Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации ФГАОУ ВПО «УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина» О.В. Анчугова, Н.В. Кучина, Д.И. Курманова, Е.В. Прокопенко, Е.Н. Шнайдер COMPLEX SENTENCE Материалы для практикума Подготовлено кафедрой «Иностранных языков и перевода» Научный редактор: доцент, канд. фил. наук О.В. Томберг Материалы к практикуму разработаны для студентов и магистрантов всех направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисциплины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» и «Иностранный язык для научных (академических) целей». Содержат упражнения для отработки моделей построения повествовательных, отрицательных, вопросительных, восклицательных, повелительных, безличных и неопределенно-личных предложений, а также совершенствования навыков использования разнообразных средств связи в сложносочиненных и сложноподчиненных предложениях. Тематические разделы имеют три уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, высокий. Даны ответы к практическим заданиям, что позволяет использовать материалы для самостоятельной работы. УрФУ, 2017 Екатеринбург

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  • Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

    ФГАОУ ВПО «УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина»

    О.В. Анчугова, Н.В. Кучина, Д.И. Курманова,

    Е.В. Прокопенко, Е.Н. Шнайдер


    Материалы для практикума

    Подготовлено кафедрой «Иностранных языков и перевода»

    Научный редактор: доцент, канд. фил. наук О.В. Томберг

    Материалы к практикуму разработаны для студентов и магистрантов всех

    направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисциплины

    «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» и «Иностранный

    язык для научных (академических) целей».

    Содержат упражнения для отработки моделей построения повествовательных,

    отрицательных, вопросительных, восклицательных, повелительных, безличных

    и неопределенно-личных предложений, а также совершенствования навыков

    использования разнообразных средств связи в сложносочиненных и

    сложноподчиненных предложениях. Тематические разделы имеют три уровня

    сложности заданий: низкий, средний, высокий. Даны ответы к практическим

    заданиям, что позволяет использовать материалы для самостоятельной работы.

    УрФУ, 2017


  • 2


    ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ .......................................................................................................... 3

    CONDITIONALS. PRESENT CONDITIONAL ......................................................... 5

    CONDITIONALS. THE FIRST CONDITIONAL ..................................................... 10

    CONDITIONALS. THE SECOND CONDITIONAL ................................................ 17

    CONDITIONALS. THE THIRD CONDITIONAL ................................................... 21

    CONDITIONALS. MIXED CONDITIONALS ......................................................... 29

    CONDITIONALS. DIFFERENT TYPES .................................................................. 37

    CONDITIONALS. I WISH, IF ONLY ....................................................................... 47

    CONDITIONALS. ALTERNATIVES TO IF ............................................................ 56

    REPORTED STATEMENTS ..................................................................................... 62

    REPORTED QUESTIONS ......................................................................................... 82

    REPORTED ORDERS, REQUESTS AND ADVICE ............................................... 95

    REPORTING VERB PATTERNS ............................................................................ 109

    RELATIVE CLAUSE ............................................................................................... 129

    KEYS ......................................................................................................................... 154

    CONDITIONALS. PRESENT CONDITIONALS ................................................... 154

    CONDITIONALS. FIRST CONDITIONAL ............................................................ 157

    CONDITIONALS. SECOND CONDITIONAL ....................................................... 162

    CONDITIONALS. THE THIRD CONDITIONAL ................................................. 165

    CONDITIONALS. MIXED CONDITIONALS ....................................................... 171

    CONDITIONALS. DIFFERENT TYPES ................................................................ 175

    CONDITIONALS. I WISH, IF ONLY ..................................................................... 182

    CONDITIONALS. ALTERNATIVES TO IF .......................................................... 188

    REPORTED STATEMENTS ................................................................................... 192

    REPORTED QUESTIONS ....................................................................................... 210

    REPORTED ORDERS, REQUESTS AND ADVICE ............................................. 221

    REPORTING VERB PATTERNS ............................................................................ 234

    RELATIVE CLAUSES ............................................................................................. 251

    REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 270

  • 3


    Современные выпускники вузов должны иметь определенные

    профессиональные и общекультурные компетенции. Иностранный язык

    направлен на формирование некоторых из компетенций в Федеральном

    государственном образовательном стандарте.

    Для достижения необходимого уровня владения иностранным языком

    сегодня на рынке присутствует большое разнообразие учебно-методических

    комплексов и пособий. Особое место занимают учебные издания по

    грамматике. Не всегда просто выбрать нужное издание, учитывая высокую

    стоимость и большое количество грамматических учебных пособий. Как

    правило, аутентичные учебные пособия по грамматике содержат 3-4

    практических задания по каждой теме, чего бывает не достаточно для

    практического закрепления грамматических конструкций. Данные материалы

    для практикума помогут решить данные проблемы. Составители материалов

    для практикума объединили задания из различных аутентичных источников,

    что позволяет отрабатывать и закреплять грамматический материал, решая

    большое количество заданий.

    Материалы для практикума “COMPLEX SENTENCE” предназначены для

    отработки употребления косвенной речи и условных предложений английского

    языка. Материалы для практикума объединяют практические задания

    различного уровня сложности: низкого (А1-А2), среднего (В1-В2) и

    повышенного (С1-С2), что соответствует Общеевропейской шкале

    компетенций владения иностранным языком. Каждый уровень сложности

    имеет свое обозначение: А, В, С, соответственно. Это поможет преподавателю

    и студентам правильно подобрать практические задания соответствующей


    Задания внутри каждого раздела и уровня сложности так же

    представлены от простых к сложным, что позволяет постепенно

    совершенствовать практические навыки. В материалах для практикума

    представлены задания различного типа: на множественный выбор ответа,

  • 4

    установление соответствия, установления правильной последовательности,

    заполнение пропусков.

    Материалы для практикума “COMPLEX SENTENCE” имеют приложение

    с ответами к практическим заданиям. Это обеспечивает возможность

    использования пособия для самостоятельной работы и самообучения.

    Материалы для практикума составлены на основе публикаций британских и

    американских изданий по грамматике последних лет.

    В целом, материалы для практикума направлены на развитие различных

    видов речевой деятельности студентов и магистрантов.

  • 5



    1A. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

    leave gets opens it touch walk when

    1. If you (1) …into a room, the lights come on.

    2. When you (2) …on the sofa, the TV switches on.

    3. When you (3) …the taps, water comes out.

    4. (4) …it is hot, the windows open.

    5. it (5)…cold, the heating system turns on.

    6. If you (6) …the house, the door locks itself.

    2A. Match the two parts of the sentences

    1. Leave milk out of the fridge.

    2. Put wood in water.

    3. Throw a ball up into the air.

    4. Mix red and blue.

    5. Add two and three.

    A. You get five.

    B. It falls on the ground

    C. You get purple.

    D. It floats.

    E. It goes off.

  • 6

    3A. Match the two parts of the sentences

    1. If you turn the key,

    2. When I drink too much coffee,

    3. If you(stay / I will stay) in the

    sun for a long time,

    4. If you need more information,

    5. My boss gets angry

    6. If the machine doesn't start,

    7. You (don't/I didn't) need a


    8. Phone this number

    A. your skin gets burnt.

    B. when (I am / I will be) late for


    C. the engine (stats/started).

    D. if you (have/had) any


    E. (press/you will press) the red


    F. (I get/Iwill get)a headache.

    G. if you never travel anywhere.

    H. please (to visit/I visit) our


  • 7

    4A. There are five more grammar mistakes in the text. Find and correct


    Welcome to the Penrith Hotel


    1. All our rooms are non-smoking. If you wished to smoke, please use the


    2. If you want breakfast in your room, please to phone reception.

    3. We provide 24-hour room service. If you needing any items from our room

    service menu, please call 200.

    4. If there is anything we can do to make your stay more enjoyable, please told


    5. Guests must leave their rooms by 12.00, Please contact reception when you

    plan to leave after 12.00.

    6. If there is a fire, please leaving by the stairs; do not use the lift.

  • 8

    5А. Put these facts about various types of people into sentences with if +

    Present Simple + Present Simple. Make you the subject of both parts of the


    1. Doctors treat people who are ill.

    If you're a doctor …

    2. Vegetarians don't eat meat.

    If you're a vegetarian …

    3. People who live in a hot country don't like cold weather.

    If you live …

    4. Teachers have to work very hard.

    If you're a teacher, …

    5. People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy.

    If you …

    6. Mechanics understand engines.

    If you're a …

    7. People who read newspapers know what's happening in the world.

    If you …

    6B .Use your own ideas to complete these sentences

    1. I'm going to the concert if …

    2. If you don't hurry ...

    3. I don't want to go swimming…

    4. If you go to bed early tonight,…

    5. Turn the television off if …

    6. Tina won't pass her exams if …

    7. If I have time tomorrow, …

    8. We can go to the beach tomorrow if …

  • 7B. Match the two parts of the sentences.

    1.When you book a superior room,.

    2. If you take items from the mini bar,

    3. If the fire alarm sounds,

    4. If you eat in the hotel every evening,

    5. If you require a vegetarian meal,

    6. If you require a meal after 10.00


    7. When you check out,

    A. we can provide a choice of meat-free


    B. room service can provide snacks.

    C. we provide fresh fruit and flowers every


    D. we'll give you a discount on your meals

    E. we will add them to your bill on


    F. leave the building immediately.

    G. don't forget to hand your key to


    8B.Match the sentences and join them with if

    1. You lose your credit card

    2. You get promoted.

    3. I drink coffee late at night.

    4. You don't pay the bill.

    5. I try to run fast.

    6. Someone enters the building

    I get out of breath.

    I can't sleep.

    You get a warning letter.

    You have to ring the bank

    Your salary goes up.

    The alarm goes off

    9B. Complete the answers using the word or words in capitals.

    1. What happens when you heat water to 100C? (BOIL)

    2. What does water turn into when you boil it? (STEAM)

    3. What happens when you cool the steam? (TURNS BACK)

    4. What happens when you heat a piece of metal? (EXPANDS)

    5. What happens when you freeze a piece of metal? (CONTRACTS)

    6. What happens when you freeze water? (EXPANDS)

  • 10



    1A. Make sentences beginning with if and choose from the boxes

    1. you don't hurry

    2. you pass the exam

    3. you fail the exam

    4. you don't want this magazine

    5. you want those pictures

    6. you're busy now

    7. you're hungry

    8. you need money

    we can have lunch now

    you can have them

    I can lend you some

    you'll get a certificate

    you'll be late

    I'll throw it away

    we can talk later

    you can do it again

    2A. Which is right?

    1. If (I'mlate/I'll be) this evening, don't wait for me.

    2. Will you write to me if(give/I'll give) you my address?

    3. If there(is/will be) a fire, the alarm will ring.

    4. If I don't see you tomorrow morning, (I phone/ I'll phone) you in the


    5. (I'm/I'll be) surprised if Martin and Julia (get/will get) married.

    6. (Do you go/Will you go) to the party if(they invite / they'll invite you)?

    3A. Complete these sentences with if + Present Simple + will/won't, using

    the words in brackets (). Sometimes you do not need to change the words in


    1. If … (it/rain), … (we/not/go) out.

    2. If … (the weather/be) nice tomorrow, … (we/drive) to the coast.

    3. If … (she/post) the letter now, … (they/receive) it tomorrow.

    4. … (Fiona/be) angry if … (John/arrive) late again.

    5. … (I/go) to their party if … (I/have) enough time.

    6. If … (she/not/pass) this exam, … (she/not/get) the job that she wants.

    7. If … (you/learn) a lot if … (you/take) this course.

    8. If … (I/get) a ticket, … (I/go) to the concert.

  • 11

    9. … (I/buy) that camera if … (it/not/cost) too much.

    10. If … (you/run) very fast… (you/catch) the bus.

    11. (I/go) to the doctor's if… (I/not/feel) better tomorrow.

    12. If … (they/win) this game… (they/be) the champions.

    4A. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple or will/won't forms of

    the words in brackets (). Sometimes you do not need to change the words in


    A: We must be at the airport at two o'clock.

    B: Well, if we … (we/take) a taxi at one o'clock, … (we/not/be) late.

    A: I'd like a newspaper.

    B: Well, … (I/buy) one for you if … (I/go) to the shop later.

    A: Has John phoned yet?

    B: No, and if … (he/not/phone) this afternoon, … (I/phone) him this evening.

    A: Is Fiona there, please?

    B: No, but if … (you/want) to leave a message, … (I/give) it to her.

    A: Is Tim going to pass his exam?

    B: Well … (he/fail) if … (he/not/work) harder.

    A: Could I have some information about this year's concerts, please?

    B: Yes, if … (you/fill in) this form … (I/send) it to you in the post.

    5B. Read the conversation and then choose the correct forms.

    Rachel:Have you heard about the pop festival?

    Vicky:Yes, (1) … (it’s/it'll) be good if Express are playing. They're a great


    Rachel:Will you be able to go, Nick?

    Nick:If (2) … (I ask/I'll ask)my boss, he'll give me some time off work, I


    Vicky:How are we going to get there?

  • 12

    Rachel:Well, if (3) …(there are/there'll be) enough people, we can hire a


    Vicky:I won't be going if (4) … (it's/it'll be) too expensive.

    Rachel:It (5) … (isn't costing/won't cost) much if we all (6) … (share/will

    share) the cost.

    Nick:If (7) … (I see/I'll see) the others later on tonight, (8) … (I ask/I'll ask)

    them if they want to go.

    6B. Comment on the situations. Use if + the present tense + will/can.

    1. It might rain. If it does, everyone can eat inside.

    2. The children mustn't go near Nick's dog. It'll bite them.

    3.Rachel might fail her driving test. But she can take it again.

    4. United might lose. If they do, Tom will be upset.

    5. The office may be closed. In that case Mark won't be able to get in.

    6. Nick may arrive a bit early. If he does, he can help Tom to get things ready.

    7. The party might go on all night. If it does, no one will want to do any work


    8. Emma may miss the train. But she can get the next one.

    9. Is Matthew going to enter the race? He'll probably win it.

    7B.Use the words to complete an if-sentence about solutions to

    environmental problems.

    1. everyone / recycle paper / companies / not cut down so many trees

    2. everyone / recycle metal and glass / we not waste valuable resources

    3. everyone / recycle paper, metal and glass / we not produce so much rubbish

    4. everyone / turn off unwanted lights / save a lot of electricity

    5. everyone / walk or cycle / not waste so much oil and petrol

    6. everyone / insulate their houses / not waste so much energy for heating

    7. countries use more wind and water power, not depend so much on power


  • 13

    8B. Choose the correct tenses (present or will...).

    1. If you (say) that again, I (scream).

    2. I (be) surprised if she (manage) to sell that car.

    3. If the boys (come) to supper, I (cook) chicken breasts.

    4. I (need) some money if we (go) out tonight.

    5. I (miss) you if we (move) to Wales.

    6. If you (wash) up, I (dry).

    7. Ann (be) sorry if Helen (not come).

    8. If you (get) lonely, I hope you (phone) me any time.

    9. If you (look) in the top drawer, you (find) your passport.

    10. It (be) funny if Norman (get) the job.

    9B. Complete each sentence giving computer advice using an if-condition,

    so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence.

    1. Don't press that button on the keyboard, or you'll lose what you've written.

    If …

    2. Make a back-up copy of your work or you'll lose it.

    You won't …

    3. You need virus protection to avoid having problems with your computer.

    If you don't …

    4. Sitting too long at the computer will make your back and arms ache.

    Your …

    5. Don't turn off the computer before closing all programs, or you could have


    You …

    6. You'll lose your work unless you save it before closing the word-processing


    If …

    7. You can save a lot of lime by learning the keyboard short cuts.

    If …

  • 14

    8. Running too many programs at the same time will probably make the

    computer crash.

    The computer will …

    10B.Supply the correct verb form.

    1. You (have) to work very hard if you want to pass your English exam.

    2. You will be tired tomorrow if you (not to go) to bed soon.

    3. I will see you at the cinema if you (have) the time.

    4. If you sell more than you did last year you (be) soon on your way.

    5. If he (find) a good job, he will pay all his bills.

    6. If he (not accept) our offer, we will have to withdraw.

    7. If you (give) me a 10% discount, I'll buy two.

    8. If sales (not improve) soon, we will have to lay off some workers.

    9. If the report (not be) on my desk tomorrow morning, you will bein big


    10. If I see you standing around the coffee machine talking again, you (not get)

    a rise.

    11. If you (not do) anything really bad, your job here will be quite safe.

    12. If you take my advice, you (not have) problems any more.

    13. I'm sure that if I talk to him sweetly enough he (hold) on and not look


    14. So if I don't hear from you, I (assume) everything is fine.

    15. I'll only call you if I think there (be) a problem.

    16. I (be) very pleased if you make it.

    17. If the plan (succeed) you will make a profit.

    18. If he (not get) a big order he will go bankrupt.

    19. I (bring) my laptop if we have to look at the documents.

    20. If I read this manual, I (not make) any mistakes.

    21. If share prices (drop), we will lose our money.

    22. If he (come) before ten, we will meet him at the station.

  • 15

    23. If you (eat) an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.

    24. If we (not protect) the elephant, it will become extinct.

    25. She (look) completely different if she cuts her hair.

    26. You will pay a higher insurance if you (buy) a sports car.

    27. You (be able) to see better if you turn on the lamp.

    11B. Supply the correct verb form.

    1. You will pay a higher insurance if you (buy) a sports car.

    2. You (be able) to see better if you turn on the lamp.

    3. You will get heart disease if you (eat) too much meat.

    4. If you (not put) so much sugar in your coffee, you won't put on so much


    5. If a deer (get) into your garden, it will eat all your plants.

    6. If you shop at large discount stores, you (hurt) the small local merchants.

    7. If he (continue) to work hard, he'll be the class valedictorian.

    8. If little Chris (play) in the mud, he will get dirty.

    9. If the cook (not care) for the dinner, she will burn it.

    10. If they (not get) up early, they won't go jogging.

    11. If the children (not brush) their teeth, they will have a lot of cavities.

    12. He will have sore eyes if he (spend) too much time working on the


    13. If he (not use) light colours, his picture will be too dark.

    14. If he (not write) a letter to Santa Claus, he won't get a present.

    15. If the pharmacy (order) a lot of medicines, it will bring more customers.

    16. If the doctor (come) late he will open the surgery.

    17. If Tom gets back earlier he (tell) you about it.

    18. They will cure that illness if the government (provide) them with the


    19. If I (be) right, they won't be able to pay all their bills.

    20. He will see the animals in the zoo if they (go) there.

  • 16

    21. They (not be able) to climb the mountain if they don't have any ropes.

    22. She (have to) drive on the left if she is in Britain.

    23. You won't be able to use the camera if you (not have) the right plug.

    24. Tom and Mary (not start) work if they don't have the contract.

    25. You (not catch) any fish if you don't take a fishing rod.

  • 17



    1A. Complete the conversation with forms of the verbs in brackets.

    MANDY: It would be nicer if this hotel room (1) … (have) a view of the sea.

    DAVID: I know, but those rooms cost extra. So, what are our plans for the next

    few days?

    MANDY: What about the diving course? It's rather expensive, but...

    DAVID: Mmm. If we (2) … (do) that, we wouldn't have any more money!

    What about the two-day trip to Granada?

    MANDY: We've already paid for all our meals here. If we went on the two-day


    we (3), … (miss) dinner here. What else can we do?

    DAVID: I'm not sure. I (4) … (look) in the guidebook if I

    (5) … (have) it here; but I left it at home. We can ask at reception .

    MANDY: OK, I'll do that. Now what shall I wear for dinner? My new jacket?

    DAVID: 1(6) …(not wear) that if I were you. It's very warm tonight.

    2A.Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use

    one, two or three words.

    1.I can't come to the meeting because I'm ill.

    If … , I'd come to the meeting.

    2. They don't expect to win the match.

    They'd be surprised if … the match.

    3. You ought to ask for help.

    I … for help if I were you.

    4. I think you should call a doctor.

    If … , I'd call a doctor.

    5. Jack is too fat because he doesn't do any exercise.

    If Jack did some exercise, he … fat.

    6. I don't think I'll get a place at Harvard.

  • 18

    I … very happy if I got. a place at Harvard.

    3B. Complete these sentences with imperatives (1–3) or an if-clause (4–6).

    1. There have been a lot of thefts from cars in the city centre. If you leave your

    car there, …

    2. If you have any more problems with the computer, …

    3. If you see Nad today, …

    4. … , keep well away from them.

    5. … , don’t hesitate to be in touch with me again.

    6. … , get off at the stop near the library.

    4B. Complete the sentences using the verb pairs from the box. Use the

    present or present perfect in the if-cause, and give alternatives. Notice any

    differences in meaning.

    not fill in-need

    not arrive-give

    not help-go



    break-have to

    1. If you study … Macbeth, you’ll … the scene with the witches.

    2. If you … home before I get there, I’ll … you at the airport.

    3. If you … the window, you’ll … pay for it.

    4. If the taxi … by 10 o’clock, I’ll … you a lift to the station.

    5. If you … an application form, you will … to do so before you can be

    considered for the job.

    6. If the antibiotics … by the end of the week, I’ll … back to the doctor.

    5B. If necessary, correct the italicised part of the sentence using a past

    simple form of the same verb.

    1. I’d sell the house immediately, if it were to belong to me.

    2. If they were to hold an election now, the Democrats would undoubtedly win.

    3. I’d go back to the restaurant if I were to like sushi more.

  • 19

    4. If I were to doubt his honesty, I would employ him.

    5. There would be no cinema in the town if the Odeon were to close.

    6. If I were to understand Chinese, I’d do the translation myself.

    6B. Rewrite these sentences with similar meanings. Begin with the word


    1. Consult your doctor again if the symptoms remain 72 hours after starting the

    course if medicine. Should …

    2. You would know what you have to do for homework, if you had not been

    absent from school on Friday. Had …

    3. Clare would have been able to stay with her friends if they were still living

    in Brussels. Were …

    4. The factory would not have had shut down if the workers were prepared to

    accept a wage cut. Were …

    5. We shall have to reduce the number of employees if the financial

    performance of the company doesn’t improve in the near future. Should …

    6. I might have considered talking the job if the salary had been higher. Had …

  • 20

    7B. If necessary, correct the italicised parts of these sentences.

    1. If I will press the button, will it start to record?

    2. You’re welcome to borrow my old bike, if you think it will be of any use to


    3. If you won’t resign, the Prime Minister should sack him.

    4. If the disease will be untreated, it can lead to brain damage.

    5. If you’ll tell me where the vacuum cleaner is, I’ll do some cleaning.

    6. If you’ll complain about me, I’ll get into trouble with my teacher.

    7. If it’ll save money, I’m writing to go by public transport.

    8B. If possible, rewrite the italicised parts of these sentences with happen

    to. If it is unlikely, write X after the sentence.

    1. If you see Georgia when I’m in Rome, I’ll send her your regards.

    2. If a UFO landed in the centre of New York, there would be mass panic.

    3. The plan for a new airport to be built outside London is bad news if you live


    4. If it was the President, I would order our nuclear weapons to be destroyed.

    5. If you are in the South of Spain next week, there is a good chance of seeing

    a total eclipse of the sun.

  • 21



    1C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

    1. If the government … (give) more money to the factory it … (not close).

    2. If the government … (build) flood barriers, we … (not have) the floods last


    3. If Dan … (know) how to swim, he … (not drown).

    4. If Molly … (listen) to the weather-forecast, she … (know) it was going to


    5. If Greg … (tell) me he was ill, I … (be) more sympathetic.

    6. If she … (prepare) for the exam, she …(pass) it.

    7. If Bill … (see) the house, he … (not buy) it.

    8. These words … (roughly express) Bob’s feelings, if he … (be) capable of


    9. But what … (you do), if you … (see) what I saw.

    10. It … (be) all done though, if Jill … (help) at the right time.

    2C. Do you ever think about what would or would not have happened if ...

    ? Make a chain story, using the following.

    1. If I … (not use) so much gas, I … (not have) such a big gas bill.

    2. If I … (must not) pay my gas bill, I … (not go) out in the rain.

    3. If I … (not go) out in the rain, I … (not catch) a cold.

    4. If I … (not catch) a cold, I … (not carry) a handkerchief.

    5. If I … (not carry) a handkerchief, I … (not drop) it.

    6. If I … (not drop) my handkerchief, Juan … (not pick) it up.

    7. If Juan … (not pick) up my handkerchief, we … (never meet).

    3C. Correct the third Conditional sentences if you see any mistakes. Some

    of the sentences are correct.

  • 22

    1. Molly might have thought that Paul was enjoying the weather, if there had

    been any to enjoy.

    2. If Krassotkin had known what an effect his words might have on the child,

    nothing would have had induced him to play this trick on him.

    3. Even if Jack had died, he wouldn’t just the same has escaped from his

    horrible position.

    4. It can all have gone off more harmoniously if Peter had taken the trouble to

    embellish his story.

    5. I wonder what might have happened if a Gatling (скорострельное

    стрелковое оружие) had been used.

    6. But if Molly had stayed in her home, she wouldn’t have any home left to

    stay in.

    7. Bill dreamed of it at the age when everyone would laugh to his face if they

    could have guessed what was in his head.

    8. If the robber had been someone like Molly Smith, she'd simply have put the

    chain straight in her pocket and get away as fast as she could.

    9. If Greg could have moved, Greg would have leapt upon me.

    10. If Sally had been with us, the sense of complicity would be cloying.

    4C. Translate the sentences using the third conditional.

    1. Питер не смог бы попасть туда, не встреть он мальчиков.

    2. Впрочем, если призрак был бы просто иллюзией, он должен был бы

    полностью исчезнуть, но он не исчез.

    3. Мужчина наверняка бы застрелил жену, если бы полицейский не

    оттолкнул его руку.

    4. Если Джека поймали, то, возможно, его взяли в плен.

    5. Cтарик стал так раздражителен, что, если бы Катя сказала бы ему, что

    не собиралась навестить его, он бы непременно обиделся.

    6. Если бы у Ивана были хорошие карты, он бы показал их.

  • 23

    7. Молли бы никогда не поставила себя в такое положение, если бы не

    доверяла Салли полностью.

    5C.Put the verb into the correct form.

    1. I didn't see you when you passed me in the street. If … (I/see) you, …

    (I/say) hello.

    2. Sam got to the station just in time to catch the train to the airport. If … (he /

    miss) the train, … (he/miss) his flight too.

    3. I’m glad that you reminded me about Rachel's birthday. … (I/forget) if …

    (you/not/remind) me.

    4. I wanted to send you an email, but I didn't have your email address. If …

    (I/have) your address, (I/send) you an email.

    5. a: How was your trip? Was it good?

    b: It was OK, but … (we/enjoy) it more if the weather … (be) better.

    6. I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad. … (it/be) quicker if …


    7. I’m not tired. If … (I/be) tired, I'd go home now.

    8. I wasn’t tired last night. If … (I/be) tired, I would have gone home earlier.

    6C. For each situation, write a sentence beginning with If.

    1. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat anything.

    2. The accident happened because the road was icy. If the road …, the accident

    3. I didn't know that Joe had to get up early, so I didn't wake him up. If I …

    that he had to get up early, …

    4. Unfortunately I lost my phone, so I couldn't call you. If …

    5. Karen wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.

    6. You didn't have breakfast - that's why you're hungry now.

    7. I didn't get a taxi because I didn't have enough money.

  • 24

    7C. Complete the conversation. Put in the correct form of the verb. Use

    the past perfect or would have.

    Nick: United didn't play very well today.

    Tom: We were awful. But if Hacker (1) … (take) that easy chance, (2) …


    Nick: We didn't deserve to win. It (3) … (be) … pretty unfair if Rangers (4) …


    Tom: Hacker was dreadful. My grandmother (5) … (score) … if (6) …

    (she/be) in that position.

    Nick: And if Burley (7) … (not/be) asleep, he (8) … (not/give) a goal away.

    Tom: If Johnson (9) … (not/be) injured when we needed him most, (10)

    …(it/be) different.

    Nick: Yes, (11) … (we/beat) them if (12) … (he/be) fit.

    8C.Comment on each situation using a type 3 conditional with if. Use

    would have, could have or might have.

    1. In a bookshop yesterday Daniel saw a book he really wanted. The only

    problem was that he didn't have any money.

    2. Rita often goes to concerts at the town hall, although not to everyone. There

    was one on Saturday, but she didn't know about it.

    3. On Sunday the guests had to have their lunch inside. Unfortunately it wasn't

    warm enough to have it outside …

    4. There was a bomb scare last Tuesday. Sarah wanted to fly to Rome, but she

    wasn't able to. The airport was closed …

    5. Laura has only met Nick once, and it's possible she wouldn't recognize him.

    He passed her yesterday, but he had a crash-helmet on …

    6. Sarah has been quite busy, and she hasn't watered her plants for some time.

    As a result, they've died.

    7. Nick likes ice hockey, but he didn't have a ticket to the game last w eek, so

    unfortunately he wasn't able to get in …

  • 25

    9C. Make Third Conditional sentences for each of the following situations.

    Begin with the words given.

    1. I was tired. I went to bed early. If…

    2. I didn’t have enough money. I didn’t take a taxi. If …

    3. I wasn’t interested in the film. I didn’t go to the cinema. If …

    4. We took the wrong turning. We arrived late. If …

    5. Romeo thought Juliet was dead. He committed suicide. Romeo wouldn’t …

    6. Oliver was punished. He asked for more food. If Oliver …

    7. The building had weak foundations. It fell down. The building wouldn’t

    have …

    8. I didn’t go downstairs. I was afraid of the dark. I might …

    9. You didn’t run fast. You didn’t come first. You could …

    10. I didn’t know she was the examiner. I made a silly joke. Had …

    11. She didn’t have a car. She couldn’t have driven there. If she …

    10C. Fill each space in the following text with one suitable word.

    All the difference

    I often wonder how my life would have … (1) different if on that particular

    day I … (2) walked in the other direction. Or what … (3) have happened if – in those

    few seconds – I … (4) walked just a little bit faster? She wouldn't … (5) been able to

    do what she did, say the things she said. If it … (6) not been for these shy words of

    greeting, I would not … (7) here now - I would probably … (8) in the same city I

    grew up in. It is amazing how our lives depend on the most minute details: a split-

    second decision which makes all the difference.

    … (9) I ever have found romance at all … (10) I hadn't met Francesca that day

    and if she … (11) decided not to walk on that path beside the trees? I couldn't

    possibly … (12) done what I did in my life if we … (13) not met on that bright, sunny

    morning. And if the sun had not … (14) shining and the birds singing, she would

    probably have … (15) even spoken to me.

  • 26

    11C. Read this story about Ellen.

    In May 1992 Ellen lost her job in London. She didn’t have much money in the

    bank, so she was very worried. She looked in the newspapers and she saw an

    advertisement for a job as a translator from German into English.

    She didn’t speak German very well, so she didn’t apply for it. In June, she

    heard about some teaching jobs abroad because a friend phoned to tell her about

    them. She phoned the company, and they asked her to go for an interview with the

    director. Ellen thought the interview went badly, but in fact the director was happy

    with the interview and offered Ellen a job in Spain. However, Ellen couldn’t start at

    once because she didn’t know any Spanish. She took a course to learn the language.

    She was good at languages and she made rapid progress. So, by September she had a

    new job, and she still had a little money left in the bank.

    Now write sentences using the words in brackets.

    1. (If Ellen/have/a lot of money in the bank, she/not/be/ so worried)

    2. (If she/not/look/in the newspapers, she/not/see/the advertisement)

    3. (If she/speak/German very well, she/apply/for the job)

    4. (If her friend/not/phone, she /not/hear/about the teaching jobs)

    5. (If she/not/contact/the company, they/not/ask/her to go for an interview)

    6. (If the interview/go/badly, the director/not/offer/Ellen a job)

    7. (If Ellen/know/some Spanish, she/start/at once)

    8. (If she/not/be/good at languages, she/not/make/rapid progress)

    12C. Comment on each sentence beginning as shown. Some forms may be


    1. Mrs. Allen's neighbour searched his garden shed, and found the missing cat

    inside. If

    2.The hikers were rescued quickly from the storm on the mountain because one

    of them had her mobile phone with her. If

  • 27

    3. The boy who fell into the sea from the boat was wearing a life Jacket, so he

    survived. If

    4. Mr. Anderson woke up because he heard the smoke alarm, and the family

    managed to escape the fire. If

    5. Rescue workers didn't search the car properly and didn't notice the injured

    man. If

    6. Luckily most of the staff had left tire room to attend a meeting, so only one

    person was injured by flying glass from the broken window. If

    7. United didn't win because the goalkeeper made a mistake in the last minute

    of the match. If

    8. A police officer stopped Pratt for drink-driving, and took a DNA sample,

    which led to Iris being charged with the previously unsolved murder of Mrs. Jones. If

    13C. Use the information in brackets () to complete these sentences.

    1. (Sam didn’t get the job as a translator because he failed the exam.)

    Sam … the job as a translator if he … not … the exam.

    2. (Alan lost our phone number, so he didn’t phone us.)

    If Alan … not our … phone number, he … us.

    3. (Sally broke her leg, so she didn’t go on holiday.)

    If Sally … not her … leg, she … on holiday.

    4. (We didn’t make a cake because we forgot to buy any eggs.)

    We … a cake if we … not … to buy some eggs.

    14C.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make correct type 3

    conditional sentences.

    1. If you … (not/be) in a hurry, you ... (not/forget) your keys.

    2. If he … (remember) earlier, he … (send) her a birthday card.

    3. If you … (not/be) ill, you … (go) to the party.

    4. Jason … (not/break) his arm if he … (be) more careful.

    5. Helen … (get) wet if she … (not/take) her umbrella.

  • 28

    6. If I … (do) my homework, my teacher … (not/shout) at me.

    7. You … (pass) the test if you … (study) more.

    8. If she … (close) the gate, the rabbit … (not/run away).

    9. She … (lose) her keys, if I … (not/pick) them up.

    10. If he … (save) some money, he … (be able) to go on holiday.

    15C. Complete the sentence for each situation.

    1. Charlotte didn't leave early, and so she missed the bus.

    If Charlotte … , she … the bus.

    2. I didn't buy more milk, so I didn't have enough for breakfast.

    If I … , I enough for breakfast.

    3. We forgot to take a map, so we got lost in the mountains.

    If we … , we in the mountains.

    4. I didn't go to bed early, so I didn't wake up at 7.00.

    If I … early, I at 7.00.

    5. Mike didn't make a shopping list, and he forgot to buy some coffee.

    If Mike … , he some coffee.

    6. I didn't realize you were tired when I asked you to go for a walk.

    If I … , I for a walk.

    7.The Romans didn't sail across the Atlantic, so they didn't reach America. If

    the Romans … , they America.

    8. I didn't turn left at the station, and 1 lost my way.

    If I … , I my way.

  • 29



    1C. Complete the conversations. Put in the correct form of the verb.

    Use the past simple, the past perfect, would, or would have.

    1. MIKE: You look tired.

    HARRIET: Well, if … (you/not/wake) me up in the middle of the night, …

    (I/not be) so tired.

    2. RITA: Is Trevor a practical person?

    LAURA: Trevor? No, he isn't. If … (he/be) practical, (he / put) those shelves

    up a bit quicker. It took him ages.

    3. TOM: Why are you sitting in the dark?

    DAVID: Let’s just say that if … (I/pay) my electricity bill last month, (I/not

    be) in the dark now.

    4. MATTHEW: Why are you so angry with me? All I did yesterday w as play


    EMMA: If… (you/love) me, … (you/not/leave) me here all alone on my


    2C. Read each short text and the conditional sentences that follow it. Tick

    (✓) the correct conditional sentences. (One or two may be correct in each case.)

    Put a cross (x) by the incorrect ones. Think about the meaning as well as the


    1 text Concorde crash

    The report into the crash of the Air France Concorde attributed the disaster to a

    piece of metal on the runway, apparently from a Continental Airlines DC10 which

    had taken off minutes before.

    The metal caused one of Concorde's tyres to burst, which in turn ruptured the

    fuel tank on the left-hand side of the plane.

  • 30

    A. If the runway were swept after each take-off, the disaster might have been


    B. if the runway had been swept after the DC 10 take-off, the disaster could

    have been averted

    C. If the runway hadn't been swept after the DC 10 take-off, the disaster might

    have been averted.

    2 text

    IN LAST WEEK'S peaceful demonstrations in Burma, one demonstrator was

    seriously injured when she fell and was trampled by the crowd trying to flee from the

    water cannons. She is still In hospital in a critical condition.

    A. If the demonstrator didn't fall, she might not be in hospital now.

    B. If the demonstrator hadn’t fallen, she might not be in hospital now.

    C. If the demonstrator hadn't fallen, she might not have been seriously injured.

    3 text

    Over ninety-five percent of people who successfully complete our course find

    that they recover the course fees within a few months through income from having

    their work published.

    A. Should you not recover the fees within a year of completing the course, we

    would give you a full refund

    B. Did you not recover the fees within a year of completing the course, we

    would give you a full refund.

    C. If you hadn't recovered the fees within a year of completing the course, we

    would give you a full refund.

    3C. Match each if clause with two main clauses from A-L below. Then

    complete the main clauses, using the words in brackets, as in the example. Use

    modal verbs if appropriate.

    1. If Bill Gates hadn’t been in the right place at the right time,

    2. If athletes today didn’t take their training so seriously,

    3. If the internal combustion engine hadn’t been invented,

  • 31

    4. If scientists hadn’t discovered how to build an atomic bomb,

    5. If it weren’t possible for scientists to isolate individual genes,

    A. the elimination of hereditary diseases … feasible. (not/be)

    B. he … one of the richest men in the world now. (not/be)

    C. Hiroshima and Nagasaki … (not/be/destroyed)

    D. it … possible to extend education to most people. (not/become)

    E. Microsoft … a household name. (not/become)

    F. much of our history … unknown to us. (be)

    G. sport … so exciting to watch. (not/be)

    H. the motor car … (never/be/developed)

    I. the debate around modified crops … an issue. (not/be)

    J. we probably … such a problem with carbon emissions. (not/have)

    K. the world … a more secure and peaceful place. (be)

    L. they … so many records in recent years. (not/break)

    4C. Read the statements carefully and think about the meaning. Then

    choose the correct words in italics in the explanation.

    1. If we’d missed that flight, we wouldn’t be on the beach now.

    We are/aren’t on the beach now. We missed/didn’t miss the flight.

    2. If she wanted to see you again, she would have phoned by now.

    She has/hasn’t phoned. She probably does/doesn’t want to see you again.

    3. If we’d taken out the warranty, we wouldn’t need to pay for these repairs.

    We took/didn’t take out the warranty so we have to/don’t have to pay for these


    4. I’d ask for a refund if I were you.

    I’m talking about the past/giving advice.

    5. We’d get a lot more light if there wasn’t a huge tree in our back garden.

    There is/used to be a big tree in our garden.

  • 32

    6. You’d be able to spend more time with children if you changed to a part-

    time job.

    I think you are likely/unlikely to change your job.

    7. If we knew more about computers, we wouldn’t have had to call the

    technical helpline.

    We had to/didn’t have to call the helpline because we didn’t/don’t know much

    about computers.

    8. We’d have a less stressful life if we didn’t live so far from the office.

    I’m expressing a regret about a past/present situation.

  • 33

    5C. Match the clauses and write the mixed conditional sentences in your


    1. If you had told me about this problem earlier,

    2. If you were a more sensitive person,

    3. If they don’t contact you soon,

    4. If he hadn’t died so young,

    5. If he didn’t work so hard all the time,

    6. If the train hadn’t been delayed,

    7. If he was feeling ill this morning,

    8. If you’re coming with us,

    9. If I really wanted to have children,

    10. If you had worked harder last month,

    A. he probably won’t be at the meeting.

    B. you could always ring them up.

    C. his wife would never have left him.

    D. you wouldn’t have said that to her.

    E. I would have had them by now.

    F. everything would be all right now.

    G. would you hurry up and get ready?

    H. you wouldn’t be so busy this month.

    I. we would be there by now.

    J. I’m sure he’d be a famous musician by now.

    6C. Complete these sentences to make appropriate Third Conditional or

    Mixed Conditional sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    1. If you … (come) to the theatre yesterday, you … (enjoy) the play.

    2. If I … (visit) Athens last year, I … (phone) you.

    3. If only I … (know) you already had tickets, I … (not get) any for you.

    4. If you … (start) coming to the course earlier, you … (could pass) the exam.

  • 34

    5. If … (not be) so shy at the party last Saturday, I … (might make) more


    6. If you … (not spend) so much money, I … (not be) angry now.

    7. I … (could become) an accountant if I … (be) good at mathematics.

    8. She … (get) promoted last year if she … (not argue) with the boss.

    9. He … (not get) the job, if he … (not wear) a tie.

    10. If I … (meet) you before, my life … (be) different.

    11. If be … (not see) the other car, there … (be) a serious accident.

    7C. Fill the gaps using the verbs in brackets. Some verbs must be in the

    negative in order to make sense. Use different types of conditionals.

    1. If you … late again for training again today (to be), I … you play in

    tomorrow’s match.


    2. I … all August in Thailand (to spend) if I … the time and the money. (to


    May be next year.

    3. I ... angry (to be) if you … my chocolate mousse. (to eat)

    4. If just one person … my birthday (remember), I ... sad. (to be)

    5. You ... sorry (to be) if you … for your exams. (to revise)

    6. I … that umbrella inside the house (open) if I ... you. (to be) It's bad luck.

    7. We … (to eat) out if there ... no food at home. (to be)

    8. The holidays … great (to be) if the weather … better. (to be)

    9. I ... out with him (to go) even if you … me. (to pay)

    10. If you … me about the concert (to tell), I … (to go)

    11. If you … so much beer (to drink), you … so fat. (to be)

  • 35

    8C. Fill the gaps using the verbs in brackets. Some verbs must be in the

    negative in order to make sense.

    1. If I ... you were coming (to know), I … a cake. (to bake)

    2. The world ... a better place (to be) if politicians … less vain. (to be)

    3. You … it better (to do) if you … more time over it. (to take)

    4. If I … more about computers (to understand), I … help you out. (to be able


    5. I … enough milk for the weekend (to have) if I … shopping on Friday. (to


    6. They … their children (to punish) if they … bad reports from school. (to get)

    7. What … you … (to do) if you … your house keys? (to lose)

    8. What … you … (to do) if your neighbour … you to dinner? (to invite)

    9. What … they … (to do) if they … to class today? (to come)

    10. What type of music … they ... (to play) if they ... a disco? (to have)

    9C. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

    Yesterday the famous bank robber, Fingers Smith, robbed another bank in the

    centre of town. As usual, he only stole £10. If he (1) … (leave) any clues, he (2) …

    (be) in prison now, but he's much too clever. He disconnected the security cameras; if

    he (3) … (not/do) that, the police (4) … (have) him on film now. The strange

    thing is, Fingers doesn't seem to be interested in the money; if he (5) … (be), he (6)

    ... (can/steal) thousands of pounds by now. The police are determined to catch him,

    and the Chief is confident that they will. He says that if he (7) … (think) they weren’t

    going to arrest Fingers eventually, he (8) ... (leave) the police force long ago.

    10C. Complete these rewritten sentences with similar meanings (Third

    Conditional or Mixed Conditional).

    1. The weather was terrible. Otherwise, we would have gone walking this

    weekend. If it had …

    2. His happiness would have been complete except for his anxiety over Carla.

    If it were …

  • 36

    3. The strike would probably still be going on if the government hadn’t

    intervened. Were it …

    4. The fight could have got out of hand if the police hadn’t arrived. Had it …

    5. Everything was quiet except for the sound of birds singing. But for …

    6. There would have been far more wars in the last 50 years without the United

    Nations. If it was …

    7. We would have been here two hours ago except for the roadworks. If it had

    11C. Put the verb in brackets in a suitable form, using a negative where


    The extinction of the dinosaurs

    The dinosaurs probably became extinct after a giant asteroid hit the Earth about

    65 million years ago.

    But what a. (happen) … if this asteroid b. (miss) … . Scientists believe that in

    this case, dinosaurs c. (continue) …to dominate the Earth, and that modern animals d.

    (probably exist). Instead of elephants and lions and so on, there e. (be) … different

    types of dinosaurs, because the animals we have now simply f. (be able) … to evolve.

    Some scientists have even suggested that dinosaurs g. (develop) … along the same

    lines as human beings, but this is a minority view. The general view is that perhaps

    dinosaur brains h. (grow) … larger, but if they i. (exist) … today, dinosaurs j.

    (change) … very much in general, and k. (look) … much the same. The prospects for

    human beings would not be so good, however. If the asteroid l. (collide) … with the

    Earth, there m. (probably be) … any humans alive today. When the asteroid disaster

    wiped out the dinosaurs, it gave mammals the advantage. Without that space

    collision, mammals n. (stand) … much chance against the dominant dinosaur species.

  • 37



    1C. Rewrite the following sentences as conditionals.

    1. Eric was with us so we didn’t get lost.

    2. We got soaking wet on Sunday and now we’ve all got colds. If

    3. I’m afraid I don’t know so I can’t tell you. If

    4. Because the train was 10 minutes late 1 managed to catch it. I

    5. The weather could be bad on Saturday, in which case we’ll have to cancel

    the barbecue. We

    6. I’m living in Italy because I got married to an Italian. I

    7. Sorry I didn’t phone you but I lost the bit of paper with your number on it. I

    8. We don’t get on very well because she’s so aggressive. If

    9. There’s the possibility of a train strike on Monday so I might not be able to

    come. If

    10. We’ve got a broken window because you and your friends were playing

    football in the back yard! We

    11. They’re so reserved that I speak to them very infrequently. I

    12. I missed the end of the film so I don’t know who the murderer was. If

    13. Jimmie’s father might buy him a new bike; it depends on him passing his

    exams. If

    14. As we’d already seen the film we didn’t go to the cinema. We

    15. Zoe tripped and fell just as she was about to win the race. Zoe

    2C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. Use different types of


    1. If they (hang) that picture lower people would be able to see it.

    2. She (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn't such high heels.

    3. I (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.

    4. If you had touched that electric cable you (be) electrocuted.

    5. If the story hadn't been true the newspaper (not print) it.

  • 38

    6. I (not buy) things on the installment system if I were you.

    7. Dial 999 if you (want) Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade.

    8. You (not be) any use to me unless you learn to type.

    9. If anyone attacked me, my dog (jump) at his throat.

    10. If he were in he (answer) the phone.

    11. The ship would have run aground if the pilot (make) one mistake.

    12. I shouldn't have taken your umbrella if I (know) that it was the only one

    you had.

    3C.Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form. Use different

    types of conditionals.

    1. Harry and Sarah, a husband and wife, are talking.

    H: Shall I make the children something to eat?

    S: I wouldn’t bother. You know how much they eat when they visit their


    H: That’s true. If they (1) … (eat) all afternoon, they (2) … (not want)

    anything when they get home.

    S: Are we going to pick them up soon?

    H: No, my parents are bringing them over. We agreed that if I (3) … (take)

    them there, they (4) … (bring) them back.

    S: Oh good. Well, if we (5) … (not collect) them, I (6) … (go back) upstairs

    and do a bit more work. I've nearly finished that report now. If I (7) … (do) another

    half hour’s work, I (8) … (finish) it by the time the children get home.

    H: Why do you always have to bring work home with you? If you (9) … (not

    agree) to take on that new job, you (10) … (have) much more free time now.

    S: Yes, and if I (11) … (not take on) that job, we (12) … (not have) much

    money now.

    H: That’s true, but I don’t like you working so much.

  • 39

    S: Well never mind. We’ve got a week’s holiday soon. Just think! In two

    week’s time, we (13) … (lie) on a warm sunny beach - that’s if I (14) … (can get) the

    time off work of course.

    H: What do you mean, ‘if’?

    S: Well, everything’s very busy at the moment. And if we (15) … (get) any

    more orders, I just (16) … (not see) how I can leave the office.

    H: What? But that’s ridiculous.

    2. Dear Angela,

    Thanks for your letter, it was nice to hear from you. And yes, I would like to

    come and see you in Spain. If I (17) … (save up) enough money when the summer

    holidays start, I (18) … (try) and come then - if that (19) … (be) O.K. Otherwise, I’ll

    come over in the autumn because I’m sure I (20) … (save up) enough by October - if

    I (21) … (not lose) my job by then!

    Unfortunately, lots of people in our company are being made redundant and it

    could be me next. If I (22) … (have) any sense, I (23) … (leave) this job ages ago.

    Still it could be worse I suppose.

    I was delighted to hear about your promotion - it’s great news. If you (24) …

    (keep on) getting promoted, you (25) … (run) the whole school soon. And it sounds

    like the weather’s been really good over there. It’s been terrible here. I don’t think it’s

    been dry once this month. If it(26) … (be) dry, I (27) … (not notice). Oh well, we’re

    hoping it’ll get better soon. If it (28) … (still rain) at the weekend, we (29) …

    (decide) we’ll try and emigrate!

    Have you heard from Charlotte by the way? She said she was going to phone

    you to tell you that she’s pregnant. If she (30) … (not phone you up yet),(31) … (not

    tell) her that I’ve already told you her news, will you?

    All the best,


  • 40

    4C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Use different types of


    1. A: Mum. Dad shouted at me.

    B: Well, if you ... (not/be) naughty, he (not/shout) at you.

    2. A: I don't know what to do about my problem.

    B: If I … (be) you, I … (talk) to my boss.

    3. A: If I … (win) lots of money, I … (buy) a new house.

    B: That's a nice idea. I … (buy) a new car.

    4. A: I failed my exam today.

    B: Well, if you … (study) harder, you … (not/fail).

    5. A: I've got terrible toothache.

    B: If I … (be) you, I … (go) to the dentist's.

    6. A: I’m sorry.

    B: What for?

    A: If I … (not/leave) the door open, the puppy … (not/escape).

    7. A: Why are you upset?

    B: Because it's all my fault. If I … (not/be) late, we … (not/miss) the bus.

    8. A: Where … (you/go) if you … (can) travel anywhere in the world?

    B: If I … (can). I … (go) to America.

    9. A: I've lost my bag with my purse and my keys inside.

    B: Well, if I … (be) you. I … (report) it to the police.

    10. A: Ouch! I dropped a glass and cut my finger.

    B: Well, if you … (be) careful, you … (not/cut) yourself.

    5C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. Use different types of


    1. If you (find) a skeleton in the cellar don't mention it to anyone.

    2. If you pass your examination we (have) a celebration.

    3. What (happen) if I press this button?

    4. I should have voted for her if I (have) a vote then.

  • 41

    5. If you go to Paris where you (stay)?

    6. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)?

    7. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick.

    8. If the milkman (come) tell him to leave two pints.

    9. Someone (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there.

    10. You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much.

    11. What I (do) if I hear the burglar alarm?

    12. If you (read) the instructions carefully you wouldn't have answered the

    wrong question.

    6C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. Use different types of


    1. I could repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder.

    2. Unless they turn that radio off I (go) mad.

    3. If you were made redundant what you (do)?

    4. We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) out of petrol here.

    5. If you shake that bottle of port it (not be) fit to drink.

    6. I'll probably get lost unless he (come) with me.

    7. You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly.

    8. If you (wear) a false beard nobody would have recognized you.

    9. If she (leave) the fish there the car will get it.

    10. Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road somebody (fall)

    into it.

    11. You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes.

    12. If I had known that you couldn't eat octopus I (not buy) it.

    7C. Complete the conditional (2, 3 types) sentences 1-5 from the

    information given.

    1. Governments would take the problem more seriously …

    2. If it were to rain, …

  • 42

    3. The tourist industry might …

    4. If the governments involved …

    5. There might be more …

    6. Current attempts to fight the fires would have been …

    South-East Asia faces new smog crisis

    Forest fires are breaking out all over south-east Asia.

    1. Governments are not taking the problem seriously because of a lack of

    international pressure.

    2. Only heavy rain can avert the crisis. Unfortunately, the forecast is for the

    weather to remain hot and dry for the foreseeable future.

    3. The government stopped releasing pollution levels in June because it didn't

    want to frighten off tourists. The tourist industry has not yet suffered.

    4. The governments Involved didn’t take positive action after the previous

    disaster. Environmentalists think this is why the current crisis has happened.

    5. One of the problems is that few of the countries affected have a Ministry of

    the Environment, so there is no serious environmental protection.

    6. The failure of governments to build reliable water supply networks in rural

    areas is a major reason why current attempts to fight the fires have been so


  • 43

    8C.Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses.

    1. If he had taken my advice

    2. If you ate less

    3. We'll send for the doctor if

    4. If she practiced more

    5. If there isn't enough wine in that bottle

    6. If you had checked the petrol before we started

    7. This clock wouldn't have run down if

    8. Try on the blue one if

    9. If these gates are locked

    10. If we leave before breakfast

    11. If the river rises any higher

    12. Her life might have been saved if

    9C. Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses.

    1. If the volcano starts erupting

    2. The grass would look better if

    3. Unless it is a nice day

    4. If you don't put enough stamps on a letter, the person who gets it

    5. He would lend it to you if

    6. Unless this hotel gets another cook

    7. If the storm becomes worse

    8. If your uncle sees you

    9. If you tried to climb it without a guide

    10. If you didn't shake the camera so much, your photographs

    11. I'd have brought my coat

    12. If ( = as) you don't like the picture

  • 44

    10C. Finish these sentences, taking care to use the correct tenses.

    1. He would have given her diamonds if

    2. If you had asked his permission

    3. If the fire had been noticed earlier

    4. If you had any sense

    5. You would have been angry if

    6. If he had put the flowers into water at once

    7. I should have ordered more coal if

    8. If you leave the gate open

    9. You will have to go to the dentist if

    10. He would have been drowned if

    11. If I'd had a car

    12. If Tom rings while I'm out

    11C. Choose one of these verbs for each space in this text (about saving

    money for retirement): decided, were, would contribute, would start, started,

    had started, would cost, would have contributed, wanted, could do, would end

    up, could have paid.

    How many times have you heard, ‘If I (1) … you, I (2) … saving now for

    retirement.’? If you (3) … to have £100,000 at age 65, you (4) … it for as little as

    £31 per month.

    The earlier you start, the lower your monthly payments will be and the lower

    your total payment (the amount you contribute) will be.

    Look at Sandra. She’s 24 now. Beginning next year, if she (5) … investing £31

    every month, she (6) … only £14,880 in total over forty years. So, she’d invest less

    than £15,000 in total and receive £100,000 from her investment.

    Now look at David. He’s 55. If he (7) … investing at 30, he (8) … only

    £46 every month and (9) … £19,320.

    But if he (10) … to start investing now, it (11) … £552 every month and he

    (12) … paying a total of £66,240. Doesn’t it make sense to start early?

  • 45

    12C. Complete each sentence with an unreal conditional using information

    from the sentences above it.

    1. I don’t have extra pens. I won’t give you one.

    2. I don’t know Jason’s phone number. I can’t tell him what happened. If …

    3. She didn’t prepare for the test. She didn’t pass. If …

    4. You didn’t warn us about the bad weather. I didn’t bring a raincoat. If …

    5. I’m not in your situation. I’ll start looking for another job. If …

    13C. Editing. Correct the mistakes in the use of conditionals in this text.

    My mother keeps trying to give me a big old armchair that used to belong to

    my grandparents.

    I remember that, when I was a child, if my grandfather sit in that chair after

    dinner, he always fall asleep. He snored too. If his feet are near the fire, his slippers

    start to smoke and my grandmother has to rush over and wake him up. I have also

    noticed recently that if my father sit in that chair, he immediately go to sleep and start

    snoring. My mother get really annoyed if that happen. It’s like a chair with a curse. I

    am worried that if I take the chair, the same thing happen to me. I don’t have this

    dilemma if my older brother didn’t move away two years ago. If he stays, he is given

    the chair first and I am not faced with the problem. But it is a really nice-looking

    chair and maybe I could make room for it. If I move a small table, the chair fit in my

    living room next to the fire. Do I really have a problem if I settle into its comfortable

    embrace after dinner and give in to its seductive charms? But who wake me up if my

    slippers catch fire?

    14C. Choose an ending (a-e) for each beginning (1-5) and add these verbs:

    don’t want, had asked, hadn’t forgotten, need, was.

    1. If you … for directions, a would you lend it to other people?

    2. If this … your car, b lunch would have been much better.

    3. If I … to order the book yet, c we wouldn’t have got lost.

    4. If we … the bread, d press 3.

    5. If you … to talk to the operator, e can I just examine one copy?

  • 46

    15C. Complete the sentences using your own words or the notes if you


    agree – everything Julia said/I – say – shocking/it – reverse – wall

    try – imagine – contained/overcome – great weariness

    1. My father raised his eyebrows as if …

    2. He folded his arms on the table and laid his head on them, as if …

    3. She stared hard at the parcel as if …

    4. He nodded his head slowly as if …

    5. The back of the car looked as if …

    16C.There are ten mistakes in the conversation. Find the mistakes and correct


    SAM: Did you watch that documentary on global warming last night?

    CARL: Yes, it was terrifying. I almost wish I didn't see it.

    SAM: If we would go on destroying the atmosphere like this, the effects will be


    CARL: You're right. It's high time the government does something about it.

    SAM: Well, they have set targets for reducing carbon emissions, haven’t they?

    CARL: Yes, but they're pretty feeble. I think the government should Insist that each

    person to take responsibility for their own carbon footprint.

    SAM: That’s a bit sweeping. I don’t see what individual people can do.

    CARL: What about turning down the central heating by a few degrees?

    SAM: A good idea - if only the winters aren’t so cold in this country!

    CARL: Well, what about cars, then? If everybody used smaller cars, there was a huge

    reduction in carbon emissions. Take your car, for instance - don't you think it's time you sell

    that big four-wheel-drive thing?

    SAM: No, absolutely not! If I won't have that car, I wouldn't be able to take all the kids

    to school. And it's useful to have a big car in case of some of their friends need a lift.

    CARL: I guess so. Things must be pretty tough with four children ...

    SAM: Yes. Life would be a lot easier unless I had so many kids!

  • 47



    1B. Write sentences beginning I wish ... .

    1. I don't know many people (and I’m lonely).

    2. I don't have a computer (and I need one). I wish …

    3. Helen isn't here (and I need to see her).

    4. It's cold (and I hate cold weather).

    5. I live in a big city (and I don't like it).

    6. I can't go to the party (and I'd like to).

    7. I have to get up early tomorrow (but I'd like to sleep late).

    8. I don't know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).

    9. I'm not feeling well (and it's not nice).

    2B. Write your own sentences beginning I wish ...

    1. (somewhere you’d like to be now - on the beach, in New York, in bed etc.). I

    wish I …

    2. (something you'd like to have - a motorbike, more friends, lots of money


    3. (something you'd like to be able to do - sing, travel more, cook etc.)

    4. (something you'd like to be - beautiful, strong, younger etc.)

    3B. Put in wish(ed) or hope(d).

    1. I … you a pleasant stay here.

    2. Enjoy your holiday. I … you have a great time.

    3. Goodbye. I … you all the best.

    4. We said goodbye to each other and … each other luck.

    5. We're going to have a picnic tomorrow, so I … the weather is nice.

    6. I … you luck in your new job. I … it works out well for you.

    4B. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

  • 48

    1. I wish Sarah would be here now.

    2. I wish you would listen to me.

    3. I wish I would have more free time.

    4. I wish our flat would be a bit bigger.

    5. I wish the weather would change.

    6. I wish you wouldn't complain all the time.

    7. I wish everything wouldn't be so expensive.

    5B.What might you say in these situations? Begin / wish ... ? (wish …


    1. to someone who never answers your e-mails

    2. to someone who makes rude remarks about you

    3. to someone who won't hurry up

    4. to someone who never does the washing-up

    5. to someone who isn't telling you the whole story

    6. to someone who blows cigarette smoke in your face

    7. to someone who won't tell you what he's thinking

    6B.Vicky is fed up. What is she saying? Use / wish or if only.

    1. (She can't think straight.)

    2. (She is so tired.)

    3. (She gets headaches.)

    4. (Her work isn't going well.)

    5. (She can't concentrate.)

    6. (Life is so complicated.)

    1C. Write the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use

    the word in brackets, as in the example.

    1. I regret the fact that we didn’t see the band play. (could) …

    2. It's a pity that you didn’t tell us that you were leaving. (wish) …

    3. Unfortunately, I'm not as agile as I used to be. (only) …

  • 49

    4. Her constant criticism of me really gets on my nerves. (stop) …

    5. I regret not going to university when I was younger. (gone) …

    6. She would love to have a more responsible post. (had) …

    7. I’ve always wanted to have the ability to speak a foreign language really

    well. (could) …

    8. It's a real shame we didn't take any photos at that amazing party. (only) …

    9. I hate having straight hair; curly hair is so much nicer. (didn’t) …

    2C. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a

    sentence with I wish.

    1. You've eaten too much and now you feel sick.

    You say: I wish I …

    2. There was a job advertised in the paper. You decided not to apply for it.

    Now you think that your decision was wrong.

    You say: I wish I …

    3. When you were younger, you never learned to play a musical instrument.

    Now you regret this.

    You say:

    4. You've painted the gate red. Now you think that red was the wrong colour.

    You say:

    5. You are walking in the country. You'd like to take some pictures, but you

    didn't bring your camera.

    You say:

    6. You have some unexpected guests. They didn't phone you first to say they

    were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them.

    You say (to yourself):

    3C. What do you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish ...

    would ...

    1. It's raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain.

  • 50

    You say: I wish

    2. You’re waiting for Jane. She’s late and you're getting impatient.

    You say to yourself: I wish

    3. You're looking for a job - so far without success. Nobody will give you a


    You say: I wish somebody

    4. You can hear a baby crying. It's been crying for a long time and you're

    trying to study.

    You say:

    5. Brian has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he needs some

    new clothes. You say to Brian:

    For the following situations, write sentences with I wish ... wouldn't...

    6. Your friend drives very fast. You don't like this.

    You say to your friend: I wish you

    7. Joe leaves the door open all the time. This annoys you.

    You say to Joe:

    8. A lot of people drop litter in the street. You don't like this.

    You say: I wish people

    4C. Put the verb into the correct form.

    1. It was a stupid thing to say. I wish … it. (I/not/say)

    2. I'm fed up with this rain. I wish … . (it/stop)

    3. It's a difficult question. I wish … the answer. (I/know)

    4. I should have listened to you. I wish … your advice. (I/take)

    5. You're lucky to be going away. I wish … with you. (I/can/come)

    6. I have no energy at the moment. I wish … so tired. (I/not/be)

    7. Aren't they ready yet? I wish … . (they/hurry up)

    8. It would be nice to stay here longer. I wish … to go now. (we/not/have)

    9. When we were in London last year, we didn't have time to see all the things

    we wanted to see. I wish … longer, (we/can/stay)

  • 51

    10. It's freezing today. I wish … so cold. I hate cold weather. (it/not/be)

    11. Joe still doesn't know what he wants to do. I wish … . (he/decide)

    12. I really didn't enjoy the party. I wish … . (we/not/go)

    5C. Complete the sentences. Use these words: accepted, caught, found,

    played, saved, stayed

    1. I spent all my money. I wish now that …

    2. I missed the train. I really wish …

    3. Rita left the party early. Nick wishes ...

    4. Emma refused the offer. But her parents wish …

    5. I looked everywhere for the key. I wish …

    6. The injured player could only watch. He wishes…

    6C. Complete the conversation.

    CLAIRE: Oh, Henry. You're giving me another present. It’s very sweet of you,

    but I wish (1) … so many presents.

    HENRY: Claire, I've been thinking. I shouldn't have asked you to marry me.

    I wish now that (2) …

    CLAIRE: Now you’re talking nonsense. I wish (3) … , Henry.

    HENRY: I'm not a young man, am I? Of course I wish (4) …

    CLAIRE: Why don't you listen? If only (5) … to me just this once.

    HENRY: Why couldn't we have met twenty years ago? I wish (6) … you then.

    CLAIRE: Henry, twenty years ago I was just starting school.

    7C.Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

    Some sentences require a negative.

    1. Bruce wishes he … (have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.

    2. I wish it … (snow) now that it’s Christmas.

    3. I wish I … (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

    4. I wish you … (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.

    5. I wish you … (do) that. It annoys me.

  • 52

    6. I wish the holidays … (come) so we could go off to the seaside.

    7. I wish they … (build) that block of flats right in front of our window.

    8. Of course Tom wishes he … (come) with us Paris, but he has to stay here

    and work.

    9. I wish we … (go) to the match on Saturday but we’re visiting my uncle


    10. I wish you … (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows


    11. If only … (lose) all my money. Now I’m broke.

    12. Peter is always late. If only he … (turn up) on time for a change!

    8C.Here are some problems in brackets. How could they have been

    avoided? Use the words and phrases to help you write two sentences about each

    problem using I wish and If only.

    play fewer computer games lose temper

    use car less often walk more

    recycle more paper let someone else drive

    drive carefully take more exercise

    keep calm take rubbish home

    eat less watch less TV

    use bins save water

    waste water protect forest

    1. (I’ve gained a lot of weight.)

    I wish

    If only

    2. (The rivers and reservoirs have dried up.)

    I wish

    If only

    3. (He crashed his car.)

    I wish

    If only

  • 53

    4. (He had a row with his best friend.)

    I wish

    If only

    5. (People drop litter in the street.)

    I wish

    If only

    6. (We are cutting down too many trees.)

    I wish

    If only

    7. (People use their cars when they don’t need to.)

    I wish

    If only

    8. (Children don’t read enough nowadays.)

    I wish

    If only

    9C. Write a sentence about each problem using I wish or if only and the

    word in brackets.

    1. People leave the tap running all the time. (turn off)

    2. Your brother is very angry. (calm down)

    3. The postman hasn’t arrived and I’m waiting for an important letter. (arrive)

    4. People hunt animals for sport. (stop)

    5. The people next door have their TV on very loud. (turn down)

    6. Your friend keeps complaining about everything all the time. (stop)

    7. It doesn’t rain enough. (more)

    8. Your favourite football team has lost every match so far. (win)

    9. I can’t wait for Christmas. (come)

    10. Too much rubbish is thrown away. (recycle)

    10C. Write sentences about these people who are sorry about things they

    did in the past. Use wish or wishes.

    1. Ian wasted his time at school; now he’s sorry. Ian

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    2. I didn’t tell the truth; now I’m sorry. I wish

    3. John borrowed some money from his mother; now he’s sorry. John

    4. Mary didn’t get up early; now she’s sorry. Mary

    5. Peter didn’t go to the party; now he’s sorry. Peter

    6. I didn’t send Jill a birthday card; now I’m sorry. I

    7. Fiona didn’t help her sister; now she’s sorry.

    8. He shouted at the children; now he’s sorry.

    11C. Complete the conversation by writing one word (or a contraction) in

    each gap.

    MARGE: Hello, Alan. I didn't expect to see you at the recycling centre!

    ALAN: No. I wish I (1) … bothered - it took me hours to sort out all these

    things into separate bags! If (2) … it wasn't so complicated! All these containers ...

    MARCIE: Well, it's great that you're recycling. I wish more people (3) …

    make the effort.

    ALAN: You're quite ‘green', aren’t you? Don't you have an electric car?

    MARGE: Yes, but I (4) … I'd never bought it. It's useless. If (5) … only knew

    how much trouble it’s given me!

    ALAN: I'm sorry to hear that. They can't go very far between charges, can


    MARGE: No - and I (6) … they (7) … told me that before I bought it! I have

    to travel a lot for my job and it just doesn't go far enough without needing to be


    ALAN: Can’t you find places to recharge it?

    MARGE: No, I wish there (8) … more, but there's hardly anywhere.

    ALAN: I thought the government was giving subsidies to garages to encourage

    them to set up recharging stations.

    MARCIE: Well, I wish somebody (9) … told them about it around here! None

    of the garages I know seems to have one.

    ALAN: No, I can't say I've seen any. Anyway, I (10) … I (11) … stay longer to

    chat but I’ve got to get back home.

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    MARGE: OK. Well, see you soon.

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    1C. Expand the notes to write a sentence to go before each question below.

    Use Suppose, Supposing, or Imagine, followed by a pronoun, noun or noun phrase

    and then were.

    1. (miss/last train) … How would we get home?