Journal of Management Information Systems / Spring 2004, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 199–227. © 2004 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 0742–1222 / 2004 $9.50 + 0.00. Supporting Collaboration in Heterogeneous Environments ALLAN M. KREBS, BOGDAN DOROHONCEANU, AND IVAN MARSIC ALLAN M. KREBS is a Research Associate at Rutgers University, CAIP Center. He received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Den- mark. His research interests are within the fields of groupware, mobile computing, distributed software objects, distributed computing, and software engineering. He is the chief architect of the DISCIPLE middleware. BOGDAN DOROHONCEANU is a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Rutgers Uni- versity. He did his undergraduate studies at Politehnica University of Bucharest, Ro- mania. Bogdan’s research interests are mainly in groupware architectures, multiuser interfaces for groupware, software engineering, and Java technologies. He was a sum- mer intern with IBM Almaden Research (San Jose, CA) and Siemens Research, Inc. (Princeton, NJ). IVAN MARSIC is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rutgers University. He earned his B.S. and M.S. from University of Zagreb, Croatia, and his Ph.D. from Rutgers University. His research interests in- clude computer networks, groupware, mobile computing, distributed software ob- jects and agents, software engineering, and multimedia. ABSTRACT: Heterogeneous sharing in synchronous collaboration is important with the proliferation of diverse computing environments, such as wearable computers and handheld devices. We present here a data-centric design for synchronous col- laboration of users with heterogeneous computing platforms. Our approach allows clients with different capabilities to share different subsets of data in order to con- serve communication bandwidth. We have built a robust middleware consisting of a distributed repository of shared data objects and a client-server-based infrastructure. Using the middleware, we have developed a framework for building collaborative applications for clients with different display and processing capabilities. We discuss the design and implementation of our middleware and framework and evaluate them by building four complex sample applications that demonstrate scalability, good per- formance, and high degree of code reusability. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: collaboration, heterogeneity, information systems, middleware, mobile devices. REAL-TIME SHARING AND MANIPULATION of information using very different display capabilities on the diverse devices are key components for synchronous collaboration.

Supporting Collaboration in Heterogeneous …marsic/Publications/JMIS-04.pdfthree-dimensional CAD model to repair a vehicle or the plumbing in a building. Kraut ... (DOM) (trees) to

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Journal of Management Information Systems / Spring 2004, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 199–227.

© 2004 M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

0742–1222 / 2004 $9.50 + 0.00.

Supporting Collaboration inHeterogeneous Environments


ALLAN M. KREBS is a Research Associate at Rutgers University, CAIP Center. Hereceived his M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Den-mark. His research interests are within the fields of groupware, mobile computing,distributed software objects, distributed computing, and software engineering. He isthe chief architect of the DISCIPLE middleware.

BOGDAN DOROHONCEANU is a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Rutgers Uni-versity. He did his undergraduate studies at Politehnica University of Bucharest, Ro-mania. Bogdan’s research interests are mainly in groupware architectures, multiuserinterfaces for groupware, software engineering, and Java technologies. He was a sum-mer intern with IBM Almaden Research (San Jose, CA) and Siemens Research, Inc.(Princeton, NJ).

IVAN MARSIC is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, Rutgers University. He earned his B.S. and M.S. from University ofZagreb, Croatia, and his Ph.D. from Rutgers University. His research interests in-clude computer networks, groupware, mobile computing, distributed software ob-jects and agents, software engineering, and multimedia.

ABSTRACT: Heterogeneous sharing in synchronous collaboration is important withthe proliferation of diverse computing environments, such as wearable computersand handheld devices. We present here a data-centric design for synchronous col-laboration of users with heterogeneous computing platforms. Our approach allowsclients with different capabilities to share different subsets of data in order to con-serve communication bandwidth. We have built a robust middleware consisting of adistributed repository of shared data objects and a client-server-based infrastructure.Using the middleware, we have developed a framework for building collaborativeapplications for clients with different display and processing capabilities. We discussthe design and implementation of our middleware and framework and evaluate themby building four complex sample applications that demonstrate scalability, good per-formance, and high degree of code reusability.

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: collaboration, heterogeneity, information systems,middleware, mobile devices.

REAL-TIME SHARING AND MANIPULATION of information using very different displaycapabilities on the diverse devices are key components for synchronous collaboration.


The old problem of adapting the user interfaces of the applications to multiple plat-forms has become even more important with the large diversity of mobile connecteddevices that has emerged within the past couple of years. The use of various Webbrowsers gives a partial solution to the problem, but if the needed application is muchmore complicated than manageable using HTML forms, something better needs to bedeveloped. Other problems occur when the applications become collaborative, espe-cially when the users are using heterogeneous devices that can interoperate using com-mon standards-conforming hardware and software interfaces.

Most collaborative applications provide synchronization support through the “whatyou see is what I see” (WYSIWIS) technique [25]. WYSIWIS allows one user topoint or discuss an object on the screen that they are confident is visible to theircollaborator. Providing support for WYSIWIS with past systems was a difficult, butnot impossible, task because the groupware used common platforms. Developinggroupware applications that are interoperable across diverse environments is signifi-cantly more difficult and costly.

However, with the recent anytime-anywhere proliferation of computing technol-ogy, support for heterogeneity is inevitable. Mobile applications involving synchro-nous collaboration are emerging in many fields, such as business, health care, militaryservices, and transportation. The classic example is the provision of just-in-time as-sistance between a deskbound expert and a mobile fieldworker using a portable de-vice. The mobile worker may work with blueprints, whereas the expert is using athree-dimensional CAD model to repair a vehicle or the plumbing in a building. Krautet al. [15], for example, show that fieldworkers make quicker and more accurate re-pairs when a remote expert is providing assistance.

The heterogeneity of computing platforms has dimensions of processing speed,storage capacity, input devices, display capabilities, response latencies, networkreliability, and bandwidth, with network and display accounting for the most promi-nent differences. This paper focuses on different display capabilities and on net-work reliability and bandwidth. We propose a solution for environments where clientshave (1) slow or unreliable connections, such as wireless connection to the Internet;(2) different display and processing capabilities, such as PDA versus desktop work-stations; and (3) data that can be distributed over multiple servers in the presence ofslow or unreliable connections. These problems appear in areas that often involvemobile devices connected using low bandwidth links such as military or civilianrescue or disaster relief applications for distributed operations planning. Anotherarea is business applications with mobile users, where the users need to collaborateon shared resources, such as a corporate calendar and a resource management sys-tem.

The solution proposed here is a framework for building collaborative applicationsfor a heterogeneous environment. We use software agents to synchronize and distrib-ute the data objects and to dynamically load code for transformation of data betweendifferent representations. The clients can run on a variety of platforms including desk-tops, Web browsers, and portable or handheld devices.


Related Work

THE NEED TO ALLOW CONFEREES TO COLLABORATE on dissimilar terminals was rec-ognized early on by Engelbart [4], the pioneer of computer-supported collaborativework. An early design for heterogeneous groupware is presented in Karsenty et al.[11], but it does not deal with platforms of significantly different computing andcommunication capabilities. Rendezvous [8], GroupKit [23], and several groupwaretoolkits thereafter use model-view separation so that developers can create modelsand drive different views. However, no such implementation is reported.

The Visage system from Maya Design [7] is a powerful (single-user) visualiza-tion system for creating custom visualizations and direct manipulation of large anddiverse data sets. Although Visage addresses diverse data visualization with poly-morphic views, it is not explicitly intended for collaboration in heterogeneous com-puting environments. Recent work on Visage Link [19], an extension of Visage,adds multiuser collaboration capabilities, but Visage Link does not consider hetero-geneous models.

A system for data management support is presented in Preguiça et al. [22]. Themain focus is on asynchronous groupware and integrating awareness support, but it isrelated with our work, as it uses a replicated object store and local caching to supportmobile clients. It differs mainly by having an application-dependent distributed ob-ject (called Coobject), which manages the data associated with a specific application.Our approach has a clearer separation between data and application, which simplifiesdevelopment of different applications sharing the same data objects. Also, havingmore lightweight data objects makes easier implementation on small devices, such asPDAs. Preguiça et al. [22] does not address the different issues specific for synchro-nous groupware or heterogeneity of clients.

An important aspect of heterogeneity is interoperability between the existinggroupware systems that use different group coordination policies or different soft-ware architectures. Dewan and Sharma [2] address this issue. Conversely, we addressthe case where the participants’ platform capabilities are significantly different.

Although the above-mentioned related work addresses many issues in collabora-tive systems and groupware, most of them are not concerned with heterogeneity andnone with the special cases for wireless connected small clients. Our essential prin-ciples for heterogeneous collaboration are that every user’s action is interactively andcontinuously reflected in other users’ workspaces, with a varying degree of accuracyor realism, or through a qualitatively different visualization, and that users should beable to work off-line and get their work seamlessly synchronized with that of thegroups, upon reconnect.

More recently, the need for middleware to support collaborative groupware appli-cations have been identified as a core component in groupware systems. Manymiddleware systems provide some sort of event filtering mechanism and often theevents to be filtered are represented in Extended Markup Language (XML) (e.g.,CORTEX, STEAM, XMIDDLE, Proem, DACIA, Hermes, and SIENA).


CORTEX [3] is based on anonymous and asynchronous event models. CORTEX isa context-aware middleware architecture that provides support for both pervasive andad hoc computing. The middleware is structured by a number of components, a pub-lish–subscribe component, a context component, a service discovery component, anda resource management component. The CORTEX event model uses XML to repre-sent events. The dissemination of events over the network is achieved using SOAPMessaging [24]. CORTEX uses STEAM [20], which is an event-based middlewareservice intended for wireless LANs in ad hoc mode, where events are a type–valuepair. STEAM uses three types of event filters: subject, filtering events according toconsumer interest; proximity, filtering according to consumer location within the net-work; and content, filtering according to the event value. The former two are locatedat the producer side, and the latter at consumer side. Unlike our system, STEAM doesnot address the issues of context filtering.

XMIDDLE [18] is a mobile computing middleware intended for wireless peer-to-peer networks in ad hoc mode. Like our system, XMIDDLE uses XML to representdata and XML Document Object Models (DOM) (trees) to manipulate data, allowingonline collaboration on shared data DOM objects and off-line manipulation and syn-chronization. XMIDDLE focuses on how XML DOM objects are shared, protocolsfor reconnection and data reconciliation, after off-line manipulation of data. The XPath[31] and XLink [30] languages are used to format linking and addressing of XMLnodes in a tree and reference remote trees. IBM’s XML TreeDiff [9] is used for treereconciliation and off-line modification. XMIDDLE does not implement any filter-ing of events or provide resource management.

Proem [13] is a middleware platform for developing and deploying peer-to-peerapplications for mobile ad hoc networks. The system is built up around peerlets, indi-vidual peer-to-peer applications that use the publish–subscribe event model. Cur-rently, the Proem system consists of a peerlet engine, a run-time system, and adevelopment kit. The peerlet engine instantiates, executes, and terminates peerlets.The run-time system contains three main entities: the peerlet engine, a set of basicservices, and a protocol stack. The basic services are a set of managers handling peer-to-peer services (announcements, discovery of peers, keeping track of peer commu-nity memberships, a peer database, a log of encountered peers), a data space managerfor persistent storage of data spaces and access control and an event bus manager,enabling event communication among peers using the publish–subscribe event model.Each service is implemented as a peerlet. The protocol stack consists of a presenceprotocol, containing messages that announce a peer’s presence in the network; a dataprotocol, containing data messages; and a community protocol, containing messagesfor applying, granting, and verifying community membership. As in our system, eventsare represented in XML.

DACIA [12] is a framework for building adaptive distributed mobile groupwareapplications that adapt to available resources, support user mobility, and dynamicreconfiguration. The architecture consists of three core elements, processing and rout-ing components (PROCs), a resource monitor, and a PROC execution engine. PROCsare the main components in an application, being either data objects or executables.


The resource monitor monitors the local PROCs performance as well as makingreconfiguration decisions, notifying the engine of such reconfigurations. It may alsoprovide application specific policies and is an optional component. The engine isresponsible for maintaining a list of PROCs and their connections, establishing andmaintaining connections between hosts and communication between hosts. Currently,one engine is needed on every host. The focus of DACIA is support for applicationand user mobility, enabling users to move an application from one computing deviceto another, dynamic application reconfiguration, such as dynamically loading newcomponents or changing the way various components interact and communicate andapplication parking, allowing disconnected users to continue to interact with somelimitations.

Hermes [21] is a system that focuses on providing a scalable event-based middlewarefor large-scale distributed applications. Hermes proposes to create an event dissemi-nation tree by employing a routing network that manages rendezvous nodes for ad-vertisements and subscriptions in the network. Event filtering is done at broker nodesand rendezvous nodes. Rendezvous nodes are initially set up by publishers who senda “type message,” indicating that a new event type is introduced. The rendezvousnode is the broker-node whose ID is the hash of the new event type name. The con-sumers then subscribe to events at the rendezvous node. Every broker-node along thepath from the publisher or subscriber keeps state of the event forwarded. When anevent is published, it is routed up to the rendezvous node, filtered and the event fol-lows the reverse path to all interested subscribers. Publishers and consumers connectlocally to an event broker-node to send and receive events. Global communication isdone through the broker-nodes and rendezvous nodes.

As mentioned, Hermes is intended for large-scale distributed systems where net-work resources are abundant and fixed; hence, filtering according to resource avail-ability is not an issue in Hermes.

SIENA [1] is an event notification service, intended to be accessible from every sitein a wide area network. The focus of their research is maximizing expressiveness inthe filtering events without affecting negatively on scalability of the delivery system.It is implemented as a distributed network of servers so as to achieve a scale suitablefor large numbers of clients and high volumes of notifications spread across a widearea network. In current research, SIENA is being extended with focus on wirelessmobile publish–subscribe applications.

Another approach to real-time collaboration is to specify a protocol that supportscollaboration across multiple platforms. The Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning(WebDAV) [29] working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) hasadopted this protocol-centric approach, and developed a novel network protocol, theWebDAV Distributed Authoring Protocol, which supports interoperable remote, asyn-chronous, collaborative authoring. The WebDAV protocol is a set of extensions to theHTTP protocol, which provides facilities for concurrency control, name-space op-erations, and property management. The protocol allows users to collaboratively au-thor their content directly to an HTTP server, allowing the Web to be viewed not justas a read-only way to download information but as a writable, collaborative medium.


WebDAV focus is on sharing of files, whereas our effort targets a much finer granu-larity with XML attributes as the lowest level object to share. WebDAV is supportedby a number of document-authoring applications, file managers, and servers, such asMS Word 2000, MS Excel 2000, Adobe Acrobat 5, GNOME Nautilus, MS IIS 5,Oracle Internet File System, and WC3 Jigsaw.

System Architecture

THE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE of the collaborative framework comprises three mainlayers (see Figure 1): (1) DISCIPLE middleware for data sharing (distributed reposi-tories and information bus for basic communication), (2) manifold framework fordeveloping collaborative applications for heterogeneous environments, and (3) task-specific applications.

Data Sharing Middleware

The data sharing middleware consists of synchronizable distributed repositories andan information bus.

The role of a repository is to store information persistently. Repositories are one ofthe main components of the system, and are distributed and partially replicated overboth servers and clients. The main idea of the repository is that each client has a copy(and, in some cases, the only copy) of the objects that the client is interested in. In theexample of a disaster relief application, the objects could be all objects that are physi-cally within a ten mile range. Almost the same rule applies to the servers: the servershold a copy of the objects that their clients are interested in. Updates to the objects arepropagated between all the entities that hold a copy of the same object. The approachfor dealing with this propagation and with the possible conflicts is described below.


Client Application


DISCIPLE (client side)


Client Application


DISCIPLE (client side)


DISCIPLE (server side)

Repository Repository Repository

Figure 1. Overview of the Collaborative System Architecture.


The main goal of the server and repository design is to make the server and reposi-tory completely independent of the application semantics. We have built two imple-mentations for the communication infrastructure.

Earlier Version

In an earlier implementation of the communication infrastructure, this is achieved byusing an abstract data type, called UForm (short for “universal form”), which encap-sulates the data [16]. The UForm essentially consists of a unique identifier and akeyed list of properties. The interface for the UForm is shown in Listing 1. Thus, therepository separates data from presentation, as in model-view-controller, but the sepa-ration is mediated via pure data entities (UForms), rather than via active objects. Thecontent of the repository defines the application state.

In addition to the unique ID and the property list, an UForm contains additionalfields used in merging the states when the client becomes temporarily disconnectedfrom the server. For example, the dirty field specifies whether or not the UForm wasmodified while the client was off-line. When an object is deleted, it is not removedfrom the repository or from the client state, but instead is marked as deleted using thedeleted field.

The operations on a repository are defined in a simple Java interface, which is acommon interface for both servers and clients. The implementation is not bound toany specific data structure. It could be anything from a hash table to an object-ori-ented database, and the implementations can be different across the clients and theservers. In the present reference implementation, we have used the hash table, bothon servers and clients.

The UForms can be linked in complex data structures by using UForm identifiers asproperties in other UForms.

Updates of the data are based on the command design pattern [6] with a smallnumber of commands in the core design. The core command hierarchy is shown in

Listing 1. The UForm Interface.

public interface UForm {public void setId(long id);public long getId();public boolean isDirty();public void setDirty(boolean dirty);public boolean isDeleted();public void setDeleted(boolean deleted);public void setType(String type);public String getType();public boolean hasProperty(String key);public Object getProperty(String key);public void setProperty(String key, Object value);public Object removeProperty(String key);



Figure 2. We have chosen to keep the number of different commands close to a mini-mum to keep the implementation simple, having fewer commands to take into ac-count.

The commands support implementations using the difference or delta mechanism asfar as adding, removing, moving, and copying elements and attributes, but they do notsupport a difference mechanism where numbers, for example, are updated by sendingrelative increments in coordinates rather than sending absolute coordinates. It is onlypossible to update a text element or an attribute by overwriting it with a new value.

New services can add their own commands by extending one of the commands inthe command hierarchy, and it is actually possible to develop a whole new commandstructure to replace the one provided, if another approach is desired.

The information bus allows applications that use different data sets to share thesame server instance (session) and the same repository on the server. This is particu-larly important for systems with limited resources that want to work with more thanone collaborative application at a time (e.g., a chat and a situation-map application).

Current Version

In a more general sense, the key role of middleware can be the provision of servicesfor access and management of low-level resources. Thus, the problem we face is howto configure a variable number of services and provide easy access to them. The cur-rent version of the core service of the DISCIPLE middleware provides a distributedrepository for sharing of XML documents. This core service is supported by a numberof other services such as state merging, history, and event notification services.

The main issue of designing the architecture of the DISCIPLE middleware was thedecision on what should be counted as part of the core, and therefore non-replace-able, and what should not, and therefore replaceable. The support for multiple com-munication architectures, such as client-server and peer-to-peer, was required, but thequestion was to what extent we could generalize the design to support different con-figurations for data model, data distribution/event notification, concurrency control,latecomer support and (re-)synchronization, all areas of research in our group, andtherefore a target for the middleware as test bed. Answering the question about theextent of generalization is the key to determining the interfaces between the corecomponents and the support (replaceable) components.

We decided to use the XML DOM as our basic data model. This does not imply thatthe internal data structure of an implementation of the repository has to be XMLDOM but, rather, that this is the data model for the interfaces to the repository andthat data being transferred will be accessible as XML DOM objects. The decision touse XML DOM as data model was based on the flexibility given in the XML DOMrepresentation with respect to manipulating and traversing the document, and the factthat we, by using XML DOM, can handle any XML document. The application datadoes not have to comply to any XML Schema or Document Type Definition (DTD).

Alternative solutions could have been to have a flat data structure where the ele-ments were stored as independent objects linked together by an external mechanism






















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(as in the first implementation), or build our own tree structure parallel to the struc-ture of the XML document. Both of these solutions require some sort of identificationscheme for the objects to be able to recreate the structure of the original XML docu-ment; that is, restoring child–parent relationships. The identification has to be taggedto all the elements and has to be unique over all nodes, thus complicating the designunnecessarily. In our research on intelligent data distribution and event notification,we use rules to determine which events to forward to other peers. To decide if anevent should be forwarded or not, these rules may not only use information from thespecific element targeted in the event, but also from other elements in the tree, such asparents and siblings. This need for access to the whole document, rather than only asingle element, also speaks for the use of the DOM.

Having decided on a data model, our next issue was on how updates of the datashould be handled. We basically have two options: operation-based or content-based.Operation-based means that we send the operations through the middleware to thepeer, which then perform them on the local data, whereas using the content-basedapproach, the updated data object is sent to the peer.

Given that the middleware is mainly targeted for mobile environments, wirelessconnected, the network resources will be limited. One of the important features of theinfrastructure should therefore be to support configurations optimized for the limitednetwork resources.

Both approaches have their advantages depending on the environment and applica-tion. Sending only the operations will, in most cases, use less bandwidth when in themiddle of a session, but can be tedious when synchronizing after a (re-)connect. Thisis because the server or the other peers need to keep a log of all the operations per-formed, and then on synchronization send all the operations in the log to the new orreconnected peer. If many of the operations were performed on the same data object,many of them are probably obsolete, and sending the end-state of the object would bemore efficient. For example, if you move a graphical object around, changing thecoordinates, sending the operations for all the moves, will result in a higher quantityof data being transmitted to peers than just sending the final position.

On the other hand, sending the updated data object every time it has been changedcan be less efficient than sending the operations when in a session. This depends onthe size of the object needed to be sent, if only the exact field being changed is sent;it may not use more bandwidth than sending the operations.

We have chosen a combination of the two approaches by having the operations sentduring a session, but sending the data objects—the content—upon (re-)connect, thususing the best from the two approaches.

Manifold Application Framework

To facilitate the development of collaborative applications for heterogeneous com-puting environments, we defined the Manifold framework for building collaborativeapplications. The framework consists of a base package with five Java interfaces forthe basic structure of an application using the model-view-controller design pattern.


Default implementations for some of these interfaces have also been provided to helpdeveloping applications using the framework.

The basic interfaces are intended for use in all implementations of Manifold re-gardless of whether the target platform is a desktop workstation, a PDA, or a mobilephone. An application built with the framework can run as stand-alone or as an appletin a Web browser. The interfaces are simple enough to be used under the presentversion of J2ME CLDC [27] for Palm Pilot handheld computers. The basic interfacesare as follows:

• Controller is the command dispatcher and provides the interface for communi-cating with the application. It accepts the locally generated Commands and theremote Commands from peer clients, and executes the Commands on the localRepository. In the current version it is part of the DISCIPLE middleware.

• Glyph is the graphical representation of a node or sub-tree. The scene graph ofan application may also contain polyglyphs (composite glyphs), which corre-spond to branch nodes and are containers for collections of glyphs.

• Viewer is the canvas or window, where the glyphs are displayed, such as iconson a map. The Viewer also handles user events.

• Tool encapsulates the current manipulation mode and defines the kinds of ac-tions can be performed on the data objects or nodes. Typical tools include createtool, select tool, and property change tool.

• Manipulator does the actual manipulation in response to the user actions. Itcreates Commands in response to the manipulation and passes them to the Con-troller for execution.

Notice that we maintain copies of the shared XML documents in the repositories onthe clients (Figure 2) in order to enable off-line work. The resulting model can becompared to the model-view-controller design pattern. The XML document corre-sponds to model and glyphs correspond to views/controllers. Figure 3 shows an ex-ample collaboration diagram, in this case for creating an object:

1. The user clicks on the application window to create an object. The mouseevent is sent to the Viewer.

2. The Viewer invokes the method createManipulator() on the current Tool (which,in this example, is an object-creation tool). The Tool returns a Manipulatorthat encapsulates the manipulation sequence for creating a specific kind ofobject, such as a geometric figure.

3. The Viewer next invokes grasp() on the returned Manipulator. The Manipula-tor creates the node and possible sub-nodes and encapsulates it in a Com-mand, which is returned to the Viewer.

4. The Viewer forwards the Command to the Controller.5. The Controller sends the Command to the server through the DISCIPLE Client

module. Then, depending on the concurrency strategy, it either waits for theCommand to return back from the server or process it immediately (step 6).

6. The Controller invokes execute() on the Command.


7. This causes the Command to invoke addNode() on the local Repository, whichadds the node to the Repository.

8. The Repository then informs the Viewer that an object has been added to theRepository. How this is done is not defined in the basic framework, and it isleft to the application developer to define the actual mechanism.

9. The Viewer adds a view of the data object (a glyph) to its scene graph and linksit together with the node. Again, this is not defined in the basic framework, buta reference implementation is provided.

A similar collaboration diagram applies for manipulating the properties of the dataobjects.

Distributed Repository Synchronization

THE IDEA BEHIND THE DISTRIBUTED REPOSITORIES is that data resides on the serverswith clients being interested in the specific data objects. A client retrieves a copy ofdata objects into its own repository while working. Therefore, data is moved or cop-ied around between the servers and clients.

Each user gets only a subset of shared data specified by the data distribution condi-tions. When a user first starts the collaborative application, a default condition is set

1: MouseEvent User : Viewer : Tool

: Manipulator

: Controller Connection

: Command

: Repository

9: addGlyph(Glyph)

2: createManipulator(Object)

3: grasp(Object) 4: fireCommand(Command)

5: Send Command to server

6: execute(Repository)

8: nodeAdded(Node)

7: addNode(Node)

Figure 3. Collaboration Diagram for Creating a New Data Object.


for the user where the user receives all the data in the session. At run-time the user canchange the conditions via a user interface offered by the framework. When the condi-tions are set, the user is notified only about the modifications of the documents thatsatisfy the conditions. We call these the modified nodes “interesting nodes.” If otherusers modify the global application state, only the data related to the interesting nodesis forwarded to this user. The conditions are declared as a set of rules for each clientconnection to decide when to move or copy data. Agents for event distribution (de-scribed below) use these conditions to acquire the objects for the application.

Event Distribution

Once the collaborative session is set up, the user actions are distributed as commandsto the remote clients. The simplest way to transmit the commands between the clientsand the servers is by using Java serialization. We employ this method in case of theapplet implementations. However, the J2ME CLDC (Java 2 Micro Edition, Connected,Limited Device Configuration) does not support serialization and another methodmust be used for the Palm Pilot implementation. Our present version converts eachcommand into a text string that is sent to the peer where it is converted back into acommand.

Adapting Data to Device via Transformers

As the objects are to be visualized on very different devices, with very differentcomputing and communication capabilities, some transformation of content must beperformed. If some clients are visualizing in three-dimensional and others in two-dimensional, the three-dimensional coordinates have to be translated into two-di-mensional and vice versa. The simple solution of just discarding or adding az-coordinate would not work since, for example, the rotations around the x- or y-axiswould be very complicated to handle.

A solution could be to keep data the same on all devices and transform locally ifneeded. This may sound like a feasible solution, but is not the best idea. Naturally, athree-dimensional workstation with all support from Java3D for transformation canfairly easy transform coordinates, but if the z-coordinate is not present in the firstplace, one cannot do much about it. The original data must be in a three-dimensionalform. Transforming coordinates on the two-dimensional clients might not be a goodidea either, because the clients running two-dimensional most likely do it for perfor-mance reasons and cannot handle additional burden of the transformation. Anotherproblem occurs if Palm Pilots are involved. Even if visualization is only done in two-dimensional, the J2ME CLDC does not support floating-point numbers, so the coor-dinates must be converted to integer numbers, thus making it impossible to keep thesame data format on all the clients. The result is that the distributed repositories arematched to the platform capabilities and user interests.

The command events must be transformed to a platform-specific format beforebeing delivered remotely. The command transformation must be performed in such a


way to maintain the repositories in synchrony. The process is illustrated in Figure 4.Let us assume that the user interaction at client α results in a command cα. A commandconsists of a sequence of primitive operations on the repository graph G (see thehierarchy of commands in Figure 2). These are: Op1, create a vertex ui; Op2, delete avertex uj; and Op3, modify vertex property. Using a transformation fαβ, the commandcα gets transformed to cβ for delivery to site β. The transformation takes place in twostages. In the first stage, the transformer decides on whether a particular primitiveoperation in the command applies at the remote site. The result of the decision isbinary: true or false. For example, if cα is as follows:

cα = Op1 ° Op1 ° Op3 ° Op1 ° Op2 ° Op3,

then cβ may be as follows:

c1β = f1

αβ(cα) = Op1 ° Op3 ° Op1 ° Op3.

The agents for event distribution perform this task. In the second stage, the propertiesassociated with the operations of the type Op3 must be converted to match the remotedomain. The final result will be:

cβ = f2αβ(c1

β) = Op1 ° Opβ3 ° Op1 ° Opβ


As the server does not know anything about application-specific details, the appli-cation itself has to provide the necessary transformers in the form of agents and prop-erty converters. This is done when a client connects to the server for the first time. Aspart of the log in command sent to the server, the client can specify a URL where theserver can load the necessary agents and converters if any. The server loads and in-stantiates the agents and converters to use them when communicating with the client.The server calls a method on the commands called convert with the appropriate con-verter as argument. The convert method of the commands then calls the necessary

Figure 4. Command Transformations. The structure of the repository graph G with nodes ui

is shown in the lower left corner.


methods of the converter, depending on the kind of command. More details on trans-formations are available in Marsic et al. [17].

Agents for Event Distribution

As our system is targeted for wireless environments where network resources aresparse, we try to minimize the network traffic by using agents for event distribution.The agents filter the events sent to the user according to the users requirements, therebysaving network resources. Each user decides on what subset of the data he or she isinterested in receiving notifications about, and sets up an agent at the server to decidewhich updates are sent back to the user. In order to respond to the very dynamicnature of wireless networks, our agents support priorities for event distribution. Whenconfiguring the agent, the user can specify the priority of different subsets of the datahe or she is interested in, so updates about the least important data is only sent ifnetwork conditions permit, and the most important updates are sent even at very badnetwork conditions, using three levels of priority. This allows the event distribution todegrade gracefully when network conditions are getting worse.

An example of an application with users interested in different subsets of the fulldata set is a firefighter application for large operations, such as forest fires, in whichwe have clients at fire company (one fire engine), fire battalion, and fire divisionlevel. Each fire captain (leader of a fire company) will want to see the location of hisfire fighters, neighbor fire companies, and known fire front close to the position of hiscompany. The battalion chief will be interested in seeing only each of the companiesas a unit and not the individual fire fighters within. Also, the chief might want to seehis neighbor battalions, the entire fire front within the range of 10 miles, and allknown evacuation vehicles within the range of 30 miles.

These hierarchies in the real world also impose a hierarchy in the collaborativeapplications. Although the data is the same, the participants should be able to specifythe subset of the data the respective participant is interested in. Moreover, this subsetis dynamic, since the conditions can change. For example, the company commandercan become interested in specific squads if their mission is critical for the company’smission.

The agents are specified upon log in of the client, where the initial condition andthe URL of the agent to use is sent to the server. The server loads the agent andinitializes it with the initial condition, where the agent will then filter the events sentto the client. The user can change the conditions dynamically in response to changingrequirements. Each agent is application-specific and knows the structure of the docu-ment that is shared by the clients and the server. In this way, the server remains com-pletely independent on the application semantics. The server keeps an instance of theagent for each client. The agents are simply Java classes that have to implement aspecific interface in order to collaborate with our system.

In the current version of the middleware implemented, the event-distribution agentsuse JESS expert system [5] and are able to evaluate at run-time the conditions sent bythe clients.


The event notification service handles the distribution of events sent to the peers ofthe node. It is not expected that the event notification component will be replaced, butthis is allowed if necessary.

When defining the core mechanism of the event notification service, some issueshad to be taken into account. The requirements stated that the service should be re-placeable, but we found that, rather than having to replace the whole service, wewould, in most cases, only need to replace the decision-making part of the service.The decision-making part of the service can be seen as two separate tasks. (1) Decid-ing if an event should be forwarded based on the configuration of the system and thenodes role. For example, in a typical client-server system, a server node will forwardall events, whereas a client node will only forward events originating from itself. Wecall the implementation of this task the event notification policy. (2) Deciding onwhich events to forward based on rules set up by the users; for example, a specificuser is only interested in notifications about updates on some specific documents oreven elements. We define this as the distribution rules.

The base for the first task is, in most cases, static, unless a node changes role,whereas the second often will be dynamic, as the user can change the rules at run-time. The second task can also involve decisions based on dynamic input such aschanges in available resources. As a result, we defined two components to do the twotasks of the decision-making implementing the two interfaces: ReplicationPolicy andDataDistributionAgent. Using the components defined by these interfaces, the eventnotification service decides to which of the peers a given event is sent to and passesthe message to the appropriate connections. A client node in a client-server configu-ration will typically have a very simple DataDistributionAgent and a very simplepolicy, because it is normally only connected to one peer—the server, whereas theserver, on the other hand, will have a more complex DataDistributionAgent and morecomplex policies, since it simultaneously deals with multiple clients.

The event notification service keeps track of the active connections, getting notifiedby the controller when connections are added or removed, and by the connectionswhen their state is changed. It can also be attached to a resource manager, if present,to get notifications about changes to available or allocated resources. This can beused by the DataDistributionAgent to distribute the events depending on availableresources.

Since each message carries data of a single data type, we can assign priority to themessage given the user defined rules for this data type. There are well-known meth-ods in data networks for allocating different service qualities to messages with differ-ent priorities, which is called priority-based scheduling [14]. Figure 5 shows thearchitecture of the data distribution mechanism at the producer node. The schedulerworks in a round-robin manner, but may have different strategies for sending thequeued messages, called queuing discipline. It may send all high-priority messagesfirst, or it may assign higher probability of sending to the high-priority messages, butthe low-priority messages still get nonzero probability of being sent. The queue buff-ers are finite, and if a buffer overflows, the subsequent messages are dropped.


Sample Applications

FOUR COMPLEX EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS have been developed using the infrastruc-ture provided by Manifold and DISCIPLE (see Figure 6): a two-dimensional graph-ics editor (Flatscape), a three-dimensional virtual world (cWorld), a two-dimensionalgraphics editor for Palm Pilots (Palmscape), and a game called Slow Tetris used inhuman–computer interaction experiments with heterogeneous views. Both Flatscapeand cWorld is built on a full version of DISCIPLE and Manifold, and run on desktopworkstations, whereas Palmscape is using only the core classes of DISCIPLE andManifold.

The Slow Tetris application is an extension to Flatscape and is therefore using thefull DISCIPLE and Manifold code both for PCs and handheld devices.


Flatscape is an expandable two-dimensional graphical editor with the typical func-tionality of such editors. New applications can be built upon it, and, among otherthings, it has been used to build online virtual collaborative laboratories for biologyteaching [26]. Flatscape is developed using Java2D. Two example applications ofFlatscape are shown in Figure 7.

The first application was built using the earlier middleware (Uform-based). Thetelepointers in Flatscape are two-dimensional arrows pointing away from the centerof the document (room, map, etc.) toward the part of the document currently viewedby the user. This is different from the typical telepointer, such as that described inRoseman and Greenberg [23], which shows only position and not orientation. InFlatscape implementation, the telepointer owner, rather than the recipient, has controlover its visibility. The telepointers, thus, can be considered as primitive avatars.

The second application was built using the current middleware (XML-based) tar-geted for collaboration on a situation map. In this case, Flatscape uses a documentstructure defined in a XML Schema including elements such as layers for time andsymbol grouping, besides the symbols themselves. Flatscape has been implementedto be used on both traditional PCs and wearable computers, and even a version for

Scheduler Producer T4 T5


T3 T1

High priority

T2 T2 T5 T5

Medium priority

Low priority

T4 T4 T4 T4 T1

Command queues

User Rules

Rules Assessor

Figure 5. Priority Scheduling of Commands. User Rules and the Rules Assessor make theDataDistributionAgent.


PDAs has been made. All versions supports operations such as view a map, zoom inand out, place, move, rotate and delete objects, freehand drawing, object propertymodification, and so on.


cWorld application (Figure 8) enables synchronous, multiuser building of collabora-tive virtual environments (CVEs) using Java3D. cWorld does not require special hard-ware and can be operated using the keyboard and a mouse, although it also supportsthe use of the Magellan SPACE Mouse. This device provides the six-degrees-of-free-dom movement used in navigating three-dimensional spaces.

cWorld allows the users to directly manipulate objects in the CVE, such as rotate ormove, by providing a set of manipulation tools. Each user has a unique three-dimen-sional telepointer (Figure 8, left). These devices function as primitive avatars andappear at the discretion of the user. The telepointer is drawn at the position and orien-tation of the user’s line of sight.

Figure 8, shows an example application, where, in the three-dimensional interface,the user is looking at a three-dimensional model of an office. The user can create anempty office, navigate, place objects (pieces of furniture), select objects, move objects,and show other users his or her position and orientation using the telepointer. The toolsthe system provides to perform these tasks are implemented in the cWorld toolbar.Only one of the tools is active at a given time. A white background of the active buttonrepresents an active tool. For navigating in the room and to move the object once placed,the user will is using the Magellan three-dimensional mouse device.

In order to place objects (pieces of furniture) in the scene (office), a user followstwo steps: first, the user selects from the toolbar the object to be added and then clickson the three-dimensional scene to place the object.











Manifold Internet

Local Area Network

Figure 6. The System Architecture and the Example Applications: Palmscape, Flatscape, andcWorld.




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Palmscape application (Figure 9) is developed using J2ME CLDC 1.0 [27]. It is asimpler version of the Flatscape editor, built using the basic Manifold interfaces, butstill with most of the same basic functionality (e.g., users can create, delete, move,and rotate objects) and user input is via the Palm stylus and buttons. Unlike Flatscape,it does not support multiple documents. In the present version, telepointers are notimplemented.

Object Example

Figure 10 shows different views of the same piece of furniture: a file cabinet shown asthree-dimensional on a PC screen (cWorld), as two-dimensional on a PC screen(Flatscape), and as two-dimensional on a Palm V screen (Palmscape).

Slow Tetris Game

In a project studying user behavior when collaborating in heterogeneous environ-ments [28], we developed a block manipulation game using the DISCIPLE middleware.The game was developed in two versions; a two-dimensional version to run on pocketPCs and a three-dimensional version to run on desktop PCs as shown in Figure 11.

We call the game Slow Tetris since it is somewhat similar to the popular two-di-mensional Tetris game. The object of the task is to build a wall from a series of build-ing blocks that are supplied to the collaborators. Figure 11 illustrates an example setof block shapes that can be built into a wall in the three- and two-dimensional display,

Figure 9. Left: The Sample Application Shown in Figure 7, Left, and Figure 8 Running inPalmscape on a Palm V Handheld Device. The room snapshot shows the menu for addingobjects. Right: The collaborative map shown in Figure 7, right, running in Palmscape on aPalm V handheld device.


respectively. The first block is fixed and the subsequent blocks are in the order theyare to be placed in the wall. The subsequent blocks have to be rotated into the correctorientation so that they fit into the wall being built.


THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SAMPLE APPLICATIONS was an evaluation in itself, assessingthe feasibility of using the Manifold framework to develop applications for heteroge-neous environments. To evaluate the DISCIPLE and Manifold, we selected two appli-cations, Flatscape and Palmscape, and used them to measure the performance of thesystem in a map-based collaboration scenario. To allow users to communicate duringcollaboration, we augmented them with a basic chat tool (provided by DISCIPLE),with the options of setting up filters for exclusion of messages from specific users.


Table 1 shows the statistics of the class reuse for the communication server, Flatscape,and Palmscape, as total number of used classes, number of classes belonging to eachapplication (own), number of classes reused from Manifold, number of classes re-used from DISCIPLE, and the percent of reused classes (from the Manifold and DIS-CIPLE classes together). The percentage is computed as the ratio between the numberof reused classes and the total number of classes.

Table 2 shows the statistics of code reuse in terms of number of lines of code indifferent Java packages. As the tables show, the framework provides a high degree ofcode reuse on very different platforms. This is conformed in our current experiencewith developing more applications based on this framework.


As this system is not a production system, we have not measured the up-time of it, buthave focused on the system to be reliable in the sense of being able to maintain consis-

Figure 10. Different Views of the Same Piece of Furniture (file cabinet) in cWorld (left),Flatscape (middle), and Palmscape (right).







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tency of the data. While the clients are connected to the server it is easy to ensureconsistency, because the server is replicating all events in the order they are receivedand all the clients therefore receives the events in that order; that is, global ordering.When clients disconnect and thereafter connect again, the problem becomes morecomplicated. Ionescu et al. [10] further developed the original state merging algorithmand Marsic et al. [17] provided a formal proof for the algorithm correctness in the caseof maintaining state consistency across heterogeneous collaborative applications.


We evaluated the performance of the current middleware version using two criteria:(1) the event processing time versus number of clients and (2) the number of dataobjects.

Event Processing Time

We measured the event processing time versus the number of clients with and withoutthe DataDistributionAgent. The server application generates a number of events thatare forwarded to the connected clients.

Testing with the DataDistributionAgent clients must subscribe to events at the serverto receive events. Initially, clients subscribe with the rules that they want the server tofilter events with. Once the server receives the rules, the rules are inserted into a rule-

Table 1. Statistics of Class Reuse for Each Application.

Number of classesPercent reuse

Application Total Own Manifold (M) DISCIPLE (D) (M + D)/total

Server 50 3 0 47 94cWorld 118 58 13 47 51Flatscape 91 31 13 47 66Palmscape 48 21 5 22 56

Table 2. Statistics of Code Reuse in Terms of Lines of Code for Each Application.

Number of classesPercent reuse

Application Total Own Manifold (M) DISCIPLE (D) (M + D)/total

Server 5,715 660 0 5,379 89cWorld 13,599 7,551 669 5,379 44Flatscape 9,409 3,361 669 5,379 64Palmscape 4,413 1,216 336 2,518 70


base. The rule-base contains all subscription rules and is maintained by theDataDistributionAgent. When the server receives an event, the DataDistributionAgentruns the rule-base, matching rules against the event. Rules that match fire and theDataDistributionAgent collect the fired rules and return a list of clients that are inter-ested in the event. The rules used in the tests are simple. The set of rules the serverreceives from each client consists of two rules. The first rule is a subscription to acommon document used by all collaborating clients. The rule fires if an event is oftype org.w3c.dom.Document with the name “#document.” The second rule subscribesto the events of type org.w3c.dom.Element named “tag.” The events generated by theserver are all alike, an org.w3c.dom.Element named “tag.” The rules are not complex.They have a depth of one, meaning that there is only one condition that needs to besatisfied before the rule fires.

Testing without the DataDistributionAgent, the server bypasses the filtering mecha-nism and sends all events to all connected clients without considering if the clients areinterested in the event.

Four cases were evaluated: running clients and the server on one and the samemachine (Localhost test) with and without DataDistributionAgent, and running cli-ents on three separate machines and the server on a fourth machine (Distributed test)with and without DataDistributionAgent. When testing with DataDistributionAgent,we considered the worst-case scenario, where all rules fire at every incoming event,thus all events were sent to all clients.

The time measured was the time from when an event was received at the serveruntil it was sent to all relevant clients. We created 100 events and measured the timethe server took to process all 100 events. Comparing the two, we evaluated the over-head introduced by the DataDistributionAgent. The overhead should not outweighthe savings in network resources.

The evaluation was performed on Windows desktops. The server was run on aDELL 2.4 GHz Intel XEON with 1,024 MB RAM running Windows XP Pro. Whenrunning the distributed test, clients ran on a DELL 2.2 GHz Intel XEON with 1,024 MBRAM running Windows XP Pro, a IBM 600 MHz Intel Pentium III with 512 MB RAMrunning Windows XP Pro, and a DELL 1.4 GHz Pentium III with 1,024 MB RAMrunning Windows 2000 Pro.

We found a very close to linear relationship between the event processing time andthe number of clients. This is shown in Figure 12.

The event processing time for one event testing with 500 clients is 450 ms withrules and 40 ms without rules for the Distributed test and 800 ms with rules and 400µs without rules for the Localhost test. The reasons for the higher processing timewhen using rules are (1) the evaluation of rules are based on comparison of stringsand (2) this is a worst-case scenario; all rules constantly fire when a new event isevaluated.

The higher event processing times when running the Localhost test with rules isattributed to the server and all clients are run on and maintained by the same machine.We find these event processing times acceptable, especially since there is room foroptimization in the current implementation.


Figure 12. Event Processing Time by Number of Clients.

Number of Data Objects

The number of data objects possible to store in the BasicRepository depends on theimplementation of the java.util.Hashtable (storing the documents), on the implemen-tation of the org.w3c.dom.Node (key element of the DOM structure), and on theavailable memory of the server. As both the Hashtable and Node1 are implementedrather robustly and can handle sufficient large amounts of data objects, the main con-straint comes from the amount of memory available. We tried on a PC with 512 MBof physical memory to create 1 million objects. This went fine until around 500,000elements when the PC ran out of memory and therefore started to cache on the disk.The server continued to operate correctly, but was very slow because of the diskcaching. This simple test indicates that, with a sufficient amount of memory, ourmiddleware can handle large data structures. If the need is for even larger structures,the best solution will probably be to implement a Repository, which serves as a frontend of commercial database providing XML support.


WE HAVE DESIGNED AND BUILT A SYSTEM that targets many of the problems withcollaboration in heterogeneous environments having slow or unreliable connections.The system is based on a distributed repository, supported by a client-server infra-structure, and a framework for building heterogeneous applications. We presentedexample applications. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the frameworkscales well to platform computing capabilities, provides significant code reuse, andoffers good performance, mainly limited by the network latency, which we cannot domuch about if we want to have connectivity on the go.


Our future work gives us two directions to go in data adaptation at the applicationlevel and communication infrastructure level. Using the first implementation of thecommunication infrastructure, we are in the process of developing a shared calendar,a text editor, and a resource management application, which we plan to use internallyin our group. We will monitor the use of the system as a field trial to obtain informa-tion about the usability of the system. We are also investigating the use of more com-plex transformers between the heterogeneous applications. Distributing andsynchronizing the repositories between multiple servers is another current area ofresearch. Other areas for investigation include how a client can be implemented onfuture cell phones and other small devices, such as pagers.

Our second design of the communication infrastructure shows that it is possible todevelop a flexible middleware, where almost all components are replaceable, and stillobtain a reasonable performance and robustness (depending on the implementationof the noncore components). It opens the path for research in implementing differenttypes of repositories and dynamic adaptation of the communication between clientand server as well as between servers for changing connection quality. This gives usa good foundation for the continuation of our research in middleware for real-timecollaboration. With the increasing interest in the use of small connected devices, wealso see more interest in peer-to-peer configurations, both for spontaneously con-nected devices, and for webs of peer-to-peer connected devices. At the same time,quality of service (QoS) is expected to become more of an issue with the users begin-ning to pay for the services—a user paying for a service will expect a certain level ofQoS, or else wants to pay less for the service.

Our main focuses for the future are therefore on peer-to-peer configurations andresource management. We want to investigate state replication and synchronization,as well as event distribution and routing in peer-to-peer configuration, which we hopewill lead to a default peer-to-peer implementation of the DISCIPLE middleware. Wealso want to develop a resource management component based on research in passiveand active bandwidth measurement currently being performed in our group. The re-source management component should act as a resource broker, allocating resourcesto its clients, and, at the same time, monitoring these resources and notifying theclients upon changes.

Acknowledgments: Mihail Ionescu and Jorgen Nielsen from CAIP Center contributed to theDISCIPLE middleware with research and software development. The research presented issupported by NSF Contract No. ANI-01-23910, U.S. Army CECOM Contract No. DAAB07-02-C-P301, and by the Center for Advanced Information Processing (CAIP) and its corporateaffiliates.


We are using the Crimson implementation packaged in the JAXP 1.1 release, available atjava.sun.com/xml.



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