Illinois Certification Testing System STUDY GUIDE Illinois State Board of Education An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois Target Language Proficiency—Spanish (056) IL-SG-FLD056-02

STUDY GUIDE - icts.nesinc.com · WRITING PROFICIENCY ASSIGNMENT SECTION ... Target Language Proficiency–Spanish 1-1 General Information About the Illinois Certification Testing

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Illinois Certification Testing System


Illinois State Board of Education

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action EmployerPrinted by the Authority of the State of Illinois

Target LanguageProficiency—Spanish (056)


Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency–Spanish i



PROGRAM OVERVIEW ....................................................................................1-1For Further Information .............................................................................1-2Description of the Tests ..............................................................................1-3Test Administration....................................................................................1-4Score Reports.............................................................................................1-4

HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE TEST .................................................................1-5Assess Your Knowledge and Test Skills.......................................................1-5Practice Your Test-Taking Skills .................................................................1-5

THE DAY OF THE TEST: HELPFUL HINTS......................................................1-5Preparation ................................................................................................1-5Test-Taking Tips.........................................................................................1-5

TEST DIRECTIONS..........................................................................................1-7


INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................2-1Test Subareas and Objectives ................................................................2-1

TEST OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................2-2

MULTIPLE-CHOICE TEST QUESTIONS SECTION .......................................2-4Sample Test Directions for the Reading Comprehension

Multiple-Choice Test Questions ........................................................2-5Practice Reading Comprehension Multiple-Choice Test Questions ..........2-6Answer Key ........................................................................................ 2-11

WRITING PROFICIENCY ASSIGNMENT SECTION .................................... 2-12Description of the Task....................................................................... 2-13Sample Test Directions....................................................................... 2-14Practice Writing Proficiency Assignment ............................................. 2-15Sample Response ............................................................................... 2-16

ORAL PROFICIENCY ASSIGNMENT SECTION.......................................... 2-17Description of the Task....................................................................... 2-18Sample Test Directions....................................................................... 2-19Practice Oral Proficiency Assignment .................................................. 2-20

ii Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency–Spanish

EXPLANATION OF THE SCORING PROCESS FOR THECONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE ASSIGNMENTS ...................................... 2-21The Scoring Process ........................................................................... 2-21Scoring Scale for the Writing Proficiency Assignment .......................... 2-22Scoring Scale for the Oral Proficiency Assignment............................... 2-23

EXPLANATION OF THE TEST SCORE REPORT........................................ 2-24Overview ............................................................................................ 2-24Reading Your Report: A Sample ......................................................... 2-25How to Interpret the Constructed-Response Scores............................. 2-25

Readers should be advised that this study guide, including many of theexcerpts used herein, is protected by federal copyright law.

Copyright © 2006 by the Illinois State Board of EducationNES and its logo are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries of Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliate(s).

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency–Spanish 1-1

General Information About theIllinois Certification Testing System

The first section of the study guide is available in a separate PDF file. Click the link below toview or print this section.

General Information About the Illinois Certification Testing System

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-1

Field-Specific Information• Test Subareas and Objectives• Practice Test Questions• Practice Constructed-Response

Assignments• Explanation of the Test Score Report


This section includes a list of test subareas and objectives, sample test directions,practice multiple-choice test questions, practice constructed-response assign-ments, performance characteristics and scoring scales, an explanation of thescoring process for the constructed-response assignments, and a score reportexplanation.

TEST SUBAREAS AND OBJECTIVESThe content covered by the Target Language Proficiency—Spanish test is organizedinto subareas. You will find a list of subareas at the beginning of the list of testobjectives. Within each subarea, the content is further defined by a set ofobjectives. Each objective comprises two major parts:

1. the objective statement, which broadly defines the knowledge and skills that anentry-level educator needs to know; and

2. the descriptive statements, which describe in greater detail the types ofknowledge and skills covered by the test objective.

The test objectives are broad, conceptual, and meaningful statements, written inlanguage that reflects the skills, knowledge, and understanding that an entry-levelteacher needs in order to teach effectively in an Illinois classroom. A test consistsof test questions that measure an examinee's mastery of these test objectives.

Below is an example of a test objective statement and its accompanying descriptivestatements for the Target Language Proficiency—Spanish test.

Objective Statement

Understand the literal meaning of a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

Descriptive Statements

• determining a stated idea in a passage

• establishing the sequence of events in a passage

• determining the meaning of selected vocabulary in context

2-2 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


I. Reading ComprehensionII. Writing ProficiencyIII. Oral Proficiency


Objective 1 Understand the literal meaning of a variety of materials written in the target language.

For example:

• determining a stated idea in a passage

• establishing the sequence of events in a passage

• determining the meaning of selected vocabulary in context

Objective 2 Apply skills of inference and interpretation to a variety of materials written in thetarget language.

For example:

• discerning implied cause-and-effect relationships in a passage

• inferring a writer's assumptions or purpose for writing

• drawing conclusions from stated facts

Objective 3 Apply skills of critical analysis to a variety of materials written in the target language.

For example:

• characterizing the tone, mood, or point of view of a passage

• analyzing the structure and organization of a passage

• assessing the credibility of statements and opinions presented in a passage

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-3


Objective 4 Write a well-organized passage in the target language that is grammatically correctand appropriate in vocabulary and style for a given audience, purpose, and occasionand that communicates a message effectively.

For example:

• expressing and supporting personal views on an issue of current educationalconcern (e.g., the use of graduation tests in public education)

• analyzing advantages and limitations of common instructional techniques(e.g., individual versus cooperative learning)

• responding to an opinion or viewpoint on an educational issue (e.g., how to bestprepare beginning teachers)

• comparing and contrasting different perspectives on an educational topic (e.g., theuse of computers in the classroom)


Objective 5 In response to written instructions, communicate an oral message effectively in thetarget language that demonstrates a command of vocabulary and grammarappropriate to an educational setting.

For example:

• telling a story about an educational experience that was important to you either as astudent or as a teacher

• making a presentation to your class about the importance of reading

• describing a book you have read that you would recommend to students orteachers

2-4 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


The practice multiple-choice test questions included in this section are designed togive the examinee an introduction to the nature of the test questions included onthe Target Language Proficiency—Spanish test. The practice multiple-choice testquestions represent the various types of test questions you may expect to see on anactual test; however, they are not designed to provide diagnostic information tohelp you identify specific areas of individual strengths and weaknesses or predictyour performance on the test as a whole. Use the answer key located after thepractice multiple-choice test questions to check your answers.

To help you identify which test objective is being assessed, the objective statementto which the question corresponds is listed in the answer key. When you arefinished with the practice multiple-choice test questions, you may wish to go backand review the entire list of test objectives and descriptive statements once again.

This section includes the following:

• Sample test directions for the Reading Comprehension multiple-choice testquestions

• Practice Reading Comprehension multiple-choice test questions• An answer key

On the actual test, examinees will be given different multiple-choice test questionsfrom those provided as samples in this study guide.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-5



Each question in Section One is a multiple-choice question with four answer choices.Read each question carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Record your answeron the answer sheet in the space that corresponds to the question number. Completelyfill in the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Use only aNo. 2 lead pencil.

Sample Question: 1. What is the capital of Illinois?

A. ChicagoB. PeoriaC. SpringfieldD. Champaign

The correct answer to this question is C. You would indicate that on the answer sheetas follows:


Try to answer all questions. In general, if you have some knowledge about a question,it is better to try to answer it. You will NOT be penalized for guessing. You may usethe margins of the test booklet for scratch paper, but only the answers that yourecord on your answer sheet will be scored.

Turn the page and continue with Section One.

2-6 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


Read the passage below; then answer the three questions that follow.

A pesar de que los seres humanos tienen la capacidad sorprendente de adaptarse a los cambiosambientales, hay límites en lo que pueden hacer. Un factor que limita la esfera de acción de laactividad humana es la necesidad de agua, una substancia esencial para todo ser viviente. Ademásde lo que tomamos para conservar nuestra salud, el agua se usa en una amplia variedad de actividadeseconómicas. Los agricultores, fabricantes y otros productores consumen inmensas cantidades de aguaen sus operaciones.

Es importante hacer todo lo posible para conservar este recurso vital porque sólo la mitad de un porciento del agua del mundo es adecuada para el uso humano. Entre otras cosas, esto requerirá tomarmedidas para reducir la contaminación del agua. Hoy en día, en algunos países aproximadamente elsetenta por ciento del agua en los lagos, estanques, ríos y corrientes no es adecuada para el consumohumano. Varios gobiernos han intentado ocuparse del problema, pero se necesita hacer mucho más.Si no, las consecuencias pueden ser catastróficas.

1. ¿Cuál de las siguientes aseveracionesde este pasaje expresa mejor su ideaprincipal?

A. A pesar de que los seres humanostienen la capacidad sorprendentede adaptarse a los cambiosambientales, hay límites enlo que pueden hacer.

B. Los agricultores, fabricantes yotros productores consumeninmensas cantidades de aguaen sus operaciones.

C. Es importante hacer todo lo posiblepara conservar este recurso vitalporque sólo la mitad de un porciento del agua del mundo esadecuada para el uso humano.

D. Hoy en día, en algunos paísesaproximadamente el setenta porciento del agua en los lagos,estanques, ríos y corrientes no esadecuada para el consumo humano.

2. ¿Cuál de las siguientes inferencias estáapoyada mejor por la informaciónpresente en este pasaje?

A. Se requieren grandes cantidades deagua para proveer comida a los sereshumanos.

B. Los problemas del abastecimientode agua son más serios en los paísesindustriales.

C. La cantidad total de agua en elmundo ha declinado marcadamenteen décadas recientes.

D. Las actividades manufactureras sonla causa principal de lacontaminación del agua.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-7

3. ¿Cuál de las siguientes aseveracionesdescribe mejor la progresión de estepasaje?

A. Va de una comparación de usospersonales y públicos del agua acomentarios sobre la calidad delagua en varias partes del mundo.

B. Va de un examen de cambiosambientales recientes a la defensade esfuerzos gubernamentales parareducir la contaminación del agua.

C. Va de un sondeo de las fuentesactuales de suministro de aguaa un análisis de las causas dela contaminación del agua.

D. Va de una discusión de laimportancia del agua para laactividad humana a una advertenciasobre las amenazas a las fuentesmundiales de suministro de agua.

2-8 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish

Read the passage below; then answer the three questions that follow.

Los maestros más efectivos reconocen la importancia de expandir sus conocimientos y habilidadesprofesionales constantemente. Una manera de hacerlo es a través de la lectura. Esto les aumenta sucomprensión del mundo, les amplía sus perspectivas y les ayuda a mantenerse informados sobre nuevoseventos y tendencias educativas. Otra manera es matricularse en cursos que les ofrezcan la oportunidadde conocer a personas con intereses similares y de aprender más sobre su profesión. Los maestrosefectivos también participan activamente en organizaciones profesionales. Como miembros de lasorganizaciones pueden intercambiar ideas con otros educadores en un ambiente de apoyo que refuerzasu dedicación a la enseñanza.

A través de éstas y otras actividades relevantes los maestros no sólo adquieren más conocimientos,sino que también proveen lecciones valiosas a sus estudiantes. Cuando los jóvenes ven a sus maestrostratando constantemente de mejorar sus conocimientos, reconocen que la educación es un procesocontinuo a través de la vida. Comienzan a darse cuenta que el aprendizaje no acaba cuando uno saledel aula. Esta es quizás la lección más importante que los maestros pueden proveerles a sus estudiantes.Los jóvenes que aprendan esta lección nunca dejarán de crecer.

4. ¿Cuál de las siguientes aseveracionesexpresa mejor la idea principal de estepasaje?

A. Los mejores maestros tambiénson buenos estudiantes.

B. Entre más cursos tomen losmaestros, es probable que suconocimiento de la profesiónsea más amplio.

C. El continuo desarrollo profesionales una parte importante de serbuen maestro.

D. Los maestros les deben a susestudiantes el seguir aprendiendo.

5. ¿Cuál de las siguientes aseveracioneses posible que haya influido más en elargumento del autor en este pasaje?

A. El aprendizaje requiere tiempo,esfuerzo y dedicación.

B. Los maestros a menudo sirven demodelos a sus estudiantes.

C. La lectura es la base delconocimiento.

D. La relación entre estudiantes ymaestros es tan importante comolas lecciones del aula.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-9

6. ¿Cuál de las siguientes aseveraciones esla razón más posible por la cual el autorconcluye el segundo párrafo con lasiguiente oración?

"Los jóvenes que aprendan esta lecciónnunca dejarán de crecer."

A. para elogiar los logros de losestudiantes contemporáneos

B. para alentar a los maestros aprestar más atención a lo quelos estudiantes aprenden fueradel aula

C. para comparar a estudiantes condiferentes actitudes con respectoa la educación

D. para recalcar el valor de losmaestros que muestran dedicacióna mejorarse

2-10 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish

Read the passage below; then answer the three questions that follow.

Los hábitos alimenticios en los Estados Unidos han cambiado dramáticamente en los últimos cien años.Hace un siglo, la mayor parte de las personas comía grandes cantidades de granos, frutas y hortalizas.A pesar de que estos alimentos no han desaparecido de las mesas de la nación, la dieta típica de hoy endía no es tan nutritiva y balanceada como lo era entonces.

Esta es una causa creciente de preocupación para los profesionales de la salud. La dieta está relacionadacon muchas de las causas principales de muerte. Para llevar una vida saludable y productiva, las personasdeben aprender a analizar sus necesidades nutritivas. Este tipo de información está disponible, pero pordesgracia, muy pocas personas parecen tomar este tema en serio. Si lo hicieran, consumirían muchomenos grasa, azúcar y sal.

7. ¿Cuál de las siguientes aseveracionesde este pasaje expresa mejor su ideaprincipal?

A. Los hábitos alimenticios en losEstados Unidos han cambiadodramáticamente en los últimoscien años.

B. A pesar de que estos alimentosno han desaparecido de las mesasde la nación, la dieta típica dehoy en día no es tan nutritiva ybalanceada como lo era entonces.

C. Esta es una causa crecientede preocupación para losprofesionales de la salud.

D. Para llevar una vida saludabley productiva, las personasdeben aprender a analizar susnecesidades nutritivas.

8. ¿Cuál es el propósito principal del autoren este pasaje?

A. informar a los lectores sobre loscambios en los patrones alimenticiosnacionales

B. describir los elementos de una dietabalanceada

C. advertir a los lectores lasconsecuencias de una nutriciónpobre

D. examinar los esfuerzos para mejorarlos patrones alimenticios nacionales

9. ¿Qué información sobre el autor de estepasaje es más importante para evaluar lacredibilidad de sus observaciones?

A. El autor tiene una maestría enciencias de la nutrición.

B. El autor es vegetariano.

C. El autor ha escrito artículos deperiódico sobre varios tópicosrelacionados con la salud.

D. El autor trabaja en un hospitalurbano importante.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-11


This section contains the answers to the practice multiple-choice test questions.

After you have worked through the practice multiple-choice test questions, checkthe answers given in this section to see which questions you answered correctly.


CorrectResponse Test Objective

1. C Understand the literal meaning of a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

2. A Apply skills of inference and interpretation to a variety of materials written inthe target language.

3. D Apply skills of critical analysis to a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

4. C Understand the literal meaning of a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

5. B Apply skills of inference and interpretation to a variety of materials written inthe target language.

6. D Apply skills of critical analysis to a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

7. D Understand the literal meaning of a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

8. C Apply skills of inference and interpretation to a variety of materials written inthe target language.

9. A Apply skills of critical analysis to a variety of materials written in the targetlanguage.

2-12 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


This section includes the following:

• Description of the task• Sample test directions for the Writing Proficiency assignment• A practice Writing Proficiency assignment• A sample response

On the actual test, examinees will be given a different Writing Proficiencyassignment from the one provided as a sample in this study guide.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-13


In this section of the test, you will write in your written response booklet inSpanish, in response to an assignment that describes in English an imaginarysituation requiring written communication. Written responses will be evaluated onthe basis of four major criteria:

Purpose the fulfillment of the objective of the assignment in reference to the intended audience,purpose, and occasion

Organization the organization, development, and support of ideas

Vocabulary the selected vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

Grammar the constructed grammatical forms, character formations, and syntactic constructions,including spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

An excellent response to the written assignment would fully address the assignedtopic and develop the topic by extensive elaboration on specific points. Themessage would be clearly and effectively communicated in an appropriate manner.Ideas would be coherently presented and the flow of language would be smoothand varied and organized into well-constructed sentences. The vocabulary usedwould reflect a broad command of the target language and appropriate use ofidiomatic expressions. The excellent response would exhibit control of grammar,avoiding errors in syntax that interrupt communication. The response would beaccurate in spelling or character formation and in the use of diacritical marks andpunctuation.

2-14 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish



This section consists of a writing assignment to be completed in Spanish. Theassignment appears on the following page.

You may use the blank space on the unlined pages following the assignment to makenotes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. However, your finalresponse must be written in Written Response Booklet B in order to be scored.Your response must be written in Spanish.

Your response will not be scored based upon any position you take on a given issue.Your response will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria.

• PURPOSE: The fulfillment of the objective of the assignment in referenceto the intended audience, purpose, and occasion

• ORGANIZATION: The organization, development, and support of ideas

• VOCABULARY: The selected vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

• GRAMMAR: The constructed grammatical forms, character formations, andsyntactic constructions, including spelling, diacritical marks, and punctuation

Be sure to write about the assigned topic and use multiple paragraphs. Please writelegibly. You may not use any reference materials during the test. This should be youroriginal work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from someother work. Remember to review your work and make any changes you think willimprove your written response.

A response will be considered unscorable if it is unrelated to the assigned topic,illegible, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score,or merely a repetition of the assignment.

Turn the page and continue with Section Two.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-15


Educators continue to debate whether arts education (music, dance, theatre, visual arts) should be arequired part of the public school curriculum. Supporters of mandatory arts education argue that the artsprovide an opportunity for the expression of student individuality, help young people to think morecreatively, and provide for multiple learning styles. Opponents of mandatory arts education contend thatpublic schools have limited time and resources to make sure students are adequately prepared in coreacademic subjects and that mandatory arts education is therefore a luxury that most schools simply cannotafford.

Write a response in Spanish for an audience of adults, discussing whether you think arts educationshould be a mandatory part of the public school curriculum. In preparing your response you maydraw upon your own personal experiences.

2-16 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


The sample below is an example of a strong response to the writing proficiencyassignment.

La educación artística juega un papel importante en eldesarrollo de los estudiantes y por ello debe ser una parte requeridadel currículo en todas las escuelas públicas. Una forma en la cualla educación artística promueve el desarrollo de un estudiante es alproveer espacios para expresar su individualidad. Para los jóveneses muy importante tener dichos espacios ya que los estudiantesexisten en un mundo social y educacional que les exige ajustarse ala norma. Al darles a los estudiantes oportunidad de lograr unbalance entre individualidad y conformidad con la norma, laeducación artística los ayuda a prepararse para un futuro inciertoen el cual deberán enfrentarse constantemente a problemasdesconocidos que requerirán respuestas creativas.

Otra forma en la cual la educación artística contribuye aldesarrollo de los estudiantes es al ayudarlos a mejorar sushabilidades comunicativas. Si es danza, música, pintura oescultura, el propósito de la forma artística es el de transmitirsignificado a otros. Ser capaz de lograr esto exitosamente requierecreatividad, concentración y gran capacidad de expresión, ytambién un poco de talento artístico. Aún cuando los estudiantesno logren los fines deseados, el ejercicio de haberlo intentado loshará mejores comunicadores.

La educación artística también ofrece una forma excelente deintroducir a los estudiantes a culturas diversas. Dada la crecienteinterdependencia del mundo moderno, el valor de tal conocimientomulticultural es hoy más importante que antes. Es importanterecordar que el arte no existe en aislamiento; el arte estáestrechamente asociado a las creencias, tradiciones, historia,religión, geografía y otros elementos de una cultura en particular.Esto quiere decir que los jóvenes que deseen desarrollar unentendimiento del papel de la danza, la música o la pintura enotra cultura, deben aprender también sobre el contexto social en elcual estas formas artísticas son producidas.

La educación artística tiene mucho que ofrecer a la gente joven.Cualquier curso que sea capaz de ayudar a los estudiantes aexpresar su individualidad, mejorar sus habilidades comunicativasy expandir el aprecio de otras culturas no puede considerarse unlujo; se le debe colocar en el currículo escolar junto a los cursoscentrales de los sujetos académicos tradicionales.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-17


This section includes the following:

• Description of the task• Sample test directions for the Oral Proficiency assignment• A practice Oral Proficiency assignment

On the actual test, examinees will be given a different Oral Proficiency assignmentfrom the one provided as a sample in this study guide.

2-18 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


In this section of the test, you will speak on tape in Spanish, in response to anassignment that describes in English an imaginary situation requiring oralcommunication. You will read the assignment in your test booklet and have twominutes to consider your response, then two minutes to speak. Speech sampleswill be evaluated on the basis of five major criteria:

Purpose the fulfillment of the objective of the assignment in reference to the intendedaudience, purpose, and occasion

Fluency the fluent and developed communication of the messagePronunciation the articulation and pronunciation of words and phrasesVocabulary the selected vocabulary and idiomatic expressionsGrammar the constructed grammatical forms and syntactic constructions

An excellent response to the assignment would address the assigned topic anddevelop the topic by extensive elaboration of specific points. The response wouldbe delivered in a consistently clear manner. The speaker would speak fluently,using a variety of sentences. The speaker's vocabulary would show mastery of abroad vocabulary including appropriate idiomatic expressions. The speaker wouldhandle simple and complex linguistic constructions, avoiding errors that interferewith communication. The speaker would exhibit good to excellent pronunciationand intonation.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-19



For this portion of the test, you will speak on tape in response to an assignment presentedin your test booklet. You must respond to the assignment in Spanish. You will read theassignment in your test booklet and have two minutes to consider your response, thentwo minutes to speak.

A list of suggestions is provided to help direct your response. It is not necessary thatyou address every point in the list, nor are you limited in your response to the pointsmentioned. However, what you say must be relevant to the situation with which you arepresented, and part of your score will be based on the degree to which you elaborate onthe topic by addressing either the suggested points or points of your choosing.

You may NOT write in this test booklet, but you may make notes on the scratch paperprovided. You will be scored only on the response you provide on the audiotapeafter the announcer instructs you to begin speaking. You must return the scratchpaper when you have finished testing.

Your response will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria.

• PURPOSE: The fulfillment of the objective of the assignment in reference to theintended audience, purpose, and occasion

• FLUENCY: The fluent and developed communication of the message

• PRONUNCIATION: The articulation and pronunciation of words and phrases

• VOCABULARY: The selected vocabulary and idiomatic expressions

• GRAMMAR: The constructed grammatical forms and syntactic constructions

A response will be considered unscorable if it is unrelated to the assigned topic,inaudible or incomprehensible, not spoken in the required language, not ofsufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.

Once the tape has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.

When you have finished reading these directions, please look up. You will receivefurther instructions from your test administrator.



2-20 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish


(You will hear and read in the test booklet:)

Read the instructions below. You will have 2 minutes to study these instructions. Then, when youare told to do so, begin to respond in Spanish. You may take up to 2 minutes to complete yourresponse. You will be told when the 2 minutes are up. You may begin studying the instructionsnow. You will be told when to begin speaking.

(You will read in the test booklet:)

Imagine that you are talking with several friends about your educational experiences. Speakingin Spanish, describe a memorable educational experience and explain why it had a lastinginfluence on you. You may wish to include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

• where and when the experience took place;

• the basic details of the experience;

• why the experience made a lasting impression on you;

• how the experience influenced your thinking about education.

(You will have 2 minutes to study the instructions above. Then you will have 2 minutes torespond on audiotape.)

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-21


This section is designed to provide you with an explanation of the scoring processfor the constructed-response assignments for the Target Language Proficiency—Spanish test.

The first constructed-response assignment is designed to assess Subarea II,"Writing Proficiency" and the second constructed-response assignment is designedto assess Subarea III, "Oral Proficiency."

THE SCORING PROCESSConstructed-response assignments will be scored on a four-point scoring scale.The scoring scales for each assignment appear on the pages that follow. Within therange of scores (i.e., from 1 to 4), a response that receives a score point of 1 reflectsa lack of understanding or an inadequate application of the relevant performancecharacteristics, while a score point of 4 is assigned to a response that reflects athorough understanding and strong command of the relevant performancecharacteristics. The performance characteristics for each assignment (see pages2-13 and 2-18) describe the elements typically found in responses to theassignment at each of the four score points.

The responses that receive a particular score point will reflect a range of abilityacross that score point. Thus, among the most competent written or oralresponses, there will be those that represent a "high 4" (the best) as well as thosethat represent a "low 4" (clearly superior responses, but they are not quite as wellwritten or orally expressed as the "high 4"). This range of ability holds true withineach of the other three points on the scoring scale.

Each response will be read or listened to and then scored by two scorers; the sumof the two scores will be the examinee's total writing, reading, or oral score on thatresponse. Any pair of scores that differs by more than one point will be regardedas discrepant and will require resolution by a third scorer. For example, a totalscore of 6 would result from the score point assignments of a "3" and a "3" fromeach of the two scorers; the total score of 6 could not result from assigned scores of"2" and "4" because these scores differ by more than one point.

The performance characteristics for each score point for the written constructed-response assignment are organized according to four major features: (1) purpose,(2) organization, (3) vocabulary, and (4) grammar. Each of these performancecharacteristics is described in more detail on page 2-13. Detailed characterizationsof the score point features are described in the scoring scale on page 2-22.

The performance characteristics for each score point for the oral constructed-response assignment are organized according to five major features: (1) purpose,(2) fluency, (3) pronunciation, (4) vocabulary, and (5) grammar. Each of theseperformance characteristics is described in more detail on page 2-18. Detailedcharacterizations of the score point features are described in the scoring scale onpage 2-23.

2-22 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish




The "4" response reflects a thorough application and a strong command of the performancecharacteristics for the written assignment.• The response thoroughly achieves the objective of the assignment and is completely appropriate for the

intended audience, purpose, and occasion.• The ideas are clearly expressed in a unified discussion, and the supporting details are relevant and fully

develop the stated ideas.• The vocabulary reflects a broad command of the language and appropriate use of idiomatic expressions.

• The response shows a comprehensive command of grammar and syntax and mastery of spelling, diacriticalmarks, and punctuation, with few, if any, errors.


The "3" response reflects an adequate application and a satisfactory command of the performancecharacteristics for the written assignment.• The response adequately achieves the objective of the assignment and is generally appropriate for the

intended audience, purpose, and occasion.• The expressed ideas are generally clear and adequately organized, and the supporting details adequately

develop some of the stated ideas.• The vocabulary and idiomatic expressions reflect an adequate command of the language for

communicating a complete message.

• The response shows an adequate command of grammar and syntax and contains minor errors in spelling,diacritical marks, and punctuation that do not interfere with communication.


The "2" response reflects a partial application and a limited command of the performancecharacteristics for the written assignment.• The response partially achieves the objective of the assignment and may not be entirely appropriate for the

intended audience, purpose, and occasion.• The expressed ideas are somewhat unclear, partially organized, and developed in a limited way with

minimal relevant support.• The vocabulary is simple and lacks key words and expressions but is sufficient for communicating a partial


• The response shows a limited command of grammar and syntax and contains frequent errors in spelling,diacritical marks, and punctuation that partially impede communication of ideas.


The "1" response reflects an inadequate application and a lack of command of the performancecharacteristics for the written assignment.• The response fails to achieve the objective of the assignment and may be inappropriate for the intended

audience, purpose, and occasion.• The expressed ideas are unclear, disjointed, and inadequately developed and may lack relevant supporting

details.• The vocabulary is not adequate for communicating a complete message and contains word usage errors

that impede communication.

• The response shows little command of basic elements of grammar or syntax and contains errors in spelling,diacritical marks, and punctuation so numerous that they impede communication.

U The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic, illegible, not written in therequired language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.

B There is no response to the assignment.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-23




The "4" response reflects a thorough application and a strong command of the performance characteristics forthe oral proficiency assignment.• The response thoroughly achieves the objective of the assignment and is completely appropriate for the

intended audience, purpose, and occasion.• The response is well developed and shows an elaboration of ideas, demonstrating a consistent flow of speech

with few, if any, hesitations or pauses.• The response demonstrates easily intelligible pronunciation with few, if any, errors.• The response demonstrates an extensive command of appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions with

few, if any, errors.• The response demonstrates a comprehensive command of grammar and syntax, with only minor errors.


The "3" response reflects an adequate application and a satisfactory command of the performancecharacteristics for the oral proficiency assignment.• The response adequately achieves the objective of the assignment and is generally appropriate for the intended

audience, purpose, and occasion.• The response demonstrates adequately developed ideas, which show some elaboration, and maintains a steady

flow of speech with occasional hesitations and pauses.• The response demonstrates generally intelligible pronunciation, with occasional errors.• The response demonstrates a good command of generally appropriate vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.• The response demonstrates a good command of grammar and syntax, though some errors interrupt



The "2" response reflects a partial application and a limited command of the performance characteristics forthe oral proficiency assignment.• The response partially achieves the objective of the assignment and may not be entirely appropriate for the

intended audience, purpose, and occasion.• The response shows limited development of ideas, which are sometimes unclear, and is occasionally difficult to

understand because of an inconsistent flow of speech with frequent hesitations and pauses.• The response demonstrates frequent errors in pronunciation.• The response demonstrates a limited range of expression, using a very simple vocabulary that lacks key words

and phrases.• The response shows a limited command of grammar and syntax, as evidenced by frequent errors that partially

impede comprehension.


The "1" response reflects an inadequate application and a lack of command of the performance characteristicsfor the oral proficiency assignment.• The response fails to achieve the objective of the assignment and may be inappropriate for the intended

audience, purpose, and occasion.• The response presents few, if any, comprehensible ideas and does so with minimal development; the response

fails to maintain any flow of speech, as evidenced by frequent hesitations and pauses that interruptcomprehensibility.

• The response demonstrates inadequate pronunciation that contains numerous errors and is at timesunintelligible.

• The response demonstrates little knowledge of vocabulary beyond the most common words and may includenumerous misused and ill-formed words and expressions.

• The response has little command of basic elements of grammar or syntax, as evidenced by numerous andfrequent errors that significantly impede comprehension.

U The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic, inaudible/incomprehensible, notspoken in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.

B There is no response to the assignment.

2-24 Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish



The score report indicates whether or not you passed the test and how youperformed on each test subarea. The passing scores for the Illinois CertificationTesting System were established by the Illinois State Board of Education based onrecommendations from panels of Illinois educators. The passing score for theTarget Language Proficiency—Spanish test is designed to reflect the level of contentknowledge and skills required to perform the job of an educator receiving an initialcertificate in Illinois.

Passing ScoreTo pass the Target Language Proficiency—Spanish test you must obtain a scaledtotal test score of 240 or above.

Total Test ScoreThe total test score is based on your performance on the entire test, specifically thenumber of multiple-choice test questions you answered correctly and the scoresyou received on the two constructed-response assignments. The multiple-choicetest questions represent 50 percent of the total test score and the two constructed-response assignments represent 50 percent of the total test score.

Subarea Scores• Subarea scores are presented on the same scale as the total test score.

• Subarea scores contain different numbers of questions and are weighteddifferently in the computation of the total test score; therefore, the average ofthe subarea scaled scores generally will not equal the scaled total test score.

• Subarea scores will help you assess your areas of relative strength andweakness.

Reporting of ScoresYour results will be forwarded to the Illinois State Board of Education and to theIllinois institution(s) you indicate during the registration process. You should keepthe score report you receive for your own records.

Illinois Certification Testing System Study Guide: Target Language Proficiency—Spanish 2-25

READING YOUR REPORT: A SAMPLEA sample of a Target Language Proficiency—Spanish test score report is providedbelow.

Subarea Name Subarea ScoreNumber of Test

Items in Subarea

Test: 056 Target Language Proficiency–SpanishYour Scaled Total Test Score: 229 Your Status: Did not pass



Performance Graph

Scaled Total Test Score

Reading ComprehensionWriting ProficiencyOral Proficiency

41 or more11






According to the above sample, the examinee did not pass the test . Theexaminee scored 229 on the total test and therefore did not meet the minimumpassing score of 240 . The examinee performed satisfactorily in one subarea:Reading Comprehension (score of 246) . However, the examinee did not performas well on these two subareas: Writing Proficiency (score of 222) and OralProficiency (score of 220) . In studying to retake the test, the examinee may wishto concentrate on studying for these two subareas.

Note: The total test score is not an average of the subarea scores.

An insert will be included with your score report that provides information aboutinterpreting the Performance Graph.

HOW TO INTERPRET THE CONSTRUCTED-RESPONSE SCORESThe responses are scored by educators trained in assessment, using the samestandards for all examinees, by a process called focused holistic scoring. Theprocess allows the scoring of examinee responses based on overall quality ratherthan on an analysis of the components. For the constructed-responseassignments, scorers use a set of performance characteristics to base theirjudgments. In general, if a passing score is attained for the constructed-responsetest sections, it is likely that the performance characteristics have beendemonstrated in the responses.

Each response is scored on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 representing a totallyundeveloped response and 4 representing a response that is very well developed.Each response is read or listened to and scored by two scorers; the sum of the twoscores is the total score assigned to the response. This score is then converted tothe scaled score that is reported on your score report.

Scaled scores are reported on a range from 100 to 300. A total test score of 240or above is necessary to pass the test. Further explanation regarding theinterpretation of your constructed-response scores will be provided on your scorereport.