SUMMER ASSIGNMENT (2020 - 21) According to C.B.S.E. Curriculum Class IX Dear parents “THE ROOTS OF EDUCATION ARE BITTER, BUT THE FRUIT IS SWEET” Summer not only brings the heat but also the enjoyment and new opportunities to cure yourself from your past. You can come up with the new ideas and invent your tomorrow. This is not a trouble but this season is to be learnt and enjoyed in all areas of life. Try to utilize your time in such a way that you are able to sharpen your intellect as well as tone up your body by doing exercise. Read, Play and Enjoy. So in this way the school is giving your ward these Projects to enhance the mind of your ward. Please work according to the following guidelines for submission of the project. Guidelines for the integrated summer assignment -2020 - 21 1. Prepare a file / folder with an attractive cover page. 2. The first page of project should have the following details: A. Name of the student:- B. Class and section:- C. Session:- 3. The second page must have the following: S.N . Subject s Score marks/10 Sign 1 English 2 Hindi 3 Mathematics 4 Scienc e 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3.Biology 5 Social Studies 6 I.T./A.I. 7 Cover/Index/Overall Presentation Total Score/70 4. The project should be hand written on A4 size white /coloured sheets. 5. All subject specific tasks or homework to be attempted separately. However, placed in a single file (spirally bound or otherwise). 6. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgements and bibliography should be included. 7. Assessment of each unit will be based on content, presentation, originality and creativity. Marks will be deducted on overall score for late submission and incomplete work. 8. It should be well presented, researched and pictorial. 9. The integrated project must be submitted to the class teacher on 25 - June-2020

SUMMER ASSIGNMENT (2020 - Best CBSE School in Indore

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Summer Assig- class 10th (1)SUMMER ASSIGNMENT (2020 - 21)
According to C.B.S.E. Curriculum
Class – IX Dear parents
Summer not only brings the heat but also the enjoyment and new opportunities to cure
yourself from your past. You can come up with the new ideas and invent your
tomorrow. This is not a trouble but this season is to be learnt and enjoyed in all areas of
life. Try to utilize your time in such a way that you are able to sharpen your intellect as
well as tone up your body by doing exercise. Read, Play and Enjoy.
So in this way the school is giving your ward these Projects to enhance the mind of
your ward. Please work according to the following guidelines for submission of the
1. Prepare a file / folder with an attractive cover page.
2. The first page of project should have the following details:
A. Name of the student:-
B. Class and section:-
Total Score/70
4. The project should be hand written on A4 size white /coloured sheets.
5. All subject specific tasks or homework to be attempted separately. However, placed in
a single file (spirally bound or otherwise).
6. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgements and bibliography should be included.
7. Assessment of each unit will be based on content, presentation, originality and
creativity. Marks will be deducted on overall score for late submission and incomplete
8. It should be well presented, researched and pictorial.
9. The integrated project must be submitted to the class teacher on 25 - June-2020
Subject: - English Hamartia Of Italians(Tragic Flaw)
Humans are by no means perfect; we make a lot of mistakes and hopefully
use these mistakes to learn valuable lessons to use in our future experiences.
The concept of hamartia fits this idea of imperfection as it relates to
literature. Hamartia literally means ''to miss the mark'' or ''error'', and its
origin connects to English words such as ''guilt'', ''fault'' and ''failure.
1.Read the following books and write their summary in about 300 words .
a) The House On Mango Street-Sandra Cisneros
b)Great Expectations-Charles Dickens. 2. Write a speech on the following topics:- (in about 200 – 250 words) a) Trump is not as bad as he is potrayed.
b) Global awareness makes us responsible citizens of the world.
3.Write an article on the topic 'Hamartia of Italians' in about 150 -200 words.
4. Write a diary entry in an excellent way to express your feelings of 'Hamartia of Italiana' in
about 150-200 words.
5. Write a life history of Elizabeth Barrett Browing (Italian Sonnet). How many sonnets she has
written .Define sonnet and write down at least 2 sonnets along with their message.
Subject: - Mathematics
1. In the current environment, Italy has taken the form of an epidemic due to corona virus
infection in 15 major cities of the country. Due to which 2% of Italy's population has been
infected. The following table gives the population of 15 major cities of Italy.
Rank City Population Infected Population
1 Rome 2,825,077[1] 56502
2 Milan 1,303,437 26069
3 Naples 975,139 19503
4 Turin 900,569 18011
5 Palermo 666,552 13331
6 Genoa 615,686 12314
7 Bologna 373,026 7461
8 Florence 365,966 7319
9 Bari 325,052 6501
10 Catania 301,564 6031
11 Venice 268,934 5379
12 Verona 260,718 5214
13 Messina 245,159 4903
14 Padua 210,301 4206
15 Trieste 205,363 4107
Answer the following questions
A)Draw the dauble bar graph based on the population of each city and the percentage of its infected
B)On 1 March 2020, the number of people recovering after treatment with the disease of infection in
the country of Italy was 4. So by finding the number of people recovering after treatment by 20 April
2020 in the country on every 5 days basis (e.g. 1 March, 6 March, 11 March, .............. From April 20
to 2020) Draw a line graph.
Subject: - Chemistry • The whole world is fighting with pandemic (covid 19 ).Thousands of people have lost their lives and thousands more are fighting for their lives in hospitals .Italy is the new epicentre for covid - 19 . The virus that causes Covid-19 is currently spreading around the world. At least six other types of corona virus are known to infect humans, with some causing the common cold and two causing outbreaks: SARS and MERS.
Write a short note on the following questions: Q.1 Why are spain and Italy being hit so hard by the corona virus covid -19? Q.2 What are the preventive measures should be taken by the government for tackling the pandemic ? Q.3 Throw some light on the latest scientific researches to fight with covid- 19. Q.4 How does the corona virus enter and leave the body? Q.5. Why don’t antibiotics work against viruses ? Q.6 How corona virus hijacks your cells write the complete mechanism with diagram ? Q.7Isantimalarial drugs like azithromycin and hydrooxychloroquine effective against corona infection? Pandemic corona virus is a respiratory illness, which means it typically spread via air borne droplets. When any infected person coughs or sneezes ,droplets carrying viral particles can land in someone else nose or mouth or get inhaled but new researches told that a person can sometimes get the corona virus if they touch a surface or object that has viral particles on it. Now answer the following question-- Q.1 How long the corona virus can live on surfaces like-- 1)Air 2) Copper 3) Card board 4) Steel 5) Plastic 6) Glass 7) Face mask 8) Fabric 9) Mobile screen 10 ) Other metals . Q.2 Write a short note on effect of environmental factors on transmission of novel corona virus?
Subject:- Physics 1. Find the population density of the 5 most affected states of Italy and India by using the
formula ( population density = No. of peoples/ Land Area) 2. Describe the mechanism of Surgical Masks and gloves . 3. What is the basic principle of Ventilator. state the name of different types of ventilator. 4. Make a comparison table of month-wise temperature of Italy and India and on the basis of it,
Write the following answers of the questions: Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Temperature in India(in 0C)
Temperature in Italy (in 0C)
a. What is the average temperature of Italy and India. b. which one is the hot country. c. Which is the warmest month of the Italy and which is the the coldest month of the India.
Q.2 Word Play A Wordplay is one where you choose a word or a name and use each letter in the name as the beginning of a word or a line that says something about that person or topic.
Example : A wordplay using word “ SUN ”
Sometimes when we go to beach, we get sun burnt.
Usually, if I put sun block on my skin, I do not get burnt.
Noon is when I am really prone to burn Write the wordplay for the given word. M____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ O____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ T____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ I____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
O____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ N____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
Q.6 Vocabulary Quiz
Direction : Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.
Column I Column II
(a) Scalar (i) Newton`s third equation of motion
(b) Rotational motion (ii) It is the value of acceleration due to gravity
(c) V = u + at (iii) Velocity of object at highest point of vertical projection.
(d) Vector (iv) A moving wheel of a sewing machine
(e) Circular motion (v) Those physical quantities which are having magnitude and direction both
(f) displacement (vi) It is the equal distance covered by object in equal time interval
(g) 9.8 ms-2 (vii) It is the SI unit of velocity or speed.
(h) (viii) Movement of the minute hand of a clock in one hour
(i) Zero (ix) Those physical quantities which are having only magnitude and no direction
(j) Uniform motion (x) Newton`s first equation of motion
(k) ms-1 (xi) It is the area of velocity – time graph
Subject: - Biology Coronaviruses (CoV) are a family of RNA (ribonucleic acid) viruses. They are called coronaviruses
because the virus particle exhibits a characteristic ‘corona’ (crown) of spike proteins around its lipid
envelope. CoV infections are common in animals and humans. Some strains of CoV are zoonotic,
meaning they can be transmitted between animals and humans, but many strains are not zoonotic.
Q.1 What causes COVID-19?
Q.2 Can animals be infected with COVID-19 virus? Are animals responsible for COVID-19 in
Q.3 What precautionary measures should be taken when companion or other animals have close
contact with humans sick or suspected with COVID-19?
Q.4 What are the relationship of corona virus with other viruses
Q.5 How are the symptoms of this novel coronavirus different from those we associate with a typical
common cold and seasonal flu?
Subject:- Social – Science
Topic- Covid 19 And Humanity Recognize your cognitive biases. In its early stages, the Covid-19 crisis in Italy looked nothing like a crisis.
The initial state-of-emergency declarations were met by skepticism by both the public and many in policy circles — even though several scientists had been warning of the potential for a catastrophe for weeks.
Indeed, in late February some notable Italian politicians engaged in public handshaking in Milan to make the
point that the economy should not panic and stop because of the virus. (A week later, one of these politicians
was diagnosed with Covid-19.) Similar reactions were repeated across many other countries besides Italy and exemplify what behavioral scientists call confirmation bias — a tendency to seize upon information that
confirms our preferred position or initial hypothesis.
Threats such as pandemics that evolve in a nonlinear fashion (i.e., they start small but exponentially intensify) are especially tricky to confront because of the challenges of rapidly interpreting what is
happening in real time. The most effective time to take strong action is extremely early, when the threat
appears to be small — or even before there are any cases. But if the intervention actually works, it will
appear in retrospect as if the strong actions were an overreaction. This is a game many politicians don’t want to play.
The systematic inability to listen to experts highlights the trouble that leaders —and people in general —
have figuring out how to act in dire, highly complex situations where there’s no easy solution.
The desire to act causes leaders to rely on their gut feeling or the opinions of their inner circle. But in a time of uncertainty, it is essential to resist that temptation, and instead take the time to discover, organize, and
absorb the partial knowledge that is dispersed across different pockets of expertise.
Q1Covid-19 is a kind of disaster which is affecting the whole world in which manner can we come out of
this situation analyse it?
Q.2 Describe the importance of agriculture during the lock down against spread of coronavirus?
Q2Why Corona virus is declared as pandemic not an epidemic explain?
Q3.Disaster management is not only earthquake floods and droughts but the present situation is also a part of disaster explain it and explain with the help of case study?
Q4.What is Real cause of this current situation and how to cope up out of this?
Q5.Do you think beside lockdown can any other alternative can be taken to save the country from coronavirus?
Subject:- Hindi
1. 150 200 2 . 100 150 3. 150 200 ( 10 )
Subject: - Information – Technology
Q1. Make a excel sheet to show the number of daily infected people by corona virus (COVID19) in Italy from
the time it break (date wise).Make a bar char of it.
Q2. What was the cause of highest death rate in Italy though it has the world's second best medical facility
in the world? Try to get the information from the internet and write it.
Q3. Make a power point presentation of the tourist places of Italy.
“Special Activities” Following activities must be conducted under parents supervision.
1. Prepare a mask
Kindly see the given video and help your child in making the same.
2. Face cover with plastic folder
Kindly see the given video and help your child in making the same.
3. Prepare a hand sanitizer
Make your own hand sanitizer with the necessary things required.
Write the steps taken and material used to prepare it.
Bring it to school everyday when reopens.
Happy Holidays