Za l acznik 4 Dr Ewa Gladysz-Dziadu´ s Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAN, Krak´ow,Poland SUMMARY of PUBLICATIONS 1. Total number of publications: 265; 234 (inSpires); 118 (Web of Science) 1 ) 2. Number of publications in journals: 173 before PhD: 8 after PhD: 165 3. Number of chapters in books: 11 after PhD: 11 4. Number of other publications (conference proceedings, internal notes, reports etc.): 81 before PhD: 12 after PhD: 69 5. Number of citations: 7860 (inSpires); 4679 (Web of Science) 6. Hirsch index: 48 (inSpires); 36 (Web of Science) 7. Sum of impact factors: 390 (1991 - 2011) 1 the database Web of Science does not list the substantial part of my publications 1

SUMMARY of PUBLICATIONS - ifj.edu.pl · • after PhD: 165 3. ... “Fluctuations of Multiplicities in Rapidity Windows ... Workshop on Dynamical Fluctuations and Correlations in

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Za lacznik 4

Dr Ewa G ladysz-DziadusInstitute of Nuclear Physics, PAN,Krakow, Poland


1. Total number of publications: 265; 234 (inSpires); 118 (Web of Science) 1)

2. Number of publications in journals: 173

• before PhD: 8

• after PhD: 165

3. Number of chapters in books: 11

• after PhD: 11

4. Number of other publications(conference proceedings, internal notes, reports etc.): 81

• before PhD: 12

• after PhD: 69

5. Number of citations: 7860 (inSpires); 4679 (Web of Science)

6. Hirsch index: 48 (inSpires); 36 (Web of Science)

7. Sum of impact factors: 390 (1991 - 2011)

1the database Web of Science does not list the substantial part of my publications



I. CHAPTERS in BOOKS - after PhD

1. Chapter in monograph (18 pages)“Black Holes versus Strange Quark Matter”,E.G ladysz-Dziadus and Z. W lodarczyk,in Trends in Black Hole Research, ed. P.V. Kreitler, ISBN 1-59454-475-1,Nova Science Publishers, 2006, pp. 163-180.

2. Chapter in monograph (25 pages)“CASTOR: Centauro And Strange Object Research in nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC”,invited talk by E. G ladysz-Dziadus for the CASTOR group, A.L.S. Angelis et al.,Proc. XXIth Intern. Workshop on Nuclear Theory, “Nuclear Theory”, ed. V. Nikolaev, HeronPress Science Series, ISBN 954-580-125-5, Bulgaria, 2002, p. 152-175;e-print Archive: hep-ex/0209008.

3. “Pion Interferometry with Ultrarelativistic Oxygen Ions”,NA35 Coll., R. E. Renfordt...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of 9th Autumn School: The Physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma, Lisbon, 1987,ed. by J. Dias de Deus and S. Ramos, World Scientific, 1988, ISBN 9971-50-570-3, p. 29.

4. “Charged Particle Spectra in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at CERN Energies”,NA35 Coll., H. Strobele...E. G ladysz... et al.,Proc. of Int. Conf. on Hadronic Matter in Collisions, Tucson, Arizona, 1988, ed. J. Rafelski(1988) p.357.

5. “Results from Calorimeter and Charged Particle Measurements in 160 and 32S Nucleus Collisionsat 200 and 60 GeV per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., K. Pretzl...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of Int. Conf. on the Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma,Bombay, India, 1988, eds B. Sinha, A. Raha (1988) p.145.

6. “Review of NA35 Results on Relativistic Ion Nucleus Collisions”,P. Seyboth...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. 23 rd Intern. Symposium on Ultra-High Energy Multiparticle Phenomena, Aspen, 1993,“Aspen 1993, Multiparticle dynamics”, 325-335 ed. by M. Block and A. White, World Scientific,ISBN 9810217803, 97898102178081994, 1994.

7. “Strangelet Formation in “CENTAURO” Cosmic Ray Event”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus and A. D. Panagiotou,presented by E. G ladysz-Dziadus at International Symposium on Strangeness and Quark Matter,Chania, Crete, 1-5 Sep. 1994,in “Kolymbari 1994, Strangeness and quark matter”, 265-275, ed. G. Vassiliadis et al., WorldScientific, ISBN 9810222696 9789810222697, Singapore, 1995.

8. “High energy nuclear collisions in the NA49 detector”H. Strobele...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., NA49 Coll.,Proc. of XXXIIIrd Rencontres de Moriond : Les Arcs, France, 1998,in “Les Arcs 1998, QCD and high energy hadronic interactions”, 571-578, Frontieres, ed. J.Tran Thank Van, ISBN 2863322435, 9782863322437.


9. “Generator For Centauro Events Simulation”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus, Yu. V. Kharlov, A. D. Panagiotou, S. A. Sadovsky,CERN-ALICE-PUB-97-06, Dec 1998,Proc. 3rd International Conference oh Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma, Jaipur,India, 17-21 Mar 1997, eds. B.C. Sinha et al., Narosa Publishing House, New Delphi, ISBN8173191670, 9788173191671, 1998, p. 554.

10. “Formation of Centauro in Pb+Pb Collisions at the LHC and their Identification in the ALICEExperiment”, ,A.L.S. Angelis...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Proc. EPS-HEP’99, Tampere 1999, eds. K. Huitu et al., IOP Publishing, 2000, “Tampere, 1999,High Energy Physics”, ISBN 0750306610, 9780750306614, p. 957-958.

11. “Results of NA49 on Pb+Pb Collisions at the CERN SPS”,NA49 Coll., S. V. Afanaseev...E. G ladysz...et al.,30th Intern. Conf. on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2000), Osaka, Japan, 2000,“Osaka 2000, High energy physics”, ed. C. Lim, T. Yamanaka, ISBN 9810249756, 9789810249755,World Scientific Pub. 2001, vol. 1, p. 583.


1. REVIEW - 63 (114) pages“Are Centauros Exotic Signals of the Quark Gluon Plasma?”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus,Phys. Part. Nucl. 34 (2003) 285-347;Fizika Elementarnykh Chastic i Atomnogo Yadra 34 (2003) 565-678;cited: 17 times (inSpires), 13 (Scopus), 12 (Web of Science), 21 (Google Scholar); IF = 0.24.

2. “Nuclear Interactions of Super High Energy Cosmic-Rays Observed in Mountain// EmulsionChambers”, Pamir Coll. and Mt. Fuji Coll. and Chacaltaya Coll.,S. G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. B191 (1981) 1;cited: 34 times (inSpires).

3. “Investigation of Cosmic Ray Nuclear Interactions of Energy 1014−1017 eV by meams of X-RayEmulsion Chambers” (Experiment “Pamir”),S. G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz...et al.,Acta Acad. Sciences (FIAN) USSR, 154 (1984) 3-141, (in Russian).

4. “Topological Characteristics of the 4.1 GeV/c/A Neon-22 Nuclei Fragmentation Processof Photoemulsion Nuclei”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Leningrad-Dubna-Dushanbe-Yerevan-Kosice-Cracow- Moscow Coll.,M. Korabova...E. G ladysz...et al.,JINR preprint P1-85-692; Acta Phys. Slov. 36 (1986) 238;cited: 1 time (inSpires).

5. “Multiplicities and Angular Distributions of Charged Particles from Interactions of22 Ne Nucleiin Nuclear Emulsion at 4.1 A GeV/c”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Leningrad-Dubna-Dushanbe-Yerevan-Kosice-Cracow- Moscow-Rez-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator- Collab.,N.P.Andreeva... E. G ladysz... et al.,JINR-P1-86-8, 1986;


Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 45 (1987) 78; Yad. Fiz. 45(1987) 123;cited: 8 times (inSpires).

6. “Experimental Study of Nuclear Flow in Neon-22 + (Ag, Br) InelasticInteractions at 4.1 A/GeV/c”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Dubna-Dushanbe-Yerevan-Gatchina-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Cracow-Prague-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator Collab.,N.P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz... et al.,Acta Phys. Slovaca 38 (1988) 65.

7. “Transverse Momenta of Alpha Fragments from Interactions of Neon-22 with Emulsion Nucleiat a Momentum of 4.1 A/GeV/c”,N. P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz... et al.,Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.47 (1988) 20; JETP Lett. 47 (1988) 23.

8. “Fragmentation of Neon-22 Relativistic Nuclei on Photoemulsion Nuclei”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Cracow-Dubna-Dushanbe-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent-Tbilisi-UlanBator-Yerevan-Zernograd Coll.,N.P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz... et al.,JINR-P1-86-828 ;Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 47 (1988)102; Yad. Fiz. 47 (1988) 157.cited: 8 times (inSpires).

9. “The Study of Two-Particle Correlations in Neon-22 Inelastic Interactions at p0 = 4.1 GeV/cper Nucleon with Photoemulsion Nuclei”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Cracow-Dubna-Dushanbe-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent-Tbilisi-UlanBator-Yerevan-Zernograd Collab.,S.A. Krasnov...E. G ladysz... et al.,JINR-P1-87-348;Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 47 (1988) 834; Yad. Fiz. 47 (1988) 1309;cited: 4 times (inSpires).

10. “Correlation Phenomena in Fragmentation of Relativistic Neon-22 Nucleus at p0 = 90 GeV/c”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Gatchina-Dubna-Dushanbe-Erevan-Kosice-Cracow- Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator Collab., N. P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz... et al.,Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 47 (1988) 605; Yad. Fiz. 47 (1988) 949;cited: 3 times (inSpires).

11. “Pion Interferometry with Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions from the NA35 Experiment”,NA35 Coll., T. J. Humanic...E. G ladysz...et al.,Z. Phys. C38 (1988) 79.

12. “Probing the Space-Time Geometry of Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions”,A. Bamberger...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B203 (1988) 320.

13. “Charged Particle Multiplicities and Inelastic Cross-Sections in High-Energy NuclearCollisions”,NA35 Coll., A. Bamberger...E. G ladysz...et al.,GSI-88-09, 1988; Phys. Lett. B205 (1988) 583;cited: 48 times (inSpires).

14. “Recent Results from the NA35 Coll. at CERN”,NA35 Coll., J.W.Harris...E.G ladysz...et al.,


Nucl. Phys. A498 (1989) 133c;cited: 67 times (inSpires).

15. “Neutral Strange Particle Production in S-S Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., M.Gazdzicki...(E.G ladysz)... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A498 (1989) 375c;cited: 31 times (inSpires).

16. “Intermittency in Superhigh-Energy Cosmis Ray Events”,E.G ladysz-Dziadus,Report INP-1432/PH, 1988;Mod. Phys. Lett. A4 (1989) 2553;cited: 5 times (inSpires).

17. “Neutral Strange Particle Production in Sulphur-Sulphur and Proton-Sulphur Collisionsat 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J.Bartke...E.G ladysz... et al.,Z. Phys. C48 (1990) 191;cited: 169 times (inSpires).

18. “Strangeness Enhancement in Central S+S Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A525 (1991) 221c;cited: 33 times (inSpires); IF = 2.16.

19. “Bose-Einstein Correlations in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler)...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of Int. Workshop on Local Equilibrium in Strong Interaction Physics -LESIP IV:Correlations and Multiparticle, Marburg, Germany, 14-16 May 1990,p. 16;Quark Matter 90 in: Nucl. Phys. A525 (1991) 327c;cited: 13 times (inSpires); IF = 2.2.

20. “Proton Rapidity Distributions from 60 GeV/n 16O + Au Collisions”,NA35 Coll., S. R. Tonse...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A525 (1991) 689c;cited: 2 times (inSpires); IF = 2.2.

21. “Charged Particle Multiplicities in Nuclear Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz... et al.,Preprint IFD 11/1990;Z. Phys. C51 (1991) 157;cited: 18 times (inSpires).

22. “Study of the Energy Flow in Sulfur and Oxygen Nucleus Collisions of 60 and 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,Z. Phys. C52 (1991) 239;cited: 33 times (inSpires).

23. “Pion and Proton Spectra in 32S + S Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A525 (1991) 59c;cited: 56 times (inSpires); F = 2.2.


24. “Fluctuations of Multiplicities in Rapidity Windows in Sulphur-Sulphur Collisionsat 200 A GeV”,NA35 Coll., J. Bartke, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, P. Stefanski,Proc. of XX Int. Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg,Austria, 20-25 January 1992, ed. H.Feldmeier, Darmstadt (1992) 73;Proc. Intern. Workshop on Dynamical Fluctuations and Correlations in Nuclear CollisionsAussois, France, 1992;Nucl. Phys. A545 (1992) 321c;Proc. of Quark Matter ’91, 9th Intern. Conf. on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, 1991, eds. T.C.Awes et al., (Amsterdam) p. 627c,poster no 42 prepared and presented by E. G ladysz;cited: 1 time (Scopus); IF = 1.94.

25. “Production of Charged Kaons in Central S + S and O + Au Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., M. Kowalski...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A544 (1992) 609c;cited: 8 times (inSpires); IF = 1.94.

26. Characteristics of the Total Disintegration of Ag and Br Nuclei by Ne-22 and Si-28 Nuclei withMomentum in the Range 4.1 - A/GeV/c to 4.5 - A/GeV/c”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Cracow-Dubna-Dushanbe-Yerevan-Gatchina-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Rez-Petersburg-Sofia-Tashkent-Tbilisi Collab., N. P. Andreeva... E. G ladysz...et al.,Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55 (1992) 569; Yad. Fiz. 55 (1992) 1010;cited: 2 times (inSpires).

27. “Recent Results From Experiment NA35”,NA35 Coll., P. Seyboth...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A544 (1992) 293c;cited: 37 times (inSpires); IF = 1.94.

28. “Pion Interferometry in Ultrarelativistic Nuclear Collisions”,NA35 Coll., D. Ferenc...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A544 (1992) 531c;cited: 28 times (inSpires); IF = 1.94.

29. “Fluctuations of Multiplicities in Rapidity Windows in Sulphur-Sulphur Collisionsat 200 A GeV”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,Z. Phys. C56 (1992) 347;cited: 4 (Scopus); IF = 2.65.

30. “Multiplicity Distributions in Small Phase-Space Domains in Central Nucleus-NucleusCollisions”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...(E. G ladysz)...et al.,Report MPI-PhE/92-21;Z. Phys. C57 (1993) 541;cited: 13 times (inSpires); IF = 2.22.

31. “Production of Charged Kaons in Proton-Nucleus and Nucleus-Nucleus Collisionsat 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz... et al.,Raport MPI-PhE/92-21 (1992);


Z. Phys. C58 (1993) 367;cited: 52 times (inSpires); IF = 2.65.

32. “Interaction Length and Spontaneous Decay of a Cosmic Ray Centauro”Fireball”,M. N. Asprouli, A. D. Panagiotou, E. G ladysz-Dziadus,Astropart. Phys. 2 (1994) 167;cited: 14 times (inSpires), 23 (Scopus), 26 (Google Scholar);

33. “Strange Particle Production in Nuclear Collisions at 200 GeV per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll.,T. Alber...E. G ladysz...et al.,Z. Phys. C64 (1994) 195;IF = 2.31.

34. “Hadron Production in S + Ag, S + Au Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., D. Rohrich...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A566 (1994) 35c;cited: 50 times (inSpires); IF = 1.82.

35. “An Investigation of Intermittency in Proton-Gold, Oxygen-Gold, Sulphur-Gold and Sulphur-Sulphur Interactions at 200 GeV per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz... et al.,MPI-PHE-93-27, Nov 1993;Z. Phys. C61 (1994) 551;cited: 13 times (inSpires); IF = 2.31.

36. “Study of Particle Spectra with an Optically Readout RICH Detector in the NA35 Experiment”,J. Bachler...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A343 (1994) 288;cited: 2 times (inSpires); IF = 1.19.

37. “Charged Particle Spectra in Central S + S Collisions at 200 GeV/c per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., J. Bachler...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 (1994) 1419;cited: 84 times (inSpires); IF = 6.63.

38. “The NA49 Data Acquisition System”,W. Rauch...E. G ladysz... et al.,IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 41 (1994) 30;IF = 1.18.

39. “Transverse Momentum Dependence of Bose-Einstein Correlations in 200-A/GeV/c S + ACollisions”,NA35 Coll. T. Alber...E. G ladysz... et al.,LBL-36062, Nov. 1994;Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995) 1303;cited: 35 times (inSpires); IF = 6.63.

40. “Two-Pion Bose-Einstein Correlations in Nuclear Collisions at 200 GeV per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., T. Alber...E. G ladysz... et al.,Z. Phys. C66 (1995) 77;cited: 71 times (inSpires); IF = 2.77.

41. “Recent Results from NA35”,NA35 Coll., M. Gazdzicki...E. G ladysz...,


Nucl. Phys. A590 (1995) 197c;cited: 38 times (inSpires); IF = 2.16.

42. “First Results from NA49 on Pb + Pb Collisions at 158 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., S. Margetis...E. G ladysz...et al.,LBL-36883, 1995;Nucl. Phys. A590 (1995) 355c;cited: 26 times (inSpires); IF = 2.16.

43. “Transverse Energy Production in 208Pb + Pb Collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll. T. Alber...E. G ladysz...et al.,LBL-37450, Oct. 1994;Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 3814;IF = 6.23.

44. “Preliminary Results on Pb + Pb Collisions From the Grid-TOF Data Analysed in Budapest”,NA49 Coll., T. Alber...E. G ladysz... et al.,Heavy Ion Phys. 4 (1996) 55;cited: 1 time (inSpires); IF = 0.35.

45. “Stopping and Collective Effects at SPS Energies”,NA49 Coll., T. Wienold...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A610 (1996) 76c;cited: 49 times (inSpires); IF = 1.83.

46. “Hadron Yields and Hadron Spectra from the NA49 Experiment”,NA49 Coll., P. G. Jones...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A610 (1996) 188c;cited: 130 times (inSpires); IF = 1.83.

47. “Anti-Baryon Production in Sulphur Nucleus Collisions At 200/GeV Per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., T. Alber...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B366 (1996) 56;cited: 36 times (inSpires); IF = 3.67.

48. “Is the Strongly Penetrating Component a Sign of the Strangelet Passage Through Matter ?”,E.G ladysz-Dziadus and Z.W lodarczyk,J. Phys. G23 (1997) 2057;cited: 8 times (inSpires), 19 (Scopus), 24 (Web of Science); IF = 1.13.

49. “Λ and anti-Λ Reconstruction in Central Pb+Pb Collisions Using a Time Projection Chamber”,NA49 Coll., T. Yates...E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. G23 (1997) 1889;IF = 1.13.

50. “Φ Production in 158 GeV/N Pb+Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll., V. Friese...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G23 (1997) 1837;cited: 13 times (inSpires); IF = 1.13.

51. “K, Λ and anti-Λ Production in Pb + Pb Collisions at 158 GeV per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll., C. Bormann...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G23 (1997) 1817;cited: 50 times (inSpires); IF = 1.13.


52. “Hadronic Expansion Dynamics in Central Pb + Pb Collisions At 158 GeV Per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,IKF-HENPG-6-97, 1997;Eur. Phys. J. C2 (1998) 661; e-Print: hep-ex/9711024;cited: 149 times (inSpires).

53. “Directed and Eliptic Flow in 158 GeV/Nucleon Pb + Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,LBNL-41016, 1997;Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 4136; e-Print: nucl-ex/9711001;cited: 152 times (inSpires); IF = 6.02.

54. “Charged Particle Production in Proton, Deuteron, Oxygen and Sulphur Nucleus Collisions at200 GeV per Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., T. Alber...E. G ladysz...et al.,IKF-HENPG-6-94, Nov 1997;Eur. Phys. J. C2 (1998) 643; e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9711001;cited: 61 times (inSpires).

55. “Ξ(Ω) Production in Pb + Pb Collisions at 158 GeV/c”,NA49 Coll., G. Odyniec...E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. G23 (1997) 1827;cited: 6 times (inSpires); IF = 1.13.

56. “A New Coulomb Correction Method for Bose-Einstein Correlations, Based on the π + π Cor-relation Measurements”,NA35 Coll., T. Alber...E. G ladysz... et al.,Z. Phys. C73 (1997) 443;cited: 15 times (inSpires); IF = 3.16.

57. “Ξ and Anti-Ξ Production in 158 GeV/Nucleon Pb + Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B444 (1998) 523; e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9810005;cited: 54 times (inSpires); IF = 3.57.

58. “Spectator Nucleons in Pb + Pb Collisions At 158 A/GeV”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,Eur. Phys. J. A2 (1998) 383;cited: 21 times (inSpires).

59. “Directed and Elliptic Flow in 158/GeV/Nucleon Pb + Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A638 (1998) 463;cited: 13 times (inSpires); IF = 2.56.

60. “Φ Emission in Central Pb + Pb Collisions At 158 GeV/N”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A638 (1998) 431;cited: 12 times (inSpires); IF = 2.56.

61. “Recent Results on Central Pb + Pb Collisions From Experiment NA49”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A638 (1998) 91;cited: 87 times (inSpires); IF = 2.56.


62. “Baryon Stopping and Charged Particle Distributions in Central Pb + Pb CollisionsAt 158/GeV Per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll., H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 2471; e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9810014;cited: 215 times (inSpires); IF = 6.1.

63. “The Energy Deposition Pattern as the Unconventional Strangelet Signature and its Applicationto the New Accelerator Experiments”,A.L.S. Angelis, J. Bartke, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, Z. W lodarczyk,Eur. Phys. J.direct C1 (1999) 9, DOI 10.1007/s1010500c009;cited: 9 times (Google Scholar); IF = 6.87.

64. “Hadron Production in Nuclear Collisions from the NA49 Experiment at 158 GeV/c/A”,NA49 Coll., J. Bachler... E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl Phys. A661 (1999) 45;cited: 170 times (inSpires); IF = 2.09.

65. “Formation and Identification of Centauro and Strangelets in Nucleus Nucleus Collisions at theLHC”,A.L.S. Angelis...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 75A (1999) 203;cited: 1 time (inSpires), 3 (Scopus), 5 (Google Scholar).

66. “Centrality Dependence of Directed and Elliptic Flow at the SPS”,NA49 Coll. A.M. Poskanzer...E. G ladysz... et al.,LBNL-43574, May 1999; Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 341; e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9906013;cited: 45 times (inSpires); IF = 2.09.

67. “Reconstruction Over a Large Rapidity Interval of Λ, anti−Λ and K0s in the NA49 Experiment”,

NA49 Coll. H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. G25 (1999) 469;cited: 9 times (inSpires); IF = 1.62.

68. “ Ξ− and anty-Ξ+ production in Pb + Pb Collisions at 158 GeV Per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll. J. Bachler...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G25 (1999) 199;cited: 23 times (inSpires); IF = 1.62.

69. “Strangeness Measurements in NA49 Experiment with Pb Projectiles”,NA49 Coll., S. Margetis...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G25 (1999) 189;cited: 27 times (inSpires); IF = 1.62.

70. “Two Proton Correlations From 158 A/GeV Pb + Pb Central Collisions”,NA49 Coll. H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B467 (1999) 21; e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9905001;cited: 33 times (inSpires); IF = 3.88.

71. “Event-by-Event Fluctuations of Average Transverse Momentum in Central Pb + Pb Collisionsat 158 GeV Per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll. H. Appelshauser...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B459 (1999) 679; e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9904014;cited: 135 times (inSpires); IF = 3.88.


72. “The NA49 Large Acceptance Hadron Detector”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz... et al.,CERN-EP-99-01, CERN-EP-99-1, Jan 1999;Nucl. Ins. Meth., A430 (1999) 210;cited: 166 times (inSpires); IF = 0.92.

73. “Event-by-Event Fluctuations of the Kaon to Pion Ratio in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 158GeV per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 1965;e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0009053;cited: 62 times (inSpires); IF = 6.67.

74. “Deuteron Production in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 158 A GeV”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B486 (2000) 22;cited: 9 times (inSpires); IF = 4.21.

75. “Production of Φ Mesons in p+p, p+Pb and Central Pb+Pb Collisions at Ebeam = 158 A GeV”,NA49 Coll. S.V. Afanasev...E. G ladysz... et al.,Phys. Lett. B491 (2000) 59;cited: 105 times (inSpires); IF = 4.21.

76. “Production of Multi–Strange Hyperons and Strange Resonances in the NA49 Experiment”,NA49 Coll. S.V. Afanasev...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G27 (2001) 367;cited: 24 times (inSpires); IF = 1.18.

77. “Correlations and Fluctuations in Pb+Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll. J. Bachler...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 92 (2001) 7.cited: 3 times (inSpires); IF = 0.95.

78. “CASTOR: Centauro And STrange Object Research in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the LHC”A.L.S. Angelis...E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 97 (2001) 227.cited: 6 times (inSpires); IF = 0.95.

79. “CASTOR detector: model, objectives and simulated performance”,A.L.S. Angelis...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Nuovo Cim. 24C (2001) 755.cited: 7 times (inSpires); IF = 0.70.

80. “New results from NA49”,NA49 Coll. S.Afanasev...E.G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A698 (2002) 104;cited: 33 times (inSpires); IF = 1.57.

81. “Cascade and Anti-Cascade+ Production in Central Pb+Pb Collisionsat 158 GeV/c per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B538 (2002) 275;e-print Archive: hep-ex/0202037;cited: 47 times (inSpires); IF = 4.30.


82. “Energy Dependence of Pion and Kaon Production in Central Pb+Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz... et al.,Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) 054902;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0205002;cited: 297 times (inSpires); IF = 2.85.

83. “Λ Production in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at CERN SPS Energies”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G28 (2002) 1761; e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0201012;cited: 21 times (inSpires); IF = 1.40.

84. “Formation and Detection of Centauro in Pb+Pb Collisions at the LHC”,A.L.S. Angelis...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,J. Phys. G28 (2002) 1937;cited: 2 times (inSpires), 4 (Google Scholar); IF = 1.40.

85. “Search for Deconfinement in NA49 at the CERN SPS”,P. Seyboth...E.G ladysz...et al.,Heavy Ion Physics 15 (2002) 257; Pramana 60 (2003) 725;e-print Archive: hep-ex/0206046;cited: 2 times (inSpires); IF = 0.32.

86. “Model of Centauro and Strangelet Production in Heavy Ion Collisions”,A.L.S. Angelis, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, Yu. V. Kharlov, V. I. Korotkikh,G. Mavromanolakis, A. D. Panagiotou and S. A. Sadovsky,Phys. Atom. Nucl. 67 (2004) 396;e-print Archive: nucl-th/0301003;cited: 4 times (inSpires), 5 times (Web of Science); IF = 0.78.

87. “Recent Results on Spectra and Yields from NA49”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A715 (2003) 161;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0208014;cited: 60 times (inSpires); IF = 1.76.

88. “Results on Correlations and Fluctuations from NA49”,NA49 Coll., by C. Blume, S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A715 (2003) 55;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0208020;cited: 24 times (inSpires); IF = 1.76.

89. “Energy Dependence of Λ and Anti-Λ Production at CERN SPS Energies”,NA49 Coll., S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A715 (2003) 453;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0209002;cited: 48 times (inSpires); IF = 1.76.

90. “System Size Dependence of Strangeness Production at 158 A GeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Hohne...E. G ladysz...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A715 (2003) 474;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0209018;cited: 24 times (inSpires); IF = 1.76.


91. “Bose-Einstein Correlations of Charged Kaons in Central Pb+Pb Collisionsat Ebeam = 158 GeV per Nucleon”,NA49 Coll., S. V. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Lett. B557 (2003) 157;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0210018;cited: 9 times (inSpires); IF = 4.07.

92. “Directed and Elliptic Flow of Charged Pions and Protons in Pb+Pb Collisionsat 40 A GeV and 158 A GeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt...E. G ladysz... et al.,Phys. Rev. C68 (2003) 034903; e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0303001;cited: 209 times (inSpires); IF = 2.71.

93. “Formation of Centauro in Pb+Pb Collisions at the LHC and their Detectionwith the CASTOR Detector of CMS”,A.L.S. Angelis...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 122 (2003) 205;cited: 2 times (inSpires), 5 (Google Scholar); IF = 0.99.

94. “ALICE Physics Performance Report, Vol. 1”,M. Cinausero...E.G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,J. Phys. G30 (2004) 1517;cited: 190 times (inSpires); IF = 1.53.

95. “Event by Event Fluctuations of Particles Ratios in Central Pb+Pb Collisionsat 20 AGeV to 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Roland...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G30 (2004) S1381;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0403035;cited: 39 times (inSpires); IF = 1.53.

96. “Energy and Centrality Dependence of Deuteron and Proton Production in Pb+PbCollisions at Relativistic Energies”,NA49 Coll., T. Anticic...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 024902;IF = 3.13.

97. “Rapidity and Transverse Momentum Dependence of π−π− Bose EinsteinCorrelations Measured at 20 AGeV, 30 AGeV, 40 AGeV,80 AGeV and 158 AGeV Beam Energy”,J. Phys. G30 (2004) S1073;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0403034;cited: 19 times (inSpires); IF = 1.53.

98. “Report from NA49”,NA49 Coll., M. Gazdzicki...E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. G30 (2004) S701;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0403023;cited: 109 times (inSpires); IF = 1.53.

99. “Strangeness from 20 A GeV to 158 A GeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. G30 (2004) S119;


e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0305017;cited: 49 times (inSpires); IF = 1.53.

100. “Multistrange Hyperon Production in Pb+Pb Collisions at 30 AGeV, 40 AGeV,80 AGeV and 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt...E. G ladysz... et al.,Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 53 (2004) 269; e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0312022;cited: 215 times (inSpires); IF = 2.33.

101. “Lambda and anti-Lambda Production in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at 40 AGeV,80 AGeV and 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., T. Anticic...E.G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 022302; e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0311024;cited: 60 times (inSpires); IF = 7.22.

102. “Observation of an Exotic S=-2, Q=-2, Baryon Resonance in Proton-ProtonCollisions at the CERN SPS”,NA49 Coll., T. Alt...E.G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 042003;e-print Archive: hep-ex/0310014;cited: 393 times (inSpires); IF = 7.22.

103. “Transverse Momentum Fluctuations in Nuclear Collisions at 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., T. Anticic...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C70 (2004) 034902;e-print Archive: hep-ex/0311009;cited: 69 times (inSpires); IF = 3.13.

104. “Electric Charge Fluctuations in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 20 AGeV, 30 AGeV,40 AGeV, 80 AGeV and 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt ...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C70 (2004) 064903;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0406013;cited: 37 times (inSpires); IF = 3.13.

105. “Indications for the Onset of Deconfinement in Pb+Pb Collisions at the CERN SPS from NA49”,NA49 Coll., P. Seyboth... E. G ladysz...et al.,Acta Phys. Polon. B36 (2005) 565;cited: 6 times (inSpires); IF = 0.81.

106. “Multiplicity Fluctuations in Nuclear Collisions at 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., M. Rybczynski... E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 5 (2005) 74;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0409009;cited: 34 times (inSpires).

107. “System-Size Dependence of Strangeness Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisionsat

√sNN = 17.3 GeV”,

NA49 Coll., C. Alt...E.G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 052301;e-print Archve: nucl-ex/0406031;cited: 50 times (inSpires); IF = 7.49.


108. “Ω− and Ω+

Production in Central Pb+Pb Collisions at 40 AGeV and 158 AGeV”,Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 192301;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0409004;cited: 43 times (inSpires); IF = 7.49.

109. “System Size and Centrality Dependence of the Balance Function in A+A Collisionsat

√sNN = 17.3 GeV”,

NA49 Coll., C. Alt...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C71 (2005) 034903;arXiv:hep-ex/0409031;cited: 24 times (inSpires); IF = 3.61.

110. “Anisotropic flow of strange particles at SPS”,G. Stefanek for NA49 Collab., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,PoS C POD2006 (2006) 030; arXiv:nucl-ex/0611003;cited: 1 time (inSpires).

111. “CASTOR: Centauro And STrange Object Research, exotic aspects of forwardphysics at the LHC”,E.G ladysz-Dziadus for the CASTOR group,Acta Phys. Polonica B37 (2006) 153-160;cited: 1 times (inSpires); 6 (Scopus); 6 (Web of Science); 6 (Google Scholar); IF = 0.88.

112. “Upper limit of D0 production in central Pb-Pb Collisions at 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 034910;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0507031;cited: 1 time (inSpires); IF = 3.33.

113. “Strangeness production at SPS energies”,NA49 Collab., M. K. Mitrovski...E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. 32 (2006) S43;nucl-ex/0606004 (2006);cited: 20 times (inSpires); IF = 1.78.

114. “High pT spectra of identified particles produced in Pb+Pb collisionsat 158A GeV/nucleon beam energy”,T. Schuster for NA49 Collab., C. Alt... E. G ladysz... et al.,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. 32 (2006) S479;nucl-ex/0606005 (2006);cited: 3 times (inSpires); IF = 1.78.

115. “Energy and centrality dependence of anti-p and p production and the anti-Lambda/anti-p ratioin Pb+Pb collisions between 20 AGeV and 158 A GeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt...E.G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C73 (2006) 0044910;arXiv:nucl-ex/0512033;cited: 51 times (inSpires); IF = 3.33.

116. “The ALICE forward multiplicity detector”,K. Gulbrandsen for ALICE Collab.,... E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Nucl. Phys. A774 (2006) 919;IF = 2.16.


117. “High pT spectra of identified particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon beamenergy”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E.G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A774 (2006) 473;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0510054;cited: 13 times (inSpires); IF = 2.16.

118. “Results from NA49”,NA49 Coll., C. Hohne... E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A774 (2006) 35;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0510049;cited: 7 times (inSpires); IF = 2.16.

119. “Elliptic flow of lambda hyperons in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A 774 (2006) 499;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0510067;cited: 3 times (inSpires); IF = 2.16.

120. “Energy dependence of multiplicity fluctuations in heavy ion collisions”,B. Lungwitz for the NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,PoS CFRNC2006: 024, 2006;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0610046;cited: 14 times (inSpires).

121. “Onset of deconfinement in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS”,P. Seyboth...E. G ladysz...et al.,Acta Phys. Pol. B 37 (2006) 3429;IF = 0.81.

122. “ALICE: Physics performance report, Volume II”,ALICE Collab., B. Alessandro... E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. 32 (2006) 1295;cited: 220 times (inSpires); IF =1.78.

123. “(Di)lepton physics with ALICE”,P. Crochet for the Alice Collab....E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,Nucl. Phys. A774 (2006) 915;nucl-ex/0510017;IF = 2.16.

124. “CMS physics, technical design report. Vol II: Physics performance”,CMS Coll., R.N.C. Gray...J. B locki, A. Cyz, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, S. Mikocki,J. Turnau, P. Zychowski...et al.,CERN/LHCC 2006-021; CMS TDR 8.2 (2006);J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) 995-1579,cited: 670 times (inSpires); IF = 3.49.

125. “Elliptic flow of Λ hyperons in Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV”,G. Stefanek for NA49 Collab., C. Alt... E. G ladysz... et al.,Phys. Rev. C 75 (2007) 044901;nucl-ex/0606026 (2006);cited: 4 times (inSpires); IF = 3.3.


126. “Centrality and system size dependence of multiplicity fluctuations in nuclearcollisions at 158 AGeV,”C. Alt...E. G ladysz...et al., NA49 Coll.,Phys. Rev. C 75 (2007) 064904; arXiv:nucl-ex/0612010;cited: 31 times (inSpires); IF = 3.3.

127. “The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC”,CMS Coll., R. Adolphi...(J. B locki, A. Cyz, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, S. Mikocki,J. Turnau, P. Zychowski)... et al.,JINST 3:S08004, 2008;cited: 293 times (inSpires); IF = 0.82.

128. “Energy dependence of phi meson production in central Pb+Pb collisionsat

√sNN = 6 to 17 GeV”,

NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C78:04490, 2008;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0806.1937;cited: 26 times (inSpires); IF = 3.12.

129. “Energy dependence of fluctuations in central Pb+Pb collisions from NA49 at the CERN SPS”,NA49 Coll., M. Rybczynski... E. G ladysz...et al.,J. Phys. G35: 104091, 2008;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0805.2245;cited: 3 times (inSpires); IF = 5.27.

130. “Energy dependence of Lambda and Xi production in central Pb+Pb collisions from NA49 atA-20, A-30, A-40, A-80, and A-158 GeV measured at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C78: 034918, 2008;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0804.3770;cited: 39 times (inSpires); IF = 3.12.

131. “High Transverse Momentum Hadron Spectra at s(NN)**(1/2) = 17.3 GeV, in Pb+Pb and p+pCollisions Measured by CERN-NA49”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C77:034906, 2008;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0711.0547;cited: 15 times (inSpires); IF = 3.12.

132. “Pion and Kaon Production in central Pb+Pb Collisions at 20-A and 30-A-GeV:Evidence for the onset of deconfinement”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C77: 024903, 2008;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0710.0118;cited: 103 times (inSpires); IF = 3.12.

133. “Bose-Einstein correlations of pi-pi pairs in central Pb+Pb collisions at A-20, A-30, A-40, A-80,and A-158 GeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz... et al.,Phys. Rev. C77: 064908, 2008;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0709.4507;cited: 22 times (inSpires); IF = 3.12.


134. “Recent Results on (anti)nucleon and (anti)hyperon production in nucleus-nucleus collisions atCERN SPS energies”,NA49 Coll., G. Melkumov...E. G ladysz...et al.,PoS SPOD07: 024, 2007; e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0709.3030;cited: 3 times (inSpires).

135. “Energy, rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of multiplicity fluctuations in heavy ioncollisions at CERN SPS”,NA49 Coll., B. Lungwitz...E. G ladysz...et al.,PoS SPOD07:023, 2007;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0709.1646;cited: 2 times (inSpires).

136. “Event by event transverse momentum fluctuations in nuclear collisions at CERN SPS”,NA49 Coll., K. Grebieszkow...E. G ladysz...et al.,PoS SPOD07: 022, 2007;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0707.4608;cited: 11 times (inSpires).

137. “Rapidity and energy dependence of the electric charge correlations in A+A collisions at the SPSenergies”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt...E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C76: 024914, 2007;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0705.1122;cited: 6 times (inSpires); IF = 3.30.

138. “High Density QCD with Heavy Ions”,CMS Physics Technical Design Report, Addendum 1,CMS Coll., S Chatrachyan...(J. B locki, A. Cyz, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, S. Mikocki, J. Turnau,P. Zychowski)...et al.,CERN/LHCC 2007-009, CMS TDR 8.2 - Add1 (2007);J. Phys. G34: 2307-2455, 2007;cited: 153 times (inSpires); IF = 3.49.

139. “First performance studies of a prototype for the CASTOR forward calorimeterat the CMS experiment”,X. Aslanoglou...(A. Cyz, E. G ladysz-Dziadus)... et al.,CMS NOTE AN2006-142 (2006); e-print Archive: 0706.2576 phys.ins-det;Acta Phys. Polon. B39: 1429-1454, 2008;cited: 10 times (inSpires); IF = 0.77.

140. “Performances Studies of Prototype II for the CASTOR forward calorimeterat the CMS experiment”,X. Aslanoglou...(A. Cyz, E. G ladysz-Dziadus)...et al.,CMS NOTE AN2007-001 (2007); e-print Archive:0706.2641 phys.ins-det;Eur. Phys. J. C52: 495-506, 2007;cited: 35 times (inSpires); IF = 3.26.

141. “Exotic Physics at the LHC with CASTOR in CMS”,E. Norbeck, Y. Onel, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, P. Katsas, A. Panagiotou for CMS,CMS Note, CMS-CR-2007-013; CERN-CMS-CR-2007-013;Int. J. Mod. Phys. E16 (2007) 2451;cited: 3 times (Google Scholar); IF = 0.68.


142. “Energy dependence of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions at the CERN SPS”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C78 (2008) 034914;e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0712.3216;cited: 18 times (inSpires); IF = 3.12.

143. “System-size dependence of Lambda and Xi production in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 40A and158A-GeV measured at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron”,NA49 Coll., C. Anticic... E. G ladysz... et al.,Phys. Rev. C80: 034906, 2009; e-print Archive: 0906.0469 (nucl-ex);cited: 22 times (inSpires); IF = 3.48.

144. “Energy dependence of transverse momentum fluctuations in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERNSuper Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at 20A to 158A GeV”,NA49 Coll., C. Anticic... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C79: 044904, 2009;e-print Archive: 0810.5580 (nucl-ex);cited: 19 times (inSpires); IF = 3.48.

145. “Search for the QCD critical point at SPS energies”,NA49 Coll., K. Grebieszkow, C. Anticic... E. G ladysz... et al.,P0S EPS-HEP 2009:030, 2009; arXiv: 0.909.0485 (hep-ex);cited: 3 times (inSpires).

146. “Energy dependence of particle ratio fluctuations in central Pb+Pb collisionsfrom

√sNN = 6.3 GeV to 17.3 GeV”,

NA49 Coll., C. Anticic... E. G ladysz...et al.,Phys. Rev. C79: 044910, 2009;e-print Archive: 0808.1237 (nucl-ex);cited: 30 times (inSpires); IF = 3.48.

147. “Charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity in central Pb-Pb collisionsat

√sNN = 2.76 TeV”,

ALICE Collab., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett., 105 (2010) 252301;nucl-ex/10113916;IF = 7.62.

148. “Inclusive production of charged kaons in p+p collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum and anew evaluation of the energy dependence of kaon production up to collider energies”,T. Anticic...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., NA49 Coll.,Eur. Phys. J. C 68, 1 (2010); arXiv:1004.1889 (hep-ex);cited 6 times (Spires); IF = 3.25.

149. “Three-Dimensional two-pion source image from Pb+Pb Collisions at√

sNN=17.3 GeV:New constraints for source breakup dynamics”C. Alt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al. NA49 Coll.,Phys. Lett. B 685, 41 (2010);arXiv: 0809.1445 (nucl-ex);cited 3 times (Spires); IF = 5.26.

150. “Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton-proton collisionsat

√s = 7 TeV with ALICE at LHC”


K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Eur. Phys. J. C 68, 345 (2010);arXiv:1004.3514 (hep-ex);cited: 80 times (inSpires); IF = 3.25.

151. “Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton-proton collisionsat

√s = 0.9 and 2.36 TeV with ALICE at LHC”,

K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Eur. Phys. J. C 68, 89 (2010);arXiv: 1004.3034 (hep-ex);cited: 80 times (inSpires); IF = 3.25.

152. “Midrapidity antiproton-to-proton ratio in pp collisionsat

√s = 0.9 and 7 TeV measured by the ALICE experiment”,

A. K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 072002 (2010);arXiv: 1006.5432 (hep-ex);cited 29 times (Scopus), IF = 7.62.

153. “ First proton-proton collisions at the LHC as observed with the ALICE detector measurementof the charged particle pseudorapidity density at

√s = 900 GeV”,

ALICE Coll., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Eur. Phys. J. C65:111-125, 2010;arXiv: 0911.5430 (hep-ex);cited 65 times (Spires); IF = 3.25.

154. “ Alignment of the ALICE Inner Tracking System with cosmic-ray tracks”ALICE Coll., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,JINST 5; P03003, 2010; arXiv: 1001.0502 (physics.ins-det);cited: 7 times (inSpires); IF = 3.15.

155. “Elliptic Flow of Charged Particles in Pb-Pb Collisions at√

sNN = 2.76 TeV”,ALICE Coll., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 105: 252302, 2010;arXiv: 1011.3914 (nucl-ex);cited: 130 times (inSpires), 39 (Scopus); IF = 7.62.

156. “Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in central PbPb collisions at√

sNN = 0.9 TeV”K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Phys. Rev. D 82: 052001 (2010);arXiv: 1007.0516 (hep-ex);cited: 18 times (inSpires); IF = 4.96.

157. “Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in proton-proton collisions at√

s = 900 GeVwith ALICE at the LHC”K. Aamodt ...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Phys. Lett. B 693, 53 (2010);arXiv: 1007.0719 (hep-ex); cited: 28 times (inSpires); IF = 5.25.

158. “Two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in central PbPb collisions at√

sNN = 2.76 TeV”,K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,


Phys. Lett. B696, 328 (2011); arXiv: 1012.4035 (nucl-ex);cited: 23 times (inSpires), IF = 5.25.2

159. “Higher Harmonic Anisotropic Flow Measurements of Charged Particles in Pb+Pb Collisions at√

sNN = 2.76 TeV”,ALICE Coll., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 107: 032301, 2011;arXiv: 1105.3865 (nucl-ex);cited: 29 times (Spires), 11 (Scopus); IF = 7.62.

160. “Suppression of charged particle production at large transverse momentum in central PbPb col-lisions at

√s - 2.76 TeV”,

ALICE Coll., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Phys. Lett. B696 (2011) 30;arXiv: 1012.1004 (nucl-ex);cited: 99 times (Spires); IF = 5.25.

161. “Centrality Dependence of the Charged Particle Multiplicity Density at Midrapidity in Pb+PbCollisions at

√SNN = 2.76 TeV”,

ALICE Coll., K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett.106:032301, 2011;arXiv: 1012.1657 (hep-ex);cited 72 times (Spires), 30 (Scopus); IF = 7.62.

162. “Strange particle production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 0.9 TeV with ALICE at theLHC”K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Eur. Phys. J. C 71, 1594 (2011);arXiv: 1012.3257 (hep-ex);cited: 17 times (inSpires); IF = 3.25.

163. “Rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of inclusive J/psi production in pp collisionsat sqrt(s) = 7 TeV,”K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Phys. Lett. B 704 (2011) 442;arXiv: 1105.0380 (hep-ex);cited: 11 times (inSpires), IF = 5.25.

164. “Production of pions, kaons and protons in pp collisions at sqrt(s)= 900 GeV with ALICE atthe LHC,”K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,Eur. Phys. J. C 71 (2011) 1655;arXiv: 1101.4110 (hep-ex);cited: 15 times (inSpires); IF = 3.25.

165. “Cosmic ray inspired searches at the LHC”,E. Gladysz-DziadusActa Phys. Polon. B42, 1377 (2011).

2Impact factors 2011 have been taken the same as in 2010



1. “High pT Evidence in Several Cosmic Ray Interactions of Ultra High Energy”,Z. Buja, E. G ladysz, S. Mikocki, M. Szarska, L.Zawiejski,presented by E. G ladysz at 17- th, ICRC, Paris 1981,Proc.17-th ICRC, Paris 1981, Vol.11, p.108.

2. “Long Range Cascades in a Thick Lead Chamber”,Z. Buja, E. G ladysz, S. Mikocki, M. Szarska, L. Zawiejski,presented by E. G ladysz at 17- th, ICRC, Paris 1981,and Vsekhsouznaya Konferencya Kosmitceskhikh Lutchey, Samarkand, USSR, 1981;,Proc.17- th, ICRC, Paris 1981, Vol.11, p.104.

3. “Inelastic Collisions of Ne-22 Nuclei with Nuclei in Photo Emulsion at 90 GeV/c”,A. Vokalowa...E. G ladysz... et al.,Dubna JINR - N12-85; (in Russian).

4. “On Some Peculiarities of 4.1 -GeV/c/A Momentum Ne-22 Nucleus Collisions with Nuclei inPhotoemulsion”,S. A. Krasnov...E. G ladysz... et al.,Dubna JINR - N16-86 (1986).

5. “Fragmentation of22 Ne Relativistic Nuclei in Collisions with Free and Quasifree Nucleons”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Leningrad-Dubna-Dushanbe-Yerevan-Kosice-Cracow- Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator-Zernograd-Coll., N. P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of 20-th ICRC, Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow, USSR, 2-15 August 1987,ed. V. A. Kozyarivskii, HE5 (1987) 61.

6. “The Fragmentation of 4.1 GeV/c22 Ne in Emulsion”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Cracow-Dubna-Dushanbe-Gatchina-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Rez-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator-Yerevan-Zernograd-Collab.,N. P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of 20-th ICRC, Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow, USSR, 2-15 August 1987,ed. V. A. Kozyarivskii, HE5 (1987) 58.

7. “Some Pecularities of Angular Distributions of Secondary Particles in Inelastic Interactions of4.1 GeV/c Neon-22 Ions with Emulsion”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Cracow-Dubna-Dushanbe-Gatchina-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Rez-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator-Yerevan-Zernograd-Collab.,N.P.Andreeva...E.G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of 20-th ICRC, Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow, USSR, 2-15 August 1987,ed. V. A. Kozyarivskii, HE5 (1987) 65.

8. “Transverse Momentum of Alpha Fragments from 4.1 A GeV/c Neon-22 Emulsion Collisions”,Alma-Ata-Bucharest-Cracow-Dubna-Dushanbe-Gatchina-Kosice- Leningrad-Moscow-Rez-Tashkent-Tbilisi-Ulan Bator-Yerevan-Zernograd Collab.,N. P. Andreeva...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of 20-th ICRC, Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow, USSR, 2-15 August 1987,ed. V. A. Kozyarivskii, 15 (1987) 69.

9. “Hard Jet Production in Cosmic Ray Particle Interactions at an Energy of About 1000 TeV”,Z. Buja, E. G ladysz, S. Mikocki, M. Szarska, L. Zawiejski,Krakow Inst. Nucl. Res.-INP 1366-PH, 1987.


10. “Large Acceptante Hadron and Photon Detector For an Investigation of Pb Induced Reactionsat the CERN SPS”,A. Karabarbounis...E. G ladysz... et al.,CERN Genewa-CERN SPSC-89-73, 1989.

11. “Memorandum to the SPSC Committee Proposing the Addition of Downstream TPC to the NA35Apparatus for the 1990 Data Taking Period”,NA35 Coll., J. Bartke...E. G ladysz... et al.,CERN Genewa-CERN-SPSC-89-17.

12. “Pion Multiplicities in High-Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions”,NA35 Coll., J. Bartke, E. G ladysz and P. Stefanski,Proc. of XXIV Int. Conf. High Energy Phys. (ICHEP 88), Munich, Germany, 4-10 August1988, eds R.Kotthaus, J.H.Kuhn, 1989, p. 548.

13. “Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at CERN: The NA35 Experiment”,NA35 Coll., G. Odyniec...E. G ladysz... et al.,Proc. of Int. Workshop on Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,28-31 August 1989, p.175 and LBL -27926, Oct. 1989.

14. “Charged Particle Multiplicities in Nuclear Collisions at CERN SPS”,J. Bartke, E. G ladysz and P. Stefanski,Proc. of VI Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, Tarbes, France, 8-17July 1990; ed. by J.N. Capdevielle and P.Gabinski, p. 207.

15. “Pion Interferometry in Interactions of 16O and 32S nuclei at the CERN SPS”,NA35 Coll., J. Bartke...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of Int. Conf. on Particle Correlations and Interferometry in Nuclear Collisions, Nantes,1990, p. 18.

16. “Second Moments of Multiplicity Distributions in High Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions”,NA35 and Propane Bubble Chamber Coll., J.Bartke, E. G ladysz-Dziadus and P. Stefanski,Proc. of Inter. Workshop on Local Equillibrium in Strong Interaction Physics - LESIP IV:Correlations and Multiparticle Production, Marburg, Germany, 1990, eds M. Plumer et al.(1991) 198.

17. “Aspects of Pion Multiplicities in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions”,NA35 Coll., J. Bartke, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, P.Stefanski,Proc. of XX Int. Symp. on Multiparticle Dynamics, Gut Holmecke n/Dortmund, Germany,10-14 September 1990, eds R.Baier et al. (1991) 530.

18. “Pion Interferometry in S + Ag Collisions at 200 GeV/Nucleon”,NA35 Coll., D. Ferenc...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Proc. of Int. Workshop on Local Equillibrium in Strong Interaction Physics - LESIP IV:Correlations and Multiparticle, Marburg, Germany, 1990, eds M.Plumer, et al. (1991) 23.

19. “Bose Einstein Correlations in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at the CERN SPS”,NA35 Coll., D. Rohrich...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of XX Int. Symp. on Multiparticle Dynamics, Gut Holmecke n/Dortmund, Germany,10-14 September 1990, eds R. Baier et al. (1991) 571.

20. “Fractal Characteristics of Multiple Final States in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisons”,NA35 Coll.,J. Bartke, E. G ladysz, P.Stefanski,Proc. of Quark Matter’91, 9th Int. Conf. on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions,


(QM91), Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA, 11-15 November 1991, eds. T.C.Awes et al., (Amsterdam)1992, p. 627c,poster No44 prepared and presented by E. G ladysz.

21. “Letter of Intent for a Large Ion Collider Experiment”,ALICE Coll., N. Antoniou...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,CERN-LHCC-93-16, LHCC-I-4, 1993, 61;cited: 1 time (inSpires).

22. “Questionnaire to A Large Ion Collider Experiment ALICE Internal Note GEN 93-31, 1993”,ALICE Coll., N. Antoniou...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Answers to LHCC Questions, CERN/LHCC/93-59; ALICE/93-33 Internal Note/GEN, 1993;More questions from LHCC and the Anwers from ALICE, CERN/LHCC/94-15, 1994.

23. “Interesting Physics Beyond Midrapidity”,J. Bartke, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, M. Kowalski, P. Stefanski, A. Panagiotou,ALICE/93-12 Internal Note/PHY, 1993.

24. “Possible Production and Detection of Centaurosand Strangelets at LHC”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus and A.Panagiotou,ALICE/95-18 Internal Note/PH4, 1995.

25. “Debye Screeening in Heavy-Ion Collisions with ALICE detector”,ALICE Coll., N. Antoniou...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Raport CERN/LHCC/95-24, 1995.

26. “Open Presentation to the LHCC on the Dimuon Arm”,ALICE Coll., N. Antoniou...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Raport CERN/ALICE/95-16/GEN, 1995.

27. “ALICE Technical Proposal”,ALICE Coll., N. Ahmad...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,ALICE Report ALICE/95-08 (1995).

28. “The Forward Muon Spectrometer of ALICE”,NA49 Coll., S. Beole...E. G ladysz...et al.,CERN-LHCC-96-32, Oct 1996;cited: 1 time (inSpires).

29. “Azimuthal Correlations of Transverse Energy for Pb on Pb at 158 GeV/Nucleon”,NA49 Coll., T. Wienold...E. G ladysz...et al.,LBL-38506, Feb. 1996.

30. “Strongly Penetrating Cascades Caused by Strangelets in the Cosmic Ray Chambers and in theCastor Calorimeter” ,E. G ladysz-Dziadus and Z. W lodarczyk,Internal Note ALICE/CAS 1997-17.

31. “CASTOR draft proposal”,A. L. S. Angelis, S. N. Filippov, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, Yu. V.Kharlov, A. B. Kurepin, A. D.Panagiotou, S. A. Sadovsky,Internal Note ALICE/CAS 1997-07.


32. “Particles from Centauro Decay in the “CASTOR” Detecting System”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus and A. Panagiotou,Internal Note ALICE/CAS 97-16, 1997.

33. “ALICE Technical Design Report: Detector For High Momentum PID”,ALICE Coll., S. Beole...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,CERN-LHCC-98-19, Aug 1998. 198pp..


34. “CASTOR: The Forward Detector For Identification of Centauro and Strangelets in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the LHC”,A. L. S. Angelis...E.G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,28th Intern. Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Delphi, Greece, 1998,ed. by N. G. Antoniou et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, p. 134,e-Print Archive: hep-ex/9901038;cited: 8 times (inSpires).

35. “NA49 Results on Single Particle and Correlation Measurements in Central Pb+Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll., F.Wang...E. G ladysz...et al.,28th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Delphi, Greece, 6-11 Sep 1998,e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9812218;cited: 2 times (inSpires).

36. “HBT Correlation in 158 A/GeV Pb + Pb Collisions”,NA49 Coll., R. Ganz...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc. of 2nd Catania Relativistic Ion Studies: Measuring the Size of Things in the Universe:HBT Interferometry and Heavy Ion Physics (CRIS 98), Acicastello, Italy, 8-12 Jun 1998,“Acicastello 1998, Measuring the size of things in the universe”, 102-113,e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9808006;cited: 7 times (inSpires).

37. “Status and Future Program of the NA49 Experiment: Addendum 2 to Proposal SPSLC/P264”,NA49 Coll., J.Bachler...E.G ladysz...et al.,CERN-SPSC-98-04, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-2, Jan 1998.

38. “The Energy Deposition Pattern as the Unconventional Strangelet Signature and its Relevanceto the CASTOR calorimeter”,A. L. S.Angelis, J. Bartke, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, Z. W lodarczyk,Internal Note ALICE/CAS 1998-38;Institute of Nuclear Physics Report No.1800/PH, 1998.

39. “Formation of Centauro and Strangelets in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at the LHC and theirIdentification by the ALICE Experiment”,A. L. S.Angelis...E.G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,Proc. of 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 99), Salt Lake City, UT, 1999,“Salt Lake City 1999, Cosmic ray, vol. 2”, 424-427,e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9908210;cited: 2 times (inSpires), 10 (Google Scholar).

40. “Status and Future Program of the NA49 Experiment: Addendum 3 to Proposal SPSLC/P264”,NA49 Coll. J.Bachler...E.G ladysz... et al.,CERN-SPSC-99-04, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-3, Jan 1999.


41. “ALICE technical design report of the zero degree calorimeter (ZDC)”,G. Dellacasa...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.CERN-LHCC-99-05(1999);cited: 2 times (inSpires).

42. “ALICE technical design report of the photon spectrometer (PHOS)”,G. Dellacasa...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,CERN-LHCC-99-04(1999)cited: 3 times (inSpires).

43. “ALICE technical design report: Photon multiplicity detector (PMD)”,G. Dellacasa ...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,CERN-LHCC-99-32(1999);cited: 1 time (inSpires).

44. “ALICE technical design report of the time of flight system (TOF)”,G. Dellacasa...E.G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,CERN-LHCC-2000-012(2000);cited: 1 time (inSpires).

45. “Status and Future Program of the NA49 Experiment:Addendum 5 to Proposal CERN/SPSLC/P264”,NA49 Coll. M. Botje...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,CERN-SPSC-2000-011, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-5, Mar 2000.

46. “Additional Information Concerning the Future NA49 Programme on Hadronic Physics withProton and Pion Beams”, (Addendum 6 to proposal),NA49 Coll. M. Botje...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,CERN/SPSLC/P264)CERN-SPSC-2000-033, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-6, Aug 2000.

47. “Study of the Onset of Deconfinement in Nucleus Nucleus Collisions at Low SPS Energies”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,( Addendum 7 to Proposal CERN/SPSLC/P264),CERN-SPSC-2000-035, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-7;

48. “Additional Information Concerning the Future NA49 Programme on Nucleus Nucleus Collisionsat Low SPS Energies”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E. G ladysz...et al.,(Addendum 8 to proposal CERN/SPSLC/P264)CERN-SPSC-2000-039, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-8, Oct 2000.

49. “Status and Future of the NA49 Program on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Low SPS Energies”,NA49 Coll. S. Afanasev...E.G ladysz...et al.,(Addendum 9 to proposal CERN/SPSLC/P264)CERN-SPSC-2001-008, CERN-SPSLC-P-264-ADD-9, Mar 2001.

50. “Mixed Events in the CASTOR calorimeter”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus,Internal Note ALICE/CAS-2001-21, 2001.

51. “Progress Report and Beam Request for 2002”,NA49 Coll., S.V. Afanasev...E. G ladysz... et al.,CERN-SPSC-2002-008, CERN-SPSC-P-264-ADD-10, 2002.


52. “ALICE: Addendum to the technical design report of the time of flight system (TOF),”,P. Cortese...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,CERN-LHCC-2002-016.

53. “Baryon Spectroscopy and a Search for Pentaquark States with the NA49 Detector”,V. Cerny... E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,CERN-SPSC-2003-025, CERN-SPSC-I-227, 2003.

54. “Centaury, kosmiczne strangelety, czy egzotyczne przypadki oddzia lywan cz astek promieniowaniakosmicznego”,(“Centauros, cosmic strangelets or interactions of cosmic ray particles”,)E. G ladysz-Dziadus,lecture at Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Commission of Astrophysics, no 8, 2003, p. 101-122.

55. “Black Holes versus Strange Quark Matter”,E.G ladysz-Dziadus,e-print Archive: hep-ph/0405115;cited: 3 times (inSpires).

56. “ALICE Technical Design Report: Trigger, Data Acquisition, High Level Trigger and ControlSystem”,P. Cortese...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,ALICE TDR 10, raport CERN/LHCC-062, 2004.

57. “ALICE Technical Design Report: Forward Detectors: FMD, T0. V0”,P. Cortese...E.G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,ALICE TDR 11, Raport CERN/LHCC-025, 2004;cited: 4 times (inSpires).

58. “Analysis of tests of the CASTOR calorimeter prototype”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus,Report No 1942/PH, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, 2004.

59. “Indications for the Onset of Deconfinement in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions”,NA49 Coll., D. Friel... E. G ladysz...et al.,Beijing 2004, ICHEP 2004, vol. 1 343-346; e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0410041;cited: 5 times (inSpires).

60. “Main physics results and further analysis plans of the NA49 Coll. on nucleus-nucleus collisionsat the SPS energies”,NA49 Coll., C. Alt... E. G ladysz...et al.,CERN-SPSC-2005-041, CERN-SPSC-P-264-ADD-12, Nov. 2005.

61. “The electromagnetic calorimeter: addendum to the technical proposal”,P. Cortese...E. G ladysz-Dziadus... et al.,CERN Report CERN-LHCC-2006-014 (2006).

62. “Inclusive production of charged pions in p+C collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum”,NA49 Collab., C. Alt...E. G ladysz... et al.,nucl-ex/0606028 (2006).

63. “Rapidity dependence of Bose-Einstein correlations at SPS energies”,NA49 Coll., S. Kniege... E. G ladysz...et al.,


AIP Conf. Proc.828 (2006) 473-478,e-print Archive: nucl-ex/0601024;cited: 11 times (inSpires).

64. “CMS Expression of Interest in the SLHC”,CMS Coll., S. Chatrchyan...(J. B locki, A. Cyz, E. G ladysz-Dziadus, S. Mikocki, J. Turnau,P. Zychowski)...et al.,CERN/LHCC 2007-0014, LHCC-G-131 (2007).

65. “CMS physics: Technical design report”G. L. Bayatian...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., CMS Coll.,CERN-LHCC-2006-001, CMS-TDR-008-1, 2006, 521 pp;cited: 102 times (inSpires).

66. “Unconventional Physics at the LHC with CASTOR in CMS”,E. G ladysz-Dziadus, E. Norbeck, Y. Onel, P. Katsas, A. Panagiotou for CMS,poster at Intern. Conf. ’Quark Matter’06’, Shanghai, China, 2006.

67. “J/psi polarization in pp collisions at√

s = 7 TeV”,B. Abelev...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,arXiv:1111.1630; CERN-PH-EP-2011-182(2011).

68. “Femtoscopy of pp collisions at√

s = 0.9 and 7 TeV at the LHCwith two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations”,K. Aamodt...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al., ALICE Coll.,arXiv:1101.3665 hep-ex;cited: 10 times (inSpires).

69. “Harmonic decomposition of two-particle angular correlations in Pb-Pbcollisions at

√sNN = 2.76 TeV”,

ALICE Collab., K. Aamod...E. G ladysz-Dziadus...et al.,nucl-ex/11092501 (2011).



1. “Energy Spectra of γ - Quanta at the Altitude of 4370 m and 4880 m”,(Experiment “Pamir”), N. A. Dobrotin...E. G ladysz...et al.,Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. Phys., 40, 901, 1976 (in Russian).

2. “γ - Families with Energy 30-500 TeV”,(Experiment “Pamir”), N. A. Dobrotin...E. G ladysz...et al.,Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. Phys., 40, 904, 1976 (in Russian).

3. “Preliminary Data on γ - Quantum and Hadron Families with Energies∑

Eγ > 500 TeV”,(Experiment “Pamir”), N. A. Dobrotin...E. G ladysz...et al.,Izv. Akad. Nauk Ser. Fiz. 40, 907 (1976) (in Russian).


4. “Energy Characteristics of Gamma-Ray Families with ΣEγ > 30 TeV”(Experiment “Pamir”), S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys.Ser. 42 (1978) No.7 1-3;Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Fiz.42 (1978) 1346-1348.

5. “Transverse Momenta in Hadron Interactions with Energy of 1014 − 1015 eV”,(Experiment “Pamir”), S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys. Ser.42 (1978) No.7 4-6;Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Fiz. 42 (1978) 1349-1352.

6. “Energy Characteristics of Gamma-Ray Families”,(Experiment “Pamir”), S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 44N3, 1 (1980);Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Fiz. 44N3, 450 (1980).

7. “Spatial Characteristics of Gamma-Ray Families”,(Experiment “Pamir”), S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 44N3, 5 (1980),Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Fiz. 44N3, 454 (1980).

8. “Investigation of the Hadron Component of the Cosmic Rays at the Mountain Altitudes withMultilayers X-Ray Emulsion Chambers” (Experiment “Pamir”),Pamir Coll., Mt. Fuji Coll. and Chacaltaya Coll., S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 44N3, 5 (1980);Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Fiz. 44N3, 454 (1980).

V. OTHER PAPERS - before PhD

1. “Experiment “Pamir” I: Energy Spectra of γ - Quanta at the Altitude of 4370 m and 4880 m”,V. K. Budilov...E. G ladysz... et al.,Proc.14-th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Munchen, 1975, vol.7, p.2365.

2. “Experiment ”Pamir”II: γ - Families with Energy 30-50 TeV”.V. K. Budilov...E. G ladysz... et al.,Proc.14-th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Munchen, 1975, vol.7, p.2370.

3. “Experiment ”Pamir”III: Preliminary Data on γ - Quantum and Hadron Families with Energies∑

Eγ > 500 TeV,”V. K. Budilov...E. G ladysz... et al.,Proc.14-th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Munchen, 1975, vol.7, p.2374.

4. “The types of emulsion chambers in the Experiment Pamir”,V. K. Budilov...E. G ladysz...et al.,Acta Universitatis Lodziensis.Math.- Nat. Sciences, Physics, Pamir Coll., Ser., II, 60, (1977) p.7.

5. “Transverse Momentum in Interactions with Energy of 1014 − 1015 eV”,Experiment “Pamir”, S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc.15-th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Plovdiv 1977, Vol.7, p.229.


6. “Energy Spectrum and Path for Interactions for Hadron with Energy of 10-100 TeV”,Experiment “Pamir”( Alma-Ata, Dushanbe, Cracow, Lodz, Moscow, Tashkent, Tbilisi Coll.),S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz...et al.,Proc.16-th International Cosmic Ray Conference Kyoto 1979, Vol.7, p.74.

7. “Investigations of Characteristics of Hadron and Gamma-Ray Families with Multi-Layer Emul-sion Chamber”,Experiment “Pamir” S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Proc.16-th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Kyoto 1979, Vol.7, p.240.

8. “The Lateral Characteristics of Several Ultra-High Energy Photon and Hadron Families”,Z. Buja, E. G ladysz, J. Mazurkiewicz, S. Mikocki, M. Szarska, L. Zawiejski,IFJ, Raport No 1077/PH, 1980.

9. “Centauros and Minicentauros in the Pamir Experiment”,S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz... et al.,Pamir Coll. Workshop (Cedzyna 1980), ed. by University of Lodz, 1980, p.7.

10. “The Halo Families and Intensity of Primary Photons and Energies Around 1016 eV”,S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz...et al.,Pamir Coll. Workshop (Cedzyna 1980), ed. by University of Lodz, 1980, p.15.

11. “Long-Range Cascades in a Thick Lead Chamber”,Z. Buja, E. G ladysz, S. Mikocki, M. Szarska, L. Zawiejski,Pamir Coll. Workshop (Cedzyna 1980), ed. by University of Lodz, 1980, p.73.

12. “Tatyana - a Family with High Energy of the Hadron Component”,S.G. Bayburina...E. G ladysz...et al.,Pamir Coll. Workshop (Cedzyna 1980), ed. by University of Lodz, 1980, p.94.

Krakow, December 2011 Ewa G ladysz-Dziadus