“Engaging U” Supervisory Certificate Program Inspire a Shared Vision Participant Workbook

Supervisory Certificate Program Inspire a Shared Vision

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“Engaging U”

Supervisory Certificate Program

Inspire a Shared Vision

Participant Workbook


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session participants will:

• Clarify their sense of purpose as a leader

• Understand the elements of a shared vision

• Create a working draft of a vision statement

• Develop a plan for enlisting others to realize the vision


“I Have a Dream” As you listen to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech, take notes on what

makes it an inspiring presentation. Pay attention to what Dr. King says and

to the communication methods and styles he uses.




















What Is A Vision?

A vision projects a clear image of a possible future. It generates energy and enthusiasm to strive forward to the destination.

A vision is an IDEAL and UNIQUE IMAGE of the FUTURE for the COMMON GOOD.

Inspiring visions include the following components:

• IDEAL (a high standard to aspire to). Visions are about making a difference. They are about hopes, dreams and aspirations. They tell us the ennobling purpose and greater good.




• UNIQUE (an identity, pride in being different). Visions are about the extraordinary. They are about what makes us distinctive and unequaled.





• IMAGE (a concept or mental picture made real or tangible through descriptive language). Word pictures, metaphors, examples, stories, symbols and similar communication methods all help make visions memorable.




• FUTURE-ORIENTED (looking toward a destination). Visions stretch our minds out into the future and ask us to dream. They describe an exciting possibility for the future.





• COMMON GOOD (a way people can come together). Visions are about developing a shared sense of destiny. Leaders must be able to show others how their interests are served and how they are a part of the vision in order to enlist them in achieving it.




“Leadership is knowing what the right thing to do is, and creating conditions where others also recognize and want to do that thing.” 

~ James Kouzes and Barry Posner, The Leadership Challenge, 4th edition 




My Values These are some of my key values, beliefs and principles as a leader:










“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” 

~ Roy Disney 


Determine the “Something” You Want To Do Are you here to do something, or are you here for something to do?

• How would I like to change the world for myself and for Drexel?

• How would I like to be remembered?

• If I could invent the future, what would it look like for me and Drexel?

• What mission in life absolutely obsesses me?

• What’s my dream about my work?

• What’s my most distinctive skill or talent?

• What’s my burning passion?

• What work do I find absorbing, involving and enthralling?

• What will happen in ten years if I remain absorbed, involved and enthralled

in that work?

• What does my ideal “Drexel” look like?

• What’s my personal agenda? What do I want to prove?




“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our 

better selves, a call to become something more.”  

~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter 


My Purpose

What do I want to accomplish? Why is this important?

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“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved.  He inspires the power and energy to get it done.”  

~ Ralph Lauren 


Discover a Common Purpose

Who has a stake in achieving your vision? What are their hopes, dreams

and aspirations? A shared vision exists where your personal vision

connects with the visions of others.

Write down the people you want to enlist in achieving your vision and your

thoughts on how to connect with them:












“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,  do more and become more, you are a leader.” 

~ John Quincy Adams 



Articulate Your Vision

Now you will begin to clarify your vision of the future. Use the questions below to select the distinctive qualities of your vision. These are the qualities that will move others.

• IDEAL What is your ideal work community? What is your dream about your work? What do you absolutely believe in or feel passionately about? Describe the perfect realization of your vision.











• UNIQUE What qualities make the future of Drexel distinctive, one of a kind? What would make people proud? What would make it stand out and be different from everything else? What distinctive legacy would you like to leave behind?









• IMAGE What is your vision like? What symbol, metaphor or simile, image, example or picture most vividly represents your ideal and unique future?










• FUTURE-ORIENTED To make sure your ideal and unique image is for the long term, ask yourself, “What are the trends that are propelling my vision?” As you look out five to ten years, what developments and changes do you see in your industry, your employees, your organizational partners and your customers or clients?










• COMMON GOOD Who are your key constituents? What values and goals do they share? What does your vision offer them? How will you need to shape your vision so that it appeals to all of your key constituents?










I Have a Dream …

Use this space to write a statement of your ideal and unique image of the future for the common good.




















Next Steps Toward Realizing My Vision What will you do next to develop and communicate your vision? Use this space to record your ideas and commitments. Be as specific as you can about what you will do and when.











Resources Recommended books on vision and leadership

DePree, M. (2004). Leadership Is An Art. Doubleday, New York, NY

DePree, M. (1992). Leadership Jazz. Dell Publishing, New York, NY.

George, B. (2007) True North. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., San Francisco, CA.

Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z. (2007) The Leadership Challenge. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., San Francisco, CA.

Zander, R.S. & Zander, B. (2000). The Art of Possibility. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.

Human Resources picks for “Books that have inspired me...”

The Story of My Life, Helen Keller

Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela

The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

The Diving Bell and The Butterfly, Jean-Dominique Bauby

If Hospitals Could Fly, John J. Nance

Shoeless Joe, W.P. Kinsella

Leadership 101, John C. Maxwell

17 Essential Qualities Of A Team Player, John C. Maxwell

The Fred Factor, Mark Sanborn

The Chosen, Chaim Potok

The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster

The Right Words At The Right Time, Marlo Thomas

A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens

The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut

The Little Engine That Could, Watty Piper

What books (or movies, or art or places) have inspired YOU?


Discovering A Common Purpose

Here are some questions you might ask to understand the hopes and

dreams of others who have a stake in achieving your vision:

• If you could create an ideal “Drexel”, what would it look like?

• What are the qualities that would make Drexel a great place to work?

• Describe the kind of organization that’d make you say, “I can’t wait to go to

work there.”

• As you look ahead five or ten years, tell me about the kind of organization,

community or world you would like to see.

• What are your hopes and dreams for you and your family?

• What keeps you awake at night?

• What drives you to do the very best you know how?


SAMPLE VISION: The Heartbeat Of The Valley

Maureen Saltzer Brotherton, General Manager of The Valley Times in Pleasanton,

California, shared her vision with co-workers when they had reached a significant

circulation milestone:

“I want to see us truly be the winning team. Be the First Choice, the only good local

choice. Be the heartbeat of the Valley.

“When we win, our readers win – they’ll get more of everything, because we will have

the space to give it to them. When we win, our advertisers win – they’ll get results,

because we will have the loyal readers to bring them those results. When we win, our

carriers and circulation staff win – because routes will be lucrative enough that we will

have a carrier waiting list in every district. When we win, our editorial staff wins because

they’ll have space for all their meaningful, in-depth and exciting stories. Our

photographers will have room to truly showcase their art. When we win, our salespeople

win – because these business emissaries will have happy customers, and more

customers. When we win, we will even find the time to thank those who usually go

thankless, our support staffs. When we win, we will be the pulse of the Valley – with the

image, market share and financial rewards that come to winners.

“And we will win. We will be the Valley’s heartbeat. But only because of you….You

already offer so much. And you can offer more to hurry us on the way: Sell the extra ad,

get all the papers out on the customers’ porches, scramble for those award-winning

photos and stories. Keep on scooping the Herald. Most of all, help each other on the

way. I’ll be there with you, every step of that way – listening to your frustrations, acting

on your requests, backing up your needs with concrete support, keeping y our paths as

clear as I possibly can.

“Together we are the winning team that will make The Valley Times the heartbeat of the


Excerpted from The Leadership Challenge