A Abou-Shaaban-Simoneili method An extension of the method of Abou-Shaaban and Simonelli for obtaining kinetic parameters from TG data 87(1985)345 AC calorimetry High-resolution AC calorimetry and critical behavior at phase transitions 88(1985)127 Accelerating rate calorimeter A device for sample agitation in an accelerating rate calorimeter 62(1983)65 Data acquisition and processing for the accelerating rate calorimeter 84(1985)309 Acceptor-donor systems The energetics of some donor-acceptor systems in relation to the structure of the donors 54(1982)225 Aeenaphthylene Kinetics of acenaphthylene bulk polymerization by DTA 59(1982)25 Acetamide The supercooling of acetamide 80(1984)343 Acetamide-inorganic salt mixtures Supercooling phenomena in binary mixtures of acetamide and inorganic salts 70(1983)317 Acetamide-succinamide- sodium thiocyanate system Additive ternary system: acetamide-succin- amide-sodium thiocyanate 87(1985)257 Acetate Thermal decomposition of organic basic aluminium salts. Formate and acetate 75(1984)129 Acetoacetanilides DTA/MS investigations of metal complexes with acetoacetanilides 74(1984)87 Acetone Ionic solvation in water -t- co-solvent mixtures. Part 8. Total free energies of transfer and free energies of transfer with the "neutral" component removed of single ions from water into water -{- acetone 53(1982)67 Acetone-water mixtures Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. III. Acetone-water 66(1983)219 Acetonitrile Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with propanols 98(1986)147 Acetonitrile-menthol mixtures Thermodynamic magnitudes of L-menthol/ acetonitrile and L-menthol/carbon tetra- chloride binary mixture by VPO 90(1985)221 461 Acetonitrile- methanol mixtures Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with methanol and ethanol 86(1985)85 Acetonitrile-water system Analyses of excess molar volumes of the acetonitrile-water system using segmented composition models 71(1983)59 Analysis of transport properties of the aceto- nitrile-water system using a segmented composition model 73(1984)149 Acetonitrite-ethanol mixtures Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with methanol and ethanol 86(1985)85 Acetoxystyrenes Thermal decomposition of poly para- substituted a-acetoxystyrenes (in French) 87(1985)289 Acetylacetone- anthranilic acid Thermogravimetry of some noble and common metal chelates of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol-5- amino and N-acetylacetone-anthranilic acid 54(1982)237 Acetylaminophenyl dinitrosalicylate Thermodynamics of Fe(III) complexes of p- acetylaminophenyl salicylate and p-acetyl- aminophenyl 3,5-dinitrosalicylate 60(1983)109 Acetylaminophenyl dinitro salicylate- zinc complexes Thermodynamics of zinc group complexes of p-acetylaminophenyl 3,5-dinitro salicylate 78(1984)423 Acetylaminophenyl salicylate Thermodynamics of Fe(III) complexes of p- acetylaminophenyl salicylate and p-acetyl- aminophenyl 3,5-dinitrosalicylate 60(1983)109 Acetylcholine halide electrolytes The influence of temperature on the induced gamma irradiation semiconductivity of poly- crystalline acetylcholine halide electrolytes 64(1983)123 (Acetyl)glycopyranosylaminopyrimidine Spectral and thermal studies of some 4-(O- acetyl)glycopyranosylaminopyrimidine derivatives 96(1985)59 Acetylphenylalaninamide Aqueous solutions containing amino acids and peptides. Part 18. The enthalpy of solution of N-acetyl-L-phenylalaninamide in aqueous solutions containing formamide 78(1984)303 Acetylphenylalanine methylester Thermochemistry of the N-acetylphenyl- alanine methylester hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by a-chymotrypsin 81(1984)167 Acetylpyridine oxide Related thermogravimetric and spectrophoto- metric studies on lanthanide(III) complexes with the 3-acetylpyridine N-oxide ligand 67(1983)125

Subject index volumes 51–100

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Page 1: Subject index volumes 51–100


Abou-Shaaban-Simoneili method An extension of the method of Abou-Shaaban and Simonelli for obtaining kinetic paramete rs from TG data 87(1985)345

AC calorimetry High-resolut ion AC calorimetry and critical behavior at phase t ransi t ions 88(1985)127

Accelerating rate calorimeter A device for sample agitation in an accelerating rate calorimeter 62(1983)65

Data acquisition and processing for the accelerating rate calorimeter 84(1985)309

Acceptor-donor systems The energet ics of some donor-acceptor sys tems in relation to the s t ructure of the donors 54(1982)225

Aeenaphthylene Kinetics of acenaphthylene bulk polymerization by DTA 59(1982)25

Acetamide The supercooling of acetamide 80(1984)343

Acetamide-inorganic salt mixtures Supercooling p h e n o m e n a in binary mixtures of acetamide and inorganic salts 70(1983)317

Acetamide-succinamide- sodium thiocyanate system Additive te rnary system: acetamide-succin- amide-sodium thiocyanate 87(1985)257

Acetate Thermal decomposition of organic basic a lumin ium salts. Formate and acetate 75(1984)129

Acetoacetanilides DTA/MS investigations of metal complexes with acetoacetanilides 74(1984)87

Acetone Ionic solvation in water -t- co-solvent mixtures. Par t 8. Total free energies of t ransfer and free energies of t ransfer with the "neutral" component removed of single ions f rom water into water -{- acetone 53(1982)67

Acetone-water mixtures Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. III. Acetone-water 66(1983)219

Acetonitrile Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with propanols 98(1986)147

Acetonitrile-menthol mixtures Thermodynamic magni tudes of L-menthol / acetonitrile and L-menthol /carbon tetra- chloride binary mixture by VPO 90(1985)221


Acetonitrile- methanol m i x t u r e s Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with methanol and ethanol 86(1985)85

Acetonitrile-water system Analyses of excess molar volumes of the acetonitri le-water sys tem us ing segmented composit ion models 71(1983)59

Analysis of t ranspor t propert ies of the aceto- nitri le-water sys tem us ing a segmented composit ion model 73(1984)149

Acetonitrite-ethanol mixtures Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with methanol and ethanol 86(1985)85

Acetoxystyrenes Thermal decomposit ion of poly p a r a - subst i tuted a-acetoxystyrenes (in French) 87(1985)289

Acetylacetone- anthranilic acid Thermogravimet ry of some noble and common metal chelates of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol-5- amino and N-acetylacetone-anthrani l ic acid 54(1982)237

Acetylaminophenyl dinitrosalicylate Thermodynamics of Fe(III) complexes of p - acetylaminophenyl salicylate and p-acetyl- aminophenyl 3,5-dinitrosalicylate 60(1983)109

Acetylaminophenyl dinitro salicylate- zinc complexes Thermodynamics of zinc group complexes of p -ace ty laminophenyl 3,5-dinitro salicylate 78(1984)423

Acetylaminophenyl salicylate Thermodynamics of Fe(III) complexes of p - acetylaminophenyl salicylate and p-acetyl- aminophenyl 3,5-dinitrosalicylate 60(1983)109

Acetylcholine halide electrolytes The influence of tempera ture on the induced g a m m a irradiation semiconductivi ty of poly- crystalline acetylcholine halide electrolytes 64(1983)123

(Acetyl)glycopyranosylaminopyrimidine Spectral and thermal studies of some 4-(O- acetyl)glycopyranosylaminopyrimidine derivatives 96(1985)59

Acetylphenylalaninamide Aqueous solutions containing amino acids and peptides. Par t 18. The enthalpy of solution of N-acetyl -L-phenyla laninamide in aqueous solutions containing formamide 78(1984)303

Acetylphenylalanine methylester Thermochemis t ry of the N-acetylphenyl- a lanine methyles ter hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by a-chymotryps in 81(1984)167

Acetylpyridine oxide Related thermogravimetr ic and spectrophoto- metric studies on lanthanide(III) complexes with the 3-acetylpyridine N-oxide ligand 67(1983)125

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A c e t y l p y r i d i n e o x i d e o o x o z i r c o n i u m complexes Infrared and thermal studies of oxozircon- ium(IV) complexes of 2-acetyl pyridine N- oxide 91(1985)365

Acetylsalicylic acid Interactions of psychotropic subs tances in the solid state. I. Study of the b inary mixtures phenprobamate-acetylsalicylic acid and meprobamate(I)-acetylsalicylic acid (in French) 66(1983)11

Ac id b a r i u m oxalates The thermal decomposition of oxalates. Par t 18. The preparat ion and thermal decomposition of acid bar ium oxalates 78(1984)63

The thermal decomposit ion of oxalates. Par t 26. The Decomposition kinetics of acid bar ium oxalates 79(1964)231

Acid-base mixtures Thermodynamic and t ranspor t properties of binary liquid acid-base mixtures. Par t 1 82(1984)277

Ac id i t y index Determination of the acidity index of asphal ts by means of thermometr ic titrations. Comparison with other methods 98(1986)9

Acid maleato complexes Kinetics of non-isothermal decomposit ion of acid maleato complexes of some bivalent metals 95(1985)301

Ac id strength Calorimetric s tudy of the ionization process for 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid. The effect of the internal hydrogen bond on acid s t rength 72(1984)335

A c r y l a m i d e Thermodynamic functions for acrylamide 66(1983) 147

A c r y l o n i t r i l e Thermal degradation of ABS 93(1985)187

Activated c a r b o n Computerised reduction of the weighing t ime required for the determinat ion of adsorption isotherms on activated carbons 51(1981)67

A c t i v a t i o n e n e r g y On the non-isothermal determinat ion of activation energy for thermal decomposit ion reactions 54(1982)337

Activation energy determination Determination of activation energy value from the m a x i m u m rate of reaction points obtained from non-isothermal exper iments 78(1984)437

Ac t i v i t y coefficients Concentration dependence of activity coefficients at saturat ion and at 298.15 K evaluated from heat of crystallization and solubility data 9{)(1985)33

Additively overlapping reactions Kinetic analysis of additively overlapping reactions. Par t 1. Description of an optimization method and its use for the separat ion of peaks 75(1984)263

Adenine base Thermodynamics of adenine base in dioxane~ water mixtures from ultrasonic, viscosity and volumetric studies at 20, 25, 30 and 35°C 74(1984)313

Adhesion agents The use of thermogravimetry to detect and identify adhesion agents in b i tumen 79(1984)161

Adiabatic calorimeters An automatic adiabatic calorimeter for inter- mediate and high tempera tures 69(1983)253

Adiabatic c a l o r i m e t r y Scanning calorimetry with adiabatic or controlled diabatic sur roundings 94(1985)1

Adiabatic microcalorimeters Adiabatic microcalorimeters for heat capacity m e a s u r e m e n t at low tempera ture 88(1985)149

Adsorbents The use of thermal analysis to select the s tandard outgass ing conditions of a set of reference adsorbents 85(1985)305

A d s o r p t i o n c a l o r i m e t r y Adsorption calorimetry: an overview of its practice and applictions 72(1984)103

A d s o r p t i o n heats Direct determinat ion of adsorption hea ts 96(1985)349

A d s o r p t i o n isotherms Computerised reduction of the weighing t ime required for the determinat ion of adsorption i so therms on activated carbons 51(1981)67

A d s o r p t i o n m i c r o c a l o r i m e t r y Description of surface s t ructures by adsorption microcalorimetry 85(1985)23

A g r i c u l t u r a l industry Application of the direct injection enthalp imetry (DIE) in the agricultural indus t ry 93(1985)435

A G S M approach Excess enthalpies of mixing us ing a modified AGSM approach 84(1985)247

Akaganeite A thermogravimetr ic and electron microscopy s tudy of the decomposit ion of akaganei te 580982)45

Thermal beahviour of synthet ic akaganei te under different exper imental condit ions 920985)525

Akaganeite, synthetic Thermal decomposition of synthet ic akaganei te 0-FeOOH) 54(1982)201

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Alanine-hexaamminechromium nitrate reaction A possible m e c h a n i s m for the reaction between hexaamminechromium(I I I ) ni t rate and L-alanine in the solid state 77(1984)251

Alcohol -i- cyclodextrin inclusion complex Some problems in solution microcalorimetry, exper imenta l experiences by the authors , and the entha lpy-ent ropy compensa t ion in cyclo- dextr in + alcohol inclusion-complex formation in aqueous solutions 88(1985)247

Aleohol-dimethylformamide mixtures Excess volumes and excess isentropic compres- sibilities of b inary mixtures of N,N-dimethyl - formamide with b ranched alcohols at 303.15 K 91(1985)321

A l c o h o l - n i t r i l e mixtures The prediction of vapor-liquid equil ibrium from hea t of mixing data for b inary nitrile- alcohol mixtures 91(1985)37

Alcohols Thermochemica l behaviour of mix tures of n - alcohol -t- aliphatic ether: hea t capacities and volumes at 298.15 K 52(1982)279

Excess volumes of b inary liquid mixtures of 1,1,3,3-tetramethylurea with alcohols 67(1983)67

Alcohol-saturated hydrocarbon mixtures Prediction of excess molar enthalpies for t e rna ry alcohol-saturated hydrocarbon mixtures 99(1986)145

Aleohol-tetrachloroethane mixtures Heats of mixing of b inary mixtures of 1,1,2,2- te t rachloroethane with 1-alcohols 74(1984)381

Alcohol-water mixtures Thermodynamics of associated solutions. Phase equilibria of b inary and te rnary water- alcohol mix tures 89(1985)39

Aldehydes Thermodynamics of b inary mixtures containing aldehydes. Excess enthalpies of n - alkanals + benzene and + tetrachloro- me thane mixtures 95(1985)105

Aliphatie alcohol + tetrachloroethylene mixtures Excess volumes of homologous series of aliphatic alcohols with te t rachloroethylene at 303.15 and 313.15 K 78(1984)269

Aliphatic aldehyde -t- water mixtures Thermodynamic propert ies of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. Entha lpy of mixing and liquid-liquid equil ibrium of water -}- aliphatic aldehyde mixtures 65(1983)157

Aliphatic amine complexes Kinetic parameters of the thermogravimetr ic dissociation of p r imary aliphatic amine complexes derived from tetraquo-

copper(II)nitrosopentacyanoferrate(II) 67(1983)377 Aliphatic ethers Thermochemica l behaviour of mix tures of n - alcohol + aliphatic ether: hea t capacities and volumes at 298.15 K 52(1982)279

Aliphatic phosphoramides Microcalorimetric s tudy of the inhibit ion of chol inesterase by some aliphatic phosphor- amides (in French) 66(1983)323

Alite The hydrat ion of alite in the presence of concrete admixtures 78(1984)219

Alkali aluminosilicate glasses Thermal expansion data of some alkali aluminosil icate glasses and their respective glass-ceramics 90(1985)261

A l k a l i benzenecarboxylates Thermostabi l i ty of alkali benzenecarboxylates 62(1983)221

Alkali-catalyzed carbon gasification A thermochemical s tudy of the reactive inter- mediate in the alkali-catalyzed carbon gasification. I. X-ray diffraction resul ts on the alkali-carbon interaction 77(1984)49

A thermochemical s tudy of the reactive inter- mediate in the alkali-catalyzed carbon gasification. II. Alkali metal vapour pressures 81(1984)113

A l k a l i c superoxides Simul taneous TG and DTA for s tudy of kinetic of alkalic superoxide decomposit ions 92(1985)231

A l k a l i halides Thermodynamics and free volume of various alkali halides in aqueous D-manni tol solution 84(1985)157

A l k a l i isopolymolybdates Cryoscopic studies in molten salts. Dissociation state of some alkali isopolymolyb- dates and some related molybdenum(VI) compounds in molten K2Cr207 and KNO 3 56(1982)325

A l k a l i m e t a l cations Heats of ion-exchange on Dowex 50W of alkali metal cations. Thermal effects of long durat ion in these exchange sys tems 57(1982)301

A l k a l i m e t a l chloride-divalent metal c h l o r i d e system Thermal analysis for genera t ing phase d iagrams of sys tems alkali metal chloride/ divalent metal chloride 100(1986)81

A l k a l i m e t a l compounds Heat capacity and the rmodynamic properties of the alkali metal compounds in the tempera ture range 300-800 K. I. Ces ium and rubid ium molybdates 57(1982)155

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Heat capacity and the rmodynamic propert ies of alkali metal compounds. If. Est imation of the thermodynamic propert ies of ces ium and rubid ium zirconates 65(1983)285

Heat capacity and the rmodynamic propert ies of alkali metal compounds. III. Est imation of the the rmodynamic propert ies of ces ium and rubid ium chalcogenides 66(1983)361

Heat capacity and the rmodynamic propert ies of alkali metal compounds. IV. Ces ium and rubid ium chromates 81(1984)327

Heat capacity and thermodynamic propert ies of alkali metal compounds. V. Rubidium zirconate 84(1985)391

Alkali metal double selenates Studies on double selenates. V, Thermal decomposit ion of europium and alkali metal double selenates 56(1982)375

Studies on double selenates. IV. Thermal decomposit ion of neodymium, s amar i um and alkali metal double selenates 59(1982)231

Alkali metal hydroxide-nitrate systems The thermal stability of alkali and alkaline- ear th me:al hydroxide-ni t rate sys tems 87(1985)99

Alkali metal naphthenates Study of the thermal stabilities of alkali-metal naph thena tes 77(1984)185

Alkali metal nitrates The thermal stability of b inary alkali metal ni t ra tes 78(1984)251

Alkali metal nitritoeobaltates Studies on the thermal decomposit ion of the silver group of alkali metal nitritocobalt- ates(III) 72(1984)277

Alkali metal oxides Thermal behaviour of cobaltic and cobaltous oxides as influenced by doping with some alkali metal oxides 70(1983)325

Alkali metal phosphides The sublimation and the rmodynamic propert ies of the alkali metal phosphides Na3PT(s ), KaPT(s ), Rb3Pz(s ) and CsaPT(s ) 98(1986)301

Alkali metal salt-stearamide systems Solubility in binary mixtures C17H35CONH 2- (Na, K) (CNS, C104, C17HasCOO) 72(1984)391

Alkali metal thiosulphatobismuthates Kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposit ion reactions of alkali metal thio- sulphatebismuthates(III) 52(1982)255

Alkali metal titanates Thermochemis t ry of alkali metal t i tanates 88(1985)177

Alkaline earth arylcarboxylates The IR-spectra and thermal decomposit ion of arylcarboxylates of alkal ine-earth metals 93(1985)61

Alkaline earth metal chlorides Thermal analysis by EMF-measu remen t s on solid electrolytes. The sys tem RbCI with alkaline ear th metal chlorides 72(1984)245

Alkaline earth metal phosphates Structural and thermal propert ies of alkaline ear th metal phosphates 87(1983)338

Alkaline earth monomethyl violurates Thermal s tudies on alkaline ear th mono- methyl violurates 61(1983)307

Alkaline earth oxalates Thermal decomposit ion and creation of reactive solid surfaces. I. Characterizat ion of the decomposit ion products of alkaline ear th oxalates 78(1984)29

Alkaline earth sulphites Studies on alkaline ear th sulfites. VI. Thermal dehydrat ion of Ca(SO3)x(SO4)I.x.4H~O 85(1985)107

A l k a l i persulphate Thermoanalyt ical s tudies of Lu203- and Yb203- alkali persulfate binary sys tems 58(1982)355

Alkali persnlphate-cerium oxide systems Non-isothermal s tudies of cerium(IV) oxide- alkali persulfate binary sys tems 54(1982)93

Alkanal + benzene, + tetraehloromethane mixtures Thermodynamics of b inary mixtures containing aldehydes. Excess enthalpies of n - alkanals + benzene and + tetrachloro- me thane mixtures 95(1985)105

A l k a n e + a l k y l e h l o r i d e m i x t u r e s Pressure and tempera ture dependence of the excess enthalpy of alkylchloride/alkane mixtures 94(1985)79

A l k a n e + amine systems Excess properties of b inary mixtures. Secondary amine + n - a lkane sys tems 68(1983)273

Alkane + benzene m i x t u r e s Application of the Flory theory of liquid mixtures to excess volumes and enthalpies of benzene + cycloalkane and + n - a lkane mixtures 77(1984)267

Alkane + cyeloalkane mixtures The thermodynamics of a cycloalkane + an n - a lkane 65(1983)61

Alkane + cyclooctane mixtures The excess enthalpies of cyclooctane + n - a lkanes 59(1982)73

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Alkane -I- ester mixtures Interchange free energy between COO and CH 3 or CH~ groups from liquid-solid equilibrium temperatures in binary systems: alkane + ester 60(1983)319

A lkane + ethylenetetracarbontetraethyl ester mixtures Cryoscopic behaviour of mixtures. Ethylene- tetracarbontetraethyl ester + alkane 67(1983)111

Alkanes Calorimetric effects of short-range orientational order in solutions of benzene or n-alkylbenzenes in n-alkanes 53(1982)157

Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. I. Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes using a linear programming of temperature (in French) 70(1983)7

Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. II. Determination of the composition of n-alkanes contained in a gas oil. Determination of the cloud point (in French) 70(1983)19

Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. III. Study using a stepwise programming of temperature (in French) 70(1983)35

Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. IV. Study of the action of additives in lowering the cloud point of middle distillates (in French) 70(1983)49

Phase transitions of odd n-alkanes of high purity. Pressure dependence of the transition temperatures determined by high pressure DTA 88(1985)205

Aikane + sulphur compound systems Vapour*liquid equilibrium data for some alkane + sulphur compound systems 76(1984)399

Alkanoates The effect of structure on the thermodynamic properties of a liquid crystalline diastereomeric pair of chiral alkanoates 53(1982)271

Alkanol-water systems Four-segment composition model analyses of binary alkanol-water systems 90(1985)313

Alkanone + water mixtures Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. II. Excess enthalpies and liquid-liquid equilibrium of 2-alkanone + water mixtures 70(1983)149


Alkenes Thermodynamic properties of simple alkenes 64(1983)285 Alkoxybenzylidenbutoxyanilines Transition entropies and mesomorphic behaviour of p,n-alkoxybenzyliden-p'-butoxy- anilines 71(1983)365

Alkoxyhenzylidenpentyloxyanilines Calorimetry of homologous p-n -alkoxy- benzyliden-p'-n -pentyloxyanilines 77(1984)413

Alkoxybenzylidenpropoxyanilines Transition entropies and mesomorphic behaviour of p-n -alkoxybenzyliden-p'-propoxy- anilines 61(1983)227

Alkylammonium chlorides Thermal properties of amine hydrochlorides. Part I. Thermolysis of primary n-alkyl- ammonium chlorides 68(1983)233

Thermal decomposition of alkylammonium chlorides 92(1985)811

Alkylammonium hexachioroplumbates Thermal decomposition of alkylammonium hexachloroplumbates 92(1985)799

Alkylammonium hexachlorostannates Thermolysis of alkylammonium hexachloro- stannates 92(1985)795

Alkylammonium tetrachlorozineates Thermal behaviour of mixed long-chain alkyl- ammonium tetrachlorozincates 62(1983)77

Alkylated amides Heat of dilution of aqueous mixtures of N- alkylated amides at 313.15 K 79(1984)371

Alkylated pyrimidines Thermodynamic excess functions of diluted aqueous solutions of alkylated pyrimidines and amino purines, and caffeine 74(1984)95

A lky lbenzenes Calorimetric effects of short-range orientational order in solutions of benzene or n-alkylbenzenes in n-alkanes 53(1982)157

Alkyl chains A linear entropy relationship for fusion of n - alkyl chains 86(1985)1

Alkylchlor ide + alkane mixtures Pressure and temperature dependence of the excess enthalpy of alkylchloride/alkane mixtures 94(1985)79

Alkylsulphates Thermodynamic equilibrium and excess properties of alkylsulphates in water by vapour pressure osmometry 74(1984)215

Al|obarbital Thermoanalytical study of psychotropic substances. V. Barbital and allobartibal (in French) 97(1986)143

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Allophane Thermal reactions of al lophane under applied electric fields 84(1985)111

A l l o y s The thermal analysis of Sn-r ich Cd-Sn alloys 58(1932)199

Memory alloys to be used as en tha lpy s tandards? 69(1983)137

Determinat ion of the enthalpy of formation of b inary and te rnary alloys containing a volatile component by a quanti tat ive DTA method 88(1985)493

Alumina Mass spectrometric investigation of F-alumina chlorination by carbon tetrachloride 56(1982)209

Solid state reaction between m a g n e s i u m sulphate and a -a lumina 59(1982)239

The effect of Cr 3+ and Fe 3+ ions on the t ransformat ion of different a lumin ium hydroxides to a-Al203 64(1983)337

A thermogravimetr ic s tudy of the kinetics of the solid state reaction between a lumina and bar ium carbonate 74(1984)167

A quanti tat ive investigation of the phase t ransformat ion of g a m m a to alpha a lumina with h igh tempera ture DTA 77(1984)383

Thermal decomposit ion of a lumin ium hydroxides to a luminas 88(1985)69

Variation of surface area dur ing isothermal s inter ing of mesoporous gamma-a l umi na 90(1985)195

Some possibilities of thermoanalyt ical methods for technological control of a lumina production 93(1985)541

Alumina chlorination Kinetics of F-alumina chlorination by carbon monoxide and chlorine 52(1982)211

TG s tudy on the reaction of ~,-A1203 by CCI 4 Par t I. Kinetic model for the chlorination process 79(1984)69

TG s tudy on the reaction of ~-A1203 by COl 4 Part II. Influence of the mass t ranspor t processes 79(1984)83

Alumina-copper oxide system Thermoanalyt ical s tudy on the reaction of the CuO-A1203(~, 7 and a) sys tems 78(1984)71

Alumina-cryolite system Investigation on the Na3A1Fa-A1203 sys tem by DTA 92(1985)513

Alumina-nickel catalysts DSC calibration for the methana t ion reaction, catalyzed by Ni/A1203 pellets 85(1985)319

Aluminium Structural and phase changes in iron(III)- aluminium(III) mixed hydroxide-oxide system: a thermoanalytical study 53(1982)175

Microcomputer controlled experimentation in calorimetry. Application to the determination of the partial enthalpies of 3d transition metals in liquid aluminium 55(1982)301

Aluminium alloys Preparation of samples of precipitation hardening aluminium alloys for differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 93(1985)653

Aluminium ammonium sulphate The influence of the pressure of gaseous reaction products on the rate of dissociation of basic aluminium ammonium sulfate and general regularities of the process 92(1985)113

Aluminium-barium alloys Calorimetric determination of the heat of formation of some aluminium-barium alloys (in French) 57(1982)57

Aluminium complexes Kinetic s tudies of the non- thermal decomposit ion of chelates of lapachol with aluminium(III), chromium(III) and iron(III) 58(1982)367

Stability cons tants of Al(III) complexes in aqueous solution obtained from kinetic measu remen t s 62(1983)295

Aluminium- copper-zinc alloys Phase t ransformat ions in Cu-Zn-A1 shape memory alloy 93(1985)665

Aluminium hydride Calorimetric studies in organic solvents. VI. Heat of formation of sodium a lumin ium hydride, NaA1H 4, hea t of dissolution of a- a lumin ium hydride in THF (in French) 78(1984)323

Aluminium hydroxide decomposition Thermal decomposit ion of a lumin ium hydroxides to a luminas 88(1985)69

Aluminium hydroxides The effect of Cr 3+ and Fe 3+ ions on the transformation of different aluminium hydroxides to a-Al203 64(1983)337

Aluminium hydroxo complexes Differential calorimetric s tudy of the polymer Al1304(OH)28(H20)83+ and an amorphous a lumin ium trihydroxide gel in aqueous solution 59(1982)221

Aluminium hydroxycarbonates Thermal stability of a lumin ium hydroxycarbon- ates with monovalent cations 94(1985)257

Aluminium-iron alloys Fur ther studies on the effects of ionizing radiation, heat ing cycles and quenching on the tempera ture dependence of the electronic

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conductivity of different dilute A1-Si and A1-Fe alloys 81(1984)213

Aluminium-iron mixed oxides Electron microscopic and diffraction studies on Fe(III)-Al(III) mixed oxyhydroxide/oxides 62(1983)385

Aluminium-iron system The phase diagram of the AI-Fe system up to 45 mass0/0 iron 93(1985)681

Aluminium-lithium hydroxide Thermal stability of Li, A1 hydroxide modified by anionic exchange 92(1985)553

Aluminium- Uthium- magnesium alloys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in A1-Li-Mg alloy 92(1985)309

Aluminium-magnesium double hydroxides Thermal stability of Mg,A1 double hydroxides modified by anionic exchange 55(1982)377

Aluminium-nickel double hydroxides Thermal stability of Ni, A1 double hydroxides with various interlayer anions 81(1984)311

Aluminium nitridation The role of magnesia and alumina in promoting the nitridation of magnesium and aluminium 64(1983)167

Aluminium-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemi- carbazone system pH-metric studies on Cd(II)-, Pb(II)-, Al(III)-, Cr(III)- and Fe(III)-p-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 66(1983)351

Aluminium- octadeeanol reactions Thermal reactions of octadecanol with surfaces of aluminum, magnesium and aluminum/magnesium alloys 75(1984)401

Aluminium oxide SEM observation of the thermal decomposition processes of KC104, KCIO 3, KBrO3, KIO 4 and KIO 3 in the presence of a- Fe203 and a-A1203 51(1981)199

Thermal stability of cobalt oxides doped with MgO and A1203 67(1983)293

Thermal characterization of iron oxide and aluminium oxide powders by emanation thermal analysis 93(1985)469

Aiuminium potassium sulphate The investigations of thermal decomposition process of basic aluminium potassium sulfate in the reduced conditions 92(1985)657

Aluminium-silicon alloys Further studies on the effects of ionizing radiation, heating cycles and quenching on the temperature dependence of the electronic conductivity of different dilute A1-Si and A1-Fe alloys 81(1984)213


Aluminium sulphate Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of aluminum sulfate 78(1984)285

Aluminium sulphate hydrates Preparation and characterisation of the nona- hydrate and pentahydrate of aluminum sulfate 54(1982)105

Kinetics of the multistage dehydration of aluminum sulfate hydrate 81(1984)305

Aluminium-uroa complexes Thermal decomposition of aluminum, iron and manganese complexes of urea 73(1984)79

Aluminium- zinc-magnesium alloys Transformation studies in AIZnMg alloys by calorimetric methods 94(1985)93

AIuminium- zinc- magnesium-copper alloys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in AI-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys 85(1985)171

Aluminophosphates Thermal analysis of high surface area alumino- phosphates 92(1985)579

Aluminosilicate systems Study of solid-phase transformations during mechanochemical and thermal treatment of aluminosilicate systems using thermal analysis 93(1985)513

Aluminum see Aluminium

Amberlite Pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis of Amberlite IRC50 and some of its metal-exchanged forms 79(1984)117

Ames i t e Thermal and MSssbauer studies of iron- containing hydrous silicates. IV. Arnesite 64(1983)83

Amidation Studies on amidation and imidization processes of amine salts of aromatic tetra- carboxylic acids and diamine 70(1983)71

Amide-magnesium nitrate complexes Thermal study of new complexes of magnesium nitrate with some amides of carboxylic acids 92(1985)709

Amides Thermodynamics of nitrogen compounds. IX. Thermochemical study of benzamide. Comparison of energetic values in relation to the structure of several amides and thioarnides (in French) 58(1982)311

Thermodynamics of (thio)amides and their compounds with mineral acids at (0-330)K 92(1985)329

Amide-tetramethylurea mixtures Thermodynamic studies of binary mixtures containing a self-associated compound: excess

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volumes of 1,1,3,3-tetramethylurea-amide mixtures 68(1983)43

Amide-trifluoroacetic acid sodium salt binary mixtures Supercooling phenomena in binary mixtures of trifluoroacetic acid sodium salt and amides 74(1984)251

Amidoxime group Analytical properties of the amidoxime group. VIII. Synthesis, spectral properties, potentiometric and thermometric behaviour of 3,5-dimethyl, 3-phenyl-5-methyl and 3,5- diphenyl-4-isoxazolylamidoxime 98(1986)19

Amidoximes Analytical properties of the amidooxime group. V. Thermometric study of 3,3'-oxy-, 3,3'- thio- and 3,3'-iminodipropioamidooxime 57(1982)195

Amine + alkane systems Excess properties of binary mixtures. Secondary amine + n-a lkane systems 68(1988)273

Amine-cobalt complexes A calorimetric study on the relative thermal stabilities of some cobalt(III)-tris(diamine) and -bis(triamine) complexes in the solid phase 88(1985)289

Amine complexes Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. XXI. Derivatographic study on the thermal decomposition of some [Co(en)2X2]Y and [Co(en)2X(amine)]Y 2 type complexes 51(1981)277

Amine hydrochlorides Thermal properties of amine hydrochlorides. Part I. Thermolysis of primary n-alkyl- ammonium chlorides 88(1983)233

Amine-nickel complexes Synthesis and characterization of mixed- ligand complexes of nickel(II) with 5,5'-thio- disalicylic acid and amines 82(1984)335

Amines Adducts of copper(II) acetate with amines in ethanolic solution 54(1982)257

Thermometric titration of some amines in water-acetone mixtures 59(1982)313

Thermal decomposition of the solvent- extracted metal complexes with high molecular weight amines 100(1986)119

Amine salts Studies on amidation and imidization processes of amine salts of aromatic tetra- carboxylic acids and diamine 70(1983)71

Amine-uranium complexes Thermal decomposition of the solvent extracted chloro complexes of uranium(VI) with trioctylamine and trioctylmethylammon- ium chloride 92(1985)897

Amino acid-peptide solutions Aqueous solutions containing amino acids and peptides. Part 21. The enthalpic coefficients at 298.15 K for the interaction of N-acetyl-L- prolinamide with some 2-(N-acetylamino)acyl amides 83(1985)289

Amino acids Thermovoltaic detection. III. Thermal decomposition of some amino acids 70(1983)283

DSC-investigations of 22 crystalline neutral aliphatic amino acids in the temperature range 233 to 423 K 77(1984)59

Aqueous solutions containing amino acids and peptides. Part 18. The enthalpy of solution of N-acetyl-L-phenylalaninamide in aqueous solutions containing formamide 78(1984)303

Calorimetric study of some a-amino acids in water at 25°C 86(1985)109

Thermogravimetric study of the thermal decomposition of the mixed complex: CuZI(L - tryptophanate)(DL-methioninate). 3H20 91(1985)387

TA studies of heavy metal complexes of amino acids such as proline, aspartic and glutamic acids (abstract) 93(1985)141

The thermodynamics of ionisation of glycine in methanol -i- water mixtures and the determination of single ion thermodynamics 99(1986)243

Amino acid-transition metal complexes Thermodynamics of the complexation of transition metals with a-amino acids. I. Potentiometric study of the systems copper(II)-phenylalanine and cobalt(II)-phenyl- alanine (in French) 80(1984)35

Thermodynamics of the complexation of transition metals with a-amino acids. II. Calorimetric study of the systems copper(II)- phenylalanine and cobalt(II)-phenylalanine (in French) 80(1984)51

Aminobenzaldehyde thiosemi- carbazone-metal complexes Solution chemistry of Cu(II)-, Co(II)-, Ni(II)-, Mn(II)- and Zn(II)-p-aminobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 71(1983)209

Aminocarboxylates A potentiometric and calorimetric study of the protonation and complexation with Cu 2+ and Ni 2+ of some sulphur-containing a,t0-amino acids 83(1983)191

Aminodihydromethylmethylthionitroso - o x o p y r i m i d i n e complexes The stability and thermodynamic functions of 4-amino-I, 6-dihydro- 1 -methyl-2-methylthio-5- nitroso-6-oxo-pyrimidine complexes with Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) 80(1984)143

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Aminodihydromethylthionitrosooxo- pyrimidine Effect of ionic strength and temperature on ionization constants and stability constants of 4-amino-l,6-dihydro-2-methylthio-5-nitroso-6- oxo-pyrimidine and its complexes with Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) 89(1985)165

Amino - ethyl-dithiocarbamate Investigation of thermal decomposition of ethylenebisdithiocarbamate acid, its diammonia salt and ~amino-ethyl-dithio- carbamate 93(1985)137

Aminonitrosopyrimidine derivatives Influence of ionic strength on stability constants of Ag(I), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes with some 4-amino-5-nitroso- pyrimidine derivatives 89(1985)141

Aminooxyacid hydrochlorides Thermal decomposition of 2-aminooxyacid hydrochlorides and their esters 93(1985)5

Amino penicillinic acid Thermal studies on organomercury(II) complexes of 6-amino penicillinic acid 87(1985)203

A m i n o p h e n o l - p y r o g a l l o l systems Excess thermodynamic functions for a simple eutectic: m-aminophenol-pyrogallol systems 71(1983)373

Aminopolycarboxylic acids Comparative thermal study of some aminopoly- carboxylic chelating agents 62(1983)267

Amino pu r ine s Thermodynamic excess functions of diluted aqueous solutions of alkylated pyrimidines and amino purines, and caffeine 74(1984)95

Aminopyridine oxide-tin halide c o m p l e x e s Infrared and thermal studies of tin(IV) halide complexes of substituted amino pyridine N- oxides 90(1985)355

Aminopyridines Thermochemical study of the complex formation of Ag(I) with some sulphur- containing aminopyridines 70(1983)63

A thermodynamic and spectrophotorhetric study of the complex formation of copper(II) ions with sulphide-containing a,co~amino- pyridines in aqueous solution 72(1984)289

Aminosubstituted- dimethyl-nitroso - uraciis The study of thermal cyclization of 4-amino- substituted-l, 3-dimethyl-5-nitrosouracils 93(1985)45

Aminothiazole Thermal analysis of cobalt, nickel and copper complexes of 2-aminothiazole 62(1983)21

Ami t r ip ty l ine hydrochioride Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. III. Antidepressants. Imipramine hydrochloride, clomipramine hydrochloride, nortriptyline hydrochloride, amitriptyline hydrochloride (in French) 65(1983)179

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. II, Study of the binary mixtures meprobamate(I)-amitriptyline(I) hydrochloride, meprobamate(I)-clomipramine(I) hydrochloride and meprobamate(I)-fluphenazine dihydro- chloride (in French) 68(1983)25

Ammonia oxidation Non-isothermal kinetic study of catalytic ammonia oxidation 86(1983)357

Ammonia synthesis ca ta lys t Thermal analysis of the effect of samarium oxide on the reduction of precipitated ammonia synthesis catalyst 93(1985)693

A m m o n i u m azide Sublimation of ammonium azide by differential scanning calorimetric and thermo- gravimetric analyses 84(1985)133

A m m o n i u m bif luor ide Decomposition of ammonium bifluoride and the proton affinity of the bifluoride ion 66(1983)343

A m m o n i u m b romide , deuterated Study on the ?-~ phase transition of ND4Br crystal 74(1984)331

A m m o n i u m coppe r c h r o m a t e Thermal decomposition of ammonium copper chromate: effect of the addition of barium 95(1985)87

A m m o n i u m fiuorometallates Investigation of heat capacity of some ammonium fluorometallates having different structural types 92(1985)337

Ammonium halide-lanthanum oxide reactions Thermoanalytical investigations on the reactions of lanthanum oxide with ammonium halides 92(1985)473

A m m o n i u m hexafluorometallates Low-temperature anomalies of heat capacity of some ammonium hexafluorometallates(III) 87(1985)377

A m m o n i u m hydrogenhexavanadate Thermal properties of ammonium and potassium hydrogenhexavanadates 92(1985)481

Ammonium hydrogen sulphate DSC investigation of the thermal behaviour of (NH4)2SO ¢ NH4HSO 4 and NH4NH2SO ~ 60(1983)149

Ammonium-magnesium haInyl oxalate Thermal decomposition of hafnyl oxalate and ammonium/magnesium hafnyl oxalate 89(1985)195

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Ammonium metavanadate Alkali metal oxides action on V20 s catalysts used in 2-propanol decomposition. I. Thermal decomposit ion and electrical conductivity s tudies 87(1985)219

Thermal decomposit ion of a m m o n i u m meta- vanadate supported on A1203 96(1985)129

Ammonium monomethyl violurate Thermal studies on lithium, sodium, potass ium and a m m o n i u m monomethy l violurates 58(1982)61

Ammonium nitrate A DSC s tudy of the phase t ransformat ions of a m m o n i u m nitrate 55(1982)181

Study of the influence of exper imental condit ions on the course of the DSC curve of a m m o n i u m nitrate (20-140°C) 56(1982)385

Excess enthalpy and entropy of aqueous methyl -subs t i tu ted a m m o n i u m ni trate and te t ramethy lguanid in ium ni trate 67(1983)205

Thermal analysis of dry a m m o n i u m nitrate by energy dispersive X-ray diffraction between -79 and 150°C 83(1985)181

Thermal properties of a m m o n i u m nitrate. II. S tudy of modification t ransformat ions and their completeness by the change of heat ing mode 92(1985)731

On the chemical and thermal stabilization of NH4NO3(IV) 97(1986)229

Ammonium nitrate-caesium nitrate system Thermal analysis of the sys tem NH~NO3/ CsNO 3 by means of X-ray diffraction 85(1985)35

Ammonium oxalate Heat capacities of anhydrous a m m o n i u m oxalate and oxalic acid and their crystallo- hydrates 89(1985)387

Ammonium oxyfluoro vanadates Phase t ransi t ions in a m m o n i u m oxyfluoro vanadates 98(1986)31

Ammonium perchlorate The thermal decomposit ion of doped a m m o n i u m perchlorate 55(1982)27

Effect of ammonia on the thermal decomposit ion of or thorhombic and cubic a m m o n i u m perchlorate 62(1983)87

DSC and TG s tudy of the stability in vacuum of ferrocenyl compounds and their compatibili ty with a m m o n i u m perchlorate 77(1984)133

Ammonium salts The light emission of thermal ly s t imulated processes. Some hydraz in ium and a m m o n i u m salts 75(1984)245

Thermal behavior of some long-chain qua te rnary a m m o n i u m salts 85(1985)147

Ammonium sulphamate DSC investigation of the thermal behaviour of (NH4)2SO 4, NH4HSO 4 and NH4NH2SO 3 60(1983)149

Ammonium sulphate DSC investigation of the thermal behaviour of (NH4)2SO 4, NH4HSO 4 and NH4NH2SO 3 60(1983)149

Ammonium tetrafluoroborate Determinat ion of hea t capacity and enthalpies of phase t ransi t ions of ammonium, sodium and potass ium tetrafluoroborates 87(1985)381

Ammonium tetrahalogenocuprates Phase t ransi t ion and electrical propert ies of mono-, di-, tri- and tetraalkyl (or aryl) ammonium tetrahalogenocuprates(II) 77(1984)299

Ammonium uranates Solid phase decomposit ion of a m m o n i u m urana te 54(1982)327

Dissociation m e c h a n i s m for a m m o n i u m urana te 62(1983)217

The thermal decomposit ion of a m m o n i u m urana tes precipitated from sulphate and ni t rate media by urea 67(1983)137

Thermal decomposit ion of a m m o n i u m urana tes precipitated from uranyl ni t rate solution with a m m o n i u m hydroxide 88(1985)313

Ammonium uranyl carbonate TG, DSC, X-ray and electron diffraction s tudies of in termediate phases in the reduction of a m m o n i u m uranyl carbonate to UO 2 72(1984)213

A s tudy of the composit ion of the amorphous phase formed dur ing decomposit ion of a m m o n i u m uranyl carbonate in various a tmospheres 95(1985)389

Amorphous arsenic chalcogenides Heats of immers ion of amorphous As2S 3, As2S ~ and As2Se 3 in organic liquids 83(1983)51

A m o r p h o u s silica Microcalorimetric s tudy of the thermo- dynamics of the dehydrat ion of amorphous silica 52(1982)41

A n a l o g i c detector Analogic detector used to de termine the energy funct ion emitted, with a conduction calorimeter adjusted to biological processes (in French) 90(1985)15

Anatase Kinetics and mechan i sm of the reaction of Ba(NO3) 2 with "rio 2 (anatase) in the solid-solid state and the liquid-solid state 88(1985)307

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A n c i e n t Eg y p t i an balance The Ancient Egyptian balance 82(1984)63

Ancient materials Thermoanalytical study of ancient materials and light it sheds on the origin of letters and words 93(1985)441

Thermoanalytical study on ancient materials and light it sheds on the origin of letters and words 100(1966)283

A n h y d r i d e s Reaction enthalpies during the curing of epoxy resins with anhydrides 94(1985)105

An i l i n e Heats of reaction between aniline and formaldehyde by solution calorimetry: reaction in neutral medium 53(1982)263

Thermodynamic and LFER studies for the oxidation of anilines by the periodate ion 68(1983)27

Dissociation of 2-carboxy-pyridine ion. Primary steric effect and solute-solvent interactions as ionization factor for ortho pyridine and aniline 77(1984)327

Anomalous behaviour of 2,3-dicarboxypyridine in the calorimetric basicity scale for some pyridine and aniline isomers. The influence of the internal hydrogen bond on the steric effect 79(1984)197

Thermodynamic functions for aniline and halogenated anilines 86(1985)209

Aniline-formaldehyde reactions A thermochemical approach to the analysis of aniline-formaldehyde reactions 64(1983)155

A thermochemical study on the reactions of aniline with formaldehyde in the presence of acid medium 68(1963)59

Aniline-hydrocarbon m i x t u r e s Thermodynamics of associated solutions. Excess thermodynamic properties of mixtures of aniline with hydrocarbons 97(1986)37

A n i l i n e isomers Calorimetric basicity scale for some aniline and pyridine isomers in liquid phase. Substituent, tautomeric, steric and hydrogen bond effects 78(1984)123

Anilinium octamolybdate Thermal dehydration of (CsHs-NH3)4MosO2s'2 H20. Isothermal kinetic analysis 75(1984)1

Anilinium octamolybdate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of (C6H 5- NH3)4Mo8028.2H20. Isothermal and non- isothermal kinetic analysis 98(1986)81

Animal bone char Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of animal bone char 56(1982)345


Animal carbon The effect of thermal treatment on some characteristics of animal carbon 51(1981)287

Animals Direct and indirect calorimetry of medium sized animals 94(1985)113

Anisic acid Complete thermodynamic analysis of the ionization of anisic acid in water-dimethyl- sulphoxide mixtures at 25°C 59(1982)253

Anisotrepic temperature factors Anisotropic temperature factors as mechanism indicators of thermal processes 86(1985)101

A n k e r i t e Thermal analysis studies of the dolomite, ferroan dolomite, ankerite series. Part I. Iron content recognition and determination by variable atmosphere DTA 51(1981)105

Anthracene-picric acid system Studies on parameters controlling the degree of undercooling, naphthalene-picric acid and anthracene-picric acid systems 86(1985)321

A n t h r a c i t e Oxygen chemisorption by an anthracite from Peflarroya (Spain). A comparative study using dynamic and isothermal gravimetric methods 96(1965)69

Anthranilate-lanthanide complexes Thermodynamics of lanthanide anthranilate complex formation in aqueous solution 59(1982)299

Antibiotics Further applications of thermoanalytical methods to the detection of potassium and sodium salts of penicillins and cephalosporins 70(1983)303

A n t i d e p r e s s a n t s Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. III. Antidepressants. Imipramine hydrochloride, clomipramine hydrochloride, nortriptyline hydrochloride, amitriptyline hydrochloride (in French) 65(1963)179

Antimony ch lo r ide Complexation enthalpies of some phosphor- amides with antimony(V) chloride. Influence of structure on the Gutmann donor number (in French) 60(1983)137

Antimony chloride-water system The thermal and hydrolytic inter-relationship between the products of the antimony(III) chloride/water system 85(1985)31

Antimony-germanium-selenium system Phase diagram of the ternary system Ge-Sb- Se 58(1982)161

Antimony-germanium-sulphur system Kinetics of the recrystaMzation of Sb2S 3 in the glassy (GeS2)0.z(Sb2S3)0.7 93(1985)255

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Antimony-germanium-tellurium system Phase diagram of the te rnary sys tem Ge-Sb- To. I. The subternary GeTe-Sb2Te3-Te 78(1984)141

Antimony o x i d e s Thermal stability and phase t ransi t ions of the oxides of an t imony 51(1981)153

Antimony oxychloride The catalytic effect of iron(III) oxide, a-Fe203, upon the thermal decomposition of antimony(III) oxychloride, SbOC1 85(1985)27

Antimony-potassium permanganate system Thermal analysis of an t imony/potass ium permangana te pyrotechnic composit ions 65(1983)197

Antimony sulphide Precipitation and ageing of antimony(III) sulphide 51(1981)53

Antimony tellurites Possible tellurites of an t imony obtained by the precipitation reactions 91(1985)357

Antioxidants Synthesis and characterisat ion of ant ioxidant bonded polycarbonates 84(1983)55

Evaluation of the thermal stabilities of some aromatic hydroxy- and amine- type anti- oxidants 88(1985)461

Antipyrine Infrared and thermal studies of uranyl(VI) complexes of ant ipyrine 95(1985)279

Antoine constants A weighted least squares computat ion of the Antoine constants from vapor pressure data us ing a microcomputer 75(1984)183

Antoine equation A numerical procedure for calculating constants for the Antoine equation by the fixed point method 82(1983)133

Aqueous mixed electrolyte solutions Heat capacities of aqueous mixed electrolyte solutions at high temperature. The reciprocal sys tem K/Na/C1/SO 4 between 323 and 493 K 85(1985)159

Aqueous non-electrolyte mixtures Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. IL Excess enthalpies and liquid-liquid equil ibrium of 2-alkanone -t- water mixtures 70(1983)149

Archaeology Archaeologists s tudy thermal shock 98(1986)37

Archaeometry Thermoanalyt ical me asu remen t s in archaeometry 69(1983)167

Argon Analysis of the specific hea t in solid Ar and Kr 92(1985)633

A r g y r o d i t e compounds Thermochemical data and phase t ransi t ion of argyrodite-type ionic conductors ME6PSsHAL and METPS 0 (ME = Cu, Ag; HAL = Cl, Br, I) 87(1985)319

Argyrodite-type ionic conductors Thermochemical data of argyrodite-type ionic conductors: CusPSsHal (Hal = C1, Br, I) 85(1985)155

Aromatic aldehydes Excess enthalpies of some aromatic aldehydes in n -hexane , n - h e p t a n e and benzene 57(1982)147

Aromatic amine-copper carboxylate complexes Thermochemical s tudy of copper carboxylate complexes with aromatic amines (in French) 86(1985)33

Aromatic amine oxides Thermal studies on complexes of oxo- zirconium(IV) with some aromatic amine N- oxides 61(1983)235

Aromatic compounds Procedure for es t imat ing the hea t s of formation of aromatic compounds: chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxins 55(1982)59

Phase d iagrams in the binary sys tems of 2,4,7- tr initrofluoren-9-one with aromatic and hetero- aromatic compounds. II. Thermodynamic analysis 58(1982)299

Procedure for es t imat ing the hea t s of formation of aromatic compounds. Par t II. Chlorinated phenols, biphenyls, diphenyl e thers and dibenzofurans 62(1983)315

Aromatic hydrocarbon + chlorotoluene mixtures Thermodynamic properties of some binary liquid mixtures containing o-chloroteluene. Excess volumes and excess enthalpies of o - chlorotoluene + some aromatic hydrocarbons 68(1983)9

Aromatic hydrocarbon + formylmorpholine mixtures Some properties of b inary mixtures of N- formylmorphol ine and an aromatic hydro- carbon 84(1985)33

Aromatic hydrocarbon + methyl- pyrrolidone mixtures Excess molar volumes of an aromatic hydro- carbon + N-methylpyrrol idone at 298.15 K 89(1985)75

Aromatic polyesters Pyrolysis studies of aromatic polyesters 59(1982)51

Arrhenius equation The questionable use of the Arrhenius equation to describe cellulose and wood pyrolysis 54(1982)377

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On the use of the Arrhenius equation to describe cellulose and wood pyrolysis 91(1985)343

Arrhenius model A critical reflection upon the application of the Arrhenius model to non-isothermal thermogravimetric curves 52(1982)67

Improved parameter estimation in Arrhenius type models 92(1985)77

Arsenates Double arsenates of thorium and monovalent metals. Part II. Thermal and electrical properties 60(1983)47

Arsenic chalcogenides Heats of immersion of amorphous As2S 3, As2S 5 and As2Se 3 in organic liquids 63(1983)51

Arsenic chelates Thermogravimetric study of the kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of metal derivatives of L-lysine monohydrochloride 62(1983)125

Arsenic complexes Studies on tris-N[(chlorophenyl)dithiocarbam- ato] complexes of Au(III) and As(III) 93(1985)105

Arsenic-copper-selenium alloys DTA studies and physical properties of vit- reous Cu x (As0.4Se0.6)l. x alloys 93(1985)267

Arsenic oxide Thermochemical properties of uranyl arsenates. I. Arsenic oxide dissociation pressures 90(1985)177

Arsenic-oxygen interactions Thermodynamic studies on arsenic-oxygen and selenium-oxygen interactions in molten copper 59(1982)193

Arylazomethylthiohydroxymetbyl- pyrimidine Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of 5-arylazo-2-methylthio-4-hydroxy- 6-methylpyrimidine (AMHP) complexes 53(1982)343

Arylcarboxylates Thermal decomposition of silver arylcarbox- ylates 93(1985)57

The IR-spectra and thermal decomposition of arylcarboxylates of alkaline-earth metals 93(1985)61

Arylenebismaleimides Synthesis and characterization of thermally stable poly-N, N' -arylenebismaleimide 55(1982)49

Arylglycine derivative-copper complexes Copper(II) complexes of N-arylglycine derivatives 89(1985)151


Arylglycine de r iva t i ve -pa l l ad ium complexes Thermal behaviour of Pd(II) complexes of N- arylglycine derivatives 90(1985)201

Aryl thioviolur ic acids Thermodynamics of the interaction of some bivalent metal ions with N-arylthiovioluric acids 53(1982)257

Arylvioluric acids Thermodynamic study of the interaction of rare earths with N-arylvioluric acids 59(1982)157

Asparagine Thermochemistry of the L-asparagine hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by L-asparagin- ase 91(1985)79

Aspartam Thermoanalytical study of aspartam (in French) 71(1983)79

Aspartam complexes Aspartame complexes of calcium and praseodymium cations 87(1985)373

Aspartic acid TA studies of heavy metal complexes of amino acids such as proline, aspartic and glutamic acids (abstract) 93(1985)141

Asphalt-aggregate bonding energy Asphalt-aggregate bonding energy measurements by microcalorimetric methods 77(1984)95

Asphaltic cements A study of asphaltic cements and their fractions by thermogravimetry 98(1986)99

Asphalts Determination of the acidity index of asphalts by means of thermometric titrations. Comparison with other methods 98(1986)9

Associated solutions Thermodynamics of associated solutions, Phase equilibria of binary and ternary water- alcohol mixtures 89(1985)39

Thermodynamics of associated solutions. Excess thermodynamic properties of mixtures of aniline with hydrocarbons 97(1986)37

Atacamite Synthetic atacamite, Cu2CI(OH)3: a suspected spin glass behavior in low-temperature heat capacities 88(1985)195

Atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry Thermogravimetry coupled with atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry. A new combined technique 61(1983)169

Attapulgite Specific heats of clay minerals: sodium and calcium kaolinites, sodium and calcium mont- morillonites, illite, and attapulgite 61(1983)139

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Autoclave DTA method Autoclave DTA application in technological researches 92(1985)453

Autoclaving Effect of autoclaving on zinc oxide in the presence of sulphate ions 58(1982)211

Automated calorimeters An automated calorimeter for solid subs tances 92(1985)283

Automated data collection system An automated data collection sys tem for DSC enabling calculation of specific thermal capacity and enthalpy 62(1983)187

Aviation lubricants Determinat ion of spontaneous ignition tempera tures (SITs) of aviation lubricants us ing pressure differential scanning calorimetry (PDSC) 98(1986)159

Avrami-Erofeev equation The possibility of de termining the Avrami- Erofeev index from non- iso thermal measu remen t s 55(1982)367

On the application of the Avrami-Erofeev equation in non- isothermal reaction kinetics 97(1986)363

Azide Effect of a-Fe203 additive on the thermal decomposition of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permanganate , and oxides 51(1981)245

Azodicarbonamide The thermal decomposit ion of azodicarbon- amide 76(1984)63

The effects of additives on the thermal decomposit ion of azodicarbonamide 70(1984)273

Kinetic parameters of decomposit ion of azodicarbonamide determined from DSC records 92(1985)193

Azotetrazole salts A thermal s tudy of the salts of azotetrazole 86(1983)231

A z u r i t e Thermal decomposition of the basic copper carbonates malachite and azurite 75(1984)23


BACK equation Comparison of Benedict-Webb-Rubin and BACK equations of state for use in P-V-T calculations 82(1984)263

Bagasse Studies on thermal decomposit ion and combust ion mechan i sm of bagasse under non- isothermal conditions 93(1985)349

Barbital Thermoanalyt ical s tudy of psychotropic substances. V. Barbital and allobartibal (in French) 97(1986)143

B a r i u m Kinetic studies of the non- isothermal decomposition of metal chelates of lapachol with calcium(II), barium(II) and lead(II) 53(1982)361

Barium- aluminium alloys Calorimetric determinat ion of the heat of formation of some a lumin ium-bar ium alloys (in French) 57(1982)57

Barium bromide Kinetics of BaBr~,2H20 dehydration: comparison between powdered crystalline and single crystal mater ia ls 90(1985)101

B a r i u m carbonate The influence of t i tan ium dioxides, a lumina and calcium carbonate on the thermal stability of bar ium carbonate 61(1983)375

On the t ransi t ion tempera tures of BaCO 3 and SrCO 3 as DTA tempera ture reference mater ia ls 64(1983)381

Kinetics and mechan i sm of formation of the amorphous phase from bar ium carbonate and kaolin 73(1984)67

A thermogravimetr ic s tudy of the kinetics of the solid state reaction between a lumina and bar ium carbonate 74(1984)107

Barium carbonate-titanium dioxide mixtures Non-isothermal kinetics in mixtures of bar ium carbonate and t i tan ium dioxide (anatase) 72(1984)373

B a r i u m chelates Thermogravimetr ic s tudy of the kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposit ion of metal derivatives of L-lysine monohydrochloride 82(1983)125

B a r i u m c h l o r i d e Kinetics and mechan i sm of the thermal dehydrat ion stages of BaCl 2 • 2 H20 by means of s imul taneous TG-DSC 51(1981)97

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Kinetics of the thermal dehydrat ion s tages of BaC12 . 2 H20 by means of TG at cons tan t t empera tures 52(1982)1

Barium chloride monohydrate Kinetic investigation of the sorption of water by ba r ium chloride monohydra te 70(1983)291

B a r i u m citrate Thermal decomposit ion of ba r ium citrate 76(1984)249

Study of the thermal decomposit ion of iron and ba r ium citrates 86(1985)77

B a r i u m dioxide Iron compounds in h igh oxidation states. III. Kinetic analysis of the reaction between BaO 2 and FeSO4: non- isothermal versus isothermal procedures 98(1988)167

Barium dioxide-iron sulphate system Iron compounds in h igh oxidation states. I. The reaction between BaO 2 and FeSO 4 91(1985)249

B a r i u m dithionate Thermal studies on di thionate compounds. I. Dithionates of calcium, s t ront ium and bar ium 66(1983)289

B a r i u m hexavanadates Thermal propert ies of ba r ium hexavanada tes 98(1986)255

B a r i u m hydroxide Thermal and calorimetric investigations on crystall ine hydra tes of ba r ium hydroxide and their deutera ted analogs 92(1985)287

B a r i u m nitrate Kinetics and m e c h a n i s m of the reaction of Ba(NO3) 2 with TiO 2 (anatase) in the solid-solid state and the liquid-solid state 88(1985)307

B a r i u m nitrite Thermal decomposit ion of Ba(NO2) 2 • H20 51(1981)233

B a r i u m o x a l a t e hemihydrates The thermal decomposit ion of oxalates. Par t 19. The thermal decomposit ion of ba r ium oxalate hemihydra tes 79(1984)217

Barium oxomolybdenum oxalate IR and thermal studies on ba r ium oxomolyb- denum(VI) oxalate 84(1985)287

Barium perchlorate trihydrate Non-isothermal kinetic s tudies on the effects of semi-conductive metal oxides on the thermal decomposit ion of ba r ium perchlorate t r ihydrate 58(1982)289

Thermokinet ic s tudies for react ions of lanthanum(III) and nickel(III) oxides with ba r ium perchlorate t r ihydrate 70(1983)105

A new mechan i sm for the thermal degradation of BP • 3H20 with V205 and TiO z semiconduc- tors: a phase d iagram s tudy 81(1984)273


Barium-succinate complex Thermodynamics of formation of magnesium(II) , calcium(II), strontium(II) and barium(II)-succinate complexes in aqueous solution 80(1984)197

Barium titanyl oxalate Preparation of BaTiO 3 by thermal decomposition of barium titanyl oxalate simultaneously investigated by emanation thermal analysis, TG-DTA and EGA 85(1985)207

Barium-tungsten oxides P-T-X phase d iagram and the rmodynamics of ba r ium- tungs ten oxides 93(1985)457

Barium uranyl malonate trihydrate Synthes is and thermal behaviour of s t ront ium uranyl malonate and ba r ium uranyl malonate t r ihydrates 75(1984)167

B a r i u m zirconate Thermodynamic functions of ba r ium and s t ront ium zirconates from calorimetric m e a s u r e m e n t s 90(1985)297

Barium zirconate ceramics Investigation of the action of h igh temper- a ture t i tania addit ions on the electric and dielectric properties of ba r ium zirconate ceramics 64(1983)75

Basalt Thermal studies of basalt and clay for the manufac tu re of building bricks 51(1981)315

Baseline How important is it to know the exact path of the baseline? 85(1985)357

Basic copper carbonates Thermal decomposit ion of the basic copper carbonates malachite and azurite 75(1984)23

A thermogravimetr ic s tudy of the decomposit ion of basic copper carbonate 81(1984)353

Basic lead carbonates Thermal decomposit ion of basic lead carbonates: a comparison of hydrocerussi te and plumbonacri te 81(1984)1

Basic manganous chromate Thermal decomposit ion of basic manganous chromate 52(1982)345

Basic metal p y r o t e l l u r i t e s Determinat ion of the hea ts of formation of some basic metal tellurites and pyrotellurites 81(1984)349

Basic metal tellurites Determinat ion of the hea ts of formation of some basic metal tellurites and pyrotellurites 81(1984)349

B a u x i t e DTA s tudy of the chlorination of fly ash and bauxite in the presence of carbon 53(1982)89

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Reduction of iron oxides in bauxite by hydrogen 85(1985)199

Bayerite Dehydrat ion kinetics of bayeri te prepared in the presence and absence of gum t ragacanth 62(1983)341

Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation Comparison of Benedict-Webb-Rubin, Starling and Lee-Kesler equations of state for use in P-V-T calculations 54(1982)9

Comparison of Benedict-Webb-Rubin and BACK equations of state for use in P-V-T calculations 82(1984)263

Benzamide Thermodynamics of ni t rogen compounds. IX. Thermochemical s tudy of benzamide. Comparison of energetic values in relation to the s tructure of several amides and thioamides (in French) 58(1982)311

Benzene Calorimetric effects of shor t - range orientational order in solutions of benzene or n -a lky lbenzenes in n - a l k a n e s 53(1982)157

Excess Gibbs energies for the benzene -t- n - hexadecane sys tem at 298.15 and 323.15 K 56(1982)199

Excess enthalpies of some aromatic aldehydes in n -hexane , n - h e p t a n e and benzene 57(1982)147

Est imated thermodynamic funct ions for some chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxins 58(1982)11

Thermodynamic properties of trilauryl- ammonium bisulphate in benzene 63(1983)163

Benzene + alkanal mixtures Thermodynamics of b inary mixtures containing aldehydes. Excess enthalpies of n - alkanals + benzene and + tetrachloro- me thane mixtures 95(1985)105

Benzene + cycloalkane, alkane mixtures Application of the Flory theory of liquid mixtures to excess volumes and enthalpies of benzene + cycloalkane and + n -a lkane mixtures 77(1984)267

Benzene-cyclohexanol solutions Calorimetric studies of self-association of cyclo- hexanol in benzene 99(1986)189

Benzene + dodecane mixtures Excess magni tudes for the benzene + n - dodecane sys tem at 298.15 and 323.15 K 65(1983)69

Benzene- hexamethylphosphorotriamide system Description of a thermal analysis apparatus applied to the s tudy of two binary systems:

hexamethylphosphorotriamide-benzene and hexamethylphosphorotriamide-cyclohexane (in French) 68(1983)207

Benzofluoranthene choleic acid Stability of 11,12-benzofluoranthene choleic acid derived by pressure data 60(1983)211

Benzoic acid derivatives Study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part I. Consistency of a thermo- dynamic and an electrostatic model with experimental results of m -benzoic acid derivatives 56(1982)83

A study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part II. Consistency of a thermo- dynamic and an electrostatic model with experimental results of p-benzoic acid derivatives 57(1982)29

Study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part III. Consistency of a thermodynamic and an electrostatic model With exper imental results of ortho-benzoic acid derivatives 57(1982)293

Benzoic acids Study of the proton t ransfer processes of nitro- phenols to nitrobenzoic acids and to benzoic acid in water-dimethylsulfoxide mixtures compared with the same processes in the gaseous phase 52(1982)225

Measurement of hea ts of subl imation of some or~o-subs t i tu t ed benzoic acids by differential scanning calorimetry 88(1983)375

Heats of atomization and resonance energy of some ortho-subst i tuted benzoic acids 71(1983)257

Thermodynamic s tudy of the water- dimethylsulfoxide system. Par t II. Study of the proton t ransfer processes of monosubst i tu ted benzoic acids, compared with the same processes in the gaseous phase: thermo- dynamic and electrostatic model 84(1985)215

Tempera ture effect on the parti t ion and dimerization constant of benzoic acid 94(1985)305

Benzoic acids, chloro-substituted A study of the proton t ransfer of chloro- subst i tuted benzoic acids in water-dimethyl- sulfoxide mixtures compared with the same process in the gaseous phase 52(1982)45

Benzoic acids, hydroxy-substituted Study of the proton t ransfer processes of hydroxy-subst i tu ted benzoic acids in water- dimethylsulfoxide mixtures compared With the same processes in the gaseous phase 52(1982)217

Benzoic acids, methoxy-substituted Calorimetric s tudy of the ionization process for m e t a - m e t h o x y -t- benzoic acid. A calorimetric acidity scale for methoxy- subst i tuted benzoic acids 90(1985)43

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Benzoic acids, nitro-substituted A study of the proton transfer of the nitro- substituted benzoic acids in water-dimethyl- sulfoxide mixtures compared with the same process in the gaseous phase 51(1981)191

Benzoic derivatives Enthalpy-entropy relationship for some para and mets benzoic derivatives: statistics and thermodynamic theories 81(1984)139

Benzoquinoline Magneto, spectral and thermal studies of lanthanide perchlorato complexes of 5,8-benzo- quinoline 95(1985)99

Benzoquinoline c o m p l e x e s Infrared and thermal study of 5,6-benzo- quinoline complexes of some higher valent metal ions 97(1986)219

Benzoquinoline ox ide Magneto, spectral and thermal studies of some lanthanide nitrate complexes of 5,6-benzo- quinoline N-oxide 98(1986)313

Benzoquinoline o x i d e - l a n t h a n i d e ch lo r ide c o m p l e x e s Magneto, spectral and thermal studies of ianthanide(III) chloride complexes of 5,6-benzo- quinoline N-oxide 99(1988)357

Benzoquinoline oxide-oxozirconium c o m p l e x e s Infrared and thermal studies of 5,6-benzo- quinoline N-oxide complexes of oxo- zirconium(IV) 99(1986)363

Benzoquinoline o x i d e - t i n h a l i d e complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of tin(IV) halide complexes of 5,8-benzoquinoline N- oxide and 1,10-phenanthroline N,N'-dioxide 99(1986)367

Benzoylferrocene Thermodynamic properties of benzoyl- ferrocene and 1, l'-dibenzoylferrocene 61(1983)301

Benzoylglycine-metal systems pH-metric investigations on metal-benzoyl- glycine systems 57(1982)383

Benzoy l pe rox ide Kinetic determinations of differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XIV. Thermolysis of benzoyl peroxide and p,p'-disubstituted benzoyl peroxides in propiophenone (in French) 58(1982)155

Kinetic determinations by differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XV. Thermolysis of p,p'- disubstituted benzoyl peroxides in diphenyl ether solution (in French) 58(1982)169

Benzylidene- aniline -dialkoxy d e r i v a t i v e s Mesomorphic behaviour of forty benzylidene- aniline-p,p'-dialkoxy derivatives 70(1983)99

Benzylidene-anilines Phase transitions in mesomorphic benzyl- idene-anilines 56(1982)59

Benzyltriazoline~phenyl) dicarboxy- imides Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part IV. Thermal decomposition of 1-benzyl-l,2,3-triazolino- 4,5(N-phenyl) dicarboxiimides 79(1984)139

B e r t h i e r i n e Thermal and M6ssbauer studies of iron- containing hydrous silicates. V. Berthierine 74(1984)291

B e r y l l i u m - c o p p e r a l loys Kinetic study of precipitation processes in Cu- Be alloys by DSC 93(1985)645

B e r y l l i u m iodates Thermal and calorimetric investigation on crystalline hydrates of beryllium iodates 92(1985)627

B e r y l l i u m o r g a n o m e t a l l i c molecules Thermodynamic functions of gaseous beryllium, titanium and germanium organo- metallic molecules 83(1983)317

B e r y l l i u m oxide doping Effects of BeO-doping on the thermal behaviour of cobalt oxides 89(1985)63

Beryllium soaps Studies on beryllium soaps. Infrared absorption spectra and thermogravimetric analysis 62(1983)179

Beryllium sulphate Computer-aided thermogravimetric determination of kinetic parameters of calcination of BeSO 4 • 4 H20 92(1985)121

Bibenzoxazole polymers Thermal degradation of fluoro- and fluoro- ether-substituted bibenzoxazole polymers 54(1982)131

Bifluoride ion Decomposition of ammonium bifluoride and the proton affinity of the bifluoride ion 66(1983)343

B i n a r y d a t a Prediction of ternary excess enthalpies from binary data 52(1982)155

Prediction of ternary phase equilibria from binary data 56(1982)43

B i n a r y l iqu id m i x t u r e s An analytic model for the excess properties of binary liquid mixtures 63(1983)67

B i n a r y m i x t u r e s Topological aspect of the excess enthalpies of binary mixtures of non-electrolytes 52(1982)87

Enthalpies of mixing of binary mixtures: trialkyl phosphates, dialkyl ketones and dialkyl ethers with chloroform 53(1982)251

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Thermodynamics of molecular interactions in binary mixtures of non-electrolytes. Molar excess volumes 63(1983)237

Binary mixtures of non-electrolytes Topological aspects of the effect of temperature and pressure on the thermo- dynamics of binary mixtures of non- electrolytes 66(1983)37

Binary organic mixtures Establishment of analytical relationships representing the enthalpies of binary organic mixtures from their linear injection diagrams by flow calorimetry (in French) 55(1982)193

Binary phase diagrams Rational fitting of binary phase diagrams by a regularized method (in French) 79(1984)35

Binary solutions Thermodynamics of solutions of methanol and solvating components 57(1982)331

Binary systems The prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium data from heat of mixing data for three non- ideal binary systems 60(1983)327

Biochemical studies Recent developments in microcalorimetric instrumentation for studies of biochemical and cellular systems 85(1985)245

Biochemical systems Calorimetric investigation in the fields of biology and biochemistry 72(1984)189

Biochemistry Application of thermoanalytical methods in biochemistry and biotechnology 83(1985)81

Some developments in reaction and solution microcalorimetry, with particular reference to its use in biochemistry and cellular biology 96(1985)313

Biological applications of calorimetry Design and testing of a calorimeter for biological uses 88(1985)329

Biological process development work A novel bench-scale calorimeter for biological process development work 85(1985)493

Biological systems Calorimetric investigation in the fields of biology and biochemistry 72(1984)189

Low temperature DSC for biological systems 93(1985)133

Biomass pyrolysis Effects of pressure on biomass pyrolysis. I. Cellulose pyrolysis products 68(1983)155

Effects of pressure on biomass pyrolysis. II. Heats of reaction of cellulose pyrolysis 68(1983)165

Biomolecules Determination of thermodynamic parameters of biomolecules by spectrophotometric titrations 85(1985)481

Calorimetry of model biomolecules in aqueous solution 96(1985)333

Biopolymers Energetics of structural transitions in bio- polymers 85(1985)457

Biotechnology Application of thermoanalytical methods in biochemistry and biotechnology 83(1985)81

Bis(acetylacetonate)oxovanadium Thermal and structural studies on the adducts of bis(acetylacetonate) oxovanadium(IV) with substituted pyridines 87(1985)281

Bis(aminosalicylato)-diaquo complexes Kinetics of thermal dehydration of some bis- (4-aminosalicylato)-diaquo complexes of transition metal ions 82(1984)253

IR, TG. DTG and DTA studies of bis~(4-amino- salicylato)-diaquo complexes of VO(II). Cu(II). Ni(II), Co(II). Fe(II) and Mn(II) 91(1985)159

Bis(benzoylacetonato)oxovanadium Thermal studies on the adducts of bis(benzoyl- acetonato)oxovanadium(IV) with substituted pyridines 86(1985)295

Bis(chloroethyl) sulphide On the activation energy for the hydrolysis of bis-(2-chloroethyl) sulfide 81(1984)343

Bis(chlorophenyl)dithiocarbamato- metal complexes Bis{N (chlorophenyl)dithiocarbamato] complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Sn(II) 76(1984)345

Bis(cyclopentadienyl/idenyl)oxinato hafnium chelates Thermal studies on bis(~5-cyclopentadienyl/ idenyl) oxinato hafnium(IV) chelates 98(1986)191

Bis-dimethyldiphenylphenanthroline- copper complex Thermogravimetric. IR spectroscopic and X- ray diffraction studies of bis-(2,9-dimethyl-4,7- diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)-copper(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 57(1982)365

Bis(dimethylpyrazolyl)dihydroborate Thermal analysis of cobalt(II), niekel(II). eopper(II) and zinc(If) bis(3.5-dimethyl-l-pyra- zolyl)dihydroborates 63(1983)59

Bis(ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes Bis-N(p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes of Cu(II). Zn(II). Cd(II). Sn(II), Sn(IV). Ni(II) and Pd(II) 58(1982)231

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Bis(ethylxanthato)nickel Thermal studies on addition compounds of bis(ethylxanthato)nickel(II) 54(1982)297

Bis(hexafluoropentanedionato) dioxo- uranium-tetrahydrofuran Vapour pressure of bis(1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoro- 2,4-pentanedionato) dioxouranium-tetrahydro- furan 99(1986)87

Bi s (hydroxye thy l ) t e reph tha la t e The use of the rising temperature technique to establish the kinetics of acetaldehyde evolution during atmospheric polymerization of bis(hydroxyethyl)terephthalate 61(1983)97

Bis(hydroxynaphthoquinonato) complexes Kinetics and X-ray powder diffraction studies on dihydrated bis(2-hydroxy-l,4-naphtho- quinonato) cobalt(II) and nickel(If) complexes 70(1983)373

Bis(hydroxyquinolate)metal complexes Standard enthalpies of formation of some crystalline bis(8-hydroxyquinolate)metal complexes by solution-reaction calorimetry 89(1985)1

Bis(hydroxysulphonatonaphthoic acid)copper nonahydrate Thermal decomposition of bis(1-hydroxy-4- sulfonato-2-naphthoic acid)eopper(II) nonahydrate 72(1984)225

Bismuth Thermal decomposition of a hydrated pyro- chlore containing mixed-valence bismuth(III,V) and potassium 54(1982)147

Bismuth compounds Physicochemical analysis of bismuth oxide- terbium oxide or praseodymium oxide system 93(1985)461

Physicochemical investigation of Bi0.75Y0.2501. 5- CuO system of 0-25 tool.°/0 CuO composition 93(1985)465

Bismuth-germanium-sulphur glass Crystallization in Ge20BilsSe5 glass 93(1985)259

Bismuth-lead telluride systems Physieo-chemical investigation of Pb(Ge)Te- Bi2(Sb2)Te3 system ternary compounds formation 92(1985)595

Bismuth sulphides Reexamination of the system Bi2S3-1n2S 3 and crystal data of indium bismuth sulphide InBiS 3 86(1985)291

Bismuth trioxide-boron oxide-zinc oxide system The character of melting and phase crystallization in the Bi20~-B203-ZnO system 93(1985)449


Bismuth trioxide-neodymium oxide- p h o s p h o r u s pentoxide system Thermoanalytical and single crystal growth investigations in the system Bi203-P205 and Bi203-Nd203-P205 93(1985)509

Bismuth trioxide-phosphorus pentoxide system Thermoanalytical and single crystal growth investigations in the system Bi203-P20 s and Bi203-Nd203-P205 93(1985)509

Bis(pentanedionato)beryllium DSC determination of the fusion and sublimation enthalpy of bis(2,4-petanedionato)- beryllium(II) and tris(2,4-pentanedionato)- aluminium(III) 63(1983)211

Bis(pentanedionato)zinc The mean zinc-oxygen bond enthalpy in bis(2, 4-pentanedionato)zinc(II) 90(1985)343

Bis(thenoyl-trifluoro- acetonate)oxovanadium Thermal studies on the adducts of bis(1-(2- thenoyl)-3, 3,3-trifluoroacetonate) oxo- vanadium(IV) 97(1986)93

Bitumens Thermophysical characterization of oil sands. 4. Thermal analyses 58(1982)325

The use of thermogravimetry to detect and identify adhesion agents in bitumen 79(1984)161

Thermal behaviour of bitumens. Determination of the crystallized fractions by heat flow DSC (in French) 84(1985)101

Thermogravimetric characterization of some Iraqi bitumens 94(1985)295

Bituminous coals Thermal analyses of Ohio bituminous coals 53(1982)321

Bituminous rocks DTA and TGA of coals and bituminous rocks 93(1985)385

Bivalent metal ions Thermodynamics of the interaction of some bivalent metal ions with N-arylthiovioluric acids 53(1982)257

Bivalent metal vanadates Comparative study of the MeV2Oe-MoO3-Li20 phase diagrams 92(1985)575

Black, Joseph Comenius and Black: progenitors of thermal analysis 92(1985)3

" B o e r s m a " type d i f fe ren t ia l scanning c a l o r i m e t e r s The use of "Boersma" type differential scanning calorimeters in the measurement of exothermic transitions 57(1982)99

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Boracites Thermal decomposition of some boracites 56(1982)359

Borazine der iva t ives A TG-DSC study of the thermal dissociation of (NH2BH2) x 86(1985)375

Bordeaux mixtures The analysis of bordeaux mixtures (in German) 76(1984)25

Boron o x i d e - b i s m u t h t r iox ide -z inc oxide system The character of melting and phase crystallization in the Bi203-B2Os-ZnO system 93(1985)449

Boron-palladium alloys Glass-forming ability and crystallization kinetics of amorphous palladium-boron alloys 54(1982)343

Bromate oscillators Reaction kinetics at linearly increased temperature. II. DTA study of uncatalyzed bromate oscillators 71(1983)287

Bromazepan complexes Study of the thermal decomposition of brom- azepan complexes with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) 81(1984)231

Bromine Specific heat study of solid chlorine and bromine 92(1985)529

Bromoborates Transformation of bromoborates on thermal analysis 95(1985)1

Bromocomplexes Thermochemistry of bromocomplexes of third row transition elements 87(1985)29

Bromoethanol Molar excess enthalpies for aqueous solutions of 2-chloroethanol and 2-bromoethanol at 298.15 K 88(1985)241

Bromoform + dioxane mixtures Thermodynamic investigation of complex formation in 1,4-dioxane + bromoform mixture 99(1988)317

Bromosuccinimide DSC study of reaction of N-bromosuccinimide with polymers 93(1985)13

Bronzes Thermogravimetric studies of Na x MO2-type bronze 92(1985)557

Brucite Thermal decomposition of a dolomitic limestone with brucite under quasi-isothermal conditions using a quasi-isobaric crucible and associated non-isothermal kinetic parameters 76(1984)213

The influence of water vapour on decomposition of magnesite and brucite 92(1985)653

Building br icks Thermal studies of basalt and clay for the manufacture of building bricks 51(1981)315

Bulk po lymer i za t ion Kinetics of acenaphthylene bulk polymerization by DTA 59(1982)25

DTA determination of bulk kinetics polymerization of N-vinylcarbazole in the solid state 59(1982)199

Butadiene Thermal degradation of ABS 93(1985)187

Butanediamines Thermal square planar-te-octahedral transfor- mation of nickel(II) complexes containing butanediamines in a solid phase 67(1983)23

Butanol Thermodynamics of ferrous-2,2'-dipyridyl in tert-butanol-water and glycerol-water mixtures at 25°C 52(1982)201

Adsorption phenomena on glass surfaces. III. A microcalorimetric study of adsorption of n - butanol on heat treated surfaces of controlled pore glass 53(1982)203

B u t a n o l - t r i c h l o r o e t h a n e system Activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies of 1,1,1-trichloroethane with 1- butanol and lLpentanol 76(1984)255

Butyl p e r b e n z o a t e Kinetic determinations by differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XIII. Copper 2-ethyl- hexanoate catalysed decomposition of t-butyl perbenzoate in solution (in French) 55(1982)135

Butyl percarbonate Kinetic determinations by differential microcalorimetric analysis. XVI. Decomposition of O, O-t-butyl percarbonate and O-isopropenyl percarbonates in solution (in French) 60(1983)341

Kinetic determinations by differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XVII. Spontaneous and induced decomposition of O,O-t-butyl per- carbonate and O-vinyl percarbonates in solution (in French) 60(1983)353

Butyl peroxybenzoate Kinetic determinations by differential scanning microcalorimetry. XVIII. The decomposition of t-butyl peroxybenzoate in the absence and in the presence of transition metal salts (in French) 74(1984)9

Butyl r u b b e r The effect of overcure on the properties of butyl rubber 93(1985)229

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Butyron i t r i l e -coba i t b r o m i d e s y s t e m Thermodynamic investigation of the cobalt(II) bromide-butyronitrile and cobalt(II) bromide- isobutyronitrile systems 64(1983)327


Cadmium Formation constants and thermodynamic functions of Cd(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), VO 2+ and Ce(IV) with lapachol 52(1982)349

Cadmium arsenide P-T-X phase diagram and homogeneity range of CdAs 2 92(1985)599

Cadmium bromide Thermodynamics of CdCI 2 and CdBr 2 in aquo- organic solvents from conductance data 60(1983)77

Thermodynamics of CdCI 2 and CdBr 2 in mixed solvents from viscosity data 83(1983)369

Cadmium carbonate Effect of grinding on the texture and kinetic stability of MnCO 3, CdCO 3 and PbCO 3 79(1984)91

Cadmium carbonate-vanadium pentoxide system Behaviour of CdCO~-V205 (1:1 M) system in a saturated atmosphere of water vapor at different temperatures 92(1985)501

Cadmium chloride Thermodynamics of CdCl 2 and CdBr 2 in aquo- organic solvents from conductance data 60(1983)77

Thermodynamics of CdCl 2 and CdBr 2 in mixed solvents from viscosity data 63(1983)369

Cadmium complexes Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of cobalt(II), nickel(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) containing 1,3-diarninopropan-2- ol and oxalate 55(1982)19

Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of UO22+, Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Bis-N (p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarb amato complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Sn(II), Sn(IV), Ni(II) and Pd(II) 58(1982)231

Complexation of zinc group metal ions with phenetsal 62(1983)369


Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of cadmium(If), praseodymium(Ill), and neodymium(III) with juglone (5-hydroxy- 1,4-naphthoquinone) 64(1983)387

Physico-chemical studies on the composition and stability constants of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) L-lysine monohydrochloride complexes 66(1983)369

Stability and thermodynamic parameters of thiopyrimidines, 2-thioxanthine and their complexes with Zn(II) and Cd(II) 88(1985)355

Influence of ionic strength on stability constants of Ag(I), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes with some 4-amino-5-nitroso- pyrimidine derivatives 89(1985)141

Thermodynamic study of the complexation processes between 6,7-dihydro-3(H)-6-methyl- 5-methoxy-7 -oxo-vic-triazolo (4,5-d) pyrimidine and Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) 96(1985)49

Cadmium compounds Thermoanalytical study of (NH4)2Cd2(SO4) 3, intermediate compound in the heating of the mixture (NH4)2SO4/CdCO 3 1/1 M 92(1985)509

Cadmium crystaliohydrates Identification of the low-temperature phase transition of some solid cadmium crystallohy- drates 84(1985)239

Cadmium diamine complexes Thermal investigations of cadmium(If) diamine complexes in the solid phase 77(1984)1

C a d m i u m |ormate Further investigations on the thermophysical characteristics of cadmium formate single crystals 91(1985)1

Cadmium-hydrazine complexes Thermal studies of Cd(II) hydrazine complexes in the solid state 71(1983)93

Cadmium hydrogen phosphate Solubility of cadmium hydrogen phosphate in aqueous media 59(1982)383

Cadmium hydroxyapatite Solubility and thermodynamic data of cadmium hydroxyapatite in aqueous media 54(1982)1

C a d m i u m hydroxynitrate Enthalpy of formation of cadmium hydroxy- nitrate, Cd(OH)(NO3).H20 (in French) 57(1982)119

C a d m i u m - m e r c u r y - t e l l u r i u m th in f i lms Further investigation on the photoelectric and dielectric properties of HgTe-CdTe solid- solution thin film for solar cells 84(1985)123

Cadmium nitrate Thermodynamics of Sr(NO3) 2 and Cd(NO3) 2 in aquo-organic solvents from conductance data 55(1982)35

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Thermodynamics of Sr(NO3) 2 and Cd(NO3) 2 in mixed solvents from viscosity data 59(1982)305

Cadmium-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemi- carbazone system pH-metric studies on Cd(II)-, Pb(II)-, AI(III)-, Cr(III)- and Fe(III)-p-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 66(1983)351

Cadmium orthoplumbate Preparation of cadmium orthoplumbate at normal pressure by decomposition of the respective coprecipitated carbonates 96(1985)139

Cadmium oxalate Thermal decomposition of oxalates. Part 16. Thermal decomposition studies on cadmium oxalate 54(1982)167

Cadmium oxide Solid-solid reaction of cadmium oxide and silver sulfate 84(1985)349

Cadmium salicylato complexes Thermal decomposition studies of some substituted cadmium(II) saticylato complexes 92(1985)713

Cadmium selenite Dimorphism of the anhydrous selenites of zinc, cadmium and mercury 71(1983)391

Cadmium-selenium thin films Further studies on the temperature dependence of the electric and photovoltaic properties of CdSe thin films for solar cells 86(1985)59

Cadmium sulphate-silver sulphate system The system Ag2SO4-CdSO 4 83(1985)383

Cadmium sulphide Liberation of excess energy and retrans- formation of mechanically activated cadmium sulphide (in French) 60(1983)125

Cadmium sulphoselenide Study of the formation of cadmium sulfo- selenide 99(1986)33

Cadmium telluride-silver telluride system Investigation on phase-diagram of the Ag2Te- CdTe system 92(1985)591

Cadmium thiocyanate-diamine complexes Thermally induced decomposition and phase transition of diamine complexes of cadmium(II) thiocyanate 91(1985)151

Cadmium-tin alloys The thermal analysis of Sn-rich Cd-Sn alloys 58(1982)199

Cadmium zirconyl oxalate Thermal decomposition of zinc and cadmium zirconyl oxalates 56(1982)221

Caesium Studies on selenates. IX. Thermal decomposition of double selenates of cerium(III) with rubidium and caesium 52(1982)351

Caesium azide The catalytic effect of cesium oxides on the thermal decomposition of cesium azide 75(1984)233

Caesium borate Calorimetric study of vitreous and crystalline rubidium and caesium borates 92(1985)345

Caesium borate glasses DSC investigation of caesium borate glasses 93(1985)235

Caesium chaleogenide Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of alkali metal compounds. III. Estimation of the thermodynamic properties of cesium and rubidium chalcogenides 66(1983)361

Caesium chloride Thermodynamics of the chlorides of potassium, sodium, rubidium and caesium in tetramethylurea-water mixtures from conductance data at 30°C 52(1982)83

Caesium chromate Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of alkali metal compounds. IV. Cesium and rubidium chromates 81(1984)327

Caesium compounds The DTA and X-ray preliminary study of Rb2CoC14, Cs2CoCl 4 and Li~CoC14 92(1985)823

Thermal analysis of fluoration products of graphite intercalation compound with caesiur~ 93(1985)381

Caesium dihydrogen decavanadate The thermal decomposition of cesium di- hydrogen decavanadate 60(1983)105

Caesium hexanitrateuranium Thermal decomposition of cesium hexanitrato. uranium(IV) 71(1983)247

Caesium hexavanadate Thermal properties of potassium, rubidium and cesum hexavanadates 85(1985)111

Caesium iodide The thermochemical properties of caesium iodide. I. Thermodynamic functions of solid CsI 90(1985)169

Caesium molybdate Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of the alkali metal compounds in the temperature range 300-800 K. I. Cesium and rubidium molybdates 57(1982)155

Caesium nitrate-ammonium nitrate system

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Thermal analysis of the sys tem NH4NO3/ CsNO 3 by m e a n s of X-ray diffraction 85(1985)35

Caesium oxides The catalytic effect of ces ium oxides on the thermal decomposit ion of ces ium azide 75(1984)233

Caesium phosphate-lanthanum phosphate system Phase equil ibrium relations in the b inary sys tem MIPO3-LaP309 (M I -- Rb, Cs) (in French) 79(1984)251

Caesium tellurite-tellurium dioxide system A DSC s tudy of the phase d iagram of the sys tem TeO2-Cs2TeO3 80(1984)181

Caesium zirconate Heat capacity and the rmodynamic propert ies of alkali metal compounds. II. Est imat ion of the the rmodynamic propert ies of ces ium and rub id ium zirconates 65(1983)285

Caffeine Calorimetric investigation of aqueous caffeine solutions and molecular associat ion of caffeine 69(1983)235

The rmodynamic excess funct ions of diluted aqueous solutions of alkylated pyr imidines and amino purines, and caffeine 74(1984)95

Cage molecules Thermal behaviour of A4B ~ cage molecules (A = P, As; B = S, Se) 81(1984)185

Calcination Some aspects of the hydro thermal calcination of gypsum 53(1982)59

Characterizat ion of the calcination process of yttria 55(1982)75

Calcite Calcite peak anomalies in the DTA of oil shales de termined in flowing carbon dioxide compared to ni t rogen 84(1985)197

Effect of gr inding on the kinetics of the t ransformat ion vaterite-calcite 92(1985)211

Calcium Kinetic studies of the non- iso thermal decomposit ion of metal chelates of lapachol with calcium(II), barium(II) and lead(II) 53(1982)361

Calcium aluminates The effect of tempera ture on the hydrat ion of the calcium a luminates at h igh water-solid ratios 91(1985)53

The reaction of calcium a lumina tes with some basic solutions 93(1985)569

Calcium arsenate dihydrate Dissolution of Ca3(AsO4)2.2 H20 in the sys tem CaO-As2Os-H20 at 35, 40, 45 and 5O°C and the related the rmodynamic data 76(1984)301


Calcium-aspartame complexes Aspar tame complexes of calcium and p raseodymium cations 87(1985)373

Calcium carbonate A s tudy of the interact ions of iron metal, haemat i te and calcium carbonate between 700 and 1100°C in a ni t rogen a tmosphere us ing MSssbauer spectroscopy 51(1981)129

The investigation of the decomposit ion kinetics of calcium carbonate alone and in the presence of some clays us ing the r ising tempera ture technique 54(1982)187

Catalytic effect of sodium 12-molybdosilicate and sodium 12-molybdophosphate on calcination of calcium carbonate 78(1984)309

Morpholigical observat ions on the thermal decomposit ion of calcium carbonate 85(1985)39

Mass spectrometric determinat ion of kinetic paramete rs for solid-state decomposit ion reactions. Par t 2. Calcium carbonate 94(1985)313

Calcium carbonate-lead carbonate system Thermoanalyt ical s tudy of the sys tems PbCO 3- SrCO 3 and PbCO3-CaCO 3 57(1982)223

Calcium carbonate-sil ica system Effect of alkaline ear th metal dopants on the thermal decomposit ion of the CaCO3-SiO 2 system. Par t I 87(1985)37

Calcium carbonate-sil icon dioxide system Effect of alkaline ear th metal dopants on the thermal decomposit ion of the CaCO3-SiO 2 system. Par t II. Format ion of dicalcium silicate 95(1985)201

Thermal studies of the CaCO3:SiO 2 (2:1) sys tem containing l i thium as dopant 97(1986)313

Calcium carbonate-talc system Solid-state reactions in the sys tem talc-CaCO 3 doped with Co(II) at h igh tempera tures 64(1983)61

Calcium chloride-potassium chloride- zinc chloride system Phase studies of the KC1-CaC12-ZnC12 sys tem 68(1983)341

Calcium chloride-sodium chloride- magnes ium chloride system Calculation of fusion d iagrams of t e rnary mixtures. Numerical technique and application to the NaC1-CaCI2-MgCI 2 sys tem (in French) 60(1983)161

Calcium-chromium-oxygen system The influence of the partial pressure of oxygen on the phase stability in the sys tem Ca - Cr - O 93(1985)337

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Calcium compounds Investigation of solid state reaction in the sys tem Ca2P2OT-CaCO3-CaF 2 92(1985)539

Calcium dihydrophosphate Format ion of liquid phase dur ing heat ing calcium dihydrophosphate and phospha te rocks 93(1985)641

Calcium dithionate Thermal studies on di thionate compounds. I. Dithionates of calcium, s t ront ium and ba r ium 60(1983)289

Calcium-EDTA complexes Calcium- and magnes ium-EDTA complexes. Stability cons tants and their dependence on tempera ture and ionic s t rength 61(1983)129

Calcium fatty acid salts Synthet ic and biogenic calcium fatty acid salts: s toichiometry and phase t ransi t ion behaviour 85(1985)485

Calcium fosfomycin Thermogravimetr ic analysis of calcium and disodium fosfomycin. Analytical application for puri ty control 84(1985)295

Calcium hydrogenphosphate Water insoluble forms of P205. Thermal decomposit ion of Ca(II) hydrogenphosphate 92(1985)649

Calcium hydrosilicates Application of h igh- tempera ture di latometry in the s tudy of calciumhydrosil icates 93(1985)529

Calcium-indium mixed oxide Gibbs free energy of formation of In203 and CaIn204 97(1986)171

Calcium-lead compounds Measuremen t of the free energy of formation of CaPb 3 (in French) 90(1985)207

Calcium-malonate complexes Calcium-malonate complexes in aqueous solution. Thermodynamic parameters and their ionic s t rength dependence 72(1984)305

Calcium manganese oxides Reversible topotactic reduction of perovskite- related calcium manganese oxides 83(1985)121

Calcium oxalate Kinetics of the decomposit ion of hydrated oxalates of calcium and m a g n e s i u m in air 74(1984)255

Calcium oxalate monohydrate A new differential method for de termining orders and rates of reactions and its application to solid state reactions. Par t II. Some empirical observations on the isothermal dehydrat ion of calcium oxalate monohydra te 53(1982)195

Thermal decomposition kinetics. XIII. Effect of sample mass on the thermal decomposit ion

kinetics of CaC204.H20 from isothermal mass - loss data 74(1984)143

Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetr ic data. Study of calcium oxalate monohydra te dehydrat ion with a separable-variables model 87(1985)163

Thermal decomposit ion kinetics. Par t XIV. Kinetics and mechan i sm of isothermal decomposit ion of calcium oxalate mono- hydra te and correlation with sample mass 98(1986)221

Kinetic s tudy of the thermal dehydrat ion of calcium oxalate monohydra te 99(1986)205

Calcium oxide-silicon dioxide-water system Hydrothermal reaction of CaO - SiO~ - H~O at 190°C. Study of the pr imary product 93(1985)545

Calcium-succinate complex Thermodynamics of formation of magnesium(II) , calcium(II), s t ron t ium(I I )and barium(II)-succinate complexes in aqueous solution 80(1984)197

Calcium sulphoaluminate cement clinker The influence of anhydri te activity upon the hydrat ion of calcium sulphoaluminate cement clinker 92(1985)349

Calcium sulphoaluminate hydrates Application of differential scanning calorimetry to the s tudy of the sys tem phosphogypsum- l ime-a lumin ium hydroxide- water 74(1984)35

Calcium trisulphoaluminate hydrate The use of thermal methods to es t imate the state of hydrat ion of calc iumtr isulphoalum- inate hydrate 3CaO.A1203.3CaSO4.n H20 85(1985)215

Calorimeters A simple model for calorimeters with tempera ture p rogramming 94(1985)387

Calorimetric bombs Measuremen t s of explosion pressures in calorimetric bombs 94(1985)33

Calorimetric calibration The calorimetric calibration of differential scanning calorimetry cells 57(1982)317

C a l o r i m e t r i c h e a t s of adsorption Ref inement of a calorimetric method of measur ing heats of adsorption and a comparison with an alternative method 86(1985)257

Calorimetric models Verification of calorimetric models based on physical parameters by frequential characterist ics 71(1983)351

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C a l o r i m e t r y The his tory of thermoanalyt ical and related methods in the terr i tory of present -day Czechoslovakia 100(1988)255

Calorimetry, biological applications Design and test ing of a calorimeter for biological uses 88(1985)329

C a l o r i m e t r y of small heat effects Heat exchange calorimetry for smal ler size samples 88(1985)273

C a l v e t calorimeter Subl imat ion calorimetric s tudies us ing a Calvet microcalorimeter 88(1985)121

New possibilities of Calvet's calorimetry. Combinat ion of DSC and TG 92(1985)265

Carboaluminate phase The detection of the carboaluminate phase in hydrated high a lumina cements by differential thermal analysis 93(1985)613

Carbohydrates Study of the catalytic pyrolysis of carbohydrates through the rmograv imet ry 93(1985)395

Carbomethoxy-homocubane Application of force field calculations. VI. Heat of combust ion and hea t of format ion of 4- ca rbomethoxy-homocubane and homocubane- 4-carboxylic acid. A proof of reliability for hea ts of formation calculated by molecular mechanics (in German) 79(1984)149

Carbon Vacuum balance and related s tudies of carbons used in zinc-lead production 51(1981)25

Effect of iron or iron oxide addit ions on the reducibility of tr icalcium phospha te by carbon 52(1982)53

DTA s tudy of the chlorination of fly ash and bauxite in the presence of carbon 53(1982)89

Effect of copper addit ions on the reducibility of tr icalcium phosphate by carbon 53(1982)333

Carbonaceous char The hea t of oxygen chemisorpt ion on carbonaceous char 87(1985)249

Carbonaceous materials The use of thermoanalyt ical methods for evaluation of carbonaceous mater ia ls after the rmal degradation 93(1985)321

Carbonated fluorapatites Study of the thermal decomposit ion of carbonated fluorapati tes (in French) 95(1985)119

Carbonate minerals Comparative studies of s t ructural t rans- format ions of carbonate and silica minera ls by m e a n s of the rmoson imet ry and differential thermal analysis 72(1984)159


Carbonates A new method for the de terminat ion of reaction kinetics f rom DTA and TG curves. Par t II. Application of the method to the thermal decomposit ion of carbonates 60(1983)69 Carbon-carbon composites Thermogravimetr ic character izat ion of the suitability of various pitches as matr ices for carbon-carbon composites 62(1983)237

Carbon dioxide sorption Carbon dioxide sorption s tudies on m a g n e s i u m oxide 64(1983)107

Carbon dioxide-zirconium reaction The oxidation reaction of powdered zirconium and carbon dioxide 84(1985)367

Carbon monoxide Kinetics of y-alumina chlorinat ion by carbon monoxide and chlorine 52(1982)211

Carbon tetrachloride Mass spectrometric investigation of y-alumina chlorination by carbon tetrachloride 56(1982)209

Carbon tetrachloride-dimethyl- acetamide mixtures Thermal stability of d imethylacetamide-carbon tetrachloride mixtures 85(1985)339

Carbon tetrachloride-menthol mixtures Thermodynamic magni tudes of L-menthol / acetonitrile and L-menthol /carbon tetra- chloride binary mixture by VPO 90(1985)221

Carbonyl compounds Thermodynamic propert ies of some binary" mix tures containing carbonyl compounds 99(1986)291

Carboxy aniline ion The effect of medium on the dissociation of the meta-carboxy aniline ion. A tautomeric effect 71(1983)187

The effect of the med ium on the dissociation of the para-carboxy aniline ion 73(1984)193

The effect of the medium on the dissociation of the ortho-carboxy aniline ion. Pr imary steric effect as a factor in the ionization process 74(1984)207

Carboxylie acid-heptane mixtures Excess enthalpies and excess volumes of some carboxylic acid mix tures with n - h e p t a n e 91(1985)141

Carboxylic acids Ionic s t rength dependence of formation constants, Par t 7. Protonation cons tants of low molecular weight carboxylic acids at 10, 25 and 45°C 86(1985)273

Carboxy pyridine ion Dissociation of 2-carboxy-pyridine ion. Pr imary steric effect and solute-solvent

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interactions as ionization factor for ortho pyridine and aniline 77(1984)327

Carboxy pyridinium ion Calorimetric s tudy of the dissociation of the 3- carboxy pyr idinium ion. The effect of the hydrogen bond on the base s t rength 75(1984)341

C a r industry Impor tance of thermoanalyt ical methods for quality control in the car building indus t ry 63(1985)131

Thermoanalyt ical investigations of technical products in the automobile indus t ry 85(1985)331

C a s t iron Control over the process of formation of the s t ructure and properties of cast iron by thermal analysis method 93(1985)657

C a t e c h o l The enthalpies of dilution of aqueous solutions containing catechol, resorcinol or pyrogallol at 298.15 K 86(1985)183

C a t e e h o l - n a p h t h o l system Analysis of crystallization data: the a- naphthol-catechol and picric acid-catechol sys tems 57(1982)241

Catechol-picric acid system Analysis of crystallization data: the a- naphthol-catechol and picric acid-catechol sys tems 57(1982)241

Cellobiose The enthalpy of dilution of aqueous cellobiose solutions at 298.15 K 86(1985)175

C e l l u l a r biology Some developments in reaction and solution microcalorimetry, with particular reference to its use in biochemistry and cellular biology 96(1985)313

C e l l u l a r studies Recent developments in microcalorimetric ins t rumenta t ion for studies of biochemical and cellular sys tems 85(1985)245

Cellulose Thermogravimetr ic studies of different celluloses 75(1984)107

A sample mount ing technique for the dynamic mechanical analysis of cellulose and paper sheets 80(1984)281

Study of the influence of a m m o n i u m salts on the regenerated cellulose thermodest ruct ion 90(1985)335

Thermal and calorimetric analysis of cellulose, its derivatives and their mixtures with plasticizers 93(1985)409

Polyconjugated sys tems formed dur ing thermal t rea tment of cellulose 93(1985)417

Thermooxidat ion of TMAHP-cellulose in dependance to its anionic form 93(1985)421

Thermal studies on C-6 subst i tu ted cellulose and its subsequent phosphorylated products in air 97(1986)99

Cellulose derivatives The characterization of cellulose derivatives by oxyluminescence 68(1983)387

Comparison of the results of thermal analysis and stepwise pyrolysis gas chromatography by investigating thermal destruct ion of some cellulose derivatives 93(1985)425

Cellulose pyrolysis The questionable use of the Arrhenius equat ion to describe cellulose and wood pyrolysis 54(1982)377

Effects of pressure on biomass pyrolysis. I. Cellulose pyrolysis products 68(1983)155

Effects of pressure on biomass pyrolysis. II. Heats of reaction of cellulose pyrolysis 68(1983)165

On the use of the Arrhenius equat ion to describe cellulose and wood pyrolysis 91(1985)343

Cellulose thermodestruction A m m o n i u m chloride influence on regenerated cellulose thermodest ruct ion process 93(1985)429

C e l l u l o s i c materials The thermal degradation of some cellulosic mater ia ls 71(1983)119

Compensat ion effect in the pyrolysis of cellulosic mater ia ls 90(1985)347

Cement c l i n k e r s The influence of anhydri te activity upon the hydrat ion of calcium sulphoaluminate cement clinker 92(1985)349

Cemented carbide powder A DSC s tudy of the dewaxing of cemented carbide powder 85(1985)323

A thermogravimetr ic method for the s tudy of decomposit ion of lubricants in cemented carbide powder 95(1985)383

Cement hydration The hydrat ion of cement investigated by emanat ion thermal analysis 72(1964)147

Cement kiln dust Thermal investigation on electrostatic precipitator kiln dus t 51(1981)297

Cement pastes Effect of mixing t ime on heat evolution pat tern of cement pastes 85(1985)223

Cements Thermochemical al terations on hea t ing hardened high-l ime manges iochrome refractory cements 58(1982)1

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Metakaolin-lime hydration products 79(1984)103

A gravimetric s tudy of water vapour sorption on hydrated cement pastes 82(1984)211

Use of thermal analysis in the hydrat ion s tudies of a Type 1 Port land cement produced from minera l tail ings 91(1985)95

The gypsum-free Portland cement hydrat ion and thermal properties 93(1985)593

Use of the rmal analysis for the s tudy of the cemen t paste reactions dur ing the hydrat ion 93(1985)597

DTA contribution to s tudy of hydrat ion fly ash. Port land cement pastes 93(1985)601

Investigation of the relative resis tance of hydrat ion products of cement against corrosion due to aggressive CO 2 water 93(1985)605

Cement raw mix characterizat ion by differential thermal analysis 93(1985)609

The detection of the carboaluminate phase in hydrated high a lumina cements by differential the rmal analysis 93(1985)613

Cephalosporins Application of thermal analytical methods to pharmaceut ica l products. Cephalosporins 56(1982)125

Fur ther applications of thermoanalyt ical methods to the detection of potass ium and sodium salts of penicillins and cephalosporins 700983)303

Ceramic batches Complex thermoanalyt ical investigation of the behaviour of ceramic batches for nonplast ic shaping dur ing hea t t r ea tmen t 93(1985)581

Ceramic fibres The applicability of DTA to the s tudy of ceramic fibres 93(1985)585

Ceramic mixes Thermal behviour of some raw mater ia ls and ceramic mixes 75(1984)43

Ceramic pigments Formation of ceramic p igments of Sn-Cr type. A s tudy us ing thermal analysis methods 88(1985)421

Ceramic powders Oxidation of TiC~-~ N x ceramic powders by multiple thermal analysis us ing a newly developed potentiometric CO 2 sensor 92(1985)827

Oxidation of TiCl_ x N x ceramic powders by multiple thermal analysis us ing a newly developed potentiometric CO 2 sensor 93(1985)573


Ceramics Low tempera ture sintered electronic ceramic bodies for indust ry and engineer ing 77(1984)201

Vacuum balance studies of phosphate-bonded oxide ceramics 82(1984)201

Application of the rmosonomet ry for the s tudy of firing in ceramics 93(1985)589

Cereal products Calorimetric studies of heat and enzyme treated cereal-products 69(1983)221

Thermoanalyt ical s tudies of heat and enzyme treated cereal products 72(1984)45

C e r i a Thermal evolution of ceria-zirconia metallorganic precursors 58(1982)253

C e r i u m Formation constants and thermodynamic funct ions of Cd(II), Zn(II), Ph(II), VO 2+ and Ce(IV) with lapachol 52(1982)349

Studies on selenates. IX. Thermal decomposit ion of double selenates of cerium(III) with rubidium and caes ium 52(1982)351

Cerium chloride-potassium chloride system Thermochemical studies on the sys tem KCI/ CeC13 92(1985)815

Cerium-hydrogen system The phase d iagram of the Ce-H2 sys tem 85(1985)127

C e r i u m nitrate Kinetics of dissociation of hydrated cerium(III) sulfate, ni trate and oxalate in air 95(1985)179

C e r i u m oxalate Kinetics of dissociation of hydrated cerium(III) sulfate, ni trate and oxalate in air 95(1985)179

Cerium oxide-alkali persulphate systems Non-isothermal studies of cerium(IV) oxide- alkali persulfate binary sys tems 54(1982)93

C e r i u m oxysulphate Thermal stability of Ce202S. Does Ce202SO4 exist? 92(1985)739

Cerium oxysulphide Thermal stability of Ce202S. Does Ce202SO 4 exist? 92(1985)739

Cerium reduction Reduction of Ce(IV) by carboxylic acid in sulphate medium. Par t 1. monocarboxylic acids 92(1985)751

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Cerium sulphate Thermal decomposition of cerium(IV), cerium(III), chromium(III) and titanium(IV) sulphates 57(1982)377

Kinetics of dissociation of hydrated cerium(III) sulfate, nitrate and oxalate in air 95(1985)179

Cer ium sulphites Studies on lanthanoid sulphites. V. Thermal decomposition of cerium and neodymium sulphites 95(1985)407

Cerium-thorium mixed dioxide A high temperature study of chemical diffusion in mixed thorium-cerium dioxide 86(1985)69

Cesium see Caesium

Cetyltrimethylammoniumchloride The effect of the detergent ceWltrimethyl- ammoniumchloride on the phase behaviour of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. A high precision calorimetric study 94(1985)187

Cetyltrimethylammoniumperchlorate Thermal behaviour of cetyl trimethyl- ammonium perchlorate 52(1982)363

Chalcogenides Thermal analysis determination of AnB vI solid solubility in A~IB w 92(1985)611

Chalcopyrite Thermoanalytical investigation of the oxidative decomposition of mechanically activated chalcopyrite 93(1985)709

Chalcopyrite semiconductors Heats and entropies of fusion of ABC 2 chalcopyrite semiconductors 78(1984)129

High-temperature specific heats of chalcopyrite-type semiconductors 93(1985)669

Charcoals Characterisation of charcoals by thermal methods 72(1984)251

Charge transfer complexes Energy parameters for the ~-u type of charge transfer complexes 51(1981)387

Further studies on semiconductivity in correlation with the optical properties of some related solid charge-transfer complexes for their possible application in solar cells 83(1985)321

Chemical hazard evaluation The ARC in chemical hazard evaluation 85(1985)389

Chemical industry Safety tests for production processes in the chemical industry using differential thermal analysis 72(1984)127

Chemical storage materials Energy storage through chemical reactions. I. DSC measurements on quantitatively following the enthalpy changes during forward and reverse reactions of chemical storage materials (in German) 68(1983)349

Chemical thermodynamics Chemical thermodynamics and theoretical models 100(1986)171

Chlorinated benzenes Procedure for estimating the heats of formation of aromatic compounds: chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxins 55(1982)59

Chlorinated dioxins Procedure for estimating the heats of formation of aromatic compounds: chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxin.s 55(1982)59

Chlorinated phenols Procedure for estimating the heats of formation of aromatic compounds: chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxins 55(1982)59

Chlor ine Kinetics of ?-alumina chlorination by carbon monoxide and chlorine 52(1982)211

Specific heat study of solid chlorine and bromine 92(1985)529

Chlorine-uranium-oxygen system The thermochemical properties of the system uranium-oxygen-chlorine 74(1984)235

Chlorobenzaldehydethiosemiearbazone- meta l systems Stability and thermodynamics of Cu(II)-, Co(II)-, Ni(II)-, Zn(II)- and Mn(If)-p-chloro- benzaldehydethiosemicarbazone systems 86(1985)379

Chloro -benzoylacetone complexes Thermodynamic parameters of p-chloro- benzoylacetone complexes from a temperature variation study 87(1985)313

Chlorobiphenyls Torsion-Knudsen effusion vapour-pressure measurement of o,m and p-chlorobiphenyls 68(1983)329

Chloroethanol Molar excess enthalpies for aqueous solutions of 2-chloroethanol and 2-bromoethanol at 298.15 K 88(1985)241

Chloroform Enthalpies of mixing of binary mixtures: trialkyl phosphates, dialkyl ketones and dialkyl ethers with chloroform 53(1982)251

Chlorohydrate Thermoanalytical study of chlorohydrate and clofexamide and their interaction with phenylbutazone (in French) 97(1988)161

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Chlo ro i so th iocyana tob i s ( e thy l ene - d i am ine )coba l t perchlorate Thermogravimetrie and spectroscopic studies on t rans [Co(en)2C12]C1 and cis [Co(en)2(NCS)C1]C104 in molten KSCN and ZnCI2-KC1 eutectic 55(1962)327

Chlorophenyihydroxamic acids Thermal analysis of N-o-chloro- and N-m- chlorophenylhydroxamic acids 55(1982)113

Chlo ro to luene + a r o m a t i c hydrocarbon m i x t u r e s Thermodynamic properties of some binary liquid mixtures containing o-chloroteluene. Excess volumes and excess enthalpies of o- chlorotoluene + some aromatic hydrocarbons 68(1983)9

Chlorowax Pyrolysis of a fire retardant coating made of polyurethane and chlorowax heated by free convection in air 74(1984)175

C h l o r p r o m a z i n e hydrochloride Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutie substances. II. Antipsychotic substances. Chlorprothixene, chlorpromazine hydro- chloride, levomepromazine hydrochloride, fluphenazine dihydrochloride (in French) 64(1983)267

Ch lo rp ro th ixene Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutie substances. II. Antipsychotie substances. Chlorprothixene, chlorpromazine hydro- chloride, levomepromazine hydrochloride, fluphenazine dihydrochloride (in French) 64(1983)267

Cholesteric liquid crystals Some thermodynamic indices determination in induced cholesteric liquid crystals 93(1985)17

Cholesteryl chiral alkanoate The effect of structure on the thermodynamic properties of a liquid crystalline diastereomeric pair of chiral alkanoates 53(1982)271

Cholinesterases Microcalorimetric study of the inhibition of cholinesterase by some aliphatic phosphor- amides (in French) 66(1983)323

Enthalpimetric measurements of the strengths of immobilized cholinesterase inhibiters 90(1985)305

C h r o m i a catalyst Thermal decomposition and creation of reactive solid surfaces. IV. Effect of NH4NO s inclusion on the thermal genesis of chromia catalyst from a parent gel 95(1985)73

Chromic acid Thermogravimetric studies of silica-gel supported chromic acid reagent 64(1982)365


Chro mi c oxide The chlorination kinetics of chromic oxide 92(1985)201

C h r o m i u m Thermal behaviour of co-precipitated mixtures of chromium(III) and uranium(VI) 55(1982)249

C h r o m i u m - c a l c i u m - o x y g e n system The influence of the partial pressure of oxygen on the phase stability in the system Ca - Cr - O 93(1985)337

C h r o m i u m carbonate The thermal decomposition of chromium carbonate 77(1984)395

C h r o m i u m c o m p l e x e s Dinuclear complexes with mu-cyano ligand. Part VI. Characterization and thermal studies of trans-K[CrF(H20)(aa')2][Co(CN) 6] (aa'ffien, tmd) 57(1982)283

Kinetic studies of the non-thermal decomposition of vhelates of lapachol with aluminium(III), chromium(III) and iron(III) 58(1982)367

Kinetic parameters and solid state mechanism of the thermal dehydration of trans {CrF(H20)(aa')2]K[Cr(CN)6]H20 and trans [CrF(H20)(aa')2]K[CrNO(CN)5]H20 (aa' -- ethylenediamine or 1,3-diaminopropane) 69(1983)397

DSC determination of the fusion and sublimation enthalpy of tris(2,4-pentane- dionato)chromium(III) and iron(III) 72(1984)341

Kinetic parameters and solid state mechanism of the thermal dehydration of t rans [CrF(H20)(en)2]I 2, t rans [CrF(H20)(tn)2II2.H20 and t rans [CrF(H20)(en)(tn)lI2.H20 (en ~ ethylene- diamine; tn ~ 1,3-diaminopropane) 74(1984)23

Thermal decomposition of dinitrogen complexes of Cr(III) 96(1985)1

C h r o m i u m - c o p p e r carbonate The thermal decomposition of copper/ chromium carbonate 79(1984)205

C h r o m i u m dioxide Thermal decomposition and reduction of CrO 2 to CrOOH 74(1984)273

Kinetics and mechanistic aspects of the interconversion process CrO 2 - CrOOH. Isotopic effect 92(1985)227

Chromium-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemi- carbazone system pH-metric studies on Cd(II)-, Pb(II)-, AI(III)-, Cr(III)- and Fe(III)-p-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 66(1983)351

C h r o m i u m spinels Preparation of chromium(IlI) spinels by the solid state reaction between potassium di-

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chromate and hydrated metal chlorides 59(1982)379

Chromium stearate Thermal studies of heavy metal stearates. I. Chromium stearate-stearic acid mixtures 53(1982)235

Chromium sulphate Thermal decomposition of cerium(IV), cerium(III), chromium(III) and titanium(IV) sulphates 57(1982)377

Chromium-tantalum-nickel system Melting hehaviour and phase equilibria in the system nickel-chromium-tantalum 85(1985)167

Chromium-tin ceramic pigments Formation of ceramic pigments of Sn-Cr type. A study using thermal analysis methods 88(1985)421

Chromium-titanium oxyhydroxides Thermal decomposition of mixed titanium- chromium oxyhydroxides 85(1985)79

Chromium t r ioxide Electrical properties of semiconductor materials. Chromium trioxide 51(1981)335

Infrared absorption of chromium trioxide and its suboxides 54(1982)319

The electrical conductivity of chromium trioxide and its suboxides 56(1982)291

Physico-chemical properties of chromium tri- oxide and its suboxides 59(1982)139

Chrysotile asbestos Interpretation of EGA and DTG analyses of chrysotile asbestos 76(1984)87

Chymotrypsin Thermochemistry of the N-acetylphenyl- alanine methylester hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by a-chymotrypsin 81(1984)167

Cinnamylideneaniline Schiff base complexes Apparent stability constants and thermo- dynamic functions of cinnamylideneaniline Schiff base complexes with A1C13 97(1986)267

Citric acid Thermodynamic properties of citric acid and the system citric acid-water 58(1982)341

Thermoanalytical investigation of citric acid and complex salts of the transition metals with citric acid 92(1985)235

Thermal decomposition of citric acid 98(1986)119

Citric acid-water system Thermodynamic properties of citric acid and the system citric acid-water 58(1982)341

Clay minerals Specific heats of clay minerals: sodium and calcium kaolinites, sodium and calcium mont- morillonites, illite, and attapulgite 81(1983)139

Study of the adsorption of organic molecules on clay minerals by differential thermal analysis 88(1985)49

Study of the dehydroxylation of clay minerals using continuous selective water detection 93(1985)625

Clays Thermal studies of basalt and clay for the manufacture of building bricks 51(1981)315

The investigation of the decomposition kinetics of calcium carbonate alone and in the presence of some clays using the rising temperature technique 54(1982)187

Thermal and spectroscopic investigations of some Egyptian clays 65(1983)359

Phosphate bonding of lime, magnesia and clay 85(1985)203

Clobazam Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. I. Tranquilisers. Phenprohamate, meprobamate, clobazam and medazepam (in French) 57(1982)173

Clo|examide Thermoanalytical study of chlorohydrate and clofexamide and their interaction with phenylbutazone (in French) 97(1986)161

Clomipramine hydrochloride Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. III. Antidepressants. Imipramine hydrochloride, clomipramine hydrochloride, nortriptyline hydrochloride, amitriptyline hydrochloride (in French) 65(1983)179

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. II. Study of the binary mixtures meprobamate(I)-amitriptyline(I) hydrochloride, meprobamate(I)-clomipramine(I) hydrochloride and meprobamate(1)-fluphenazine dihydro- chloride (in French) 66(1983}25

Cloud point Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. II. Determination of the composition of n -alkanes contained in a gas oil. Determination of the cloud point (in French) 70(1983)19

Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. IV. Study of the action of additives in lowering the cloud point of middle distillates (in French) 70(1983)49

Coal chars Structural changes in coal chars during gasification 82(1984)103

Coal-char gasification with steam and steam- oxygen mixtures 85(1985)315

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C o a l gasification The construct ion of a differential the rmal analyser for studying the gasification of coal under hydrogen pressure 94(1985)359

Coal-organic matter contents The a s se s smen t of the coal-organic mat te r contents of geological materials by differential thermal analysis 86(1985)337

C o a l oxidation Thermochemis t ry of coal oxidation 96(1985)169

C o a l pyrolysis A computer program sys tem for kinetic analysis of non- iso thermal thermogravimetr ic data. II. Generalized kinetic analysis and application to coal pyrolysis 95(1985)41

C o a l s The thermogravimetric behaviour of coal 57(1982)253

The construction of an isothermal balance with two symmetrical pans for direct hydrogenation of coals 62(1983)1

Thermal analysis of coals, oil shales and oil sands 63(1983)97

Coal: kinetic analysis of thermogravimetr ic data 71(1983)1

Simul taneous theromanalyt ical and mass spectrometric investigations of a gasf lame coal 72(1984)165

The decomposit ion of anhydrous carbonate minera ls in coal and oil shale ashes produced at t empera tures at 400 and 575°C 75(1984)139

Descriptive oxidative profiles for pyrite in the low tempera ture ash componen t of coals by differential thermal analysis 75(1984)219

Coal analysis us ing thermograv imet ry 76(1984)145

A new method for the simultaneous determination of pyrite content and proximate analysis in coal 78(1984)81

Influence of added alkaline salts on hydrogen- ation kinetics of coal 81(1984)105

Low-temperature oxidation of coal 82(1984)131

Coal proximate analysis and pyrite contents by the TM/TG method. The problem of iron- bearing carbonates 87(1985)353

Characterization of the low temperature ash component of coals using multiple atmosphere DTA, TG and DTG techniques 93(1985)361

Differential thermal analysis of the ashes of some Yugoslav brown coals 93(1985)365

Thermogravimetric analysis and its application for estimating the combustion properties of coal from the study of small samples 93(1985)369


DTA and TGA of coals and bituminous rocks 93(1985)385 Thermal analysis of coals used for liquefaction 93(1985)697

Structural changes in coals dur ing pyrolysis 93(1985)737

Thermal analysis of Victorian brown coal 93(1985)741

Thermomagnetometry and evolved gas analysis in the identification of organic and pyritic sulphur in coal and oil shale 93(1985)745

Thermogravimetric studies on the reduction of hemat i te ore fines by a surrounding layer of coal or char fines. Par t I. Isothermal kinetic s tudies 95(1985)235

Thermogravimetr ic studies on the reduction of hemat i te ore fines by a sur rounding layer of coal or char fines. Par t 2. Non-isothermal kinetic studies 95(1985)247

Coal tar Characterization of pitches by differential scanning calorimetry and thermomechanical analysis 52(1982)297

Coating systems Dispersions for thermally stressed coating systems evaluation 93(1985)211

Cobalt Sensitive reaction-rate determination of Co(If) based on its catalytic action in the aerial oxidation of sulphite by use of a simple monitored thermometric technique 73(1984)181

Cobalt-amine complexes A calorimetric study on the relative thermal stabilities of some cobalt(III)-tris(diamine) and -bis(triamine) complexes in the solid phase 88(1985)289

Cobalt ammine coordination compounds Thermovoltaic detection. IV. Application to some cobalt(III) ammine coordination compounds 84(1985)151

Cobalt bis(hydroxyphenyl)-propandione alcohol complex The preparat ion and thermal analysis studies of cobalt and zinc 1,3-bis-(2-hydroxyphenyl)- 1,3-propandione alcohol complexes 79(1984)315

Cobalt-bromazepan complex Study of the thermal decomposition of brom- azepan complexes with Co(If), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) 81(1984)231

Cobalt bromide-butyronitrile system Thermodynamic investigation of the cobalt(II) bromide-butyronitr i le and cobalt(II) bromide- isobutyronitri le sys tems 64(1983)327

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Cobalt bromide-isobutyronitrile system Thermodynamic investigation of the cobalt(II) bromide-butyronitrile and cobalt(II) bromide- isobutyronitr/le systems 64(1963)327

Cobalt complexes Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. XXI. Derivatographic study on the thermal decomposition of some [Co(en)~.2]Y and [Co(en)2X(amine)]Y 2 type complexes 51(1981)277

Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of cobalt(If), nickel(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) containing 1,3-diaminopropan-2- ol and oxalate 55(1982)19

Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with 5-sulfosalicylic acid 56(1982)371

Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of UO2Z+, Fe 3+, Cu ~+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe a+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1962)381

Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. II. Cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes of 1,3-dimethyl (N,N')-imidazoline- 2-thione 57(1982)83

Thermal and other studies of copper and cobalt complexes of some ligands containing the N-O group 57(1982)369

The thermal decomposition reactions of [Co(en)n (phen)m ]C13 complexes 60(1983)287

Thermal analysis of cobalt, nickel and copper complexes of 2-aminothiazole 62(1983)21

Thermal analysis of cobalt(II), nickel(If), copper(II) and zinc(II) bis(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyra- zolyl)dihydroborates 63(1983)59

Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. Part Ill. Cobalt(II) complexes of imidazolidine-2-thione 65(1983)127

Kinetics and X-ray powder diffraction studies on dihydrated bis(2-hydroxy-l,4-naphtho- quinonato) cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes 70(1983)373

A reinvestigation of the thermal decomposition of Co(NH3)4PO4.2 H20 72(1984)387

Effect of ionic strength and temperature on ionization constants and stability constants of 4-amino-i, 6-dihydro-2-methylthio-5-nitroso-6- oxo-pyrimidine and its complexes with Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) 89(1985)165

Kinetics of nitro-nitrite linkage isomerization [Co(NHs)sNO2]X 2 - [Co(NHs)5ONO]X 2 (X--CI-, Br', NO3- ) in the solid state. Computer simulation and experimental results 92(1985)109

Further studies on the temperature dependence of electrical and semiconducting properties of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of mercaptobenzothiazole single crystals 96(1985)19

Cobalt coordination compounds Thermal analysis of coordination compounds of cobalt(III) with a-dioxime and guanidine derivatives 93(1985)129

Non-isothermal kinetic study of the solid-gas thermal decompositions of some coordination compounds of Co II and Ni ]I 95(1985)257

Cobalt cyclo-tetraphosphate Problems connected with the melting of Ni If, Co II and Mn I~ cyclo-tetraphosphates 88(1985)415

Cobalt formate Decomposition of copper(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II) formates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)383

Cobalt-hydrazine complexes Thermal studies of cobalt(II) complexes of hydrazine in the solid phase 76(1984)47

Cobalt oxalate Thermal decomposition of copper(II), nickel(II), cobalt(II) and iron(II) oxalates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)391

Cobalt oxides Effect of Li20-doping on the thermal stability of cobaltic oxide 53(1982)105

Thermal stability of cobalt oxides doped with V205 and MoO 3 61(1983)107

Thermal stability of cobalt oxides doped with MgO and AI203 67(1983)293

Thermal behaviour of cobaltic and cobaltous oxides as influenced by doping with some alkali metal oxides 79(1983)325

Effects of y-radiation on the thermal stability of cobalt oxides 72(1984)297

Thermal behaviour of cobalt oxides doped with ZrO 2 and ThO 2 and the possible cubic phase stabilization of zirconia 80(1984)165

Effects of BeO-doping on the thermal behaviour of cobalt oxides 89(1985)63

Cobalt oxide-tantalum oxide interactions Mutual thermal interaction between cobalt and tantalum oxides 91(1985)213

Cobalt semicarbazone complexes Thermal studies on copper(II) and cobalt(If) semicarbazone complexes 99(1986)253

Cobalt sulphate Thermal analysis of cobalt sulfate in SO2-O 2- SO 3 atmospheres 92(1985)641

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Cobal t - ta lc reactions Solid-state reactions of talc towards Co(II) at high temperatures 61(1983)121

Cobal t t a r t r a t e hydrate Thermal decomposition of Cu(IIXC4H406)'3H20 and Co(II)(C4H4Os).2.5H20. Determination of mechanism by means of simultaneous thermal analysis and mass spectrometry 59(1982)105

Cobalt-tetramethylheptane-dione complex Thermochemical properties of the chelate complexes of some 3d-electron elements with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dione. Part I. Complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II) and Co(II) 96(1985)71

Cobalt-tin alloys The thermodynamic properties of solid cobalt- tin alloys 84(1985)273

Cobalt-zinc alloys The thermodynamic properties of solid cobalt- zinc alloys 59(1982)267

Cobinamide Contributions of the analytical chemistry of vitamin B:r The thermal stability of cyano- cobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and cobinarnide in the solid state 59(1982)211

Cocoa butter Polymorphic transformations of cocoa butter in the presence of emulsifier, studied by DSC 85(1985)517

Coffee beans Characterization of green coffee beans by combined thermogravimetric analysis/ atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry 87(1985)89

Cokes Evaluation of thermal desorption spectra for the characterization of loaded active coke and of its regeneration 72(1984)105

Surface area development of three cokes in relation to the zinc-lead blast furnace 82(1984)111

Vacuum balance and related studies of cokes used in steel production 82(1984)121

Cold rol l ing DSC study of cold rolled metallic glasses 85(1985)179

Colourimetric t i t ra t ion- t h e r m o g r a v i m e t r y Compositional analysis by coupled thermo- gravimetry-colorimetric titration 84(1985)83

Comenius, Johannes Amos Comenius and Black: progenitors of thermal analysis 92(1985)3

Compensation effect Experimental study of non-isothermal kinetic equations and compensation effect 60(1983)23


Complexa t ion equ i l ib r i a Additional thermodynamic relationships on complexation equilibria in various solvents 95(1985)7

Complex equilibria MINITERM, a desk-computer program for evaluation of complex equilibria from thermometric data 87(1965)13

Complex forming processes Calorimetry of complex forming processes 92(1985)261

Complexones Dekryptonation thermal analysis of some complexones 93(1985)49

Complex processes Limiting cases of DTA curves of one-step reactions and their application to the study of complex processes 94(1985)43

Composite m a t e r i a l s A method for the determination of the specific heat and heat of decomposition of composite materials 57(1982)161

Composites Study of the behaviour of polymers and composites by low frequency thermo- mechanical analysis (in French) 74(1984)63

Kinetics of polymerization of epoxy adhesives and composites 96(1985)283

Composite solid prope l l an t s Calorimetric values of composite solid propellants 54(1982)141

Composition models A four segment composition model for non- electrolyte aqueous mixtures 77(1984)421

Compressible ionic polymer mat r i x Application of coupled thermal analysis techniques to thermodynamic studies of water interactions with a compressible ionic polymer matrix 82(1984)149

Computer control Microcomputer controlled experimentation in calorimetry. Application to the determination of the partial enthalpies of 3d transition metals in liquid aluminium 55(1982)301

Computer-controlled DTA/DMC Computer-controlled DTA and DMC measurements: apparatus and methodical aspects (in German) 57(1982)125

Computer-controlled thermal analysis Newly developed thermal analyzer for the simultaneous control of four detectors 92(1985)359

Thermal analysis controlled by microcomputer 92(1985)411

Computerised thermal analyser Design considerations in computerised thermal analysis systems 92(1985)415

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Computer-processed thermal analysis curves More precise methods of kinetic electronic computer t rea tment of gravimetric curves 92(1985)181

Concentration series Reaction kinetics at linearly increased temperature. III. Initial t empera tures and he ights of peaks in concentrat ion series 76(1984)105

Concrete admixtures The hydrat ion of alite in the presence of concrete admixtures 78(1984)219

Condensed phosphates Investigation of reactions connected with formation of condensed phosphates by TA methods 92(1985)49

Conduction calorimeters Description of the behaviour of conduction calorimeters with the aid of models (in French) 52(1982)175

Thermogenesis : application of electronic and numerical inverse filtration in conduction calorimeters (in French) 53(1982)1

Thermogenesis : relative kinetic limits 53(1982)29

Deconvolution in conduction calorimeters: an analytical t rea tment and exper imental results from the pulsed t ransfer function 61(1983)I

Conduction calorimetry Thermodynamic description of molecular mixtures: extension of the field of application of conduction calorimetry by deconvolution of the in s t rumen t (in French) 53(1982)39

Conduction calorimetry systems The identification of variable mas s conduction calorimetry sys tems 75(1984)51

Conduction microcalorimetry Optimisation of inverse electronic filtration for conduction microcalorimetry (in French) 51(1981)239

Constant-environment temperature calorimeter Calculation method for a constant- env i ronment tempera ture calorimeter 94(1985)239

Continuous thermoanalysis Continuous thermoanalys is : the essence of the method and equipment 96(1985)223

Contracting volume behaviour Experimental determinat ion of specific reaction rates for solid state decomposition processes exhibit ing a 'contracting volume' behaviour 72(1984)139

Controlled rate thermal analysis Controlled rate thermal analysis us ing an infrared gas analyser 85(1985)299

Conversion degree On the use of the degree of conversion in the rate equations 55(1982)351

Conversion functions Discrimination of conversion funct ions us ing TG and DTG curves 67(1983)59

Coordination chemistry Quasi-equil ibrium thermogravimet ry in coordination chemis t ry 92(1985)497

Coordination compounds Thermochemical parameters of the thermal dehydrat ion of ~ a n s [CrF(H20)(l,3-diamino- propane)2][Ni(CN)41 56(1982)183

Thermoehemical parameters of the thermal dehydrat ion of trans-[CrF(H20)(1,3-diamino- propane)2] [M(CN)4] (M ~ Pd, Pt) 64(1983)237

Solid-solid interactions in the formation of new coordination compounds of tin dichloride with aromatic Schiff bases 65(1983)351

Spectrophotometric and thermogravimetr ic studies on new coordination compounds of lanthanide(III)-4-acetylpyridine N-oxide 73(1984)217 Kinetic parameters and solid state mechan i sm of the thermal dehydrat ion of [M(H20)(NH3)5][Co(CN)6] [M = Co(III), Rh(III) and Ir(III)] 76(1984)201

On the thermal stability of some coordination compounds generat ing mixed oxides with per- ovskitic s t ructure 91(1985)369

Kinetic parameters and solid state mechan i sm in inorganic coordination compounds 92(1985)493

On the thermal stability of some coordination compounds generat ing mixed oxides with perovskitic structure. II 98(1986)379

C o p o l y m e r s The investigation of the compatibili ty and phase separat ion of poly(2,6-dimethyl-l,4- phenylene oxide) and styrene-fluoro- subst i tuted s tyrene copolymer blends by differential scanning calorimetry 54(1982)349

Analysis of polymer blends and copolymers by coupled thermogravimetry and automatic t i tration 65(1983)9

Sequence distribution. Glass t ransi t ion correlation in donor-acceptor copolymer sys tems 72(1984)17

The oxyluminescence of selected copolymers 75(1984)249

Calorimetric investigations of glass t ransi t ions and phase sys tems of poly(arylate-arylene- sulfone oxide) block copolyrners 85(1985)391

Copper Effect of copper additions on the reducibility of tricalcium phosphate by carbon 53(1982)333

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Copper acetate Adducts of copper(II I acetate with amines in ethanolic solution 54(1982)257

Copper alloys A thermometric study of the kinetics of acid dissolution of four copper alloys used in desalination plants 89(1985)171

Copper- aluminium-zinc-magnesium alloys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys 85(1985)171

Copper ammonium chromate Decomposition mechanism of copper ammonium chromate: a basic material for copper chromite catalyst 68(1983)17

Copper antimony oxide Solid-state reactions in the system Cu-Sb-O; formation of a new copper(1) antimony oxide 56(1982173

Copper-arsenic-selenium alloys DTA studies and physical properties of vit- reous CUx(AS0.4Se0.811. x alloys 93(1985)267

Copper-beryllium alloys Kinetic study of precipitation processes in Cu- Be alloys by DSC 93(1985)645

Copper-bromazepan complex Study of the thermal decomposition of brom- azepan complexes with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II I and Zn(II) 81(1984)231

Copper carbonate Thermal decomposition of basic copper carbonate, CuCO3.Cu(OHI2.H20 in carbon dioxide atmosphere (0-50 atm) 96(1985)145

Copper carboxylate-aromatic amine complexes Thermochemical study of copper carboxylate complexes with aromatic amines (in French) 86(1985)33

Copper carboxylate complexes Thermal decomposition of tris-morpholine complexes of copper(II I carboxylates 54(1982)233

Thermal-structural correlations in copper(II I carboxylate complexes 84(1985)175

Copper carboxylates The thermal behaviour and spectral properties of some long chain copper(If) carboxylates 52(1982)121

Structure and thermal properties of polymeric copper(II) complexes with unsaturated carboxylic bridges 93(1985)85

Thermal properties of copper(If) dimers with unsaturated carboxylic bridges 93(1985)109

Copper chelates Enthalpimetric titration of copper chelates with some adduct-forming ligands 90(1985153


Copper ch lo r ide -z inc ch lo r ide system Zone-melting studies of the ZnC12-CuC12 eutectie system 54(1982)369

Copper chromate Thermal decomposition of CuCrO 4 92(1985)177

Copper chromite catalyst Decomposition mechanism of copper ammonium chromate: a basic material for copper chromite catalyst 88(1983)17

Copper-chromium carbonate The thermal decomposition of copper/ chromium carbonate 79(1984)205

Copper-cobaltite spinel Study of copper-cobaltite spinel formation during simultaneous decomposition of copper and cobaltous nitrates 67(1983)91

Copper complexes Effect of temperature and absorbed ionizing radiation doses on the electric and electronic properties of copper(ll I complexes 55(19821231

Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of Fe(ll I, Co(II I, Ni(ll I and Cu(ll I complexes with 5-sulfosalicylic acid 56(1982)371

Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of UO22+, Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Thermogravimetric, IR spectroscopic and X- ray diffraction studies of bis-(2,9-dimethyl-4,7- diphenyl- 1,10-phenanthroline)-copper(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 57(1982)365

Thermal and other studies of copper and cobalt complexes of some ligands containing the N-O group 57(1982)389

Bis-N (p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Sn(II), Sn(IV), Ni(II) and Pd(II) 58(1982)231

Thermal analysis of cobalt, nickel and copper complexes of 2-aminothiazole 62(1983)21

Thermal analysis of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) bis(3,5-dimethyl-l-pyra- zolylldihydroborates 63(1983)59

A potentiometric and calorimetric study of the protonation and complexation with Cu 2+ and Ni 2+ of some sulphur-containing a,w-amino acids 63(1983)191

Thermal studies on the electrical conductivity of some (C n H2n +iNH~)2CuCI4 (n ffi 1,21 and (CH2)2(CH3)2CuCI 4 complexes 70(1983)217

Thermodynamics of metal complexes with ligand-ligand interaction. Mixed complexes of copper(II) and zinc(II I with adenosine 5'- triphosphate and L-phenylalanine or L- tyrosine 74(1984)77

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Complex formation of 4,9--diazadodecane-1,12- diamine with copper(II) and zinc(If) ions in aqueous solution 78(1984)1

Simultaneous TG-DTG-DTA-MS investigations of copper(II) complexes with mixed ligands (organic nitrogen bases) 85(1985)71

On the relationship between the structures of solid Cu(II) complexes and the course of their thermal decomposition 85(1985)75

Copper(II) complexes of N-arylglycine derivatives 89(1985)151

Effect of ionic strength and temperature on ionization constants and stability constants of 4-amino-I, 6-dihydro-2-methylthio-5-nitroso-6- oxo-pyrimidine and its complexes with Fe(II), Co(If), Ni(II) and Cu(II) 89(1985)165

Thermogravimetric study of the thermal decomposition of the mixed complex: Cun(L - tryptophanate)(DL-methioninate). 3H20 91(1985)387

The role of coordination polyhedron geometry and its structural changes in the dehydration kinetics of [Cu(LL)2(H20)]X 2 complexes 92(1985)133

Further studies on the temperature dependence of electrical and semiconducting properties of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of mercaptobenzothiazole single crystals 96(1985)19

Thermodynamic study of the complexation processes between 6,7-dihydro-3(H)-8-methyl- 5-methoxy-7-oxo-vic-triazolo (4,5-d) pyrimidine and Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) 96(198s)49

Copper compounds Thermal analysis of graphite intercalation compound with CuC12 93(1985)357

Melting temperatures of the AIBIIIC2V[-type (A I = Cu, Ag; B m -- AI, Ga, In; C w = S, Se) compounds and phase diagrams of their solid solutions 93(1985)685

Determination of phase transition enthalpies of AIBmC2VLtype compounds 93(1985}729

Copper coordination compounds Non-isothermal kinetic study of the de- composition of some Fem and Cu n coordina- tion compounds 86(1985)17

Copper diketonates TG-DTA-MS investigations of copper chelates with various ~-diketones as ligands 67(1983)197

Copper ethyl hexanoate Kinetic determinations by differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XIII. Copper 2-ethyl- hexanoate catalysed decomposition of t-butyl perbenzoate in solution (in French) 55(1982)135

Copper fer r i te Thermal studies on the electrical conduction mechanism of CuFe204 56(1982)229

Copper formate Decomposition of copper(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II) formates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)383

Copper formate complexes Study of some copper formate complexes with imidazole and methyl-l-imidazole (in French) 98(1986)139

Copper hydrophosphite Thermal decomposition of copper hydro- phosphite and possibility of the reaction control 92(1985)645

Copper hydroxide The simultaneous determination of the kinetics and thermodynamics of Cu(OH)2 decomposition by means of TG and DSC 54(1982)273

Copper nitrosopentacyanoierrate complexes Kinetic parameters of the thermogravimetric dissociation of di, tri- and tetramine complexes of copper(II) nitrosopentacyano- ferrate(II) 64(1983)373

Copper oxalate Thermal decomposition of copper(If), nickel(If), cobalt(If) and iron(If) oxalates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)391

Copper oxide-alumina system Thermoanalytical study on the reaction of the CuO-AI203(q, 7 and a) systems 78(1984)71

Copper-phenolic ligand chelates Thermal dehydration and K-X-ray absorption studies on copper(II) chelates of some phenolic ligands 99(1988)119

Copper powder compacts Kinetics of densification of powder compacts during the initial stage of sintering with constant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Part III. Copper powder compacts 61(1983)73

Copper salicylates Thermal decomposition of hydrated copper(If) 5-substituted salicylates 72(1984)219

Solid-state decomposition studies on 5- substituted salicylates. Kinetics of the isothermal decomposition of hydrated copper(If) 5-substituted salicylates 78(1984)229

Copper selenates Thermal behaviour of copper selenates, CuSeO4.5H20 and CuSeO4.2Cu(OH)2 (in French) 54(1982)47

On the relationship between the structures of double hexaaqua-Cu(II) and Ni(II) selenates and the course of their decomposition 92(1985)125

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Copper semicarbazone c o m p l e x e s Thermal studies on copper(II) and cobalt(II) semicarbazone complexes 99(1986)253

Copper sulphate Thermal decomposition of copper(I) sulfate 92(1985)677

Copper tartrate hydrate Thermal decomposition of Cu(IIXC4H4Oe)3H20 and Co(IIXC4H406).2.SH20. Determination of mechanism by means of simultaneous thermal analysis and mass spectrometry 59(1982)105

Copper-tellurium system The effect of mechanical treatment on the thermal behaviour of the Cu2.xTe phase 64(1983)377

Copper- zinc-aluminium alloys Phase transformations in Cu-Zn-A1 shape memory alloy 93(1985)865

Cor ros ive a t m o s p h e r e TG + DTA Apparatus for combined TG + DTA in a chlorine or other corrosive atmosphere 84(1985)7 Cot ton Thermal degradation of ?-irradiated cotton 73(1984)199

Heats of decomposition, combustion and explosion of nitroceUuloses derived from wood and cotton 89(1985)11

Cot ton ce l lu lose Ignition studies on cotton cellulose by DTA 63(1983)351

The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity of cotton celluloses in correlation with their crystalline structure 64(1983)247

Cot ton linters Thermal degradation of native and mercerised cotton linters 74(1984)201

Creso l formaldehyde Thermodynamics of ion exchange processes involving alkali ions on H+-form m-cresol formaldehyde in aqueous acetone 87(1985)21

Cresol-formaldehyde resin Thermodynamic study of alkali-hydrogen exchange in aqueous glycerol on m-cresol- formaldehyde resin 67(1983)181

Cristobalite Effect of mode of silica addition on the transformation of quartz into cristobalito 75(1984)33

C r o s s l i n k e d doub le b a s e propellant A TG study of the solvolytic breakdown of a crosslinked double base propellant 82(1983)9

Crotonaldehyde Attempts tending towards the discovery of the analytical thermovoltamperometric method on the basis of suitable investigations of croton- aldehyde 93(1985)41


C r u d e oils Determination of the acidity index of crude oils and petroleum derivatives by means of thermometric titrations. Comparison with other methods 98(1986)1

Cryolite-alumina system Investigation on the Na~klFe-A120 s system by DTA 92(1985)513

C r y o m e t r y Classical cryometry in ternary systems 92(1985)257

Crystalline neutral aliphatic amino acids DSC-investigations of 22 crystalline neutral aliphatic amino acids in the temperature range 233 to 423 K 77(1984)59

Crys toba l i t e Thermal and pore structure characteristics of silica modifications 52(1982)341

Cure kinetics False compensation effect in studies of kinetics of cure by differential scanning calorimetry 91(1985)127

Cure reactions Effect of a variation in the order of the overall reaction of cure on the profiles of temperature and state of cure developed at the midplane of rubber sheets 79(1984)187

Cur i e points Curie points of reference materials for thermo- gravimetry (abstract) 92(1985)831

Cur i te Thermal and infrared spectrum analyses of curite 93(1985)637

Cyanocobalamin Contributions of the analytical chemistry of vitamin B12. The thermal stability of cyano- cobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and cobinamide in the solid state 59(1982)211

Cyano c o m p l e x e s Thermolysis of cyanocomplexes. XIX. Thermal decomposition of neutral and protonated sulphonium- and iodonium-cyanometallic complexes (in German) 71(1983)167

Thermal properties of some bis- and tris(1,2- diaminoethane) metal(II) bis(dicyanosilver) complexes 93(1985)93

Cyanogen Study of the thermal behavior of surface species formed by direct reaction of cyanogen with silica 69(1983)323

Cyanopyridine oxide Infrared and thermal investigations of thorium(IV) complexes of 4-cyanopyridine N- oxide 84(1985)183

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Infrared and thermal s tudies of oxozirconium(IV) complexes of 4-cyano- pyridine N-oxide 87(1985)357

Cyclic ether + water mixtures Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. Excess enthalpies of water + cyclic e ther mixtures at 298.15 K 65(1983)169

Cyclic tellurium compounds The thermal stability of some new cyclic tel lurium compounds 87(1985)183

Cycloalkane -{- alkane mixtures The the rmodynamics of a cycloalkane + an n - a l k a n e 65(1983}61

Cycloalkane + benzene mixtures Application of the Flory theory of liquid mixtures to excess volumes and enthalpies of benzene + cycloalkane and + n - a l kane mixtures 77(1984)267

Cyclodextrin Interaction of a-cyclodextrin with non electrolytes in water at 298.15 K 85(1985)443

Cyclohexane Mechanist ic and mathemat ica l modeling of the thermal decomposit ion of cyclohexane 51(1981)113

Cyclohexane-hexamethylphosphoro- triamide system Description of a thermal analysis apparatus applied to the s tudy of two binary sys tems: hexamethylphosphoro t r iamide-benzene and hexamethylphosphorot r iamide-cyclohexane (in French) 68(1983)207

Cyclohexanol-benzene solutions Calorimetric studies of self-association of cyclo- hexanol in benzene 99(1986)169

Cyclooctane + alkane mixtures The excess enthalpies of cyclooctane + n - a lkanes 59(1982)73

Cyclotetraphosphates Melting temperatures , conditions, and mechan i sms of cyclo-tetraphosphates of bivalent metals 92(1985)723

Cylcodextrin -{- alcohol inclusion complex Some problems in solution microcalorimetry, exper imental experiences by the authors, and the enthalpy-entropy compensat ion in cyclo- dextr in + alcohol inclusion-complex formation in aqueous solutions 88(1985)247

Cysteinate-rhodium complex Thermochemis t ry for the formation of cysteinate complex of rhodium(III) 90(1985)1


Decatungstate ion Synthes is and properties of the decatungsta te ion 98(1986)89

Decavanadates Characterization of the thermal decomposit ion products of the rare ear th decavanadates 52(1982)359

Decomposition reactions Equipment design for investigation of subs tances decomposed under the pressure of self-generated a tmosphere by m e a n s of thermal analysis 92(1985)379

Deconvolutive procedures Deconvolutive procedures in non- invar ian t sys tems: an approach to an extended t ransfer funct ion in microcalorimetry 89(1985)307

Defective materials Emanat ion thermal analysis of defective media. Theoretical model of diffusion in a two site med ium 92(1985)69

Deformation-calorimetry Deformation-calorimetry with low resolving t ime by us ing one thermocouple 69(1983)153

Dehydration reactions Some new data concerning the interface chemis t ry of dehydrat ion react ions 92(1985)681

Dekryptonation analysis Thermal dekryptonat ion characterizat ion of some solid mater ia ls 92(1985)429

Dekryptonation thermal analysis of some complexones 93(1965)49

Deoxycholic acid Study of the 4:1 inclusion compound between deoxycholic acid and (E)-p-dimethylaminoazo- benzene by vapour pressure m e a s u r e m e n t s 87{1985)231

D e o x y sugars Thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of 2-deoxy sugars in water. Comparison with the crystal s t ructures 85(1985)447

Derivative differential thermal analysis Thermal decomposition kinetics of solids from DDTA curves 56(1982)193

Derivatographic experiment On correctness of the derivatographic exper iment 92(1985)81

Desalination plants A thermometr ic s tudy of the kinetics of acid dissolution of four copper alloys used in desal inat ion plants 89(1985)171

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Deuterated ammonium bromide Study on the 7-~ phase transition of ND4Br crystal 74(1984)331

Deuterated sodium hydroxide A low temperature phase transition in NaOD near 150 K 95(1985)447

Deuterium isotope effects Deuterium isotope effects in the thermal dehydration of K2Mg(SO4)z'6H20 56(1982)65

Devi t r i f iea t ion of glasses The influence of P205 on the non-isothermal devitrification of 30 Li20.70 SiO 2 glass 64(1983)69

Dewar vessels Experimental studies and model calculations on heat accumulation tests using Dewar vessels 85(1985)365

Dia lkoxy- subs t i t u t ed b e n z y l i d e n e - an i l i nes Phase transitions in mesomorphic p,p'- dialkoxy-substituted benzylidene-anilines 65(1983)239

Dialkyl ethers Enthalpies of mixing of binary mixtures: trialkyl phosphates, dialkyl ketones and dialkyl ethers with chloroform 53(1982)251

Dialkyl ketones Enthalpies of mixing of binary mixtures: trialkyl phosphates, dialkyl ketones and dialkyl ethers with chloroform 53(1982)251

Diamine Studies on amidation and imidization processes of amine salts of aromatic tetra- carboxylic acids and diamine 70(1983)71

Diamine-cadmium thiocyanate complexes Thermally induced decomposition and phase transition of diamine complexes of cadmium(II) thiocyanate 91(1985)151

Diamine complexes Thermal investigation of diamine complexes of Zn(II) in the solid state 69(1983)349

Thermal investigation of diamine complexes of Ni(II) in the solid phase 71(1983)107

Diaminecyclohexanetetraacetic acid Thermal study of palladium complexes with trans -1,2-diaminecyclohexanetetraacetic acid 70(1983)211

Diaminopropionic acid monohydro- chloride Thermal analysis of a,~-diaminopropionic acid monohydrochloride 74(1984)365

Diamond Application of DTA-DTG-TG complex thermal analysis to study diamond oxidation processes 93(1985)705


Dian-bisglycidylether DSC investigations on the kinetics of the linear step growth polymerization of dian-bis- glycidylether with amines 92(1985)185

Diarsenic pentoxide The vapour pressure of di-arsenic pentoxide (As2Os) 80(1984)221

Diarsenic tetroxide On the high temperature stability of diarsenic tetroxide (As204) 78(1984)431

D i a t h e r m a l ca lo r ime t ry On the diathermal calorimetry theory 92(1985)249

Diazadodecane diamine-copper complex Complex formation of 4,9-diazadodecane-1,12- diamine with copper(II) and zinc(II) ions in aqueous solution 78(1984)1

Diazadodeeane diamine-zinc complex Complex formation of 4,9-diazadodecane-1,12- diamine with copper(II) and zinc(II) ions in aqueous solution 78(1984)1

Dibenzo- 18-crown-6 Thermochemical behavior for the mixture of hydrated lanthanoid(III) chloride and dibenzo- 18-crown-6 in the solid state 87(1985)76

Dibenzo- 18-crown-6/KNCS system Analysis by differential scanning calorimetry of the KNCS/dibenzo-18-crown-6 system: phase diagram and enthalpy changes 90(1985)109

Dibenzo-para -dioxins Thermodynamic properties of polychlorinated compounds: the vapor pressures and enthalpies of sublimation of ten dibenzo-para- dioxins 85(1985)435

Thermal destruction of polychlorinated compounds: flow tube kinetics of ten dibenzo- para -<iioxins 85(1985)439

DibenzoyHer rocene Thermodynamic properties of benzoyl- ferrecene and 1, l'-dibenzoylferrocene 61(1983)301

Dibenzoy lpe rox ide Role of decomposition products in the thermal phase diagram behavior of dibenzoyl peroxide single crystals 97(1986)387

Dibenzyl sulphoxide Infrared and thermal behaviour of thorium(IV) and oxozirconiurn(IV) complexes of dibenzyl sulphoxide 88(1985)397

Dicalcinm silicate Effect of alkaline earth metal dopants on the thermal decomposition of the CaCO3-SiO 2 system. Part II. Formation of dicalcium silicate 95(1985)201

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Dicarboxylate complexes The formation of proton and alkali metal complexes with l igands of biological interest in aqueous solution. Thermodynamics of Li +, Na + and K+-dicarboxylate complex formation 62(1983)101

Dicarboxylic acid A thermoanalyt ical s tudy of polyesterification reactions in solid mix tures of pentaerythri tol and dicarboxylic acids, oxalic acid and succinic acid 98(1986)63

Dicarboxypyridine Anomalous behaviour of 2,3-dicarboxypyridtne in the calorimetric basicity scale for some pyridine and aniline isomers. The influence of the internal hydrogen bond on the steric effect 79(198~,)197

Di(chlorobenzyl) ureas Thermal synthes is and character isat ion of N,N'-di(chlorobenzyl) ureas 96(1985)117

Dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt c h l o r i d e Thermogravimetr ic and spectroscopic s tudies on t rans [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl and cis [Co(en)2(NCS)CI]CIO 4 in molten KSCN and ZnCI2-KCI eutectic 55(1982)327

Dichlorobis-trichlorophenyl urea Thermochemical s tudies of sym-dichlorobis (2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) urea 54(1982)281

Dichlorohexane + octane m i x t u r e s Excess molar hea t capacity and excess molar volume of 1,6-dichlorohexane + n -oc t ane 91(1985)243

Dicitratoborates The s tudy of dehydrat ion of dicitratoborates by means of TG curve modification 92(1985)693

Dicobalt cyclo-tetraphosphate Reaction of formation of c-Co2P4012, a s tudy us ing thermal analysis methods 85(1985)99

D i c o p p e r cyclo-tetraphosphate A s tudy of condensat ion reactions dur ing formation of c-Cu2P4Ol~ by means of quasi- isothermal-isobaric thermal analyses 92(1985)463

D i e s e l f u e l s Thermal analysis of mel t ing and freezing of jet and diesel fuels 52(1982)131

Diethanolamine Thermodynamics of ni t rogen compounds. VIII. Thermochemical s tudy of d ie thanolamine and t r ie thanolamine and the reduction of water by the latter (in French) 55(1982)147

Diethyldithiocarbamate Catalytic-enthalpimetric determinat ion of diethyldi thiocarbamate (DDTC) and nickel(II) us ing the iodine-azide reaction 90(1985)277

Diethylzinc Cohesion energies and solubility parameters for tr iethylboron and diethylzinc 71(1983)215

D i f f e r e n t i a l methods A new differential method for de termining orders and rates of reactions and its application to solid state reactions. Par t II. Some empirical observations on the isothermal dehydration of calcium oxalate monohydrate 53(1982)195

Differential microcalorimetry Differential microcalorimetric analysis of solid-state reactions (in German) 90(1985)79

Differential scanning calorimeters Calibration of differential scanning calorimeters using AH-/T- and Cp-standards: extended application to two instruments 94(1985)17

Resul ts of a round robin exper iment on the calibration of differential scann ing calorimeters 94(1985)199

Differential scanning calorimetry Effects of heat ing rate and particle size on tempera tures and specific enthalpies in quanti tat ive differential scanning calorimetry 54(1982)115

Differential scanning calorimetry: compar ison of power compensated and heat flux ins t ruments 69(1983)145

Enhanced s tudy of differential scann ing calorimetry with determinat ion of hea t flux- t ime curves, profiles of tempera ture and state of cure 90(1985)135

The evolution of differential scanning calorimetry: a review 92(1985)385

Effect of heat ing rate on the separat ion of various phenomena in the DSC technique 94(1985)379

D i f f e r e n t i a l s c a n n i n g c a l o r i m e t r y c e l l s The calorimetric calibration of differential scanning calorimetry cells 57(1982)317

D i f f e r e n t i a l scanning calorimetry m o d e l Differential scanning calorimetric model for corrections to the DSC record 88(1985)453

Compensat ion of the influences on dynamical thermal measu remen t s caused by hea t flux effects - a practicable model for DSC 92(1985)293

Differential scanning calorimetry/ optical measurements Simul taneous differential scanning calorimetry and reflected light in tensi ty m e a s u r e m e n t 59(1982)343

Differential scanning calorimetry thermograms

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On-line acquisition, storage and interactive treatment of differential scanning calorimetry thermograms in a computer 72(1984)201

Differential temperature scanning calorimeters Problems with the calibration of differential- temperature-scanning-calorimeters 69(1983)175

Differential thermal analysis Thirty years of thermoanalytical study in Osaka University 100(1986)149

Differential thermal analysis apparatus Investigation of the ignition temperature of pyrotechnic systems using a purpose designed differential thermal analysis apparatus 52(1982)321

Differential thermal analysis calibration A study of different aspects of DTA calibration 59(1982)133

Differential thermal analysis curves Kinetic interpretat ion of DTA curves. A problem between adiabatic calorimetry, rate- based reaction kinetics and impulse kinetics 92(1985)253

Differential thermal analysis history Origin and development of differential thermal analysis 73(1984)307

Differential thermal analysis traces Computer-determined kinetic parameters from DTA traces 66(1983)383

Differential X-ray diffraction A new analytical method for solid state investigations: "differential X-ray diffraction" 85(1985)135

DiHusion coefficients Determinat ion of diffusion coefficients with a general tempera ture program us ing DTA equ ipment 64(1963)229

Diffusion controlled solid state processes Phi losophy of the m e c h a n i s m of diffusion controlled solid state processes 92(1985)39

Difiuorobromoacetic acid Thermal decomposit ion of the alkaline sal ts of difluorochloro- and difluorobromoacetic acids 66(1983)315

Difluorochloroacetic acid Thermal decomposit ion of the alkaline sal ts of difluorochloro- and difluorobromoacetic acids 66(1983)315

Digital filters Smoothing and differentiat ion of thermogravi- metric data by digital filters 57(1982)235

Dihydrazinium oxalate Thermal decomposit ion of bydraz in ium hydrogen oxalate and d ihydraz in ium oxalate 00(1983)87


Dihydrodioxobenzoxazine Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part If. Thermal decomposition of substituted 1,4-dihydro-2,4- dioxo-2H-3,1-benzoxazine 70(1983)347

Dihydromethylmethoxy-oxo-vic-triazolo pyrimidine Thermodynamic s tudy of the complexation processes between 6,7-dihydro-3(H)-6-methyl- 5-methoxy-7 -oxo-vic-triazolo (4,5-d) pyrimidine and Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) 96(1965)49

Dihydroxybenzene Studies on nitrophenols. Par t IV. The s tandard enthalpies of combust ion and formation of 1,2- dihydroxy-benzene, 1,2- and 1,4-nitrophenol 66(1983)333

Dihydroxybcnzoic acid Calorimetric s tudy of the ionization proces s for 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid. The effect of the internal hydrogen bond on acid strength 72(1984)335

Calorimetric study of the ionization process for 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid 75(1964)115

Calorimetric study of the ionization process for 2,4-dihydroxy benzoic acid 78(1984)139

Calorimetric study of the ionization process for 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid. Resonance effect. A calorimetric acidity scale for dihydoxy-substituted benzoic derivatives 88(1985)347

Dihydroxy- substituted benzoic derivatives Calorimetric study of the ionization process for 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid. Resonance effect. A calorimetric acidity scale for dihydoxy-substituted benzoic derivatives 88(1985)347

Dihydroxyviolanthrone esters Thermograv imet ry of dihydroxyviolanthrone esters 54(1982)309

Diketones The effect of tempera ture and the kinetics of the hydrolysis of some ~-diketone Schiff bases 67(1983)17

TG-DTA-MS investigations of copper chelates with various ~-diketones as l igands 67(1983)197

Dilatometer- conductimeter A high performance "dilatometer-conducti- meter" for glasses and solid state t rans- formation s tudies 55(1982)293

Dimethoxybenzoic acid Interaction of metal ions with humic-l ike models. Par t 3. Thermal behaviour of aquo- bridged polymeric complexes of 2, 6-dimethoxy- benzoic acid with divalent metal ions 77(1984)67

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Dimethylacetamide-carbon tetra- chloride mixtures Thermal stability of dimethylacetamide-carbon tetrachloride mixtures 85(1985)339

Dimethylacetamide + freon mixtures The excess enthalpies of liquid freon-22 4- N, N-dimethylacetamide mixtures from 373 to 423 K at 5.5 MPa 87(1983)315

Dimethylaminoazobenzene Study of the 4:1 inclusion compound between deoxycholic acid and (E)-p-dimethylaminoazo- benzene by vapour pressure measurements 87(1985)231

Dimethylbutane + freon mix tu re s The excess enthalpies of liquid freon-22 4- 2,3- dimethylbutane mixtures from 363 to 423 K at 5.5 MPa 68(1983)223

Dimethylethyluracil Vapour pressures and enthalpies of sublimation of 1,3-dimethyl-5-ethyluracil and 1,3-dimethyl-5, 6-pentamethyleneuracil 68(1983)371

Dimethylformamide-branched alcohol mixtures Excess volumes and excess isentropic compres- sibilities of binary mixtures of N,N-dimethyl- formamide with branched alcohols at 303.15 K 91(1985)321

Dimethylformamide -uranium sulphate complex Pr~.paration and thermal stability of the U(IV)(SO4)2-DMF complex 60(1983)277

Dimethylformamide -water system Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. II. Dimethylformamide-water 63(1983)151

Association, dissociation and hydrogen bonding of salicylic acid in water-N, N- dimethylformamide mixtures 89(1985)133

Dimethylimidazolinethione Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. II. Cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes of 1,3-dimethyl (N,N')-imidazoline- 2-thione 57(1982)83

Dimethylpentamethyleneuracil Vapour pressures and enthalpies of sublimation of 1,3-dimethyl-5-ethyluracil and 1,3-dimethyl-5, 8-pentamethyleneuracil 68(1983)371

Dimethylpentane Comparative study of the adsorption and the diffusion of n-hexane, methyl-2-pentane and dimethyl-2,4-pentane in a protonic mordenite (in French) 73(1984)209

Dimethylphenylglycine compounds Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of some N-2,3-dimethyl-phenyl- glycine compounds of AI(III), Mn(II), Fe(III),

Y(III), Cd(II), La(III), Ce(IIl) and Pb(II) 95(1985)111

Dimethylsulphoxide -water system Thermodynamic study of the water-DMSO system. Part I. Features of the system: thermo- dynamics, linear free-energy relationship and ort~o-effects of some substituted benzoic acids in the system 83(1985)213

Thermodynamic study of the water- dimethylsulfoxide system. Part II. Study of the proton transfer processes of monosubstituted benzoic acids, compared with the same processes in the gaseous phase: thermo- dynamic and electrostatic model 84(1985)215

Dinitrobenzoic acid Thermodynamics of the ionization process for 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid. The additive effect of a meta substituent on the acid strength 65(1983)295

Dinitrogen complexes Thermal behaviour of dinitrogen complexes of Fe(II) with chelating agents 78(1984)135

Thermal decomposition of dinitrogen complexes of Cr(III) 96(1985)1

Dinitrophenol Thermochemistry of nitrophenols. V. Enthalpies of formation of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitro- phenols 69(1983)375

Calorimetric study of the ionization process for 2,5-dinitrophenol in water-dimethyl- sulfoxide mixtures at 25°C 70(1983)83

Calorimetric study of the ionization process for 2,4-dinitrophenol in water-dimethyl- sulphoxide mixtures at 25°C 70(1983)91

Dinitrotoluene Thermochemistry of 2,6-dinitrotoluene 73(1984)205

Diopside The role of titania and titania mixtures in the nucleation and crystallization of spodumene- willemite-diopside glasses 58(1982)125

Dioxane -t- bromoiorm mixtures Thermodynamic investigation of complex formation in 1,4-dioxane 4- bromoform mixture 99(1986)317

Dioxaoctane + heptane mi x t u re s Excess enthalpies and heat capacities for 3,6- dioxaoctane 4- n-heptane mixtures 74(1984)187

Dioxins Estimated thermodynamic functions for some chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxins 58(1982)11

Containment of dioxin emissions from refuse fired thermal processing units - prospects and technical issues 85(1985)419

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Dioxygen desorption Calorimetric s tudy of the desorption cycles of dioxygen from t i tan ium dioxide 95(1985)453

Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine The effect of the detergent cetyltr imethyl- ammoniumchlor ide on the phase behaviour of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine. A h igh precision calorimetric s tudy 94(1985)187

Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine-water system Sub-t ransi t ion phenomenon of the L- dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine - water system: effect of water content and its aggregation state 88(1985)217

Dipeptide ester-platinum complexes Thermal and chromatographic behaviour of metal complexes. Par t II. Complexes of platinum(II) with dipeptide ester 54(1982)361

Dipeptides Origins of thermodynamic stereoselectivity in the protonation of some dipeptides 72(1984)263

Influence of non-covalent interactions on the thermodynamic stereoselectivity of the proton- ation of some dipeptides 80(1984)275

Diphenylammonium perchlorate Thermal behaviour of diphenylammonium perchlorate 58(1982)379

Diphenyl sulphoxide Infrared and thermal studies of oxo- zirconium(IV) complexes of diphenyl sulphoxide 63(1983)113

Diphenylthiourea-uranyl acetate dihydrate system Thermal behaviour of uranium(VI) complexes. Uranyl acetate dihydrate-N,N'-diphenylthio- urea system: synthesis and decomposition 90(1985)23

Diprotic acids Calculation of neutral izat ion enthalpies f rom thermometr ic t i trat ions of diprotic and tri- protic acids us ing a l inear least-squares method 56(1982)307

Dipyridine-metal tetracyanonickelates Thermal stability and stoichiometry of thermal decomposit ion of dipyridine-metal(II) tetracyanonickelates(II) 93(1985)113

Dipyridyldichalcogenides Thermal behaviour of complexes between di-2- pyridyldichalcogenides and 3d t ransi t ion metals. I. Study on dichloro[bis(2-pyridyl)- disulfide]mercury(II) 93(1985)345

Dipyridyl-iron complex Thermodynamics of ferrous-2,2'-dipyridyl in ter t -butanol-water and glycerol-water mixtures at 25°C 52(1982)201

Disc-type DSC apparatus Heat t ransfer in a disc-type DSC apparatus. I. Exper imental 65(1983)245

Heat t ransfer in a disc-type DSC apparatus. II. Theoretical representat ion 68(1983)305

Heat t ransfer in a disc-type DSC apparatus. III. Theoretical and exper imental correction of the calorimetric signal in scanning mode 68(1983)317

Disodium dihydrogensilicate hydrates Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. If. Disodium dihydrogensilicate hydrates, Na2H2SiO4.n H20(n ffi 4, 5, 7, 8); melting characteristics and solidification of glasslike hydrate phases at low temperatures 77(1984)109

Disodium |os|omycin Thermogravimetric analysis of calcium and disodium fosfomycin. Analytical application for purity control 84(1985)295

Dispersion Reactivity as a function of dispersion 85(1985)123

Disubstituted benzoyl peroxides Kinetic de terminat ions of differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XIV. Thermolysis of benzoyl peroxide and p ,p ' -d isubst i tu ted benzeyl peroxides in propiophenone (in French) 58(1982)155

Kinetic determinat ions by differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XV. Thermolysis of p,p'- disuhst i tuted benzoyl peroxides in diphenyl e ther solution (in French) 58(1982)169

Disubstituted thiovioluric acids Thermodynamic proton-ligand stability cons tants in dioxane-water media, pk a, AG °, AH ° and AS ° values for 1,3-disubstituted thio- violuric acids 64(1983)139

Dithiocarbamates Thermal and spectral s tudies of some metal-4- aminophenazone di thiocarbamates 64(1983)47

Dithiocarbamato complexes Thermal studies on metal di thiocarbamato complexes. A review 72(1984)349

Dithiocarbazic acids Thermal behaviour of nickel complexes of the methyl esters of dithiocarbazic and N- subst i tuted dithiocarbazic acids 53(1982)309

Dithionate compounds Thermal s tudies on di thionate compounds. I. Dithionates of calcium, s t ront ium and bar ium 66(1983)289

Thermal studies on dithionate compounds. II. Dithionates of lithium, sodium, and m a g n e s i u m 70(1983)189

Divalent lead chloroeomplexes Determinat ion of the rmodynamic properties of divalent lead chlorocomplexes, from solubility m e a s u r e m e n t in O to 1 mol kg -1 ionic s t rength aqueous solutions at 25°C (in French) 79(1984)171

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Divalent metal chelates Kinetic analysis of derivative thermogravi- metric data of 5-hydroxy-l ,4-naphthoquinone (juglone) and some of its divalent metal chelates 55(1982)363

Divalent metal chlorides Thermochemis t ry of mixtures of lanthanoid chlorides with chlorides of some divalent cations 64(1983)317

Thermal analysis for genera t ing phase diagrams of sys tems alkali metal chloride/ divalent metal chloride 100(1988)81

D N A Differential scanning calorimetry of various mu tan t DNAs of plasmid 88(1985)235

Dodecane + benzene mixtures Excess magni tudes for the benzene -t- n - dodecane sys tem at 298.15 and 323.15 K 65(1983)09

Dodecane + tetraoxadodecane mixtures Thermodynamic properties for 2, 5,8, l l - te t ra - oxadodecane -k n -dodecane mixtures at 298.15 K 95(1985)59

Dodecanoic acid-lead dodecanoate mixtures The densit ies and molar volumes of molten lead(II) dodecanoate/dodecanoic acid mixtures over their complete composition range: evidence for non-ideal behaviour 54(1982)289

Dolomite Thermal analysis studies of the dolomite, ferroan dolomite, ankeri te series. Par t 1. Iron content recognition and determinat ion by variable a tmosphere DTA 51(1981)105

Thermal decomposition of fe r romanganoan dolomite 66(1983}105

Chloride salt effects on the decomposition of dolomite 68(1983)1

Fluoride salt effects on the decomposition of dolomite 78(1984}9

Recent studies on the decomposition of the dolomite group by thermal analysis 100(1986)69

Dolomitic l imestone Thermal decomposition of a dolomitic l imestone with brucite under quasi- isothermal conditions us ing a quasi-isobaric crucible and associated non-isothermal kinetic parameters 76(1984)213

Donor-acceptor systems The energetics of some donor-accepter sys tems in relation to the s t ructure of the donors 54(1982)225

Dotriacontane + ester systems A statistical analysis of the liquid-solid equilibrium tempera tures in binary dotriacontane + ester sys tems 59(1982)205

Double salt hydrates Deuter ium isotope effects in the thermal dehydrat ion of I~Mg(SO4)f6H20 56(1982)65

Drawing lubricants Characterization of drawing lubricants by thermal analysis 95(1985)413

Drug-nucleic acid interactions Thermodynamic studies on the interaction between nucleic acid and drug by calorimetry 88(1985)323

Drugs Study of the binary sys tems benzoate of estradiol-phenyl propionate of estradiol, mestranol- lynestranol by thermomicroscopy and differential calorimetric analysis (in French) 89(1985)203

Can ageing effects in drugs be measured and interpreted by TA-techniques? 93(1985)125

Precipitation and physico-chemical propert ies of a drug subs tance 95(1985)425

DuPont 951 T G A - 1 0 9 0 A modification to DuPont 951 TGA-1090 thermal analysis sys tem for concurrent thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis 95(1985)287

Dupuytren disease Differential scanning calorimetry as a analytical tool in the s tudy of the Dupuytren disease 86(1985)133

Dyeing Non-isothermal kinetics of dyeing 88(1985)363

Non-isothermal kinetic method for the analysis of the dyeing processes 93(1985)401

Dyestuffs Thermodynamic s tudy on molecular association of some organic dyestuffs in aqueous solution 80(1984)131

Dynamic data Kinetic funct ions cannot be de termined from analysis of dynamic data 58(1982)373

Dynamic kinetic data Analysis of dynamic kinetic data from a single stage in the decomposit ion of solids 57(1982)93

Dynamic thermogravimetry Simple numerical and graphical method to solve the kinetic parameters by dynamic thermogravimetry 91(1985)107

Dysprosium formate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of formates. Par t VIII. Thermal dehydrat ion of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

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Ecotoxicological testing strategy Calorimetric studies on the usability of energy-balances of microbial populations for an ecotoxicological testing strategy 94(1985)139

Egypt ian clays Thermal and spectroscopic investigations of some Egyptian clays 85(1983)359

Elastomers Thermal degradation of fiuoro- and fiuoro- ether-substituted bibenzoxazole polymers 54(1982)131

The effect of elastomers on the crystallinity of polypropylene 54(1982)229

The thermal degradation of some fluorine- containing elastomers 80(1983)187

Elastosil E 1 Thermoanalytical investigation of silicon rubber systems. II. Degradation kinetic of Elastosil E 1 93(1985)225

Elect rolytes Thermochemical investigations of some electrolytes in water-acetamide mixtures at 298.15 K 94(1985)345

Electronic ceramic bodies Low temperature sintered electronic ceramic bodies for industry and engineering 77(1984)201

Elec t ronic m a t e r i a l s Thermoanalytical characterization of electronic materials 88(1985)85

Electrostatic precipitator dust Thermal investigation on electrostatic precipitator kiln dust 51(1981)297

Electrotechnology New application of differential thermal analysis in heavy-current electrotechnology 93(1985)353

Electrothermal analysis Electrothermal analysis: a neglected thermal analysis technique? 72(1984)1

Elkem micro silica Investigations of Elkem micro silica by thermo- sonimetry 72(1984)205

E m a n a t i o n t h e r m a l ana lys i s Theory of emanation thermal analysis. I. Mathematical model for inert gas release from porous solids 71(1983)175

Theory of emanation thermal analysis. If. Improvement and computer simulation of the mathematical model for inert gas release from a porous solid 78(1984)377

Theory of emanation thermal analysis. III. Experimental verification of the mathematical model for inert gas release from porous solids 81(1984)335

Thermal characterization of iron oxide powders by emanation thermal analysis 88(1985)277 Emission t h e r m o p h o t o m e t r y Emission thermophotometry. An improved apparatus 99(1988)55

Emission thermophotometry. II. The spectral distribution of emitted light from poly- (ethylene oxide) 99(1988)61

Energy storage Energy storage through chemical reactions. I. DSC measurements on quantitatively following the enthalpy changes during forward and reverse reactions of chemical storage materials (in German) 68(1983)349

Energy storage capacities Energy storage capacities of reversible liquid phase chemical reactions 53(1982)141

Enhanced oil recovery Adsorption at the liquid/solid interface: the part of microcalorimetry in the fields of enhanced oil recovery, lubrication and water purification 95(1985)337

Enthalpies o| displacement Calorimetric studies for the enthalpy of displacement bY adsorption from aqueous solution 92(1985)317

Environmental chemicals Microcalorimetric studies of the mode of action of environmental chemicals on continuous microbial cultures 72(1984)95

Enzyme t r ea t ed ce rea l products Calorimetric studies of heat and enzyme treated cereal-products 69(1983)221

E p h e d r i n e Simultaneous determination by thermometric titrimetry of the free energy, enthalpy and entropy of transfer of ephedrine from water to n-octanol (in French) 81(1984)147

Epoxide group reactions The catalysed reaction of isocyanate and epoxide groups: a study using differential scanning calorimetry 77(1984)367

Epoxy adhesives Kinetics of polymerization of epoxy adhesives and composites 96(1985)283

Epoxy resins Kinetic aspects arising during the differential scanning calorimetric investigation of curing epoxy resins with anhydrides 83(1985)139

Thermal analysis of epoxy resins: identification of decomposition products 85(1985)407

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Use of cont inuous and pulsed microwaves for quick polymerization of epoxy resins: s tudy of some thermomechanica l properties 93(1985)305

Reaction enthalpies dur ing the cur ing of epoxy resins with anhydr ides 94(1985)105

Epoxy systems Stoichiometric and heat ing-rate effects on DSC-evaluated kinetics for a high-perform- ance epoxy sys tem 77(1984)19

A s tudy of the cure characterist ics of an epoxy resin sys tem by differential scanning calorimetry and torsional braid analysis 85(1985)411

Erbium tormate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of formates. Par t VIII. Thermal dehydrat ion of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

Erbium oxide-alkali persulphate systems Thermoanalyt ical behaviour of europium(III) and erbium(III) oxides-alkali persulfates binary sys tems 55(1982)173

Erbium sulphite trihydrate Studies on lanthanoid sulphites. Par t IV. Thermal decomposition of erb ium sulphite tri- hydrate under various exper imental condit ions 95(1985)401

Escherichia co i l Calorimetric studies of glycolysis of E. coli under nongrowing condition 88(1985)339

On the use of flow microcalorimetry in es t imat ing the biological effect of adverse subs tances on E. coll. IV. An investigation on five test subs tances 94(1985)179

Ester + alkane mixtures Interchange free energy between COO and CH 3 or CH 2 groups from liquid-solid equil ibrium tempera tures in binary sys tems: alkane -{- ester 60(1983)319

Ester + dotriacontane systems A statistical analysis of the liquid-solid equil ibrium tempera tures in binary dotriacontane + ester sys tems 59(1982)205

Ester-hexadecane systems Crystallization curve of hexadecane in mixtures with methyl nonadecanoate, methyl octadecanoate, ethyl octadecanoate, and methyl hexadecanoate. A comparison of the exper imental and calculated curves 85(1983)29

Ethanal-ethenol system Cp ° of equil ibrium isomeric mixtures: the e thanal-e thenol sys tem 78(1934)47

E t h a n o l - a c e t o n i t r i l e mixtures Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with methanol and ethanol 86(1985)85

Ethanol + nonassociating component solutions Thermodynamics of solutions of ethanol in nonassociat ing components 77(1984)281

Ethanol-urea-water system DSC investigations on the urea-e thanol-water sys tem with regard to de-icing 93(1985)275

Ethenol-ethanal system Cp ° of equil ibrium isomeric mixtures: the e thanal-e thenol sys tem 78(1984)47

Ethoxycarbonylaminopyridine oxide Infrared and thermal studies of thorium(IV) chelates of 2-ethoxycarbonylaminopyridine N- oxide 62(1983)379

Ethoxycarbonylaminopyridine o x i d e - o x o v a n a d i u m chelates Magneto, spectral and thermal investigations of some oxovanadium(IV) chelates of 2-ethoxy- carbonylamino pyridine N-oxide 99(1988)349

E t h y l acrylate Calorimetric s tudy of the kinetics of the bulk polymerization of ethyl acrylate 70(1983)1

Ethylenebisdithiocarbamate acid Investigation of thermal decomposit ion of e thylenebisdi thiocarbamate acid, its d iammonia salt and ~-amino-ethyl-dithio- carbamate 93(1985)137

Ethylenebis(salicylideneaminato)alkyi- cobalt The kinetics of the thermal pyridine dissociation of pyridine[N,N~-ethylene - bis(salicylideneaminato)]alkylcobalt(III) in the solid state. Kinetic txans effect of alkyl group 83(1985)235

Ethylenebis(salicylideneaminato)cobalt Kinetics of thermal decomposit ion of subst i tuted pyridine adducts of N,N'-e thylene- bis(salicylideneaminato)cobalt(II) in the solid state 95(1985)227

Ethylenediamine complexes Structural and morphological changes in the course of the thermal decomposit ion of Ni(en)3Pt(CN)4.H20 to NiPt(CN)4 85(1985)51

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Calcium- and magnes ium-EDTA complexes. Stability cons tants and their dependence on tempera ture and ionic s t rength 01(1983)129

The thermal behaviour of e thylenediamine- tetraacetic acid and its sodium salts 62(1983)257

Ethylenediammonium oxalate Thermal decomposition of -onium type oxalates 52(1982)367

Ethylenetetracarbontetraethyl ester + alkane mixtures Cryoscopic behaviour of mixtures. Ethylene- te tracarbontetraethyl ester + alkane 87(1983)111

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Ethylmethyixanthine Thermal studies on purine complexes. VIII. Thermal behaviour of 8-ethylxanthine, 8-ethyl- 3-methylxanthine and some of their metal complexes 86(1985)189

E thy lxan tha t e c o m p l e x e s Thermal decomposition studies on ethyl- xanthato complexes of iron and nickel 52(1982)31

Ethylxanthine Thermal studies on purine complexes. VIII. Thermal behaviour of 8-ethyLxanthine, 6-ethyl- 3-methylxanthine and some of their metal complexes 86(1985)189

Et t r ingi te Calorimetric study of reactions in the system C4A3sS - CH - C8S - H 85(1985)219

Euler ' s r e l a t i onsh ip s Numerical integration of Euler's integral and numerical relationships involving E and T 60(1983)195

Europ ium bromide A study of the thermal decomposition of hydrated europium(III) chloride and europium(III) bromide 08(1983)51

Europ ium chloride A study of the thermal decomposition of hydrated europium(III) chloride and europium(III) bromide 68(1983)51

Eu rop ium f luo r ide -gado l in ium f luor ide sys t em Phase diagram of the system EuF2-GdF 3 in the solidus-liquidus region 90(1985)61

Eu rop ium fo rma te Thermal decomposition of europium formate and oxalate 56(1982)135

Europium-hydroxynaphthoquinone sys t ems Studies on the interaction of Eu(III) with lawsone (2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4- naphthoquinone), juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4- naphthoquinone) and plumbagin (2-methyl-5- hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) 75(1984)347

Eu rop ium oxala te Thermal decomposition of europium formate and oxalate 56(1982)135

Europ ium ox ide -a lka l i p e r s u l p h a t e systems Thermoanalytical behaviour of europium(lII) and erbium(III) oxides-alkali persulfates binary systems 55(1982)173

Europium oxide-molybdenum sys t em Thermophysical and structural investigation of Eu203 - Mo system 93(1985)497


Europ ium selenate Studies on double selenates. V. Thermal decomposition of europium and alkali metal double selenates 56(1962)375

Eu ro p i u m tr i f luor ide Luminescence studies of the thermal dehydration of europium trifluoride 63(1965)271

Eutectic mel t s Structure of eutectic melts; binary organic systems 95(1965)291

Evapora t ion of liquids Kinetics of evaporation of some liquids by thermogravimetry 95(1985)283

Evolved gas ana lys i s Mass spectrometric evolved gas analysis. An overview 75(1964)59

Evolved gas analysis by mass spectrometry: a review 75(1984)361

Early developments of EGA by mass spectrometry 100(1986)187

Evolved gas ana lys i s s y s t ems A microprocessor-based evolved gas analysis system 52(1982)305

Excess enthalpies Topological aspect of the excess enthalpies of binary mixtures of non-electrolytes 52(1982)87

Prediction of ternary excess enthalpies from binary data 52(1982)155

Excess m o l a r heat capacities Measurement of excess molar heat capacities by differential scanning calorimetry 76(1984)79

Exo the rmic reactions An improved method for the use of DSC in the isothermal mode to monitor exothermic reactions 71(1983)337

Explosive detonator Thermal stability of an explosive detonator 80(1984)367

Explosive ma te r i a l s Kinetic-isotope effects in thermal explosions 59(1982)287

Explos ives The thermal decomposition of some primary explosives as studied by differential scanning calorimetry 80(1984)149

Ext rapo la t ion method The influence of the extrapolation method on enthalpies of solution at infinite dilution 94(1985)223

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Fat ty acids Thermal analysis of urea, fatty acids, and their adducts 73(1984)47

F e n f l u r a m i n e hydroch lo r ides (S) and (RS) fenfluramine hydrochlorides. Stabilities of enantiomers and racemic compounds in melt medium and in aqueous solutions (in French) 97(1986)177

Fer r ic e x c h a n g e d zeol i tes Physico-chemical characterization of ferric exchanged Y zeolites 56(1982)93

Fer r ic molybdate Studies of the reactivity of Fe2(MoO4) 3 in the Fe203-V2Os-MoO3 system 92(1985)571

Fer r i c oxide Effect of a-Fe203 additive on the thermal decomposition of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permanganate, and oxides 51(1981)245

F e r r i m a g n e t i c ma te r i a l s Studies on solid state reactions of ferrimag- netic materials 93(1985)445

F e r r o a n dolomite Thermal analysis studies of the dolomite, ferroan dolomite, ankerite series. Part 1. Iron content recognition and determination by variable atmosphere DTA 51(1981)105

Fer roceny l compounds DSC and TG study of the stability in vacuum of ferrocenyl compounds and their compatibility with ammonium perchlorate 77(1984)133

Ferromagnetic metals and alloys Anomalies in the thermal expansion of ferro- magnetic metals and alloys 83(1985)17

F e r r o m a n g a n o a n dolomite Thermal decomposition of ferromanganoan dolomite 86(1983)105

Fer t i l izers Thermal analysis of mixed fertilizers 85(1985)335

F idd le r crabs Microcalorimetric monitoring during adaptation to hypo- and hyperosmotic media of fiddler crabs Uca pugilator 94(1985)151

Fire r e t a r d a n t Pyrolysis of a fire retardant coating made of polyurethane and chlorowax heated by free convection in air 74(1984)175

Fish The potentiality of microcalorimetry as a rapid method for monitoring the micro-

biological quality of raw meat and fish 95(1985)375

F l a m e r e t a r d a n t s A study of flame retarded polymers by thermal methods 59(1982)331

Thermoanalytical investigation of grafted poly- propylene with fixed flame retardant compounds 93(1985)171

F l a m e r e t a rda t i on Studies on the mechanism of flame retarding 81(1984)9

F lash pyrolysis Design and performance of a flash pyrolyser for biomass assessment of typha sap pyrolysis 99(1986)325

F l a s h smel t ing r eac t ions Applications of thermoanalytical methods to studies of flash smelting reactions 85(1985)115

Flavonoids Microcalorimetric investigations of the binding of flavonoids to synthetic and natural membranes 85(1985)501

F lex ib l e -molecu le fluids Molecular thermodynamics of flexible- molecule fluids 94(1985)47

Flow m i c r o c a i o r i m e t e r s Flow microcalorimeter for heat capacities of solutions 88(1985)255

Flow mi c ro ca l o r i me t ry Systematic errors in the measurement of heat by flow microcalorimetry 63(1983)133

Fluidized bed combuster Thermodynamic analysis of a fluidized bed combustor 75(1984)9

Fluids Calorimetry: its contributions to molecular thermodynamics of fluids 69(1983)1

Fluke 2452 sys t em Data acquisition and analysis for thermal analysis, based upon the Fluke 2452 system 90(1985)115

Fluoride-containing steroids Thermal analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. VI. Thermal analysis of fluoride- containing steroids 74(1984)371

F luor ine compounds Thermal behaviour of (NH4)3VO2F 4 and Na(NH4)2VO2F4 58(1982)87

F luoroaquob i s (e thy lene - d i a m i n e ) c h r o m i u m t e t r a c y a n o m e t a l l a t e Kinetics of the thermal dehydration of trans- fluoroaquobis(ethylenediamine)chromium(III) tetracyanometallate(II) [metal(II) -- Ni(II), Pd(II), and Pt(II)] 80(1984)103

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Fluorocarbon e l a s t o m e r s Thermal degradation of fluorocarbon elasto- mers by thermogravimetry 93(1985)191

F luoroperoxo species Solid state decomposition studies on fluoro- peroxo species of transition metals. Part XII. Kinetics of isothermal decomposition of K2VO(O2)2 F and K3Nb(O2)2F 4 58(1982)67

F luoros ty rene The investigation of the compatibility and phase separation of poly~2,6-dimethyl-l,4- phenylene oxide) and styrene-fluoro- substituted styrene copolymer blends by differential scanning calorimetry 54(1982)349

F luoroz i rcona te g l a s se s Kinetics of non-isothermal crystallization of some fluorozirconate glasses 86(1985)283

F l u p h e n a z i n e dihydrochloride Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. II. Antipsychotic substances. Chlorprothixene, chlorpromazine hydro- chloride, levomepromazine hydrochloride, fluphenazine dihydrochloride (in French) 64(1983)267

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. II. Study of the binary mixtures meprobamate(I)-amitriptyline(I) hydrochloride, meprobamate(1)-clomipramine(I) hydrochloride and meprobamate(I)-fluphenazine dihydro- chloride (in French) 66(1983)25

Fly ash DTA study of the chlorination of fly ash and bauxite in the presence of carbon 53(1982)89

DTA contribution to study of hydration fly ash, Portland cement pastes 93(1985)601

Hydration of mixtures containing fly-ash, lime and phosphogypsum 98(1986)71

Foaming agen t s Studies of decomposition of a foaming agent in PVC plastisols 95(1985)319

Food ingredients Optimal adsorbents for the extraction of food ingredients: search and characterization 83(1985)89

Food processing Thermal analysis and safety in relation to food processing 95(1985)441

Force field ca lcu la t ions Application of force field calculations. VI. Heat of combustion and heat of formation of 4- carbomethoxy-homocubane and homocubane- 4-carboxylic acid. A proof of reliability for heats of formation calculated by molecular mechanics (in German) 79(1984)149

Forensic science Thermal analysis in forensic science 93(1985)313

F o r m a l d e h y d e Heats of reaction between aniline and formaldehyde by solution calorimetry: reaction in neutral medium 53(1982)263

Formaldehyde-aniline reactions A thermochemical approach to the analysis of aniline-formaldehyde reactions 64(1983)155

A thermochemical study on the reactions of aniline with formaldehyde in the presence of acid medium 68(1963)59

Formal kinetic analysis Limitations in the formal kinetic analysis of isothermal and thermo~ravimetric data 85(1985)283 Formamide Acid dissociation constants of monobromo- anilinium ions in formamide 66(1983)377

Formates Thermal decompositions of formates. Part VII. Thermal decomposition of yttrium formate dihydrate 53(1962)215

Thermal decomposition of formates. Part VIII. Thermal dehydration of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

Thermal decomposition of formates. Part IX. Thermal decomposition of rare earth formate anhydrides 67(1983)271

Thermal decomposition of organic basic aluminium salts. Formate and acetate 75(1984)129

Study of thermal properties of new compounds containing formates of alkali and rare earth elements 92(1985)505

Formation constants Ionic strength dependence of formation constants. Part 7. Protonation constants of low molecular weight carboxylic acids at 10, 25 and 45°C 86(1965)273

F o r m y l m o r p h o l i n e - a r o m a t i e hydrocarbon mixtures Some properties of binary mixtures of N- formylmorpholine and an aromatic hydro- carbon 84(1985)33

Fossil fuels Application of combined thermal analysis - mass spectrometry in the analysis of fossil fuels and polymers 93(1985)629

Four-segment model Tests of the four-segment model for binary hydroorganic systems 89(1985)325

Four-segment composition model analyses of binary alkanol-water systems 90(1985)313

F ree m a g n e t i c suspension Measuring the density of gases with the aid of free magnetic suspension 51(1981)1

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Freeman and Carroll method A critical s tudy of the suitability of the F reeman and Carroll method for the kinetic analysis of reactions of thermal decomposit ion of solids 54(1982)159

Effects of exper imental variables on the determinat ion of kinetic paramete rs with differential scanning calorimetry. II. Calculation procedure of F reeman and Carroll 65(1983)269

F r e e z e - d r y i n g Thermal analysis of freeze-dried frozen aqueous solutions 93(1985)309

Freon + dimethylacetamide mixtures The excess enthalpies of liquid freon-22 + N,N-dimethylace tamide mixtures from 373 to 423 K at 5.5 MPa 67(1983)315

Freon + dimethylbutane mixtures The excess enthalpies of liquid freon-22 -t- 2,3- d imethylbutane mixtures from 363 to 423 K at 5.5 MPa 68(1983)223

Frost-Kalkwad equation A numerical procedure for evaluat ing the constants for the Frost-Kalkwarf equation by the reference point method 90(1985)379

Fulminates Correlation of activation energies of low- tempera ture thermolysis and photolysis of some hf lminates with their hea ts of explosion 81(1984)359

Functional groups Free energy of in terchange between COO and CH 3 or CH 2 groups 57(1982)5

Furfurylidene arylamine Thermal decomposit ion s tudies of furfural- based Schiff base complexes of uranyl halides and pseudohalides 81(1984)237

Furil dioxime complexes Thermogravimetric . IR spectroscopic and X- ray diffraction studies of hJril a-dioxime- nickel(ll) complex supported on synthet ic zeolite 3A 57(1982)113

Fused sodium nitrite Acid-base and redox reactions in fused sodium nitrite 74(1984)131


Gadolinium fluoride-europium fluoride system Phase diagram of the system EuF2-GdF 3 in the solidus-liquidus region 90(1985)61

Gadolinium-hydrogen system Calorimetric measurements in the Gd/H 2 system at room temperature 91(1985)31

Gallium compounds Vaporization chemistry and thermodynamics in the CdGa2S4-Ga2S 3 system 59(1982)81

Gallium hydroxides Thermal decomposition of gallium hydroxides 530982)281

Gallium oxide-selenium dioxide-water system Solubility i sotherm and some propert ies of the phases of the Ga203-SeO2-H~O sys tem 82(1984)375

G a l l i u m tellurites Conditions for synthes is and thermal dissociation of gallium tellurites 98(1986)373

Galvanic cells EMF-measurements in galvanic cells with rubidium chloride as solid electrolyte 72(1984)11

Acquisit ion and t rea tment of EMF values on galvanic cells (in French) 97(1986)345

Gases Measuring the densi ty of gases with the aid of free magnet ic suspension 51(1981)1

An equation of state for gases and liquids 59(1982)167

Gasflame coal Simul taneous theromanalyt ical and mass spectrometric investigations of a gasf lame coal 72(1984)165

Gas-metal interactions Electrothermography and its application to s tudy the kinetics of h igh- tempera ture metal- gas interactions 93(1985)281

Gas oil Study of the thermal behaviour of n - a l k a n e s in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. II. Determinat ion of the composition of n - a lkanes contained in a gas oil. Determinat ion of the cloud point (in French) 70(1983)19

Gas-solid systems Simultaneous thermogravimetry (TG) and mass spectrometry (EGA) for studies of partial reactions of complex processes in solid - gas sys tems 92(1965)391

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Gel-glass The non- iso thermal devitrification of Na20.2 SiO 2 gel-glass 78(1984)133

G e l structure Study of gel s t ructure by DTA. Undecane gelified by different silicas (in French) 77(1984)259

Geochemical research Derivatograph-QMS sys tem in geochemical research 92(1985)395

Geological materials The a s s e s s m e n t of the coal-organic mat te r contents of geological mater ia ls by differential the rmal analysis 88(1985)337

Germanium Evaluation of the tempera ture dependence of vapour pressure for silicon and g e r m a n i u m 77(1984)167

Germanium-antimony-selenium system Phase d iagram of the t e rna ry sys tem Ge-Sb- Se 56(1982)161

Germanium-antimony-sulphur system Kinetics of the recrystall ization of SbzS 3 in the glassy (GeS2)o.3(Sb2S3)o. 7 93(1985)255

Germanium-antimony-tellurium system Phase d iagram of the t e rnary sys tem Ge-Sb- Te. I. The sub te rnary GeTe-Sb2Te3-Te 78(1984)141

Germanium arsenide system The vapor pressure of the GeAs sys tem 55(1982)209

Germanium-bismuth-sulphur glass Crystallization in Ge20BilsSe5 glass 93(1985)259

Germanium monoselenide The electrical conductivity and magnet ic susceptibil i ty of germanium(II) monoselenide in the solid and liquid s ta tes 71(1983)323

Germanium organometallic molecules Thermodynamic funct ions of gaseous beryllium, t i t an ium and g e r m a n i u m organo- metallic molecules 83(1983)317

Germanium-selenium-tellurium system Characterizat ion of Ge-Se-Te glasses by eman- ation thermal analysis and DTA 93(1985)263

Germanium ternary systems Quanti tat ive DTA m e a s u r e m e n t s of the enthalpies of mixing of t e rna ry g e r m a n i u m sys tems 87(1985)385

Germanium-zirconium phosphate system Ge-Zr phospha te system: the advantages of the rmal methods in the investigation of phase mix tures or solid solutions 92(1985)615

Gibbsite ~ alumina reaction Studies on the kinetics of the gibbsite ~ X- a lumina reaction 76(1984)237


Glasses Crystallization of glasses in the 2 Na20 • CaO

3 SiO2-NazO • 2 CaO. 3 SiO 2 composit ion range 52(1982)263

Adsorption p h e n o m e n a on glass surfaces. III. A microcalorimetric s tudy of adsorpt ion of n - butanol on hea t t reated surfaces of controlled pore glass 53(1982)203

A high performance "dilatometer-conducti- meter" for glasses and solid state t rans- formation studies 55(1982)293

The role of t i tania and t i tania mix tures in the nucleat ion and crystallization of spodumene- willemite-diopside glasses 58(1982)125

Thermal expansion of h igh lead silicate glasses in relation to s t ructure 60(1983)253

Free volume driven crystallization in metallic glasses 63(1983)255

The influence of P205 on the non- iso thermal devitrification of 30 Li20.70 SiO2 glass 64(1983)69

Thermal expansion of h igh lead borate glasses and the boric oxide anomaly 66(1983)91

Effect of t ransi t ion metal oxides on the thermal conductivity of glass 71(1983)43

Activation energy for nucleat ion and crystal growth dur ing the crystallization of palladium- based metallic glasses containing boron and beryl lum 71(1983)147

Thermal conductivity of l i th ium iron silicate glasses 72(1984)269

The non- iso thermal devitrification of Na20.2 SiO 2 gel-glass 76(1984)133

Kinetics of crystal growth in Na20.2 SiO 2 glass. A DTA study 77(1984)13

Thermal conductivity of some mul t icomponent silicate glasses 77(1984)227

Devitrification behaviour of glasses near the Na20. 2 SiO 2 composit ion 80(1984)269

Effects of temperature , t i t an ium content and laser irradiation on the electrosonic properties of some related silicate glasses 80(1984)307

Thermal expansion characteris t ics of some iron-containing glasses and their corres- ponding crystalline mater ia ls 81(1984)125

Some physical properties concerning the thermal conductivity data of BaO-containing silicate glasses in relation to s t ructure 82(1984)345

Effects of temperature , and single and double dopings on the electromechanical properties of qua te rnary glasses 83(1985)331

Effect of boron oxide on the thermal conductivity of some sodium silicate glasses 83(1985)341

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Thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of vitreous eutectic GeSe2-Sb2Te 3 alloy 85(1985)175

DSC study of cold rolled metallic glasses 85(1985)179

Sub T R enthalpy relaxation in glasses 85(1985)183

Influence of melting accelerators upon the glass batch studied by thermal analysis methods 85(1985)235

Viscosity measurements on infrared transmitting glasses 85(1985)239

Kinetics of non-isothermal crystallization of some fluorozirconate glasses 88(1985)283

Thermal expansion data of some alkali aluminosilicate glasses and their respective glass-ceramics 90(1985)261

Quantitative thermal analysis of macro- molecular glasses and crystals 92(1985)15

DSC investigation of caesium borate glasses 93(1985)235

DTA study of temperature characteristics dependent on composition for glasses in the CaO - MgO - AI203 - SiO 2 - B203 system 93(1985)243

Statistical verification of attribution viscosity values to the corresponding significant points on the DTA curves of glasses in the CaO - MgO - Al203 - SiO 2 - B~O 3 system (CMASB) 93(1985)247

Thermographic investigations of the crystallization of glasses from the Se-S-Ag system 93(1985)251

Kinetics of the recrystallization of Sb2S 3 in the glassy (GeS2)0.3(Sb2S3)0. 7 93(1985)255

Crystallization in Ge20BilsSe5 glass 93(1985)259

Characterization of Ge-Se-Te glasses by eman- ation thermal analysis and DTA 93(1985)263

The dekryptonation thermal analyses of metallic glass Fe40Ni40B20 93(1985)661

Thermal conductivity of gamma-irradiated ternary borate glasses 98(1985)121

Applicability of DTA and kinetic data reliability of non-isothermal crystallization of glasses 98(1988)339

The non-isothermal devitrification of sodium metaphosphate glass 98(1988)363

Glass-filled polymer composite Effects of certain transition metal oxides on the carbon-silica reactions in a glass-filled polymer composite 99(1986)309

Glass-|orming systems Nucleation in glass-forming systems. A DTA study 85(1985)231

Glass-melting process Thermoanalytical investigations into the glass melting process 93(1985)239

Glass transition behaviour Sequence distribution. Glass transition correlation in donor-accepter copolymer systems 72(1984)17

Glass transition temperatures The rate dependence and comparability of glass transition temperatures 93(1985)213

Glassy state Some thermodynamic aspects of the glassy state 95(1985)459

Globular proteins Multi-state transition for the thermal unfolding of certain globular proteins as evaluated from the analysis of DSC curve 88(1985)229

Glucose Thermodynamics of KC1 + water + glucose and NaC1 + water + glucose systems from viscosity data 51(1981)367

Glucose oxidase Determination of thermodynamic data by microcalorimetry: the Michaelis constant of glucose oxidase immobilized on various carriers 94(1985)169

Glutamic acid TA studies of heavy metal complexes of amino acids such as proline, aspartic and glutamic acids (abstract) 93(1985)141

Glycerol Thermodynamics of ferrous-2,2'-dipyridyl in tert-butanol-water and glycerol-water mixtures at 25°C ,52(1982)201

Thermodynamic study of alkali-hydrogen exchange in aqueous glycerol on m-cresol- formaldehyde resin 67(1983)181

Glycinates Thermal properties of cobalt(II), nickel(II) and copper(II) glycinates and iminodiacetates. Critical comparison 80(1984)91

Glycine The thermodynamics of ionisation of glycine in methanol + water mixtures and the determination of single ion thermodynamics 99(1986)243

Glycine derivative complexes Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of N-2,3-dimethylphenylglycinate, N-2,4-dimethylphenylglycinate and N-2-ethyl- phenylglycinate complexes of Zn(II) 76(1984)381

Glycopyranosylaminonitroso- pyrimidine derivatives Thermal behaviour of some 4-glycopyranosyl- amino-5-nitroso-pyrimidine derivatives 88(1985)199

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Glycopyranosylamino-pyrimidine der iva t ives Spectroscopic and thermal characterization of some 4-glycopyranosylamino-pyrimidine derivatives 91(1985)173

Glyphosa te Thermal decomposition of the active ingredients of the herbicide Glyphosate (in German) 59(1982)125

Goe th i t e The double dehydroxylation peak of goethite 78(1984)39

Differential thermal analysis - evolved gas analysis of synthetic goethite 95(1985)395

Gold complexes Potentiometric and calorimetric study of the equilibria in the substitution of chlorine in trivalent gold complexes by bromine in aqueous medium at 25°C (in French) 67(1983)1

G r a n u l a t e d b l a s t - [ u r n a c e s lag Hydration of granulated blast-furnace slag in the presence of phosphogypsum 78(1984)101

Graph i t e Influence of selected metal oxides on the oxidation kinetics of graphite 86(1985)7

Interrelation of conditions of producing products of new types of graphite and graphitized materials with their thermo- physical properties 93(1985)373

Graph i t e bisulphates Graphite bisulphates thermal analysis 93(1985)433 Graphite intercalation compounds Thermal analysis of graphite intercalation compounds with dichlorides of some d- elements 90(1985)339

Thermal analysis of graphite intercalation compound with CuC12 93(1985)357

Thermal analysis of fluoration products of graphite intercalation compound with caesium 93(1985)381

Graphite oxidation products Thermal decomposition of the graphite oxidation products 78(1984)113

G r e e n coffee b e a n s Characterization of green coffee beans by combined thermogravimetric analysis/ atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry 87(1985)89

Green River oil shales On the correlation between thermogravimetric response and potential oil yields for Green River oil shales 57(1982)1

G r e e n rusts Vacuum balance and related studies of green and red rusts 82(1984)231


Group IB se l en i t e s Thermal and thermodynamic data concerning the selenites from group IB in the Periodic Table 75(1984)295

Group interactions Free energy of interchange between CO0 and CH s or CH 2 groups 57(1982)5

Interchange free energy between COO and CH 3 or CHs groups from liquid-solid equilibrium temperatures in binary systems: alkane + ester 60(1983)319

Growth mechanism Kinetics and mechanism of the thermal dehydration stages of BaCI 2 , 2 H20 by means of simultaneous TG-DSC 51(1981)97

Guanidine salts The light emission of selected guanidine salts 70(1983)379

Guanidinium nitrate Thermal decomposition of guanidinium nitrate 53(1982)383

Guanidininm salts A TG-DSC investigation of the thermal dissociation of selected guanidinium salts 75(1984)239

Gum tragacanth The thermal decomposition of gum tragacanth in nitrogen 51(1981)353

Dehydration kinetics of bayerite prepared in the presence and absence of gum tragacanth 62(1983)341

Gutmann donor number Complexation enthalpies of some phosphor- amides with antimony(V) chloride. Influence of structure on the Gutmann donor number (in French) 60(1983)137

Gypsum Some aspects of the hydrothermal calcination of gypsum 53(1982)59

Kinetics of gypsum dehydration 55(1982)201

Mechanism of the hydration of tricalcium aluminate and gypsum of 1:3 mole ratio at low water/solid ratio and in suspension 69(1983)379

Hydration mechanism of tricalcium aluminate with gypsum at 1:1 mole ratio at low water/ solid ratio and in suspension 74(1984)113

Thermo-optical and thermo-analytical investigations of gypsum (calcium sulfate- water) 95(1985)145

Gypsum- metakaolin-lime Hydration characteristics of metakaolin-limeo gypsum 90(1985)287

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Haemoglobin Enthalpy of denatura t ion for h u m a n hemo- globin in the oxygenated and deoxygenated state 69(1983)115

H a f n i u m compounds Investigation ot' thermal stabili ty and na tu re of proton containing groups in compounds of zirconium and ha fn ium with inorganic l igands 92(1985)561

H a [ n i u m d i o x i d e b i n a r y systems On the non- isothermal behaviour of ZrO 2 and HfO2-Na2/K2/S20 s b inary sys tems 86(1985)163

H a i n y l o x a l a t e Thermal decomposition of hafnyl oxalate and a m m o n i u m / m a g n e s i u m hafnyl oxalate 89(1985)195

Halofluorescein dyes Thermodynamics of the dimerization and tr imerization of halofluorescein dyes 60(1983)219 Halogenated anilines Thermodynamic funct ions for anil ine and halogenated anil ines 86(1985)299

Halogenides Enthalpies of crystallization of halogenides. Par t 1. Investigations of the enthalpies of crystallization of sal ts at 298.15 K from the whole entha lpy of dissolution 81(1984)59

Halogen oxoacids Effect of a-Fe203 additive on the thermal decomposit ion of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permangana te , and oxides 51(1981)245

Halogen oxoacid salts SEM observation of the thermal decomposit ion processes of KC104, KCIO 3, KBrO 3, KIO 4 and KIO 3 in the presence of a- Fe203 and a-A1203 51(1981)199

Harmonic analysis Thermogenes is : comparative application of harmonic analysis and inverse filtration (in French) 53(1982)17

H e a t capacity Determinat ion of hea t capacity by DTA. Theory and practice 92(1985)65

Heat capacity, continuous measurement Continuous m e a s u r e m e n t of hea t capacity with the aid of heat oscillations in the tempera ture range from 25-500"C 72(1964)71

Heat conduction calorimeters Theory of the hea t conduction calorimeter 61(1983)147

Heat exchange c a l o r i m e t r y Heat exchange calorimetry for the es t imat ion of ins tan taneous caloric effect 92(1985)245

Heat exchange calorimetry for es t imat ing hea t s of solution 94(1985)277

Heat-flow calorimeters On the t ime lag between thermal event and measur ing signal in a heat flux calorimeter 69(1983)103

Problems with the calibration of differential- tempera ture-scanning-ca lor imeters 69(1983)175

Optimal data acquisition for hea t flow calorimeter 72(1984)83

Advanced on-line data t r ea tmen t for a bench scale hea t flow calorimeter 85(1985)347

H e a t - f l o w DSC Unexpected problems in the calibration of heat-f lux differential scann ing calorimeters 69(1983)59

A theoretical evaluation of a heat-flow differential scanning calorimeter 72(1984)77

Thermal methods of analysis/differential scanning calorimetry in theory and application 85(1985)267

Performances of a heat flux DSC cell 85(1985)279

An analysis of the factors affecting the peak shape and the quanti tat ive reliability of a heat flux DSC cell 95(1985)419

Theoretical analysis of heat-f lux differential scanning calorimetry based on a general model 99(1986)299

H e a t i n g program Heating program for a l inear conversion- tempera ture dependence 91(1985)379

Heating rate in D S C Effect of heat ing rate on the separat ion of various phenomena in the DSC technique 94(1985)379

Heat transfer coefficient E nhancemen t of hea t t ransfer by the use of mixtures 54(1982)27

Heavy metal stearates Thermal s tudies of heavy metal stearates. I. Chromium stearate-stearic acid mix tures 53(1982)235

Heavy oil deposits Specific hea t capacities of minera ls from oil sands and heavy oil deposits 68(1983)291

Hectorite Thermal analysis of hectorite. Par t I. Thermo- gravimetry 63(1963)277

Thermal analysis ot' hectorite. Par t II. Differential thermal analysis 63(1983)291

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Hematite A study of the interactions of iron metal, haematite and calcium carbonate between 700 and 1100°C in a nitrogen atmosphere using MSssbauer spectroscopy 51(1981)129

TG studies on the reactions of hematite, magnetite and wustite with CC14 85(1985)87

TG studies on the reactions of hematite, magnetite and wiistite with COC12 and CO-bC12 92(1985)587

H e m a t i t e compacts Kinetics of densification of powder compacts during the initial stage of sintering with constant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Part II. Haematite compacts 50(1982)289

Hematite ore fines Thermogravimetric studies on the reduction of hematite ore fines by a surrounding layer of coal or char fines. Part 1. Isothermal kinetic studies 95(1985)235

Thermogravimetric studies on the reduction of hematite ore fines by a surrounding layer of coal or char fines, Part 2. Non-isothermal kinetic studies 95(1985)247

Heptane Excess enthalpies of some aromatic aldehydes in n-hexane, n-heptane and benzene 57(1982)147

H e p t a n e - c a r b o x y l i c ac id mixtures Excess enthalpies and excess volumes of some carboxylic acid mixtures with n-heptane 91(1985)141

Heptane -b dioxaoctane mixtures Excess enthalpies and heat capacities for 3,8- dioxaoctane + n-heptane mixtures 74(1984)187

Heptane + hexamethylphosphoro- triamide system Vapour pressures and excess Gibbs free energies of the binary systems: hexamethylphosphorotriarnide (HMPT) + n- hexane, n-heptane, n-octane at 298.15 K, 303.15 K, 313.15 K, 323.15 K, 333.15 K (in French) 75(1984)85

Heptane Jr hexane isomer systems Heat capacities of binary mixtures of n- heptane with hexane isomers 75(1984)353

Heptane Jr trioxanonane mixtures Excess enthalpies and heat capacities for 2,5,8- trioxanonane -{- n-heptane mixtures 64(1983)149

Heptanone Jr methanol systems Thermodynamics of methanol + heptanone solutions 73(1984)1

Vapour-liquid equilibrium of (methanol + a heptanone) at 323.15 K 73(1984)17


Herbicides Thermal decomposition of the active ingredients of the herbicide Glyphosate (in German) 59(1982)125

HET acid Investigation of the thermal degradation of an HErr acid containing unsaturated polyester resin by flash pyrolysis in a mass spectrometer 71(1983)377

H e t e r o a r o m a t i c compounds Phase diagrams in the binary systems of 2,4,7- trinitrofiuoren-9-one with aromatic and hetero- aromatic compounds. II. Thermodynamic analysis 58(1982)299

He te rocyc l i c bases Infrared and thermal investigations of oxo- zirconium(IV) halide complexes with some heterocyclic bases 81(1983)241

Heterocyclic organic compounds Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part I. Thermal decomposition of pyrazolinoimides 53(1982)45

Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part II. Thermal decomposition of substituted 1,4-dihydro-2,4- dioxo-2H-3,1-benzoxazine 70(1983)347

Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part III. The effect of introducing a ring nitrogen atom on the function of 1-naphthol as antioxidant A differential scanning calorimetric study 76(1984)221

Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part IV. Thermal decomposition of l~benzyl-l,2,3-triazolino- 4,5(N-phenyl) dicarboxiimides 79(1984)139

Heterocyclic thione donor complexes Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. II. Cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes of 1,3-dimethyl (N,N')-imidazoline- 2-thione 57(1902)83

Heterogeneous catalysis reactions Application of adsorption calorimetry to the study of heterogeneous catalysis reactions 96(1985)365

Heterogeneous decompositions A method to evaluate the "reaction order" of heterogeneous decompositions under non-iso- thermal conditions 95(1985)271

Hexaamminechromium nitrate-alanine reaction A possible mechanism for the reaction between hexaamminechromium(III) nitrate and L-alanine in the solid state 77(1984)251

H e x a a q u a m e t a l bis(dihydroxybenzoate) dihydrate complexes Interaction of metal ions with humic-like

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models. Part 2. Thermal properties of hexa- aquametal(II) bis(2, 6-dihydroxybenzoate) dihydrate complexes 66(1983)1

Hexachiorocyclopentadiene Flame cooling action of HEX ejected from the HET moiety 60(1983)225

Hexachloroethane Thermal decomposition of industrial Ccl 6 containing salts 92(1985)735

Hexachloronorbornenedicarboxylic acid Flame cooling action of HEX ejected from the HET moiety 60(1983)225

Hexachloroplatinates Thermal and spectral studies on hexachloro- platinates(IV) of some alkyl-xanthines 93(1985)73 Thermal studies on purine complexes. X. Hexa- chloroplatinates(IV) of some xanthine derivatives 97(1986)67

Hexadecane Excess Gibbs energies for the benzene -{- n - hexadecane system at 298.15 and 323.15 K 56(1982)199

Hexadeeane-ester systems Crystallization curve of hexadecane in mixtures with methyl nonadecanoate, methyl octadecanoate, ethyl octadecanoate, and methyl hexadecanoate. A comparison of the experimental and calculated curves 65(1983)29

Hexaethylbenzene Resonance energy of hexaethylbenzene and hexamethylbenzene 78(1984)435

Hexaiodometallates TG and DTA investigations on hexaiodometal- fates 83(1985)167

Hexamethylbenzene Resonance energy of hexaethylbenzene and hexamethylbenzene 78(1984)435

Hexamethylenetetramine Nitrosation cleavage of hexamethylene- tetramine in slightly acid medium from the aspect of the thermochemistry of the nitrosation agent formation 51(1981)325

Hexamethylphosphorotriamide -t- a l kane systems Vapour pressures and excess Gibbs free energies of the binary systems: hexamethylphosphorotriamide (HMPT) -t- n - hexane, n-heptane, n-octane at 298.15 K, 303.15 K, 313.15 K, 323.15 K, 333.15 K (in French) 75(1984)85

Hexamethylphosphorotriamide binary systems Description of a thermal analysis apparatus applied to the study of two binary systems: hexamethylphosphorotriamide-benzene and hexamethylphosphorotriamide-cyclohexane (in French) 68(1983)207

Hexamminecobalt neodymium sulphate t r ihydra te Thermal decomposition of hexam- mincobalt(III) neodymium sulfate trihydrate 97(1986)215

Hexamminecobalt oxalate tetrahydrate Thermal studies on oxalate complexes. VI. Hexamminecobalt(III) oxalate tetrahydrate 68(1983)201

Hexamminocobait hexafluorometallates Thermal decomposition of hexammino- cobalt(III) hexafluorometallates(III) 92(1985)665

Hexanamine complexes Infrared and thermal studies of platinum(II) halide complexes with 1-hexanamine 78(1984)159

Hexane Excess enthalpies of some aromatic aldehydes in n-hexane, n-heptane and benzene 57(1982)147

Comparative study of the adsorption and the diffusion of n -hexane, methyl-2-pentane and dimethyl-2,4-pentane in a protonic mordenite (in French) 73(1984)209

Study of the adsorption of n-hexane in an H- ZSM5 zeolite: use of a non-isothermal kinetic model (in French) 81(1984)197

Hexane -t- hexamethylphosphoro- triamide system Vapour pressures and excess Gibbs free energies of the binary systems: hexamethylphosphorotriamide (HMPT) -{- n - hexane, n-heptane, n-octane at 298.15 K, 303.15 K, 313.15 K, 323.15 K, 333.15 K (in French) 75(1984)85

Hexane-hexanol mixtures Heat capacities of binary mixtures of 1- hexanol with hexane isomers at 298.15 K 71(1983)161

Hexane isomer -t- heptane systems Heat capacities of binary mixtures of n - heptane with hexane isomers 75(1984)353

Hexanol-hexane mixtures Heat capacities of binary mixtures of 1- hexanol with hexane isomers at 298.15 K 71(1983)161

Hexaoxoiodate hydrates Determination of the thermodynamic parameters of hexaoxoiodate(VII) hydrates of the type M2HIO6.n H20, where M n ffi Ni, Cu, Zn and Cd, by solubility measurements in water at various temperatures 97(1986)85

High-pressure DTA High-resolution differential thermal analysis at high pressures. Application to liquid crystals 61(1983)371

High-pressure DTA apparatus with liquid or gaseous pressure medium 99(1986)67

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High-speed steel The use of DTA for determination of the equilibrium diagram for 9-0-2-}-Si high-speed steel 93(1985)673

High-temperature thermal analysis Thermal analysis at high temperatures 92(1985)355

Hill-climbing minimization procedure A general method of calculating phase equilibria in a multicomponent system by means of a hill-climbing minimization procedure 70(1983)173

Hippuric acid Kinetics of desolvation of solvated metal complexes of hippuric acid and lapachol from thermogravimetric curves 51(1981)363

Hippuric acid complexes Kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of some metal hippurates from DTG curves 56(1982)217

Holmium Studies on selenates. VIII. The thermal decomposition of double selenate hydrates of holmium and ytterbium with rubidium 51(1981)381

Holmium formate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of formates. Part VIII. Thermal dehydration of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

Holmium oxalate Thermal studies on yttrium, neodymium and holmium oxalates 71(1983)345

Holmium oxide Investigations of Ho203-X2S2Os and Tm203- X2S20 s (X -- Na, K) binary systems by high temperature derivatography 81(1984)281

Homocubane-carboxylic acid Application of force field calculations. VI. Heat of combustion and heat of formation of 4- carbomethoxy-bomocubane and homocubane- 4-carboxylic acid. A proof of reliability for heats of formation calculated by molecular mechanics (in German) 79(1984)149

Human haemoglobin Enthalpy of denaturation for human hemo- globin in the oxygenated and deoxygenated state 69(1983)115

Human neutrophils Calorimetric and chemiluminescence studies on human neutrophils 85(1985)489

Human skin cells Microcalorimetric studies of human skin cells 94(1985)123

Humic-like models Interaction of metal ions with humic-like models. Part 2. Thermal properties of hexa-


aquametal(II) bis(2,6-dihydroxybenzoate) dihydrate complexes 66(1983)1

Interaction of metal ions with humic-like models. Part 3. Thermal behaviour of aquo- bridged polymeric complexes of 2,6-dimethoxy- benzoic acid with divalent metal ions 77(1984)67

Humic substances Humic substances as new stabilisers for poly- vinylchloride 99(1988)217

Huntite Thermoanalytical investigation of buntite 86(1985)45 Hydrargillites Mechanism and kinetics of the dehydration of hydrargillites. Part I 64(1983)1

Kinetics and mechanism of the dehydration of hydrargillites. Part II 64(1983)15

Hydrated cement pastes A gravimetric study of water vapour sorption on hydrated cement pastes 82(1984)211

Hydrated oxalates Kinetics of the decomposition of hydrated oxalates of calcium and magnesium in air 74(1984)255

Hydrates Pharmaceutical applications of thermal methods: the use of DSC and TG in the cbaracterisation of organic and inorganic hydrates 85(1985)521

Characterisation of organic and inorganic hydrates and solvates by thermal methods 90(1985)149

Hydrazinates Thermal reactivity of metal oxalate hydrazinates 52(1982)I 13

Hydrazine-cadmium c o m p l e x e s Thermal studies of Cd(II) hydrazine complexes in the solid state 71(1983)93

Hydrazine-cobalt complexes Thermal studies of cobalt(II) complexes of hydrazine in the solid phase 76(1984)47

Hydrazine-manganese complexes Thermal studies of Mn(II) hydrazine complexes in the solid state 68(1983)261

Hydrazine-zinc complexes Thermal studies of Zn(II) hydrazine complexes in the solid state 71(1983)273

Hydrazinium aluminium sulphate hydrate Thermal decomposition of hydrazinium aluminium sulfate hydrate and hydrazinate 55(1982)373

Hydrazinium aluminium sulphate hydrazinate

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Thermal decomposition of hydrazinium aluminium sulfate hydrate and hydrazinate 55(1982)373

Hydrazinium fluorometallates Thermal decomposition of N2HeGeF6.H20 isolation and characterization of intermediates 96(1985)207

Hydrazinium h e x a f l u o r o g e r m a n a t e Thermal decomposition studies of hydrazinium(2 +) hexafluorogermanate(IV) difluoride and hydrazinium(1 +) hexafluoro- germanate(IV) 91(1985)337

Hydrazinium h e x a f l u o r o g e r m a n a t e difluoride Thermal decomposition studies of hydrazinium(2 -{-) hexafiuorogermanate(IV) difluoride and hydrazinium(1 q-) hexafluoro- germanate(IV) 91(1985)337

Hydrazinium hydrogen oxalate Thermal decomposition of hydrazinium hydrogen oxalate and dihydrazinium oxalate 60(1983)87

Hydrazinium metal sulphates Thermal analysis of metal sulfate hydrazinates and hydrazinium metal sulfates 97(1986)287

Hydrazinium neodymium sulphate monohydrate Synthesis and thermal decomposition of hydrazinium (1-}-) neodymium sulfate mono- hydrate 88(1985)391

Hydrazinium oxalate Thermal decomposition of -onium type oxalates 52(1962)367

Hydrazinium salts The light emission of thermally stimulated processes. Some hydrazinium and ammonium salts 75(1984)245

Hydride forming systems Study of hydride forming system by thermo- gravimetry. Role of the sample mass in exothermic kinetics 82(1984)171

Hydriodic acid Standard potentials of the silver-silver iodide electrode and the thermodynamic properties of hydriodic acid in propylene glycol + water solvents 68(1983)187

Hydrocarbon-aldehyde mix tu re s The prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium from heat of mixing data of binary hydro- carbon-ether and hydrocarbon-aldehyde mixtures 62(1983)113

Hydrocarbon-aniline mixtures Thermodynamics of associated solutions. Excess thermodynamic properties of mixtures of aniline with hydrocarbons 97(1986)37

Hydrocarbon-ether mix tu re s The prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium from heat of mixing data of binary hydro-

carbon-ether and hydrocarbon-aldehyde mixtures 62(1983)113

Hydrocarbon-ketone mixtures The prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium from heat of mixing data for binary hydro- carbon-ketone mixtures 63(1983)173

Hydrocarbon mixtures Effect of molecular size and shape on the excess enthalpy of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures 94(1985)67

Hydrocarbons Thermally unstable hydrocarbons. XVII. Heat of combustion and heat of formation of ten sym-tetraalkyl-l,2-diarylethanes (in German) 62(1983)279

Hydrocarbon-transition meta l interactions Electrothermographical studies on kinetics of high temperature interaction between transition metals and simple hydrocarbons 92(1985)137

Hydrocarbon waxes Distinguishing hydrocarbon and polyalkylene waxes by gas chromatography and differential scanning calorimetry 86(1985)329

Hydroce rus s i t e Thermal decomposition of basic lead carbonates: a comparison of hydrocerussite and plumbonacrite 81(1984)1

Hydrochloric acid Thermodynamic behaviour of hydrochloric acid in propylene glycol and its aqueous mixtures from electromotive force measurements 66(1983)303

Hydrogenation' kinetics Influence of added alkaline salts on hydrogen- ation kinetics of coal 81(1984)105

Hydrogen-bonded adducts Heat of formation of hydrogen-bonded adducts 71(1983)223

H y d r o g e n - c e r i u m sys t em The phase diagram of the Ce-H~ system 85(1985)127

Hydrogen-gadolinium system Calorimetric measurements in the Gd/H 2 system at room temperature 91(1985)31

Hydrogen m o r d e n i t e Comparative study of the adsorption and the diffusion of n -hexane, methyl-2-pentane and dimethyl-2,4-pentane in a protonic mordenite (in French) 73(1984)209

Hydrogen pe rox ide Reaction-rate determination of Cu(II) by use of a very simple monitored thermometric technique based on the action of this cation on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide 78(1984)227

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Hydrogen production The copper-chlorine thermochemical cycle of water splitting for hydrogen production 78(1984)275

Hydrogen selenites Thermal stability of Eu 3+ activated rare earth hydrogenselenites 92(1985)489

Hydrox ides Structural and phase changes in iron(III)- aluminium(III) mixed hydroxide-oxide system: a thermoanalytical study 53(1982)175

Hydroxocobalamin Contributions of the analytical chemistry of vitamin B12. The thermal stability of cyano- cobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and cobinamide in the solid state 59(1982)211

Hydroxyaniline ion The effect of medium on the dissociation of the p-hydroxyaniline ion 66(1983)225

Medium effect on the dissociation of the met~-hydroxyaniline ion 70(1983)339

Hydroxyanilinium ion The effect of medium on the dissociation of the ortho-hydroxyanilinium ion. Primary steric effect as a factor in the ionization process 87(1983)257

Hydroxyapa t i t e Solubility of hydroxyapatite and related thermodynamic data 52(1982)333

Hydroxymethylbutenylnaphthoquinone Investigation on the interaction of 2-hydroxy- 3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4-naphthoquinone (lapachol) with copper(II) and iron(II) 70(1983)367

Hydroxy(methylbutenyl)naphthoquinone Thermal and pH-metric studies on complexes of Hg(II) and Er(III) with 2-hydroxy-3-(3- methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4-naphthoquinone (lapachol) 71(1983)381

Hydroxymethylnaphthoquinone m o n - ox ime Thermodynamic stabilities of lanthanide complexes with 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-l,4- naphthoquinone monoxime (HMNQM) 86(1985)149

H y d r o x y n a p h t h o q u i n o n e Kinetic analysis of derivative thermogravi- metric data of 5-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone (juglone) and some of its divalent metal chelates 55(1982)383

Studies of the inner salt complex of 2- hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone (lawsone) with Hg(II) 74(1984)361

The Gd(III), Tb(III) affinity of functional groups in hydroxy-naphthoquinones 98(1988)391


H y d r o x y n a p h t h o q u i n o n e monosemi- carbazone Thermodynamic studies on the chelation behaviour of bivalent metal complexes of 2- hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone monosemicarba- zone (HNQS) 98(1986)199

Hydroxyphenyl-hydrazonopentane- dione Stepwise stability constants and thermo- dynamic functions of some transition metal complexes of 2-~2-hydroxyphenyl)-hydrazono- pentane-2,4-dione (PHPD) 52(1982)355

Hydroxyquinolate complexes Standard enthalpies of formation of the pentane-2,4-dionate and 8-hydroxyquinolate complexes of vanadium(Ill) and of oxo- vanadium(IV) by solution-reaction calorimetry 97(1986)77

Hydroxyqu ino l ine Thermogravimetric analysis and kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of molecular complexes of 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) with potassium dichromate, potassium chromate and potassium permanganate 59(1982)243

Hydroxyqu ino l ine chelates The thermal stability of 8-hydroxyquinoline chelates in high-temperature water 84(1985)189

Hydroxyqu ino l ine complexes Kinetics of the pyrolytic decomposition of molecular complexes of 8-bydroxyquinoline (oxine) with potassium dichromate, potassium chromate and potassium permanganate 63(1983)377

Hydroxy Schifi b a s e s Thermal decomposition and mass fragmentation of some new hydroxy Schiff bases 97(1986)337

Hyd ro x y s e l en a t e s Study of the thermal behaviour of the hydroxy- sulphate 2CuSO4.1Cu(OH)2-4H20 and the hydroxyselenate 2CuSeO4.1Cu(OH)2.4H20 (in French) 64(1983)207

Hydroxysulphates Study of the thermal behaviour of the hydroxy- sulphate 2CuSO4.1Cu(OH)2,4H20 and the hydroxyselenate 2CuSeO4.1Cu(OH)2.4H20 (in French) 64(1983)207

Hydroxyurea Enthalpy of thiourea and hydroxyurea solution in water-urea mixtures 79(1984)299

Hyperbol ic t e m p e r a t u r e p r o g r a m s The shape of the thermoanalytical curves at hyperbolic temperature programs 57(1982)247

Hypoiodous acid Ideal gas thermodynamic properties of hypo- iodous acid 63(1983)251

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Ice nucleation Differential scanning calorimetric s tudy on ice nucleation in water and in aqueous solutions of hydroxyethyl starch 61(1983)195

ICTA reference materials Estimate of the "true" magnet ic t ransi t ion temperatures for the ICTA reference mater ia ls GM761 67(1983)233

lllite Specific heats of clay minerals: sodium and calcium kaolinites, sodium and calcium mont- morillonites, illite, and attapulgite 61(1983)139

Imidazole Study of some copper formate complexes with imidazole and methyl- l - imidazole (in French) 98(1986)139

Imidazole complexes Thermal behaviour of biologically interest ing coordination compounds obtained by reaction of some divalent metal ions with imidazole and N-methyl imidazole 99(1986)259

Imidazolidinethione Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. Part III. Cobalt(II) complexes of imidazolidine-2-thione 65(1983)127

Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. Part V. Nickel(II} complexes of imidazolidine-2-thione 65(1983)135

Imide resins Thermal characterisation of imide res ins 93(1985)217 Imidization Studies on amidation and imidization processes of amine salts of aromatic tetra- carboxylic acids and diamine 70(1983)71

Iminodiacetates Thermal properties of cobalt(II), nickel(II) and copper(II) glycinates and iminodiacetates. Critical comparison 80(1984)91

Iminodiacetic acid Thermal and chromatographic behaviour of metal complexes. Par t III. Complexes of palladium(II) with iminodiacetic acid 60(1983)131 Iminodipropioamidooxime Analytical properties of the amidooxime group. V. Thermometr ic s tudy of 3,3'-oxy-, 3,3'- thio- and 3,3'-iminodipropioamidooxime 57(1982)195

Imipramine hydrochloride Thermoanalyt ical s tudy of psychotherapeut ic substances. IIL Ant idepressants . Imipramine hydrochloride, c lomipramine hydrochloride,

nortriptyline hydrochloride, amitriptyline hydrochloride (in French) 65(1983)179

Inclusion compounds Study of the 4:1 inclusion compound between deoxycholic acid and (E)-p-dimethylaminoazo- benzene by vapour pressure measu remen t s 87(1985)231

Indium Determinat ion of the entha lpy of fusion of indium by direct comparison with Joule hea ts 69(1983)127

Indium-magnesium alloy Magnes ium activity in liquid In-Mg alloy from vapour pressure measu remen t s 62(1983)171

Indium oxide Gibbs free energy of formation of In203 and CalnaO 4 97(1986)171

Indium oxide-selenium dioxide-water system Interactions in the three-component sys tem In203-SeOa-H20 at 100°C 82(1984)367

Indium sulphides Reexaminat ion of the sys tem Bi2S3-In2S 3 and crystal data of indium b i smuth sulphide InBiS 3 86(1985)291

Indole acetic acid Thermogravimetr ic s tudy of the kinetics of the non- isothermal decomposition of metal derivatives of indole-3-acetic acid 61(1983)357

Industrial chemical processes Calorimetric monitor ing of industr ial chemical processes 95(1985)351

Inner orbital splitting Inner orbital splitting in some 3d n t ransi t ion metal complexes with oxygen, su lphur and ni t rogen donor l igands 55(1982)125

Inorganic azides The relationship between the kinetic data of the low-temperature thermolysis and the hea ts of explosion of inorganic azides 80(1984)137

Inorganic binders The application of hea t flow sensor to s tudy the hydrat ion of inorganic binders 93(1985)299

Inorganic coordination compounds Kinetic parameters and solid state mechan i sm in inorganic coordination compounds 92(1985)493

Inorganic-non-metal raw materials Significance and future of non-metal - inorganic raw mater ia ls (in German) 83(1985)1

Inorganic salt-acetamide mixtures Supercooling phenomena in binary mixtures of acetamide and inorganic salts 70(1983)317

Inorganic solids Deuteration effects on the thermal decomposition processes of inorganic solids 92(1985)215

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Insertion compounds Thermodynamic study of the lithium insertion in (MO0.3V0.7)205 94(1985)249

Instationary measurement method Presentat ion of an instationary measurement method for determination of the material properties thermal diffusivity and specific heat 83(1985)125

Integral methods Evaluation and optimization of integral methods for the analysis of thermogravimetric data 84(1985)89

Integrated circuit control system On an IC electronic balance control system and its impact on the calibration 51(1981)85

Intermediate valence compounds High temperature heat capacity of ErPd and TmPd and the intermediate valence compound YbPd 99(1986)187

Intermetallic compounds Heat capacities from 400 to 1200 K of CaA12, EuA12, ERA12 and of the intermediate valence compound YbAl 2 64(1983)115

Interpenetrating polymer networks On the use of DSC and DMA to characterize the degree of mixing of IPNs processed by RIM 76(1984)265

Inverse filtration Optimisation of inverse electronic filtration for conduction microcalorimetry (in French) 51(1981)239

Thermogenesis: application of electronic and numerical inverse filtration in conduction calorimeters (in French) 53(1982)1

Thermogenesis: comparative application of harmonic analysis and inverse filtration (in French) 53(1982)17

Iodonium-cyanometallic complexes Thermolysis of cyanocomplexes. XIX. Thermal decomposition of neutral and protonated sulphonium- and iodonium-cyanometallic complexes (in German) 71(1983)167

Ion-exchange processes Thermodynamics of ion exchange processes involving alkali ions on H+-form m-cresol formaldehyde in aqueous acetone 87(1985)21

Ion-exchange resins Heats of ion-exchange on Dowex 50W of alkali metal cations. Thermal effects of long duration in these exchange systems 57(1982)301

Ion-exchangers Partial molar heat capacity of adsorbed water on an ion-exchanger 92(1985)341

Iraqi bitumens Thermogravimetric characterization of some Iraqi bi tumens 94(1985)295


Iraqi papers Differential scanning calorimetric study of some Iraqi papers 78(1984)371

Iridium coordination compounds Kinetic parameters and solid-state mechanism of the thermal dehydration of [Ir(H2OXNH3)5]X 3 (X B CI', Br" and I') 91(1985)115 Iron A study of the interactions of iron metal, haemati te and calcium carbonate between 700 and ll0O°C in a nitrogen atmosphere using M6ssbauer spectroscopy 51(1981)129

Thermal decomposition studies on ethyl- xanthato complexes of iron and nickel 52(1982)31

Effect of iron or iron oxide additions on the reducibility of tricalcium phosphate by carbon 52(1982)53

Structural and phase changes in iron(III)- aluminium(III) mixed hydroxide-oxide system: a thermoanalytical study 53(1982)175

Thermogravimetric M6ssbauer and IR spectroscopic and optical reflectance studies of tris-(4,7-diphenyl-1,1O-phenanthroline)-iron(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 53(1982)369

Iron-aluminium a l loys Further studies on the effects of ionizing radiation, heating cycles and quenching on the temperature dependence of the electronic conductivity of different dilute AI-Si and A1-Fe alloys 81(1984)213

Iron-aluminium mixed oxides Electron microscopic and diffraction studies on Fe(III)-Al(III) mixed oxyhydroxide/oxides 62(1983)385

Iren-aluminium system The phase diagram of the AI-Fe system up to 45 mass0/0 iron 93(1985)681

Iron-bearing carbonates Coal proximate analysis and pyrite contents by the TM/TG method. The problem of iron- bearing carbonates 87(1985)353

Iron benzoate M6ssbauer study of the thermal decomposition of iron(III) benzoate and iron(III) fumarate 69(1983)367

Iron citrate Study of the thermal decomposition of iron and barium citrates 86(1985)77

Iron complexes Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with 5-sulfosalicylic acid 56(1982)371

Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of UO22÷, Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+,

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Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2 -isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Kinetic studies of the non-thermal decomposition of chelates of lapachol with aluminium(III), chromium(III) and iron(III) 58(1982)367

Thermodynamics of Fe(III) complexes of p - acetylaminophenyl salicylate and p-acetyl- aminophenyl 3,5-dinitrosalicylate 60(1983)109

Thermal breakage of Fe-L bonds in Nal7[Fe(CN)sL].xH20. Correlation with solution kinetics 62(1983)249

DSC determination of the fusion and sublimation enthalpy of tris(2,4-pentane- dionato)chromium(III) and iron(III) 72(1984)341

Effect of ionic strength and temperature on ionization constants and stability constants of 4-amino-I, 6-dihydro-2-methylthio-5-nitroso-6- oxo-pyrimidine and its complexes with Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) 89(1985)165

Spectroscopic studies of the thermal decomposition of homonuclear Fe(II) ligand bridged polymeric complexes 93(1985)81

Iron compounds Studies of Fe2V4013 and its reactions with MoO 3 92(1985)567

Thermal and X-ray study of FeH3(PO4)2.2.5 H20 92(1985)791

Thermodynamic stability in the series of tri- nuclear ~t3-oxoacetates Fe2IUMHO(CH3COO)8(H20)3.2H2 O, where M Mn, Fe, Co, Ni in the process of their therm- olysis 93(1985)69

Iron compounds in high oxidation states. II. Reaction between Na202 and FeSO 4 97(1986)243

Iron compounds in high oxidation states. III. Kinetic analysis of the reaction between BaO 2 and FeSO4: non-isothermal versus isothermal procedures 98(1986)167

Iron compounds in high oxidation states. IV. Kinetic analysis of the reaction between Na20 g and FeSO 4 98(1986)175

Iron-containing hydrous silicates Thermal and M~ssbauer studies of iron- containing hydrous silicates. IV. Amesite 64(1983)83

Thermal and M~ssbauer studies of iron- containing hydrous silicates. V. Berthierine 74(1984)291

Thermal and M6ssbauer studies of iron- containing hydrous silicates. VI. Minnesotaite 99(1986)273

Iron coordination compounds Non-isothermal kinetic study of the de- composition of some Fem and Cu n coordina- tion compounds 86(1985)17

On the thermal stability of some polynuclear coordination compounds of Ni(II) and Fe(IlI) generating nickel ferrite 94(1985)393

Iron dicarboxylates M6ssbauer study of the thermal decomposition of some iron(III) dicarboxylates 65(1983)1

I r o n - d i p y r i d y i complex Thermodynamics of ferrous-2,2'-dipyridyl in tort-butanol-water and glycerol-water mixtures at 25°C 52(1982)201

Iron disulphide cathode m a t e r i a l Decomposition kinetics of FeS 2 cathode material from thermogravimetry data 95(1985)139

I r o n f u m a r a t e MSssbauer study of the thermal decomposition of iron(III) benzoate and iron(III) fumarate 69(1983)367 Iron-manganese-zinc mixed oxide Kinetic aspects of the Mn-Zn-Fe mixed oxide formation by thermal decomposition of poly- nuclear coordination compounds 92(1985)197

Iron-manganese-zinc oxalate On the thermal stability of Fe2Mn0. 5Zn0.5(C204) 4 95(1985)267

Iron-molybdenum mixed oxide systems Studies on the reduction of the Fe203-MoO 3 system and its interaction with synthesis gas (CO -{- H2) 80(1984)11

Iron monocarboxylates M~ssbauer study of the thermal decomposition of some iron(III) monocarboxylates 62(1983)209

Iron-nickel mixed oxides Physico-chemical chracteristics of some mixed oxides of nickel and iron 93(1985)505

Iron-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemi- carbazone system pH-metric studies on Cd(II)-, Pb(II)-, AI(III)-, Cr(III)- and Fe(III)-p-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 66(1983)351

Iron o r e s The reduction of iron ores by hydrogen and carbon monoxide and their mixtures 59(1982)361

Iron oxalate Molten lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potassium carbonate eutectic. The reaction of iron(II) oxalate and basic nickel(II) carbonates 81(1983)185

Thermal decomposition of copper(II), nickel(II), cobalt(II) and iron(II) oxalates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)391

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Study of thermal decomposition of FeC204.2H20 93(1985)89

Iron oxide pigments Preparation of red iron oxide pigments by thermal t reatment of iron(II) sulfate 72(1984)229

Iron oxide-potassium perehlorate mixtures TG and DTA studies on the thermal decomposition of KCIO4-a-Fe203 mixtures 97(1986)295

Iron oxide powders Thermal characterization of iron oxide powders by emanation thermal analysis 88(1985)277

I r o n oxides SEM observation of the thermal decomposition processes of KC104, KC103, KBrO 3, KIO 4 and KIO s in the presence of a- Fe203 and a-lI203 51(1981)199

Effect of iron or iron oxide additions on the reducibility of tricalcium phosphate by carbon 52(1982)53

Heat of immersion of iron(III) oxides in water at 25°C 56(1982)31

BET nitrogen adsorption studies of iron oxides from natural and synthetic sources 82(1984)221

The catalytic effect of iron(III) oxide, a-Fe203, upon the thermal decomposition of antimony(III) oxychloride, SbOC1 85(1985)27

Thermal characterization of iron oxide and aluminium oxide powders by emanation thermal analysis 93(1985)469

Reactivity of finely dispersed iron oxides in solid state reactions 93(1985)489

Iron oxide-vanadium pentoxide- molybdenum trioxide system Phase equilibria in the subsolidus area of the Fe203-V2Os-MoO3 system 92(1985)563

I r o n oxyhydroxide A thermogravimetric and electron microscopy study of the decomposition of akaganeite 58(1982)45

I r o n pyrite Effect of silica and ferric oxide on the oxidation of synthetic iron pyrite in static air 92(1985)583

Iron salicylato complexes Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the decomposition of some hydrous iron(II) salicylato complexes 79(1984)289

I r o n sulphate Preparation of red iron oxide pigments by thermal t reatment of iron(II) sulfate 72(1984)229


Iron compounds in high oxidation states. II. Reaction between Na~O 2 and FeSO~ 97(1986)243

Iron compounds in high oxidation states. III. Kinetic analysis of the reaction between BaO 2 and FeSO4: non-isothermal versus isothermal procedures 98(1986)167

Iron compounds in high oxidation states. IV. Kinetic analysis of the reaction between Na202 and FeSO 4 98(1986)175

Iron sulphate-barium dioxide system Iron compounds in high oxidation states. I. The reaction between BaO2 and FeSO 4 91(1985)249

Iron sulphate heptahydrate Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of iron(II) sulphate heptahydrate in air 62(1983)229

Heats of reaction of FeSO4.7 H20 with sodium, potassium, rubidium, strontium and barium carbonates 90(1985)353

Iron sulphides Precipitation and ageing of iron sulphides 51(1981)77

Iron-tetramethylheptane-dione complex Thermochemical properties of the chelate complexes of some 3d-electron elements with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dione. Part I. Complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II) and Co(II) 90(1985)71

I r o n - t i n compounds Gibbs free energy of formation of solid SnFe204 78(1984)261

I r o n - u r e a complexes Thermal decomposition of aluminum, iron and manganese complexes of urea 73(1984)79

I r r a d i a t e d cotton Thermal degradation of F-irradiated cotton 73(1984)199

Isobutyronitrile-cobait bromide system Thermodynamic investigation of the cobalt(II) bromide-butyronitrile and cobalt(II) bromide- isobutyronitrile systems 64(1983)327

Isocyanate group reactions The catalysed reaction of isocyanate and epoxide groups: a study using differential scanning calorimetry 77(1984)367

Isonicotinic hydrazide complexes Thermochemical analyses of solid isonicotinic hydrazide transition metal complexes 79(1984)47

Isoperthiocyanic acid Thermal behaviour of isoperthiocyanic acid 73(1984)141

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lsophthalates Comparative study of the thermal analyses of some transition metal(II) iso- and terephthal- ates 86(1985)141

Isopropenyl perearbonates Kinetic determinations by differential microcalorimetric analysis. XVI. Decomposition of O, O-t-butyl percarbonate and O-isopropenyl percarbonates in solution (in French) 60(1983)341

Isopropyltropolone Thermodynamics of proton-ligand dissociation equilibria in mixed solvents. Acid dissociation of 2-isopropyltropolone in mixtures of water and dioxane 66(1983)75

Isosorbide dinitrate Efficient use of DSC in pharmaceutical quality control, for example isosorbide dinitrate (abstract) 93(1985)143

I s o t h e r m a l analyses The problem of discerning kinetic models for solid decompositions from isothermal analyses 53(1982)387

Isothermal biocalorimetry Isothermal biocalorimetry. A status report 88(1985)35

I so the rma l DSC An improved method for the use of DSC in the isothermal mode to monitor exothermic reactions 71(1983)337

Isothermal flow calorimeters An isothermal flow calorimeter designed for high temperature, high pressure operation 73(1984)117

An isothermal flow calorimeter for high temperature aqueous solutions 99(1988)159

Isothermal induction time Further study on the prediction of isothermal induction time by dynamic differential scanning calorimetry 80(1984)75

Isothermal thermogravimetric data Graphical analysis of isothermal TG data for mechanism 80(1983)251

Computer analysis of non-isothermal and iso- thermal TG data for mechanism 62(1983)129


Jet fuels Thermal analysis of melting and freezing of jet and diesel fuels 52(1982)131

Joule heats Determination of the enthalpy of fusion of indium by direct comparison with Joule heats 69(1983)127

Juglone Kinetic analysis of derivative thermogravi- metric data of 5-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone (juglone) and some of its divalent metal chelates 55(1982)363

Juglone complexes Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of cadmium(II), praseodymium(III), and neodymium(III) with juglone (5-hydroxy- 1,4-naphthoquinone) 64(1983)387

Juglone-europium system Studies on the interaction of Eu(III) with lawsone (2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l, 4- naphthoquinone), juglone (5-hydroxy-l,4- naphthoquinone) and plumbagin (2-methyl-5- hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) 75(1984)347


Kalignost Solid-state interaction of kalignost and TI(1)- exchanged 3A zeolite 83(1985)377

Kaolin Kinetics and mechanism of formation of the amorphous phase from barium carbonate and kaolin 73(1984)67

Influence of mineral composition and thermal or mechanical activation on the reactivity of kaolins and their hydrothermally treated products (abstract) 93(1985)757

Kaolinite Specific heats of clay minerals: sodium and calcium kaolinites, sodium and calcium mont- morillonites, illite, and attapulgite 61(1983)139

Kinetics of dehydroxylation and evaluation of the crystallinity of kaolinite 70(1983)237

Kinetics and compensation effect in kaolinite dehydroxylation 85(1985)193

Keregen Interaction of kerogen and mineral matrix of an oil shale in an oxidative atmosphere 94(1985)285

Ketone-hydrocarbon mixtures The prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium from heat of mixing data for binary hydro- carbon-ketone mixtures 63(1983)173

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Kinetic analysis Differential techniques for the kinetic analysis of DSC data 92(1985)153

A computer program sys tem for kinetic analysis of non- iso thermal thermogravimetr ic data. I. Data acquisition and preparat ion for kinetic analysis 95(1985)33

A computer program sys tem for kinetic analysis of non- iso thermal thermogravimetr ic data. II. Generalized kinetic analysis and application to coal pyrolysis 95(1985)41

Kinetic data . The conversion of kinetic data taken at cons tan t t ime increments to cons tan t reaction increments 51(1981)225

The reliability of kinetic data by thermal analysis f rom the aspect of technological application 92(1985)117

A comparison of TGA and EGD kinetic data us ing a high tempera ture open cell furnace 92(1985)129

Kinetic determinations Kinetic de terminat ions by differential scann ing microcalorimetry. X'VIII. The decomposit ion of t -buty l peroxybenzoate in the absence and in the presence of t ransi t ion metal salts (in French) 74(1984)9

Kinetic equations Reaction kinetics in thermal analysis. Par t 1. The sensit ivi ty of kinetic equat ions to exper imental errors. A mathemat ica l analysis 57(1982)13

Kinetic evaluation The effects of imperfect t empera ture p rogramming on the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalyt ical curves. Par t 1. A simple mathemat ica l example 59(1982)31

The effects of imperfect tempera ture p rogramming on the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalyt ical cruves. Par t 2. Concave and convex curvatures on the actual t empera ture- t ime functions 59(1982)43

The effects of imperfect t empera ture p rogramming on the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalyt ical curves. Par t 3. Error bounds for the activation energy and the formal reaction order 65(1983)333

Integral method of kinetic data evaluation 78(1984)441

On the kinetic evaluation of the thermo- gravimetric curves 92(1985)141

A program for the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalyt ical curves obtained by differential scanning calorimetry 94(1985)205

Kinetic functions Kinetic funct ions cannot be de te rmined from analysis of dynamic data 58(1982)373


Kinetic l imits Thermogenes is : relative kinetic limits 53(1962)29

Kinetic models The problem of discerning kinetic models for solid decomposit ions f rom isothermal analyses 53(1982)387 Kinetic parameter calculations The effect of a pre-exponential funct ion A = A.~/~ on rising temperature kinetic parameter calculations 54(1982)161

Kinetic parameters The mass spectrometric and thermo- gravimetric determination of rising temperature kinetic parameters for the solid state decomposition of nickel nitrate hexa- hydrate 51(1961)269

Comments on the paper "On the evaluation of kinetic parameters from thermogravimetric curves" by J.M. Criado and J. Morales 51(1981)379 Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs f rom TG curves. Par t III 52(1982)337

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t IV 53(1982)121

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t V 55(1982)385

A general iterative method for obtaining kinetic parameters f rom TG data 57(1982)47

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t VI 58(1982)383

Isokinetic conditions for valuation of kinetic paramete rs 61(1983)215

A new iterative method for de termining kinetic paramete rs from TG data 61(1983)277

Computer -de termined kinetic parameters f rom TG curves. Par t VII 61(1983)361

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs f rom DTA traces 66(1983)383

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t VIII 68(1983)379

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs f rom TG curves. Par t IX 71(1983)281

The effect of the s imul taneous variat ion of sample mass and heat ing rate in DTA and DSC 71(1983)305

Kinetic paramete rs and solid state m e c h a n i s m of the thermal dehydrat ion of t rans [CrF(H20)(en)2]I 2, t rans [CrF(H2OXtn)2]I2-H20 and t rans [CrF(H20)(enXtn)]Iz.H20 (en -- e thylene- diamine; tn -- 1,3-diaminopropane) 74(1984)23

On the use of the DDTA curve to evaluate the kinetic paramete rs of the solid-gas decomposit ion reaction 76(1984)387

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Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Part X 80(1984)185

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Part XI 81(1984)377

Evaluation of kinetic parameters from thermo- gravimetric curves. Par t III. Modifications of the differential correction method 84(1985)263

Computer-determined kinetic parameters (E and n ) from DTA curves 84(1985)385

An extension of the method of Abou-Shaaban and Simonelli for obtaining kinetic parameters from TG data 87(1985)345

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Part XII 88(1985)485

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Part XIII 90(1985)189

Simple numerical and graphical method to solve the kinetic parameters by dynamic thermogravimetry 91(1985)107

Kinetic parameters from inflection points of thermoanalytical curves 92(1985)85

Anisothermal versus isothermal kinetics: the transferabili ty of kinetic parameters 92(1985)101

Analysis and development of effective invariant kinetic parameters f inding method based on the non-isothermal data 92(1985)157

The use of non-l inear statistic methods for determinat ion of kinetic parameters and kinetic function chosen according to thermo- gravimetric data 92(1985)161

Mass spectrometric determinat ion of kinetic parameters for solid-state decomposit ion reactions. Part 2. Calcium carbonate 94(1985)313

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Part XIV 94(1985)413

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t XV 98(1986)359

Kinetic processes Investigation of kinetic processes us ing peak analysis 83(1985)23

Kinetics Kinetics and mechan i sm of the thermal dehydrat ion stages of BaC12 - 2 H20 by means of s imul taneous TG-DSC 51(1981)97

Kinetics from thermogravimetr ic traces 65(1983)147

Kinetics from thermogravimetr ic data and gas chromatographic data 91(1985)299

Kinetic studies Influence of deconvolution on kinetic studies by DTA. Part I. Determinat ion of the reaction mechan i sm 97(1986)261

Influence of deconvolution on kinetic studies by DTA. Part II. Determinat ion of the kinetic parameters 99(1986)11

Kissinger method Effects of exper imental variables on the determinat ion of kinetic parameters with differential scanning calorimetry. I. Calculation procedures of Ozawa and Kiss inger 65(1983)257

Possibilities of applying the Kiss inger method in the differential thermal analysis of poly- n i t roarenes 92(1985)205

Kluyveromyces f ragi l is Use of a novel heat-f lux calorimeter for the m e a s u r e m e n t of heat generated dur ing growth of K. £ragilis on lactose 85(1985)497

KNCS/dibenzo- 18-crown-6 system Analysis by differential scanning calorimetry of the KNCS/dibenzo-18-crown-6 system: phase diagram and enthalpy changes 90(1985)109

Knudsen effusion apparatus Tors ion-Knudsen effusion vapour-pressure m e a s u r e m e n t of o,m and p-chlorobiphenyls 68(1983)329

Knudsen effusion method Measurement of low vapour pressures according to the Knudsen effusion method 95(1985)331

Krypton Analysis of the specific hea t in solid Ar and Kr 92(1985)633


Lactose Use of a novel heat-f lux calorimeter for the m e a s u r e m e n t of heat generated dur ing growth of K. fragilis on lactose 85(1985)497

Lanthanide- acetylpyridine oxide Spectrophotometric and thermogravimetr ic studies on new coordination compounds of lanthanide(III)-4-acetylpyridine N-oxide 73(1984)217

Lanthanide - anthranilate complexes Thermodynamics of lanthanide anthrani la te complex formation in aqueous solution 59(1982)299

Lanthanide chloride-benzoquinoline oxide complexes

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Magneto, spectral and thermal studies of lanthanide(III) chloride complexes of 5,6-benzo- quinoline N-oxide 99(1986)357

Lanthanide chlorides Molten nitrate eutectics: the reaction of four lanthanide chlorides 65(1983)53

Molten nitrite eutectics: the reaction of four lanthanide(III) chlorides 73(1984)25

Lanthanide complexes Related thermogravimetric and spectrophote- metric studies on lanthanide(III) complexes with the 3-acetylpyridine N-oxide ligand 67(1983)125

Thermodynamic stabilities of lanthanide complexes with 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-l,4- naphthoquinone monoxime (HMNQM) 86(1985)149

Lanthanide nitrate complexes Magneto, spectral and thermal studies of some lanthanide nitrate complexes of 5,6-benzo- quinoline N-oxide 98(1986)313

Lanthanide perchlorato complexes Magneto, spectral and thermal studies of lanthanide perchlorato complexes of 5,6-benzo- quinoline 95(1985)99

Lanthanoid chlorides Thermochemistry of mixtures of lanthanoid chlorides with chlorides of some divalent cations 64(1983)317

Thermochemical behavior for the mixture of hydrated lanthanoid(III) chloride and dibenzo- 18-crown-6 in the solid state 87(1985)75

Lanthanoid sulphites Studies on lanthanoid sulphites. Part IV. Thermal decomposition of erbium sulphite tri- hydrate under various experimental conditions 95(1985)401

Studies on lanthanoid sulphites. V. Thermal decomposition of cerium and neodymium sulphites 95(1985)407

Lauthanon-phenoxymethyl penicillin systems pH-metric studies on the interaction of some lanthanon-phenoxymethyl penicillin systems 75(1984)259

Lanthanum Thermodynamics of the interaction of lanthanum(III) with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4- benzoylpyrazolone-5 in aqueous dioxane 84(1985)207

Lanthanum compounds Thermal characterisation of the non- stoichiometry and catalytic activity of BaxLn1_xCoO 3 (Ln -- La, Nd, Sm and Dy) compounds 61(1983)269

Lanthanum oxide Thermal evolution of a sample of La20 s exposed to the atmosphere 66(1983)139

Thermokinetic studies for reactions of lanthanum(III) and nickel(III) oxides with barium perchlorate trihydrate 70(1983)105

Lanthanum oxide-alkali persulphate system Thermal and X-ray diffraction investigations of some lanthanum(III) and neodymium(Ill) oxide-alkali persulfate binary systems 54(1982)263

Lanthanum oxide-ammonium halide reactions Thermoanalytical investigations on the reactions of lanthanum oxide with ammonium halides 92(1985)473

Lanthanum perchlorate octahydrate Calorimetric study on phase transition of lanthanum perchlorate octahydrate 88(1985)19.1

Lanthanum phosphate-caesium phosphate system Phase equilibrium relations in the binary system MIPO3-LaP309 (M I = Rb, Cs) (in French) 79(1984)251

Lanthanum phosphate-rubidium phosphate system Phase equilibrium relations in the binary system MIpO3-LaP300 (M ! = Rb, Cs) (in French) 79(1984)251

Lanthanum praseodymium mixed oxalate Thermal decomposition of praseodymium- lanthanum mixed oxalate by multiple thermal analysis 92(1985)669

Thermal decomposition of praseodymium- lanthanum mixed oxalate in various atmospheres 88(1965)295

Lanthanum sulphate-silver sulphate system The phase diagram of the system La2(SO4) 3- Ag2SO 4 67(1983)73

Lanthanum-thallium mixed phosphate system Study of the T1PO3-LaP309 system (in French) 81(1984)175

Lanthanum triphosphate-silver phosphate system Study of solid-liquid equilibria in the binary system AgPOs-LaP309 (in French) 65(1983)35

Lapacho l Kinetics of desolvation of solvated metal complexes of hippuric acid and lapachol from thermogravimetric curves 51(1981)383

Formation constants and thermodynamic functions of Cd(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), VO 2+ and Ce(IV) with lapachol 52(1982)349

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Kinetic studies of the non-isothermal decomposition of metal chelates of lapachol with calcium(II), barium(II) and lead(II) 53(1982)361

Kinetics of the pyrolytic decomposition of some metal complexes of 2-hydroxy-3-(3- methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4-naphthalenedione (lapachol) from DTG curves 54(1982)373

Investigation on the interaction of 2-hydroxy- 3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4-naphthoquinone (lapachol) with copper(II) and iron(II) 70(1983)367

Thermal and pH-metric studies on complexes of Hg(II) and Er(III) with 2-hydroxy-3-(3- methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4-naphthoquinone (lapachol) 71(1983)381

Lapachol complexes Kinetic studies of the non-thermal decomposition of chelates of lapachol with aluminium(III), chromium(III) and iron(III) 58(1982)367

Lapachol-europium system Studies on the interaction of Eu(III) with lawsone (2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l, 4- naphthoquinone), juglone (5-hydroxy-l,4- naphthoquinone) and plumbagin (2-methyl-5- hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) 75(1984)347

Latent heat measurement Latent heat measurement by DSC with sapphire as standard material 88(1985)199

Latent heat stores Latent heat stores and phase change materials. An extensive area for thermal analysis, calorimetry and chemical thermodynamics 85(1985)131

Latent heat-thermal energy storage materials Investigation of latent heat-thermal energy storage materials. II. Thermoanalytical evaluation of urea 74(1984)281

Investigation of latent heat-thermal energy storage materials. III. Thermoanalytical evaluation of pentaerythritol 77(1984)241

Thermoanalytical investigation of latent heat thermal energy storage materials 92(1965)27

Laterite-l imestone mixtures TG-DTA studies on the pyrolysis of limestone- laterite mixtures 59(1982)319

Lawsone Thermal analysis and determination of the kinetic parameters of the non-isothermal decomposition of lawsone and some of its metal complexes using thermogravimetric data 59(1982)389

Studies of the inner salt complex of 2- hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone (lawsone) with Hg(II) 74(1984)361

Lawsone-europium system Studies on the interaction of Eu(III) with lawsone (2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4- naphthoquinone), juglone (5-hydroxy-l,4- naphthoquinone) and plumbagin (2-methyl-5- hydroxy- 1,4-naphthoquinone) 75(1984)347

Lead Formation constants and thermodynamic functions of Cd(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), VO 2+ and Ce(IV) with lapachol 52(1982)349

Kinetic studies of the non-isothermal decomposition of metal chelates of lapachol with calcium(II), barium(II) and lead(II) 53(1982)361

L e a d - b i s m u t h te l lur ide systems Physico-chemical investigation of Pb(Ge)Te- Bi2(Sb2)Te 3 system ternary compounds formation 92(1985)595

Lead borate glasses Thermal expansion of high lead borate glasses and the boric oxide anomaly 66(1983)91

Lead-calcium compounds Measurement of the free energy of formation of CaPb 3 (in French) 90(1985)207

Lead carbonate Effect of grinding on the texture and kinetic stability of MnCO 3, CdCO 3 and PbCO 3 79(1984)91

Calorimetric and thermoanalytical assessment of mechanically activated PbCO3 83(1985)225

Lead carbonate-calcium carbonate sys t em Thermoanalytical study of the systems PbCO 3- SrCO 3 and PbCOa-CaCO 3 57(1982)223

Lead carbonate-strontium carbonate sys t em Thermoanalytical study of the systems PbCO 3- SrCO 3 and PbCO3-CaCO 3 57(1982)223

Lead ch lor ide complexes Thermal reactions of lead(IV) chloride complexes in the solid state. Part V. Thermolysis of mono-n-alkylammonium hexachloroplumbates 66(1963)197

Lead chloride-silver chloride system Contribution to the construction of the phase diagram of the binary system PbC12-AgCI 83(1985)283

Lead chromate Oxidation of tantalum metal by lead chromate 70(1963)133

Lead-containing silicate glasses Thermal expansion of high lead silicate glasses in relation to structure 60(1983)253

Lead dinitroresorcinate Decomposition of lead(II) 2,4-dinitro- resorcinate. Thermogravimetry, calorimetry,

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microscopy and time-resolved mass spectroscopy 61(1983)341

Lead d o d e c a n o a t e - d o d e c a n o i c acid m i x t u r e s The densities and molar volumes of molten lead(II) dodecanoate/dodecanoic acid mixtures over their complete composition range: evidence for non-ideal behaviour 54(1982)289

Lead dodecylsuiphate The thermal behaviour of basic lead(II) dodecylsulphate 59(1982)19

Lead f luor ide Heat capacity and enthalpy of phase transitions of a- and ~-modifications of lead fluoride 68(1985)497

On lead fluoride phase transitions 92(1985)535

Lead monohydroxynitrate Thermoanalytical study of lead monohydroxy- nitrate 98(1986)205

L e a d - n i t r o b e n z a l d e h y d e thiosemi- carbazone system pH-metric studies on Cd(II)-, Pb(II)-, Al(III)-, Cr(III)- and Fe(III)-p-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 66(1983)351

L e a d production Vacuum balance and related studies of carbons used in zinc-lead production 51(1981)25

L e a d - s e l e n i u m system Thermodynamic study of the lead-selenium system by calorimetry (in French) 76(1984)311

L e a d - s o d i u m alloy Microgravimetric investigation of the preparation of tetraethyl lead from lead- sodium alloy and ethyl chloride 65(1983)375

Lead-sulphur system Thermodynamic investigation of the liquid Pb- S system by using a drop calorimeter 88(1985)261

Lead - t e l l u r i um alloys Thermodynamic properties of liquid lead- tellurium alloys (in French) 77(1984)151

Lead thiosulphate Thermal decomposition of lead(II) thiosulphate (in German) 73(1984)41

L e a d - t i n solders Determination of the liquidus temperature and composition of tin/lead solders using differ- ential thermal analysis 99(1986)233

Lead t r ioxyn i t ra tes Thermoanalytical and structural study of lead trioxynitrates 92(1985)547

Lee-Kesler equation Comparison of Benedict-Webb-Rubin, Starling and Lee-Kesler equations of state for use in P-V-T calculations 54(1982)9


Note on the applicability of the Lee-Kesler equation of state for P - V - T calculations 75(1984)207

Levomepromazine hydrochloride Thermoanalytical study of psyehotherapeutic substances. II. Antipsychotic substances. Chlorprothixene, chlorpromazine hydro- chloride, levomepromazine hydroehloride, fluphenazine dihydrochloride (in French) 64(1983)267

Lignin model compounds Thermocatalytic transformations of lignin model compounds 93(1985)413

Lignins Kinetic analysis of lignin pyrolysis using non- isothermal TGA data 90(1985)157

Thermal behaviour of lignins extracted from different raw materials 94(1985)231

Lignite coal chars Thermal analysis of lignite coal chars with additions of alkaline carbonates 93(1985)389

Lignocellulosics TG/DTG as a rapid method for the character- ization of solid residues derived from lique- faction of 1ignocellulosics 84(1985)1

L ime Hydration mechanism of tricalcium aluminate with lime at 1:1 mole ratio at low water/solid ratio and in suspension 74(1984)123

Phosphate bonding of lime, magnesia and clay 85(1985)203

Hydration of mixtures containing fly-ash, lime and phosphogypsum 98(1986)71

L i m e - m e t a k a o l i n - g y p s u m Hydration characteristics of metakaolin-lime- gypsum 90(1985)287

L i m e - m e t a k a o l i n m i x t u r e s Metakaolin-lime hydration products 79(1984)103

Limestone-laterite mi x t u re s TG-DTA studies on the pyrolysis of limestene- laterite mixtures 59(1982)319

Lipid membranes Thermodynamic investigations on mono- and bilayer membrane systems made from lipid components of gram-negative bacteria 85(1985)473

Lipid model membranes Calorimetry of lipid model membranes 85(1985)469

Microcalorimetric investigations of the binding of flavonoids to synthetic and natural membranes 85(1985)501

Lipid phase transitions Calorimetric investigations of lipid phase transitions. I. The width of transition 77(1984)35

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Lipid-starch interactions Starch-lipid interactions studied by differential scanning calorimetry 95(1985)389

Liposomes Calorimetric investigations of phase transitions in liposomes containing oxygenated sterols 85(1985)477

Liqu id crystals High-resolution differential thermal analysis at high pressures. Application to liquid crystals 61(1983)371

Computer assisted differential thermal analysis at high pressures: phase studies on liquid crystals 69(1988)229

Investigations of phase diagrams with monotropic liquid-crystalline phases 83(1985)145

Liquid crystals, DSC and thermomicroscopic investigations 83(1985)153

Liqu id mixtures Use of the magnetic suspension balance for the study of liquid mixtures 51(1981)17

Energy storage capacities of reversible liquid phase chemical reactions 53(1982)141

Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. II. Dimethylformamide-water 63(1983)151

Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. III. Acetone-water 66(1983)219

Excess enthalpies of liquid mixtures at high pressure. Experimental techniques and molecular interpretation 69(1983)273

Thermogenesis: identification and deconvolution in microcalorimetric systems with continuous injection for the study of liquid mixtures 81(1984)97

Liquid organic compounds Estimation of the enthalpies of vaporisation of liquid organic compounds. Part 3. Application to unsaturated hydrocarbons (in French) 54(1982)153

Estimation of the vaporisation enthalpies of liquid organic compounds. Part 4. Application to organometallic compounds (in French) 75(1984)329

Liquid-phase reactions Kinetic analysis for liquid-phase reactions from programmed temperature data. I. Simple analysis of potential kinetic laws 94(1985)323

Kinetic analysis for liquid-phase reactions from programmed temperature data. II. Sequential discrimination of potential kinetic models 94(1985)333

Liquids An equation of state for gases and liquids 59(1982)167

Liquid-solid e q u i l i b r i a On the study of solid-liquid stable-metastable phase equilibria 92(1985)623

L iqu idus su r f aces Thermal analysis of phase equilibria in the mutual systems Ga, ln/As, Sb and Ga, La/O,S 93(1985)717

Lithium-aluminium hydroxide Thermal stability of Li, AI hydroxide modified by anionic exchange 92(1985)553

Lithium-alumiuium- magnesium al loys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in AI-Li-Mg alloy 92(1985)309

Lithium bromide + sodium bromide mixtures Solid miscibility of common-anion lithium and sodium halides. Experimental determination of the region of demixing in lithium bromide -t- sodium bromide 76(1984)171

Lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potassium carbonate eu tec t i c Molten lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potassium carbonate eutectic. The reaction of iron(II) oxalate and basic nickel(II) carbonates 61(1983)185

Molten lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potassium carbonate eutectic: the reaction of four lanthanide(III) chlorides 84(1985)13

The reactions of some compounds of zinc, cadmium and mercury with the molten lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potassium carbonate eutectic 96(1985)7

Molten Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3 eutectic: the effect of added CI-, Br-, and I- on the reactivity of solutions of Mn(II), Co(If), Ni(II), and Cu(II) 97(1986)61

L i t h i u m c h l o r i d e - z i n c ch lo r ide system LiCI-ZnC12 phase diagram 97(1986)29

Lithium complexes The formation of proton and alkali metal complexes with ligands of biological interest in aqueous solution. Thermodynamics of Li +, Na + and K+-dicarboxylate complex formation 62(1983)101

Lithium compounds The DTA and X-ray preliminary study of Rb2CoCI 4, Cs2CoCI 4 and IA2CoCI 4 92(1985)828

Lithium dithiouate Thermal studies on dithionate compounds. II. Dithionates of lithium, sodium, and magnesium 70(1983)189

Lithium doping Effects of lithium doping on the thermal decomposition of manganese carbonate 89(1985)53

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Lithium iron silicate glasses Thermal conductivity of lithium iron silicate glasses 72(1984)269

Lithium molten salt mixtures Calorimetric investigation of the RbF-Rb2SO 4 liquid system and comparison of the excess thermodynamic functions in the AF-A2SO 4 (A

Li, Na, K, Rb) molten salt mixtures 57(1982)351

Lithium monomethyl violurate Thermal studies on lithium, sodium, potassium and ammonium monomethyl violurates 58(1982)61

Lithium oxide Effect of Li20-doping on the thermal stability of cobaltic oxide 53(1982)105

Lithium oxomolybdenum oxalate Preparation of lithium tetra molybdate by the thermal decomposition of lithium oxomolyb- denum(VI) oxalate 79(1984)385

Lithium sulphate Lithium sulfate: calorimetric determination of the temperatures and enthalpies of high- temperature phase transitions 88(1985)433

Lithium sulphate monohydrate Kinetics and mechanism of thermal dehydration of lithium sulfate monohydrate by means of TG and DSC 52(1982)195

Lithium tetramolybdate Preparation of lithium tetra molybdate by the thermal decomposition of lithium oxomolyb- denum(VI) oxalate 79(1984)385

LKB batch microcalorimeter Design and testing of a microtitration assembly for use with an LKB batch micro- calorimeter 55(1982)345

LKB sorption calorimeters Calibration studies with the LKB-sorption calorimeter, flow type 69(1983)269

Lorezepam Thermoanalytical study of psychotropic substances. IV. Lorezepam and oxazepam (in French) 96(1985)189

Low energy surfaces A model for the free energy of adsorption on low energy surfaces 82(1984)179

Low temperature calorimetry Low temperature calorimetry: a particular branch of thermal analysis 92(1985)53

Low temperature specific heats How to measure routinely specific heats of solids below 150 K? 85(1985)255

Low vapour pressures Development of an apparatus for measuring low vapour pressures (range 3-1000 Pa) (in French) 98(1986)237

Low volat i le materials New TA-MS coupling system with increased sensitivity for low volatile materials 85(1985)275

New TA-MS coupling system with increased sensitivity for low volatile materials 88(1985)319

Lubricants The DSC cell. A versatile tool to study thermal-oxidative degradation of lubricants and related problems 80(1984)1

A thermogravimetric method for the study of decomposition of lubricants in cemented carbide powder 95(1985)383

Lubricating oils Thermogravimetic assessment of service performance of M-20 Bp and MS-20 p lubricating oils 91(1985)265

Measurement of Cp of some lubricating oils with a differential scanning calorimeter 95(1985)129

Thermogravimetric assessment of service performance of Marinol CB SAE-30 lube oils 99(1986)333

Lubrication Adsorption at the liquid/solid interface: the part of microcalorimetry in the fields of enhanced oil recovery, lubrication and water purification 95(1985)337

Luminescence Use of luminescence for thermal analysis 93(1985)303

Lutetium |ormate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of formates. Part VIII. Thermal dehydration of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

Lutetium oxide Thermoanalyticai studies of Lu203- and YbzO 3- alkali persulfate binary systems 58(1982)355

Lutidine oxide Thermal studies on complexes of thorium(IV) with 2,6-1utidine N-oxide and tetramethylene sulphoxide 56(1982)247

Lyotropic liquid crystals DSC-study on the influence of chemical enrivonment on the structure of lyotropic liquid crystals 93(1985)37

Lysine monohydrochloride Synthesis of some metal chelates of L-lysine monohydrochloride 59(1982)115

Thermogravimetric study of the kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of metal derivatives of L-lysine monohydrochloride 62(1983)125

Evaluation of the kinetics of pyrolytic decomposition of metal derivatives of L-lysine

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monohydrochloride from DTG curves 85(1983)387

Thermodynamic functions and stability constants of L-lysine monohydrochloride 79(1984)383

TG study of the kinetics of pyrolytic decomposition of complexes of L-lysine mono- hydrochloride 86(1985)365

Lysine monohydrochloride complexes Physico-chemical studies on the composition and stability constants of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) L-lysine monohydrochloride complexes 66(1983)369


Macrocycles Log K, AH and T A S values for the reaction of several uni- and bivalent metal ions with several unsubstituted cyclic polyethers and their benzo-substituted derivatives 97(1986)115

Macromolecular glasses Quantitative thermal analysis of macro- molecular glasses and crystals 92(1985)15

Magnesia Phosphate bonding of lime, magnesia and clay 85(1985)203

Magnesian ku tnaho r i t e Thermal decomposition of magnesian kutnahorite 60(1983)361

Magnesiochrome refractory cements Therraochemical alterations on heating hardened high-lime mangesiochrome refractory cements 58(1982)1

Magnesite Siderite, pyrite, and magnesite identification in oil shale by variable atmosphere DTA 79(1984)131

The influence of water vapour on decomposition of magnesite and brucite 92(1985)653

Change in structure and enthalpy of magnesite accompanying grinding in aerial and aqueous environments 93(1985)713

Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate Thermal decomposition of magnesium acetate tetrahydrate under self-generated atmosphere 75(1984)197

Magnesium-aluminium double hydroxides Thermal stability of Mg,AI double hydroxides modified by anionic exchange 55(1982)377

Magnesium- aluminium-lithium alloys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in A1-Li-Mg alloy 92(1985)309

Magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloys Transformation studies in A1ZnMg alloys by calorimetric methods 94(1985)93

Magnesium-aluminium-zinc-copper alloys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in A1-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys 85(1985)171

Magnesium bromide + ch lo r ide hexahydrate mix tu re s The phase diagram of magnesium bromide and chloride hexahydrate mixtures 77(1984)219

Magnesium ch lor ide The effect of alkali chloride on the thermal hydrolysis of hydrated magnesium chloride 92(1985)819

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate Heats of crystallization of potassium chloride and magnesium chloride hexahydrate from aqueous solutions at 298.15 IL A critical review 70(1983)225

Magnesium chloride-potassium chloride-sodium chloride system Quaternary compounds in the system KCI/ NaC1/MgCI2? 72(1984)195

Magnesium chloride-sodium ch lor ide - ca lc ium chloride system Calculation of fusion diagrams of ternary mixtures. Numerical technique and application to the NaCI-CaC12-MgC12 system (in French) 60(1983)161

Magnesium complexes Synthesis of some metal chelates of L-lysine monohydrochloride 59(1982)115

Magnesium dithionate Thermal studies on dithionate compounds. II. Dithionates of lithium, sodium, and magnesium 70(1983)189

Magnesium-EDTA complexes Calcium- and magnesium-EDTA complexes. Stability constants and their dependence on temperature and ionic strength 61(1983)129

Magnesium halogenide hydrates Thermoanalytical investigations on the melting and decomposition behaviour of some magnesium halogenide hydrates 92(1985)873

Magnesium hydride On the relation between the thermal stability of MgH2 and hydriding kinetics 92(1985)685

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Magnesium hydrogen phosphate Solubility and the rmodynamic data of m a g n e s i u m hydrogen phospha te in aqueous media 58(1982)111

Magnesium hydroxide Decomposit ion kinetics of m a g n e s i u m hydroxide us ing DTA 78(1984)55

Magnesium-indium alloy Magnes ium activity in liquid In-Mg alloy from vapour pressure m e a s u r e m e n t s 62(1983)171

Magnesium iodate Catalytic thermal decomposit ion of m a g n e s i u m iodate in the presence of metal oxides or carbon 73(1984)33

Magnesium nitrate-amide complexes Thermal s tudy of new complexes of m a g n e s i u m ni trate with some amides of carboxylic acids 92(1985)709

Magnesium nitridation The role of magnes ia and a lumina in promoting the nitr idation of m a g n e s i u m and a lumin ium 64(1983)167

Magnesium-octadecanol reactions Thermal reactions of octadecanol with surfaces of a luminum, m a g n e s i u m and a l u m i n u m / m a g n e s i u m alloys 75(1984)401

Magnesium oxalate Kinetics of the decomposit ion of hydrated oxalates of calcium and m a g n e s i u m in air 740984)255

Magnesium oxide Carbon dioxide sorption s tudies on m a g n e s i u m oxide 64(1983)107

Thermal stability of cobalt oxides doped with MgO and A1203 67(1983)293

Magnesium salt Magnes ium salt decomposit ion and morphological development dur ing evaporative decomposit ion of solutions 78(1984)17

Magnesium soaps Kinetics of the non- iso thermal decomposit ion of m a g n e s i u m soaps from DTG curves 63(1983)119

Kinetic parameters f rom pyrolysis curves of m a g n e s i u m soaps 74(1984)357

Magnesium-succinate complex Thermodynamics of formation of magnesium(II) , calcium(II), strontiurn(II) and barium(II)-succinate complexes in aqueous solution 80(1984)197

Magnesium sulphate Solid state reaction between m a g n e s i u m sulphate and a-a lumina 59(1982)239

Magnesium suiphite hydrate High- tempera ture R a m a n spectra in thermo- analytical s tudies on the hydra tes of m a g n e s i u m and zinc sulfite 74(1984)323


Magnetic suspension Transmiss ion of data-values f rom a magnetical ly suspended sample 82(1984)1

Magnetic suspension balance Use of the magnet ic suspens ion balance for the s tudy of liquid mix tures 51(1981)17

Magnetite TG studies on the react ions of hemati te , magnet i te and wust i te with CCI 4 85(1985)87

TG studies on the reactions of hemati te , magnet i te and wiistite with COCI 2 and CO-'bC12 92(1985)587

Malachite Thermal decomposit ion of the basic copper carbonates malachite and azurite 75(1984)23

Malonate-caicium complexes Calcium-malonate complexes in aqueous solution. Thermodynamic parameters and their ionic s t rength dependence 72(1984)305

Mammalian brain t i s s u e Calorimetric m e a s u r e m e n t s of microtubule assembly in vitro 65(1983)93

Mammalian dihydrotolate reductase Microcalorimetric s tudy of a competit ive effect between some inhibitors with a m a m m a l i a n dihydrofolate reductase 85(1985)505

Manganese acetate dihydrate Thermal decomposit ion s tudies on manganese(III) acetate dihydrate 82(1984)391

Manganese carbonate Effect of gr inding on the texture and kinetic stability of MnCO 3, CdCO a and PbCO 3 79(1984)91

Effects of l i thium doping on the thermal decomposit ion of manganese carbonate 89(1985)53

Thermal decomposit ion of MnCO s (in air) 98(1986)269

Thermal decomposit ion of },-irradiated manganese carbonate 99(1986)181

Manganese complexes Thermodynamic behaviour and stability cons tan ts of UO22+, Fe s+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydr0xyphenyl) hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Synthes is of some metal chelates of L-lysine monohydrochloride 59(1982)115

Thermal analyses of Mn(RSO3) 2 hydra tes and pyridine complexes (R ~ CH 3, p-CH3C6H 4, p ° C1CaH4) 71(1983)193

Manganese cyclo-tetraphosphate Problems connected with the melt ing of Ni xz, Co n and Mn n cyclo-tetraphosphates 88(1985)415

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Manganese dioxide The effect of the thermal stabili ty of some synthet ic MnO 2 samples on their electro- chemical and catalytic activity 64(1983)131

Thermal decomposit ion characteris t ics in air and their relationship with electrochemical activity of different polymorphic forms of MnO 2 66(1983)275

Manganese-hydrazine complexes Thermal s tudies of Mn(II) hydrazine complexes in the solid state 68(1983)261

Manganese hydrogen phosphate Solubility and thermodynamic data of manganese hydrogen phospha te in the sys tem MnO-P2Os-H20 at 35, 40, 45 and 50°C 70(1983)163

Manganese-iron-zinc oxalate On the thermal stability of Fe2Mn0.sZn0.5(C204) 4 95(1985)267

Manganese oxalate Thermal decomposit ion of oxalates. Par t 17. Thermal decomposit ion of manganese(II) o x a ~ a ~ n i t r o g e n a tmosphere 58(1982)191

Manganese-tetramethylheptane-dione complex Thermochemical properties of the chelate complexes of some 3d-electron e lements with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dione. Par t I. Complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II) and Co(II) 900985)71

Manganese-urea complexes Studies on the s t ructure and thermal behaviour of the Mn-urea complex 71(1983)227

Thermal decomposit ion of a luminum, iron and manganese complexes of urea 73(1984)79

Manganese-zinc-iron mixed oxide Kinetic aspects of the Mn-Zn-Fe mixed oxide formation by thermal decomposit ion of poly- nuclear coordination compounds 92(1985)197

Manganic oxide-molybdenum t r i o x i d e reaction Studies on the reaction between manganic oxide and molybdenum trioxide 81(1984)67

Mannitol Thermodynamics and free volume of various alkali halides in aqueous D-mannitol solution 84(1985)157

Martensitic transformations Thermogenes is : an application to the martensi t ic t ransformation: entropy, en tha lpy and acoustic emiss ion for a Cu-A1-Mn-Fe alloy 91(1985)311

Martensitic transformation: an approach to simultaneous study by microscopy, calorimetry and acoustic emission 99(1986)19

Mass spectrographic evolved gas analysis system Tempera ture calibration of a mass spectro- graphic evolved gas analysis sys tem 82(1984)325

Mass spectrometry A limited budget approach to TG/MS 51(1981)7

An automated sys tem for s imul taneous thermal analysis and mass spectrometry. Part 1 52(1982)143

Early developments of EGA by mass spectrometry 100(1986)187

Mass spectrometry-thermogravimetric analysis Coupling of a thermogravimetr ic analyzer with mass spectrometer 92(1985)383

Meat The potentiality of microcalorimetry as a rapid method for moni tor ing the micro- biological quality of raw meat and f ish 95(1985)375

Mechanical grinding Activation of solids by mechanical grinding. Consequencies for calorimetric investigation on the hydrat ion rate of or thorhombic anhydr i te 85(1985)119

Mechanistic diagram Reaction kinetics at l inearly increased temperature . I. Comparative characterizat ion of reactions in solution and solid phase in a unique "mechanis t ic d iagram" 56(1982)1

Mechanochemical reactions Vacuum balance studies of milled mater ia l and mechanochemical reactions 51(1981)45

Medazepam Thermoanalyt ical s tudy of psychotherapeut ic substances . I. Tranquilisers. Phenprobamate , meprobamate , clobazam and medazepam (in French) 57(1982)173

Melamine-alkyd resin mixtures An investigation of curing melamine/a lkyd resin mixtures with differential scanning calorimetry 93(1985)207

Melting diagrams Construction of the melt ing d iagrams of some Mo-containing sys tems and the metastable mel t ing diagram of the Cr-C sys tem us ing DTA-technique up to 3000 K 93(1985)649

Memory alloys Memory alloys to be used as en tha lpy s tandards? 69(1983)137

Menthol-acetonitrile mixtures Thermodynamic magni tudes of L-menthol / acetonitrile and L-menthol /carbon tetra- chloride binary mixture by VPO 90(1985)221

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Menthol-carbon t e t r a c h l o r i d e m i x t u r e s Thermodynamic magnitudes of L-menthol/ acetonitrile and L-menthol/carbon tetra- chloride binary mixture by VPO 90(1985)221

Meprobamate Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. I. Tranquilisers. Phenprobamate, meprobamate, clobazam and medazepam (in French) 57(1982)173

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. I. Study of the binary mixtures phenprobamate-acetylsalicylic acid and meprobamate(I)-acetylsalicylic acid (in French) 66(1983)11

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. II. Study of the binary mixtures meprobamate(1)-amitriptyline(1) hydrochloride, meprobamate(1)-clomipramine(1) hydrochloride and meprobamate(1)-fluphenazine dihydro- chloride (in French) 66(1983)25

The effect of thermal treatment on the phase transformation of meprobamate 93(1985)121

Mercaptobenzothiazole Further studies on the temperature dependence of electrical and semiconducting properties of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of mercaptobenzothiazole single crystals 96(1985)19

M e r c u r i u m m o n o t e l l u r i d e Torsion effusion measurements of Hg pressure over condensed Hg-Te 77(1984)87

M e r c u r y carboxylates Product analysis, reaction mechanism and kinetics of the thermal decomposition of some even chain-length mercury(II) carboxylates 81(1984)45

M e r c u r y c o m p l e x e s Synthesis of some metal chelates of L-lysine monohydrochloride 59(1982)115

Complexation of zinc group metal ions with phenetsal 62(1983)369

Physico-chemical studies on the composition and stability constants of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) L-lysine monohydrochloride complexes 66(1983)369

Influence of ionic strength on stability constants of Ag(I), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes with some 4-amino-5-nitroso- pyrimidine derivatives 89(1985)141

Thermodynamic study of the complexation processes between 6,7-dihydro-3(H)-6-methyl- 5-methoxy-7-oxo-vic-triazolo (4,5-d) pyrimidine and Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) 96(1985)49

Mercury-lawsone c o m p l e x Studies of the inner salt complex of 2- hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone (lawsone) with Hg(II) 74(1984)361


M e r c u r y s e l en i t e Dimorphism of the anhydrous selenites of zinc, cadmium and mercury 71(1983)391

M e r c u r y t e l l u r i d e - m e t a l reactions Thermoanalytical studies of chemical reactions between mercury telluride and some metals 92(1985)607

M e r c u r y t e l lu r ide t h i n f i lms Further investigations of semiconductivity and pyroelectricity for the development of poled and Cd-doped mercury telluride thin film in electronics and engineering 82(1984)357

Mercury-tellurium-cadmium thin films Further investigation on the photoelectric and dielectric properties of HgTe-CdTe solid- solution thin film for solar cells 84(1985)123

M e r c u r y - x a n t h i n e de r iva t i ve c o m p l e x e s Thermal studies on purine complexes. VI. Thermal behaviour of some Ag(I) and Hg(I) complexes of xanthine derivatives 76(1984)373

M e s i t y l e n e Thermal study of some transition metal complexes of mesitylene 85(1985)59

Mesomorphic benzylidene-anilines Phase transitions in mesomorphic benzyl- idene-anilines 56(1982)59

Metakaolinite Analysis of the amorphous state of meta- kaolinite. Study by dissolution calorimetry (in French) 98(1986)49

M e t a k a o l i n - l i m e - g y p s u m Hydration characteristics of metakaolin-lime- gypsum 90(1985)287

M e t a k a o l i n - l i m e m i x t u r e s Metakaolin-lime hydration products 79(1984)103

Metal acetate hydrazinates Thermal reactivity of metal acetate hydra- zinates 99(1986)153

M e t a l acetylacetonates Thermal degradation of metal acetylacetonates with divalent metals by a combined TG-DTA- MS technique 67(1983)189

M e t a l a l k o x i d e s Thermal analysis of some metal alkoxides 57(1982)37

Metal- aminobenzaldehyde thio- semicarbazone c o m p l e x e s Solution chemistry of Cu(II)-, Co(II)-, Ni(II)-, Mn(II)- and Zn(II)-p-aminobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 71(1983)209

M e t a l benzoates Thermogravimetrical study on some crystal hydrates of metal(II) benzoates 92(1985)719

Metal-benzoylglyeine systems pH-metric investigations on metal-benzoyl- glycine systems 57(1982)383

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Metal carbonyls Thermal decomposition of metal carbonyls: a thermogravimetry-mass spectrometry s tudy 75(1984)71

Metal chelates Thermogravimetry of some noble and common metal chelates of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol-5- amino and N-acetylacetone-anthranil ic acid 54(1982)237

Metal chlorides Thermal decomposition of MC12[M = Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II)] in sodium ni t ra te-potass ium nitrate eutectic melt 67(1983)147

Metal-chiorobenzaldehydethio- semicarbazone systems Stability and thermodynamics of Cu(II)-, Co(If)-, Ni(II)-, Zn(II)- and Mn(II)-p-chloro- benzaldehydethiosemicarbazone sys tems 86(1985)379

Metal complexes Thermal and chromatographic behaviour of metal complexes. Par t II. Complexes of platinum(II} with dipeptide ester 54(1982}361

Kinetics of the pyrolytic decomposit ion of some metal complexes of 2-hydroxy-3-(3- methyl-2-butenyl)-l , 4-naphthalenedione (lapachol) from DTG curves 54(1982)373

Studies on the thermal decomposition of some metal complexes of 5,5'-methylendisalicyl- hydroxamic acid 56(1982)15

Thermal decomposition of metal complexes. XI. Thermal properties and spectroscopic characteristics of the complexes of uranyl nitrate with several O-donor ligands 56(1982)333

Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of UO22+, Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn ~+ and Cd ~+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Thermal decomposition of metal complexes. XII. Uranyl chloride complexes with several O-donor ligands 58(1982)363

Thermal and chromatographic behaviour of metal complexes. Par t III. Complexes of palladium(II) with iminodiacetic acid 60(1983)131

Thermogravimetr ic s tudy of the kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of metal derivatives of indole-3-acetic acid 61(1983)357

Thermal studies on pur ine complexes. II. Thermal behaviour of some metal complexes of theophylline 66(1983)245

Kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of some metal derivatives of 8-quinolinol and its dihalo derivatives from DTG/DTA curves 66(1983)347

Thermodynamics of metal complexes with ligand-ligand interaction. Mixed complexes of copper(II) and zinc(II) with adenosine 5'- t r iphosphate and L-phenyla lanine or L- tyrosine 74(1984)77

DTA/MS investigations of metal complexes with acetoacetanilides 74(1984)87

Studies on the thermal decomposit ion of sal icylhydroxamic acid and its metal complexes with Ni(II), Co(II), Fe(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) 75(1984)313

Thermal analysis of M(LH2)~X ~ complexes with planar dithio oxamides (M = Pt, Pd, Ni; X ffi C1, Br, I)85(1985)67

Standard enthalpies of formation of some crystall ine bis(8-hydroxyquinolate)metal complexes by solution-reactiola calorimetry 89(1985)1

Thermal properties of some bis- and tris(1,2- d iaminoethane) metal(II) bis(dicyanosilver) complexes 93(1985)93

Thermodynamic studies on the chelation behaviour of bivalent metal complexes of 2- hydroxy- l .4-naphthoquinone monosemicarba- zone (HNQS) 98(1986)199

Thermal decomposit ion of the solvent- extracted metal complexes with h igh molecular weight amines 100(1986)119

Metal dithiocarbamates Thermal and spectral s tudies of some metal:4- aminophenazone di thiocarbamates 64(1983)47

Metal formate hydrazinates Thermal reactivity of metal formate hydrazinates 71(1983)53

Metal-gas interactions Electrothermography and its application to s tudy the kinetics of h igh- tempera ture metal- gas interactions 93(1985)281

Metal hippurates Kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposit ion of some metal h ippurates from DTG curves 56(1982)217

Metal hydroxybenzoates Thermal behaviour of metal p -hydroxybenz- oates 93(1985)53

Metal ions A relationship between hydrat ion enthalpies and ionization energies of metal ions 66(1983)365

Metal-lawsone complexes Thermal analysis and determinat ion of the kinetic parameters of the non- isothermal decomposition of lawsone and some of its metal complexes us ing thermogravimetr ic data 59(1982)389

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Metal l ic g la s ses Free volume driven crystallization in metallic glasses 63(1983)255

Activation energy for nucleation and crystal growth during the crystallization of palladium- based metallic glasses containing boron and beryllum 71(1983)147

Metallorganic p r e c u r s o r s Thermal evolution of ceria-zirconia metallorganic precursors 58(1982)253

Metal nitrate hydrates Thermal decomposition of metal nitrates and their hydrates 56(1982)253

Meta l nitrates Thermal decomposition of metal nitrates and their hydrates 56(1962)253

Determination of nitrate content of metal nitrates by means of simultaneous TG, DTG, DTA and EGA 92(1985)783

Metai-nitrobenzaidehyde thiosemi- carbazone sys t ems Stability and thermodynamics of metal-p- nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 61(1983)365

Metal-nitrosalicylhydrazide c o m p l e x e s Preparation, structure and thermal decomposition of some metal complexes of 5- nitrososalicylhydrazide (5NSH) 99(1986)109

Meta l o r tho te l lu ra te s Synthesis, crystallographic data and thermo- stability of some metal ortho-tellurates of the type Me3TeO e and Me2TeO 6 83(1985)243

Meta l oxa la te hydrazinates Thermal reactivity of metal oxalate hydrazinates 52(1982)113

Meta l oxide chemistry Thermal analysis as a tool for investigations in metal oxide chemistry 95(1985)311

Meta l oxides Non-isothermal kinetic studies on the effects of semi-conductive metal oxides on the thermal decomposition of barium perchlorate trihydrate 58(1982)289

Influence of selected metal oxides on the oxidation kinetics of graphite 86(1985)7

Thermal analyses in the investigation of non- stoichiometric metal oxides 93(1985)477

Reactions of metal oxides with NO2(g ) -b O2(g ) 99(1986)379

Meta l -pen ic i l l in systems Solution study on lanthanum(III)-, praseodymium(III)-, europium(III)-, and gadolinium(III)-phenylmethyl penicillin systems 67(1983)383


Metal-phenoxymethylpenicillin sys t ems Thermodynamics of metal-phenoxymethyl- penicillin systems 60(1983)229

Meta l p h o s p h a t e s Physico-chemical properties of metal phosphates 67(1983)341

Metals Investigation of disorder in metals by adiabatic high temperature calorimetry 94(1985)219

Meta l sal icylato complexes Solid state decomposition studies of some metal(II) salicylato complexes 85(1985)55

Meta l su lpha te complexes Thermal behaviour of thiourea complexes of metal sulphates 60(1983)115

Meta l su lpha te h y d r a z i n a t e s Thermal analysis of metal sulfate hydrazinates and hydrazinium metal sulfates 97(1986)287

Meta l su lpha t e s Thermal decomposition temperatures of metal sulfates 80(1984)23

Meta l su lph ides Investigation of the oxidation of metal sulphides and sulphide concentrates 64(1983)27

Meta l su lph i tes Review of thermoanalytical, IR, Raman and X-ray studies of solid metal sulphites 89(1985)363

Meta l su r faces Selective oxidation surface analysis on metals and minerals 95(1985)325

Meta l s wi th high melting points Enthalpy measurements of high melting point metals by application of suspended fusion calorimetry (in German) 69(1983)299

Meta l s y s t ems Application of calorimetry and DTA to metal systems 96(1985)239

Meta l te l lur i tes Heats of formation of some metal tellurites 71(1983)387

Meta l thiocyanates Thermoanalytical, structural and morphological studies on the mechanism of the decomposition of Me(SCN)2 to MeS 2 (Me = Co/Ni) 65(1985)47

Me t a l - t h i o p y r i mi d i n e complexes Thermal studies on metal complexes of 2-thio- pyrimidines 93(1985)77

Meta l x an t h a t o complexes Thermochemistry of metal xanthato complexes. A review 96(1985)155

M e t a t h e s i s ca ta lys t Determination of kinetic parameters of the desorption of propene from a Re2OT/}P-A1203

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catalyst using temperature-programmed desorption 67(1983)361

Metavanadates Study of binary systems T1VO3-MVO3: M Li, Na 92(1985)477

Methacrylic dimethyl amino ethyl ester acid Bulk polymerization kinetics of methacrylic dimethyl amino ethyl ester acid by DTA 91(1985)135

Methane The adsorption of methane on H-ZSM-5 zeolite 82(1984)137

Methanol Thermodynamics of solutions of methanol and solvating components 57(1982)331

Methanol-acetonitrile mixtures Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with methanol and ethanol 86(1985)85

Methanol + heptanone systems Thermodynamics of methanol + heptanone solutions 73(1984)1

Vapour-liquid equilibrium of (methanol + a heptanone) at 323.15 K 73(1984)17

Methanol synthesis catalysts Characterization of CuO-ZnO-AI203 methanol synthesis catalysts using temperature programmed reduction and thermal stability 72(1984)111

Methoxybenzoic acid Complete thermodynamic analysis of the ionization of anisic acid in water-dimethyl- sulphoxide mixtures at 25°C 59(1982)253

Complete thermodynamic analysis of the ionization of ortho-methoxybenzoic acid. Influence of the medium on the ortho effects 67(1983)45

Methylaminopyridine oxide- oxozirconium complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of oxo- zirconium(IV) complexes of 2-methyl amino pyridine N-oxide 90(1985)361

Methylammonium halides P - T phase relations of methylammonium halides 98(1986)327

Methyldihalosilanes Thermodynamic functions for methyldihalo ~ silanes, methyltrihalosilanes and trimethylhalo- silanes 84(1985)57

Methylendisalicylhydroxamic acid Studies on the thermal decomposition of some metal complexes of 5,5'-methylendisalicyl- hydroxamic acid 56(1982)15

Methyl esters Thermal behaviour of nickel complexes of the methyl esters of dithiocarbazic and N- substituted dithiocarbazic acids 53(1982)309

Methylhydroxynaphthalene-uranium dioxide complex Investigations on UO2-2-methyl-5-hydroxy-l,4- naphthalenedione complex 87(1983)107

Methyl(hydroxyphenyl)hydrazonoisox- azolinone Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of UO22+, Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Methyl imidazole Study of some copper formate complexes with imidazole and methyl-l-imidazole (in French) 98(1986)139

Methyl imidazole complexes Thermal behaviour of biologically interesting coordination compounds obtained by reaction of some divalent metal ions with imidazole and N-methyl imidazole 99(1986)259

Methyl methacrylate Thermal properties of methyl methacrylate-N- vinylcarbazole copolymers 93(1985)159

Me thy lme thac ry l a t e -v iny l ca rbazo l e co- po lymers Thermal properties of methylmethacrylate-N- vinylcarbazole copolyrners 94(1985)387

Methylpentane Comparative study of the adsorption and the diffusion of n-hexane, methyl-2-pentane and dimethyl-2,4-pentane in a protonic mordenite (in French) 73(1984)209

Methylpyridinium chloride-zinc chloride mixtures Properties of mixtures of zinc chloride and N- methylpyridinium chloride in the molten state. I. Phase diagram and beats of mixing 99(1986)223

Methylpyrrolidone + a ro ma t i c hydrocarbon mixtures Excess molar volumes of an aromatic hydro- carbon -b N-methylpyrrolidone at 298.15 K 89(1985)75

Methyl-substituted thiadiamines A calorimetric and NMR determination of the microscopic protonation constants of some N- methyl-substituted a,~-thiadiamines 65(1983)19

(Methylthio)acetic acid Thermometric behaviour of (methylthio)acetic, thiodiacetic and 3,3'-thiodipropanoic acids 55(1982)1

Methyltrihalosilanes Thermodynamic functions for methyldihalo- silanes, methyltrihalosilanes and trimethylhalo- silanes 84(1985)57

Methylurea The standard enthalpy of formation of methylurea 66(1983)387

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Met t l e r TA3000 Data evaluation in thermal analysis the on- line-system Mettler TA3000 92(1985)419

Micaceous paper production Thermogravimetric evaluation of the raw material for the micaceous paper production 93(1985)633

Micas Isothermal dehydroxylation of muscovite mica 93(1985)517

Microbial popu la t ions Calorimetric studies on the usability of energy-balances of microbial populations for an ecotoxicological testing strategy 94(1985)139

Microbiological quality The potentiality of microcalorimetry as a rapid method for monitoring the micro- biological quality of raw meat and fish 95(1985)375

Microcalorimeters Comparison of the detection limits of micro- calorimeters 70(1963)257

Mic roca lo r ime t ry Microcalorimetry and thermogenesis: an identification technique based on the simultaneous adjustment of the poles and zeros of the transfer function of the system (in French) 79(1984)15

Microcalorimetry and thermogenesis: identification of systems for measuring excess enthalpies (in French) 79(1984)23

Recent developments of microcalorimetry at high pressures 88(1985)159

Deconvolution in microcalorimetry and an application to mass-varying systems 96(1985)37

Forty years in instrumental thermogravimetry and microcalorimetry. Consequences in the study of solid transformations and for characterization of the texture of porous materials 100(1986)223

Microcouduction calorimeters Micro-conduction calorimeters to measure enthalpies of vaporization 88(1985)109

Microcrystalliue wax melts Evaluation of the thermal stabilities of paraffin and microcrystalline wax melts 86(1985)369

Microporous carbons Assessment of adsorption in microporous carbons 82(1984)81

Microso lu t ion ca lo r ime t ry Recent developments in micro-solution calorimetry 88(1985)169

Microthermomechanical analysis Instrument for microthermomechanical analysis 92(1985)363


Micro t i t ra t ion assembly Design and testing of a microtitration assembly for use with an LKB batch micro- calorimeter 55(1982)345

Microwave i r r ad ia t ion Latent heat of evaporation of a microwave irradiated polar liquid 98(1986)57

Middle distillates Study of the thermal behaviour of n-alkanes in complex hydrocarbon media by differential calorimetry. IV. Study of the action of additives in lowering the cloud point of middle distillates (in French) 70(1983)49

Milk powders Thermal behaviour of milk powders studied by differential thermal analysis and heat flow calorimetry 65(1983)81

Mil led m a t e r i a l s Vacuum balance studies of milled material and mechanochemical reactions 51(1981)45

Mineral oil products The use of DSC in predicting low temperature behaviour of mineral oil products 85(1985)327

Mine ra l pa r t i c l e s Selective oxidation surface analysis on metals and minerals 95(1985)325

MINITERM p r o g r a m MINITERM, a desk-computer program for evaluation of complex equilibria from thermometric data 87(1985)13

Minnesotaite Thermal and M5ssbauer studies of iron- containing hydrous silicates. VI. Minnesotaite 99(1986)273

Mixed l igand complexes Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of manganese(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(If) and cadmium(II) containing triethanolamine and oxalate 68(1983)75

Molar excess enthalpies Molar excess enthalpies of ternary mixtures of non-electrolytes 83(1985)253

Molecu la r interactions Thermodynamics of molecular interactions in binary mixtures of non-electrolytes. Molar excess volumes 63(1983)237

Molecu la r mix tu re s Thermodynamic description of molecular mixtures: extension of the field of application of conduction calorimetry by deconvolution of the instrument (in French) 53(1982)39

Molecu la r sieves Thermogravimetric determinations of the water sorption characteristics of molecular sieve in high-pressure CO 2 and N 2 87(1985)1

Molten nitrate eutectics Molten nitrate eutectics: the reaction of four lanthanide chlorides 65(1983)53

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Molten nitrites Molten nitrite eutectics: the reaction of four lanthanide(III) chlorides 73(1984)25

Molybdenum compounds Cryoscopic studies in molten salts. Dissociation state of some alkali isopolymolyb- dates and some related molybdenum(VI) compounds in molten K2Cr207 and KNO 3 56(1982)325

Molybdenum disilicide Studies on mechanism of high-temperature oxidation of molybdenum, tungsten, and zirconium disilicides by differential thermal analysis 93(1985)501

Molybdenum dithioearbamates Mass spectral and thermogravimetric studies of molybdenum dithiocarbamates 56(1982)241

Molybdenum-europium oxide system Thermophysical and structural investigation of Etl203 - Mo system 93(1985)497

Molybdenum-iron mixed oxide systems Studies on the reduction of the Fe203-MoO 3 system and its interaction with synthesis gas (CO + Ha)80(1984)11

Molybdenum-nickel catalysts How thermal treatment influences the phase transition of NiMoO 4 85(1985)139

Molybdenum oxalate derivatives Mo(VI)-oxalate derivatives: thermal behaviour of the [Co(en)3]3+ salts of three different oxoanionic complexes 75(1984)303

Molybdenum oxinates Mass spectral and thermogravimetric investigations of molybdenum oxinates 58(1982)117

Molybdenum t r iox ide Transport properties of molybdenum trioxide and its suboxides 54(1982)35

Electrical properties of the semiconductor materials molybdenum and tungsten trioxides 85{1983)311

Molybdenum trioxide doping Thermal stability of cobalt oxides doped with V205 and MoO 3 61(1983)107

Molybdenum t r i o x i d e - i r o n ox ide - v a n a d i u m pentoxide system Phase equilibria in the subsolidus area of the Fe203-V2Os-MoO 3 system 92(1985)583

Molybdenum trioxide-manganic oxide reaction Studies on the reaction between manganic oxide and molybdenum trioxide 81(1984)67

Molybdenum-tungsten chloride- oxychloride systems The phase analysis of systems consisting of

molybdenum and tungsten chlorides and oxo° chlorides by a thermographic method 92(1985)755

Monoacid t r ig lyce r ides Polymorphism of even monoacid triglycerides in the presence of sorbitan monostearate, studied by DSC 93(1985)29

Monoalkylammoninm hexachloro- plumbates Thermal reactions of lead(IV) chloride complexes in the solid state. Part V. Thermolysis of mono-n-alkylammonium hexachloroplumbates 66(1983)197

Monobromoanilinium ions Acid dissociation constants of monobromo- anilinium ions in formamide 66(1983)377

Monocarboxylic acids Reduction of Ce(IV) by carboxylic acid in sulphate medium. Part 1. monocarhoxylic acids 92(1985)751

Monohydrated sodium carbonate crystals Thermal analysis of Na2CO3.H20 crystals 60(1983)295

Monomethyl violuric acid Thermal studies on lithium, sodium, potassium and ammonium monomethyl violurates 56(1982)61

Mononitrosylcobalt complexes Thermal characterization of nitrogen monoxide dissociation reactions of nitrosyl complexes in the solid phase. Mononitrosyl- cobalt(III) complexes with mixed ligand tetra- dentate Schiff bases 84(1985)337

Monothiocarbonohydrazones Thermal analysis of monothiocarbonohydra- zones 82(1984)311

Monotropic liquid-crystalline phases Investigations of phase diagrams with monotropic liquid-crystalline phases 83(1985)145

Montmorillonite Thermal analyses of mono- and divalent mont- morillonite cationic derivatives 59(1982)9

Specific heats of clay minerals: sodium and calcium kaolinites, sodium and calcium mont- morillonites, illite, and attapulgite 61(1983)139

Thermal dehydration of mono- and di-valent montmorillonite cationic derivatives 85(1985)211

Thermal dehydration of mono- and di°valent montmorillonite cationic derivatives 88(1985)369

Effect of magnesium and calcium on the high- temperature reactions of synthetic montmoril- lonite 93(1985)549

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Morpholine complexes Thermal decomposition of tris-morpholine complexes of copper(II) carboxylates 54(1982)233

Morpholinium oxalate Thermal decomposition of -onium type oxalates 52(1982)307

Motor oils Thermogravimetric method for quantitative qualification of motor oils 93(1985)725

Thermogravimetric evaluation of a motor oil during performance 98(1986)111

Mi i l l e r - ca lo r ime te r The Miiller-calorimeter and applications 69(1983)199

Mul t i s tage reactions Separation of DTA peaks of a multistage reaction 76(1984)121

Muscovite mica Isothermal dehydroxylation of muscovite mica 93(1985)517


Naphthalene Thermodynamic functions of naphthalene from 0.25 to 8 atm 53(1982)241

Naphthalene-picric acid sys t em Studies on parameters controlling the degree of undercooling, naphthalene-picric acid and anthracene-picric acid systems 86(1985)321

Naphthol The solubility of 1-naphthol in water at different temperatures 73(1984)187

Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part III. The effect of introducing a ring nitrogen atom on the function of 1-naphthol as antioxidant. A differential scanning calorimetric study 76(1984)221

Naphthol-catechol sys t em Analysis of crystallization data: the a- naphthol-catechol and picric acid-catechol systems 57(1982)241

N - b o d y mode l Computerization of conduction calorimeters based on the N-body model 88(1985)387

Neodymium c o m p l e x e s Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of cadmium(If), praseodymium(III),


and neodymium(III) with juglone (5-hydroxy- 1,4-naphthoquinone) 64(1983)387

Neodymium double selenates Studies on double selenates. IV. Thermal decomposition of neodymium, samarium and alkali metal double selenates 59(1982)231

N e o d y m i u m oxalate Thermal studies on yttrium, neodymium and holmium oxalates 71(1983)345

Neodymium oxide-alkali persulphate system Thermal and X-ray diffraction investigations of some lanthanum(III) and neodymium(III) oxide-alkali persulfate binary systems 54(1982)203

N e o d y m i u m sulphites Studies on lanthanoid sulphites. V. Thermal decomposition of cerium and neodymium sulphites 95(1985)407

N e o d y m i u m titanates Thermoanalytical studies of the formation of neodymium titanates 92(1985)521

Neptunium Some studies on the effect of temperature on the extraction of U(VI) and Np(IV) from nitric acid by long-chain amines 56(1982)299

Neutron radiographic thermal analysis Neutron radiographic thermal analysis (NRTA) 92(1985)437

Nickel Thermal decomposition studies on ethyl- xanthato complexes of iron and nickel 52(1982)31

Catalytic-enthalpimetric determination of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) and nickel(II) using the iodine-azide reaction 90(1985)277

The kinetics and mechanism of the process of nickel oxidation 93(1985)327

N i c k e l - a l u m i n a catalysts DSC calibration for the methanation reaction, catalyzed by Ni/A]203 pellets 85(1985)319

N i c k e l - a l u m i n i u m double hydroxides Thermal stability of Ni, A1 double hydroxides with various interlayer anions 81(1984)311

Nickel-aluminium mixed hydroxides Thermal decomposition of nickel aluminium mixed hydroxides and formation of nickel aluminate spinel 63(1983)39

N i c k e l - a m i n e complexes Synthesis and characterization of mixed- ligand complexes of nickel(If) with 5,5'-thio- disalicylic acid and amines 82(1984)335

Nickel-bromazepan complex Study of the thermal decomposition of brorn- azepan complexes with Co(If), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) 81(1984)231

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Nickel carbonates Molten lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potassium carbonate eutectic. The reaction of iron(II) oxalate and basic nickel(II) carbonates 61(1983)185

Nickel-chromium-tantalum system Melting behaviour and phase equilibria in the system nickel-chromium-tantalum 85(1986)167

Nickel complexes Thermal behaviour of nickel complexes of the methyl esters of dithiocarbazic and N- substituted dithiocarbazic acids 53(1982)369

Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of cobalt(If), nickel(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) containing 1,3-diaminopropan-2- ol and oxalate 55(1982)19

Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with 5-sulfosalicylic acid 56(1982)371

Thermodynamic behaviour and stability constants of U022+ , Fe 3+, Cu 2+, Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. II. Cobalt(II) and nickel(II) complexes of 1,3-dimethyl (N,N')-imidazoline- 2-thione 57(1982)83

Thermogravimetric, IR spectroscopic and X- ray diffraction studies of furil a-dioxime- nickel(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 57(1982)113

Bis-N (p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Sn(II), Sn(IV), Ni(II) and Pd(II) 58(1982)231

Coordination compounds of biological interest: thermal properties of some compounds of saccharin (o-benzoic sulphimide) with nickel(II) and zinc(II) 59(1982)63

Thermal analysis of cobalt, nickel and copper complexes of 2-aminothiazole 62(1983)21

Thermal analysis of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) bis(3,6-dimethyl-l-pyra- zolyl)dihydroborates 63(1983)59

A potentiometric and calorimetric study of the protonation and complexation with Cu 2+ and Ni 2+ of some sulphur-containing a,~-amino acids 63(1983)191

Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. Part V. Nickel(II) complexes of imidazolidine-2-thione 65(1983)135

Thermal investigation of diamine complexes of nickel(II) in the solid phase 66(1983)187

Thermal square planar-to-octahedral transfor- mation of nickel(If) complexes containing butanediamines in a solid phase 67(1983)23

Kinetics and X-ray powder diffraction studies on dihydrated bis(2-hydroxy-l,4-naphtho- quinonato) cobalt(II) and nickel(If) complexes 70(1983)373

Structural and morphological changes in the course of the thermal decomposition of Ni(en)3Pt(CN)4.H20 to NiPt(CN)4 85(1985)51

Effect of ionic strength and temperature on ionization constants and stability constants of 4-amino-I, 6-dihydro-2-methylthio-5-nitroso-6- oxo-pyrimidine and its complexes with Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) 89(1985)165

Topochemistry of thermal solid state transformations in Ni(II)-complexes 92(1985)469

Further studies on the temperature dependence of electrical and semiconducting properties of Co(If), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of mercaptobenzothiazole single crystals 96(1985)19

Nickel coordination compounds On the thermal stability of some polynuclear coordination compounds of Ni(II) and Fe(III) generating nickel ferrite 94(1985)393

Non-isothermal kinetic study of the solid-gas thermal decompositions of some coordination compounds of Co II and Ni H 95(1985)257

Nickel cyclo-tetraphosphate Problems connected with the melting of Ni If, Co II and Mn II cyclo-tetraphosphates 88(1985)415

Nickel diamine complexes Thermal investigation of diamine complexes of Ni(II) in the solid phase 71(1983)107

Solid state thermal phase transitions and decompositions of nickel(II) diamine complexes 92(1985)759

Nickel dithiophosphate Thermal studies on the adducts of nickel(II) dithiophosphate and dithiophosphinate with nitrogen donors 57(1982)387

Nickel dithiophosphinate Thermal studies on the adducts of nickel(If) dithiophosphate and dithiophosphinate with nitrogen donors 57(1982)387

Nickel [ e r r i t e On the thermal stability of some polynuclear coordination compounds of Ni(II) and Fe(III) generating nickel ferrite 94(1985)393

Nickel formate Decomposition of copper(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II) formates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)383

Nickel-iron mixed oxides Physico-chemical chracteristics of some mixed oxides of nickel and iron 93(1986)505

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Nickel-molybdenum catalysts How thermal treatment influences the phase transition of NiMoO 4 85(1985)139

Nickel monoxide-silicon dioxide catalysts Effect of thermal treatment on the structure and texture of differently impregnated NiO/ SiO 2 catalysts 95(1985)159

Nickel nitrate hexahydrate The mass spectrometric and thermo- gravimetric determination of rising temperature kinetic parameters for the solid state decomposition of nickel nitrate hexa- hydrate 51(1981)269

Degradation studies on nickel nitrate hexa- hydrate. Part 1. Effect of experimental conditions 86(1985)119

Degradation studies on nickel nitrate hexahydrate. Part 2. Evolved gas analysis 91(1985)287

Nickel oxalate Thermal decomposition of copper(If), nickel(II), cobalt(If) and iron(II) oxalates in self-generated atmospheres 89(1985)391

Nickel oxalate dihydrate Thermal decomposition kinetics for nickel(If) oxalate dihydrate 92(1985)767

Nickel oxide Some physico-chemical properties of pure and doped nickel oxide. Thermal analyses and X- ray diffraction studies 64(1983)259

Some physico-chemical properties of pure and doped nickel oxide. Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power measurements 65(1983)303

Thermokinetic studies for reactions of lanthanum(IIl) and nickel(III) oxides with barium perchlorate trihydrate 70(1983)105

Nickel-pyridine oxide complexes Thermal properties of nickel(If) complexes with pyridine N-oxide and its methylderiva- tives 92(1985)705

Nickel salicylate Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the decomposition of nickel salicylate 67(1983)351

Nickel selenates On the relationship between the structures of double hexaaqua-Cu(II) and Ni(II) selenates and the course of their decomposition 92(1985)125

Nickel sulphide Effect of heating rate on the TG curve during the oxidation of nickel sulphide concentrates 61(1983)313


Nickel-tetracyano complexes Effect of pH on the composition of the clathrates of tetracyano complexes Ni[II] by methods of thermal analysis 74(1984)1

Nickel-thiodisalicylic acid complex Synthesis and characterization of mixed- ligand complexes of nickel(If) with 5,5'-thio- disalicylic acid and amines 82(1984)335

Nicke l - t in alloys DSC analysis of thermomechanically treated TiNi shape memory alloy 85(1985)187

Nickel-uranium-oxygen system Some chemical and structural investigations of the nickel-uranium-oxygen system by temperature-programmed techniques 92(1985)467

Nicotinic hydrazide metal complexes Thermo-chemical behavior of solid nicotinic hydrazide metal complexes in correlation with their stoichiometry 77(1984)211

Niobium-tin powder mixtures The thermal cycling of Nb-NbSn 2 and Nb-Sn powder compacts 56(1982)147

Nitrated cel lu lose The consequences of beginning slow thermal decomposition on the molecular weight of nitrated cellulose 85(1985)395

Nitric acid Some studies on the effect of temperature on the extraction of U(VI) and Np(IV) from nitric acid by tong-chain amines 56(1982)299

Ni t r i l e -a lcohol mixtures The prediction of vapor-liquid equilibrium from heat of mixing data for binary nitrile- alcohol mixtures 91(1985)37

Nitritocobaltates Studies on the thermal decomposition of the sodium group of alkali metal nitritocobalt- ares(Ill) 84(1985)19

Nitritocobaltates o| the silver group Studies on the thermal decomposition of the silver group of alkali metal nitritocobalt- ates(III) 72(1984)277

Nitroaniline Heat of vaporization of o-, m- and p-nitro- aniline 90(1985)387

Nitrobenzaldehyde semicarbazones Mass spectral and pH-metric studies on p - nitrobenzaldehyde semi- and thiosemi-carba- zones and their uranyl complexes 99(1986)373

Nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone Stability and thermodynamics of metal-p- nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 61(1983)365

Mass spectral and pH-metric studies on p - nitrobenzaldehyde semi- and thiosemi-carba- zones and their uranyl complexes 99(1986)373

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Nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone- metal systems pH-metric studies on Cd(II)-, Pb(II)-, AI(III)-, Cr(III)- and Fe(III)-p-nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 66(1983)351

Stability and thermodynamics of La(III)-, Pr(III)-, Nd(III)-, Gd(III)- and Eu(III)-p- nitrobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone systems 72(1984)361

Nitrobenzoie acids Study of the proton transfer processes of nitro- phenols to nitrobenzoic acids and to benzoic acid in water-dimethylsulfoxide mixtures compared with the same processes in the gaseous phase 52(1982)225

Nitrocellulose Non-linear least-squares fit of non-isothermal thermoanalytical curves. Reinvestigation of the kinetics of the autocatalytic decomposition of nitrated cellulose 61(1983)13

Heats of decomposition, combustion and explosionpf nitrocelluloses derived from wood and cotto~ 89(1985)11

N i t r o g e ~ The the~rmal decomposition of gum tragacanth in nitrogen 51(1981)353

Nitrogen compounds Thermodynamics of nitrogen compounds. VIII. Thermochemical study of diethanolamine and triethanolamine and the reduction of water by the latter (in French) 55(1982)147

Thermodynamics of nitrogen compounds. IX. Thermochemical study of benzamide. Comparison of energetic values in relation to the structure of several amides and thioamides (in French) 58(1982)311

Thermodynamics of nitrogen compounds. X. Thermochemical study of some ~0-aminoacids (in French) 61(1983)203

Ni t rogen oxides Thermal desorption of nitrogen oxides from activated carbon 85(1985)311

Nitro-nitrito linkage isomerization Kinetics of nitro-nitrito linkage isomerization [Co(NH3)5NO2IX 2 - |Co(NH3)5ONO]X 2 (X--CI-, Br-, NOr) in the solid state. Computer simulation and experimental results 92(1985)109

Nitrophenols Study of the proton transfer processes of nitro- phenols to nitrobenzoic acids and to benzoic acid in water-dimethylsulfoxide mixtures compared with the same processes in the gaseous phase 52(1982)225

Studies on nitrophenols. Part IV. The standard enthalpies of combustion and formation of 1,2- dihydroxy-benzene, 1,2- and 1,4-nitrophenol 66(1983)333

Thermochemistry of nitrophenols. V. Enthalpies of formation of 2,4- and 2,6-dinitro- phenols 69(1983)375

Nitrophenols dissociation Study of the effect of the medium on the entropic and enthalpic reaction constants for the dissociation of nitro-phenols in water- dimethylsulfoxide mixtures at 25°C 64(1983)187

Nitrosalicylhydrazide -metal complexes Preparation, structure and thermal decomposition of some metal complexes of 5- nitrososalicylhydrazide (SNSH) 99(1986)109

Nitrosamines Thermal decomposition of some nitrosamines 93(1985)25

Nitrosation cleavage Nitrosation cleavage of hexamethylene- tetramine in slightly acid medium from the aspect of the thermochemistry of the nitrosation agent formation 51(1981)325

Nitrosyl complexes Thermal characterization of nitrogen monoxide dissociation reactions of nitrosyl complexes in the solid phase. Mononitrosyl- cobalt(Ill) complexes with mixed ligand tetra- dentate Schiff bases 84(1985)337

Noise filtering from thermograms A noise filter for calorimeter signals 79(1984)111

Nomenclature Two approaches to the nomenclature and terminology for basic conceptions used in thermal analysis 93(1985)761

Recommended and nonrecommended terms in Slovak nomenclature in thermal analysis 93(1985)765

Non-adiabatic calorimetry Scanning calorimetry with adiabatic or controlled diabatic surroundings 94(1985)1

Non-associating components Thermodynamics of solutions of propanols in non-associating components 87(1986)129

Non-electrolyte aqueous systems Segmented composition model analyses of compressibility data for some non-electrolyte aqueous systems 81(1984)157

Non-electrolyte binary mixtures Molecular interactions in binary mixtures of non-electrolytes: molar excess enthalpies 88(1985)467 Non-electrolyte mixtures Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. Enthalpy of mixing and liquid-liquid equilibrium of water + aliphatic aldehyde mixtures 65(1983)157

Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. Excess enthalpies of

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water + cyclic e ther mix tures at 298.15 K 65(1983)169

Thermodynamics of ternary mixtures on non- electrolytes: molar excess enthalpies 87(1985)59

Non-electrolytes Topological aspect of the excess enthalpies of b inary mixtures of non-electrolytes 52(1982)87

Non-electrolyte t e r n a r y m i x t u r e s Molar excess enthalpies of t e rnary mixtures of non-electrolytes 83(1985)253

Molecular interact ions in t e rna ry mixtures of non-electrolytes: molar excess volumes 89(1985)257

Non-equilibrium t h e r m o d y n a m i c s Application of non-equi l ibr ium thermo- dynamics to problems of the rmal analysis 80(1983)303

Non-isothermal d a t a Analysis and development of effective invar iant kinetic pa ramete r s f inding method based on the non- iso thermal data 92(1985)157

Non-isothermal heating Peculiari t ies of decomposit ion kinetics indicated dur ing the process of non- iso thermal hea t ing 87(1985)141

Non-isothermal kinetic d a t a Combined differential and integral method for analysis of non- isothermal kinetic data 51(1981)175

Use of reciprocal temperature rise equation in analysis of non-isothermal kinetic data in general 54(1982)245

Redundancy of i so thermal kinetic data to back up non- iso thermal kinetic data 70(1983)363

A new integral method of non- iso thermal kinetic data evaluation 80(1984)389

New methods for working noniso thermal kinetic data 92(1985)165

New approximation for the p(x) funct ion in the of non- iso thermal kinetic data 97(1986)189

Non-isothermal kinetic equations Experimental s tudy of non- iso thermal kinetic equat ions and compensat ion effect 60(1983)23

Non-isothermal kinetic parameters Evaluation of the non- iso thermal kinetic parameters of he terogeneous solid-gas decomposit ions with the help of an integral method 80(1984)379

Critical r emarks on the s imul taneous evaluat ion of non- iso thermal kinetic paramete rs as solutions for sys t ems of l inear equat ions 80(1984)383

A new method for the evaluation of non- isothermal kinetic paramete rs us ing integrat ion over small t empera ture intervals and several heat ing rates 91(1985)373


An a t tempt for a new classification of the methods used to evaluate non- iso thermal kinetic parameters 94(1985)409

Non-isothermal kinetics Fract ion-t ime and f ract ion- temperature in non- iso thermal kinetics 53(1982)365

The correct rate express ion for non- iso thermal kinetic processes 53(1982)375

Thermal desorption in non- iso thermal kinetics 53(1982)379

On the non- iso thermal determinat ion of activation energy for the rmal decomposit ion react ions 54(1982)337

Non-isothermal kinetics with non- l inear t empera ture programme. IV 54(1982)357

Non-isothermal kinetics with non- l inear t empera ture programme. V. Non-linear hea t ing p rogrammes with exact solutions for the tempera ture integral 55(1982)43

Variation of the m a x i m u m rate of conversion and tempera ture with heat ing rate in non- isothermal kinetics 63(1983)381

Non-isothermal kinetics in thermal desorption 67(1983)103

On the tempera ture range of the decomposit ion in non- iso thermal kinetics 70(1983)359

Comment s on "Variation of the m a x i m u m rate of conversion and tempera ture with heat ing rate in non- iso thermal kinetics" 73(1984)241

On the tempera ture integral in non- iso thermal kinetics with linear heat ing rate 75(1984)253

On the tempera ture integral in non- iso thermal kinetics with non- l inear tempera ture p rogramme 76(1984)391

On the correct rate express ion in non- isothermal kinetics 81(1984)375

Variation of the m a x i m u m rate of conversion and tempera ture with hea t ing rate in non- isothermal kinetics. Par t II 82(1984)387

Non-isothermal kinetics in thermal desorption. Desorption curve s imulat ion 87(1985)343

On the changes of the activation energy with the conversion degree in non- iso thermal kinetics 94(1985)399

On the use of the fundamenta l equat ions of non- iso thermal kinetics 94(1985)411

The heat ing rate as a variable in non- isothermal kinetics. A new method to evaluate the non- iso thermal kinetic paramete rs 95(1985)273

A rational fraction approximation to the tempera ture integral in non- iso thermal kinetics 98(1980)263

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New equations in non-isothermal kinetics taking into account the dependences A (a) and E(a ) 98(1986)385

Non-isothermal kinetics and generalized time 100(1986)109

Non-isothermal measurements The possibility of determining the Avrami- Erofeev index from non-isothermal measurements 55(1982)387

Non-isothermal rate equations Numerical solution of nonisothermal rate equations and analysis of solutions by the Reich-Stivala method 55(1982)241

Non-isothermal thermogravimetric data Graphical analysis of non-isothermal TG data for mechanism 59(1982)247

Computer analysis of non-isothermal and iso- thermal TG data for mechanism 62(1983)129

Computer analysis of non-isothermal TG data for mechanism and activation energy. Part I 73(1984)165

Computer analysis of non-isothermal TG data for mechanism and activation energy. Part II 75(1984)405

Computer analysis of non-isothermal TG data for mechanism and activation energy. Part IH 76(1984)395

Computer analysis of non-isothermal TG data for mechanism and activation energy. Part IV 87(1985)349

A computer program system for kinetic analysis of non-isothermal thermogravimetric data. I. Data acquisition and preparation for kinetic analysis 95(1985)33

A computer program system for kinetic analysis of non-isothermal thermogravimetric data. II. Generalized kinetic analysis and application to coal pyrolysis 95(1985)41

Non-isothermal thermogravimetry Effect of experimental parameters on non- isothermal TG 55(1982)97

Non-linear optimization The separation of additively overlapping TG steps by non-linear optimization 92(1985)61

Non-metal-inorganic raw materials Significance and future of non-metal- inorganic raw materials (in German) 83(1985)1

Nontronite The effect of magnetic fields on the thermal reactions of nontronite 60(1983)93

Nort r ip tyl ine hydrochloride Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. III. Antidepressants. Imipramine hydrochloride, clomipramine hydrochloride, nortriptyline hydrochloride, amitriptyline hydrochloride (in French) 65(1983)179

Nucleation and growth reactions Kinetics of nucleation and growth reactions investigated by differential scanning calorimetry 86(1985)305

Nucleic acid-drug interactions Thermodynamic studies on the interaction between nucleic acid and drug by calorimetry 88(1985)323

Nylon Thermal and dielectric properties of nylon 6 76(1984)97

Nylon polymers The characterization of selected nylon polymers by oxyluminescence 68(1983)383


Octadecanoic acid Thermal analysis of octadecanoic acid and some of its salts 77(1984)123

Octadecanol-metal reactions Thermal reactions of octadecanol with surfaces of aluminum, magnesium and aluminum/magnesium alloys 75(1984)401

Octane + diehlorohexane mixtures Excess molar heat capacity and excess molar volume of 1,6-dichlorohexane -I- n-octane 91(1985)243

Octane + hexamethylphosphoro- triamide system Vapour pressures and excess Gibbs free energies of the binary systems: hexamethylphosphorotriamide (HMPT) @ n- hexane, n-heptane, n-octane at 298.15 K, 303.15 K, 313.15 K, 323.15 K, 333.15 K (in French) 75(1984)85

Octyloxybenzylidene-aminobenzoic acid DSC study of phase transitions in p-n -octyl- oxybenzylidene-p-aminobenzoic acid 51(1981)141

O-donor ligands Thermal decomposition of metal complexes. XI. Thermal properties and spectroscopic characteristics of the complexes of uranyl nitrate with several O-donor ligands 56(1982)333

Oestrogens Thermoanalytical study of some steroids. III. Oestrogens (in French) 87(1985)189

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Oil phase systems Optimization of external oil phase sys tems by differential thermal analysis 67(1983)157

Oils Thermal differentiation of oils used as collectors in flotation 93(1985)721

Thermogravimetr ic method for quanti tat ive qualification of motor oils 93(1985)725

Oil sands Thermophys ica l character izat ion of oil sands. 4. The rma l analyses 58(1982)325

Thermal analysis of coals, oil shales and oil sands 63(1983)97

Specific hea t capacities of minera ls f rom oil sands and heavy oil deposits 68(1983)291

Oil shale kerogen On the validity of a f irst-order kinetics scheme for the thermal decomposit ion of oil shale kerogen 54(1982)71

Oil shale mineralogy The application of s imul taneous DTA and TG to some aspects of oil shale mineralogy 76(1984)179

Oil shales Polarization effects in the electrical conductivity of oil shales 54(1982)59

On the correlation between thermogravimetr ic response and potential oil yields for Green River oil shales 57(1982)1

Thermograv imet ry of selected Amer ican and Aust ra l ian oil shales in iner t dynamic a tmospheres 58(1982)271

Comparative TG-DTA oxidative profiles of selected Amer ican and Aust ra l ian oil shales 60(1983)171

Thermal analysis of coals, oil shales and oil sands 63(1983)97

Thermal degradation of oil shale with mol ten ni t ra tes 65(1983)213

Thermogravimetr ic assay of oil shale 66(1983)373

Oxidative profiles of some Aust ra l ian oil shales by thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy 74(1984)227

The decomposit ion of anhydrous carbonate minera ls in coal and oil shale ashes produced at t empera tures at 400 and 575°C 75(1984)139

Siderite, pyrite, and magnes i te identification in oil shale by variable a tmosphere DTA 79(1984)131

Calcite peak anomal ies in the DTA of oil shales de termined in flowing carbon dioxide compared to ni t rogen 84(1985)197

A DTA study of some oxidation characteris t ics of Colorado oil shale 84(1985)371


The rmomagne tome t ry and evolved gas analysis in the identification of organic and pyritic su lphur in coal and oil shale 93(1985)745

Interaction of kerogen and minera l matr ix of an oil shale in an oxidative a tmosphere 94(1965)285

Oligomer-containing silica gels Structural and surface characteristics of pure and low molecular weight oligomer-containing silica gels 55(1982)253

Olivine-based mineral fibres On the thermal stability and properties of olivine-based mineral fibres 67(1983)251

One-step reactions Limiting cases of DTA curves of one-step reactions and their application to the study of complex processes 94(1985)43

Optical/differential scanning calorimetry measurements Simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry and reflected light intensity measurement 59(1982)343

Optical fibres Thermomechanical behaviour of UV cured cpoxyacrylate primary coatings of optical fibers (abstract) 93(1985)233

Optimal tracking approach Identification and deconvolution in time- varying calorimetric systems by an optimal tracking approach 97(1986)203

Optimization method Kinetic analysis of additively overlapping reactions. Part 1. Description of an optimization method and its use for the separation of peaks 75(1984)263

Organic acids Study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part I. Consistency of a thermo- dynamic and an electrostatic model with experimental results of m-benzoic acid derivatives 56(1982)83

A study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part II. Consistency of a thermo- dynamic and an electrostatic model with experimental results of p -benzoic acid derivatives 57(1982)29

Study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part Ill. Consistency of a thermodynamic and an electrostatic model with experimental results of ortho-benzoic acid derivatives 57(1982)293

Organic basic aluminium salts Thermal decomposition of organic basic aluminium salts. Formate and acetate 75(1984)129

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Organic compounds Organic compounds as candidate phase change materials in thermal energy storage 79(1984)55

Thermodynamics of liquid mixtures of some organic compounds with sulphur dioxide 87(1985)269

Organic crystals Thermodynamic properties of molecular organic crystals containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur. III. Molar heat capacities measured by differential scanning calorimetry 65(1988)43

Organic polynitro compounds The relationship between kinetic data of the low-temperature thermolysis and the heats of explosion of organic polynitro compounds 78(1984)181

Organic solvents Calorimetric determination of the heats of dissolution of stearic acid in some organic solvents 66(1983)295

Calorimetric studies in organic solvents. VI. Heat of formation of sodium aluminium hydride, NaA1H 4, heat of dissolution of a- aluminium hydride in THF (in French) 78(1984)323

Organocoba l t Thermal decomposition of derivatives of organocobalt(III) 91(1985)391

Organohalide-zinc oxide reactions Atomic absorption and radiation scatter detection in thermal analysis. Reactions of zinc oxide with organohalides 93(1985)377

Organomercury complexes Thermal studies on organomercury(II) complexes of 6°amino penicillinic acid 87(1985)203

Organometallic compounds Estimation of the vaporisation enthalpies of liquid organic compounds. Part 4. Application to organometallic compounds (in French) 75(1984)329

Or tho rhombic anhydr i t e Activation of solids by mechanical grinding. Consequencies for calorimetric investigation on the hydration rate of orthorhombic anhydrite 85(1985)119

Orthotellurates Determination of the specific heats of ortho- tellurates 91(1985)363

Oscillating solid state reactions Thermal effect of oscillating solid state reactions 85(1985)91

Over-adiabatic ca lo r ime t ry Over-adiabatic calorimetry (OAC) 81(1984)319

Oxala te complexes Thermal studies on oxalate complexes. V. Potassium tris(oxalato)aluminate(III)-tri- hydrate 80(1983)389

Thermal studies on oxalate complexes. VI. Hexamminecobalt(III) oxalate tetrahydrate 66(1983)201

Oxala te m i x e d l igand complexes Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of manganese(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) containing triethanolamine and oxalate 68(1983)75

Oxalates Effect of a-Fe20 ~ additive on the thermal decomposition of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permanganate, and oxides 51(1981)245

Thermal decomposition of -onium type oxalates 52(1982)367

Thermal decomposition of oxalates. Part 16. Thermal decomposition studies on cadmium oxalate 54(1982)167

Thermal decomposition of oxalates. Part 17. Thermal decomposition of manganese(II) oxalate in a nitrogen atmosphere 58(1982)191

The thermal decomposition of oxalates. Part 18. The preparation and thermal decomposition of acid barium oxalates 78(1984)63

The thermal decomposition of oxalates. Part 19. The thermal decomposition of barium oxalate hemihydrates 79(1984)217

The thermal decomposition of oxalates. Part 20. The Decomposition kinetics of acid barium oxalates 79(1984)231

Oxa la tocupra tes Thermal decomposition of oxalatocuprates(II) 55(i982)Ii7

Oxalic acid Heat capacities of anhydrous ammonium oxalate and oxalic acid and their crystallo- hydrates 89(1985)387

A thermoanalytical study of polyesterification reactions in solid mixtures of pentaerythritol and dicarboxylic acids, oxalic acid and succinic acid 98(1986)63

Oxalic acid dihydrate Thermal dehydration mechanism of oxalic acid dihydrate. II. Single crystal material 92(1985)219

Oxazepam Thermoanalytical study of psychotropic substances. IV. Lorezepam and oxazepam (in French) 96(1985)189

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Oxidation Radiation thermometry as an appropriate method to observe the oxide growth on metal surfaces 85(1985)295

Oxidat ion reactions Catalytic oxidation reaction supported on synthetic zeolite 3A. A study by M6ssbauer spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, reflectance and thermogravimetric methods 58(1982)245

Oxide mixtures Kinetic study of phase changes in some mixtures of oxides 78(1984)445

Oxides Effect of a-Fe203 additive on the thermal decomposition of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permanganate, and oxides 51(1981)245

Structural and phase changes in iron(IlI)- aluminium(III) mixed hydroxide-oxide system: a thermoanalytical study 53(1982)175

The application of dilatometry for studies of non-stoichiometric defects in oxides 93(1985)493

Oxi rane Microcalorimetric determination of the enthalpies of solution of oxirane in benzene, toluene, p-xylene and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane at 298.15 K and 101.3 kPa 94(1985)85

Oxoace ta t e s Thermodynamic stability in the series of tri- nuclear l~3-oxoacetates Fe2111MIIO(CH3COO)6(H20)3.2H20, where M Mn, Fe, Co, Ni in the process of their therm- olysis 93(1985)69

Oxoanionic complexes Mo(VI)-oxalate derivatives: thermal behaviour of the [Co(en)3]3+ salts of three different oxoanionic complexes 75(1984)303

Oxomolybdenum oxalates Preparation and thermal decomposition of some oxomolybdenum(VI) oxalates 70(1983)201

Oxoperoxooxalato-vanadium complexes Thermal decomposition of oxoperoxooxalato complexes of vanadium(V) 92(1985)701

Oxovanadium Formation constants and thermodynamic functions of Cd(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), VO 2+ and Ce(IV) with lapachol 52(1982)349

Oxovanadium complexes Standard enthalpies of formation of the pentane-2,4-dionate and 8-hydroxyquinolate complexes of vanadium(III) and of oxo- vanadium(IV) by solution-reaction calorimetry 97(1986)77

Oxovanadium-ethoxycarbonylamino- pyridine oxide che l a t e s

Magneto, spectral and thermal investigations of some oxovanadium(IV) chelates of 2-ethoxy- carbonylamino pyridine N-oxide 99(1986)349

Oxovanadium mixed-ligand complexes Characterisation and thermogravimetric analysis of mixed-ligand complexes of oxo- vanadium(IV) with nicotinic acid and 8- hydroxyquinoline, piperazine, a,a'-dipyridyl and ~-picoline 99(1986)193

Oxozirconium-acetylpyridine oxide complexes Infrared and thermal studies of oxozircon- ium(IV) complexes of 2-acetyl pyridine N- oxide 91(1985)365

Oxozirconium-benzoquinoline oxide complexes Infrared and thermal studies of 5,6-benzo- quinoline N-oxide complexes of oxo- zirconium(IV) 99(1986)363

Oxozirconium chelates Infrared and thermal investigations of oxo- zirconium(IV) chelates of 1,10-phenanthroline N, N'-dioxide 73(1984)243

Oxozirconium complexes Thermal studies on complexes of oxo- zirconium(IV) with some aromatic amine N- oxides 61(1983)235

Infrared and thermal studies of oxo- zirconium(IV) complexes of diphenyl sulphoxide 63(1983)113

Infrared and thermal studies of oxozirconium(IV) complexes of 4-cyano- pyridine N-oxide 87(1985)357

Oxozirconium-dibenzyl su lphox ide complexes Infrared and thermal behaviour of thorium(IV) and oxozirconium(IV) complexes of dibenzyl sulphoxide 88(1985)397

Oxozirconium halide complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of oxo- zirconium(IV) halide complexes with some heterocyclic bases 61(1983)241

Oxozirconium- methylaminopyridine oxide complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of oxo- zirconium(IV) complexes of 2-methyl amino pyridine N-oxide 90(1985)361

Oxydipropioamidooxime Analytical properties of the amidooxime group. V. Thermometric study of 3,3'-oxy-, 3,3'- thio- and 3,3'-iminodipropioamidooxime 57(1982)195

Oxygen Prediction of thermodynamic properties of oxygen in liquid transition metals 52(1982)103

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Oxygen adsorption-desorption cycles Emergetics of the adsorption-desorption cycles of oxygen on doped titanium dioxide 85(1985)19

Oxygen-arsenic interactions Thermodynamic studies on arsenic-oxygen and selenium-oxygen interactions in molten copper 59(1982)193

Oxygen-calcium-chromium system The influence of the partial pressure of oxygen on the phase stability in the system Ca - Cr - O 93(1985)337

Oxygen-chlorine-uranium system The thermochemieal properties of the system uranium-oxygen-chlorine 74(1984)235

Oxygen-nickel-uranium system Some chemical and structural investigations of the nickel-uranium-oxygen system by temperature-programmed techniques 92(1985)467

Oxygen-selenium interactions Thermodynamic studies on arsenic-oxygen and selenium-oxygen interactions in molten copper 59(1982)193

Oxygen-tellurium-selenium system The thermal behaviour of solid phases in the Te-Se-O 2 system 82(1984)381

Oxygen-tin-tellurium system Possible tellurites in the three-component system Sn-Te-O and their thermal stability 91(1985)351

Oxygen-zirconium reaction The reaction of oxygen and zirconium 84(1985)357

Oxyluminescence curves Effect of some experimental parameters on the oxyluminescence curves of selected materials 99(1986)37

The kinetics of oxyluminescence of selected polymers 99(1986)43

Oxytetracycline hydroch lo r ide Kinetics of the acid and alkaline degradation of oxytetracycline hydrochloride 85(1985)451

Ozawa method Effects of experimental variables on the determination of kinetic parameters with differential scanning calorimetry. I. Calculation procedures of Ozawa and Kissinger 65(1983)257


Pade approximants Thermogenesis: identification by means of Pade approximants 70(1983)113

Palladium- arylglycine der iva t ive c o m p l e x e s Thermal behaviour of Pd(II) complexes of N- arylglycine derivatives 90(1985)201

Palladium-boron alloys Glass-forming ability and crystallization kinetics of amorphous palladium-boron alloys 54(1982)343

Palladium complexes Bis-N(p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Sn(II), Sn(IV), Ni(II) and Pd(II) 58(1982)231

Thermal decomposition of palladium complexes with propylenediaminetetraacetic acid 58(1982)317

Thermal and chromatographic behaviour of metal complexes. Part III. Complexes of palladium(II) with iminodiacetic acid 60(1983)131

Thermal study of palladium complexes with trans-l,2-diaminecyclohexanetetraacetic acid 70(1983)211

Palladium coordination compounds Thermal properties of cis-Pd complexes PdL1X 2 (L = planar dithio oxamide; X ~ C1, Br, I) 85(1985)63

Palladium oxide binary systems TG, DTG and DTA studies of PdO-Na2/I~/S208 binary reactions 86(1985)155

Palladium -theophylline complexes Thermal studies on purine complexes. IX. Palladium(II) comoplexes with 8-alkyl substituted theophyllines 89(1985)159

Pa lmi t i c - cho le i c acid Study of the palmitic-choleic acid by vapour pressure measurements and Van der Waals energy calculations 98(1988)277

Paper Differential scanning calorimetric study of some Iraqi papers 78(1984)371

Dynamic mechanical analysis of paper samples 93(1985)405

Paper sheets Thermal behaviour of paper sheets strength 78(1984)211

A sample mounting technique for the dynamic mechanical analysis of cellulose and paper sheets 80(1984)281

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Paraf f in wax mel t s Evaluation of the thermal stabilities of paraffin and microcrystalline wax melts 86(1985)369

Particle size distribution Influence of particle size distribution of a sample on the kinetic parameters determined by thermogravimetric curves 86(1965)113

P e a k analysis Investigation of kinetic processes using peak analysis 83(1985)23

P e a k curve, DTA A theoretical contribution to the analysis of DTA-peaks of rapid reactions 83(1985)99

Peat Thermal analysis of peat and peat soils 90(1985)373

Penicillin-metal systems Solution study on lanthanum(III)-, praseodymium(III)-, europium(III)-, and gadolinium(III)-phenylmethyl penicillin systems 67(1983)383

PenicUlins Thermodynamics of metal-phenoxymethyl- penicillin systems 60(1983)229

Further applications of thermoanalytical methods to the detection of potassium and sodium salts of penicillins and cephalosporins 70(1983)303

On the interaction of Ce(IV) and Th(IV) with phenoxymethyl penicillin in solution 77(1984)451

Thermal studies on organomercury(II) complexes of 6-amino penicillinic acid 87(1985)203

Penicillin sodium salts Application of thermal analytical methods to pharmaceutical products. Part 2. Penicillin sodium salts 60(1983)1

Pen tae ry th r i t o l Investigation of latent heat-thermal energy storage materials. III. Thermoanalytical evaluation of pentaerythritol 77(1984)241

A thermoanalytical study of polyesterification reactions in solid mixtures of pentaerythritol and dicarboxylic acids, oxalic acid and succinic acid 98(1986)63

Pentanedionate complexes Standard enthalpies of formation of the pentane-2,4-dionate and 8-hydroxyquinolate complexes of vanadium(III) and of oxo- vanadium(IV) by solution-reaction calorimetry 97(1986)77

Pentanol-trichloroethane system Activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies of 1,1,1-trichloroethane with 1- butanol and 1-pentanol 76(1984)255


Peptide-amino acid solutions Aqueous solutions containing amino acids and peptides. Part 21. The enthalpic coefficients at 298.15 K for the interaction of N-acetyl-L- prolinamide with some 2-(N-acetylamino)acyl amides 83(1985)289

Peptides Aqueous solutions containing amino acids and peptides. Part 18. The enthalpy of solution of N-acetyl-L-phenylalaninamide in aqueous solutions containing formamide 78(1984)303

Periodate ion Thermodynamic and LFER studies for the oxidation of anilines by the periodate ion 68(1983)27

P e r k i n - E l m e r TGS-2 /Sys tem 4 Temperature control in the Perkin-Elmer TGS-2/System 4 52(1982)235

Permanganate Effect of a-Fe203 additive on the thermal decomposition of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permanganate, and oxides 51(1981)245

Perovskite [er r i tes Effects of temperature and non-stoichiometry on the electrical conductivity of some related perovskite ferrites 73(1984)131

Pe rovsk i t e - l ike compounds Thermal characterisation of the non- stoichiometry and catalytic activity of BaxLnl_xCOO 3 (Ln = La, Nd, Sm and Dy) compounds 61(1983)269

P e r o v s k i t e - r e l a t e d solids Reversible topotactic reduction of perovskite- related calcium manganese oxides 83(1985)121

Perovskitic compounds On the thermal stability of some coordination compounds generating mixed oxides with perovskitic structure. II 98(1986)379

Peroxydisulphate ion Thermodynamic and related studies for the oxidation of sulpha drugs by the peroxy- disulphate ion 69(1983)389

Pesticides Complexing ability of pesticides and related compounds. Formation and stability in aqueous solution of H +, Li +, Na +, K +, Mg 2+ and Ca 2+ phenoxyacetate complexes at different temperatures and ionic strengths 95(1985)15

Petroleum Characterization of pitches by differential scanning calorimetry and thermomechanical analysis 52(1982)297

Pe t ro l eum derivatives Determination of the acidity index of crude oils and petroleum derivatives by means of thermometric titrations. Comparison with other methods 98(1986)1

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Pharmaceutical compounds Thermal analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. V. The use of differential scanning calorimetry in the analysis of certain pharmaceuticals 61(1983)253

Thermal analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. VI. Thermal analysis of fluoride- containing steroids 74(1984)371

Pharmaceutical products Application of thermal analytical methods to pharmaceutical products. Cephalosporins 56(1982)125

Application of thermal analytical methods to pharmaceutical products. Part 2. Penicillin sodium salts 60(1983)i

Pharmaceutical quality control Efficient use of DSC in pharmaceutical quality control, for example isosorbide dinitrate (abstract) 93(1985)143

Pharmaceuticals Thermoanalytical detection and determination of precursors and side products in pharma- ceuticals 93(1985)117

Phase change materials Latent heat stores and phase change materials. An extensive area for thermal analysis, calorimetry and chemical thermodynamics 85(1985)131

Phase diagrams Plotting of phase diagrams from DTA data 92(1985)57

Phase equilibria A general method of calculating phase equilibria in a multicomponent system by means of a hill-climbing minimization procedure 70(1983)173

Recent studies of phase equilibria at high pressures 88(1985)17

Phase transformations Apparatus for phase transformation study 92(1985)367

Phase transitions Study of the phase transitions liquid-solid- solid of a finely divided ionic crystal in a porous material. The case of silver nitrate (in French) 59(1982)175

High-resolution AC calorimetry and critical behavior at phase transitions 88(1985)127

Phenanthroline dioxide Infrared and thermal investigations of oxo- zirconium(IV) chelates of 1,10-phenanthroline N, N'-dioxide 73(1984)243

Phenanthroline dioxide-tin halide complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of tin(IV)

halide complexes of 5,6-benzoquinoline N- oxide and 1,1O-phenanthroline N, N' -dioxide 99(1986)367

Phenetsal Complexation of zinc group metal ions with phenetsal 62(1983)369

Phenidone The thermal decomposition of phenidone 93(1985)33

Phenolic ligand-copper chelates Thermal dehydration and K-X-ray absorption studies on copper(II) chelates of some phenolic ligands 99(1986)119

Phenol ionization process Thermodynamics of the ionization process of phenol in water-dimethylsulfoxide mixtures at 25°C 64(1983)179

Phenols Estimated thermodynamic functions for some chlorinated benzenes, phenols and dioxins 58(1982)11

Phenoxyacetate complexes Complexing ability of pesticides and related compounds. Formation and stability in aqueous solution of H +, Li +, Na +, K +, Mg 2+ and Ca 2+ phenoxyacetate complexes at different temperatures and ionic strengths 95(1985)15

Phenoxymethyl penicillin On the interaction of Ce(IV) and Th(IV) with phenoxymethyl penicillin in solution 77(1984)451

Phenoxymethyl penicillin-lanthanon systems pH-metric studies on the interaction of some lanthanon-phenoxymethyl penicillin systems 75(1984)259

Phenprobamate Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. I. Tranquilisers. Phenprobamate, meprobamate, clobazam and medazepam (in French) 57(1982)173

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. I. Study of the binary mixtures phenprobamate-acetylsalicylic acid and meprobamate(I)-acetylsalicylic acid (in French) 66(1983)11

Phenylbutazone Thermoanalytical study of chlorohydrate and clofexamide and their interaction with phenylbutazone (in French) 97(1986)161

Phenylmaleimides Synthesis and thermal study of poly-N-p- substituted phenylmaleimides 53(1982)163

Phenylmethylbenzoylpyrazolone Thermodynamics of the complexing of uranyl ions with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoylpyrazol- one-5 in aqueous dioxane 55(1982)307

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Thermodynamics of the interaction of lanthanum(III) with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4- benzoylpyrazolone-5 in aqueous dioxane 84(1985)207

Phloroacetophenone Thermodynamic functions of some transition metal chelates with phloroacetophenone in 500/0 methanol-H20 62(1982)371

Phosphate-bonded oxide ceramics Vacuum balance studies of phosphate-bonded oxide ceramics 82(1984)201

Phosphated silica gel Structural and sudace aspects of thermally treated phosphated and sulphated silica gel 53(1982)125

Phosphate rocks Formation of liquid phase during heating calcium dihydrophosphate and phosphate rocks 93(1985)641

Phosphate systems Kinetics of solid and liquid phase reactions in phosphate systems 92(1985)189

Phosphides Chemistry and structural chemistry of phosphides and polyphosphides. Part 32. Heat capacity measurements of LiPz5 and KPI5 67(1983)263

Phosphogypsum Application of differential scanning calorimetry to the study of the system phosphogypsum-lime-aluminium hydroxide- water 74(1984)35

Hydration of granulated blast-furnace slag in the presence of phosphogypsum 78(1984)101

Isothermal gravimetrical kinetic study of the decomposition of phosphogypsum under CO- CO2-Ar atmosphere 92(1985)173

Thermochemical decomposition of phospho- gypsum under H2-CO2-HzO-Ar atmosphere 93(1985)617

Hydration of mixtures containing fly-ash, lime and phosphogypsum 98(1986)71

Phospholipids Investigations on the order-disorder behaviour of various phospholipids of natural and synthetic origin by optical and calorimetric techniques 69(1983)71

Phosphoramides Complexation enthalpies of some phosphor- amides with antimony(V) chloride. Influence of structure on the Gutmann donor number (in French) 60(1963)137

Phosphorus oxychloride The formation and stability of gaseous POC1 67(1983)387


Phosphorus pen tox ide Water insoluble forms of P205. Thermal decomposition of Ca(II) hydrogenphosphate 92(1985)649

Photodegradation Evaluation of photodegradability of low density polyethylene by thermoanalytical technique 60(1983)15

Physisorption The contribution of microcalorimetry to the solution of problems involving a liquid/solid or a gas/solid interface, especially in physisorption 96(1985)377

Picoline complexes Thermoanalytical study of picoline complexes 93(1985)97

Picoylamine complexes Heat capacity and dual spin-transitions in the crossover system {Fe(2-pic)3]C12"EtOH 88(1985)185

Picrates Thermochemistry of picrates. II. The standard enthalpy of formation of picric acid 52(1982)317

Thermochemistry of picrates. III. Enthalpies of solution and solubilities of picrate salts 53(1982)349

Picrate salts Thermochemistry of picrates. III. Enthalpies of solution and solubilities of picrate salts 53(1982)349

Picr ic acid Thermochemistry of picrates. If. The standard enthalpy of formation of picric acid 52(1982)317

Picric acid-anthracene system Studies on parameters controlling the degree of undercooling, naphthalene-picric acid and anthracene-picric acid systems 86(1985)321

Picric acid-catechol system Analysis of crystallization data: the a- naphthol-catechol and picric acid-catechol systems 57(1982)241

Pieric acid-naphthalene system Studies on parameters controlling the degree of undercooling, naphthalene-picric acid and anthracene-picric acid systems 86(1985)321

Piperzinium diperchlorate Mass spectral and thermal decomposition studies of piperzinium diperchlorate 59(1982)121

Pitches Thermogravimetric characterization of the suitability of various pitches as matrices for carbon-carbon composites 62(1983)237

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Pitch mate r i a l s Characterization of pitches by differential scanning calorimetry and thermomechanical analysis 52(1982)297

Planar dithio oxamides Thermal analysis of M(LH~X 2 complexes with planar dithio oxamides (M -- Pt, Pd, Ni; X ffi C1, Br, I)85(1985)67

Plasmid Differential scanning calorimetry of various mutant DNAs of plasmid 88(1985)235

Plasticised polymethylmethacrylate Some theological properties of plasticised poly- methylmethacrylate with new plasticisers 74(1984)377

Plasticised polystyrene Some rheological properties of plasticised poly- styrene with new plasticisers 74(1984)193

Plasticisers Synthesis and characterisation of some new plasticisers 88(1983)35

Some rheological properties of plasticised poly- styrene with new plasticisers 74(1984)193

Some rheological properties of plasticised poly- methylmethacrylate with new plasticisers 74(1984)377

Thermal and calorimetric analysis of cellulose, its derivatives and their mixtures with plasticizers 93(1985)409

P l a t i num complexes Thermal and chromatographic behaviour of metal complexes. Part II. Complexes of platinum(II) with dipeptide ester 54(1982)361

Thermal stability of some platinum complexes 71(1983)255

Platinum halide complexes with hexanamine Infrared and thermal studies of platinum(If) halide complexes with 1-hexanamine 78(1984)159

Platinum mixed ligand complexes Preparation, characterisation and thermal studies on mixed ligand complexes of Ru(III) and Pt(IV) with biologically active ligands 84(1985)377

Plumbagin-europium system Studies on the interaction of Eu(III) with lawsone (2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) lapachol (2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-l,4- naphthoquinone), juglone (5-hydroxy-l,4- naphthoquinone) and plumbagin (2-methyl-5- hydroxy-l,4-naphthoquinone) 75(1984)347

Plumbonacrite Thermal decomposition of basic lead carbonates: a comparison of hydrocerussite and plumbonacrite 81(1984)1

Plutonium-uranium oxides Studies on the oxidation of uranium- plutonium oxides by non-isothermal kinetics 66(1983)153

PMMA/po lys ty rene / to luene systems Thermal, viscometric and light scattering measurements from PMMA/polystyrene/ toluene systems 88(1985)379

Polar liquids Latent heat of evaporation of a microwave irradiated polar liquid 98(1986)57

Polyalkylene waxes Distinguishing hydrocarbon and polyalkylene waxes by gas chromatography and differential scanning calorimetry 86(1985)329

Polyamide Thermal-mechanical analysis of drawn poly(ethyleneterephthalate) and poly(amide) films 61(1983)161

Cure reaction kinetics of polyamide 93(1985)195

Thermal expansion of aromatic polyamide- imide composite films reinforced with aromatic polyamide fibers 100(1986)81

Polyamideimide composite films Thermal expansion of aromatic polyamide- imide composite films reinforced with aromatic polyamide fibers 100(1986)61

Polyarylmaleimides The thermal behaviour of poly-N-aryi- maleimides 51(1981)373

Poly[bis(benzimidazobenzisoquinolin- ones)] Thermal and dynamic mechanical investigations on poly[bis(benzimidazobenziso- quinolinones)] 83(1985)309

Polycarbonates Synthesis and characterisation of antioxidant bonded polycarbonates 04(1983)55

Synthesis and characterisation of some new thermografted polycarbonates 81(1984)207

Polychlorinated compounds Thermodynamic properties of polychlorinated compounds: the vapor pressures and enthalpies of sublimation of ten dibenzo-para- dioxins 85(1985)435

Thermal destruction of polychlorinated compounds: flow tube kinetics of ten dibenzo- para -dioxins 85(1985)439

Polycomponent systems Differential thermal analysis application in complex methodology of studying poly- component systems 93(1985)341

Polydimethyiphenylene oxide The investigation of the compatibility and phase separation of poly(2,6-dimethyl-l,4- phenylene oxide) and styrene-fluoro-

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substituted styrene copolymer blends by differential scanning calorimetry 54(1982)349

Polyelectrolyte solutions On the equilibrium properties of polyelectro- lyte solutions: isothermal-calorimetry data 96(1985)299

Polyester resin Investigation of the thermal degradation of an HET acid containing unsaturated polyester resin by flash pyrolysis in a mass spectrometer 71(1983)377

Polyethylene Vapor composition profiles estimated for thermally degrading polyethylene 55(1982)217

Evaluation of photodegradability of low density polyethylene by thermoanalytical technique 60(1983)15

DSC-studies of the high molecular weight polyethylene 72(1984)41

A study of isothermal lamellar thickening in polyethylene by differential scanning calorimetry 84(1985)141

Thermal anlysis of the interaction between components in polypropylene and poly- ethylene blends 93(1985)155

Thermooxidative degradation of crosslinked polyethylene 93(1985)199

Polyethylene glycol suppositories Calorimetric study as a tool on preparation of polyethylene glycol suppositories 92(1985)333

Polyethylene graft copolymers Thermal analysis of polyethylene graft copolymers 97(1986)357

Poly(e thylene oxide) Crystallization behaviour of PMMA-b-PEO-b- PMMA triblock copolymers 93(1985)151

Emission thermophotometry. II. The spectral distribution of emitted light from poly- (ethylene oxide) 99(1986)61

Polyethylene terephthalate Thermal-mechanical analysis of drawn poly(ethyleneterephthalate) and poly(amide) films 61(1983)161

Kinetics of the thermal degradation of poly- ethylene terephthalate 61(1983)287

Polyethylene terephthalate films Study of the thermal behaviour of poly- ethylene terephthalate films by thermal measurements and differential thermal analysis (in French) 62(1983)53

Poly(lactic acid) The influence of water on the glass transition of poly(dl-lactic acid) 85(1985)513


Polymer blends Analysis of polymer blends and copolymers by coupled therrnogravimetry and automatic titration 65(1983)9

Thermally induced phase separation in poly- (styrene-co-para(ortho) -bromostyrene)-PPO and PS blends 85(1985)383

Thermal analysis of polymer blends. I. Poly(~- caprolactam) with a second crystalline component 85(1985)387

Polymer crystallization kinetics Use of differential scanning calorimetry to study polymer crystallization kinetics with longer half times 71(1983)313

Polymer degradation Non-isothermal investigations on polymer degradation at low conversion 93(1985)163

Polymer light stabilizers Thermal stability and volatility of polymer light stabilizers 93(1985)175

Polymers Differential calorimetric study of the polymer AllsO4(OH)~(H20)83+ and an amorphous aluminium trihydroxide gel in aqueous solution 59(1982)221

Effect of energetic materials on the thermal stability of polymers 63(1983)9

The oxyluminescence and kinetics of oxy- luminescence of selected polymers 71(1983)129

The oxyluminescence of polymers. A review 72(1984)363

Study of the behaviour of polymers and composites by low frequency thermo- mechanical analysis (in French) 74(1984)63

The quantitative evaluation of TG-curves of polymers 83(1985)59

Precision specific-heat measurements on polymers by automated differential scanning calorimetry 36(1985)231

Combined thermogravimetric and infrared analysis of polymers 36(1985)251

Thermal behaviors of vinyl esters of long- chain fatty acids and their comblike polymers 88(1985)211

Crystallization and melting of LLDPE in relation to molecular structure 93(1985)3

DSC study of reaction of N-bromosuccinimide with polymers 93(1985)13

Advanced thermal analysis of drawn crystalline polymers 93(1985)147

Application of thermal analysis procedures to study the pyrolysis and flammability of some polymers 93(1985)167

Derivatograph in the thermochemistry of polymers 93(1985)179

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Application of combined thermal analysis - mass spectrometry in the analysis of fossil fuels and polymers 93(1985)629

Thermogravimetric analysis of polymers for assessing thermal degradation 96(1985)275

Thermal analysis of stabilized polymers 97(1986)351

The kinetics of oxyluminescence of selected polymers 99(1986)43

Polymer solutions Use of the magnetic suspension balance for the study of polymer solutions 82(1984)161

Polymer systems Order-disorder phase transition of polymer systems 85(1985)375

Investigation of polymer systems using thermo- mechanical analysis 93(1985)221

Po lymer thermodecomposition Polymer thermodecomposition. Characteristic features of non-isothermal kinetics by rapid heating 92(1985)145

Poly(methyl methacrylate) Thermal behaviour of poly~methyl methacrylate) stereocomplex by DTA 67(1983)81

Crystallization behaviour of PMMA-b-PEO-b- PMMA triblock copolymers 93(1985)151

Poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(vinyl chlor ide) blends Study of PMMA/PNVK blends by DTA 90(1985)215

Polynitroarenes Possibilities of applying the Kissinger method in the differential thermal analysis of poly- nitroarenes 92(1985)205

Polyuitrobishomocubanes Thermal studies of polynitrobishomocubanes 99(1986)133

Polynuclear coordination compounds Non-isothermal decomposition kinetics of poly- nuclear coordination compounds 78(1984)351

On the thermal stability of some polynuclear coordination compounds generating mixed oxides with perovskitic structure 92(1985)637

Polyoxoanions The thermal decomposition of Na6[H2V212018].10 H20 90(1985)367

Poly(oxydimethoxyphenylene) Thermal degradation of poly(oxy-2,6- dimethoxy-l,4-phenylene) 72(1984)257

Polyoxymethylenes Thermogravimetric investigations on the kinetics of thermal degradation of polyoxy- methylenes 59(1982)1

Poly(phenylene diacrylic acid diethyl ester) Thermal behavior of poly(p-phenylene diacrylic acid diethyl ester) 93(1985)9

Polyphosphides Chemistry and structural chemistry of phosphides and polyphosphides. Part 32. Heat capaciW measurements of LIP15 and KP15 67(1983)263

Polypropylene The effect of elastomers on the crystalliniW of polypropylene 54(1982)229

Thermal anlysis of the interaction between components in polypropylene and poly- ethylene blends 93(1985)155

Thermoanalytical investigation of grafted poly- propylene with fixed flame retardant compounds 93(1985)171

Polysaccharides Iso-ionic and iso-therma] phase transitions in ionic polysaccharides: a calorimetric study 85(1985)465

Po lys ty r ene /PMMA/ to luene systems Thermal, viscometric and light scattering measurements from PMMA/polystyrene/ toluene systems 88(1985)379

Polystyrenes Modified polystyrenes: effects of pendant functional groups on thermal stability 87(1985)211

Polysulphide-sulphuric acid interactions Thermal study of sulphate formation during interaction of sulphuric acid and polysu]phide materials 92(1985)743

P o l y u r e t h a n e Pyrolysis of a fire retardant coating made of polyurethane and chlorowax heated by free convection in air 74(1984)175

Polyurethane formation reactions tested by differential scanning calorimetry 92(1985)297

Polyvinyl alcohol Thermal properties of polyvinyl alcohol 60(1983)383

Poly(vinyl chloride) The effect of molecular weight on the thermal stabiliW of polyvinyl chloride 62(1983)355

Synthesis and characterisation of some new stabilisers for polyvinylchloride 80(1984)317

Investigations of the thermal decomposition of PVC cable material by means of simultaneous TG-DTG-DTA-MS analysis 85(1985)403

Thermal analysis of the stability of polyvinyl- chloride 93(1985)183

Humic substances as new stabilisers for poly- vinylchloride 99(1986)217

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P o l y ( v i n y i c h l o r i d e ) / p o l y ( m e t h y l methacrylate) blends Study of PMMA/PNVK blends by DTA 90(1985)215

Poly(vinylidene fluoride) A s tudy of the crystallization kinetics of PVF 2 by DSC and dilatometry 80(1984)231

Porous materials Determinat ion of thermal diffusivity in porous mater ia ls 93(1985)287

Forty years in ins t rumenta l thermograv imet ry and microcalorimetry. Consequences in the s tudy of solid t ransformat ions and for characterizat ion of the texture of porous mater ia ls 100(1986)223

Porous solids Theory of emana t ion thermal analysis. III. Exper imental verification of the mathemat ica l model for iner t gas release f rom porous solids 81(1984)335

P o r t l a n d cement Use of the rmal analysis in the hydrat ion studies of a Type 1 Port land cement produced from mineral tail ings 91(1985)95

The gypsum-free Port land cemen t hydrat ion and thermal propert ies 93(1985)593

DTA contr ibution to s tudy of hydrat ion fly ash. Port land cemen t pastes 93(1985)601

Potassium Thermal decomposit ion of a hydra ted pyro- chlore containing mixed-valence bismuth(III,V) and po tass ium 54(1982)147

Potassium bromate Thermal decomposit ion of gamma-i r radia ted potass ium bromate by dynamic thermogra im- etry 96(1985)27

Potassium carbonate Dehydrat ion of crystall ine K2CO3.1.5 H20 66(1983)255

D.c. electrical conductivity and dielectric cons tant m e a s u r e m e n t s on crystall ine K2CO3.1.5 H20 66(1983)267

Potassium carbonate-lithium carbonate-sodium carbonate eutectic Molten l i thium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potass ium carbonate eutectic. The reaction of iron(II) oxalate and basic nickel(II) carbonates 61(1983)185

Molten l i thium carbonate-sodium carbonate- po tass ium carbonate eutectic: the reaction of four lanthanide(III )chlor ides 84(1985)13

The reactions of some compounds of zinc, c admium and mercury with the molten l i th ium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potass ium carbonate eutectic 96(1985)7

Molten Li~CO3-Na2CO3-I~CO3 eutectic: the effect of added CI-, Br-, and I- on the reactivity

of solutions of Mn(II), Co(If), Ni(II), and Cu(II) 97(1986)61

Potassium chloride Thermodynamics of KC1 + water -t- glucose and NaC1 + water + glucose sys tems from viscosity date 51(1981)367

The rmodynamics of the chlorides of potassium, sodium, rub id ium and caes ium in te t ramethylurea-water mix tures f rom conductance data at 30°C 52(1982)83

Heats of crystallization of potass ium chloride and m a g n e s i u m chloride hexahydra te from aqueous solutions at 298.15 K. A critical review 70(1983)225

Heat of solution of KC1 in water at 303.15 K 85(1985)163

Enthalpy of crystallization of potass ium chloride from aqueous solutions at t empera tures between 0 and 100°C 89(1985)243

Potassium chloride-calcium chloride- zinc chloride system Phase studies of the KC1-CaC12-ZnC12 sys tem 68(1983)341

Potassium chloride-cerium chloride system Thermochemical studies on the sys tem KC1/ CeC13 92(1985)815

Potassium chloride-sodium chloride- magnesium chloride system Quate rnary compounds in the sys tem KC1/ NaC1/MgC12? 72(1984)195

Potassium chromate Thermogravimetr ic analysis and kinetics of the non- iso thermal decomposit ion of molecular complexes of 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) with potass ium dichromate, po tass ium chromate and potass ium pe rmangana te 59(1982)243

Potassium complexes The formation of proton and alkali meta l complexes with l igands of biological interest in aqueous solution. Thermodynamics of Li +, Na + and K+-dicarboxylate complex formation 62(1983)101

Solid state decomposit ion studies on tetra- peroxo species of t ransi t ion metals. Kinetics of the isothermal decomposit ion of K3Nb(O2) 4 and K3Ta(O2) 4 63(1983)229

Kinetics of the pyrolytic decomposit ion of molecular complexes of 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) with potass ium dichromate, potass ium chromate and potass ium pe rmangana te 63(1983)377

Potassium compounds Thermal stability of K2U(SO4)3"H2O, a new double salt 58(1982)97

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The relation between s t ructure and dehydration of K2MFsH20 compounds 92(1985)689

Potassium dichromate Thermogravimetric analysis and kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposit ion of molecular complexes of 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) with potassium dichromate, potass ium chromate and potassium permangana te 59(1982)243

Cryoscopic behaviour of some complexes of Si, Cr, A1, V and Ti in molten potass ium nitrate and potassium dichromate 73(1984)173

Potassium halldes Thermodynamics and free volume of sodium and potassium halides in aqueous xylose solution 87(1985)151

Potassium hexavanadate Thermal properties of potassium, rubidium and cesum hexavanadates 85(1985)111

Potassium hydrogenhexavanadate Thermal properties of a m m o n i u m and potassium hydrogenhexavanadates 92(1985)481

Potassium hydrogentetrafluorodioxotri- peroxodivanadate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of potass ium hydrogen- tetrafluorodioxotriperoxodivanadate(V) dihydrate, K3[HV202(O2)3F4].2 H20 68(1983)297

Potassium molten salt mixtures Calorimetric investigation of the RbF-Rb2SO 4 liquid system and comparison of the excess thermodynamic functions in the AF-A2SO 4 (A

Li, Na, K, Rb)mol t en salt mixtures 57(1982)351

Potassium monomethyl violurate Thermal studies on lithium, sodium, potassium and a m m o n i u m monomethyl violurates 58(1982)61

Potassium nitrate Differential scanning calorimetry of sodium and potassium nitrates and nitri tes 55(1982)11

Heat capacities of NaNO 3 and KNO 3 from 350 to 800 K 60(1983)265

Cryoscopic behaviour of some complexes of Si, Cr, A1, V and Ti in molten potass ium nitrate and potassium dichromate 73(1984)173

A s tudy of the polymorphism of potass ium nitrate start ing from room tempera ture and at a tmospheric pressure 83(1985)173

Phase t ransformat ions s tudy of the potass ium nitrate division and pressure effects 85(1985)143

Potassium nitrate-sodium nitrate system Thermal decomposition of MCI2[M -- Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II)] in sodium ni t ra te-potass ium nitrate eutectic melt 87(1983)147

Study of the thermal decomposit ion of MSO 4 (M = Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II)) in a sodium nitrate-potassium nitrate mel t 83(1985)203

The phase d iagram of the system NaNO 3- KNO 3 studied by differential scanning calorimetry 86(1985)343

Potassium nitrite Differential scanning calorimetry of sodium and potass ium ni trates and nitri tes 55(1982)11

Potassium oxofluorodiperoxovanadate Solid state decomposition s tudies on fluoro- peroxo species of t ransi t ion metals. Par t XII. Kinetics of isothermal decomposit ion of K2VO(02)2 F and K3Nb(O2)2F 4 58(1982)67

Potassium perchlorate-iron oxide mixtures TG and DTA studies on the thermal decomposit ion of KC104-a-Fe203 mixtures 97(1986)295

Potassium permanganate Thermogravimetr ic analysis and kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposit ion of molecular complexes of 8-hydroxyquinoline (oxine) with potass ium dichromate, potass ium chromate and potass ium permangana te 59(1982)243

Isothermal DSC s tudy of the thermal decomposit ion of potass ium pe rmangana te 89(1985)27

Action of chromium oxide as a catalyst in the course of KMnO 4 decomposit ion 91(1985)9

Isothermal DSC s tudy of the thermal decomposit ion of potass ium pe rmangana te 92(1985)149

Potassium permanganate-antimony system Thermal analysis of an t imony/potass ium permangana te pyrotechnic composit ions 65(1983)197

Potassium persulphate Thermal and X-ray studies of reactions between terbium(III, IV) oxide and persulfates of sodium and potass ium 54(1982)87

Potassium polychromium phosphate Characterization of sodium and potass ium poly chromium(III) phosphates in solid-state reactions at 400-420°C 90(1985)251

Potassium tetrafluoroborate Determinat ion of hea t capacity and enthalpies of phase t ransi t ions of ammonium, sodium and potass ium tetrafluoroborates 87(1985)381

Potassium tetrafluorodiperoxoniobate Solid state decomposition studies on fluoro- peroxo species of t ransi t ion metals. Par t XII. Kinetics of isothermal decomposit ion of K2VO(O2)2F and K3Nb(O2)2F 4 58(1982)67

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Potassium tetraperoxochromate Thermolysis of potassium tetraperoxochrom- ate(V). I. Isothermal conditions 77(1984)341

Thermolysis of potassium tetraperoxochrom- ate(V). If. Linear heating 77(1984)357

Thermolysis of potassium tetraperoxochrom- ate(V). IIL Self-propagation regime 81(1984)245

Potassium tris~oxalato)aluminate t r i - h y d r a t e Thermal studies on oxalate complexes. V. Potassium tris(oxalato)aluminate(III)-tri- hydrate 60(1983)389

P o w d e r compacts The thermal cycling of Nb-NbSn 2 and Nb-Sn powder compacts 56(1982)147

Kinetics of densification of powder compacts during the initial stage of sintering with constant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Part I. Theoretical considerations 56(1982)261

Kinetics of densification of powder compacts during the initial stage of sintering with constant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Part II. Haematite compacts 56(1982)269

Kinetics of densification of powder compacts during the initial stage of sintering with constant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Part Ill. Copper powder compacts 61(1983)73

Kinetics of denslfication of powder compacts during the initial stage of sintering with constant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Part IV. Silver powder compacts 61(1983)87

Kinetics of the densification of silver powder compacts during non-isothermal solid-state sintering. A phenomenological approach 68(1983)125

Power-compensated DSC Thermal methods of analysis/differential scanning calorimetry in theory and application 85(1985)267

Power s c a n n i n g c a l o r i m e t r y Power scanning calorimetry (PSC) 85(1985)353

Praseodymium- aspartam complexes Aspartame complexes of calcium and praseodymium cations 87(1985)373

Praseodymium complexes Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of cadmium(If), praseodyraium(III), and neodymium(Ill) with juglone (5-hydroxy- 1,4-naphthoquinone) 64(1983)387

Praseodymium-lanthanum mixed oxalate


Thermal decomposition of praseodymium- lanthanum mixed oxalate in various atmospheres 88(1985)295

Thermal decomposition of praseodymium- lanthanum mixed oxalate by multiple thermal analysis 92(1985)669

Precipitate dissolution kinetics The influence of particle shape on the non- isothermal kinetics of precipitate dissolution 69(1983)341

Precipitate redissolution Temperature dependence of precipitate redissolution: a calcium adsorption model 99(1986)1

P r ec i s e calorimetry Current trends in precise calorimetry 72(1984)55

Prednisolone Thermoanalytical study of some steroids. IV., Prednisolone and its derivatives (in French) 97(1986)127

Prednisolone p o | y m o r p h s Thermal study of prednisolone polymorphs 96(1985)111

Production laboratory Application and efficiency of thermal analysis in a production laboratory 83(1985)71

Prolinc TA studies of heavy metal complexes of amino acids such as proline, aspartic and glutamic acids (abstract) 93(1985)141

Propanol decomposition Alkali metal oxides action on V205 catalysts used in 2-propanol decomposition. I. Thermal decomposition and electrical conductivity studies 87(1985)219

Propanols Thermodynamics of solutions of propanols in non-associating components 87(1985)129

Thermodynamics of solutions of acetonitrile with propanols 98(1986)147

Propellants Calorimetric values of composite solid propellants 54(1982)141

A TG study of the solvolytic breakdown of a crosslinked double base propellant 62(1983)9

Propene Determination of kinetic parameters of the desorption of propene from a Re2OT/7-A1203 catalyst using temperature-programmed desorption 67(1983)361

Propionamide Binary mixtures: CHaCH2CONH 2 + (Na, K)/ (CNS, C104) 74(1984)247

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Propylenediaminetetraacetic acid Thermal decomposition of palladium complexes with propylenediaminetetraacetic acid 56(1982)317

Propylene glycol Thermodynamic behaviour of hydrochloric acid in propylene glycol and its aqueous mixtures from electromotive force measurements 66(1933}303

Pros ta t i c calculi Thermal analytical techniques applied to the analysis of prostatic calculi 83(1985)299

Proton-ligand dissociation equilibria Thermodynamics of proton-ligand dissociation equilibria in mixed solvents. Acid dissociation of 2-isopropyltropolone in mixtures of water and dioxane 66(1983)75

Proton transfer A study of the proton transfer of the nitro- substituted benzoic acids in water-dimethyl- sulfoxide mixtures compared with the same process in the gaseous phase 51(1981)191

Proximate analysis A new method for the simultaneous determination of pyrite content and proximate analysis in coal 76(1984)81

Methods of proximate analysis by thermo- gravimetry 81(1984)297

(PseudohaloXimidazole)bis(dimethyl - glyoximato)cobalt complexes Thermal decomposition and mass spectral studies of trans-[(pseudohalo)(imida- zole)bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt(III)] complexes 97(1986)303

Psychotherapeutic substances Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. I. Tranquilisers. Phenprobamate, meprobamate, clobazam and medazepam (in French) 57(1982)173

Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. II. Antipsychotic substances. Chlorprothixene, chlorpromazine hydro- chloride, levomepromazine hydrochloride, fluphenazine dihydrochloride (in French) 64(1983)267

Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. III. Antidepressants. Imipramine hydrochloride, clomipramine hydrochloride, nortriptyline hydrochloride, amitriptyline hydrochloride (in French) 65(1983)179

Psychotropic substances Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. L Study of the binary mixtures phenprobamate-acetylsalicylic acid and meprobamate(1)-acetylsalicylic acid (in French) 66(1983)11

Interactions of psychotropic substances in the solid state. II. Study of the binary mixtures

meprobamate(I)-amitriptyline(I) hydrochloride, meprobamate(I)-clomipramine(1) hydrochloride and meprobamate(1)-fluphenazine dihydro- chloride (in French) 66(1983)25

Thermoanalytical study of psychotropic substances. IV. Lorezepam and oxazepam (in French) 96(1985)189

Thermoanalytical study of psychotropic substances. V. Barbital and a11obartibal (in French) 97(1986)143

Pulping mate r i a l s The thermal stabiliW of some pulping materials 53(1982)149

Pu l sed t r a n s f e r funct ion Deconvolution in conduction calorimeters: an analytical treatment and experimental results from the pulsed transfer function 61(1983)1

Pulse method Use of pulse method for study of structural changes of materials 92(1985)441

Purge gas flow rate in TG The effect of purge gas flow rate on thermo- gravimetric experiments 65(1983)151

Pur ine complexes Thermal studies on purine complexes. I. Thermal behaviour of some xanthine complexes of cobalt(If), copper(II) and cadmium(II) 63(1983)145

Thermal studies on purine complexes. II. Thermal behaviour of some metal complexes of theophylline 66(1983)245

Thermal studies on purine complexes. III. Palladium complexes of xanthine and some xanthine derivatives 69(1983)313

Thermal studies on purine complexes. IV. Thermal behaviour of some tetrachloroaurates of xanthine derivatives 71(1983)139

Thermal studies on purine complexes. V. Thermal behaviour of tetrachloropalladates of theophylline and theobromine and theophylline complexes of Cd(II) and Hg(II) 74(1984)45

Thermal studies on purine complexes. VI. Thermal behaviour of some Ag(I) and Hg(I) complexes of xanthine derivatives 76(1984)373

Thermal studies on purine complexes. VII. 8- Theophylline derivatives and their silver(I) complexes 80(1984)323

Thermal studies on purine complexes. VIII. Thermal behaviour of 8-ethylxanthine, 8-ethyl- 3-methylxanthine and some of their metal complexes 86(1985)189

Thermal studies on purine complexes. IX. Palladium(II) comoplexes with 8-alkyl substituted theophyllines 69(1965)159

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Thermal studies on purine complexes. X. Hexa- chloroplatinates(IV) of some xanthine derivatives 97(1986)67

Purity f~om DSC Effects of experimental variables on purity determinations with differential scanning calorimetry 66(1983)161

PVC gas pipes DSC investigations of PVC and PVC/CPE gas pipes 93(1985)203

PVC plastisols Studies of decomposition of a foaming agent in PVC plastisols 95(1985)319

p (x ) [unct ion A new approximation of the p(x) function 80(1984)123

P y r a n o s e r ing Mean molar heat capacities of sugars. Heat capacity contributions of the pyranose ring with different conformations 99(1988)27

Pyrazolinoimides Thermoanalytical investigations on hetero- cyclic organic compounds. Part I. Thermal decomposition of pyrazolinoimides 53(1982)45

Pyr id ine Calorimetric determination of the thermo- dynamic properties involved in the complex formation of silver(I) with some sulphur- containing pyridines 56(1982)25

Heats of pyridine intercalation with a- and ?- zirconium phosphates 63(1983)33

Dissociation of 2-carboxy-pyridine ion. Primary steric effect and solute-solvent interactions as ionization factor for ortho pyridine and aniline 77(1984)327

Anomalous behaviour of 2,3-dicarboxypyridine in the calorimetric basicity scale for some pyridine and aniline isomers. The influence of the internal hydrogen bond on the steric effect 79(1984)197

The kinetics of the thermal pyridine dissociation of pyridine[N, N'-ethylene- bis(salicylideneaminato)lalkylcobalt(III) in the solid state. Kinetic trans effect of alkyl group 83(1985)235

Thermal studies on the adducts of bis(benzoyl- acetenato)oxovanadium(IV) with substituted pyridines 86(1985)295

Thermal and structural studies on the adducts of bis(acetylacetonate) oxovanadium(IV) with substituted pyridines 87(1985)261

Kinetics of thermal decomposition of substituted pyridine adducts of N, N'-ethylene- bis(salicylideneaminato)cobalt(II) in the solid state 95(1985)227

Pyr id ine bichromate Analysis of the thermal decomposition of yellow pyridine bichromate(VI) (in French) 80(1984) 193

Pyr id ine complexes Thermal analyses of Mn(RSO3) 2 hydrates and pyridine complexes (R -- CH 3, p-CH3C6H 4, p - CICsH4) 71(1983)193

Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. XXIII. Thermal decomposition of some [Co(pyridine)4(NCX)2] type complexes 83(1985)181

Pyridine dissociation reactions The kinetics and thermodynamics of the thermal pyridine dissociation of bis(pyridine)bis(N-alkyl-substituted- salicylideneaminato)nickel(II) in the solid state. Kinetic and thermodynamic bond stabilities 63(1963)307

Pyr id ine intercalation Formation and thermal decomposition of pyridine intercalates of a- and 7-zirconium phosphates 59(1982)95

Pyr ld ine isomers Calorimetric basicity scale for some aniline and pyridine isomers in liquid phase. Substituent~ tautomeric, steric and hydrogen bond effects 78(1984)123

Pyr id ine oxide complexes Infrared and thermal decomposition of pyridine N-oxide and substituted pyridine N- oxide complexes of thorium(IV) halides 63(1983)363

Pyridlne oxide-nickel complexes Thermal properties of nickel(If) complexes with pyridine N-oxide and its methylderiva- tives 92(1985)705

Pyridinium chlorochremate Thermogravimetric studies of pyridinium chlorochromate reagent supported on snythetic zeolite 3A 62(1983)349

Pyridinium zirconyl/ha[uyl oxalates Thermal decomposition of pyridinium zirconyl and hafnyl oxalates 93(1985)101

Pyrimidines Thermodynamic hehaviour and stability constants of 5-arylazo-2-methylthio-4-hydroxy- 6-methylpyrimidine (AMHP) complexes 53(1982)343

Vy~te Descriptive oxidative profiles for pyrite in the low temperature ash component of coals by differential thermal analysis 75(1984)219

Siderite, pyrite, and magnesite identification in oil shale by variable atmosphere DTA 79(1984)131

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Pyri te content in coal A new method for the simultaneous determination of pyrite content and proximate analysis in coal 78(1984)81

Pyri te determination Coal proximate analysis and pyrite contents by the TM/TG method. The problem of iron- bearing carbonates 87(1985)353

Pyroch lo re compounds Thermal decomposition of a hydrated pyro- chlore containing mixed-valence bismuth(III,V) and potassium 54(1982)147

Pyroelectricity Further investigations of semiconductivity and pyroelectricity for the development of poled and Cd-doped mercury telluride thin film in electronics and engineering 82(1984)357

Pyrogallol The enthalpies of dilution of aqueous solutions containing catechol, resorcinol or pyrogallol at 298.15 K 86(1985)183

Pyrogailol- aminophenol systems Excess thermodynamic functions for a simple eutectic: m-aminophenol-pyrogallol systems 71(1983)373

Pyrolusite The reduction of pyrolusite in a hydrogen atmosphere 58(1982)333

Pyrophosphates On the existence of pyrophosphates of tetravalent metals having a layered structure 58(1982)179

Pyrophyllites Thermal investigations of pyrophyllites 93(1985)521

Pyrotechnic systems Investigation of the ignition temperature of pyrotechnic systems using a purpose designed differential thermal analysis apparatus 52(1982)321

Change determination of total enthalpy and enthalpies of transformations by the method of quantitative DTA 92(1985)325

Quartz Effect of mode of silica addition on the transformation of quartz into cristobalite 75(1984)33

True behavior of heat capacity in a, incommensurate and j3 phases of quartz 88(1985)143

Quartz crystals Experimental procedures for determining precise inversion temperatures of quartz crystals 87(1985)363

Quartz resonator method The low-temperature quartz resonator method for determination of the enthalpy of sublimation 95(1985)133

Quasi-isothermal dilatometry Quasi-isothermal dilatometric sintering studies on UO2 powder compacts: method of evaluation and influence of experimental parameters 58(1982)261

Quasi-isothermal-quasi-isobaric technique Thermoanalyticai examination under quasi-iso- thermal-quasi-isobaric conditions 100(1986)23

Quaternary glasses Effects of temperature, and single and double dopings on the electromechanical properties of quaternary glasses 83(1985)331

Quinoline metal chelates Further studies on the mechanism of thermal decomposition of some related quinoline metal chelates in the solid state 81(1984)223

Quinolinol-metal chelates Kinetics of the non-isothermal decomposition of some metal derivatives of 8-quinolinol and its dihalo derivatives from DTG/DTA curves 66(1983)347


Quantitative differential thermal analysis Application of quantitative DTA for determination of mixing enthalpy in multi- component systems with volatile and chemically active components 92(1985)321


Rabbit alveolar macrophages Microcalorimetric measurements of heat production in rabbit alveolar macrophages 72(1984)117

Radioactive material Modification of a thermogravimetric balance for the analysis of alpha- and low activity beta/gamma specimens 52(1982)169

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Radium The the rmochemis t ry of r ad ium 91(1985)185

R a r e e a r t h complexes Thermodynamic s tudy of the interact ion of rare ear ths with N-arylvioluric acids 59(1982)157 R a r e e a r t h compounds Phase t ransformat ions in complex oxides of rare ear th e lements 92(1985)517

High tempera ture hea t capacity of ErPd and T m P d and the intermediate valence compound YbPd 99(1986)187

R a r e e a r t h decavanadates Characterizat ion of the thermal decomposit ion products of the rare ear th decavanadates 52(1982)359

R a r e e a r t h e l e m e n t coordination compounds Thermic studies of the rare ear th e lement coordination compounds with th iosemi- carbazidediacetic acid 92(1985)775

R a r e e a r t h e l e m e n t s Reaction between rare earth elements and HF-NO 2 solution 57(1982)141

R a r e e a r t h formate anhydrides Thermal decomposit ion of formates. Par t IX. Thermal decomposit ion of rare ea r th formate anhydr ides 67(1983)271

R a r e e a r t h halides Enthalpies of mixing of some binary liquid mix tures of rare ear th halides 78(1984)427

R a r e e a r t h o x i d e s Thermochemica l investigation of the equil ibrium oxygen potential of rare ear th and uran ia - ra re ear th oxides by solid electrolyte coulometry 93(1985)453

R a r e e a r t h selenites Thermal stability of Eu 3+ activated rare ear th hydrogenseleni tes 92(1985)489

R a r e e a r t h t r i f l u o r i d e s Polymorphism of h igh-pur i ty rare ear th tri- fluorides 87(1985)145

R a r e e a r t h t r i f l u o r o a c e t a t e complexes Thermal s tudy of rare-ear th trifluoroacetate complexes with thioxane-oxide 78(1984)449

R a t e e q u a t i o n s On the use of the degree of conversion in the rate equat ions 55(1982)351

R a t e l a w s Numerical solutions and an iterative method for a rate law involving (1 - a) and {-ln(1 - a)] n 62(1983)325

R a w m a t e r i a l s Thermal behviour of some raw mater ia ls and ceramic mixes 75(1984)43


High- tempera ture investigation of raw material for thermal ly e:doliated graphi te (TEG) production and s tudy of the thermo- physical propert ies of TEG products 88(1985)489 Thermal behaviour of lignins extracted from different raw materials 94(1985)231

RC model Simulation of a DTA system by the RC model 88(1985)425

Simulation of a DTA system by the RC model. Application to a real process 95(1985)27

Reaction calorimetry A simple principle of reaction calorimetry 92(1985)269

Reaction enthalpies Thermomet r ic determinat ion of reaction enthalpies us ing a polypropylene ceil in an isothermic air ba th 98(1986)213

Reaction injection molding On the use of DSC and DMA to characterize the degree of mixing of IPNs processed by RIM 78(1984)285

Reaction isotherms A simple, rapid method for the genera t ion of l igand binding i so therms 63(1983)83

Reaction kinetics Reaction kinetics at l inearly increased temperature . I. Comparative characterizat ion of react ions in solution and solid phase in a unique "mechanis t ic diagram" 58(1982)1

Reaction kinetics in thermal analysis. Par t 1. The sensit ivi ty of kinetic equat ions to exper imenta l errors. A mathemat ica l analysis 57(1982)13

A new method for the determinat ion of reaction kinetics from DTA and TG curves. Par t I. Definition of the method 60(1983)61

A new method for the determinat ion of reaction kinetics f rom DTA and TG curves. Par t II. Application of the method to the thermal decomposit ion of carbonates 60(1983)69

The problems of reaction kinetics calculations based on thermoanalyt ical curves 65(1983)113

Reaction kinetics at l inearly increased temperature. Ill. Initial t empera tures and heights of peaks in concentrat ion series 76(1984)105

Remarks on the description of reaction kinetics under non- iso thermal conditions 76(1984)359

Reaction kinetics at l inearly increased temperature . IV. Relat ionships between DTA curves, rate curves and adiabatic calorimetry 82(1984)293

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Reaction rate curve Theory and practice of transforming a DSC- peak of a rapid process into the reaction rate curve 85(1985)263

Reaction-sintered silicon nitride High temperature corrosion of reaction- sintered silicon nitride 79(1984)305

Reac t ive porous m a t r i c e s Diffusional study of the reaction of sulfur dioxide with reactive porous matrices 76(1984)287

Reactive solid surfaces Thermal decomposition and creation of reactive solid surfaces. I. Characterization of the decomposition products of alkaline earth oxalates 78(1984)29

Thermal decomposition and creation of reactive solid surfaces. IV. Effect of NH4NO 3 inclusion on the thermal genesis of chromia catalyst from a parent gel 95(1985)73

Reactivity of solids Possibilities of the characterization of solids by estimation of their surface activity and defect state by emanation thermal analysis and by surface area measurements 92(1985)73

Red iron oxide pigments Preparation of yellow and red iron oxide pigments from iron(II) sulfate by alkali precipitation 77(1984)177

Red rusts Vacuum balance and related studies of green and red rusts 82(1984)231

Reduced-time plots Reduced-time plots in the thermal decomposition of solids, past, present and future 87(1985)47

Refrac tory compounds Interaction analysis of systems involving refractory compounds by means of DTA method 93(1985)577

Refrac tory oxides TA method application to the highest refractory oxide systems investigation 93(1985)537

Regu la r i sa t ion method The regularisation method applied to the calculation of binary phase diagrams: applications and generalisation in the case of constraints (in French) 89(1985)351

Reich-Stivala method Numerical solution of nonisothermal rate equations and analysis of solutions by the Reich-Stivala method 55(1982)241

Renal calculi analysis Renal calculi analysis. Application of thermal analytical techniques 62(1983)149

Rept i les Microcalorimetric investigations of the energy metabolism of some reptiles 94(1985)161

Resorcinol The enthalpies of dilution of aqueous solutions containing catechol, resorcinol or pyrogallol at 298.15 K 86(1985)183

Reversible sal t Systematic exploration of the hydration kinetics of a reversible salt. Example of the reaction CaC20~s } -f H20(g ) ~ CaC204- H20(s ) (in French) 97(1986)369

Reversible thermal decomposition The influence of the pressure of the gaseous product on the reversible thermal decomposition of solids 92(1985)105

Rhodium-cysteinate complex Thermochemistry for the formation of cysteinate complex of rhodium(III) 90(1985)1

Rhodium dioxide Hydrothermal synthesis and reactivity of rhodium dioxide and oxyhydroxide 60(1983)181

Rhodium oxyhydroxide Hydrothermal synthesis and reactivity of rhodium dioxide and oxyhydroxide 60(1983)181

Rice hulls Pyrolysis and combustion of treated and untreated rice hulls 81(1984)77

Kinetic studies on thermal degradation of treated and untreated rice hulls 87(1985)239

Rice husk Investigation of thermal decomposition of rice husk 94(1985)267

Silica from rice husk through thermal decomposition 97(1986)329

Rigid systems Calorimetric diagnostic of convergence of solute particles during a heating of frozen aqueous solutions 92(1985)277

Rising temperature technique The use of the rising temperature technique to establish the kinetics of acetaldehyde evolution during atmospheric polymerization of bis(hydroxyethyl)terephthalate 61(1983)97

Rolling fluids for aluminium Thermoanalytical study of water-based aluminium rolling fluids combined with direct observation 95(1985)431

Rosin products Determination of oxidative stability of rosin products by high-pressure differential scanning calorimetry 91(1985)87

Rubbe r Kinetic parameters of the overall reaction of scrap rubber vulcanization by 2% sulfur 59(1982)149

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Thermoanalytical studies of rubber oxidation: correlation of activation energy, isothermal induction time and oxidation peak temperature 77(1984)275

Rubber cure Determination of the kinetic data of rubber cure and industrial application 85(1985)415

Study of heat flux and profiles of temperature and state of cure obtained in an isothermal calorimeter with rubber cure of low enthalpy 89(1985)81

Enhanced s tudy of the method of coupling DSC and DC techniques for rubber cure in 200-rag samples 89(1985)93

Determinat ion of hea t flux and profiles of t empera ture and state of cure in i so thermal calorimetry with reaction of h igh en tha lpy 89(1985)107

Model for s tudying calorimetry with p rogrammed tempera ture followed by isothermal heating. Calculation of hea t flux and profiles of t empera ture with cure reaction of h igh enthalpy 89(1985)119

Effect of heat ing rate in DSC on hea t flux- t ime curves and profiles of t empera ture and state of cure developed in the sample 97(1986)281

Modelization of the DSC technique by considering hea t t ransfer and kinetics of reaction in the case of rubber cure 98(1986)285

Rubber oxidation Thermoanalyt ical s tudies of rubber oxidation: predict ion of i sothermal induction t ime 75(1984)323

Rubber sheets Effect of variation in the kinetic paramete rs on the vulcanization of rubber shee t 68(1983)283

Effect of mold tempera ture and cure entha lpy on the state of cure at the midplane of th in rubber sheets 71(1983)237

Vulcanization progress in rubber sheets dur ing cooling in motionless air after extract ion from the mold 76(1984)181

Effect of a variation in the order of the overall reaction of cure on the profiles of t empera ture and state of cure developed at the midplane of rubber sheets 79(1984)187

Effect of variation in the values of the thermal propert ies of rubber on the vulcanizat ion of th in and thick sheets 80(1984)287

Rubidium Studies on selenates. VIII. The thermal decomposit ion of double selenate hydra tes of ho lmium and y t terb ium with rub id ium 51(1981)381


Studies on selenates. IX. Thermal decomposition of double selenates of cerium(III) with rubidium and caesium 52(1982)361

Rubidium borate Calorimetric study of vitreous and crystalline rubidium and caesium borates 92(1985)345

Rubidium chalcogenide Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of alkali metal compounds. III. Estimation of the thermodynamic properties of cesium and rubidium chalcogenides 66(1983)361

Rubidium chloride Thermodynamics of the chlorides of potassium, sodium, rubidium and caesium in tetramethylurea-water mixtures from conductance data at 30°C 52(1982)83

EMF-measurements in galvanic cells with rubidium chloride as solid electrolyte 72(1984)11

Thermal analysis by EMF-measurements on solid electrolytes. The system RbCl with alkaline earth metal chlorides 72(1984)245

Rubidium chromate Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of alkali metal compounds. IV. Cesium and rubidium chromates 81(1984)327

Rubidium compounds The DTA and X-ray preliminary study of Rb2CoCl 4, Cs2CoCl 4 and Li2CoCI 4 92(1985)823

Rubidium deoxycholate Study of the vaporization process of the rubidium deoxycholate crystal and fibre 77(1984)77

Rubidium deoxycholate lyophilizate Study of the vaporization process of sodium and rubid ium deoxycholate lyophilizates 81(1984)385

Rubidium hexavanadate Thermal properties of potassium, rubid ium and cesum hexavanada tes 85(1985)111

Rubidium molten salt m i x t u r e s Calorimetric investigation of the RbF-Rb2SO 4 liquid sys tem and comparison of the excess thermodynamic functions in the AF-A2SO 4 (A = Li, Na, K, Rb) molten salt mixtures 57(1982)351

Rubidium molybdate Heat capacity and the rmodynamic propert ies of the alkali metal compounds in the tempera ture range 300-800 K. I. Ces ium and rubid ium molybdates 57(1982)155

Rubidium phosphate-lanthanum phosphate system Phase equil ibrium relations in the b inary system MIpO3-LaP309 (M ] = Rb, Cs) (in French) 79(1984)251

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Rubidium zirconate Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of alkali metal compounds. II. Estimation of the thermodynamic properties of cesium and rubidium zirconates 65(1983)285

Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of alkali metal compounds. V. Rubidium zirconate 84(1985)391

Ruthenium complexes Synthesis and thermal decomposition of complexes of composition Ru(bpy)3X 2 (X--OH-, CI-, Br-, I-, C10~-, IO4-, ReO4-and VO3- ) 92(1985)779

Ruthenium hydrate DTA study of RuO~ formation from the thermal decomposition of ruthenium(III) hydrate 51(1981)307

Ruthenium mixed ligand complexes Preparation, characterisation and thermal studies on mixed ligand complexes of Ru(III) and Pt(IV) with biologically active ligands 84(1985)377

Ruthenium oxide DTA study of RuO 2 formation from the thermal decomposition of ruthenium(III) hydrate 51(1981)307


Saccharin Coordination compounds of biological interest: thermal properties of some compounds of saccharin (o-benzoic sulphimide) with nickel(II) and zinc(II) 59(1982)63

Safety tests Safety tests for production processes in the chemical industry using differential thermal analysis 72(1984)127

Salicylates Solid-state decomposition studies on 5- substituted salicyiates. Kinetics of the isothermal decomposition of hydrated copper(II) 5-substituted salicylates 76(1984)229

Salicylhydroxamic acid Studies on the thermal decomposition of salicylhydroxamic acid and its metal complexes with Ni(II), Co(II), Fe(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) 75(1984)313

Salicylic acid Gibbs free energies of solute-solvent inter- actions for salicylic, sulphosalicylic and

sulphanilic acids in various solvents 86(1985)351

Association, dissociation and hydrogen bonding of salicylic acid in water-N, N- dimethylformamide mixtures 89(1985)133

Sal t hydrates Critical examination and experimental determination of melting enthalpies and entropies of salt hydrates 67(1983)167

Salt systems Studying salt systems with "wedged-out" compounds by DTA 93(1985)333

Phase rule investigations of salt systems 96(1985)229

Salt-water systems Construction of a conductimeter adapted for the determination of solid-liquid equilibrium diagrams. Application to studying the isotherm at 65°C of the system H20-NaC1- CaC12-SrCl 2 (in French) 88(1983)145

Samarium double selenates Studies on double selenates. IV. Thermal decomposition of neodymium, samarium and alkali metal double selenates 59(1982)231

Samarium oxide Thermal analysis of the effect of samarium oxide on the reduction of precipitated ammonia synthesis catalyst 93(1985)693

Sample mass in isothermal TG A comprehensive study of the influence of sample mass on the kinetic parameters in isothermal dehydration reactions 90(1985)229

Sapphire Latent heat measurement by DSC with sapphire as standard material 88(1985)199

Sapropelic acids Thermal analysis of sapropelic acids from holocene and interglacial lake deposites 93(1985)621

Saturated hydrocarbon-alcohol mixtures Prediction of excess molar enthalpies for ternary alcohol-saturated hydrocarbon mixtures 99(1986)145

Saturated liquids Prediction of the thermal conductivity of saturated liquids 84(1985)41

Scanning calorimetry Scanning calorimeters controlled by an independent thermodynamic variable: definitions and some metrological problems 89(1985)215

Schiff base complexes Thermal decomposition studies of fuffural- based Schiff base complexes of uranyl halides and pseudohalides 81(1984)237

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Schiff bases Solid-solid interactions in the formation of new coordination compounds of tin dichloride with aromatic Schiff bases 65(1983)351

The effect of tempera ture and the kinetics of the hydrolysis of some ~-<liketone Schiff bases 67(1983)17

Thermal characterizat ion of ni t rogen monoxide dissociation reactions of nitrosyl complexes in the solid phase. Mononitrosyl- cobalt(III) complexes with mixed ligand tetra- denta te Schiff bases 84(1985)337

Thermal decomposit ion and mass f ragmenta t ion of some new hydroxy Schiff bases 97(1986)337

Scolecite crystals Dehydrat ion behaviour of scolecite crystals 64(1983)39

S E D E X apparatus Advanced SEDEX (sensitive detector of exothermic processes) 80(1984)209

Computerized SEDEX (sensitive detector of exothermic processes) 92(1985)407

Segmented composition model Analysis of t ranspor t propert ies of the aceto- nitri le-water sys tem us ing a segmented composit ion model 73(1984)149

Segmented composit ion model analyses of compressibil i ty data for some non-electrolyte aqueous sys tems 81(1984)157

Selenates Studies on selenates. VIII. The thermal decomposit ion of double selenate hydrates of ho lmium and yt terbium with rubid ium 51(1981)381

Studies on selenates. IX. Thermal decomposit ion of double selenates of cerium(III) with rubidium and caes ium 52(1982)351

Studies on double selenates. V. Thermal decomposit ion of europium and alkali metal double selenates 56(1982)375

Studies on double selenates. IV. Thermal decomposit ion of neodymium, s amar i um and alkali metal double selenates 59(1982)231

On the relationship between the s t ructures of double hexaaqua-Cu(II) and Ni(II) selenates and the course of their decomposit ion 92(1985)125

S e l e n i t e s Dimorphism of the anhydrous selenites of zinc, cadmium and mercury 71(1983)391

Thermal and the rmodynamic data concerning the selenites f rom group IB in the Periodic Table 75(1984)295


Selenium-cadmium thin films Fur ther studies on the tempera ture dependence of the electric and photovoltaic properties of CdSe th in fi lms for solar cells 86(1985)59

Selenium-copper-arsenic alloys DTA studies and physical propert ies of vit- reous Cux(As0.4Se0.e)l_ x alloys 93(1985)267

Selenium dioxide-gallium o x i d e - w a t e r system Solubility i sotherm and some propert ies of the phases of the Ga203-SeO2-H20 sys tem 82(1984)375

Selenium dioxide-indium oxide-water system Interact ions in the three-component sys tem In203-SeO2-H20 at 100°C 82(1984)367

Selenium dioxide-thallium o x i d e - w a t e r system Phases of the sys tem T1203-SeO2-H20 and their thermal stability 77(1984)445

Selenium dioxide-zinc oxide-water system Physico-chemical investigation of the sys tem ZnO-SeO2-H20 and some propert ies of the compounds obtained 77(1984)439

Selenium-germanium-antimony system Phase d iagram of the te rnary sys tem Ge-Sb- Se 56(1982)161

Selenium-germanium-tellurium system Characterizat ion of Ge-Se-Te glasses by eman- ation thermal analysis and DTA 93(1985)263

Selenium-lead system Thermodynamic s tudy of the lead-selenium sys tem by calorimetry (in French) 76(1984)311

Selenium-oxygen interactions Thermodynamic studies on arsenic-oxygen and se lenium-oxygen interactions in molten copper 59(1982)193

Selenium-sulphur-silver system Thermographic investigations of the crystallization of glasses from the Se-S-Ag sys tem 93(1985)251

Selenium-tellurium mixed oxides Kinetic parameters for the thermal decomposit ion reactions of mixed oxides of se lenium and te l lur ium 54(1982)99

Selenium-tellurium-oxygen system The thermal behaviour of solid phases in the Te-Se-O 2 sys tem 82(1984)381

Selenocyanatocopper c o m p l e x e s Thermal properties of thio- and selenocyanato- copper(II) complexes with some N-donor l igands 92(1985)807

Sell-ignition test An adiabatic selC-ignition test ing appara tus 67(1983)35

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Semicarbazone complexes Thermal studies on copper(II) and cobalt(II) semicarbazone complexes 99(1986)253

Semiconductivity Further investigations of semiconductivity and pyroelectricity for the development of poled and Cd-doped mercury telluride thin film in electronics and engineering 82(1984)357

Further studies on semiconductivity in correlation with the optical properties of some related solid charge-transfer complexes for their possible application in solar cells 83(1985)321

Semiconductor materials Electrical properties of semiconductor materials. Chromium trioxide 51(1981)335

Electrical properties of the semiconductor materials molybdenum and tungsten trioxides 65(1983)311

Semiconductors A new mechanism for the thermal degradation of BP. 3H20 with V205 and TiO 2 semiconduc- tors: a phase diagram study 81(1984)273

Setaram C 80 New experimental vessels for calorimetric investigations of gases and liquids on the Setaram C 80 92(1985)375

Setaram T G - D S C 111 Combination of DSC 111 and thermobalance: new Setaram simultaneous TG-DSC 111 92(1985)371

Simultaneous TG-DSC 111: a new combination from Setaram (abstract) 94(1985)221

Siderite Siderite, pyrite, and magnesite identification in oil shale by variable atmosphere DTA 79(1984)131

Silica Study of the thermal behavior of surface species formed by direct reaction of cyanogen with silica 69(1983)323

Investigations of Elkem micro silica by thermo- sonimetry 72(1984)205

Heat of immersion of silica in water 78(1984)341

DSC study of the thermodynamics and the kinetics of structural transformations of silica in a water vapour atmosphere 93(1985)271

Silica from rice husk through thermal decomposition 97(1986)329

Silica-calcium carbonate system Effect of alkaline earth metal dopants on the thermal decomposition of the CaCO3-SiO 2 system. Part I 87(1985)37

Silica gels Structural and surface aspects of thermally treated phosphated and sulphated silica gel 53(1982)125

Structural and surface characteristics of pure and low molecular weight oligomer-containing silica gels 55(1982)253

Thermal behaviour of silica gel investigated by emanation thermal analysis 85(1985)15

Silica-gel supported chromic acid reagents Thermogravimetric studies of silica-gel supported chromic acid reagent 54(1982)365

Silica minerals Comparative studies of structural trans- formations of carbonate and silica minerals by means of thermosonimetry and differential thermal analysis 72(1984)159

DTA and X-ray diffraction study of the phase transformation of silica minerals 93(1985)533

Silica modifications Thermal and pore structure characteristics of silica modifications 52(1982)341

Silica-soda-lime glasses Crystallization of glasses in the 2 Na20 • CaO • 3 SiO2-Na20 • 2 CaO • 3 SiO 2 composition range 52(1982)263

Silicate glasses Thermal conductivity of some multicomponent silicate glasses 77(1984)227

Effects of temperature, titanium content and laser irradiation on the electrosonic properties of some related silicate glasses 80(1984)307

Some physical properties concerning the thermal conductivity data of BaO-containing silicate glasses in relation to structure 82(1984)345

Silicon Evaluation of the temperature dependence of vapour pressure for silicon and germanium 77(1984)167

Sil icon-aluminium alloys Further studies on the effects of ionizing radiation, heating cycles and quenching on the temperature dependence of the electronic conductivity of different dilute ANSi and A1-Fe alloys 81(1984)213

Silicon dioxide-calcium carbonate system Effect of alkaline earth metal dopants on the thermal decomposition of the CaCO3-SiO 2 system. Part If. Formation of dicalcium silicate 95(1985)201

Thermal studies of the CaCO3:SiO 2 (2:1) system containing lithium as dopant 97(1986)313

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Silicon dioxide-calc ium o x i d e - w a t e r system Hydrothermal reaction of CaO - SiO 2 - H20 at 190"C. Study of the p r imary product 93(1985)545

Silicon dioxide-nickel oxide catalysts Effect of the rmal t r ea tmen t on the s t ructure and texture of differently impregnated NiO/ SiO2 catalysts 95(1985)159

Sil icone Model for predicting mechanical propert ies of silicone shee t dur ing pyrolysis with cons tan t heat ing rate 97(1986)271

Silicon hydride Reaction component isomerism: Si2H 4 - an interesting, fourfold case 97(1986)321

Silicon nitride Kinetics of the thermal behaviour of hot- pressed silicon nitride in the tempera ture range 1250 to 1400"C 77(1984)191

High tempera ture corrosion of reaction- sintered silicon nitride 79(1984)305

Heat of immers ion of silicon nitride 88(1985)267

High tempera ture oxidation of silicon nitride 93(1985)701

Silicon rubber systems Thermoanalyt ical investigation of silicon rubber systems. I 85(1985)399

Thermoanalyt ical investigation of silicon rubber systems. II. Degradation kinetic of Elastosil E 1 93(1985)225

S i l v e r Calorimetric de terminat ion of the thermo- dynamic propert ies involved in the complex formation of silver(I) with some sulphur- containing pyridines 56(1982)25

S i l v e r a r y i c a r b o x y l a t e s Thermal decomposit ion of silver arylcarbox- ylates 93(1985)57

S i l v e r chloride Thermodynamics of the silver-silver ion electrode and the rmodynamic solubility products of silver chloride in water ~ D- glucose and D-fructose mix tures at 25°C 70(1983)383

Silver chloride-lead chloride system Contribution to the construct ion of the phase d iagram of the b inary sys tem PbCI2-AgCI 83(1985)283

S i l v e r complexes Thermochemical s tudy of the complex formation of Ag(I) with some sulphur- containing aminopyr id ines 70(1983)63

The the rmodynamics of complexation between Ag(1) and some sulphur-conta in ing a,0~- d iamines 77(1984)407

Thermal s tudies on pur ine complexes. VII. 8- Theophyll ine derivatives and their silver(I) complexes 80(1984)323

Influence of ionic s t rength on stabili ty cons tants of Ag(I), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes with some 4-amino-5-nitroso- pyrimidine derivatives 89(1985)141

Studies on tris-N{(chlorophenyl)dithiocarbam- ato] complexes of Au(III) and As(III) 93(1985)105

Thermodynamics of complex formation of Ag(I). VI. Ag(I)-thiocarbonyl ligand sys tems in aqueous solution 99(1986)93

S i l v e r compounds Melting tempera tures of the AIBmC2W-type (A I

Cu, Ag; B IH ffi A], Ga, In; C w -- S, Se) compounds and phase d iagrams of their solid solutions 93(1985)685

Determinat ion of phase transi t ion enthalpies of AXBmC~W-type compounds 93(1985)729

S i l v e r electrodes Standard the rmodynamics of transfer. I. Silver and silver salt electrodes in glycerol ~- water mix tures 89(1935)281

Standard the rmodynamics of transfer. II. Silver and silver salt electrodes in acetone -t- water mixtures 95(1985)213

S i l v e r halides Thermodynamics of the silver-silver ion electrode and thermodynamic solubility product cons tants of silver halides and pseudo-hal ides in urea-water mix tures 61(1983)379

Thermodynamics of silver-silver halide electrodes and thermodynamic solubility products of silver halides in glycerol -{- water mixtures at different t empera tures 80(1984)331

S i l v e r nitrate Study of the phase t ransi t ions liquid-solid- solid of a finely divided ionic crystal in a porous material. The case of silver ni trate (in French) 59(1982)175

Examinat ion of the decomposit ion of AgNO 3 by m e a n s of s imul taneous EGA and TG method under conventional and quasi i sothermal c i rcumstances 92(1985)787

S i l v e r oxide Thermal decomposit ion of AgO to Ag20 85(1985)I03

Thermal decomposit ion of silver oxide 92(1985)445

S i l v e r oxide cathode m a t e r i a l Thermograv imet ry of high-purity, chemically- prepared AgO cathode material 78(1984)333

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Silver phosphate-lanthanum triphosphate system Study of solid-liquid equilibria in the binary sys tem AgPO3-LaP309 (in French) 65(1983)35

Silver powder compacts Kinetics of densification of powder compacts dur ing the initial s tage of s inter ing with cons tant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Par t IV. Silver powder compacts 61(1983)87

Kinetics of the densification of silver powder compacts dur ing non- isothermal solid-state sintering. A phenomenological approach 68(1983)125

Silver salt electrodes Standard the rmodynamics of transfer . I. Silver and silver salt electrodes in glycerol + water mixtures 89(1985)281

Standard thermodynamics of transfer. II. Silver and silver salt electrodes in acetone + water mixtures 95(1985)213

Silver-selenium-sulphur system Thermographic investigations of the crystallization of glasses f rom the Se-S-Ag sys tem 93(1985)251

Silver-silver arsenate electrode Standard potentials of the silver-silver tungstate, silver-silver phosphate, and silver- silver arsenate electrodes in water-dioxane and water-urea mixtures and related thermo- dynamic funct ions 55(1982)315

Silver-silver bromate electrode Thermodynamics of the silver-silver iodate and silver-silver bromate electrodes in dioxane-water mixtures 56(1982)113

Thermodynamics of silver-silver bromate, silver-silver iodate, silver-silver sulphate, silver-silver chromate and silver-silver dichromate electrodes in water + urea mixtures and related the rmodynamic solubility products 91(1985)329

Silver-silver chromate electrode Thermodynamics of silver-silver bromate, silver-silver iodate, silver-silver sulphate, silver-silver chromate and silver-silver dichromate electrodes in water + urea mixtures and related the rmodynamic solubility products 91(1985)329

Silver-silver dichromate electrode Thermodynamics of silver-silver bromate, silver-silver iodate, silver-silver sulphate, silver-silver chromate and silver-silver dichromate electrodes in water + urea mixtures and related thermodynamic solubility products 91(1985)329

Silver-silver halide electrode Thermodynamics of silver-silver halide electrodes and thermodynamic solubility

products of silver halides in glycerol + water mixtures at different t empera tures 80(1984)331

Silver-silver iodate electrode Thermodynamics of the silver-silver iodate and silver-silver bromate electrodes in dioxane-water mixtures 56(1982)113

Thermodynamics of silver-silver bromate, silver-silver iodate, silver-silver sulphate, silver-silver chromate and silver-silver d ichromate electrodes in water + urea mixtures and related the rmodynamic solubility products 91(1985)329

Silver-silver iodide electrode Standard potentials of the silver-silver iodide electrode and the the rmodynamic properties of hydriodic acid in propylene glycol + water solvents 88(1983)187

Silver-silver ion electrode Thermodynamics of the silver-silver ion electrode and the rmodynamic solubility product constants of silver halides and pseudo-hal ides in urea-water mixtures 61(1983)379

Thermodynamic properties of the silver ion in alcohol + water solvent mixtures from electro- motive force measurements and thermo- dynamic solubility product constants of AgX (X = Cl, Br, I or CNS) at different temperatures 63(1983)261

Thermodynamics of the silver-silver ion electrode and thermodynamic solubility products of silver chloride in water + D- glucose and D-fructose mixtures at 25°C 70(1983)383

Thermodynamics of the silver-silver ion electrode in dioxane-water mix tures 71(1983)199

Silver-silver phosphate electrode Standard potentials of the silver-silver tungstate , silver-silver phosphate, and silver- silver a rsenate electrodes in water-dioxane and water-urea mixtures and related thermo- dynamic funct ions 55(1982)315

Silver-silver sulphate electrode Thermodynamics of silver-silver bromate, silver-silver iodate, silver-silver sulphate, silver-silver chromate and silver-silver d ichromate electrodes in water + urea mixtures and related thermodynamic solubility products 91(1985)329

Silver-silver thiocyanate electrode Thermodynamics of the t ransfer of (H+SCN -) from water to methanol + water mix tures from the s tudy of silver-silver thiocyanate electrodes 53(1982)357

Thermodynamics of the silver/silver thio- cyanate electrode in water, +methano l , +e thanol , + l -propanol , +2-propanol , and +glycerol mix tures 60(1983)243

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Silver-silver tungstate electrode Standard potentials of the silver-silver tungstate , silver-silver phosphate , and silver- silver a rsenate electrodes in water-dioxane and water-urea mix tures and related thermo- dynamic funct ions 55(1982)315

Silver s u l p h a t e Solid-solid reaction of c admi um oxide and silver sulfate 84(1985)349

Silver sulphate-cadmium sulphate system The sys tem Ag2SO4-CdSO4 83(1985)383

Silver sulphate-lanthanum s u l p h a t e s y s t e m The phase d iagram of the sys tem La2(SO4) 3- Ag2SO 4 67(1983)73

Silver t e l l u r i d e - c a d m i u m t e l l u r i d e system Investigation on phase-d iagram of the Ag2Te- CdTe sys tem 92(1985)591

Silver tellurites Silver tellurites and their the rmal dissociation 99(1986)139 Silver thiocyanate Thermodynamics of the t ransfer of (H+SCN -) from water to methanol q- water mix tures f rom the s tudy of silver-silver thiocyanate electrodes 53(1982)357

Silver-vanadium bronze c a t a l y s t A thermal analysis s tudy of V205 and Ag0.3sV205 63(1983)123

Silver-xanthine derivative complexes Thermal studies on pur ine complexes. VI. Thermal behaviour of some Ag(I) and Hg(1) complexes of xanth ine derivatives 76(1984)373

Single ions Absolute electrode potential and thermo- dynamics of single ions 80(1984)239

Single ion thermodynamics Single ion the rmodynamics for Cl-, Br-, I-, Ph4B-, K +, Rb +, Cs + and Ph4As+ in mixed hexamethylphosphor t r iamide-water solvents 91(1985)235

Sintering Kinetics of densification of powder compacts dur ing the initial s tage of s inter ing with cons tan t rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Par t I. Theoretical considerat ions 56(1982)261

Kinetics of densification of powder compacts dur ing the initial s tage of s in ter ing with cons tant rates of heating. A thermal analysis approach. Par t II. Haemat i te compacts 56(1982)269

S k a u ' s c r y o m e t r i c technique The Skau's dynamic c ryometry determinat ion of advance in the solid-liquid phase t ransi t ion 73(1984)229


Smectites Thermal t r ea tmen t of some pure smect i tes 98(1986)181 Smoke dyes Thermoanalyt ical investigation of smoke dyes (in German) 81(1984)29

S o d a - l i m e - s i l i c a glasses Crystallization of glasses in the 2 Na20 . CaO

3 SiO2-Na20 • 2 CaO. 3 SiO 2 composit ion range 52(1982)263

Sodium a l u m i n a t e s Thermal evolution of Na(Li)polyaluminate microspheres produced via a sol-gel method 85(1985)227

Sodium aluminium h y d r i d e Calorimetric s tudies in organic solvents. VI. Heat of formation of sodium a luminium hydride, NaAIH 4, heat of dissolution of a- aluminium hydride in THF (in French) 78(1984)323

Sodium bromide + lithium bromide mixtures Solid miscibility of common-anion lithium and sodium halides. Experimental determination of the region of demixing in lithium bromide -{- sodium bromide 76(1984)171

Sodium carbonate Electrical conductivity and dielectric constant measurements on Na2COyH20 crystals 62(1983)333

Non-isothermal isokinetic decomposit ion of sodium carbonate 72(1984)377

Sodium carbonate-lithium carbonate- potassium c a r b o n a t e e u t e c t i c Molten l i thium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potass ium carbonate eutectic. The reaction of iron(II) oxalate and basic nickel(II) carbonates 61(1983)185

Molten l i thium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potass ium carbonate eutectic: the reaction of four lanthanide(III) chlorides 84(1985)13

The reactions of some compounds of zinc, cadmium and mercury with the molten l i th ium carbonate-sodium carbonate- potass ium carbonate eutectic 96(1985)7

Molten Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3 eutectic: the effect of added Cl-, Br-, and I- on the reactivity of solutions of Mn(ll), Co(II), Ni(II), and Cu(II) 97(1986)61 Sodium c h l o r i d e Thermodynamics of KCI + water + glucose and NaCI + water + glucose sys tems from viscosity data 51(1981)367

Thermodynamics of the chlorides of potassium, sodium, rubid ium and caes ium in te t ramethylurea-water mix tures f rom conductance data at 30°C 52(1982)83

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Sodium chloride-calcium c h l o r i d e - m a g n e s i u m chloride system Calculation of fusion d iagrams of te rnary mixtures. Numerical technique and application to the NaC1-CaC12-MgCI 2 sys tem (in French) 60(1983)161

Sodium chloride-potassium chloride- magnesium chloride system Quaternary compounds in the sys tem KC1/ NaCI/MgC½? 72(1984)195

Sodium cholates Thermogravimetr ic analysis of conjugated and unconjugated sodium cholates 78(1984)235

Sodium chromate The thermal expansion and crystallographic phase t ransformat ion of Na2CrO 4 58(1982)107

Na2CrO4(I ) solid solutions: crystal chemistry, defects and ionic conductivity 92(1985)619

Sodium complexes The formation of proton and alkali metal complexes with l igands of biological interest in aqueous solution. Thermodynamics of Li +, Na + and K+-dicarboxylate complex formation 62(1983)101

Sodium cyclotriphosphate hexahydrate Kinetics of sodium cyclotriphosphate hexahydra te dehydrat ion 97(1986)23

Sodium cyclotriphosphate monohydrate Thermal conversions of sodium cyclotriphos- phate monohydrate , Na3P30~-H20 97(1986)11

Sodium deoxycholate Thermal and X-ray s tudy of s~dium deoxy- cholate crystal and fibre 67(1983)223

Sodium deoxycholate lyophilizate Study of the vaporization process of sodium and rubidium deoxycholate lyophilizates 81(1984)385

Sodium dimolybdate Preparation of sodium dimolybdate by the pyrolysis of sodium oxomolybdenum(VI) oxalate 95(1985)295

Sodium diphosphates A study of thermal behaviour of sodium and zinc diphosphates 86(1985)243

Sodium dithionate Thermal studies on dithionate compounds. II. Dithionates of lithium, sodium, and magnes ium 70(1983)189

Sodium formate The thermal decomposit ion of HCOONa in presence of NaOH 92(1985)661

Sodium halides Thermodynamics and free volume of sodium and potass ium halides in aqueous xylose solution 87(1985)151

Sodium hydroxide-sodium nitrate system Molar enthalpy at five composit ions in the NaNO3-NaOH sys tem in the liquid and solid states 58(1982)53

Sodium-lead ahoy Microgravimetric investigation of the preparation of tetraethyl lead from lead- sodium alloy and ethyl chloride 65(1983)375

Sodium metaphosphate glass The non-isothermal devitrification of sodium metaphosphate glass 98(1986)363

Sodium molten salt mixtures Calorimetric investigation of the RbF-Rb2SO 4 liquid system and comparison of the excess thermodynamic functions in the AF-A2SO 4 (A m Li, Na, K, Rb) molten salt mixtures 57(1982)351

Sodium molybdophosphate catalysts Catalytic effect of sodium 12-molybdosilicate and sodium 12-molybdophosphate on calcination of calcium carbonate 78(1984)309

Sodium molybdosilicate catalysts Catalytic effect of sodium 12-molybdosilicate and sodium 12-molybdophosphate on calcination of calcium carbonate 78(1984)~09

Sodium monomethyi violurate Thermal studies on lithium, sodium, potass ium and a m m o n i u m monomethyl violurates 58(1982)61

Sodium nitrate Differential scanning calorimetry of sodium and potass ium ni trates and nitri tes 55(1982)11

Molar enthalpy of the solid-solid t ransi t ion in NaNO 3 59(1982)251

Heat capacities of NaNO 3 and KNO 3 from 350 to 800 K 60(1983)265

Sodium nitrate-potassium nitrate system Thermal decomposit ion of MC12{M m Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II)] in sodium ni t ra te-potass ium ni trate eutectic mel t 67(1983)147

Study of the thermal decomposit ion of MSO 4 (M -- Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II)) in a sodium ni t ra te-potass ium nitrate mel t 83(1985)203

The phase d iagram of the sys tem NaNO 3- KNO 3 studied by differential scanning calorimetry 86(1985)343

Sodium nitrate-sodium hydroxide system Molar enthalpy at five composit ions in the NaNO3-NaOH sys tem in the liquid and solid states 58(1982)53

Sodium n i t r i t e Differential scanning calorimetry of sodium and potass ium ni trates and nitri tes 55(1982)11

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Sod ium o x o m o l y b d e n u m oxa la te The thermal decomposition of sodium oxo- molybdenum(VI) oxalate 68(1983)137

Preparation, characterization and thermal decomposition of sodium oxomolybdenum(VI) oxalate 76(1984)127

Preparation of sodium dimolybdate by the pyrolysis of sodium oxomolybdenum(VI) oxalate 95(1985)295

Sodium peroxide Iron compounds in high oxidation states. II. Reaction between Na202 and FeSO 4 97(1986)243

Iron compounds in high oxidation states. IV. Kinetic analysis of the reaction between Na202 and FeSO 4 98(1988)175

Sodium p e r s u l p h a t e Thermal and X-ray studies of reactions between terbium(III, IV) oxide and persulfates of sodium and potassium 54(1982)87

Sodium polychromium phosphate Characterization of sodium and potassium poly chromium(III) phosphates in solid-state reactions at 400-420°C 90(1985)251

Sod ium poly(styrenesulphonate)-water system Phase transition on the water-sodium poly~styrenesulfonate) system 88(1985)223

Sodium p r o p i o n a t e Apparent molar heat capacities and volumes of aqueous sodium propionate 81(1984)381

Sodium pyrophosphate DSC study of polymorphism of Na4P2O 7 92(1985)301 Sodium silicate glasses Devitrification behaviour of glasses near the Na20- 2 SiO 2 composition 80(1984)289

Effect of boron oxide on the thermal conductivity of some sodium silicate glasses 83(1985)341

Sodium silicate hydrates Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. I. Trisodium hydrogensilicate pentahydrate, Na3HSiO4.5 H20; thermal stability and thermal decomposition reactions 71(1983)359

Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. II. Disodium dihydrogensilicate hydrates, Na2H2SiO4.n H20(n -- 4, 5, 7, 8); melting characteristics and solidification of glasslike hydrate phases at low temperatures 77(1984)109

Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. III. Trisodium hydrogensilicate dihydrate, Na3HSiO4.2 H20: thermal stability, thermal decomposition reactions and dimorphism 79(1984)243


Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. IV. Thermal stability of sodium silicate hydrates Na2[SiO2(OH)2].n H20 (n -- 4,5,7,8). Phase relations and decomposition characteristics under open-system conditions 88(1985)443 Sodium su lpha t e s DTA and X-ray studies on the phase transition in undoped and yttrium-doped sodium sulfates 53(1982)289

A model proposed for the interpretation of DTA and X-ray data of the III ~ I transition in sodium sulfate 53(1982)299

Sodium sulphide Kinetics of the rehydration of sodium sulphide dehydrated in situ, under formation of its pentahydrate 91(1985)223

Sodium-sulphide systems Thermal analysis of certain sulphide-sodium systems 92(1985)747

Sodium tetrafluoroborate Determination of heat capacity and enthalpies of phase transitions of ammonium, sodium and potassium tetrafluoroborates 87(1985)381

Sodium tetraphenyl boron Determination of the kinetic parameters of the dehydration and decomposition processes of the sodium tetraphenyl boron-sorbed derivative of zeolite 3A by thermogravimetric method 53(1982)229

Sod ium thiocyanate- acetamide- succinamide system Additive ternary system: acetamide-succin- amide-sodium thiocyanate 87(1985)257

Soil m i n e r a l d a m a g e Differential thermal analysis as an indicative method for the determination of soil mineral damage 83(1985)107

Solar cel ls Further studies on semiconductivity in correlation with the optical properties of some related solid charge-transfer complexes for their possible application in solar cells 83(1985)321

Further investigation on the photoelectric and dielectric properties of HgTe-CdTe solid- solution thin film for solar cells 84(1985)123

Further studies on the temperature dependence of the electric and photovoltaic properties of CdSe thin films for solar cells 86(1985)59

Solar energy storage Solar energy storage through water adsorption-desorption cycles in zeolitic tufts 79(1984)271

Solid decomposition reactions Decomposition reactions of solids (an experiment in reviewing) 79(1984)323

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Solid-gas systems Simultaneous thermogravimetry (TG) and mass spectrometry (EGA) for studies of partial reactions of complex processes in solid - gas sys tems 92(1985)391

Solid-liquid equilibria On the study of solid-liquid s table-metastable phase equilibria 92(1985)623

Solids A critical study of the suitability of the Freeman and Carroll method for the kinetic analysis of reactions of thermal decomposition of solids 54(1982)159

Analysis of dynamic kinetic data from a single stage in the decomposition of solids 57(1982)93

Solid-solid phase transitions Characterization of solid-solid phase transitions: differential scanning calorimetry vs. adiabatic calorimetry 74(1984)55

Solid solutions Thermodynamic properties and cation distribution of CdFe204 + Fe304 solid solutions at 1073 K 66(1983)127

Solid state calorimetry Is gradientless solid state calorimetry possible? 92(1985)241

Solid state decompositions Solid state decompositions: the interpretat ion of kinetic and microscopic data and the formulation of a reaction mechan i sm 96(1985)259

Solid state reaction equations Numerical data for the commonly used solid- state reaction equations 83(1985)387

Solid state reactions Determination of the kinetics and mechan i sm of a solid state reaction. A simple approach 62(1983)361

Solid state transformations Investigation of solid state t ransformat ions by s imultaneous DTA and microwave measurements (in German) 57(1982)309

Solids, thermal decomposition Comparison of methods concerning the selection of a function describing the thermal decomposition of solids 96(1985)91

Topochemistry of thermal decomposit ions of solids 100(1986)315

Solution calorimetry Applications of solution calorimetry to a wide range of chemical and physical problems 64(1983)355

Some reflections on changes in the field of solution calorimetry over the past twenty-five years 100(1986)271

Solution thermodynamics Solution thermodynamics : pharmaceut ica l significance and interpretat ion of quanti tat ive s t ructure activity relat ionships 96(1985)327

Solvated metal complexes Kinetics of desolvation of solvated metal complexes of hippuric acid and lapachol from thermogravimetr ic curves 51(1981)363

Solvates Characterisat ion of organic and inorganic hydrates and solvates by thermal methods 90(1985)149

Solvent effects A study of solvent and subs t i tuent effects on organic acids. Part II. Consistency of a thermo- dynamic and an electrostatic model with exper imental results of p -benzoic acid derivatives 57(1982)29

Sorbitan monostearate Polymorphism of even monoacid triglycerides in the presence of sorbitan monostearate, studied by DSC 93(1985)29

Specific heat Corrections to the specific hea t express ion in order to include anharmonic effects 92(1985)273

Spinels A magnet ic s tudy of the formation of NiCo204 51(1981)343

Preparation of chromium(III) spinels by the solid state reaction between potassium di- chromate and hydrated metal chlorides 59(1982)379

Thermal decomposition of nickel aluminium mixed hydroxides and formation of nickel aluminate spinel 63(1983)39

Thermodynamic properties and cation distribution of CdFe204 + F%O 4 solid solutions at 1073 K 66(1983)127

Study of copper-cobaltite spinel formation during s imul taneous decomposit ion of copper and cobaltous ni t rates 67(1983)91

Effect of high tempera tures on cation distribution: NiMn204-FeMn204 sys tem 93(1985)473

Structural, t ranspor t and thermoanalyt ical s tudies of some coprecipitated spinels 93(1985)481

On the possibility of formation of 3d- t ransi t ion metal mixed oxides with spinel s t ructure 95(1985)155

Spinel-type compounds Gibbs free energy of formation of solid SnFe204 78(1984)261

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Spin glass behaviour Synthet ic atacamite, Cu2CI(OH)3: a suspected spin glass behavior in low-temperature hea t capacities 88(1985)195

Spodumene The role of t i tania and t i tania mix tures in the nucleat ion and crystallization of spodumene- willemite-diopside glasses 58(1982)125

Spontaneous combustion of powders Self ignition of powders s tudied by high p ressure differential the rmal analysis 85(1985)343

Stainless steel The use of a microbalance technique to s tudy h igh- tempera tu re oxidation/spallation of a s ta inless steel 82(1984)191

Standard thermodynamics of transfer Standard the rmodynamics of transfer . I. Silver and silver salt electrodes in glycerol + water mixtures 89(1985)281

Starch-lipid interactions Starch-lipid interact ions s tudied by differential scanning calorimetry 95(1985)369

Starling equation Comparison of Benedict-Webb-Rubin, Starling and Lee-Kesler equations of state for use in P-V-T calculations 54(1982)9

State of cure Effect of mold temperature and cure enthalpy on the state of cure at the midplane of thin rubber sheets 71(1983)237

Stearamide-alkali metal salt systems Solubility in binary mixtures C17H35CONH 2- (Na, K) (CNS, CIO 4, CI~H3sCOO ) 72(1984)391

Stearic acid Thermal studies of heavy metal stearates. I. Chromium stearate-stearic acid mixtures 53(1982)235

Calorimetric determination of the beats of dissolution of stearic acid in some organic solvents 66(1983)295

Steel cold rolling emulsions Characterisation of the ageing of cold rolling emulsions by differential scanning calorimetry 72(1984)51

S t e e l production Vacuum balance and related s tudies of cokes used in steel production 82(1984)121

Stereoseleetivity Origins of the rmodynamic stereoselectivity in the protonation of some dipeptides 72(1984)263

Steroids Thermal analysis of pharmaceut ica l compounds. VI. Thermal analysis of fluoride- containing steroids 74(1984)371

Thermoanalyt ical s tudy of some steroids. III. Oestrogens (in French) 87(1985)189


Thermoanalytical study of some steroids. IV. Prednisolone and its derivatives (in French) 97(1986)127

S t e r o l s Calorimetric investigations of phase transitions in liposomes containing oxygenated sterols 85(1985)477

Stilbite crystals Thermal behaviour of natural stilbite crystals 58(1982)79

Strontium carbonate On the t ransi t ion tempera tures of BaCO 3 and SrCO 3 as DTA tempera ture reference mater ia ls 64(1983)381

Strontium carbonate-lead carbonate s y s t e m Thermoanalyt ical s tudy of the sys tems PbCO 3- SrCO 3 and PbCO3-CaCO 3 57(1982)223

Strontium dithionate Thermal studies on di thionate compounds. I. ' Dithionates of calcium, s t ront ium and ba r ium 68(1983)289

Strontium nitrate Thermodynamics of Sr(NO3) 2 and Cd(NO3) 2 in aquo-organic solvents from conductance data 55(1982)35

Thermodynamics of Sr(NO3) 2 and Cd(NO3) 2 in mixed solvents f rom viscosity data 59(1982)305

Evaluation of kinetic parameters for the thermal decomposit ion of gamma-i r radia ted s t ront ium nitrate by dynamic thermo- gravimetry 78(1984)357

Thermal decomposit ion of s t ron t ium nitrate doped with s t ront ium nitri te at mill imolar concentrat ions 87(1985)367

Strontium nitrite Thermal decomposit ion of s t ront ium nitrate doped with s t ront ium nitrite at mill imolar concentrat ions 87(1985)387

Strontium nitrite monohydrate Thermal decomposit ion of s t ront ium nitrite monohydra te 75(1984)121

Strontium o x a l a t e The thermal analysis of s t ron t ium oxalate 92(1985)543

Strontium oxomolybdenum o x a l a t e Pyrolysis of s t ront ium oxomolybdenum(VI) oxalate 81(1984)363

Strontium-succinate complex Thermodynamics of formation of magnesium(II) , calcium(II), strontium(II) and barium(II)-succinate complexes in aqueous solution 80(1984)197

Strontium uranyl malonate trihydrate Synthes is and thermal behaviour of s t ront ium uranyl malonate and ba r ium uranyl malonate t r ihydrates 75(1984)167

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Strontium zirconate Thermodynamic functions of barium and strontium zirconates from calorimetric measurements 90(1985)297

Strontium zirconyl carbonate Kinetics of thermal decomposition of strontium zirconyl carbonate, Sr2Zr2OsCO 3 87(1985)263

Kinetics of thermal decomposition of strontium zirconyl carbonate, Sr2Zr2OsCO 3 89(1985)335

Styrene The investigation of the compatibility and phase separation of poly(2,6-dimethyl-l,4- phenylene oxide) and styrene-fluoro- substituted styrene copolymer blends by differential scanning calorimetry 54(1982)349

Thermal degradation of ABS 93(1985)187

Styrene po lymer iza t ion A calorimetric study of heterogeneous styrene polymerization 72(1984)239

Suboxides Transport properties of molybdenum trioxide and its suboxides 54(1982)35

Infrared absorption of chromium trioxide and its suboxides 54(1982)319

The electrical conductivity of chromium trioxide and its suboxides 56(1982)291

Physico-chemical properties of chromium tri- oxide and its suboxides 59(1982)139

Substituent effects A study of solvent and substituent effects on organic acids. Part If. Consistency of a thermo- dynamic and an electrostatic model with experimental results of p -benzoic acid derivatives 57(1982)29

Substituted benzoic acids Thermodynamic study of the water-DMSO system. Part I. Features of the system: thermo- dynamics, linear free-energy relationship and ortho-effects of some substituted benzoic acids in the system 83(1985)213

Substituted thioamides On the thermal stability of some substituted thioamides 87(1985)335

Succinamide- acetamide-sodium thiocyanate system Additive ternary system: acetamide-succin- amide-sodium thiocyanate 87(1985)257

Succinate complexes Thermodynamics of formation of magnesium(II), calcium(II), strontium(II)and barium(II)-succinate complexes in aqueous solution 80(1984)197

Succinic acid A thermoanalytical study of polyesterification reactions in solid mixtures of pentaerythritol

and dicarboxylic acids, oxalic acid and succinic acid 98(1986)63

Succinimide Electrolytic solutions in succinimide: cryoscopic behaviour 76(1984)297

Sugars Mean molar heat capacities of sugars. Heat capacity contributions of the pyranose ring with different conformations 99(1986)27

SuHur see Sulphur

Su lpha drugs Thermodynamic and related studies for the oxidation of sulpha drugs by the peroxy- disulphate ion 69(1983)389

Sulphanilic acid Gibbs free energies of solute-solvent inter- actions for salicylic, sulphosalicylic and sulphanilic acids in various solvents 86(1985)351

Sulphated silica gel Structural and surface aspects of thermally treated phosphated and sulphated silica gel 53(1982)125

Sulphide concentrates Investigation of the oxidation of metal sulphides and sulphide concentrates 64(1983)27

Sulphide-sodium systems Thermal analysis of certain sulphide-sodium systems 92(1985)747

Sulphites Review of thermoanalytical, IR, Raman and X-ray studies of solid metal sulphites 89(1985)363

Su lpho lane - t e t r a m e t h y l u r e a mixtures Excess volumes and viscosity of sulfolane- tetramethylurea mixtures at 25, 35 and 45"C 81(1984)15

Sulphonium-cyanometallic complexes Thermolysis of cyanocomplexes. XIX. Thermal decomposition of neutral and protonated sulphonium- and iodonium-cyanometallic complexes (in German) 71(1983)167

Sulphosalicylic acid Stability constants and thermodynamic functions of Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with 5-sulfosalicylic acid 56(1982)371

Gibbs free energies of solute-solvent inter- actions for salicylic, sulphosalicylic and sulphanilic acids in various solvents 86(1985)351

Sulphur compound -{- a l k an e systems Vapour-liquid equilibrium data for some alkane + sulphur compound systems 76(1984)399

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Sulphur compounds Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. III. Thermochemical study of thioacetsmide and thiobenzamide (in French) 52(1982)285

Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. IV. Thermochemical study of thiourea, thiosemi- carbazide and thiocarbohydrazide (in French) 57(1982)67

Sulphur-containing aminopyridines Thermochemical study of the complex formation of Ag(I) with some sulphur- containing aminopyridines 70(1983)63

Sulphur-containing diamines The thermodynamics of complexation between Ag(I) and some sulphur-containing a,0J- diamines 77(1964)407

Sulphur-containing pyridines Calorimetric determination of the thermo- dynamic properties involved in the complex formation of silver(I) with some sulphur- containing pyridines 56(1982)25

Sulphur dioxide Diffusional study of the reaction of sulfur dioxide with reactive porous matrices 76(1984)287

Thermodynamics of liquid mixtures of some organic compounds with sulphur dioxide 87(1985)269

Sulphur-germanium- antimony system Kinetics of the recrystallization of Sb2S 3 in the glassy (GeS2)0.3(Sb2S3)0n 93(1985)255

Sulphur-germanium-bismuth glass Crystallization in Ge20BilsSe5 glass 93(1985)259

Sulphuric acid-polysulphide interactions Thermal study of sulphate formation during interaction of sulphuric acid and polysulphide materials 92(1985)743

Sulphur-lead system Thermodynamic investigation of the liquid Ph- S system by using a drop calorimeter 88(1985)261

Sulphur pollution Determination of sulfide in natural waters by thermometric titrimetry 98(1986)127

Sulphur-selenium-silver system Thermographic investigations of the crystallization of glasses from the Se-S-Ag system 93(1985)251

Superconducting vanadium On the precision of a susceptibility apparatus as deduced from measurements on super- conducting vanadium 82(1984)51

Supercooling The supercooling of acetamide 80(1984)343


Superionic conductors The temperature dependences of specific heats and thermal diffusivities of some samples with fluorite structure 92(1985)313

Suppositories DSC as support for the development of suppositories 85(1965)509

Calorimetric study as a tool on preparation of polyethylene glycol suppositories 92(1985)333

Surface reactions The influence of surface reactions on analytical therrnogravimetric results 53(1982)115

Susceptibility apparatus On the precision of a susceptibility apparatus as deduced from measurements on super- conducting vanadium 82(1984)51

Suspended fusion calorimetry Enthalpy measurements of high melting point metals by application of suspended fusion calorimetry (in German) 69(1983)299

Swiss DTA instrument An early Swiss commercial DTA instrument 85(1985)251

Sym-d ich lo rob i s ( t r i ch lo ropheny l ) u r e a The thermal decomposition of sym-dichlorobis (2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) urea in KBr 70(1983)195

Syngenite Topochemistry of thermal dehydration of syngenite K2Ca(SO4)2.H20 92(1965)485

Synthetic minerals TG/DTA investigations of synthetic minerals 72(1984)179


Talc Solid-state reactions of talc towards Co(II) at high temperatures 61(1983)121

Thermal decomposition of talc: a review 78(1964)395

Talc-calcium carbonate system Solid-state reactions in the system talc-CaCO 3 doped with Co(II) at high temperatures 64(1983)61

Tantalum Oxidation of tantalum metal by lead chromate 70(1963)133

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T a n t a l u m - n i c k e l - c h r o m i u m system Melting behaviour and phase equilibria in the system nickel-chromium-tantalum 85(1985)167

Tantalum oxide-cobalt oxide interactions Mutual thermal interaction between cobalt and tantalum oxides 91(1985)213

Teaching apparatus for DTA A simple DTA apparatus for teaching purposes tested by the example of the dehydration of BaC12.2 H20 77(1984)375

DTA in a simp]e apparatus for teaching purposes 83(1985)113

A simple low-temperature DTA model for teaching purposes 94(1985)215

Tel lur i tes Heats of formation of some metal tellurites 71(1983)387

Te l l u r i um -coppe r system The effect of mechanical treatment on the thermal behaviour of the Cu2.xTe phase 64(1983)377

Tellurium dioxide-caesium tellurite system A DSC study of the phase diagram of the system TeO2-Cs~TeO z 80(1984)181

T e l l u r i u m - g e r m a n i u m - a n t i m o n y system Phase diagram of the ternary system Ge-Sb- To. I. The subternary GeTe-Sb2Te3-Te 78(1984)141

T e l l u r i u m - g e r m a n i u m - s e l e n i u m system Characterization of Go-So-To glasses by eman- ation thermal analysis and DTA 93(1985)283

Te l lu r ium- lead alloys Thermodynamic properties of liquid lead- tellurium alloys (in French) 77(1984)151

T e l l u r i u m - m e r c u r y - c a d m i u m th in f i lms Further investigation on the photoelectric and dielectric properties of HgTe-CdTe solid- solution thin film for solar cells 84(1985)123

Tellurium-selenium mixed oxides Kinetic parameters for the thermal decomposition reactions of mixed oxides of selenium and tellurium 54(1982)99

T e l l u r i u m - s e l e n i u m - o x y g e n sys tem The thermal behaviour of solid phases in the Te-Se-O 2 system 82(1984)381

Te l lu r ium- t in -oxygen system Possible tellurites in the three-component system Sn-Te-O and their thermal stability 91(1985)351

Temperature adaptable fibres Temperature-adaptable fibers containing substances with solid-solid transitions 76(1984)333

Temperature calibration of TG apparatus Thermogravimetric apparatus temperature calibration using melting point standards 67(1983)241

Temperature change experiments Use of temperature change experiments in calorimetry 83(1985)29

Temperature in tegra l Numerical relationships for temperature integrals with temperature dependent frequency factors 54(1982)213

Some approximations of the temperature integral through integration over small temperature intervals 91(1985)383

A rational fraction approximation to the temperature integral in non-isothermal kinetics 98(1986)263

Temperature measurement Data processing of spectral radiation for temperature measurement 92(1985)403

Temperature programmed desorption Determination of the activation energy in TPD experiments. I. A new method for homogeneous surfaces 89(1985)187

Characterization of an experimental TPD-MS system. Reliability problems 98(1986)319

Temperature programmed reduction patterns Analytical expressions for temperature programmed reduction patterns using solid- state kinetics 95(1985)67

Temperature programming The effects of imperfect temperature programming on the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalytical curves. Part 1. A simple mathematical example 59(1982)31

The effects of imperfect temperature programming on the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalytical cruves. Part 2. Concave and convex curvatures on the actual temperature- time functions 59(1982)43

Temperature-scanning c a l o r i m e t e r s Determination of the transfer function of temperature-scanning calorimeters 55(1982)333

Temperature sensor for DTA A new type of temperature sensor for DTA apparatus 65(1983)143

Terbium oxide Thermal and X-ray studies of reactions between terbium(III, IV) oxide and persulfates of sodium and potassium 54(1982)87

Terephthalates Comparative study of the thermal analyses of some transition metal(II) iso- and terephthal- ates 86(1985)141

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Ternary borate glasses Thermal conductivity of gamma-irradiated ternary borate glasses 96(1986)121

Ternary phase equilibria Prediction of ternary phase equilibria from binary data 56(1982)43

T e r n a r y te l lu r ides Physico-chemical study of Ge(Pb)Te- Bi2(Sb2)Te 3 system ternary compounds 90(1985)331

Tetraalkyldiarylethanes Thermally unstable hydrocarbons. XVII. Heat of combustion and heat of formation of ten sym-tetraalkyI-1,2-diarylethanes (in German) 62(1983)279

Tetraalkylgermanes Cohesion energies and solubility parameters for tetra-n-alkylgermanes 69(1983)361

Tetrabutylethane Thermolabile hydrocarbons. XXVI. Heat of formation of 1,1,2,2-tetra-tert-butylethane (in German) 80(1984)81

Tetracarboxylic acids Studies on amidation and imidization processes of amine salts of aromatic tetra- carboxylic acids and diamine 70(1983)71

Tetrachloroaurates Thermal studies on purine complexes. IV. Thermal behaviour of some tetrachloroaurates of xanthine derivatives 71(1983)139

Tetrachlorocobaltates Solid-phase thermal dehydrochlorination of tetrachlorocobaltates(II) 87(1985)303

Tetrachlorocyclopropene Thermodynamic properties of tetrachloro- cyclopropene 80(1984)191

Tetrachloroethane- alcohol m i x t u r e s Heats of mixing of binary mixtures of 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane with 1-alcohols 74(1984)381

Tetrachloroethylene + aliphatic alcohol mixtures Excess volumes of homologous series of aliphatic alcohols with tetrachloroethylene at 303.15 and 313.15 K 78(1984)269

Tetrachloromethane + alkanal mixtures Thermodynamics of binary mixtures containing aldehydes. Excess enthalpies of n - alkanals + benzene and + tetxachloro- methane mixtures 95(1985)105

Tetracyano complexes Effects of surroundings in NiNi(CN)4 and its thermal stability 92(1985)727

Tetracyanonickel complexes Effect of pH on the composition of the clathrates of tetracyano complexes Ni[II] by methods of thermal analysis 74(1984)1


The clathrates of tetracyanocomplexes Ni(II) isolated from strongly ammoniacal media and their water contents 92(1985)763

Tetraethylammonium tetra- halomanganate Phase transition and decomposition of tetra- ethylammonium tetrahalomanganate in the solid state 98(1986)367

Tetraethyl lead Microgravimetric investigation of the preparation of tetraethyl lead from lead- sodium alloy and ethyl chloride 65(1983)375

Tetraethylthiouranumdisulphide Kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of tetr aethylthiouranumdisulphide (TETUDS) 81(1984)369

Tetrafluoroborates Determination of heat capacity and enthalpies of phase transitions of ammonium, sodium and potassium tetrafluoroborates 87(1985)381

Tetrahedral orthoarsenates Thermoanalytical studies on some tetrahedral A3AsO4-type compounds 60(1983)55

Tetrametaphosphate Calorimetric study of the interaction of tri- and tetrametaphosphate with some trivalent cations 68(1983)83

Tetramethylene sulphoxide Thermal studies on complexes of thorium(IV) with 2,0-1utidine N-oxide and tetramethylene sulphoxide 56(1982)247

Tetramethylguanidinium methane- sulphonate Excess enthalpy and entropy of aqueous tetra- methylguanidinium methanesulfonate and tri- fluoromethanesulfonate solutions 63(1983)157

Tetramethylguanidinium nitrate Excess enthalpy and entropy of aqueous methyl-substituted ammonium nitrate and tetramethylguanidinium nitrate 67(1983)205

Tetramethylheptane - dione Thermochemical properties of the chelate complexes of some 3d-electron elements with 2,2,0,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dione. Part I. Complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II) and Co(II) 90(1985)71

Tetramethylurea Excess volumes of binary liquid mixtures of 1,1,3,3-tetramethylurea with alcohols 67(1983)67

Tetramethylurea- amide mixtures Thermodynamic studies of binary mixtures containing a self-associated compound: excess volumes of 1,1,3,3-tetramethylurea-amide mixtures 68(1983)43

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Tetramethylurea- sulpholane mix tu re s Excess volumes and viscosity of sulfolane- tetramethylurea mixtures at 25, 35 and 45°C 81(1984)15 T e t r a m e t h y l u r e a - w a t e r mixtures Solubility of 1:1 electrolytes in 1,1,3,3-tetra- methylurea-water mixtures 87(1965)225

Tetraoxadodecane + dodecane mix tu re s Thermodynamic properties for 2,5,8,11-tetra- oxadodecane + n-dodecane mixtures at 298.15 K 95(1985)59

Te t rape roxo complexes Solid state decomposition studies on tetra- peroxo species of transition metals. Kinetics of the isothermal decomposition of K3Nb(O2) 4 and K3Ta(O2) 4 63(1983)229

Tetraphenylarsonium-tetraphenylborate Thermodynamic studies of the solvation of Ph4AsPh4B in mixed solvents (MeOH-DMF) 80(1984)355 Tetrapropylammonium ions Thermal decomposition of tetrapropyl- ammonium ions progressively incorporated into ZSM-5 framework during crystallization 93(1985)749

Tetraquocoppernitrosopentacyano[errate Kinetic parameters of the thermogravimetric dissociation of primary aliphatic amine complexes derived from tetraquo- copper(II)nitrosopentacyanoferrate(II) 67(1983)377

Tetravalent metal pyrophosphates On the existence of pyrophosphates of tetravalent metals having a layered structure 58(1982)179

Texti le industry Thermal analysis in textile industry 93(1985)397

TG/DTA-MS system A new high-temperature coupling system for TG/DTA-MS 72(1984)171

Thallium alkanoates DSC thermophysies on some lower thallium(I) n-alkanoates 73(1984)109

Thallium compounds Phase diagram of the T13TaS4_ x Se x (0 2g x < 4) solid solution system 93(1985)689

Thallium decavanadate The thermal decomposition of thallium(1) deca- vanadate. First example of a symmetric pyrolitic depolymerization of the V1002s 6- anion 55(1982)355

Thallium-lanthanum mixed phosphate system Study of the T1PO3-LaP309 system (in French) 81(1984)175

Thallium malonate Derivatographic behaviour of thallium(1) malonate 62(1983)141

Thallium oxalates Some studies on thallium oxalates. XII. Electrical properties of thallium(I) oxalate 67(1983)121

Thallium oxide-selenium dioxide-water system Phases of the system TI203-SeO2-H20 and their thermal stability 77(1984)445

Thallium sulphide Vaporization study of the TI2S system 52(1982)271

Theobromine complexes Thermal studies on purine complexes. V. Thermal behaviour of tetrachloropalladates of theophylline and theobromine and theophylline complexes of Cd(II) and Hg(II) 74(1984)45

Theophylline Thermochemical investigation of theophylline, theophylline hydrate and their aqueous solutions 72(1984)31

Theophylline complexes Thermal studies on purine complexes. II. Thermal behaviour of some metal complexes of theophylline 66(1983)245

Thermal studies on purine complexes. V. Thermal behaviour of tetrachloropalladates of theophylline and theobromine and theophylline complexes of Cd(II) and Hg(II) 74(1984)45

Theophylline derivatives Thermal studies on purine complexes. VII. 8- Theophylline derivatives and their silver(I) complexes 80(1984)323

Theophylline hydrate Thermochemical investigation of theophylline, theophylline hydrate and their aqueous solutions 72(1984)31

Theophylline-palladium complexes Thermal studies on purine complexes. DL Palladium(II) comoplexes with 8-alkyl substituted theophyllines 89(1985)159

T h e r m a l analysis An automated system for simultaneous thermal analysis and mass spectrometry. Part 1 52(1982)143

Comenius and Black: progenitors of thermal analysis 92(1985)3

The reliability of kinetic data by thermal analysis from the aspect of technological application 92(1985)117

Some recollections of thermal analysis research at Du Pont 100(1988)203

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The history of thermoanalytical and related methods in the territory of present-day Czechoslovakia 100(1986)255

Thermal analysis equipment A versatile data acquisition system for use with thermal analysis equipment 75(1984)151

Thermal analysis history De ca]ore: prelude to thermal analysis 73(1984)251

Thermal analysis instrumentation The development of thermal analysis instrumentation 1955-1905 100(1986)1

Thermal analysis/mass spectrometry system An automated system for simultaneous thermal analysis and mass spectrometry. Part II. Combination with gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 70(1983)269

Thermal analysis quick method Method of quick thermal analysis 92(1985)433

Thermal analysis trends Trends in thermal analysis 83(1985)35

Thermal conductivity of solids Measurement of the thermal conductivity of solid substances by DSC 93(1985)317

Thermal decomposition kinetics Thermal decomposition kinetics. XIII. Effect of sample mass on the thermal decomposition kinetics of CaC204.H20 from isothermal mass- loss data 74(1984)143

Thermal decomposition kinetics. Part XIV. Kinetics and mechanism of isothermal decomposition of calcium oxalate mono- hydrate and correlation with sample mass 98(1986)221

Thermal decomposition reactions A new reactor for the analysis of thermal decomposition reactions 55(1982)161

Thermal degradation Thermogravimetric analysis of polymers for assessing thermal degradation 98(1985)275

Thermal dissociation The significance of structural factors in thermal dissociation of solids 92(1985)97

Thermal energy storage Organic compounds as candidate phase change materials in thermal energy storage 79(1964)55

T h e r m a l explosions Kinetic-isotope effects in thermal explosions 59(1982)287

Thermally exfoliated graphite High-temperature investigation of raw material for thermally exfoliated graphite (TEG) production and study of the thermo- physical properties of TEG products 88(1985)489


Thermally stimulated processes The light emission of thermally stimulated processes. Some hydrazinium and ammonium salts 75(1984)245

Thermal shock Archaeologists study thermal shock 98(1986)37

Thermatic titrator Application of the thermatic titrater for fast analysis 92(1985)449

Thermic hazards Universal system for investigation of thermic hazards 85(1985)361

Thermoanalyticai curves The shape of the thermoanalytical curves at hyperbolic temperature programs 57(1982)247

The problems of reaction kinetics calculations based on thermoanalytical curves 65(1983)113

The effects of imperfect temperature programming on the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalytical curves. Part 3. Error bounds for the activation energy and the formal reaction order 65(1983)333

The application of empirical quantities describing the shape of thermoanalytical curves 92(1085)89

A program for the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalytical curves obtained by differential scanning calorimetry 94(1985)205

Thermobalance temperature scales Calibration of thermobalance temperature scales 55(1982)121

Thermochemical solution analysis Recent development in thermochemical solution analysis 92(1985)93

Thermocouples The use of complex triple thermopair in thermoanalytical practice 92(1985)457

Thermodilatometry Microwaves and thermodilatometry 85(1985)291

Thermoelectrometry Thermoelectrometry. A review of recent thermal analysis applications 73(1984)89

Thermoelectrometry as a method for reactivity estimation of solid powdery materials 92(1985)425

Thermogenesis Thermogenesis: application of electronic and numerical inverse filtration in conduction calorimeters (in French) 53(1982)1

Thermogenesis: comparative application of harmonic analysis and inverse filtration (in French) 53(1982)17

Thermogenesis: relative kinetic limits 55(1982)29

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Thermogenesis : smooth ing techniques in Z- t ransform and harmonic analysis 63(1983)331

Thermogenes is : response given by calorimeters whose physical pa ramete rs change in t ime 63(1983)341

Thermogenesis : comparat ive efficiency of deconvolution based on optimal control and inverse filters 67(1983)213

Thermogenes is : identification by m e a n s of Pade approximants 70(1983)113

Thermogenes is : identification by means of modula t ing functions 70(1983)123

Thermogenes is : deconvolution in non t ime- invar iant calorimetric sys tems 75(1984)173

Thermogenesis : determinat ion of thermo- kinetic parameters 76(1984)325

Microcalorimetry and thermogenesis : an identification technique based on the s imul taneous ad jus tment of the poles and zeros of the t ransfer funct ion of the sys tem (in French) 79(1984)15

Microcalorimetry and thermogenesis : identification of sys tems for measur ing excess enthalpies (in French) 79(1984)23

Thermogenesis : identification and deconvolution in microcalorimetric sys tems with cont inuous injection for the s tudy of liquid mixtures 81(1984)97

Thermogenesis : an approach to nearly exact deconvolution in t ime-varying sys tems 84(1985)255

Thermogenesis : identification and deconvolution in the UNIPAN micro- calorimeter 87(1985)177

Thermogenesis : comparat ive s tudy of several deconvolution methods in t ime-invar iant calorimetry 89(1985)315

Thermogenesis : an application to the martensi t ic t ransformation: entropy, enthalpy and acoustic emiss ion for a Cu-A1-Mn-Fe alloy 91(1985)311

Thermografted polycarbonates Synthes is and character isat ion of some new thermograf ted polycarbonates 81(1984)207

Thermogravimetric analysers A simple device in a horizontal TG analyzer to prevent mixing of corrosive and protective gases 56(1982)109

A high tempera ture thermogravimetr ic analyzer 57(1982)105

Thermogravimetric analysis-mass spectrometry Coupling of a thermogravimetr ic analyzer with mass spectrometer 92(1985)383

Thermogravimetric balance Modification of a thermogravimetr ic balance for the analysis of alpha- and low activity be t a /gamma spec imens 52(1982)169

Thermogravimetric curves Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t III 52(1982)337

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t IV 53(1982)121

Computer-determined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t V 55(1982)385

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t VI 58(1982)383

Computer -de termined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t VII 61(1983)361

Computer -de termined kinetic parameters f rom TG curves. Par t VIII 68(1983)379

Computer-determined kinetic paramete rs from TG curves. Par t IX 71(1983)281

Computer -de termined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t X 80(1984)185

Computer -de termined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t XI 81(1984)377

Evaluation of kinetic parameters f rom thermo- gravimetric curves. Par t III. Modifications of the differential correction method 84(1985)263

Computer -de termined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t XII 88(1985)485

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t XIII 90(1985)189

On the kinetic evaluation of the thermo- gravimetric curves 92(1985)141

Computer -de termined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Par t XIV 94(1985)413

Computer-determined kinetic parameters from TG curves. Part XV 98(1986)359

Thermogravimetric data Quanti tat ive method for comparing thermo- gravimetric data under various measur ing c i rcumstances 55(1982)269

A general iterative method for obtaining kinetic parameters from TG data 57(1982)47

Smoothing and differentiation of thermogravi- metric data by digital filters 57(1982)235

A new iterative method for de termining kinetic parameters from TG data 61(1983)277

Iterative numerical and graphical procedures for de termining kinetic parameters us ing four TG data pairs 64(1983)195

The possibility of resolving overlapping decomposit ion reactions by the kinetic plots of thermogravimetr ic data 68(1983)363

Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetr ic data: discr iminat ion of integral models 73(1984)101

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Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. Reaction rate determination 78(1984)93

Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. XXIII. Thermal decomposition of some [Co(pyridine)4(NCX)2] type complexes 83(1985)181

Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. Study of calcium oxalate monohydrate dehydration with a separable-variables model 87(1985)163

The use of non-linear statistic methods for determination of kinetic parameters and kinetic function chosen according to thermo- gravimetric data 92(1985)161

T h e r m o g r a v i m e t r i c experiments The effect of purge gas flow rate on thermo- gravimetric experiments 65(1983)151

Thermogravimetric resu l t s The influence of surface reactions on analytical thermogravimetric results 53(1982)115

Thermogravimetric stepwise isothermal analysis Computer controlled thermogravimetric stepwise isothermal analysis 85(1985)287

Thermogravimetric traces Kinetics from thermogravimetric traces 65(1983)147

T h e r m o g r a v i m e t r y A limited budget approach to TG/MS 51(1981)7

Controlled atmosphere-controlled pressure thermogravimetry (abstract) 92(1985)833

Forty years in instrumental thermogravimetry and microcalorimetry. Consequences in the study of solid transformations and for characterization of the texture of porous materials 100(1988)223

T h e r m o g r a v i m e t r y - c o l o u r i m e t r i c titration Compositional analysis by coupled thermo- gravimetry-colorimetric titration 84(1985)83

Thermokinetic parameters Thermogenesis: determination of thermo- kinetic parameters 78(1084)325

Thermokinetics A new multi-body method for the determination of thermokinetics 84(1983)305

Thermokinetic studies Thermokinetic studies in adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis 83(1985)117

Thermolabile hydrocarbons Thermolabile hydrocarbons. XXVI. Heat of formation of 1,1,2,2-tetra-tert-butylethane (in German) 80(1984)81


Thermoluminescence Thermoluminescence: a comparison of equations to determine kinetic data 91(1985)15

Thermoluminescence research A new instrument for thermoluminescence research 52(1982)245

Thermomagnetometry A new simple instrument for thermomagneto- metry. Applications to simultaneous thermo- mechanical measurements 55(1982)287

Thermomechanical measurements A new simple instrument for thermomagneto- metry. Applications to simultaneous thermo- mechanical measurements 55(1982)287

T h e r m o m e t r i c t i t r imet ry Data analysis in thermometric titrimetry 71(1983)25

Thermomicroscopy Advances in thermomicroscopy with simultaneous DSC 85(1985)271

Advances in thermomicroscopy with simultaneous DSC 92(1985)399

Thermoplastics Characterization of processing parameters for injection molding of thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics using thermal analysis 83(1985)47

T h e r m o s e t t i n g plastics Characterization of processing parameters for injection molding of thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics using thermal analysis 83(1985)47

Thermotropic liquid crystals Heat capacities of thermotropic liquid crystals with low molecular weight 88(1985)1

Thermovoltaic detection Thermovoltaic detection. II. Principles, apparatus and applications 65(1983)321

Thermovoltaic detection. III. Thermal decomposition of some amino acids 70(1983)283

Thermovoltaic detection. IV. Application to some cobalt(III) ammine coordination compounds 84(1985)151

Thermovoltaic detection. V. An improved apparatus 99(1986)49

Thermovoltamperometric method Attempts tending towards the discovery of the analytical thermovoltamperometric method on the basis of suitable investigations of croton- aldehyde 93(1985)41

Thiadiamines A thermodynamic study of the protonation of some sulphur-containing a,~-diamines in aqueous solution 63(1983)201

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A calorimetric and NMR determination of the microscopic protonation constants of some N- methyl-substituted a,0)-thiadiamines 65(1983)19

Thiadiazolethiolamino Thermogravimetry of some noble and common metal chelates of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol-5- amino and N-acetylacetone-anthranilic acid 54(1982)237

Thin tilms Thermal diffusivity measurement of thin film by AC calorimetric technique 92(1985)279

Thioacetamide Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. III. Thermochemical study of thioacetamide and thiobenzamide (in French) 52(1982)285

Thioamides Thermodynamics of nitrogen compounds. IX. Thermochemical study of benzamide. Comparison of energetic values in relation to the structure of several amides and thioamides (in French) 58(1982)311

On the thermal stability of some thioamides 86(1985)25

On the thermal stability of some substituted thioamides 87(1985)335

Thermodynamics of (thio)amides and their compounds with mineral acids at (0-330)K 92(1985)329

Thiobarbituric acid-transition metal complexes Thermodynamics of the interaction of some transition metal ions with some N-substi tuted thiobarbituric acids 78(1984)175

Thiobenzamide Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. III. Thermochemical study of thioacetamide and thiobenzamide (in French) 52(1982)285

Thiocarbohydrazide Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. IV. Thermochemical study of thiourea, thiosemi- carbazide and thiocarbohydrazide (in French) 57(1982)67

Thiocarbonyl ligand-silver complexes Thermodynamics of complex formation of Ag(1). VI. Ag(I)-thiocarbonyl ligand systems in aqueous solution 99(1986)93

Thiocyanatocopper complexes Thermal properties of thiocyanatocopper(II) complexes with some monodentate N-donor ligands 92(1985)803

Thermal properties of thio- and selenocyanato- copper(II) complexes with some N-donor ligands 92(1985)807

Thiocyanatopentaaquochromium ion On the temperature dependence of the formation constant of Cr(H20)sNCS2+ in acidic solution 67(1983)327

Thiodiacetic acid Thermometric behaviour of (methylthio)acetic, thiodiacetic and 3,3'-thiodipropanoic acids 55(1982)1

Thiodipropanoic acid Thermometric behaviour of (methylthio)acetic, thiodiacetic and 3,3'-thiodipropanoic acids 55(1982)1

Thiodipropioamidooxime Analytical properties of the amidooxime group. V. Thermometric study of 3,3'-oxy-, 3,3' thio- and 3,3'-iminodipropioamidooxime 57(1982)195

Thiodisalicylic acid-nickel complex Synthesis and characterization of mixed- ligand complexes of nickel(II) with 5,5'-thio- disalicylic acid and amines 82(1984)335

Thione donor complexes Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. Part III. Cobalt(II) complexes of imidazolidine-2-thione 65(1983)127

Thermal analysis of heterocyclic thione donor complexes. Part V. Nickel(II) complexes of imidazolidine-2-thione 65(1983)135

Thiopyrimidine-metal complexes Thermal studies on metal complexes of 2-thio- pyrimidines 93(1985)77

Thiopyrimidines Stabili W and thermodynamic parameters of thiopyrimidines, 2-thioxanthine and their complexes with Zn(II) and Cd(II) 88(1985)355

Thiosemicarbazide Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. IV. Thermochemical study of thiourea, thiosemi- carbazide and thiocarbohydrazide (in French) 57(1982)87

Thiosemicarbazidediacetic acid Thermic studies of the rare earth element coordination compounds with thiosemi- carbazidediacetic acid 92(1985)775

Thiosulphatobismuthates Kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition reactions of alkali metal thio- sulphatobismuthates(III) 52(1982)255

Thiourea Thermodynamics of sulphur compounds. IV. Thermochemical study of thiourea, thiosemi- carbazide and thiocarbohydrazide (in French) 57(1982)67

Enthalpy of thiourea and hydroxyurea solution in water-urea mixtures 79(1984)299

Thiourea complexes Thermal behaviour of thiourea complexes of metal sulphates 80(1983)115

Thiourea nitrate Thermal and mass spectral studies of thiourea nitrate 60(1983)235

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Thioxane o x i d e - r a r e e a r t h t r i f luoroace ta te complexes Thermal study of rare-earth trifluoroacetate complexes with thioxane-oxide 78(1984)449

Thioxanthine Stability and thermodynamic parameters of thiopyrimidines, 2-thioxanthine and their complexes with Zn(II) and Cd(II) 88(1985)355

Thiuramdisulphide-thorium nitrate complex Thermal behaviour of the thiuramdisulphide complex of thorium(IV) nitrate 68(1983)121

Thorium-cerium mixed dioxide A high temperature study of chemical diffusion in mixed thorium-cerium dioxide 86(1985)69

Thorium che la t e s Infrared and thermal studies of thorium(IV) chelates of 2-ethoxycarbonylaminopyridine N- oxide 62(1983)379

Thorium complexes Thermal studies on complexes of thorium(IV) with 2,6-1utidine N-oxide and tetramethylene sulphoxide 56(1982)247

Infrared and thermal investigations of thorium(IV) complexes of 4-cyanopyridine N- oxide 84(1985)183

Thorium-dibenzyl sulphoxide complexes Infrared and thermal behaviour of thorium(iv) and oxozirconium(IV) complexes of dibenzyl sulphoxide 88(1985)397

Thorium double arsenates Double arsenates of thorium and monovalent metals. Part II. Thermal and electrical properties 60(1983)47

Thorium halide complexes Infrared and thermal decomposition of pyridine N-oxide and substituted pyridine N- oxide complexes of thorium(IV) halides 63(1983)363

Thorium nitrate-thiuramdisulphide complex Thermal behaviour of the thiuramdisulphide complex of thorium(IV) nitrate 68(1983)121

Three dimensional transport of heat Numerical calculation of three dimensional transport of heat by conduction 69(1983)45

Thulium formate dihydrate Thermal decomposition of formates. Part VIII. Thermal dehydration of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

Thulium oxide Investigations of Ho2Os-X2S208 and Trn20 s- X2S208 (X m Na, K) binary systems by high temperature derivatography 81(1984)261


Tian-Calve t type calorimeter Experimental study on baseline drifts of a Tian-Calvet type calorimeter 90(1985)9

T ime lag On the time lag between thermal event and measuring signal in a heat flux calorimeter 69(1983) 103

Tin-cadmium alloys The thermal analysis of Sn-rich Cd-Sn alloys 58(1982)199 Tin-chromium ceramic p i g m e n t s Formation of ceramic pigments of Sn-Cr type. A study using thermal analysis methods 88(1985)421

Tin-cobalt alloys The thermodynamic properties of solid cobalt- tin alloys 84(1985)273

Tin complexes Bis-N(p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Sn(II), Sn(IV), Ni(II) and Pd(II) 68(1982)231

Tin dichloride Solid-solid interactions in the formation of new coordination compounds of tin dichloride with aromatic Schiff bases 65(1983)361

Tin dihydroxyphenolates Thermal studies of tin(II) and tin(IV) di- hydroxyphenolates 97(1986)257

Tin fo rma te The reconstructive decomposition of tin(II) formate in oxidising and inert atmospheres 61(1983)319

Tin halide-amino pyr id ine oxide complexes Infrared and thermal studies of tin(IV) halide complexes of substituted amino pyridine N- oxides 90(1985)355

Tin halide-benzoquinoline oxide complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of tin(IV) halide complexes of 5,6-benzoquinoline N- oxide and 1,10-phenanthroline N, N'-dioxide 99(1986)367

Tin halide-phenanthroline dioxide complexes Infrared and thermal investigations of tin(IV) halide complexes of 5,6-benzoquinoline N- oxide and 1,10-phenanthroline N, N'-dioxide 99(1966)367

Tin halides The mass spectra of vapors over SnI 2, SnBr 2, and SnI 2 + SnBr 2, and the enthalpy of formation of SnIBr 80(1084)297

Tin-iron compounds Gibbs free energy of formation of solid SnFe204 78(1984)261

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T in - l ead solders Determination of the liquidus temperature and composition of tin/lead solders using differ- ential thermal analysis 99(1988)233

T in-n icke l alloys DSC analysis of thermomechanically treated TiNi shape memory alloy 85(1985)187

Tin-niobium powder mixtures The thermal cycling of Nb-NbSn 2 and Nb-Sn powder compacts 56(1982)147

T in - t e l lu r ium-oxygen system Possible tellurites in the three-component system Sn-Te-O and their thermal stability 91(1985)351

Titania The role of titania and titania mixtures in the nucleation and crystallization of spodumene- willemite-diopside glasses 58(1982)125

Investigation of the action of high temper- ature titania additions on the electric and dielectric properties of barium zirconate ceramics 64(1983)75

Titanium-chromium oxyhydroxides Thermal decomposition of mixed titanium- chromium oxyhydroxides 85(1985)79

Titanium dioxide Emergetics of the adsorption-desorption cycles of oxygen on doped titanium dioxide 85(1985)19

Thermogravimetric, mass spectrometric and XPS investigation on the chlorination reactions of V205 and TiO 2 85(1985)83

Calorimetric study of the desmlotion cycles of dioxygen from titanium dioxide 95(1985)453

Titanium dioxide-barium carbonate mixtures Non-isothermal kinetics in mixtures of barium carbonate and titanium dioxide (anatase) 72(1984)373

Titanium organometallie molecules Thermodynamic functions of gaseous beryllium, titanium and germanium organo- metallic molecules 63(1983)317

Titanium phosphate Synthesis of 7-titanium phosphate. Study of the solids obtained by using water or acetone as washing agents 86(1985)281

Titanium sulphate Thermal decomposition of cerium(IV), cerium(III), chromium(III) and titanium(IV) sulphates 57(1982)377

Titanium sulphide Thermal analysis and kinetics of the oxidation of vanadium and titanium sulfides 92(1085)223

Titanyl oxalate Thermal studies on titanyl and zirconyl oxalates. A review 83(1985)347

Toluene Chemical thermodynamic properties of toluene, o-, m- and p-xylenes 72(1984)323

Toluene/PMMA/polystyrene systems Thermal, viscometric and light scattering measurements from PMMA/polystyrene/ toluene systems 88(1985)379

Toluene + triethylamine system Thermodynamic properties of binary and ternary systems. Vapour-liquid equilibrium data in the triethylamine + toluene system 77(1984)333

Topoehemical reactions Particle size effects in temperature programmed topochemical reactions 74(1984)151

TPD-MS system Characterization of an experimental TPD-MS system. Quantitative calibrations 70(1983)249

Tranquilisers Thermoanalytical study of psychotherapeutic substances. I. Tranquilisers. Phenprobamate, meprobamate, clobazam and medazepam (in French) 57(1982)173

Transfer funct ion Determination of the transfer function of temperature-scanning calorimeters 55(1982)333

Transition metal acetylaeetonates Thermoanalysis and catalytic study of transition metal acetylacetonates 93(1985)65

Transition metal-amino acid complexes Thermodynamics of the complexation of transition metals with a-amino acids. I. Potentiometric study of the systems copper(II)-phenylalanine and cobalt(II)-phenyl- alanine (in French) 80(1984)35

Thermodynamics of the complexation of transition metals with a-amino acids. II. Calorimetric study of the systems copper(II)- phenylalanine and cobalt(II)-phenylalanine (in French) 80(1984)51

Transition metal chelates Thermodynamic functions of some transition metal chelates with phloroacetophenone in 500/0 methanol-H20 52(1982)371

Transition metal complexes Stepwise stability constants and thermo- dynamic functions of some transition metal complexes of 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-hydrazono- pentane-2,4-dione (PHPD) 52(1982)355

Inner orbital splitting in some 3d n transition metal complexes with oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen donor ligands 55(1982)125

Solid state decomposition studies on tetra- peroxo species of transition metals. Kinetics of the isothermal decomposition of K3Nb(O2) 4 and K3Ta(O2) 4 63(1983)229

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Thermodynamics of the interact ion of some t ransi t ion metal ions with some N-subs t i tu ted thiobarbituric acids 78(1984)175

Thermochemica l ana lyses of solid isonicotinic hydrazide t ransi t ion metal complexes 79(1984)47

Kinetics of thermal dehydrat ion of some bis- (4-aminosalicylato)-diaquo complexes of t ransi t ion metal ions 82(1984)253

Thermal s tudy of some t ransi t ion metal complexes of mesi tylene 85(1985)59

Thermochemis t ry of bromocomplexes of third row t ransi t ion e lements 87(1985)29

Thermal decomposit ion of several related M n Fe(CN)5L.xH20 complexes (abstract) 92(1985)835

Transition metal compounds Thermal s tudies on 2,6-xylyliminodiacetato compounds of some transi t ion metal ions 80(1984)115

Transition metal-hydrocarbon interactions Electrothermographical s tudies on kinetics of h igh tempera ture interact ion between t ransi t ion metals and simple hydrocarbons 92(1985)137

Transition metal mixed oxides On the possibility of formation of 3d- t ransi t ion metal mixed oxides with spinel s t ructure 95(1985)155

Transition metal o x i d e s Effect of t ransi t ion metal oxides on the thermal conductivity of glass 71(1983)43

Transition metal propionates Comparative s tudy of the thermal analyses of some transi t ion metal(II) propionates. Par t I 71(1983)15

Transition metals Prediction of the rmodynamic properties of oxygen in liquid t ransi t ion metals 52(1982)103

Microcomputer controlled exper imenta t ion in calorimetry. Application to the determinat ion of the partial enthalpies of 3d t ransi t ion metals in liquid a lumin ium 55(1982)301

Solid state decomposit ion s tudies on fluoro- peroxo species of t ransi t ion metals. Par t XII. Kinetics of isothermal decomposit ion of K2VO(O2)2 F and KsNb(O2)2F 4 58(1982)67

Thermal behaviour of complexes between di-2- pyridyldichalcogenides and 3d t ransi t ion metals. I. Study on dichloro[bis(2-pyridyl)- disulfide]mercury(II) 93(1985)345

Transition metal salts Kinetic de terminat ions by differential scanning microcalorimetry. XVIII. The decomposit ion of t -butyl peroxybenzoate in

the absence and in the presence of transition metal salts (in French) 74(1984)9

Transition metal sulphates Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of some transition metal sulfates 91(1985)67

Transition metal sulphides Partial molar enthalpy of formation of solid solution in transition metal sulfides by combustion calorimetry 88(1985)101

Transition metal sulphoxide complexes The thermochemistry of transition metal sulphoxide complexes 62(1983)35

Trialkaliheptaphosphides Phase transitions crystalline to plastic- crystalline and the specific heat of M3P 7 compounds (M ffi Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) 85(1985)151

T r i a l k y l phosphates Enthalpies of mixing of binary mixtures: trialkyl phosphates , dialkyl ketones and dialkyl e thers with chloroform 53(1982)251

Triaminotrinitrobenzene An enthalpic s tudy of the thermal decomposit ion of unconf ined tr iaminotrini tro- benzene 61(1983)23

A s tudy of the thermal decomposit ion of confined t r iaminotr ini t robenzene. The gaseous products and kinetics of evolution 61(1963)37

On the solid state products of the thermal de- composit ion of confined and unconf ined tri- aminotr in i t robenzene 61(1983)53

Tricalcium aluminate Mechanism of the hydrat ion of tr icalcium aluminate and gypsum of 1:3 mole ratio at low water/solid ratio and in suspens ion 69(1983)379

Hydrat ion mechan i sm of tr icalcium aluminate with gypsum at 1:1 mole ratio at low water/ solid ratio and in suspens ion 74(1984)113

Hydrat ion mechan i sm of tricalcium aluminate with lime at 1:1 mole ratio at low water/solid ratio and in suspens ion 74(1984)123

Tricalcium phosphate Effect of iron or iron oxide addit ions on the reducibility of triealcium phospha te by carbon 52(1982)53

Effect of copper additions on the reducibility of tr iealcium phosphate by carbon 53(1982)333

Tricalcium silicate The tricalcium silicate hydration. Calcium hydroxide determinat ion 93(1985)565

Trichloroethane-butanol system Activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies of 1,1,1-trichloroethane with 1- butanol and 1-pentanol 76(1984)255

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T r i c h l o r o e t h a n e - p e n t a n o l s y s t e m Activity coefficients and excess Gibbs free energies of 1,1,1-trichloroethane with 1- butanol and 1-pentanol 76(1984)255

Tr idymi te Thermal and pore structure characteristics of silica modifications 52(1982)341

Triethanolamine Thermodynamics of nitrogen compounds. VIII. Thermochemical study of diethanolamine and triethanolamine and the reduction of water by the latter (in French) 55(1982)147

Triethanolamine mixed ligand complexes Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of manganese(II), nickel(II), copper(If), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) containing triethanolamine and oxalate 88(1983)75

T r i e t h a n o l a m m o n i u m halides Thermal behaviour of triethanolammonium halides 81(1983)247

T r i e t h y l a m i n e + toluene system Thermodynamic properties of binary and ternary systems. Vapour-liquid equilibrium data in the triethylamine -t- toluene system 77(1984)333

T r i e t h y l b o r o n Cohesion energies and solubility parameters for triethylboron and diethylzinc 71(1983)215

Triethylenediammoniumdiperehlorate Thermal decomposition of triethylene- diammoniumdiperchlorate 71(1983)219

Trifluoroacetic acid sodium salt-amide binary mixtures Supercooling phenomena in binary mixtures of trifluoroacetic acid sodium salt and amides 74(1984)251

Trifluoromethanesulphonate Excess enthalpy and entropy of aqueous tetra- methylguanidinium methanesulfonate and tri- fluoromethanesulfonate solutions 63(1983)157

Triglycerides Measurements of enthalpies and entropies of unstable crystalline forms of saturated even monoacid triglycerides 53(1982)183

T r i l a u r y l a m m o n i u m bisulphate Thermodynamic properties of trilauryl- ammonium bisulphate in benzene 63(1983)163

Trimetaphosphate Calorimetric study of the interaction of tri- and tetrametaphosphate with some trivalent cations 68(1983)83

T r i m e t h y l h a l o s i l a n e s Thermodynamic functions for methyldihalo- silanes, methyltrihalosilanes and trimethylhalo- silanes 84(1985)57

T r i m e t h y l sulphonium cyano m e t a l l a t e s Thermal stability of trimethyl and triphenyl sulfonium cyano metallates of the [M(CN)sNO]3- type 92(1985)771

Trinitrofluorenone Phase diagrams in the binary systems of 2,4,7- trinitrofluoren-9-one with aromatic and hetero- aromatic compounds. II. Thermodynamic analysis 58(1982)299

Trioctylmethylammonium chloride Determination of the heat change in the extraction of divalent copper, zinc and cadmium from hydrochloric acid solutions by trioctylmethylammonium chloride in various organic solvents 92(1985)305

Trioxanonane -{- heptane mixtures Excess enthalpies and heat capacities for 2,5,8- trioxanonane -{- n-heptane mixtures 64(1983)149

Triphenyl sulphonium cyano metallates Thermal stability of trimethyl and triphenyl sulfonium cyano metallates of the [M(CN)sNO]3- type 92(1985)771

Triphenyltin carboxylates A study of the thermal decomposition of some triphenyltin carboxylates 67(1983)307

Triprotic acids Calculation of neutralization enthalpies from thermometric titrations of diprotic and tri- protic acids using a linear least-squares method 56(1982)307

T r i s - b i s ( b e n z o y l a e e t o n a t o ) n i e k e l Enthalpy of formation of tris[bis(benzoylaceton- ato)nickel(II)] and the mean nickel(II)-oxygen bond dissociation enthalpies 55(1982)89

T r i s ( e h l o r o p h e n y l ) d i t h i o c a r b a m a t o c o m p l e x e s Studies on tris-N[(chlorophenyl)dithiocarbam- ate] complexes of Au(III) and As(III) 93(1985)105

Tris-diphenylphenanthroline -iron complex Thermogravimetric M~ssbauer and IR spectroscopic and optical reflectance studies of tris-(4, 7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)-iron(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 53(1982)369

Tris(ethylenediamine)cadmium chloride Deamination of tris(ethylene- diamine)cadmium(II) chloride 91(1985)61

Trisodium hydrogensilicate dihydrate Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. III. Trisodium hydrogensilicate dihydrate, NasHSiO4.2 H20: thermal stability, thermal decomposition reactions and dimorphism 79(1984)243

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Trisodium hydrogensilicate penta- hydrate Thermal studies on sodium silicate hydrates. I. Trisodium hydrogensilicate pentahydrate, Na3HSiO£5 H20; thermal stability and thermal decomposition reactions 71(1983)359

Tris(pentanedionato)aluminium DSC determination of the fusion and sublimation enthalpy of bis(2,4-petanedionato)- beryllium(II) and tris(2,4-pentanedionato)- aluminium(III) 63(1983)211

T r i s ( p e n t a n e d i o n a t o ) - m e t a l complexes DSC determination of the fusion and sublimation enthalpy of tris(2,4-pentane- dionato)chromium(III) and iron(III) 72(1984)341

Tris-tetramethylheptanedione- gadolinium Mass spectra of tris-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5- heptanedionegadolinium 88(1985)407

Tr i s ( tha l l ium) iac ta te Studies on the thermal behaviour of tris- {thallium(III)]-lactate 96(1985)213

Tropolone Thermodynamic proton-ligand stability constants of tropolone in mixtures of water and dioxane 89(1985)271

Trepolone-uranium complexes Potentiometric studies on the complex formation between hexavalent uranium and tropolones 99(1986)79

Tubulin Calorimetric measurements of microtubule assembly in vitro 65(1983)93

Tungsten-barium oxides P-T-X phase diagram and thermodynamics of barium-tungsten oxides 93(1985)457

Tungsten disilicide Studies on mechanism of high-temperature oxidation of molybdenum, tungsten, and zirconium disilicides by differential thermal analysis 93(1985)501

Tungsten-molybdenum chloride- oxychloride systems The phase analysis of systems consisting of molybdenum and tungsten chlorides and oxo- chlorides by a thermographic method 92(1985)755

Tungsten oxyfluorides Thermal behaviour of Na2WO2F4: occurrence of phase transitions 58(1982)387

Tungsten t r ioxide Electrical properties of the semiconductor materials molybdenum and tungsten trioxides 65(1983)311

Typha sap pyrolysis Design and performance of a flash pyrolyser for biomass assessment of typha sap pyrolysis 99(1986)325



Ult rah igh v a c u u m b a l a n c e Use of an ultrahigh vacuum balance for the quantitative assay of evaporated reference layers 51(1981)33

Undecane Study of gel structure by DTA. Undecane gelified by different silicas (in French) 77(1984)259

UNIPAN microcalorimeter Thermogenesis: identification and deconvolution in the UNIPAN micro- calorimeter 87(1985)177

UNIQUAC associated-solution model The UNIQUAC associated-solution model. Excess enthalpies of mixtures of hydrocarbons with alcohol 97(1986)51

Unsaturated hydrocarbons Estimation of the enthalpies of vaporisation of liquid organic compounds. Part 3. Application to unsaturated hydrocarbons (in French) 54(1982)153

Unsupported CoMo sulphide catalysts Characterization of unsupported CoMo sulfide catalysts and their precursors by temperature- programmed reactions 81(1984)281

U r a n i a - r a r e e a r t h oxides Tbermochemical investigation of the equilibrium oxygen potential of rare earth and urania-rare earth oxides by solid electrolyte coulometry 93(1985)453

Uranium Thermal behaviour of co-precipitated mixtures of chromium(III) and uranium(VI) 55(1982)249

Some studies on the effect of temperature on the extraction of U(VI) and Np(IV) from nitric acid by long-chain amines 56(1982)299

Uranium-amine complexes Thermal decomposition of the solvent extracted chloro complexes of uranium(VI) with trioctylamine and trioctylmethylammon- ium chloride 92(1985)697

Uranium complexes Thermodynamic behaviour and stabiliW constants of UO22+, Fe 3+, Cu 2+. Ni 2+, Co 2+, Fe 2+, Mn 2+ and Cd 2+ metal complexes of 3- methyl-4-(2-hydroxyphenyl)hydrazono-2-isox- azolin-5-one 56(1982)381

Thermal decomposition of pentacoordinate uranium(VI) complexes 70(1983)143

Thermal behaviour of uranium(VI) complexes. Uranyl acetate dihydrate-N,N'-diphenylthio- urea system: synthesis and decomposition 90(1985)23

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Uranium compounds Thermal stability of K2U(SO4)3.H20, a new double salt 58(1982)97

Uranium dioxide Quasi-isothermal dilatemetric s inter ing studies on UO 2 powder compacts: method of evaluation and influence of exper imental parameters 58(1982)261

TG, DSC, X-ray and electron diffraction studies of intermediate phases in the reduction of ammon ium uranyl carbonate to UO 2 72(1984)213

Uranium dioxide - methylhydroxy- naphthalene complex Investigations on UOz-2-methyl-5-hydroxy-l,4- naphthalenedione complex 67(1983)107

Uranium hexachloride The stability of u ran ium pentachloride and u ran ium hexachloride at room tempera ture 57(1982)109

Uranium micas Thermal analysis and infrared spectra of some natural and synthetic u r an i um micas 86(1985)387

Uranium molybdates Thermogravimetr ic s tudy of some u ran ium molybdates 79(1984)377

Uranium-nickel-oxygen system Some chemical and structural investigations of the nickel-uranium-oxygen sys tem by tempera ture-programmed techniques 92(1985)467

Uranium oxides Polynary u ran ium oxides from the thermal decomposition of uranyl carboxylate complexes 56(1982)235

Uranium-oxygen-chlorine system The thermochemical properties of the sys tem uranium-oxygen-chlor ine 74(1984)235

Uranium pentachloride The stability of u r an i um pentachloride and u r an ium hexachloride at room tempera ture 57(1982)109

Uranium-plutonium oxides Studies on the oxidation of u ran ium- plutonium oxides by non- isothermal kinetics 66(1983)153

Uranium sulphate - dimethyiformamide complex Preparation and thermal stability of the U(IV)(SO4)2-DMF complex 60(1983)277

Uranium-tropolone complexes Potentiometric studies on the complex formation between hexavalent u r an i um and tropolones 99(1986)79

Uranyl acetate A study of the thermal decomposit ion of uranyl acetate using infra-red spectroscopic techniques 85(1985)43

Uranyl acetate dihydrate-diphenylthio- urea system Thermal behaviour of uranium(VI) complexes. Uranyl acetate dihydrate-N,N'-diphenyl thio- urea system: synthes is and decomposit ion 90(1985)23

Uranyl arsenates Thermochemical properties of uranyl arsenates. I. Arsenic oxide dissociation pressures 90(1985)177

Uranyl carboxylate complexes Polynary u r an ium oxides from the thermal decomposition of uranyl earboxylate complexes 56(1982)235

Uranyl chloride complexes Thermal decomposition of metal complexes. XII. Uranyl chloride complexes with several O-donor ligands 58(1982)363

U r a n y l complexes Infrared and thermal studies of uranyl(VI) complexes of ant ipyrine 95(1985)279

Uranyl [umarate dihydrate Kinetics of dehydrat ion of uranyl fumara te dihydrate under isothermal and non- isothermal conditions 85(1985)95

Uranyl glycolate Thermal decomposition of uranyl glycolate 53(1982)225

Uranyl ions Thermodynamics of the complexing of uranyl ions with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoylpyrazol- one-5 in aqueous dioxane 55(1982)307

Uranyl nitrate Thermal decomposition of a m m o n i u m urana tes precipitated from uranyl ni trate solution with a m m o n i u m hydroxide 88(1985)313

Uranyl nitrate complexes Thermal decomposition of metal complexes. XI. Thermal properties and spectroscopic characterist ics of the complexes of uranyl ni trate with several O-donor l igands 56(1982)333

Uranyl silicate minerals Thermal and infrared spec t rum analyses of some uranyl silicate minerals 93(1985)525

Uranyl sulphate mineral Thermal , X-ray and infrared absorption spec t rum analyses of a new uranyl sulphate mineral 86(1985)383

Urea Thermal analysis of urea, fatty acids, and their adducts 73(1984)47

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Investigation of latent hea t - thermal energy storage materials. II. Thermoanalyt ica l evaluation of urea 74(1984)281

U r e a complexes Thermal decomposit ion of a luminum, iron and manganese complexes of u rea 73(1984)79

U r e a - e t h a n o l - w a t e r system DSC investigations on the urea-e thanol-water sys tem with regard to de-icing 93(1985)275

U r e a - m a n g a n e s e complexes Studies on the s t ructure and thermal behaviour of the Mn-urea complex 71(1983)227

U r e a nitrate Thermal behaviour of urea ni t rate 55(1982)359

U r e a o x a l i c acid Thermal and mass spectral s tudies of urea oxalic acid 60(1983)239

Urotropine Investigation of urotropine thermal decomposit ion reaction in self-generated a tmosphere by means of the rmal analysis 93(1985)21


Vacuum balance techniques Vacuum balance and related s tudies of carbons used in zinc-lead production 51(1981)25

Vacuum balance s tudies of milled mater ia l and mechanoehemical react ions 51(1981)45

Vacuum microbalances Vacuum microbalances and thermogravimetr ic apparatus. Par t I. Commercial ly available instruments 82(1984)15

Vacuum microbalances and thermogravimetric apparatus. Part II. Types of recording instruments 82(1984)23

Vanadium-carbon-nitrogen system Some thermochemical propert ies of the sys tem vanadium-ni t rogen and vanad ium- carbon-ni t rogen in the tempera ture range 1000-1550°C 57(1982)273

Vanadium c o m p l e x e s Mode of thermal degradat ion of (NH4)3VO2F4'O. 5H20 81(1984)23

Standard enthalpies of formation of the pentane-2,4-dionate and 8-hydroxyquinolate complexes of vanadium(III) and of oxo- vanadium(IV) by solution-reaction calorimetry 97(1986)77


Vanadium compounds Thermal behaviour of (NH4)3VO2F 4 and Na(NH4)2VO2F 4 58(1982)87

Molten l i th ium sulphate-sodium sulphate- potass ium sulphate eutectic. The reactions of six vanad ium compounds 63(1983)219

Vanadium-nitrogen system Some thermochemical propert ies of the sys tem vanadium-ni t rogen and vanad ium- carbon-ni t rogen in the tempera ture range 1000-1550°C 57(1982)273

Vanadium o x i d e s Vaporization s tudy on V203 and two-phase mixture of V203 and VO by mass spectrometric method 88(1985)301

Vanadium- oxoperoxooxalato complexes Thermal decomposit ion of oxoperoxooxalato complexes of vanadium(V) 92(1985)701

Vanadium oxysalts ° Thermal decomposit ion of vanad ium oxysalts 51(1981)169

Vanadium pentoxide A thermal analysis s tudy of V205 and Ag0.35V205 63(1983)123

Thermogravimetr ic , mas s spectrometric and XPS investigation on the chlorination reactions of V205 and TiO 2 85(1985)83

Influence of the grain morphology of V205 on its reduction-reoxidation behaviour 98(1985)81

Vanadium pentoxide-cadmium carbonate system Behaviour of CdCO3-V205 (1:1 M) sys tem in a sa tura ted a tmosphere of water vapor at different t empera tures 92(1985)501

Vanadium pentoxide doping Thermal stability of cobalt oxides doped with V205 and MoO 3 61(1983)107

Vanadium pentoxide-iron o x i d e - m o l y b d e n u m trioxide system Phase equilibria in the subsol idus area of the Fe203-V2Os-MoO 3 sys tem 92(1985)563

Vanadium sulphide Thermal analysis and kinetics of the oxidation of vanad ium and t i tan ium sulfides 92(1985)223

V a n d e r W a a l s equation of state Modified Van der Waals equation of state for sa turated vapour-liquid equil ibrium 84(1985)71

Application of L-L modification of Van der Waals equat ion of state for sa tura ted b inary liquid mixtures 96(1985)103

Vapour pressure measurements Vapor pressure measu remen t s in carrier gas containing l igand vapor us ing the t ranspira t ion technique 83(1985)193

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Vapour pressure osmometry Thermodynamic equil ibrium and excess propert ies of alkylsulphates in water by vapour pressure osmomet ry 74(1984)215

Thermodynamic magni tudes of L-menthol / acetonitrile and L-menthol /carbon tetra- chloride binary mixture by VPO 90(1985)221

Vapour pressures Correlation of vapor pressures of pure subs tances in homologous series 90(1985)125

New sys tem for tempera ture dependent measu remen t s of vapor pressures of subs tances in the range below 1 Pascal 93(1985)295

Vapour pressure-temperature r e l a t i o n New saturated vapour p ressure - tempera ture relation 52(1982)9

Variable mass calorimetry A model for variable mas s calorimetry sys tems 81(1984)87

Variation of procedural factors The effect of the s imul taneous variation of sample mass and heat ing rate in DTA and DSC 71(1983)305

V a t e r i t e Effect of gr inding on the kinetics of the t ransformat ion vaterite-calcite 92(1985)211

V e g e t a b l e oils A rapid screening technique for vegetable oil identi ty by sub-ambien t DSC 57(1982)209

Victorian brown coal Thermal analysis of Victorian brown coal 93(1985)741

Vinylcarbazole DTA determinat ion of bulk kinetics polymerization of N-vinylcarbazole in the solid state 59(1982)199

Thermal properties of methyl methacry la te -N- vinylcarbazole copolymers 93(1985)159

Vinyl esters Thermal behaviors of vinyl esters of long- chain fatty acids and their comblike polymers 88(1985)211

Vinyl percarbonates Kinetic determinat ions by differential micro- calorimetric analysis. XVII. Spontaneous and induced decomposit ion of O, O-t -butyl per- carbonate and O-vinyl percarbonates in solution (in French) 60(1983)353

Vinyl stearate Polymorphic behavior of vinyl s tearate 86(1985)357

Vinylsuccinimide DSC study of the bulk polymerisat ion of N - vinylsuccinimide 80(1984)361

Violurates Thermal studies on alkaline ear th mono- methyl violurates 61(1983)307

V i o l u r i e acids Calorimetric and potentiometric s tudy of the deprotenat ion reactions of violuric acids 89(1985)343

Viscoelastic properties Determinat ion of viscoelastic properties with TMA, DMTA and DSC 93(1985)291

Vitamin Blz Contributions of the analytical chemis t ry of v i tamin B12. The thermal stability of cyano- cobalamin, hydrexocobalamin and cobinamide in the solid state 59(1982)211

V o l d ' s theory Critical s tudy of the application of Vold's theory to the determinat ion of reaction enthalpies from DTA traces 85(1985)259

Vulcanization Kinetic parameters of the overall reaction of scrap rubber vulcanization by 2% sulfur 59(1982)149

Effect of variation in the kinetic parameters on the vulcanization of rubber shee t 68(1983)283

Vulcanization progress in rubber sheets dur ing cooling in motionless air after extraction from the mold 76(1984)161

Effect of variation in the values of the thermal propert ies of rubber on the vulcanization of thin and thick sheets 80(1984)287


Water Thermodynamics of KCI + water + glucose and NaCl + water + glucose sys tems from viscosity data 51(1981)367

Thermodynamics of ferrous-2,2'-dipyridyl in ter t -butanol-water and glycerol-water mixtures at 25°C 52(1982)201

Ionic solvation in water + co-solvent mixtures. Par t 8. Total free energies of t ransfer and free energies of t ransfer with the "neutral" component removed of single ions from water into water + acetone 53(1982)67

Water-acetone mixtures Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. III. Acetone-water 66(1983)219

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Wa te r - ace ton i t r i l e system Analyses of excess molar volumes of the acetonitrile-water system using segmented composition models 71(1983)59

Analysis of transport properties of the aceto- nitrile-water system using a segmented composition model 73(1984)149

Wa te r - a l coho l m ix tu r e s Thermodynamics of associated solutions. Phase equilibria of binary and ternary water- alcohol mixtures 89(1985)39

Water -I- a l ipha t ic aldehyde mixtures Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. Enthalpy of mixing and liquid-liquid equilibrium of water -t- aliphatic aldehyde mixtures 85(1983)157

W a t e r - a l k a n o l systems Four-segment composition model analyses of binary alkanol-water systems 90(1985)313

Wate r -t- a l k a n o n e mixtures Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. II. Excess enthalpies and liquid-liquid equilibrium of 2-alkanone -i- water mixtures 70(1983)149

W a t e r - a n t i m o n y ch lo r ide system The thermal and hydrolytic inter-relationship between the products of the antimony(III) chloride/water system 85(1985)31

Water-calcium oxide-silicon dioxide system Hydrothermal reaction of CaO - SiO2 - H20 at 190°C. Study of the primary product 93(1985)545

Wate r -c i t r i c ac id sy s t em Thermodynamic properties of citric acid and the system citric acid-water 58(1982)341

Wate r q- cyclic e t h e r m ix tu r e s Thermodynamic properties of aqueous non- electrolyte mixtures. Excess enthalpies of water -{- cyclic ether mixtures at 298.15 K 65(1983)169

Wate r determination Application of a continuous and selective water detector in thermoanalytical investigations 56(1982)285

W a t e r - d i m e t h y l i o r m a m i d e system Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures. II. Dimethylformamide-water 63(1983)151

Association, dissociation and hydrogen bonding of salicylic acid in water-N,N- dimethylformamide mixtures 89(1985)133

Water-dimethy|sulphoxide system Thermodynamic study of the water-DMSO system. Part I. Features of the system: thermo- dynamics, linear free-energy relationship and ortho-effects of some substituted benzoic acids in the system 83(1985)213

Thermodynamic study of the water- dimethylsulfoxide system. Part II. Study of the proton transfer processes of monosubstituted benzoic acids, compared with the same processes in the gaseous phase: thermo- dynamic and electrostatic model 84(1985)215

Water-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine system Sub-transition phenomenon of the L- dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine - water system: effect of water content and its aggregation state 88(1985)217

Water-gallium oxide-selenium dioxide system Solubility isotherm and some properties of the phases of the Ga203-SeO2-H20 system 82(1984)375

Water-indium oxide-selenium dioxide s y s t e m Interactions in the three-component system In203-SeO2-H20 at 1O0°C 82(1984)387

Wate r purification Adsorption at the liquid/solid interface: the part of microcalorimetry in the fields of enhanced oil recovery, lubrication and water purification 95(1985)337

W a t e r - s a l t s y s t ems Construction of a conductimeter adapted for the determination of solid-liquid equilibrium diagrams. Application to studying the isotherm at 65°C of the system H20-NaC1- CaCl2-SrC12 (in French) 68(1983)145

W a t e r - s o d i u m po ly ( s ty renesu lphona te ) sy s t em Phase transition on the water-sodium poly(styrenesulfonate) system 88(1985)223

Wate r sorp t ion Thermogravimetric determinations of the water sorption characteristics of molecular sieve in high-pressure CO s and N 2 87(1985)1

W a t e r - t e t r a m e t h y l u r e a mi x t u r e s Solubility of 1:1 electrolytes in 1,1,3,3-tetra- methylurea-water mixtures 87(1985)225

W a t e r - t h a l l i u m o x i d e - s e l e n i u m dioxide sys t em Phases of the system T1203-SeO2-H20 and their thermal stability 77(1984)445

W a t e r - u r e a - e t h a n o l system DSC investigations on the urea-ethanol-water system with regard to de-icing 93(1985)275

Water-zinc oxide-selenium dioxide system Physico-chemical investigation of the system ZnO-SeO2-H20 and some properties of the compounds obtained 77(1984)439

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Waxes Dist inguishing hydrocarbon and polyalkylene waxes by gas chromatography and differential scann ing calorimetry 86(1985)329

Weak complexes WECO: a computer program for calculating the rmodynamic parameters of simple weak complexes. Tempera ture and ionic s t rength dependence of the ionic product of water and of hydrolysis constants of Na + and Ca 2+ 74(1984)343

Weighing in vacuum Disturbances in weighing. Par t I. A survey of work presented at the preceding VMT conferences 82(1984)43

Whey proteins Thermal stability of whey proteins s tudied by differential scanning calorimetry 95(1985)435

Willemite The role of t i tania and t i tania mixtures in the nucleat ion and crystallization of spodumene- willemite-diopside glasses 58(1982)125

Wood Heats of decomposition, combust ion and explosion of nitrocelluloses derived from wood and cotton 89(1985)11

Wood pyrolysis The questionable use of the Arrhenius equation to describe cellulose and wood pyrolysis 54(1982)377

On the use of the Arrhenius equation to describe cellulose and wood pyrolysis 91(1985)343

Wustite TG studies on the reactions of hemati te, magnet i te and wusti te with CC14 85(1985)87

TG studies on the react ions of hemati te, magnet i te and wiistite with COC12 and CO+CI 2 92(1985)587


Xanthine complexes Thermal studies on pur ine complexes. I. Thermal behaviour of some xan th ine complexes of cobalt(II), copper(II) and cadmium(II) 63(1983)145

Thermal studies on pur ine complexes. III. Pal ladium complexes of xan th ine and some xanth ine derivatives 69(1983)313

Xanthine derivatives Thermal s tudies on pur ine complexes. IV. Thermal behaviour of some tetrachloroaurates of xan th ine derivatives 71(1983)139

Thermal studies on pur ine complexes. VI. Thermal behaviour of some Ag(I) and Hg(I) complexes of xan th ine derivatives 76(1984)373

Thermal studies on pur ine complexes. X. Hexa- chloroplatinates(IV) of some xan th ine derivatives 97(1986)67

Xylenes Chemical the rmodynamic propert ies of toluene, o-, m- and p -xy lenes 72(1984)323

Xylose Kinetic s tudy on the thermal decomposit ion of D-xylose 62(1983)307

Thermodynamics and free volume of sodium and potass ium halides in aqueous xylose solution 87(1985)151

Xylyliminodiacetato compounds Thermal s tudies on 2,6-xylyliminodiaeetato compounds of some transi t ion metal ions 80(1984)115

Thermal studies on 2,3-xylyliminodiacetate compounds 87(1985)109


Yeasts Microcalorimetric investigations on the metabol ism of yeasts. X. The occurrence of a heat production peak late after the terminat ion of growth in low glucose media 94(1985)129

Yellow iron oxide pigments Preparat ion of yellow and red iron oxide p igments from iron(II) sulfate by alkali precipitation 77(1984)177

Ytterbium Studies on selenates. VIII. The thermal decomposit ion of double selenate hydra tes of ho lmium and yt terbium with rubid ium 51(1981)381

Ytterbium formate dihydrate Thermal decomposit ion of formates. Par t VIII. Thermal dehydrat ion of Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III) and Lu(III) formate dihydrates 60(1983)203

Ytterbium oxide Thermoanalyt ical s tudies of Lu203- and Yb203- alkali persulfate binary sys tems 58(1982)355

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Yttr ia Characterization of the calcination process of yttria 55(1982)75

Y t t r i u m DTA and X-ray studies on the phase transition in undoped and yttrium-doped sodium sulfates 53(1982)289

Y t t r i u m f o r m a t e dihydrate Thermal decompositions of formates. Part VII. Thermal decomposition of yttrium formate dihydrate 53(1982)215

Y t t r i u m o x a l a t e Thermal studies on yttrium, neodymium and holmium oxalates 71(1983)345

Y u g o s l a v b ro wn coa l s Differential thermal analysis of the ashes of some Yugoslav brown coals 93(1985)365


Zeolites Surface and structural properties of 3, 5 and 10A synthetic zeolites 52(1962)19

Determination of the kinetic parameters of the dehydration and decomposition processes of the sodium tetraphenyl boron-sorbed derivative of zeolite 3A by thermogravimetric method 53(1982)229

Thermogravimetric MSssbauer and IR spectroscopic and optical reflectance studies of tris-(4,7-diphenyl-1,1O-phenanthroline)-iron(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 53(1982)369

Kinetic study of the dehydration of modified Y zeolites 54(1982)251

Physico-chemical characterization of ferric exchanged Y zeolites 56(1982)93

Thermogravimetric, IR spectroscopic and X- ray diffraction studies of furil a-dioxime- nickel(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 57(1982)113

Thermogravimetric, IR spectroscopic and X- ray diffraction studies of bis-(2,9-dimethyl-4,7- diphenyN1,1O-phenanthroline)-copper(II) complex supported on synthetic zeolite 3A 57(1982)365

Catalytic oxidation reaction supported on synthetic zeolite 3A. A study by MSssbauer spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, reflectance and thermogravimetric methods 58(1982)245


Thermal analysis of NaMgA zeolites 61(1983)329

Thermogravimetric studies of pyridinium chlorochromate reagent supported on snythetic zeolite 3A 62(1983)349

An approach to the kinetics of water desorption from A-zeolites. Part I. Isothermal and non-isothermal desorption 68(1983)91

An approach to the kinetics of water desorption from A-zeolites. Part II. Resolution of the complex dehydration process to elementary reactions 68(1983)101

An approach to the kinetics of water desorption from A-zeolites. Part III. Thermo- desorption of complexes with non-uniform activation energies 68(1983)113

Thermochemical evolution of CrY zeolites (in French) 75(1984)275

Physico-chemical properties of adsorbed water in the 13X and 4/t zeolites. I. Sorption capacity of water vapour as a function of pressure and temperature (in French) 77(1984)311

Remarks on the dehydration kinetics of zeolites (in German) 79(1984)1

Study of the adsorption of n-hexane in an H- ZSM5 zeolite: use of a non-isothermal kinetic model (in French) 81(1984)197

The adsorption of methane on H-ZSM-5 zeolite 82(1984)137

Solid-state interaction of kalignost and TI(I)- exchanged 3A zeolite 83(1985)377

The study of high-temperature phase transitions in AgA and AgA • AgNO 3 forms. Thermal and X-ray properties 84(1985)227

Thermal analytical investigations on (AgNa)-A zeolites 87(1985)117

Characterization of the acidic properties of zeolites with temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of various bases including non-linear temperature programmes 92(1985)189

Thermoanalytical and adsorption investigations on dealuminated Y-zeolites of different preparation 93(1985)553

Modified zeolite acidity as key to interpreting modified catalytic reactivity a microcalori- metric study of NH 3 sorption over boron- impregnated ZSM-5 93(1985)557

Thermomechanical analysis and X-ray heating studies of (Ca, Na)-A zeolites 93(1985)561

Thermal decomposition of tetrapropyl- ammonium ions progressively incorporated into ZSM-5 framework during crystallization 93(1985)749

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High temperature transformations of NH4A zeolite 93(1985)753

Thermal decomposition of TPA-ZSM-5 zeolites: effect of gas atmosphere and Si/Al ratio 97(1986)1

Zeol i t ic tuf ts Solar energy storage through water adsorption-desorption cycles in zeolitic tufts 79(1984)271

Z inc Formation constants and thermodynamic functions of Cd(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), VO 2+ and Ce(IV) with lapachol 52(1982)349

Phase content of semi-finished products in zinc production 93(1985)733

Zinc-acetylaminophenyl dinitro- salicylate complexes Thermodynamics of zinc group complexes of p-acetylaminophenyl 3,5-dinitro salicylate 78(1984)423

Zinc- aluminium- magnesium alloys Transformation studies in A1ZnMg alloys by calorimetric methods 94(1985)93

Zinc- aluminium-magnesium-copper alloys A calorimetric study of precipitation process in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys 85(1985)171

Zinc-ammonium pyrophosphate Investigations on the thermal and infrared character of zinc-ammonium pyrophosphate (in German) 76(1984)1

Zinc arsenide P-T-X phase diagram and non-steichiometry of Zn3As 2 92(1985)603

Zinc bis(hydroxyphenyl)-propandione alcohol complex The preparation and thermal analysis studies of cobalt and zin c 1,3-bis-(2-hydroxyphenyl)- 1,3-propandione alcohol complexes 79(1984)315

Zinc-bromazepan complex Study of the thermal decomposition of brom- azepan complexes with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) 81(1984)231

Zinc carbonate Preparation of highly dispersed zinc oxide by thermal decomposition of basic zinc carbonate 93(1985)485

Zinc c h l o r i d e - c a l c i u m ch lo r ide - p o t a s s i u m chloride system Phase studies of the KCI-CaC12-ZnC12 system 68(1983)341

Zinc chloride-copper chloride system Zone-melting studies of the ZnC12-CuC12 eutectic system 54(1982)369

Zinc chloride-lithium chloride system LiC1-ZnC12 phase diagram 97(1986)29

Zinc chloride-methyipyridinium ch lo r ide m i x t u r e s Properties of mixtures of zinc chloride and N- methylpyridinium chloride in the molten state. L Phase diagram and heats of mixing 99(1986)223

Zinc-cobalt alloys The thermodynamic properties of solid cobalt- zinc alloys 59(1982)267

Zinc complexes Thermal decomposition of mixed ligand complexes of cobalt(II), nickel(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(If) containing 1,3-diaminopropan-2- ol and oxalate 55(1982)19

Bis-N (p -ethoxyphenyl)dithiocarbamato complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Sn(II), Sn(IV), Ni(II) and Pd(II) 58(1982)231

Coordination compounds of biological interest: thermal properties of some compounds of saccharin (o-benzoic sulphimide) with nickel(If) and zinc(If) 59(1982)63

Complexation of zinc group metal ions with phenetsal 62(1983)369

Thermal analysis of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) bis(3, 5-dimethyl-l-pyra- zolyl)dihydroborates 63(1983)59

Physico-chemical studies on the composition and stability constants of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) L-lysine monohydrochloride complexes 66(1983)369

Thermodynamics of metal complexes with ligand-ligand interaction. Mixed complexes of copper(II) and zinc(II) with adenosine 5'- triphosphate and L-phenylalanine or L- tyrosine 74(1984)77

Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of N-2,3-dimethylphenylglycinate, N-2,4-dimethylphenylglycinate and N-2-ethyl- phenylglycinate complexes of Zn(II) 76(1984)381

Complex formation of 4,9-diazadodecane-1,12- diamine with copper(II) and zinc(II) ions in aqueous solution 78(1984)1

Stability and thermodynamic parameters of thiopyrimidines, 2-thioxanthine and their complexes with Zn(II) and Cd(II) 88(1985)355

Influence of ionic strength on stability constants of Ag(I), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes with some 4-amino-5-nitroso- pyrimidine derivatives 89(1985)141

Thermodynamic study of the complexation processes between 6,7-dihydro-3(H)-6-methyl- 5-methoxy-7 -oxo-vic-triazolo (4,5-d) pyrimidine and Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) 96(1985)49

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Zinc-copper- aluminium a l loys Phase transformations in Cu-Zn-A1 shape memory alloy 93(1985)665

Zinc-diamine complexes Thermal investigation of diamine complexes of Zn(II) in the solid state 69(1983)349

Zinc diphosphates A study of thermal behaviour of sodium and zinc diphosphates 86(1985)243

Zinc glutarate trihydrate The thermal decomposition of zinc(II) glutarate trihydrate 62(1983)375

Zinc-hydrazine complexes Thermal studies of Zn(II) hydrazine complexes in the solid state 71(1983)273

Zinc indium sulphide Vaporization chemistry and thermodynamics of congruently vaporizing zinc indium sulfide 62(1983)197

Zinc-iron-manganese o x a l a t e On the thermal stability of Fe2Mn0.sZn0.5(C204) 4 95(1985)287

Zinc-lead blast f u r n a c e Surface area development of three cokes in relation to the zinc-lead blast furnace 82(1984)111

Zinc-manganese-iron mixed oxide Kinetic aspects of the Mn-Zn-Fe mixed oxide formation by thermal decomposition of poly- nuclear coordination compounds 92(1985)197

Zinc oxalate dihydrate Kinetics of isothermal dehydration of zinc oxalate dihydrate 79(1934)279

Effect of simultaneous variation of sample mass and heating rate on the mechanism of dehydration of zinc oxalate dihydrate 89(1985)295

Zinc oxide Effect of autoclaving on zinc oxide in the presence of sulphate ions 58(1982)211

Preparation of highly dispersed zinc oxide by thermal decomposition of basic zinc carbonate 93(1985)485

Zinc oxide-bismuth trioxide-boron oxide system The character of melting and phase crystallization in the Bi203-B203-ZnO system 93(1985)449

Zinc oxide-copper oxide-chromium oxide c a t a l y s t An investigation of the catalyst ZnO-CuO- Cr203 during its use in the industrial reactor by thermal analysis 83(1983)1

Zinc oxide-organohalide reactions Atomic absorption and radiation scatter detection in thermal analysis. Reactions of zinc oxide with organohalides 93(1985)377


Zinc oxide-selenium dioxide-water system Physico-chemical investigation of the system ZnO-SeO2-H20 and some properties of the compounds obtained 77(1984)439

Zinc phosphide-cadmium phosphide system Phase diagrams of the ZnP2-ZnAs 2 and ZnP2- CdP 2 systems 93(1985)677

Zinc phosphide-zinc arsenide system Phase diagrams of the ZnP2-ZnAs 2 and ZnP 2- CdP 2 systems 93(1985)677

Zinc phytate Heats of precipitation of zinc phytate 67(1983)287

Zinc production Vacuum balance and related studies of carbons used in zinc-lead production 51(1981)25

Zinc selenite Dimorphism of the anhydrous selenites of zinc, cadmium and mercury 71(1983)391

Zinc suiphite hydrate High-temperature Raman spectra in thermo- analytical studies on the hydrates of magnesium and zinc sulfite 74(1984)323

Zinc zirconyl oxa l a t e Thermal decomposition of zinc and cadmium 7.irconyl oxalates 56(1982)221

Zi rca loy-4 Recovery and recrystallization of zircaloy-4 87(1985)169

Zirconia Thermal evolution of ceria-zirconia metallorganic precursors 58(1982)253

Thermal behaviour of cobalt oxides doped with ZrO 2 and ThO 2 and the possible cubic phase stabilization of zireonia 80(1984)165

Zirconia gels Application of thermal analysis in surface chemical investigation of zirconia gels 85(1985)3

Zirconium-carbon dioxide reaction The oxidation reaction of powdered zirconium and carbon dioxide 84(1985)367

Zirconium compounds Investigation of thermal stability and nature of proton containing groups in compounds of zirconium and hafnium with inorganic ligands 92(1985)561

Zirconium dioxide binary systems On the non-isothermal behaviour of ZrO 2 and HfO2-Na2/K2/S20 a binary systems 86(1985)163

Zirconium disilicide Studies on mechanism of high-temperature oxidation of molybdenum, tungsten, and

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zirconium disilicides by differential thermal analysis 93(1985)501

Z i r c o n i u m - g e r m a n i u m p h o s p h a t e system Ge-Zr phosphate system: the advantages of thermal methods in the investigation of phase mixtures or solid solutions 92(1985)615

Z i r con ium-oxygen r eac t ion The reaction of oxygen and zirconium 84(1985)357

Z i rcon ium p h o s p h a t e s Formation and thermal decomposition of pyridine intercalates of a- and 7-zirconium phosphates 59(1982)95

Heats of pyridine intercalation with a- and y- zirconium phosphates 63(1983)33

Zirconyl oxa la te Thermal studies on titanyl and zirconyl oxalates. A review 83(1985)347

Zivkovic and Dobovisek method Remarks on the suitability of the Zivkovic and Dobovisek method 75(1984)161

Z transiorm Thermogenesis: smoothing techniques in Z- transform and harmonic analysis 83(1983)331

Characterization of calorimeters using the Z transform 87(1985)297