Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Sub Sub Sub Sub Sb Sub Sub Sub Sub ub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Su u Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Su ub Sub Sub Sub u ub ub u Sub ub ub b Sub b b b b b S b u S Sub ub jec jec je jec jec jec jec jec ec jec jec jec c ec jec ec ec ec jec jec je ec jec jec jec ec jec ec ec c c c jec e ec ec jec jec jec jec jec c c j jec je t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t t t t t t t t t t t tt tt t t t t t t t t t t t o s o s os o s os o o o o s o s o s o s o s o s os o s os o o o o s os s s o s o s o s o o o s o s os s o s o o s o s o o o ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale ale al le ale e ale e e ale ale ale ale ale ale ale le e le l ale e e e le a e al a e ale a a e e e e , w , w , w , w w , w w w , w w ,w , w , w w w w w , w w w , w w w w w , w w w w , w , , ith ith ith ith ith ith it i ith ith ith ith ith ith h ith ith ith th ith h ith ith h ith ith ith h h ith ith ith ith ith i i i i i ith h h h h h h i ithdra d dra d dra dra d dra dra dra dra ra dra dra dra d d dra dra dra dra d d d d d d dra d dra d d dra dra dra d dr dra a dra ra dra dra ra ra dr ra r dra dra dra dra r ra r r rawal wal wal wal wal wal wal wal wal wa wal wal wal wal wal wal l al l wal wa wal wal wal wal wal al w wal al w wa al w wa a w l w w w wal w w l l w w w w w w w wal , o , , , o , o , o o , o o o o o o o o o , o , o , o o o o , , , o , o , , o , , , , o o , , o o o , o , o , , o , , , o o re re r e r e r e r r e r e r e re e e re r e r e re r re e r r e re r e e r e e e r e r e re r e r e e e r r r e e rro rro rr rro rro rro rro rro rro ro rro ro o o ro o o r r rro o o o o r rr rro o o rro o rr rr rr rro ro o o ro ro r rro rro o o o r r r r. r. r r. r. r r r r r. r. r. r r. r. r. r. r r. r r. r r r. r. r r r r r r

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

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Page 1: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.SubSubSubSubS bSubSubSubSububSubSubSubSubSubSubSubSuuSubSubSubSubSubSubSuubSubSubSubububububSubububbSubbbbbbS buSSububu jecjecjejecjecjecjecjececjecjecjeccecjececececjecjecjeecjecjecjececjecececcccjeceececjecjecjecjecjecccjjecjej tt tt tt tt tttt tt tt ttttt tt tt tt tttt ttttt tttttt ttt tt tttttttt ttt t o so so so so soooo so so so so so so so so soooo so ssso so so so o o so so sso soo so soo o oo alealealealealealealealealealealealealeallealeealeeealealealealealealealeleelelaleeeelea eala ealeaa eeeee, w, w, w, ww, www, ww, w, w, wwwww, www, wwwww, wwww, w,,,, w, ithithithithithithitiithithithithithithhithithiththithhithithhithithithhhithithithithithiiiiiithhhhhhhiithdraddraddradraddradradradraradradradradddradradradradddddddraddradddradradraddrdraadraradradraradradrrardradradradrarrarrrawalwalwalwalwalwalwalwalwalwawalwalwalwalwalwallallwalwawalwalwalwalwalalwwalalwwaalwwaaw lwwwwalww llwwwwwwwwalw , o, , , o, o, oo, oooo ooooo, o, o, oooo,,, o, o, , o,, , , oo, , ooo, o, o,, o,,, oo, ooo,, r er er er er err er er er eeer er er er er r eer r er er eer eeer er er er er eeerrr eeerrorrorrrrorrorrorrorrorrororrorooorooorrrrooooorrrrrooorroorrrrrrrrorooorororrrorroooor rrr.r.rr.r.rrrrr.r.rr.rr.r.r.r.rr.rr.rrrrr.r.rrrrrr.

Page 2: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

We are fortunate to have just obtained an exclusive listing on a long term family ownership working cattle ranch located in the northwest corner of Chaves County. This ranch offers exceptional location, good native grass turf, is well watered and has plenty of topography for winter protection and scenic appeal. This property has been under the same family owner-ship since 1926 and has never, until now, been offered for sale.

The Thompson Ranch is accessed by a well maintained graded county road. This county road runs through the ranch, and makes delivery and shipping of livestock very convenient. The ranch headquarters and main shipping pens are lo-cated just a few miles from US 285, between Roswell and Vaughn.

Page 3: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

The ranch has a rolling terrain with elevations generally between 4,400 and 4,700 feet. Ranch topography is de-fined primarily by Threadgill Canyon on the north, Fif-teenmile Arroyo, which runs through the central portion of the ranch, and Cowboy Draw to the south. These drainages provide exceptional winter cover and relief for livestock and wildlife. Native grasses typically include varieties of gramma, bluestem and tabosa with scattered bottoms loaded with sacaton.

The ranch is fenced and cross-fenced into four main pastures and several shipping and holding traps located near the headquarter shipping pens.

Page 4: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

Page 5: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

The ranch is considered to be very well watered. Primarily, water is furnished by several electric submersible water wells with an extensive pipeline system feeding several water storage reservoirs and numerous drinking troughs. In addition, there is a shared solar water well located on the southwestern portion of the property and several dirt tanks of varying sizes. The arroyos and draws will run water seasonally and hold water at times throughout the year.

Page 6: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

Page 7: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

The ranch headquarters is located in the southeastern portion of the property. Headquarter improvements include the old original ranch home, which is still in usable condition, a bunkhouse, barn, main shipping pens and an overhead supplement bin. Overall, the improvements are not fancy, but are certainly usable.

Page 8: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico Game and Fish A-Plus Antelope system. The ranch received 2 private land authorizations and 2 public authorizations. The private land authorizations are transferrable to third parties. Deer hunting on the ranch is found primarily along the larger draws of Fifteenmile and Cowboy on the west and south. Licenses for hunting deer are available two ways. A pub-lic draw system is provided allowing a hunter to hunt fee lands with “written permission only” and public lands where a hunter can access the lands by county or state roads. A hunter receiving written permission from the landowner can purchase a license over the counter at vendors and hunt all private lands within the ranch.

In addition to the big game on the ranch, sportsman can find good quail hunting and small game hunting on many species throughout the ranch.

Page 9: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.

Offered Exclusively By

Chas. S. Middleton and Sonwww.chassmiddleton.com (806) 763-5331

Priced at $3,303,300 or $350/deeded acre (BLM included) this well improved and watered mild climate ranch is a “must see” for the rancher searching for a great livestock ranch in a known production ranching area of New Mexico.

The BLM leasehold cost of the Thompson Ranch in 2016 is $2.11/Aum for a total of $12,913 +/-. Real estate taxes are estimated at $3,000 +/-.

Page 10: Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error ... · Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error. Hunting on this ranch includes antelope and deer. The ranch is currently enrolled in the New Mexico

Subject to sale, withdrawal, or error.