Survey Monkey Results

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1. How would you classify the genre of the film?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 1• 94% of people who took part in our survey assumed it was a Thriller. This portrays that we fulfilled the criteria of sticking

to our set task, which was creating a thriller opening.

• We knew that for our opening to be perceived as a thriller, it had to start off slow paced and slightly tranquil, and then gradually get faster and more intense. This was due to the fact, most of the thrillers we researched had a slow paced opening sequence, and then built up, for example Dexter. The definition of a thriller is ‘a novel, play, or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage.’ We achieved this, as our plot was exciting, and involved crime.

• On the other hand, 6% of people in our target audience, thought our opening title sequence was a horror. A horror film typically incorporates incidents of physical violence and psychological terror and may create lots of fear and shock within the audience. Due to the fact, we showed lots of close ups of a girl with blood on her face, it might have been interpreted in the wrong way. Furthermore, we created feelings of fear within our opening, as the audience were tricked into thinking the antagonist was entering the room with the girl. However, this can be justified as by doing this, we were creating excitement within the narrative, and getting the audience on the edge of their seats. We made sure not to show the antagonist in the same room with the girl, for the reason that it would of really made our opening look like a horror. This is because, the audience would have known he was the person to cause the girl physical harm. By not having him in the same room as the girl, we created feelings of mystery which is what a thriller incorporates. However, to improve our opening sequence so that all people thought it was a thriller, we could have eliminated the blood on the girls face completely. This way she would have just been tied up. The use of blood could have been the trigger for the people thinking it was a horror. Also, we could have not introduced the girl too early into our opening sequence. As in our research, most thriller films such as Shutter Island, and Se7en have slow paced opening sequences, with not much going on. However, the atmosphere feels uncomfortable and suspenseful. This is how people know it is under the thriller genre, so we could have done that as well.

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2.What age group do you feel this film would appeal to?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 2• As a group, we came to the decision that the certificate of our film

would be a 15. We were very effective in achieving this as 100% of our target audience ticked the answer of 15. • We made sure to show this, as we fit our film under the BBFC’S

guidelines for what is classified as a 15.

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3.What role do you think the male character plays in the film?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 3• 80% of our target audience, guessed correctly in thinking Damion was the antagonist of our film. This was the correct answer, so on whole we achieved


• However, 14% of people believed he was the protagonist. This is the complete opposite of who he is, as he is not the hero in our film. Although, I can see how they might have perceived this idea. Due to the fact, we did not show the two characters in the same room as each other, the audience might not have thought Damion was the villain. Instead, we showed Damion in normal settings such as a kitchen. This might have painted a picture in our target audience’s mind, that allowed them to think that he was unaware the girl was in danger. Furthermore, it might not have been clear that the girl was in the same house as Damion. Once again this might be hence to the fact, we did show them in the same room as each other. So to improve this, we could have ended our opening sequence with Damion entering the room with the girl and coldly staring at her for example. The shot could have been a close up on his face to really highlight his sinister and threatening facial expression. This would have made it more clear to our target audience that he was the antagonist of our film. Another way we could have made it clear he was the antagonist, without him having to be in the same room as the girl is that we could have taken photos of the girl tied up. When Damion was working at his desk at the start of the opening, we could have layered the photos of the girl out on the desk he was working on. Therefore when we were filming shots of him working, we could filmed close ups of his hand touching the photos of the girl. Or we could have shown a close up of him slicing through the photo with a pair of scissors. This way, our target audience would have known he was aware of the girl. Furthermore, it would have allowed them to see more clearly that he was the antagonist, and the one putting the girl in all this danger and pain.

• 8% of people thought Damion was the victim. This can be interpreted in two ways

• 1. We did not make it very clear in portraying the fact Damion was the villain. Due to the fact he was being friendly to the dog, showing signs of care, they might have perceived the idea he was the victim in all this. They might have thought someone had framed him and put the harmed girl in his house, without him knowing for example.

• 2. They could have thought he was the victim because he suffered from a mental illness. He had schizophrenia and had a split personality. In this case, people may have known he was the villain but felt a sense of sympathy for him as he is not a normal person. He is mentally ill and needs to be treated by special doctors for example. They might have thought he was not truly aware of the danger he was causing this girl, for the fact he was ill.

• Overall, I think we made it quite clear he was the antagonist, by the use of eerie non-diegetic music, and dark lighting on his face. However, there could have been room for improvement, which I’ve listed above.

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4. How effective do you feel the music is in conveying the genre?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 4• One of the most difficult tasks for us as a group, was picking the non-

diegetic music. We didn’t want a piece that had a large heavy beat, as it might have looked like a trailer. From looking at other thriller openings such as se7en, they used slow paced eerie suspenseful music. We decided to use a piece like this as well, as it created an uncomfortable atmosphere.• We were extremely effective in picking the right piece of music as

100% of our target audience said it was effective in conveying the thriller genre.

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5. Do you think this is an effective opening title sequence?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 5• 100% of our target audience thought our opening sequence was

effective. This is really good feedback, as it shows all our hard work put into making our opening sequence paid off.• The fact that we didn’t give too much aware, and made our opening

subtle but suspenseful might have contributed to this feedback. We also ended it on a climactic moment.

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6. Would you go and see this film in the cinema?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 6• 100% of our target audience said they would go and see our film if it

was shown in the cinema. This is strong feedback, as it shows our opening has enticed them into wanting to watch on. Moreover, it shows that we picked our target audience correctly (15-24 year olds) as all of them said they would pay to see the whole film.

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7)What kind of films do you usually watch at the cinema?

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ANALYSIS OF QUESTION 7• From looking at the bar chart, it coveys that most of our target audience are

interested in watching thriller and comedy films at the cinema. • This once again means we picked the right target audience, as we assumed 15-24

year olds would be very interested in our thriller genre.• Furthermore, it allows us to see that they would pay to watch a thriller at a

cinema.• The comedy genre is our competition, as shown in the bar chart, however our

narrative is so original and distinct, I do not think this would be a problem. 15-24 year olds are always looking to watch something new and exciting, this is what our thriller film is.