S S U U D D A A N N O O P P E E R R A A T T I I O O N N S S SUDAN/CHAD SITUATION UPDATE 34 13 October 2005 Local village girl, eastern Chad. UNHCR/H. Caux

SUDAN CHAD SITUATION UPDATE 34 13Oct05 · planning to hire an additional six enumerators. A registration point as well as latrines will be established at the Malakal harbour as soon

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Page 1: SUDAN CHAD SITUATION UPDATE 34 13Oct05 · planning to hire an additional six enumerators. A registration point as well as latrines will be established at the Malakal harbour as soon


13 October 2005

Local village girl, eastern Chad. UNHCR/H. Caux

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Returnees farming the land in Kajo Keji. UNHCR/K. McKinsey

Security The general security situation in Bahr el Jebel, Eastern and Western Equatoria States1 has been relatively stable during the reporting period. However, serious incidents continue to occur, but these incidents have not adversely affected UNHCR operations in the region. On 3 October, bandits alleged to be Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) elements attacked Gambella village approximately 94 kilometres east of the Juba-Torit road, killing 17 people. Access to Juba The Juba-Yei road provides the main access to Juba. Despite the poor conditions of most of the road, traders are coming into Juba in large numbers bringing commercial goods and food commodities. Prices of food commodities have dropped sharply due to the influx of food items from Yei. Despite this, many families in Juba are unable to buy food due to non-payment of salaries of most of the working population for the month of September. The Juba-Rokon road continues to be the main access from Juba to Western Equatoria. A convoy of 14 vehicles under heavy military escort arrived in Juba from Torit on 9 October, indicating that the Torit road on the eastern bank of the Nile is still a “no go” area. Political developments Members of the Southern Legislative Assembly have started deliberating the interim constitution, which once passed, will pave the way for the formation of the Government of south Sudan. There was an announcement in the week that the President of the Government of south Sudan, Salva Kiir, was going to announce an interim cabinet ahead of the passing of the interim constitution by the Southern Legislative Assembly. The announcement was received with rebuff by the members of the assembly who reasoned that it was illogical to

1 A locator map of Sudan is available at the end of the document.

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form an interim government for a few days. The normal procedure is that a government is formed after the constitution is passed by the assembly and endorsed by the Ministry of Justice, a process which normally takes a week or two. Members of the assembly have vowed to work extra long hours into the night debating the constitution to facilitate the formation of the government. New UNHCR structure for managing the south Sudan operation On 10 October, UNHCR’s Director of Operations for the Sudan Situation appointed an Operations Manager (at the D1 level) to be based in Juba. The Operations Manager will oversee protection, return and reintegration programmes and the activities for repatriating refugees and returning IDPs to their areas of origin. On the same day, the Director, along with UNHCR’s Country Representative and the Head of Sub-Office Juba, met the Governor of Bahr el Jebel State, H.E. Major General Clement Wani, to introduce the Operations Manager to the authorities. A meeting was also held with the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Manuel da Silva, and the UN Deputy Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for south Sudan, David Gressley, to formally present the Operations Manager and discuss his terms of reference. Preparing for repatriation from Ethiopia and Kenya In Western Equatoria, UNHCR is currently preparing to receive returnees from the Central African Republic (CAR) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). UNHCR is also getting ready to facilitate the return of refugees from Ethiopia and Kenya to Upper Nile and Blue Nile States and Jonglei as well as to Eastern Equatoria, including Juba. IDP return movements from north Sudan and within the south itself will take place simultaneously to common areas of origin (of returning refugees and IDPs). The focus of operational planning in the coming weeks will be the eastern return corridor (comprising Upper Nile and Blue Nile States, Jonglei and Eastern Equatoria). UNHCR and partners have already conducted security and logistics missions to Bor and Kapoeta and, next week, a return and reintegration assessment and planning mission will travel to Upper and Blue Nile States and cross into Gambella, Ethiopia. The mission will survey security, return routes, return areas, border crossing points, reception/absorption capacity, telecoms and logistics needs, protection aspects, livelihoods and other reintegration projects. Return planning and preparation Reportedly, there are seven enumerators working in Malakal (three from Adventist Development and Relief Association – ADRA - and four from the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission - SRRC). ADRA is planning to hire an additional six enumerators. A registration point as well as latrines will be established at the Malakal harbour as soon as the Government provides a plot of land. IOM is expected to arrive in Malakal this week to assess way stations in Melut, Renk and Tonga. In Juba, the Government and UNHCR identified a site to construct a way-station. It is approximately eight kilometres on the Juba-Yei road, at the Lologo west demarcation peg. UNHCR will formally request the Government to allocate the site to UNHCR. UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) will be requested to carry out an inspection for land mines. Once the land has been cleared, development of the site will begin. Returnees ADRA in Malakal shared the following returnee (IDPs and former refugees) statistics from earlier weeks: 27-30 September

• 171 IDP families/1,104 persons returned, many from the north; • 53 families/289 persons returned from Ethiopia and 22 families/126 persons from Kenya; • Most of the returnees are going to Sobat and Tonga corridors.

1 October

• 72 families/407 persons, who returned from Khartoum, are heading for Nasir.

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ADRA/SRRC enumerators reported that all returning IDPs and former refugees returned due to the peace agreement signed in January. However, when UNHCR interviewed about ten IDP returnees on 12 October, 90 percent said that they returned due to insecurity in Khartoum and Port Sudan. The rest said that they returned mostly for family reunification, but also because of the peace agreement. Ethiopian asylum seekers in Malakal The number of asylum seekers from Ethiopia in Malakal has reached 70 cases (76 individuals). Three newly arrived cases were interviewed. A total of 67 individuals received one-month food rations on 11 October, 30 of whom also received non-food items. Anuak refugees at Lologo An additional ten tukuls for the Ethiopian Anuak refugees at Lologo have been completed, awaiting plastic sheets to cover them. Five more pit latrines have been completed and are now being used. The installation of a grinding mill is in progress. Congolese refugees in Juba The trials of the Congolese refugees charged with theft and receiving stolen property during the riots in Juba that ensued after the death of Dr. John Garang are drawing to a close. During the reporting period, seven refugees appeared in court. Six were ordered to pay fines of 5,000 Sudanese Dinars each (approximately 20 US Dollars) and one female refugee was sentenced to one month imprisonment, on the basis of her admission of guilt to theft. A total of four cases remain and will be heard in due course. A delegation from the DRC is expected to arrive in Juba in early November to conduct verification interviews with the Congolese refugees in preparation for their voluntary repatriation due to begin in December. Visit of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on the Human Rights of IDPs In the period under review, the Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on the Human Rights of IDPs, Mr. Walther Khalin, visited Juba. The UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) and UNHCR jointly prepared the visit. OCHA and UNHCR provided him with a comprehensive briefing on the current situation regarding the return of refugees and IDPs to south Sudan. The SRSG visited two IDP settlements, namely Tongping and Jebel Kujur, on the outskirts of Juba. There, the SRSG had the opportunity to discuss with IDP elders (male and female) who presented their various problems related to displacement and return to places of origin. Mr. Khalin also addressed the IDPs and stated, inter alia, that the international community is ready to assist the Government of south Sudan with the return and reintegration of IDPs. The visit included meetings with senior Government officials and representatives of UN agencies. The SRSG also met with UNHCR in Khartoum. Sudanese refugees in Egypt Sudanese continue to arrive in Egypt and file refugee claims with UNHCR in Cairo (around 100 Sudanese were registered in September) and NGOs have confirmed a higher arrival rate of Sudanese in Egypt over the past three months. While the percentage of those registering who claim to be from Darfur has increased in comparison to 2004, the majority continues to be southern Sudanese, many of whom have spent substantial time in Khartoum. Interviews with new arrivals indicate that resettlement is often the motivating factor for their going to Egypt in the first place. UNHCR Cairo is aware of 46 refugees and 54 asylum seekers who have repatriated to Sudan since March 2005. Of these, nine refugees and eight asylum seekers indicated their intention to return to the south. On 29 September, a group of around 20 Sudanese gathered at the UNHCR reception area holding placards reading among other things “No to voluntary repatriation to Sudan,” “We want resettlement” and “No to local integration in Egypt.” On 3 October, there were around 300 demonstrators and by 9 October nearly 1,500. The majority of those demonstrating are believed to be closed files and the vast majority of the demonstrating Sudanese seem to be from south Sudan. The protestors issued 17 demands. They stated that they reject any

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notion of voluntary repatriation and are not interested in local integration. They are seeking monthly financial assistance and regular and automatic access to education, health care and employment. The majority of the remaining demands relate to resettlement. Update on funding situation for South Sudan as at 4 October Requirements (includes countries of asylum): US$ 76,347,770 2005 Contributions: US$ 38,953,891

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EEEAAASSSTTT SSSUUUDDDAAANNN Security The overall security situation in east Sudan was reportedly calm. The UNMAS Security Coordinator visited Um Gargour, Karkora and Shagrabs to assess whether there are mines in these areas. Sustainable Options for Livelihood in Eastern Sudan A SOLSES (Sustainable Options for Livelihood in Eastern Sudan) mission from Nairobi, accompanied by the UNHCR Head of Sub-Office Es Showak, visited ACOR Wad Medani and Fau 5, Fath El Rhman, Awad El Seed and Kilo 7 refugee camps. The mission will also meet the Commissioner for Refugees (COR) in Es Showak and visit some camps in Gedaref and Kassala States. Environmental activities The compilation of results of the baseline survey conducted in Shagarab was completed. For the two Shagarab camps (11 and 111) and two villages covered by the project the results indicated that a total of 4,513 families with a population of 10,768 are actively involved in environmental management activities. In addition, 3,967 families have constructed and are using energy-saving stoves. A total of 3,992 planted trees are surviving. The 2.1 hectare agro-forestry plot farm established by environmental groups has performed well. The sorghum yield will be very high, estimated to be over two tonnes, and the tree survival rate has been recorded at 90 percent. Agricultural specialist The newly-assigned agricultural specialist visited Kassala and was introduced to COR. He visited Wad Sherifay refugee camp and had discussions with the camp manager and women’s groups who engage in income generating activities. He also visited Um Gargour camp and discussed with the camp manager the agricultural problems faced by refugee farmers. UNHCR scholarships for secondary school Thirty-two (23 girls and nine boys) students who are studying in secondary schools in Kassala, Gedaref, Sinar and Wad Madani states and met the criteria set by UNHCR and COR received scholarships. Tuition fees will be paid directly to the respective secondary schools. Children of school-age who are out of school UNHCR held a meeting with home visitors working in Shagarab 1, 2 and 3 to discuss tools to obtain information of vulnerable individuals and children of school-age who are out of school. As a result, two types of questionnaires are being prepared in Arabic. Home visitors will start collecting information through home visits after Ramadan. Unaccompanied minors Mosquito nets, plastic sheets, musical instruments, a football and volleyball were provided to Human Appeal International in Kilo 26 to improve the living conditions of unaccompanied minors. Update on funding situation for East Sudan as at 4 October Requirements: US$ 15,210,745 2005 Contributions: US$ 11,139,815

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DDDAAARRRFFFUUURRR Security The security situation in West Darfur deteriorated significantly. Due to recent security incidents, the Security Management Team (SMT) in Khartoum has recommended on 11 October the reduction of UN staff in West Darfur through a temporary administrative relocation of non-essential staff (excluding Zalingi). The Heads of UN agencies in El Geneina held an urgent SMT meeting to discuss the recommendation and have submitted the lists of staff remaining in West Darfur and those relocated. The decision has been made to relocate staff immediately and all agencies are in the process of relocating their non-essential staff. Restriction of movement is in place and all the roads out of El Geneina are categorized as “D”, i.e. requiring four vehicles with African Union (AU) escort and security approval from the Designated Official. As a result, field missions have been hampered; however some missions have been carried out with helicopter assistance and advance relocation of vehicles. Two incidents characterized the security situation in South Darfur. On 8 October, AU vehicles were ambushed by armed men suspected to be Sudan Liberation Army elements on their way from Nyala to Khor-Abeche; the armed men shot the AU soldiers and robbed two trucks from PAE (logistic support to AU). In a second incident, a known rich man from the Zaghawa tribe was killed in Nyala town by armed men suspected to be local militias who wanted to loot his new vehicle. As a result, there has been tension in the town and a curfew is in place from 19:30 to 6:00 until further notice. WEST DARFUR Population movements Increased spontaneous returns are noticed in areas near the border with Chad towards Bindisi, due to lack of assistance. Missions to Birgi and Artala UNHCR Mukjar visited the village of Birgi, 10 kilometres from Mukjar in the direction of Bindisi. UNHCR found that although the return of the farmers originating from Birgi and Tiro might have been induced, people have re-occupied parts of their land for planting. They plan a return to Mukjar IDP settlement. The main concerns are that the school is destroyed and the children were left behind to attend school in Mukjar. In the village, there is a police post, one water pump and no health facilities. As villagers are registered with Mercy Corps and WFP, no other assistance is recommended until UNHCR and NGOs (Intersos and Triangle) assess the situation further. Intersos indicated an interest in visiting Birgi. UNHCR Mukjar also visited Artala village, located 58 kilometres from Mukjar in the direction of Nyala, where 500 persons returned. According to the people, the reason for return is to plant sorghum and ground nuts, which is done only in a small radius around Artala. The majority of the population is in Kubung (Kubum) IDP camp. UNHCR met with IDPs and sheikhs who said that the population will return only if security and peace are ensured. However, spontaneous returns continue to occur. Acute Jaundice Syndrome WHO and UNICEF are on a two-day mission in Mukjar to address the break-out of Acute Jaundice Syndrome (AJS). The teams confirmed that the water sources are polluted, but that the situation is under control. The water sources need to be cleaned and the clinic in Mukjar upgraded. UNHCR discussed with UNICEF the need to increase the capacity of the clinic to also service the villages adjacent to Mukjar where returnees are heading to during planting season or on a longer-term basis. UNHCR El Geneina transported 1,500 jerry cans and kitchen sets, charcoal and women’s clothing to UNHCR Mukjar to be distributed in connection with the AJS.

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Community-Based Reintegration Projects COSV has completed its assessment of primary health facilities in Wadi Saleh and Mukjar localities. Seven primary health posts will be targeted for physical rehabilitation and training activities in 2005-2006 in a forthcoming community-based reintegration project proposal to UNHCR. To implement the project, COSV will coordinate closely with Intersos, which will cover education, water and community services sectors in the same villages. UNHCR witnessed the completion and handing over ceremony of nine classrooms in Abu Baker Sidiek and Binte Kwalid joint school for boys and girls to the Ministry of Education. The school celebrated the completion of a total of 11 classrooms. Nine classrooms (six for girls and three for boys) were constructed by Danish Refugee Council and two classrooms by the local community. The school has a total of 2,430 pupils, of whom 1,500 from Hassa Hissa IDP camp. Distribution of clothes to vulnerable women During the reporting period, clothes were distributed to vulnerable women in several camps in the El Geneina area. In Jama, Hujaj and Abu Zhar camps, 200, 220 and 210 women respectively received clothing material. Distribution to all the remaining camps around El Geneina will follow. Visit of the Humanitarian Coordinator for North Sudan The Humanitarian Coordinator for North Sudan, Gemmo Lodesani, visited Zalingi and held a meeting with UN agencies and NGOs. In his remarks, he emphasized that agencies should focus more on livelihood activities, especially in areas of return. He also visited El Geneina and held meetings with UN agencies and NGOs. SOUTH DARFUR Population movements According to reports of a UN-NGO mission to the Kass and Singita areas, about 350 households displaced from Singita are still in Kass. Reportedly, as soon as displacement took place in Singita, five villages were occupied by local militia men and nomad pastoralists. Update on funding situation for Darfur as at 4 October Requirements: US$ 31,341,044 2005 Contributions: US$ 14,464,001

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CCCHHHAAADDD Security Two separate incidents in Darfur during the reporting period exemplified the fragile and complex security situation in the region. Three soldiers and two contractors of the AU were killed on 8 October near Menawasha on the Khor-Abeche road. On 9 October, in Tine, Sudan, 37 members of the AU (including 18 military observers) were kidnapped and released shortly thereafter by what appears to be a splinter group of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). As a result, Chad has reinforced its military presence in the Tine border area. EASTERN CHAD Chadian delegation at UNHCR’s Executive Committee The Chadian Government delegation that attended UNHCR’s Executive Committee in Geneva from 3 to 7 October debriefed UNHCR and its partners on their meetings, including their two meetings with the High Commissioner, and expressed satisfaction with the attention the international community is giving to Chad. The delegation was formed by the Secretary-General of the national refugee authority (CNAR), Mahamat Nour Abdoulaye, the Minister of Territorial Administration, Mahamat Ali Abdallah Nassour, and the Governor for Wadi, Fira Moktar Moussa. UNHCR cross-border workshop On 4 and 5 October, UNHCR's offices in El Geneina, Sudan, and N'Djamena and Abeche, Chad, held a workshop in N'Djamena. The workshop focused on repatriation and contingency planning but covered as well a number of other issues of mutual interest: the Abuja peace process, land use in Darfur, protection activities, food distribution, education and child tracing. Following the workshop, the El Geneina-based participants traveled to Goz Beida, Chad, and visited Djabal refugee camp before returning to Abeche for wrap-up meetings concerning, among other things, border monitoring. Repatriation of Chadians from Sudan The issue of repatriation of Chadians from Sudan was discussed at UNHCR’s cross-border meeting in N’djamena. The Chadian Government has indicated that it intends to send a mission composed of Government officials and members of CNAR to meet with the refugees directly. Concurrently, UNHCR will review the refugees’ needs to determine what type of assistance would be most beneficial. New arrivals at Gaga refugee camp CNAR has communicated to UNHCR a complete list of new arrivals to Gaga refugee camp. A total of 50 persons have arrived in the last two weeks. The new arrivals came from Sudan, citing the poor level of assistance in Mornei (IDP camp in West Darfur) and the increased pressure for displaced persons to return to their villages of origin, where they do not feel safe. Registration in the camps The first stage of the phase 2 registration exercise (collection of data on the registration forms) has been completed in Touloum and Iridimi refugee camps. The exercise should also be finished shortly in Am Nabak. About 20 percent of the refugees registered during phase 1 will need to be further interviewed as they do not appear on existing master lists. The data collected will then be entered into a database by the data entry teams based in Abeche. Digital photographs of all refugees will be taken and individual identification cards will be provided to all refugees 16 years of age or older. The registration team is undertaking preparations for the phase 1 and 2 exercise in Oure Cassoni camp. The registration is scheduled to start on 16 October.

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Assistance to refugees at times of birth, marriage and death UNHCR and partners have developed special non-food and food packages in each camp to assist refugees at times of birth, marriage and death. UNHCR has established standard contents for such packages to ensure harmony among the 12 camps. The NGO partner responsible for community services will deliver the packages. Child protection training UNHCR conducted child protection training focusing on children’s rights, birth registration and nationality in Farchana refugee camp. The team trained 25 participants from UNHCR, CNAR and NGOs. The training has been offered in all field offices in eastern Chad and a total of 125 people have been trained. It will also be offered in field offices in southern Chad (Gore and Danamadji). Unaccompanied minors and separated children A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ICRC, UNICEF and UNHCR to allow the sharing of information on unaccompanied minors (UAMs) and separated children in the 12 refugee camps of eastern Chad. This will allow the three agencies, together with NGO partners, to take better care of this vulnerable group of children. Identification and documentation of UAMs and separated children is ongoing in most of the camps. Code of Conduct for teachers UNHCR, UNICEF and education partners have assembled a draft Code of Conduct for teachers in refugee schools. The document has been adapted from the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies guide and addresses sexual and gender-based violence and other problems in eastern Chad. The document will be translated into French and Arabic. A workshop for teachers, students, parents and camp leaders will be conducted to ensure everyone involved in the education sector is aware of and understands the Code of Conduct. The document will also be posted in schools and other places to maximize awareness. Training of teachers The second phase of the Norwegian Refugee Council’s project for the training of teachers has begun in Gaga and Goz Beida refugee camps. The second phase is aimed at training teachers on teaching methodology, psycho-social health, peace and human rights. Training for the 105 teachers (six women, 99 men) involved in the non-formal education classes has been conducted by two Chadian trainers working with the NGO CORD. A teachers’ committee for non-formal education instructors has been set up in Farchana. Meanwhile, 28 literacy centres located in villages around Farchana refugee camp have been provided with blackboards and other equipment. Literacy classes run by experienced teachers from the refugee community will be started shortly in the surrounding villages. Psycho-social assistance The implementation of a comprehensive psycho-social programme by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has begun. Initial assessment results reveal a strong need for psycho-social services for refugees who have suffered displacement as a result of war in Darfur. The survey shows high levels of stress among refugees and recommends group and individual counseling as well as support groups. Income generating activities for women and men Follow-up of existing income generation projects at Farchana refugee camp revealed a number of difficulties and misunderstandings. The existing culture appears to be against women establishing such projects. New activities offering income generation opportunities to men (tailoring, shoe repair, etc.) are being made available alongside those targeted at women.

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Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming Preparations for the Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming (AGDM) roll-out are underway. The project aims to ensure that UNHCR and partners take into account refugees’ needs in programmes that are put in place by systematically interviewing male and female refugees from different age brackets. Selection of refugee participants for participatory assessment is ongoing. SOUTHERN CHAD Meeting with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Central African Republic UNHCR’s Representative in Chad, Ana-Liria Franch, met with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Central African Republic (CAR), Lamine Cisse. Mr. Cisse elaborated on the situation in northern CAR and outlined the nature of the tripartite discussion (Chad, Cameroon, CAR) held in the sidelines of UNHCR’s Executive Committee meetings in Geneva. He informed that he has also met with Chad’s Minister of Defence and that the recommendation of the high level tripartite security meeting in Yaounde (Cameroon) on 25-26 August to establish joint military operations and patrols is being followed-up. Repatriation of Chadian refugees from the CAR The repatriation of Chadian refugees from the CAR is complete. In total, 1,368 individuals returned, with final destinations ranging from villages near Gore, elsewhere in the south, N’Djamena and even Abeche. Transfer of new arrivals from Bekan to Amboko No further relocation of new arrivals from Bekan took place during the reporting period owing to logistical problems. An additional 44 individuals were pre-registered - a total of 177 individuals are now ready for relocation to Amboko. Situation at Amboko settlement Food and soap distribution at Amboko settlement, which is now home to 24,290 refugees, began on 6 October together with a blanket supplementary feeding programme aimed at children and pregnant and lactating women. Additional soap, mats and mosquito nets are on their way. COOPI has installed five supplementary water bladders and an expert mission from Oxfam has arrived to evaluate and make recommendations for the improvement of water systems. Water availability prior to the installation of the additional bladders stood at 8.3 litres per person per day, well below standard. Amboko extension A temporary health post is being built at the extension of Amboko settlement to increase access to medical care for the refugee population. Medecins Sans Frontieres (Holland) will go to Amboko to increase medical service availability in light of the recently reported elevated levels of mortality, especially among children. New settlement site at Gondje Site planning for the new settlement at Gondje has been completed. The site is presently being cleared. URBAN REFUGEES During the reporting period, the Government’s eligibility committee considered eight individual claims to refugee status (four Sudanese, three DRC Congolese and one Cameroonian). UNHCR interviewed 95 refugees, the majority of whom inquired about medical or educational assistance. One refugee sought and was granted assistance to return to Amboko settlement in southern Chad. Update on funding situation for Chad as at 4 October Requirements: US$ 81,225,813 2005 Contributions: US$ 49,154,801

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