Summer News from COLORAMA - Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association View this email in your browser Summer 2015 Newsletter President's Letter Ayurvedic Psychology and the Jyotish Chart Delicious COLORAMA Farm to Table Event Ayurveda Awareness Month Finding the Balance Between Profit and Practicing Ayurveda The Sacred Benefits of Growing Tulsi COLORAMA Events Calendar for July- August Summer 2015 Presidents Letter Dear members of COLORAMA, It’s been a busy couple of months and we’ve got some exciting new projects underway for Colorado Ayurveda! First and foremost I want to thank you, our members, for walking alongside us as we have created an organization that is supportive of Ayurveda and the Vedic sciences in Colorado. This is an exciting time to be practicing Ayurveda. We keep reminding ourselves on the Board that COLORAMA is a member-driven organization, and with that in mind, we are keeping our eyes sharply focused on how we can support you in your practice of Ayurveda, how we can be in authentic community, and how we can grow awareness of the practice of Ayurveda, its life giving and healing benefits, and its intrinsic value, in every decision we make. The more the general public knows about Ayurveda, the better for each of us who practice and support Ayurveda and the Vedic sciences in Colorado! That said, we are a micro-organization run by 100% volunteers, so it is important that each activity we take up be rewarding and fun! It is easy in the practice of a divinely inspired spiritual-science to take ourselves very seriously and I recognize that it is important that we serve Ayurveda without running ourselves down, and losing the personal practice of Ayurveda. So, we are open to your feedback, your ideas, and your vision for Ayurveda in Colorado. We recognize that it is of vital importance that you are engaged in and benefiting from your membership! With that in mind, we are offering you an evening of networking, rekindling old friendships, and sitting down with the many bright Lights in our Ayurvedic community over dinner a Farm-to-Table dinner of the highest caliber! Be sure to SAVE-THE-DATE and mark your calendar for September 23, 2015, 6pm-9pm at Frog Belly Farm in Longmont, Colorado. More details to come - this event is NOT TO BE MISSED! Also, be sure to keep your eyes on our website over the coming months as we redesign www.coloradoayurveda.com . We hope to roll out a whole new site with new graphics, updated functionality, and ease-of-use as priorities. We want you to be proud of your participation in our organization, and ready to share that you are a COLORAMA member with your community of patients, practitioners, yoga community, friends and family!

Summer 2015 Presidents Letter - Colorado ayurveda

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Summer News from COLORAMA - Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association View this email in your browser

Summer 2015 Newsletter

President's Letter

Ayurvedic Psychology and the Jyotish


Delicious COLORAMA Farm to Table


Ayurveda Awareness Month

Finding the Balance Between Profit and

Practicing Ayurveda

The Sacred Benefits of Growing Tulsi

COLORAMA Events Calendar for July-


Summer 2015 Presidents Letter

Dear members of COLORAMA,

It’s been a busy couple of months and we’ve got some exciting new projects underway

for Colorado Ayurveda! First and foremost I want to thank you, our members, for walking

alongside us as we have created an organization that is supportive of Ayurveda and the

Vedic sciences in Colorado. This is an exciting time to be practicing Ayurveda.

We keep reminding ourselves on the Board that COLORAMA is a member-driven

organization, and with that in mind, we are keeping our eyes sharply focused on how

we can support you in your practice of Ayurveda, how we can be in authentic

community, and how we can grow awareness of the practice of Ayurveda, its life

giving and healing benefits, and its intrinsic value, in every decision we make. The more

the general public knows about Ayurveda, the better for each of us who practice and

support Ayurveda and the Vedic sciences in Colorado!

That said, we are a micro-organization run by 100% volunteers, so it is important that

each activity we take up be rewarding and fun! It is easy in the practice of a divinely

inspired spiritual-science to take ourselves very seriously – and I recognize that it is

important that we serve Ayurveda without running ourselves down, and losing the

personal practice of Ayurveda.

So, we are open to your feedback, your ideas, and your vision for Ayurveda in

Colorado. We recognize that it is of vital importance that you are engaged in and

benefiting from your membership!

With that in mind, we are offering you an evening of networking, rekindling old

friendships, and sitting down with the many bright Lights in our Ayurvedic community over

dinner – a Farm-to-Table dinner of the highest caliber! Be sure to SAVE-THE-DATE

and mark your calendar for September 23, 2015, 6pm-9pm at Frog Belly Farm in

Longmont, Colorado. More details to come - this event is NOT TO BE MISSED!

Also, be sure to keep your eyes on our website over the coming months as we redesign

www.coloradoayurveda.com. We hope to roll out a whole new site with new graphics,

updated functionality, and ease-of-use as priorities. We want you to be proud of your

participation in our organization, and ready to share that you are a COLORAMA member

with your community of patients, practitioners, yoga community, friends and family!

Finally, we are excited to be a funnel of information for our members and want to

encourage you to take advantage of several learning opportunities PLUS two big

resources that are gaining momentum and building enthusiasm for Ayurveda nationally:

1. Upcoming COLORAMA Event

Join us Friday, July 31 for a rare opportunity to learn from Renay Oshop

(www.ayurastro.com) who will be presenting Ayurvedic Psychology and the

Jyotish Chart. Reserve your spot and get your tickets in advance at


2. Ayurveda Awareness Month - October 2015

Jennifer Eddinger of Ayurveda NextDoor has officially launched October 2015

as "Ayurveda Awareness" month. For more information and to get involved,

please visit: http://ayurvedanextdoor.com/ayurvedic-practitioners-media-


3. World Health and Lifestyle Summit

Starting this Wednesday, 7/22 through next Tuesday 7/28, Lisa Coffey of the

Ayurveda Experience is offering a series of webinars with nationally and

internationally known practitioners of Ayurveda for the World Ayurveda

Summit – and its completely free! Check out http://bit.ly/ayurvedaSUMMIT for

more information and to register!

Blessings and Pranam,

Heather Baines

President of the Board, COLORAMA

COLORAMA (the Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association) is proud to present:

Ayurvedic Psychology and the Jyotish Chart Friday, July 31, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (MDT)

at the Solstice Center, 302 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302

COLORAMA is proud to present Renay Oshop, professional Jyotishi (Vedic Astrologer) of 18 years and member of

the Colorado Ayurveda Board of Directors, for a special presentation on Ayurvedic Psychology and the Jyotish Chart

Renay will give you the rare opportunity to learn:

How the mind is viewed in Jyotish (Vedic Astrology)

About the Ayurvedic model of health

How Ayurveda defines and views the Self

Differences in Ayurveda from Western cultural concepts of mental health and illness

The mechanisms of the interior in Ayurveda: the antahkarana or inner cause and the workings of the

mind from the tradition of Vasant Lad

How the above can be directly seen in Ayurvedic "scans" through the Jyotish chart with examples!

Come prepared with your questions. We will have time to meet and mingle with practitioners of Ayurveda and

Jyotish, Yoga, and Vedic sciences.

Get your tickets today! https://eventbrite.com/event/17680218008/

For more information about Renay Oshop and her practice, and to book a personal Jyotish astrology reading, please

visit www.ayurastro.com

For information about COLORAMA, how we support Ayurveda and the Vedic sciences in Colorado, and how to

become a member visit www.coloradayurveda.org/membership

Save the date!

COLORAMA members and guests

Farm-to-table dinner

September 23

Farm-to-Table dinner of the highest caliber

Delicious local and organic produce

An Indian Ayurvedic feast!

Be sure to SAVE-THE-DATE

and mark your calendar

September 23, 2015


Frog Belly Farm

Longmont, Colorado

More details to come

This event is NOT TO BE MISSED

The Ayurveda Media Exposure Challenge This challenge is an effort to expand awareness of Ayurveda globally

by leveraging our efforts collectively

Who’s behind this?

The Ayurvedic Practitioners Media Exposure Challenge was created by Ayurveda Next Door founder Jennifer Eddinger,

Ayurveda Practitioner Lisa Boldin, former PR-exec-turned-Ayurvedic Practitioner Susan Weis-Bohlen and Council of

Ayurveda Research founder Pratibha Shah, BAMS.

Together they've created free tools, articles, templates and checklists for your use in promoting Ayurveda, your Ayurvedic

practice and services.

Together we are making October "AYURVEDA AWARENESS MONTH"

Take advantage of these free professional tools and help us create more awareness of Ayurveda! Visit:


What you can receive from the Media Exposure Challenge

How to contact your local media.

A checklist for approaching the media.

7 article templates you can customize.

Monthly emails with timely article ideas.

A list of blogs and websites to contribute to.

What to pitch to a television station.

Join COLORAMA in Promoting OCTOBER as


As part of this effort, COLORAMA encourages each of you to:

1. Do a media blitz and/or a special public event for Ayurveda in October

2. Email COLORAMA ([email protected] ) the link to your media and/or info on your

planned event so we can also promote it in the Fall COLORAMA Enews and on our

website www.ColoradoAyurveda.com

3. Share the COLORAMA Newsletter with your clients, friends, and family to educate them about Ayurveda

To Get You Started : Article Writing Tips

These article-writing tips were suggested and compiled for use here, and elsewhere! Thank you Denise Baron for sharing

your expertise!

1. Use Relatable Words.

Use friendly words that everyone can relate to, not scholarly or heavy in Sanskrit or Ayurveda terms. If including

Ayurveda terms, introduce them later in the article. Explain them very simply. Assume your reader knows nothing

about Ayurveda.

2. Include Sub-headings.

Include sub-headings to break up paragraphs. Sub-headings should make sense on their own (flow).

3. Mind Your Paragraph Structure.

Only use 2-5 sentences per paragraph. Each paragraph makes it's own point. Sentences are short (divide longer

sentences into 2).

4. Include How-to Information.

Include lists, key points, DIY (do-it-yourself) or recipes to give the reader support + encourage responsibility.

Something they can take with them.

5. Keep A Good Length. 700-1000 words is ideal.

Finding the Balance Between Profit and

Ayurveda Practice

By Arun Deva

This was what was given to me as a title for an article exploring, I suppose, a question or

even a dilemma over the personal profit from and the impersonal aspect of practicing

Ayurveda as our service (seva).

Of course, I immediately went to Charaka and his Code of Ethics for the impersonal answer

and more on that in a minute.

But when it came to the personal, I was understandably reminded of my own beginnings.

My teacher was very gracious to me and I studied for pennies. Thus when I hung up my

own shingle, I proudly wanted to do the same and welcomed the penniless with free

consults and advice. It was for naught 99% of the time. And it left me impoverished

financially as well as in despair. No one took my advice seriously.

So there is the question of the ethics of the client to consider too. In this case, their

relationship with dharma. Now, dharma is an interesting word, loaded with meanings,

including, in this case, the duty of a client towards their own wellbeing.

While I had very little success with the free consults, my paying clients were doing rather


Read the full article at:


- COLORAMA comments -

This blog brings up the economics of having a sustainable lifestyle while sharing Ayurveda

(or Yoga or Jyotish...) with our community.

There are many different approaches possible - set fees, sliding scale, donations, give-


What is your approach?

We will share comments received (anonymously if requested) in our next newsletter.

Send your comments to [email protected] before September 15th.

The Sacred Benefits of Growing Tulsi

By Heather Baines

Ayurveda, the science of life, offers a prescription for living a life in harmony.

According to Swami Krishnananda in his commentary on the Chandogya Upanishad we are here to live a life of harmony through intimate

knowledge of ourselves, one another, the Earth and her elements.

The simple act of planting the sattvic plants in and around our homes, offices or schools will help us purify the surrounding environment to

achieve harmony.

Read the full article at: http://ayurvedanextdoor.com/the-sacred-benefits-of-growing-tulsi/

COLORAMA Events Calendar for July - August


Phone conferences Wednesday July 22 and Friday August 7 pm. For dial in instructions and conference call

logistics please contact [email protected]

Sidewalk Sale at vpk Maharishi Ayurveda store

2035 Broadway Street in Boulder, CO. Friday July 24 through Sunday July 26.

Receive 15% everything in the store!

Free Tibetan Cranial Lecture and Demonstration

Friday July 24, 7pm - 9 pm at the Solstice Center, 302 Pearl Street in Boulder, CO.

Meet Shar Lee, master and teacher of Tibetan Cranial, her apprentices, and practitioners in person. Shar will share the

amazing journey which led her to learn, practice, and teach this ancient lineage of Tibetan Cranial. At the end of her

talk she will answer questions about the work and the TC Apprentice program. Shar will offer a short session to one

person, not to show technique, but to give the group an experience of this work. TC Sessions are always available with

our Apprentices and Practitioners. Visit http://www.tibetancranial.org/practitioners/ to find an Apprentice or Practitioner

in your area.

Tibetan Cranial Clinic Sessions

Open to the Public, Saturday and Sunday, July 25 – 26, 11:00 AM – 4:15 PM at The Solstice Center, 302 Pearl

Street in Boulder, CO 80302. Session starting times are 11:00, 11:45, 12:30, 2:00, 2:45, 3:30. Sessions last 45

minutes. Cost: $20 (cash or check) for 45 minute session. Sign up for a session at www.tibetancranial.org. Please

email [email protected] or call 720-378-8044 with questions.

Free Mini-Ayurveda consult with Heather Baines

Advanced Practitioner of Ayurveda, Sunday July 26, 11 am -2 pm at vpk Maharishi Ayurveda store, 2035 Broadway

Street in Boulder, CO.

Call 303.440.3427 to reserve a session.

Ayurvedic Psychology and the Jyotish Chart

COLORAMA presents Renay Oshop, Jyotish Astrologer, on Friday, July 31, from 5-7 PM in the Lotus room at the

Solstice Center at 302 Pearl Street in Boulder, CO. Tickets at https://eventbrite.com/event/17680218008/ or at the


Mini-Ayurveda consult with Terra Rafael

Ayurvedic Practitioner, August 16, 11 am - 4 pm at vpk Maharishi Ayurveda store, 2035 Broadway Street in Boulder,

CO. Call 303.440.3427 to reserve a session.

Deadline for the next COLORAMA Events Calendar is August 15 - [email protected]

Deadline for the Fall Newsletter is September 15 - [email protected]

Your 2015 COLORAMA Board of Directors

President: Heather Baines [email protected]

Secretary: Heidi Nordlund [email protected]

Treasurer: Meera Goel [email protected]

Board Member at Large: Varadaan [email protected]

Web Master: Renay Oshop [email protected]

Communications: Terra Rafael [email protected]

Membership: Melissa Chaney [email protected]


Copyright © 2015 Colorado Ayurvedic Medical Association, All rights reserved.