Summary and future directions Bob Jones, CERN Helix Nebula Review 26 June 2014 This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License . Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://helix-nebula.eu/ . The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 312301

Summar y and future directions

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Summar y and future directions. Bob Jones, CERN Helix Nebula Review 26 June 2014. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Summar y and future directions

Summary and future directions

Bob Jones, CERNHelix Nebula Review

26 June 2014

This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://helix-nebula.eu/. The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 312301

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Bob Jones - CERN 2

Main achievementsAt the end of a two year pilot phase, the Helix Nebula EC FP7 project has fulfilled its goal of enabling a federated cloud service across Europe through:

The successful deployment of several scientific flagship applications The establishment of a production platform providing a basis for future expansionIdentifying a path for an ecosystem to transform scientific data into valuable informationExpanding the consortium from 20 to 41 members and adapting the governance framework to the public-private marketplace

The CERN, ESA and EMBL flagship use cases drove the transition from pilot phase to production of HNX:

Launched at the Helix Nebula public event from cloud active to cloud productive ‐ ‐ hosted by CERN on 14 May 2014

The European cloud service providers supporting HNX (Atos/Canopy, CGI/Logica, CloudSigma, EGI.eu, Interoute, SixSq, The Server Labs and T-Systems) declared their intention to deliver easy access to a range of commercial Cloud Services http://hnx.helix-nebula.eu/index.html

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HNX & Business Potential

Suppliers are offering HNX services to diverse sectors:ElectronicsAerospaceOil and gasAutomotive manufacturing National research organisation(s)InsurancePharmaceuticalsEarth sciencesBiomedical

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Additional investments made

The HNX suppliers have invested more than €2.5m (in addition to the investment of the FP7 project) in Helix Nebula related activities to create and operate the production environment

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Maintaining the FP7 project artifacts Trust-IT will maintain and update the HN website until the end of 2014EMBL will maintain the AlfrescoShare collaboration site until the end of 2014EGI.eu will continue offering the mailman tool, which hosts 21 Helix Nebula email lists, for two more yearsCERN will maintain the open repository for all Helix Nebula documents on the CERN Doc. System (CDS) for a minimum of 2 years

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Future Directions

This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://helix-nebula.eu/. The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 312301

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The initial 3 flagshipsESA:

Carry on with the SSEP InfoaaS stimulus project:Initialising the marketplaceIntroducing cash-flow throughout the value chains

EMBL:Continue testing the HNX EC2 bridge Continue deployment testing of the large-scale genome analysis platform for full-scale automation of on-demand HPC provisioning

CERN:Test the hybrid cloud model linking the Helix Nebula suppliers with EGI FedCloud & GEANT using ATLAS Monte Carlo simulation codeExplore the procurement of IT resources for the LHC computing grid

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Port d’Informació Científica (PIC), BarcelonaAnalyse what improvements are needed for them to adopt the HNX model

EC DIGITEUROPA web-based application under review

ECMWF and UNESCOPaused while they identify the funding model

New Flagships

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Helix Nebula and the ECPMembers of Helix Nebula are active in the Select Industry Groups:

Service Level AgreementsCode of Conduct Certification

HN presented at/attended the Cloud for Europe consultation meetings

with a view to taking part in the tender process for new innovations

HN contributed to the Trusted Cloud Europe document

Includes references to Helix Nebula as a contender to be a pilot implementation

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Public e-infrastructure interoperability

EGI.eu and selected EGI Federated Cloud providers will continue testing the integration with SlipStream Blue Box

GÉANT: Support the Helix Nebula production service through to the end of 2014, so as to integrate the HN suppliers into the GÉANT frameworkSupport the HN public research related Supplier-Supplier traffic during the next 6 months and measure its impact on the utilisation of GÉANTEstablish with the HN suppliers a cloud service “GN3 Plus Support to Cloud”

Following-on from Helix Nebula experience, EGI Fed Cloud and GÉANT (OCX) intend to offer hybrid public-commercial cloud services to their user communities

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The Helix Nebula Initiative

T-Systems committed to support the governance framework implementation

ESA will host the next general assembly in November 2014, where the revised governance model is foreseen to be adopted

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Procurement Background

Effort and costs of developing the HNX platform were underestimatedThis FP7 project was a CSA which excluded funding for technical developmentsFuture developments could be a good match for a PCP scheme

ConsequenceProposal made to the EC under call ICT35 (f) to set up a procurement network of public research organisations - PICSE (Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe)

GoalCreate a reference framework for the public procurement of cloud services in which a European multi-tenant ‘Open Market Place for Science’ composed of data, scientists, funding bodies, SMEs and downstream industry meet to work towards common interestsBeyond PICSE – lead to the creation of PCP/PPI actions focused on expanding the cloud services marketplace

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The e-Infrastructure commons MarketplaceScience workflows can be facilitated for all researchers through an e-Infrastructure commons Marketplace bringing together publicly funded e-infrastructures and data providers with commercial service providers:

E-Infrastructure: Encompass Generic, Domain and Community specific servicesCommons: Open but governed to protect demand and supply side actorsMarketplace: Pay for use mechanism for public and private sector suppliers

Provide an innovation platform to reduce barriers in the publicly funded research sectorFocus of a future H2020 proposal (EINFRA 2014 call)

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Information as a Service

Science domain interfacing with private sector supporting business model “Information as a Service”

A number of pilot projects have been proposed to ESA, making use of their Earth Observation data

ESA Thematic Exploitation Platforms (TEP) ITT has been launched, to create an environment where those projects can be accommodated, but which would also provide an ideal vehicle for further dissemination of the data from the newly-launched Copernicus Sentinel satellitesContinuation with other FP7 projects on Supersites to establish a homogeneous ecosystem (Iceland, Italian Volcanoes)

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Information as a Service: Science interfacing with private sector

Helix Nebula Marketplace




• Lower upfront investment

• Fast access to EO and other geodata resources

• Disruptive technology

• Risk and profit sharing

Satellite data(ESA/Copernicus)


Content Provider



GEO-IT & AppProvider (SME)


Service Provider (Industry)

Computing & IT



• Sustainability

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Evolution of HNX

This document produced by Members of the Helix Nebula consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://helix-nebula.eu/. The Helix Nebula project is co-funded by the European Community Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 312301

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Blue Box• Blue Box(es)

• Processing• Storage• Network




• SaaS applications• AppStores• Discovery• Composition• Collaboration• etc.


• Databases• Metadata management• Directories, FedIM• SOA framework• etc.








Some developments to be supported by Xzelcloud EC proposal submitted to call ICT-7

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Helix Nebula GA, CERN Geneva, May 2014 18

HNX v1.2 (Q4 2014)

GÉANT / Internet

EC2 Bridge IaaSBroker

Atos CloudSigma Interoute T-Systems EGI FedCloud

Marketplace Operator



New Provider

new functions
