~The Tenth Season~ ~Goodie~ By: Pony(formerly CanImarryapony)

Summer 3 goodie

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~The Tenth Season~ ~Goodie~

By: Pony(formerly CanImarryapony)

Welcome back to Arbor Watch! This round it’s the Goodie’s the most domestic happy family I have, refreshing change from the Lillards last

chapter right?

Day One starts like all good mornings, with baby Danielle screaming her head off.

Luckily, it’s Faith to the rescue. She’s so cute with her children.

Of course Herbert was woken up too, but he just took a quick shower and sat on the couch. Lazy


It wasn’t long before Ruth was up too. She managed to sneak off to the tub, for so good ol’ fashion tub piratin’.

All to soon the school bus came and she’s off to her first day of school. They grow up so fast don’t they?

After the bus was gone, Herbert and Faith snuck in some alone time. I think I’ll have them have at least one more child. They weren’t

successful this time around though.

Faith settles down for a nap while Herbert is sent to work.

Joe Carr gave the last star to get to Rank 5. Because I’m an awesome sim player this is pretty much the only

picture I have of Herbert at the store.

Faith and Herbert have a pretty lazy afternoon, Danielle is asleep and Ruth away at school. Faith makes a new

friend and they have a nice quiet lunch.

It’s Danielle birthday so I had Faith invite some of her friends over. Of course I forgot that Ethan was still in love with Dagmar and Brandon and Dagmar were as

usual all over each other. Whoops.

They’ll work it out eventually. *nods*

Everyone was able to get their act together for Danielle’s cake toss.

Well, I guess you could say she’s cute. I’m not sure who she got her nose from, but it doesn’t

fit her face very well, poor girl. I like her though but apparently not enough to write down her

personality. Crap.

Nothing like a quick bottle of smart milk and a hair cut to make everything better.

Oh Ethan I’m so disappointed in you. You shouldn’t be proud of beating up your ex


Thankfully the fight didn’t keep the party from being a good time and everyone went home no worse for


The next morning starts early, of course with little girls around it’s hard to sleep in isn’t it? I try to get Ruth to sleep in a little

more by having her tire herself out jumping on the bed. 3 A. M. is just too early by my standards.

Thankfully sims are heavily sleepers otherwise Herbert making flower arrangements would have kept her


Oops. I had forgotten that the Lillards had given away Cinnamon during their turn of the rotation. I couldn’t

let the Goodies get away without having Bane’s progeny. So Cinnamon joins the family.

After Cinnamon was settled, Herbert went to work. Poor Christie and Chloe, I really need to get them out of those track


A star from Orlando Bertino brought Goodie Blooms to rank 6 woot! I’ll have another level ten business in no

time. Though I went ahead and had Herbert close down shop and head up. He was exhausted because he got up

too early.

Back home everyone wanted another puppy. Puppy fever has seemed to have invaded Arbor Watch. So I

have Faith adopt a little girl puppy named Gizmo, hopefully she’ll be cute.

Gizmo was an instant hit, of course what puppy isn’t.

Faith helps Ruth catch up on her homework. Which she never got done with all the activity the night


Herbert sat down with Danielle to teach her how to talk. You know she’s kinda growing on me.

Some toddler/puppy spam. After all it is good for the soul.

Cinnamon ends up playing with Max most of the night. Cause you wouldn’t want your sims to be awake and try to

adopt your friends would you?

Faith and Herbert try again for another baby. This time was a success! Maybe they’ll have a boy this time.

Ruth is watching cartoons in the living room. Blissfully unaware of what her parents are up to.

Ruth manages to finish up the last of her homework leaving her the rest of the day free

to play.

Meanwhile her father heads off to work. Finally manages to enclose the entire store. It’s looking better

and better.

Here’s a view from the outside.

I had to break down and hire some employees to help Herbert out. Christie Stratton and Marie Rauscher were the victims of choice. Look’s like Marie has a bit of a dye

job, I see those red eyebrows.

Armando Cox brought the business up to rank 7. After that I sent Herbert home.

Cinnamon is an all too willing victim of toddler cuddles. Him and Danielle are soon best friends.

Ruth starting calling all her school friends to stay in touch. While Faith taught Danielle how to walk. In her underwear, cause you know that’s the best way

to do it.

Richard Smithe walked by so Ruth ran out to greet him. It’s a early for matchmaking but I think I’ll indulge in making tentative plans. Not her and Richard though,

they’re both the heirs of their families. Maybe Ruth and Jeremiah Cooke…

Herbert is up ridiculously early the next morning. So I send him shopping. First stop, a birthday cake for

Danielle. She’s growing up again tonight.

Next both toy stores. The girls need a little spoilin’.

And lastly Bertino’s Bolts for a clean bot. I usually make them give any robots that they buy back to Dagmar. But

it’ll be fun for at least one family to have one.

It is kinda cute.

Though it’s hard to beat Gizmo at being cute. Look at her little paws…so sweet.

After breakfast Faith has her first pop. Another Goodie is on the way.

It’s Family Sunday yippee! Faith calls both the Vegas and Smithes over.

I was looking at Savannah Smithe and Elise Vega and realized they look

alike enough to be sisters. Then I realized Abby and

Lilly both have the female Komei face.

Pretty neat eh?

Poor Ruth is overwhelmed by the amount of people at her house right now.

To get all the kids playing together I had Ruth start a water balloon fight. What better way to play in the summer. Elise and Savannah were quick to join in.

Though the fight broke up pretty quickly. Elise wanted to play with Gizmo. And Richard joined the

adults watching a movie.

Everybody join in cheering on Danielle’s birthday.

Nothing like growing up in pink pjs. She’s still interesting looking, but it suits her.

The next morning Danielle is up first cleaning the house for Reno Day.

Here’s the current layout of this house. It’s well enough, but a little tight fitting for a family of five.

There we are, much better. I was inspired by the way homesteaders used to build houses with a breezeway in between the bedroom and the main living area. So the bedrooms and bathrooms are one side and the living

room and kitchen on the other side. It still needs some polishing up. But the Goodies are out of funds until Herbert goes to the store.

Marisa brings the store to rank 8. Sweet, now I can finish off building.

Back at the homestead *wink*. Faith pops again. Shoot I’m going have to wait until next rotation

to see the baby. *grumble*

The girls bring Savannah and James Cooke home with them. I love it when they bring friends over.

Savannah and Danielle were the first to find the swing set in the backyard.

Herbert and Faith napped while the children played.

The girls were sent to bed and Faith paid the taxes. That’s it for the Goodies. Up next Sam and Phil


Rotation: Summer 3 Households: 5 of 6 Playable Sims: 33 # Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 34 Community Lots: 10 Business Districts: 0 Universities: 0 Downtown: No SM: 4 Population: 132

CAS Available: 6 University Funds: $21,106(+3000) # of Fires: 11 # of Burglaries: 2 # of Electrocutions: 0 # of Graves: 0

Businesses: Amber's Tales – Sammie Jitmakusol- 10 More than Food - Julien Cooke – 6 Komei's Klothes – Abby Vega – 3 Smithe's Underground – Ethan Smithe – 4 The Toy Chest- Ethan Smithe- 8 Bertino’s Bolts- Dagmar Lillard – 6 Goodie Blooms – Herbert Goodie – 8 Vega Tykes – Juan Vega- 5 J&J Bakery – Julien Cooke – 0 Lillard Train&Tone – Brandon Lillard -1

Careers: Business – 0/1 (Andrea Cooke) Law Enforcement 1 /2 (Juan Vega) Slacker 0/1 (Dagmar Lillard) Entertainment 0/1 (Abby Vega) Architecture 1/1 Criminal 1/1 Culinary 1/1 Athletics Unlocked