THE SUN THURSDAY APRIL 26 1900 r IIrlllftl fIx II 0 jjf TilE BASEBALL WORLD BOK I VS 70 lIP AND XKV YORK TlKr TVXttLK- molt Ml Aflln and T k i Viral rile I rum IhlUdelphUt Hhu lx iljnliin Mrn Ilttibnri Defeat niull nd tbn Art Kven fpXotei The llrookt n w n u tarn from the Phil dfiiiMa vf tiTili y nnil forced tliotn to r tlr plrirolotlwHt loilln dull which jumuM ilio honor by ilitVntlnij tlm Chicago cn Thr iriinn bit by tlm Windy City loam Mitit it at in ladder i th BoMoiiA- rtirv ivcr VIIi Nnw York enabled limn to nulmtf Miir tIM nenxon oponexl Tho SVw York inMiiirtothoHoHioii br ko tlwlr lltlih llriUlyiH Kwlncs dipped Into n th IlUr lllv lh Illon Rlll lil Utn fail urn them The Inclnnntli- vmil up mutter with the PiltoburuM ncnin ii team urn tied In tlm middle of unrh KuriluT chanc In the t lli o ymfani The multa V Vork f- tHfmklynC Philadelphia 4 St loul A Chicago I Cincinnati PIlKtmrj I 11IE liECUK- DIrr Itr 4 I ion Cliirlnnatl 1 utl- PlVdVva 4 MTXfW vera 2 1 400 1 llmlon Z 4 S3S t 1 Mio Chicago I 4 ooI- IOSTON 0 NEW voitu 8 okiil HkPitii eaujr victory for Boston wa ln t nippwl bv tIt New York In the mrh imntf vi i riliiy Th tiooro to 4- UIIIM KuncHliifn nt th Polo Ground whti- fm rimi up i bat for th t InM time Footer no MM llio plate In place of Doheny Ha- oi hi tuifK n bulls and look second on Van llirtnit wifu bunt Merrer tilled hut bn M- tii n linn drivi to centre Illcknmnp- opped up u ll for Tonnev but Davis cnnm- tivhi riiU with a well placed ulnelnto l ft- f id whuti nored Foster Doyle sent a tong jy liMitiiihi left Held foul line which Fred rasn muffed All thn runners moved up a peg llaitren scoring H lbnchs sacrifice njr- iosmnl ent Mercor acroM the plat nnd put iri uu third Doyle stole second Sullivansif- trWCiMnc out to centre Itch Davis tallied in th v and I oylt tried to ba s but WRA naught on a doio decision I nil hecntui was over Tweniveiuht hundred peopln aw a rather liciintf content The Bostont fielded loonely- tjt ih y hard enoueh to win two gnmi1- piiiienv wn wild Klvlng as- in th ruifKettinc wn touched for Hire unities in thn third two lnKle and a boine run in the bevemh and throe single a tiuggtT arid a threebase hit In the eighth linccn wa to the last Inning nnniiih In liases on bulls Mie u iit any Ice WItS Fosters gift In the ninth MI ii up n poor gains at third ha e- bm hn largely In HoMonn nm- cdluinn nere wn lyinslderabtn more kicking than rat indulged in Inrun the Dirt came between th x rlubs In th third Innins l wo hit a- li one toward hlrd ran In and tho ball xent II to Doyle and Im- tir Connolly dtcmrrd the runner ill th matter yelled Tt paid no attention In remark d ttit pitcher cnine toward him with expostulation saw come thmg iu which warned him iff for he quickly returned to the box lthoiit In thn fifth lnnln litn hatted n grounder toward Mercer Tim Player iu n little Mow In after ii the bull reached the runner had already piutsid thn lia mode a- k ek to umpire man on ftrt the eighth Inning Hamilton tried three times 0 bunt the bull la t attempt resulted In afoul hut nah York ruhed In to the with a demand that It should count iw the third waved him oft wlilla the crowd yelled look- up the rule DavU The llotons verA not slow to protest on cur rloe decliilon that went agnln t In third Inning T advanced on with ft kick He Insisted that had struck Bl n hlll which had declared to be n hat The mti thing happened In the lnh Inning only thn tune left hln wnlkfdup to the umpire behind the tu wy haul nt a bull The ton HCf red a run In the first Inning nn Hamilton ba e on bnll ill1 nsH over second base They an iherln tnw third on toli- in Kretmans single Y rks pa ed them In thlr half of the third Wrn two out ami Dohntiv on ftr t Van ined a single to right Held went to hinlon the hit and cnred when Dlnenn mal a balk Mercers twnbncgnr to centro- nt Van Halirvn across the pitched bnll and DnvU reached fr when mis e l his ffrounder This niiplay allowed Mercer to tho third ii nnd- ii nfth Innlnc In Lowe kls IBM on balls went to second on a wild fitch to third on 8ulUvinn liner to right for a e and home on Dlncens wicrifice fly to Illckmon That tied the score but York went to the front ngaln In their half of h unlng DavU singled to left took third on Seibarhn double to rleht but was the plate on CleasonH hit to Selbach t ois on this out avid when Hole ecnnd scored rum In the ia t inning ai ha already been described The ruu were made In erh Innings In the seventh Ten tarted off with a to left nrid with Collliw the home The Putt wa a long over head and rolled undor the right eti r According to the cround rules It w rod for a home run In the eighth eludes nv Dlne n and followed Colllnsji- mirgpr and Freemans triple along the left fMil fnii tine scored three runs Lowe It tiv eiulinir Freeman homo on his single rat Hoy Thn score IIOSTOX NBW VOIIK- II It POA Bl II II IO AR Hmnlltnn r o I 01 2 2 3 0 ihl sis 0 nMrrrrr Sb 2 2 I 0 fniiins b z 4 3 I aiHickratnrf n o t n 0 staiiitr n i i o nDmis M 1 2 i i 0 frfrmiinir 1 ll 0 OiSflWh III i i nnifn nn t t 0 I Siinvsn c 0 i it 3 z nrarty e o o ft n 0 VMn f t I 0 4 0 Dohrny p I 0000i- Wls illrt71S ToUU R27 10 I Baiiwt or Dnhrny In the nlnlhlnnlnir- i ilrk 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 4 Fit i t x on rtrors XcK York 3 I Jl on bus trim Jioston 7 Klrst haw on hntlsOff n iHnrfn ft Htriifk Dnhrnr- y IViifen 2 Two ttuff bUsMrirtl Ling ninni Tlirrr bav hit Frrfmsn Sirrince hltvSrlbarb Collins nan ninffii Stolen bavs llaltrtn lift Dam Diiyin Collins Ijmt Ooublir plnri M r RMd vf van lUIUn and iincly Wild I ihfnv 1awl ranj tilt by Ilirkmin IlalkDlnrrn Tim and 2 minute Attend IRrf I IK- InriORIVN B 4 V The nn viii rnmo from In iifiernoun to H Frmn a spectnnilar standpoint n ut ko fyiig v defeats never are There WH- Sin e much more than a glanoi it minimi Indicates There were thn contest were ovcrnl staceH when Umpire i ui irmijH Dunn and att were lfMie PUrhew latter had loIn men to the rood work however woe juneo iv tin iudifTeriit of hula J Il7 was readily to the mmrig when iravp iimnUtnkable y 1iiv f living his rat UK steadied ii ti ti nllliouch he wobbled a t lie managed to land hl team r lh n much ha Hi but and In the Held rt Thin hilling of Flick it ril urM the T rung at bargain i Sheckanl drew n ml KeelT followed with n safe MV tMiitrh Sliecknnl and MM urn Shcknrd nod Heeler ip litirlrg dim ent both In j att rig mgln to Vntrn In the K hit by n pitched itii IVMU i rontp aft irin Jennlnc scor third and June going to 0 trw in Dahlin WIIH thrown M tiired M Iliinys llirow peMoiitrrvlll- d The Ihllii- uit din their haft of the third nni- 1 i nhMi unit and I lieu inadi another In thn- ti rriv D sncritlw Iaji mil nick Hrnnklyn- i IN mi Shicldird slntfli n i iilil throw l McFnrland- it I ln de 1 trtiik In the seventh and sinuli utieiiMfl with n ii l Hortilnti Delehanlys n Inoenre Hivirtnu i ifv n nub McFar r iiriit Uiioli nl third i ri nilo nnd- In III ninth with sent to hat 1 Ih i In lilt I h 1IIIIIIIIllIlIn tilt have bAn h lie anti rnn I the he 1111 afr Ion O r s Ironlel Pk pn i rAn can make- r hat I Ix bal IIur d ell bat II Dohpn w l Wllh n I I anti Th a h For e the hap nd Inter nt I n I 3 0 U 0 0 t Z 0 0 i 0 I 0 0 I I 0 I 0 I 4 w Mn h ilm nn Z hOI n April I tI IInt ti Mrlrll ij the a ui f r hr t 0 It ollholJlh ij hl j 1 I II illh 111 nl tutu hd tP IIIIIrllrll tilt an It 11111 II nur tuf utuniriu ni 1 a r 1f1I0 u 11111 r IIIi Okill II l KlI j iII I Ill > I of I t d 111111 I r r u 111 no M lam tu 0 ii P It tipi iiI Eli may w I st tflt CnS a s An t hat was 9 act 01 two rather I1rei CY toy Itt tiut te- n ill Tha nunpirA t hem I the uruupiro n nolI uiae and eacrltlee hit a ohm run < Then flndtuun last cev rind tightit flu lenne Iw f Ii1tnrf 2 tu 0 G I 2 2 a 0 2 tT n r i p hail n iu due sit tdtut V hitu I mug I he hud c r u tutu o tue ti n eertuI Iii y of 8rt I haul tttt titiltu iii letter of he was utri ttrue 114 etuac eter I urn efliel Lye n lit t I i epr e hot h itnit took kind4l- u biiuia itt lI tu cit fl hnue hat ng t iIt tu uu ut iI oIuIriH rid I Inc r p hit tli tvuiiuid itii p liii I tie d nut huilc4 ji < ° < > < > > < > < < < > < > > > < = < = > ° In the place dod the lime by Attendance 1173 The score BROOKLYN PMILADKUIII- AMrtkard t Thotn tt a TI o ll I I 1 I 0 Mack I 5 II O J lbl 2 a 0 o D t to 2 1 Keller 3b riahif2b o 3 i a o 1 I 2 o o 4 o n n iJahltnat 0 0 2 1 OMTailAndril I I 0 2 o 7 a 1 Myrn 3b 0 I 2 7 II Jlniiilrr c o 0 l II OIIUWM o n 2 n I iJiinn p o 1 I a 0 Plait P n TntiU a 27 IS 21 Totals 4 IS 2714 3 Philadelphia n n I o t II n Vt 2 o 1 0 u n i o 04 First haw on shot Philadelphia Left on h vi 0 ft Mr t Iweim bull lit Plait 2i out Dunn I Htnickoutlly llunn I Sariinrr hltUyefx Stolen biseflberk td Double Cross Ielehanty and Thumn ant MeFai land Ilahlen Deronntrerlllr and leiinlnt I hy Dunn I Time 2 hours and 2i CINCINNATI 0 PI1TMIUKU S CINCINNATI Atirll 25Th cinrlniutis took A game from the Plttbure by b ttliiir Phtlllppl freely Ililltlps did but i pout upii rt and won out III th third Inning with tIe bawi lull Irwin Slelulldl and lie nr t seen here In years In the nlnlh Capt Clarke of the made Mi Ct l hit Ibis fAvin unit benchd tuday while Wood pUyrd at third The von CINCINNATI IirrsuuiiaI- I II ID AE II MIO AK llarrettrf I I 3 ll Mrllrtde dl I 0 o 2Clarkell Smith If 0 nnlb1 2 3 S hepkley Ib 2 all I 0 rf2 o 1 4 I I 8 o u Irwin ss 2 2 I 2 oHIIcriey 2bo 0 3 0 0 Woiid Jb I 2 II 2 w 0 n 3 4 ll- Pellr r 1 I I Zlmiaer rf 0 u 4 2 0 Plillllps I I 4 OFlAheily p 0 0 O 2 I 0 0 II 0 n ToUls BIJ27I4 Phllllppl PO 0 0 0 0 Schrlrer Ibl 0 II 0 0 Leach rf 0 0 n 0 o i Tolnls S 8 2i 11 I McCrttry batted tor Flaherty tbe ninth Inning One WAS out when winning run was made Plttsburg 2 o II n o o II 2 4 CincinnatI 0 0 0 3 I 3 1J Twobase hits Wanner 3 Heckler 21 Ilriu mont Stolen Charlie Kltrhry Double plAy Phillips Irlti and bentley Triple and Struck Phillips a by I first hint on 2 oil 4 Hit by pllrhei 3 br Flaberty 2 Left n bsseiCIne- lnnAll i nrn bate on error Pllt biirr o Wild pltrbPhllllpt Implre oDay Tim 2 inlnulrs ST IOUIS 6 CIIICAOO 2 Sr IjOlll April Jft Tebesiis Terrors acaln de felted the today The pony pitchers Sud itlfrth for reaperlive team the hits down to an eanl number Jack made A wild throw in the fourth which was or the runs secured by the visitors Child covered second excellently The score ST tOUIS CHlCAflo- ii iiio n ii pn A r Huikell U 0 n 2 o KvAnlt 0 2 2 O 0 Heldrir el 0 0 3 I I Chlldi 2h 0 o i 4 0 Donovan rfd 2 0 OMerles ft o l 3 0 0- KetJter 2bl I e MeCarthyrfn II o 0 Mcfiann lbl 10 I OKmetl lb 0 Wallace ss I MrCrntckabl Cro s Sb o i a nrimirinan s i OConnor 3 I I lionnhur fl o I 2 2 n- Sud buff p I p l n o 2 n- Purigan 0 0 o 0 o Totals ft 3 TolsU 2 92412 t Griffith In the ninth St Louis 002 20 100 f- tChlcaro Two h v hlt Wallace KrlMer Three base hit Sudhod on bAlls01T Sudbuff alt th 2 DouMe plays llrldrlrk and trfiann- Helvter Wallace And Shuck out Suit hilT 2 hyflrimth Stolen bnesllurVett Donn- VAII McCarthy Mcformlck Hit by pitched lull Sudhofl I by Griffith 2 lime I hour and 4ft minutes Attendance lOC American lrsrnr At ChicagoChicago 2 At Kansas CltyKAiisss City 4 Milwaukee At o Detroit II At Indianapolis Indianapolis I ItuRalo 2 Other Game n IL r MrcsbrAcad 0 3 0 0 0 0 010 u 9 1 0 2 0 n 1 0 0 14 fl flatteries liessler and Ir ln We lervelt and linger AT PROVIDKNCB II It K brown 012 is I Williams o o o o o o o o- llattcrtei Yliltlrmote and Vasbburn Rinrtr Pent end Edwards AT WASHINOTON II It lenrgetown 0 2 n 0 o 0 0 I 0 14 4 a Penna 0 2 0 t 0 0 0 a II u3 4 a- Hitterle VhU and Cranston Laylon and FlaJ veil AT KonniiAii n H p- Kordham 2 a 2 2 0 9 12 3 LafAyette 4 3 o 0 0 0 n o n7 s a Mullen MrKcnn and Slattrry Plait Johnson And Knltht- AT NKW IIAVPV R II Amherst 0 o n o 4 o 0 7 10 VAle A a n 2 4 o I IS 13 4 lattereHu more and Thompson McKelvey and Cunha AT JAsrpn OVAl Manhattan 4 0 o o n o I ft o i VlllanovA 1 2 0 t 3 3 0 0 oo n 4 naileries Terry and Acnew McFadden and Donohtie AT ITHACA Cornell o n t I o i 2 2 07 la i Syracuse 02 s a- natterlesBole and Whlnery o Dllllon- AT CAMUIIIWIE Harvard 03 0 o n 3 o o n n 3 lean Academy 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 01 and n rtlet Jenne i and Folles AT WORCRSTrn II II E T 0 2 9 1 ft21 20 S Columbia 0 0 0 1 u 1 2 3 12 and Hrennin Sales Wetter and Goodman AT CLINTON n ii K rffralllon 2 1 0 s 3 1 o i 211 14 A Vermont 213 19 3 Uatterlei Dunn and Pert Taylor non anti WOn At WestcheMerVlctori of Sacred Academy 20 C C N Y Freshmen 10 At niilrstown Wnlrs hell 14 Lafayette f- lAt Dohbs Ferry Westminster 13 brooklyn Poly- technic Preparatory 8- At City St Petals School Adelph- Acidemy 3 AI Field Hrnnkljti imiiii School 17 Commercial MlnhSchool Baseball iamrs Toilar NATIONAL IKAOUR AND AMRBirAN ASSOCIATION Boston at New York at Phlladephl Cincinnati at HIMInirC Chicago at SI IiuliF- AMTBnN lFAOUK Montreal at Itarllod at Providence Syracuse at Worcester Toronto at Sprlmrfleld- OTIIBII GAMES Yal Freshmen vs Tafl Sehoil At WAfrbury- Phllllp Andiver vs DBrlnriulh T Forest nt Chlairn- llamllton InUlliitrvs Colleifeof St Franrts Xavte- rIrrps atCroton llatehnll Note AI the Weehawken froundsrif Sunday the Cuban A Gl nt arid till West Sew with ilay the second same of Ihrlr erie The Pula kt A C would like to tIn s hsts with trams 14 ycpri ut Prospect Iark on Afternoons arid holidays William K- Itobertson 20 Noslrand avenue llnnklyn The Prudential Insurance Cnmpany traIn has May 30 A M and I M away from wtih any club giving a reasonable guarantee Ad- dress Trsptiaen mnnnirr rare of Prudential Insurance Company Newark N J PoiiTLAND Me April 23 Patrick J Conroy of tills rllv who recently signed llh the lA ebAll Club to by tlecraph n tar able reply to hli request for n release lie to this eav n In thr Atlantic or Connecticut State League The Crescents of Y J tuner nrtanlrrd a strong havbill teri ond will open the seaion on their new troinds on May Will olfer A fair iruarantct to good strong teams Aiidros John an manairer TJ3 ilranl avenue Plain rMd N The Carlton A C has JIne 10 21 30 aunt July 14 coil A Saturdays In August anti would like to hear limo lenmi with players terarlnc 18 yr M out of limn trams oTrrlnr n- siiluble guiranlec Address II llotlir1- B2 St Marks avenue IlrooUlyn The IlAy StIr A C of Itsvonni wudil like to tear from Mil first rlvs protcishmal titans The Slar A l of Ne fttU Smews nitMim I Cuban X Giant Alerts Nationals of Itrooklvri antI nil other tennis Address loieph Mlnton f1 t Twenty nflh street llnyonne X Th ruliinWa A l of N iirk ton lit like to litsr- fnrn ill ttrti nf for SnlirJn siild ys The T IcnAIlN A i Ior I l e A I IlichnHil N tin Cr ford A I or nn other Unin a ftiilkible iruriranlee Ad- rri ss K A Faiill IBHiik sired Nrwnrk X ANPOVKII Aitll 2A C ii Kcflcrj manager nf- Ihi tAin Announce this rehedule if gsme fir the reiritnder of the e vin- April 2H Dartnioutli l Aniline April 2 Cnlbyil Andover May Hites nl Andivcr May 5 holy Cros at Andiivrr ly u Amlier t lit May II VAle l Andovei May 12 lloMU folleicr At Andoie Jlny diversity cf Milre I Andutrr May II OVA nt Mnibiiiife M M eroid nliner Maj llnrvard Ii Mny 2V lio Ml Amliver Tune I Vonfll al Jn r North Atllel r i- nl Aiidmei In r fc IhIIIPs ler Al Andover iierniird ln low h rh i en CArtiln or itn a iiiepmetT game this a iu thus men hear msil showing fir llw the willi Ktetenin June B n K r Iehlih 0 0 o o o fl 0 o o 1 is- Prlnwinu M u i Motion and Milrj Illllrtitand- flrntt Rater and drren Ilrlkln out 1IJ P Rich It a nlvlhl t I I e ron U ont b0 II 0 I I Two bu hll1Ihtkrll I Mer lilt b Iall tomJIId IlIa r I I U II I I I 0 4 I 0 II ti I o II I bit 4 p 0 I hit IIrr lt flnlml lhuiherl II hour and 11 hotl and managed A r I I I 9 I 0 I 0 3 3 0 I 4 I I to I II I I 0 7 U Uftlld for Inning 0 n II II 0 0 Z ann II AT I I ii 3 I II n AT 11 I 0 I II 1 I Inn lion 1IlInl R II n It p a 7 U n DO 0 0 it IJ 0 end ero n 0 I I I Z 3 0 High Dro iCln I nlll tilt rill LlIloli III rr a A Z I I I I l lam d lull r An II hue mil I Irniurlait St aon I one i i itt it it I 3 2 2 I ttcftr in t me I tIe lItcha told tooil work we aft 1 lies ii notch I Wage I a 0 6 bits and Ii 4 2 I 2 nImtlt i 0 0 FIrst base It A 2 lfllCiON C 1AwtaNravitLr 2 2 C 1 2 2 Holy 2 Fresh- men Jim hAiti Satur- day a ew un few and semi I teit butt htg icc itch I urIc 11411 uuhm lift ehi I ti ill I get iw ii love Fat It ti i sme 0 > > > > > KING lUKLBYCOIJX WINS KtVrlK41 SfKV S V TAKKS TIIK IT QVRMCT Sport Ilitrrrd lir lunc l el js nt attIre llur and Ashrs Store for the Talent lorkiMllulliiinimndOTimnor In Winning rorin Iton rarfrttie fur Irunk Oleury- nu morn rariniT lit Anuiiliitt wns fa- vored yesterday by tin wiathir nnil Illiera- lpiitronairehut the pleiisiireof lln wan marred by llrifiiimileays nl tho posl whluh- liicaiueco bad toward hut the li t two eviMitfi on tlw winl had III l run lilT with only a less minutes InliTvnl hetwcen them Tlm ruiiiriilni inline twnniud with u- lldUllof lilckcrt who were runt rirotlrlleil to- loti their hot dinner ritler fnllltik down on four fiivurltf lorkev lliilliiinnH niiino every lip tin Wi tern ceoileit ill rnrryliu ilirei rin utonnor- HI TM twiiti anti MHiiiiil HIIIPCIH lliroiiKh for tinodd iVfiit Tlii sillier Jndteys hud to content with Kitraiiihllnu fun tho honort iillucliim to plncn und third All the evenlH i lllnn illhor oxcipt- tho fourth This wilt a Imnilliaii over tho- sliorl KovonfurloiiK ixuirw mill seven icood- caiiipalKiHruncfepted IerUtint toiitlnuHent- Ilpnnevllle to tlm iuit a tllcht favorite over mid Ivlnc llarleyiiirn but hu wiv- smivcr a Heriotii fuetorin ihKiotnpeiltlon an l wound up lltth Honey iniidn stronc down tho burk hut wiw- cattuht on tlm turn by Kln Harleyrorn who crept steadily away and won thrro purls of a liMiKth Klnnlklnlc Hhlppd In the flild until the last uuiirtor when hu rlond on tlm- l ider o rapidly that he boat thiirentiiHUI- KIO for the pluiv Honey Hoy wit al tho tatters throat latch vh ii tInny pawtoJ tho- JuilBis OConnor dismounted without loavp and was fined helping to tpoll wveral breaku In lh first old flout into the lead and to ll with ImlldoK tcnadlv sparrow- Vlni Swat taponil and Dutch were also In trim and th four HU uKleil terns th npnrl in hit older written Tho favorite lllivcr Mac madu u Muff for a few furlong hut cmild rit carry tin rill Yorkshire In the fccoiid rarn proved n inucli better He raced to trout In the first mud hull IIH own nil the nlthoiiLh hotly priseil by Vouch nnd lust pot suiT badly but dosed like a whirlwind in thn run the trio wore only hoadt HI the wire Ktarter hold lorkeys Mitchell Beaton anil Tabor rf ponlblo for troiiblei at tutu post and fitted each of them HIS At tho turn lor IIOHIH tir ylette ilio rank outsider felt with 1kkerlne but hor e and rldr OMIIHI Injury Iliillinnn and l o iiett wuntid third rill nil to themselves and theY sueoeedid but not until sail incurred tliuoftU liinfc1tt finally cot annoy with thn- fiivoritf hut lliillmin Minn outrm with tho n c mil choice Sumol nnd won by luilf a leiiLth I he Hfih race wliich wus niado up of tint ristlve tiilit in pired a lot of- itroriif lanuunee The voiiiiktis rliir ei- lthrouih tliv bamer ninin and iicain until th v wen almost beyond control A hct kirKed hind Imly llly was cantiTedlmik to tin tewards who periiuiii il iier withdrnwnl- nnd after a r nearly hour the others went oil MTainbllne AKII tin favorite Minn took iiiniiiiaiul and won out by u length from eniiidi nn outsidei lira Itou well played nt 7 to t propped herself III tin first iiiurter Tnlmr Thn- lireil yoiinisler NCIO almost liiilnedialely stir reeded by the for last race A- 1mn et wn appruiiliint lh Htartcr dropped his hag at once uil silvtr darter won from enil loenil whiln Lamp ilobe and f rhunrNi- Nlsobeat Sierllnc Tin Hue wn nt half inat out of to tlie memory of lileary wIlt wnt killed aiidfor sinn reHon nil toekeyx wore on I heir left iirm The a turn of fii i toward a memorial and a lmilar amount was contributed by the horsemen Olenryx body will taken In hiimi of hi In IresiMit intnrio who wan- Iniiirid in nun wItty proved fntal U all rIght iicaln e a bruled ln The lion O K- Wifhtman l bndl Mvrenehedandniny Imvo to be destroyed Summary nnsT HACK Srlllnit for fouryearolUs and tipivard which have not won al this mertltie About seven furlmiM M hr f yinone aged by IllncU Ivan Arrowvrass 112 iMllcliell T WllMinJrs h f Sp rrowVVIng4 illother Mil 2 J Stewart rh f Swrel Caporil 4 110 Spenreri S- IurtnlK The trtterson mlirre illicit Comedian TlAgifed StilT Prntus Impiillnl Sensational and Ollvrr Time I 2ft 3 t- Ilrtllng Four to I Against Xanone li to I Spniroir wing 1 to I sweet Amr l 2n to I no 1 I The Jetlersnii Mo Kincr 12 Iu I tlulrh Iorae lion Im to I Hagiceil Sailor Gut tj I lotus nl I ImpnitUl 5 In I Mniatlunal 2 to I Oliver MAC srcoNii Sltlnc rot twoyearold I40n added f which to fecond and tail tu laird Allowance live fur- long J unhand s br c Yorkshire Hoy by Tre miint Arena Ion I It W Walden ft Sons h r Vouch 11 I Thor 2 SlAliles b r Sirntiirlsi 1117 ogRett 1- llaniwutM Light Hall I lelle and SllurlAn al o ruin Tint lol- Hetilnir Ten In n on Vorlishlre Hoy in to I gnlu t Vouch 1i to I SUAtiiriit lo I Han wurl 12 to 1 lIght Hall I Lnmbkln n to 1 Servant 2nd to 1 ireyttie I to I Tlllllti rAcr Selling for three yArold nlllis Unit nave not won mote thor race 4i ailded nf tvhrh 87u to second nnd 3i to third six furlong J P Munlnich f Sunlol liyGolflnrh Si rol ins illiillmam I H C Doggetts hr I Iaurpntia 107 UngCtt 2- ijoughnrrei stables b f Camllt us hangman 3- Klile SklpThe Lntirel llmlllsk IotMe Sli vllle And itleen Daly al ran Time ll ti against Sunlol to ft Ij ureAtA ft to CandlA 7 in I Kl le H to I The Uurel- jou to I llasllltk 2 ti Lottie Slietuie u to i Eileen Handicap for three yearolds and upward by J5 elicit fur hot 1oo added nf which 170 lo irotit anti J10 to tIdal about seven furliiincv P liublMitis ch r King 4 hy Kan- lAks atlol Ill ill Connor I T llealiysbr if Klnnlklnlc 11 iSprnrrri 2 I I g CharentiM 12 Mihcrl 1 nrrentnn lluiiey liny lliinevllle toil Conic IlftllrsKour to I King llarleyrorn 3 to I Klnnlkliilr 7 In I cliarerilu I I Wiirrentnn ID- to I Honey lliy IS hi 5 llniiievllle I KlflnConll- KUTII ItMf- Srlllnir f r two yeir Id tithe J4 u arlded nf hlch J7 lonrnhd nad SilO to third alluiranm fo ir- V Showalter s Mk f A hrs liyTremont Herneni- brarin1 II I lOCoiinori Slnir 4 I rnilde loj Cahlll ft Anders ins b f IVII i iir Id iMrliiiyrei The Jadr NtiMlly Dtiin And ine n Itrauiy nlso ran Connie wlthdrnwn Time nJ7- Ilntliir Seven loSiirilastAsliis ti I IRIol DellaCee r the Jadf In I Smelly Ioin 7 to I Udy 7 to I liraifo lo I I Queen nf Song KINTll lrrI- nr tlireeyesrotd whlrh ivin JMn with SIn added of which J7 second and SV t thlnl Welghlt 15 IxiuniU below the scnle nlluuauirs one mile and 7ft yards 0 II Morriss e Silver Garter by iolden flatter norlila lit iliiulnuini- Joliiiston Skinners eh r Ijunp lilobe III illamlltoni 2 T lleileysh Ciirbinde U3 iriTuaiinri 1 Sterling Pan IMik Keiivl nUll King Dram bit l Tim Melting In I Surer bOiler 11 In r Glob litt 4 Carbuncle sterling ot- to I Pan Hieivii 2i tt I rUng The entries for today V raV url as follows tare lur Hirer nnd tinvatd sell- Ing 4Ul added lurlongv loft Alex ID- Manltihan l i llnte 17 Tony llutilg inl lUpllr ill Ilitlfaiior 101 IUhl pj- Sirnid Itire Tof three year old celling J4HO add use nnd a halt f Hlirehini I in Henry lies 101 lull Knight Hen Iencrlul tod loft In iiiioni1 li 2- M7 Ilukr n1- l r In iirrrrlton U7 4 Of for three nlnl upward 40 ndded IIMI mile anti 7 i yards Mnlt Not LnlliMln- yucrn nl Sung Hliirawiiy- Ioiirlh Itv I h xlllinr I7io aildnl- Ilindy Mm II lHlitl- lienige Simons llnsit- Dlinlaut llr sleInyinr- UoutclliiU IS1 115 If Uuss Krinnle us I Uii 17- Htinlnntlve ui to tirn nidi- Tulllriini Hi lull in- i o ini i liitni IK- Iin Villl nn Ail nu yi ut oliS nnj Htunnl elI it MVin fiirlniii I UMAX Vjtlill 11- 0If JlnmlilliiK i ll I m r n cii KalUe luU III till i fl- oUr rill dUll IclIlIlI n I 011 rolll tiultutie trd n Iah In ultur ltltflhi uhf Itli I Ill Inlrtl H ltl I rIll 111 11I nil I hllI ho h loh 1lo III all it arl 11110 tll II ItS orb I c 10 ran Conch liAr 70 Ont Ill two oHo nllr Jlrlllul lush IIInfll IUCf sub nl A h I TIllie 121 I I ftlill a ttatf rIIt I br IlIr l I I ln n Jill I I raIl luG I jam Ill S alt rHII lIolnl nol I I rlll TIIlld Lure it I t t 1111 it halt I ti iuu H II Irt I is7 II PIIoIH lob t OIl I I r IJ I 01 lid DIrI P Turk I lie null I ng Its a turn it ha d putt lie leer wsrs sit liltu tuk hub tin rut nutd nt sl ret cli lit su stun itt id suit iuulia ii I hun riiuiut ht rot icit itt nut tu thin itt hisr hit slut rtr a lit i k hut tb ruls situ tlui lu I it Ii- I ary I Ito Ii Iii to II ill man rum tiMun 1ers ant ire y Situ rttt St Nine I I anti ut it uncut retl S ii flu uulatu melt i a t btdtr1 3 I I rant u f 2 u ti lii t itt S uric have lftut i I a FI Itt n tuu ft Fl nat year suid iud ia lit hrrsuroa Iteruom tilt a tutu up roth FlOut Inhg ru ru ti tie yea stir tiIrIutt- ilituuilcT 9 Stlitr3 lhit Ilegerut bvltue t tube i I ill ltuu utile ctliI Iesiutie a ii4 trri- u ne I a S I 5 lInt ¬ > < < < > > > > < > < Nlith linerFur maiden Iwoyearoldv- tou ndded lour And a ItcH 107 Alard 104 iRe All J rank Hall ml Water PlAnl mi lllllAUllutlinan JVIiieund Sing till III AiiitAcloiiM- M t THOl IUUIIiaoV Jockey Olenrrt Heath Announced by His I llrother Who Hut the Operator Tiioy April IS Ticks from the Auueduot truck old a of death to n telegraph operator In a Third Mreel poolroom hero yej- lerday Tliw operator who roll out thn- j description of the race hud ulven i vrnrnlni that ilu hor m worn ut tie post for the fifth at Aiiuedu- ctI for u lea mliiilliH tin busy dId Hielt was heard nnd h houted Theyre fl M Aqueduct Pint Ponilno In the lend Iiivirdy second Knrnnra third cliM up hits nnd aiinoiinced Ilio winner a told by wire The telegraph liHirument click click n moment later the operator Khouted Several hopies fell In that nt AiiiUduct und hit hurt Click iiiiitlnijiMl thus Instrument and thin limn there was II break in as called Wluhtinnn and IetllfiiBirer fell loikey believed to bn fatally Injured been taken In nn to a hn pltal The who was Wilt lames 1lonry n brother of thus Inokey Hefon the raceHhad been llnUhed oH wa nifHin called on- I lo aminuniv nnd l did It but voice tileary lnjiirle OttO html He died without cnusdoumiei Mr 0leary went lo York nl ht to make urranirements for his brutlivrn iruftrr Wins the Ilty and Suburbnn hr rit ruttf i fit iit to TUB SUN InNmiv April V The race for the City and Suburban Handicap of onn Mivrreittn thn- seivind hon to Twelve 2rti and tlm third 10- 0soverelidmout of ho stakei wns run at the Kpsom Sprinc meeiinc today until was won by- Mr 1 1 Clarke The irafur Sir J A Miller Innocence was eecond and Mr Nor nmnHCiohlet third Nineleen horses ran The bettlnc wax 7 to I each ncalnst Tho- iraflcr and Innocence and 21 to I nirairi- stirri TIlE II Ciwnlhrnejs Fast Mare Mc fleet lorna Mrlirrsor on Speedway Tliero wns n Sunday mornlnt avembliiKe of horses nod horsemen nt Speedway Park ywter diy afternoon Past trotters und pacers tliroiiknl the north of Ilrldce and the brushes ramo thick and fnst- betweidi the lioiirs of 4 fillet fl oclock The hldewalk iaw A li Owathmeys- little cheslnul trottlnc Louise Me 2fO- hlrunc out fur the first lime since she was re- tired from the turf She was hooked to a until tin way In which madi1 the wheel turn caused all onlooker to shire Vllh true and jierfect utroke buxom daughter of forporal went over the roadalono two or three times until then too a fall out of tlvirles e- lands fouryearold lonm Moiirccor The daughter of Klyrla is credited with a three yearnil trial at a 213 gait for halt u nilin yet Louise Me stepped away from her with eaw- trotiltiK under n pull nil the way After seeln- iler KO down thin stretch Trainer fluorite Tlioinpon wits moved to remark Shecati beat nnv trotter the Speedway now tint Alvo i knocked out newcomerx that turned up on the driveway yesterday proved lo bo good Mioinrh to TO with the best ones In Htflit linn wn n lanky trotter hooked toannn- hlkhwheelcd wagon nnd driven by a limn who wild hi wns Malcolm niil the hor o was Ion Mnrk from Callornla- with n record of 2I4 The old Hepper out 1iHitfd tIts Hurry I 24U nod held huts own with Sir 2 H the latter in front but to Increase lend In th from th bend to lliu brldsii- As he rntnii back thn road un oldlimit In the crowd suddenly ejaculated liy thatV nlii Don Lowell 2 u1 Ihn horse tbat Monroe Snllbury brought over from fnrnla about llvo venr nio and cnmpalKned in the i Irani rireutl lie scout to be a ieorve KiUlnni bought him for Walter Wlnaii oi tnKlind nnd this old fel- low has made the trip across the ocean and bick iiiriiin You rant tell mo that horn Don lovell has been New York for two or three years It is wild he wa neeki HCO He looked like tlm best 10 horse In tho country yesterday With n pneumatlo wnirnn havn lt warm for the bem of them Another mysterious fiver a little bay that the dubbed Mysterious Hilly flcured III a brush fhrli lan 2 and Habv Ilernlce 1M tieitint- tho bunch In n rouslnir contest Hilly was about the binlest horse on the Speed- way thronelioiit the afternoon In tlrst brush he encountered the Jersey thy Pier llyannK lli A C Klsken Smllz 2S two other Me was hooked with tho breech too loo rausim tIle vauotito Ids lieK and narieil to run away Mounted Inllremiiii Holt IK irnve chase crud topp d the horse nt th bridge before our dnmnce had IMVII dono Smlt7 beat llyimiil till Tho unktiwn tried two or threo times irlvo the dtiu to llvannis but tlm Jersey par proved nlltlln too fa t for limo Niilhan Strmi misled Cobwebs nnd vesierduy He drove nnii mar Itaby Hertilce 2 Idu and was in the thick of the fray front hIts to last winnlne nt times and fnster horxw that could hU chestnut mnre Hnby llernlce bear 0 w- Wlldorh iirll lohn V tockTllls- creen trotter Iiul by Andrew In one bout but the gray took measure of Mr Strauss liver decisively in another contest t tlin Irinl Ilerniec was the and the horses l lilid hr In- cluded Cilrlle Paul Kreil PictzH Rrlulit nnd Italic A Hopper 2 is Itul were the lead at tho the others breaking before the was reached Stnltz took lliby Iternlie Isle In cuccossjon when thn trotter a lurried in ruiipany wIMi the pacer Mr Fl ki i bfeivv little fldewheeler aim of cimrliw old trotter Iornn Mctlreaor In n harp short llm rond from the showlnc a fine burst of ert- A C Maynnrrr hefliillfilnirir iicla 1n nnd C II C Ilenke hIll black Trnppe- 22HSi lljfilPd III one of be of TlindiiiichtiT oft ioldleaf trot ted t run nnd fast finally laklni Truppe sift his feet and Untinir him iu t us point of rOcks wns rerirhed- Iiltle brie Iane 221 formerly owned bv the late V II rinrk n vielory over R ii Hlnzons fast irrav mire Klmirn by NVilkes Usa nnd tohn I Cockerllls Paul Patrick Ken- nedy drivltu Ibe winner Tho i chap wns- liririrlnn ut lh r ar until tho post bad been eil when both of MI rivals broke eavin him alone In the lead Shiny mid Itjjn riiully All delills fir a mitch between Kid Mrfoy anti Tommy Ilyan je terday and the bout multI take flare In Chicago on May IU Although the ronte I cannot l round npur eof Iflono hits wen offered The weight iiieslloii which was th bone uf rorlenllon All along WAS easily hnlhcouseiitlnir lo iund nelghln At a- oclock The winner li In receive 5 ion mil the loser J 1000- Mrioy Itnow In training at White plains nlsn M lari Mcrornilrk In Philadelphia next Mniiilay nlulit Mc jrinli I l ivr who hnorkrd tile Kid mil In iwn rounds alChlcngn last y Ar Th met since then olid Mrioy won In eighl rounds A 1ie A Shiirkrj ansI leffrlet to Hot In ChlrnKii ilfstrefor anothr clack nt l lon Is likely gruttnrd for the pair lute lieea prncllriilly rn latni slj rounds In Chlrago- riitmoiilli Turn iiiourli and Hilly meeting yeslerdiy and ram some sAthfaclory- rifirenienl The i lilg felmws are to meet fur a rrieipn IliAily ls ii cnnnden- tllnl la hri ij liillnnnkrr i nf Jim Cor- li II nulrkly tint II his raM lilies fur II itch K ftc leltries with Kid Mrioy liui nnd lIb HUslrmrinns Hiady stutcs that Inftles lull he prcjmrril In tight 1iniilshman nlKiil neil eiiilnu limit nt the llrnailnnv A iintnir ti the prnsncrt nf a of billing In this after May t the llrnidtviy A IIAS decided to pull lle brtwien laik DHrleti ind- irnlgc Mrridcleii III till Instcud of Ihe- llnwlng Tiiesilsy To alKlil nt liernsielii U slilnl liardiur tie Kid ftC twenty live rounds As Hi winner wants in miei the snMIr li likely tiinroiise n ii if Mute f e In Troy on Tuesday nlghr They were hn e riniiHls won In Hie ltrenth knocking rlghlhindr on 1BXINOTON Anrll 1 The rn l acetone Hi In Ins hren sold by William a T llnmif f IIill lOb WS II IKr un lift I IIIIIId I ttiittii 1I1rH fill l 1IlIiul rulur lialiul ro nil Ih ill n uutduted Ituths I tut The TRfTTFn A IIr ltmno big hll II off buts noun lit dlIrdnholil oltl for U 01 1 p lIItl I h I urn I lint ofT II lId crick pill hrlcl 2 111 110 II nil lit hrllh iitti 1 11111 were tiunllIeted < lId I r 0 Ih I Tom Silarkty I I ilIad had 1 I III r the lll e orT b lIe 1 ate tltll meet Itll m1 I tuut Mlr stilt smtfli anrge b IIn llll b- Mw IJIUI hock II counl fur ehilng lilly 93 A I lou I his race lit s I tin I its OIis Ill tir Its lug I hun ci I I tug New lad ftt rio I Its n itt cap t iuslult Louise st retch altl nut on ctitnrui t ted tuft tP feat IterivI ntit wit gnu clue I Itt lit I in tIll flu Iwo I It lIe tcl urn rgs s ncer gitt I g hit Uric t Its urttitlt a all wni dbu her I i MtutIt 10 few S Inn er itt tim to tin lee his halt I t blInd Ii our tin foot y nun re Inn ro I Itt I I hopes C 1 ii err llsh ntd nil I Its ettin a flit t in Mate bed over- come at lie irs r I corn ham Js IbIs itch d I me gt it U hilts < smll Ion ill Mind i f mir raw I lie si io turn ha 1 e rr rlivrrrs hrtlcnrI- i I Uteri I 1111 5 run a lit jaw Iuet nip < < > ¬ < > ¬ ¬ > < < < < < > < ° NEWS OF tHK WHKKLMEN- wwr viniAKi tiiaxi A rovrn rr von riTMc RACti The Mliliet llai positively Derided tu Unit the Horses and Will Cio to Waltham for Training TodajCoury Island lath llelnu- llepalrrd The Mew N C A Itulet decided positively that Jimmy Michael will ride n bloycla tItle aeanon and ap- pear In paced com petition behind motor cyde- Vwierdfly the VelMh rarebit slxneil a con- tract with llm Kennedy who will inanaun thus mldent this Mason and Inday Michael will leave hero for Vultliiim where will finish hl The little Mlow II aptwars been quite In imrnenl about to the cyc truck mid for some tune tins bei i of trulnlni on the road Ho several offers to make hU lint before the public Decoration Day and ho says that hu will accept one of Ihe proKi llloiiii but hn not de- cided which The fact that mldccl wonder hns led up with Kennedy leaven no room fur doubt hut what will be put thronuh hu paces In style and If It Is In him that he will recall hi prettluo of three yean Michael vu tho blcjfust drawing card that ever ap- peared on lh cycle track wan the fuvorltn- of ten of thtiiionniisniidun etpedid pet of the women One Ihlnic which accounted for this popularity was that there never was a of dishonesty to his reputation Once when do- tfulid he wont to his room und cried like u child In un offhand tarn yiwterday the mid t wild was templed to tu thin Kniuu lust beacon but onit 1 laud started with th hornet 1 nmdo mind to have a wood trial 1 believe that with constant practice I could tarn bracket In the saddle but field to inn so this that 1 could not relnt the temptation any louver 1 Inland lo train as i harder thou ever before with a view of rvealn 1 um utroiiB and healthy and I tJiat I can follow tho of marhlneNa fast IM arty of the record breakers of 1 oiiwbt- tu jet In fairly Hood condition in about KX- wo kn It will bo llrtt cnmo first served with me It will gratify thousands of to know that lookedfor and often promised work of rebuilding the on the1 boulevard has beuun The section just below tint bend at Fort Hamilton avenue l torn ansi iho the work U be Inn dune Impresses ono with hue Idea that It will bo u time In the first Instanco there was nothing In the nature of a foundation for tlw path but one Is being made t a depth of about one foot with broken stone material l brlnt removed and sieved lo orvens loadx of crushed deported at the sides of the path Indicate that be plenty of top driwlm o tlmt rlder will not down lo bed rockin Thy rebuilding will be done hectton by section the worst otic being llr t taken up Whether nil the path will re- built or wor t of it In yet uncer- tain Park Itrower sni to have the shone always referred to It as a reconstruclinn but Ihe present work Is proceeding In n partial manner The mni nt west of the fur nilns excellent ridlnir for cyclists past alters the lebuildinc Is In procrow truth of Its an III ivliul- thnt hlow nobody irood was pertinently brought out by niRir of llnnil path who U known ninonit hi ooinriid ni IntO Paul trilkpr Hiitiirruari with nn uninltnknblf m- nllt bill of ops en wheel ViMtorday afltrnoon when thi sun wits hlninc Riid the hrccznof tho mornlne hnrt died out lie remarked In his own inliiiltiilile way that It was nil Um ab Mnrn of n wind would nmke him work hnrdir bcrnuse he would to title both pntlm all the tlino- Inxrnd of one nil lie then how i when there jsa stin breeze blowing that Isa bate lo all riders cither KolnR or pom- Ilicon the U is a boon to ollc nien- becnif they then have to look smut for scorch- ers only on ide by tho wind Cru of lh men why always patroU In the direction opiKxItp t tin travel as was Hrpl ad vocited Sfs und the reckless rulers have learned to know that he will not toloratu foollshiies Chairman Ilateholder of the NC A Hoard of tontrol returned from HiiTil yesterday well sutlflled with the work of the tlnii over the rules To hula mind one of most important chances was that of limiting the iompotitorn in Ihe final hoat of a cimnilcinsni 10 three and hnvlnif thin jiointf count tuir for first two for econd and utie for third html he will do away with H lot fleam work in and not only ndd Interest to the hlp contests will the title when won one Ill rule concernlnc the wearintr of black tlElitoby nil rnclnc men will be enforced to thu letter Kild the chairman Thin ll a rule that in and the fact that It has nut been previously Introduced hero bus In hit of the port on the pan of women and children Tie rule con umpires nt upper and lower Is that tlnty be assistant refereen The IdM I to liuvca boardof Ihree referees In- stead of one until acttnc iixn Poo Hah ton cernlnc motor cycle rule tliilrmrin Hiid that no has yet been dis- covered to regulate the power to be toed on the machines he was inclined lo think that lund better be left It now Is with only the rule that limits width of machine to twenty Inches of this If ono man with a motor wants to race acainst one of three horse that I his buslneiii Ana matter of fact tint speed it till machine in at present limited trucks There Is not a In iho country that could hold n motor cycle of two and a horse If It worn runt nt full eped This makes motorcycle padre niiciiitf o matter In handling Take for Instance two tandems of three power ench capable of a utile H minute The most will Miy U n minute and ten seconds One man be alum to hold the thruM and get lila machine around in I IO wIthin other will not beiible lo do belter than llV The trance am the best cheiks at present upon the motor In order to the now machiiief now built we would require lo have tracks like tea slum A colored youth caused a nens In upper yesterday after- noon by which n nt ihe fame time horve way of dome tliincs would bn to mount HIM horse and carry this wheel on the Miouldem The youth wn nn expert rider and he kept pace the a If he hid hanio thine tunny times Unmade wny between cable cnrx and rurrlltfns creat skill the horse alone a brisk and anwerimr the rein n wns warned to- be enioful by several tioliiiinen hut the caution seemed o no unnecessary He stopped at ntrcet to get a delivered the follovvinc remarks to the crowd withered nrlcinnl coon da wnt Ah am pulled en Imrses ile smIle wee 1st nt easy as enn lie lln n inounled hN wheel iiiraln and In company with the horse was soon out of iUht- A member of the flood Ioad AMociatlnn of Urooklyn Tutu w rk on the cycle ha been started but not 1 ri a mice with th prnini o of the In the nnintline the othor road ptuirs and improvements promised to the drivers Ihn wheelmen h in vilnc ndltioii nv nue Is untouched the new Speedway U a mockery and I mlcht- co on and name a dozen more fur which n I understand It the money Is ready I think that u lot of the Deportment Is belnc done with gold bricks beall rl ht for In Paradise but the ordinary vitrified brick and traproi k and liine nre for good for then oclatlon and ill horvenienind wheel- men NOTFH- An lous HeadtrAddrew Will II Pitman 10 Mur ray Mtee- tAtlhur A Inimrtmin tie unsiicccedeil ef the world hts gune Into hotel business nt Point Pleasant N TheflrM lo oppose the racing nmtrulef the rnriAOInn Aswdn- llia held omrrs of the C W A Ihnl the secession movement whit be bitterly fought advices from the rrofei- slinal stars are now training AV that Kddle llild Is the linrde worker there lie hns declared that he wants title and the money and propose to be- rliamplin i rain when eixin mils At the aniual meeting nf she Klmhurst Wheelmen nt Iherlubnoine un Wbllney avenue Klmhurst I I tile follnnlng otDcers were rhiien for the eiMilng term resident WllPam II Vice President frank K Hnsnii Secretary William and Treaiurer ThomasI llArcey The club with hold Its aimimlhArdiiSp road tncei this spring all next fall In Ihe of tie IliiffmUi near Newtown I I Th Wheel Cluh whoa e rnemher e entirety rt well known women if Klushlnr I I li In A condition The fob liming oTlierH were At the anniisl lerllon at Ihe residence of Mrs S I Annls Iresrirnt Mrs S- I Annls Vtn Ireldent SItu rarlcs I We l Treasurer Ml s Minnie Irlggle S cr tirv Mrs Ueorgr V llavlland lloiid l Aptiln Julia K Smith rift llentennnl K4 rln An At the teml Aiinurl mertlnir of the Kiiclld Wheelmen of HriHiklyn ll WAS decided t i leA e n rlubh the At iornef nf Ismsira ad lindriAd u lUin lyn The I illonlnif nllifr were rhiien for Ih- etrn lre ldenl A W e ilAie Vice President A Ferry Secretary II II Treasurer A nf Governors Frederick 1 Kelle halt Pieildenl Uiuli 1 Driver 1 II Wollske and II facobi Ilnsd Offlctn II u Terry Captain John We llake Pacemaker C Karapke and fteilerlck Color It nl last itt a delll lie is Its I tIll nine nh tIming Is tlt rut hue aiuoartl net flu I hit his slits him Startiuck bask tI iii I a dl the tlhle of tlitg usiui lOit hi 5 tltl lit It get t 10 wuri i iii ti i t tie P1 t ii rite his oiml V ii- I I hue outss ii itt I Its iii mat I htiirsUllt going lit rhcht hut hut 5 lIt I to im red in iltn nil nri e a heels butt a slId vsrai lut hit cern lit C I Itt I ito I r tt ito S a I him inn t Icr w here I hItS I Itt I I ehtisil I hi t at a vt 1110 I lie bet og I Ito ii iiuisll I ic Ii The ordinary hi orss huLa I rot I ilu no tiil I I I lm ri seeond r I s I acm a sail cmlerdis 1111 1 sirs nil is nil rk na l art s I 4 I tony iavi lug until koi t noun ttit mt a ltd ennui it tie tneeIlii2 itt ali itt teen M lrivnt lit ttil t a lIt ii g in no din II 1 it hi chit en 1 Miss ant drew Jr trw Itt tilt i ftecii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ > N A A U Appeal tot Finds to Send Ameri- can Crews lo tart National Association of Amateur Oars men U toiicontratliiff all HsifTortH at present on this Bchrmn to neiid kiiccewful crews In the special races tt hits Nntloual licuntla to this In- ternational events on Hlver Selm atlllin Paris Kxponltlon In addition to thus revenue expected rutfattii tu be held on Harlem un July IU 20 and 21 a vigorous move- ment U un foul tu neciirn lubstantlnl subscilp- tloim from boat clulM and oim lnter ted In- rowlnir In every seclton of cxiuntry Thn Subscriptions WhitIng tiarfleld chairman Albany X V Charles Chiron III Jame P lluMon Mew Yllllam C Detroit aunt Claudr It WaMilnirtun I C antI rndani Philadelphia Pa The commit work will character istic and mailed a circular to every otto Interested In tIn project which after forth the faotH the Inlnniutlonnl riiivi concluded with the followIng appeal- It H purposed tu iimko nt this Mull fouroared and hell races Ilio ex pennon of Hiiili crow will Involve nn expendi- ture of nearly HUw The cliiln In around York city have indorsed tho movement wllli nnd proinl e to- ral of Dm fund we now leg to solicit further contribution from rowIng clubs In the country nt large races In thU country i to bwrepreentod will depend entirely upon of money we iir thai our to the patriotism nnd the of American nar men lh liitnU of thecommittee funds bulllrlent to In- sure our In tacIt ono of the four events From clubs Intending to train crews wltbn view of their being entered at IarU wi hive H- rlKht to expect II HbtfTlll llllil lit Kirmi 1111 In ctloriof the country nny club or Individual In sympathy with the luoveinenlwill contribute to muy luKiime u national character Iheckn mav lw w nt to the clmlrnmn of Ibm committee und due acknowledgment will b- niado by mall nnd throiivli in tits reverse chile of this a din of mitt which Is a stnilehtnway of- l75 i metre or 1 mile and 113 Secre- tary Krrd communica- tion with Kdmond Fleiitinux Secretary of union In control of the eventH letter which nettled In- n lartfo measure the nuitter of If ha been arrnnired that the crews retirement Ins America will will for Carl via Antwerp on Wenternlandon Auir I Colombia College Oarsmen Seven criw candidates wero dropped from the training squad al Columbia ye terdny which marks thn heclnnlnx of Or Peels weed lag out process In the search for Pouuhkeepsln material The remaining men were divided up Into two eltfhtfi and a four with a number of Bubstltutea nnd three freshman boats The makeup of the Varsity boats In ns follows 2 HoyeMin 1 Fat rnner 4 Lawrence t Mount C 7 Nash blroke Vulte coitwsln llogue Second Var llyHnw 2 Jaik nn 3 Morley 4 Hurt r Irvine 7 Uaclay stroke Karle contain MrCiure Four Oars Southaek Weekes Coetr Willis and Olley Thus freshmen tars still u lnir harem hut the Varsity which ac- ounm their of the last lew The bladn work seems to Peel and the stroke has already been raised to although tills Impossible even with a shorter reach this time There wasnn Interesllns rutS yesterday the two varsIty and fron Illch HIP Ilrldce whlchstartedfrornfcratchfilowly pulled up on the other crews until won by a of otxn water II N proposed to so on the Hud on nt next secondchiM regatta on the rouslier water wilt be arranged for May 5 kewond II Defeat Philadelphia on Gould New Vleld At Lakewood LAKEWOOD April 2S 1erfect weather favored the second fame In the polo tourna- ment on IcoraeJ ioulds beautiful ground this afternoon and with Mr Gould playlnn on his team Lokiwood II won a second victory for pine land resort Mr llouldH new course ljno feet long by 4V wide and as fresh and sweet a carpet of level turf as ran be found In the world was used for the first ilnm gaul detail was provided rite blue and whIt ttrnamer of the Polo Association Honied over bulktin board tlinn booth players and box and at extremn end of the course and roomy of canvas hiaiswl crooin The Gould drag was drawn neartlie bul- letin board and itrx Oould Eriuwt Thompson of Ieno Fred- erick II Allen of nml Mrs Moulds children viewed the came drank tea and munched nandwiche The crowd In attend- ance was The came was between tlm Country Club and Lakewood II and the lineup was as follows Iwikewcwd Ilieoige J Uould handicap 2 It oilIer 1 U Uvlngnnn 4 Her- bert 2 Team hindtcAD II H Zellln r W Hlnckley Smith 4 A U Kennedy 8 J F 4 Tenm handicap 18 Both team were nervous flr t and not un- til the second was good polo In the tint period Philadelphia food chance lo snort tn ent the bnll wide of the gosh The period netted a- BoaU for visitor In t he M ball carried with a rush lo the Philadelphia goat poets where J F McFndden to save It accidentally sent It through against own team Two more goals wern scored In 1hl period the third mil Mr Could amid thn heartiest of the afternoon third period Cjivo 3 goals 2 for the 1 for Summary Ooali ranted Philadelphia J Ijikrwoixl 3 Lest by penally goal iJlhewood S TotalsI ke oed S Referee Seward Cary nf HulTalo Scorer William A IlAmllton IAkewocd Country Club Goil tend era icorgc F Wcodman and Captain hot Tomorrows game will be between Staten Island and Iukevood III There wilt bo a drlvine nppronchlnc nnd put- ting competition forvomen today at theDyker Meadow Ciolf Club for prle presented by Daniel Clmunoey Sine holes of the Harbor Hill Golf Club will bo for play on Saturday A number of new hazard In Mnce lust M HI H und the turf has started very well Flue tmw- fhihhousH will be opened on i when tin1 team acninM Columbia 1003 decided CutnninnE April 23 Harvard culf team to get their men at work fort campaign The decision to play the in the i princ bus worked against the crimson playerx consider- ably A of emraccd on athletic teams and so cannot piny on- thn Varsity Bide In Fprlrii it a recent HnndorKnn was ti captaincy of the team which was made vacant it c lark third bnso on the Varsity nine i II llnbbarills- nlso iiciuid on truck team So llnk have as for the team and I hern Is UtIle likelihood that urh will bo encaced 11111 In order to keep niierinn- llvo this team hfw several innthes with local club Amone heap are cnineM with Vollatton Hrndburn und Club This IIIIH been dniH1 m that of the team have practl with other tennis Thn men who tire still available for hue trOll are AveMIIIIcliiirdson Hendr on If a representative sido cun IID tunned tin team the Lawrence harbor golf tournaiinnt on May u The Womans llandlf iphn thn links of the Knickerbocker FitId lub at I I smite of in st representa- tive ontry ll t of the wiicon Mr tho winner with Ml s A CowperlhwHlt second Cirail lldtp Ve Mrs Rail fii 24 41 Mls A St II i- Utsi Tyler ss 11 t Miss m 11 j Mrs 2li H- iJltssC Holmes Sli ll flu Mr Cowprrtliwalt 7 1 r lit i rl Mrs Tyler HU li team match between the enlnliv the Poly Prep and nlulinc- hooN and H School was at Harden rily yesterday home won out wits over the full elclitVen hole coiirs flue siore- POIV ANU tSTIN TIAI M IAllS TEAM It Manning Poly Prep ii Paul Murphy I Sclil n JV a- IIM Itohertu Ilep 0 A It Iarnms 2 DCbaunreyJr Ijitlnfi n H II Hull 4 Chess Note The member of the VomenH lies dull of this city held their last of seaton for play on Tuesday afternoon ut the Hub room Carnegie bulldlnc Some of the newer member urn maklnc rapid pnwrem In KBtne A cItes has lain held thin arid In June the club N to tntertalne- dt the country home of one of the in uib r ROWING The the I lit front the hIt lIt alilinlntrd t on cOm harlem V lid si I Ill ltsrls Iii the btutntar iii I ho a ituou ci nil iimitt It I n reursiisni tall it real Itc t Its we hit ever thin atubcripl I tti but Ii lit lire gram course arda I Ito 1 Ii Itt lie rccelvsl ii I to iusmm Ft Ii t Ion the atetilulet Eltit lflCfl are nowrnwIiurinsheti Sb iistciiii mete duty ir vs suir A struts lIt Ih viek and a 1OIO George thin ever lIt east mOttled tintd Ill Mar iik aaeit aS large 1 itt I 1 tem I lie was log tile lIt iltur mutt i 7 iliii 1 oI f I Solo rdt s thi y lIt hits bgtun Its still niu I c ehii tit j j Ii itm I are ot her I Its nutettl thaI si bill t I I Isili or 4 tub is y I rig I I ged neIL uirtng hinookl its t lull nil rv huh h tilt il 5 I un I hush ehsrda tit The smulbutinuiry 2 82 311 i u- sA er uuf lIt tlto idt tI tit I cents 11usd tel bmii Tslal 0 Totat ineth mig I Ito lit I nun riiusinuert lie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ < HANDLE BARS ill have INTERNAL EXPANDKKS on the t900 CRAWFORD BICYCLE Saddle Posts have them too One of the uptodate features of the hand some fast lasting bicycle at popular prices Prices 40 30 Juveniles 20 25 Ride the Crawford Bicycle 83 Chambers Street NEW YORK UKADQI nm CRAWFORD S BICYCLES IIIM PATTERN Alsn iieiiis fur rolumlilut hartford NpatillnKii ArlHi cit If youciniiit ctsh till And him our msy pnymini tiliin niilnliifd ImullmtnU- an low ns our iMInr nr k- lleinenibrr nil lilr rl purrhnvd of us will t rleanril ollril cud Adjusted free or rhiriie Special Cash Offer PIONEER BIGVGLES 17- Tnlntrnlureln New YcirU Mid vIcinity these hliih grnde Illcyrlrs fur whlrli we taken thr or w Ihfm for A limited lime only fit SI7 Mifll II tnilil palldn- huih raiu nml wncirns nj Mtr black mar nn or green rnaniel one lucre crank hanirrr and nil itlmprovrmfnu I Thrtr rnslly with J4U anti Ate IncluJrd In our fire fur Import and thr Trade DURANT MCLEAN co B9 liVay V V A ISIl lldford AT ntlyfl 500 BICYCLESMODEL 1900 NIK TWO WlKKS OMT- COMMINCIM JIDMIAV vritu and 1750 to 1950 UK sroiK nEiirrrinx CIT- A mi if KOiil now oil tray will incite uiiliJUil ilfiiiinN iimii our uf Ve- miul thrrriuri th e dcMrahlft wbrrli at real OltlOIKS lllamoiiil Frames at KIMVHS Drop Krmno n- tlI TAT HtSl himoni- llrmnr nt- MlMHVAS lImp IraniM nt rn- OlliWU I llrgiilor Prlr tOOO I ItrRiilnr Irlc- HIOOO l llrgnlnr Prlr l H3ROO- I Trie- i 2AOO- Thr Ab ivr whrris are nil ilinil MiHtcl fullyl niilfril with and 2t 7 ftttrd null M It W llitiforil and Olforrt tilts roKH AilJl t3blr llnnilli Awotlcd Sid dlr 5 nrr nl o suite rir YnrX AErnts for the Ctlf btv in anti Xlnrrt rAtiiiri antI carry a full line nt prices rariklnc Imm I2t In JIIi Call or sro fur our rAiiiw or tmnl Till II A II KOISOM ARH CO II4 llrnailnay Xrw York CIIT V Columbia Chainless Klllrl with ClliimhlA Coaster nmltr li Mfrx iiuit r mforlAblr aunt mi l luiuiloui- btcvrlroiitnlnnijlr He carry them In lock ns Columbias Hartfords and Storm ers With rvrry Imrrovrd devIce anti equipment Prices from 80 to 25 Columbia Headquarters 12 WARREN ST BICYCLES and SUNDRIES i AUCTION SAM K iiiHiii A ro rnoNKii8 12 Murray St IA 1aik Mac 27th at 1230 oclock 750 HIGH GRADE BICYCLES To he Iits of V in end Also Chainless Bicycles AlJiti AT ll i LARGE LINE OF BICYCLE SUNDRIES Hum St if inrlx tim anil pair Kits I1 unIt SnMIK Tires A- crnili tin flJiiV Mornlij The Cycles Racer 65 Road t Wlieels3540- t li irrr Iliairi a- tSIJO MM ii nil UinSO- Ur har Him rMii H iiry ifv is elite arid ntfl- dnliM 12 t t f mi ir irter not wr utf- ljinii ninl mi il M uaiilrA- thJANDORF 21 IIAKl IAV M COII lit ItCII FlandrauCo CARRIAGE BUILDERS IITS i4 i7ii iiiiooni ST rn l t llroMlnay Jd Ad and llh AT I 411 AT rlcrtriri luilmr al Grand St ionx AintiAiiics- Of rvrry style in Iaiiflril aid Half Top l to lri lrithr or rnelhh Top Irrluilliii rvrry merit of- IIKIVIM VIIIK iis For Slnclr Ialt Tamlrin ami Iliur In llAti- dMlllltllAN IIKIAiiS- Inr stKtlnn Itiail or Sinirtlne Work fur SlncI lair Taiilrm on I mir in Inrludliic llaakrt Iinrlrd ilrlr f Kvtry Ilittrrn- Knrmlnz tin lurjrsi unit iimprrhrn lT Murk In Ainirlra of the IllKhrM Uunllly- IliNV Klliil iS A I MHFKLS IANKIKD- HASKKT IAIVTKliA NATIrtAI WOOD Sun Srninil Nrirlv All MylM She iTHrf QUEENS CO JOCKEY CLUB AQr Kill IT I I Racing Every Day at 230 P M to I15D Ladles hare irnin liv- I Mi PM nml rti- M MnCricntitiiTi nun C IIOH- A M 11 A V I 125 opn tiMr public al T trilir Dfoni yUle 30 mlnutM on llarlfrn Itlfnr Road Vnd for CJropllrarnlarr llclct A M Itotr 121 Weal i pOV1lhll1hll OOt1 S t t a ivm its I IV w S its titln as sired during the year luttmui otter each frame Guaran- teed untIl Iiuiittthy lUllS wheels mire clttitlnor utter IIIe VIe lIt raltu ett spit suitrt r e little 10 n lJliJIJU f rn VI ISsIU Regular guar 2 mitch imsrte ims gear liar antI cc Iii ttP TIlE H tic t irs 1 sit singly and 1 ill 1ampa tt Lirniwood halo W lit 5 H 4otc trrllflCi c itt I en Im a mid a unit Iliad I llti 1 as I its I I II I I ii trig iiUftltfl ttI1l Oil tIKs bit hInki 1I ¬ > < < > > > > > < > < > <

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-04-26/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · THE SUN THURSDAY APRIL 26 1900 r IIrlllftl fIx II 0 jjf TilE BASEBALL WORLD BOK I

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1900-04-26/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · THE SUN THURSDAY APRIL 26 1900 r IIrlllftl fIx II 0 jjf TilE BASEBALL WORLD BOK I


r IIrlllftl fIx II



molt Ml Aflln and T k i Viral rileI rum IhlUdelphUt Hhu lx

iljnliin Mrn Ilttibnri Defeatniull nd tbn Art Kven fpXotei

The llrookt n w n u tarn from the PhildfiiiMa vf tiTili y nnil forced tliotn to r

tlr plrirolotlwHt loilln dull whichjumuM ilio honor by ilitVntlnij tlm Chicago

cn Thr iriinn bit by tlm Windy City loamMitit it at in ladder i th BoMoiiA-

rtirv ivcr VIIi Nnw York enabled limn to

nulmtf Miir tIM nenxon oponexl Tho SVw

York inMiiirtothoHoHioii br ko tlwlrlltlih llriUlyiH Kwlncs dipped

Into n th IlUr lllv lh Illon Rlll lil Utn

fail urn them The Inclnnntli-

vmil up mutter with the PiltoburuM ncninii team urn tied In tlm middle of

unrh KuriluT chanc In the t llio ymfani The multa

V Vork f-

tHfmklynC Philadelphia 4

St loul A Chicago ICincinnati PIlKtmrj I

11IE liECUK-DIrr Itr

4 I ion Cliirlnnatl 1 utl-

PlVdVva 4 MTXfW vera 2 1 4001 llmlon Z 4 S3S

t 1 Mio Chicago I 4 ooI-

IOSTON 0 NEW voitu 8

okiil HkPitii eaujr victory for Bostonwa ln t nippwl bv tIt New York In themrh imntf vi i riliiy Th tiooro to 4-

UIIIM KuncHliifn nt th Polo Ground whti-

fm rimi up i bat for th t InM time Footerno MM llio plate In place of Doheny Ha-

oi hi tuifK n bulls and look second on Van

llirtnit wifu bunt Merrer tilled hut bn M-

tii n linn drivi to centre Illcknmnp-

opped up u ll for Tonnev but Davis cnnm-

tivhi riiU with a well placed ulnelnto l ft-

f id whuti nored Foster Doyle sent a tongjy liMitiiihi left Held foul line which Fredrasn muffed All thn runners moved up a peg

llaitren scoring H lbnchs sacrifice njr-

iosmnl ent Mercor acroM the plat nnd putiri uu third Doyle stole second Sullivansif-

trWCiMnc out to centre Itch Davistallied in th v and I oylt tried to

ba s but WRA naught on a doio decisionI nil hecntui was overTweniveiuht hundred peopln aw a rather

liciintf content The Bostont fielded loonely-

tjt ih y hard enoueh to win two gnmi1-piiiienv wn wild Klvlng as-

in th ruifKettinc wn touched forHire unities in thn third two lnKle and aboine run in the bevemh and throe single a

tiuggtT arid a threebase hit In the eighthlinccn wa to the last Inningnnniiih In liases on bullsMie u iit any Ice WItS Fosters gift In the ninth

MI ii up n poor gains at third ha e-

bm hn largely In HoMonn nm-cdluinn

nere wn lyinslderabtn more kicking thanrat indulged in Inrun the Dirt came betweenth x rlubs In th third Innins l wo hit a-

li one toward hlrd ran In andtho ball xent II to Doyle and Im-

tir Connolly dtcmrrd the runnerill th matter yelled

Tt paid no attention In remarkd ttit pitcher cnine toward him

with expostulation saw comethmg iu which warned himiff for he quickly returned to the boxlthoiit In thn fifth lnnln

litn hatted n grounder toward MercerTim Player iu n little Mow In afterii the bull reached the runnerhad already piutsid thn lia mode a-

k ek to umpire man on ftrtthe eighth Inning Hamilton tried three times

0 bunt the bull la t attempt resulted Inafoul hut nah Yorkruhed In to the with a demand that Itshould count iw the thirdwaved him oft wlilla the crowd yelled look-up the rule DavU

The llotons verA not slow to protest on currloe decliilon that went agnln t Inthird Inning T advanced onwith ft kick He Insisted that had struckBl n hlll which had declared to be nhat The mti thing happened In the lnhInning only thn tune left hln

wnlkfdup to the umpire behind thetu wy haul nt a bull

The ton HCf red a run In the first Inningnn Hamilton ba e on bnll

ill1 nsH over second base Theyan iherln tnw third on toli-

in Kretmans singleY rks pa ed them In thlr half of the thirdWrn two out ami Dohntiv on ftr t Vanined a single to right Held went tohinlon the hit and cnred when Dlnennmal a balk Mercers twnbncgnr to centro-

nt Van Halirvn across thepitched bnll and DnvU reached

fr when mis e l his ffrounder Thisniiplay allowed Mercer to tho thirdii

nnd-ii nfth Innlnc In Lowe

kls IBM on balls went to second on a wildfitch to third on 8ulUvinn liner to right for a

e and home on Dlncens wicrifice fly toIllckmon That tied the score butYork went to the front ngaln In their half of

h unlng DavU singled to left took third onSeibarhn double to rleht but wasthe plate on CleasonH hit to Selbacht ois on this out avid whenHole ecnnd scored rum Inthe ia t inning ai ha already been described

The ruu were made Inerh Innings In the seventh Ten

tarted off with a to leftnrid with Collliw the homeThe Putt wa a long over

head and rolled undor the righteti r According to the cround rules It

w rod for a home run In the eighth eludesnv Dlne n and followed Colllnsji-

mirgpr and Freemans triple along the leftfMil fnii tine scored three runs Lowe It

tiv eiulinir Freeman homo on his singlerat Hoy Thn score


Hmnlltnn r o I 01 2 2 3 0ihl sis 0 nMrrrrr Sb 2 2 I 0

fniiins b z 4 3 I aiHickratnrf n o t n 0staiiitr n i i o nDmis M 1 2 i i 0frfrmiinir 1 ll 0

OiSflWh IIIi i nnifn nn t t 0 I

Siinvsn c 0 i it 3 z nrarty e o o ft n 0VMn f t I 0 4 0 Dohrny p

I 0000i-Wls illrt71S

ToUU R27 10 IBaiiwt or Dnhrny In the nlnlhlnnlnir-

iilrk 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 4

Fit i t x on rtrors XcK York 3 I Jl on bustrim Jioston 7 Klrst haw on hntlsOffn iHnrfn ft Htriifk Dnhrnr-

y IViifen 2 Two ttuff bUsMrirtlLing ninni Tlirrr bav hit FrrfmsnSirrince hltvSrlbarb Collins

nan ninffii Stolen bavs llaltrtn liftDam Diiyin Collins Ijmt Ooublir plnriM r RMd vf van lUIUn and iincly WildI ihfnv 1awl ranj tilt by

Ilirkmin IlalkDlnrrnTim and 2 minute AttendIRrf I IK-


V Thenn viii rnmo from

In iifiernoun toH Frmn a spectnnilar standpoint

n ut ko fyiigv defeats never are There WH-Sin e much more than a glanoi

it minimi Indicates There werethn contest

were ovcrnl staceH when Umpirei ui irmijH Dunn and att werelfMie PUrhew latter had

loIn men to therood work however woejuneo iv tin iudifTeriit of hula

J Il7 was readily to themmrig when iravp iimnUtnkabley 1iiv f living his rat UK steadied

ii ti ti nllliouch he wobbled at lie managed to land hl teamr lh n much

ha Hi but and In the Heldrt Thin hilling of Flickit ril urM the

T rung at bargaini Sheckanl drew n

ml KeelT followed with n safeMV tMiitrh Sliecknnl and

MM urn Shcknrd nod Heelerip litirlrg dim ent both In

j att rig mgln to Vntrn In theK hit by n pitched

itii IVMU i rontpaft irin Jennlnc scorthird and June going to

0 trw in Dahlin WIIH thrownM tiired

M Iliinys llirow peMoiitrrvlll-d The Ihllii-

uit din their haft of the third nni-

1 i nhMi unit andI lieu inadi another In thn-

ti rriv D sncritlwIaji mil nick Hrnnklyn-

i IN mi Shicldird slntfli ni iilil throw l McFnrland-

it I ln de1 trtiik In the seventh and

sinuli utieiiMfl with nii l Hortilnti Delehanlys

n Inoenre Hivirtnui ifv n nub McFar

r iiriit Uiioli nl thirdi ri nilo nnd-

In III ninth withsent to hat


Ih iIn


I h 1IIIIIIIIllIlIn tilt have bAn

h lieanti rnn

I thehe

1111 afrIon


r s Ironlel

Pkpn i




hatI Ix bal IIur d


bat II




Wllh n


Ianti Th

a h




hapnd Inter nt


nI 3

0 U 0 0t Z 0 0i 0

I 0 0 I

I 0 I 0 I 4w




hOI n

AprilI tI IInt

ti Mrlrllij the

aui f



t0 It ollholJlh

ij hl j

1 III illh

111 nltutu hd tP IIIIIrllrll tiltan It11111

II nur tufutuniriu


r1f1I0 u

11111r IIIi


l KlIj iII

I Ill > I


It d 111111

I rr

u 111 no

M lamtu



P It

tipi iiI



I st tflt CnSa

s Ant


was 9

act 01 two



toy Itttiut te-



Tha nunpirA

t hem I

the uruupiro

n nolI

uiae and


hit aohm




flndtuun last cevrind tightit



f Ii1tnrf 2

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0 2



r i






tdtut V hitu I mugI he hudc r u tutu o tue ti n eertuI Iii y of8rtI haul tttt

titiltu iii letter of he wasutri ttrue


etuac eterI urn efliel Lye n


t I i

epr e hot hitnit took kind4l-

u biiuiaitt

lI tu citfl hnuehat





iI oIuIriH ridI




hittli tvuiiuid itii


liiiI tied nut huilc4







> >

















In the place dod the lime byAttendance 1173 The score


ll I I 1 I 0 Mack I 5 II OJ lbl 2 a 0 o D t to 2 1Keller 3b riahif2b o 3 i a o

1 I 2 o o 4 o n niJahltnat 0 0 2 1 OMTailAndril I I 0 2

o 7 a 1 Myrn 3b 0 I 2 7 IIJlniiilrr c o 0 l II OIIUWM o n 2 n IiJiinn p o 1 I a 0 Plait P n

TntiU a 27 IS 21 Totals 4 IS 2714 3Philadelphia n n I o t II n Vt

2 o 1 0 u n i o 04First haw on shot Philadelphia Left on h vi0 ft Mr t Iweim bull

lit Plait 2i out Dunn I Htnickoutlly llunn I

SariinrrhltUyefx Stolen biseflberk td DoubleCross Ielehanty and Thumn ant MeFailand Ilahlen Deronntrerlllr and leiinlnt

I hy Dunn I

Time 2 hours and 2iCINCINNATI 0 PI1TMIUKU S

CINCINNATI Atirll 25Th cinrlniutis took Agame from the Plttbure by b ttliiir

Phtlllppl freely Ililltlps did but ipout upii rt and won out III

th third Inning with tIe bawi lull Irwin Slelulldland lie nr t seen hereIn years In the nlnlh Capt Clarke of the

made Mi Ct l hit Ibis fAvin unitbenchd tuday while Wood pUyrd at third ThevonCINCINNATI IirrsuuiiaI-

I II ID AE II MIO AKllarrettrf I I 3 llMrllrtde dl I 0 o 2ClarkellSmith If 0 nnlb1 2 3 Shepkley I b 2 all I 0 rf2

o 1 4 I I 8 o uIrwin ss 2 2 I 2 oHIIcriey 2bo 0 3 0 0Woiid Jb I 2 II 2 w 0 n 3 4 ll-

Pellr r 1 I I Zlmiaer rf 0 u 4 2 0Plillllps I I 4 OFlAheily p 0 0 O 2 I

0 0 II 0 nToUls BIJ27I4 Phllllppl PO 0 0 0 0

Schrlrer Ibl 0 II 0 0Leach rf 0 0 n 0 o

i Tolnls S 8 2i 11 I

McCrttry batted tor Flaherty tbe ninth InningOne WAS out when winning run was madePlttsburg 2 o II n o o II 2 4CincinnatI 0 0 0 3 I 3 1J

Twobase hits Wanner 3 Heckler 21 Ilriumont Stolen CharlieKltrhry Double plAy Phillips Irlti and bentleyTriple and Struck

Phillips a by I first hint on2 oil 4 Hit by pllrhei

3 br Flaberty 2 Left n bsseiCIne-lnnAll i nrn bate on errorPllt biirr o Wild pltrbPhllllpt Implre oDayTim 2 inlnulrs


Sr IjOlll April Jft Tebesiis Terrors acaln defelted the today The pony pitchers Sud

itlfrth for reaperlive teamthe hits down to an

eanl number Jack made A wild throw inthe fourth which was or the runs securedby the visitors Child covered second excellentlyThe score

ST tOUIS CHlCAflo-ii iiio n ii pn A r

Huikell U 0 n 2 o KvAnlt 0 2 2 O 0Heldrir el 0 0 3 I I Chlldi 2h 0 o i 4 0Donovan rfd 2 0 OMerles ft o l 3 0 0-

KetJter 2bl I e MeCarthyrfn II o 0Mcfiann lbl 10 I OKmetl lb 0Wallace ss I MrCrntckablCro s Sb o i a nrimirinan s iOConnor 3 I I lionnhur fl o I 2 2 n-

Sud buff p I p l n o 2 n-

Purigan 0 0 o 0 o

Totals ft 3 TolsU 2 92412 tGriffith In the ninth

St Louis 002 20 100 f-

tChlcaroTwo h v hlt Wallace KrlMer Three base hit

Sudhod on bAlls01T Sudbuff altth 2 DouMe plays llrldrlrk and trfiann-

Helvter Wallace And Shuck out SuithilT 2 hyflrimth Stolen bnesllurVett Donn-VAII McCarthy Mcformlck Hit by pitched lull

Sudhofl I by Griffith 2 limeI hour and 4ft minutes Attendance lOC

American lrsrnrAt ChicagoChicago 2At Kansas CltyKAiisss City 4 MilwaukeeAt o Detroit IIAt Indianapolis Indianapolis I ItuRalo 2

Other Game

n IL rMrcsbrAcad 0 3 0 0 0 0 010 u 9

1 0 2 0 n 1 0 0 14 fl

flatteries liessler and Ir ln We lervelt andlinger


brown 012 is IWilliams o o o o o o o o-

llattcrtei Yliltlrmote and Vasbburn RinrtrPent end Edwards


lenrgetown 0 2 n 0 o 0 0 I 0 14 4 aPenna 0 2 0 t 0 0 0 a II u3 4 a-

Hitterle VhU and Cranston Laylon and FlaJveil

AT KonniiAiin H p-

Kordham 2 a 2 2 0 9 12 3

LafAyette 4 3 o 0 0 0 n o n7 s aMullen MrKcnn and Slattrry Plait

Johnson And Knltht-AT NKW IIAVPV

R IIAmherst 0 o n o 4 o 0 7 10VAle A a n 2 4 o I IS 13 4

lattereHu more and Thompson McKelvey andCunha

AT JAsrpn OVAl

Manhattan 4 0 o o n o I ft o iVlllanovA 1 2 0 t 3 3 0 0 oo n 4

naileries Terry and Acnew McFadden andDonohtie


Cornell o n t I o i 2 2 07 la iSyracuse 02 s a-

natterlesBole and Whlnery o Dllllon-AT CAMUIIIWIE

Harvard 03 0 o n 3 o o n n 3lean Academy 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 01

and n rtlet Jenne i andFolles


T 0 2 9 1 ft21 20 SColumbia 0 0 0 1 u 1 2 3 12

and Hrennin Sales Wetterand Goodman


rffralllon 2 1 0 s 3 1 o i 211 14 A

Vermont 213 19 3

Uatterlei Dunn and Pert Taylor non antiWOn

At WestcheMerVlctori of Sacred Academy 20C C N Y Freshmen 10

At niilrstown Wnlrs hell 14 Lafayettef-

lAt Dohbs Ferry Westminster 13 brooklyn Poly-technic Preparatory 8-

At City St Petals School Adelph-Acidemy 3

AI Field Hrnnkljti imiiiiSchool 17 Commercial MlnhSchool


Boston at New York at PhlladephlCincinnati at HIMInirC Chicago at SI IiuliF-

AMTBnN lFAOUKMontreal at Itarllod at Providence

Syracuse at Worcester Toronto at Sprlmrfleld-

OTIIBII GAMESYal Freshmen vs Tafl Sehoil At WAfrbury-Phllllp Andiver vs DBrlnriulh

T Forest nt Chlairn-llamllton InUlliitrvs Colleifeof St Franrts Xavte-rIrrps atCroton

llatehnll Note

AI the Weehawken froundsrif Sunday the CubanA Gl nt arid till West Sew with ilaythe second same of Ihrlr erie

The Pula kt A C would like to tIn s hsts withtrams 14 ycpri ut Prospect Iark on

Afternoons arid holidays William K-

Itobertson 20 Noslrand avenue llnnklynThe Prudential Insurance Cnmpany traIn has May

30 A M and I M away fromwtih any club giving a reasonable guarantee Ad-

dress Trsptiaen mnnnirr rare of PrudentialInsurance Company Newark N J

PoiiTLAND Me April 23 Patrick J Conroy oftills rllv who recently signed llh thelA ebAll Club to by tlecraph n tarable reply to hli request for n release lie to

this eav n In thr Atlantic or Connecticut StateLeague

The Crescents of Y J tuner nrtanlrrda strong havbill teri ond willopen the seaion on their new troinds on May Willolfer A fair iruarantct to good strong teams AiidrosJohn an manairer TJ3 ilranl avenue PlainrMd N

The Carlton A C has JIne 10 21 30 aunt July14 coil A Saturdays In August anti

would like to hear limo lenmi with playersterarlnc 18 yr M out of limn trams oTrrlnr n-

siiluble guiranlec Address II llotlir1-

B2 St Marks avenue IlrooUlyn

The IlAy StIr A C of Itsvonni wudil like to tearfrom Mil first rlvs protcishmal titans TheSlar A l of Ne fttU Smews nitMim I CubanX Giant Alerts Nationals of Itrooklvri antI nil other

tennis Address loieph Mlnton f1 t

Twenty nflh street llnyonne X

Th ruliinWa A l of N iirk ton lit like to litsr-fnrn ill ttrti nf for SnlirJn siild ysThe T IcnAIlN A i Ior I l e A I

IlichnHil N tin Cr ford A I

or nn other Unin a ftiilkible iruriranlee Ad-

rri ss K A Faiill IBHiik sired Nrwnrk X

ANPOVKII Aitll 2A C ii Kcflcrj manager nf-

Ihi tAin Announce thisrehedule if gsme fir the reiritnder of the e vin-April 2H Dartnioutli l Aniline April 2 CnlbyilAndover May Hites nl Andivcr May 5 holyCros at Andiivrr ly u Amlier t lit May

II VAle l Andovei May 12 lloMU folleicr At

Andoie Jlny diversity cf Milre I AndutrrMay II OVA nt Mnibiiiife M M

eroid nliner Maj llnrvard IiMny 2V lio Ml Amliver

Tune I Vonfll al Jn r North Atllel r i-

nl Aiidmei In r fc IhIIIPs ler Al Andoveriierniird ln low h rh i en CArtiln or itn

a iiiepmetT game this a iuthus men hear msil showing fir

llw the williKtetenin June B

n K rIehlih 0 0 o o o fl 0 o o 1 is-Prlnwinu M u i

Motion and Milrj Illllrtitand-flrntt Rater and drren

Ilrlkln out


Rich It anlvlhl

t I Ie

ronU ont b 0

II 0 I I

Two bu hll1IhtkrllI Mer

lilt bIall

tomJIId IlIa



I I I0 4 I 0 II

ti I o II

I bit


0 I


IIrr ltflnlml


hour and 11

hotl andmanaged

A r


I 9 I 0I 0 3 3 0I 4 I I

to I II

I I 0

7 UUftlld for Inning

0 n II II 0 0 Z




I I ii 3 I II n



I 0 I II 1 IInn



n It pa 7

U n

DO 0 0 it IJ 0end


n 0 I I I Z 3



Dro iCln


nlll tilt


LlIloli III


a A




llam d lull r

An IIhue mil I Irniurlait St aon I one



itt it it I3 2 2


ttcftr in t me I tIe

lItchatold tooil work we


1 lies ii notchI

Wage I a





Ii4 2


2 nImtlt


0 0

FIrst base







2 C










a ewun



I teit butt

htg icc itchI urIc

11411 uuhm lift ehi I


I get iw iilove


ti i

sme 0








Sport Ilitrrrd lir lunc l el js ntattIre llur and Ashrs Store for the Talent

lorkiMllulliiinimndOTimnor In Winning

rorin Iton rarfrttie fur Irunk Oleury-

nu morn rariniT lit Anuiiliitt wns fa-

vored yesterday by tin wiathir nnil Illiera-lpiitronairehut the pleiisiireof lln wan

marred by llrifiiimileays nl tho posl whluh-

liicaiueco bad toward hut the li t twoeviMitfi on tlw winl had III l run lilT withonly a less minutes InliTvnl hetwcen themTlm ruiiiriilni inline twnniud with u-

lldUllof lilckcrt who were runt rirotlrlleil to-

loti their hot dinner ritler fnllltik downon four fiivurltf lorkev lliilliiinnH niiino

every lip tin Wi ternceoileit ill rnrryliu ilirei rin utonnor-HI TM twiiti anti MHiiiiil HIIIPCIH lliroiiKhfor tinodd iVfiit Tlii sillier Jndteys hud to

content with Kitraiiihllnu fun thohonort iillucliim to plncn und third

All the evenlH i lllnn illhor oxcipt-tho fourth This wilt a Imnilliaii over tho-

sliorl KovonfurloiiK ixuirw mill seven icood-

caiiipalKiHruncfepted IerUtint toiitlnuHent-Ilpnnevllle to tlm iuit a tllcht favorite over

mid Ivlnc llarleyiiirn but hu wiv-

smivcr a Heriotii fuetorin ihKiotnpeiltlon an l

wound up lltth Honey iniidn stroncdown tho burk hut wiw-

cattuht on tlm turn by Kln Harleyrornwho crept steadily away and won thrro purlsof a liMiKth Klnnlklnlc Hhlppd In the flilduntil the last uuiirtor when hu rlond on tlm-

l ider o rapidly that he boat thiirentiiHUI-

KIO for the pluiv Honey Hoy wit al thotatters throat latch vh ii tInny pawtoJ tho-

JuilBis OConnor dismounted without loavp

and was finedhelping to tpoll wveral breaku In lh

first old flout into the lead andto ll with ImlldoK tcnadlv sparrow-

Vlni Swat taponil and Dutchwere also In trim and th four HU uKleilterns th npnrl in hit olderwritten Tho favorite lllivcr Mac madu uMuff for a few furlong hut cmild rit carry tinrill Yorkshire In the fccoiid rarn provedn inucli better He raced totrout In the first mud hull IIH ownnil the nlthoiiLh hotly priseil byVouch nnd lust potsuiT badly but dosed like a whirlwind in thn run

the trio wore only hoadt HI thewire Ktarter hold lorkeys MitchellBeaton anil Tabor rf ponlblo for troiiblei attutu post and fitted each of them HIS At thoturn lor IIOHIH tir ylette ilio rank outsider feltwith 1kkerlne but hor e and rldr OMIIHIInjury Iliillinnn and l o iiettwuntid third rill nil to themselves andtheY sueoeedid but not until sail incurredtliuoftU liinfc1tt finally cot annoy with thn-fiivoritf hut lliillmin Minn outrm withtho n c mil choice Sumol nnd won by luilf aleiiLth

I he Hfih race wliich wus niado up of tintristlve tiilit in pired a lot of-

itroriif lanuunee The voiiiiktis rliir ei-lthrouih tliv bamer ninin and iicain until th vwen almost beyond control A hct kirKed

hind Imly llly was cantiTedlmikto tin tewards who periiuiii il iier withdrnwnl-nnd after a r nearlyhour the others went oil MTainbllne AKIItin favorite Minn took iiiniiiiaiul and won outby u length from eniiidi nn outsidei liraItou well played nt 7 to t propped herself IIItin first iiiurter Tnlmr Thn-lireil yoiinisler NCIO almost liiilnedialely stirreeded by the for last race A-1mn et wn appruiiliint lh Htartcr droppedhis hag at once uil silvtr darter won fromenil loenil whiln Lamp ilobe and f rhunrNi-Nlsobeat Sierllnc

Tin Hue wn nt half inat out ofto tlie memory of lileary wIlt wntkilled aiidfor sinn reHon nil

toekeyx wore on I heir left iirmThe a turn of fii i toward a

memorial and a lmilar amount wascontributed by the horsemen Olenryx bodywill taken In hiimi of hi InIresiMit intnrio who wan-Iniiirid in nun wItty proved fntal

U all rIght iicaln ea bruled ln The lion O K-

Wifhtman l bndl Mvrenehedandniny Imvo tobe destroyed Summary


Srlllnit for fouryearolUs and tipivard which havenot won al this mertltie About sevenfurlmiMM hr f yinone aged by IllncU Ivan

Arrowvrass 112 iMllcliellT WllMinJrs h f Sp rrowVVIng4 illother

Mil 2J Stewart rh f Swrel Caporil 4 110

Spenreri S-

IurtnlK The trtterson mlirre illicit ComedianTlAgifed StilT Prntus Impiillnl Sensational andOllvrr

Time I 2ft 3 t-

Ilrtllng Four to I Against Xanone li to I Spniroirwing 1 to I sweet Amr l 2n to I no 1 IThe Jetlersnii Mo Kincr 12 Iu I tlulrh Ioraelion Im to I Hagiceil Sailor Gut tj I lotus nl

I ImpnitUl 5 In I Mniatlunal 2 to I Oliver MAC

srcoNiiSltlnc rot twoyearold I40n added f which

to fecond and tail tu laird Allowance live fur-longJ unhand s br c Yorkshire Hoy by Tre

miint Arena Ion IIt W Walden ft Sons h r Vouch 11 I Thor 2

SlAliles b r Sirntiirlsi 1117 ogRett 1-

llaniwutM Light Hall I

lelle and SllurlAn al o ruinTint lol-

Hetilnir Ten In n on Vorlishlre Hoy in to Ignlu t Vouch 1i to I SUAtiiriit lo I Hanwurl 12 to 1 lIght Hall I Lnmbkln n to 1

Servant 2nd to 1 ireyttie I to I

Tlllllti rAcrSelling for three yArold nlllis Unit nave not won

mote thor race 4i ailded nf tvhrh 87u tosecond nnd 3i to third six furlongJ P Munlnich f Sunlol liyGolflnrh Si rol ins

illiillmam IH C Doggetts hr I Iaurpntia 107 UngCtt 2-

ijoughnrrei stables b f Camllt us hangman 3-

Klile SklpThe Lntirel llmlllsk IotMe Sli vllle Anditleen Daly al ran

Time llti against Sunlol to ft Ij ureAtA

ft to CandlA 7 in I Kl le H to I The Uurel-jou to I llasllltk 2 ti Lottie Slietuie u to iEileen

Handicap for three yearolds and upward byJ5 elicit fur hot 1oo

added nf which 170 lo irotit anti J10 to tIdal aboutseven furliiincv

P liublMitis ch r King 4 hy Kan-lAks atlol Ill ill Connor I

T llealiysbr if Klnnlklnlc 11 iSprnrrri 2I I g CharentiM 12 Mihcrl 1nrrentnn lluiiey liny lliinevllle toil Conic

IlftllrsKour to I King llarleyrorn 3 to IKlnnlkliilr 7 In I cliarerilu I I Wiirrentnn ID-

to I Honey lliy IS hi 5 llniiievllle I KlflnConll-KUTII ItMf-

Srlllnir f r two yeir Id tithe J4 u arlded nfhlch J7 lonrnhd nad SilO to third alluiranm fo ir-

V Showalter s Mk f A hrs liyTremont Herneni-brarin1 II I lOCoiinori

Slnir 4 I rnilde lojCahlll ft Anders ins b f IVII i iir Id iMrliiiyrei

The Jadr NtiMlly DtiinAnd ine n Itrauiy nlso ran Connie

wlthdrnwnTime nJ7-

Ilntliir Seven loSiirilastAsliis ti IIRIol DellaCee r the Jadf In I Smelly

Ioin 7 to I Udy 7 to I

liraifo lo I I Queen nf SongKINTll lrrI-

nr tlireeyesrotd whlrh ivin JMn withSIn added of which J7 second and SV t thlnlWelghlt 15 IxiuniU below the scnle nlluuauirs onemile and 7ft yards0 II Morriss e Silver Garter by iolden

flatter norlila lit iliiulnuini-Joliiiston Skinners eh r Ijunp lilobe III

illamlltoni 2T lleileysh Ciirbinde U3 iriTuaiinri 1

Sterling Pan IMik Keiivl nUll King Drambit l

TimMelting In I Surer bOiler 11 In r

Glob litt 4 Carbuncle sterling ot-

to I Pan Hieivii 2i tt I rUng

The entries for today V raV url asfollows

tare lur Hirer nnd tinvatd sell-Ing 4Ul added lurlongv

loft Alex ID-

Manltihan l i llnte 17Tony llutilg inl lUpllr illIlitlfaiior 101 IUhl pj-

Sirnid Itire Tof three year old celling J4HOadd use nnd a halt f

Hlirehini I in Henry lies 101lull KnightHenIencrlul

tod loftIn iiiioni1 li 2-

M7 Ilukr n1-l r In iirrrrlton U7

4 Offor three nlnl

upward 40 ndded IIMI mile anti 7 i yardsMnlt NotLnlliMln-yucrn nl SungHliirawiiy-

Ioiirlh Itv I hxlllinr I7io aildnl-

Ilindy Mm

II lHlitl-

lienige Simonsllnsit-

Dlinlautllr sleInyinr-UoutclliiU

IS1 115If Uuss Krinnle usI Uii 17-

Htinlnntlve uito tirn nidi-

Tulllriini Hilull in-i o inii liitni IK-Iin Villl nn Ail nu

yi ut oliS nnj Htunnl elIit MVin fiirlniii

I UMAX Vjtlill 11-0If JlnmlilliiK i

ll I

m r n

cii KalUe









I 011 rolll

tiultutie trd n Iah In ultur

ltltflhi uhf Itli

I Ill

Inlrtl H ltl I

rIll 11111I

nil I


hloh 1lo III

allit arl

11110 tll II ItS


I c 10 ran






twooHo nllr



IIInfll IUCfsub



h I

TIllie 121 I


ftlill a ttatf rIItI

br IlIr



I lnn Jill



raIlluG I


S alt rHIIlIolnl nol



TIIlld Lure it


t 1111 it haltI

tiiuu H II

Irt I is7II


t OIl

II r

IJ I01

lid DIrI P


I lie

null I ng

Its a turn it ha d putt

lie leerwsrs sit

liltu tuk hub

tinrut nutd nt sl ret cli


su stun itt id

suit iuulia ii


hun riiuiut

ht rot icit itt nut tu




slut rtr



tb rulssitu tlui

luI it Ii-

I ary I Ito

Ii Iii


II ill man

rum tiMun 1ers ant ire y

Situ rttt


Nine I


anti ut it uncut retl


ii flu

uulatu melt




I I rant u f

2u ti

lii t ittS uric

have lftut

i I


FI Itt ntuu ft

Fl nat year suidiud


lithrrsuroa Iteruom tilt

a tutu up roth

FlOut Inhgru

ru ti tie yeastir tiIrIutt-

ilituuilcT 9

Stlitr3lhit Ilegerut bvltue t tube


I ill ltuu utilectliI

Iesiutiea ii4


ne I aS

I 5 lInt













Nlith linerFur maiden Iwoyearoldv-tou ndded lour And a ItcH

107Alard 104 iRe AllJ rank Hall ml Water PlAnl

mi lllllAUllutlinanJVIiieund Sing till

III AiiitAcloiiM-


Jockey Olenrrt Heath Announced by HisI llrother Who Hut the Operator

Tiioy April IS Ticks from the Auueduottruck old a of death to n telegraphoperator In a Third Mreel poolroom hero yej-lerday Tliw operator who roll out thn-

j description of the race hud ulveni vrnrnlni that ilu hor m worn ut

tie post for the fifth at Aiiuedu-ctI for u lea mliiilliH tin busy dIdHielt was heard nnd h houted Theyre

fl M Aqueduct Pint Ponilno In thelend Iiivirdy second Knrnnra thirdcliM up hits nnd

aiinoiinced Ilio winner a told bywire The telegraph liHirumentclick click n moment later the operatorKhouted Several hopies fell In that ntAiiiUduct und hit hurt Click

iiiiitlnijiMl thus Instrument and thin limnthere was II break in

as called Wluhtinnn andIetllfiiBirer fell loikey believed tobn fatally Injured been taken In nn

to a hn pltal The whowas Wilt lames 1lonry nbrother of thus Inokey Hefon the raceHhadbeen llnUhed oH wa nifHin called on-

I lo aminuniv nnd l did It butvoice tileary lnjiirle OttO htmlHe died without cnusdoumiei

Mr 0leary went lo York nl ht tomake urranirements for his brutlivrn

iruftrr Wins the Ilty and Suburbnn

hr rit ruttf i fit iit to TUB SUNInNmiv April V The race for the City and

Suburban Handicap of onn Mivrreittn thn-seivind hon to Twelve 2rti and tlm third 10-0soverelidmout of ho stakei wns run at theKpsom Sprinc meeiinc today until was won by-Mr 1 1 Clarke The irafur Sir J A

Miller Innocence was eecond and Mr NornmnHCiohlet third Nineleen horses ran

The bettlnc wax 7 to I each ncalnst Tho-

iraflcr and Innocence and 21 to I nirairi-

stirri TIlE

II Ciwnlhrnejs Fast Mare Mc fleetlorna Mrlirrsor on Speedway

Tliero wns n Sunday mornlnt avembliiKe ofhorses nod horsemen nt Speedway Park ywterdiy afternoon Past trotters und pacerstliroiiknl the north ofIlrldce and the brushes ramo thick and fnst-betweidi the lioiirs of 4 fillet fl oclock Thehldewalk iaw A li Owathmeys-little cheslnul trottlnc Louise Me 2fO-

hlrunc out fur the first lime since she was re-

tired from the turf She was hooked to auntil tin way In

which madi1 the wheel turn causedall onlooker to shire Vllh true andjierfect utroke buxom daughter offorporal went over the roadalono two or threetimes until then too a fall out of tlvirles e-

lands fouryearold lonm Moiirccor Thedaughter of Klyrla is credited with a threeyearnil trial at a 213 gait for halt u nilin yetLouise Me stepped away from her with eaw-

trotiltiK under n pull nil the way After seeln-iler KO down thin stretch Trainer fluoriteTlioinpon wits moved to remark

Shecati beat nnv trotter the Speedwaynow tint Alvo i knocked out

newcomerx that turned up onthe driveway yesterday proved lo bo goodMioinrh to TO with the best ones In Htflit linnwn n lanky trotter hooked toannn-

hlkhwheelcd wagon nnd driven by alimn who wild hi wns Malcolmniil the hor o was Ion Mnrk from Callornla-

with n record of 2I4 The old Hepper out1iHitfd tIts Hurry I 24U nodheld huts own with Sir 2 H the latter

in front but to Increaselend In th from th bend to lliu brldsii-As he rntnii back thn road un oldlimit

In the crowd suddenly ejaculatedliy thatV nlii Don Lowell 2 u1 Ihn horse

tbat Monroe Snllbury brought over fromfnrnla about llvo venr nio and cnmpalKned inthe i Irani rireutl lie scout to be a

ieorve KiUlnni bought himfor Walter Wlnaii oi tnKlind nnd this old fel-low has made the trip across the ocean andbick iiiriiin You rant tell mo that horn

Don lovell has been New Yorkfor two or three years It is wild he wa

neeki HCO He looked like tlmbest 10 horse In tho country yesterday Withn pneumatlo wnirnn havn

lt warm for the bem of them Anothermysterious fiver a little bay that the

dubbed Mysterious Hilly flcuredIII a brush fhrlilan 2 and Habv Ilernlce 1M tieitint-tho bunch In n rouslnir contestHilly was about the binlest horse on the Speed-way thronelioiit the afternoon In tlrstbrush he encountered the Jersey thy PierllyannK lli A C Klsken Smllz 2Stwo other Me was hooked with tho breech

too loo rausim tIle vauotitoIds lieK and narieil to run away MountedInllremiiii Holt IK irnve chase crudtopp d the horse nt th bridge before our

dnmnce had IMVII dono Smlt7 beat llyimiiltill Tho unktiwn tried two or threotimes irlvo the dtiu to llvannis but tlmJersey par proved nlltlln too fa t for

limoNiilhan Strmi misled Cobwebs nnd

vesierduy He drove nnii mar ItabyHertilce 2 Idu and was in the thick of the frayfront hIts to last winnlne nt times and

fnster horxw that could hUchestnut mnre Hnby llernlce bear 0 w-

Wlldorh iirll lohn V tockTllls-creen trotter Iiul by Andrew In one boutbut the gray took measure of MrStrauss liver decisively in another contest ttlin Irinl Ilerniec was the

and the horses l lilid hr In-

cluded Cilrlle Paul Kreil PictzH Rrlulitnnd Italic A Hopper 2 is

Itul were the lead at thothe others breaking before the

was reached Stnltz took llibyIternlie Isle In cuccossjon when thn trotter

a lurried in ruiipany wIMi thepacer Mr Fl ki i bfeivv little fldewheeler aim

of cimrliwold trotter Iornn Mctlreaor In n harp short

llm rond from the showlnc afine burst of ert-

A C Maynnrrr hefliillfilnirir iicla 1nnnd C II C Ilenke hIll black Trnppe-22HSi lljfilPd III one of be of

TlindiiiichtiT oft ioldleaf trot ted t runnnd fast finally laklni Truppe sift his feet andUntinir him iu t us point of rOcks wnsrerirhed-

Iiltle brie Iane 221 formerly owned bvthe late V II rinrk n vielory over Rii Hlnzons fast irrav mire Klmirn by NVilkesUsa nnd tohn I Cockerllls Paul Patrick Ken-nedy drivltu Ibe winner Tho i chap wns-liririrlnn ut lh r ar until tho postbad been eil when both of MI rivals

broke eavin him alone In the lead

Shiny mid Itjjn riiullyAll delills fir a mitch between Kid Mrfoy anti

Tommy Ilyan je terday and the boutmultI take flare In Chicago on May IU Although theronte I cannot l round npur eof Iflonohits wen offered The weight iiieslloii which wasth bone uf rorlenllon All along WAS easily

hnlhcouseiitlnir lo iund nelghln At a-

oclock The winner li In receive 5 ion mil theloser J 1000-

Mrioy Itnow In training at White plainsnlsn M lari Mcrornilrk In Philadelphianext Mniiilay nlulit Mc jrinli I l ivr whohnorkrd tile Kid mil In iwn rounds alChlcngn lasty Ar Th met since then olid Mrioy won Ineighl rounds A 1ie A

Shiirkrj ansI leffrlet to Hot In ChlrnKiiilfstrefor anothr clack nt

l lon Is likely gruttnrd for the pair lutelieea prncllriilly rn latni slj rounds In Chlrago-

riitmoiilli Turn iiiourli and Hillymeeting yeslerdiy and ram some sAthfaclory-rifirenienl The i lilg felmws are to meet fur a

rrieipn IliAily ls ii cnnnden-tllnl la hri ij liillnnnkrr i nf Jim Cor-li II nulrkly tint II his raM lilies furII itch K ftc leltries with Kid Mrioy liuinnd lIb HUslrmrinns Hiady stutcs that Inftleslull he prcjmrril In tight 1iniilshman nlKiil neil

eiiilnu limit nt the llrnailnnv A

iintnir ti the prnsncrt nf a of billing Inthis after May t the llrnidtviy A IIAS decidedto pull lle brtwien laik DHrleti ind-irnlgc Mrridcleii III till Instcud of Ihe-

llnwlng Tiiesilsy To alKlil ntliernsielii U slilnl liardiur

tie Kid ftC twenty live rounds As Hiwinner wants in miei the snMIr lilikely tiinroiise n ii if

Mute f e In Troy onTuesday nlghr They were hn eriniiHls won In Hie ltrenth knocking

rlghlhindr on

1BXINOTON Anrll 1 The rn l acetone HiIn

Ins hren sold by Williama T llnmif f IIill




IKr unlift


IIIIIIdI ttiittii




1IlIiul rulurlialiul

ro nil

Ihill n uutduted





IIr ltmno

big hll


off buts

noun litdlIrdnholil

oltlfor U

01 1


lIItl I






II lId crick

pill hrlcl

2 111110 II nil

lit hrllh



were tiunllIeted

< lId


r0 Ih


Tom SilarktyI I

ilIad had 1I

IIIr the


eorT b lIe


atetltll meet Itll



Mlr stilt smtfli

anrge b IIn llll b-

Mw IJIUIhock II counl fur






I his


lit s

I tin

I itsOIis

Ill tirIts

lug I hun ci I


tugNew lad

ftt rio

I Its n itt cap




st retch altl nut on

ctitnrui t tedtuft tP

feat IterivI ntit wit gnu


I Itt lit I in




I It lIetcl urn rgs


gitt I g hit Urict

Its urttitlta


wni dbu her I


10 fewS




to tin

leehis halt I

tblInd Ii our tin foot

y nun re

Inn ro I Itt


I hopes C 1 ii errllsh

ntd nilI Its ettin a


t in

Mate bed

over-come at


rI corn

hamJs IbIs

itch d

I me gt

it U hilts


smll Ion


Mind if mir raw I lie si

ioturn ha

1 e rr rlivrrrshrtlcnrI-

i I Uteri I 1111 5 run

a lit jaw

Iuet nip










< <



< >




wwr viniAKi tiiaxi A rovrn rrvon riTMc RACti

The Mliliet llai positively Derided tu Unitthe Horses and Will Cio to Waltham forTraining TodajCoury Island lath llelnu-llepalrrd The Mew N C A Itulet

decided positively that JimmyMichael will ride n bloycla tItle aeanon and ap-pear In paced com petition behind motor cyde-Vwierdfly the VelMh rarebit slxneil a con-tract with llm Kennedy who will inanaun thus

mldent this Mason and Inday Michael willleave hero for Vultliiim where will finish hl

The little Mlow II aptwars beenquite In imrnenl about to the cyctruck mid for some tune tins bei iof trulnlni on the road Ho several offersto make hU lint before the public

Decoration Day and ho says that hu willaccept one of Ihe proKi llloiiii but hn not de-

cided which The fact that mldccl wonderhns led up with Kennedy leaven no room furdoubt hut what will be put thronuh hupaces In style and If It Is In him that he willrecall hi prettluo of three yean Michaelvu tho blcjfust drawing card that ever ap-

peared on lh cycle track wan the fuvorltn-of ten of thtiiionniisniidun etpedid pet of thewomen One Ihlnic which accounted for thispopularity was that there never was a ofdishonesty to his reputation Once when do-

tfulid he wont to hisroom und cried like u child In un offhand tarnyiwterday the mid t wild

was templed to tu thinKniuu lust beacon but onit 1 laud started withth hornet 1 nmdo mind to have a woodtrial 1 believe that with constant practice Icould tarn bracket In the saddle butfield to inn so thisthat 1 could not relnt the temptation anylouver 1 Inland lo train as

i harder thou ever before with a view of rvealn1 um utroiiB

and healthy and I tJiat I can followtho of marhlneNa fast IMarty of the record breakers of 1 oiiwbt-tu jet In fairly Hood condition in about KX-wo kn It will bo llrtt cnmo first servedwith me

It will gratify thousands of to knowthat lookedfor and often promisedwork of rebuilding the onthe1 boulevard has beuun Thesection just below tint bend at Fort Hamiltonavenue l torn ansi iho the work U beInn dune Impresses ono with hue Idea that Itwill bo u time In the firstInstanco there was nothing In the nature of afoundation for tlw path but one Is beingmade t a depth of about one foot with brokenstone material l brlnt removed andsieved lo orvens loadx of crushed

deported at the sides of thepath Indicate that be plenty of topdriwlm o tlmt rlder will not down lobed rockin Thy rebuilding will bedone hectton by section the worst otic beingllr t taken up Whether nil the path will re-built or wor t of it In yet uncer-tain Park Itrowersni to have the shone always referred to

It as a reconstruclinn but Ihe presentwork Is proceeding In n partial manner Themni nt west of the furnilns excellent ridlnir for cyclists past altersthe lebuildinc Is In procrow

truth of Its an III ivliul-thnt hlow nobody irood was pertinentlybrought out by

niRir of llnnil path who Uknown ninonit hi ooinriid ni IntO Paultrilkpr Hiitiirruari with nn uninltnknblf m-

nllt bill ofops en wheel ViMtorday afltrnoon

when thi sun wits hlninc Riid the hrccznof thomornlne hnrt died out lie remarked In his owninliiiltiilile way that It was nil Um abMnrn of n wind would nmke himwork hnrdir bcrnuse he wouldto title both pntlm all the tlino-Inxrnd of one nil lie then howiwhen there jsa stin breeze blowing that Isabate lo all riders cither KolnR or pom-Ilicon the U is a boon to ollc nien-becnif they then have to look smut for scorch-ers only on ide by tho wind Cru

of lh men why always patroU In thedirection opiKxItp t tin travel as was Hrpl advocited Sfs und the reckless rulershave learned to know that he will not toloratu

foollshiiesChairman Ilateholder of the NC A Hoard

of tontrol returned from HiiTil yesterdaywell sutlflled with the work of thetlnii over the rules To hula mind one ofmost important chances was that of limitingthe iompotitorn in Ihe final hoatof a cimnilcinsni 10 three and hnvlnif thinjiointf count tuir for first two for econd andutie for third html he will do awaywith H lot fleam work in and notonly ndd Interest to the hlp contests

will the title when wonone Ill rule concernlnc the wearintr of blacktlElitoby nil rnclnc men will be enforced to thuletter Kild the chairman Thin ll a rule that

in and the fact that It has nutbeen previously Introduced hero bus In hit

of the port on thepan of women and children Tie rule con

umpires nt upper and lowerIs that tlnty be assistant refereen

The IdM I to liuvca boardof Ihree referees In-

stead of one until acttnc iixn Poo Hah toncernlnc motor cycle rule tliilrmrinHiid that no has yet been dis-covered to regulate the power to be toedon the machines he was inclined lothink that lund better be leftIt now Is with only the rule that limitswidth of machine to twenty Inches

of thisIf ono man with a motor

wants to race acainst one of three horsethat I his buslneiii Ana matter of fact tintspeed it till machine in at present limited

trucks There Is not a In ihocountry that could hold n motor cycle of twoand a horse If It worn runt nt fulleped This makes motorcycle padre

niiciiitf o matter Inhandling Take for Instance two tandems ofthree power ench capable of a utile Hminute The most willMiy U n minute and ten seconds One man

be alum to hold the thruM and get lilamachine around in I IO wIthin other will notbeiible lo do belter than llV The trance amthe best cheiks at present upon the motor

In order to the nowmachiiief now built we would require lohave tracks like tea slum

A colored youth caused anens In upper yesterday after-noon by which nnt ihe fame time horveway of dome tliincs would bn to mount HIMhorse and carry this wheel on the MiouldemThe youth wn nn expert rider and he keptpace the a If he hid

hanio thine tunny times Unmade wnybetween cable cnrx and rurrlltfns creatskill the horse alone a brisk andanwerimr the rein n wns warned to-be enioful by several tioliiiinen hut the cautionseemed o no unnecessary He stopped at

ntrcet to get adelivered the follovvinc remarks to the crowdwithered

nrlcinnl coon da wnt Ah ampulled en Imrses ile smIle wee 1st nt easyas enn lie lln n inounled hN wheeliiiraln and In company with the horse was soonout of iUht-

A member of the flood Ioad AMociatlnn ofUrooklyn Tutu w rk on thecycle ha been started but not 1 ri amice with th prnini o of theIn the nnintline the othor roadptuirs and improvements promised to thedrivers Ihn wheelmenh in vilnc ndltioii nv nue Is untouchedthe new Speedway U a mockery and I mlcht-co on and name a dozen morefur which n I understand It the money Isready I think that u lot of the

Deportment Is belnc done with goldbricks beall rl ht forIn Paradise but the ordinary vitrified brickand traproi k and liinenre for good forthen oclatlon and ill horvenienind wheel-men


An lous HeadtrAddrew Will II Pitman 10 Murray Mtee-

tAtlhur A Inimrtmin tie unsiicccedeilef the world hts gune Into hotel business ntPoint Pleasant N

TheflrM lo oppose theracing nmtrulef the rnriAOInn Aswdn-llia held omrrs of the C W A Ihnlthe secession movement whit be bitterly fought

advices from the rrofei-slinal stars are now training AV that Kddle llild Isthe linrde worker there lie hns declared that hewants title and the money and propose to be-

rliamplin i rain when eixin milsAt the aniual meeting nf she Klmhurst Wheelmen

nt Iherlubnoine un Wbllney avenue Klmhurst I Itile follnnlng otDcers were rhiien for the eiMilngterm resident WllPam II Vice Presidentfrank K Hnsnii Secretary William andTreaiurer ThomasI llArcey The club with holdIts aimimlhArdiiSp road tncei this spring all nextfall In Ihe of tie IliiffmUi nearNewtown I I

Th Wheel Cluh whoa e rnemhere entirety rt well known women if KlushlnrI I li In A condition The fobliming oTlierH were At the anniisl lerllon atIhe residence of Mrs S I Annls Iresrirnt Mrs S-

I Annls Vtn Ireldent SItu rarlcs I We lTreasurer Ml s Minnie Irlggle S cr tirv MrsUeorgr V llavlland lloiid l Aptiln Julia KSmith rift llentennnl K4 rln An

At the teml Aiinurl mertlnir of the Kiiclld Wheelmenof HriHiklyn ll WAS decided t i leA e n rlubh theAt iornef nf Ismsira ad lindriAd ulUin lyn The I illonlnif nllifr were rhiien for Ih-etrn lre ldenl A W e ilAie Vice President AFerry Secretary II II Treasurer A

nf Governors Frederick 1 Kellehalt Pieildenl Uiuli 1 Driver 1 II Wollskeand II facobi Ilnsd Offlctn II u Terry CaptainJohn We llake Pacemaker C Karapkeand fteilerlck Color

It nl last


a delll




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tlt ruthue

aiuoartl netflu

I hit






tI iii


a dl

the tlhle of tlitgusiui lOit hi




gett 10


i iii ti i t tie P1 t ii

rite his oiml

V ii-

I I hue outss

ii itt I Its iii mat I htiirsUllt goinglit

rhcht hut




I to im red

in iltnnil


e a heels

butt a

slId vsrai lut


cern lit C I Itt I itoI r tt

itoS a

I him inn t Icr w hereI hItS

I IttI I


I hi t at a vt


I lie

bet og

I Ito iiiiuisll I ic Ii The ordinary

hi orsshuLa

I rot I ilu notiil I I


lm ri seeond

r I s I acm


sail cmlerdis1111


sirs nil

is nil rk nal art


I4 I tony iavi lug

untilkoi t noun ttit mt a ltd ennui it


tneeIlii2 itt ali

itt teen M



t a lIt ii g

in no

din II 1

it hichit en

1 Missant

drew Jrtrw

Itt tilt
















< ¬


N A A U Appeal tot Finds to Send Ameri-can Crews lo tart

National Association of Amateur Oarsmen U toiicontratliiff all HsifTortH at present onthis Bchrmn to neiid kiiccewful crews In thespecial races tt hits Nntloual licuntla to this In-

ternational events on Hlver Selm atlllinParis Kxponltlon In addition to thus revenueexpected rutfattii tu be held onHarlem un July IU 20 and 21 a vigorous move-ment U un foul tu neciirn lubstantlnl subscilp-tloim from boat clulM and oim lnter ted In-rowlnir In every seclton of cxiuntry Thn

SubscriptionsWhitIng tiarfleld chairman Albany X V

Charles Chiron III Jame P lluMonMew Yllllam C Detroit aunt Claudr It

WaMilnirtun I C antIrndani Philadelphia Pa

The commit work will characteristic and mailed a circular to every ottoInterested In tIn project which afterforth the faotH the Inlnniutlonnl riiiviconcluded with the followIng appeal-

It H purposed tu iimko ntthis Mull fouroared and

hell races Ilio expennon of Hiiili crow will Involve nn expendi-ture of nearly HUw The cliiln Inaround York city have indorsedtho movement wllli nnd proinl e to-ral of Dm fund we nowleg to solicit further contributionfrom rowIng clubs In the country nt large

races In thU countryi to bwrepreentod will depend entirely upon

of money we iirthai our to the patriotism nnd

the of American nar men lhliitnU of thecommittee funds bulllrlent to In-

sure our In tacIt ono of the fourevents

From clubs Intending to train crews wltbnview of their being entered at IarU wi hive H-

rlKht to expect II HbtfTlll llllil litKirmi 1111 In

ctloriof the country nny club or IndividualIn sympathy with the luoveinenlwill contributeto muy luKiime unational character

Iheckn mav lw w nt to the clmlrnmn of Ibmcommittee und due acknowledgment will b-

niado by mall nnd throiivliin tits reverse chile of this a din

of mitt which Is a stnilehtnway of-

l75 i metre or 1 mile and 113 Secre-tary Krrd communica-tion with Kdmond Fleiitinux Secretary ofunion In control of the eventH

letter which nettled In-n lartfo measure the nuitter ofIf ha been arrnnired that the crews retirementIns America will will for Carl via Antwerp on

Wenternlandon Auir I

Colombia College OarsmenSeven criw candidates wero dropped from

the training squad al Columbia ye terdnywhich marks thn heclnnlnx of Or Peels weedlag out process In the search for Pouuhkeepslnmaterial The remaining men were dividedup Into two eltfhtfi and a four with a number ofBubstltutea nnd three freshman boats Themakeup of the Varsity boats In ns follows

2 HoyeMin 1 Fatrnner 4 Lawrence t Mount C 7 Nashblroke Vulte coitwsln llogue

Second Var llyHnw 2 Jaik nn 3Morley 4 Hurt r Irvine 7 Uaclaystroke Karle contain MrCiure

Four Oars Southaek Weekes Coetr Willis andOlley

Thus freshmen tars still u lnir harem hut theVarsity which ac-ounm their of the last lew

The bladn work seems to Peeland the stroke has already been raised toalthough tills Impossible evenwith a shorter reach this time Therewasnn Interesllns rutS yesterday thetwo varsIty and fron Illch

HIP Ilrldcewhlchstartedfrornfcratchfilowly

pulled up on the other crews until won by aof otxn water II N proposed to so on

the Hud on nt nextsecondchiM regatta on the rouslier water wiltbe arranged for May 5

kewond II Defeat Philadelphia onGould New Vleld At Lakewood

LAKEWOOD April 2S 1erfect weatherfavored the second fame In the polo tourna-ment on IcoraeJ ioulds beautiful groundthis afternoon and with Mr Gould playlnn onhis team Lokiwood II won a second victoryfor pine land resort Mr llouldH newcourse ljno feet long by 4V wide and as freshand sweet a carpet of level turf as ran be foundIn the world was used for the first ilnm gaul

detail was provided rite blue and whItttrnamer of the Polo Association Honied overbulktin board tlinn booth players

and box and at extremnend of the course and roomy

of canvas hiaiswl crooinThe Gould drag was drawn neartlie bul-letin board and itrx Oould

Eriuwt Thompson of Ieno Fred-erick II Allen of nml Mrs Mouldschildren viewed the came drank tea andmunched nandwiche The crowd In attend-ance was The came was between tlm

Country Club and Lakewood IIand the lineup was as follows

Iwikewcwd Ilieoige J Uould handicap 2 ItoilIer 1 U Uvlngnnn 4 Her-bert 2 Team hindtcAD II

H Zellln r W Hlnckley Smith4 A U Kennedy 8 J F 4 Tenmhandicap 18

Both team were nervous flr t and not un-til the second was good polo Inthe tint period Philadelphia foodchance lo snort tn entthe bnll wide of the gosh The period netted a-

BoaU for visitor In t he Mball carried with a rush lo the Philadelphiagoat poets where J F McFndden

to save It accidentally sent It throughagainst own team Two more goals wernscored In 1hl period the third

mil Mr Could amid thnheartiest of the afternoon thirdperiod Cjivo 3 goals 2 for the 1 for

SummaryOoali ranted Philadelphia J Ijikrwoixl 3 Lest

by penally goaliJlhewood S TotalsI ke oedS Referee Seward Cary nf HulTalo Scorer WilliamA IlAmllton IAkewocd Country Club Goil tendera icorgc F Wcodman and Captain hot

Tomorrows game will be between StatenIsland and Iukevood III

There wilt bo a drlvine nppronchlnc nnd put-ting competition forvomen today at theDykerMeadow Ciolf Club for prle presented byDaniel Clmunoey

Sine holes of the Harbor Hill Golf Club willbo for play on Saturday A number ofnew hazard In Mnce lust M HI H

und the turf has started very well Flue tmw-fhihhousH will be opened on iwhen tin1 team acninM Columbia 1003


CutnninnE April 23 Harvard culfteam to get their men at work fort

campaign The decision to play the inthe i princ bus

worked against the crimson playerx consider-ably A of emraccd on

athletic teams and so cannot piny on-thn Varsity Bide In Fprlrii it a recent

HnndorKnn was ticaptaincy of the team which was made vacant

it c larkthird bnso on the Varsity nine i II llnbbarills-nlso iiciuid on truck team So llnk haveas for the team and I hern IsUtIle likelihood that urh will bo encaced 11111

In order to keep niierinn-llvo this team hfw several inntheswith local club Amone heap are cnineM withVollatton Hrndburn und

Club This IIIIH been dniH1 m thatof the team have practl with othertennis Thn men who tire still available for huetrOll are AveMIIIIcliiirdsonHendr on If a representative sido cun IIDtunned tin team the Lawrenceharbor golf tournaiinnt on May u

The Womans llandlf iphn thn links of theKnickerbocker FitId lub at I I

smite of in st representa-tive ontry ll t of the wiicon Mrtho winner with Ml s A CowperlhwHlt second

Cirail lldtp Ve

Mrs Rail fii 24 41Mls A St II i-

Utsi Tyler ss 11 tMiss m 11 jMrs 2li H-iJltssC Holmes Sli ll fluMr Cowprrtliwalt 7 1 r

lit i rlMrs Tyler HU li

team match between the enlnlivthe Poly Prep and nlulinc-

hooN and H School wasat Harden rily yesterday homewon out wits over the full elclitVenhole coiirs flue siore-POIV ANU tSTIN TIAI M IAllS TEAMIt Manning Poly Prep ii Paul MurphyI Sclil n JV a-

IIM Itohertu Ilep 0 A It Iarnms 2DCbaunreyJr Ijitlnfi n H II Hull 4

Chess Note

The member of the VomenH lies dull ofthis city held their last of seatonfor play on Tuesday afternoon ut the Hubroom Carnegie bulldlnc Some of the newermember urn maklnc rapid pnwrem InKBtne A cItes has lain held thin

arid In June the club N to tntertalne-dt the country home of one of the in uib r




I lit

front the hIt

lItalilinlntrd t on


harlem V lid

si I Ill

ltsrls Iii


btutntar iiiI ho a ituouci nil iimitt It

I n

reursiisni tall it

real Itc t Itswe hit ever

thin atubcripl I tti

but Ii lit liregram course


I Ito1 Ii Itt

lie rccelvsl iiI to iusmm Ft Ii t Ion

the atetilulet


lflCfl are nowrnwIiurinshetiSb iistciiii mete

duty irvs


A struts lIt

Ih viek and a





lIteast mOttled


Mariik aaeit





I 1 tem

I liewas


lItiltur mutt


7 iliii

1 oI f


Solo rdt s thi y

lIthits bgtun Its

still niuI c ehii tit j j Ii

itm I areot her

I Its

nutettl thaI si bill t

I I Isili or 4 tub is y I rigI

I ged

neIL uirtng

hinookl its t lull nil rv


h tilt il


I un I hushehsrda tit

The smulbutinuiry



311 iu-


er uuf lIttlto idt tI tit I


11usd telbmii

Tslal 0 Totat

ineth mig I Ito

litI nun riiusinuert


























Saddle Posts have them too One ofthe uptodate features of the handsome fast lasting bicycle atpopular prices

Prices 40 30 Juveniles 20 25

Ride the Crawford Bicycle83 Chambers Street



IIIM PATTERNAlsn iieiiis fur rolumlilut hartford

NpatillnKii ArlHi citIf youciniiit ctsh till And him our

msy pnymini tiliin niilnliifd ImullmtnU-an low ns our iMInr nr k-

lleinenibrr nil lilr rl purrhnvd of uswill t rleanril ollril cud Adjusted freeor rhiriie

Special Cash Offer


Tnlntrnlureln New YcirU Mid vIcinity thesehliih grnde Illcyrlrs fur whlrli we takenthr or w Ihfm for A limitedlime only fit SI7 Mifll II tnilil palldn-huih raiu nml wncirns nj Mtr blackmar nn or green rnaniel one lucre crankhanirrr and nil itlmprovrmfnu

I Thrtrrnslly with J4U anti Ate IncluJrd In our

firefur Import and thr Trade

DURANT MCLEAN coB9 liVay V V A ISIl lldford AT ntlyfl




1750 to 1950UK sroiK nEiirrrinx CIT-

A mi if KOiil now oil tray will inciteuiiliJUil ilfiiiinN iimii our uf Ve-

miul thrrriuri th e dcMrahlft wbrrli at real

OltlOIKS lllamoiiilFrames at

KIMVHS DropKrmno n-

tlI TAT HtSl himoni-llrmnr nt-

MlMHVAS lImpIraniM nt


I llrgiilor PrlrtOOO

I ItrRiilnr Irlc-HIOOO

l llrgnlnr Prlrl H3ROO-I Trie-i 2AOO-

Thr Ab ivr whrris are nil ilinil MiHtcl fullylniilfril with and 2t 7ftttrd null M It W llitiforil and Olforrt tiltsroKH AilJl t3blr llnnilli Awotlcd Siddlr

5 nrr nl o suite rir YnrX AErnts for the Ctlf btvin anti Xlnrrt rAtiiiri antI carry a full line

nt prices rariklnc Imm I2t In JIIi Call or srofur our rAiiiw or tmnl

Till II A II KOISOM ARH COII4 llrnailnay Xrw York CIIT


Columbia ChainlessKlllrl with ClliimhlA Coaster nmltr liMfrx iiuit r mforlAblr aunt mi l luiuiloui-btcvrlroiitnlnnijlr He carry them In lockns

ColumbiasHartfords and

Storm ersWith rvrry Imrrovrd devIce anti equipment

Prices from 80 to 25

Columbia Headquarters12 WARREN ST


K iiiHiii A ro rnoNKii812 Murray St IA 1aik Mac27th at 1230 oclock

750 HIGH GRADE BICYCLESTo he Iits of V in end

Also Chainless BicyclesAlJiti AT ll i


pair Kits I1 unIt SnMIK Tires A-crnili tin flJiiV Mornlij


CyclesRacer 65 Road


t li irrr Iliairi a-tSIJO MM ii nil UinSO-

Ur har Him rMii H iiry ifv is elite arid ntfl-dnliM 12 t t f mi ir irter not wr utf-ljinii ninl mi il M uaiilrA-



IITS i4 i7ii iiiiooni ST

rn l t llroMlnay Jd Ad and llh AT I411 AT rlcrtriri luilmr al Grand St

ionx AintiAiiics-Of rvrry style in Iaiiflril aid Half Top

l to lri lrithr or rnelhhTop Irrluilliii rvrry merit of-

IIKIVIM VIIIK iisFor Slnclr Ialt Tamlrin ami Iliur In llAti-

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