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Surah Al Baqarah (2:183) - Benefits of Fasting

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Page 1: Surah Al Baqarah (2:183) - Benefits of Fasting

Its marvels will never cease

(Jami Tirmidhi)

Scientific and Archaeological Explanation of

the Ayaats of the Holy Quran

Comments, queries and feedback at

[email protected]

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Page 2: Surah Al Baqarah (2:183) - Benefits of Fasting

Surah Al Baqarah

Ayat 183

O you who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you

may guard (against evil)

M Shakir's Quran Translation

Fasting: A divinely prescribed healing workshop Muslims fast from dawn until dusk i.e. from the time the day starts up to the ending of the day. The starting of the

day is explained by another verse from the Holy Quran.

And eat and drink until the whiteness of the day becomes distinct from the blackness of the night at dawn, then

complete the fast till night,

By saying that as it was prescribed for those before you does not mean that the Muslim fast is like the other fasts

previously observed, in the number of days, in the time or manner of the fast, or in other incidents; it only means

that the principle of self-denial by fasting is not a new one.

Day becomes distinct from the blackness; first appear thin white indefinable streaks of light in the east; then a dark

zone supervenes; followed by a beautiful pinkish white zone clearly defined from the dark. This is the true dawn;

after that, the fast begins.

Till the night appears; from the actual practice of the Holy Apostle, this is rightly interpreted to mean: "Till sunset."

Muslims stay away from sexual desires and food and water during the fast time. In a single statement we may say

that the main feature of fasting is to "suppress the materialistic desires and invoke spirituality " , but the method of

fast prescribed by Allah has many medical ethics as well. The

Fasting has been found to be an effective treatment for psychological and emotional disorders. It helps a person to

firm up his will, cultivate and refine his taste and manners, strengthen his conviction of doing good, avoid

controversy, petulance and rashness, which all contribute towards a sane and healthy personality. Besides nurturing

resistance and ability to face hardships and endurance, fasting reflects on outward physical appearance by cutting

out gluttony and getting rid of excess fat. The benefits of fasting on health do not stop there but are instrumental in

alleviating a number of physical diseases, including those of the digestive systems, such as chronic stomachache,

inflammation of the colon, liver diseases, indigestion, and conditions such as obesity, arteriosclerosis, high blood

pressure, asthma, diphtheria and many other maladies.

The benefits of fasting include:

1-Benefits in the hereafter

2-Spiritual benefits

3-Medical Ethics

Page 3: Surah Al Baqarah (2:183) - Benefits of Fasting

1-Benefits in the hereafter These are the actual benefits for a Muslim because this life is nothing as compared to the hereafter. The hereafter is

forever and this life is temporarily. Suppose we live for 100 years, or even a thousand years when we divide it by

infinity, we get 'zero'. As compared to the hereafter, this life is 'zero' or 'nothing'. Here are a few of those benefits

mentioned in the hadith.


Narrated Abu Hurrairah: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "Ramadan, a blessed month, has come to

you during which Allah has made it obligatory for you to fast. In it the gates of Heaven are opened, the gates of al-

Jahim are locked, and the rebellious devils are chained. In it Allah has a night which is better than a thousand

months. He who is deprived of its good has indeed suffered deprivation."


Narrated Abu Hurrairah: Allah's Apostle said, "Allah said, 'All the deeds of Adam's sons (people) are for them,

except fasting which is for Me, and I will give the reward for it.'"

2-Spiritual Benefits

The Arabic word used in this ayat is translated in many ways including God consciousness, God fearing, piety,

and self-restraining. Thus, we are ordered to fast daily for one month from dawn to dusk and avoid food, water, sex

and vulgar talk during that period.

It is our experience that temptations and ways of the world tend to spoil our purity and austerity. Thus we indulge in

food all of the time, snacking and nibbling the whole day, heading to obesity. We drink too much coffee, or tea, or

carbonated drinks. Some have frequent sexual temptations. When we argue, we leave our decency aside and resort

to vulgar talk and even physical fighting. Fasting saves us from all such things.

Protection from other sins


Narrated Abu Hurrairah: Allah's Apostle said, "Fasting is a shield or protection from the fire and from committing

sins. If one of you is fasting, he should avoid sexual relation with his wife and quarreling, and if somebody should

fight or quarrel with him, he should say, 'I am fasting.' By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the unpleasant smell

coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. There are two

pleasures for the fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and the other at the time when he will meet

his Lord; then he will be pleased because of his fasting."

Fasting is a protection against the passions.


Narrated Alqama: While I was walking with 'Abdullah he said, "We were in the company of the Prophet and he

said, 'He who can afford to marry should marry, because it will help him refrain from looking at other women, and

save his private parts from committing illegal sexual relation; and he who cannot afford to marry is advised to

fast, as fasting will diminish his sexual power.' "

Many young people complain about passion and desire aroused by many factors such as women displaying and

exposing themselves in public, dirty magazines in libraries and shops, among other temptations that pursue the

young people everywhere. The young person is naturally disposed to have his desire aroused at the slightest cause

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especially if the religious impediment in the person is weak. To protect these people and us the above prophetic

advice is needed.

Practical experience has confirmed the effectiveness of this prophetic medicine that constitutes a substitute to other

medicine and a successful remedy to cure the passions of desire.


When a person fasts, whether it be a voluntary fast or an obligatory one, he is constantly reminding himself not to

eat or drink This is in spite of the fact that eating and drinking are perfectly lawful for him at other times. He abstains

from these otherwise lawful acts on account of Allah’s promise, in hopes of attaining Allah’s reward. It naturally

follows that he will abstain from sin, from those acts that are prohibited to him at all times.

A Muslim needs to understand that this is the whole idea behind fasting. How can a person abstain from food and

drink – though they are lawful to him at other times – and then go on to backbite people, spread rumors, tell lies,

and engage in all sorts of other sins?


Narrated Abu hurrairah: The Prophet said, "Whoever does not give up false statements (i.e. telling lies), and evil

deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah is not in need of his (fasting) leaving his food and drink."

We know that Allah has no need for us to leave off eating and drinking in any case, even when we abstain from false

words and false deeds. What this means is that fasting has not been prescribed because Allah needs us to do so, it

has only been prescribed to assist us in restraining ourselves from false words and evil deeds. Therefore, if we do not

abandon these things, then to what avail is our fasting?

If fasting does not awaken in us this consciousness, then it is to no purpose. We must work to cultivate this

consciousness. Fasting needs to bring us to the point where we can easily give up sinful deeds like backbiting,

spreading rumors, slander, licentiousness, and all ignoble, destructive traits.

Character Building

Another benefit of fasting is that it develops our character by strengthening our willpower and bolstering our

patience. This is why fasting is sometimes referred to as patience and Ramadan is sometimes called “the month of


Allah says: “Seek help in patience and in prayer”(SURAH BAQARAH 2:45)

Some commentators of the Qur’an have said: “The word ‘patience’ here refers to fasting. It means ‘Seek help in

fasting and prayer’.”

This is because fasting forces us to exercise our willpower and practice patience. Many of us need to constantly

exercise our willpower to keep it strong. There is a psychological benefit in operation here. Researchers into the

causes of success say that success requires three ingredients:

1. Desire: All people wish to be strong, successful, and financially well of. Desires like these exist for everyone.

2. Strength or ability: Most people have the mental and physical wherewithal and the skills that they need to

succeed if they properly put their minds to it.

3. Willpower: Strong willpower is one of the greatest reasons for success in both this world and the next.

Fasting strengthens the will and conditions a person to cope with difficulties in all aspects of his life. It helps to

develop the very quality that only successful people possess, the quality of those people who can turn their desires

into a reality by using skills and abilities that they have.

3-Medical Ethics Fasting has its advantages from the point of view of health and hygiene. Islam wants a Muslim to be healthy, clean,

alert, agile and energetic. Physicians today acknowledge the many benefits of fasting that ensure health and the

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soundness of one's body and mind. Some of these positive points have a direct influence on psychology and

physique of the fasting individual.

Muslims do not fast because of medical benefits which are of a secondary nature. Fasting has been used by patients

for weight management, to rest the digestive tract and for lowering lipids. There are many adverse effects of total

fasting as well as of crash diets. Islamic fasting is different from such diet plans because in Ramadan fasting, there is

no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake. The calorie intake of Muslims during Ramadan is at or slightly below

the nutritional requirement guidelines. In addition, the fasting in Ramadan is voluntarily taken and is not a

prescribed imposition from the physician.

In 1994 the first International Congress on "Health and Ramadan", held in Casablanca, entered 50 extensive studies

on the medical ethics of fasting. While improvement in many medical conditions was noted; however, in no way did

fasting worsen any patients' health or their baseline medical condition. On the other hand, patients who are

suffering from severe diseases, whether type I diabetes or coronary artery disease, kidney stones, etc., are exempt

from fasting and should not be allowed to fast

Hunger as a Remedy

A Swiss physician Dr. Barsilus noted that:" The advantages of hunger as a remedy exceed those ingesting medicine

several times" Several physicians advise patients to skip meals, sometimes for a few days, before prescribing them a

controlled diet. Fasting hastens the destruction of the decaying tissues of the body by means of hunger, and then

builds new tissues through nutrition. This is why some scientists suggest that fasting should be regarded as an

effective means of restoring youthfulness and longevity. However, Islam exempts from fasting sick and old people

whose health is bound to deter.

Slight Dehydration

The difference between Ramadan and total fasting is the timing of the food; during Ramadan, we basically miss

lunch and take an early breakfast and do not eat until dusk. Abstinence from water for 8 to 10 hours is not

necessarily bad for health and in fact, it causes concentration of all fluids within the body, producing slight

dehydration. The body has its own water conservation mechanism; in fact, it has been shown that slight dehydration

and water conservation, at least in plant life, improve their longevity.

Treatment of Diabetes

The physiological effect of fasting includes lowering of blood sugar, lowering of cholesterol and lowering of the

systolic blood pressure. In fact, Ramadan fasting would be an ideal recommendation for the treatment of mild to

moderate, stable, non-insulin diabetes, obesity, and essential hypertension. There is a reduction in core body

temperature. This is a direct result of the slower metabolic rate and general bodily functions. Following a drop in

blood sugar level and using the reserves of glucose found in liver glycogen, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is reduced

in order to conserve as much energy within the body as can be provided.


The benefits of fasting must be preceded by a look at the body's progression when deprived of food. Due to the lack

of incoming energy, the body must turn to its own resources, a function called autolysis. Autolysis is the breaking

down of fat stores in the body in order to produce energy. The liver is in charge of converting the fats into a chemical

called a ketone body, "the metabolic substances acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid", and then

distributing these bodies throughout the body via the blood stream. "When this fat utilization occurs, free fatty acids

are released into the blood stream and are used by the liver for energy." The less one eats, the more the body turns

to these stored fats and creates these ketone bodies, the accumulation of which is referred to as ketosis


Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs,

lymph glands, and skin. This process is precipitated by fasting because when food is no longer entering the body, the

body turns to fat reserves for energy. "Human fat is valued at 3,500 calories per pound," a number that would lead

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one to believe that surviving on one pound of fat every day would provide a body with enough energy to function

normally. These fat reserves were created when excess glucose and carbohydrates were not used for energy or

growth, not excreted, and therefore converted into fat. When the fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, it

releases the chemicals from the fatty acids into the system which are then eliminated through the aforementioned

organs. Chemicals not found in food but absorbed from one's environment, such as DDT, are also stored in fat

reserves that may be released during a fast.

Healing Process

During a fast energy is diverted away from the digestive system due to its lack of use and towards the metabolism

and immune system. The healing process during a fast is precipitated by the body's search for energy sources.

Abnormal growths within the body, tumors and the like, do not have the full support of the body's supplies and

therefore are more susceptible to autolysis. Furthermore, "production of protein for replacement of damaged cells

(protein synthesis) occurs more efficiently because fewer 'mistakes' are made by the DNA/RNA genetic controls

which govern this process." A higher efficiency in protein synthesis results in healthier cells, tissues and organs. This

is one reason that animals stop eating when they are wounded, and why humans lose hunger during influenza.

Hunger has been proven absent in illnesses such as gastritis, tonsillitis and colds. Therefore, when one is fasting, the

person is consciously diverting energy from the digestive system to the immune system.

Moderation is must

Fasting should have its regulations too, and not simply the in orderly skipping meals, that is bound to harm health

and stamina, rather than improving them. Here again Islam provides the answer, and in order to realize the benefits

of fasting, it recommends the late midnight meals called 'Sahar' (before the formal start of a fast) and the breaking

of the fast at the time prescribed. Of course, to ensure good health one should abstain from gluttony after breaking


In the holy Quran, there is a Verse gathering the whole matter of medicine. It is: "...Eat and drink but do not be

excessive." (SURAH AA’RAF 7:31)

This document is based on my under process book. I plan to collect all the Ayaats of the Holy Quran with deal with

scientific, historical and archaeological subjects. I am trying to provide explanation to those Ayaats in light of

Previous commentaries (Tafaseer), established science, archaeological discoveries and Arabic lexicons. Send in

your comments, queries and suggestion at [email protected]

Please do not copy paste without permission, until my book is published, Insha’Allah.

For the complete work, visit our blog
