STUDYING THE HYDROMECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF HYDROPHOBIC SOILS Dr Z. Karatza, Dr C. T. S. Beckett Institute for Infrastructure & Environment | School of Engineering | The University of Edinburgh [email protected] Materials and methods Materials: Silica sand (mean diameter: 96μm, rough & sub-angular) Glass beads (mean diameter: 84μm, smooth & spherical) NOTE : Testing on glass beads was completed to confirm the ”classically” assumed case that concave menisci would form between hydrophilic surfaces but convex between hydrophobic surfaces Water-repellence: mixing 1ml of Dimethyldichlorosilane (DMDCS) with 500g of each granular sample coat the particles lower their surface energy decrease wettability Observing capillary bridges: use of state-of-the-art Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) to observe water as it condenses and how it interacts with the individual soil particles and those around them * In ESEM chamber control the relative humidity (wetting & drying) observe the formation and evolution of capillary bridges *From relative humidity 60% 100% 60% Acknowledgements: The RH110 Silica Sand was kindly supplied by Minerals Marketing Ltd. Dr Karatza would like to thank the following colleagues at the University of Edinburgh, UK: Mr M. Corcoran for his help inducing hydrophobicity to the soil samples and Dr C.T.S. Beckett for his support supervising this project. This work is funded under the EPSRC New Investigator Award EP/S011005/1. Hydrophobic soils in geotechnical engineering: Novel applications Glass beads Sand Water- repellent sand Water droplets Significance & Motivation The big picture: Climate change means that many geotechnical structures will face harsher conditions than the ones they were designed for. Droughts, heat waves, flooding or heavy rain will all compromise soil covers used to protect mining or municipal waste storage sites, whose failure can lead to significant environmental and economic consequences. This project will develop hydrophobic soils for use in the geotechnical design of waste cover systems, and theories about their hydromechanical response, focusing on the mechanisms involved in the formation and evolution of capillary bridges at the particle-scale, or in other words how water passes through water-repellent soils, and acts to stick particles together or force them apart. Water-repellent soils: They form naturally in arid regions when particles are coated with plant-derived organic matter compounds, if exposed to very high temperatures (e.g. forest fires), if they are contaminated with wastewater or even through direct oil spills or hydrocarbon seepage from sedimentary basins. Water-repellent soils can be problematic as they are often associated with preferential flow and may lead to increased surface runoff (flooding – debris flow) and soil erosion. The reduced rainwater infiltration capacity of water-repellent soils can result in the impro - vement of the stability of slopes or landfills and other man-made earthen infrastructures, and it has also been suggested that water repellent sands are a cost-effective alternative for capillary barrier cover systems. Natural slope Cut slopes Landfill Fill slope NOTE: Modified after Zheng et al., 2017 - Synthetic water repellent soils for slope stabilization Hydrophobic: > 90 Hydrophilic: < 90 Conclusions Intense rainfall & subsequent infiltration contribute to fill and natural slope failures, water-repellent soils have proved to be effective in hindering the infiltration and could increase the overall factor of safety during rainstorms. To understand the mechanisms involved in the formation and evolution of capillary bridges and therefore the value of suction in hydrophobic soils we MUST consider the effect of the shape and surface roughness of REAL soils (i.e. pinning mechanism). No evidence of repulsive forces between hydrophobic grains have been found in the literature, yet that’s what the shape of the bridges indicate, so we clearly need a complete rethink of how we model unsaturated (water-repellent) soils Questions for future work: 1) Is DMDCS environmentally safe? Can other chemicals be used? 2) Does the hydrophobic coating wash off and if so would that lead to a sudden failure of the geotechnical structure? 3) What is the drained and undrained shear strength and compressibility of hydrophobic soils? Hydraulically-consistent testing methodologies need to be developed to account for hydrophobicity. = 1 1 + 1 2 Dry Unsaturated Saturated Sandcastles: Effect of water on soils Theoretical background Water acts like a binding agent when a soil is wet yet not saturated due to the formation of curved water menisci/capillary bridges which apply an attractive force (suction ) keeping the soil particles together The value of suction (s) is defined according to the Laplace equation (below) and the shape of the meniscus (angle θ) defines the degree of water repellence The soil water retention curve (SWRC) is the relationship between suction and the water content of an unsaturated soil and it is commonly used in geotechnical engineering to define the hydromechanical behaviour of an unsaturated soil. It is therefore imperative to understand how the shapes of the liquid bridges evolve for different amounts of water content in the soil skeleton Results Menisci structures during initial wetting increase of volume of liquid bridge ( >0) Hydrophilic glass beads: Water-repellent sand: The pinning mechanism Perfectly clean, smooth surfaces: >0 triple line spreads constant [Like in glass beads] Rough surfaces, corners, mineral interfaces: >0 triple line pinned Change of bridge shape not considered in current models of unsat soils [Like in real sands] Concave bridge Convex bridge


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Dr Z. Karatza, Dr C. T. S. BeckettInstitute for Infrastructure & Environment | School of Engineering | The University of Edinburgh

[email protected]

③ Materials and methods

Materials:● Silica sand (mean diameter: 96μm, rough & sub-angular)● Glass beads (mean diameter: 84μm, smooth & spherical)NOTE: Testing on glass beads was completed to confirm the ”classically” assumed case that concavemenisci would form between hydrophilic surfaces but convex between hydrophobic surfaces

Water-repellence: mixing 1ml of Dimethyldichlorosilane (DMDCS) with500g of each granular sample → coat the particles → lower

their surface energy → decrease wettability

Observing capillary bridges: use of state-of-the-artEnvironmental Scanning Electron Microscopy

(ESEM) to observe water as it condenses and howit interacts with the individual soil particles and

those around them* In ESEM chamber → control the relative

humidity (wetting & drying) → observe theformation and evolution of capillary bridges*From relative humidity 60% → 100% → 60%

Acknowledgements:The RH110 Silica Sand was kindly supplied by Minerals Marketing Ltd. Dr Karatza would like to thank the following colleagues at the University of Edinburgh, UK: Mr M. Corcoran for his help inducing hydrophobicity to the soil samples and Dr C.T.S. Beckett for his support supervising this project.

This work is funded under the EPSRC New Investigator Award EP/S011005/1.

Hydrophobic soils in geotechnical engineering:

Novel applications

Glass beads

Sand Water-repellent sand

Water droplets

① Significance & MotivationThe big picture: Climate change means that many geotechnical structures will face harsher conditions than the ones they were designed for. Droughts, heatwaves, flooding or heavy rain will all compromise soil covers used to protect mining or municipal waste storage sites, whose failure can lead to significantenvironmental and economic consequences. This project will develop hydrophobic soils for use in the geotechnical design of waste cover systems, and theoriesabout their hydromechanical response, focusing on the mechanisms involved in the formation and evolution of capillary bridges at the particle-scale, or in otherwords how water passes through water-repellent soils, and acts to stick particles together or force them apart.

Water-repellent soils: They form naturally in arid regions when particles are coated with plant-derived organic matter compounds, if exposed to very hightemperatures (e.g. forest fires), if they are contaminated with wastewater or even through direct oil spills or hydrocarbonseepage from sedimentary basins. Water-repellent soils can be problematic as they are often associated with preferential flow

and may lead to increased surface runoff (flooding – debris flow) and soil erosion. The reduced rainwater infiltration capacity of water-repellent soils can result in the impro-

vement of the stability of slopes or landfills and other man-made earthen infrastructures,and it has also been suggested that water repellent sands are a cost-effective alternativefor capillary barrier cover systems.

Natural slope

Cut slopes


Fill slope

NOTE: Modified after Zheng et al., 2017 - Synthetic water repellent soils for slope stabilization

Hydrophobic: 𝜃𝜃 > 90𝑜𝑜Hydrophilic: 𝜃𝜃 < 90𝑜𝑜

⑤ Conclusions

→ Intense rainfall & subsequent infiltrationcontribute to fill and natural slope failures, water-repellent soils haveproved to be effective in hindering the infiltration and could increase theoverall factor of safety during rainstorms.

→ To understand the mechanisms involved in the formation andevolution of capillary bridges and therefore the value of suction inhydrophobic soils we MUST consider the effect of the shape and surfaceroughness of REAL soils (i.e. pinning mechanism).

→ No evidence of repulsive forces between hydrophobic grains have been found in the literature, yet that’s what the shape of the bridges indicate, so we clearly need a complete rethink of how we model unsaturated (water-repellent) soils

Questions for future work:

1) Is DMDCS environmentally safe? Can other chemicals be used?2) Does the hydrophobic coating wash off and if so would that lead to asudden failure of the geotechnical structure?3) What is the drained and undrained shear strength and compressibilityof hydrophobic soils? Hydraulically-consistent testing methodologies needto be developed to account for hydrophobicity.

𝑠𝑠 = −𝛾𝛾1𝑅𝑅1


Dry Unsaturated Saturated

Sandcastles: Effect of water on soils

② Theoretical background

● Water acts like a binding agent when a soil is wet yet not saturateddue to the formation of curved water menisci/capillary bridgeswhich apply an attractive force (suction) keeping the soilparticles together

● The value of suction (s) is defined according to the Laplace equation (below) and the shape of the meniscus (angle θ) defines the degree of water repellence

● The soil water retention curve (SWRC) is the relationship between suction and the water content of an unsaturated soil and it is commonly used in geotechnical engineeringto define the hydromechanical behaviour of an unsaturated soil. It is therefore imperative to understand how the shapes of the liquid bridges evolve for different amounts of water content in the soil skeleton

④ ResultsMenisci structures during initial wetting → increase of volume of liquid bridge (∆𝑉𝑉𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 > 0)

Hydrophilic glass beads:

Water-repellent sand:

The pinning mechanism

Perfectly clean, smooth surfaces:∆𝑉𝑉𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 > 0 → triple line

spreads → 𝜃𝜃 constant[Like in glass beads]

Rough surfaces, corners, mineral interfaces:∆𝑉𝑉𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 > 0 → triple line pinned → Change of bridge shape not considered in current models of unsat soils

[Like in real sands]Concave bridge

Convex bridge