Inside this issue: Musings in the Interim Betsys Article 1 2 -3 Church and Community Events 4 - 10 Birthdays, Anniversaries & Volunteers 11 Prayer Page 12 Monthly Calendar 13-14 The Fonda Reformed Church May Newsletter Sundays: Worship: 10:30 am Sunday School for Pre K-12th: 9:30 am Fellowship Coffee Hour follows weekly service. Potluck is the 3rd Sunday of the month. Musings in the Interim HOW PAINFUL IS THAT? Ouch! A common expression used by all of us. But why in a good Creation is it necessary? Such questions have been much on my mind as my baptismal cer- tificate ages. Three years ago in February, I fell and severely sprained the wrist muscles in both hands. While my left hand recovered in fairly short order, my right hand continued to have some discomfort until Thanksgiving. The follow- ing May, I stopped using the brace on my hand and was duly rewarded by the immediate onset of a case of Shingles. This happened in Denmark so before going to the doctor I needed to look up what Shingles are in Danish. The name is singularly apropos - Helvedsild - Hells Fire. My afflictions provide for some reflection on pain for our life at FRC, where there have been many and various hurts over the past few years. On the one hand, the purpose of pain is made clear. While my hands were healing, they felt pretty normal at rest, but any attempt to exceed their current capability was met with a sharp rebuff, resulting in left-handed tooth brushing and a number of oth- er adjustments. The pain protected my healing body from further injury by stu- pid choices. But what is the purpose of the pain that Shingles inflicts? Answers rarely satisfy. The ancient religions of Asia, Hinduism and its Bud- dhistic derivatives, describe pains purpose as the demonstration in this reincar- nation of our bad behavior in the previous reincarnation. The ancient religions of the Middle East, the Abrahamic faiths, describe pain beyond the protective function as a consequence of sin, Original and otherwise. The less ancient but still old native religion of Europe - Philosophy - describes pain beyond the pro- tective function as failure to be knowledgeable enough and as the natural conse- quence of the inferior material world to the superior spiritual one. Those are all answers, but none feel comprehensive or satisfactory when you hurt. I live out of a Christian worldview and so do see our world as sinful. And that faith does not make Shingles less debilitating of either physical body or spiritual attitude. I had no illusions that I was singled out for special pain - diseases happen. But I neither function well when I hurt nor do I understand the timing. Perhaps this lack of understanding is as final and important a point as we can get to - as well as impetus for further serious reflection - on our current life at FRC. In our mostly comfortable Mohawk Valley world, most human discom- forts can be ameliorated with appropriate doses of knowledge and money. Such ability sets us in constant danger of thinking we actually have power and con- trol. Pain does underscore and teach how very bounded we in fact are. It is on- ly when we are aware of our own actuality that we have any ability to be aware of God. It is in awareness of God that we see our needs for both clarity on our own limits and reconciliation with those whom we have hurt or who have hurt us. The protective function of pain does keep us from deliberately yelling at oth- ers on Sunday, or other times, just as pain in my hands kept me from overdoing. But the Shingles type inexplicable pain, which left unattended in a congregation can destroy congregational life, needs to be seen like Shingles - as a conse- quence of sin. We only deal with sin by first being honest with God. Regular prayer and worship - not alone nursing our pains but in company with the Church - is essential. When we are living with God, our encounters with others will lead to reconciliation and healing. Both God and the others are present each Sunday at FRC, anticipating you. Rett Zabriskie

Sundays - fonda.rcachurches.org

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Page 1: Sundays - fonda.rcachurches.org

Inside this issue:

Musings in the Interim Betsy’s Article


2 -3

Church and Community Events

4 - 10

Birthdays, Anniversaries & Volunteers


Prayer Page 12

Monthly Calendar 13-14

The Fonda Reformed Church May Newsletter


Worship: 10:30 am

Sunday School for

Pre K-12th:

9:30 am

Fellowship Coffee Hour follows weekly


Potluck is the 3rd

Sunday of the month.

Musings in the Interim


Ouch! A common expression used by all of us. But why in a good Creation is it necessary? Such questions have been much on my mind as my baptismal cer-tificate ages. Three years ago in February, I fell and severely sprained the wrist muscles in both hands. While my left hand recovered in fairly short order, my right hand continued to have some discomfort until Thanksgiving. The follow-ing May, I stopped using the brace on my hand and was duly rewarded by the immediate onset of a case of Shingles. This happened in Denmark so before going to the doctor I needed to look up what Shingles are in Danish. The name is singularly apropos - Helvedsild - Hell’s Fire.

My afflictions provide for some reflection on pain for our life at FRC, where there have been many and various hurts over the past few years. On the one hand, the purpose of pain is made clear. While my hands were healing, they felt pretty normal at rest, but any attempt to exceed their current capability was met with a sharp rebuff, resulting in left-handed tooth brushing and a number of oth-er adjustments. The pain protected my healing body from further injury by stu-pid choices. But what is the purpose of the pain that Shingles inflicts?

Answers rarely satisfy. The ancient religions of Asia, Hinduism and its Bud-dhistic derivatives, describe pain’s purpose as the demonstration in this reincar-nation of our bad behavior in the previous reincarnation. The ancient religions of the Middle East, the Abrahamic faiths, describe pain beyond the protective function as a consequence of sin, Original and otherwise. The less ancient but still old native religion of Europe - Philosophy - describes pain beyond the pro-tective function as failure to be knowledgeable enough and as the natural conse-quence of the inferior material world to the superior spiritual one. Those are all answers, but none feel comprehensive or satisfactory when you hurt. I live out of a Christian worldview and so do see our world as sinful. And that faith does not make Shingles less debilitating of either physical body or spiritual attitude. I had no illusions that I was singled out for special pain - diseases happen. But I neither function well when I hurt nor do I understand the timing.

Perhaps this lack of understanding is as final and important a point as we can get to - as well as impetus for further serious reflection - on our current life at FRC. In our mostly comfortable Mohawk Valley world, most human discom-forts can be ameliorated with appropriate doses of knowledge and money. Such ability sets us in constant danger of thinking we actually have power and con-trol. Pain does underscore and teach how very bounded we in fact are. It is on-ly when we are aware of our own actuality that we have any ability to be aware of God. It is in awareness of God that we see our needs for both clarity on our own limits and reconciliation with those whom we have hurt or who have hurt us. The protective function of pain does keep us from deliberately yelling at oth-ers on Sunday, or other times, just as pain in my hands kept me from overdoing. But the Shingles type inexplicable pain, which left unattended in a congregation can destroy congregational life, needs to be seen like Shingles - as a conse-quence of sin. We only deal with sin by first being honest with God. Regular prayer and worship - not alone nursing our pains but in company with the Church - is essential. When we are living with God, our encounters with others will lead to reconciliation and healing. Both God and the others are present each Sunday at FRC, anticipating you.

Rett Zabriskie

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Continued Page 3

The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter

God Created Mothers

From the moment a life has been conceived, God has worked a miracle. This tiny bit of his crea-tion will change someone’s world. Yes, a woman’s world will change more than she can imag-ine. Regardless of the way this tiny being has come into her life, it will rock her world as never be-fore. What was once important will become unimportant, and this little person will forever rearrange what she once found to be her norm. God has given this woman a child, a helpless tiny creature in need of love and tender care. Here they are, the day has come, A MOTHER IS CREATED! For some women, they have always dreamed of becoming a mother. It has been a longing that they have always had, a dream come true. Finally it has happened, and she can now add MOM to her resume. But wait, not so fast, being a mom is an awesome job that no other job can hold a candle to, but how do you do it? Motherhood doesn’t come with a user’s manual! Yes, tis true you had a mom, who had a mom, who had a mom… but now it’s your turn and every woman wonders if she is really up to the daunting task that is before her. But let’s go back to that moment a tiny baby is placed in a woman’s arms for the first time. I re-member the moment my first born was placed in my arms. Pure love, joy, wonder as I gazed upon his face. Seven pounds of love looked up at me, and I was never the same. In the beginning a mother kind of lives in a bubble. Everything centers around her and her child. Visitors arrive bearing gifts, family visit and dote upon mother and child. A bundle of love has arrived and everyone wants to meet them. Mom feels so special and soaks up all the attention like a sponge. But before you know it, that moment passes and reality sets in. Every mom goes through it. That “my life is not my own” mo-ment. How can one little helpless creation take control so quickly? What once was an organized home becomes taken over by every kind of baby apparatus that has ever been invented. Quiet mo-ments of rest are cherished, as new parents become more and more exhausted, yet somehow they get through it one day at a time. Some days are filled with happy tears, sad tears and tears of confusion and exhaustion. Your child now becomes the center of your universe like nothing else has before their arrival. You are a MOM. Thinking back, I am sure most first time mothers go through all the same emotional experiences one time or other. How am I going to do this? But God knew that his mothers would rise to the chal-lenges, and placed these special bundles of love in their world. Times have changed over the dec-ades; some for the better and some for the worse. Today, mothers need to stretch their time in so many directions. Modern moms not only mother, but most often have also entered the work place. Babes are placed in the loving arms of other loving women, so they may do so. Yes, it takes a village to raise a child, especially in today’s world. As I think back to my childhood, I wonder how my mom did all she did. Being a single mom, due to my father’s passing, she faced unusual challenges for that time. Her mom had passed before mom was barely out of high school, but somehow she knew how to be an amazing mom and role model for me. Her love was unconditional, patience unending and her belief in me and my potential was never ending. She was always there to listen to me, and had the uncanny ability to steer me in the right di-rection without telling me what to do. How was she able to do this? Where did she learn it? Mom taught me so many lessons over the years. She is the reason I am who I am today and the mother I was to my boys. As I think back, I truly believe she, as so many other moms, were strong because of the faith they had in God. God gave her the patience she needed to be a wonderful moth-er. I truly believe her strong faith made her able to endure the many ups and downs of mother-hood. She passed that faith on to me, and I know for certain that if I hadn’t looked up to God during those difficult times, I wouldn’t have been able to weather the storms. Prayer and hope overcame the trials and tribulations of motherhood, and His love was felt as I relinquished my concerns in prayer. I felt refreshed in the morning and was able to enjoy the “little things” that filled my days. James 1:17 says that “Every Good gift and every perfect gift is from above.” I knew that when I stumbled, God would lift me up and give me strength. The ride was indeed bumpy, but God steadied me through those times when I was being bounced around. My mom taught me perseverance, strength, courage, and the value of unconditional love. Other women, I shall call “surrogate mothers” also helped guide me and taught me valuable lessons I still hold dear today.

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To all the women who have blessed your life and mine, Mother’s Day is only one day in the month of May to honor them. They were your manual, your example and made lasting impressions up-on your hearts. Remember these women and not just on Mother’s Day, but frequently. Strong women of faith can and do accomplish incredible things, even during the worst of times. God gave them the ability to do so. If you are a mother, or mothered, EMBRACE YOUR DAY! God hand selected you! To all of God’s children, tell your mom you love them. They gave you birth, took care of you when you needed help, guided you through those years of growing. God only loans you these amazing women for a short time. When they are called back home, only their memory and the lessons you gained from them will be with you. Moms love hugs and hearing, “I LOVE YOU!” It never gets old. Don’t miss the chance to tell her. To all those amazing women in my life, thank you for touching my life, being there for me and raising such amazing children, and being such great examples. To my heavenly angel, thank you for being such a patient, understanding, strong and loving woman of faith, best friend and amazing mother. I look forward to seeing you again in eternity. Until then, my everlasting love.

When God Made a Mother Shared by Lauren Eberspacher

One day God looked down at all the little babies on His lap and sitting at His feet.

As they looked up into His eyes, He knew He needed to make someone who He could trust to take care of them here on earth. He knew this person wouldn’t have to be perfect. but would have to be able to

love the babies in her own beautifully perfect way. And that’s when He made her. That’s when God made a mother.

He cradled the babies in His arms and thought about who they would need. Someone who would love them with as much ferocity as it would take to bring them into the world; some would grow them in

their wombs, some would grow them in their hearts. Someone whose love would know no bounds and who would fight for the lives of the babies until her very last breath. Yes, fierce women.

Someone with arms strong enough to rock the babies at all hours of the night, yet gentle enough to lay them down without waking them back up again.

Who could pull herself up out of the deepest trenches when she didn’t think she had anything left, then wipe the tears from her eyes and push through another day. Yes, strong women.

He needed someone who would find joy in the simple and purpose in the mundane, because He knew that was what the babies needed most.

She didn’t have to be a famous celebrity or a renowned world leader, but He needed someone to be the hero of the babies’ hearts and keeper of their souls. Yes, good women.

He didn’t care about the shape of her body or the size of her waist; He cared about the size of her heart. It needed to be big enough to grow even when she didn’t think it could anymore. And able to

hold all of the love for the babies He was going to entrust her with. Yes, loving women. He needed her to be able to break. Tender enough to shatter into a million pieces only to be able to be

put back together again Because He knew the love she would feel for the babies would absolutely wreck her soul. He knew this because He loved the babies first, more than she ever could. And yet, He

wanted someone to experience that same kind of love, too. Yes, beautifully broken women. He knew he needed a teacher. Someone to sit them on their laps, read His stories and teach them His

truths. To sing them His songs and whisper His love for them. Yes, God-fearing women. Women who would change the world by the shaping of tiny souls, while at the same time letting her calling shape her own soul. He knew there would be no one else like her. No one more pure, no destiny more fulfilling,

no one the babies needed more.

THAT’S WHEN GOD CREATED A MOTHER God’s blessings on all mothers!

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Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm

Anyone can join any time!

The ladies are currently working on

“The 3 Colors of Ministry”.

Do you know your gifts that God has given you?

Did you take the class years ago and want to see how your gifts have changed?

This study will assist you in discovering the spiritual gifts, ways to use your gifts and where you need

to focus your energies in order to bring balance in our spiritual life.

We will be using the “3 Colors of Ministry”

workbook for those of us that have done this study before.

For more information please contact

Sherrie Gray, Gretchen Subik or Cindy Mitchell.

Men's bible study meets every Friday morning at 6:15 in the

Cussler . If you have any questions please contact David Patterson

Adult Bible Study Sunday takes place Sunday mornings at 9:30am before worship

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The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter

Fully Human to Fully Alive

(message from Churches Learning Change, Deb Silvernail)

Sitting in my quiet house in the early morning, I began to do my long overdue reading assign-

ment for CLC as well as look at the upcoming Vacation Bible School program. Looking at both

struck me how interwoven the messages were from two seemingly unrelated sources. God often

does that for us you know: reminds us that all the moments of our lives are ways He is trying to

communicate with us, to show His love for us, and guides us to be as authentic as Christ was as he

lived on this earth.

To paraphrase a quote from the book Learning Change by Jim Herrington & Trisha Taylor:

“The glory of God is a human being fully alive.” In Jesus Christ, we see a fully

alive person; fully divine and fully human. His life on earth was the ultimate exam-

ple of hearing God’s call, always taking time to listen for God’s purpose, and then

intentionally living out God’s purpose for his life. As followers of Christ, we are

called to do the same. God has intentions for our life on earth as well. Take time to

connect with and hear God’s call for you to have an abundant missional life through

all you do and say on this earth.

I read this and said to God, “Are you kidding me? I need to find more work to do for you? If I

volunteer for one more thing, my husband will kill me! I’m running on fumes now and always feel

like I am behind in every moment of every day, both at work, church, and home. I’m empty right

now, and I don’t think I can take on one more thing.”

Then I stopped for a moment to hear from God. To take time to get out of my head, and my real

desire to get out of His Way. Have you done that lately? Have you taken the time to make God the

central focus of your heart and mind? Or are you like me trying to do His work without asking

God first what His plan is for my life?

As I read the first day’s lesson of Vacation Bible School, it reminded me of when I was a young

Christian trying to understand what that is meant to be a Christian, and overwhelmed by all the

messages in the Bible. I narrowed the focus to just two, God’s greatest commandment, “To love

the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. The second is

like it, to love your neighbor as yourself.”

We tend to jump straight to the "doing God's work" for others and somehow lose track of the

fact there is a distinct order to Jesus' words. First, seek after and love God, then the second com-

mandant is doable, is rewarding, and is full of peace and joy serving others. When we are not lis-

tening to God's still small voice first, all our interactions with others are full of judgment and disap-

pointment. We feel like we must "work" to earn God's love and find no peace. Well, we do need

to 'do' something but not the conventional way the world gains riches.

Start by just taking the time to listen to God's still small voice. His plan for our ‘missional lives'

of abundance, joy, peace, and purpose will happen. He knocks at your door, patiently waits for you

to invite Him in, and spend time listening to the grand designs of an abundant life that God has for


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May 2019

Thank you for your donations to help the Outreach Ministry donate twenty baskets of food to families in need over the Easter/ Spring Break.

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and willingness to help others in need. Our next outreach meeting will be May 7th at 6:30pm.

Fonda Reformed Church's annual "Support Our Troops Ice Cream Social"

will be held on Thursday, May 9th, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm (please note a new time change).

Tickets are $4.50 each and veterans are free. Tickets can be purchased at the door

or from a member of the Outreach Ministry.

Your help is greatly appreciated by signing up for any of the following: Set Up at 4:00, Clean Up at 8:00, put up posters/signs, sell tickets, scoop ice cream, serve baked goods, donate pies, brownies, cakes, cookies or water.

All proceeds will be donated to the men and women in the military

serving around the world.

We would like to say thank you to all our veterans, especially those receiving care from the Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany.

If you would like to assist with some of their needs, please bring any of the items listed below to the church prior to or on the day of the Ice Cream Social.

We are grateful for your thoughtful gifts to the men and women who have served our country during their lifetime and to those of you who are supporting this heartfelt event.

See Kathie Carpenter or Cindy Barnett if you have any questions.

All of these items MUST be new

Afghans, Lap Robes, Quilts (minimum size 4' x4')

All sizes of coats, knit hats, gloves, heavy and regular socks, thermal underwear (tops/

bottoms), undershirts, briefs/boxers, and sweatshirts/sweatpants (sizes 2XL, 3XL, 4XL);

Large Print books: Crosswords, Word Find and Sudoku

Food Pantry items such as: canned soups/vegetables/fruit, non-perishable milk, ready to eat

meals, crackers, healthy cereals, macaroni and cheese, canned tuna/chicken, and snacks

Gift cards for emergency purchases of clothing, toiletries and food items from: Walmart,

Target, Price Chopper, Hannaford and Shop-Rite.

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The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter Page 7

Wednesday May 1st at 3pm

Children’s Craft Club We will be making a craft that Mom or Grandma would like.

This activity is for elementary age children accompanied by an adult.

Thursday May 2nd & Friday May 3rd Book, Bake and Plant Sale

Gently used books and DVDs will be for sale along with plants for your garden. Don’t forget the delicious home made baked goods.

Friday May 10th at 3pm - Read With Me

We will be reading some great books in the children’s area from 3-3:30pm.

Library Hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 11am-7pm

Friday 12-7pm Saturday 9am-1pm

May at the Frothingham Free Library


Special Music—Alice Wellenstein Complimentary child care is available upon request at time of reservation.

For reservations, call Gloria 518-853-3126 or [email protected].


White Cottage Gardens …for all your Floral Needs

Website: whitecottagegardens.com

Antique and Gift Shop, 518-843-1060 194 Guy Park Avenue, Amsterdam

Blooming into Summer Inspirational Speaker—Dixie Westervelt

Monday, May 13, 2019 * 11:30 a.m. Holiday Inn * Route 30A * N. Comrie Avenue * Johnstown

$17.50 (Pay at the door.) Baked Haddock with Mashed Potatoes & Vegetable

or Chef Salad Rolls, Dessert, and Coffee or Tea

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The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter Page 8

May Potluck

Our next potluck will be May 19th.

Please join us for great food

with wonderful friends!

Thank you to everyone that brought dishes to

share at the April potluck.

We appreciate each and every one of you!

Thank you, from Peg LaBarge I would like to thank the hospitality committee and my church family for the beautiful party

honoring my 75th membership of the Fonda Reformed Church.

I will cherish that special day forever.

In Christian Love, Peggy

Hey Shirley, this is for YOU.

Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for our

church family over the last few years.

Your hard work, dedication and organizational skills

are greatly appreciated.

We are so thankful for you!

Don’t be a stranger.

Classes for children are every Sunday morning at

9:30am. We would love to have your child/children

join us before worship!

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God will give us the rain

in the due season, or the right season.

God sent the rain

to make the harvest. The amount, intensity, and frequency of rain determine the abundance

of the harvest.

Before we can enjoy the harvest, before we can see the rainbow,

before we can experience true spiritual growth,

we have to experience the rain showers.

Rain in the right season brings about growth, and growth brings the


The key to a good harvest is timing and consistency.

God’s timing is always on time, and He is always consistent.

God does the same thing for us.

He allows blessings and trials to rain consistently in our life, always at

the right time. Imagine what your life would be like if God allowed all

your trials to come upon you at once, or all your blessings to come at the

same time?

Timing is everything

and God is working so that

our harvest is full.

The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter Page 9

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Who is my Neighbor?

Save the date! July 8-12th from 9:00 to 11:30 am

Mark your calendars now for Who Is My Neighbor?

Vacation Bible school! Invite children to attend this fun time of learning about the Bible while

also learning about neighbors near and far. Registration forms available at the Church or online

at our website fondareformedchurch.com


The Mom’s Morning Out preschool program is taking

applications for the 2019 - 2020 school year.

It is for 3, 4 & 5 year old's (must be 3 by Aug. 31st)

on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings

from 8:30-11 am.

If you would like an application, contact Joann Phelps (518) 775-3454 or the church

(518) 853-3621 or download from website fondareformedchurch.com.

June 2 – 4, 2019 Camp Fowler

For more information please contact the church

at (518) 853-3621

or [email protected]

The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter Page 10

Camp Fowler slots

are filling up fast for this summer.

If you have a camper 3rd grade - 12th grade,

who has never been to summer camp at Camp Fowler,

our church proves a free week at camp.

For more information on Church scholarship

for 1st time campers, please talk to Steve Cook.

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The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter Page 11

May Birthdays

2 Richard Wilmot

5 Cory Kruger

6 Jacob Knapik

7 Louise Huth

9 Jeanne Streeter

11 Ellsworth Simpson

12 Lois Collins

Karen Simpson

13 Kayla Roberson

Ava Cassidy

15 Adam Kruger

R.J. Douglas

16 Randy Douglas Sr.

17 Joshua Kirschman

Demilee McRedmond

19 John Boshart, Jr.

20 Nate Quinn

Larry Hayes

Tammy Garren

21 Lori Myers

22 Avery Cook

Allison Newkirk

23 McKenzie & Maria Carrpenter

24 Schuyler Livingstone

25 Lance Henry

June Hanson

26 M.J. Cassidy

Lindsey Stanzel

29 Sydney Jones

30 Amber Morey

May Scripture Readers

If you’d like to read one Sunday, please sign up for the

Sunday of your choice in the back of the sanctuary.

Please sign up to host a coffee hour by calling the church

(518-853-3621) or stopping by the table at the back of the

sanctuary. Feel free to ask a friend or two to help host a

coffee hour.

May 5

May 12 Mother’s Day—no coffee hour


May 26

May Anniversaries

We apologize if we missed your birthday or anniversary. If we did, it

probably means we don’t have it..

Please let Church Office know of birthdays or anniversaries to be included,

or if any of the information needs to be corrected.

Office 518-853-3621 or email [email protected]

15 David and Karen Patterson

27 Peter and Jill Perez

May 5

May 12 Carolyn Whipple

May 19 Stacey DeLaney

May 26

May Coffee Hour Hosts

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Individuals with various health concerns:

Those who grieve:

Our missions:

Haven of Hope Farm & Residence The Ford family serving in Lebanon The Lampens serving in Romania

Other prayer requests: Our Shut-ins

Students Ministries of our church

Jeanne Streeter Stacy Kimball James Santangelo (Bev Guiffre)

Sue Swanson (Jeanne Streeter)

Bob Langdon Sebastian Lasher (Rob Garren)

Jennifer Loya (Peter Perez)

Jeff Hawley (Jeanne Streeter)

Deana Smith (Bev Guiffre)

Cathy Waite (Sally Emery)

Brent Perez (Peter Perez)

Lisa Knapp (Pete Perez)

Heidi Meerdink (Pastor Jenni)

James Pearce (Gloria Kimball) Heather Hawley (J. Streeter)

Steve Urbanczyk (Blackwood)

Theresa Conbeer (K. Carpenter)

Paula Riggi (Amy Brenner)

Bill Coons (Phyllis Healey)

Michael Richardson(J. Perez)

Sarah Woodcock Nicole Tobey (Maureen White) Carla Goodwin (Tina Belfance)

Raul Perez (Pete Perez)

Tom Flander (Doug Hall)

Louise Boyer Donna Burr (Julie B.)

Bill Whipple Scott McLean Lois Brockey (K. Patterson)

Melody VanNostrand (S. Gray)

Rebecca Finn (Gloria Kimball)

LaVern Jones Sr. Cherie Craig (M. White) Joan Francisco Whitney Helwick (Sally Emery)

Carol Buddles (M. White)

Richard Persse (B. Marshall)

Kenneth White (M. White)

If you would like to add someone to

the prayer list or know that someone

can be taken off,

please let the church office know at

518-853-3621 or email

[email protected].

Thank you.

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Wednesday 1 8:30 am 4:30 - 6 pm

7:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out—Fellowship Hall Food Pantry open Praise Practice

Thursday 2 12 - 1 pm Food Pantry open

Friday 3 6:15 am 8:30 am

Men’s Prayer Group - Cussler Center Mom’s Morning Out

Saturday 4

Sunday 5 9:30 am 9:30 am

10:30 am 11:45 am

Sunday School Adult Bible Study Worship Coffee Hour

Monday 6 8:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out - Fellowship Hall Girl Scouts (Fellowship Hall) Consistory

Tuesday 7 10:30 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm

Glen-Mohawk Seniors - Fellowship Hall Outreach Meeting Ladies Bible Study

Wednesday 8 8:30 4:30-6 pm 7:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out—Fellowship Hall Fonda Food Pantry open Praise Practice

Thursday 9 12 - 1 pm 5-8 pm

Food Pantry open Ice Cream Social for the military

Friday 10 6:15 am 8:30 am

Men’s Prayer Group - Cussler Center Mom’s Morning Out

Saturday 11

Sunday 12 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am

Sunday School Adult Bible Study Worship HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

Monday 13 8:30 am 6:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out - Fellowship Hall Girl Scouts (Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday 14 10:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Glen-Mohawk Seniors - Fellowship Hall Churches Learning Change Ladies Bible Study


Page 14: Sundays - fonda.rcachurches.org

The Fonda Reformed Church Newsletter Page 14

Wednesday 15 8:30 am 4:30-6 pm 7:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out—Fellowship Hall Fonda Food Pantry open Praise Practice

Thursday 16 12 - 1 pm Food Pantry open

Friday 17 6:15 am 8:30am

Men’s Prayer Group - Cussler Center Mom’s Morning Out

Saturday 18

Sunday 19 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:45 am

Sunday School Adult Bible Study Worship POTLUCK

Monday 20 8:30 am 6:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out - Fellowship Hall Girl Scouts (Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday 21 10:30 am 7:00 pm

Glen-Mohawk Seniors - Fellowship Hall Ladies Bible Study

Wednesday 22 8:30 am 4:30-6 pm 7:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out—Fellowship Hall Fonda Food Pantry open Praise Practice

Thursday 23 12 - 1 pm Food Pantry open

Friday 24 6:15 am

Men’s Prayer Group - Cussler Center

Saturday 25

Sunday 26 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:45 am

Sunday School Adult Bible Study Worship Coffee Hour


Tuesday 28 10:30 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Glen-Mohawk Seniors - Fellowship Hall Churches Learning Change Ladies Bible Study

Wednesday 29 8:30 am 4:30-6 pm 7:00 pm

Mom’s Morning Out—Fellowship Hall Fonda Food Pantry open Praise Practice

Thursday 30

12 - 1 pm Food Pantry open

Friday 31 6:15 am 8:30 am

Men’s Prayer Group - Cussler Center Mom’s Morning Out