May28, 2013 Pre-Internship Workshop

Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

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Page 1: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

May28, 2013

Pre-Internship Workshop

Page 2: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some


� Welcome

� Objectives of tonight’s meeting

� Internship overview

� Workplace conduct, code of behavior, and ethics

� Finding and succeeding in an internship

� Internship Assignments/Handbook

Page 3: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Objectives of this meeting

� Set up student/parent Engrade account

� Review with you what an internship is

� Discuss benefits of an internship

– Student perspective

– Company Perspective

� Highlight expectations required of the


� Answer your questions

Page 4: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Internship overview

� Required for graduation from AOF

� Not an entitlement

� Internship positions are solicited by the AOF

Director, Advisory Board, and interested

parties (including family and friends of

potential interns)

� Extension of classroom instruction, skills, and

curriculum within a business environment

� Exposure to business could further solidify

future aspirations

Page 5: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Student Benefits

� Opportunity to apply and use skills and

information learned in AOF classes

� Confirms the importance of good

attendance, punctuality, and appropriate

dress and behavior

� Opportunity to learn and apply both

technical and soft skills

Page 6: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Student Benefits continued

� Opportunity to earn money by applying learned skills and information in a real-time work environment

� Resume builder, references for college applications, possible scholarships and college internship

� Source of contacts for future careers, not only at the internship provider's organization, but through other networking done during the internship

� One elective credit is earned

Page 7: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Company (Internship Provider) Benefits

� Available source of temporary employees

� Opportunity to select from students who have

become familiar with industry practices through

AOF programs

� Recruit for future employee pool

� Retain local talent in the area

� Contribute to public school education and to

the creation of a motivated, educated workforce

Page 8: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Internship Basics

� At least 135 hours between now and August 26, 2013

� Marketing/Finance related experience– at least 50%

of the 135 hours

� Some will be compensated and some might not be

� Both the student and the employer are prepared so

each has reasonable expectations of the experience

� Provides the intern with a supervisor who will guide

the student through the work experience

Page 9: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Internship Basics cont’d.

� Offers the intern opportunities to learn about all

aspects of the business

� Challenges the intern to think and solve problems

� Utilizes skills learned in the students' AOF courses, as

well as specific knowledge of the industry and its


� Requires periodic reviews (site visit midway and

formal evaluation/assessment upon completion of


Page 10: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Rules/Codes of Conduct

� Employee Responsibility/Liability

� Code of Conduct

– Attendance

– Safety

– Personal Conduct

– Performance of Work

– Hate-Related Behavior

– Workplace Threats and Violence

Page 11: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Photography & Social Media

� Students who use social media (Facebook, Twitter,

etc.) should not be using the sites while at work or

include details about their site including photographs

of clients and coworkers while on the job.

� When taking photographs for the internship portfolio

assignment students must make sure to follow all

company privacy policies and not include faces of

customers (especially minors).

� Inappropriate use of photography or social media

sites can lead to dismissal from training site as well as

potential legal action by the site and/or those

included in the post or photograph.

Page 12: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Cellphone Usage

� Cellphones should not be taken onto the job site for

any reason.

� Previous supervisors have made negative comments

and taken away points on the Employee Evaluation

due to phone usage on the job.

� Business equipment, including phone and computer,

should be used only for tasks included on the job.

They should not be used for personal matters.

Page 13: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Bottom Line

� Is it illegal? Is it illegal? Is it illegal? Is it illegal? If it is not legal, do not do it.

� Is it wrong?Is it wrong?Is it wrong?Is it wrong? If it feels "wrong," it probably is wrong.

� Does it violate company standards of conduct?Does it violate company standards of conduct?Does it violate company standards of conduct?Does it violate company standards of conduct? What

would your manager, co-workers, or friends say?

� Would you feel uncomfortable if everyone knew you did Would you feel uncomfortable if everyone knew you did Would you feel uncomfortable if everyone knew you did Would you feel uncomfortable if everyone knew you did

it?it?it?it? Can you justify your actions to your hometown


� Could it cause loss or harm to you, coCould it cause loss or harm to you, coCould it cause loss or harm to you, coCould it cause loss or harm to you, co----workers, the workers, the workers, the workers, the

company, companies we do business with, or the public?company, companies we do business with, or the public?company, companies we do business with, or the public?company, companies we do business with, or the public?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, the action

is very likely wrong, and you should avoid it. If you are

not sure, do not take a chance.

Page 14: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Bottom Line

Remember, your best resource about what is

right or wrong is your own conscience. If you

find yourself in a difficult situation, think

before you act. And ask yourself the

following questions:

Page 15: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

How to Find an Internship

� School/Advisory Board Internships:

– Check email and postings outside Ms. Turner’s or Ms. Farmer’s rooms

– Sign up/respond to email if interested (check or gaggle regularly)

– Make the contact to schedule interview� Do this IMMEDIATELYDo this IMMEDIATELYDo this IMMEDIATELYDo this IMMEDIATELY

� Dress like you want the internshipDress like you want the internshipDress like you want the internshipDress like you want the internship

� Be prepared with questionsBe prepared with questionsBe prepared with questionsBe prepared with questions

Page 16: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

How to Find an Internship

� Pursue on your own

– Family/Friends

– Research contact information and provide to Ms. Turner

� Turn current job into AOF Internship

– Meet basic requirements

– Ask supervisor and provide Ms. Farmer or Ms. Turner with contact info.

– Should include something “new” to the student or learning stretch

Page 17: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Student Responsibilities - BEFORE

� Schedule interview(s) with internship sponsor

– Only interview if interested

� Understand responsibilities before starting

– Dress code

– Start/stop times


– You can not start counting hours towards your internship until

the Internship Agreement has been turned in

Page 18: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Student Responsibilities DURING

� Available for agreed upon Internship timeline

– Schedule conflicts must be discussed at the interview

(examples: family vacations, summer camps, sports)

� Complete learning objectives and assignments

� Track hours – form or other

� Keep an updated journal

� Set up a site visit with Ms. Farmer

Page 19: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Student Responsibilities AFTER

� Post-internship

– Evaluations (student and supervisor)

– Senior presentation – Q & A with AOF Faculty,

parents, and internship supervisors –Dates announced

in Fall of 2013

Page 20: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

Student Internship Handbook

� A copy is posted on the website if you misplace your hard copy

� Please read through each document so you are aware of the contents

� Includes all paperwork for entire internship process

Page 21: Summer 2013 Internship Presentation · Internship Basics At least135 hours between now and August 26, 2013 Marketing/Finance related experience–at least 50% of the 135 hours Some

How to Be a Successful Intern

� Make sure résumé is your best

� Call for interviews ASAP and dress your best

� No work is beneath you

� Be early, plan for the unexpected

� Remember you are there to work AND learn

� Show initiative

� Ask questions

� Offer ideas

� Communicate

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Q & A

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Wrap up

� Feedback on this workshop is encouraged

� Did we answer all your questions?

– Susan Turner at

[email protected]

– Rhonda Farmer at

[email protected]