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Sulinibhadhra Kali Sadhana

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Sulinibhadhra Kali Sadhana

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  • 97

    mirUqo qWql:

    Axr mirUqo qWqlxr AUx mirUx Gwr ar NlS mirUqo Sui | oe | z | qq mirUqo mxS xSkrj em ulra

    qsl urmM Mri |

    MUlrx Alrx Apr lq | p euse ielpr lq | MUs S qkrqpr lq | mirU AlqMpr lq | Mlpr lq | W TO MUisMUmpr lq |

    Srr lq | p euse zUx xuW | MUs S zZr uwO | mirU Mucr W | lrr uwO | W TO Axr TO |

    ppuxuU Ci Saolk

  • 96

    Mucr W | lrr uwO | Axr TO | ppuxuU Ci Sauqa | krlq xW xWqZ xZ paui pUuxrssxi zs xjs Mms mz Qq uraaWxiqoeq | S MO uzOxrMWU AU lr oslSeeus qVM paui mirU pur || mgcme s mjuriqMr alk Msmrq | W AMziqMr mwmh Msmrq | r uruiqMr km Msmrq | U AalriqMr Sm Msmrq | u AqiiqMr Aqi qWlu Msmrq | x xuiqMr iqosS xqximcUl Msmrq |

  • 95


    xW xWqZ xZ paui pUuxrssxi zs xjs Mms mz Qq uraaWxiqoeq | S MO uzOxrMWU AU lr oslSeeus qVM paui mirU pur || mgcme s mjuriqMr alk Msmrq | W AMziqMr mwmh Msmrq | r uruiqMr km Msmrq | U AalriqMr Sm Msmrq | u AqiiqMr Aqi qWlu Msmrq | x xuiqMr iqosS xqximcUl Msmrq |

    qs p euse MUsS mirU W TO xuW |

    wQ lrx Srr lq | zUx xuW | zZr uwO |

  • 94

    mirUqo ql em q Axr Ajuh pSMs mirUqo qWqlxr AUx mirUx Gwr ar NlS Ajuh pSMs mirUqo Sui | oe | z | MsM qq Ajuh pSMs mirUqo mxS xSkrj em ulra

    qsl urmM Mri | mirU ar mirUr uW zlwSlr kqW i Su mcSri |

    MUlrx Alrx Apr lq | ielpr lq | qkrqpr lq | AlqMpr lq | Mlpr lq | MUisMUmpr lq |

    Srr lq | zUx xuW | zZr uwO | Mucr W | lrr uwO | Axr TO |

    ppuxuU Ci Saolk

  • 93

    mirUqo mSM merq lq

  • 92

    dutagraha: This term denotes the ego, pride, miserliness, desire, anger, infatuation

    and also the evil forces that surround us.

    Hum: This is the kavaca bija- the armour. Hence the meaning of this syllable is the she

    protects the aspirant from the above using all the astras as the armour

    Phat: This is the astra bija-the arrow which destroys. Hence we can see that Devi

    destroys the above and the all doubts on constant enquiry

    svh: This is the offering into the fire, here the doubts and all miseries are poured into the divine fire and the aspirant is filled with everlasting bliss.

    Mediation guide: While repeating Om imagine a form of the devi in your heart, then while repeating rm imagine the trident in the right upper arm and the noose in the left upper arm, then while repeating Hrm imagine the bow and arrow in the next pair, then while repeating klm imagine the sword and mace , the while repeating dum imagine the gestures of granting boons and dispelling fears, then while repeating lini imagine the dark(black) colour of devi with golden ornaments, then while repeating dutagraha hum imagine the roar of the lion and that Devi is seated on it, then while repeating phat imagine the four maidens surrounding her holding sword and shield slaying the demonic forces, then while repeating svh imagine that the devi enters you and expands till she / you fill the universe.

    O! Lovable Guru please accept these flowers at your feet

  • 91

    The meaning of the word Durg:

    Devi upaniat says durgt samtryate yasmat Devi durgeti gyate. The word durg means a moat full of crocodiles and other fierce creatures. Hence the force which

    guides us in crossing over this moat is called durg. Here moat is personification of mundane world, crocodile and other creatures are the forces causing misery.

    This is a study on the inner meanings of the above mantra.

    rm: This is the bija of the Brahman who is cause of the universe.

    Hrm: This is the creative force of the Brahman, his sakthi

    Klm: Ka denotes sakti tattva and la denotes pthvi tatva (earth element). is the devi in the form of kmakal who creates this universe. Hence this bija denotes the universe and also an individual immersed in these worldly affairs.

    dum: The above individual who is in search of eternal happiness, finally finds a sadguru

    and surrenders to him. This guru imparts to him a path and guides him. da denotes dahara- the heart centre and the knot (viu granthi) above it. u the vowel placed in the right ear in matka nyasa denotes upadea the initiation by the guru and his guidance. Anusvara -M denotes the removal of miseries.

    Jvala- This denotes fire. Just like whatever is offered into it cannot be retrieved, we are

    guided in the path of self realisation by the guru by renouncing the merits or de-merits of

    our actions, surrendering them to the guru / chosen deity.

    Jvala This again is fire. This fire denotes the hunger for self-knowledge, removal of

    ignorance and this is acquired by constant awareness and discrimination.

    Repeat of the above is to stress on the path and to ensure this in all the three states


    lini: uk denotes the individual ego which is likened to a stain in the fickle mind and is cause of sins . The removal of this is revealed in the second part lini .ula is trident a three pointed spear, which removes the stains in the gross, subtle and casual bodies.

  • 90

    lin Durg Mantra Meditation

    O Guru , please bless us in our search for the Truth

    The Divine Mother took the form of r Durg Devi in the beginning of creation and assumed six forms on her own free will. They were Agni durg, Mahdurg, Jala durg, Vana durg, abari durg and lini durg. Of these the one with the trident (la) is called lini durga, her form is very fierce and grants boons to her devotees instantly. She is the akti, driving force behind arabha form of iva. The meditative verse of arabha says kl durg ca pakau - the Kli is r Partyagira Devi of the atharva Veda and durga is lini durga, they are in the form his wings. Another meditative verse (of the 32 armed-form) says durglita karmbhujam- he embraces durga Devi with a hand. The seer of this mantra is drghatapas- one who is involved in a long penance. The meditative verse is:

    bibhr labsyabhayavaragad cpapn karbji: meghaym kirtollasita aikal bhabhadhy

    simhaskandhdhirdh catasbhirasikheTavintbhir part kanybhirbhinnadayty bhavatu bhavabhayadhvamsin lin naH

    Shlini devi is meditated as dark in colour ( like rain bearing cloud) having a crescent on her crown, wearing fierce looking ornaments, seated on a lion, holding the trident,

    arrow, sword, gesture of removing fear and granting boons, mace, bow and noose

    (clockwise from her right upper arm) with a prayer to remove all worldly fears. She has

    four attendant maidens holding a sword and shield, who vanquish all demonic forces.

    The mantra of lini is rm hrm klm dum jvala jvala lini dutagraha hum phat svh.

  • 89



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  • 88

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  • 87




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  • 86

    zsl Sa AU zilqus










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  • 85

    lGir lq | Zrk xWi lHi mSM merq imrq lq | u uhr lq | mzrk xWi uh mSM merq imrq lq | r uru lq | kuerk xWi ur mSM merq imrq lq | x xqr lq | aSrk xWi xq mSM merq imrq lq | W Dzlr lq | zsrk xWi Dzl mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iUruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei xlimi xli xli lq | eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqo mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq) Apx q SW zUhai uixs | pYir xqmr ipr iUruUhclq || All iUruUhcll zslrqo mrjq | s mjuriqMr alk Msmrq W AMziqMr mwmh Msmrq r uruiqMr km Msmrq U AalriqMr Sm Msmrq u AqiiqMr Aqi qWlu Msmrq x xuiqMr iqosS xqximcUl Msmrq

  • 84

    iiruUhq zr lq | z mSM merq imrq lq | cr lq | c mSM merq imrq lq | Zr lq | Z mSM merq imrq lq | aSr lq | aS mSM merq imrq lq | ohr lq | oh mSM merq imrq lq | cmr lq | cm mSM merq imrq lq | zsr lq | zs mSM merq imrq lq | mzr lq | mz mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iiruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei xlimi xli xli lq | eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqo mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq) Apx q SW zUhai uixs | pYir xqmr ipr iiruUhclq || All iiruUhcll zslrqo mrjq | iUruUhq s ClSr lq | uerk xWi ClS mSM merq imrq lq | U Aalr lq | zYirrk xWi Aal mSM merq imrq lq | r rqr lq | ShQrk xWi rq mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 83

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqo mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq) Apx q SW zUhai uixs | pYir xqmr ipr mjquUhclq ||

    All mjquUhcll zslrqo mrjq | iruUhq Sar lq | Sa mSM merq imrq lq | uUSr lq | uUS mSM merq imrq lq | ulkruxlr lq | ulkruxl mSM merq imrq lq | AxUqSlr lq | AxUqkl mSM merq imrq lq | rmrr lq | rmr mSM merq imrq lq | Suxxmeir lq | Suxxmei mSM merq imrq lq | llSlr lq | llSl mSM merq imrq lq | qWrar lq | qWraU mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li iruUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei xlimi xli xli lq | eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqo mSM merq imrq lq | (3 uUq) Apx q SW zUhai uixs | pYir xqmr ipr iruUhclq || All iruUhcll zslrqo mrjq |

  • 82

    zsl rmr Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl xuxmS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |

    sr imhq - eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqo mSM merq imrq lq | (Sz uUq)

    mjquUhq zsl Sa Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl uUS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl ulkruxl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl AxUqSl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl rmr Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | lrr uwO | l z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl xuxmS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | Axr TO | Ax z mSM merq imrq lq |

    Li mjquUh Sui x xrk xzM xumcU xqmei xlimi xli xli lq |

  • 81

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | - xxji pu | - xxji qS mSzr eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | - xk pu | - xk qS mSzr

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | - xqqZ pu | - xqqZ qS mSzr

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | - AuMhPi pu | - AuMhQlqS mSzr

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | zslrqo mSM merq lq | - ulSl Sl rl qS mSzr rj z wQz EmcU me mgcmcU me u Mi | ulSl kl rl qS mSzr | (Do Shodasa upacara puja or panchopacara depending on the time and convenience) wQ imhq zsl Sa Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | Srr lq | Sr z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl uUS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | zUx xuW | zU z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl ulkruxl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | zZr uwO | zZ z mSM merq imrq lq | zsl AxUqSl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO | Mucr W | Muc z mSM merq imrq lq |

  • 80

    l lq - MhP S lq - Mr lq - xilr a lq - EUx W lq - lp W lq - a Thhq - elur xu lq - asTr W lq - cUhsw

    zsl Sa AuWlq -

    oph zsohxrpruUaS cmmzl MUoe qbzrq MUOssZieskUpwh pwh | xxMlkkR cixpUxZOluip mUi MlrppSir pui puprkuxl zsl u || AkrR qalS xeseskUzrqs Wxim zs oh Mmh iuUeseaScmmzl uWliq | clSx l cixpUxl ZOM upip Mlrp xurql mipOprS zsl purq ||

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | - AuWi pu | - AuWl qS mSzr

    eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW | zslrqor lq | - xjmi pu | - xjmh qS mSzr

  • 79

    zslrqo AuUh me q

    mP me q qhQMS mUiiur lq | A mpr lq | D qrr lq | F err lq | H xqr lq | s uzr lq | L llSlr lq | A xmpr lq | A uerr lq | A xuxSr lq |

    lq paui uelZS qWxWxlr SamPr lq |

    zsl AU lrx eu lq - Mz s lq - AsM eu lq - Ah s lq - Ar z lq - Axr s lq - Mmsr

  • 78

  • 77

    zUp zslxqqVl qWql

    Axr zUp zslxqqVl qWqlxr MsalS Sbiq Gwr | eai MMm NlSpr lq | zUp zsl Suir lq | Z S oe | xuW z | TO MsM | qq aUUr zUp zsl mirj em ulra | krlq krl qspUuiq uk mS qWSuSp mUi SurxWxllS xjiqZsMsokM SzMlSq | ixr xwhh Mh ccr UgeizuWz SuqllSmh AqiMUis ArrpxSkr || Z Z Z TO mhaWx mhaWx W TO xuz xWUhr zUp xsur mUer W TO xuW L Ys qr S TO eus xuW zsl eus W SaW P s qr pr pli zql xupx M M xuW |

  • 76

    qW zsl qWql krlq xuls MOMO usxeqr pwh uUp mUuUipUpi uUaxYcrq | llqi qWmra lmhQp mr ml iluz ulzl prWU krr qWzslq || lq paui Saolklr M Ms MsU S Sa z zsl u uOMpUu AkUusxl qWlzmimMsl qWkU xupimi mzc xueuUzlil qSpqMwrMwr qWuOMpUu W TO xuW | lq paui SMs MsMOqWl L Ys CMqrjxmSrl xMsml xqh o qWU MqU uwhu uUW qWlS cqhQ uOMpUuU AMwrMwr Auzruzr muzr muzrMsr Msr pwr pwr Ys L Wl Wl xmiqiM W TO xuW |

  • 75

    krlq oph zsohxrpruUaS cmmzl MUoe qbzrq MUOssZieskUpwh pwh | xxMlkkR cixpUxZOluip mUi MlrppSir pui puprkuxl zsl u || AkrR qalS xeseskUzrqs Wxim zs oh Mmh iuUeseaScmmzl uWliq | clSx l cixpUxl ZOM upip Mlrp xurql mipOprS zsl purq || mgcme s mjuriqMr alk Msmrq | W AMziqMr mwmh Msmrq | r uruiqMr km Msmrq | U AalriqMr Sm Msmrq | u AqiiqMr Aqi qWlu Msmrq | x xuiqMr iqosS xqximcUl Msmrq |

  • 74

    mgcme s mjuriqMr alk Msmrq | W AMziqMr mwmh Msmrq | r uruiqMr km Msmrq | U AalriqMr Sm Msmrq | u AqiiqMr Aqi qWlu Msmrq | x xuiqMr iqosS xqximcUl Msmrq |

    qs eus eus zsl S aW W TO xuW |

    wQ lrx zsl Sa Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Srr lq | zsl uUS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO zUx xuW | zsl ulkruxl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO zZr uwO | zsl AxUqSl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Mucr W | zsl rmr Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO lrr uwO | zsl xuxmS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Axr TO |

    ppuxuU Ci Sauqa |

  • 73

    Alrx zsl Sa Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Srr lq | zsl uUS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO zUx xuW | zsl ulkruxl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO zZr uwO | zsl AxUqSl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Mucr W | zsl rmr Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO lrr uwO | zsl xuxmS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Axr TO |

    ppuxuU Ci Saolk krlq

    oph zsohxrpruUaS cmmzl MUoe qbzrq MUOssZieskUpwh pwh | xxMlkkR cixpUxZOluip mUi MlrppSir pui puprkuxl zsl u ||

    AkrR qalS xeseskUzrqs Wxim zs oh Mmh iuUeseaScmmzl uWliq | clSx l cixpUxl ZOM upip Mlrp xurql mipOprS zsl purq ||

  • 72

    zslrqo ql em q Axr zslrqo qW qlxr | Sbiq Gw | MMm NlS | zsl Sa Sui | W oeq | xuW z | xucNmraxSkrj em ulra | qsl urmM Mri | zsl ar : eusqsl uW qW zsl kqW i Sa mcSri MUlrx zsl Sa Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Apr lq | zsl uUS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO ielpr lq | zsl ulkruxl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO qkrqpr lq | zsl AxUqSl Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO AlqMpr lq | zsl rmr Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO Mlpr lq | zsl xuxmS Suxxmei llSl q U U qWraU W TO MUisMUmpr lq |