Page 1 of 17 SUICIDE Part Four Did you know that not getting proper sleep can help to push you to suicidal thoughts. This is one of the things they are doing to targeted individuals. Hitting them with frequencies and harassing them during the night so they can’t sleep. Not getting good sleep deteriorates your health. Good rest comes from taking care of your health and the Lord. Psalm 127:2 - It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows (toils): forso He giveth His beloved sleep. Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Psalm 34:7 - The angel of the LORD encamps round about them that fear Him, and delivers them.

SUICIDE Part Four - Three Hearts Church€¦ · 18/08/2019  · SUICIDE – Part Four Did you know that not getting proper sleep can help to push you to suicidal thoughts. This is

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SUICIDE – Part Four

Did you know that not getting proper sleep can help to push you to suicidal thoughts. This is one of the things they are doing to targeted individuals. Hitting them with frequencies and harassing them during the night so they can’t sleep. Not getting good sleep deteriorates your health.

Good rest comes from taking care of your health and the Lord.

Psalm 127:2 - It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows (toils): forso He giveth His beloved sleep. Isaiah 26:3 - Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Psalm 34:7 - The angel of the LORD encamps round about them that fear Him, and delivers them.

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We are to stand on God’s Word. He will deliver you if you submit fully to Him. Reach out to Him.

Let’s take a look at that in Scripture: Mark 9:14-29 - And when He came to his disciples, He saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning (arguing) with them. And straightway (at once) all the people, when they beheld Him, were greatly amazed, and running to Him saluted Him (greeted Him). And he asked the scribes, What question ye with them? And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto Thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit; And wheresoever he taketh him (and wherever it seizes him), he teareth him (it dashes him): and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away (wastes away): and I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out (that they might expel it); and they could not. He answereth him (answering them), and saith, O faithless generation (unbelieving generation), how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you (endure you)? bring him unto Me. And they brought him unto Him: and when he (the spirit) saw Him, straightway the spirit tare him (instantly the spirit convulsed him); and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming. And He asked his father, How long is it ago since this came unto him? And he said, Of a child (since childhood). And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but if thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief. When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the foul spirit (unclean spirit), saying unto him (it), thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee (I command you), come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit cried (and crying out), and rent him sore (and much convulsing him), and came out of him (it came out): and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, he is dead. But Jesus took him by the hand, and lifted him up; and he arose. And when He was come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, Why could not we cast him out (cast it out)? And He

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said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing (can go out by nothing), but by prayer and fasting (except by prayer and fasting). What we see in Scripture when someone was not in their right mind and it wasn’t due to being drunk then it was caused by evil and tormenting spirits. A “dumb” spirit meant that the spirit had blocked or stopped him from being able to speak.

**BRING HIM UNTO ME.** Jesus is our Deliverer.

You see this again with the Gadarene or Gergesene. In Matt.8:28-34 there were 2 demoniacs called Gergesenes, 1 demoniac, a Gadarene in Mark 5:1-20, 1 demoniac, a Gadarene in Luke 8:26-39. Jesus delivered this man and instantly he wasn’t acting crazy anymore. Most people are not truly saved and the ones that are dabbling as Christians, don’t take God’s Word seriously. Many never go for deliverance to rule out demonic spirits. Most go straight to the dr’s and get on medications that are poisoning us. It can be a chemical imbalance because satan’s elect have been putting things in place against all of humanity to cause this to happen. They have been poisoning the air we breathe with chemtrails among other tests and experiments that have been done in secret without our permission. They have poisoned the water we drink with fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals. They pump so many chemicals into our sewer waste to turn it into water we drink. Now there are pharmaceuticals in all of the water supplies including the more secluded areas of the world like Antarctica. People that don’t have the mental capacity to communicate or understand spiritual things or to work out logic. They could have been born that way or have been through horrible accidents that caused them to be that way, whatever the case may be they are in God’s hands. We don’t have the answers for all the various circumstances in life like that but we do serve a just and fair God and we can have peace in that. He sees the heart, He knows a person’s capabilities to understand and He will be fair in all of His judgments. satan’s elect, our governments, militaries and big corporations have taken over agriculture and are spraying our food with poisonous pesticides, chemtrails and

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using poisonous fertilizers. Our land is deplete of minerals needed to live healthy lives. That has been documented by the U.S. government since 1936. It’s not getting better, they are raping the land and not doing any farming according to God’s Word of letting the land rest. The farmers have gone along with government imposed regulations or have sold out under pressure. Either way, it is being done. The livestock is shot up with antibiotics and growth hormones. All of these things are working to shut down our organs, turn our bodies to fight against themselves, break us down, make us sick and take us to our death. Destroying our quality of life. Shame on the farmers and corporations that just want your money and have no concern for human life. They will answer to God for what they have done. All of this plays a role in why we have so many mentally ill or unstable people. Vaccinations and medicines play a huge role in the breakdown of our bodies. Here in America we have been conditioned to believe these things were good for us. We never considered who the people doing the conditioning were. They serve satan, money is their god. *Please play from 1:08:38 to 1:09:42 and from 11:11:46 to 1:15:00 Dr. Tent talks about the agenda in the health and medical industry to dumb us down and to cripple our health and even cause suicide. The medicines they are prescribing are nothing more than poisons. They are ruining our brains and depleting us and even shutting down organs and blocking the body’s natural functions. Deficiency in Omega 3 oils effects serotonin and dopamine neuro-transmission. Serotonin and Dopamine play a major role in suicide among other psychiatric disorders. / Those that have been on anti-depression meds, anti-anxiety meds, anti-seizure meds – there are ways to repair their brains (the synaptic cleft that has been exhausted).*(about 4 min’s) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_NITewrAxM

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I cannot stress enough how important it is for your health that you go here and begin to listen to Dr. Tent and Dr. Jeff’s lectures. You will learn so much and Dr. Tent is awake! The medical and health industry have been lying to us and now most of us are sick and trying to figure out what to do. They have brain washed the dr’s and all they know is to push poisons and mask the problem. **There is only one disclaimer: Dr. Tent seems to be a 7th Day Adventist. That is a false religion. I have heard him say that his Savior and Lord is Jesus Christ. So pray for him to come to the truth about that religion.**

Here is his website.

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Remember how they taught us through the tv and the dr’s that a low fat no fat diet was good for us. Well that was a lie. I remember doing Weight Watcher’s program once in the early 2000’s and fat was not even part of the program. No oils or anything, just low fat everything. I can only imagine how long I believed that lie and starved my body of much needed healthy fat.

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By pumping the livestock and fish we eat full of graines, they have successfully overloaded us on Omega 6’s and so we are getting fatter and staying that way all year round. That was supposed to be a wintertime thing but not anymore. 3’s were supposed to be for the summer and 6’s for the winter.

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Look how overloaded we are on 6’s – because of all of the grains. If you ask at the meat counter to get a fish that was not fed in a tank they just look at you like you are crazy. He will be a healthier fish because he swam and exercised and worked for his food. I had a guy tell me that if I wanted a fish like that I’d have to catch it myself!

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If you are sick or want to learn how to take care of your health I encourage you to go to Dr. Tent’s youtube channel and get educated. First and foremost we as Christians are to look to Jesus as our Healer and lift up all that we do to Him for Him to move in our lives and bring us to health or to heal supernaturally. Trust Him, for He is in full control. The following comment was left on the question and answer video I did on cremation: Meg Geeter 1 day ago Please be informed that The Bible (GOD's Word) indicates specifically that the burning of the body WAS/IS in relation to sin. Read: Joshua Ch7 v25; Genesis Ch19 v24 and Revelations Ch20 v14. The entire chapters should be read for full understanding. In addition, WE are wonderfully, meticulously and amazingly made/created!!!! WE did not make/create ourselves; therefore, WE do not have the right to destroy ourselves (bodies) with fire (cremation)! For the body to be "buried" is the way of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let's us follow His way. Be encouraged...be blessed!!! I agree with this. Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them. God created us and He will decide how and when we leave this life.


Responding to the question of whether or not Christians who commit suicide go to Heaven, ethicist Russell Moore said that because the blood of Christ covers sins past, present and future, the “last thing we do” does not determine where we will spend eternity.

**There are those that believe that when you get saved you never have to ask forgiveness of any sins again. That Jesus already died and paid for every single sin ever committed or that ever will be committed. That is true. They even believe they don’t sin anymore. That is wrong thinking. As a true Christian, we are to

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have an intimate relationship with Jesus and that means being sorry in the moment we sin or when we are convicted of our sins and continually asking forgiveness so that we are continually being cleansed. It is an ongoing process. (1 John 1:6-10).**

Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, said he’s often asked the question by worried individuals whose loved one committed suicide.

“They worry,” he said. “Does this mean because this person essentially the last act on earth was a sin, does this mean that that person is in Hell? And the answer to that is no.”

“This person is in Christ. That means that the blood of Christ covers that person's sins, past, present and future. And so we're not saved on the basis of the last thing that we do being something that is acceptable to God. We're saved by the grace and mercy of God.”

**This is twisting of Scripture to fit the “once saved always saved” theology. Once we are saved, we are expected to obey Christ. And because of our love for God we show Him our love through our obedience and our works naturally follow along with our salvation. The book of James says faith without works is dead. (James 2:17)**

But sometimes, Moore said he’s hesitant to weigh in on whether or not Christians who commit suicide go to Heaven because he fears some will view it as permission to commit suicide.

“It’s not OK,” he underscored. “A suicide is murder. Suicide is the attacking of the image of God. And suicide is horrible. It’s not only a sin but a sin that leaves wreckage and devastation all over the place.”

“And so if you're someone who's asking that because you're contemplating suicide, I would just plead with you to talk to people in your life and get help because life is worth living." **Why isn’t he saying to go to Christ?**

Many individuals who commit suicide are in a place of “deep, deep anguish and distress of various sorts” or suffering from mental illness, Moore pointed out, adding we “ought to view them with compassion.”

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“The response that we ought to have when someone we love commits suicide is not to blame people, not to blame that person, not to be angry at that person,” he concluded. “Nor is it to wonder, ‘Does this mean that this person is outside of the reach of God's grace?’ God's grace covers a multitude of sins, including those that are so hurtful that we hesitate to even talk to them.”

**What on earth? God’s grace covers a multitude of sins? 1 Peter 4:8 speaks of our love covering a multitude of sins. That is we don’t blurt out every single thing that we know about other people’s lives in Christ. We all mess up but we don’t have to always broadcast it to everyone. God doesn’t just dismiss sin, He forgives sin when asked with a sincere and repentant heart.**

Amid a dramatic increase in suicide over the last two decades, a number of faith leaders have weighed in on whether or not those who commit suicide are condemned to Hell.

Recently, a Michigan priest came under fire for suggesting at the funeral of an 18-year-old college student that he might not go to Heaven because he took his own life.

"It was his time to tell everybody what he thought of suicide, [and] we couldn't believe what he was saying," the teen's father, Jeff Hullibarger, told the Detroit Free Press. “He was up there condemning our son, pretty much calling him a sinner. He wondered if he had repented enough to make it to Heaven. He said 'suicide' upwards of six times.”

Apologist and New Testament scholar Dr. Jeremiah Johnston has argued that suicide is not the unforgivable sin.

"The only sin that God cannot forgive is the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior," he told CP earlier. "Do people who commit suicide go to Hell? Some people teach that suicide is the 'unforgivable sin.' God forgives that sin. Is it a sin? Absolutely. But the salvation we receive from Jesus Christ is eternal, regardless of our mental state or our spiritual maturity or immaturity. Otherwise, the Gospel is void. Do you know how many Christians die unexpectedly with unconfessed sin in their life?"

**The Bible only speaks of blaspheming the Holy Spirit as a sin that can be unpardonable. Also not forgiving others will hold back God’s unforgiveness to

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you. There is no way to ask forgiveness for suicide because once it is done that is it.**

Kayla Stoecklein, widow of late Inland Hills Church Lead Pastor Andrew Stoecklein, who died after attempting suicide at his California church in August, also debunked the commonly held view and wrote on a blog, "This is a common misbelief about suicide and it breaks my heart ... I believe with 100% of my soul that Andrew is in heaven. Andrew had a real, raw, authentic, and infectious relationship with Jesus. Thousands of people will be in heaven because of him."

Saddleback Church co-founder and best-selling author Kay Warren whose son, Matthew, died by suicide at age 27 in 2013, has also emphasized that suicide doesn't condemn a Christian to Hell.

"God's promised us that Matthew's salvation was safe and secure. Matthew gave his life to Jesus when he was a little boy. And so, I'm absolutely 100 percent confident based on the work of Jesus that Matthew is in Heaven," she told The Christian Post in an earlier interview.

**Rick Warren is a witch and a freemason who openly supports the pope and for those awake you know the Catholic church is part of the occult. So his wife is in

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agreement with him and they are running their own agenda’s to deceive those that follow their ministry.**

Some in the church say that suicide does not determine a person’s eternal destiny.

God gave us the gift of life and suicide rejects God’s gift of life.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

That life is now in the flesh or natural realm as well as in the eternal afterlife.

Psalm 31:15a – My times are in Thy hand:

Don’t forget that we as Christians are not promised an easy life. If fact the Bible makes it clear that you will suffer if you truly belong to Christ. But He will be with you through it all.

2 Timothy 3:12 - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

1 Peter 3:13-14 - And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good (if you become imitators of the good)? But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye (blessed are you): and be not afraid of their terror (fear), neither be troubled;

“Imitating that which is good” - We are to remain faithful and let God Who is the Potter mold and shape us to be more like Christ every day.

John 16:33 – (Jesus speaking) These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Matthew 10:22 – (Jesus speaking) And ye shall be hated of all men for My name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

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There are about 6 instances of suicide in the Bible:

Abimelech (Judges 9:50-57), Saul and Saul’s armor bearer (1 Samuel 31:1-6), Ahithophel (he was King David’s counselor and betrayed him by going to serve against him with Absalom, King David’s son. II Samuel 17:1-23), Zimri (1 Kings 16:8-20) and Judas (Matt.27:1-10). Sampson was focused on killing the Philistines, not himself (Judges 16:18-31).


1 Cor. 3:17 - If any man defile (corrupts) the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. That is about as straight forward as you can get. God does not want you to take your life and has promised if you truly seek Him, He will make a way of escape available for whatever you are facing. When you feel you have nowhere to turn or don’t know what to do or are hopeless, you are to do the following:

1 Peter 5:7 - Casting all your care upon Him (Casting all of your anxiety); for He careth for you.

Take heart in this following Scripture:

Philippians 1:-6 - Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it (finish it) until the day of Jesus Christ:

Let’s go back to that youtube snack message that I listened to. They said, “The last thing you do doesn’t determine where you will spend eternity.” Again, I say, really?

Romans 10:13 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

When someone is on their death bed and they have lived a life of sin, they can still cry out to Christ Jesus with a sincere heart and confess that they have lived a life of sin against a Holy God and ask forgiveness. They can confess that they are a sinner and believe in Jesus Christ and be saved at that last dying moment.

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Don’t count it lightly what is done just before death. A sinner can still be saved just as a righteous person can still leave God.

Don’t ever take your life it is a sin against God. Call on Jesus Christ and fight spiritually to overcome the battle you are in. Join with someone who will pray with you and lift you in prayer. Never give up, lean into Christ. He will lead you out of the place you are in.


https://www.christianpost.com/news/are-christians-who-commit-suicide-condemned-to-hell.html Dr. Tent’s website:


Dr. Tent’s youtube channel:
