Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes.

Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

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Page 1: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes.

Page 2: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Recall: What are the 4 concepts and principles of a religion?

Page 3: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Jews believed in a prophecy that a new leader on Earth would come and lead their people back to greatness in Israel. This person would be known a the Messiah

Prophecy- a story that tells of a future event

Messiah- a great leader

Page 4: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

The Jews believed in a prophet that would come save them and lead them into better times. Does this sound familiar within their history? If so, how?

Page 5: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, but lived and grew up in Nazareth.

His life and the teachings he shared are the basis for the Christian religion

Even though Joseph raised Jesus it is said that Jesus’ father was actually God.

Page 6: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

By trade Jesus was a carpenter, but he is better known for his teachings.

Jesus was Jewish, but his teachings were based on the Jewish faith, but were slightly different.

Jesus traveled around teaching people about God and religion.

Page 7: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Jesus claimed to be the son of God.

Some people believed him and others thought he was crazy

Miracles of Jesus

Turned water into wine

Healed the blind

Ended a drought

Cured a paralyzed man

Cured a leper colony

Walked on water

Once people believed Jesus was son of God they began to teach his ideas as well. This is known as the Parables

Page 8: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Why do you think that the performance of miracles was considered great by some people and bad by others?

Page 9: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

There were two specific reactions to Jesus People loved him and followed whatever

he said People hated him and wanted him to

stop lying

Page 10: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

There were more people who believed the Jesus was a liar and needed to stopped.

Eventually he is punished for his “Lies” and crucified

Crucifixion- the act of executing by a method widespread in the ancient world; the victim's hands and feet are bound or nailed to a cross

Page 11: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Read the source document (Pages 48 & 49) and answer the leveled questions provided to your group.Group A Group B Group C

What is the holy book of Christianity?

Why was Paul made a saint?

Which Roman Emperor converted to Christianity leading to its spreading?

Distinguish what is the difference between a disciple and a saint?

What connection can be made between Judaism and Christianity?

Why do you think Christianity was banned?

Explain why you think that 4 different disciples have 4 different interpretations of Jesus’ teachings? Explain how that can be positive and negative.

Page 12: Students will summarize how Christianity spawned from Judaism and answer leveled questions using a source documents and class notes

Choose one prompt and answer it on your Exit Slip

What is one thing about Christianity that you would like to learn?


What is one thing about the origins of Christianity that you do not understand?