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Sunday Service Remus 03

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Page 1: Sunday Service Remus 03

1. Welcoming the congregation

- Great privilege to be here

- thank all the people for joining us

2. Opening prayer

- Ask God to prepare our hearts for the service today, no distractions, we come expecting

- Thank God for this day, ask for forgiveness, honesty

- introduce and welcome new visitors (if any)

3. Read bible verses about worship:

- Read entire Psalm 100 x2

4. Praise and worship

5. After praise and worship

- ask if there is anybody that wants to give a testimony

- Or has a word from God that would like to share?

- Maybe something great happened this week and would like to glorify God and give public thanks that would

encourage all of us

- Maybe a way in which a bible verse has spoken to you this last week

6. Short message

- Read Psalm 1 x2 – QUESTION: which one of us does not want that in our lives?

- More bible verses (optional)

- the devil hates us, he hates that we are here now, that we just sang and worshiped the lord

- The devil will try to fight against us at all time.

- How to battle against the Devil?

7. Memorizing scripture

1. Makes meditation possible where bible reading is not possible.

2. Strengthens our faith. Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God and that happens when we hear

the word of God in our head.

3. God’s warnings and promises are the way we conquer the deceitful lies of the devil. (the devil hates us)

4. Memorizing scripture enables us to hit the devil with a force he cannot resist (the devil hates us, our family, he

hates God, he hates this church) - what are we hitting him with?

5. It is the way we have fellowship with Jesus, it is the way God speaks to us very clearly and if we have it in our head

we can talk anywhere. – this should bring great motivation and joy to our hearts

6. Emissary of grace beyond expectations when the situation comes

8. Why all this? Why is it necessary to know God this way?

- We don’t memorize sentences that describe our friends and family, right?

- We don’t have friends asking us to memorize characteristics about them, right?

- Why?

- We cannot fully explain and understand God because he is not like us, He is Other.

- Our minds are very limited, it’s like trying to explain mathematics to an ant or a mosquito, and it cannot be done.

- However… we, even with our limited minds CAN know God.

- God blessed us so that we can know him (not fully - because we are limited) but we can know Him.

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- One of the ways in which we can know God is to study His attributes, just like a person can know another person by

observing his behavior and characteristics.

- After that, ask the pastor to preach about God’s attributes

9. Pastor Robin sermon

10. Tithes and offerings + Praise and worship

11. After the Praise and worship:

- read announcements (if any)

14. Final word before the closing prayer for our needs

15. Frank Laubach

- he taught all the Philippines how to read so that they can read the bible

- In his journal: nr 1 goal, every day, he didn’t attained it: To spend one day in uninterrupted toughs and meditation

about Christ.

- (September 2, 1884 – June 11, 1970) - known as "The Apostle to the Illiterates."

- In 1935, while working at a remote location in the Philippines, he developed the "Each One Teach One" literacy

program. It has been used to teach about 60 million people to read in their own language.

- Even while he was teaching he had his thoughts about Christ!

- What was his desire and what He accomplished? – Psalm 1, second part

- How can we do that if we don’t memorize scripture? (remind the people about psalm 1)

- Blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.

- Christianity should not be an accessory to our life – it should be constant and uninterrupted.

15. Practical advice and homework

- The devil and our flesh hates the word of God, we have to fight against it.

- Many times we have to fight with ourselves.

- even thought our hearts are regenerated the war with the flesh continues

- actually, it just started when we decided to become a Christian

- Homework: Ask people to set alarms to study the word of God

- Memorize John 3:16 , Ephesians 2:8-9

- Audio bible apps for listening while on the bus or walking down the street.

15. Prayer requests + ending prayer (optional)

- mention the people that are not there and bless them in prayer

- mention the sick

- mention the unsaved people in our families and pray for them

- Prayer

- Ask if anybody has any personal special prayer requests or advice (they can talk to the pastor or someone from the

church after the service)

15. Pastor Robs Blessing