Morning Bliss | Ramadan 2014 | June 29, 2014 Surah Al Muminoon DAY 1 – RAMADAN 1, 1435

Surah Al Muminoon Class1 29th June 2014ver0...Surah!Al!Muminoon,!Class!1!! PAGE1! Introduction!! Allah!mentioned!about!those!who!will!benefit!from!the!Quran!in!Ayah!57!and!58!ofSurah!Yunus.!!

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Page 1: Surah Al Muminoon Class1 29th June 2014ver0...Surah!Al!Muminoon,!Class!1!! PAGE1! Introduction!! Allah!mentioned!about!those!who!will!benefit!from!the!Quran!in!Ayah!57!and!58!ofSurah!Yunus.!!


Morning  Bliss  |  Ramadan  2014  |  June  29,  2014  

Surah  Al  Muminoon  DAY  1  –  RAMADAN  1,  1435  

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Surah  Al  Muminoon,  Class  1    

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Allah  mentioned  about  those  who  will  benefit  from  the  Quran  in  Ayah  57  and  58  of  Surah  Yunus.  


O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the

breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers.

This  is  an  address  to  all  mankind.  The  Quran  is  the  biggest  favor  from  Allah  for  which  we  need  to  thank  and  appreciate  Him  and  we  need  to  rejoice  with  the  Ayat  Al  Quran.  Allah  is  telling  us  that    the  Quran   is   an  admonition,  Shifa   (cure)  and  mercy   for   the  Mumineen   (believers).  Therefore  we  need  to  know  who  are  the  real  believers.  The  best  place  to  find  out  about  the  Mumineen  (believers)  is  Surah  Al  Muminoon.    


Say,   "In   the  bounty  of  Allah  and   in  His  mercy   -­‐   in   that   let   them  rejoice;   it   is  better   than  what   they  accumulate."  

Allah  says  in  Ayah  58  of  Surah  Yunus  that  the  Ayat  Al  Quran  that  benefits  the  believers  is  a  favor  and  mercy   from  Allah   for  which  we  need   to   rejoice.    When  we   benefit   from   the  Quran,  we  will  rejoice  and  be  happy.  



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Surah  Al  Muminoon,  Class  1    

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Surah  Al  Muminoon  


We  are  told  in  the  beginning  of  the  Surah  that  believers  are  successful  and  they  have  succeeded.  In  Ayah  11,  Allah  mentions  what  is  the  success  of  the  believers.  We  need  to  have  the  target  in  front  of  our  eyes.  Allah  tells  us  that  Al  Muminoon  (Believers)  would  inherit  the  highest  place  in  Paradise  Al  Firdous  under   the   throne  of  Allah.  Al-­‐Firdous   is   in   the  middle  of  Paradise.  The  supply   for  all   the  rivers   in  Paradise  originates   from  Al-­‐Firdous.  The  advantage  of   the  people   in  Firdous   is   that   they  are   nearest   to  Allah   and   they  will   enjoy   looking   at  Allah,   speaking   to  Allah   and   listening   to  His  commands  day  and  night.  

The   Surah   Al  Muminoon   is   in   the   18th   Chapter   of   the  Quran.   It   was   revealed   in  Makkah  when  believers  were  very  weak  and  few.  Allah  encourages  and  motivates  them.  There  is  a  big  motivation  in  the  Surah  for  the  believers  in  Makkah  who  embraced  and  accepted  Islam.    


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Surah  Al  Muminoon,  Class  1    

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Ayah  1  


In   this  Ayah,   though   it   is   the   first  Ayah  Allah  mentions   the   result   that   Indeed,   verily,   surely   the  Muminoon  have  succeeded.    

قد    is  used  for  affirmation.  This  means  indeed,  verily  and  surely.  

The أأفلح  word  is  derived  from  the  word   . فلح  

فلح    means   شق  

فالحح means “to Split”. The person who is digging and sowing the seeds is called the شقق

There  is  an  addition  of   اا   in   أأفلح    that  means    

1. To  succeed  2. To  reach  to  what  he  desires.    3. To  win  in  a  completion.  

What  is  the  resemblance  between  splitting  and  success?  

The  person  who  succeeds  is  the  one  who  is  striving  as  if  he  is  digging  the  earth  to  reach  to  what  he  desires.  Success  comes  with  striving  and  struggling  just  like  the  farmer  struggles  and  strives  to  dig  the  earth.  




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Who  succeeded?  The  believers.    

• Sheikh  Saadi  mentions   that   this  Ayah   is  a  big  motivation   for  everyone  no  matter  what   is  the  level  of  his  or  her  belief.  Those  with  high  belief  as  well  as  those  with  low  belief  benefit  from  this  Ayah.  

• In  this  Ayah,  Allah  remembers  His  believers.  Belief  is  the  connection  between  Allah  and  us.  Our  value  in  front  of  Allah  is  with  our  belief.  

• Allah  mentions   the   success   of   the   believers.   The   past   tense   is   used  here   to   indicate   it   is  done  already.    

This .ااالسغررااقق is أألل The ٱٱلمؤمنونن  means  the  believers  are  drowning  and  indulging  in  belief.  

It  is  as  if  they  are  covered  with  the  ink  of  belief.    The  belief  means  to  believe  in  Allah  and  His  

messengers      This  means  to  believe  in ال االهھ ااال هللا محمدد ررسوولل هللا Those  who  do  their  deeds  for  Allah  and  follow  the  Sunnah  of  the  Prophet.


When  we  talk  about  belief  it  is  very  abstract,  as  we  don’t  know  how  much  is  our  belief.  In  Surah  Al  Muminoon  we  are  told  about  the  indicators  of  Al  Muminoon  (The  believers).  If  we  understand  the  characteristics  of  the  believers  we  can  understand  and  measure  our  scale  of  our  faith.    




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Ayah  2  Now   we   need   to   see   the   characteristics   of   the   Al   Muminoon   i.e.   the   believers   who   have   been  guaranteed  Al-­‐Firdous.  The  believers  mentioned  in  the  Surah  Al  Muminoon  are  the  ones  with  the  highest  level  of  belief.  The  first  characteristics  is  as  below:      







All  the  characteristics  mentioned  are  outside  characteristics  and  not  inner.  If  we  have  something  in  the  hearts  we  can  know  it  from  the  outside  characteristics.    

In   the   life   how   the  believers   pray   is   an   indication   of   how  much   faith   they  have.   This   is   the   first  characteristic  of  success.  If  the  Salah  is  good  then  everything  is  good.  

is ٱٱلذيین  referring  to  the  Al  Muminoon.    

is هھھھم  for  Affirmation  

is فى   indicating   they   are   too  much   indulging   in   the  prayer   and   they  don’t   feel   anything  on   the  outside.  

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meaning صالتہم  “their  prayer”.  It   is  as  if  the  prayer  is  attached  to  them.  They  are  fulfilling  the  conditions   of   acceptance   of   the   prayer   that   is   why   the   prayer   is   attached   to   them.   All   the   good  deeds   i.e.   fasting,   praying   are   attached   to   a   person   and  will   be  with   them   in   the   graves   and  will  intercede  for  them  on  the  Day  of  Judgment.  

شعونن ـ خشوعع“  meaning خ  in  Salah”.  The  more  we  believe  in  Allah  the  more  we  have االخشوعع   in  Salah.  






1. Submitting  2. Humiliating  and  humble  3. To  have  peace  and  tranquility    4. Break  down  5. Coming  forward  



There  is  no  one-­‐word  translation  in  English.  The  above  meaning  is  literal  meaning  of خشوعع   in  the  language.  


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Shaikh  Saadi  mentioned  the  meaning  of خشوعع   in  religion  as  below:  

1. In   the   religion   the خشوعع   means   to   present   the   heart   between   the   hands   of   Allah.   This  means  our  heart  should  be  present  in  the  prayer.  What  makes  our  heart  to  be  present?  The  more  we  believe  in  Allah  the  more  our  heart  will  be  present  in  prayer.  The  one  who  heart  is  present  in  prayer  is  praying  in  reality.  They  know  they  are  standing  in  front  of  Allah  and  He  is  listening  to  them.  They  know  this  is  standing  in  front  of  Allah  in  the  Duniya  and  there  will  be  another  standing  in  front  of  Allah  on  the  Day  of  Judgment.  

2. We  need  to  bring   in  our  mind  closeness  to  Allah.  When  a  person  starts  praying  and  says  Allah  u  Akbar  then  Allah  gives  him  the  honor  and  places  His   face   in  front  of  the  praying  person.    Allah’s  face  remains  in  front  of  the  praying  person  till  he  turns  away.  The  turning  is   the   turning   of   the   body   and   the   turning   of   the   heart.  We   need   to   bring   in   our  mind  closeness  of  Allah.    The  result   is  our  heart  will  be   in  peace  and  our  Nafs  will  be  tranquil.  Our  limbs  will  humble  and  will  be  silent  as  a  result  of  which  our  turning  will  be  less.  

This   is   the   first   characteristic   of   the  Muminoon.   They   are   indulging   in   their   prayer   with خشوعع     This  is  the  essence  and  soul  of  the  prayer  



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خشوعع  IN  SALAH  


خشوعع •  is  the  soul  and  essence  of  prayer.  Without  the  soul  the  prayer  is  dead.  

• Allah  prescribed   the  prayer   for   the .خشوعع   Allah  wants   the خشوعع    from  our  prayer.    The  

main  goal  and  the  outcome  of  the  prayer  is خشوعع   • Allah   will   account   a   person   for   his   prayer   according   to   how   much   خشوعع   he   has.   The  

reward  of  our  prayer  is  dependent  on  how  much خشوعع   we  have.  

The خشوعع   is  mentioned  as  a  noun  here  so  this  is  the  characteristic  of  the  Muminoon  in  the  prayer.