Studies of the Bowen Technique

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  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


     The Bowen Technique & Low Back Pain -A pilot study to investigate the use of The Bowen Technique as a treatment for

    people who live with chronic, non-specic Lower Back Pain!

    © Copyright Michael Morris "#ontact$ m!f!morris%warwick!ac!uk - this article should not

    be reproduced without permission.

    'st (cto)er *+'*



    Almost half the adult population of the "./0 report low )ack pain "LBP!

    1ost cases of lower )ack pain are known as 2non-specic2 )ecause they are not

    caused )y serious damage or disease, )ut )y sprains, muscle strains, minorin3uries or a pinched or irritated nerve!

     The Bowen Technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy, which involves the therapist using

    ngers or thum)s to move over muscle, ligament, tendon and fascia in various parts of the


     The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the feasi)ility of conducting a trial into the

    e4ectiveness of the Bowen Technique as a treatment for the management of #hronic, non-

    specic low )ack pain "#56LBP, using a 7andomised #ontrol Trial approach!

     Thirty-seven participants, *' female, with a mean age of ..!8 years took part in the study!5ineteen were allocated to the e9perimental, Bowen, group, and ': to a control 26ham

    Bowen2 group! Participants were )linded to their group allocation!

    ;ach participant received three weekly treatments, and were asked to complete a

    questionnaire comprising si9 di4erent measures )efore treatment, one week after their nal

    treatment, and four weeks later!

    1easuring pain and functioning levels, psychosocial

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    General Health - = categories! The Bowen group showed a healthy change in ' category )y

    the rst follow up, compared with * from the control group! The Bowen and control groups

    showed * healthy changes at the second follow up!

     The data highlights that the Bowen treatment group changes occur mostly following a four-

    week interval after the treatment, potentially highlighting the longer term e4ects the Bowentreatment may )e having on the )ody, and gives rise to the idea suggested )y many in the

    profession that the )ody takes time to ad3ust to the treatment, and that following treatment,

    therapists should allow time for the )ody to 2rest2 with no further treatment )eing applied for

    a period of time!

    ?e should remem)er that this was a pilot study, and as the su)3ect matter involved common

    and very prevalent symptoms, as such any study which would look to reach an 2e4ectiveness2

    score, would require a much larger sample si@e, and most importantly a much larger )udget

    or e9ample, the B;A1 study recruited from ':' general practices in 1edical 7esearch

    #ouncil Ceneral Practice 7esearch rameworkD >= community settings around '. centres

    across the nited ingdom! En total, there were '==. patients consulting their generalpractices a)out LBP

    Fowever, it was felt that due to the commonality of the symptoms, and the prevalence seen

    within the clinics of Bowen therapists throughout the world, that this was a su)3ect worth

    investigating further and would hopefully provide the catalyst for future research into Bowen!

    RE!"# $% &$'E( #HERAP) #!*) +(#$ ,(EE PA+( A(* A(,"E PA+(

    People a4ected )y knee pain or ankle pain were given the special chance to try out a natural

    therapy that has shown remarka)le success in treating all kinds of 3oint and muscle pro)lems

    - the &oen #echni.ue!

    Guring 6ummer *++/, Bowen practitioners from across the took part in a national study! Et

    was designed to provide testimonial evidence of how Bowen can help with nee pain and

    anle pain0 a common cause of lack of mo)ility and in some cases, time o4 work!

    RE!"# $% #HE #!*)1

    Participants had three treatments and gave a su)3ective score as to their change after

    receiving the course of treatment!

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique



    ully recovered H '/0

    Partial recovery H >/0

    5o change H '*0!

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    • Migraine Research

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    • &oen #herapy

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    Bowen Technique -relief from 1igraine• tudy Results• 'hy &oen


    A migraine is no ordinary headache, as any su4erer will

    testifyD the pain is de)ilitating and some are driven to the

    quiet of a )ed in a dark room for at least a day! Twenty-four

    percent of all women at some stage of their life will su4er

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    from 1igraines! The causes, according to The #ity of London

    1igraine #linic can )e several and range from hormonal to

    food sensitivitiesD from missing a meal to a change in sleeping


    1igraine su4erers come to rely on medication, which often

    has side e4ects such as nausea and diarrhoea! (nce an attack

    has su)sided, the migraine su4erer is groggy, tired and

    drained! 6o if someone came up to you and said IE might have

    found an e4ective, non-invasive and gentle alternative foryouJ what would you sayK

    Bowen Therapy

    Light touch complementary therapy!

     The Bowen technique is a holistic therapy that releases the

    )ody2s energy to heal itself using gentle rolling movements

    over the surface of the skin, with the thum)s and forengers!

    The results were very positive says 5ikke!

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    (f the =/ participants in the program =' volunteers reported

    an improvement in their migraine condition!


    5ikke Ari4 

    6tudy organiser!


  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    5ikke Ari4 is a Bowen therapist who, in *++* carried out a

    research program with The 1igraine Action Association to test

    the eMcacy of the Bowen Technique on 1igraine su4erers!

     The research was carried out over a si9 week period and each

    participant received three Bowen treatments! The participants

    had all )een su4ering 1igraines for at least '+ years, some

    for over =+!


     T7;AT N(76;L T( B;TT;7 F;ALTF

    RE!"# $% &$'E( #HERAP) #!*) +(#$ H$!"*ER PA+( A(* (EC, 


  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


     The results show that of *O' clients treated )y Bowen Therapists, :>0 showed a partial to

    full recovery after a series of three treatments! Getailed analysis shows that=+0 reported a full recovery, while a further 8>0 said that their symptoms had improved to

    some e9tent! ewer than '+0 reported that there had )een no change!

    Ef the gures are ad3usted )y removing the incomplete

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


     Taking part

    5um)er of treatments



    ull 7ecovery

    Partial 7ecovery

    5o #hange

    #ourse not completed











    H =+0

    H 8>0

    H /0

    H 80

    BA# PAE5 6TGN

    7esults of the BTPA Back Pain 6tudy conducted in une *++O$

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique






    557 - Appro89

    :76 of full



    ull 7ecovery

    Partial 7ecovery

    5o #hange

    #ourse not






    '*. =8!=0

    '/' 8.!.0

    =* /!'0

    . '!'0




    #he outcome as on the hole

    3ery satisfying0 not to mention

    re3ealing0 ith almost 4;6 of

    treatments gi3en resulting in

    either a complete or partial


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  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    • Asthma Research

    • &oen #herapy

    • #estimonials

    • %A2s

    &oen #echni.ue -relief from Asthma

    • tudy Results• 'hy &oen


    Asthma happens when the )ronchi or airways - the tu)es that

    carry o9ygen into your lungs - )ecome narrowed and inRamed

    causing diMculty )reathing! Asthma has several triggers, suchas dust or animal hair, causing the airway muscles to tighten

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    and narrow! At the same time the lining of the airways swells

    and mucus is produced! This leads to the characteristic

    symptoms of whee@ing, coughing and shortness of )reath!

    A key element in controlling the condition is )ecoming familiar

    with your personal triggers so that you can avoid them as far

    as possi)le! (ther triggers include$ virus infections such as

    colds and Ru, cigarette smoke, certain forms of e9ercise, cold

    and dry air, laughing and other emotions!

    1edical treatment consists of taking a preventer "a

    medication designed to guard the airways and reduce the

    chances of having an asthma attack with a reliever "a

    medication designed to relieve the symptoms of asthma,

    during attacks! There can )e side e4ects with steroid and

    )roncho-dilator medication, however, so more and more

    people are turning to alternative treatments for their Asthma!

    &oen #herapy

    Light touch complementary therapy!

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


     The Bowen technique is a holistic therapy that releases the

    )ody2s energy to heal itself using gentle rolling movements

    over the surface of the skin, with the thum)s and forengers!

    The results were very positive says 5ikke Ari4 - :=0

    reported a reduction in the frequency of their asthma attacks

    and O80 of the participants reported using less medication

    than )efore the Bowen 7esearch pro3ect!


  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    (ie Ari

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    Asthma "ins

    • 7elieve #hildhood Asthma

    • BB# 5ews story

    • Asthma we)site

    • Asthma Enitiative of 1ichigan

    • 5F6 7esearch

    &oen "ins

    • Bowen Therapy Professional Association

    • Bowen 1igraine 6tudy

    • Bowen 7esearch

    • ind a Therapist

    • Bowen Therapy for #hildren

    Contact (ie Ari

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    The following article was published in the British Lymphology Society Newsletter – Issue

    24, Spring 1999. We thank Eilish for permission to reprint this excellent article.

    Bowen Therapy originated in Australia in the 1950’s. It was developed by a man named

    Tom Bowen who had no medical training but treated people who had musculoskeletal

    injuries. His technique was to move his thumbs and fingers across various tendons and

    muscles, applying very gentle pressure. The rolling movement altered the tension in the

    muscle creating an impulse of energy. He was so successful that he eventually gave up his

     job in a factory and opened a full time clinic. By 1974 he was doing some 13,000

    treatments a years, as was recorded by a government investigation into complementary

    therapies. He died in 1982 but by then his technique was being used by others and was

    finally introduced in to Britain in the early 90’s.

    I heard of Bowen at a Mersey Regional meeting of the British Lymphology Society in 1997.

    It was described to us by a nurse who was working at a local hospice and who used it on

    patients for pain relief and symptom control. I decided to learn the technique to help

    patients in our hospice who were attending the Lymphoedema Clinic but were also at an

    advanced stage of their cancer. When I was doing the initial training, I found that I felt quite

    ‘different’ after having a treatment myself and that it was quite a powerful intervention,

    considering how light the touch was.

    I did not have any idea that it would be of benefit in the treatment of lymphoedema.

    However, my tutor, Julian Baker, was very excited to know that we could actually measure

    limb volumes and he encouraged me to try the moves on as many patients as I could.

    Luckily, my nurse manager had also done the training and was able to help and encourage

    me in the beginning. I decided to try it out on as many patients as I could. I started with

    those with primary Lymphoedema and lymphovenous oedema. I found that most patients

    felt better, moved more freely and after an initial feeling of great tiredness, began to feel

    better. Over a period of months a gradual sustained limb volume reduction was noticed.

    Three patients with primary lymphoedema who had Complex De-congestive Therapy (CDT)

    at least a year previously have gradually lost limb volume with no other change in treatment

    (still wear the same class hosiery – only smaller size). One patient with Lipolymphoedema

    also lost gradually 400 – 500 cc. A lady who had CDT for Lymphovenous oedema

    continued to improve after bandaging and with regular treatment has lost 1.5 litres from

    each leg over the two year period. Two patients with secondary lymphoedema post-

    hysterectomy and radiotherapy to the groin, had no change at all. One lady with arm

    oedema had no change in limb volume.

    Another lady with a long-standing lymphoedema of the arm (40 years) had presented to the

    clinic with her left arm 76% greater in volume with fibrosis. She had been treated with CDT

    for 5 weeks and then over the following 4 months maintained with Manual Lymphatic

    Drainage (MLD) 2 – 3 times weekly. We treated her with Bowen for the past 18 months and

    she has maintained her limb volume with only 1 session a month. Some patients describe a

    strong diuretic effect on the day of the treatment. initially patients are treated weekly and as

    their condition improves, the duration between treatments gets longer.

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    I have treated two patients with bilateral groin dissection and radical vulvectomy who were

    referred within 3 months of surgery who achieved wonderful volume reduction in both legs,

    even though they presented with class 2 hosiery which did not seem to be addressing the

    problem. For me the most amazing results are not the reduction in limb volume but the

    effect this treatment has on pain.

    I very briefly describe 4 cases: 35 year old female who was referred by her GP at the

    request of her Macmillan Nurse. This lady was referred to the Macmillan Service for pain

    control as she was having uncontrolled pain and was very reluctant to resort to opiates.

    She had developed swelling of her right side after her pregnancy and when she stood you

    could see that the skin colour on one side of her trunk was different to the other. She had

    severe pain in her leg and arm and had been informed that her lymph system on the right

    side was barely functioning. I fitted her with a class 3 garment and commenced

    Bowen.Within two days, the pain level reduced and after 3 sessions, she was pain free.

    She stopped wearing her stocking long ago and her leg has reduced from being 25%

    greater to 18%. She is now maintained with one ½ hour treatment a month.

    62 year old female who suffered a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in her right inguinal area

    following hysterectomy for fibroids 4 years previously. She was referred from a vascular

    clinic to be given some massage therapy. She had been given compression tights which

    she was finding very difficult to put on and which she felt she did not need on her left leg.

    She was having severe pain which at times was scored at 8 on a scale of 1 – 10. Her right

    leg was 13% greater at referral and now 18 months later is 3% greater. The lady is pain


    58 year old lady who has developed lymphoedema following a varicose vein operation,

    referred from another lymphoedema clinic, in class 3 rigid hosiery with severe pain which

    was present most of the day and was at 7 – 9 on the pain scale. Was not compliant with

    garment as she found it too difficult to wear. Treated only with Bowen, was pain free after

    two sessions and does not wear any hosiery now.

    Finally, a 33 year old lady who had lymphoedema of her arm associated with a severe

    birthmark. Swelling had been exacerbated by an insect bite the previous year. Patient’s

    main concern was that she suffered frequent migraine attacks which necessitated time off

    work. She was given an armsleeve and taught the four cornerstones of care for managing

    her lymphoedema. She was also given three Bowen treatments over a 6 week period and

    has not had a headache in 9 months.

    The success of the treatment on migraine is amazing. Many friends and staff members

    have had relief. It also seems not to return and I find that 2 or 3 treatments are sufficient.

    The list of aches and pains, frequency of micturition, irritable bowel problems, stiff necks,

    sleeping problems which are relieved with the therapy is long. However, the question about

    its benefit in the treatment of lymphoedema cannot be fully answered by the work I have

    done to date. A larger study would have to be undertaken over a longer period of time. I am

    going to continue to treat and monitor the group of patients I have listed above. I look at

    people now in a different way and I am glad to say that my interest does not stop at their

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    affected limb! My job satisfaction rating has gone through the roof since I learned this very

    simple Bowen Therapy.”

    Bowen Therapy

    !!!a powerful, e4ective, gentle, and rela9ing naturaltherapy

    • Fome

    • Bowen Treatments

    • AS

    • 6ydney Locations

    • Learn Bowen

    • A)out oshua


    A Bowen Therapy TreatmentBowen Therapy has )een descri)ed as the most holistic

    natural therapies in that it stimulates the )ody2s own

    natural healing response! Bowen Therapy consists of a

    series of precise moves on specic points of the )ody!

     These moves are light and can )e done through clothing!

     There are frequent and important pauses )etween each

    series of moves giving the )ody time to )enet from

    each! Bowen Therapy is gentle, rela9ing and non-

    invasive! 7esults can )e remarka)le, even after the rst

    treatmentD often only a few treatments are needed to

    correct the presenting pro)lem!

    nlike many other natural therapies, the Bowen

     Technique does not use forceful manipulation! Thetechnique addresses the soft tissue or fascia of the )ody

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    which in turn e4ects the musculoskeletal framework,

    nerves and internal organs! The )ody2s integrated

    response improves circulation and lymphatic drainage

    and aids in the assimilation of nutrients and elimination of 

    to9ins!A Bowen treatment initiates a cascade of )enecial

    changes that continue for several days! (ther alternative

    therapies performed during this time "such as massage

    and chiropractic can interrupt and undermine this

    process and the overall e4ectiveness of Bowen Therapy!

    Et is therefore recommended that the client wait a week

    )efore commencing any other manual therapy!

    Fow Bowen Therapy ?orksBowen Technique moves generate impulses that travel

    along )ands of fascia or connective tissue that run

    throughout the )ody! 7esearch in the !6! has shown that

    )y applying gentle pressure to fascia a small electrical

    charge is created which has strong healing properties!

    6ome Bowen moves are over intersecting and

    overlapping )ands of fascia which stimulate all of the

    underlying tracts producing a very powerful response!'

    ascia interconnects )ones, muscles, and nervesD it

    connects and surrounds the internal organs and

    interconnects every cell in the )ody! According to Gr!

    1ae-?an Fo, fascia is highly sensitive and responsive to

    mechanical pressure, pF, electromagnetic elds and )ody

    Ruid composition! Et is this meshed network of connective

    tissue throughout the )ody that is )elieved to )e the

    means of producing a coherent, whole )ody response to

    internal and e9ternal stimuli!*

    At around the same price as a one-hour massage, and

    with most health funds o4ering re)ates, Bowen Therapy

    is very afordable!

     To )ook your appointment with oshua 7asco in7oseville, 6ydney#all ;: 4=57 =;:> or

    ;mail boen?holebeing9com9au' ?ilks, ohn, *++O! The Bowen Technique, #N1A Ltd, Gorset,  * Fo, 1ae-?an, '//:! 2The Acupuncture 6ystem and the Liquid #rystalline

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    #ollagen i)res of the #onnective Tissues2, The American ournal of #hinese1edicine, Qol! *>, 5os! =-., 6ingapore! http$

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    Method: A single blind RCT conducted in one private Bowen treatment centre. Participants

    were randomised to either a Bowen group or a control ‘Sham Bowen’ group. Participants

    received three weekly treatments in both arms of the trial and completed six different

    measures of function, psychological and general health nature at baseline, a week and a

    month after treatment.

    Results: We recruited 37 participants, 21 female, with a mean age of 44.5 years. . 19 were

    randomly allocated to the Bowen group and 18 to the control. The study highlights the

    challenges of recruitment and incorporating a true sham. The measures were found to be

    acceptable to participants and easy to administer. The data show some positive changes in

    these outcome measures but these must be interpreted with caution.

    Conclusion: This study shows that with some modification, replication on a larger scale

    would be feasible. A larger appropriately powered RCT would allow the clinical and cost

    effectiveness to be formally evaluated.

    Posted on: 30/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • Asthma – National Study

    The Bowen Technique National Asthma Study

    December 2002 to March 2004

    Organised by Nikke Ariff in collaboration with B.T.E.R. Read More…

    Posted on: 01/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • The Bowen Technique National

    Migraine Study

    London-based Bowen Technique practitioner Nikke Ariff recently completed The Bowen

    Technique National Migraine Research Program, which sought to determine the efficacy of

    The Bowen Technique in the treatment of the migraine condition. The Bowen therapists

    were all fully qualified and experienced in The Bowen Technique.Read More…

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    Posted on: 01/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • Frozen Shoulder Study


    Summary Report and Press Release by Helen Kinnear


    We wanted to investigate the effect of the Bowen Technique on patients with long term

    shoulder pain and stiffness. We used qualified Bowen therapists and set up a clinical trial tomonitor the effect of treatment over a six-week period.Read More…

    Posted on: 01/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • Knee and Ankle Study

    by Janie Godfrey

    Every year for the past 6 or so years, the professional membership body for accredited

    Bowen Technique therapists (the Bowen Therapists’ European Register – BTER) has

    organised a study of the effect of Bowen on a number of different conditions.Read More…

    Posted on: 01/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • Bowen effect on autonomic nervous


    Breaking Records in Golf by Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System

     Jo Anne Whitaker MD, FAAP

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    Everything needs balance, especially our healthcare system. Allopathic and alternative

    medicine requires communication and balance between the two disciplines in order to

    facilitate optimum results of both.

    Read More…

    Posted on: 01/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • Bowen and Heart Rate Variability

    The Bowen Technique – A gentle hands on healing method that affects theautonomic nervous system as measure by heart rarte variability and clinical


    A paper by: Jo Anne Whitaker, M.D., Patricia P Gilliam, M. Ed., M.S.N., and Douglas B

    Seba, Ph.D

    Read More…

    Posted on: 01/05/2014

    Posted in: Research & Studies

    • Effects of The Bowen Technique on

    Flexibility Levels


    BACKGROUND: Hamstring strains are the most common sport-related injury in the lower

    limb, with high recurrence rates and lengthy recovery periods. Causal links between lack of

    flexibility and development of muscle strain injury are frequently reported. The financial

    implication of treating such injuries provides a continual drive to deliver more effective,

    evidence-based treatment.Read More…

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique



    In a study of twenty patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia conducted byJo Anne Whitaker, M.D., at the American College of heumatology, almostall participants e!perienced "arious degrees of relief which lasted from a

    few days to se"eral weeks.

    Most reported immediate relief following a #owen treatment. $or some,repeated #owen therapy maintained complete clinical remission. %heresults were statistically significant and correlated with impro"ement ofclinical well&being.

    Migraine Research Study

    'ondon&based #owen %echni(ue practitioner )ikke Ariff completed the#owen %echni(ue Migraine esearch *rogram which studied the efficacyof the #owen %echni(ue in treating migraine headaches. %he + migraine"olunteers consisted of +- women and men. %hirteen of them had beensuffering from migraines for /&/0 years1 se"enteen of them had beenha"ing migraines for /2&+3 years1 and nine had had migraines for o"er +3years.

    In all, +/ participants e!perienced a positi"e result, representing -.04 ofparticipants. At the end of the program, +2 of the + said they would

    recommend #owen as a treatment to a friend or colleague.

     Asthma Research Study

    )ikke Ariff is a #owen therapist who, between 33 and 335 carried out a

    research program to test the efficacy of the #owen %echni(ue withAsthma sufferers. %he research was carried out o"er a twel"e month

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    period. %he ma6ority of participants had been suffering from Asthma o"er0 years, most for o"er /0 years. %he results were "ery positi"e. 7ighty&three percent of the participants reported a reduction in the fre(uency oftheir asthma attacks and -04 of the participants reported using lessmedication than before the #owen esearch pro6ect.

    8f the 5 9olunteers who completed the program, reported thatsecondary health concerns had also impro"ed, including back, neck andshoulder problems1 knee and 6oint problems1 headaches and migraines1hay fe"er1 irritable bowel syndrome and digestion1 circulation1 insomnia1an!iety, stress, depression and energy le"el impro"ement.

    Cerebral Palsy

    8ngoing research by :oward *lummer in Wales has producedencouraging results. Initial outcomes include increased "ocali;ation,calmer beha"ior, impro"ed concentration and comprehension andimpro"ed head control and impro"ed balance.

    Exercise and Sports Science

    A study at the 4 forother conditions.


    A pilot study on the effect of #owen treatments on fibromyalgia suffererswas carried out by %im Willcocks ?#owen *ractitioner and %rainer@. $ourparticipants ?aged +&0@ who were diagnosed with fibromyalgia from + to0 years, were gi"e four #owen treatments o"er a fi"e week period.

    All four participants e!perienced impro"ement, including better sleep,ease in walking, cessation of "ertigo, eased neck pain, impro"ed balanceand less e!haustion.

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    Effects of the Bowen echni!ue on the Autonomous "er#ous System and

    $eart Rate %ariability

    #y measuring changes in the "alue and pattern in heart rate "ariabilitybefore and after a #owen treatment, this study by Jo Anne Whitaker, M.D.,demonstrated that the #owen %echni(ue affects the autonomic ner"oussystem ?A)@.

    #y using :eart ate 9ariability to study the autonomic ner"ous system,early findings demonstrated that #owen treatments balanced the A).%he control group consisted of sub6ects with all types of rheumatologicalconditions.


    Ashley *ritchard at winburn

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    Dr. #ernie Carter at the Metropolitan

  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique


    7ilish 'und, is a lymphoedema nurse who practices in )orth Wales. hedecided to try #owen out on as many patients as she could, starting withthose with primary 'ymphoedema and lympho"enous oedema. he foundthat most patients felt better, mo"ed more freely and after an initial feelingof great tiredness, began to feel better.

    ?7AD A%IC'7@


    Bowen and Par*inson+s )isease

    In the last few years #owen %herapy has become more widelyknown as an effective Parkinson’s disease treatment . %his islargely due to John Colemans findings that #owen %herapycombined with A(ua :ydration $ormulas ?a homeopathic remedy@accounted for his own complete reco"ery from stage I9*arkinsons in /=. ince then there ha"e been at least two

    studies into the effecti"eness of #owen %herapy on *arkinsons.including this *arkinsons research study conducted in 33 byJoshua asco.

    ?7AD A%IC'7@


    Research and Studies(European College of Bowen Studies)

    #ack pain1 asthma1 migraine1 fro;en shoulder1 knee and anklestudy1 autonomic ner"ous system1 heart rate "ariability1 fle!ibilityle"els.

    ?7AD A%IC'7@


  • 8/18/2019 Studies of the Bowen Technique
