (>lad to ctill upon, m\y>that Iw haa marked DoTcrul turtles duriujhis lifts aad ban uornr mark-d nay iuvorreut'Ibis proved to mn sonduni*fly tlmt tinturtU won *ot a bogun o»«. N^v, IOIKIwriUn affirm tbut aus-nftli ef lifu u H)>«uin growing t^kiig tbe animal crsution »n iwhole, Tntiag Q»B tor fl*«jj;;!c ; p:si hislife a t» hundred yiFtro ; one-fifth sr twmtjyears ia spent iu growing an wo all knowTbo age of a horns is limited to about thirtyenra. Six of these jonra arc spent iugrowing'. And thus we might no on withthe animal creation in general. Tho tnrtlin queutloa was certainly full grown whenmarked, so he must have been accordinglynearly twenty years old at that tine. 'OldUuale Levl, as tha gentleman is cMed bybis many acquaintances, snyB that one wanon his place some yours ago that reachedvery nearly a hundred years, and at lost hefound only tbe shell that held him. I havemyself soon eavomJ tout wen twenty sithirty years old, and have noticed that theydo not close their shell, ar box, as it icalled by some,' but are more inclined toran away on being approached. While vis-itiDg Unajfl Levt he inquired wry particu-larly about Dover and its industries, andreworked that the last and only time heever in Ilia place was in the year lfilC. Iasked him how it looked at that tinio.•sfd tiiera w«ra tbon bat a few houses,that It was hardly a village. Bowe nood notgo into tho pisges of liBtory to lsarn thatDover has been a prosperous and growingplace evon though It bus no Toncmbli"torkfeg,'' qimdrupeJal turtles W8 meat, ((boost of. E. M. YOUNO,



The Enginaoriag and Uluing foanutl ofhut Baturday says t •

Tlisra 1R a very fair amount oi biiHUBiir8>ported, altboughtbe market shows no *x-oitoment Prices,' oltbongh nopinaUy :ttbhigher in most oases, are sUU flroer. jZ^voutlook is very encouraging^ for • good fallbamaem. Thaw ia an effort to preventpricei reaching so high a point that thetrade will practically be turned over to oarfi i

pforeign competitors.

e i * reported U, u,have been as foUows: IBOtonsof Orane No.1 Foundry at tit j 2«H) ions ot Forge forwater-pipes, and 500 tons of No. 2 Foundry

private terms; 1&00 lonuNo. lAntliraoit«»t Mo tor special bnml; 7H» tous No iFoundry at *,2B.fiO; 100 tons ditto at S2D;*MtOD»No. S and 7&0 tons Bilver GrayThomas iron, on private terms; UoOti tonsof llanhattan iron, delivering frnto Auguiit,1880, to August, 18BI, at $!IO for N", 1Foundry, and f iJ'J for No. 2 Foundry, and1000 tons of abandon G«y Forgo at f 23.50at shipping port. It it* very difficult to ar-rive at correct quotations Tbore in a Hear-oity of food brands of No, 1 Foundry, andthil okas of iron may advanoe in tmduo pro-portion to the other graded. We quote Ho.1 Foundry at »27@$28; No. 2 Foundry,

| and Forge, lai.fiO®^.STATEMENT Or IBDS OBI

Pasting tbs Haokpttstown scales, T U . M, 4, E .

It. B. to Pennivlvauift, far thu week endiug

T b u n d i y ereaiog, Aag. lSia, 1880,


Moantsln View 154 oa

Roskawty I,«o07Port Oram l.BMWOheiterB, It, (Hortno'a, Corwin's,

Sncoaiunnk, Tsnattn and Cbes-ter Jnnotlon SUUUDH,) l.UG 07

DrskeifiJJs IB 08It'anhope 40 M

Waterloo 402 05

Total 5,390 10

Funeral of Philip H. Champion.The funeral services of tbe Into Philip If.

Champion, whme sad death at tho Dodf-oMl ecorded last woiiU, wore htiid iuthe M. E. Church at Fort Oram on Sumfajafternoon tout, aud wero atloHduil by a tawtoouoourso of people. Itov, Goo. T. Jackson,thopautor, preached an approiiriuto discoiinioand tl» Miaere1 aod Mmbauicfl1 Desevolent

Sale of Lots at Mount Tabor.The nalo ot tho *lo,Q0O worth of building

lota aunounced by the truatean of tha MounTabor camp mooting association cnae o? onTuesday kat. Tho lota WITH first ajiprniisei!and it was decided tiiat they should not hostarted,•3rrathernnUold,uailertlio nppraisoiiprice.

An soon as the unto commenced, however,it was uvident tlmt such rcstriotiona wero

tmceflsiry, for tho jit;oj>[e are bc iniLinf?to properly apprecinto the moriU of tliiwpUop, im a Hummer resort, and wall they

bt, for with its pure Bering water, iavig.orating nir and exccltcnt sociotj, it is ono of(lie in nut li«njtliy nnd iiiiwt tjieiraljlo louali.titH to bo fountl anjwbiro in this eounlry.

'falthy irn-n fmni ILi> cities of Now York,Ikooklyn, .Icwuy City, Newark, P.tcrnoi.>uil dthiT IJIIWCH, urn coDntantly locntiii^turn (in necoiiiit of their licing ttbfo to pnituk ami fortb to Ibeir buaioeod daily, ifhey wihli, ftml Komo of them spend fournonthB oT tun yrnr horo.

It was a nnliceulilo f,n>t at tbo aale thnttbouo»i luficew-ful l)nsiiiciw men, WLo were[BOWh to hii «lirnvd anauoiera, wer« Ilienoftt nplritcd bidden- Th«y had tym mif-icirntly kora tu parceive the aatnnUgoaicr» eRorded to all who wnnt a hwJibj

plane of amninor »««ort. They know toj . iuoil i>roUtiility, that thdr h<z woul.S uo,—romuand a much signer tun, and Ix-nmwu tbkt torn* of thotn o»>d *t a prtmium, ,

«o«, ol oier latK) o« u » appraiMptiee.

Th* aala wot a frnma rvetxm la •T»IJIcalat, end while the in»t»M will rwt^vt $12,000 by thia amngsment. i

"4111 h»v« a Urga Bualxr of choJc* b u

Ter, fair bash.es. ip \*»\

Adventurw.Tba plusant town of foakevUlaiias bud a

nine day*' exdUmeat, t«nuln»tJwj In *woftdar. IWdy bwm rnia«d his cow onthe 8d ol Anguat, and h> neighbors tried toniakebimlMUevesb* h»d been driven offby Boaaa OW engaged la tbat line of bud-seea. Kit Paddy wouldn't ,aooept theirfiwodw and "i» ocntinnH to hunt for her in• swamp where she was in the habit of gath-ering material for the manufacture of but- '<ter end pot-cliooM. He waa h«artily aa-ualed by blsfrieuds, but up to Tburaday

tiding could be

pinens. On that (toy. h miher head pe'cr[)tiblu uboiologely cr ppod bog t

ABBOoifltion, of Tort OramLodKO of O<1<] FeliowH of DtondniKP, tbn former weiiuioMruiug and tlio lultcr thei

nnd Itimdolpher, w o in

bmlgos ofi. AfUr

iho Hurrivv.t tho hoiif wan brought to tlio Or-churd Strf nt CtmeUry in thin place for iutcr-niaiit. TL« eort«K« thnt f»llow»d Ilia rouiiiniito tha grnvs wai o n or the l&njt&t evrrueenin IfeiB nccticn, nnd nun »e rod BO mo sirtr te-hicJ»fl, bcu'idm s. vast throng "» fool, wiiicwas largely auRiuautml by a grxat gtithcriiiof lowDHpouplo nt the cemotory. This a:prtnHlitaof •itcem kad hata merited by tbilife of tlie deceased. AH a CbriuLjiabove rnpro&ah anil walkoti a bl/iwias a liimljund &nd futher lie honored biehousehold; in htn calling bo was cnpubltand hon'-nt, and on a neighbor and friihis ftsaistouc* and ey input by were ncBought in rain. The Xrienda aiuoog n}ibe moved have met with a great loss ihave shown their autivo sympathy forstill greater afflicted family, as well aa thuirprofound reverence for lila memory.

Morris County Quails.A Jorseyman, Henry Benhrook, of Ear-

itan, has succeeded la doing what has ncboon dono before, tliut is, in raising qu&iliin a tame state. Onmo sooictiOB nnd fcbreeders have bitherto often tried this eperiment but never Succeeded. Mr. Bebrook four yean ngo captured two flloncounty quails, the feraalo being lowlaiand tho male highland. The feme la laid24 eggs tbe fiftt year, but could not be in-duofid to set The mioond year Mr. B*ibrook via in Cannda, and nothing' voadouo with the birds. The third yearfemale mode Ua nest, laiA 12 eggs,after setting 10 days died. The mole bircthen set on the eggn, and six (|hatched. They wero &H raiwea by Ben-brook, and aro still living. Tbiquaili* began laying on tsJnv 21stup to July .list had hid 10H c^gs, l>ut the;show no ligns of Belting an yet.(he egg* were pluml under a unntainchicken nnd nil of them hutched, nnd th<juniln nrn alive today. Tame quail otoast will now ba iu order.

ver, a dog lountlr the mud auc

•olcy it inpf, and sbe is In a f&i

ut nf the;palled out with

ay to bo kopt

haadquarters at Dover.Mr. U. II. Dicfconiiiii tliia Wfok tii'ou(,'!iii ft HUroi>HKfiil c.Umn iip.^uliuliunH fur ttmujtol of tljw Scgur uiwisioii, on Illftckwell

Btreot, to Maj. Ilirkw, of Iho Orduanc* Do-of Iho t*. K. Army, thn oilicsr iu


STOVE. . . . . $ 4 . 0 0

CHESTNUT - - 3.75

Letlen ifniHn...n i"icP.,,,.,,„In thrVu.t Office at Oover.N. J.

Ar<i. i:tth, lfifio

j*h!|Ur '*D ( J r r*' " ( ' I J r7 U r a J-

i'mV! i i C I™:,,!.':!!";;,.,.'

M.I. V..:!^-,iUl,i, .nj,,fi | ,c •l«.vo lo!i«r.'Lj""':v].

illM'UMAN. p. M.

ibnrso of (lieit Muiillfl Forgo, tiuuiu altcntiuj.HftitH willbo inm)ft ami M.ij. 1'u'ktr

will Uke p.icHfisMoii <jf tho j.nitii'^ij Ki-|>l.d will mak« the snwiHitai tiiu g'.jaro-iffiRe. ni* well iin liiapIacDofn-wduni-p.

ThiH OHIAIIHBIIOH tin. fuel tWt I1UV.T in to 1...3ud(jniirtorn for tljtt isitoiwivo upemlious cfte eoveruincntat Miiliile Korj*f>.

A WffJcome Gift to Morrittown.Tho Nowurk JIIUHNAI, of Tui-H.lfty Bnyn :

Tlon. Gottfried Knif^or toce-itly prftHoutodth« library at Morriulown wish s vjtjiwbjobook entitled "Uooriwa IJui-ernpo iitul ltnEcoLomicnl Vuluo." In aukiio«ludu«iii<:iil ultbe sftma Jlr. Kruoffor ban roceivcil thr fol-I I K

How, G. KHTTKHKH :DEAB Sin :-Your letter

ing (jnok. WHB duly roceiinnrili iililiiind, lint only jlor thu library lit llorrtuU

Thu buok will l,o ah.H)k« oti out wltuivep

hoii, I »noiittllj,

tliiH imjHitliiut ]iro.hv;t of the u,»(intr>'H in

nioro will tlicy Id Hliln I" npi-Keinte tinoliuraotfir of tbe in*n;if«cliiN; in which !•invcHloil so mudj cjipjljil sort ln'WT.

OJiftinnnn of thp Library <'»mmitUe of thi


Tha njipl-a crop of i

Work in [••fining thfl HUSIX nf tht

i a— >•»-».S.-Y--T- -n ruti) i

Taylor Iron Works.Taylor Iron Works nt High Bridge are ii

full blast and in a prosporoua conditiongiving cimploymiiut to two hundred menmostly JorHCymen, equally divided betwesi(bo torgu aad fosndrr, whitth are located onthe oast of tbovillago and are nbout tbreo-fourths of a milo apart, connected by a

id whioh nlitn eonnnelnwotks with tbo Chestor IImuch mill

rki ure inmnilnciuntiR ear-wlandailcn txcliiBivnly, turning nut ono hun-

nilcB nnd ov.o humlrcil and forty wlioelnUayly. The ailes are forged from importedscrap iron nnd tlm whceW are mada f

brought Irom almost orery Btaith« Union. The company are paying their

ilollnr to tUroo di'Manitwenty rciiUi per dnj, artrordiug io hkill and

with which thn m-s appear to bewelt Mtinflad. Ainl « tnor* t*(np^rst«

inrciilly liapjij i«o hui''.lroil mivu wouldt* kuril to liml. and u proof lb«t thecompany ip|ir«ii»l«. th.ir ^r.jeoji, tbayCmtf th* mrn «ilh thfir fmnilir. |k*Er (annual fiPuminn to Now Vorlt city *n<lthe lludxin on W*dn*KUy nf luit weekllelrid.tf Apollo.

Anolh(>r n-**n •n-ii'-nt m-rnrreJ Jnjt Bai-nrd»y si S#. lit, Irml*l», which rc*ult*d inUieinjiirT of four urn—Mirli*pl ILodVrnr,who h*4 hia t>r aAC ttane cni^hrd mn*l MVCIKIrib« tmikrQ, CUM. lUnuk«t ttn3 ralrick KBAO.obaa, wko wtr* Mtirly buranl abont the

t>» JMTDM! aboai tha leg. TUMM

mm ao<) jti«t goal to w**t, o& Ibcir shlfl.bola trhUh tbty

l.fl mSslsbtd by IUfctt K appear* that a Bi»ni

lUl it

MSB* stay ISHW « I M M M M

bf MIU w n Ukta t« tk«

A six and a half pcund black btuiscaupht at tho Delaware \T*tur Gup.

One fiftboincK! uncertain i!ifi:;s in thisworld iH t KUKIGI lUilnmd time tuhlu.

Eifibt cents per bunhel ia all tbe Sun,citltfr milla eipiiut to pay for apples thin yo

Joseph C. Dny, a prominent citizenIIiifikotlHtowti, diud suddenly ou Thunuuf lnut wypk.

Mina Margaret Hull, .of Blaintowu, cctuitted huicido ou Piiday uight of last weby tdkjifg Vurlu green.

iBHiol Ayurft, H ronidflnt of Baudyntottowimbip, and tlio oldeht iunn in HuHmcounty, dind na Sulunlny, nged 92 ynure an0 montUH,

Jraepli Phillip*, wlm WM injoro^ st tiiWurron Foundry, PhUlipslntrB, l)y l.-iiubit witJj Ibo crank of a cntne, bus dieil itoi

John Lehiner, a brnkeman on tho BUBHIrailrnnd, lind his right hand sovtiroly urn shetviiile coupliog cant at Waterloo, on Fridnjlfterooaa ofJftstfl'eek.

Chmlea Smith, of Oxford, a inouldiIrado, liad bis arm broken while eroding the1'MBaio rivor l)ridBo, in Newark, on Wodnoa-

night. Ho was loaning out of tbe curWindow,

Gtorgo T. Weit, vrhiU flailing in tha Dcl-sworo, at Baud's Eddy, oauffht* black baasweighing six ponnda and four ounces. Iimftaaurod - l j inches in length and si:in cirouniferaooe.

The Wurron fonn3ry, at FliilUptthas received a contract for mulfiug 5,000tons of wator pipo for the city of Dotroit,Michignn. This will kcpp tlio foundry

ug stmiUly for » month.Tlie wnge*) uf lutiorart. on the Hiicketts-

town furiiaco rcpnits nus cut down to uconU jur <Uy ou tlie first of tlie montii,

mono to A dolhir and tifty centThe wdgoa of tlio miners at the CDE

minoe nt l!uattyntowii, is nho roiluoi

A Rgre Business diancei ^ MILLINKUI

AND IMNIV (I0OIJ KTOIUJ a . » „ , I,, ,i,»,

r,r,l-rt.>. «,],. li,,,,,, r (,r"J! inj"c,,^;raM,i™icil "«' • * ' « not •Erin »i<L in,licnllli. H>n-k rfriuj, ,,,n « | 0 c t a a , u d »,,„[.iinaM. 3,500 will I , , , ilait lnterMl.-M.MOilrimi tmli.iin,i.Ml> „„„!,. „ „ , , „ , , „„ ,„will /.-.•r.«ii. rmiii. I-or iinrticLtUa, iJ,lr i (a

'KI-'i'IiltHON, li.oN Knx Or-nce,1^ Duver, >", J,

Notce to Trespassers 1

proWl.it, ,„ , , , ,„ ,„„ „„rid nfter tlii^ Jnlc (.SllturifHII.) TO, D,,,lo» i,,p||™

BAMUI'.I, lllsuoi" DOLANI)N l l l U t a a i l i

Hancock and Garfieldtin* drat r t t l cn by bta lifo-lnug fripn.l Hm,J. W. VO1NCX, an nuthor o r mtitiiml fa,m'ami nn artent admiror of thn "mjiibrb nil-0 « T ; " lliw<™i'l wntiflB };r )>IH coitmiir-in.iniin RtiilMTHoiiitl ini-nil, Oen. J « . H. lin.tniim authowr wnlu cokibriiy. Jioih oEieial. lm>-•irici:il, iimeiiit-ly p - im ' t r , ami nclhni; tjO>ninllri-ftdfiif. Af;(:iit»ih)Ub[u prof!to l>v r.IliiiL'mlh. OufiinllOo.MoL. Act tiniiYftiK] QUIII

to nim a peilie, bog disonso in n most virulent form\men nthid)iirtg tho hogn in lbs noij

borhoo<i of illooniBbury. Jusouh Stojip J.10 lino OUCH iu a week's lime, and 'J arc stillRick. They weighed nfmnt IM pniinciicli. John Kmitli LM luxt twn, WiHi«M-Ji«r/|Ui(B» number. oo<i a good j^nny

Tlio peculiarity of tho disense Is iU nuddonous. Tbe [xitkers BOIIU well one <1ny atcut bcailily and tlia n«it morning uro foui;uite dead. —Wiinon P.-isoeni.

Oue night last «Mk a homo w H Uk«nrom tsoi.>t.lpSorFrocljold«rJ(M. C. Leek,if Msnilham, drHe:» liatd ditrins tba nifih*.

*a<) ivtnrncf! by dnrlJtfht n#it mpmTbi«; is AD old trick »nd not «\t»31 wnnrt un->1 tho guilty porlj it umde to smart for it.

Rer.l. U. lilaflrrali), *lio ii waHknonn hil» TjfinjtT, i>7iofBi>orc'i Piliiltir " 1 IDearly «f iho opinion tlitt Huore'o 1'ihilei IiIE nf tht hu t rernoillri tar miltri* tint th*ra#Kiin. H«l»ri»»* pjor.Jcni «)] i W t !hi*ctitm, tu j the u n i m u l niccoi* Hill h utendcl U;P UIK nf th«M I'ilnlfi* (>roT«t (n m«nr (i^(irii>-".-' f{iimir<-.U h*io bun currt:

Davur bjf tbfDi . The (>i11i »re 10I.) * i

For Sale or Exchangei n »rnilW ^oe. i 1UY IIDIWK » i«*r»r.Mjand i^ i km!, m i n i , l,*u<>. il .r^ »»,!-..i-l(tu \,\at il.t. A'UiJ 'if hil.Uin; litiV^ » : « . K^'i^rcf

A. JVI-SON CUE. UrtflMri^;?,KffcSMHt., Ivtff.N.

A good supply oi* llrst

•h\ss OATSnt murkct

Also horses nml

to If»t at Uty). XrtVaf ](0'I*H.


now m sale on exci/Odinglyattractvo stock of DREBSPLAN2ELS in all the popularoolors .nd of the finest clothfinish. They have thia weelropened somo new and hand-some patterns in printed Mo-mio Clths and Reps. Theyare shoving a very extensivevarietjof piano covers in newdesigns and oolorings. Theyhave aitthor une^ualed bar-gain inBLACK OROS GRAINSUE af 73 ots. per yard. Sendfor eanple. Silk Handker-chiefs or ladies, Nook-wear,Languoloc, Breton, Limerick,Russiannnrt Point de AleneonLaces u new and handsome

arietiot We shall open newFrench Iress (foods and DressSilks in prevailing styles aadcolors fo: Autumn, on or aboutSeptember 1st.

ISAAC N. DOTY Hi,159& 161 MARKET St.,



RO.CKAWAY AXE!Tl t H nnUil hMJ-mi<K' » 'e bin li'tij; rnjoji'il

b u t i t t h / o a a n t ^ t . r VOl'lU. MATEHIAL

ilio Ira lw cliwiiiH.'r t*%i\ tfS^r lit'TuTr, &riit ^'L '• - i i i . n . l ittni'imtt far jitsn-ti*»''r* 'if l» ' / '

.tm.-«. Wn u i l f stir ' « IHT • M « - "• • '^,'

HORSESHOEING»"l t^ur«Mt*rtl

1^»f7»l*«mf»,'H.»' !•• - I*!..> nil fir^-t.rnt rrth « «H. ''-^ Nrtt. t

C - W J»lri£T KTATK AltlX'U flUlTUB

Tie i'.-mBi'lt.-eBi-|«iBtwl I ; tbt "Ci» " ';

)'l>r«i<M»tifsr uMBiel . t l tfc* Ati^o.

ibr At/Um.



UCOMUSIU Mid Vicinity.Wbih h i tooir,y to Camp T , I W


1ti»* bat* tor %\\ at VklL Bkelleugar't.

rbo K«ta Fnir *t TWHTCTIJT opetu Bept.


•xpoelortitlTfl Syrop i

publia eebool building I, being re.

the recant Catholic fair at Madiaon nel-ted $400.

Try the Widow Dunn Cigar, at Vouqbt

Lumps at J. A- Goodale's Red FrontDrug Store.

MoHuuitGri liitvc njr'pciii'ftd inf<ors ut JJorrislowB,

'Tbo official flgurea BLOW tho _.KlUrrintowa to be S,G49.

Tlie nchoul conBiiB in eanh District in to bcompleted before the UOth of AuguHt.

Joseph Zeok, of HocinwaT, Lad a <•<

low will be paia nwf mnutK.

Get one of: t h w Apple PB»_, , ftt j ^ ,tya Hardware Btora, thfl bwt out.

The WUding of __,« lie* _|n. fuetory atBooaton is postponed till next Sptlng.

The hMvy rul for•itttn two iandrtjd teat of completion.No parftimB equals the genuine Ettrtutt

of mFlowen~-bwaro ' ' ' ' "t will sell_]] my 8 _ r a w but,, a ^ duria«

thiH month—Walt H. BkeUenRer. 81-Cw.. W. V. D. Kinsey fans tasde LIB ftp-

pe&nmoe upon the Btreeta after an illiiwaeks.

Hoontoupeojileftre deeply Interested

tft . time botalter obm,6ia my mind «ud ds-t r ldoid.il Uiat r »onld e „„ eSmt _, ,_,,

o will go In blast nptla

killed upon t


railroad lit" ot1 zr1 7S

•i ir,s r,i»4 i.nr> m i

Kl 0(1



• rd f i y .

8 ()(111 W12 r.olf> (10IK 50'A'i, 0(

tf /.I

11 (III |13 01) !i] (1016 2'\ •>', solit ((«2541 00

:!7. r,oor. (in



Tto N. J . Midland mail troia /rosi NewYork, lost WeiineBiJaj morning, killed twocow ft near Blooiningdale. ,

The State Sportsmen1!! Annoelation offer » |reward of $25 for the detection of pordon. |(.hootinfj woodcock (>eforo Sept.

The entire population of (hoJcrwy, after (Iifl census returns aro thor-oughly rciticci,will be about 1,H!!2,1!)7.

A MomsUjwn Counciimmi tlie other nifjlitrocommendfd that tbo police of tbat city

Tlio Morris County Hoard of School Exeni •mere for fho exiimluatton of fe-'icli rn1

tifkatej", yeili meet in IIOTCT r>n the ilHtlThe cbiJliufi of the Cheater furnace

ftfiiiHQd Hbout thirty niuu to bo thrown oemployment ut tha CUIUJHIHJ'B luiueiiClover.

Itev. W. II. Pycktuau, of BasicinrIHW, for over tarty years, lieou storkbond olcrlc in the Goin)itroUer'tt office of NoYork City.

The peach crop of this unction 1B Vpromising. Ona hundred aud tiiirty-Hoibat*koto wero Hflipped from Dover station

T evening.

inow if the tuibeforo winter..

Tl« bam of A. 1J. Hull. of Morrinto-Was Mtruck hy >i_;bt_iutj on Tiii'miiy evan-n<, but w.w slightly dfiuiaged.

Our Whippany correspondent (jived Hidwec-k a very •sntortaiuiug history tiflfiicturu ul p»_jcr iu Ibut placo,

A "tftuj!luii)i)ii fro\n Kfivadu" appeared I1

Uootuiiiftdalc, won muny frienjn, sold bi;UM miitiiig htocliM to tho value of severalmti'Iri'd doLWund then dinap_ieared.Mr. J W. IV,,i:ii(ir, of Huccusuuna, h M

appointed Chiuf Engindou miiio. Tlio comjiany U

rtr at tba WoJto be oongrat-

Iry. Eve

e JUKI received & copy of Bowoll'ir D''re<;loryI oto Of the most die-

>j)"b]icatioDBln the couu-that refufles to

iiniticMn with tho cobc eru, as docs Ihe ERA;unjuHtly mted, '

Mr. Johu Vaiiderljilt, a eobor, iuduBtri-w uiiiier, who varies at tbe IVoldon hasithlu DUO ma u lli loat two childrenora Kittrltt fovtT, aud a third is now,

fllicled with that dread dineiuo. liem _ftympatbj of tUo entiro eommunfly.On Tliureduy aftornnoo tho hofsB of.;!

!»»», ai'llikufof mjtort >onu word.«r lit Pail wlilrJi will b . tound in tU> Ne«TeNtamfnt afd road" aomething liha tbelbllo»iog : •• Ho nBoned o(right»oiurj«»i,—ierar,Manda judgement lo oou»> I

o.f Iho t x t from lyrjioh it woold appe* UteniperoLce sntere largelj inlo l ie texlmof Iba Obrlstan oharHOter, and B]BO that

aot be wholly mah andhonor to bia prefeMion, nnd his Lord nm)Mwter withont being a tiorough temporanceman both ID principle atd in fact. Another

ptaM (eit enioing that " You lot youlight nhioe before men Uat tiefsaeJogyaarffond works may glottiy jnnr FJIIIP* wlilchiH \a heafen." TUi Christian ia required tobe ready iind willing at ill Umax to cnti

info'cTerj gnod worn, attd becmne eumpieabefore !beJruo0oi)ycrtedfe)]oir beings tbatUiey may penmade them ly conHUtont Hvea,to beccino chrlaliao. nta,. "WhoooeitrabdlbooslianiodofroB, ,f blm will I boastairnd," 1. a dsoloratloi, of tba 8ariMrbinuelt, from *bloli we ru«j Bfely reo«anIhnt policy, self interest, the lesrofeoomtoB,tboir jeera, slnrs and the liko, will not

answer as an exciwe on tb« day of floal ao-oiiutH Whflrtfln avowed nnd bototerops

infidel uakeH He appearanoo Incommunity, the christlm element ia nt

nce deeply exercised Bud wndera itselflittle abort of ridfoalous by the fuse and adobont eooh pencoa. As if society gtnerully

wan about to be uprooted and overthrown.But when a whiskey, br bSer seller mukeabin ndvent, and entora upon tho work of de-montHwtion and dnmkaid mating, a vary

mixed pp R little, u ha will maiifcwt hiBf If In tho fl .Bh and Wma around withforawuufcor two I wIU show hitu Mini),

g iie <iid aat ^ , 0 * wien he lived

In Denmark and had that ftmoni h f o n l mwith his faiher-g ghoat. I do not care toohopllowfUilmnoow. , I am glad ho has

p, fara anjfouBlywaWng forti»B

wby"itfBnotpM8ibJs to havelaw* aiifowed even at the riik of danger toto yourself," wbiuu he promisei ID bis next.

D r i lull ia the fighting, which oarm brethren did not bring pn,

Mine yoflwp ago—if ]t fc u o t irtaaoa torefer to it now—I got a posa to go to Waih-ington, whenever I oonld, I hud » fancyfor Hutanfog to the dalmt^n IQ Congress.

ghtywr- B

»Ubliahed. JbiyrlptloBi prepared lu Do

n flio kt tltefr storij.

Ha.clo prodncing Malt, theoptbe u b MUril

- Other oreeinn. iDgredfent.,combined mliontltanMUttoii, „ , , L , I _ . . , ;*e»te of ••«.!, a tun , , . p r e p m _ b , _ , _J_,Bitten Gotnptay.


011 trial bj ill taulUi™ . i £ SJWrnrri OIKOMI, fo? Ik. ™ "?,

Tbe Summer Season- A T -


lo t in 8«u»Ui. Qii a , Hoo«i 1 M l goI tnoi'ijiter UIBUI tbingaal f lnow with a good deal of pleasure.

One particular day Senator WilleyWggt Vke&Ja WH swung a ipeeoU in wiiclibe toli wbaMis had dons tovird amelion.ilng tie oondiUoa of tlie slave.. He wastrying to pierce the hidaof Obarhi. Bimner,who ant' oppoaito bim or uoady BO. BumnerHutouei approving or digapproring by tiepoeiti?e or negative motiona of his gwmdabolitionist head. "When Willey got doneSutntur anm. You oonld hear b pin drop

h* got on bto feet X oonld He the lightfata «M> b3«« o f« froza the gallery when

I sat. Hs simply said, ' ' I have fought therpest, 'and now I am not afraid of bis

tail." He eat down; the Senate Old notKnow whether to laugh or Jiiimb, bat beingtbe Senate, they did not do eltbw. Bot tbelentttoi-ftom West Virginia was doae. Ho

ieeble protest is i

aiKie»tak#r, wasrlvor near thla iffloo


Vonnor ppmUcti ft cool to cold Im-nl, withfroeto, botweoa tbo 15th aud20th of Auffafter which beat may be again expectedto September 1st.

Straw huts nf all descriptions—all tbat ton hand—mout be disposed of tliiw tnonUi,at any price, at Qeo. Fader's o! a thing aihut store, Dover, N. J.

MM- James M. Drown, formerly of MnHBtnwn, la about to Uke up hli resideDC*With his f&mily In Dnkotah Territory, ace«ngege in etook-wislng.

TIi<» team ot IJ. D. Bchwarz ran away 1his yard on lloudfly, wjd. -note hrauyht lo i•tandl still by t te guy rope of tlio deniok,tweaking the pole of tiio wagon.

KiUgoro's Sun Cholora Jtiitur-s is saeffectual tor all disorders of the bowelWays keep a bottle on hand for HUT smddonMtaoka—at Vonglit Jk Killgore's.

Thero is a growing demnnd for a Byetciibf postal notes, to be obtained at post offl«cn, and sent in !att«rs when it is desired toBand fractional putts of a dollar.

A trotting meeting Is to bo held on th<courso at MorriBtown on Atignst ftl«t nut!Bept. let and 2d, during which premium.to the amount of $1,500 will be paid,

The Madfeon «oln>«. trustees liavo i>ngutf(lc

A. (J. Harm, of Wilmington, Del., tot principa], atafiMaryoI! *60l), Mr. Morrow 7ofumag to acoept n rnappoinlmtsut at ttin!flguro. _

Coal mining ncd HhipmenU have been rr~striotcdforthe pact moult, BEJWUI eontinurBo during August, The dcnlcra \liink tl.p.itho Fall trade will bo good, with au adT»nciin priea during September.

I( you need a white nork tio, or R B"nft

unilorBhirt, or any other Bummer »rtiolo tt•win.1 up tha toman, you can obtain tt elyear owoprico, fit (lootge F«lcr'«, ofpo^t.B. H. ft J. A. hyo-0% Dorer, N. J.

Honry AUenbtmnd, well-know p. M vuntho proprietors of the Lnk« View Houwtjftki Hopatcong, btt* ta'ii charged wipwjury in baukrnpt proceoilinfp in lirtok-lyB, U» nwikei a *ijjDrou« doaiaL

Mr. O»car flmiUi, Of Newark, whilo romor.ing Bton* from the fBrm of J. J. rHui"gi". ol

BeroarOi'Ule, on Tburwl«r of laNt *»<*.kilted w n copper


hmtl IB»VM, " e ofk t e ppWhich « r e of BlioBualiy largo «l7e.

(rlaiidi » ' re wn»blo toprtvuro • fuyti.till arening, iS«fon> wbicb ii»ue th« j»li

Tba conlr»cl for bt_iMl»g a a«« iiIrndfi* O»PT Iho ri«r nt»r ttw n«id»w>John l)lck*iw.n. taH«»« Vortt and fiock-»wmy, U. r*Pt»w i t* « « Ow* " W ^ T «*U»bwiVm fii*rd*] to»b«Sfor *1.5W.

Tb* b^Utwo of » 7 femW **<"* **clMhtng - t " b« K U Oaiteg V& m « ^ * *UW» c«a* lo orfcr lo a » b «p^» "a . f . U B J - i - i w t o a U pout kM j

ougb fright ho Btambled aud fell, over-uiug tbo wiiRon and throwing the ooou-itn, ii yoiiu ' man untl a boVi in'o tha wa-

Nighl offletT ri.i],jjHi wild a by»taudw.pttd iu and helped tho partyhe proprietor of tho Cheater

ister, lias a platform scales at his diuiugm door for tho conveiiiunca of agontH, Itoiiif'H of rmuTtng "T.iunpr" for forty daysturly »if,'liL«. Trnvoleraaro ir.uking c.

jidriment.on hotel kepperx. mid will bo Iifl nonce fl i» tbeir ne]edion of truummit boatby tlm ituiounl of food they may tint.

JtH Paid timta usohasnt laHt been (it:•vdri-cl for ririd.tf.l.ugH. A Maryland wanlit. Inn] i'j»j.lo>'f(lalotor boys to gntlier

general principles Buch work'ia eiouaoaon the score of necessity, a noceBgnry evil.

Kot A great way frofti (bis place a oorioaof rGgnlsr Eioclblj'teiojjeranoe roietingshave been inHUtnted and held Jointly by thetwo churches of.the IJIIICIJ, Methodlat and1'rtflbjUrtan. Bnfl in tbe Itwo ehnrobcu 61-

md at all of (base uuioa meet ingsId the abapbee of oharoli metn-

htn, those lighti wttoh "shonld not ba can-conlod under a bushel, wiut painfully notloo-Hble. At tbe lust of tb«ne ruwdngH a gen tie-ma a seated fa tlie gallery where he could

every person In (ha church, conn ledtwolva mombara prenent belonging to thi

gdid not bother Bumner any more,

, by . few, aud on , 5 * « ? | i U be 5 pio-ujo at South Stanhope. ' . * ™ lor tbo benefit of St. MhbaeYe C*tbailo

Church on the 18th, Orevilling, of Wash-iDgton, ii going to be the builder.

The Prabyterlftn Sunday .School folk.vro got a good ooUeolfon of new ttooka for

their libmrf. Mm. Ghnrlea Uerrick,- lihra-tian, and Mr. J. B. Davidson, Superintend-ent, made tha neleotioa of the hooki. Ur.(

A. B. Oope, principal of the BUnhopg pub-Ifo Bohool, went to Kew York recently andpurchased a number of mw bocks tor thepublic Echool library.

Rev Dr. Porter, of Trenton, preached twoery eidllent sermons In the Presbyterianh h l t B b l t h d R Q l


Jplum w alrohoUo itimuHnw, "nfeaiwt.ng, either• pleaiautitti5, liHinit amiDR f


A, A. LAM, M. D. Nuntieoko, P.,FOB SiLe *r TOOOBT A KmLoaia


h»vej» tpeeuy and nositivo onnr&, diplithorU, cuaker mouth md 1

iho, in Shlltth'i Catarrh fetnedy. A nasalln]octor free With ,aoh Lottie, tj.o it if jondulra hMlta, and sweet brc»th. Frlc,sontej iold by Vousht & BJJlflgre.

In the past few montliB thoro ha_ beenb\a 000,000 bottlOB of SHlLbll'a ODIIEIOLD, Ontofiha ?MtnnnibBrofDeoD[,

SaXp.^VeMD tboia wbo hare not nuiS jt, letn batoa cougli.or your child the

tlm [it tH from hi« field killed them Myboiliujj tiiuni and was mirprised to find _hutf.iiirlci dipped into the wiiter in wiiitfl tbel(Ug« ted leeu bollod tilt n beautiful per-

Ho j)roponcB to turn bladiscovery to pradicul account i

The team of Oram, Hance & Co. Btartedat tho office of E. E, Jackson nnd ran downthe railroad track at a rapid pace until theyptrmik nowei empty CL<al cars on a Hiding,Ihrowing both liotaua down, one of whiohw(vs budly iujuroi., and wrecking the wagon.Finmn men at work1 neat by micaeeded Ingctliug them out of tha truy just in time to

tiss bt'iug BtrutA by lha fast lino. • • • • 't "SFrom nearly all parts of the oonntry for

md Now York oomeg theint&at "roftlaria, wan not knum

mi aotition-nntll wttiiaHhe laj^ two or threeI." wbjcli showi that. pint=b siekne»< ei-Jrcg tlm purling' Sttcflirfal and on tho

;hadsd hills. - foople uta .i»isbtDg from tha4 idt bU Urrlble judgm .at on the angodly... ,< - •_ _:.a.j_ .*...*:'___,_„.,_ __^ . L . n d ^fta{i ^ g g t 8 r a taMlt QpQB

t lha vows of bis followers andiilsliVBpringfi,-tlra dnrk Orcharda and tha

iolcnt lakes to tL« «eaahdre 1n order toUieebilis oo4 favw. out of theui."e'fla hnndaomo lit(l« widow, with »pi»ir

>f spurkling eyes, whicli ara tsrer boumiugf with fun, and adyiirefs round he

r.Bi! thoy "i"iff bor )o tho ekieebeauty in lha h'tllo Widow »unn.

Herfaooislikea picture, nnd her woutb ilike a rose whun it opens in tbo morning t

nun; film lid* rtevoteeH and £uitorn byecijro, and each one poen for tbe w<the littlo "Widlcur I>uua Cigur,"

p ggtwo churches. rreBuuinbly, bo countedonly tho voting members, and not femnle,hut what a representation. Twelvn wliarcttere ongbt'at Itdfit to have biton oueflred. J» this cowilitencyf -Init oTaa hnlf-V.y coiitiiateno; 1 ' Frofettsing ohristiaiiB on..flcoriiine: puMioly identifl^ with tHiurch Iu any of ibi do no mi national foriuWeoino t'lumplee, whather tbey wilt or nofsome phase of obarnoter or the


church last Babliath, aad Rtof the M. E. Chureb, look f(>

Qeo. iliUer,bis text iu tb

nf the otiriHtifti) t beiiuf us portniyod in tbeare. 0n» pflTtioitlar clout m clescribcaleither liot nor cold," decidedly

uauaeoiiH to the Omnipotent Being whomthey prBtoridtnserv^wIiodEcIwrfB that herill spew them cat oat ot hit, m*ntb,.mong thoee named 'ax excluded from the

Kingdom of Hea?en is the drnaliard.TbiB sentence in positive and final. Nowt_ifthodeclnrationaofthQ Bibto flre traa, doesIt not beaoinetbe Spnaden dpty of every'one who pretends to'follow 'its ieachicga todo what they oan toward rescuing the perish,tug, and Baye tho young from fulling it.to

ribls pitfi.ll.0f the evfl ana by properK aDd lDBlruotidii, and bj conBtantiruest effort to removo tbe cauee of

this fenrfttl and nide-Gptead n in .

Thn Bible eaja l M God cannot lie and[hat iu him (here is so variableness, no

of turuiug. Do professing cbrinlianfl:\oza, believe this teaohlng, or will QoA

Tlmr y of Inst ii i]«yB tho ntU'iiilniit filirmul

day, iiowevcr, theopio betfim to corao ia ntimbcta, flnd m

/ it wfu ettjjjintfil Unit there wore befour fin.1 «TO thou^.n,l upon tlm

U. ' Tho rctTiiitt from entnwwriaKeu on Friiliiy amouutcd to only

I, Lul on RHIKIBJ- it swelled lo o»or $ir>.colleotioiia UVco that day

(mounted to $!-l.72, <md wero larger thanof any other Subtwth for itreB ytara.

j wero tl»n a fuw distureduces Jo tbaicigliborho»Jof iho grouuda by disorderlyibuiwl«ni, but tkoj were qukUj acttled byh« polico. *

Tha YottHR Peopln's meetingsirection of Kov

metumre their service to'htm aaqordiag totheir conrenience or nolllsh iuleratitHeBOupe on some flimsy or .ociinienl eieoae. iIn it possiWu for ft chrintitin to wjnk nt nil

il which is Bwoepiiig over nixty tinDjon boiuf!" into dmnltiiril'H gnivt

Iho fearful gulf foeyoua!? Mtfimwlille, takingllio aViiiltri of (ho yonlli i>r lha w).

\itn to HH t!ie pinned at thoflfl lostfrom tlilfl exihteiico into tliu futuraill utiUo willi the irreveiHille duo]

ha iir rd fiwil. Can ft b» ptnuibh foratiction this,to

: Lawery haru besn' a*iao4 attractive na usual, and

w meeting* in the oppwlto p*lil!onHCI<H1 by Dr. H. It. Ounun, asaisted.by

cnar*. (iulicfc, K^naa mad otfatfK &*•i of great foterwt aid pew" . . Mra.(pnMf* ootlage m«Unf[«haTe alM baenwiNulsd with the onial Umno* Ato merfingt and at th« gtiwral .WWOM

i m b T t UenquiU* mmbsr of w o w -

Tltff »:csl»ff lv» b««ii Ud by a Ana ohnrtu,f mident yoong pMpta aoeMpMM *>7 anmrl. ami bat baeo particuluiy fiw.Tha Mount Tabor BMOtO. aodtr ti* dl-

hi barn « • to I* •t"'W M* hM^wrf"*

Eutcr thou into the joy of tuy Jionl," etc?in siiul (hut tbo ej'e of Onminotence In

[>OD us nt all timen. Tbo cyan of the tinverted are also upon ctirlBtiiinn, watohiug

rloFety llieiraotBiadcompariuB tliefr Hycith the rt!(_n(roineD(. of tho Host Higb,d Jnokiog nt «icb for their mutual (

flrmntion of the truth. How uuicli kntedge on this scoro iB |o be oblainea fromthose who regularly' absent tbemaelvewhon no effort ii bains nifldo to stay thetide of destruction wbicU \a swallowing nj)annually over aiity taansand victims In theUnited Staten, nud waatiug handreds ofmUliaM.of teeawr*-TfcV afewnt »w»-' Blr'flu ia oebalf m suoh m«asnreii aa a»l t>eit

niculated to abate or^KBttaiu the (jntw.Cuiti'ti inaoient qaeatton ai to wbet_« btwa»bUbjoUmr'«io«p«i, brortglit fpttit theterriblfl maXaace, " T b j brolhax'n blow.cnjlitb from th» oroatid /or Tengeanw."tn tft« 'diiiributloQ of tbfi TengeADM df (beAlmighty ho* U \i poatlbla far toolW"toescape their shiw of njootintaliUJty tot tbejdftiiniotJonofthoMiaiir.ihoj^ttd TictioiioJ tha rein Jaffl.. wbftnuW* pallio pro-fowion ot lb» ohriatUn religion ?

On Toartay, Attfi. 10th, tn- tQatul wlaofIota at Camp Tabor took filtw «tul |10,4^)worth m ditpofed of. Qmto,

rcning, "EnnoU -walked with God, aud beW&B not, becttUBo God took him." It wasmrmoa replnte with iustructfoo.

Kent vent off with tho LJvcr Pad nwvho has been singing Bongs, telling atorlestnoking his lost nigar, and selling liver padsor the last week nrouud &tauhnpi

of livor pnds reminds mo thnt daring tbering ouo ot the hoys vus vary lunch ubak-wita the ague. He took quinine enough

to atnrt a drug store, and Moorq'B pilulesvery tUy diet, hut still he ehook,

and was alii re dag and buroiag up by tarns,and he }o6ked BA yellow a. the dirt eaten ofNorth Carolina. He vent down to Vought& KiUgora'a one day and bought a lirer pad.loaded him ytssterday what effect it had,and he asid he never had a ohjll uiaoa be pu tjt on,' Ho wore It thirty-five days tightalong, then took i t off a wook and put it ctba neit, and he has net felt so well In sev-eral yean on einee he began to wear it Ido not write this as a free pnff for VoughtftKIUgow.butfor the information of themany people about hen who BIO tormentedwith fevet nnd ague and malarial fever.

A photographer from Uaokattatnwn himbeen here taking plotureaof iho round housoand coal chute*,

I have heard that ROT. J, Jay Crane, whonow In charge of tha photograph gallery

at fitanbopa, took CASE'S hotel and bissummer boarders tbe other day. He in saidto be quits an artiBt.

friand GUSTO iftVH Holloway W. Kuutdissected Gar field last week at Suecasuuua.I heara John Smith bill Mr. Hunt n lawyeraud ii milUnor once at South Stanhope whenMr. Hunt WBH there and liturd it too. I didnot know he was au M. D, aa well.

8o tho Suu whicli Bbluea so brilliantly forAII bos gone into a new business. Honoe-

a hero,Tu at

forth if you want tobooome famoussaiut and martyr, murder your wWin thi higbwuy ta popularity, and It, atteithe law TODdotnna you to ba bung by the

k until you are dead, tho Go vonpardou you, you oan go to Heavensatisfaction of knowing that tun Sex willcat! the Governor a wooden-beaded, hard-hearted, red-bavnded murderer, and beg yonrcomrades in crime not to vato fop the party

D could elect Such, a terrible fellow to:e. It is easy to trump up a charge ofaithfulness against a woman. If you ae

he* talking with another man on the streettf iome of tho neighbors wg Tom Brown gointo your house while yoa ara to work andstay half aa hour and they report H to you,twit bMOtaes the town talk, whioh it aorelywfll, cut liur throat, ehoot h.r, d« It at yourleisure; send her to tba Judgment seat ofOod with all her imperfMtioas on her bead.Don't «& bw why Tom Brown came thaw,

Nothing 81tott or v u l i t a k a b b BeneSUmnrorroaupon tens of thouanndt of sofferettEOVlA eris'iBMto tad tiitint&fa iho nputatf.wtticb ktxn'a SABjUTAattLi enjojg. Jt !•ootopodud of tlie beet TCROUUB alteratlroa,with tlie Iodides of Potwuiura and ln\Ii the most effoctotl of all nroodioa forwro-miuui, memorial, or blood disorder*. Uni-

f BUoccwroUiid certain (a its nmedhli, it ptodoooB rapid and compete euro*

or Burofula, Sorci, Bolli, Humors, Pimplcn,EruptiodH, Bbin DISOMO* and all disorder.

fffrota impurity of tlio Wood, By its in-iting effMti it alwtyt roliDvet and on on

ouren Liver Complaints, Female ffoabnoBBos*B(] Irregnlaf.tiet, and I* • patentreaoirer oftlUlily. For pnrifyinB the blood it hasequal. It tones op tba lystcn,, rcitarai apreserves the hetlth, «ad impirti vigor andenarsy, *"or forty J-«MB It b » been iuilt« use, aud U today tboinoit ivftllablo med-lotua for the ittflerluR sick, anywbero,





DRY GOODSdl ttat is SEA-


The reputation of the placo for full lines of RELIABLE

GROCERIES* tho lowest crroot price,, will bo My sustain, mmfeg aU tho

needs in ffioway of table suP1,Iira, lrith espooiol attentiongiven always to tlio

FINEST FAMILY FLOURSt i m i a U j k o p t



all tl,0



e choicest patterns nnd Ijcst maloriuls in



Mens'Fine Dress and Business SuitsAT



AT<Tt XX. P I B R S O N ' S .



'over, April 2d, 1880. D O V E R , N . J .

TAIIiOK, has just received positively the„ __ —_,—,_, ^^^^.^u tvl bo f<juii(i ii. miv niifruliQtit iailoriniT flntab*

(.bmenttlih Bide ol tbe citv. Mi.»i»ti,,B of ove.ythinir now «ml i ™ " •that hulK>abran_llt <nt.br 8priD([ am! Sumnior, oompririn. erar, _»<!« of imported

ij domosUo suitiugs nt trice« r»i,E,ng from 812 upward."— -aUoaloroo _ _ _ ing ot their lUodilr

vaim on the pub-lic of tnia seotion.

CARPETS, OIL GLOTHS 4 1 H T T I K G S ,tho newest features in WINDOW SHADES ami Vi

»cril>tion of Crockery and T.uiuj CUTLHIV. IUand every do-






which contains all of tho latest in

provements in machines, nnd is tho

most handsome of all for a sitting

room ornament.

Every Machine Warranted.

GALL AUD EXAMINE THEM.J>0Tur, January 7tb, 188ft.

we are prepared to meet all the requirements of the BUILDEEMECHANIC and HOUSEKEEPER.

A BUSINESS EXPERIENCE OF 4 5 YEARS,and fi steadily growing trade Ero our best orodontiula, ana every hono»t effort will bo mado to sostain om repctation and ploaso o u friends.


Ini>f skilled workm<

ivo each man tboilass o( worit be is.tent njapted fur boint I CUQ guaran-

LUB my customersper/cut Balis/neUoDiu every garmentAs qualify is tha

I think wilb tbiibove facilities I

clotbicru tb'at „mtinuulty pnli

IbcreoD. and hy RIV f,my cuBtomurH ;v tii 1 c!Don't forget iny stu J *


Every article raideb,v mo in muds onuiy owa premise*miller my own m-

ii 3 l

April 2G, 1SB0.

a^ 18th, 1880.

D( oooiH a « ready explanation., * Jury may convict

t d Jld, J y y

you of murder in tbe first degree, tha JtldgeUBjr •eoUsoe yoo. to he hao^od »nd soferougli tEi fono of'pwying Ood to b»T0tnemyon your foul. Wn*t or U? UMQ-

Wle you will fa» mmptaomly ewr? ftoy.idiM will bring yoa bonqeiflbiof tha ohole-

at Oonere, ths ralntam of wh*toTOr retlrf

. t f ^ r a . .

auni (mad lotaratf.Tb. »*«l»l " • " •"» <

. IW. 0. Wakm a( Xrrt»

Mr*. JUDM Cortrlght, of H m r b , tfatlRb-

T l« t«»b*« taauU» rW la rVbool.;'ilioantala *tm mA toilfl if UKuIly b^tlly

Botna F « F « * "m to^RonUt^w. <•»•«

of OMI fM)«r «wM

, * » ' « 6 i >• -•"•ia. in Ibe Mil anslaat Vet tba OXMTJ >*»•

< aaoratl an UM (MBl tofavkal aatJ. . .KO11 M I waat aaU Itol

( . . i i ^a j a .

ion you prefer Till prepare your aoul foretaniity i yeur lawyen vtll twoome fflmou.by gcttlag 7Ot> a new (rial, or your frlea<I*vfll buelga tba Oonrow with pelltiiue forpardofl) U Uiat, fail your. natn,B will tieemMatoneri in ail tha nenpapen aa a aaintof tbe fint vater, aqd your ofaOdnn maynara aone eUim on the lamming adtaiti!.-trallotl if Ibejr oan aay 10 tba Prnictanl

"I f onr father had not altot ourmother, or eat her tfcroeA yon would nolban been elected.'

Aral 1MB tt tka yMr of « » » »"> >I nor* oar Batt lesWatore wilt take awa J

tUa baltla ery fraea Ibe polllisiana by abol-lahla^ oapttal punUbncnt a&d taking awayU» panKnliv power altogether la o a n ofemrderhl U» to* drana. IM Iba mor.

aratrlWaaaUi bia own«aot Haw, that Hi.Sula wBI aai t> il Ikal IlKT do not aaaape,

Ikaalboi aanlbelr baaid anl alotkea

•MgU wK. I Mkt* t i c u U p t lM 1 dMi pM|na ta ft Into

! m e w « U t t | e i | M < t f u

TUli/WnJ. Wla. ». B. ka. 0-a


J.HAIRHOUSE,Watchmaker and Jeweler











AND STEEL WAQ0N TIEE. all sizes, and'



S. XX. B S B . H •»•'»,



SINGERSewing Machine

Is iekR0«riHf(4 by til to t*i l rtllUli *Mi test »»•

It* M I I ITtujf



•re JUltD_oUh«J fm their superior flnUh,mb<n*d witb OOUUMI itr*ti)-th. la tiro*WfUUff <(O»Hll*» thoy u s ntunrpiMtd, u »HOM tho bonjtbt one will toilff. Alto

Wtlia u. Ejis fiieliiiip*»cnt dait proof •lein-wtnJlt.| N M ,


Aft tk|»bt dlipUjr or new dtitfw ror

i _ ^ i for u» n u n o y n spKOTACtn wdciu.uuui> n u n ITE OLUSRS. tiMtrftuw» u 4 tfmt M» «»n«utt»<l not to favwi.




Dover, N. J., May 18tli, 1880.BLACKWELL St., DOVER, N. J.

In tbe renewal of McKIRGAN & Co.'s ad-vertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm has essentially "StruckOil." Commencing business with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady industryand strict attention to business and the -wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State. MoKIRGAN & Co.*OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfeotly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers in MorrisCounty and vioinity, if there are any who donot deal with this £nn. we advise them toopen business relations with them, as weknowwhereoi we speak when we advise themto tbat effeot. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-tion to it in the raarke. Their BRILLIANT!.8AFETY and PARLOR WATER WHITEbrands lor illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric light fo r iflu-minatinj: purposes.

•«RMGM * C*, tttwrl IM. It THIRD AVENUE,






aUniU roSTTIYEr.Y al (ho l.oa.l of Iho whole liai. FOKSALE0M,Y AT THE

Cash Store

S. S. & j . A, LYON., Me.. Nlh . ])UO.




LiaiitS JiiLLX.—Oin- box of gflauti,lj,-sjlvi'<l in one jiiul nf ctiUI wtituf ; «tlinm pinta of boiltug water, tw«t pii..f whil- wiLTir. nuil tbe jnkv uml peel oflbrcol.irsul.anm... r..i.r ink. monM*.

J , , H > « 1 ' A K B . - * « ! . ! • .nu Pint milklu'iliug (in twi cup full Itidiiiu imu»lbuwl. Bt'nt up tlm*! eggs, uilil oue

u suit, put nil mi» » Imttoretiti*iiiH.oti »f Imttw. Bute. Serve


XliTCBbBHUiuT CARS.—Sli «'gffs we!liatU'li, olio jiuitinl of flimr, utit; nud •J1.1M pmt;iu<lii.ti WPUL o"0 fl " m l b t t l ( P'"4

u f I X eunie of tulcmlm linko tilti'rot piiiiH," Sonib liku 11 HtUo nutmeg01' gingor iiii't citiiliimou.

SWCEO CtnausTS.—To uigM quarts ofripe (iiirrautauJa four pomula nf migur,oue pint of the lust vinegar, and ground• j a m to trait your tnsto. Uwil nliou.oiifi boor, nut iuto jurs and coverotbor preserves. Tbqr Bhould not benaoil uuiler three u.oull.5.

JTEW ESOLAKI) Mwriss.—Beat tsvoeggs woll, witb a teaspoonfut of butter ;luU a I'iut of milk, l a k e three teacupsof flmir, two tuaspoonfols of baking pow-der, ami bill! 11 teaspoon of suit; sift iutotlie milk uml eggs. I""1! ijiuckldrop into mnfllu-rlngs «r Rcm-pans,ifaviiiTODUl for tlii'm to rise ; bnUo im-mediately in n qitlek HVGD.

O E K H I U SALAD.—Slired. cttblrage verylluu, IUKI cut celi-ry iuto KUUIII Ji'1

noil tu(jetlii.'T, uud upriukle will) wilt uudjwppcr. Put i»nc git! of vinegar intoBiincepan, end stir in a well bfutea IIR.Stir ovor n lint firo till us thick us errimmid » 8nltspoouf.il of inixeil mustard,t.ili.c&j-ormf.il of sugar. Bout wull to-(rtitlii'i*, uud when ould pour on thebugo .mil celery.


iuto several pieces two omim* ofjm-ste, put it iuto a souee-pan with a gilluf w:itor ; pluee it up"ii a iiioilcratt! fin1,nuil Nt.rcaiitiniiull.r uutil it is meltod iutoa smooth paste ; Uien add 0110 pintmilk, ocerouni, mid three (mucus of Suewhilo sugar } coiitiuue to boil for HTO 0six luiiHitPs, stimug co.itiuui.lly. No'

'. flavor it with 11 dessert suoonftil of beBtvanilla cxlrnct. or it little powderedunmoti. Serve Tory liot.


Tourth otuico whito caatilo aoap, threeounces aqua timoiiiii, three-fourth otiucasulphuric other, ouo ounce alcohol, ouo-lialf ounce glycerine, oue quart &eftwnter, - Dissolve the soap iu tluadil tliu oilier iugrcdiouti Always shakethe bottle wall botoro applving the creamwither with hrusb or cloth; it will re-move spots from elotH and Bilk amikinds of iimteriuls, nud is buriuloss,,


—Wuslj aud pick over two quartsrica boftpiup full, make a pint 11 ml a halfof flour into i/batter with water enoughto liolil tUq. berries; Addi-teaaof suit. Tie tlio pudding tight, leavingroom to swell i put itiinto boiling wanot allowing i t to censa boiling, Adilboilina water If :rioedGil''wbeTi the fiwnt>tesV Snriiee-^jo.d butter aud sngior hot with wine and thicko^ witb tea-spoon fill uf corn aturcb.

To CLiua GtLDET) FRAMES 6 B EIO-TOUES OB MnutORB.—Brush witUa paiu-ter'a Hoft^ruah. ;„• Blow the,3i.9t'^r__ __the crcri&s if mdeb defaced, dissolve a:much iloAth.ot sulphur .as willbright yeiww tinge to tho'-watcriu aquart of it. Boil.Wlf a dozen qniona iipaougli water to cover thenii. Y*kensoft, strnin, and add tho water only t<tbe auljjliur water. Whea cold slraiithrougli & doth, nnd wash tho frameswith it, letting it dry on. f i t will bright-en them, aud pruveritthe flies from set-tling ou them. Gil Jed g«e Hxtibo cleaned lilte the franjea. . Tb cleanfurniture, after '(lusting Well, it;,eb'oulibe rubbed hard with chamois nn'd poliebsd with a wixture/jof. occ-foattb pineach of turpeutinc, alcobol, well- b^iluiUnseed oil, nud viucgur. Shake ••mibottle till well niixtul, r u b ^ little ou thefuruiture trail polish with fh'o leatli

ii i-i> then I haiiy' to

ccrtDtuciidiril (KiiToritiI111111 I kuuw to but 1

truDi.KiOuey una .Liver complaiii'tu .au.l, I uhiuro thn pnliliu, that llio Fa tori tit

.•nicth lias done He work wiib a aiuiilur I'oni-tteDus iu vvety aiiiglo iuatunco, aud I trastmo OIIILT sick auJ diBcourngod mortal may;at nf it and try U10 Fivonto Hoiiiidy.

A wowiio in rel was sceu :d the Coney,TBIIIIKI races by a fashion correspoiulputi•wuo furnfiihrs tho follQvin'g[<|bsdriplion;*'Hhe was ortwiirilly clftlifid iSjeH fromtop to toe—from reil-pluWa li'at iO-'htl1

red leather slippers. ; Tho^lcdiVirfalof her costamoa was v d f t t ' n n d etUn,iu tbe muiu, and thewas ft bright jenrlot, %

glistened in the liot siiu l i^^ ip iR 1 Hvecoal. Her slippers wore low, showingred silk stockings of the finest teitureher jewoleiy was red carved ivory ; hergloves were red, loo ; not a glimpse !'6lanything but red could be caught abouther, except her fncu, ueslfj uml hair,'Sho must bare looked liked the devil.

Fourteen girls, studeuta m a Westerncollege, are writing n continued, story,which one of tho county pnucrs ia pnl»-liabing from week to week. Each girliu turn writes a chapter. Already twe.vchapters liaTo appeared, and the Btorjtbus far conoarna twelve splendid fellowwith long, silky mustaches ; twelve beau-tiful maidens, with hair that reaches theground ; and twelve sturu fathers. Sixof the liDraos had each & "St." in his

- Dtuno, and tho otlier six aro "La" aomibodya,

" I cdu't toll for the life of me," aaian old farmer »t the Whito Mountainsto a party of oity visitors tho'othcr day,"what you fellers see up here to drawye. For ray purl tlmac till-iired hills

' Imve been tlio worst tliiugs we've bnd toconland" with. Still, it'a all right if youlike i t ; we're glud to BO ye ; only it'smighty funny."

Women aro only talkative whea tlihurt) nothing to say.

False calves arc sold in Paris for fiftycoata a pair. Iu making this ro-Teal-metit mny we bo allowed to say that thisis a leg-itimate business.

'When the Dog D.iys como a grcomany people, for frar of BO.DK to tbdctunition bow wnwi, toko a bark forthe seashore.

Tin- dog days drive a good many pop-pies out of town to tha watering..A cluing!) of aceuo doc* tint chaugc pub-lic opinion coDooming them.

A mini who vns BtiflfTiiiH friitn a boilno hi- face |Milti«hly oicWnicd, "Xwittli J knew tho treat plure to .Imil! " To which his little pr l roapoml*ml : " Whv. pnpfl, lite tes-kcttlo U tl.o\>~>t plow for a boll 1"

A Kjwrtilnlnr ronnnllctl a pli.vs.cliwiiotolU i i i » : "Vt'iir feTt'4i*!i lifsttK-nmgbly donRproii*. If you con.lt),it «Dolher your, atlliaini*I you will 1110 tuorf (»f thf» worl.1. * <• All I " cital

iwtutt BO

y aw*u|>| to»kt. Xwtutt BO u|fntiaa 1 «ou|>| to»kt

i«nuU iwuro my lite frr » niillioo r

" H»v far 1% it tma .New Tork toSew Orion* f " M EoglUbnutt MI(M1jn Awrtran. "KiRlitivtt buodrvd

uA*v. \* AIt u <i«t»«-n


l Iroto %d Qravd.

l l i . n l vuilhui nliiB«ii.V

id f»r t laiift I'nie my ciin was rcKHnlcil a*.jirkss. All win. knew tlio circuuixtuncos

d*i-l 1 mti'it AU: I'in.ill.v. piy »ift' in.hiffJ meli.i* « IxittlnorPr. KcniK'dy'Si Favuriti- Hcm-

Ivirtisca. Witlimit tho w!l«btur»t luith in it.it jeilely tu (iratity !ur, I Imn^lil a Imtlle uri1niBKi»riiiinii*vit!ii(HJ. I H^atUn! aii'l t1 (Itrim tiiitUen inure, and—to uiako n luorv clioit— I am saw as licinltliy a mau



lirouidUalI>i>l^LstliOM, Croup,all diseases ofItBootliosaad

the LunKftt In-flamed aud poisoned by tlie (ll&oaseand prevents tha ulght-swoats finLtightness across file cbost jridm ac-company It. C01SSIJUPXI0N is notan uwuroble molatly. I t Is

wiili Lack k Illnoui*l)urfiIt. Ii. for i'ltt»t<.ii. •.Vjoiums. K)na«t-u aud Wilku.-

PiiscU),'iT« Uklug tbU t » I u ti-oin NewfiiloMimiiii.lHiK'iitoli tan CfiUUWtat Waali.

vCNu.v*3S<rk"uta.ao p . M (Eauton Es-I touni'cunj; at W*tcr]iH. for Aiidovtr,in uuil Urntislivlltc, auj ut FiiUIipsburg,<'].i),-li YHII.-V Jkilnnu! and Luiilgh Dtidcliaouu It. JL .oi'BttbluUtiUi.illuutdwn,UK itiul Ilurriribiirt,'. AUu with Uvl. Dtj.,1?lior]Jl.ivi,Url.. • ,I..4(1 P. J[, (Itii-kcttHtuwn EiiiroHslsto])-

. . . n .it ililbutu, Summit, Cbutbam, at-.-tldun,Nlfirrijtciwii and nil Htntlons viaut tu HmilicttH.

'"• tr^iu for

this beni^ 8pwifl(f wUl cure Voiiii Uiouifb pr^eastonal aid faite.


5<»il r . SI., buvor EiprcBs fur Hiimmit,BLTuanisvillc Iiuakiiitiri-lfL- onJ nil nuiuis ouUBHUtc and I)elawnru llailroad,} Cl.atiu.tii,tadiBuu, Morriutown, lli.rrw I'lains, Dimvilk,

itli truif) fur liuiiiiton, at Dovrr witb CliesUTjiilroad for Clu>»ter autl Succusunua, and also•itliExpri'as train f«r V«t«;i-Jo«*. H»akcttatowtti'asliiU(.'[»u, Muuuuka (?hiiii(c. Wator Qt\),trondfiburL', Hcraaton, liiii^liamlon, Uticn,rlclttinlil .sprint;*, iSjmeuMs nnd Oatvego, witbIcL'iiin^'uurduttacbed.

At T:OD p , JJ. 0»«ego EiprrsB irom Now>.rii (Hlut-plue (•iM».Up.i.'.h via. I'aters.m 4ILHIIIIUU tliniuuli tu Wuli 1- O;ip. Ktniuikl-urg,cranluu, J3mi;uuu.toii, Lihk.iluratiiuD.lJort-toil, HotutT, Kuuciixc nut) Unw iro, ciutiL-ot

at Waterloo ivil'li Kutts^x lluilronii tut AndovoriindNinvlon ; «i Delimit re wltli lll^lrRtonn By.At BlncliuiiiSiiii (vitli I nil) furOret-no, OiHinl,

" Tliis iralu run a tbruugk

the Most Voutrfai UOUUHV Oint-ment and Jtininfeet ant

ever Discovered,ITtnru'a Cnrbollo Salvo teals ttirni.ITcnrv'l Citrbolte ftatv* cure* gores.Henry's Carbolic Halta altaj/a pain,Henry'* Carbolic S<iiro mires eruptions.Stnry't Carbolic Salve heal* pltnplr*.Utnru'a CarboUe Hat to hwtlw %r\tl*n.

H d T k N Oh



EcUy's Carbolic Troches,A flTOB FKEVEN H \ B OF

Contagious SlaeaaeB Coldn. Hoaraenaas.Dlplitherla, aud ™- ~~2~ - « •- '

Biiierss Uynpepaia and f



34 Collets Flaoe, NawTork.

DFTItAlHS.P. II,4,308.40




_ ittont, IU)(ultteot, and all HAL A RIALVEXVta. • -THS ENTIftE ODIIE COMBINED IN ONE

PAD, AT THE COST OL' ONLY l l .Worumi thopitcftlio atoraaou It causoscaiivenionco, trouble or thoogbt, ecuid posltivuly Klrea new life and vitall.,,I1.I1: r.ljBolulcly ibeurbing all raalniinl UTIIKKI |io(sons, Said by drUKfiist* QTcrywlieri

, For sale by Vought &. Killgore.aa-ia


A large number ofGOOD BUILDINGLOTS on 1st, 2d, 3d4th, 5th, and 6thstreets, PKSN AVENUE.

These lots are the best located in this city, within eijjhminutes walk of the depot.Splendid water easily reachedon each one.

Terms Easy.Biieharda & Van Nostrand, Omiera,

^ppijioWM. H. LAMBERT, Aat.

Spring Millinery!MRS. M. FAKR

rt O n e , would reipecthnj <*M Ibe it-ID of tbe Ikd.ca of th»t plr^tv (mil Tlcinitr

•4»le« fa »P»INO SITLLINERY.f)i til the UUtt nAVeltlu In .

Ladies' Fancy Goods.Sbo IK al*o ROLE AOEST in roRT OIUM

Tor three diffcretit flrmi, rlt i *RUlea Ultm\ Djolna ami Cbantnc Gi

Dov«,K. J., Jon.Slk,Tfl TUB DKIHMlTOHM OF TMR MI»-« « » ' WAVIXtf* SAXK O* DOVWt, *. J .Tfe* bwrd «manM*n «r tkU Bub bllt ill* Tf>bltftl | a £tCOBtl)>B« II b ltlD'W,

AJSBStl l n n i U K F U Uf, Tf**«.

Uitlllli ASU KtWEX DIVISIOH.)lu Nuir York, foot or lkrd»y St. an

fuul of Clirlutopliitr *U.M K l t AltlUNUliMENTU.

UOKOAV, .11 Nil 'lib, J880.AViS NE,W 1UUK.

1111'a.HUuuu ami (Ji iot l f i ; tl.t< r-uodfi Ikilinni.

liii.*'lt.'UllJ>..lL. AKW,''ii.'iu!laillWa»h!ii8t»'iurUauuiiku Obuuk.Wutor llii.ii,8lruuJBljiirr;sraiiton, Great lieuil, iiiuKiiaujtou, Uiictislifivlri HttriW. Uunwr, Curl Uud, Byracuisc,BHT«(I iinii [Hiium uu tliu litLckawunim ami'..nm..,)iiri'Hitl. lJiii-nvau- uud Uudxuulli.il-

• • - - [,.1. Viil-. . .lailroBiluiuiUiii^liaiKi HuBuH, (or ittiiilt-liuiii, Huuuli UbuiiU, ItHJlarrJMlfurK-

Ai =it«u A. lit. Omvopo £ x j > » » (Diuvui (Jerit liitnuliuil) Ii«"i Now York vit. 1'nt-w u and liuuutuu, ions t l i i u i b Wau, atnmilsburg, Bcinnti l l L U

w York vit. 1ntuiujb tu WAUT, Qrvut Il^txi,U U t U u d__„„ , __ u., UarttiUun, Oortlaud,

H0111UI-, Sj-racUBu fliiJ OnHVgu; OoDneclinKDurorwitt. ClioaUr «. B., «t Wfttfrlon w(

li.lt,fiirAuduyur tKiu ; at ]

»utoii, will, Kiuuulob j d A

will) AiliiWi

r, N j o u' illatrdt

i i i

litiglium, Nnrwi

llatrdtowu lty.. uii)ivision fur 1'ittn-

nvillo, Xnrth-i with Uliun. Utii'a, anJ

anHtnytri) Ubni^' tills. l'ttcmuii aadl i

t at WaulilDgtoii wltli train Torlpiibiirt,', Jiaatoii, iiulhluUum, Ultuli<tburi.'iiii(ljpuints.au tbe Leh^it VL l i t i l It a rom'

tuu, K i u u ,miiberjaud, Ac,Division (or UiciJtiuhtltkl HpringH.

Sow Vot W

Ehilllpiibiirt', JiUurri<tburi.itud LL'ljii;P b i t l l LIt. li>

l jpuiniu JiiiBiiucliaith Iklvitlcviilfj, Tri'iito

Uvur Acc

eh^it Valluj,na It a. rom's; utDivision or 1'a. It.

l I l i l l l l i

M. jrHtismioii H|rt9Brmm tlmiuttli tu Walii, Jli'irflisliituit, Hj-mf i i t wiil Lock

DrtiujrGaji, S



and crery weakly, sicklysurely sti hgthcn

anil build up the broken-down s.ysti'iii by taking

RICHARD'S TEETOTAL TONIC.No remedy has ever made

more wonderful cures of Dyspepsla, Nervousness and everyWeakness and Debility. It Isthe best regulator of the Liverand Kidneys, and tne safeBt andbest stomach, brain and nervetonlo In the world. It makesthe weakest nerves strong andthe most despairing mind brightand cheerful; It gives new life,vigor and energy to the over-worked body and brain, and alwho take it eat and sleep but-tvr uml become licullhic.'und stronger.

Free from alcoholio dangers,Physicians pronounce it thesafest remndy ever sold, and itmost be tried to know the perfeot health and strength itsuse insures.VAN 11USKIBK i. Co., 18 V»«oy St., N. Y.

DRIKiaiBT. IELIJ IT. riulbuitlCJI 4 l .vrn.fl


ticliui.'ii, U

oOiiwo*" s.i'iinlAt ' ( *> J'. M. i '

VHig SpeIlaeIioll

for L'bot-n,WMh.n, Head-IRtoiii 1'IWOII, Jll'tlllfllfll], Allli.1

ig uii.i llarri.l 'iu'g. ivithuut chuuFIJI* liL'rtisrii^^1*'1^! I'UhaiDj rifij Hf jjyonEt

[iliiustiui. SiirliuR, Oilk'ltc, UL-rliduy Hulghtnlull h;mio:is uu 1'nndtiu aud Dulaw*ro R.

H. (N. J . Weit Linu llailroad) 8:43 A. M. Hid

' A. REASONED, Superintendent.

DOVEll TIME TABLE.UH arrive aud depart from 0U» station

EAHT ri>t'KD A. U .

'uver Kipri.'i=i 7:00

li'cliamton Bxp.* 1;67N.•«• York MailDuvii 6:16

5urk Xccum. 8:27i';a. Boontou itraueli,

VEST DOUSD .EaHtun Mm I 0:23Oswcgi) Enpreai* 19:02

Dover Arvom. 12;^"r.nstnu Exprcm 2:00

Ulu-tUhmu EipDuvor ExproseOriWCKO Eip.*l ' h l l i b '


, .M. I ' .M,0.67 7.00 Chester

10.47 G.62 Hortou10.87 tl.47 Ironia10.27 6.42 Buccaannni.0.17 8 i>8 McCainsvil.0.05 6.30 Port Oram[0.00 0.23 Dovei

A. St. l ' .MC.50 8-6B(1.57 4.1B7.02 A.R01.07 iAd1.10 4.687.18 5.107.25 5.2B



rLitBiloMlB,Hich HHI IBO,Culirnu, -BllddloVftlley,auriiian V&HQV,Nauf-liriglit,Battl«y,FUndtrs,Cary1',Koiivtl,Port Orsm,


A. u . v. ii.U.52 C.GO

jO.10 7.2M7.38 4.407.25 4.097.18 3.017.13 3.357-02 3.U

Insurance a SpeciallyE.&G. H. Ross& Breese,

Insurance Agents,Office. Old on Bank Building,

Mcrristown, N. J.p g p

S.THA FIVE INS, 00. of Hartford, Co. C»p-• Hal »ml Surplui o«r »B,700,000.ii^HDl.VS.OO., AweU cm 12,600,000


FIREUEWfl MUTUAL INS. Co.,N.J. Capital m a Sanrtaroref n WO.OOO.

UEROHA'NTS' UUTCAL INS. Co, of Senrk ,N.J, OapitdaodStuplDitditn00e0Ga

l M iJ . \

MDT0AL BESEFIT LIFE IHS. Co. of Ne»'irk,N.J. Aiseltam 133.000,000. .

Inmnuice «ffeet«l Wal l 'description! of-propertj in any section of the Btate, i t uEon nt«x iu tha riak will t ADlouei PAID ?P.O}HTLYr i

ising in settlement.Persons at a dwtanea am

letter &nd !«««« tho u o «tpplication were madd la p«noo. - .,

A. JUDSOK OOE,Snreeyor u i i Collector, Diyrer, S. J,

GEO. MAN1TSNew Billiard Parlorand SALOON, Blaclnrdl Hi,, Dover, jnrtfitted up with new unA et gmot >[fioioUiuetinflers to the pleaxur* »«*ker os4 of tta qtiirtoKt &nd rnoxt pl«unnt pl»c« ot e n f o y m iin towu, TIIE BILLIAHD PAItLOB cant b two fine carom t>Uts »nd fi fitted op

Bverythiug c^cessaryfor tLeeoJornwatp

eoJornwatEB, t£c fin-t i fh

witli Bverythiug c^cessaryfor tLeof the game. HCTfEI/H L A O E , t£c finGRt beverage drank, alway* kept in frwhsupplies, and a full rtotk of Oerman eheeaeaMnernl waters, Ftoe Appla Cider, PntEehSardinex, eta. George will b* •lw.yfl onhand tfl plewe lilg friendq, u d w^l uok*every BHanger foel at home. 590


fufotfui Si,, UtmtaWi. Hi J,hai J n . t reoftlrcd for IBM) cna faQndrefl eleirBal l .™, ot WAM. PAPBIW . n J B O H D E I B

o'i&H'W&w'feAfe^aaa..Git pjieoa.1 Hirtahani'a Snrluft Vait.nur., andj l l ,« r ln .p ron4«i ln r . i . Prapaml KAUKm.


JOSEPH YORK'S.r _. DESoutie to order tnd ua\

np In tU bMl'nuHf. I ten .l;o_01. »&{$

Joseph York,HoitniitoivM, M: J,


EUCKWELL ST.. lOTtlt. S. / .

I oar« atmfe mMW.KMIIM tor Ib* RIM. ton)klii. t r»n lb> bll«7MI# <|«UTT, foH.1 Cn.,it** t**t In tb« tnqnirr, IIMI « • • M I m>tt m t M M t i l p r iba l f I

riM M I i. , . _ . trtmfmw—...

*r\ »m#i% M HV M fpva n w i w rv»Ca n i

dm. »•', tuiirtwlM. u n

SHERIFF'S SALE!lu ClimiL-iiy uf Ktw JC

l l i(•avillas Iaatituiloi] is omiiiiiiniiut, andOlQitlKB Beatty mtd Juno T. TJoiitty I.IB rtitu,mid Stopbrni T. Witkt, (u-oiieffudanla. Ru-lt, uoefrndns.

Pablio Veudat, &t thu Cuurt House, In Morns-towu, S. J.. ou

UO.NDAV, tbo lath J»v otKVaVSC nc;A. D. 1BBU, bBtwctu tin? botirs (if I'd M. ami So'clock 1", M.Vtlifitl* to rsuy, a i 2 o'rlw;k iu !l;o• f t e r n o o u o f wnld day, ulV lliuse U'KCIH —parctilat-Df laud nnil premium, ailualo in tlTomiorUuvcr , ID UIO Li"mil.v o r M o m u aiState of New JUIHI;)". bouuJcil and dt'scribodfollows i

T U E FIIIKT TRAcr bfgitiB on HID uurili lino ofFmrvlew Avt'itiic, lu tin: Town uf Dover, twohuutlreil ftel weiit rrum tbtJ norlli-fusl (ornoi

' Liil FiiirUuw Avt-iiUH trlniu tliu main lujcUrfnuHUuock street mi tlm nest Hoecof.tvuJ runs (J> ;iu a norlUerly oonrsoHel nttt) ftquntiuuDk s t m t , twa bundledtiny feet; tU«nce (9) i a *•' M i W r l j n o o n sUelwltl) iu.ii] PoltTlow ATCHUC; trno'I ft-et"i tlifihce \S) In & southerly ct

S.in...ol with tliu first lino, une It uml rodfly tvt-i to liiu iior.lh Una of taiJ Tairvitiv

AvennA; llietn-d (4).n nb casierlyeourm ulontLu iioclli lilib ui taid Fuji view Avenue, ontumdrotl fc^t t o t!ld brfiiniunj,'. coiitnihiug HItLin tiionsnnd t; qua re ttvt or laud.

Tnr. fiEC'jno LOT liegluaoa tlio went lino cPtqaanooLl 9lrc(.-<, fnotiid Tonn otDuwr, oneliuudir'l Brilfittyi™t noi-th Irotn tliQ mirtli-eajt cornof of Vcl(T.r«v Av.nitie. whnrif tbo

lvwi't0 lliVthoi-eof. C Xi l l rn i t i (l" iv\ u°sbourse ptntlltl wilU Falrvidu Avfiiiie,timiiirpcl anO eigbty fei 't; tlienc.' (2) ... _nortberly coatso .lamllil with rcijiunuocliBta-et. DUB linndrutl I tc t ; <)irnci> (3] lu tt'onterlycourso pnrullcl with (hu 11 mt eimrsone Ittindrid nth. eit'blv feil to thu mmt hiof PcqaanDuck si reel; tliciu'o U) In a snullt r i f coarne RIODR tlio weel line ol Peqninuoistreet, etio linndrtd fwt to tlii> place of bn^nnip?, Oi'DlaiaipB etRhteen tliomtn<l tmnaifoot of land, bulDg tlio eanm prtnuwB tbit wcirouTeyod to llio BO id Claudius* BeHtly bv d u dfrom 'nmes A.Qoud»loSDil vifu, (latedAufiiiftMh,'1672, aud rocirrted In tiio'Morria CODDIVBwortl of Doodfl D B, 234. , •

WILLIAM H. McDAVIT, Sheriff.DatPdJnno ]Gth, 1880. in DO

l thof M


virtue or an order off tlie Orpliam1 fcourl,B y l r t n f an order of tlieDrplianifcourl,l tho Oountj or aiorrle, mailo on ttio 4th dayf M h I87B d f d t t h f

ol tho Oountj or aiorrle,of March, I87B, and of a

d (b Gth d f

4th dayndrnetit thorrof

1SS0 tb l, I87B, and of an tit th

mado uu (bo Gth day of April, 1SS0, tbo iuliecriber, eieditor cf Julia A. DlcsWion, ilec'c],trill expose to sole at Public VeDduu nt Hie

ldeijco of Oornolmtt 8. Bid.crsou, near tlioatore of Hiram Hulae, «t SlcCftinoriliu, in t WlowoBUip of Aosbar»(nHI)Q Oountfe qf Uatrit,Mow JeneTlr0D HAWRBAS tha Art a»y ofAnxuti 1B8O potwoet) tbe hwai of 12 »opuand

fl f " i dftay,' aln(l u

»... .-p nfleruoon ot "enia L.ceitnii tTacii or jitroeU^bf ltt>& %i•ilntlR.n the towimhtp'Of Roib"bounded and drfuribcilftRfollowL.

FIBBT. AJl.tliU parl of tlie hnnifintead lot oflalilJullaA. Dickerson. dee'd, whieli Msscon-i'oyed :o her and one Ellzubttb DicLerscn. bvlotil frum Afcxamlun Bnyder itid wtr^dattid

jlurch l5lh, 11W8, snd recortid iu fioolCA 5 p.HO, which licsoti tbu north Vldo of the centreof tne toad toding trOm McCahuVile toDribpvlllo, beirjc on tho corner ot Raid roadlUd tbo road to DrahCTillo depot, andudjniii-iig lauds of,mrato ilnleo nrnl John BtirgL,

coimvlulnB t\n>ut two acres and fifty hnc-drHith»of anaoro.

flttoMD. All that certain lot, knoirn i s awood lot on tha rued loading from McCain I t i Heto Lake Ru|wtwiie, contaiu.ng.-13 69-100 acrer"scribed in 4 dtcd from Corneliug a. Dicker

in, Exocutor, &c. to said Jnlia A. Dickeraon,-ited Draimbsr l i t , I860, and recorded in theiiwriaCixxatf Bt^otiM In Book BG p. 180, Ac,' Twmb, All th«4nnalDhie part of a»id homc-

Btead lot of Mid deceased, eonveyi-d liy *tf&Hnrdei- is aforesaid, which lies on the s '•ids of tiw centra or add DralceTllle roarl,talnlug lh*> dwelling of faSJ deeen^J, ex,Ing bnwevor tbe lot cenreyedbr the said tA. DickerioD to Fuebe Log»D, March 3d, 1860,

ud recorded in bookE 6 pies ITS, tail adjoins

iiM?e&&v^«-—U> " "DENNIS . . _

Hated June Htb, 1&80.


In UM tl l l

•8ALB OF LANB3!"'* "-deVto seifunds, mido fcv

Court of tiie County of. ,(tjDf Jan* AjD.lteo, Um

, Adminktntor of-Antbony A.__j'u\ will cipese for MIQ at I'nlli:

. eiane, at tbe pi-raftc*. Slonnt Olive town,ihip, Xbrrli CoaDty, M. J.. OD8ATCKDAT, tba 14th da£<rf AyOUfJT nest,

•t f t -^Wr o! 1™ fc"0iB ih^nJooB of »ali!lfa»t lot of Jand and prtttnlaen, si tun itvnsblp or Moant Olire, bounded AH

loiwwi;. B»ftaoteg«tB stone planted in tinm*A pM»it«; tfcrtngh' the Tillage ol MounOiin, toward FlaDders, «n a cour.t eontlpmsatf-tight O^gwn atst diittut itro chainttfid fiMtj«ui|ree finki fropi the sonlli cornc*bf A bridge UVer'tnO s.reim calk' ~ *Brwjk; ironing tbe road thernia (lideercessDd-fifty minntcB wcit three rn•n« flflwn Iltrlc* to a heap of stone* ; tin(2] Mttttb eiKutyaevcn dearee* cast tl,.™ct-iinnn.l ilitefr. links; m n-jrlh fonr tls-m e i west three clmtna and siiteon links to'lite centre of the aforciiid road; (ij tlience*IOOR uid road north eiRlity<n.ne dARroBH am'thirty mlDUttis weit thrte eliaitia »ud ilxtetii


sonlb coioo*alkd Turkey(1 j mutta five'

pENTlSf RYn* *u , ITS BEisoniM AI

S. B.

THE DOVEE LUMBER C°offers to builders tho brat uppoitanitioBin the purcliaBO oILUMBEB

of uvory gnoie uud deHraiptiun iucluiliiig LOW PEIOE8 and tlio gtoot

advantage of liuviug

.Lumber Worked to Orderby uiuthiuery " ' ""> pl«™ wl»ore it Is purcLmsed, greatly leaeeningltlio

cost at biiilding b j tho great saving in manual labor. Our ' .< Btock ulwttys inolttdes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMDElt of every description, aud eBj)ooial paiuB nro token

to give satisfaction in every particular.


OEOBOB EioH-utDs, PreBldentW«. H, LiyuEBT, Huo'y and Tretu,J J J . H- SiuivuN,



I. W, BKtnmo, Gen'lManager.




MOREISTOWN N. J.Dealer in-Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals and Dye Stuff


PreacriptloDB carefully tu cuarkU None but PURE DRUGS nttcd ol the bent quality ar, -pu red accordingtt t ' the Uniua S u i t s Phftrnmtojiuoitt, or (he meat mijirovodformula.

I,A full aBBOrtfflcnt i'>rTOILETAl.T]CLE8 and uvcrytlihif, IIKUEII}- fuuint lu H Dru,; »<<>«.orrintovfa,JulilBt,lB78. O- n.nAI. l tYMPLi



inj; uL-hi

Having failnd to iliapAiib or tins part 1

is yean. Mid tliurtfiri ' '

ioiiKaiid fflvorably hnowti'wltii C. A. OildEuq., and more ruptntly will, Mr. T. II. .1Gra t lm . liis Dover branch, lian Itecoiiit' anomted with me and will linvo principal char.,of tbls dojiartiuaDt uf nni1 bfisiiit'Hs, and wobcroby reuijeclfully annoiHieb to nil tlieec Ittiitmay bo so uuiortunatii UH to ruijuircilid eurvii'oo of an mulcrtulior In their fimflkH (11111-employlofi HH) tha t tbotr wisbea nil] beliromp.lv and quietly complied witli, anilifeut satislBi'linu Kuarantccd iu funmliiiiL.temluupti, priccB, A*o. Thu latest stylnf or cor-(iriF, caBkeii, robm, Ax*., nnd all de&iRun IniialnrAl flawore fumiBbcd m tlio shortcntuotioo. We will vui'T inunli apprecialo i iliatronRgu ">"t «i»y l"B giv.n DS i!y all our orricDilg, and also of auy ui'ir nalrunt, UK wvlI'ricta will be named as low a» o u t now iir<VBil.nK. I .K. IJBAOIJ.

RockawftY, JUDO 101b, ISflD. E7-0m

liueiuiUkt iulint tfotitV-lid t

ARNDTSUSSEX St. QROCER,still contlauca to Icecp n 1 nit and f ranb <iuan-

Groceries a^(l Provisions,"SEASONABLE FRUITS,g rid doineslio, the

Canned Goods, and allhousehold iu kin U.io.. .- Oftte.wiU alwaiffl ba tnken to sf

best grades ofsupplies of tlio

Oftte.wiU alwaffl ba tnken toof tliu b«nt ijuality and eouol jtbem at the uoat i^wonbl

j a l t ytbem at the uoat i^wona•uetent witii (ho purchasiixtreet Jicar \he cornr f

nt w t i (ho purcet, Jicar \he, corner

hasiiiK priof filnoki

i -I ;

margiun con.price. SiiRsexkirell, Dover.






Sepairing Promptly Attended to.


REMEDIESWarner's Safe Kidney and User Curs.

(Pirmrrlt/ Dr. O*iliA JCulnrv ftirr.)

„ - T o t tlm cuic of I I I I K ' - I * "» ' •'" HiclncfLine. cull for Wjirui'i-'a kulv K i d n e ymd UverCnm.

WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS.II Is thp bestmoort purlfltir, iijul Klmulntcs

(H>nt, and ntlier Store*.Ilr«l>r|t*ln. WrnknrM arilMi lit

Conaflpittiuli. tVlEzlnniK, Hi'npTaI J J , etc., are eurini ty tlieNaTc Bt(M •— . . -unouualed axnti uppetuprunii rcuuiur tunic.

Boltlej of iwo sizes ; prites. BOc. nnd B1.O&.WARNER'8 SAFE NERVINE

Powerful iu It Is In Mop pain und too the dis-urbed Nervu. It ix-'vtr inJuro* the afttoai,JJotUm Of two ulics; jitlcca.M^ ani #1.00.

WARNER'S SAFE PILL8Arenn ImmfdlHteanrt octlvo atlmuluii fur aTOTTH t""T, mill riire Coitl.imu. DnnpiU, Bll-

— loamtii, Bllloni 0l»r-i. lf>)>rU, FtvirAIM, uml •lmuld

H. H.Warner&Co.,


unjrK0CKAWAT, N. J.




The New Entire,Hot-Alr, Gas & BaBe-bnrn-

1ns Cooking Stove.


ol Oooalni! Bt


urtmont ot otlier Htyleij . . , Stovu, 1'arloi



.DOVBfi. N. J.




DOVKB, IV. J.Legally aathoriaod agept of tha follewlng nrat.

olaaaeompilitea—tbafafiatIn Uis«orl4|

LONDON «na L I V E R P O O L and

GLOBE. Capitd «20.000,OM.


CnpiUl *10,(KK1,000.

BOTAL O P LIVERPOOL,CapiUl »10,000,000.


Capital $5,000,000.

HUDSON COUNTY, Jeraey Oitj ,

Capital WOO.UOO.

PEOPLE'S . Nenarli . " SOO.OOO.


of Philadelphia, Anooli *0(K),«K'.

Hie London Aasunmoe Corporation olIjonaouj capital $£,S0o,COO.

Sprinsuold Fire iDgurance Co.,si tu, capital tl.SOO.OOO.

St. Nicholas Fire Itiuunuioe Gompanj clNe» York, capital »300,UOO.

Westolieatcr Fire InBuranco GompaDy o:No» York, capital $600,000.

New York Oity Fire Insurance Oompac;of New York, capital *31H),IK».

Pire Association of P&il'aABMITS, $3,COO,001




Choice Lots in Dover,

HOUSES TO LETFreeman "Wood,

JiiHtio of tin! l'^aco «..<J Pulkn Ma iwtrati

GEO. W. DRAKEur.u.ca IN


aout& Sldo of Pm*


NEW LINES AND .STYLESin boots snd Bbnes [or Hummer wear, iooladiufj

IIL-W doriiifiiH in Indies' HIIOUH, iti.l onilito vntiiify uvury i»urolia.sor iu pomli

iluidb, tluriibillly und ijrjuu.

Buns' Famous Shoes,tlio best in market, allvava ktpt ID BlockWhon viuitingMorriBtowii Mavo tho am onyour faro Uy buying your DODTH aud aflOEB.t DIUKE'H.




OarpBt Weuvinc, in nil wldthi, deno inatralnflfi Ktylo at lowest rntc&. Thu beet

kind of warp only uned. Hew carpets onbond for HRIO, Tito higheHt prico p i d frsRH, or Ukfin in e jchan^o for carpet.

C J - O T H E S D Y B « a n d C l e a n e dI n good s ty l

Dorer, H»y 25tli. 1880,








Doror.ffeptnnbi'rtalh, ins.


bntlcry,l«l» a»4 J.pannadtE

I*. CQ^jL.

and Job


or Aito M U Q


•no I M I T U n ot tb. unit

X. ^L. O- SI ft.nartn.'ud Ma.rrrnrD

WMMHMMIS *ni!in>iiti«) BED lioi-


AND SUMMKR,1SS0 ! Foreign anil Amer-ican DRESS GOODS, in thelatest und most approved<lcsigns, siirpiissiiif; in I>I>JIliiincy nud I'iclmcss of colors. novelties of desiitiisand coinl)ln;itioiis, any "as-sortment ever exliibitedhere or elsewhere. Thesegoods comprise tlie follow-ing fabrics lor utreet cos-tumes: Cashmere de MeccaEpingllno, Cashiiieio dosIndcs and Armnrc. Formountain, arcliery, Inwiitennis und seaside costumeShirred Bunting, Lace BuntingCashmere Foiilm-d and NunsVeiling, which are pronounced!)y connoissciii'sns tho mostflntrancingly beautiful dressfabrics In Morrlstoivn.


Notlc« ol Settlement.Votloi




hai always on hand a fall and fresh stock istandard goddsnt

REASONABLE PRICES.It doesn't pay to experiment witb floor. I i

youtgrccar for tl^o latooaB

VIOLA BRANS,na talid no otlior. It ia always Rood-oau beslied UMQ einry tlmo. Skodorann lus it,nclnn tliin onobrand liaB incrtaBuil liin flnnr

Watches, Jewelry, &c.







WHANS'B PHOSrHATE,Bone J)uat, <juuno, Folitlrelte,


WOOD sav/ed in stove lengths.OOAIi.

STOVE, EGO, CHESTNUT.Orders in»y OB ailOrcmifil tl iron fill llio Post

OQlco Lock Box 58. or litft n. A. nt't'iiiiT'soniut:

BLACEHMITH'M COAI, ouuatautly LU liaiiil.


GRAND OPENING|i«-^T-™B ft..il noct in U , f l e ] t_V | w j l h R | |

a,.M. Ihnm.n fur Belling Ucutw

>!ti . Hock H«.RHl wril He]»t«<l aod woll

egbt. ;3,Miu will buy iinlf inttrotl-M.Mtt


•-.' Notce to Trespassers!

I A ftfl f'1 V I H I P E V I I I l u l u I" W ? * 1 ^r>"lj prdbitiila trmrnrising on liis• I t H l v l L O I T I u U U I l l l l tOOlfciuihCRnn and afler thin [\nt* (Saturday

!ig. UU, iftHn.) This notice ajmlrea to


Washington Hall Building,


I n»uKl i:ir,rm mj ulO IWittln aud pitn.n

and tho [ml 1 lie gnutiraily tlint my





My Htnck embraccB a full lino in


i», uauullj ftiuud in a Firat CIUHH Hturo.



HMi? of my former patrons will bo plowedto luarh, tlmt RUNS Miunio Dylan, a milliner o r" i ( o amiability CUB bo round wltli mo in the


ILLCKETTSTOWN, X. J.n an 11 far I u rfr nt lop and no top bti(>!;i(-!i i*(tunt vmnaRdB, two scut Vh&Um*, llru.ikr

BI(U- n|)rh)f,' biigL'.tH, Hinclu HI al riiiutiuia. ,-un-Htmitlj 011 hand, i.n.l nuclo to t>r<].,r ol tlmhunt niatt'iitil ami by tlic liust liiccliauicc mumbut UiU lc i i worknn-11 uinployod. KKrvl.tii;-

tl aa rtprewitei t IlEI'AilUKUl

m i citri nd.L-

tnnil. I ' trnplM no ^ O U I H » aril for nu iwp^y no [.LTCcni. lu any guo U> m-11 ajy uf mv

moiit'.v by eomlnff to mv ruoiorv liuforc jmr-

ttrinl.'11 * K("W " r ' ' t a " ' *CWMyjt.<Ol.AMEi.1.*HnokutlKtown, May 27th, 1HS0.

Morris Orphans' Court.MAY TE11M, JHBD.

, AilniiulHirattlink) tu HIIU

aaii Porkin ITIIV tli

Hluuld iii)t \m it mle uf lamia.

SA11UKL T. ],AWItriNrK, ILu AdralniatralotorSUB;>n l'ert.nn, Ia[o or Hits County [

Murritt, dcci;until, lisving mailo mid uiliibltu tlilK Court, aiiOrr oatli, a just anil inn-

iuut or tlio purniiDFil OBtutti mid debtj l H h r l h b l

u-, by w

id debtsalilu to dliuhaa bton alilu to d

It a]>)ifars liiat Ihc pcl i f f l u t

liiat Ifflcioi


THBItEis nf. i-rfftit-r lllond-Piiriiymc »ndLifo OtviiiR I>rincii>lo iu llii- Wurld of

"' " tliiin MALT UiriEHH, prcparod bydic inot lau MALT B I T T E H ,o J t . \LT IIITI'EI.H COMI'ANl Uufc

.L.i Itopfl. II In a pcrf< _of ftbblu m<l exlxtUKtuil cuustitutiuuu.ric)iL>n tlio lilouil, tulitlincB tlm boiica,

Witli iipwJiro'flVur'y"aid of"1!"boSv! "t"iJ*o",trik(!« (it tho rnnt of nil dpbtlity—

IHIIED 1H.00D. Hold ovurywlmro. 34-4i

THE BEST PLAGEof its kind for onjojmont ia thin sccllou h


J5OVEK, N. J ,

tDtiiit.-ormiia douoqfcil i*muufflcioiu ti.jiij allher flint- (KiUtH, and Htatinu thin «aid dei'tanci!'lit!jni'iz>s. or iStidB, tenements, hen'ilUan"iiti

ad niftl tntB.U-, fiUiale in t.iu Ciiuiity uf Mur-n, mid iiruviiiK tbu aid uf lbs Cuiut iu iliurcniiBi-H. i'lir-rcfure, 11 is onlorud ».iy llioourt. Hut Allpti-hdiisinUjcBtmliii llio lamia,;n(UiU'i>i«, l.p'i-(1itiili.t'utii ami it-al ^Btaio nf

m\id ilccr'AHCd, iloripp.'ftrlitfort t i n Jndficii ofHi it c;.iurl, at Iho Court I!<m>.r in M«rnni<.wii,

nn MONDAY, tiio nib daTnrocTORi:u, A.I;.18H0, ftt tliu luxir or IJ (W-lorViii iliu futiiiouuur HUK) day and show onum?, if any tlmv iiatu,.vl.y H>>. »uoh of tin. Hal,! l.miu. toun'tmmti;

Dbuu.d ,n<it hv sold HB willho «uflleio..HB*i"«ybcr dubtti.

OFTAllLEfi A. On.LEN, R.irm3atp.A trUo copy from tha minute a. 3f>-Gtr


A. KKRSHAW, - - Proprieto*.Having luaaiil tbo Mimeion UDUSO, jnst

urcck'il aiiil moat Kiincrbly uml cnnveiiiBiillrturiiiithatl l).v Mr. I i ,0 Oiierin on WaitliiiicloQHtrttt, Murriat.iwn, I would call Hit attentionuftliMilil patn,nH of ttic HOUBO. and ur mlnmiij frinii(ln in Morris ami surronndini;

KUpcrlor mlvnnUj;('Hit uflcrfi to bolli trannlontami iHriimnnit (jiKBts. Itn (ipartnioutn »|0all first-cJutH, und tliu lxituo hua be (in tiniHt1 Uh'Btyk'd IM> "Uncut Hotel in Nor IN urn

w Jortiey." Tbo ratoa arc low. Accdinwo-tiouH ror mi nulimitcd nuinbrr or Lore.1* s. j , l

__j-riiKPH nrn (iHert.il by coiiiiiiodtoiiB utablcssnd yanl room. A. KtBSilAW,

LattI rrnjiriotor of Ten Ei'ok UOUBU, Puniep•Ho NBWJOHUV. 15-lT

nud in position THHEE


Fool Tablesi tbo oelobrattd mannrnclnry of J J[



ent Juwtlry Btoro in tlm city, and with •Inrtrciy iimreawd stuck tif FINE WATCHEt;

AND JEWEL!.? at prices nuvur before tlioiiRlnof Uu Unit ([iiodii. In wntcl.iii tny moot

rihta ovor uiiu hnnilrnd (100)

AMERIGAN WATCHES,>f nil Htvleii Biiit iiniiitipu, from SR to 1350,

.•tu (if j.'WL'Irj ill iTiillcnH nai-iL-ty. frum !Q150. kniB< or kl! Liiidy, Tront tho litmtt

inn) tu • [ilnlti gold winkling riiih'. nI'lcblri and silnH, at nitrumcly IIJT (1^i-i'k e l f i n s in Ronmn Gold in great THHUIJ,itli Iiji:kctn. poadnnti auU croanoi lu nialon.II P U C I M *D<] Pfc-cbaitct to gait ail E R C , ->, ii». frum Jfio. a pair np. Hlcr inc ii.l hilvtT-pIated warn m grnat n r l o t r , at 2(1•r rent, br.iavi rornyr prices. Ctmteni mil.ku Imflknia alintiat RiTfti awn/ . A l i rgs ai>•rUiiL'tit nr ctiitikn at al l prices, I bavu thont f l rldtkii in tlm market. Call and ice'•m. Wtttt-.iriiolJ on trio Inntalnif.nt planUrinal. ti|itcUl caro givai* *<> tfiiftinug 0D<


OPPOSITE M. & E. DEPOT.>*»rk, H.J., Ana. »Ui,I8T». SS-ly


LAGER BEERHIWJVV. on draught and tho boat of

" .WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSitwaya protldod fur tho p«tron« nf



ID abundance *t bottom prices at


B t r O O A S T T W W A .



•tt^nded on.l furniKhnl willi all tlio luiurloB 'vl ihodiffun'Dt KcainnB. rirgl-oUHS atmid-auco euitruuiuetl and ruaaauabb pricptf.


liiToiieli hiiowltdpc itf linurin and B.BU puiul-nc, wfj (Vi'leompotom Hi moot tbo denwinKif ftll. CHIIII t.lini) In tbo OLn PUESU^lt*

IllAN CHt'ROn. P . O . Bin 18,1.

J. UAllTIN. (I3-ly) A. BUCK.




IN DOVER.Tho subscriber, an pttifrienoed baker, who

ur four yearn cast linn boon with W. P.DAYtMorrihtoirti, In it taken tho

SUSSEX STREET BAKERY,t i l to MOIXEK'fl HUILDrNG.t.liorcii!>williwn on Tlilirstlai morning, Utan-h 33th, HiSo,

BDd v,[\ nflVr tu tho public, all thn RoiMir.ndi' >* and luiurick or a Urit-cln-s MAKtfl.Y.

sluillmr all rarioticH cf 1)I.EAI>, l'n.nchcntiaam] Oornniultulli, Dunn, Uiuk.CAKB»11 kindi, A cliuico ilockof






dnr at homo.

•la b'i'INUUH

• Uatn-e. Ail-A Co.si-ir

14 STOP ORGANS•tool, hook and nn.tu'o, Imied and ihippcdt

liy tU. Kcw riiuofl, «1<I5 to tl.GaO. Mid<.mmtr offur Ili'Bt'cl frrd. A.drssit


AOHST8 WANTED for Hmltb'ti Btblo DID*tionarr and HOkMAN'tf HKW riOXOKlAli""IllLE.'i, Aildroia, foi circulars.

3t-4» A. J. TIOLMAN A Co,. Thlia.

clioico and telltliO life of

GARFiEL or HANCOCK*y. Clreiilars and to

Notice of Settlement.K<>tfaM» herein Rifcn.thit tbeaaMantiaf

the duLBcritoT, Arfmluigtratur nf Peter V.Hondc-rtDii. (leepihoil, will be indited amiHtatnii JIT tlie Kunojtate. and r»ported fur aot-

,t to tliu Or|ih»n»' C^nrt nf t* " " ' "

Notloa of SotUement.HoUoalibai


Notice of Settlement.Notice la lurebr Bl«n Uiat tba aooopnti of

llio aubioribvr., Eiecnlura of Aaron Blanca-srd, dMcaanl, will b.'audlt«il an4 alalml byUi. flamgau, uid nfMiflMl lor aollkaont l»lb.Orrl,.».')io?,jboTa.05».V_rfJf?"''