1 Subject Outlines 2022 Years 8 - 9

Subject Outlines 2022 Years 8 - 9

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Subject Outlines


Years 8 - 9

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2022 YEARS 8 & 9

EDUCATION AT DALBY CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ........................................................................... 4

YEAR 8/9 BIBLICAL STUDIES .............................................................................................. 8

YEAR 8/9 ENGLISH .......................................................................................................... 9

YEAR 8/9 HASS AND HISTORY ......................................................................................... 10

YEAR 8/9 MATHEMATICS ............................................................................................... 11

YEAR 8/9 SCIENCE ........................................................................................................ 12

YEAR 8/9 AGRICULTURAL STUDIES .................................................................................... 13

YEAR 8/9 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS .................................................................................. 14

YEAR 8/9 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................................... 15

YEAR 8/9 DRAMA ......................................................................................................... 16

YEAR 8/9 ENGINEERING DESIGN TECHNOLOGY .................................................................... 17

YEAR 8/9 FOOD AND FIBRE TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................... 18

YEAR 8/9 MUSIC .......................................................................................................... 19

YEAR 8/9 PHYSICAL EDUCATION - ELECTIVE ........................................................................ 20

YEAR 8/9 SPANISH ........................................................................................................ 21

YEAR 8/9 STEM ........................................................................................................... 22

YEAR 8/9 VISUAL ARTS .................................................................................................. 23

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Dalby Christian College, upholding the eternal Lordship of Jesus Christ, strives to educate, nurture and disciple students for a life of serving Him with heart, mind and hand.


Formal schooling is something which has been part of life for centuries but it is good to ask the question, why do we educate students? There are possibly many valid reasons for this:

• To learn about the world around them. • To prepare them for a career that will be able to support them through life. • To develop skills in a range of different areas.

At Dalby Christian College we are guided by a Biblical Christian worldview in relation to these philosophical questions. The Bible teaches us that we were created by God to do good works and to serve others with the gifts that we’ve been given so that people will come to know God and live their lives for His glory. We believe that our students were made for more than a career. We educate our students knowing that each one has a unique purpose in Christ that they were made for and require preparation in. Eph 2:10 10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 1 Peter 4:10 10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. Eph 4:11-13 11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

How do we view the Learning environment?

With this understanding of why we educate our students, it becomes clear that God’s purpose in our lives is central to our school’s ethos. Some schools would advertise themselves as ‘child –centred’ learning, whilst others would focus on ‘content – centred’ learning. Obviously both the child and the content is very important to the learning environment but neither is the foundation and centre of our classrooms. Our model is a ‘Christ – centred’ education which in turn informs our understanding of both the child and the content. We view the child as a uniquely created person of extreme value in God, with individual gifts and talents. As such, we cater for different learning styles and interests so that students develop to their full potential. The Bible teaches that we should ‘train the child in the way they should go and when they are old they won’t depart from it’. For this reason we recognise the profound effect that educators have on the future of our students and the responsibility that we have to educate, nurture and disciple them in the right way. The Bible tells us that “all things were made by Him and for Him” and that “in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”. The subjects and content we teach point to the wonderful world that God has made and the amazing complexity and design in creation. In teaching these subjects, we are

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consistently seeking to give a Christian perspective to all areas of life so that our students think through everything from biblical viewpoint. The last ingredient in the learning environment is of course the teacher whose role is to encourage, teach, guide and discipline our students while being a Christ-like example in the classroom.

A Successful Learner

1. Is self-disciplined in doing what they know will help them be successful such as: studying and revising regularly, sacrificing things which might be enjoyable so that school work can be the priority.

2. Takes responsibility for their learning by taking the initiative in finding information and not expecting to be spoon fed.

3. Concentrates and listens attentively in class. 4. Asks questions when they don’t understand something. 5. Is diligent at getting assignments done on time and attending to home work.


A student’s learning is a developmental process. Each year should not be considered separate from the others – education at Dalby Christian College is a journey students experience from the time they enrol in Prep to the time they graduate in year 12. The knowledge and skills students develop in one year will lay the foundation for further learning in the next year. The Curriculum at DCC focuses on this principle to ensure students transition from one year to another is a gradual process that optimises students learning. The subjects and subject lines offered in the secondary school provide clear pathways for students to plan their careers.

2.1 Prep – Year 6 The Primary school provides a strong foundation for learning. There is a strong emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy which are vital to all subject areas. Students are taught in a caring learning environment, with the majority of lessons taught in one classroom with one teacher. The students learn a broad range of knowledge and skills that are foundational to all other subject areas. 2.2 Year 7 – 9

Year 7 is the transition from Primary to Secondary school. During Year 7 there is a building on the literacy and numeracy skills established in the primary school as well as a broadening of experience. While continuing core subjects, students in Years 8 & 9 have the opportunity to select 3 elective subjects. Subject choices should be based on personal interest, career path and preparation for senior schooling.

2.3 Year 10 – 12

Students in Year 10 – 12 focus on more specialised subjects. A major aim of senior schooling is to develop the skills necessary for students to pursue their desired career path. Students will strive to achieve a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and a Tertiary Entrance Statement (includes ATAR).

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It is important to choose elective subjects carefully as these decisions may affect a student’s academic success and also their level of preparedness or eligibility for particular training or tertiary study after school. The following resources are available on the internet to provide students with more information about their desired career path.

• Australia’s national career information service, called myfuture, at http://www.myfuture.edu.au

• myQCE at https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au/ • My Path (QTAC) at https://www.qtac.edu.au/atar-my-path/my-path


Before you select you subjects, it is important to consider the following questions; In which subjects am I most successful? It is important to acknowledge your natural gifts and talents.

Which subjects do I enjoy the most? Students will often do well and work harder in the subjects they enjoy.

What are my plans for the future? Students should select subjects that will better prepare them for their desired career path. They will often be more successful when they know the work they are doing is purposeful. Mrs Brookes, the College Career advisor will be available to answer your questions if necessary.

Am I keeping my options open so I can change my mind about what I want to do in the future? At the moment you may not know exactly what you want to do when you finish school. This is normal at this stage of your life and means that it’s important for you to explore many options. It is wise to keep your options open. This means choosing a selection of subjects that makes it possible for you to continue exploring your career options before making more specific decisions in the future.

Have I explored each elective subject thoroughly? It is important to find out as much as possible about the subjects offered. The following ideas will help:

• read the subject outlines provided.

• talk to the subject teachers at the College

• look at textbooks and resources used by students in the subjects

• talk to students who are already studying the subjects

When investigating a subject to see if it is suitable for you, find out about the content (i.e. what topics are covered) and how it is taught and assessed. For example:

• does the subject mainly involve learning from a textbook?

• are there any field trips, practical work, or experiments?

• how much assessment is based on exams compared to assignments, theory compared to

practical work, written compared to oral work?

Will the subject suit me?

You are an individual, and your particular study needs and requirements may be quite different from those of other students. This means that it is unwise to either take or avoid a subject because:

• someone told you that you will like or dislike it

• your friends are or are not taking it

• you like or dislike the teacher

• you have heard that “all the boys or girls take that subject or unit”.

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Which subjects will let me maintain a balanced life? It is a good idea to take your workload into account (e.g. selecting subjects that focus all assessment on assignments may not allow you the time to do all subjects well).


Students will study a core set of subjects plus 6 electives chosen from 11 alternatives.


Biblical Studies Agricultural Studies Music

Core Health & Physical Education (HPE)

Business and Economics Physical Education (PE) - Elective

Digital Technology Spanish

English Drama STEM

HaSS (Yr 8) / History (Yr 9) Engineering Design Technology Visual Art

Mathematics Food and Fibre Technology


ELECTIVES 1. Students MUST number 6 preferences from the ‘Electives Years 8 & 9’ box above. Please note – only 3

electives will be allocated.

2. Students MUST write down their preference from 1st to 6th from the subjects selected.

3. Subject lines will be created and students will be allocated their electives immediately after the due date.

4. Once subject quotas are full these subjects will be closed and no further enrolments will be taken.

5. Late forms will be processed last.

Please Note: Students are not guaranteed their first 3 preferences. The following variables will influence the subjects students are allocated:

• Subject lines: The computer program will determine the 3 subject lines that suit the majority of students. It is highly unlikely that the lines generated will enable all students to receive their first 3 preferences.

• Subject viability: A subject will not be offered at DCC unless a reasonable number of students select the subject.

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Core Subject 8 2022

YEAR 8/9 BIBLICAL STUDIES GENERAL OVERVIEW: Biblical Studies helps to teach students to view their world from a Biblical worldview. As they develop this view of the world they are better prepared to apply it to other subjects and activities in school and in the community and to live lives that reflect and honour Christ. In Biblical Studies, students will learn to read the Bible, understand and interpret what they read, and how it applies to their lives.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Joshua – Faithfulness and Unfaithfulness Judges – We need a king Samuel – Two kings

Kings – The beginning of the end Prophets – God’s representatives Exile

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Two end of term exams

Two end of term exams


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

The Messiah Arrives The Authority of Jesus

The Beginning of the Church Living as Christians

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

End of Semester Exam

End of Semester Exam

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Core Subject 9 2022

YEAR 8/9 ENGLISH GENERAL OVERVIEW: English is a key subject for students: it gives them access to information, it develops skills in interpreting and evaluating ideas, it allows them to communicate – for a variety of reasons and to a variety of audiences. In Years 8 & 9, students build on their reading comprehension, writing techniques, public speaking and listening skills. They study more complex literature (short stories, poetry, plays, and novels) and everyday texts (documentaries, newspapers, etc) from a Christian Worldview, considering their meaning(s), integrity and morality. Students also build on their writing skills by creating stories, newspaper articles, poetry, essays, plays and letters, and more. The literacy skills developed in English are of paramount importance not only within education but across a multitude of life endeavours.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Structural and stylistic conventions of biography and autobiography, including key literary terms

Stages of the writing process, including peer editing

Writing/speaking with a particular audience in mind

Public speaking skills, non-verbal communication

Poetic devices, poetry analysis

Study of media articles

Study and comparison of the texts I Dared to Call Him Father and Not without My Father.

Ongoing work for English writing skills, spelling, grammar, and language use.

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Writing a biography

Analysis and presentation of a Bush ballad

Students create a mini newspaper

Analytical essay exam of the two texts


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Short Stories Poetry Spelling, grammar and punctuation are also integrated across the entire year.

Persuasion in the Media Novel Study: Animal Farm

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Short Story Poetry - Anthology and Presentation

Analysis Essay Oral Presentation

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Core Subject 10 2022

YEAR 8/9 HASS AND HISTORY GENERAL OVERVIEW: History is studied from a Biblical perspective and is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that develops students' curiosity and imagination. It promotes the understanding of societies, events, movements and developments that have shaped humanity from earliest times. Students learn how the world and its people have changed, as well as the continuities that exist today. The process of historical inquiry develops transferable skills to students lives, such as the ability to ask relevant questions; critically analyse and interpret sources; consider context; respect and explain different perspectives; develop and substantiate interpretations, and communicate effectively. BREAKDOWN: Year 8 studies HaSS which is a combination of History, Geography and Business. Year 9 students take a more focussed approach and have History units only.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Enterprise Ventures – Business

The Viking Era – History

Medieval Times – History

Changing Nations – Geography

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Business plan and Market Day production Poster Exam

Research Assignment Exam

YEAR 9 - History

Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

World War One Industrial Revolution

Popular Culture 1945 onwards World War Two

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Multimodal Presentation Research Infographic Exam

Research Folio Presentation Exam

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Core Subject 11 2022

YEAR 8/9 MATHEMATICS GENERAL OVERVIEW: God has filled the universe with patterns and rules that He continues to reveal to humanity. A growing understanding of these patterns and rules allows us to gain a greater appreciation of how His world works. God intends for us to be able to model events and relationships in the world around us, with Mathematics being a fundamental tool to achieve this. Every student can gain benefit because mathematical processes reflect the order and structure that permeate our lives. Mathematics helps us to discover and describe the meaning, purpose and value that God has invested in every design.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Integers and Indices Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Ratios and Rates Measurement Linear Relationships

Algebra Linear Equations Geometric Reasoning Statistics Probability

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Topic In-class Tests End-semester Exam

Topic In-class Tests End-semester Exam


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Financial Maths Statistics and Probability Pythagoras’ Theorem Trigonometry Linear Relationships

Algebra Geometry Measurement Non-linear Relationships and Proportions

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Mid-semester In-class Test End-semester Exam

Mid-semester In-class Test End- semester Exam

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Core Subject 12 2022

YEAR 8/9 SCIENCE GENERAL OVERVIEW: The study of Science provides us with insights into God’s creation. This enables us to appreciate both the order and the complexity of God’s work. Students develop their ability to work scientifically through; practical investigations, their study into scientific knowledge and understanding, and by identifying problems and issues surrounding Science.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Science Processes and Careers Chemistry Chemical reactions, periodic table, rates of reactions, atoms, elements compounds and mixtures. Physics Using Energy, Forces and motion, Energy transformations, efficiency, Waves, Sound Light and EMS

Biology Human Body Systems and Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems Earth Science Earth’s Rocks, Minerals and Resources

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Chemistry Student Experiment: Heat Transfer Report Physics Student Experiment: Energy Transformation Presentation Exam: Energy

Biology: Research Investigation: Poster Presentation

Earth Science: Research Investigation: Report


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Biology Systems that work (Body systems and ecosystems) Chemistry Chemical Reactions

(Atomic structure, radioactivity, and chemical reactions including, combustion and reactions with acids)

Physics Energy Changes and the Electromagnetic

Spectrum: Heat, Light, Sound & Electricity

Earth Science The Changing Earth (The Theory of Plate Tectonics and destructive changes in ecosystems)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Biology Exam Chemistry Exam

Physics Investigation, design and report Physics and Earth Science Exam

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Elective Subject 13 2022

YEAR 8/9 AGRICULTURAL STUDIES GENERAL OVERVIEW: Agricultural studies is a two year composite program which introduces students to a breadth of learning within the industry. Students will undertake theoretical learning accompanied by practical experiences covering a diversity of agricultural contexts. Students will learn about working the land for cropping and livestock purposes, maintaining equipment and developing an understanding of farm management processes. Students will compare biblical, traditional and contemporary methods along with investigating future trends and technologies.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Summer Crops Winter Crops Pastoral Farming Soil Preparation Harvest

Beef Cattle Dairy Cattle Feed Water Supplies Stock Sales

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Multi-Modal Presentation Report

Report Examination


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Livestock Animal Husbandry Fencing

Plant Pests & Diseases Chemicals Irrigation Fruits & Vegetables

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Multi-Modal Presentation Report

Report Examination

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Elective Subject 14 2022

YEAR 8/9 BUSINESS & ECONOMICS GENERAL OVERVIEW: Business impacts on and presents a range of challenges to individuals, members of groups and organisations in their roles as citizens, consumers, workers and entrepreneurs. These challenges may include:

participating as a responsible citizen in business environments

making consumer decisions to meet the needs & wants of self & others

entering into contractual agreements and managing personal finances, investments

and records

owning or managing a business, enterprise or venture


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Financial Literacy - Insurance - Loans - Credit - Tax - Superannuation

Economics -GDP -Standard of living


Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Assignment: Consumer Awareness Campaign


Assignment: Information Booklet Exam


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Globalisation - Global connections

- Sweatshops

- Fair trade

Making Wise Investments - Banking Options

- Investments & Risks

- Sharemarket

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Exam Research Assignment: Sweatshops

Exam Assignment: Report on Banking Options

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Elective Subject 15 2022


GENERAL OVERVIEW: Digital Technology aims to develop a range of understandings and skills in the use of software and hardware to develop digital solutions and products. It examines various aspects of software development using programming, in a project environment. This involves desktop publishing and graphics; working in web design and databases; programming and coding; and working in multimedia.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Unit 1:

Networks and Network design

Desktop publishing in Advanced WORD

Unit 2:

Spreadsheets and Advanced EXCEL;

Social and Ethical Practice in IT

Unit 3:

Database design in ACCESS and

Website authoring in Dreamweaver

Unit 4:


Digital solution for a small business

(desk top publishing, web site design, database and network design)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

e- Portfolio

e- Portfolio


• Digital solution for a small business, including designs for stationery, website, database and network


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Unit 5:

Data handling, storage and security

Unit 6:

Algorithmic thinking and programming

Unit 7:

Digital multi-media and PHOTOSHOP

Unit 8:


Stop motion Animation in POWERPOINT

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

e- Portfolio


• Creating apps in python or ruby

e- Portfolio


• Postcards

• Stop motion animation

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Elective Subject 16 2022

YEAR 8/9 DRAMA GENERAL OVERVIEW: Learning in Drama involves students making, performing, analysing and responding to drama, drawing on human experience as a source of ideas. Students engage with the knowledge of drama, develop skills, techniques and processes, and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Interpreting scripts Theatre criticism

Documentary Drama Children’s Theatre

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Group performance Live play analysis

Group script writing Group performance


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Interpreting scripts Theatre criticism

All the World’s a Stage (Shakespeare)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Live play analysis Group performance

Group performance

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Elective Subject 17 2022

YEAR 8/9 ENGINEERING DESIGN TECHNOLOGY GENERAL OVERVIEW: Engineering Design Technology is based on engineering principles and systems using a range of material from specialist areas involving extensive use of technologies. Students will work independently and collaboratively on projects from conception to realisation, solving problems throughout the process. They will apply design and system thinking and processes to investigate ideas, generate and refine ideas, plan, produce and evaluate design solutions. Students will learn safety procedures that minimise risk and how to manage projects efficiently. They will transfer theoretical knowledge to practical solutions across a range of projects.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Designing Refining Producing working drawings Constructing (an example product could be a coffee table)

Investigating engineering processes Apply engineering processes (an example product could be a metal transportation sculpture)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Design Folio Product Semester Exam

Design Folio Product Semester Exam


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Investigating mechanical systems Understanding mechanical advantage Produce a model (an example product could be a working model of a mechanical system)

Investigate materials Technologies in engineering Produce a model using technologies (an example product could be a 3-D print model)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Design Folio Working model Semester Exam

Design Folio Model Semester Exam

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Elective Subject 18 2022

The College will cover the costs of most supplies (e.g. ingredients and fabric) required for Food & Fibre Technology, however, there will be occasions when students will need to supply additional items (e.g. during some assessment projects).

YEAR 8/9 FOOD AND FIBRE TECHNOLOGY GENERAL OVERVIEW: The wellbeing of people should be a concern for all of us. God created us to have relationships with our fellow human beings, loving and caring for them as we would ourselves. Food and Fibre Technology focuses on wellbeing within the context of personal, family, community and work roles. Food and Fibre Technology draws from the fields of nutrition and dietetics, textiles and fashion, the built environment, human development, relationships and behaviour.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Cultural Cuisine Vegetables & Healthy Eating

Basics of sewing and pattern use

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Cultural Cuisine: Cooking Exam and Research Assignment- Cultural Food Vegetables & Healthy Eating: Cooking Exam and Research Assignment

Textiles Project Exam


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Techniques to Enhance Fabric (e.g. dying and applique) Upcycling denim

Sugar, Fats and Healthy Eating Paddock to Plate

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Textiles Project Exam

Assignment: Tuckshop Choices (includes cooking exam) Exam

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Elective Subject 19 2022


This course is designed to give students an enjoyable exposure to many different musical forms and styles of music. Students will utilise current technology to create and record music. Students cover four key curriculum content areas which include developing aural listening skills, performing music through singing, or playing instruments, creating music using technology and traditional methods, as well as responding to music through analysis and evaluation of music. In achieving these goals, students will embark on a journey of discovery covering how music is used and manipulated to great effect in movies and video gaming as well as learning about popular styles or genres of music and significant aspects of history which led to their development.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

“Music makes” - the sale Music plays an important part in advertising. Learn how music is manipulated to make products appealing and sway consumers to buy them

“Music makes” - the scene Music plays a crucial role in creating mood and atmosphere in film and TV music. Learn how music elements are used to great effect to help tell a story

Music Rocks

Journey through the development of Rock Music and its influence on our music from the 1950’s to today. Many popular styles of music today have been influenced by or fused with elements of rock music. Bring out the rock star (country rock maybe?) in you as we learn and play our way through this unit.

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Write a “Jingle” to sell a product of your choice Create music and sound effects to accompany a short film clip Perform some of the music created by the class. Progress check on Aural skills.

Compose Rock music in the style of your choice. Form a rock band and perform a piece of Rock music. Analysis task on the use of music elements in rock music.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Got the Blues Blues Music has had a huge influence on many current popular styles of music. Many features of Blues music can be found within those styles. Come on an enjoyable journey featuring music from the early blues music to today. Learning about Blues music gives opportunities to create and perform simple but interesting music

Electronic Music Electronic music is more than just a style of music. It has significantly influenced almost all modern styles of music especially the instruments that are used in modern music. We are exposed to electronic music in many areas of life so come and Learn about the world of electronic music and its use in video games.

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Creating music based on the Blues style. Performing your own music on the instrument of your choice. Progress check on aural skills

Musicology assignment – analyse how music elements are used to create effective music. Compose theme music for a video game using computer programs.

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Elective Subject 20 2022

YEAR 8/9 PHYSICAL EDUCATION - ELECTIVE GENERAL OVERVIEW: Participation in physical activity, skill development, and relevant theoretical learning experiences provide opportunities for students to reflect on factors that affect health and physical performance. The students will integrate theory and practical activities as they apply the information learned in class to enhance their performance in the sporting field. Individual units will focus on either a health-related topic or delve deeper into acquiring foundational knowledge for senior physical education. Knowledge will be developed from a Biblical Christian Worldview with the underlying theme that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and that we were created by God to give Him glory.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Touch football Sport Psychology Athletics Energy Systems

Volleyball Ethics in Sport Fitness program Cardiovascular health

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Practical assessments Multimodal presentation Exam

Practical assessments Case Study Assignment


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Badminton Cultural connections Athletics Biomechanics

Basketball Anatomy for PE Swimming Training program

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Practical assessments Research report Exam

Practical assessments Exam Assignment

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Elective Subject 21 2022

YEAR 8/9 SPANISH GENERAL OVERVIEW: Students will further develop their Spanish language skills to communicate and interact, to access and exchange information, to design, interpret and analyse a wide range of texts and experiences.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

My Life

Travel & Tourism

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Exam Video Diary Entries

Exam Spoken role play


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content


Social Issues in Latin America

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Exam Creative bilingual imaginative text

Group Project Exam

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Elective Subject 22 2022

YEAR 8/9 STEM GENERAL OVERVIEW: Students will engage in a variety of topics within the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Graphical programming 1 Electronics Building science

Nanotechnology Programming in Python Genetics

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Design project Topic tests

Design project Topic tests


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Graphical programming 2 Farm science Bridge building

Exoplanets Basic robotics Basic aerodynamics

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Design projects Topic test

Design projects Topic test

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Elective Subject 23 2022

YEAR 8/9 VISUAL ARTS GENERAL OVERVIEW: Learning in Visual Arts involves students making and responding to artworks, drawing on the world as a source of ideas. Students engage with the knowledge of visual arts, develop skills, techniques and processes, and use materials as they explore a range of forms, styles and contexts.


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Unit 1: Modern Art “Isms” (Painting)

Unit 2: Light in Art (Drawing and perspective)

Unit 3: Landscapes and belonging (2D & 3D, mixed media, painting and drawing)

Unit 4: Journey (2D & 3D, mixed media, painting and drawing, Artist’s Books)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Visual Art Portfolio

(Visual diary, making & responding tasks, displaying and evaluating artworks, including artist statements & presentations)

Visual Art Portfolio

(Visual diary, making & responding tasks, displaying and evaluating artworks, including artist statements & presentations)


Semester 1 Content Semester 2 Content

Unit 1: Rhythm of Creation (construction and sculpture, plein air)

Unit 2: I am (printmaking)

Unit 3: Reading between the lines (mixed media, painting and drawing)

Unit 4: Power of two (mixed media, painting and drawing)

Semester 1 Assessment Semester 2 Assessment

Visual Art Portfolio

(Visual diary, making & responding tasks, displaying and evaluating artworks, including artist statements & presentations)

Visual Art Portfolio

(Visual diary, making & responding tasks, displaying and evaluating artworks, including artist statements & presentations)

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