Please note: The Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the entities or individuals whose names appear on the following lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department or the U.S. government. Names are not listed alphabetically; the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the list is provided directly by the local service providers; the Department is not in a position to vouch for such information. Subject line: Providers List Ambulance services Urgent Care Centers Hospitals General Practitioners Allergists / Asthma / Pulmonologists Bio-Feedback (CBT) Cardiologists & Cardio-Electro Physiologists Chiropractors Circumcision Dentists Dentists, Pediatric Dermatologists Doulas Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists Endocrinologists Family Practice Gastroenterologists Geneticists Hearing & Audiometry – Adults & Pediatrics Hematologists Infectious Diseases Specialists Lactation Consultants Neurologists Neurologists, Pediatric Nutritionists Obstetricians / Gynecologists OB – Labor & Delivery Preparedness Obstetrical Ultrasound Occupational Therapists – Pediatric Ophthalmologists / OPTOMETRY Orthodontists Orthopedists/Orthopedic Surgeons Pediatricians Physiotherapists Podiatrists Psychiatrists

Subject line: Providers List - il.usembassy.gov · Cardiologists & Cardio-Electro Physiologists Chiropractors Circumcision Dentists Dentists, Pediatric Dermatologists Doulas Ear,

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Page 1: Subject line: Providers List - il.usembassy.gov · Cardiologists & Cardio-Electro Physiologists Chiropractors Circumcision Dentists Dentists, Pediatric Dermatologists Doulas Ear,

Please note: The Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the entities or individuals whose names appear on the following lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department or the U.S. government. Names are not listed alphabetically; the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the list is provided directly by the local service providers; the Department is not in a position to vouch for such information.

Subject line: Providers List Ambulance services Urgent Care Centers Hospitals General Practitioners Allergists / Asthma / Pulmonologists Bio-Feedback (CBT) Cardiologists & Cardio-Electro Physiologists Chiropractors Circumcision Dentists Dentists, Pediatric Dermatologists Doulas Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists Endocrinologists Family Practice Gastroenterologists Geneticists Hearing & Audiometry – Adults & Pediatrics Hematologists Infectious Diseases Specialists Lactation Consultants Neurologists Neurologists, Pediatric Nutritionists Obstetricians / Gynecologists OB – Labor & Delivery Preparedness Obstetrical Ultrasound Occupational Therapists – Pediatric Ophthalmologists / OPTOMETRY Orthodontists Orthopedists/Orthopedic Surgeons Pediatricians Physiotherapists Podiatrists Psychiatrists

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Psycho-Educational Testers Psychologists Psychotherapists Pulmonologists Skin and Sexual Diseases Sleep Study Speech & Language – Adults & Pediatrics Surgeons, General Surgeon, Plastic Uro-Gynecologists Urologists General Practitioners in Be’er Sheva Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists in Be’er Sheva Laboratories Pharmacies Pharmacies, After-Hours Travel Information Alcoholics Anonymous &Narcotics Anonymous

Ambulance & First Aid Service: Jerusalem and Israel: "Magen David Adom" 24 hours service, telephone 101. Website: https://afmda.org/ ERAN - Emotional First Aid (emotional first aid, tel. 1201). Other ambulance services in Jerusalem tel. 02-628-2222 West Bank cities: call the Palestine Red Crescent Society at 101 or one of the following numbers: Bethlehem: 02-274-4222 / 02-2776020; Hebron: 02-222-7288; Jenin: 04-250-2601/04-2346883; Jericho: 02-232-1170/ 02-2321205; Nablus: 09-238-0399/ 09-2381001; Qalqilyah: 09-294-0440 / 09-2945372; Ramallah: 02-240-0666; Tulkarem: 09-267-2140/ 09-2675510; Salfit 09-2395620. The Gaza Strip: call 101 or 08-286-3633/ 08-2833333.

Urgent Care Centers

TEREM – Acute/Urgent/Emergencies Adults and Pediatrics Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 1600- midnight; Friday and Saturday: 0900- midnight https://www.terem.com/?lang=2 The Jerusalem main branch is located at Beit Yahav, 80 Yirmeyahu St., Romema, Jerusalem. (Several more regular business hours clinics in Jerusalem, Maale Adumim, Modiin and Beit Shemesh). The Romema “Terem” Emergency Medical Center is open 24 hours every day of the week for the care of all medical conditions including minor trauma and orthopedics. During all hours of operation it is possible to perform laboratory tests, x rays and to administer intravenous medications and fluids. Other services provided are orthopedics and radiology services.

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Medical Centers TEL AVIV

SOURASKY MEDICAL CENTER / DANA CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL * Pediatric and Adult ER Services (Also Known as Ichilov Hospital) 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv Tel: 03-697-3232 (Adult ER); Tel: 03-697-4500 (Peds ER) Carol Emold (Medical Tourism) 03-697-3426/4254; Call Carol for referrals & appts with doctors at Ichilov. Cell: 052-426-2493; [email protected] SHEBA MEDICAL CENTER * Pediatric and Adult ER Services (Also Known as Tel Hashomer Hospital) 2 Sheba Road, Tel Hashomer; Tel: 03-530-2250/3154 (ER); Dorit Uzan (Medical Tourism) Office: 03-530-8411; Cell: 052-666-7048

SCHNEIDER CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER * Pediatric ER Services 14 Kaplan Street, Petach-Tikva Tel: 03-925-3656 (ER) International Medical Tourism: Olga: 054-635-3473 or Office: 03-925-3525 HERZLIYA MEDICAL CENTER (HMC) Has NO Emergency Room or Emergency Services 7 Ramat-Yam Street, Herzliya Tel (International Department): 09-959-2497/8 HMC is a Private Medical Facility offering a wide range of services. Web Site: www.hmc-ims.com Dalia Petroupouliadis (Administrator) 054-660-8924 (cell); 09-959-2497 (direct line) [email protected]; [email protected]

HERZLIYA MEDICAL CENTER (HMC) Has NO Emergency Room or Emergency Services 7 Ramat-Yam Street, Herzliya Tel (International Department): 09-959-2497/8 HMC is a Private Medical Facility offering a wide range of services. Web Site: www.hmc-ims.com Dalia Petroupouliadis (Administrator) 054-660-8924 (cell); 09-959-2497 (direct line) [email protected]; [email protected]

MEIR HOSPITAL Pediatric and Adult ER Services 59 Tchernichovsky Street, Kfar Saba Tel: 09-747-2555; Adult ER: 09-747-1521 Peds ER: 09-747-2330/1 International Department: Tali Roter 09-747-1828 (Cell: 052-799-0097)

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ASSUTA HOSPITAL Diagnostic Unit – 20 Habarzel Street, Ramat Hachayal, Tel Aviv Dr. Jonathan Rieck – Diagnostic Unit 052-830-2014; Dr Amitai El Kayan 052-666-6112 Health Unit will first call Dr. Rieck or Dr. El Kayanto to discuss the specific case and they will then advise when to come. Patients need to take with them Passport, Credit Card and Insurance Card to appointments


ALYN Woldenberg Family Hospital: Shemaryahu Levin Street, Kiryat Hayovel, 91090 Jerusalem. General tel. #02-649-4222. ALYN is a pediatric and adolescent rehabilitation center for in-patients plus services to outpatients, such as multidisciplinary rehabilitation services. The hospital specializes in diagnosis and rehabilitation of infants, children and adolescents suffering from physical disability. Augusta Victoria Hospital: Tel: 02- 6279911, Fax: 6279959, P.O Box 19178, 91191 Jerusalem. General Hospital, 164 beds, Email: AVH Info. Department of General Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Urology surgery, Pediatric surgery, Gynecological surgery, Thoracic and vascular surgery. Department of Ear, Nose and Throat - General ENT Surgery, Microsurgery of the Ear, Nose Surgery, Reconstructive surgery of the nose head and neck. Department of Internal Medicine - General Internal Medicine, Adult Nephrology & Dialysis unit, Medical Oncology, Gastroenterology & Endoscopes, Non-invasive Cardiology, High Dependency Unit, Sub-acute / Long term care unit, Social Work, Physical Therapy Pediatric Department, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Neurology & Electro-Encephalogram Laboratory, Pediatric Intensive Care. Outpatient and Emergency Department-Emergency Room, Specialty Clinics, Lung function Laboratory, Audiometer Laboratory, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Department of Oncology (cancer center), Unit for Medical Oncology, Unit for Radiation, Unit for Surgical Oncology, Department of Pediatrics-Unit for Hematology, Unit for Pediatric dialysis, Department of Outpatients Clinics, Department of Radiology and Imaging and Department of Clinical Laboratory. Director: Dr. Tawfiq Nasser.

Bikur Cholim Hospital: 74 Hanevi’im Street. In December of 2012, Shaare Zedek signed an agreement to assume operational Control over Bikur Holim Hospital (see Shaare Zedek Hospital information on page 4 of this list). Information center tel. 02-6464111. Hospital remaining departments on location plan to include Nursing Internal Medicine, Labor and Delivery Rooms and Neonatal Department. Hadassah Medical Center: Operates two hospitals in Jerusalem. "Hadassah" provides medical treatment and medical research. Established and supported by Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America. Appointment Center: 02-584-2111. Patients' Representative: 02-677-7555. Donors, Events and Visitors Center: 02-677-6019/20. External Relations: tel. 02-677-6080, fax. 02-677-7013. Email: Hadassah Public Relations Office. Hadassah University Hospital – Ein Kerem: Tel (General Information): 02-677-7111; Tel (ER): 02-677-7888 or 02-677-7222 http://www.hadassah.org.il/english Fax 02-643-4434. An 800-bed tertiary hospital, 130 sub-specialties, all-patient clinics, 100 out-patient clinics, A-1 level Trauma Unit, Emergency Medicine Center, 17 operating rooms, 9 specialized intensive care units, Hemato-Oncology Institute, Gene-Therapy Institute. Also available, among others are a Heart Institute., Stroke Center, Organ Transplantation Unit, Pediatric Hospital, Maternity Hospital, Women's Health Center, Inclusive

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Internal Medicine Services (such as gastroenterology, nephrology) and Imaging Institute. Private Consultation Service (Sharap), tel. 02-677-8899. Hadassah University Hospital – Mt. Scopus: Tel (General Information): 02-584-4111; Tel (ER): 02-584- 4333; http://www.hadassah.org.il/english Fax. 02-582-3515. A 350-bed community hospital: In-patient

and outpatient services, emergency room, surgery intensive care unit, 6 operation rooms, center for

computer-guided joint replacements, center for pediatric chronic diseases. Private Consultation Service

(Sharap), tel. 02-584-4940. Patients arriving at the ER are asked to register and pay the current rate for

ER care. If x-rays or tests are needed, payment is in advance. ALWAYS ask for receipts in English for

claiming the money back from your insurance company.

Makassed Hospital - Mount of Olives: Tel #627-0222; Fax.6288392, P.O Box 19482, 91194 Jerusalem. A

250-bed hospital with in-patient and out-patient services, including internal medicine, normal nursery,

general surgery, cardiovascular and neuro-surgery, orthopedics, urology, pathology, pediatrics,

obstetrics, gynecology, general laboratory, cardiac cauterization laboratory, X-ray facilities, blood bank,

physiotherapy, metabolic, genetic lab, open heart surgery laparoscopic, plastic and reconstructive

surgery, and shock wave resolution. Intensive care units and six operating theaters are also available. 24

hours Emergency Room. Director: Dr. Basem Abu Libdeh.

Misgav Ladach Hospital: 27 Hizkiyahu Hamelech Street, Jerusalem. Tel. 02-567-8444 or *8838 (website

is in Hebrew). The hospital was renovated and re-opened by Kupat Holim (Health Fund) “Meuchedet” in

2005 as a general-private hospital. The surgery formation is the core of the hospital and its development

is ongoing. Misgav Ladach specializes in preventive medicine and advanced surgery services under one

roof. Currently there are 150 multi-professional employees at the hospital at the different wards: the

Gastro Institute, Woman’s Health Center, Breast Health Center, Sleep Research, Imaging, Cardiology,

Phototherapy, Nursing Home, Specialists Clinic, Dialysis, Nuclear Medicine, Dental Clinic, Plastic Surgery

and Pulmonary Functions Inst.

Private Medical Services and Specialties (Wolfson Medical Center): Tel #02-561-0297; 9 Diskin St.,

Merkaz Shalom Mayer, Kiryat Wolfson in Jerusalem. Private, non-denominational healthcare center

providing comprehensive health services including: family physicians, surgical consultation clinics with

fully equipped operating room facilities, E.N.T., plastic surgery, OB/GYN, urology, ophthalmology,

dermatology, orthopedics, geriatric physiotherapy rehabilitation, podiatry, gastroenterology, on site x-

ray and medical laboratory, full range of psychological services.

Sarah Herzog Hospital: Givat Shaul St, Jerusalem. Tel. 02-531-6875, fax. 02-652-1881. Comprehensive

geriatric and mental health center, 330-bed facility located at the entrance to Jerusalem. Services cover

physical and occupational rehabilitation, acute geriatric care, complex nursing, neurogeriatrics (including

Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases) and all forms of dementia and Chronic Respiratory care services for

adults and children. Psychiatric services consist of separate men's and women's psychiatry departments,

the National Center for the Treatment of Chronic Depression, and a halfway house. The Community

Mental Health Center provides a full range of counseling services for all ages, from children with ADHD

to adults with various psychological problems. The Israel Center for the Treatment of Psycho trauma

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provides outpatient care to those affected by traumatic events such as terrorist attacks and domestic

violence (Trauma Treatment). Hospital email: Herzog Info.

Shaare Zedek Medical Center: Tel (General Information): 02-655-5111; Tel (ER): 02-655-5509 OR 02-655-5249 http://www.szmc.org.il/Default.aspx?alias=www.szmc.org.il/en Public Relations Office: 02.666.6622. Off Herzl Boulevard, Bayit Vegan; P.O. Box 3235, 91031, Jerusalem. Email: Shaare Zedek Public Relations Office. Hospital is affiliated with the School of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A 700 bed facility, Shaare Zedek Medical Center is located on an 11.5 acre campus across from Mt. Herzl and is centrally located in Jerusalem. The hospital treats over 500,000 patients annually through its inpatient and outpatient operations including over 100,000 annual admissions to the Emergency Medicine Department. The Center has earned international recognition for excellence in treating a variety of specialties including cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery, women’s health, neonatology, oncology and palliative medicine, medical genetics, pediatric neurology, pediatric nephrology, laparoscopic surgery, hand surgery and Gaucher's Disease. Shaare Zedek continues to increase its activities in the realm of Medical Tourism and a dedicated Unit services the needs of patients who come to the hospital from abroad. In December of 2012, Shaare Zedek signed an agreement to assume operational Control over Bikur Holim Hospital located in downtown Jerusalem. The merger will Significantly increase Shaare Zedek’s medical activities by adding thousands of patients each year under the hospital’s care and expanding the physical size of the Medical Center to include a second Jerusalem campus. With a name meaning “Gates of Righteousness’,” Shaare Zedek responds to the needs of Jerusalem’s uniquely diverse population, treating patients of every race, religion and nationality. St. John's Eye Hospital: PO Box 19960, Nashashibi Street, Sheikh Jarrah Jerusalem 97200. Tel #582-8325, fax 02-582-8327. E-mail: SJEH Info. A general eye hospital that is fully equipped with all modern equipment, providing eye care in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem. The main hospital is in East Jerusalem has a 74-bed capacity and is staffed by both foreign and local specialist surgeons, doctors, paramedics, overseas medical volunteers and nurses. There is a large, modern Outpatients Department and specialist Retinal, Corneal and Pediatric services. The operating theatre provides a 24-hour emergency service. Director: Rod Bull. St. Joseph's French Hospital - Sheikh Jarrah: P.O. Box 19264, 91192 Jerusalem. Nashashibi Street, Sheikh Jarrah; tel: 02-5819598, Fax: 02-5911903. Email: SJFH Info. A private, 73-bed hospital with three main operating theaters, Coronary Care unit, X-ray, laboratory facilities, and Outpatient Clinic. Facilities: Internal medicine, Surgery, Neurosurgery, E.N.T., Pediatric Surgery and orthopedics. President: Sister Gilbertte Saliba. Director General: Jamil Koussa. Yad Sarah Organization: 124 Herzl Blvd, tel. 02-644-4455. Voluntary organization providing a spectrum of free or nominal cost services for sick, disabled and elderly people and their families. Its main service is lending of medical and rehabilitative equipment on a short-term basis free of charge. Other services include transportation, day care centers for the disabled, drop-in centers and minimum-charge dental clinics for the elderly, etc. For all branches in Jerusalem and the area please refer to Yad Sarah Branches.


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RAMBAM HEALTH CARE CAMPUS – HAIFA * Pediatric and Adult ER Services 6 Ha’Aliya Street, Haifa Tel (ER Administration): 04-854-2309; Tel (ER Nurses): 04-854-2780; www.rambam.org.il


THE SOROKA MEDICAL CENTER OF THE NEGEV – BEER SHEVA * Pediatric and Adult ER Services Tel (General Information): 08-640-0111/3800 Tel (Adult ER) 08-640-0345; http://www.soroka.org/overview

YOSEFTAL MEDICAL CENTER – EILAT * Adult ER Services Derech Yotam, Eilat Tel: 08-635-8011

WEST BANK MAJOR HOSPITALS BETHLEHEM The Holy Family Hospital (Hospital De La Sainte Famille): General hospital, P.O Box 8, Paul VI Street, Bethlehem. tel: 02-274-1151/3/, 02-274-3363/2, fax: 02-274-1154. Email: HFH Info. Director: Dr. Robert Tabash. Al-Hussein/Government Hospital: General hospital, PO Box 667, Beit Jala. Tel: 02-274-1161 /2 /3, fax: 02-277-6399, 02- 274-2434, Mobile. 059-8816610. Email: Al-Hussein Info. Director: Dr. Said El Salahneh. Children Relief Bethlehem, Caritas Baby Hospital: Pediatrics, Caritas Street, Bethlehem, PO Box 84. Tel: 02-275-8500/05, Fax: 02-275-8501/25. Email: CRB Info. Director: Issa Al-Bandak HEBRON Al-Ahli Hospital: Bir Al-Mahjar Street near Hebron, General hospital, Surgical, medical, pediatric, gynecology and outpatient clinics, (160 beds). Tel: 02-222-0212/5, 02-222-4555, 02-222-7671-3, Fax: 02-222-9247. Email: Al-Ahli Info. Director: Dr. Mohammad Al Hashlamoun. Amira Alia (Government) Hospital: King Faisal Street, P.O.BOX 18, Hebron. Tel: 02-222-8122/6/7, 02–222-0345, fax: 02-222-7226. General hospital, 182 beds, Emergency room, 5 Operation rooms, Surgery, Gynecology ICU, CCU, Director: Dr. Walid Zalloum. Mohammad Ali Muhtaseb Hospital: (Red Crescent) AL-Fahs Street, Old City, Hebron, Pediatrics, Emergency, Pediatric Surgery (84 beds). Tel: 02- 02-222-0246 / 0323, 02-2231966; Fax: 02-2231973. Email: Muhtaseb Hospital Info. Director: Dr. Sa’ad Addin Al- Muhtaseb. Al-Mezan Specialty Hospital: (Al-Ghad Medical Services), Dahiet Al-Rameh, Hebron. Tel: 02-225-7400/1 fax. 02-225-7417. Email: Al-Mezan Info.

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JENIN Jenin Government Hospital: General hospital, 123 beds. Al-Mahatta Street, Az-Zahra Quarter, Jenin. Tel: 04-250-1057/5/3375/76, 04-2346636. Email: JHosp Info . Director: Dr. Mohammad Abu Ghali. Al–Amal Hospital: Al-Mahatta Street, P.O. Box 3, Jenin Tel: 04- 2503680 / 04- 2346104 / 1740, Tel & Fax: 04- 2502121. Email: Al-Amal Info. Director: Dr. Mohammad Tufakji. Al Razi Hospital: A-Razi Street, P.O. Box 100, Jenin, Tel: 04-250-2653/4, 04- 250-05055, Fax: 04- 250- 2652. Email: Al-Razi Info. Director: Dr. Mohammad Abed. Dr. Mutei K. Asir Eye Hospital: Muhatta Street, Jenin. Tel: 04-250-1004, Fax: 04-2436430; email: Eye Center Info. Director: Dr. Mute ‘i Asir. JERICHO New Jericho Governmental Hospital: General, 54 beds. Jericho, P.O. Box 7. Tel 02-232-1966/7/8/9, Fax. 02-232-1971, Mobile: 059-8818928. Email: NJH Info or NJH Director, Dr. Naser Younis A’nani. NABLUS Al-Itihad (Women Union) Hospital: P.O. Box 206, Nablus city. General, 61 beds. Tel: 09-237-1491/ 88136; Fax # 09-237-6155. Outpatient unit, Pediatric section, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Orthopedic, Delivery Section, Neonate, laboratories, Blood bank and Emergency Room. Director General: Dr. Yousef Abdelrahman. Al-Watani Hospital: P.O. Box 27, Nablus city. Internal & Pediatrics, 102 beds, Tel. 09-238-3599/5837/4836; 09-239-2426, 09-237-4374, fax # 09-2385836. Director: Dr. Hussam Jowhari. St. Luke's Hospital: Nablus city. General hospital (47 beds), Tel: 09-238-3818/ 09- 2383578, 09-2387751, Fax. 09-237-7752. Email: St. Luke's 1 or St. Luke's 2. Director: Waleed Querry. Rafidia Hospital: General hospital, 165 beds. Tel: 09-239-0390; Fax: 09-239-0316, P.O Box 588, Nablus. Surgery, Normal Delivery, Incubators Notates, Burn Unit, Plastic Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Optical Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, ENT and urology Surgery. Director: Khalid Saleh. QALQILYAH UNRWA Hospital: Tulkarem Street beside the Arab Islamic Bank, Qalqilyah. General hospital (63 beds). Tel: 09-294-0008, 09-294-0966 /2491, Fax. 09-294-2491/2. Email: UNRWA Qalqilyah Info. Director: Dr. Fahmi Hashash. RAMALLAH Ramallah Government Hospital: Ramallah. General hospital. Tel. 02-298-2222, fax 02-295-7942. P.O. Box 36, Ramallah. Director: Ahmad Albetawi.

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Arab Care Hospital, Arab Care Medical Services Co: Al–Nahda Street, Ramallah, PO Box 2832, Jerusalem. Tel: 02-298-6419/6420/6422, Fax: 02-298-0336. Email: Arab Care Info. General Manager: Wa’el Hamoudeh. Red Crescent Hospital (Albireh Hospital): 5 Hillal Streets, Al-Bireh. Tel: 02-240-6260 / 6270, Fax. 02-240-5329. Email: RCH Al-Bireh Info. Ramallah Trauma Center – Sheikh Zayed Hospital: Hospital Street Ramallah. Tel: 02-298-8088, 02-296-6940/1, Fax: 02-296-6949. Al-Mustaqbal Hospital: Al- Balou’, Nablus Street, P.O. Box: 3921, tel. 02-2404562/4, Fax 02-2404561. Director: Waleed Barghouti. Medical Relief and Prevention Diagnostic Center: of Cardio Vascular Disorder: Ersal Street, Assia Bldg., 2nd floor, Ramallah. Tel: 02-296-0336/ 1666, Fax: 02-296-0335. Email: PMRS Info. Director: Dr. Haydar Abu Ghosh. Modern Dental Center: Ahliyeh College Street, Cairo-Amman Bldg, P.O.Box 1972, Ramallah, Tel: 298-0630, Fax. 02-298-0631. Email: Admin Info. Director: Dr. Firas Elayan. Musallam Specialized Center for Eye Surgery: Mukhmas Bldg., 3rd floor, Ramallah. Telefax. 02-298-6838, Tel: 02 -2971164. Musallam Info 1, Musallam Info 2. TULKAREM Dr. Thabet Thabet Hospital: General hospital, (114 beds). Tel: 09-267-1777/ 022/ 09- 62722121, Director: Dr. Hosan Tanib. Tulkarem Hospital, Red Crescent: Gynecology, (26 beds). P.O. Box 222 Tulkarem. Tel. 09-2672620/1022, 2680144, Fax # 09-6272622/2671024. Director: Dr. Erfan Tambouz.

GAZA STRIP HOSPITALS Al-Ahli Arab Hospital : Palestine Square, PO BOX 72, Gaza city. General hospital, General Curative medication, Outpatient clinic, Pediatric, Urology, Community Preventative Program, General Surgery 80 beds, Tel: 08- 2818400/01-03, Fax: 08-2818406. Email: Al-Ahli Arab Info. Director: Suhaila Tarazi. Al Amal City Hospital (Red Crescent): Al Amal Street, Khan Younis, PO Box 9007 Gaza. Gaza, Tel: 08-2067533/8, Fax: 08- 2067530/33. Director: Wael Mikki European Gaza Hospital (EGH): Khan Younis, Al-Forkhari, PO Box 5375 Gaza. Accident & Emergency (24 hours). Outpatients Services and Day Care Unit. Surgery: General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, Pediatric Surgery, ENT & Eudiometry, Ophthalmology and Vascular Surgery. General & Specialized Internal Medicine: Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Dermatology and Photo Therapy. Oncology Hematology: Adult Oncology, Pediatric Oncology, Adult Hematology and Pediatric Hematology. Obstetrics, Gynecology, Pediatrics, Neonatology, SCBU. Radiology Services: Conventional, Radiology, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, C.T scan. Laboratory Services: Routine Lab. Tests Advanced Lab: Tests,

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Histopathology, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Tel: 08-2054495, 08-2054525, Email: EGH Info, website is in Arabic. Director: Abdel Lateef Haj. Nasser Hospital for Children: Al Nasser Street, Gaza City. General hospital, 200 beds: Pediatrics, ICU, Cancer, Kidneys, Cardiology. Tel: 08-287964/1, fax: 08-2879647. Director: Dr. Nabil Al- Barqawi. El Wafa’ Medical Rehabilitation Hospital: Shijaia Gaza, P.O Box: 1051. Specialty & Surgery Hospital. Tel: 08- 2804140/41, Fax; 08-2801189. Email: El Wafa Info. Director: Dr. Taiseer Biltaji. Al Noor City Hospital (Red Crescent): Tel El-Hawa, Jame’at Aldowal Arabaia Street, PO Box 5022, Gaza. Tel: 08-2838824/34/44, fax: 08-2834095, Email: NCH Info. Director: Omar Azaizeh. GCMHP Rehab Centers: Al Rashid Street, Po Box 1049 Gaza City. Mental Health, Training, Public Awareness, Therapy, Research, Work with victims of human rights abuses, Traumatized children, Clinics, Women centers in Gaza, Beach camp and Rafah. Tel: 08-2825710/24073/ 5700, Free tel: 1-800-222-333, Fax: 08-2824072, Email: GCMHP Info 1 or GCMHP Info 2. Chairperson: Ahmad Abu Tawahena. Al-Walid Ben Talal Center for Down syndrome: PO Box 1021, Ar-Rimal, Gaza. Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, day care center with special education, consultative and awareness programs. Tel: 08- 2807011/ 3888, Fax: 08-2807010, Mobile: 059-9444422, Email: WBT Info. Director: Adala Abu Middein Union of Health Works Committee: Gaza, Tel: 08-2824272, Fax: 08-2869220, Email: Gaza Health Info. P.O. Box: 5123, Gaza. A Non Government Organization operating a hospital (Al-‘Awdah) and four medical centers, each focusing on targeted health care services within the community: the Al-Quds Medical Center (housing the Al-Hayah Center for Women), Al-Assria Medical Center, Allehdan Center for Medical and Community Services and Al-‘Awdah Medical Center. Director: Dr. Tayseer Al-Sultan.


BELIK, Dr. Harvey – Family Practice 124 Achuza St, Raanana Office Tel: 09-743-2030; For Appointments: 057-990-0323 (24 hours/day) Private Practice. COHEN, Dr. Michael (Tel Aviv Doctor) - Family Practice 46 Basel Street, Tel Aviv For Appointments call: 054-941-4243 or Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.telaviv-doctor.com/

KORDEVANI, Dr. Roi – Family Medicine 18 Reines Street, Room 305, Tel Aviv (5 minutes away from Dizengoff Street) For Appointments call 050-577-6141 (Secretary speaks English) Email: [email protected]; Cell phone for Emergencies 24/7: 050-577-6141 Website (English): www.tlvmd.com SHENKMAN, Prof. Louis – Internal Medicine & Endocrinology Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497; Email: [email protected]

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SHUB, Dr. Arnold – Family Practice Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 ZAHLER, Dr. Jonas – Family Practice Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

ALLERGISTS / ASTHMA / PULMONOLOGISTS SEGAL, Dr. Ramit Maoz – Adult and Pediatric Allergies/Asthma/Immunology Aharoni Medical Center, 2nd Floor, 83 Weitzman Street, Kfar Saba For appts call: 050-576-6588; Email: [email protected] SHINER, Prof. Robert – Pulmonologist Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 He travels often so appointments need to be made in advance SHULIMZON, Dr. Tiverio – Pulmonologist Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

BIO-FEEDBACK (CBT) ROLNICK, Arnon 9 Micha Street, Ramat Gan – Clinic is in a private house For appointments, call 052-254-2725 or 03-676-4305; Email: [email protected]

CARDIOLOGISTS & CARDIO ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGISTS BIRK, Dr. Einat – Pediatric Cardiologist Director of Cardiology, Schneider Children’s Medical Center, 14 Kaplan Street, Petach Tikva; email: [email protected] To make an appointment call: 03-925-3675/3715 BLIEDEN, Prof. Leonard – Pediatric Cardiologist Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 FUCHS, Therese MD – Board Certified Cardiology & Electrophysiology 19 HaMeitar Street, Ramat-Gan; Tel: 03-616-4042; Website: www.heart.co.il

KATZ, Prof. Amos (cardio-electrophysiologist) Assuta Hospital; Email: [email protected] [email protected]; He is also the Director of the Cardiology Department at Barzilai Medical Center KORNOWSKI, Prof. Ran – General & Catheterization Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

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Nurse Coordinator at HMC: Einat Gonen – 054- 220-1003; Email:[email protected] ROZENBAUM, Dr. Eliezer – General & Catheterization Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 email: [email protected]

VISKIN, Prof. Sami — Specialist in Brugada Syndrome (cardio-electrophysiologist) Appointments: Medical Tourism in the Tourism office at Ichilov to be seen there, or through 03- 523-4565 if to be seen in the private clinic (which is in the tower next to the hospital) Email: [email protected]

CHIROPRACTORS BEEN, Dr. Laurence US Trained 95 Akiva Street, Ra’anana; Office Tel: 09-745-5485 (message is in Hebrew & English) BARUCH, Dr. Ofer – Chiropractic Orthopedics Specialist – US Trained Weizman Clinics Tower, 14 Weitzman St, 19th floor, Clinic #1924 Tel Aviv – Mon & Thurs 3-10, Fri 8-2.30. Appointments: 03-609-1519 – Wait for Hebrew message to finish, then leave name and tel # in English. Also at: Home Clinic, 104 Nof Harim Street, Zur-Iga’al-KohavYair Tues 8-1 and 5.30 to 9.0. BEHAR, Dr. Yitzhak Country Club G, Ramat Aviv Gimmel, Feinstein 18, Ramat Aviv. 054-929-2928 or 03-643-0372 (Clinic) Hours: Sun,Tue,Thur 8-12 and 4-7. Email: [email protected]

SHMUEL LUX, DC ADDRESS Dan Panorama Hotel: 39 Keren Hayesod St., Jerusalem TELEPHONE 052-401-3838 FAX 02-579-7603 E-MAIL Shmuel Lux Info SPECIALTY Chiropractic & Mind-Body Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition EDUCATION & MEDICAL New York Chiropractic College (1978) LICENSE DC 1978; Applied Kinesiology, Acupucture, N.E.T. PROF MEMBESHIP ICS – Israeli Chiropractic Society. LANGUAGES English and Hebrew ENGLISH Extensive WORKING HOURS Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Call/e-mail for an appointment. AFTER HOURS Evening hours are available.

CIRCUMCISION DOLLBERG, Professor Shaul – Neonatologist & Mohel Head of NICU & Neonatology at Ichilov Hospital 20 Hameshorer Street, Kiryat Krinitzi (near Tel Shomer Hospital) – Private Clinic For appointments call: 054-448-0070; website: www.babydoc.co.il

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JACKSON, Dr. Shlomo Steven – Circumcision, Neurosurgery & Mohel 10 David Eliezer Street, Ra’anana – Private Clinic To make an appointment call: 054-623-0245/6; website: www.doctor-mohel.com

DENTISTS DENTISTS, GENERAL ELIE J. DIBSY ADDRESS 3 El Zahra Street, Jerusalem. P.O.Box 19217 TELEFAX 02-628-4144 office, cellular 050-541-1230, 02-583-3588 home, fax: 02-6284144 E-MAIL Dr. Dibsy Info SPECIALTY Oral and Dental Surgery, Dental Implants, General Dentistry. BACKGROUND D.D.S Beirut 1958. Postgraduate School of Stomatology of Paris/France 1962; Georgetown University, D.C 1964, University of California Medical School - San Francisco 1964. Professional Association Membership; Board Membership, Affiliate member of the American Dental Association, Fellow of the International College of Dentists, Member of E.A.O (European Association for Osseo integration) Belgium, Member of the International Association of Stomatology, Paris. WORKING HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm, and 3:30pm - 6:30pm. Wednesday, Saturday 9am – 1:00pm. Available at any time in case of emergencies. CHARGES Depends on the individual case. LANGUAGES English, French, Arabic, Spanish and Italian. ARI GREENSPAN ADDRESS Bet Hanatziv, 101 Hebron Road, Entrance B, 4th Floor, Jerusalem TELEPHONE 02-679-8040 FAX 02-679-8059 E-MAIL Dr. Greenspan Info SPECIALTY General Dentistry EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE 20 years. D.M.D., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, 1988; continuing education courses. Serves as dentist in U.S. Army Reserves. Private practice in Jerusalem since 1988. PROF MEMBSHIP Israel Dental Association LANGUAGES English, Hebrew, Spanish and French. ENGLISH SPOKEN Extensive WORKING HOURS Sunday – Thursday 7:30am to 5p.m. AFTER HOURS Yes DEBRA KATZ ADDRESS 19 Washington Street, Jerusalem TELEPHONE 02-624-8655 FAX 02-624-6376 E-MAIL Dr. Katz Info SPECIALTY Orthodontics EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem 2000; General Practice Residency, General Dentistry, NY 1987; Doctor of Dental Dentistry, NY 1986; B.A., psychology, NY 1982. License: dental, in Israel & California. PROF MEMBSHIP American Association of Orthodontists; World Federation of Orthodontists; Israel Orthodontic Society & Israel Dental Association

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LANGUAGES English, Hebrew. ENGLISH SPOKEN Extensive WORKING HOURS Sunday – Thursday 8:00a.m. to 5p.m. AFTER HOURS 24/7 emergency coverage. CHARLES ROSEN ADDRESS 41 King George St. TELEPHONE 02-624-4756 FAX 02-625-6182 SPECIALTY General Dentistry, Orthodontics. EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE New York University B.A., D.D.S., and M.S. in Post Graduate Orthodontics; U.S. Army Dental Corps; private practice Lawrence, NY. NY and Israeli license. PROF. MEMBERSHIP NY State, Israeli Dental Associations. LANGUAGES English, Hebrew, German ENGLISH LANGUAGE Extensive WORKING HOURS By Appointment AFTER HOURS Cellular 052-475-1938 DANIEL ZISKIND ADDRESS 10 Messilat Yesharim, Jerusalem TELEPHONE 02-625-1625 E-MAIL Dr. Ziskind Info SPECIALTY Prosthodontics, with emphasis on cosmetic dentistry, Implantology. EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE Graduated at the George August University, Gottingen, Germany (1983); Prosthodontics Rehabilitation, Hebrew University, Hadassah (1987); Dept. of Periodontology, Berlin, Germany (1989); Master Clinician, Gide Inst. & UCLA School of dentistry. PROF. MEMBERSHIP The Israel Society of Prosthodontics, Israeli Dental Association, Israel Periodontal and Oosseointegration Society LANGUAGES Hebrew, English, German, Polish ENGLISH LANGUAGE Extensive WORKING HOURS Monday 8am to 5pm; Wednesday 2pm to 8pm; Friday 8am to 1pm. AFTER HOURS As needed.

ALTER, Dr. Darryl Room 110, First Floor, 71 Hanadiv Street, Herzliya. Office: 09-955-0504/0540 or Dr. Alter’s Cell Phone: 050-751-6107. For Emergencies ONLY call Secretary Sarit: 050-661- 9407. Email: [email protected] BORTMAN, Dr. Zamir 10 Yehezkel Streichman Street, Tel Aviv Office: 03-7502184/92 Cell: 050-6875912 Languages: Hebrew, English, French; Accepts cash, credit cards & overseas insurance JACOBSON, Dr. Farryl – Preventive Care Adult and Pediatric Dentist 39 HaMa’apilim Street 1st floor, Room 103, Herzliya Pituach For appointments, call Dalia: 09-951-2199 Emergencies only, call cell: 052-856-8567 Email: [email protected] Tricare Provider KAPLAN, Dr. Phillip 25 Zeitlin St. Tel Aviv. Office Tel: 03-695-6549; For Emergencies ONLY: 09-741-4655 KRAMER, Dr. Farrel, BDS – Adults and Pediatrics Kramer Dental Center, 81 Sokolov St, Ramat Hasharon, 3rd Floor

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Tel: 03-547-3601; Cell (for emergencies ONLY): 052-268-4169

KRAMER, Dr. Farrel, BDS – Adults and Pediatrics Kramer Dental Center, 81 Sokolov St, Ramat Hasharon, 3rd Floor Tel: 03-547-3601; Cell (for emergencies ONLY): 052-268-4169 LANDMAN, Dr. Ehud Raviv 56 Yehoshua Ben-Nun St., Herzliya Pituach. Office: 09-958-2767 (message is in Hebrew & English); Cell (Emergencies ONLY): 050-958-2767 Hours: Sun & Mon: 7:30-17:00; Wed & Thurs: 14:30-20:30

MANOR, Dr. Liran Room 213 Giron Center, 5 Jabotinsky Street, Ra’anana. Tel (Secretary – Hani): 09-774-3302 / 09-771-3106 (message is only in Hebrew) Cell (for emergencies ONLY): 050-350-5548 MILLER, Dr. Ben D.M.D CEREC Digital Dentistry - 11 HaBarzel Street Tel Aviv Tel (03) 773-3223 Cell: 052-365-8393; Clinic website: https://drbenmiller.com/en/home Office Hours: Sun-Thurs: 1000-1800 24/7 emergency dental care by appointment


NAME AKRAM A. GHABBOUN ADDRESS Ikmais Building, Bethlehem (P.O. Box 637) TELEPHONE Clinic: 02-2743283 – recording in English and Arabic asking to leave a message; residence phone number: 02-2743260. Mobile # 059-825—2895, 052-678-6626, EMAIL Dr. Ghabboun Info. SPECIALTY Dentistry BACKGROUND Practice since 1975; Peridoltgy and Oral Surgery Department; 6 months course at Whipps Cross Hospital, London University 1980. In possession of Palestinian and Jordanian Medical license, Professional Association Membership; Board Membership, Member of the Jordanian and Jordanian Dental Associations WORKING HOURS Saturdays through Thursdays: 8:00 to 19:00. CHARGES Depends on the Individual case LANGUAGES Arabic and English ADHAM K. MAKHLOUF ADDRESS Bethlehem near Cinema Square. TELEPHONE Clinic: 02-2743283; residence phone number: 02-2747806. Mobile # 0598173661 EMAIL Dr. Makhlouf Info SPECIALTY General Dentist BACKGROUND B.D.S Alquds University 2011, Mcs, Hebrew University – Hadassah Ein – Kerem (continuing). Palestinian Medical License. Professional Association Membership; Board Membership, Membership in Palestinian Dental Association and Associate membership in P.A.D.I (Palestinian Association of Dental Implant). WORKING HOURS Sundays through Thursdays: 8:00 to 19:00. CHARGES Depends on the Individual case LANGUAGES Arabic and English

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DENTISTS, PEDIATRIC BLUMENSTYK, Dr. Allen – Pediatric Dentist 91 Usishkin Street, Ramat HaSharon Office Tel: 03-547-1202; Hours: Sun & Wed 15:00-20:00, Mon & Thurs 15:00-17:00; Tricare provider


KAPLAN, Dr. Baruch HaSivim Street 49, Petach Tikva Park Yanai Building For Appointments call Secretary, Liora: 054-220-0246 Office Hours: Sun & Thurs 14:00-18:00, Mon: 09:00-11:00, Fri: 08:00-11:00 LAZAROV, Dr. Aneta Herzliya Building #1, 22 Ben Gurion Street, 3rd Floor, Herzliya For appts call Office: 09-958-0845; Secretary Mira – not WED. Or email. Website www.dunsguide.co.il Email: [email protected]

DOULAS SHWARTSZORGEN, Hila Email: [email protected]; Cell Phone: 054-676-7049 Speaks Hebrew, English and Spanish. Highly recommended by Families TABAK-SHEMESH, Maytal Tel: 050 733 2266; Email: [email protected] Maytal has been highly recommended by a number of diplomats over the past years. She meets with the prospective parents 8 times – 3 times for reflexology sessions, 3 times for preparation for birth classes, the birth itself and 1 time post birth. Her English is fantastic.

EAR, NOSE & THROAT COHEN, Dr. Jackie – Specializes in Adults Weizman Tower (next to Ichilov Hospital) 20th floor, Office (from 9 am-9pm) 077-777-9222; Office Hours: Mon & Wed 16:00-20:00; Email: [email protected] DE ROWE, Dr. Ari – Specializes in Pediatrics Weizman Tower (next to Ichilov Hospital) 20th floor Tel (open from 9 am-9pm) 077-777-9222; Office Hours: Sun & Thurs 15:00-21:00; Email: [email protected]

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LANDER, Dr. Martin 14 Habanim Street, Hod Hasharon For appts call Clinic: 09-760-3644 during open hours or Cell Phone: 050-653-8100; Hours: Sun/ Wed 8:00-11:30; Mon/Tues: 15:00-18:00; Thurs 16:00-19:30 WOHLGELENTER, Dr. Jay – Adults and Pediatrics Specializes ENT, Head and Neck surgery Thursdays 1400-1700 and by appointment 88 Achuza Street Raanana Appointments: 09-746-2010

ENDOCRINOLOGISTS EYAL, Dr. Ori & WEINTROB, Dr. Naomi – Pediatric Endocrinology Dana Children’s Hospital, Ichilov Hospital, 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv; Call for appointment between the hours 14:30-16:00: Carol Emold (Medical Tourism) for a referral to make an appointment: 03-697-3426, or a member of Medical Tourism Team. JAKUBOWICZ, Prof Daniella – Endocrinology, Diabetes, Metabolism Icholov and Wolfson Medical Center. Private patients: Tel Aviv Medical Center, 46 Herbert Samuel Boulevard, Tel Aviv (very near the Embassy). Clinic Thurs 3-9 but also sees patients at her home (36 Herbert Samuel Blvd) by appointment. Call Secretary: 03-771-2800 or leave message on her cell: 050-810-5552. Email: [email protected]

PHILLIP, Prof. Moshe – Pediatric Endocrinology Director of Endocrinology Clinic and National Center for Childhood Diabetes Schneider Children’s Medical Center, 14 Kaplan Street, Petach-Tikva Clinic Tel: 03-925-3282. For appts, call HMC Int’l Dept (09-959-2497) which will deal directly with your insurance or call Schneider’s International Medical Tourism: 03-925-3525. His administrative assistant Emanuella’s Email:[email protected], Tel: 03-9253747 SHENKMAN, Prof. Louis – Adults Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497; Email: [email protected]. Available on Sunday mornings


NAME TESSA MANOIM ADDRESS 18 Yad Harutsim Street, Jerusalem TELEPHONE 02-672-5696 FAX 02-672-5697 E-MAIL Dr. Manoim Info SPECIALTY Family Medicine EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE: Medical studies, 1980 – 1985, JHB, South Africa; Family Medicine, Canada, completed 1991; Family Medicine, Israel, completed 1995. Israeli Ministry of Health, MD and

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Family Medicine specialist licenses. PROF MEMBESHIP Israeli Association of Family Physicians, Israel medical Association. LANGUAGES English, Hebrew, Afrikaans; some French, Italian & German. ENGLISH Extensive WORKING HOURS Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:30a.m. to 2:p.m.; Monday 11a.m. to

4:30p.m.; Tuesday 12 to 5p.m. AFTER HOURS N/A.

GASTROENTEROLOGISTS BARDAN, Dr. Eitan Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 NIV, Prof. Yaron Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 KONIKOFF, Dr. Fred Assuta Hospital, Ramat Ha’Chail, Tel Aviv and Private Clinic: Basel 35, ground floor; 03-545-3334

GENETICISTS GERALD, Dr. Leora Herzliya Medical Center, Tel (International Dept): 09-959-2497 LUDMAN, Dr. Mark David MD, FACMGG Bilu 62, Raanana, Appointments: 052-831-8731

HEARING & AUDIOMETRY– Adults & Pediatrics AUDIO TEST – Adults & Pediatrics 14 Raul Wallenberg Street, 2nd Floor, Ramat Hachayal (near Assuta Hospital), Tel Aviv For appointments call Clinic Tel: 03-649-3442, Clinic Manager – Orly; Audiometry Testing, Behavior Audiometry. They test from 9 months old through adulthood. Pediatric testing – done on Fridays 8:30 to 15:30 by the owners of the clinic, Daphna Ari-Even Roth & Fani Bloch, both with Masters in Audiology. ETY ISRAEL HEARING & SPEECH CLINIC – Adults and Pediatrics Sokolov Street, Herzliya (in the Azorim Building); Clinic Tel: 09-955-4065; Email: [email protected] Hearing Tests, Tympanometry Tests, Tinnitus Tests, BERA and OAE Tests, Hearing Aids & Speech Therapy

HEMATOLOGISTS MARTINOWITZ, Dr Uri – Director of Hemophilia Services at Tel Hashomer Hospital Email: [email protected]

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INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALISTS BILAVSKY, Dr. Efraim Schneider Children’s Hospital; Cell: 052-363-6903; Home: 09-950-0144; Email: [email protected]

INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALISTS BILAVSKY, Dr. Efraim Schneider Children’s Hospital; Cell: 052-363-6903; Home: 09-950-0144; Email: [email protected]


ZIAD ABU ASI ADDRESS Private Clinic: Al-Kawthar Street, Al-Bireh Al-Hilal Palestinian Red Crescent Society Hospital TELEPHONE 02-242-5328, Home 02-242-7464, Mobile 059-965-8596. EMAIL Dr. Abu Asi Info SPECIALTY Internal medicine, Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. BACKGROUND B.S Degree from Magna Cum Laude, City college of New York, M.D from Howard University, Washington D.C. Residency at State University Hospital, New York, fellow of American College of Emergency Physicians. Medical License issued by New York State and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Member of the American College of Emergency Physicians, Member of Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Member of American College of Physicians, Member of the American Medical Association and Member of the Palestinian and Jordanian Medical Associations. WORKING HOURS 8:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 Daily. CHARGES Depends on individual case. LANGUAGES English, Arabic. Aziz Sehweil ADDRESS Private Clinic: Al- Isra’a building, Irsal Street. Mobile: 059-936-8500, Fax: 02-296-6655 EMAIL Dr. Sehweil Info. SPECIALTY Internal Medicine BACKGROUND Doctorate Degree in Medicine, Munich University, (Ludwig – Maximilians University) Germany 1985. Member of the Jordanian Board, Member of the Palestinian Medical Association. License issued by the Palestinian Medical Council. WORKING HOURS Sunday – Thursday 13:30- 17:30. Availability after hours. CHARGES Depends on individual case. LANGUAGES English, Arabic and German.

LACTATION CONSULTANTS GRUNIS, Esther, IBCLC – Israel’s Breastfeeding Guru – Call home & leave message: 03- 642-1186. Email: [email protected]. Can run Prenatal Breastfeeding groups in English if enough participants.

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HELLER, Barbara Home visits to mothers and babies during first month . Also does pre-natal counseling. To make an appointment call her Cell: 054-593-9700; Specializes in twins. STRUL, Hila, IBCLC – Highly recommended by Esther Grunis. Makes home visits in Tel Aviv area. Call 054-555-7679.

NEUROLOGISTS – Adult BORENSTEIN, Prof. Natan Ichilov Hospial, 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv Call Carol Emold (Medical Tourism) 03-697-3426 for a referral & appointment. If Carol is unavailable, speak to any member of the Medical Tourism Team. KLEIN, Dr. Colin Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497; Office hours – Wednesday afternoon/evening by appointment. Also works at Meir Hospital Kfar Saba.

NEUROLOGISTS, Pediatric FATAL-VALEVSKI, Prof. Aviva – Pediatric Neurologist & Developmental Pediatrician Private Clinic: 5 Beit Zuri Street, Tel-Aviv; Tel: 03-642-3824 AND Dana Children’s at Ichilov (Head of Pediatric Neurology Department), 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv; For appointments, call Private clinic number or Prof Fatal’s Cell phone: 052-426-2069 or Call Carol Emold (Medical Tourism) 03-697-3426 for a referral & appointment. If Carol is unavailable, speak to any member of the Medical Tourism Team: 03-697-3426; Email: [email protected]

NUTRITIONISTS ENTEN, Roni 71 HaNadiv Street First floor in the office of Dr. Amy Eyal Appointments: 073-737-1720; email: [email protected] GIDRON, Drorit Sirkis Ziv Towers, 24 Raul Valenberg St, Ramat Hachayal, Tel Aviv For appts call office: 03-648-5511 or Cell: 054-649-6244 RUBIN, Denise Natural & Traditional Nutritional Medicine 4 Herzl Street, Ra'anana, Raanana; Tel: 052-555-6418; Email: [email protected]

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Specializes in Naturapathic, Chinese & Macrobiotic Nutrition, Herbal Therapy, Iridology & Healing. Website: www.deniserubin-eatwise.com SHULMAN, Ira 15/13 Gluskin Street, Rehovot. She makes home visits. To make an appt call: 054-302-9555


CASTEL, Dr. Elias – Gynecology & High Risk Obstetrics 9A Habarzel Street, 4th Floor, Tel Aviv For Appts call: 050-404-0720; Email: [email protected] Speaks English, Hebrew & Spanish; Cell: 050-638-8621 CHAYEN, Dr. Benny — Certified by the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10a Achimeir Street, Kfar Ganim, Petach Tikva; For appts call office: 03-933-3077 /66; Email: [email protected]; Clinic hours: Sundays from 19:30 to 22:30, Wednesdays from 18:00 to 23:00 and Thursdays for emergencies. Speaks English, Hebrew & Italian COHEN, Dr Shlomi – Specialist in Ob/Gyn and Minimal Invasive Surgeries Herzlia Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 Works at Sheba (Tel Hashomer) Appts through HMC via Secretary (Nurit): 054 548 5062. His cell: 052-666-6465 GROUTZ, Dr. Asnat – Does Uro-Gynecology and strictly GYN only. No Obstetrics. Weitzman Towers, 14 Weitzman Street, 18th Floor, Tel-Aviv; Call Cell to make an appointment: 050-790-1988. Email: [email protected];

HOD, Prof. Moshe – Director of Maternal/Fetal Medicine at Rabin Medical Center Rabin Medical Center, Jabotinsky Street, Petah Tikva Private Clinic: 71 Hanadiv Street, Herzliya; For appointments call: 09-951-2798 or 09-950-3732; Email: [email protected], [email protected] LESSING, Prof. Joseph – Director, Lis Maternity, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center. 4 Lipsky Street (Corner of 44 Sharet St), Tel Aviv To Make an Appointment call 03-511-4306 or Private Clinic Number/Fax: 03-605-9771 MASHIACH, Dr. Reuven High risk Obstetrics – fetal ultrasound; Clinic: 15 Sasha Argov Street, Tel Aviv; For appts, call HMC: (International Dept): 09-959-2497; Clinic Number: 03-648-4862; Email: [email protected]; WARCHAIZER, Dr. Susan 14 Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv Appointments: 057-841-1238 or Secretary (Nava) during open Clinic hours: 03- 620-1438; Office hours: Sun 09:00-12:00/13:00-15:00,Mon 08:00-10:00, Tues 17:00-19:00 Thurs 09:00- 12:00/13:00-15:00. During out of office hours leave a message. Email:[email protected] WEINSTEIN, Dr. Sofia

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Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497


ACHIRON, Prof. Reuven – Head of Ultrasound Dept. at Tel Hashomer Hospital Private Clinic: 3 Sprintzek Street, 2nd Floor, Room 250, Tel Aviv (Across from the Cinemeteque Theater) Clinic #: 03-695-6604; 03-695-6596; Cell #: 052-666-6460; Email: [email protected]

OB – LABOR & DELIVERY PREPAREDNESS TEL AVIV SOURASKY MEDICAL CENTER (ICHILOV) LIS MATERNITY HOSPITAL 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv Offers the following in English: 1. Free Tours with a midwife 2. Childbirth Classes in English 3. Individual Meeting with a Midwife Call 03-697-3113 from 8:00-20:00 or email [email protected] To schedule a C-Section or Fetal Inversion, call 03-697-2075 or 03-692-5603

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS– Pediatric SOMMER, Geelit Works at the American International School and the American Pre-School Cell Phone: 054-493-6968; Home: 03-936-9646

DOLLBERG, Professor Shaul – Neonatologist & Mohel Head of NICU & Neonatology at Ichilov Hospital 20 Hameshorer Street, Kiryat Krinitzi (near Tel Shomer Hospital) – Private Clinic For appointments call: 054-448-0070; website: www.babydoc.co.il

JACKSON, Dr. Shlomo Steven – Circumcision, Neurosurgery & Mohel 10 David Eliezer Street, Ra’anana – Private Clinic To make an appointment call: 054-623-0245/6; website: www.doctor-mohel.com TICHLER, Tom Dr. Mercaz Golan (Golan Center) Achuza Street 1`98 Suite 111 Appointments: Sunday and Thursday evenings (09) 771-1723


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BOOCK, Dr. Marion – Pediatrics (from age 4) and Adults Ha Yated 11, Herzliya Bet Cell: 052-250-1449; Office: 09-958-0230 Hebrew message then assistance in English) -24 hr service); Home: 09-958-4340 (Emergency Calls Only); Email: [email protected] EIN TAL EYE CENTER – Dr. SCHOCHAT 17 Brandeis Street, Tel Aviv; For Appts call 03-543-3222 or Osnat (Secretary) at 03- 543- 3228 HARTSTEIN, Professor Morris Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 9959 4888 NAVEH, Dr. Lilly 155 Jabotinsky Street, Ramat Gan. For appts call: 03-755-7111 and press 4 or call Cell 054-735-3550; Will see patients at home in case of an Emergency: 03-540-4550.

JACQUES BRONSTEIN ADDRESS 9 Rashba Street, 9226405 Jerusalem TELEPHONE 02-566-4733; cellular tel. 054-428-2500 FAX 02-561-1036 E-MAIL Dr. Bronstein Info SPECIALTY Ophthalmology EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE Medicine in Paris, 1956-1963. Sr. Asst at Foundation Opthamologique De Rothschild, Paris. Senior at Shaare Zedek Ophthalmic Department. Chief of Ophthalmological Department of Misgav Ladach Hospital. PROF. MEMBERSHIP I.M.A., Ophthalmologic Israel Association LANGUAGES French, English, Hebrew, Spanish. ENGLISH Extensive WORKING HOURS By appointment. AFTER HOURS Yes, cellular 054-428-2500


ADDRESS Private Clinic: 306 Al Hindi Trade Center, Al Center, Al Irsal Street, Ramallah.

Tel.02-2967350, Fax: 02-02-2967350 EMAIL Dr. Musallam Info.

SPECIALTY Ophthalmic Surgeon.

BACKGROUND Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, 2004. Professional Association

Membership; Board Membership: MEACO and ARABCO membership. License issued by the

Palestinian Ministry of Health.

WORKING HOURS Saturday – Thursday 10:00- 14:00 and 16:00 – 18:00. Availability after


CHARGES Depends on individual case.

LANGUAGES English, Arabic and Hebrew.

ORTHODONTISTS KATZ, Dr. Allon 39 HaMa’apalim, 1st Floor, Herzliya Pituach. Call Dalia for appts: 09-951-2199; Sees pts in Dr Farrell Jacobson’s office who recommended him.

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ORTHOPEDISTS/ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS BAR-ON, Dr. El-Hanan – Pediatric Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

GOODWIN, Dr David – Specializes in hands 78 Shlomo Hamelech, Tel Aviv; Tel: 03-527-0546 (message only in Hebrew – cannot leave messages. Call during open clinic hours for appt); Hours: Sun, Tue &Wed 16:00-19:00 HOROVITZ, Dr. Suzanna – Orthopedic Surgeon, Specializes in Knees Weizman Center Tower, 14th Floor, 14 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv For appts call Office: 03-546-5474; Email: [email protected] LOEBENBERG, Dr. Mark – Sports Medicine, General Orthopedics, Shoulders Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

MANN, Prof Gideon – Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba. Appointments via: International Department: Tali Roter 09- 747-1828 (Cell: 052-799-0097); Email:[email protected] MORAG, Dr. Guy – Orthopedic surgeon – Specializes in Sports Injuries Team Physician for Maccabi Tel Aviv Basketball Team Sportopedia, 34 Sokolov Street, Ramat Hasharon; For appts call: 077-540-4040 Email: [email protected] OHANA, Dr. Nissim – Specializes in Backs Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 VELKES, Dr. Steven – Specializes in Knees and Hips Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

PEDIATRICIANS HURWITZ , Dr. Hillel – Specializes in Asthma 39 Hama’apilim Street, Suite 102, Herzlyia Pituach Email:[email protected]; Office/Cell: 054-806-6543. Tricare Provider. HERMAN, Dr. Miriam 1 Melchett Street, Tel Aviv. For appts call Clinic: 03-528-1888 or Cell: 052-830-1234. Email: [email protected] KAHN, Dr. Raphi 8 Shvil Berliner, Apt 10, Tel Aviv

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For Appointments call Cell: 050-846-3570; Email:[email protected]

NEUMANN, Dr. Yoram 54 Shlomo Hamelech Street, Herzliya Pituach For appts call Secretary, Ruti . 09-957-2597 (leave message if no answer); fax: 09-957-2137. For Emergencies ONLY: 052-666-6352. Sees patients in home clinic or at HMC; can bill insurance through HMC. If billing insurance via HMC, pt will need appropriate forms from HMC and bring (or fax) them to the doctor. Website: www.dr-neumann.co.il

SHALIT, Dr. Tahel 22 Ben Gurion Street, 4th Floor, Herzliya; Office Number: 09-957-3886; Web Page: www.sites.google.com/site/tahelclinic/english SHAMIR, Prof. Ra’anan – Specializes in Pediatric Gastroenterology/Nutrition Chairman of the Institute of Gastroenterology, Nutrition &Liver Diseases at Schneider Children’s. 27 Achi Dakar Street, Herzliya Pituach. Sees patients in home clinic. Not easily accessible at all times. For appointments call his secretary (wife) Dana at: 054-728-2812 (message is in Hebrew; leave name and phone number and she will call back). Can bill insurance through HMC. Difficult to reach.

STAFLER, Dr. Patrick – Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology Shvil Hazahav 6/46, Raanana and 65 Haatzmaut Street, Petach Tikva For an appt call his Cell: 054-724-3623; website: www.yeladimdoc.com; email: [email protected]. Makes Home Visits. Speaks Hebrew, English, German, French, Romanian.

PHYSIOTHERAPISTS ALUFI, Adi – Orthopedic Rehabilitation & Pediatric Neurological Rehabilitation Makes Home Visits; Cell: 052-247-9571 BADIR, Adam – Specializes in Spinal Sports Injuries Makes Home Visits and also works at Medix (National Sports Ctr) 6 Shitrit St.For appts call Cell: 054-492-8913 or Clinic Number: 03-648-2333. If no answer, write short text message with name & #. DANNONBERG, Shai – Hydro Physical Therapist HaTa’asia 6, Kfar Saba Israel, [email protected]; Cell Phone – 072-236-4842

MILLSTEIN, Avi Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 MOLCHO, Naomi – Specializes in Pediatrics with disabilities and Autism Makes home visits; call Cell: 054-317-4442 or Email: [email protected]

MOLCHO, Naomi – Specializes in Pediatrics with disabilities and Autism

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Makes home visits; call Cell: 054-317-4442 or Email: [email protected] RIMON-MENKO, Gail Makes home visits; call Cell: 054-461-3634 (leave message) or Email:[email protected] SCHLACHTER, Steve Makes Home visits: call cell: 050-583-3574 (leave message) or Email:[email protected]

SCHWARTZ, Diana – Specializes in Geriatrics & Orthopedics; No Pediatrics 48 Hagalil Street #7, Ra’anana. Makes home visits; for appts call Cell: 054-560-8948 VENTURA, Micha –Pediatric Neuro-developmental Physiotherapist Makes home visits; call Home/Clinic Number: 03-731-5139 or Cell Phone: 052-830-5790; Email: [email protected]

PODIATRISTS CAPLIN, Dr. Jonathan 124 Achuza Street, Ra’anana, Sharon Medical Center AND 155 Jabotinsky Street, 3rd Floor, Ramat Gan “Laser-Caplin”. For appts in either clinic call 077-553-1153 (Anat – Secretary). Email: [email protected] KARPF, Dr. Andrew – Podiatric Surgery and Medicine 35 Reines Street, corner of Gordan Street, Tel Aviv; for an appt call Cell: 054-788-8089; Email: [email protected]


The Jerusalem Mental Health Center: this is comprehensive 300-bed center, affiliated with the Hebrew University - Hadassah School of Medicine. It includes two hospitals, main telephone number 1-599-50-60-80 (website is in Hebrew): Eitanim Psychiatric Hospital: located on Mt. Eitanim near Jerusalem. Mobile Post North Yehuda 90972, tel. 02-570-5111, fax 02-534-0084. . Hospital Wards are Children and Adolescents in “Lower Eitanim” and Adults in “Upper Eitanim”. All wards are staffed by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and rehabilitators. Kfar Shaul Psychiatric Hospital: Givat Shaul, 91060 Jerusalem. Tel. 02-655-1551, Fax. 02-651-2274. Hospital’s wards are the Emergency Room, tel. number 02-655-1513, the Protected Active Ward, Open Active Wards, five In-Patient Wards, and one Out-Patient Ward. All wards are staffed by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses and rehabilitators.

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Sarah Herzog Hospital: see listing for Jerusalem area medical facilities above. Jerusalem Counseling: Intervention for teens and young adults in distress. Email: JC Info. Mental Health Hospital, Bethlehem: Bethlehem, P.O. BOX 60, Tel: 02-2741155/6, Fax: 02-2741657. The hospital provides professional treatments in the miscellaneous fields of mental health, psychiatric and epilepsy. Director: Mohammad Jubran.

DOLEV, Dr. Zipora 20 Uri Zvi Grinberg Street, Herzliya; Office Tel: 09-957-7088; Email: [email protected] GOTHELF, Prof. Doron – Pediatric Psychiatrist Sharon Center, 81 Sokolov Street (3rd floor), Ramat Hasharon; For appts call Shiri (Secretary) at 052-884-4133 (leave message if no answer) MAROM-HAREL, Dr. Hadar – Adult Psychiatrist & Psychologist Migdaley Shekel, 2 Tashach Street, 3rd Floor, Tel Aviv For appts call 052-346-1653

SALOMY, Dr. Dana – Adult Psychiatrist 9 Shaul Avigor Street, Tel Aviv; For appts call: 054-250-0181; Email: [email protected]; Website: www. Briutlanefesh.co.il STAWSKI, Dr. Mike – Children / Adolescents Sharon Medical Center 124 Achuza Street Raanana AND 8 Arnon Street Tel Aviv Appts (03) 524-4284; Languages: English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, German, Yiddish VELKES, Dr Valerie (Adults only) Herzlilya Medical Center,Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 or home 58/18 Yehoshua Bin Nun (Corner Abba Eban), Herzlia Pituach – Secretary Anne 09-955 5560. [email protected]

WEIZMAN, Dr. Tal Private Clinic: 19 Yosef Street, Modi’in; Cell Phone: 050-407-4387; Email: [email protected]

DANIEL SULLUM ADDRESS 10 Smuts Street, German Colony, Jerusalem TELEPHONE 054-588-0183 E-MAIL Dr. Sullum Info SPECIALTY General & Geriatric Psychiatry EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE B.A., Cornell Univ., 1975; M.D., Hahnemann Univ., 1980. Israeli and American dual board certified. PROF MEMBESHIP American Board in Psychiatry & Neurology. LANGUAGES English, Hebrew. ENGLISH Extensive WORKING HOURS Sunday – Thursday, 8a.m. to 7p.m. as scheduled. AFTER HOURS By telephone or email.


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ADDRESS 10 Luria Street, Jerusalem

TELEPHONE 052-853-1415 E-MAIL Dr. Duitch Info

SPECIALTY Adult, child and adolescent psychiatry

EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE B.A., PA Univ., 1979; M.D., Univ. of Nebraska, College of

Medicine; Residency in adult psychiatry, 1984 – 1987; Residency in child and adolescent

psychiatry, 1987 - 1989. Medical license: States of Ohio & MA; Israel.

PROF MEMBESHIP American Psychiatric Association, MA Medical Society.

LANGUAGES English, Hebrew. ENGLISH Extensive

WORKING HOURS Sunday – Thursday, by appointment only.

AFTER HOURS by phone, except for Shabbat and Jewish Holidays.


ADDRESS (1) Golan Center, 198 Achuza Street, Raanana, Israel; (2) Jerusalem Medical

Center, Wolfson Towers, 9 Diskin Street, 3rd Floor Jerusalem

TELEPHONE 09-774-1913 or 054-8153343 E-MAIL Michael Gropper Info

SPECIALTY Clinical social worker & psychologist, specializing in the psychotherapy treatment

of mood and anxiety disorders.

EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE B.S. psychology 1969; M.A. psychology 1971; MSW social

work 1977; DSW clinical social work 1986.

PROF MEMBESHIP National Association of Social Workers; Editorial board member, Social

Work in Mental Health (Hadworth Press).

LANGUAGES English & Hebrew. ENGLISH Extensive

WORKING HOURS Ra’anana: Sunday to Thursday (except Tuesday & Friday), morning

through early evening. Jerusalem: Tuesdays, 1pm to 8pm. AFTER HOURS N/A

PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL TESTING AVIV, Dr. Alyson L., Ph.D., ABPdN, Clinical Psychologist – Board Certified in Pediatric Neuropsychology – Licensed in Israel & USA 17 Mapu Street, Raanana, Israel, 43267 Tel: 052-892-7771; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.doctor-aviv.com Comprehensive/Psychoed testing, Neuropsychological and Developmental Assessments, Therapy and Cogmed (working memory) Coaching for preschool through mid-adulthood. Assessment/treatment of ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorders/emotional and behavioral difficulties DEGANI, Beth Cell Phone: 054-572-3158; Email: [email protected] Performs Psychoeducational testing/assessments for kids in preschool to age 7; Also works with families and children who have emotional, behavioral & social difficulties as well as with children until age of 6 who have experienced trauma.

ELBERG, Dr. Tova Tel: 09-772-6637; Cell Phone: 054-555-5633; [email protected] Psychoeducational/diagnostic testing for ADHD, learning/behavior/psychiatric disorders; Accommodations for SAT/GREGMAT/USMLE/MCAT/PTSD and Forensic evaluations; Consultation; Formerly with NY DOE, Family Court, Lowenstein Hospital; trained in neuropsych testing at Beth Israel Hospital NY.

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HERZBERG, Renee Kanner Licensed Developmental & School Psychologist Clinic : 26 Ha Banim Street, Ramat Ha Sharon Phone: 054-4469699 E mail: [email protected]

RUTMAN, Dr. Hedi Zichron Yaacov, 21/5 Hameyasdim and Hod Hasharon, 56 Derech Ramatayim. Tel: 04-639-9369 email: [email protected]. Experienced tester.

PSYCHOLOGISTS ABRAHAMI, Dr. Anat 9 Hedera Street, apt 1,Tel-Aviv; For appts call office: 03-696-4058; Email: [email protected] ASHKENAZI, Dr. Sagiv 23 Sderot Smuts, Tel Aviv; 142 Ahuza Street, Raanana Appointments: 050-320-0061 Email: [email protected] Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in Individual/couples psychotherapy for adults; depression, anxiety, adjustment and acculturation difficulties, trauma/PTSD, substance abuse, and sexual identity, addiction, depression. Anxiety, LGBT issues, relationship issues, couples psychotherapy

DOLGIN, Professor Michael – Adults & Pediatrics 2 Ha Melacha Street, 1st Floor, Ra’anana. Office: 09-746-3236 GRIMES, Dr. Molly L – Adults, adolescents, couples 12 Nahum Hanavi, Tel Aviv; 142 Ahuza Street, Raanana Appointments: 050-811-0009 Expertise in trauma/recovery, depression, anxiety, acculturation and adjustment issues, relationships, infertility, sexual identity and gender concerns.

GROSSMAN, Lisa, M.A., M.Ed., Educational Psychologist & ADD/ADHD Coach specializing in coaching Adults & Adolescents with ADD/ADHD and Parents of children with ADD/ADHD To make an appointment call Cell: 050-2248220 or email: [email protected]; Website: http://lisagrossman.com/english/ KOVATZ, Dr. Orit – Health Psychology (Addictions, Post-Rehab counseling, PTSD) 3 Tzvi Street, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv. CalL cell for appt: 054-555-6998 E.mail: [email protected]

LUDMAN, Dr. Batya L. PsyD., FT.,– Licensed Clinical Psychologist(Israel, New York & Canada) Bilu 62 Ra’anana; Office: 972-9-771-8815; Email: [email protected]; Website: www.drbatyaludman.com. Short-term solution focused, CBT treatment and psychotherapy with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Specialties:

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Bereavement and loss, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, communication/marital problems, sexual dysfunction, parenting issues, child development and behavioral problems. RAFAELI, Dr. Alexandra Klein – Clinical Psychologist licensed in Israel and NY State Individual psychotherapy for adolescents and adults. Parent and family consultations For appts, please call 052-671-0409 or email [email protected]

RUBINSTEIN, Dr. Howard “Haim” 4 Mota Gur, off Kazan Street, Ra’anana For Appts call Clinic: 09-746-0818 or Cell: 052-334-3970; Email: [email protected] SAGIV, Halite – Infant/Child/Adolescent/Family Clinical Psychologist 9 Brandeis Street, Entrance B, apt 4, Tel-Aviv For Appointments call her Cell: 054-2626516; Email: [email protected] STRAUSS-PRESENTI, Dr. Lara – Pediatric/Adolescent/Adult Clinical Psychologist 141 HaDarim Street, Even Yehuda; For appts call Clinic: 09-899-5541 (message is in Hebrew; leave message) or call Cell: 052-363-2642; Email: [email protected]

PSYCHOTHERAPISTS GORDON, Wendy MSW — Psychotherapy, Social Work Specializes in Aliya, personal relationships, eating disorders, generalized depression and anxiety Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. www.wendytherapy.com Appointments: 052-727-6635

LUDEN, Aviva – Social Worker, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner – Licensed in Israel 6 Hahagana Street, Raanana; Tel: 054-761-2926; Email: [email protected] SISSELMAN, Daniel — Licensed Clinical Social Worker Specializes in Adolescents, Family, Couples Therapy, Alcohol/Drug Prevention & Abuse Emek Dotan 1A, Kfar Sava for appts call Cell: 054-6123244 or Home: 09-765-6767; Email:[email protected] ZOLOTARIOV, Bettina – Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist Specializes in family and couples or individual therapy, issues of immigration and acculturation. 10 Kehilat Venezia, North Tel Aviv. Call cell for appt: 052-610- 5758 Email: [email protected]

PULMONOLOGISTS SHINER, Prof. Robert Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

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SHULIMZON, Dr. Tiverio Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 TOPILSKI, Prof. Marcel — Specialist in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Diseases 3 Sprinzak Street, Beit Ha Rofim, 4th floor, Tel-Aviv; For appointments call Rachel (Secretary) Tel: 03-695-1014 (after 3pm) STAFLER, Dr. Patrick – Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 Website: www.yeladimdoc.com; email: [email protected]



ADDRESS Beit HaTeomim, 15 Kanfei Nesharim Street, 9546427 Jerusalem

TELEPHONE 02-652-2238 FAX 02-653-7391

SPECIALTY Dermatology and Dermatopathology.

EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE St. Louis Univ School of Medicine 1978; Yale University

Dermatology Residency 1984; Yale Univ. Dermatopathology Laboratory, 1983-1984;

Hadassah Hospital: Dermatopathology Fellowship 1985. MD by the Israeli Health Ministry

PROF MEMBESHIP U.S. & Israeli: Board Certified – Dermatology. U.S. Board Certified:

Dermatopathology. U.S. Academy of Dermatology. Int’l Society of Dermatopathology.

LANGUAGES English, Hebrew ENGLISH Extensive

WORKING HOURS Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9a.m. to 5p.m.; Tuesday 1p.m.

to 5p.m..

AFTER HOURS By prior arrangement.


ADDRESS 60 Diskin Street, Rechavia, Jerusalem

TELEPHONE 02-563-5673 FAX 02-563-8185 E-MAIL Dr. Friedman Info

SPECIALTY Board-certified dermatologist, clinical & cosmetic dermatology, laser surgery.

EDUCATION & MEDICAL LICENSE BA in psychology, Queens College NY (1982); MD, Albert

Einstein College of Medicine (1986); Internship (1986 – 1987), Jacobi Hospital, Bronx, NY

and Residency at Brown Univ. (1987 – 1990).

PROF MEMBESHIP American Boards of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery; Israeli

Society of Dermatology.

LANGUAGES English and Hebrew ENGLISH Extensive

WORKING HOURS Call/e-mail for an appointment.

AFTER HOURS Can be arranged through the office. In an emergency, Dr. Friedman can be

contacted at all times.

SLEEP STUDY HERZLIYA MEDICAL CENTER Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497; The Sleep Study Technician will come to pt’s house, set up the study and return the next morning to dismantle the apparatus and collect the data.

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SPEECH & LANGUAGE – Adults & Pediatrics

BARNETT, Debby – Experienced Speech & Language Therapist, specializing in Pediatric speech & language disorders, auditory, phonological processing & reading development issues. Sees patients at the American International School, at her home in Tel Mond or can make home visits. For appointments call Cell: 052-522-0053 or Home: 09-796-5756; Email:[email protected] BASH, Tamar – Speech Therapist. 23 Sderot Chen, Tel Aviv. For appointments call Cell: 052-597-6725; Email: [email protected]; Specializes in: Language Delay, Speech Articulation, Autism Spectrum

ETY ISRAEL HEARING & SPEECH CLINIC – Adults and Pediatrics 6 Sokolov Street, Herzliya (in the Azorim Building) Clinic Tel: 09-955-4065; Email: [email protected] Hearing Tests & Speech Therapy for Adults & Pediatrics PAUL, Lynn – Speech Therapist Makes home visits and/or sees patients at the American International School For appointments call Cell: 052-387-0728; Home: 09-792-0499; Email: [email protected]; Specialty Areas include: Language Acquisition issues, Autism Spectrum, Auditory Processing Delays, Articulation, Voice & Fluency Disorders. SHULMAN, Julie – Speech Therapist Sees patients in Raanana (15 minute drive from Even Yehuda) or at American International School. For appts. call Cell: 054-831-9684; Email: [email protected]; Works with all ages. Specialty Areas include: Stuttering, Learning Disabilities, Articulation and Auditory Processing Delays, Augmentative & Alternative communication, Autism, and Cognitive Impairments.

SURGEONS – GENERAL GUTTMAN, Prof. Chaim – Specializes in Breast Surgery Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 KORIANSKY, Dr. Joseph Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 ROSIN, Dr. Danny The Sheba Medical Center (Tel Ha Shomer Hospital) AND Chazon Ish 19, Bnei Braq;

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Clinic: 03-619-4315;For Appts call Dalia (Secretary) 03-530-2247 or 052-666-7557 or Dr. Rosin’s Cell: 052-666-6224; Dr. Rosin’s Email: [email protected]; Dalia’s Email: [email protected] Sees Patients at private clinic on Tues 5-9pm. Also operates at HMC by special arrangement. SHPITZ, Prof. Baruch—General Surgeon Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497, Cell 052 462 7753

SURGEON – PLASTIC MENDEZ, Dr. David Specialty: Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of face, breast, and body. Children and adults; Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery; Senior Plastic Surgeon at Kaplan Medical Center; affiliated with Herzliya Medical Center and Assuta Hospital; skin cancers, moles 43 Hayarden St., Raanana Tel: 054-621-2364; 09-760-4144; Fax: 03-761-7038 Answering Service (09) 740-4144; Email: dmendes3gmail.com

KALUS, Ram MD Fellow, American College of Surgeons Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified, Israel Scientific Council of Medical Specialties Member, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Member, American Society of Plastic Surgeons MDC, 15 HaBarzel St, across from Assuta Hospital in Tel Aviv And Herzliya Medical Center, Hachoshlim #8, 2nd floor.

Cell: 052-530-0709 Web: PlasticSurgeryIsrael.co.il

URO-GYNECOLOGISTS GROUTZ, Dr. Asnat – Does Uro-Gynecology and strictly GYN only. No Obstetrics. Weitzman Towers, 14 Weitzman Street, 18th Floor, Room 1707, Tel-Aviv; Call Cell to make an appointment: 050-790-1988. Email:[email protected]; Lis Maternity Hospital at Ichilov, Tel Aviv

UROLOGISTS BANIEL, Prof. Jack – Head of Urology at Beilinson. Private clinic at Assuta Hospital (1st Floor, Admissions #2)

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Appointments via secretary, Tatiana, 03 764 5161 or Email: [email protected] KEDAR, Dr. Daniel Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 ZISSMAN, Prof. Amnon Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497

LABORATORIES AMERICAN MEDICAL LABORATORIES INC. Located at: Herzliya Medical Center, Tel: (International Dept): 09-959-2497 Lab Tel: 09-959-2565/6; 09-956-8634 Hours: Sun-Thur 08:00-19:00; Friday: 08:00-12:00


Reliable, well-stocked pharmacies are available in Jerusalem and its suburbs. All pharmacies are registered with the government and are considered reliable. Check the following Internet link for a list of Jerusalem’s 62 pharmacies; maps are included for some (click “show all sites”): Jerusalem Pharmacies ALBA 42 Jaffa Road Tel. 02-625-3703 ASSUTA 12 King George St Tel. 02-625-4872 BALSAM 28 Salah El-Din St. Tel. 02-627-2315 / 6284552 CENTRAL Salah El Din St (Across from flower shop) Tel. 02-628-2196 DAR El DAWA Herod's Gate Sultan Suleiman St. Old City of Jerusalem Tel. 02-628-2058 ORA 27 King George Street Tel. 02-625-9999 SUPER PHARM 2nd Floor, the Malha Mall Tel. 02-679-3262

Tel Aviv

MOGRABI PHARMACY 14 Ben Yehuda St, Tel. Aviv, Tel: 03-525-9666, fax: 03-525-9159; Hours: Sun-Thurs 08:00-19:30, Fri 08:00–15:00 Husam (Pharmacist); Sharif (Pharmacist)

TAMAR PHARMACY 36 Havatzelet Hashoron Street, Herzliya Pituach (in front of Sharon Hotel near HMC); Tel: 09-773-4370; Fax: 09-773-4369; Hours: Sun–Thurs 09:00-21:00, Fri 09:00-15:00 HERZLIYA PITUACH PHARMACY (ZION SQUARE) –

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Wingate 142, Herzliya Pituach; Tel/Fax: 09-955-5852; Pharmacist – Oren; Hours: Sun-Thurs 08:00-13:30, 16:00-19:30; Fri 8:00-14:00 KFAR SHMARYAHU PHARMACY Hamapilim Commercial Center, Kfar Shmaryahu; Tel: 09-956-2184; Fax: 09-958-1194 Pharmacists: David and Arthur; Hours: Sun-Thu 08:30-19:00; Fri 08:30-14:00

SHOR TABACHNIK PHARMACY 54 King George Street, Tel Aviv. Opposite Dizengoff Center Mall Tel: 03-528-2963 (Push 0) Fax: 03-528-1926; Hours: Sun-Thurs: 08:30-20:00; Fri: 08:30-15:00


SUPER PHARM 8 Sderot Sheva Ha Kokhavim (Seven Stars Mall), Herzliya, Tel: 077-888-0870; Fax: 077-888-0871 Hours: Sun-Thurs: 09:00 – 23:00; Fri: 08:30 -17:00; Sat 10:00 –24:00 SUPER PHARM 2 Hashonit St., Marina Herzliya, at Arena Mall; Tel: 077-888-1100; Fax: 077-888-1101 Hours: Sun -Thurs 09:30-22:00; Fri 09:00-20:00; Sat 10:00-24:00


SUPER PHARM 72 Pinchas Rozen Street, Shikoun Dan; Tel: 077-888-0650; Fax: 077-888-0651 Hours: Open 24 hours/day Sun thru Friday evening; Reopens on Saturday at 8 am SUPER PHARM 115 Allenby Street; Tel: 077-888-1140; Fax: 077-888-1141 or 03-710-4101 Hours: Sun-Thurs: 07:30–23:00; Fri 07:30-16:30; Sat: 08:00-23:00


SUPER PHARM 40 Einstein Street at the Ramat Aviv Mall Tel: 077-888-0080; Fax: 077-888-0081 Hours: Sun-Thurs: 08:00-23:30; Fri: 08:00-16:30; Sat after Shabbat-24:00

TRAVEL INFORMATION HAMETAYEL Health Clinic – Travel Medications & Vaccinations Dizengoff Center Mall, 3rd floor – across from the Sports Store, LaMetayel, Tel-Aviv

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Tel: 03-525-9459 (message is in Hebrew; to make an appt, call during open hours); Hours: Sun- Thurs: 13:00 – 18:00; Fri: 10:00-14:00. Fee is 156 Shekels for the Consultation and 30-300 Shekels for each Immunization. More than one child will not be charged a consultation fee. Bring your shot record to your appointment.

GENERAL PRACTITIONERS IN BE’ER SHEVA BRIUTA – Acute/Urgent/Chronic Care Adults and Pediatrics Merkaz ONE (BIG open mall); Be’er Sheva; Appointments: Keren: 052-443-9555 Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 1600 – 0100 Friday: 1300 – 0300 Saturday: 1030 – 0100 TEREM – Acute/Urgent/Emergencies Adults and Pediatrics 1 Max Nordau Street, Across from train station, Be’er Sheva Hours: Sunday – Thursday: 1600- midnight; Friday and Saturday: 0900- midnight Tel: 073-225-5313 (this number open only from 1600) May call Moran: 050-729- 8904 https://www.terem.com/?lang

Ear, Nose & Throat – BE’ER SHEVA NASH, Dr. Michael 8 Henriette Szold, Ground Floor, Be’er Sheva Hours: Sun/Tues: 1430-1900 Thurs: 0900-1400 Tel: 08-623-9791; 054-490-8380 Secretary Email: [email protected] Specialty: Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. Certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, Affiliated with the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, American College of Surgeons. Hospital affiliation with Herzliya Medical Centers and Assuta Medical Centers.


Alcoholics Anonymous in Israel English/Hebrew Hotline & Website Hot-line: 052-835-6918; Website: www.aa-israel.org General Information on Current Meeting Schedules throughout Israel, Support Contacts, Announcements, Sobriety Calculator & Links

Tel-Aviv: English-speaking AA Meetings; Call Roy (054-579-4754), Lois (054-492-0105), Liron: 052-476- 4621 or Brandon: 052-756-7211


Page 37: Subject line: Providers List - il.usembassy.gov · Cardiologists & Cardio-Electro Physiologists Chiropractors Circumcision Dentists Dentists, Pediatric Dermatologists Doulas Ear,

English Speaking AA Meetings – everyday at 7pm; Call Audrey: 054-723-1143 or Jo: 054-497- 5432

Jerusalem: English-speaking AA Meetings – Call Gershon: 052-772-4074

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS IN ISRAEL Hotline (English speakers available) 050-594-7837 Ra’anana: English Speaking NA Meetings — Call Alexander: 052-703-3390 Website for further information: https://www.naisrael.org.il/about-na/