Subject Index The numbers set in italics refer to those pages on which the respective catch-word is dicussed in detail acetyl-choline 152 N-acetyl D-galactosamine 144, 150 - glucosamine 150 acid hydrolases 169 - mucins 147,148,162 mucosubstances 145,146,147,148 - non-sulphated mucosubstances 146 - phosphatase 169 - sulphated mucins 148 ACTH 244, 250 acute liver atrophy 295 - sporadic enteritis in children 275 - Sprue 278 adenocarcinoma, mucinous, of colon 125 of colon 99,101,103,109,114,120, 121,122,123,125,162 - - histogenesis 123 adenoma 25 -, gastric 85, 9 1 -, malignant transformed 14 -, papillary 87 of colon 96,97,98,99,101,107, 110, Ill, 112,114,117,120,122, 123,125,126,185,191,193,205, 209,216 - -, chromosomal studies 115,116, 127,129 -, glandular 96, 117 -, mixed 119,132,133,134,136 -, papillary 96,116,118 -, prophylactic removal 135 -, relation to carcinoma 126 -,tubular 96,115,116,117,132, 133,134 -, tubulo-villous 96,118,119,132 - -, villoglandular 96, 119 - -,villous 96,112,115,116,118, 125,126,131, 134,136,153 -, "satellite" 131 adenomas, multiple 119, 129, 136, 187 adenomatosis of colon 96, 109, 119, 123 adenomatousdysplasia 189,190,191, 192,193 type of dysplasia 189,190,203,208, 209,210 polyp 83,153,163,164 - of colon 96,99,105,108,109, 110,113,127,136,185 polyposisofcolon 102,105,110, 119,136 adrenalin 225,228 adrenergic drugs 15 1 albumin 297 alcian blue (AB) 145,147,148,196 alkaline phosphatases 170 alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) 291 -, biological function 297 -, clinical role 293 -, fetal sources 292 -, host reactivity 298 -, physicochemical properties 293 -, site in tumors 296 alpha2 -H fetoglobulin 324 alveolitis, fibrosing 72 amniotic fluid 307 anaemia 72 -, iron deficiency 72 -, megaloblastic 72 -, pernicious 56,63,225,260,275 agammaglobulinaemia 262,275 amines, biogenic 222,224,225,227,228 anaplasia 185, 198 -,in-situ 189,195,198,200 anaplastic carcinoma 25,27,30 anthemia 155,157 antigenicity of cell membranes 153 antiseptic paint 262 aphthous ulcers 72

Subject Index - Home - Springer978-3-642-66481...- gastrique erosif a marche lente 4 carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) 291, 298 carcinoembryonic antigen, chemical and physical properties

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Subject Index The numbers set in italics refer to those pages on which the respective catch-word is dicussed in detail

acetyl-choline 152 N-acetyl D-galactosamine 144, 150 - glucosamine 150 acid hydrolases 169 - mucins 147,148,162

mucosubstances 145,146,147,148 - non-sulphated mucosubstances 146 - phosphatase 169 - sulphated mucins 148 ACTH 244, 250 acute liver atrophy 295 - sporadic enteritis in children 275 - Sprue 278 adenocarcinoma, mucinous, of colon 125

of colon 99,101,103,109,114,120, 121,122,123,125,162 - - histogenesis 123

adenoma 25 -, gastric 85, 9 1 -, malignant transformed 14 -, papillary 87

of colon 96,97,98,99,101,107, 110, Ill, 112,114,117,120,122, 123,125,126,185,191,193,205, 209,216 - -, chromosomal studies 115,116, 127,129

-, glandular 96, 117 -, mixed 119,132,133,134,136 -, papillary 96,116,118 -, prophylactic removal 135 -, relation to carcinoma 126 -,tubular 96,115,116,117,132,

133,134 -, tubulo-villous 96,118,119,132

- -, villoglandular 96, 119 - -,villous 96,112,115,116,118, 125,126,131, 134,136,153

-, "satellite" 131

adenomas, multiple 119, 129, 136, 187 adenomatosis of colon 96, 109, 119, 123 adenomatousdysplasia 189,190,191,

192,193 type of dysplasia 189,190,203,208, 209,210 polyp 83,153,163,164 - of colon 96,99,105,108,109, 110,113,127,136,185 polyposisofcolon 102,105,110, 119,136

adrenalin 225,228 adrenergic drugs 15 1 albumin 297 alcian blue (AB) 145,147,148,196 alkaline phosphatases 170 alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) 291 -, biological function 297 -, clinical role 293 -, fetal sources 292 -, host reactivity 298 -, physicochemical properties 293 -, site in tumors 296 alpha2 -H fetoglobulin 324 alveolitis, fibrosing 72 amniotic fluid 307 anaemia 72 -, iron deficiency 72 -, megaloblastic 72 -, pernicious 56,63,225,260,275 agammaglobulinaemia 262,275 amines, biogenic 222,224,225,227,228 anaplasia 185, 198 -,in-situ 189,195,198,200 anaplastic carcinoma 25,27,30 anthemia 155,157 antigenicity of cell membranes 153 antiseptic paint 262 aphthous ulcers 72


argentaffin cells 194, 197, 199, 20 I, 222 negative carcinoid 244, 245

- reaction 222, 228,229, 231, 244, 246

argentaffinoma 197, 199 argyrophil reaction 222,229,246 argyrophilia 223,247 Arthus type reactions 278,280 aspirin 152 atrophic gastritis 27, 225 atrophy, villous 49,51,54,55,61,67 atypia 119,122,129,130,133,154,


B cell system 262 basal cell proliferation 189, 191,193,

196 - type of dysplasia 189,191,193,196,

200,209,210 basophilia, masked 229 beta-oncofetal antigen (BOFA) 321 beta-S-fetoprotein 324 biogenic amines 222,224,225,227,

228 bladder carcinoma 291,303,309 "blastomatous potency" 84 bleeding, rectal 101,105, 1l3, 114, 126 blood group antigens 153 bone disease in coeliac disease 72 borderline lesion 87, 88, 91 Bowen's disease 207 breast cancer 302,303,306,308,309,

321 bronchogenic carcinoma 291,296,303,

306,308,309,310,321 "brown bowel" 71 Brucella abortus 265 brush cytology 39 Burkitt's lymphoma 66 burn-out colitis 166

calcitonin 223 Canada-Cronkhite syndrome 54 cancer de I'estomac au debut 2 - - pnkoce 2 - en surface 4 - gastrique erosif a marche lente 4 carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) 291,


carcinoembryonic antigen, chemical and physical properties 299 -, clinical role 301 -, host immunity 313 -, localization 307

carcinofetal antigen 291, 324 carcinogens 123,159,161 carcinoid 96,113, 199 -, goblet cell 234 - islet cell 244 -, mucus secreting 234

syndrome 144, 244, 249 - tumours 231 - -, types 231 carcinoma adenomatosum 25 -, anaplastic 25,27,30 - colloides 25 -, gastric 84, 85 - glandulare 25 - globocellulare 25 -, highly differentiated 26, 28,30,40 -, intramucosal 2,3,4,5,15,16,17,

25,27,36 - medullare 25 - monocellulare 25 -, mucoid, of colon 162 - papillare 25, 26, 30 -, polypoid 88 - reticulare 25 -, scirrhous 6,21,25 -, signet ring type 25,26,27,28,40,

82 - simplex 25 - solidum 25 -, submucosal 2,3,5,15,17,27,36 -, superficial 2,6, 14 -, - erosive 2,4 -, - spreading type 2,5,8 - trabeculare 25 - tubulare 25, 26,30 -, ulcerating 8 -, undifferentiated 26

in situ 2,4 - - in colitis 209 - - of colon 98,104,107,120, 122,126,129,130,132,133,134, 135,136,159,160 of colon 99,101,103,109,114,120, 121,122, 123,125,158,159,160, 161,163,164,165,166,168,169, 180

carcinoma of colon, relation to adenoma 126

-, intramucosal, of colon 120,121,130 -, polypoid 96,133,136 carcinomatous polyp 88 - transformation 115 carcinop1acental antigen 324 - Regan isoenzyme 324 cardiac glands 86 cell count studies in coeliac disease 57 cholangiocarcinoma 296, 309 cho1ecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ)

225,226,228 cholera 274,275 cholesterol 294 cirrhosis, iuvenile Indian 293 clear cell dysplasia 189, 196, 199, 200 cholinergic drugs 151 Clostridium 274 coeliac disease 49,259,260,272,275,

276,288 -, adult 50,51,57,60 -, complications 68 -, cytokinetic studies 56, 57 -, mucosal diaphragms 70 -, resistant cases 50,62,63, 64, 70 -, structures 69,70,71 -, ulcerations 70 - and associated gastro-intestina1 disease 71

and carcinoma 58,68 - and malignancy 63 - and metabolic bone disease 72 malabsorption syndrome 50

colitis 98,101,165,167,168,169 -, acute 202, 203 -, burnt-out 166 -, carcinoma in situ 209 - cystica profunda 96, 97, 100, 212 -, granulomatous 303,304 -, precarcinomatous change 188 -, regeneration phase 202 -, ulcerative 71,98,99,107,135,143,

164,165,166,168,169,179,259,272, 278,296,303,304,305,306,308,312, 320,321

-, -, differential diagnosis 169 -, -, in children 180,182 -, -, premalignant phase 185,186,217 "collagenous sprue" 56 colloid carcinoma 193,210


colloid carcinoma of colon 124 colon, adenocarcinoma 99, 101, 103,

109,114,120,121,122,123,125,126, 162,180

-, adenoma 96,97,98,99,101,107, 110,111,112,114,117,120,122,123, 125,126,185,191,193,205,209,216, 309

-, -, prophylactic removal 135 -,adenomatosis 96,109,119,125 -, adenomatous polyp 96,99, 105, 108,

109,110,113,127,136,153,163,164 -,- polyposis 102,105,110,119,136 -, carcinoma 99,101,103,109,114,

120,121,122,123,125,126,158,159, 160,161,163,164,165,166,168,169, 180,296,298,299,300,301,303,305, 306,307,308,309,310,311,313,314, 315,316,321,323

-, -, histogenesis 123 -, - in situ 98,104,107,120,122,126,

129,130,132,133,134,135,136 -, -, multiple 183,184,210 -, classification of polyps 163 -, colloid carcinoma 124 -, glandular adenoma 96, 117 -, intramucosa1 carcinoma 120, 121, 130 -, lymphoma 186 -, metaplastic polyp 163 -, mucinous adenocarcinoma 125 -, mucoid carcinoma 162 -, multiple adenomas 119, 129, 136 -, - polyposis 96, 119 -, papillary adenoma 96, 116, 118 -, - polyp 163 -,po~ps 162,163,309 -, -, classification 96 -, precancer 164,165,166,168,169,

187,211 -, precarcinomatous change 188 -, relations between adenoma and

carcinoma 126 -, "satellite" adenomas 131 -, tubular adenoma 96,115, 116, 117,

132,133,134 -, ulceration 180 -, villous adenoma 96,112,115,116,

118,125,126,131, 134, 136 -, - polyps 163 colon-specific antigen-p (CSAp) 322 colonic adenocarcinoma, histogenesis 123


colonic mucoprotein antigen (CMA) 321 congenital tyrosinemia 293 contraceptives, oral 297 copra antibodies 276 cortisone 152 critical electrolyte concentration 147 Crohn's disease 51,52,53,71. 101,169,

186,259,278,296,304,306 - -,differential diagnosis 169 Cronkhite-Canada-syndrome 90, 91, 96,

109,110 crypt hypoplasia 63 cyclophosphamide 281 cysts 98,100,101,103,105,110 - of gastric glands 89,90,91 cystadenoma of ovary 309 cystic teratoma of ovary 309 cytokinetic studies in coeliac disease 56,

57,62 cytology, gastric 39

D-galactose 144, 145 D-mannose 144, 145 depressed type IIc carcinoma 10,14,15,

16,17,35,36 dermatitis herpetiformis 57,62,68,71,

72 desmoplastic reaction 125, 126 Di George's syndrome 262 diastase digestion 147 diet, gluten free 49 differentiation of intramucosal cancers 25 dimitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) 260 dissecting microscope examination 50,

51,54,63 diverticulitis 101 dopamine 228 Duke's classification 156, 187, 210, 303,

305 duodenal ulcer 5,30 dysgammaglobulinaemia 278 dysplasia 122,126,130,131,133,153,

159,160,161,163,164,165,166,168, 185,188,189,190,191,192,193,195, 199,200,202

-, adenomatous 189,190,191,192,193 -,- type 189,190,203,208,209,210 -, basal type 189,191,193,196,200,

209,210 -,clearcell 189,196,199,200

dysplasia, natural history 208 -, neoplastic 87 -, pancellular 189,197,201 -, polypoid type 1 91 -, reactive 87 -, regenerative 205 -, relationship between the macroscopic

types 209 -, reversibility 208 dysproteinemia 103

E. coli 274 early gastric cancer 6,85,88,89,91

-, age distribution 6 -, classification systems 8 -, definition 1 -, frequency 5 -, grade 25 -, histogenesis 27 -, investigation technique 4,5 -, localization 1 7 -, lymph node involvement 36 -, microcarcinoma type 6 -, microscopic appearance 25 -, - type 25 -, macroscopic features 8 -, multiplicity 21 -, nomenclature 1 -, prognosis 37 -, sex distribution 6 -,size 16 -, topography 8 -, types 8 carcinoma 6,85,88,89,91

malignant transformation 153, 161 neoplastic transformation 202

electrolyte concentration, critical 147 elevated type lIa carcinoma 10,15,16,

17,35,36 emphysema, pulmonary 303 endoscopic examination 39 - polypectomy 78,92 enteramine (serotonin) 222 enteritis, acute sporadic, in children 275 -, granulomatous 99 -, regional (Crohn's disease) 51,52,53,

71,101,169,186,259,278,296,304, 306

enterochromaffin cells 115,222 enterocytes (absorptive cells) 222

enteroglucagon 223,225,226,228 eosinophilic granuloma 96, 103 - - of the stomach 79 epidemic viral hepatitis 275 epithelial hyperplasia 202,205,208,211 epithelium, misplaced 212 erosions 79 -, healing 79,89 erythroblast 266 esophageal carcinoma 295,309 ester sulphate 144,150 estrogen 297 excavated type III "carcinoma 11

familial adenomatous polyposis 96,99, 102,109,119

- polyposis 153,162,163,164 fancier's lung 72 FaIT technique 301 fetal gut antigen (FGA) 320 - sulfoglycoprotein (FSA) 320 fetuin 291, 292 fibroid polyp, inflammatory 96, 103 fibrosing alveolitis 72 flat type lIb carcinoma 10, 15, 16, 17,

35,36 focal hyperplasia 79, 81, 82, 89, 91 - mucosal hyperplasia III - transitional change 169 folate deficiency 72 folic deficiency 56 follicular lymphoma 66 - lymphosarcoma 102 foveolar hyperplasia 79,81,82,89 Friihkarzinom 2 fucose 144,145,147,148,151

galactose 144, 145, 147, 150 glactosyl transferase 149 gamma-fetoprotein 324 ganglioneuroma 113 Gardner's syndrome 96, 102, 119 gastric adenoma 85, 91

carcinoma 84,85,293,295,296,303, 306,308,309,310,320,323 -, early 6,85,88,89,91 cystic polyposis 90 cytology 39 glands, cysts 89,90,91

gastric polyposis 89 polyps, histologic classification 77 -, histologic structure 79 -, pathogenesis 79 -, size and shape 78


ulcer 5,14,15,17,25,30,35,36,39, 303,320 washing cytology 39

gastrin 223,224,225,228,248,249,250 gastrinoma 224, 225,246 - syI}drome 247 gastritis 34,275,276 -,atrophic 27,225" - cystica superficialis 89 gastrocamera examination 39 gastro-inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) 225,

227,228 germinal centers 102, 103 giant follicle lymphoma 67 giardia lamblia 275 giardiasis 102,275 glands, cardiac 86 -,pyloric 86,91 glandular adenoma of colon 96, 117 gliadin 277 glioblastoma-associated antigen 324 glucagon 223,225,226,227,228,249,

250 glucagonoma 246,248 glucose 147,150 gluten 49,259,276

free diet 49, 50, 51,54, 56, 57,58,62, 63,67,68,70,72 sensitive enteropathy 49, 259, 260, 272,275,276,288

glycogen 147 glycolipids 147 glycoprotein synthesis 149, 151, 159, 161 glycoproteins 144,148,149,150,151,

152,158,160,161,162 - in gel form 152 glycosyl transferase 149,150,151,153,

161 goblet cells 30,32,33,82,85,100,101,

119,147,148,149,150,151,155,157, 158,160,161,162,165,166,169,170, 190,192,194,195,196,197,209,222

goblet cell carcinoid 234 - - mucin (GeM) 147,149,150,160,

164 granulomatous colitis 303,304


granulomatous enteritis 99 growth-hormone release-inhibiting factor

227 gut immunocyte system 261 - lymphoma 281

Hale's colloidal iron stain 148 hamartoma 82,90,91,101,107,116 -, polypoid 79 hem achromatosis 294, 307 hepatectomy, partial 292, 296 hepatitis 295 -, chronic 294,296,306 -, epidemic viral 275 -,vrral 293,294,296,312 hepatocellular carcinoma 293,294,295,

296,309 hepatoma 292,293,295,297 hexosamines 145,159 -, derivatives 145 -, N-acetyl derivatives 145 hexose 147 high iron-diamine (HID) 145,147,148 histamine 225, 228 - test 35,36 histochemical methods for mucin 145 Hodgkin's disease 65,66,67,296,302,

309 - - antigen 324 horse-radish peroxydase 268, 269 hyalin 56 hydantoin therapy 67 hydrolases, acid 169 hydatidiform mole 296 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 222, 223,

224,225,227,230,231,234,243,244, 248,249,251 secreting tumours 249

hyperacidity 35 hypernephroma 296 hyperplasia 87, 91 -, epithelial 202,205,208,211 -, focal 79,81,82,89,91 -, foveolar 79, 81, 82, 89 -, polypoidal 170 hyperplasiogenous polyp 80, 89, 91 hyperplastic polyp 80, 111, 197, 199 - -adematous polyp 82 hypogammaglobulinaemia 53,275 hypokalaemia 126, 249

hypoproteinaemia III

IgA 264,265,267,268,269,274,275, 276,279,280,281 cells 272,273,274,275,276,277, 278, 279 deficiency 102 -, selective 275,276

IgE deficiency 275 IgG 265,275,276,278,280,281 - cells 272,273,276,278,280,281 IgM 265,269,276,278,280,308 - cells 272,273,275,277,278,281 "idiopathic steatorrhoea" 50 immunoblasts 263,265 immunocytes 260, 262, 277, 278 immunodeficiency diseases 280 immunoglobulins 262,263,266,274,

276,281,313 immunoglobulin deficiency 275 - synthesis, abnormalities 280 immunologically competetent cells 260,

281 immunoperoxidase 310, 311, 312, 313 Indian iuvenile crrrhosis 293 inflammation, acute 187 inflammatory fibroid polyp 78, 79, 96,

103 hyperplastic polyp 79 polyp 96,97,112,185,189,191,193, 210 polyposis 96, 99 reactive polyp 79 pseudopolyp 96,97

in-situ anaplasia 189,195,198,200 - carcinoma in colitis 209 insulin 223,225,226,227,228,248,250 insulinoma 247,248 intermediate cells 157, 158 intestinal metaplasia 27,30,34,35,82 intestinalization 34 intrinsic factor 275,276 intramucosal cancers, differentiation 25

carcinoma 2,3,4,5,15,16,17,25, 27,36 - of colon 120,121,130

intussusception 102,103,113,114 invertase 153 iron deficiency anaemia 72 iron-diamine, high 145,147,148

iron-diamine techniques 146, 147 islet cell carcinoma 250 - - hyperplasia 249 - - tumour 250 iuvenile cirrhosis, Indian 293

polyp 96,97,98,105,111,113,193 polyposis 96,105,107 - of infancy 96

jaundice, obstructive 294, 306 jejunal biopsies, interpretation 50 - mucosa, histologic measurements 56

KOH-PAS effect .148 Kultschitsky cells 222 Kveim reagent 260

L-fucose 144, 145 lactic dehydrogenase 169 leiomyoma 96, 113 lentigo maligna 207 leukemia 103,291,302,303 - -associated antigen 324 leukemic polyposis 96 linitis plastica 2, 8, 21 lipofuscin 71 lipoma 96, 113 lipomatous polyposis 96, 113 liposarcoma 113 liver atrophy, acute 295

carcinoma 292,293,294,295,296, 309 cirrhosis 294,295,296,303,304,306, 312

lung cancer 308,309,310,321 lymphangiectasia 53 lymphoblastic lymphosarcoma 103 lymphocyte cytotoxicity 259,277,278,

314 lymphoid polyp 96, 97, 102 - polyposis 96, 102 - ~, malignant 103 lymphoma 186,280,291,302,303,309 -, follicular 66 -, giant follicle 67 -, malignant 54,56,57,63,65,71 lymphoreticular atrophy 71, 72 lymphosarcoma 66, 103

lymphosarcoma, follicular 102 -, lymphoblastic 103 -, nodular 102 -, polypoid 102 lymphosarcomatous polyposis 96

malabsorption 280 - syndrome 49,50,54,71 - -~ post infective 278 malignant lymphoid polyposis 103

lymphoma 54,56,57,63,65,71 reticulocytosis 296 transformation 164 -, early 153, 161 transformed adenoma 14 - villous papilloma 14

maltase 153


mammary carcinoma 302,303, 306, 308, 309,321

mannose 144,145,147, 170 masked basophilia 229 - metachromasia 229 measles 67 measurements of jejunal mucosa 56 meconium 307 mediterranean lymphoma 280 megacolon, toxic 98 megaloblastic anaemia 72 melanoma 291,309,314,321 Menetrier's disease 80, III metachromasia 223,229 -, masked 229 metaplasia, intestinal 27, 30, 34, 35, 82 metaplastic polyp 96, 111, 114, 115, 116,

127,129,135,136,163,197,199 methanol 148 methylation 146, 148 - -Hel 145 methyl pentose 147 micro carcinoma 6 minute carcinomas 134,135 misplaced epithelium 212 "misplacement" 124 mitotic index 56, 57 mixed adenoma 119,132,133,134,136 mosaic pattern 51, 52, 53, 54, 60 motilin 225,226,228 mucin 144,145,169,170,190,194,199,

204 -, acid 147,148,162


mucin, acid sulphated 148 - depletion 187, 203 -, distribution in the large intestine 146 -, histochemical methods 145

pools, extracellular 199, 202, 212 - production, nerval influences 151,

152,160,161 -, sulphated 147,148,162,163,164 mucinous adenocarcinoma of colon 125 - cystadenoma of ovary 309 mucins, function 150 -, histochemical properties 146 -, neutral 147,149,162 -, synthesis 150 mucoid carcinoma of colon 162 mucopolysaccharide 144 mucosa, flat 188,190,191,193,195,

197,209,210 -, polypoid 189,190,191,209,210 -, "transitional" 146,157,163,164,

165,166,168,169 -, villous 166,168,188,190,191,209,

210 mucosal diaphragms 70 - hyperplasia, focal III mucus-secreting carcinoid 234 multiple endocrine syndromes 250 - myeloma 281 - peptic ulcers 231 mycosis fungoides 66, 67, 72 mucosubstances, acid 145, 146, 147, 148 -, - non-sulphated 146 -, classification 144 -, neutral 145,146 multiple adenomas 187 - - of colon 119,129,136 - polyposis coli 96, 119 myeloma, multiple 281

N-acety 1 D-galactosamine 144, 1 50 - glucosamine 150 "neoan tigens" 3 2 2 neoplastic dysplasia 87 - transformation, early 202 neuraminic acid 144

-, derivatives 144 -, N-acetyl derivatives 144 -, N-glycolyl derivatives 144 -, O-acetyl derivatives 144

neuraminidase digestion 145, 148, 153

neuraminidase-sensitive sialic acid 161, 162 neuroblastoma 291 neurofibroma 113 neurofibromatosis 113 neuropathy 71, 72 neutral mucins 147,149,162 - mucosubstances 145, 146 nodular lymphosarcoma 102 non-tropical sprue 278 nor-adrenalin 225,228 nucleotide-sugar intermediates, reactive


oat cell carcinoma, glucagon secreting 251 oberflachliches Schleimhautkarzinom 2 obstructive jaundice 294, 306 oesophagus carcinoma 68 oncofetal antigens 291 osteomalacia 72 ovarian cancer 291, 302, 305, 306, 309 ovary, cystic teratoma 309 -, mucinous cystadenoma 309 -, serous cystadenoma 309, 310

pancellular change 189, 197, 20 I - dysplasia 189,197, 201 pancolitis 182 pancreas islets, A- cells 223

-, B-cells 223,248 - -, D-cells 223,227 - oncofetal antigen 321 pancreatic carcinoma 293,296,301,303,

305,308,309,310,321 - cholera 226,249 pancreatitis 56, 303, 304 Panethcells 56,82,109,115,194,197,

201,222 papillary adenoma 87 - - of colon 96,116,118 - polyp 163 papilloma 28,39 -, villous, malignant transformed 14 PAS-reaction 145,147,148,196,197 periodic acid-chromic acid-silver

methenamine 145, 148, 158 - Schiff reaction (PAS) 145,147, 148,196,197 - -thiocarbo-hydrazide-silver technique 148

pernicious anaemia 56,63,225,260, 275

Peutz-Jeghers polyp 91 - polyposis 96, 98, 103 Peyer'spatches 261,262,265,275 phaeochromocytoma 250 phosphatase, acid 169 -, alkaline 170 phytohaemagglutinin 259 pigmentation 71 pinocytosis 264 placenta 321 plasma carcino-embryonic antigen

activity 185 plasma cells 261,262,263,264,265,

266,267,269,270,271,272,274, 275,276,277,278,280,281

plasmacytoma 66,281 plasmacytosis 66 pneumonia 303,312 polyarteriitis nodosa 68 polyp 30,39 -, adenomatous 83,96,99, 105, 108,

109,110,113,127,136,153,163, 164,185

-, carcinomatous 88 -, hyperplasiogenous 80,89,91 -, hyperplastic 80, 111, 197, 199 -, hyperplastic-adenomatous 82 -, inflammatory 96,97, 112, 185, 189,

191, 193, 210 -, - fibroid 78,79,96,103

hyperplastic 79 -, - reactive 79 -, iuvenile 96,97,98,105,111,113,

193 -, lymphoid 96,97,102 -,metaplastic 96,111,114,115,116,

127,129,135,136,163,197,199 -,papillary 163 polypektomy, endoscopic 78,92 polypeptide hormones 222, 224,225,

227 polypoid carcinoma 88,96,133,136

dysplasia 191 - hamartoma 79 - lymphosarcoma 102 polypoidal hyperplasia 170 polyposis, adenomatous, of colon 102,

105,110,119,136 - coli 54

polyposis coli, multiple 96, 119 -, familial 153,162,163,164 -, - adenomatous 96,99,102,109,

119 -, gastric 89 -, - cystic 90 -, inflammatory 96, 99 -,iuvenile 96,105,107 -, leukemic 96 -, lipomatous 96, 113 -,lymphoid 96,102 -, lymphosarcomatous 96 -, malignant lymphoid 103 - of infancy 96 polyps, gastric, histologic classification

77 -, -, - structure 79 -, -, pathogenesis 79 -, -, size and shape 78 -, villous 163 - of colon 162,163 polysaccharides 147 post gastrectomy syndrome 5 1, 56, 71 - infective malabsorption syndrome

278 potassium excretion 126


precancer of colon 164,165,166,168, 169,187,211

prolapse 101,105 proliferation with cellular atypia 87 prostatic carcinoma 293,302,303,308,

309 protruded type I carcinoma 8, 9, 15, 16,

17,35,36 - - of borderline lesion 87, 91 pseudoinvasion 123, 124 pseudoleukemia 103 pseudopolyp 79 -, inflammatory 96,97 pulmonary emphysema 303 purgative abuse 161 pyloric glands 86, 91 pyridoxine deficiency 72

Raynaud's phenomenon 67 reactive dysplasia 87 von Recklinghausen's disease 11 3 rectal bleeding 101,105,113,114,126 Reed Sternberg cells 65,66 regeneration phase of colitis 202


regenerative dysplasia 205 regional enteritis (Crohn's disease) 296,

304,306 "retention polyps" 105, 107, 193 reticulocytosis, malignant 296 reticulum cell sarcoma 54,59,65,66,

68,72,281 "retrogenetic expression" 291,324 rheumatoid arthritis 67

Salmonella infections 275 saponification 145, 148 sarcomas 291,302 sarcoma-related antigens 324 "satellite adenomas" 131 scirrhus cancer 6,21,25 secretin 223,225,226,227,228,249 serine 144,150 serotonin 222 serous cystadenoma of ovary 309, 310 serum albumin 297 shigella 274 sialic acid 144,145,147,148,150,151,

152,153,159,162 - -, neuraminidase-sensitive 161, 162 sialidase digestion 148, 162 sia10mucins 147,149,151,152,154,

155,156,157,158,159,160,161, 162,163,164,165,166,168,169

sialy!transferase 162 signet ring cells 25,26,27,101,190,

192,195,197,199,202,210 - - cell carcinoma 25,26,27,28,40,

82 smear cytology 39 sprue, "acute" 278 -, "collagenous" 56 -, non-tropical 278 -, "temperate" 278 -, tropical 51, 52,277 stagnant loop syndrome 277 "steatorrhoea, indiopathic" 50 steroid therapy in coeliac disease 50, 63 strictures 69,70,71 submucosal carcinoma 2,3,5, 15, 17,

27,36 SUlphate ester 144, 150 sulphated acid mucins 148 - mucin 147,148,162,163,164

sulphates 145,151,158 sulphomucins 147,149,152,155,157,

160,167 ' sulphotransferase 151 superficial carcinoma 2,6, 14

erosive carcinoma 2, 4 - spreading type of carcinoma 2,5,8 - type II carcinoma 8,9,15,17,35,36 surface carcinoma 2, 14 synovial fluid 264

T-cells 298 T cell system 262,279 T immunoblasts 265 T lymphocytes 277 "temperate" sprue 278 tenesmus 101 teratoblastoma 324 teratocarcinoma 292,293,295,296,

297 teratoma, cystic, of ovary 309 testosterone 297 theliolymphocytes 261, 262 thionide chloride solution 148 threonine 144,150 thymus 261 thyroid diseases 276 tocopherol therapy 71 toxic megacolon 98 toxoplasmosis 67 transformation, carcinomatous 115 -, early neoplastic 202 -, malignant 164 transitional change, focal 169 - mucosa 146,157,163,164,165,

166,168,169 trauma 101 tropical sprue 51, 52,277 trypsin 152 tuberculin 260 tubular adenoma of colon 96, 115, 116,

117,132, 133, 134 tu bulo-villous adenoma 96, 118, 119,

132 tumor-specific transplantation antigens

(TSTA) 290 typhoid 275 tyrosinemia, congenital 293

ulcer carcinoma 14, 15, 17 -, duodenal 5,30 -, gastric 5, 14, 15, 17,25,30,35,36,

39 ulcerating carcinoma 8 ulcerations 69 - in colon 180 ulcerative colitis 71,98,99,107,135,

143,164,165,166,168,169,179, 259,272,278,296,303,304,305, 306,308,312,320,321 -, differential diagnosis 169 - in children 180, 182 -,premalignant phase 185,186,217

ulcers, aphthous 72 -, healing 79 -, multiple 231 uronic acid 145

valvulae conniventes 70 vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) 225,

226,227,228,249 Verner Morrison syndrome 226,246,

249 Vibrio cholerae sialidase 146, 148

villoglandular adenoma 96, 119 villous adenoma 153


- of colon 96,112,115,116,118, 125,126,131,134,136 atrophy 49,51,54,55,61,67 mucosa 166, 168 papilloma, malignan t, transformed 14 polyps 163

viral hepatitis 293,294,296,312 vitamin E deficiency 71 volvulus 72

water diarrhoea syndrome 226,231, 249

wheat gluten 49 Whipple's disease 52,53,275 Wilms' tumor 320

Yersinia enterocolitica infection 274

zinc glycinate marker (ZGM) 322 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 51, 85, 225,


Index to Volumes 52-61 Current Topics in Pathology

Volume 55

D.H. Bowden, The Alveolar Macrophage ........................... 1 R.L. Naeye, The Anthracotic Pneumoconioses ....................... 37 J. Hurlimann, Immunoglobulin Synthesis and Transport by Human Salivary

Glands. (Immunological Mechanisms of the Mucous Membranes.) . . . . . . . . . 69 H. Lietz, C-Cells: Source of Calcitonin. A Morphological Review ........... 109 R.A. Goyer, Lead and the Kidney ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 147

Volume 56

E. Alteniihr, illtrastructural Pathology of Parathyroid Glands ............. 1 F. Huth, A. Soren, W. Klein, Structure of Synovial Membrane in Rheumatoid

Arthritis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 K. Christov, R. Raichev, Experimental Thyroid Carcinogenesis. . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 D. G. Sheahan, Current Aspects of Bacterial Enterotoxins ............... 115

Volume 57

H. U. Zollinger, J. Moppert, G. Thiel, H.-P. Rohr, Morphology and Pathogenesis of Glomerulopathy in Cadaver Kidney Allografts Treated with Antilympho-cyte Globulin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

H.A. Azar, E.A. Moscovic, S.G. AbuNassar, J.S. McDougal, Some Aspects of Sarcoidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49

H.F. Otto, The Interepithelial Lymphocytes of the Intestinum. Morphological Observations and Immunological Aspects oflntestinal Enteropathy ....... 81

K. Saifelder, M. Mendelovid, J. Schwarz, Multiple Deep Fungus Infections: Personal Observations and a Critical Review of the World Literature . . . . . .. 123

Volume 58

H.P. Rohr, U.N. Riede, Experimental Metabolic Disorders and the Subcellular Reaction Pattern (Morphometric of Hepatocyte Mitochondria). . . . . . . . . . . 1

G. Freytag, G. KlOppel, Insulitis - A Morphological Review .............. 49 O. Klinge, Cytologic and Histologic Aspects of Toxically Induced Liver. . . . . .. 91 G. Delling, Age-Related Bone Changes (Histomorphometric Investigation of the

Structure of Human Cancellous Bone) .................. : . . . . . . .. 117 G. Molz, Perinatal and Newborn Deaths (Necropsy Findings in 970 Term, Pre term

and Small-for-Date Births) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 149

Volume 59

J. Torhorst, Studies on the Pathogenesis and Morphogenesis of Glomerulonephrosis 1 L. Damjanov, D. Solter, Experimental Teratoma ..................... 69 W. Meier-Ruge, Hirschsprung's Disease: Its Aetiology, Pathogenesis and Differ-

ential Diagnosis ......................................... 131 u.N. Riede, Experimental Aspects of Growth Plate Disorders. . . . . . . . . . . .. 181

Volume 60

F. Huth, M Kojimahara, T. Franken, P. Rhedin, K.A. Rosenbauer, Aortic Alter· ations in Rabbits Following Sheathing with Silastic and Polyethylene Tubes 1

K. Biirki, J. C Schaer, P. Gretiliat, R. Schindler, Radioactively Labeled Iododeoxyuridine in the Study of Experimental Liver Regeneration . . . . . .. 33

G. Altshuler, P. Russel, The Human Placental Villitides. A Review of Chronic Intrauterine Infection ..................................... 63

H. Mitschke, W. Saeger, Ultrastructural Pathology of the Adrenal Glands in Cushing's Syndrome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113

N. B6hm, W. Sandritter, DNA in Human Tumors: A Cytophotometric Study 151

Volume 61

A. Okabayashi, Y. Kondo, H. Shigematsu, Cellular and Histopathologic Conse-quences of Immunologically Induced Experimental Glomerulonephritis. . . . . 1

Ch Witting, The Terminology of Glomerulonephritis - A Review. . . . . . . . . .. 45 G.H. Thoenes, The Immunohistology of Glomerulonephritis - Distinctive Marks

and Variability ......................................... 61 1. Churg, E. Grishman, Electron Microscopy of Glomerulonephritis . . . . . . . .. 107 H. Fischbach, The Morphologic Course of Different Glomerulonephritides

(Examination of Repeat Biopsies in 264 Patients) ................. .. 155 U. Helmchen, U. Kneissler, Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Renal Hyper-

tension. An Experimental Approach ........................... 203 H. Loew, A. Samizadeh, E. Heilmann, New Clinical Syndromes under Regular

Intermittent Hemodialysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 239

Volume 62

I. Introduction

CR. Austin, Developmental Anomalies Arising from Errors of Fertilization and Cleavage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

II. Oocyte, Early Embryo and Maternal Host. Morphology and Biochemistry D. Sz6116si, Oocyte Maturation and Paternal Contribution to the Embryo in

Mammals ............................................. 9 W. ~ngel, W. Franke, Maternal Storage in the Mammalian Oocyte. . . . . . . . . .. 29 Ch Epstein, The Genetic Activity of the Early Mammalian Embryo . . . . . . . .. 53 H. W. Denker, Formation ofthe Blastocyst: Determination of Trophoblast and

Embryonic Knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 III. Pharmacological and Hormonal Influences in Early Embryogenesis C Lutwak-Mann, The Response of the Preimplantation Embryo to Exogenous

Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83 H. Spielmann, Embryo Transfer Technique and Action of Drugs on the Preim-

plantation Embryo ....................................... 87 H.M Beier, Uterine Secretion Protein Patterns Under Hormonal Influences .... 105 IV. Teratology L. Saxen, M. Karkinen-Jiiiiskeliiinen, I Saxen, Organ Culture in Teratology. . . .. 123 v.H. Fenn, Teratogenic Effects and Placental Permeability of Heavy Metals. . .. 145 V. Cytogenetics 0. Bomsel-Helmreich, Experimental Heteroploidy in Mammals. . . . . . . . . . . .. 155 A. Gropp, B. Putz, U. Zimmermann, Autosomal Monosomy and Trisomy Causing

Developmental Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 177 1.G. Boue, A. Boue, Chromosomal Anomalies in Early Spontaneous Abortion. .. 193