Surgo Autumn Issue 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    The Surgo Team(during their own freshers weeks)

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Surgo Autumn Issue

    1 Editors note

    2 Medical news

    3 Interview with Bob Leckridge

    4 Homeopathy and the NHS

    5 The Science of Snake oil

    7 Cannabis as a medical therapy

    8 The Rise of E-Cigarettes

    9 Surgo research: Hangover cures

    11 Review: Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre

    14 Medical Myths

    15 Horror-scopes

    16 Yules Yarns


    Ella BennettEditor

    James TajkarimiAssistant Editor

    Josh NeilsenProduction Editor

    Tom BaddeleyFinance Editor

    David BoyleArts Editor

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    So firstly, my most sincere congratulations on surviving the first few weeks

    of the dreaded Glasgow winter, its only going to get worse. But fear not, as

    the hours of daylight diminish, and coursework deadlines loom, Surgo is here

    to cast a ray of metaphorical sunshine (or provide literal fire fuel) to get you

    through the cold, tedious nights staring at that new glass box in the SL.

    First things first, youre probably wondering why theres a picture of

    Stonehenge on the front. It all started one night when the mildly inebriated

    Surgo team were trying to come up with a theme for this issue. Halloween is

    so last year, so what about druids? said one anonymous contributor. And

    thus, the can of worms was opened (with a slate flint found at Stonehenge

    obvs). In order to be a little less obtuse however, and a lot more accessible

    (to both our shiny new contributing writers, and you, our indispensablereaders) we decided to include the odd druid, but focus generally on a theme

    of scepticism. Dont worry though, there are a still a few survivors of the

    druid apocalypse namely digoxin, as Josh Neilsen will explain (pg. 5).

    This issue begins with a cynics guide to some of the most fiercely contested

    aspects of modern medicine, starting naturally (see what I did there) with

    water, sorry, homeopathy. Surgo even took a little school trip to the Glasgow

    homeopathic hospital to interview one of alternative medicines biggest

    advocates. Youll be pleased to hear that contributing writer, Mike Pretswell,

    manages a non-judgemental approach unlike many of his Surgo compatriots.

    From homeopathy to herbal medication, Finance editor Tom Baddeley argues

    the case for medicinal cannabis and Druid Boyle takes a cutting edge look at

    the Rise(and potential demise) of E-Cigarettes. Next, yours truly delves into

    the murky world of the pharmaceutical industry, looking at Ben Goldacres

    book, Bad Pharma. We then have a new, exciting edition to the Surgo

    repertoire: research. Find out about our first randomised control trial on page

    9 and look out for the results in the next issue.

    Finally, with all of the vaguely educational stuff out of the way, we turn to

    Medical myths to bring out Dan Taylor-Sweets inner misogynist and

    Pyschic Suz is back with a therapeutic dose of horror-scopes. Last but not

    least comes Surgo story time, with Yules yarns, a truestory about hypnosis

    to counteract all the hokum.


    Ella Bennett

    Editors note


    Editors Note

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013



    BMA backs seven-day week for


    If you thought when you became a consultant you would be

    spending your weekends on the golf course then think again,

    the BMA has decided to back calls for seven day working

    within NHS hospitals. However, they have stopped short of

    saying elective care should be delivered at the weekends,

    claiming that the

    resources are not currently available. Instead theypropose that urgent and acute care should be the focus of this

    extension to help to reduce mortality.

    This push for seven-day consultant care has come from a

    recognition that mortality rates at the weekend are higher than

    during the week. Which many have attributed to the lower

    numbers of senior doctors in the hospital during out of hours.

    5 week old baby becomes

    Britains youngest ever organ


    A 5 week old babys kidneys were transplanted into a 22

    year old women saving her life. The kidneys were just4cm

    long but will grow to up to 75% of normal adult size. The

    kidneys, heart, liver and lungs all have the potential, even

    before birth, to be transplanted into an adult. The success of

    this treatment has reignited debate about whether it is ac-

    ceptable to use such young donors.

    Obesity due to slow metabolism?

    Many people complain that being overweight is due to a

    slow metabolism, and research based in Cambridge and

    published in Cell claims to have found a link. The

    researchers knew that deletion of a kinase suppressor in

    mice led to obesity through an increase in appetite and a

    slowing of metabolism.

    In their effort they studied the genomes of 2,106 people

    with severe early onset obesity and compared these

    results to the genome of normal control individuals. They

    found that people with a mutation in the KSR2 gene were

    more likely to be obese. This nonetheless is not common,

    with only around 1% of the population having this muta-

    tion, and only 2% of children who were obese by 5.

    Oreos more addictive than


    Some undergraduate students at Connecticut

    College have suggested that Oreo cookies are as addictive

    as cocaine. In a study conducted in rats the students found

    that the Oreos activated the nucleus accumbens, the

    brains pleasure centre. The neurons were much more

    active when the rat was given Oreos as opposed to cocaine.

    Now we all have an excuse for finishing a packet of Oreosin one go.

    Medical News

    Feeling down, why not bake a loaf?

    After all the excitement of the Great British Bake Off re-

    search has suggested a link between baking and

    mental health. A report published by the Real Bread Cam-

    paign (no conflicts of interest there then) written in conjunc-

    tion with last years GBBO winner John Whaite, has suggest-

    ed that baking could form part of the solution for many peo-

    ple suffering with mental health issues. John draws from his

    own experiences when he was dealing with crippling depres-

    sion and used baking as a form of pill-less Prozac. This

    has already crossed into clinical practice, a team at

    Yeatman Hospital running therapeutic baking classes for

    patients with dementia.


    Man suffers from extreme B.O for 4


    A 40 year old Chinese man suffered from extreme B.O for

    4 years before consulting his doctor. He had creamy

    yellow secretions on the hairs under each arm which

    frequently stained his clothes.

    The man was diagnosed with trichomycosis axillaris, a

    bacterial infection. The rancid odour was caused by the

    bacteria metabolising the testosterone found in sweat.Ew.

    A summary of the latest medical news by contributing

    writer Jamie Henderson

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013




    Surgo sat down with Dr BobLeckridge, an associate specialist

    in integrative medicine at the

    Glasgow homeopathic hospital, to

    talk about alternative medicine

    and the difference between a

    homeopath and a homeopathic


    Can you start by explaining

    what sort of treatments you

    offer here?

    It was never a separate way of dealing

    with people it was more about compli-

    menting. When we were set up there

    were even surgeons and theatres. Now

    we have a new hospital and there arent

    theatres anymore but its still about

    complimenting treatment and bringing a

    holistic, and multidisciplinary approach.

    We start with a 90 minute consultation,

    then you might get some group sessions

    or more 1:1 counselling .We have

    physios and nurses, we prescribe

    antibiotics and do blood tests just like a

    GP but we also offer things like yoga, art

    therapy, and homeopathy as well.

    What percentage of people get

    some benefit and how much

    benefit do they get?

    We use a quality of life outcomes score;

    it goes from -4-+4 so 0 is no change 1 is

    some improvement, if its completely

    gone away, hallelujah, then its+4.Consistently we see in audits about

    70-75% score +2,+3,+4

    Is it fair to say you deal

    primarily with psychological

    rather than physical wellbeing?

    I dont accept a duality between mind

    and body because I dont meet anyone

    whos only got one. If someone comesalong and theyve got stress, they might

    have chronic pain or they might have no

    job, a son whos a drug addict and a

    husband whos an alcoholic; whatever

    the sources of stress the body is going to

    show the effect. We try to get away from

    the idea that the problem exists in my

    liver or my joints or the problem exists

    in my mind and instead say maybe its

    my system that needs attention.

    Do you think the patients you

    receive are maybe predisposed

    to thinking that homeopathy is

    going to be for them?

    Some people do come looking for the

    homeopathic medicine because mum or

    granny always used it, but theyre very

    much in the minority. Any survey weve

    done shows that the vast majority come

    because theyre stuck, theyve been

    round all the other clinics and they just

    want help.

    Do these drugs offer anything

    above placebo?

    In some ways I wish wed never had

    them because it is a controversial area, it

    isnt explainable. For me the issue in

    placebo is deceit. I wouldnt offer some-

    thing that I didnt think had a genuine

    chance of helping them. If you receive a

    pain killer and feel better, part of that is

    the placebo effect. If a person comes

    back and says theyve got less pain, howdo I know if that came from the powder

    they took or the consultation they had?

    Does the name Homeopathic

    hinder your ability to practice?

    Yes absolutely, currently theyre going

    out to tender to change all the signage

    and just put NHS centre for integrative

    care. GPs for example, have no idea thatwe do cognitive therapy, they have in

    their head that we just hand out funny

    wee powders that dont actually do


    If you just practised good

    holistic medicine without the

    alternative therapies I doubt

    thered be much controversy, is

    that a reasonable position?

    Its not a reasonable position from the

    patients perspective because if

    somebody has exhausted all other

    interventions then what are you going to

    offer them next? So if theres an

    alternative approach that isnt as

    evidence based but doesnt seem to kill

    anyone or harm anyone and that can

    make a difference to 75% of those

    people then I think youre offering

    something worthwhile and I cant seehow those people are advantaged by

    stopping them having access to that.

    Do you worry about losing

    your funding?

    The BMAs position is that we should

    close this place, but the BMA has never

    been here to see what we do. If people

    actually understood what we did here,

    that its not all pills and magic powders, I

    dont think thered be a problem. Butyes, I am worried that people will

    campaign sufficiently well, out of a lack

    of understanding, to get us shut down.

    Interview: Dr Bob Leckridge,

    Glasgow Homeopathic hospital

    Bob Leckridge

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013



    omeopathy, and its older,

    marginally more respectable

    brother complimentary

    medicine, can be a seriously controver-

    sial topic. Many of its supporters would

    have you believe that the omnipresent

    spectre that is Big Pharma looms over

    doctors healthcare forcing toxic and

    un-natural pills onto unsuspecting old

    ladies. On the other side much of the

    medical profession would probably paint

    homeopaths as either harmless misguided

    hippies or worse, snake oil salesmen who

    happily flog a product they know wont

    work to societys most vulnerable cus-

    tomers. Dr Tom Dolphin, chair of the

    BMA junior doctors committee publicly

    denounced homeopathy recently, claim-

    ing that Homeopathy is witchcraft. It is

    a disgrace that nestling between the

    National Hospital for Neurology and

    Great Ormond Street there is a National

    Hospital for Homeopathy which is paid

    for by the NHS.

    Yet no amount of bad publicity appears

    to be enough; every year millions of

    people turn to alternative medicine to

    treat serious, chronic and often life

    threatening conditions. Homeopathy is so

    popular in parts of the UK that there are

    now both homeopathic dentists and a

    number of homeopathic vets offering

    treatments for everything from cats to


    Facts and Figures

    Across the UK there are 400 consultant

    grade homeopathic doctors registered

    with the GMC and three dedicated home-

    opathic hospitals, the largest of which

    treated 27,000 patients last year. At least

    200,000 people a year receive homeo-

    pathic treatments through the NHS with

    prevalence being particularly high in

    cancer patients. This amounts to an

    annual cost of a 4,000,000.


    Alternative medicine has been around

    quite literally for as long as people have

    been getting ill. That said, alternative

    medicine is as rapidly changing as any

    other aspect of medicine. While generous

    and frequent application of leecheswould have been cutting edge in a medie-

    val hospital, the idea that a good leeching

    might cure your pneumonia would now

    be a stretch for even the most diehard

    practitioner of alternative medicine.

    While there are hundreds of alternative

    therapies the two most common are

    homeopathy and acupuncture. The term

    homeopathy is often used to refer to the

    whole spectrum of alternative medicine

    however true homeopathy refers only tothe use of medicines based on a principle

    that like cures like. Homeopathic

    medicines contain a substance which if

    given in a larger dose would induce the

    symptom its trying to treat; the homeo-

    pathic cure for insomnia is for example

    tiny doses of coffee. The most potent

    homeopathic drugs are so dilute that they

    probably dont contain a single atom of

    the original substance.

    The controversy

    The most hotly contested subject is

    unsurprisingly, NHS funding for

    alternative therapies. Last year NHS

    Lothian withdrew its 250,000 annual

    funding for homeopathy after a public

    consultation found that 74% of

    respondents were in favour of defunding

    the service. The decision sparked outcry

    among alternative medicine proponents

    and prompted letters of support fromJeremy Hunt and Prince Charles.

    250,000 may sound like a lot but it is a

    mere 0.017% of NHS Lothians total

    budget. Some would argue that this

    represents a good investment for the

    thousand or so patients treated annually.

    There is also an argument however, that

    we shouldnt spend anything on

    unproven treatments when numerous

    other drugs, with proven scientific basis,

    are deemed too expensive.

    The main argument in favour of

    alternative medicine is that patients do

    genuinely feel better with more than 80%

    reporting a positive outcome. Even if this

    is simply our good friend the placebo

    effect rearing its beautiful head again,

    the case that homeopathy can be helpful

    clearly stands. This is particularly

    relevant given that a large number ofthese patients are suffering from chronic

    conditions for which conventional

    medicine has little or no answer; it is

    difficult to argue against anything which

    gives them some relief be it physical or

    psychological. Indeed there are a

    relatively large number of alternative

    medicine practitioners who will freely

    admit that they are only trying to maxim-

    ise the placebo effect and are aware that

    the treatment itself is sometimesirrelevant.

    It would be nave to denounce the

    placebo affect as a valuable aspect of all

    forms of medicine; patients do genuinely

    feel better and there is a large evidence

    base supporting it. A double dose of

    placebo has even been repeatedly shown

    to be better than a regular dose, and

    intravenous placebo performs better still.

    There are several factors which help givealternative medicine good feedback,

    consultation times are much longer and

    clinics are designed to be as calming and

    friendly. The majority of consultation

    time is also given over to what amounts

    to cognitive behavioural therapy with any

    actual medication being an adjunct. Both

    of these have good scientific basis and

    ideally, should be implemented across

    conventional medicine. If patients feel

    that conventional medicne is not address-

    ing these needs then it may well lend

    credence to the belief that modern medi-

    cine can no longer see the patient for the


    Homeopathy and the NHSBy contributing writer Michael Pretswell

    Homeopathy is witchcraft,

    it is a disgrace that is it

    paid for by the NHS


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Surgo Autumn Issue

    Listen up, fools. Youll hear a lot of BS about so-called

    natural and alternative remedies being superior to modern

    medicine, because someones second cousins aunty cured her

    wart with green tea. Lets set the record straight. Some plants

    are good for you. Some are not. Anyone who has tried eating

    both a tomato and a nettle can tell you this. But its not always

    simple to eliminate the bits that will leave a sobbing woman

    where your mother used to be; for many years arsenic was

    eaten and rubbed in the skin to improve the complexion

    (which it did, if you like your skin pale and smelling of

    corpse). Its taken a good few millennia for us to get to the

    point where we have a vague idea which enzymes and recep-tors a drug is even targeting, and there are still many drugs

    used every day which we dont fully understand..

    However, we dont always need to understand something for it

    to be effective and not all drugs in use today were invented in

    a lab. Through centuries of trial and error (mostly the latter),

    many compounds have been discovered gift-wrapped straight

    from Mother Nature, and have been part of many a witch doc-

    tors arsenal (though so was eye of newt, so really it just goes

    to show, even con-artists get lucky). Here are a few of the

    more interesting substances to make it from potion to prescrip-


    Clostridium Botulinum Botox

    Its neurotoxins are responsible for a severe form of food poi-

    soning known as botulism, but the one of the C. Botulinum

    bacteria toxins is also the source of a million fake smiles as it

    forms the active ingredient in Botox. Its still a neurotoxin

    though, so whether youre an idiot for injecting it into your

    face for cosmetic reasons is a matter of personal conscience.

    Opium Poppy Morphine, Codeine, Oxycodone, Di-hydrocodeine, Fentanyl, Oromorph, etc

    The opium poppy has a lot of claims to fame being responsible

    for a series of wars between European powers and China, the

    odd bit of Romantic literature, and many a crazy night-in. But

    its also the source of the majority of heavy-duty analgesia.

    The first derivative was synthesized by a German chemist who

    gave a generous dose to himself and a few close friends before

    suffering through the effects of severe opiate poisoning for

    several days (and while they survived, it isnt recorded if their

    friendship did). The experience prompted him to name the newcompound morphine, after Morpheus, the Greek god of sleep,

    and it proved such an effective pain killer that more opiates

    soon followed. Today, in gratitude, the poppy flower appears

    on the coat of arms of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, as

    their unemployment rates would be considerably higher with-

    out it.

    Erythroxylon CocaPlant Cocaine

    Despite its reputation, cocaine has a number of more scientific

    (though arguably less exciting) uses as an anaesthetic. The

    coca plant is native to South America and, when conquistadors

    arrived in the 16thcentury, they were amazed at the effects

    chewing its leaves had on the locals, who managed to seem

    happy and alert even as their land was being stolen. The plant

    was imported back to Europe from South America and after

    some experimentation (pun intended), a German chemist by

    the name of Gaedcke created the alkaloid derivative cocaine.

    For the next 50 years this was used for everything from tooth-

    aches to flatulence to morphine addiction, before a prohibition

    movement began in the 1910s that led to its ban from general


    A cynics Guide To Alternatives Medicines by Josh Neilsen

    The Science of Snake Oil

    Opium poppy seed heads

    Clostridium Botulinum


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Surgo Autumn IssueSt Johns Wort St Johns Wort

    A folk remedy that actually works quite well, St Johns Wort

    is a bit of a mystery. Despite being proven effective in mild to

    moderate depression in clinical trials, noones quite sure how

    it works or even what the active ingredient is. Given the po-

    tential side effects of many anti-depressants though, if youre

    feeling down, SJW might be worth a try (possibly more effec-

    tive when combined with adjuvant therapies, such as hugs).

    Artemisia annua Shrub Artenimol, Artemether

    For over two thousand years the shrubArtemisia annuahas

    been an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicines to treat a

    variety of ailments, most of which it was probably useless for,

    but the placebo effect is a wonderful thing. Anyway, after the

    whole world started using quinine as toothpaste and resistant

    strains of malaria emerged, the Chinese military began Project

    523 (I can only assume it sounds more exciting in Chinese) to

    find an alternative, in part at the request of North Vietnam,

    whose army was becoming increasingly malaria-ridden. The

    project screened various plants for anti-malarial properties

    and, after picking some shrub found its active ingredient, Ar-

    temisinin, to be more effective than any of the existing drugs.

    They understandably didnt share this with their enemies in

    the West at the time, but derivatives of Artemisinin are now

    part of the WHOs first-line treatments for malaria.

    Yew Tree Bark Paclitaxel

    Paclitaxel was one of the first chemotherapy drugs discov-

    ered. It was discovered during an American screening pro-

    gram isolated it from the bark of a yew tree and found it to be

    effective against ovarian cancer and melanoma. Unfortunate-

    ly, its production proved controversial as to meet demand

    about 360,000 trees would have to be chopped down each

    year, something which environmentalists said wasnt sustain-

    able (and they were right). Luckily, an alternative manufactur-

    ing process was created that necessitated far fewer trees, al-

    lowing cancer patients and yew tree fans alike to breathe a

    sigh of relief.

    Willow Tree Aspirin

    Dating back as far as Hippocrates, willow has been used for

    pain relief, usually from powders or teas of the bark and

    leaves. In 1829, the active compound was found to be salicin

    and the hunt for a palatable derivative began because tree bark

    generally doesnt taste great. It was eventually synthesized

    (by YET ANOTHER German chemist) into acetylsalicylic

    acid, better known today as aspirin and went on to great suc-

    cess as part of the WHO pain ladder.

    Foxglove Digoxin

    Discovered, depending who you ask, by an 18thcentury doc-

    tor called William Withering, or by gypsies who werent rich

    enough to have a medical degree. The story goes that a patient

    with a bad heart condition, whom the doctor had been unable

    to treat, went to see a local gypsy, who did what leeches

    couldnt and cured him. The doctor tracked down the gypsy,

    and after some bartering learned the main ingredient of the

    gypsys concoction had been the purple foxglove flower.

    Withering promptly stole the naive gypsys work and, after

    experimenting with various extracts from the plant, intro-

    duced its use in 1785, which has been dubbed by some to be

    the beginning of modern therapeutics (though sadly for the

    gypsy, not intellectual property law).

    Friendly Bacteria YakultTM

    Just kidding, that stuff is more pointless than Donald Trumps


    So to sum up, yes, some herbal remedies are good for you.

    Once upon a time doctors werent much better than the con-

    men they were competing with but now we have the GMC

    and study protocols, so standards have improved at least a

    little, and you dont have to go to your local gypsy for medi-

    cine. The therapies that actually work, and can be proven to

    do so, arent ignored; theyre studied, refined, and eventually

    they wind up in the BNF. So while you can choose to go herb-

    al, and might feel more natural for it, Id recommend the tab-

    let over the tree bark.

    St Johns wort flower

    Foxglove flowers


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013



    annabis preparations have been

    used to treat a variety of medi-

    cal conditions as far back as the

    practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

    Although recreational use in the UK is

    illegal, there is growing popularity in the

    using the drug for medicinal purposes,

    particularly in the US.

    Cannabis contains 2 main psychoactive

    compounds: cannabidiol (CBD) and

    tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Medicinal

    cannabis tends to have a higher CDB to

    THC ratio, with recreational cannabis

    tending to be the opposite. The body

    actually has a natural endocannabinoid

    system consisting of two receptors:

    CB1 (which THC acts on) is mainly

    expressed in the central nervous system,

    whereas CB2 (which CBD acts on) is

    expressed in the immune, cardiovascular

    and gastrointestinal systems as well as

    the central and peripheral nervous

    systems. It is the impact on these

    systems that gives cannabis such a wide

    range of effects.

    Medical uses

    CB2 agonists have been shown to have

    therapeutic effects in a wide range of

    diseases. For example, research into

    CB2 expression in leukocytes and mast

    cells has shown that they mediate the

    release of inflammatory cytokines which

    may help regulate both the inflammatory

    response and pain perception. This has

    potentially beneficial effects for a huge

    number of inflammatory conditions from

    rheumatoid arthritis to Crohns disease

    and even diabetes.

    In addition to this, CB2 receptors are

    overexpressed on the plaque-affected

    cells which are implicated in both

    Alzheimers disease and multiple

    sclerosis; CB2 agonists have been found

    to stimulate macrophages to remove

    these plaques leading to a reduction in

    symptoms. THC on the other hand is

    used as an anti-emetic; its synthetic

    derivatives are more effective at

    reducing nausea and vomiting associated

    with cancer chemotherapy than other

    treatments. THC also works both

    centrally and peripherally to relieve

    cancer-related pain, with the advantage

    of being an alternative to opiate based

    therapies. Another use of THC is as an

    appetite stimulator (not surprising


    Adverse effects and criticism

    Although some medical uses of cannabis

    seem very arbitrary, all licensed applica-

    tions at the moment have undergone

    clinical trials and found to have these

    beneficial effects. These trials have all

    been fairly small so far but more trials

    are being undertaken as we speak as

    restrictions on the drug are reduced.

    It is true that cannabinoids are addictive

    drugs, however their addictive potential

    is considerably lower than many com-

    monly prescribed drugs or other recrea-

    tional substances. Furthermore, despite along history of non-medicinal use, the

    have been no recorded cannabis-related

    deaths from it. Another principal area of

    dispute surround potential routes of

    administration. Though smoking is the

    most common at the moment, this

    clearly carries all the risks associated

    with smoking such as COPD.

    Medicinal cannabis is in fact, far more

    effective when eaten, vaporised or used

    as a spray or tablet for example.

    Research is currently being done into the

    long term damaging effects of cannabis

    use on the brain but no definitive links

    have been found so far. With continued

    research into medicinal cannabis, it

    might be possible to isolate its potential

    whilst not producing a high feeling,

    possibly unlocking its use as a legitimate

    medical drug.

    Surgo Autumn IssueCannabisas a Medical Therapy

    By finance editor Tom Baddeley

    Worldwide cannabis use


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Surgo Autumn Issue

    Since the smoking ban came into effect

    in Scotland in 2006 and the rest of the

    U.K. in 2007, companies across the

    country have been looking at ways to

    capitalise on the negative image placed

    on smoking and idea that cessation is the

    way forward. Before the ban, Tobacco

    sales alone in the UK were 13 billion;

    thats enough to buy over 150 Gareth

    Bales for your personal consumption

    nomnomnom. There is a staggering

    amount of money in the smoking

    industry and E-Cigarettes are the latest

    product to try and take some of the

    tobacco sales and multiple companies are

    desperate to gobble up some of the


    I recently held a Q&A session with


    Where did E-Cigarettes come


    Like many of the great inventions of our

    time, the e-cigarette was born in the dark

    underbelly of Chinas laboratories. It was

    made by none other than Surgos

    favourite pharmacist Hon Lik created a

    piezoelectric ultrasound emitting element

    that vaporises a jet of liquid containingnicotine diluted in a propylene glycol

    solution (plagiarism? check).

    What are they? What do they


    Ultimately they deliver the same nicotine

    kick to smokers but are less harmful and

    cheaper. Upon inhaling, the liquid in the

    cartridge, where the filter would be, is

    heated so that some of the liquid

    nicotine is vaporised and absorbed

    through the mouth. There is some

    smoke (primarily water vapour) and

    an a LED light at the end of the cigarette

    that lights up upon inhalation to mimic

    the glow of a real cigarette but is

    naturally available in a variety of colours.

    Another issue they tackle is that they

    provide the same habitual feeling of

    holding a cigarette, a problem that has

    perhaps prevented patches and gum from

    really kicking off.

    Whats all the fuss about? They

    sound splendiferous!

    E-cigarettes lack tar and other nasty

    additives but the BMA is concerned

    about the revolution due to the lack of

    rigorous, peer-reviewed studies on their

    safety and efficacy. Concerns are placed

    on the fact that e-cigarettes can legally

    be sold to children and are not treated as

    a medicine so the legislation surroundingthem is unclear and thus, potentially

    unsafe. The use of them in public places

    is perfectly legal yet has led to many

    stories that have been brought to public

    attention. Planes have even had to be

    turned around after users refused to stop

    smoking their e-cigarettes.

    Personally I was in a pub recently (lad)

    and witnessed a fellow punter smoking

    an e-cigarette which was an unusual

    experience but not by any means

    uncomfortable. It is strongly argued by

    many, including the BMA, that

    e-cigarettes should fall under the same

    legislation as cigarettes and as such be

    banned from public places.

    What does the Fox say?


    What does the future hold?

    There are estimated to be around 1.3 mil-

    lion e-cigarette users, up from 700,000 in

    2012 which emphasises the remarkably

    rapid revolution that is sweeping our

    shores. In October the European Parlia-

    ment drafted a law to introduce a number

    of measures affecting the regulation,

    strength, advertisement and sale of E-

    cigarettes. As it stands, it does appear to

    be a favourable alternative to smoking

    and some companies argue their products

    will overtake sales of tobacco within the

    decade. Bold claims but the winds are

    changing. All we ask of you readers is to

    stay vigilant, stay informed and brace


    Smoking an e-cigarette can rapidly increase

    the onset of baldness...

    The traditional cigarette has the winds against it, arts editor Druid Boyle explores the latest technology getting

    ready to replace it

    The rise of the E-Cigarette

    Ned Stark is a big fan

    The fox.


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013



    The alcoholic hangover is the most commonly reported symptom experienced by those that drink alcohol in excess. It develops

    when blood alcohol concentration returns to zero and is characterized by a feeling of general misery that may last more than 24


    Fig. 1 A hangover

    Its exact pathophysiological mechanism is poorly understood, but its mereoccurrence may infer an evolutionary advantage; acting as a disincentive to

    excessive drinking with negative reinforcement of undesirable symptoms.Addition-

    ally it has substantial economic implications, accounting for many sick days yearly,

    and mental, physical and social health consequences including impairment of

    memory and diminished visual-spatial skills. Currently a Google search for

    hangover cure yields 13.5 million hits alone, with no general consensus from people

    or indeed population[See fig. 2] on what works best.No scientific evidence

    currently exists that supports a cure or safe and effective therapeutic measure for a

    hangover, be it in a medical, complementary or traditional form. With this in mind

    it seems apt that we investigate the role of some commonly used treatments said to

    alleviate symptoms. Although as an aside, we should probably say please dont try

    this at home and get us in trouble, and that the best way to avoid a hangover is to

    consume alcohol only in moderation, or not at all, or whatever, its your funeral.

    The relative effectiveness of interventions intended

    to treat alcohol hangover: a randomised control trialTadjkarimi J, Bennett E, Neilsen J et al.


    Veisalgia affects many millions daily. Its signs and symptoms are non-specific, presentation is highly heterogeneous amongst

    populations and it currently has no FDA approved management. Unpleasant physiological and psychological effects include

    drowsiness, headache, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, concentration problems and the all-encompassing symptom: feeling

    like shit.

    Never heard of it? Neither had I. It is in fact whats better known as a hangover. That dawning realisation on waking from a

    sleep so bad you may as well have slept in a cardboard box in the hold of an airplane, with nothing but a badger for company.

    After cursing Viper/that friend that handed you your last Sambuca/ all Gods who art in heaven and recoiling from all forms of

    natural light you ask yourself Why? Why in the 21stcentury do we not have a cure for this particularly vile medical state?

    Hangovers are poorly understood from a medical standpoint as healthcare professionals prefer to study treatment and preven-

    tion of alcohol abuse given the relative health burden. Rather than the weird and wonderful remedies for a hangover, everyone

    has their own go-to cure, all of which they swear by with surprising dogma whilst denouncing the rest as twaddle worthy of a

    Victorian apothecary. Fitting snugly in with the theme of this issue but sadly featuring no druids, Surgo has decided to hypo-

    thetically investigate a handful of hangover cures in a scientific fashion (or as close as we can get without ruining a decent

    night out).

    What follows is the experimental protocol for Surgos first mock trial: A somewhat blinded, randomised, placebo controlled

    parallel trial investigating the effectiveness of common hangover remedies in ameliorating the effects of veisalgia. What fol-

    lows is the introduction and method to our study; with follow up results to be published in the next issue.

    Surgo Research


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Methods & materials

    Test subjects were taken at random from a university population. Due to lack of funding, there will only be 15(ish) subjects

    with a median age of 22. Each participant had experienced the symptoms of a hangover in the past and exclusion criteria

    included a debilitating medical condition, allergy to any of the proposed treatments, consumption of alcohol in the last 12 hours

    or quite obviously, alcoholism. Subjects gave informed consent, before starting drinking, and were then randomly assigned to a

    treatment group.

    Hangover cures

    Given the plethora of potential hangover cures out there, we have chosen to use those suggested by our readers. Where possible

    subjects were blinded to the treatment group assigned to them.

    Fig 2. Popular hangover cures by country

    Naturalistic Study design

    Once assigned to a group, test subjects will be asked to complete an alcohol hangover severity scale (AHSS) questionnaire

    featuring 12 parameters to gauge baseline characteristics. At which point they will be free to drink alcoholic drinks of any type

    but amounting to a specified number of units, adjusted to each individuals BMI. The decision to allow a variety of drinks was

    to ensure that this study accurately mimics a night of heavy drinking for each subject. Upon waking, participants will once

    again complete the AHSS questionnaire before taking their assigned treatment. They will subsequently be left for 4 hours to

    see what degree of recovery, if any, is present before filling in the AHSS questionnaire for a third time. This will allow us to

    assess percentage change from baseline AHSS score. Statistical analysis will be carried out by someone.

    To be continued

    Stay tuned for the results, discussion and conclusions on Surgos first venture into the world of gritty research.

    Surgo Research

    Ibuprofen + fizzy drink (Coke/Irn Bru)

    A fry up

    Milk thistle

    Hair of the dog (Bloody Mary or equivalent)

    500ml IV 0.9% saline

    5k run (to get fry up ingerdients)

    Placebo control (wallowing whilst watching friends.

    Duvet optional.)


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Surgo Review

    Bad Pharma is the story of a

    broken medicine; a world where

    decisions are influenced by sleazy

    drug reps spouting false

    information based on bad trials

    and missing evidence. A world

    of under-regulation, under-

    enforcement and fake fixes that

    extends from individual doctors,

    through patient safety bodies right

    up to world-renowned journals

    Ben Goldacre himself is more than just

    another perfectly-groomed media doc; he

    has won numerous awards for scientific

    writing and his bestseller Bad Science

    and weekly Guardian column have set an

    encouraging precedent (I am trying not

    to hold his occasional involvement with

    the Daily Mail against him). Bad Pharma

    is more than just plain old industry-

    bashing (though Goldacre does make his

    agenda abundantly clear), the book is so

    meticulously researched that any

    suspicions of conspiracy are discounted

    almost immediately.

    This grim tale begins with a section

    about the bafflingly unethical problem of

    missing data. At present, the best

    estimate available is that 50% of trialsare never published. Evidence that drug

    companies routinely, and legally,

    withhold unfavourable data in order to

    flood the literature with evidence

    favouring their own products. Not only

    can doctors and patients not access this

    information, but neither can organisa-

    tions such as NICE and SIGN. This

    makes a mockery of the very fundamen-

    tals of contemporary medicine, leaving

    doctors to make decisions based on noth-ing more than the regulators word and

    drug company propaganda. To add insult

    to injury, this problem isnt confined to

    commercial industry; universities,

    journals and charities are also guilty of

    publication bias whether to enhance

    academic reputation or honour

    stipulations imposed by undisclosed

    industry sponsors.

    This lack of evidence extends to

    treatments that millions of people take

    every day, treatments that the NHS

    spends over 14 billion pounds a year on,

    and treatments that in all probability you

    or I, or your mum/dad/spouse/dog will

    be prescribed in the not-so-distant future.

    Perhaps the most shocking example is

    that of anti-depressant (SSRI)

    paroxetine. GlaxoSmithKline, the

    developers and manufacturers of

    paroxetine, knew that

    though not licenced for

    paediatric use, it was

    being widely prescribed

    for children. This is

    perfectly legal and not

    really an issue in itself

    doctors frequently use

    drugs off-label for

    conditions out-with their

    specific license. The

    problem was that GSK

    also knew, through

    extensive but unpublished

    trials, that paroxetineincreases the risk of

    suicide in children. This

    information was withheld

    from doctors, patients, NICE, SIGN and

    even the MRHA(the UK drug

    licensing body) for seven years. The

    enraging and somewhat unfathomable

    end to this story is that what they did was

    entirely legal. Equally infuriating is the

    fact that this is not an isolated incident.

    Goldacre goes on to illustrate several

    other cases of gross (but mostly legal)

    misconduct concerning drugs that are

    virtually household names; from statinsand clopidogrel, to the dizzyingly

    expensive heights of Tamiflu.

    Bad Pharma then continues its dismal

    journey on to the issues of bad trials,

    inadequate regulators and even more

    inadequate regulations. Goldacre details

    how companies design intentionally

    biased trials, using unrealistic patient

    groups and dubious statistical analysis to

    exaggerate the benefits and minimise the

    side-effects of their products (and lets

    not forget that if this still fails to produce

    the desired results then they can always

    just not publish it). The brilliance of

    Goldacres book though, is not these

    problems; it is the encouragingly simple

    solutions he includes to keep you from

    needing paroxetine yourself.

    Ben Goldacre

    Ben Goldacres Bad Pharma: A review, by editor Ella Bennett


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Surgo Review

    These suggestions are as well researched

    and eloquently put as the problems

    themselves and provide a much-needed

    foundation for change. The other thing

    thatll keep you going is Goldacres love

    of eccentric footnotes; one of my

    personal favourites details Yes Sir, no

    Sir, not much difference Sir a random-

    ised control trial conducted by the

    Cochrane collaboration to discover the

    effect that receiving a knighthood has onletter replies.*

    Bad Pharma comes to an appropriately

    gory climax in its final section,

    marketing. Strangely, and somewhat

    mysteriously, this is the first time

    throughout the whole book that things

    become properly illegal. This chapter

    airs an outstanding amount of dirty

    laundry. Its so full of shame in fact that

    Im struggling to summarise it. I want to

    tell you all of it, in its disgustingly

    scandalous detail, but well have to

    settle with a whistle-blowers tour.

    Goldacre starts with the media, detailing

    shoddy journalism and disease-

    mongering to rival the pharmaceutical

    companies themselves. He then moves

    on to the murky world of drug

    advertising where only 67% of adverts inmajor journals were supported by trial

    data. Despite this, and a barrage of other

    supporting evidence, the British

    Department of Health continues to reject

    calls to force companies to issue

    corrections. This is not only maddening-

    ly unjust, but also extremely dangerous.

    To make things worse, journal revenue is

    heavily dependent on reprint orders

    (articles bought by drug companies to

    use as endorsements for their products)

    and industry advertising. This represents

    a huge conflict of interest, summarised

    eloquently by

    Richard Smith,

    former editor of

    the BMJ, the

    choice is either

    to publish a trial

    that will bring in

    $100,000 of

    profit, or meet

    the end-of-year

    budget by

    firing an editor.

    The next blow to

    journal integrity comes at the mention of

    ghost-writing; the practice of paying

    academics to put their names to industry

    papers. This is disturbingly as wide-

    spread as the conflicts of interest they

    are trying to conceal.

    Dubious partnerships become subject of

    another chapter entirely, with a whole

    host of fantastically ridiculous coalitions

    to keep you going through your

    inevitable despair; Richard Sykes, CEO

    of GSK during arguably their most

    fraudulent years, for example, is now

    head of the Royal Institute in London.

    Even more absurdly, the American

    Association for nutrition and dietetics is

    funded by Coca Cola and ,to top it all

    off, the British Journal of Midwifery

    runs adverts for formula milk.

    My only criticism of Bad Pharma is that

    it could be a little shorter; at 448 pages it

    is a hefty read. Dont let this put you off

    though, read it in sections (like I did) and

    persevere because Im pretty confident

    that this book will prove far more

    important and educational than anything

    else you read at med school. And if not itwill, at the very least, be infinitely more

    interesting than anything on the med

    schools 5 page long reading list.

    * A few years ago, television nutritionist Gillian McKeith underwent a miraculous transformation to Dr Mckeith following membership

    to the American Association of Nutritional Consultants. In (very public) retaliation to this, Goldacre bought a certified professional mem-

    bership for his late cat Henrietta, now Dr Henrietta, from the same institution for $60. Unsurprisingly, Mckeith reverted back to her origi-

    nal title.

    How drug companies mislead doctors

    and harm patients


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    If youve ever dragged an oversized

    bottle of water around all day inorder to get your required 8 glass-

    es, been persuaded by a significant other (/dubious viper deci-sion) that semen is loaded with calories so youve got no ex-cuse or booked a manicure for your funeral date to make sureyoure looking your best for your date with the devil, then Ihate to break it to you but youve been swindled into believ-ing some of the horrendous, weird and down-right dangerous

    medical myths that float around today.

    Medical Myth-bustingBy Dan Taylor-Sweet

    Drink 8 glasses of water a day, everyday

    Ever been thrown into a fit of sheer panic by the sight ofyour Evian bottle running dry halfway through a biochemis-try lecture? Does the prospect of not being able to get yourrequired hydration make you shrivel into a raisin? Dont

    panic. The myth that you must drink 2 litres of water a daywas created by a research group funded exclusively byDanone -to boost sales, or maybe as part of a more sinister

    plot towards watery world domination. A person onlyactually needs to drink when they feel thirsty which varies ahuge amount; a deprived Ayrshire shepherd hunting haggisover the Campsies will need to drink more than a bedridden,

    i-player watching student.

    Semen is loaded with caloriesSemen, that sticky, white liquid girls love to think is full ofempty calories? Maybe not. Many a post-coital argument hassparked the highly contentious debate; what are thenutritional benefits of the stallion in questions ejaculate?This is nearly always started by the self-proclaimed lotharioat the sight of his artisan-produced load left unloved,undigested and under-appreciated on the bed sheets. It is

    often thrown around that on average a single dose of semencontains enough calories to keep a team of huskies runningfor around 87 days. This is plainly not true considering anaverage ejaculation contains only 10ml of fluid. A singleejaculation actually only contains around 5-6 calories mostof which comes from the high fructose content of the semi-nal fluid. Considering this is the equivalent calorie content ofa single grape, its not exactly satisfying for either personinvolved. So keeping this in mind, the next time your lover is

    begging you to eat yer dinner, youll be able to tell themhow youd much prefer a tasty sourdough, pastrami and

    emmental sandwich over the dinner theyre offering you.*

    Please direct any complaints/well-founded

    accusations of misogyny/death threats to Dans

    personal facebook page.

    If you sneeze with your eyes open they will pop out

    If like me you spent your entire childhood, and up until now,making sure you closed your eyes before you sneezed toavoid ending up with your eyeballs hanging down your face,then youll understand my concern. The thought of havingyour eyes swing around on the end of fleshy stalks like jellyconkers terrifies me. This fear, thankfully, is not founded onany truth. There has been no recorded occurance of a personsneezing their eyeballs out of their orbits. You can now too

    become that obnoxious child who ran around the playgroundsneezing with his eyes open showing off in front of all the

    pretty girls.

    You should never wake a sleepwalker

    If youve ever been woken up by a possessed flatmatewandering around wielding a dirty fish slice youllunderstand my predicament should I try and fight off theinfatuated blood hungry roomie? Or should I wake him upand risk giving him a stroke? Id heard that you should neverwake a sleepwalker or they would have a seizure or evenworse, die. Luckily this is all a load of phish afterconsulting Kumar and Clark I found that its perfectly safe towake up sleepwalking friends. So I was thankful to find my

    battered and well-loved copy to hand to use as a blunt

    instrument perfect for waking him up.

    Fingernails continue to grow after death

    I once spoke to a rather inebriated over baked nail artist-

    who spent a good 23 minutes convincing me that once aperson died their nails kept growing for 3 days. I wasmesmerised by her mediocre chat. But then it hit me -thehorrific thought of my lifeless hunter like callused handsturning into perfectly manicured lady paws really would be afate worse than death. I rushed home from the GUU andfrantically Googled (my chunky man fingers are too big touse my blackberry otherwise I would have done it there andthen to smite her down). Google pulled through -yet again.

    Nails do not continue to grow after death because thehormones that stimulate them are no longer produced afteryou bite the dust. Instead the skin dehydrates and tightens

    making the nails appear as if they have in fact grown. Thankgoodness.

    So, whenever you hear someone make an outrageous medi-cal claim never be afraid to jump in and tell him or her howmuch of an idiot they are being. The propagation of medicalmisnomers is incredibly annoying to anyone with an ounceof intelligence, and their perpetual reoccurrence is morefrequent than the Borg. As Adam SavageandJamie

    Hyneman all to often say Myth busted.

    Love Dan, the stallion/lothario/artisan semen maker. x


    Fun Stuf
  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Horror-ScopesYour future predicted by Psychic Suz and Astro Anna: Glasgows finest amateur



    Steer clear of unlabelled videotapes and girls with

    long, black hair around the 14th. The stars predictthat looking into wells is not advisable under any



    If you see dead people this month Capricorn,you may have an undiagnosed 6 thsense. Or, you

    may have taken a wrong turn into the morgue.


    Its okay to try something different once in awhile, but that new look youre sporting isscaring the first years. Remember, Halloween is

    only the 31st.


    Forget trick or treating, its not safe. Research hasshown that you lot are prone to developing Jekylland Hyde-type personalities around Halloween.

    Seek help if you feel like youre living a doublelife.


    Strange noises in the night? Increased sightingsof black cats? Incessant cackling from theneighbours upstairs? Probably a witch, probably

    a Slytherin. Consider a change of address.


    With Mars moving into Venus it looks likely thatblack dogs are a bad omen for you this month.

    Warning: Trust nobody who likes their steak raw.


    Saturns rings are moving anticlockwise whichmeans that zombie sightings are on the rise.Consider investing in a personal safety alarm and

    refrain from hanging about graveyards.


    That china doll youve had for years is lookingcreepier than ever. Bin immediately or give as agift to your worst enemy/least favourite PBL



    If you believe in ghosts, be very, very afraid thismonth Taurus. If you dont, carry on with life as

    per usual.


    Your new lecturer may be in desperate need ofsome dental work. Or, he may be Dracula. Wear

    garlic as a precaution.


    Stay out of the SL after hours if you dont have aholographic sticker on your student card. Someonescary is waiting for you to venture into the surgical

    section so they can test out their scalpel skills.


    If you go down to the woods this month youre infor a big surprise. Cloudy conditions mean thatwe cant be sure whether this is positive or not,

    but we advise you not to risk it.


    Fun stuf

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013


    Do you have an interest in journalism or writing in general?

    Are you curious about the influence of the wider world on medicine, and vice versa?

    Do you have an opinion or perspective you think should be heard?

    Join the writing team atSurgo!

    Breath-taking (-Stephen Fry), Visionary ( -William Shatner)

    The scalpel-sharp edge of modern medical journalism ( -Alan Jardine)

    If youre interested or want to know more, email Ella at [email protected]

    Yules yarns

    In Shetland in the 1950s there lived a young doctor called Bobby. Although a GP,

    Bobby often acted as the anaesthetist at a Lerwick dental practice. Around this

    time it was starting to be believed that hypnosis before anticipated surgery was

    beneficial, relaxing the patients and allowing a smoother induction of anaesthesia.

    Ever keen to try new techniques Bobby started using hypnosis to calm patients

    down before they were to have a tooth extraction, and then used the anaesthetic

    machine. This seemed to work well and for a while the dentist happily removed

    teeth with no problemsThat was until Bobby took some annual leave and a

    locum doctor was FILLING in for him.

    On his first day the locum anaesthetist was baffled. He was testing the anaestheticmachine and in an outburst, cried out, How on Earth have you been putting these

    patients under?! This machine is completely useless!

    I dont know if they ever really got to the root (canal) of it, but it seems the

    machine had been broken for some time. Hypnosis was the main anaesthetic.


    Contributing writer Anna Yule brings us a real life, TRUE story about hypnosis...


    Fun stuf

  • 8/13/2019 Surgo Autumn Issue 2013
